Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure Walkthrough version: Final by: Cloud^ created on January 31, 2003 Visit: http://radical-dreamers2002.cjb.net and http://dreamsdesign.topcities.com Best viewed in wordpad using Courier New font. Contents I. Introduction II. Walkthrough II-1. Orange Village II-2. Wonder Woods II-3. Mothergreen II-4. Ancient Forest II-5. Bluecat II-6. Cat's Eye Mine II-7. Tower of Wisdom II-8. Redhot II-9. Salsa Volcano II-10. Suspension Bridge II-11. Ice Temple II-12. Oasis II-13. Inside The Worm (Town of Wiggle) II-14. Inotium Mines II-15. Whitesnow II-16. The Tower of Ninetail II-17. Whitewhale II-18. Sunken Ship II-19. Kerokero II-20. Frogroad II-21. Temple of Gama II-22. Orange? 11-23. Netherworld (Optional Sidequest) 11-24. Beauty Castle III. Secrets/Extras IV. Item List V. Terms of Use VI. Credits/Disclaimer -------Start of Contents------- I. Introduction This is my very first walkthrough. I have actually played a lot of rpgs but I felt that this game needed a good walkthrough so I decided to make one myself. This is the final version and no more modifications will be made. However, I am willing to answer questions anytime. visit my message board on http://rdreamers.board.dk3.com I'm looking for some ff7 gamers to spar around verbally with ^_^ II. Walkthrough II-1. Orange Village The game starts with a short cutscene of the main character Cornet inside a dream sequence. She is rescued by some guy who she calls her prince and then a cute fairylike puppet named Kururu wakes her up followed by a funny conversation. You are now in control of Cornet (You are Cornet in this game). Kururu will tell you to go downstairs because your grandpa is calling you. There is nothing much you can do inside the room except to go through the door to your left. You will talk to a puppet named Sharte who will ask if she can join your party. You are asked if you would like her to join your party. If you choose not to let her join, she will ask you over and over again until you agree. Then, Grandpa will ask you to find some Red Inotium, you have to agree or you will never finish this game :P. He will advise you to equip some accessories before you go and then you will be free to explore the town. Items in this village:28 Inotium, 40 Inotium ,120 Inotium That's right! There are hidden items all over the game which you have to keep pressing the action button in order to find. I won't tell you directly where to find the items because that would spoil the fun. Instead, I'll just list down the items that you can find in each area. You can use it as a checklist to make sure you haven't forgotten anything. Anyway, just explore the village and you'll find them...eventually. After you've found all the items, talk to all the people in the village more than once to be certain that you haven't missed anything important (Most of them will warn you about a witch in Wonder Woods). There is also shop here where you can buy supplies and a melody square where you can earn inotium by playing your horn. I got 15 inotium each time I played my horn. When you're ready, head outside of town to the Wonder Woods. II-2. Wonder Woods Enemies in this area Jelly Lv1. HP:15 MP:8 Toad Lv3. HP:19 MP:7 Yech! Did you see that flat overworld map? There's a man in the first screen who will tell you about the auto-battle function(press o). Keep going left towards the next screen. There will be a short cutscene followed by a battle with two toads. I don't think you'll die from fighting THEM unless you're a total idiot. After the battle Kururu will be tired and will want to rest. She will ask you to play her favorite song. If you agree with her, Cornet will sing and unlock the song "Let's Go On". If you keep refusing, Kururu will call you a big meanie and give up. You are now in control of Cornet again. Go on left to the next screen. You will notice a signpost in the middle of the screen. You can go on left and progress with the game or you can go down and explore. I chose to go exploring (go down). There are two paths that you can take. The right path leads to a rabbit like creature that disappears as you approach it. The left path leads to a cave. Cave in the Woods Enemies in this area Jelly Lv.1 HP:15 MP:8 Elinger Lv.2 HP:21 MP:9 Fox Lv.2 HP:26 MP:9 If you choose to explore the cave, here are the directions to get all the items. From the first screen go up and find a treasure box with 100 inotium. Then go up,up,left,down,down,left and find a Healing Candy, go up, right, up, right and find "Illustration 1" go left, down, down and right to exit. Be sure to fight all the enemies here. Some of them might want to join your party after the fight. They could be useful as scapegoats (Put them in front of your party and let em take all the damage). Wonder Woods From the cave go back to the screen with the directions signpost. Just follow the path to the left. You will eventually see another fork in the road, the bottom path leads to the Natalie River, but you can't do anything in there right now so keep going left. There will be a cutscene of Cornet and Kururu looking for some Red Inotium. A wierd girl called Myao will come along accompanied by three cats. She will try to take your Red Inotium. Then, prepare for your first boss fight. BOSS FIGHT Nyanko: Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Nyanki: Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Nyanchi: Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? This isn't really a boss fight. If you followed my advice and explored the cave, you should be able to beat these guys with one or two blows. They only have about 40 HP each. Even if you didn't, they're total weaklings. After you beat the three cats, they will run to Myao and she will summon a dragon. Kururu will turn chicken and give up her Red Inotium, but Cornet will try to fight back. Quote:"Real courage is facing adversity even if you know you can't win!"-Cornet Prince Ferdinand will slice up the dragon and send Myao and her cats scurrying off. He will introduce himself to you, but you won't be able to speak coz he's too handsome or something like that. Ferdinand will say goodbye and run off too.(And so, the story unfolds) Orange Village Back at the village, Kururu will convince you to go and make a move on Ferdinand. Quote:"Hey, if all else fails just show him a little leg. Guys can't resist a little leg..."-Kururu After the cutscene, you will be in control again. Your Grandpa will now offer to fix your puppets that have stopped moving. Talk to everyone inside the village again to see some different dialog. When you're ready, exit the village and Mothergreen will now be open. II-3. Mothergreen Items in this village: Wake Candy 2x, 35 Inotium, Medi Cocoa 2x, Medi Candy 2x, Antidote Chips, 84 Inotium, 56 Inotium, Inside the middle left house, talk to the woman to get the "toy egg" When you exit the house, the egg will speak and introduce himself as Kid, one of three egg brothers and join your party. There is a monster collector inside the shop. One of the houses to the top left will offer to let you join the Prince Ferdinand fan club. Inside the restaurant at the top right, one of the people there will tell you that the prince likes Bobos found on Natalie River inside Wonder Woods. When you leave the restaurant, Kururu will tell you to go to Natalie River and find some Bobos. A very conceited girl named Etoile will come by and interrupt the conversation. This is followed by a funny cutscene. (Cornet, Etoile and Kururu are already acquaintances from before) After you've talked to everyone, you should exit the village and two new areas will be opened, the Suspension Bridge and the Ancient Forest. Marl's Castle Items in this area: Para Ball 2x, Energy Cocoa 2x, Healing Ball, Treasure Box with a sound clip, 301 Inotium, Healing Candy 2x, 56 Inotium, 190 inotium There's nothing much you can do here right now except to collect all the hidden items or talk to the statues to heal your party. The people here are mostly talking about how corrupt minister Golonzo is or how great the prince is. Natalie River Natalie River is inside Wonder Woods. There is a signpost with directions you shouldn't have any trouble finding it. Once you have found your way to Natalie River, there will be a short converstation between Kururu and Cornet and then prepare for a fight against three Bobos. Bobo 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? For some reason... these fish can walk on land. If you have Sharte's Holy magic, just use it once and these fishies are toast. (or fried, whichever you prefer ^_^) After you defeat them, it's not over yet. Myao's cats will smell the Bobos that you caught and will want a rematch with you. They've brought some reinforcements this time. (As if that makes any difference) Nyanki 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Nyanko 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Nyanchi 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? These guys are even dumber than before. Now, there are seven of them. Seven times the stupidity, how cute. Just use Sharte's Holy Magic again or if you don't have it yet, use any of Cornet's rewards that can hit multiple targets like Flan or if you like to kill your opponents slowly, raise Sharte and Kid's attack to insane levels by playing Cornet's horn on them until you've exhausted your mp. Then pound these bozos into cat food. Cave in the Woods Before you exit, you will want to get Tell the second egg brother inside the Cave in the Woods. Go up,left then follow the path down to and find Tell and let him join your party. He's an archer (as in William Tell) and is quite useful for taking out enemies from a distance without expending mp. Then, you should go back to Orange Village and cook the fish. Orange Village All done? go back to Cornet's/your house in Orange Village and You will cook the fish and sing a little as you cook. When the fish is