Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure FAQ / Walkthrough v.2.0 by Sailor Bacon 13 March 2001 http://www.AnimeLyrics.com/ ------------------------------------------------ Warning: Please do not post this FAQ without my permission. Please do not email me asking me to send you updates because I've got better things to do with my life. Do NOT use this FAQ for any profit making use at all, this is MY work, not yours. If you post this FAQ it cannot be altered in any way and cannot be displayed alongside any types of advertisements. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure is copyright Atlus. This FAQ is copyright Allen "Sailor Bacon" Tyner The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ ************************************************ Revision History ************************************************ v.2.0 Added the section about the Heart boss. Also added quests for all the puppets except for DarkKnight. Fixed a lot of errors. Added a few enemy puppets. v.1.2 Reiterated in several places how to get to Oasis. v.1.1 Reconstructed the walkthrough for easier usage, added Seiyuu section, updated Puppet List info. v.1.0 Completed walkthrough, completed monsters section, completed magic and technique lists, updated most other sections. FAQ is out of Beta stage. v.0.5b Added Original Game Soundtrack section, added Monsters section, updated most sections. v.0.2b Added Tell side quest near beginning of the walkthrough. Updated all sections of the FAQ. v.0.1b Um... everything. Rough draft form. Things will change. ************************************************ Table of Contents ************************************************ -Controls -Characters -Battle -Walkthrough -HOW DO I FIND OASIS??!!11//?!?11??! -HOW DO I BEAT THE HEART BOSS??!!11//?!?11??1 -Puppet List / Enemy Puppets -Magic List -Reward List -Items List -Accessory List -Monsters / Foes List -Illustration Gallery -Music Gallery -Original Game Soundtrack -Seiyuu -Lyrics ************************************************ Controls ************************************************ D-pad or analog: Same as any other game.... X Button: Basic action button, scroll through menus, etc. O Button: Display menu screen. Triangle Button: Cancel button, exit menus, etc. Hold down to run Square Button: Display grid in battles L1,2 & R1,2: Move cursor quicker Start Button: Pause game. Hold L1, R1, Select then press Start for a soft reset. ************************************************ Characters ************************************************ Information taken from the Rhapsody instruction manual except for my little added commentary. -Name: Cornet Espoire Sex: Female Age: 16 years old Height: 5'0" Weight: 100 lbs. Occupation: Puppeteer Personality: An outgoing and overly cheerful girl who is well liked by the people in her town. She can get very emotional sometimes. Just like the other girls of the age, she longs for passionate love. Kururu sometimes gets angry with her since she always has her head in the clouds. Hobby: Singing, playing the horn and cooking. Favorite Food: Fruits Dislikes: Toads -Name: Kururu Sex: ? Age: ? Height: 1'0" Weight: ? Occupation: Puppet (Watching over Cornet...?) Personality: A little fairy puppet that is very curious about everything. Wherever there's trouble, Kururu's usually not far behind. She's Cornet's best friend, and can understand Cornet better than anybody else. Hobby: Mocking Cornet Favorite Food: Cherries Dislikes: Anything sour -Name: Ferdinand Marl E. Sex: Male Age: 17 years old Height: 5'6" Weight: 135 lbs. Occupation: Prince of Marl's Kingdom The letter "E" in his name represents that he is the genuine heir to the 20th throne of the King of Marl's Kingdom Personality: Adventurous, intelligent, elegant, kind, and good-looking too! He often sneaks out into the woods to go hunting, or visits the town to socialize with the locals. He lost his father 2 years ago in a horrible fishing accident, and his mother, Siegrind, rules the kingdom right now. Once he turns 18 and gets married, he will become the next King. Hobby: Hunting and practicing his swordsmanship Favorite Food: Fresh water fish dishes and fruits Dislikes: Formality, Rules and manners -Name: Etoile Rosenqueen Sex: Female Age: 16 years old Height: 5'2" Weight: 90 lbs. Occupation: The daughter of the richest family in town. Personality: Arrogant and snobbish. She has been a rival of Cornet since they were children. She makes it a point to make sarcastic remarks to Cornet when she has a chance. Hobby: Dressing up, boasting, and being the center of attention. Likes: Victory, money Dislikes: Losing, Poverty -Name: Marjoly Sex: Female Age: 20 years old or so she says... Height: 5'6" Weight: 110 lbs. Occupation: Witch Personality: The most beautiful witch in the world. (Self proclaimed) A very sexy witch with powerful magic. Due to her clumsiness, she isn't your typical psychotic megalomaniac bent on ruling the world. Hobby: Looking in the mirror, and taking care of her skin. Laughing loud. Likes: Pretty Boys Dislikes: Ugly men -Name: Crowdia Sex: Female Age: ? Height: 5'7" Weight: 110 lbs. Occupation: Marjoly's follower Personality: Crowdia has a pretty face but she is very narcissistic. She can fly around using her beautiful black wings. She is an excellent swordsman... err I mean swordswoman. Hobby: Reading. Taking care of birds and plants. Reading poems. Likes: Anything that's beautiful, Caesar Salad and Marjoly Dislikes: Anything greasy -Name: Gao Sex: Female Age: ? Height: 5'8" Weight: Marjoly's follower Personality: A passionate fighter who's built like a man. Her personality is like that of a man, as well. For all intents and purposes, she might as well be a man. She's always optimistic about everything, and doesn't let trivial things bother her. She possesses the strength to defeat a dragon with her bare hands. Hobby: Martial Arts, Eating, Sleeping and Playing Likes: Meat, drinking, Marjoly Dislikes: Thinking, dealing with trivial things, and vegetables -Name: Myao Sex: Female Age: ? Height: 4'5" Weight: 76.5 lbs. Occupation: Marjoly's follower Personality: Selfish and easygoing. She appears to be a small child with a personality to match. She can use powerful magic to summon a dragon. Hobby: Keeping a pet dragon Likes: Fish, sweets, Marjoly Dislikes: Green peppers, onions and carrots ************************************************ Battle ************************************************ -The Basics In battle, your character stand in one area of the screen opposite of the opponent(s). You have to physically move your characters around the map a la Final Fantasy Tactics to get in the proper position to attack the enemy or heal your teammate. When you select Move, you'll see a series of squares pop up that show where you can possibly move to. The same squares will also show you where you can attack or use magic, etc. -Using Cornet Using Cornet is a little different than controlling your other characters. You will see a musical score in the top right of the screen when she is the active character. In order to fill this score, you must play your horn for your puppets. They in return show their appreciation and add one note to your musical score. When it is full, you'll get one level filled up and be able to fill it anew. Filling up levels allows you to use Rewards, which are Cornet's magic spells. Cornet also has the ability to run from a fight using Escape. -Using other characters The other characters are able to use their magic spells freely as long as they have enough MP to do so. (Note: In battle, if you can't think of an appropriate strategy for one or more of your characters, press the O Button during their turn to have the computer perform an action for you) -Leveling up After battle, you gain Experience and Inotium. After a certain amount of experience, your characters will gain a level. Most stats increase and the character can learn new magic or abilities. Also, as Cornet raises levels her Horn skill becomes more and more powerful. In addition to normal leveling up, every time one of your characters defeats an enemy their Skill Level goes up by 1. After a certain number of points the overall skill of the character goes up and that character will get critical hits more often. -The