Robo-Pit FAQ (PSX) version 1.0 Copyright 2001 Roman Kalinoski (Armored Core Expert) Operator... RRRRRR OOOOOO BBBBBB OOOOOO PPPPPP III TTTTTT FFFFFF AA QQQQQQ RR RR OO OO BB BB OO OO PP PP III TT FF AAAA QQ QQ RR RR OO OO BB BB OO OO 000 PP PP III TT 000 FF AA AA QQ QQ RRRRRR OO OO BBBBB OO OO 00000 PPPPPP III TT 00000 FFFFFF AA AA QQ QQ RR RR OO OO BB BB OO OO 000 PP III TT 000 FF AAAAAA QQ QQ RR RR OO OO BB BB OO OO PP III TT FF AA AA QQ QQQ RR RR OOOOOO BBBBBB OOOOOO PP III TT FF AA AA QQQQQQ QQ *** VERSION HISTORY *** 1.0: The first launch of this guide! The bare bones version. 1.1: Added the Bosses section, the Enemy List and changed the wording of the disclaimer. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Robot Creation 3. Tactics 4. Beating Zio Gigas 5. Trivial Stuff 6. Next Update 7. Disclaimer 1. Introduction Robo-Pit is a widely overlooked, unique fighting game which could have revolutionized the genre, but failed to do so. It spawned a Japan-only sequel, but its populatity never reached any heights here in the states. The premise of the game is simple: You build a robot, and then you use it to destroy opposing robots in your quest to be number one in a massive tournament. There are more opponents in this game than most other fighting games, and they all are unique. 2. Robot Creation Building a robot is easy! All you have to do is select a body, then a face, then legs, and finally arms. However, your success depends on what parts you select. Here are the body parts, a brief rundown of their looks, and their stats. Body 1: Looks like a head with something sticking out of the back. POWER=500 WEIGHT=590 DEFENSE=015 Body 2: Looks like a diamond with slicked-back hair. POWER: 480 WEIGHT: 750 DEFENSE: 025 Body 3: Looks like a whale. POWER: 400 WEIGHT: 485 DEFENSE: 015 Body 4: It's a sphere. POWER: 350 WEIGHT: 375 DEFENSE: 010 Body 5: It's the sphere, with the back chopped off and a hand-looking thing put in its place. POWER: 800 WEIGHT: 820 DEFENSE: 020 Body 6: Looks like a vertical watermelon with a tail. POWER: 330 WEIGHT: 335 DEFENSE: 010 Body 7: Looks like either a guy with a mohawk or a stegosaurus. POWER: 450 WEIGHT: 545 DEFENSE: 015 Body 8: It's an oval with the top replaced with a lip, like on a mug. POWER: 550 WEIGHT: 595 DEFENSE: 010 Body 9: Looks like the head on a Gundam(R). POWER: 520 WEIGHT: 635 DEFENSE: 010 Body 10: Looks like the head of a demon. POWER: 460 WEIGHT: 620 DEFENSE: 015 Body 11: Looks like an insect head. POWER: 550 WEIGHT: 600 DEFENSE: 015 Body 12: Looks like a horizontal sea anenomae. POWER: 720 WEIGHT: 680 DEFENSE: 010 Body 13: It looks like a bomb. Cool. POWER: 630 WEIGHT: 495 DEFENSE: 005 Body 14: A rabbit head. POWER: 430 WEIGHT: 580 DEFENSE: 020 Body 15: A pineapple head. POWER: 620 WEIGHT: 460 DEFENSE: 005 Power: Determines special attack. >500 = beam, <500 = shockwave. Weight: Determines special attack 2. >500 = flying somersault, <500 = spinning attack. Choosing a face is easy. Just choose one that looks cool. Legs are a different matter. Here's a rundown of the legs. Legs 1: Light humanoid legs. SPEED: 080 TURN: 056 JUMP: 290 Legs 2: Heavy humanoid legs with toes. SPEED: 090 TURN: 040 JUMP: 290 Legs 3: Spider legs. SPEED: 100 TURN: 056 JUMP: 300 Legs 4: Crab legs. SPEED: 090 TURN: 064 JUMP: 300 Legs 5: A spring. SPEED: 120 TURN: 048 JUMP: 400 Legs 6: A human foot. SPEED: 100 TURN: 056 JUMP: 400 Legs 7: A single propeller blade. SPEED: 120 TURN: 056 JUMP: 200 Legs 8: 4 propeller blades. SPEED: 110 TURN: 064 JUMP: 200 Legs 9: A big tank. SPEED: 070 TURN: 064 JUMP: 250 Legs 10: A mini-tank. SPEED: 080 TURN: 056 JUMP: 290 Legs 11: A 3-wheeled motorcycle. SPEED: 150 TURN: 048 JUMP: 270 Legs 12: A stripy car. SPEED: 200 TURN: 040 JUMP: 270 Speed: How fast the legs move. Turn: How quickly the legs can turn. Jump: How high