ready (Orange Fish), Kururu will taste it and give you her approval. She will ask you to meet her outside the church on the right side of the village. Talk to all the people in the village again if you want or go buy some items. You won't really need them right now. Just go to the church area and Kururu will open a new path towards Marl's Castle in some ancient ruins. Ancient Ruins This place is ridiculously short. The fork in the path that you will encounter will have a treasure box with a Heal Cocoa. When you reach the end of the path, after a short arguement with Kururu, you will have to fight some mini bosses Boss Fight Boneboy Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Jellybomb Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? No real problems with these guys. I got em with one blow from Sharte's holy magic. After the fight, you will exit out of a toilet (this isn't a typo. It's true.) but not without giving Kururu a good bop on the noggin for making a stupid remark. It turns out that you exited out of the men's bathroom in Marl's Castle. Minister Golonzo will barge out of one of the booths and Kururu will pretend that you are in love with him to save your skin, but she's too convincing and Golonzo seems to think that you're cute (he's a hentai geezer actually) and will make a move on you. So, you splatter his face with Orange Fish and he calls up some monsters to capture you for trying to assassinate him. Boss Fight Boneboy 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Again, just use Sharte's Holy magic for an easy victory. Kururu will tell you to escape and you both exit the same way you came through. Orange Village You are now back in your room with nothing to show for your efforts. (no thanks to that pervert Golonzo and Kururu's brainstorm)If you subscribed to the Prince Ferdinand Fan Club your Grandpa will tell you that there is a newsletter from the club in the mailbox outside your house. (Check this box often to receive more updates on Prince Ferdinand FREAK) If you will look at the sign next to the melody square, you will see how famous you have become due to your misadventure with the Orange Fish hehehe. Kururu will try to act cool and tell you not to act conspicuous with half the people in the village listening. (That was smart) Now head for Mothergreen. Mothergreen Go to the top left house (The Prince Ferdinand Club House) and you will see lots of girls lined up to join the Miss Marl's Kingdom Beauty Contest. Talk to the girl with black hair or gray if that's what it looks like to you, to register for the contest. After you have finished registering, Kururu will ask you about the rules of the contest. It's simple enough, you're supposed to wear a dress that makes you look beautiful. Kururu doesn't seem happy with this. Quote:"Really... That's a pretty lame way to judge how a person is..."-Kururu There is also another catch, but Kururu says it's too small to bother with and suggests that you should go look for something to wear. Etoile makes another grand entrance complete with snobbishly sophisticated background music. Quote:"Money, Money, Money! Always sunny... in a rich woman's world..."-Etoile After a short chat, Etoile exits the scene and leaves you pondering what to wear because she claims to have bought every dress in town. You can see from the expression on the character portraits that Etoile really likes Cornet, but she has to remain a snob (Can't ruin the image, kinda like Kanzaki Sumire from Sakura Taisen) Quote:"How bout wearing your underwear on the outside of your clothes... I've seen it done before."-Kururu After that piece of advice, Cornet gives Kururu another slap Genjo Sanzo style. Now you are in control again. Go to the house below the Prince Ferdinand Club House and talk to the old man inside. He will confirm that Etoile has indeed bought every dress in town and will suggest that you go to Wonder Woods and try to find some leftover dresses from a theater that used to stand there. Wonder Woods Head straight to the place where you found the Red Inotium. Kururu will ask you if she can eat some of the yummy BBQ that she smells. If you refuse, she'll blow a fuse. (which makes for a pretty funny character portrait)This scene will repeat itself until you agree with her. Burg's Rest Items in this area:84 Inotium, Medi Candy, Antidote Chips, Medi Cocoa 2x, 110 Inotium Enemies in this area (same as in Wonder Woods) Once you agree with Kururu, she will lead you to the theater that the old man was talking about. The Red Inotium area will now be replaced by this screen whenever you enter the W. Woods. Kururu will now ask you if you should continue costume searching after eating. Choose "no" to give her another swat. Now go through the door. There are three doors on the next room, the results will be the same no matter which one you choose to take. You will have to fight. Minilce 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Keep going left and until you reach a dead end. You won't be able to go to the next room unless you read the sign on the side of the door to the right that says get on the salt to revitalize your body. Then, prepare for a fight. Beast Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Boneboy Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? On the next room it's pretty much the same. Read the sign next to the door again, this time it says "THE COMBINATION OF SWEATING AND FOOD MAKES IT TASTE BETTER" followed by another fight. (Yep, they're seasoning you to be the main course.) Jellybomb 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Jellyfish 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Now, you can go through the room where a big cat and the three nuisances await. After short cutscene, you will fight against Burg Boss Fight Burg Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Nyanko Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? After you win, Burg and company will run away and one of the cats will knock over a picture that looks like Myao and reveal a secret passage. Go through the passage and you will find a big stuffed bear. Kururu thinks that it's a perfect idea for a costume. The puppet will talk to you to allow it to join your party. L-Kun will now join your party. Now all you need to to do is to retrace your steps and exit W. Woods. You might want to explore this place first to find all the hidden items. Now, head for Mothergreen and into Marl's Castle. Marl's Castle You can now enter the throne room. Items in throne room: Heal Candy, Heal Cocoa Now proceed to the top left room inside the castle and keep going left until you find the stage. The beauty contest will now begin. I won't tell you what happens next that would spoil the game, you can probably figure out what to do here by yourself. Remember not to use up any of your rewards when fighting Etoile, Cornet is gonnna get creamed no matter what.(Etoile's got machine guns and rocket launchers!). Quote:"She's a bloated, self-centered, egotistical maniac who cares... only about money..."-Kururu When the contest is over, you will be invited to Prince Ferdinand's birthday party next week and you will discover the catch to this contest. You have to wear the costume that you wore during the contest to the party. Orange Village It is now one week later and you are back inside Cornet's room in Orange Village. Today is the day of the prince's birthday party. Go to Mothergreen or you can talk to all the people in town first. Mothergreen Cornet will have gained some fans here, you can talk to them if you like. When you're done. Go to Marl's Castle. Marl's Castle Etoile will greet you and help you into your costume. Then, she and Kururu will have a good laugh at your expense. Minister Golonzo will apear suddenly and you will have a short arguement with him. The queen will introduce you and Golonzo will scurry away mad. You are now in control again. If you go up the stairs and go to the left room you can now enter the men's toilet from before. Get the Strawberry Kiss inside the flower pot (I think it's a flower pot) at the top- right of the hall before the men's room. Now proceed to the throne room for a little Disney sing and dance number by Cornet and Ferdinand. Afterwards, you are in the balcony near the men's room talking to Kururu. Golonzo will recognize you as the assassin who tried to kill him (with the *snicker* orange fish) He'll call up two boneboys and a beast. You should have no trouble with these guys now. Then, Prince Ferdinand to the rescue again and Golonzo will run away like the coward that he is. Now another cutscene and some mushy stuff between Cornet and Ferdinand with Kururu and Etoile in the background. Then, 4 wierdos seated on a giant dragon will attack the castle. It turns out that it's Myao and she's brought her master Marjoly and two other psychos to back her up. You will fight against the three cats again, then proceed to the throne room. You will have to fight another losing battle sometime here. Don't bother using any of your rewards. After this looong cutscene, you will be back in Orange Village. Orange Village Back in your room, you decide (Cornet that is) to go on a journey to rescue the prince. You get a costume change and some advice from your Grandpa, he suggests that you should go to Bluecat and to the tower of wisdom. You need need to get a ship from Mothergreen to enter Bluecat. Now head for Mothergreen. II-4. Ancient Forest The enemies here will differ depending on the time you visit this place. Enemies before Cornet's costume change: Minilce Lv.5 HP:36 MP:7 Jellybomb Lv.3 HP:42 MP:10 Bee Lv.5 HP:29 MP:31 Enemies after Cornet's costume change Mag. Jelly Lv.10 HP:75 MP:42 Beast Lv.9 HP:73 MP:36 Nightmare Lv.12 HP:88 MP:37 Boo Lv.9 HP:56 MP:40 Armadillo Lv.10 HP:75 MP:10 MiniEarth Lv.8 HP:66 MP:31 Map This is a map of the ancient forest. The first time you enter this dugeon, you will see four paths with a teleporter to exit