Elements The characters of Marl's Kingdom all have a different element associated with them. When a character of a certain element attacks a character of an opposing element, the damage increases. Of the seven elements, six of them have an opposing force. See the list below: Dark <-> Holy Fire <-> Water Wind <-> Earth Thunder -Status Ailments Not unlike every other RPG known to man, Rhapsody has various status ailments that you have to put up with. The following is a list of status ailments and their treatment: Confused: Your character will attack anything or anyone and is our of your control. Cure this with SanityGummi or the magic spell Real. Paralyzed: Your character cannot move or attack. This eventually wares off but can be cured by ParaGum or Para Balls. Petrified: Your character cannot move or attack until cured. This can be done with StrawberryKiss. Philanthropy: Your character recovers enemies. This eventually wares off from enemy attacks but can also be cured with the Reality item. Poisoned: Causes HP to slowly lower and can put the character to Sleep. Cure this with AntedoteChips, AntedoteBalls, or the magic spell Cure Poison. Sleep: Cannot move your character and they are an easy target for the opponents. Any attack will wake them up. Cure this with WakeCandy or WakeBalls. Turtle: You turn into a turtle and your movement, attack, and agility lower significantly (1 step movement per turn, 1/2 attack and agility) but your defense doubles. This can be removed by RabbitPie. ************************************************ Walkthrough ************************************************ -You start the game dreaming.. dreaming of a prince who comes and saves you from evil monsters. Of course you're immediately in love. Too bad Kururu has to go and wake you up (in a rather humorous scene ^_^). After a little talking Kururu opens the window to reveal the outside world where the title of the game magically floats around. You get dressed during this time. Head downstairs to talk to Grandpa. You'll talk to a puppet named Sharte as well who is looking for her sister Terra. Allow her join your party by playing your horn for her. Then Gramps wants some Red Inotium so be kind and agree to fetch him some. Leave your house and see the outside world. Look in the well for a laugh then head down to get to the main part of town. -This game has lots of random hidden items within any given city. Here is a quick rundown of all the stuff you can steal here. Top left house: 28 Inotium in a pot Bottom left house: 120 Inotium in a barrel Beside the bottom right house: 40 Inotium in a barrel -In the top right building on this screen you'll find an item shop. You can buy the following items there. And note the Monster Master found here as well. HealingCandy....10 MediCandy......100 WakeCandy.......30 AntidoteChips..100 ParaGum........100 HealCocoa.......20 Teleporter.....100 Cat'sPaw.......500 -No real need to buy anything right now. But do equip the two Accessories that you already have in your inventory. Before leaving, note the sign with the musical note on it. This allows you to play your Horn and get tips from nearby pleased listeners. Okay, leave the town and head to the Wonder Woods. -WONDER WOODS: Walk one screen to the left to launch into a scene where Kururu assumes you're thinking of a prince then you're rudely interrupted by some toads, your least favorite thing in the world. She screams then you get to beat them up. After whipping them, Kururu asks if you can stop to eat. Yup, fighting one battle really takes the energy right out of you! Well, stop to eat then Kururu asks you to sing her favorite song to her. Agree to launch into "Let's Go On" in whichever language you'd prefer. You wonder about your parents then you're free to continue playing. Run left a few screens then follow the path up and to the left some more. Head left at the fork to get to the area with the Red Inotium. You'll find some then suddenly three cats come out along with Myao, their leader. She wants your inotium for Marjoly. That's too bad, isn't it? After you rib her a few times she'll get her cats to attack you. After beating the mess out of them, Myao gets mad at you and summons her "super-dee-duper" dragon. Kururu gets frightened but luckily you're saved by the heroic Ferdinand. After they leave Ferdinand introduces himself and you are dumbfounded, unable to speak at all. -ORANGE VILLAGE: Back at the house, you can only sigh at your missed opportunity. Kururu decides that you should go after Ferdinand and offers you advice (such as "Guys can't resist a little leg...") It's off to search around for more info on the Prince. Leave town and head for Mothergreen. -MOTHERGREEN: Let's nab some hidden stuff first, okay? Bottom right house: 56 Inotium in the chest drawer Adjoining house: WakeCandy in the potted flowers By the "Restaurant on the Lake": 35 Inotium in a crate In Restaurant: WakeCandy in a barrel Upper left house: MediCocoa in the chest drawer Adjoining house: MediCandy in the pot, AntidoteChips in a box House right by the north exit: MediCocoa in the pot by the fireplace. Next screen up: 84 Inotium on a barrel In the castle: Go through the doors and go left then up for a ParaBall in a barrel and 190 Inotium in the deadend room. Leave and go all the way to the right and up for an EnergyCocoa in a barrel and a HealingBall in a pot in the room with the goofy Atlus USA treasure chest. Make your way back to the main room and climb the stairs and head right. In the next room go right again. In the first door at the top you'll find 301 Inotium in a vase. In the next room you'll find HealingCandy in a vase. The third room has a ParaBall in the bottom left flower thing. Okay, you're good to go now. Make your way back to the first screen of town. -The first shop in town is in the bottom left corner of the first screen. It has the following: HealingBall....200 WakeBall.......150 AntidoteBall...200 ParaBall.......200 SanityGummi....100 MediCocoa......200 EnergyCocoa....800 ElixirCocoa...1000 GeniusCap....12000 -The building beside the Restaurant is the second shop: HealingCandy......10 MediCandy........100 EnergyCandy......400 ElixirCandy......800 WakeCandy.........30 AntidoteChips....100 ParaBall.........200 HealCocoa.........20 MediCocoa........200 Teleporter.......100 Warrior'sCharm..2000 ThinkingCap......800 -Shop to your heart's extent. Go to the far left building and talk to the lady with the egg creature. Acquire it and leave for an unpleasant surprise. The name of this gnarly egg is Kid, one of 3 egg brothers. If we're lucky we won't find the other two... Let him join as much as you probably don't want him to. Go to the house by the north exit and talk to one of the girls to join the Prince Ferdinand fan club. Head to the restaurant and talk to the girl on the left at the table of three to learn that Prince Ferdinand likes the Bobos fish that you can catch at Natalie River in the Wonder Woods. It's a clue!!!! Leave and you'll decide to go check it out. Oh, and you say the coolest line ever here ("Aye, aye, Captain Crunch!"). Unfortunately you'll bump into the ever annoying Etoile. After exchanging potshots, feel free to leave the town. -WONDER WOODS: Follow the signs to the Natalie River. Time to catch some Bobos! They practically throw themselves at you so you get to beat them up. Yay! Beat them and have a run-in with Myao's cats. Beat up a whole bunch of them. You suddenly start to hate cats (hey, it's understandable..) then it's time to leave with your winnings. But first, let's make a little pit stop at the Cave in the Woods. It's by the entrance to the Wonder Woods. Enter the cave and go down to get 100 Inotium. Walk up three screens and follow the path around for Illustration1. Go back and take the left path then do down. Follow the path around to find Tell, the second egg guy, and some HealingCandy. You've got everything from here you need. -ORANGE VILLAGE: Return to your house to cook up your Bobos. Cooking is fun for you as you're just full of song! Orange Fish is your final masterpiece. Kururu gives it the thumbs up. Good job Iron Chef Cornet-san! You gotta get your masterpiece to the prince though which will require a plan. Luckily (or is it unluckily?) Kururu has a plan. Head to the church