Dan Orner omegaonyx@geocities.com http://start.at/centerworld/ SaGa Frontier For Dummies Please note: This is not a compendium of lists, techs, etc. Rather, it's a sort of "BEST OF" sheet - to help you weed out all those myriad useless things which are strongly suggested by most FAQs. If you want lists of all the items, techs, combos, etc. as well as walkthroughs for all 7 characters, the main FAQ can be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/faq/saga_frontier_h.txt . I will refer to this file as "the FAQ" throughout this sheet. CONTENTS: I CLEARUPS Mastering Spells And Techniques The Magic Gift System Data Sword Techniques II GENERAL TIMESAVING TIPS Are You An Amateur? Gold Trick Item Trick Ability Trick Keeping With Your Main Party Assigning Roles Enemy Difficulty Building Levels SanctuaryStones Watch Out For The Magic Glitch! Note on TimeLord and Kylin III NEEDED TECHNIQUES IV NEEDED MAGIC SPELLS V SPECIFIC WALKTHROUGH TIPS (Spoiler-free!) VI BOSS TIPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Clearups The manual is very vague about a few things, such as: 1. MASTERING SPELLS AND TECHNIQUES All "mastering" means is that you have at least six physical techniques and no magical techniques equipped, or vice versa. All it does is decrease all physical (or magical) techniques by 1 cost point. Besides for one or two techs/spells like EnergyChain (which will eventually cast Stun on the enemy), techs and spells CANNOT gain levels. You may notice a few status inflictions here and there, but not much difference can be seen. A "master" is referred to in the FAQ as "having a crown". 2. THE MAGIC GIFT You do not, repeat, do not need "the gift" for a magic type in order to use that magic type. All "the gift" does is lets you learn higher level magic spells, of which there are 1 to 4 for every spell type. (You also need "the gift" for two types of magic - Rune/Arcana and Light/Shadow - to get a hold of TimeLord and Kylin.) Anyone can buy and use the basic spells of any type; however, if you've bought Rune magic and want to get the Arcane magic gift, forget it. Ditto for Shadow buyers and the Light gift, etc. Other than Blue/Rouge, no one can use conflicting types of magic at the same time, and no one can get the "gift" for conflicting types of magic. 4. SWORD TECHNIQUES Humans can learn techniques with swords. However, there are two types of swords and two types of sword techniques. Regular swords learn regular techs, but katanas like SamuraiSword and CometBlade learn special techs, which the game confusingly calls "Sword techniques"! (Exactly what are the regular techs, then?) "Sword techniques" are usually flashier and less useful than regular sword techs. II. GENERAL TIMESAVING TIPS Tip 1: ARE YOU AN AMATEUR? There are two ways to play this game: the Amateur way and the Expert way. If you want to try to get every type of technique, spell, and item, and fight every enemy, you're an Expert. Get a life. However, if you want to indulge in this game, and complete the levels in minimum time while still exploring the game thouroughly, you're an Amateur. Welcome. Amateurs like me should be able to finish each quest in under 7 hours; using any other FAQ, all of which are geared to Experts, will probably force you to do twice that. The Expert way is very boring, tedious and NEEDLESS! OK, Amateurs: You do not have to do any side quests at all for all the 7 quests! You'll eventually have to do all but one of the side levels anyway (Bio Research Lab) for various people. Don't waste time ruining it early. The only exception is the west Shingrow ruins, where you can find some great treasure, and the Bio Research Lab, which is good for building levels and getting monster techs. Remember that the enemies (including bosses) usually raise levels with you. Don't waste your time needlessly building levels. You WILL have to do a bit of level building, but if all goes well you won't need to spend over at most an hour on this. Tip 2: THE GOLD TRICK When you start any chapter, DON'T BUY ANYTHING. The exception is Riki's chapter, where you might want to indulge in the Item Trick from Tip 3. Wait until you have 12,500 credits. (It's not as hard as you think; the western Shingrow Ruins have two items which are worth a total of 5500 credits in Scrap: The DuelGun and the HyperScale, and you can