at the center. There are several screens with branching paths like this inside the dungeon. I will be basing my map on this. I am assuming that you are in the center of the screen. If you go down a staircase and there is only one path you can take, you need to follow that path until the screen shows you four separate paths in a cross pattern. Usage -Items marked with a "X" are treasures -Items marked with a ++X++ are names that I have given to specific places within the dungeon -Remember when using this map that you are assumed to be in the center of a four path split that looks similar to this | | ____| |____ You ____ Are ____ |Here| | | ------Start of Map------ ++First Floor++ "Medi Candy" || Downstairs(left)---- Exit Teleporter ---- Downstairs(right) || Dead End ++Downstairs(right)++ Medi Cocoa || Dead End---- Center ---- Dead End || Downstairs(2) ++Downstairs(left)++ Dead End || Dead End---- Center ---- Dead End || Dead End ++Downstairs(2)++(Follow the path until you reach the center) Downstairs(right) || Downstairs(l)----Teleporter ---- Downstairs(r) || Downstairs(d) ++Downstairs(d)++(Follow the path until you reach the center) Downstairs(2) || Dead End---- Center ---- Dead End || Illustration 5 ++Downstairs(r)++(Follow the path until you reach the center) Dead End || Dead End---- Center ---- 800 inotium || Downstairs(2) ++Downstairs(l)++(Follow the path until you reach the center) Downstairs(2) || Dead End---- Center ---- Dead End || Dead End ++Teleporter++ "Energy Cocoa" || Dead End----Downstairs(2) ---- Upstairs || Dead End ++Upstairs++)++(Follow the path until you reach the center) Dead End || "Energy Guide"----Downstairs(2) ---- Dead End || Teleporter ------End of Map------ Mothergreen Go to the first house to the bottom right and talk to the guy with the hat. Agree to help his daughter and he will ask you to get a toad. When you exit the house, some psycho will tell you about toads in Natalie River, so get over there. Wonder Woods (New enemies) Enemies in this area Minilce Lv.4 HP:36 MP:7 MiniThndr Lv.6 HP:39 MP:8 Poisn Toad HP:41 MP:8 Natalie River (New enemies) Sabo Sabo Lv.9 HP:45 MP:12 Slashroom Lv.6 HP:31 MP:27 Toad Lv3. HP:19 MP:7 The toad appears about 1/10 times in Natalie River. After you have encountered a toad, the three cats will be back muttering something about Burg's toad cooking, just beat them up again and go back to Mothergreen to the Captain's house. Mothergreen Talk to the Captain and he will ask you to cook the toad, Cornet doesn't like the idea. When you exit the house, Mr. Psycho will tell you that his daughter loves the toad dish from the Restaurant on the Lake. Go to the restaurant and talk to the people inside. It seems that Burg is the new cook. Now go back to Burg's Rest in Wonder Woods. Burg's Rest This place is now at the westernmost part of W. Woods. The enemies from Wonder Woods before except the toads can be encountered here. Just go straight to the room where you fought with Burg before. Burg has returned and he reveals that he's workin for Myao. Now you will have to fight him again. Boss Fight Burg Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Nyanko 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Nyank1 Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? No problem with these guys as long as Sharte is in your battle party. Burg and company will run away after the fight. Kururu will smell the toad BBQ and you will take it automatically. Now get out of here and go back to Mothergreen. Mothergreen Go to the captain's house again for a short cutscene. Mr. Psycho and the captain's daughter are actually lovers(sweet, but you didn't even need the toad). Talk to the captain and he will offer to take you to Bluecat. Agree with him and Bluecat will now be visible on the eastern side of the world map. When you exit the house, the scene will shift to the Marjoly idiots racking their brains (or more specifically Crowdia's) to find a way to destone princey boy. After that, the scene will shift back to you outside the captain's house in Mothergreen. Now let's go to Bluecat II-5. Bluecat Items in this village: Wake Candy, Urn with Atlus USA sound clip, Medi Candy, 43 inotium, 56 inotium, Sanity Gummi, Medi Cocoa The Melody Square here will yield 40 inotium. There are lots of useful accesories in the item shop. There is a dungeon inside the house left of the melody square, but you can't do anything in there right now. The enemies in there might be too strong for you, but don't take my word for it, try it yourself if you have to. When you're done talking to all the people inside, exit Blue cat and two new locations will be available on the world map, The Tower of Wisdom and Cat's Eye Mine. If you visit the tower of wisdom, you won't be able to get inside. Etoile will arrive with her two flunkies and give you a hint to go to Cat's Eye Mine. II-6. Cat's Eye Mine Enemies in this area: Armadillo Lv.10 HP:75 MP:10 Toge Toge Lv.11 HP:65 MP:37 When you first enter the mine, go straight forward, do not take the path to the right (This is nothing more than a long dead end.) Take the first path you encounter to the left, then go down and keep following the path until you see it branch off three ways. Go straight up and don't take any of the paths to the left or right. Take the 230 inotium from the treasure box. Now retrace your steps way back until you reach the place where you took the first path to the left. Go up until you have to choose between three paths again. Go up to get the Illustration 7 then go back and go the the left to get a Strawberry Kiss. Now go back and take the path to the right. Take the first path that you encounter downwards and get the Healing Ball. Go back and take the right path. Keep following the path and you will find Sharte's sister Terra. Now prepare for a fight. Boss Fight Terra Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? and another fight.... Nightmare 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? After the battle, Terra will join your party and everyone is happy. Now keep following the path until you find the Cat's Eyes. Retrace your steps and get out of the mines or you can use a teleporter if you're feeling particularly lazy. II-7. Tower of Wisdom Before you enter this area, Etoile will march in and tell you how to get inside the tower. Enemies in this area: Mushroom Lv.10 HP:75 MP:36 TogeToge Lv.11 HP:65 MP:37 Golem Lv.14 HP:138 MP:40 Armadillo Lv.10 HP:75 MP:10 Eagle Lv.11 HP:82 MP:13 When you first enter this area you are confronted with a four path split (3 excluding the exit) The path up leads to a teleporter which will be useful later. The left and right paths lead to different areas upstairs. Take the path to the left, you will see a 1st floor sign. Go upstairs and follow the path until you see a two way split. The path north leads to a dead end.(Don't go there obviously.) The path to the east leads to a treasure box with a Cat's Paw and a downwards staircase. Take the stairs down if you want to see the ledge of the tower. When you're done sightseeing, go back to the 1st floor to the room with the 4- way split. Take the right path and keep following it. You should see a 3rd floor sign somewhere here. When you encounter the two way split,(excluding the path you came in.) go east and you will see a 4th floor sign and an upstairs path. Take the stairs and you will see a 5th floor sign. Follow that path until you reach the stairs down and you see a knight-like thing standing around. Talk to it and it will ask you if you are a descendant of Mustaki. Answer yes and prepare for battle Boss Fight Duke Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? No problems with this guy. Duke will join your party after the battle. Now go back to where you saw the two way split. Go south and keep following that path for another two way split. Take the east path to get a Thinking Cap. Take the north path and go upstairs follow the path until you see a three way split. The left path is a dead end. The right path is also a dead end, but with a 6th floor sign. The bottom path contains another split path. Take any of the paths because they will lead you to the same destination. Then when you encounter another split path, take the south path and you will see two teleporters inside the room. The right teleporter can't be used right now, so take the left one. You will see a funny cutscene here. Old man Polansky will tell you about how to break the spell on the prince. You will need the WATERSTONE, FIRESTONE, EARTHSTONE, WINDSTONE and the THUNDERSTONE. (Go Planet!!!! lessee that adds up to one dungeon per stone right? yech!) You will receive the teleport ring which is used to activate the teleporters from before to go directly to the top of the tower and a letter to get past the guards at the suspension bridge. When you exit the tower, you will see an MTV cutscene of Marjoly and company singing Evil Queen. Then, the scene will shift back to you Use the teleporter to go back to the top of the tower and talk to the rabbit inside Polansky's room. Polansky will tell you about Ledgem. Now exit the tower and go to W. Woods. You will notice a new place on the world map called "Cape Hope" but there's nothing you can do there right now. Wonder Woods Go to the place where you saw the sleeping rabbit. Talk to it and Ledgem will join your party. If you forgot where Ledgem is located, it's directly opposite the Cave in the Woods. Now get out of there and go to the Suspension Bridge. Suspension Bridge Ok just talk to everyone in here. The guards will let you pass whether you admit that you are Cornet or not. Go straight forward and you will see a man getting attacked by a Dragon. Naturally, as the heroine of the game, you butt in and kick some dragon a$$. Boss Fight Dragoness Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Firebird Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? I think that the firebird here has the same stats as an ordinary