where the morbid Kururu opens up a grave for you to enter. -In the Ruins, follow the path until you reach the path to the castle. That was a little too easy... but it's locked... d'oh! Head up then to the right for some HealCocoa then left. You'll hit a door with a switch. Kururu will trigger it at the cost of summoning enemies w/o warning. After an appropriate slap to Kururu with your tessen, whip the enemies then enter the open door. Something smells funny about this though.... no really, something stinks. Bad. Kururu earns another smack for trying to say you made the stench then you realize you arrived through a toilet (how exactly that happened I'd like to know). Of course, you end up in the men's room whilst it's occupied. And by Minister Golonzo of all the people. After dealing with his advances in a rather odd way you'll have to fight some BoneBoys. After winning it's back into the toilet you go as you make a hasty retreat. That just ruined everything... -The Next Day. Talk to Gramps to learn that your fan club newsletter came. YES! Head to the mailbox outside to read it. You'll learn about a contest that could very well determine who will marry the prince. Go to the church to recover HP and MP if you need to then head to Mothergreen. -MOTHERGREEN: Head to the house where you signed up for the newsletter and talk to the lady at the front of the line to sign up for the contest. Let's read the rules.... WEAR A DRESS THAT MAKES YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL... guess we have a new quest now. And look who decides to show up? Etoile! After she lays the smackdown on you a little bit she informs you that she bought every dress in town. Kururu suggests wearing your underwear on the outside of your clothes and earns yet another smack. You decide to go check the next door store. Not the item store, the other next door place where the tailor lives. He asks if you'd like a custom dress so of course you say yes. He says he can't do it and suggests going to the Wonder Woods (oh boy, there again...) A theater used to be there so there could be leftovers. Okay, old man.... -WONDER WOODS: Head to the area where you got the Red Inotium. You'll smell something really yummy. Kururu really wants to eat it and if you'll allow her to she'll lead you to the source of the smell. It's an errant house. Enter one of the doors to find out you're in a big maze type place. Kill the enemies and go left. In this room, if you try to go left you won't be able to. Instead, the doll says you should read the sign by the door. Read it to get a cryptic message about salt. You then notice the floor is covered with salt. Time for more "exercise" in killing monsters. Now you can move on to the next room. In there, read the sign to fight yet more monsters. Again, kill them to proceed. Finally you reach the food! Too bad it belongs to a certain group of cats... The big cat wants to tenderize you then eat you in a sandwich (made with much BBQ) I made short work of this fight using a stored up Reward and the Sharte spell Holy. After winning the cats leave and one clumsy cat walks into the wall and knocks over a Myao pic which reveals a secret passage. Get the MediCocoa from the large group of barrels (and look at the mouse in the barrels to the side...), the AntidoteChips from the left vase, and head into the opening. You look for a dress but instead find an L-kun (the gigantic stuffed bear) Kururu for some reason decides you should wear L-kun for the contest and for some reason you agree. After L-kun joins, reenter the room for a MediCocoa then exit this place. On the way out, head down then right near the entrance and talk to the rabbit. It just vanishes... odd. Time to leave. -MOTHERGREEN: Go to the castle and tell the guards that you are a contestant to gain access. Head up the stairs and through the doors. At the thrones you'll find a HealCocoa and the left plant has HealingCandy. Now leave and head right a few screens to get to the room with three doors and a guard. Go right again to get to the arena. The queen says some promising words then a guard explains the judging. Round one judges you on your DRESS, not by cost or beauty but the way you carry yourself in your DRESS. Kururu feels like you're got it made but you're kinda skeptical. Next up is LEADERSHIP, and you have to fight to prove that. No problem. Then the final round is a singing competition. It's all good!! Leave the arena and enter the door on the right to bump into your buddy Etoile. She obviously doesn't get along with her dad and it's mainly about money. Leave and head to the middle room to begin the thing. -Round One, time to put on the L-kun "dress" and see what happens. Watch a random person go then it's Etoile's turn. She does her poses then it's your turn to shine! Well, apparently the crowd doesn't like it... you flop to the ground but definitely get the Prince's attention. You take out your frustrations on Kururu and she gets upset and bolts. Good job... you don't believe her though and go back to the dressing room. Talk to people if you like then leave the room to see Etoile's father trying to get her to open the door. The Queen arrives and rips pops a new one then wonders off. She is pretty smart. Time for round two. -Round Two, leadership. You take on Olivia of RedBerry. After the "ref" tells you not to hit below the belt (er... okay....) the battle starts. This is a pretty easy battle to win. After the win you notice your horn isn't working right and you flip to a flashback where Kururu explains that you have to be nice to your friends for the horn to work. Enter Etoile's dressing room and try to tell her that her father is worried. She slips and says something about your lack of a father. You two get in a pushing match since you both want the other to make up with someone. Finally you decide the loser of the final match has to apologize first. But she's got rocket launchers... that isn't cool. Time to fight again (even though the prince still doesn't quite remember you...) There is no way for you to win this fight so don't waste anything on it. When she wins she finally makes you realize that you need Kururu. When you come to you find Kururu looking after you. Ya'll make up and life is peachy. Time for Round Three. -Round Three, the singing contest. This should be about wrapped up, right? You're all about singing and stuff so you should do great. Both of you decide to make up in your songs. You both sing your versions of "Let's Go On" And the winner is.... both of you! You won!!! Woohoo!!! *shoots off fireworks* And of course it doesn't take long for Etoile to go from caring to uncaring by saying only she should've won. And to top it off, Ferdinand thinks that you're funny. You go girl! But now you'll have to dance with Ferdinand next week wearing that silly L-kun costume. D'oh! -ORANGE VILLAGE: Time flies when it's skipped due to unimportantness. It's one week later and time to go to the party. Let's not delay! -MOTHERGREEN: When you arrive, feel free to get your life back if you deem it necessary then let's commence. Head up to the castle in time to see Etoile. She wants to help you get dressed (heheh). Once you don L-kun, the other two get a laugh at your expense then Minister Golonzo decides to show up. Luckily he doesn't recognize you or anything. The Queen arrives with good timing and introduces you to him. He gets huffy since you back talked him. Finally head up the stairs and enter the doors. Time for you to show your stuff. Etoile lets you go first (for the laughs of course) and after a few spins sure enough you fall out of the "dress" and onto the floor. And... and.... he remembers! Ferdinand remembers seeing you before! The dance starts again only without the silly costume. You and Ferdinand launch into "Our World". What a touching sequence. -Afterwards you and Kururu enjoy some fresh air on the balcony when L-kun shows up and tells you his dream has come true and he's going to heaven. Kururu starts thinking about what'll happen to her then quickly changes the subject. She congratulates you and all is well until Golonzo shows up. You'll have to fight now. It's pretty easy though. Golonzo babbles about the ancients then Prince Ferdinand comes to your rescue. Golonzo loses his job