the legs can jump. Now for the arms. There are 30 different arms alltogether, 32 if you count the ones Zio Gigas uses that you cannot get :( It would be a hastle to list all 30 arms and their stats, so I'll just explain what each type does. PUNCHES: Throws a punch at your opponent. You can also pick up items in the arena and throw them. The strongest punch is the Punch 4, won from Big Punch. SHOOTERS: These shoot a chained projectile at your opponent and reels it back in so you can shoot again. These are like suctions that they are infinitely reusable, but they do not grab your opponent. The strongest Shooter is the Boomerang, won from Boomer, the first boss. BLADES: These classic weapons include swords, axes and scythes. They are weak before you get them up to 100%, but once you do, there is no stopping you. The strongest Blade is the Blade, won from Samurai. POKERS: There are three pokers, the Lance, the Spear and the Javelin. There is no super- strong Poker. GUNS: Guns include the Missile, the Laser and the Crossbow. The strongest gun is the TekeTeke, won from the boss of the same name. SUCTIONS: These super-useful weapons include the Hand and the Sucker. The strongest one is the Lip, won from the boss Lips. SHIELDS: There are 4 shields, Shield 1-4. There is no super-powerful shield. SMASHERS: There are two smashers, the hammer and the mace. There is no super-powerful smasher. For weapons combonations, I suggest: -Pairing a melee weapon with a ranged weapon -Pairing a melee weapon with a shield -Using two melee weapons Things I do not suggest doing: -Equipping two guns. (You'll run out of ammo and be left dead.) -Equipping two ranged weapons. (You'll have a huge opening between attacks, and it will be much harder to hit your opponent.) 3: Tactics Since there really is no actual order that you have to fight in, I will simply give some tips. -Don't fight bosses until you have 100% on both weapons. -Avoid fighting enemies with 2 shields of any type, because not only can you hardly hit them, but they can easily knock you out of the ring. -Do fight enemies with two of the same weapons other than shields. -Equip two of the same weapon to bring up the % faster. -Your first robot will probably become your champion. When you first start out, the enemy robots are much easier to beat than later on in the game. -Enemy skill increases as you raise your rank. They are more accurate with everything, and they go right for the attack. -Your ranking is dependant on the number of points you have. You get more points for KO-ing an enemy than you get for simply getting a ring-out. -There are 6 ways to attack with a non-shooting weapon. If you hold [up] when you attack, the attack will take longer, but will be more powerful. If you hold [down], then you will do an uppercut. [left] and [right] are hooks. Press attack without pressing any other buttons to do just a regular strike. Finally, holding block will weaken the strike. -You can train in 2P mode. Make two robots, set player 2's bot on auto-battle, and fight it. Note that you need a second controller for this. The AI in the 2P mode is much harder than it is in 1P mode. -When using punch weapons, you can grab objects in the arena and throw them at the enemy. *** BEATING THE BOSSES *** Using my champion robot, I went back and defeated all of the bosses for this guide. Here's what I found: BOOMER: Jump in a circle around him. As soon as his back is facing you, hit him with your most powerful weapon. I suggest something quick yet with lots of punch, like the Blade. LIPS: Lips stalls to shoot her weapon, so take advantage of that and hit her while she's stopped. Again, use something fast and powerful, since she's not stopped for long. SAMURAI: This guy is HARD! I suggest equipping two Shield 1's and going for a ring-out. TEKETEKE: Dodge all his shots, and he's a sitting duck! BIG PUNCH: Quite possible the toughest boss this side of Zio Gigas! What I do is what Samurai tried to do on me: I equipped the blade and went Iron Chef on him! He finally fell to a constant barrage of blade attacks. 