firebird. You won't have any problems here. You can probably kill these suckers in one turn. Once you're done the man will introduce himself as Gailyasucolinyu (ok that's a mouthful, so just call him Gwanji.) Exit the bridge. II-8. Redhot Items in this area: 256 inotium, Medi Candy, Medi Cocoa 2x, 297 inotium, Reality The Melody Square here will net you 96 inotium. Just talk to everyone in town and check out the store, then go to the bottom-right house and talk to the old man and agree to protect them from the dragon. II-9. Salsa Volcano Enemies in this area: Firebird Lv.12 HP:128 MP:13 Salamand Lv.13 HP:63 MP:45 You'll run into Crowdia at the beginning of this dungeon, she disappears after a short chat. Ok now go inside the cave. You will come across a three way split. Take the right path first. When you encounter another fork in the road, take the right path again, you'll soon see yet another fork, take the north path for a Heal Cocoa. Now go back to the three way split. Take the left path this time. When you see another split, take the left path again. Keep moving until you see another split. You will see a north south split this time. Take the south path for some speed shoes and then go back and take the north path. There will be two paths again. Take the right path and get the Defense Robes. Then go back and take the north path. You will see another split. Just keep moving north and you will find yourself in an area outside the cave. You will see Crowdia fighting against a dragon. (Hehe she doesn't seem to be doing too well.) She'll stop to talk to you and the dragon will fry her. (No she's not dead.) She'll run towards you, Now you'll have to fight the dragon. Boss Fight Firebird 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Dragib Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Crowdia will be really ticked off at you after the battle. She says that the seal has been weakened coz you killed one of the guardians. After she leaves, go on inside the cave to the north and you will see an egg. Now this is the stupid part. Use a teleporter or just retrace your steps and go back to Redhot. After a short cutscene where you hear a dragon wailing, you need to go back to the Salsa Volcano to the room with the egg. Many of the townspeople are here now, and they seem to have killed the Dragon. The old man will give you the Fire Stone. Now the volcano starts acting up and the people scramble. That's what you should be doing too, but goody two shoes Cornet (that's you.) wants to save the egg. So you play your horn and somehow you are able to carry that large egg. Crowdia is waiting for you outside and she wants to take the Fire Stone. So, despite the burning lava behind you, prepare for a boss fight. Boss Fight Crowdia Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Griffin 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? This battle should be easy, but beware of Crowdia, she can do some real damage if you let her attack you. After the battle, Crowdia will save you from the lava and let you have the Fire Stone as a reminder of your shame or so she says. The egg that you were carrying will hatch and Flare will join your party. (I thought only puppets could join the party...go figure.)Now that you are back in control, it's time to lower the suspension Bridge. But first, you might want to get the key to the Inotium Mines. You'll need it later anyway. Mothergreen Talk to one of the people walking around by the fountain. Find the guy who'll say something about a hillbilly who got kidnapped by cats. Wonder Woods Go straight to Burg's Rest. Inside the kitchen area, there are two cats guarding a door. Myao isn't around so they won't fight you. Go the room with the puppet and the treasure boxes. Talk to the man walking around. He'll tell you that he's so worried about Etoile. Agree to help him and he will give you the key to the Inotium Mines. And that's about it until you open up the Inotium Mines area. Now back to the Suspension Bridge thingy. Redhot Talk to the guy inside the bottom-right house. He'll tell you that his gramps bit the dust and how to operate the Suspension Bridge. Memorize his instructions or note them down. II-10. Suspension Bridge Now all you need to do is go inside the house near the bridge. In case you didn't take my advice about the instructions to operate the bridge, here they are. Starting from the top of the screen, turn on the 2nd and 6th switches. You will hear a sound to confirm that you did it correctly. Now turn off the 2nd and the 6th switches. Then, turn on the 1st, 5th and 6th switches. When you go outside the house, you should see two new exits. You should exit through both of them to make the new areas appear. Once you have done this, Ice Temple and Oasis should be on the world map. Since Ice Temple is a really short dungeon, lets get it out of the way first. II-11. Ice Temple Enemies in this area: Whitewind Lv.16 HP:89 MP:45 Werewolf Lv.16 HP:89 MP:13 When you first enter this area, you will see a sign, it's pretty much useless but read it anyway, you never know. Anyway, go straight forward. When you see a split on the road take the southern path and keep following it to get a Para Gum. Now return to the place where the path splits and take the north path. Keep going north and ignore the first path to the east that you will see. Keep moving north and the path splits again. Take the passage to the west. Keep following that path. You will see a lot of stairs here. This path will lead you to the Illustration 12. Now return to the split path and go east. Follow the road and it's straight on to the exit barring a few stairs here and there. When you reach the exit, Whitesnow will be visible on the world map. World Map Now you have some options, should you go to Oasis first or Whitesnow? I chose to go to Whitesnow and talk to all the people and get all the items there, after that, the Tower of Ninetail will be available on the map, but you can also go to Oasis and finish the Inotium Mines dungeon. II-12. Oasis Items in this village:Healing Berry 2x, Heal Cocoa Talk to all the people here as usual. You will find out that Etoile's father owns the Inotium Mines and she went ahead to get the Windstone. If you followed my instructions, you should have the Key to the Inotium Mines right now. If you dont, get it from Burg's Rest in Wonder Woods. Now go down to the ruins inside Oasis. You will get a random encounter or two here. Just follow the path and a cutscene should follow. You will black out and find yourself inside a completely different place. II-13. Inside The Worm (Town of Wiggle) Now you are actually inside a train that has been swallowed by a giant worm. The worm swallowed so many people that they decided to form a town. Welcome to the town of Wiggle! Once you have control of Cornet, get the Sanity Gummi inside the pot and the Medi Cocoa near the upper seat. When you're done talking to all the people here, go through the door to the next area. Talk to all the people hear again. You will notice a goddess statue here. Heal yourself if neccessary. Go through the next door and you will find that Etoile was swallowed by the worm too and she doesn't like it. Talk to her and she'll tell you to ask the townspeople for help and how to kill the worm. Go talk to everyone again, then go back and talk to Etoile. Cornet and Kururu will sing "True Courage." After that, agree with everything Etoile says. Now go through the next door for a dungeon. Enemies in this Area: Tick Tick Lv.16 HP:89 MP:13 Ctrice Lv.20 HP:141 MP:15 Poishroom Lv.18 HP:79 MP:48 Venom Toad Lv.20 HP:112 MP:15 Now for the dungeon walkthrough. As in all dungeons, this one has it's share of dead ends. Take the first path to the left that you see. Then, take the path up and find the Illustration 4 keep going and you will see a four way split including the path that you came from. Take the path up and the path will split again. Take the east path and you will see another four way split. Take the path to the west first to find an Energy Cocoa. Go back and take the path up. Now the path is split again. Take the east path. This leads to the right heart. Now for a slightly complicated boss fight. Boss Fight Venom Toad 4x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Right Heart Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? This boss is not that hard. It's just that you have to kill it properly otherwise you'll have to go all the way back to Wiggle. Etoile said that you should kill it on the 6th turn so do it. This boss has about 300+ HP so you'd better do enough damage on the first 5 turns for Cornet to kill it with one shot on her 6th turn. If you didn't do it properly, Etoile will scold you after battle and you'll have to go back to Wiggle and convince her to help you again. One thing that you should take note of is that only Cornet can kill this boss properly. That means that you should kill this boss using Cornet on her 6th turn only. If you use any of your puppets to kill it, it won't work. If you did it correctly, Etoile will congratulate you in her own way. Now go back to the three way split path and take the center path to kill the Primary Heart. Boss Fight Queen Bee 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Main Heart Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? This boss is one of the first real bosses in the game. The Queen Bees can do an awful lot of damage. And the heart can actually kill you if you're not careful. If you're a veteran rpg gamer, you shouldn't have any trouble. The only tip I can give here is to hit em with everything you've got. Don't spare the MP or the Rewards and this battle should be pretty easy. (Of course, I'm assuming you didn't escape from a lot of random battles to reach this point in the game, coz if you did, your dead!) After the battle, Etoile will gloat and leave. Now go back to Wiggle. You will find that all the people here have moved to the last