and Kururu skips off to leave you two alone for a nice big awkward silence. A random cut scene of Marjoly and her followers on Myao's dragon ensues then it's back to the silence with both Kururu and Etoile rooting you on. Cut back to the four in the air. You can tell these four are major character foils already cause there's some funny dialogue. Quick cut back to the awkward moment... you're finally about to tell him your true feelings.... when there's a loud noise. Ferdinand goes to check on it while you have sick fantasies. You catch up to Ferdinand and he gives you the HolyCharm. Kururu and Etoile get to him a little bit for not giving them anything then you get to fights some cats. Take them out then equip your HolyCharm and go right. Talk to the "cool looking statue" by the door to get your life back. Now enter the door. You'll see the four ladies in a seriously damaged room. More amusing dialogue ensues before Marjoly shuts everyone up. Marjoly complains that the Royal Family harassed Myao and the prince admits it. She finds him hot and is suddenly in love with him. She accidentally turns him to stone. You all start singing "Old maid" at her (and her three followers join in as well ^_^) but then you have to fight them. You can't win so don't worry about it too much. The bad guys win and steal your man away from you. -ORANGE VILLAGE: You wake up thinking it was a dream but realize quickly it wasn't. This is when you plan your journey to rescue the Prince. Kururu doesn't like it but agrees to go with you. You change into Cornet brand traveling gear and get ready to depart. Go downstairs and Gramps psychically knows that you are going to leave... or maybe just Kururu told him. He tells you to go to the Tower of Wisdom in BlueCat. Sounds like a plan. Let's go to Mothergreen and try to find a way there. -MOTHERGREEN: In town, go to the bottom right house and talk to the sailor. He's in trouble cause his daughter won't eat. Agree to help and try to go get her some toads (EWWWWW!) Leave and some psycho guy tells you that toads from the Natalie River taste good. Time to go to the Wonder Woods AGAIN. -WONDER WOODS: Go to the Natalie River in the Wonder Woods and walk around on the pier till you fight toads. Win the battle to get a toad. Suddenly Myao's cats again appear out of nowhere and want your toad for Mr. Burg to cook. Um, no. Win this easy battle then go back to Mothergreen. -MOTHERGREEN: Get your life back if you need to then deliver the toad. But she won't eat it raw so you need to get it cooked too. Leave and the psycho tells you that she likes the toad dish of the Restaurant on the Lake. There you learn that the chef is no other then Mr. Burg. Wonderful. Time to again travel to the Wonder Woods..... AGAIN.... -WONDER WOODS: Go to Mr. Burg's cafe and go to the back room to interfere with his plan to take over the world. Time to once again kill this dude. After winning you'll receive BBQ Toad. Time to again head to Mothergreen. -MOTHERGREEN: You'll automatically walk towards the house when you realize who the psycho is. After an unwarranted lecture, you realize that all of this is a big misunderstanding and you'll be able to go to BlueCat now. Yay! Leave the room for a nice "Meanwhile..." cut scene where Marjoly and co. wait for Crowdia to return with a way to counter the stone spell. She needs the kiss of a maiden who truly loves him. Marjoly kisses him and of course nothing happens. She sends Crowdia out again to look for another way. Now back to us. Before we go off anywhere let's take a little field trip to the Ancient Forest. -ANCIENT FOREST: Walk into the circle of flowers to be teleported to a dungeon. Go up and follow the path to get a MediCandy. Go back to the first screen and take the right path to reach a flight of stairs. Go down those to reach another similar floor. Go up to get a MediCocoa then return to the main room and go down to reach another set of stairs. Follow the path to reach a room like the first room, complete with warping tile. Head right to reach a staircase. Follow the path to reach another four way room. Go right again for 800 Inotium. Go all the way back to the room with the warping tile and go down for more stairs. In the oncoming four way room, head down for Illustration5 then back to the warping tile room. Hit the warp and first head up for an EnergyCocoa then right for another staircase. As you could've guessed you're at another four way room now. Head left to get an EnergyGuide (Um, I don't know what it does though) and you've gotten everything out of here. Retrace your steps to the beginning and get out of here! Return to Mothergreen and talk to the sailor to go to BlueCat. Leave the town and BlueCat is now on your map. -BLUECAT: Welcome to BlueCat! Let's get free stuff! FISH building: WakeCandy in big vase, Atlus USA song in small vases FISH building sign: MediCandy Little yellow building: 43 Inotium in barrel Leftmost house: 56 Inotium in vases Next screen over.... DO NOT ENTER house: MediCocoa in pots -Okay then, at the BlueCat General store you can buy the following: HealingCandy......10 MediCandy........100 EnergyCandy......400 HealingBall......200 AntidoteChips....100 SanityGummi......100 HealCocoa.........20 MediCocoa........200 Teleporter.......100 Cat'sPaw.........500 Dragon'sClaw...10000 Fighter'sCharm...400 SmartCap........2800 -Talk to everyone in town then exit. You should have two new places on your map to visit now. Let start with the Cat'sEye Mine. -CAT'SEYE MINE: Head north continually and follow the path until you reach a four way split path. North again nets you Illustration7. West nets you a StrawberryKiss. Then head east and enter the door. When the path branches again head down for a HealingBall then right for another door. Enter it and you'll find Terra (assuming Sharte's in your party and she should be). You have to fight her in what is a very very easy fight. After that you have to fight three Nightmares. One Holy spell finishes that fight. After that she'll join your party. Continue up the path to get Cat'sEye. Make your way back to the four way room and head back down. Take the left branch when you get to the splitting path then head down for another entrance. This leads to another four way path. North nets you 230 Inotium. That's everything for this cave, time to exit. Head back to BlueCat to recover then go to The Tower of Wisdom. -THE TOWER OF WISDOM: You'll be baffled by the sign and the cat head on the wall and whilst you think about it, Etoile appears out of nowhere. She explains (in her own charming way) that you need a Cat'sEye to open the door. She says that she'll save the prince first and wanders off. You'll open the door and then a voice beckons you inside. Okay. Inside, head left and go around to reach some stairs. On the next floor, follow the path to more stairs. On the next floor, head right for a Cat'sPaw then backtrack to the very beginning. At the beginning, go right to reach more stairs. On the next floor, follow the path for a bit to get to the third floor. Keep going till you reach more stairs. Here, the path splits. Go right to reach another floor where you'll then go down a floor. You'll run into Duke here. Tell him you're a descendant of Mustaki and he'll fight you. Beat him and he'll join you. Head back to where the path originally split and go down to get to more stairs. Climb them and when the path splits, go left for a ThinkingCap. Backtrack and go up to get to the next floor, where again the path splits four ways. Go down for the next flight of stairs. On this floor, head either way and when the path heads down, take it. Step on the right warp thing to get to a room with an old guy who babbles about 15 years and stuff. His name is Polansky and he tells you that you need the five HEART STONES: WATERSTONE, FIRESTONE, EARTHSTONE, WINDSTONE, and THUNDERSTONE. He'll write you a letter to get past the suspension bridge and give you a warping ring thingie. You also learn the connection between him and Mustaki... or start to before Kururu makes the save. Unfortunately Myao's cats hear the info too. Run back into the tower and go straight up to get back to Polansky's room. Talk to Ledgem (the rabbit) to find out that he's a God. Polansky will heal you also. Grab the AntidoteChips