buy items which are better than either of them. If you're really stuck, activate the Rune event and complete the Koorong Natural Cave for another Hyperscale.) Make sure you don't have more than 13,000 credits. Now go to Nelson and buy 25 GoldIngots. Go to the Koorong gold exchange and do the following: move the cursor all the way down, then all the way up, then down until you have 13 GoldIngots and 9000 credits. Go back to Nelson and buy up - you should have 31 GoldIngots. Now do the same cursor schtick in Koorong - end up with 13 GoldIngots and about 16,000 credits. Go back to Nelson and buy - you should have 46 Ingots. Cursor schtick in Koorong - selling the whole kit and kaboodle will net you about 43,000 credits! Buy stuff until you're down to 25,500 credits, then go back to Nelson and buy 51 Ingots. Back in Koorong, the cursor schtick selling them all should get you about 53,000 credits. Complete this as much as you like (buy until 25,500 and you can get back to 53,000 with one visit). Here are my recommended buys (only buy for your active group): PoweredSuits and HyperWears for all Humans and Mystics (Koorong upper level) 2 PoweredSuits (and MirrorGlass if you have space) for Mecs (Koorong upper level) at least 1 HyperBlaster for Mecs (shop near entrance to Natural Cave railroad) ZeroSword for sword-users (don't bother buying 2 of them - use a lesser-strength katana like TwinDragon, CometBlade, or Katana instead.) (Ladder to basement in upper Koorong) 2 LethalGuns for gun users (ladder to basement in upper Koorong) at least a ShellShield for humans and Mystics (Nelson; you can get ExcelShields through the Item Trick in Scrap) Any and all magic and cures PurpleEyes and/or BloodChalices (Manahttan) FangAmulets for physical fighters, FlowerAmulets for magic users (Kyo) TIP 3: Item Trick In the Scrap Junk shop, buy the items and then go back to the dinosaur dude. Select "Sell" and put the cursor on "HyperionBazooka". Press "O" a few times. You'll find that you have 7 free items to gouge on! Look for ExcelShields in the upper right - that's the best thing you'll find here. The quality of the items will go up if you sell RepairKits. TIP 4: Ability Trick If you want, you can learn some great techs early on in the game. You must have activated the Arcane event. Now go to IRPO and then to Mosperiburg. (Do not try to fight the dragons in the first cave, or the snowman!) Quicksave before picking up the flower, then pick it up. Use regular attacks (no guns or magic) against the Suzaku. You'll die pretty quickly, but if you're lucky you'll have picked up a few good attacks. What's more, after you die you'll be reinstated in IRPO with all abilities intact! If you accidentally kill him, you can always restart. Make sure to be on a high enough level to beat the dragons and collect the loot before defeating Suzaku for good. TIP 5: Don't bother with anyone not in your main party. Keep 5 guys and stick with 'em. (The exceptions are Mei-Ling in Riki's chapter and White Rose in Asellus' chapter, whom you should get rid of ASAP, since they can't fight the final battle.) Whenever possible, get all other characters in your party to be Humans - they're the strongest and easiest to raise levels. The only non-Humans I took into my party are Mesarthim (her LifeRain is astronomically useful, especially to Emelia and Riki. Give her Light magic and keep her using Fascination in battle to build up her JP, but make sure she has at least 24 WP for the final battle), Rabbit and BJ&K in Red's chapter, and Leonard in T260's chapter. TIP 6: Assign roles early on. Most humans can eventually be used for any role, but don't mix abilities. The main character should use swords; Rouge/Blue should use magic. Other humans come equipped with one or two abilities, but you don't need two gun users, fighters, or magicians; only swords should have two users. Mystics must be magic users, but have them absorb enemies to raise their stats (see FAQ for best absorptions). Don't use mystics if possible. TIP 6: The enemies gain levels with you. This includes the final boss! The only boss I ever lost to once was Riki's, because I took Mesarthim in too late in the chapter. If you've done the Gold Trick, and every character has at least one strong tech, you should be all set. Save your game before entering the final level, and