train car. Etoile will be gloating some more and telling people how great she is while making you look like a coward. The worm will crash and most of the people will be unconcscious. Etoile will gloat some more. Get out of the car through the door to the left. Now you're in a completely different area. You can take the left path which leads to the entrance to the Inotium Mines and an Exit to the World Map. The right path leads to the ruins underneath Oasis. I'd advise you to get the treasures from the ruins first. Ruins Enemies in this area (Same as enemies in Worm Area) You should have healed yourself by now. When you encounter the first split, take the right path first and follow it to get an Elixir Cocoa. Go back and take the upper path you will notice some stairs here. Don't take the stairs yet. Keep following the path until you encounter another split. Take the right path to get the Illustration 2. Now go back and take the stairs. When you encounter another split, take the upper path and get the Reality. If you want to hear some Atlus USA sounds go back to the split path and take the right path to find some Atlus USA chests. Now go back to the split and take the path down, which leads to some stairs leading down. When you see another fork take the path up and keep going until you see another split. Take the right path which leads to some stairs. The path should connect to the ruins in Oasis. When you exit Oasis, you will see a new area the Inotium Mines. II-14. Inotium Mines Enemies in this area (Same as enemies in Worm Area except for Bonedaddy) Bonedaddy Lv.20 HP:141 MP:56 When you encounter the first fork, take the path to the east first until you reach a treasure box with 2300 Inotium. Go back and go straight north. When you see another split, go north and get the Illustration 11. Go back and go west. Take the stairs. Follow the path until you see another split. Go south and follow that path. You will see a treasure box with 2500 Inotium along the road. On the next fork, take the path to the west, then you will see another split, go north this time and get the Warrior's Charm. Now go back and take the southern path. You will see some more stairs. Keep following that path until you see a cutscene. You will see lots and lots of Inotium and Kururu will get really greedy. If you don't believe me, save your game and try saying yes when she tells you to grab the Inotium. Quote:"Yes! Yes! Yes! Mine! Mine! Mine!"-Kururu If you want to fight another useless battle, say yes when Kururu tells you to grab some Inotium. Boss Fight Chimera Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? Ctrice Lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? You will get the WindStone after the battle. If you say no to Kururu, you will still get the WindStone and you won't have to fight the Chimera. It all depends on you though. Now exit the mines using a teleporter or you can just walk all the way back and maybe gain some more experience points. II-15. Whitesnow Items in this area: 932 inotium, Healing Candy, 265 inotium, Medi Cocoa, Strawberry Kiss Ok now you're back on the world map. Go to Whitesnow. Now talk to all the people here and grab all the items. Talk to the snowman that looks like a penguin to get the third egg brother Billy. There's a little kid here describing Crowdia flying through the forest and hitting a tree face first because she was showing off. Enough of that, now exit the town. II-16. The Tower of Ninetail. Enemies in this area: Whitewind Lv.16 HP:89 MP:45 Werewolf Lv.16 HP:89 MP:13 Met. Jelly Lv.30 HP:355 MP:120 Just keep going as far as you can in this area and you should see some unconscious guy blocking your path soon. Kururu thinks he's dead but you think otherwise and take him back to Whitesnow. Back in Whitesnow, you learn that his name is Albert and he wants to cure his mother of Ninetail fever by visiting the guardian on top of the tower. After you regain control, talk to the guy who was scolding him in the cutscene and he will ask your help in climbing the mountain. (that's a mountain?) After you agree, go back to the tower of Ninetail. The master and Albert will sing Mountain Men before you enter the tower. Now to traverse into the unknown!(which consists mostly of already used backgrounds with a different hue.) Once you encounter the first fork, take the path to the right and take the stairs up. On the next split, take the northern path first to get a Cat's Paw, then go back and take the south path for some more stairs. In this floor, keep going left, until you can't anymore, then go up and ignore any of the other paths you see. Keep going up until you see a treasure box there is an Elixir Ball inside. Now go back down to the first floor where you saw the first split path. Go north and just keep following the path until you see another split. Take the south path first to get ab Elixir Candy and take the left path and go upstairs. On this floor, take the north path when you see your first split and go upstairs. When you see the split, take the west path and go upstairs. This floor has only one path, go upstairs some more. Take the left path on the first split and keep following it. On the next split, take the south path first and remember this area, you will need to come back later. Follow the path and go upstairs. When you see a 4-way split, get the Elixir Cocoa from the right path and the Illustration 13 from the upper path. The path to the left leads to another split. The north path leads to some stairs with a Robes of Healing treasure. The south path leads to another puppet who asks you if you are a descendant of Mustaki, Chiba, beat him up with some more of Sharte's devastating magic and talk to him Boss Fight Chiba lv.?? HP:???? MP:??? after the battle to get him to join you.(Is it just me or are all the bosses in this game total pushovers?) Now go downstairs two levels go back to the split path that I told you to remember and take the left path and go upstairs. The next floor has only one path. Go upstairs again. This floor has one path too go upstairs again. Save your game if you need to now. When you see the fork, take the north path, The Master and Albert will walk through a wall. Now there is a cutscene here about the Nahshing and you are pressured to make an emotionally mature decision. Nah! Ok so whaddaya wanna do now? You can kill the guardian, cure Albert's Mother and get bullied by Crowdia, the master and everyone in Whitesnow. You get the Thunderstone too. If you choose not to kill the guardian, you'll have to fight Gao, who arrives to spoil things. The guardian will be in your party during the battle. Gao runs away after the battle and you get the Holystone. You'll also have to exit the tower yourself. (No idea what makes the difference whether you get the thunder of holystone here.) Orange Village You will learn that Koro died here from the kid in the top-left house. Go to the graveyard near the church. See the small grave near the orange tree? Search it and you will get the puppet Koro. Head over to Bluecat. Bluecat Go inside the fish restaurant in here and talk to the two women on the second table to the right. They are Whitewhale pirates. One of them, a woman named Karen, will ask you to get a ring from the ruins of their old ship. Now go to the house to the house with the dungeon inside. It's the house to the left of the store. When you reach the dungeon, just keep going north. You will eventually reach the pirate ship that the people of Bluecat we're talking about. Talk to the guy guarding the entrance. He'll make a move on Cornet (That's you.) but he backs off when you mention Karen's name. II-17. Whitewhale Now that you're inside the ship, time to get all the items here. (Notice that Cornet gets really annoyed at all the pictures with a girl in it inside most of the cabins of the ship.) Go downstairs. Go to the 1st room to the left, the captain is in here. The now go outside. Inside the 1st room to the right, there is a picture of Karen and a Healing Candy in the drawer. Takroff's journal is here. Go to the 2nd room to the left. There is Medi Cocoa in the drawer. Go to the 2nd room to the right. There is 154 inotium in the cardboard box. The third room to the right: There is 671 inotium in the drawer. Go downstairs there is a Healing Ball inside the 1st barrel to the top-left.. inside the left room is a Strawberry Kiss in a paper box. Starting from the bottom of the screen, inside the 1st room to the right there is 321 inotium in the drawer. Go to the top- center room. There will be a cutscene between the Captain, Takroff and Libinsky's ghost will appear and teleport you to the ruins of their old ship Whalebuster. II-18. Sunken Ship (Whalebuster) Enemies in this area: Boneman Lv.18 HP:79 MP:59 Arill Lv.19 HP:130 MP:17 Ghost Lv.20 HP:106 MP:65 Takroff and the captain will run off and you will be left alone. Talk to the puppet inside the room and it will tell you taht the rare ring is on the table. Get the Healing Candy from the treasure box and the Sanity Gummi from the paper box. Go to the table and read the journal. You will soon get the ring. Keep on reading till the end of the journal. Now go outside. You will notice a goddess statue here. Talk to it if you need to. Get 120 Inotium inside the bottom barrel. Now starting from the top of the screen. First room left: Gao has somehow found her way inside this place. It seems that she swam all the way here. Anyway, she'll take off after bragging a little. Get the fighter's charm from the treasure box and the energy candy from the wooden boxes. 2nd room right: (Directly below the room that you came in originally.) You will find an example of the wierd sense of humor of the translators here. 2nd room left: More examples of tbe wierdness of the translators.
Last room right: Para Ball in the treasure box. 212 inotium in a paper box.
Last room left: Antidote Chips in the treasure box. Medi Candy from the table.