in the pile of books. Okay, time to leave this dumb place. Let's go to the Wonder Woods! But first, let's watch a cut scene! The baddies launch into the song "Evil Queen" at this point. -WONDER WOODS: Take the south branch then head right. Talk to Ledgem and he'll join up with you. Now let's head over to the Suspension Bridge. -SUSPENSION BRIDGE: Grab the WakeCandy in the barrels then go towards RedHot. You'll run into a Dragon and have to fight it. Save the guy who introduces himself to you as Gailyasucolinyu, or Gwanji or short. Leave. -REDHOT: Now that you're in RedHot, I'm sure you're dying to snag free stuff... First house on the left: MediCocoa in barrels outside, Reality in Chest Top right house: 256 Inotium in big vase, MediCandy in little vase Middle house: MediCocoa in little buckets -Okay, klepto, let's move on. The store in town sells: MediCandy........100 EnergyCandy......400 HealingBall......200 WakeBall.........150 AntidoteBall.....200 ParaBall.........200 SanityGummi......100 StrawberryKiss...150 MediCocoa........200 EnergyCocoa......800 Teleporter.......100 Cat'sPaw.........500 -Okay then, go to the first house on the right and tell the old guy that you agree to help defend the village. There really isn't anything else worth doing here so let's move on. Leave the town and head to the Salsa Volcano. -THE SALSA VOLCANO: You'll run into Crowdia at the beginning. She'll insult you and run off. Whatever, let's go. Inside, go right at the first four way section then go right again. Go through the door and make your way up until the path splits again. Go up for HealCocoa. Make your way back to the beginning and go left, up, then left to get to another door. Follow the winding path and take the downward branch for SpeedShoes. Head north at that fork to get to another floor. On this floor, head right at the fork for DefenseRobes, and then go up and up again to find Crowdia fighting a dragon. Of course, you actually have to kill it. Crowdia gets mad that you killed it and you learn that you killed a Guardian. Crowdia vanishes and you're free to leave. Back in RedHot you'll notice it's really quiet.. until the dragon cry. Go back to the Volcano and go to the room after the place you fought the dragon to see a gathering of peoples. You'll get the Firestone. Then an earthquake starts up and the volcano erupts. You play the horn for the egg and keep it. Now leave the screen and encounter Crowdia once more. She wants your Firestone and will fight you for it. After defeating her, Crowdia actually saves you from the inferno. She tells you she saved you cause you have unfinished business and the egg hatches. You now have Flare the puppet. Leave this place and go to RedHot. -REDHOT: Head to the lower left building and talk to the guy to learn how to operate the drawbridge. He says to turn on the second and sixth switches from the top, hear a sound, then turn them off. Then flip the first, fifth, and sixth switches. Sounds easy enough, let's go do it. -SUSPENSION BRIDGE: Enter the above stuff then exit either of the two new exits then go back in and exit the other way. You now should have two new places to explore. Let's do the Ice Temple since it's the closest. NOTE: IT IS AT THIS TIME THAT YOU MAKE OASIS APPEAR ON THE MAP! IF YOU DO NOT EXIT THROUGH BOTH EXITS THEN OASIS WILL NOT APPEAR ON THE MAP! -ICE TEMPLE: Follow the path till it branches then head down for ParaGum then up for another fork. Go up again then left for a door. Follow the path for a really long time to get Illustration12. Backtrack and go right for another door. After more walking, you're done with this place. Head to WhiteSnow. -WHITESNOW: Okay, thief, let's get this over with.... First house on the left: HealingCandy in the vases Top right house: 932 Inotium in the barrels Adjacent house: 265 Inotium in the buckets, MediCocoa in the vases Top left house: StrawberryKiss in the vases -Okay then, Edinburgh Mart sells the following: MediCandy........100 EnergyCandy......400 ElixirBall......2000 StrawberryKiss...150 RabbitPie........150 Reality..........700 EnergyCocoa......800 ElixirCocoa.....1000 Cat'sPaw.........500 Fighter'sCharm...400 ThinkingCap......800 GeniusCap......12000 -On to our regularly planned Walkthrough. Talk to the snowman at the top right area of town to save Billy. Talk to the people around the town then leave and The Tower of Ninetail is on your map. -THE TOWER OF NINETAIL: You'll quickly run into Albert and take him back to town where he gets socked by his master then runs off. Go out and talk to Albert near the top of the screen. Then go back and talk to the master and agree to go with him. Now head to the tower again. -At the beginning the master sings "Mountain Men" then you can enter. At the very first junction head right to get to the next floor. Then when the path splits go up for a Cat'sPaw and down for a staircase. Go left at junction one and up at junction two for an ElixirBall. Go back to the beginning and at the first fork, go up and at the next one go down for ElixirCandy. Leave that screen and take a left for a staircase. You'll reach a four way section. Go up for the next staircase. Go left at the next junction to get to the next floor which goes straight to the next next floor. Then you'll hit a junction where you'll go left. A few screens later comes the next fork where you'll go down for more stairs, leading to the next four way junction. Go right for ElixirCocoa, up for Illustration13, then left. Here, go down for a staircase. This will lead you to Chiba, who like Duke wants to kill you for being Mustaki's descendant. Beat him then he'll join you. Backtrack then go up at the last fork for another set of stairs. Here you'll find the Robes of Healing. Backtrack past all the treasure and stuff to where the path branched to the left and go that way. Follow the path till the four way room and go up to trigger an event where the two people walk through a bloody wall! Er, let's follow them. You'll find a bunch of Ninetail here. Here, the path splits drastically depending on what you choose to do.... ----Choose to fight the guardian. You'll get the Thunderstone and 5267 Inotium but seriously tick off the master. Crowdia will tell you that you sinned again. You'll go back and cure Albert's mom. Oh, and everyone in the town hates you. ----Choose not to fight the guardian. You'll have to fight Gao after she spills the beans that you want the Thunderstone. You'll have the guardian on your side for the battle. You'll get the Holystone instead. You'll have to leave the tower on your own accord. The people in town don't hate you. Irregardless of what you choose, let's head to BlueCat. -BLUECAT: Talk to the woman in the bottom right of the FISH building who informs you about a secret ship. Let's go there. Enter the little yellow building and go to the back right corner of the room to find a hidden staircase. Now, go up at the junction and keep going to get to the port with the ship. Talk to the guy to freak him out and get on the ship. Head downstairs and in the first room on the right you'll get HealingCandy on the shelf. You can also read Takroff's diary in here. In the next room on the right you get 154 Inotium from the boxes in the corner. In the first room on the left there's a MediCocoa on the shelf. Head downstairs again. There's a HealingBall in one of the barrels in the hall. The room on the left has a StrawberryKiss in the boxes in the corner. Head up to the next room to witness an argument then the appearance of Libinsky the ghost. You'll be teleported to the old Whalebuster ship. Read the journal on the table to get the RareRing. Get the HealingCandy out of the chest as well. Go out and enter the top left door where Gao says she's getting the Waterstone. Get the Fighter'sCharm, leave, then check the bottom right door for a ParaBall chest. The bottom left door has an AntidoteChips chest in it. Go down the stairs. The door on the left has MediCandy and the top right room has Illustration8. Head up to see Libinsky and his father asks him to kill Takroff, who agrees to the deal. You'll suddenly be fighting a painting. Beat it then Libinsky explains that the guilt of the others keeps him from dying peacefully. Takroff leaves his guilt and frees Libiny. You'll get