Quicksave inside the final level. If you can't beat it, for some reason, just load from the memory card and keep building levels. If you did beat it, you may want to Quick Load and then save to memory card so you don't have to redo the final level. TIP 8: Building Levels. Again, after the Gold Trick you should not have to do this much. The best place for getting new abilities is the Bio Research Lab in Shrike. Use your worst attacks against the enemies (you can rest for free nearby). Quicksave after every battle. Don't wander too far; there's no treasure. TIP 9: SanctuaryStones. Unlike Tents in FF games, there are very few SanctuaryStones in SaGa Frontier. Use them extremely sparingly, and make sure you have at least 1 or 2 for use in the final level. Here are where you can get free SanctuaryStones: Lord Manor in Owmi, eastern Shingrow Ruins, cave in Mosperiburg (from IRPO), Luminous Labyrinth (your main character must be a human), Crater (T260G only), Trinity Base (Emelia only). TIP 10: Magic Snag. You can activate both Rune and Arcane event sets at once. Usually the game only lets you go for Runes after you've gotten all the Tarots, and vice versa. (If you've gotten one Tarot, the Rune events will be disabled; and if you have one Rune, the Arcane events will be disabled. If you've gotten all the Runes, then picked up a new character and want him to learn Arcane, the Arcane events will be enabled again.) However, there's a snag! If you've collected only one to three Tarots, don't finish the Koorong Natural Cave until you get the fourth Tarot. If you do, you'll pick up the Rune at the end of the cave, then be shuttled off to Tanzer when you try to leave Koorong, and then the game won't let you finish either set of events! You're stuck! Quick note on TimeLord and Kylin: Having a Mystic who has all 3 "gifts" isn't enough. (e.g. Mesarthim originally has "the gift" for Rune and Mystic magic. Going through the Luminous Labyrinth alone won't give you access to TimeLord or Kylin.) You must have a Mystic, Blue or Rouge in your party when you get the Shadow/Light gift AND the Rune/Arcane gift. III. NEEDED TECHS There are a lot of superfluous techs out there. You really only need one good attack, one worth at least 5 WP. HeadWind is good and easy to learn. Of course, if you have a high-level attack like TripleThrust, TurbidCurrent, or LifeSprinkler, all the better. Other techs you really need: 2GaleSlash (equip two swords to learn; GaleSlash is OK but only does half the damage for the same price), Deflect, Kasumi. Fighting: SwayBack. KOThrow is OK as well. Gun techs: Only three are useful in boss fights: TotalShot, BoundShot, Twogun. StunShot and QuickDraw are good for regular fights. Also, any and all 0- or 1-WP techs (DoubleSlash, Air Throw, etc.) should be equipped. If you're a Master, you can get a free medium-strength attack at no cost! IV: NEEDED MAGIC SPELLS The magics I felt were the most useful are Realm, Light, and Arcane. Others are OK, but nowhere near necessary for your magic user. REALM: Implosion (3) (causes death) VermilionSand (8) (hits all enemies) LIGHT: StarlightHeal (2) (heals HP) MegaWindBlast (9) (hits all enemies) (de-equip VermilionSand when you learn this.) ARCANE: Shield (3) (always have equipped and use at the start of every big fight.) Grail (3) Tower (ΓΈ) (only use as a last-ditch attempt) OTHER: Overdrive (Time) (10) (only use as a last-ditch attempt, as all WP and JP will fall to 0) ReverseGravity (Space) (6) (hits all enemies) LightShift (Space) (1) (useful against King Sei and other undead) PhantasmShot (Mystic) (3) (good medium attack for mystics) StasisRune (use with Overdrive for special trick outlined in the FAQ) Also, any 1-JP (SunRay, EnergyChain, etc.) spells should be equipped in order to build up your levels. Use extremely low-level spells to do this in order to let your other fighters learn new techs. If you're Rouge, use EnergyChain until you have enough spells to become a Master; then use PsychoArmor, Shield, or StarlightHeal, depending on which magic you want to learn, to build up JP. If you're a Mystic, just keep using Fascination in battles if you've learned all other spells. V. SPECIFIC WALKTHROUGHS (Spoiler-free!) 1. Blue My Party: Blue (Magic), Lute (Fighting), Roufas (Swords), Mei-Ling (guns), Gen (Swords) --Blue can go to any region