4: Beating Zio Gigas Zio Gigas is the final boss of Robo-Pit. It is very tough to beat. Here's a few ways to beat it. WAY 1) Equip your bot with 2 Punch1 arms, and throw the objects in the arena at Zio. WAY 2) Equip your best weapons and try and beat it in melee combat. (Not recommended). WAY 3) Your robot has to be a spring-legged type. Again, equip your 2 best melee weapons, but this time jump above him, land behind him and attack, jump, land behind, attack, rince and repeat. WAY 4) Equip a Teke Gun and a powerful melee weapon, make sure that every teke shot hits, and hit the weakened Zio with the melee weapon. (Not recommended.) ***If I think of any more, they'll be in the next version.*** 5: Trivial Stuff There are a few pieces of trivia in this game. Use these to impress your friends!!! *The game's designer, Kokopeli, is the name of an Indian goddess of fertility. *In the FMV, the word "Sortie" appears above the exit. Sortie is Exit in French. *The little robots shot out of TekeTeke's gun are replicas of what TekeTeke looks like in the Sega Saturn version of Robo-Pit. *In the Saturn Version, there was an extra weapon called the Dagger. *In the Saturn Version, the default view is first-person. *In the Saturn Version, bosses are HUGE and there are only three of them. *In the Saturn Version, TekeTeke is the easiest robot to beat in the game, and you can get little, wimpy claws by beating him. *In the Saturn Version, there is no Bigfoot leg. *In the Saturn Version, there is a training mode where you compete against 3 enemy robots at once. I think that's it. If anyone has anything they'd like to add to this list of trivia, please post it on the Robo Pit (PSX) message board and I'll add it. 6: Enemy Robot List Here it is: A list of all the robots in the game! Their looks and rank are randomly generated at the start of the game. Here they are, in the order they are in my game. Twiggy Dangerman Idaho Mata Hari Slimer Badger Bouncer System X Chop Chop Speedy Rusty Assassin Spinner Flyguy Napolean Bart Panzer Afterburn Sayonara Dodger Tex Pompador Whizzer Gallagher Midnight Taxiderm Melonball Ranger TekeTeke Simon Sir Robin Harley Samurai Clyde Guppy Crusher Edith Kamikaze Grimace Wil Tell Ginsu Lancelot Number 5 Talen Metalhead Bust Em Skybot Bigmouth Da Judge Gamest Big Punch Bebop Poison Mojo Gwendolyn Gen Chin Earthkill Dengar-D Guilus Bansai Droopnid Sorbet Hatchet Hi Five Dr Fuji Put Em Up Pain Bot Pepto Bomber Herman Tortuka Lips Yo Jimbo Buzz Trouble Christine Natasha Paluka Jackle D Starblt Mercenary Belfry Tomtom Purplexd Mordred Boomer Barney Mohawk Ninja Bob Doinkr Spartan Rot N Bot Wilfred GGG Dum Dum Winky Boom Frog Slinky Roach Pogboy 7: Next Update Things planned for the next update of this FAQ are: ***A list of all the arm weapons ***(hopefully) more trivia ***Possibly some other cool stuff. 8: Disclaimer This guide should only be at If you see it anywhere else, e-mail me and I'll get on their case. You cannot reproduce this guide in any way, except maybe printing it out. That's all that's allowed. Once you print it, you cannot sell it. If you sell it, then you are breaking copyright laws, and that can get you sued by me when I catch you. This FAQ can't be printed in any magazines, linked to by any sites, put on any sites other than GameFAQS or anything else like that except with my permission. If you want to use this guide on your site, or you want it to be in your WELL-KNOWN gaming magazine, then e-mail me and ask for permission. I'll probably say yes. I think that's it. See you next version!!!