the Waterstone and all is well. Grab the 278 Inotium in the barrel and the HealingBall in the vase before leaving. You'll run into Gao on the deck. Win (easily) then give the RareRing to Karen and you're done. Let's head back home for a bit. -ORANGE VILLAGE: Check your mail to get an errant NightSpawn puppet. It's known as DarkKnight though afterwards. Now enter the house closest to your house. Talk to Alfred inside to learn that his dog, Koro, died. Now examine the errant grave near the church and Koro will join you. Okay, two new puppets. YAY! Let's go back to getting those stones! Back to BlueCat we go. -BLUECAT: Talk to everyone in town and then go to the underground pirates to go to Kerokero. -KEROKERO: Yup, another town another stealing mission. First house: StrawberryKiss in barrels outside, 154 Inotium in vases, EnergyCandy in the drawer House in top right corner: 12 Inotium in barrels, EnergyCandy in vases -The local store sells the following: MediCandy........100 EnergyCandy......400 HealingBall......200 WakeBall.........150 AntidoteBall.....200 ParaBall.........200 SanityGummi......100 StrawberryKiss...150 MediCocoa........200 EnergyCocoa......800 Hero'sCharm....10000 ThinkingCap......800 -Alrighty then, back to more important matters. It appears that Bubu and Bebe are causing havoc in the local pond and all the frogs are afraid to do anything about it. It also appears to be Myao's fault. Tell the guard that you're going through and you'll start by fighting three Bubus and a Bebe. No problem. Feel free to enter the cave now. At the first intersection go up then right for Illustration9. Go back to the first intersection and go left. At the following intersection, go left then down at the fork for a door which leads to another door which leads to SonicShoes. Keep going then go left at the fork to run into some frogs. You're greeted to a noble welcome and stuff. Oh, and don't forget the banquet of tasty mosquito-flavored food. Be polite and say you enjoy the food. You'll be treated to "Amphibian Paradise" next. Play your song for them as well. Afterwards you decide to get some rest. -FROGBURG CASTLE: Let's steal stuff! Flowers to the left of the banquet room door: EnergyCandy Queens Room: 756 Inotium in drawer, ElixirCandy in mirrored drawers. Kings Room: 623 Inotium in bookcase, StrawberryKiss in flowers Portgamas Room: ParaBall in flowers by door, MediCocoa in drawer. Opposite Room: MediCocoa in drawer, SanityGummi in vase -Talk to Portgama and come back to find a frog breaking into the castle. It's Princess Caroline's "special friend" Michael. Caroline declares her love for him and the king orders for him to be executed. Even the queen tells him not to kill Michael. He has to get the Earthstone to prove his worth to the King. And guess who has to help him out...? Leave the castle and go to the Temple of Gama. -TEMPLE OF GAMA: You start in a four way room. Go right, then up, then right for Illustration6. Now go left as far as you can until you run into a chest with EnergyCandy. Now go right, then up, then right, then up again for the stairs. On the next floor, go right, then up, then right again for MediCocoa. Go all the way to the left to bump into Albatross, who like many puppets before him wants to kill you for being a descendant of Mustaki. Take care of him and he'll join you. Now head right, then up, then right, then up again and again to get to the millionth four way room here. Go left for an ElixirBall then head back and go up. The centaur lets out a.... mighty.... "roar" and battle ensues. Beat him up and snag the Earthstone. Time to go (aka walk down a WHOLE LOT) Head back to the castle. -FROGBURG CASTLE: Walk to the banquet room and all seems to go well until the king says that Michael has to pay for breaking into the castle and for killing Centaur. Michael is killed right in front of Caroline and the others. Leave the castle and go to Kerokero. -KEROKERO: Talk to the locals to find that Princess Caroline is missing. One says that she's probably heading to the Ice Temple. Okay, let's follow her!! -ICE TEMPLE: Go up at the first fork, then right, then right again. Go right at the next fork and you'll reach a grave. It's the grave of Michael.. and Caroline. The two of them will join your group. Leave this place now. Let's move on to the Oasis. -NOTE: In case you missed this earlier in the Walkthrough (and judging by the email you have...), here's how you find Oasis. Go to The Suspension Bridge. There are several different bridges that you can take to exit this place. You MUST take the bridge heading south or else Oasis will not appear on your map. REPEAT, YOU MUST TAKE THE BRIDGE HEADING SOUTH OR ELSE OASIS WILL NOT APPEAR ON YOUR MAP!!!!!! -OASIS: First and foremost I know you're going to want to steal stuff so let's just get it over with. First house: ElixirCandy outside, HealingBall in cabinet Far rightmost house: EnergyCocoa outside, ParaBall in vases, HealCocoa in buckets, crusty underwear in cabinet thing House on other side of market: HealingBall in oranges -Okay, let's check out Mohammed's Market. MediCandy........100 EnergyCandy......400 ElixerCandy......800 SanityGummi......100 StrawberryKiss...150 RabbitPie........150 Reality..........700 MediCocoa........200 EnergyCocoa......800 ElixirCocoa.....1000 Cat'sPaw.........500 Fighter'sCharm...400 -Talk to the various townspeople to learn that Etoile went after the Windstone herself. Also, the grandson guy has the key to the mines. Let's go find him! I'll give you a hint... he's in the Wonder Woods. -WONDER WOODS: Go to Mr. Burg's restaurant. In the very back you'll find the guy with the key. Before going back to Oasis, let's make a quick pit stop. Go to Orange Village. -ORANGE VILLAGE: Go to the house where Albert lives. You'll see him in bed with a fever of some sort. It seems you need the help of the "Wiseman" to cure him. I have a good guess who he is.... head to the Tower of Wisdom. -THE TOWER OF WISDOM: Talk to Polansky to learn that you need a Snow Herb from the Ice Temple. Looks like we're going there AGAIN. -ICE TEMPLE: Take the forks in the following order: up, right, right, left. Go to the dead end where Koro will show you where on the ground to get the Snow Herb. Leave this place and take it to Albert. Ah, life is good. Okay, back to the Oasis. -OASIS: Use the RuinKey to enter the locked door on the left of town. Time to enter the bright green ruin. Just keep following the path for a while. Eventually Kururu thinks that she hears something but Cornet doesn't. Then you both hear it. Suddenly something flies by and you're in the Town of Wiggle. You're inside a worm, apparently swallowed. You'll find a MediCocoa in the corner of the nearby top bench and SanityGummi in the vases in the corner. Keep going right to bump into Etoile. Talk to them to learn that you have to kill the worm to escape and that you can't do it alone. Walk by her men to snag some EnergyCocoa from the vases then go talk to the townspeople. No luck. Talk to Etoile again and she's giving up hope. You'll sing "True Courage" to her and she'll allow you to help her out. Heheh, whatever floats her boat. You'll have to kill the right heart on the 6th turn. Sounds easy enough. Go right to enter yet another maze. Go left at
the first intersection then up for a chest with Illustration4 in it. Go
back down and then left twice for MediCandy. Go back to the right, then up
twice and to the right. You're at another four way room. Go left for
EnergyCocoa then up for yet another four way room. Go up and to the right
to fight the right heart. Kill the heart on Cornet's sixth turn and Etoile
was so determined that you would screw up that she forgets to do it
correctly. Go all the way back to the train part and talk to her again
then go all the way back to the heart and again kill it on Cornet's sixth
turn. I added a special part to the FAQ explaining how to beat this boss...
Now it's time to take out the middle heart. Just go up in the four way to 
find it. You have Etoile's assistance for this fight but it's not that 
useful. Just pound the hell out of it to win. Go back to the train area.
Etoile is of course taking all the credit but that's okay. Meanwhile the
worm goes crazy and you'll open up the Inotium Mines on the map.