Go downstairs starting from the bottom
First room left: Medi Candy in Treasure Box. Energy Candy on the table.
First room right: Elixir Candy from wooden box
2nd room right: Illustration 8, 96 inotium from paper box

When you're done, head to the center room. Libinsky's ghost will show up but
something tries to take him away. Boss battle time!

Boss Fight
Boss Painting Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???
Boneman 4x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???

Another pushover down the drain. After the battle, Libinsky's ghost will be at
rest because Takroff lets go of his guilt. The screen goes white and you're back
in the Whitewhale. The captain shows the Waterstone to prove that it wasn't a
dream. You will be given the Waterstone. Now exit the room and go back to get
278 inotium from the barrel and the Healing Ball from the jar with papers
stuffed inside. Get an Elixir Candy from the wooden shelf to the top right. Exit
the ship. Gao will be on the deck and will want to take the Waterstone. Take her
out instead.

Boss Fight
Gao Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???
Beast 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???

This will be an easy win cause Gao is supposedly still tired from swimming all
the way here. She'll swim away again after the battle. You are now back to the
underground path in Bluecat. go back to the restaurant and talk to Karen. Talk
to some of the patrons here to learn that the Whitewhales are going to Kerokero
and the Earthstone is there.

Orange Village
Check your mail and you will get the Nightspawn puppet. Go to the house of
Koro's owner to find out that he is sick and the Wiseman knows the cure.
(They'te talking about Polansky of course.)

Tower of Wisdom
Talk to Polansky and he will tell you to go to Ice Temple and get the Snow Herb.

Ice Temple
Go up on the first split and right on the next split. Keep going right until you
reach the stairs and take them. Go left on the first fork here and follow the
path. You will encounter some stairs here. The snow herb is at the end of this
path. Now retrace your steps or use a teleporter and go back to Orange. Give the
Snow Herb to Alfred and he will be healed. Hooray! :D

II-19. Kerokero
Items in this village: Strawberry Kiss, 154 Inotium, Energy Candy 2x, 12 Inotium

Go to Bluecat and straight to the entrance to the Whitewhale. Talk to the guy by
the entrance and he will take you to Kerokero. The Melody Square earns you 154
inotium. When you're done in this village, talk to the green frog guarding the
sign and he will tell you that Bubu and Bebe are ahead and will eat you. Tell
him that you have no regrets and he'll think you're suicidal and will let you
through and wish you joy in heaven.

Quote/s:"Ewww!! Look at this, Cornet! It looks like someone was using this pond
as a bathroom or somethin!"-Kururu
"Must've been a figmentation of my imagination..."-Kururu

Boss Fight
Bubu 3x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???
Bebe Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???