he's already visited by selecting RegionMap from the Item screen. Not only does this make the Gold Trick faster, it serves as a great Escape spell! --I suggest doing the Arcane event set, because you'll have to do Rune as part of another character's story. --I suggest doing TimeLord instead of Kylin - TimeLord's "Total" spell isn't anywhere near as devastating as Kylin's. --Make sure Blue knows all possible spells before fighting TimeLord and Rouge. --Have Blue learn Mind Magic after defeating Rouge (or not) and equip MindHeal. --Blue should know at least one good sword skill (learn in Bio Research Lab), but don't use it in the very last fight. (I say this because in my experience magic usually isn't that effective in fights - there aren't any really good attack spells.) 2. Red My Party: Red (Sword/Fighting), Rabbit (Mec), Mei-Ling (Guns), BJ&K (Mec), Rouge (Magic) --When you turn into Alkaiser, you can't raise levels. Try not to do this too often. If you're really stuck, keep Red alive but wait until the rest of the non-Mecs in the party has status problems or is dead. You can then change into Alkaiser and use FinalCrusade to heal them. --On the Cygnus, you'll have a cool hijacking sequence. In order to get access to the first 3 doors without fighting all the enemies, walk towards them against the middle (island) wall. Fuse will separate and you should now run around to the other side and ambush them. To get into the bridge, walk don't run, and fight the enemies individually. Open all the doors to find a few friends. --Once off the Cygnus for good, you have 4 places to go. I suggest the following order: Syoin in Kyo (you must stop off at the Garden first), CTC Building in Manhattan (pick up Fuse in the Shopping Center restaurant), eastern Shingrow Ruins (talk to Doll at the Shingrow Port first) and talk to Annie in Koorong. --In CTC Building, you WILL have to kill most of those plants on the staircase! Stick to one line (top or bottom of staircase) to make it easier. You'll be able to avoid some of the enemies on other floors, though. --In Shingrow, feel free to explore Dr. Klein's trapdoor which you noticed before, but don't look for Berva in there. He's at the auditorium. If you want to explore the trapdoor, do it before you fight Berva. One of the three children near the auditorium (move around a bit, he's hiding behind the other two) will refill your stats. --Check the FAQ for how to get past the Black Ray. 3. Emelia My Party: Emelia (Swords), Annie (Swords), Liza (Fighting), Mesarthim (Mystic), Rouge (Magic) --At the start of the game, and after every mission, talk to Roufas for some cash. --For Roufas to give you your next mission (always Quicksave first), leave Koorong and fight around a bit, then go back. If you've fought even one battle, the next mission will begin automatically as soon as you enter Roufas's office, so be sure you're ready. --If you can beat all enemies in your first mission (Pink Tiger), you're set. If not, keep building levels. Once you complete the first mission, quickly do the next 2, then go get Mesarthim. --Try to have some good techs for the Baccarat mission. After visiting the Gnome room, explore around for a secret passage that has a boss monster (Gargantua). If you beat him, the ending will be different. --Unequip all good weapons and armor from everyone besides Emelia before trying to do your third mission. Don't forget to search around for the EMES Tag downstairs. Have the Mystics use their MysticSwords etc. on the LivingArmor. --If you talk to the guy in the first room in Gradius HQ after completing at least 1 mission, you can change your clothes! 8-) 4. Riki My Party: Riki (Monster), Mesarthim (Mystic), Fei-on (Fighting), Gen (Swords), Lute (Swords). --Take Mei-Ling and T260G out of your party as soon as you can! --Do the Yorkland Ring ASAP. Use your strongest attacks against the monster (Quicksave first!) then go to Koorong Backstreet and get Nusakan. Now go to Lord Manor in Owmi and get Mesarthim (if you're having problems with the DevilSquid, buy a PearlHeart in Manhattan and give it to Nusakan so he can heal the party. Exchange him for Mesarthim on the way back and give the PearlHeart to someone else.) --Make sure Mesarthim will learn MegaWindBlast. Keep her using magic. A good tech for Riki to have is Siren, which I think you can learn from the Harpy, or maybe the Siren. Look around. Riki's form in my final fight was Chimera, which is one of the best. I think you need a Fang attack and GasFlame to get that body. Check the FAQ for details on monsters. 