-INOTIUM MINES: Enter the Inotium Mines through the normal entrance. You
quickly come to the first fork. Go right for a door that leads to 2300
Inotium. Go back to the first fork and go up and then up at the next fork
to get Illustration11 then go back down and head left for a door which
leads to another door which leads to a fork. Go down for 2500 Inotium and
then go left and keep going up to get the Warrior'sCharm. Go back to the
room right after the 2500 Inotium and go down for another door. Follow the
path to find a room chock full of Inotium. Kururu suggests that you start
stocking up on the cash which will again cause two different things to

----Say yes and you'll have to fight a Chimera and his buddies. Beat them
and then you'll get the Windstone.

----Say no and you'll be instantly given the Windstone.

-Whatever you choose to do, let's leave this place. Take a quick trip
back home.

-ORANGE VILLAGE: You'll find that Poochi is pregnant and that Alfred will
get one of the babies and name in Koro. Isn't that nice? Okay, enough of
that. Let's go to The Tower of Wisdom.

-THE TOWER OF WISDOM: You'll be greeted by Myao. You've have to fight her,
meow. You won't be able to hurt her so don't waste your time trying. After
a while the battle stops and you are down (I'm not sure why...) and Myao
is going to go after Kururu. But then she suddenly transforms. Myao heads
for the hills quickly while Etoile watches on in confusion. Kururu turns
back and helps you up. Go up and talk to Polansky. You find out that
Marjoly is in a floating castle names Beauty Castle and that your true 
love will heal the Prince. Before you can leave, Kururu collapses. Etoile
comes in and explains what happened at the gate. Polansky tells you to
explore Kururu's dreams and sends you inside her head. You'll see your
mother and little you in Kururu's dream. Talk to them and then head 
downstairs. You can nab 56 Inotium in the barrels by the stairs, heheh.
Talk to Mustaki to hear that Cherie went to the church. Suddenly an
earthquake occurs. Head outside to talk to Mini-me and she's play the
horn for you. Mini-me and Mini-Etoile go off and play with one another.
Well, while we're here might as well steal...

Alfred's future house: HealingCandy in buckets
Bottom right house: 21 Inotium beside the house

-The store still sells the same stuff as always. Head up to the church to
hear Cherie's "Let's Go On". It'll get cut off early though. Another
earthquake starts up. Cherie goes looking for Cornet. Go back to your
house and talk to Cherie and Mustaki to learn that Mini-me is missing.
Talk to the people by your house to hear that Mini-me and Mini-Etoile are
playing near the church. Talk to Mini-Etoile by the graves and she'll be
crying Cornet's name. Go back and talk to Cherie who is bitter to hear
that Cornet's at the church. Go back to the church and you'll Cherie goes
into the underground area hidden in the grave. Follow her and take the
first right into the castle-like area to find Mini-me and Cherie. You'll
also see Golonzo who runs off. You'll save the others from the now
awakened Ancient Weapon. You now remember that this thing killed your
mother and you decide to kill it and Etoile agrees to help. You really
have to pound on this thing to kill it. Cherie dies anyways and her last
wish is to live on inside of the Kururu doll. She sings "Let's Go On" one
more time before the event is over. You'll receive the DarkKey and be
told that you must see the truth. You'll leave Kururu behind for a while.
Let's go find the truth... head to Orange Village.

-ORANGE VILLAGE: Head to the graveyard and enter the secret entrance. Head
to the place where you went in the dream. Go past the room where you fought
the Ancient Weapon to get to a four way room, which leads to NetherWorld.

-NETHERWORLD: Head up for the stairs. Now at the next four way room go down
for another set of stairs. In the third four way room, go right for
Illustration10 then up for the next set of stairs. Go straight down twice to
get to the next floor. Here, go straight up twice to get to the next floor.
On this floor, go left in the four way room for the CharmOfValor then down
for the next floor. Go up twice, then down twice. On the current floor, go
right in the four way room for Illustration15 then up for yet another flight
of stairs. Then go down twice for the next floor. Here, go left for
Illustration3 then up for the next floor. Then go down twice, then up twice.
Now on this floor go left for MagicRobes then down for the millionth flight
of stairs. Go up twice, then down twice, then up twice. Then go right for the
Darkstone then down for the next floor. On this floor, go up three times. In
this room Ledgem will be able to go home, completing his quest. Go up twice to
encounter the Ancient Weapon. It appears to be broken. If you have the three
Mustaki haters in your group, you'll fight it and complete their quest. Go
down twice then right to warp back to the entrance. Okay, let's go to Cape

-CAPE HOPE: Walk up the far right path and touch the orb to fight a
WhiteDrgn (or ThndrDrgn). It's easy enough. Place the Holystone (or
Thunderstone) on the altar. Head up the next path to fight a WindDrgn. Beat
it and place the Windstone on the altar. Up the middle path is the
EarthDrgn. Beat it then place the Earthstone on the altar. The four path
houses the FireDrgn. Place the Firestone then go to the final path for the
IceDrgn. Place the Waterstone on the altar. Walk on the middle altar and
step on it to warp to Beauty Castle. Watch the cut scene and prepare to 
storm the castle! Actually, we have a few things to do first... head to

-MOTHERGREEN: Talk to the tailor to find that his son is frozen in time by
the egg of the Chimera which resides in the Ancient Forest. Time to make
another trip there.

-ANCIENT FOREST: Go right at the first fork, then down at the next. Warp
when you can then head down. You should run into the chimera. Beat it up
then the Three Egg Brothers request to stay there and deal with time.
Let's leave this infernal place. Go back to the Tailor in MotherGreen to
see that all is back to normal.