II-20. Frogroad
Enemies in this area:
Igalga Lv.20 HP:91 MP:65
Siren Lv.22 HP:159 MP:72
Silph: Lv.20 HP:94 MP:58

When you've mutilated these guys proceed to the cave. Go up on the first split
and left on the next for Illustration 9. Go back to the first split and go left.
On the next split go down and follow the path. You will  encounter a few stairs
now and then but the path is straight. When you encounter a split go up until
you get the treasure box with Sonic Shoes. Now go back to the split and go left
you will see some frogs guarding the path ahead. They will take you to Frogburg

Frogburg Castle
Items in this area:
Energy Candy, Antidote Chips, Elixir Candy, Strawberry Kiss, 623 inotium, 746
inotium, Para Ball, Medi Cocoa 2x, Sanity Gummi

The King is happy that you killed Bubu and Bebe and will reward you with a
banquet. The first dish is Mosquito soup and the main course is Dancing flies.
Cornet won't touch them no matter which options you choose. Sometime during the
banquet. Some frogs will entertain you by singing the ___- song. Notice that one
of the frogs is blue in color. This is Michael, princess Caroline's lover. The
king will ask you to play your horn too after the song. It doesn't matter if you
choose to play it or not. When you are in control of Cornet, get all the items
from this castle first. When you're done go down to the place before the
entrance and go to the left room. Talk to Portgama here. Now go back to the main
hall. Micheal will be caught trying to sneak into the castle. The queen and the
princess intervene and someone suggests that Micheal should get the Earthstone.
Being the heroine of this game, the princess asks you to help him. You need to
agree or you will never finish this game.

II-21. Temple of Gama
Enemies in this area:
Igalga Lv.20 HP:91 MP:65
Siren Lv.22 HP:159 MP:72
Siren Lv.23 HP:161 MP:75
Silph: Lv.20 HP:94 MP:58
Griffin Lv.18 HP:123 MP:14
Firegolem Lv.22

When you exit the castle the Temple of Gama will be available on the world map
so go there. Inside the first floor go up on the first split. On the next split
go left until you get the Energy candy. Then go right until you get the
illustration 6. Go back to the center and go north until you reach the stairs.
Go downstairs. This floor is mapped out like the first one. leftmost part
contains another puppet who wants to kill you for being Mustaki's descendant
Albatross. The rightmost part contains a medi cocoa. Just before the Centaur's
room is a room with pillars, to the left is an Elixir Ball. North is the
Centaur's room.

Boss Fight
Centaur Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???
Venomtoad 2x Lv.?? HP:???? MP:???

This guy has a lot more HP than previous bosses but is still a wimp, so no
troubles with him. You get the Earthstone after the battle. Check the left vase
after the battle for a Medi Cocoa. Go back to frogburg castle. Michael will show
the Earthstone and the king will allow him to marry princess Caroline, but he
still has to pay for his crimes of breaking into the castle and Killing the
guardian the Centaur, so he gets skewered permanently. One of the soldiers will
give you the Earthstone after the execution. Go to Kerokero to learn that
princess Caroline has split and went to Ice Temple.

Ice Temple
Go up on the first split and right on the next split. Keep going right until you
reach the stairs and take them. Go right on the first fork and you will reach a
small grave. Talk to it and the frogs will join your party.

Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!! Warning!!!

Kururu will be left behind permanently and you will be unable to complete some
sidequests after the event in the Tower of Wisdom so you should complete all the
sidequests now.

Flare's Quest: Go to Salsa Volcano where you originally found him. You will
fight three easy boss battles. Flare finds his parents after the battle.

The Egg Brothers' Quest: Talk to the tailor in Mothergreen. His assistant has
been frozen in time because of the egg of the Chimera that he found inside the
Ancient Forest. Go to the Ancient forest and put the three egg brothers in your
party. Go to the teleporter (Refer to section 11-4.) and take the path up. You
will fight the Chimera. The three brothers will ask to stay behind as the new
guardians after the battle.

Sharte and Terra's Quest: Keep them both in your party and let them reach level

Caroline and Michael's Quest: Keep them both in your party and let them reach
level 30. After you're done with this quest, Go to Kerokero to see the
reincarnation of Michael. Caroline is reicnarnated as a human being in
Mothergreen. Strangely, Frogburg castle becomes deserted after this quest. (The
Centaur ate them all???)

A good place to gain levels is inside the Tower of Ninetail. There's a slime
enemy over there that gives about 3000+ exp.

Tower of Wisdom
Myao will be waiting to ambush you here. You will fight for awhile and you can't
really damage her. After a few turns you will pass out and Kururu will transform
into an angel to protect you. Etoile in the background will witness this. Go and
talk to Polansky. He'll tell you that the 5 stones aren't enough to break the
spell. Cornet will be really ticked off upon hearing this and will slap him
good. You learn that the stones are only for transporting you to Marjoly's place
Beauty Castle. To undo the spell on the prince you need true love by planting a
big one on him.

Quote:"Cornet and Ferdinand sittin' in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"-Kururu

Kururu will suddenly pass out and Polansky says she has a fever. Etoile will
show up and tell you what she saw before. Polansky will allow you to journey
into Kururu's dreams.

II-22. Orange?
Enemies in Secret Entrance
Minidark Lv. 26 HP:147 MP:78
Ghosty Lv.24 HP:111 MP:83

No need for a spoiler from me here. This is the climax of the story so you can
handle it from here. There's a boss fight somewhere here and Cherie's version of
"Let's Go On" is sung here. Remember to get the Healing Candy inside the top-
left house, the Para Ball from the bottom-left house and 21 inotium to the side
of the bottom-right house. There's another 21 inotium somewhere here but I
forgot the exact location, you can probably find it yourself anyway.

11-23. Netherworld (Optional Sidequest)

After the dream sequence, Polansky will give you the Key to the Netherworld.
Kururu will stay behind this time. Time to finish the last sidequests of the
game. Go to the underground path in Orange Village to the exact same place you
saw in your dreams. You will now be able to go through this place for for
another dungeon.

Enemies in this area:
Ghosty Lv.24 HP:111 MP:83
IronGolem Lv.27 HP:123 MP:99
Royalbee Lv.30 HP:213 MP:125
Chimera Lv.23 HP:168 MP:16
Behemoth Lv.32 HP:229 MP:124

The path splits three ways so take the north path. You will see some stairs,
these stairs go on for 19 floors down. It's a pretty straight path and the left
and right paths are mostly dead ends except... on the third floor down there's
an Illustration 10 to the right. 6th floor down is a Charm of Valor to the left.
9th floor down is Illustration 15 to the right. 11th floor down    is
illustration 3 to the left. 14th floor down is a magic robes to the left. 18th
floor down is a Darkstone to the right. On the 19th floor go north two screens
and Ledgem's sidequest will be complete. On the 2nd four-way split you encounter
on this floor, the right path leads to a teleporter which will take you right
back to the 1st floor. The path up leads to the Ancient Weapon which seems to be
broken, but put Duke, Chiba and Albatross in your party and it will come alive
and you will have to fight it.

Boss Battle
Ancient Weapon: Stats ??????