5. Lute My Party: Lute (Swords), Capt.Hamilton (Guns), Rouge (Magic), Gen (Swords), Fei-on (Fighting) --First thing, go to the Owmi bar and talk to the captain, then to Nelson and pick her up. --You might actually want to screw yourself over with the Rune/Arcane snag (see General Timesaving Tip Number 10). Collect everyone listed above besides Fei-on, do the Ability Trick once or twice, then complete the Koorong Natural Cave. 6. T260G My Party: T260G (Mec), Leonard (Mec/Healing), Gen (Swords), Lute (Fighting or Swords), Mei-Ling (Guns) T260's Equipment: Lordstar, PoweredSuit, PoweredSuit, MirrorGlass, OctopusBoard Leonard's Equipment: HyperBlaster, HyperBlaster, PoweredSuit, PoweredSuit, MemoryBoard --This chapter is very confusing. The final level is called "RB3" or "DoomsdayMachine", not Tartaros or HQ. The final boss is not MecGod or the Viruses. --Don't bother doing the Arcane event (besides IRPO). There are enough places to build up your levels which are required to complete the chapter. --In Tartaros, make sure not to touch the Hermes lookalikes - they're BigDiggers which are basically impossible to beat as of now. --Make sure to pick up the Omega body in HQ after finishing the Viruses! It's completely necessary to finish the game. In fact, change right there. --Light Puzzle in HQ: Check the FAQ for the correct sequence. --After fighting MecGod, just walk around a bit on the blue platform to get teleported. --Inside RB3, your goal is to clear every screen of enemies. They will come back, but don't worry about it, just fight through them all and eventually the screen will change to a jungle setting and then a desert setting. The final boss looks like a tree; select "No", use a SanctuaryStone, then run around a bit on the desert to get transported back to the tree. 7. Asellus My Party: Asellus (Swords), Rouge (Magic), Gen (Swords), Lute (Fighting), Emelia (Guns) --You can wander around for hours at the beginning, so read the FAQ straight through where you leave Facinaturu. You'll find out a few things from it that maybe you don't want, but it's better than wasting all that time. --Activate the Rune event and get the folks listed above as soon as you leave Owmi. It's possible to eventually get Mesarthim into your party, but I'm not sure how late it is. If you can get her early on, dump Lute and build her up. --Build up all your levels before entering your house in Shrike. --In order to advance the game, you must do a bit of fighting and a bit of exploring each time. There are several recurring "hot spots" where events (mostly fights) may happen; check the FAQ. --After completing the Dark Labyrinth, your next stop is picking up your buds in a "hot spot", and then heading to Owmi. --Don't worry about your SanctuaryStones - not only can Asellus leave her final level at any time before she actually talks to Orlouge, she can also refill her energy in a room near the top! VI. BOSS TACTICS Most bosses are the same: Use most powerful techniques, make sure magic users have StarlightHeal, try to get as many combos as possible. But some use certain attacks and others have "schticks". For more complete, Expert-oriented strategies, check the FAQ. SIDE QUEST BOSSES --DeathLord (King Sei) You might find LightShift useful here. The skeletons have more HP than usual, so have at least 2 or 3 people use "Total" attacks at first. Without LightShift, you have to do over 1000 HP of damage every round for anything at all to work. --Quakespider/Wormbroods (Natural Cave) JetBoots and AngelArmor will come in handy here! Use "Total" attacks and concentrate on the Wormbroods first. --HugeSlime/BigSlimes (Tanzer, eastern Shingrow Ruins) Use "Total" attacks and equip water-retardant items. In Tanzer, if you've already killed all the Slimes so only one regenerates, have all the Humans and Mystics Touch the Rune and ignore the Slime. --Firedrake (Mu's Tomb) Equip fire-retardant items. (You should do this Rune last.) Don't use any big attacks first round because it's only to wake him up. After that just go all out with massive attacks. --Suzaku (Mosperiburg) Equip fire-retardant items. If