This guy will be tough to beat especially if you haven't been using any of these
three puppets in battle. However, if Cornet's level is 50+ there is a way to
beat him without even using any healing items. The Ancient Weapon has two types
of attacks (Well...as far as I've fought him anyway.) His first attack is a
minimum damage close-range laser beam and the other is a magic attack that hits
you all for about 120 hp damage. If you're puppets are at level 1, they'll be
fried with this attack. So, in order to avoid this, at the start of the battle,
get Cornet as close to him as possible. Now when you're in close range with him,
he will most likely use his weak laser attack on you which almost always misses
(it does about 48-60 damage if it does hit) Just let your other puppets stay put
and literally blow in his ear till he dies hehehe.
After the battle, the Mustaki hating puppets will tell you the reason why they
hate Mustaki and thank you for letting them fulfill their destiny which was to
defeat the Ancient Weapon. Now that that's done with, no more loose ends. On to
the final battle!!!

11-24. Beauty Castle
To reach this place first go to Cape hope. You will need to fight against some
mini bosses. When you defeat them, walk up to the altar and press the action
button to place the stones that you acquired on the altars.

         FireDrgn EarthDrgn WindDrgn   (Depends on your choice in section 11-
    IceDrgn | |     | |       | |  WhiteDrgn or ThunderDrgn
       | |  | |     | |       | |    | |
       \ \  | |     | |      / /    / /
        \ \  \ \    | |     / /    / /
         \ \  \ \   | |    / /    / /

In case you're wondering what the hell that garbled mess above is supposed to
be, (I know I'm not that good with ASCII art.) it's a map of Cape Hope and the
mini-bosses that you will encounter on each altar. You can probably take any of
them down with one or two attacks from any of your regular puppets. (Sheesh!
Does Cornet even need these puppets?) When you're done beating up on these guys
and placing the stones on the altars, go to the center and warp to beauty

Enemies in this area:
Knight Lv.31 HP:223 MP:18
Samurai Lv. 31 HP:223 MP:112
S. Shooter Lv.32 HP:183 MP:124
Sniper Lv. 31 HP:178 MP:112
Shogun Lv. 32 HP:306 MP:124
Icedrgn Lv. 35 MP:237 MP:159
S. Knight Lv. 33 HP:229 MP:152

When you first enter beauty castle, you will see the usual four way split path
found in many dungeons in the game. Proceed to the right path and go upstairs
first. Keep moving until you see another fork, go north and you will soon see
another split, go left for Illustration 14. Now go back and keep going right
until you can't go right anymore, keep moving south until you see some stairs.
On this floor keep following the path and turn left on the first split and up on
the next fork for a Genius Cap. Now retrace your steps all the way back to the
first floor. This time, take the upper path (north) and go upstairs. On this
floor you will see another split go to the left and to the left again when you
see another split for an Elixir Cocoa. Return and keep moving north and
following the path until you see another split path. Go north and upstairs
again. On this floor when you see a split go right and on the next split go
south. You will see some Energy Candy along the path. On the next split go south
and get 5000 Inotium. Go back to the last split that you saw and go right until
you see some stairs. Take the stairs and keep moving south for a Dragon's Claw.
Now go back downstairs and keep moving left. You will pass by a room where there
is a machine that resembles the Ancient Weapon. Keep going left and take the
stairs when you see them. On this floor just keep moving south and go downstairs
when you can. This floor has only one path which will lead you upstairs again.
On this floor, when you see the fork, go north and keep going north.

Now you have reached the final battle.... Apply all the skills that you've
learned here. (Not much actually.) Pound em with everything you've got, you can
do it!!! You will first fight the Marjoly Family, then the Ancient Weapon and an
upgraded version of the ancient weapon. Talk to the statue of Marjoly or to the
stoned prince Ferdinand to recover your HP/MP if you need to.

Congratulations! You have finished this game. My time was 19:00:44 with Cornet
at level 71, but you can probably finish this game within 8 hours. I spent quite
a lot of time leaving the game on while I was typing stuff for this walkthrough.

III. Secrets/Extras

Here are some challenges for you:
Beat the game without equipping any accesories or using any items.
Beat the game without using any magic, rewards or your horn power up.
Beat the game without using a walkthrough (Hehehe just kidding. But actually,
this challenge is for my friend Jowy who is walkthrough dependent when playing

Sometime in the game, there is a guy in Mothergreen who asks you if Etoile is
doing well. When you say yes, he will disappear after you leave the area and be
in Oasis. Does anyone know what is the purpose of this?

Polanski or Polansky?
Some guy in Orange Village calls him Polanski but Kururu calls him Polansky? So
what's his real name? Then again, what's in name?

Death of The Frog Kingdom
After you've finished Michael and Caroline's sidequest, go to Frogburg Castle
and it will be completely deserted. You will find Michael's reincarnation in
Kerokero and one of the villagers will tell you that the king died of a
mysterious illness. Caroline has also been reincarnated as a human being in the
2nd house to the right when you enter Mothergreen.

Something funny about the heart boss
Remember that right heart boss on the wormtrain that you had to kill on the 6th
turn? I used Sharte, Tell and Duke on this battle. On the first turn, I had
Sharte cast holy to get rid of his sidekicks. and I had all the other characters
defend or end their turn. Now I'm sure I counted right, so on Cornet's 6th turn
I used her Pancake reward and that took care of the heart. After the battle,
Etoile arrived and asked what I was doing. Then Cornet, said something like "Hey
you! Yeah You! The one with the controller in your hand. Did you make me mess
This got me a little bit curious so I reloaded the file and tried again, using
Cornet's Pancake attack on the 6th turn. Again, I got the same results. This
time I went all the way back to the train and had Etoile help me again. When I
fought the heart boss again, I used an ordinary attack by Cornet to beat him on
the 6th turn and everything went normally after that. So what's up with that? Is
it some sort of bug or another result of the translators' wierd sense of humor?
Maybe they're hinting that there's some sort of secret to the heart boss. (Nah!)

IV.	Item List
Well…here is the item list. This is the last version of this walkthrough and I
know this isn't a complete list but items are really useless in this game
anyway. I never used em even once.

Item Name-------------Price

Antidote Ball---------200
Antidote Chips--------100
Cat's Paw-------------500
Dragon's Claw---------10000
Elixir Ball-----------2000
Elixer Candy----------800
Elixir Cocoa----------1000
Energy Candy----------400
Energy Cocoa----------800
Fighter's Charm-------400
Genius Cap------------12000
Heal Cocoa------------20
Healing Ball----------200
Healing Candy---------10
Hero's Charm----------10000
Medi Candy------------100
Medi Cocoa------------200
Para Ball-------------200
Para Gum--------------100
Rabbit Pie------------150
Sanity Gummi----------200
Smart Cap-------------2800
Strawberry Kiss-------150
Thinking Cap----------800
Wake Ball-------------150
Wake Candy------------30
Warrior's Charm-------2000

V.	Terms of Use
Ok now for the boring legal stuff. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced
for commercial use that includes printing or publishing in books and magazines
or other similar forms of media. This walkthrough is free for non-commercial
use. Feel free to post this walkthrough on your site without my permission
although I would appreciate a link back to http://radical-dreamers2002.cjb.net
or an e-mail to lordcloudx@fastmail.fm telling me that you plan to post this
walkthrough on your site. I am not making a profit from making this walkthrough
and I invested a lot of time typing this stuff up so I don't want some joker
taking credit for this. Thus, if you violate any of these terms, you shall be
subject to Philippine and International copyright laws. This walkthrough is
copyrighted by "Radical Dreamers 2002"

VI.	Credits/Disclaimer
Credits for writing this walkthrough go to me! me! me! Cloud^ (Not my real name
"Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure English Version" by Atlus.
And thanks to CjayC for hosting my first (this one) faq.
And also to rpgclassics.com for hosting my walkthrough