possible, don't use straight-out physical attacks. This one's all luck - if he uses Windblast you're gone. --Kraken (Yorkland Swamp) You'll have to fight at least 4 of these (unless you're Blue), 2 when drunk. Don't go straight through the swamp; turn right to find a sort of path. When drunk, equip Sonic-retardant items and up your Charm. Either way, equip water-retardant items. Kraken is susceptible to "Faint" attacks like DeadEnd, Implosion, Death, etc., as well as Mystic equipment. Try not to use Mystic stuff, however, because you have a possiblity of getting a SeaStone from him if you beat him without it (Other "Faint" attacks still work!) --Purze (Magic Kingdom) Completely pointless to fight, and you can't use Rouge. Don't bother. --EarthDragon (Bio Research Center) The hardest boss in the game, IMO. You'll get a DragonShield and 500 credits if you beat him, but it's not all that worth it. If you really want to fight him, equip JetBoots and WarlordArmor. Make sure if you know Godless or ReactionShot that it's equipped; use them unless you see him opening and closing his mouth. You'll find Mesarthim (or Blue/Red) very useful. He has something like 75,000 HP! Again, it's mostly luck. --DevilSquid (Lord Manor, Owmi) Equip water-retardant items. Not too hard. CHARACTER-SPECIFIC BOSSES BLUE --TimeLord It's all luck, and a bit of level building. Depending on how many times he uses Overdrive and what attacks he uses, he could be very easy or very hard. Usually he's very hard. 8-) Equip Petrify-retardant items and make sure your Charm and Psychic points are high. Go for the massive combos! --Kylin Don't bother. Do TimeLord. --Rouge Unfortunately way too hyped. If you've done the Gold Trick, any decent sword technique will knock him flat. Even if by some weird quirk of fate you happen to lose, you'll continue playing as Rouge! --Hell'sLord Have Blue equip Reviva, Sacrifice, Shield, MindHeal, Implosion, and other magic techs. Have him use Shield and then Reviva for most of the fight while his buddies let loose on the Lord. Do most of your fighting when he's in the animal mode - he can't use his very bad "Sabers" attack then. He has about 100,000 HP, but his defense is low. Make sure to keep Blue alive so he can use his Sacrifice spell on him! You can also try for the Overdrive/Stasis Rune thing (see the FAQ) if you want a cheap victory. RED --Berva If possible, don't use straight sword or fighting attacks because he'll either dodge or counterattack. Throw moves like BableCrumble and LocomotionG, gun techs, and magic spells work fine, as well as GaleSlash. Keep your HP high and you shouldn't have too many problems. --Campbell (forgot her monster name) Just let loose with high-powered attacks. --MBlack Ditto. --Cyclops Don't use very high-level attacks; he's not a final boss. Shouldn't be too hard. --Shuzer Be careful of his claw attack, but there isn't much you can do. Keep Alkaiser's HP high and have him use FinalCrusade if necessary. --MBlackII He hasn't gotten much harder. Make sure Rabbit is in your party so he can learn DragonProgram. --BlackX Don't waste your time. He's a fake. Use low-level attacks to conserve WP. --Three Bosses Let loose; your HP will be refilled automatically after the fight. Even if a boss leaves the screen, he doesn't regain any HP, so it doesn't matter which one you're fighting. --MBlackIII Again, your HP will be automatically refilled after the fight. Watch out; he's gotten a little trickier. You won't get a chance to prepare for the next fight, so equip Gaze-retardant items (like PurpleEye) before fighting MBlackIII. --BossX He'll use Gaze a lot. Keep going at him with strong attacks and use FinalCrusade if necessary. Keep Alkaiser's HP high. That's it. EMELIA --Nidheg Nothing to talk about. Have Emilia use the LightBazooka you found. --Shingrow Bosses Just use single attacks. No problems. You don't even have to win. --Diva Another transformer. It'll also use Gaze, as well as innumerous element-based attacks. It'll use all the elements, so equipping JetBoots is a gamble - it protects completely from the single-hit, powerful GroundHit, but it makes GaleAttack much worse. I'd suggest equipping PurpleEye and BloodChalice along with the PoweredSuit and Hyperwear. Just use the most powerful attacks available and make sure Mesarthim is strong enough to withstand some attacks. If luck is with you, you should do OK. RIKI --Tanzer A bit harder than most, equip water-retardant items if at all possible, keep going at him. --Nightmare (forgot its name too) Once Nusakan's in your party, just use strong regular attacks (no special techs at all!) Even if it runs away, the HP inflicted will remain. --Virgil By far the most annoying boss. The object is to get combos to hit him. (Get the IronClogs from Wakatu first - they're invaluable for the first combo.) A 3-hit combo is worth 2 points, a 4-hit is worth 3 points, and a 5-hit is worth 5 points. The object is to get 10 points. Make sure you get at least a 3-hit every turn or he'll start getting angry and begin messing up your combos! Remember, it doesn't matter how much damage it does. Check the FAQ for combo help. --MasterRing Probably the hardest boss fight, you must also fight 9 other enemies, 4 of which will appear at any given time. MasterRing has about 25,000 HP and the enemies each have about 6000 or 7000. There are two ways of doing this: 1. Destroy all enemies with "Total" attacks and concentrate on MasterRing. The downside is that he'll use Revolution9, a very strong "Total" attack, after every round, as well as attacking twice besides. I suggest option 2: Using "Total" attacks to destroy most of the monsters, then try to leave over 1 or 2. Finish them off until it's just MasterRing and 1 other monster (preferably the Tidi or Goblin). Now concentrate all your single attacks on the MasterRing. Mesarthim will be invaluable in this fight. LUTE --Spriggan WonderBangles would be helpful. Just keep going at him - he'll go through a total of 5 forms. He's one of the easier final Bosses. T260G --Caballero's Buds Use Total attacks and single attacks together. Not too hard at all. --Viruses Losers. Have a robot use Jammer on them every round to make it a complete joke! However, the final viruses not only have more HP, they're also a little bit stronger. 2 can replicate after each round, so use "Total" attacks and when the coast is close to clear, have T260 use "Contact" on the jelly-like core. You shouldn't have any problems; don't use high-level attacks. --MecGod Straight-out attacks. Have T260 absorb his powers. --GenocideHeart He'll morph quite a few times. For T260, equip SelfRepair, CombatMastery, and PluralSlash. Leonard should have EnergySupply. In its first form (it'll return to it another 3 times) it uses Carnage, a "Total" laser attack which depletes at least half the energy from your party. Use strong attacks so it'll morph. In the fake backgrounds it's a lot weaker, so use the time to heal yourself. Have T260 use V-MAX and try to get the Comet attack to be in a combo whenever possible. Make sure you have PluralSlash to use when V- MAX wears off. The 3rd time it returns to the computer background the screens will be blank. That mean's he almost dead! ASELLUS I repeat, build up your levels BEFORE trying to take on the bosses. --FireSage Equip Fire-retardant items. --WaterSage Equip Water-retardant items. --GreenSage A bit harder because he has a Fear Counterattack and can attack twice in a round. Use distant attacks (no straight sword attacks or straight fighting attacks) and polish him off. LionPrincess Has some strong attacks and will block a bit, but again no problem. --SpiritSage (? Ciato, anyway) He'll block some attacks, but shouldn't be a problem. --BatSoldier Don't bother with the bats - they'll just come back anyway. Keep going at the main guy. --LionPrincess Duh. --DarkSage (? Rastaban) No schticks. --Orlouge HERE we go. Equip Petrify-retardant items and make sure your Charm is high. Keep at him with combo attacks. When all three of his buddies get together and do their "3Mistresses" Total tech, he's almost dead. Keep going and it'll take only one or two more rounds. He's pretty strong, so try hard! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you've enjoyed the variety of battle and story from this game, I STRONGLY suggest you check out Square's exquisite Final Fantasy Tactics. It's one of the deepest, most stimulating, and most challenging games I've ever played. Worth a look! Can't think of anything else... Please e-mail me with comments or corrections at omegaonyx@geocities.com , and please visit my website at http://start.at/centerworld/ . Later! --Dan Orner