-INOTIUM MINES: Take the covert entrance at the right. Go around top to 
enter the lovely green place. Go down the stairs then go right at the fork
for ElixirCocoa. Head back then go up at the fork. Go up again and then
right for Illustration2. Head back to the room with the stairs that you
passed by and climb them to get to a nice four way room. Go right for two
more Atlus USA chests and up for a Reality. Then head down in the four way
room for stairs. You'll come to a fork. Go up and then right for stairs
which will lead you back to Oasis. What was the point in this? To get
Illustration2 of course. ^_^ While in Oasis, talk to everyone and a few
people mention random things about MotherGreen.

-MOTHERGREEN: Talk to one guy near the Tailor's house and he'll ask if
Etoile is doing okay. Say yes and he'll say he's going back to Oasis. Isn't
that just grand?

-BEAUTY CASTLE: In the first room, head right for stairs. You'll come to a
four way. Go up then left for Illustration14. Leave that room and go down
then right then down for more stairs that lead to another four way room. Go
left then up for a GeniusCap. Go back down the stairs now. At the fork go
left and then down for some stairs. Keep going left to get to some downward
stairs. Go all the way around the outer area and you'll find downward
stairs. These take you back to the beginning. This time go up at the first
screen. Go left at the fork then left again for ElixirCocoa. Leave and go
up. Follow the path then head up at the next fork for stairs. Go right at
the oncoming fork and then down at the next one for EnergyCandy. Go left
then down for 5000 Inotium. Go back to the intersection right before the
EnergyCandy. Head right for stairs. You'll be outside. Head down for
Dragon'sClaw. Go back down the stairs and head left continually until you
hit more stairs. Again you'll be outside. Go down to get to more stairs
which quickly lead to even more stairs. Head up at the fork and then up
again to run into Marjoly's gang. You'll have to fight Marjoly and her
three followers, which is actually not that hard of a fight. Golonzo
appears out of nowhere with the Ancient Weapon. Marjoly fights against
the Ancient Weapon and fails. It's your turn now. Talk to the Prince to
recover HP and MP then talk to Golonzo to fight the thing. After you win
you'll find that it still isn't gone. You need help... along come Kururu
and Etoile to lend support as you fight one more time, in a really trippy
place. You'll really have to wail on him to kill him. 



Golonzo tries to high-tail it after you win but Marjoly's followers stop
him then take off with him and Marjoly. You kiss Prince Ferdinand and cure
the spell. You question whether you deserve to be with him but he declares
his love for you. You decide to be with him. YAY! Then you get married and
you get to talk to people. Mill about for a while then head down to the
next screen. Go left then down to find Kururu sitting alone outside.
Cherie flies out of her and tells you how happy she is that you are her
daughter. She vanishes and promises to see you again one day. You pick up
the Kururu doll and Ferdinand comes out to join you. Credit roll.
Afterwards you'll see Cornet and Ferdinand talking about having a baby.
Cornet knows it'll be a girl and wants to name her.... D'OH! The world
may never know.


HOW DO I FIND OASIS??!!11//?!?11??!

Okay, since 99% of the email I get about this FAQ is some variation of
the above question (and reads about the same as well), I will answer it
yet another time. Okay, make sure you're paying attention, kiddies. Go to
The Suspension Bridge. Go to the screen with all of the bridges that go
in different directions. You see one that heads south? Good. Now you must
physically walk on that bridge and exit this area using that bridge and
VOILA, Oasis magically appears. It's absolutely amazing, and the even
more amazing part is that I'm still going to get emails asking how to find
the Oasis even though I've made it more than obvious now.

HOW DO I BEAT THE HEART BOSS??!!11//?!?11??1

Okay, after I did this for the Oasis, I stopped getting email about it.
Let's see how well it works for the heart boss... okay, let's go over what
Etoile tells you to do. She tells you to kill the boss on YOUR 6th turn,
correct? Well, that's exactly what you have to do. You are CORNET, you are
not any of your puppets. You are not the heart boss. You are not Etoile. You
are not Gandhi, you are CORNET. Therefore, the boss must be killed on YOUR
6th turn. It doesn't matter if Sharte has gone 5 turns or if the heart has
attacked twice. The ONLY THING THAT MATTERS are YOUR turns. Therefore, the
sixth time that you (being CORNET) get to attack the heart boss, you (being
CORNET) must kill it. If Sharte kills it, it won't work. If it somehow ends
up killing itself, it won't work. If you (being CORNET) kill it on your 5th
turn, it won't work. If you (being CORNET) kill it on your 7th turn, it won't
work. Oh, did I mention that if you kill the boss at ANY TIME other than your
(being CORNET) 6TH TURN, that it WON'T WORK?!

Puppet List

-Albatross (Fire / Long-range):
A knight with fire coming out of his head.

Location: Temple of Gama

-Quest: Defeat the machine in the underworld.

Lv. 5:  FairyFire
Lv. 20: ElvenFire
Lv. 40: DemonFire

-Billy (Fire / Close-range):
The third of the three Egg Brothers

Location: WhiteSnow (in the snowman)

Quest: Defeat the chimera in the Ancient Forest.

-Lv. 1:  Fire 
-Lv. 4:  FireHeal
-Lv. 8:  BraveHeat
-Lv. 10: Flame
-Lv. 14: FireShield
-Lv. 15: MegaFire
-Lv. 17: GigaFlame
-Lv. 27: GigaFire
-Lv. 35: OmegaFlame

-Caroline (Water / Close-range):
The puppet form of the former princess of Frogburg.

Location: Ice Temple after the murder of Michael.

Quest: Keep her and Michael together in your party for a while.

Lv. 1:  Water
Lv. 6:  Hydro
Lv. 9:  MegaWater
Lv. 16: ShieldBreak
Lv. 17: GigaHydro
Lv. 22: GigaWater
Lv. 29: OmegaHydro

-Chiba (Earth / Close-range): 
Samurai-looking dude.

Location: The Tower of Ninetail

Quest: Defeat the machine in the underworld.

-Lv. 5:  Senpu
-Lv. 20: Sippu
-Lv. 40: Reppu

-DarkKnight (Dark / Close-range):
It's Spawn! Really!!!! Heheh...

Location: Orange Village, in your mailbox after a time.

Quest: ???

-Lv. 1:  Meteorite
-Lv. 2:  Sleep
-Lv. 4:  Meteor
-Lv. 8:  MegaMeteorite
-Lv. 10: Poison
-Lv. 14: MegaSleep
-Lv. 18: GigaMeteor
-Lv. 20: MegaPoison
-Lv. 23: Charm
-Lv. 25: GigaMeteorite
-Lv. 28: MegaCharm
-Lv. 30: Death
-Lv. 31: OmegaMeteor

-Duke (Water / Close-range):
A swordsman who dislikes Mustaki. 

Location: The Tower of Wisdom.

Quest: Defeat the machine in the underworld.

-Lv. 5:  Justice
-Lv. 20: Excalibur
-Lv. 40: Laevateinn

-Flare (Wind / Close-range):
The cute little dragon

Location: The Salsa Volcano

Quest: Return to the volcano later to where his egg was.

-Lv. 1:  Wind
-Lv. 4:  WindHeal
-Lv. 8:  TrickWind
-Lv. 10: Tornado
-Lv. 12: MegaWind
-Lv. 14: WindSpeed
-Lv. 22: GigaTornado
-Lv. 30: GigaWind
-Lv. 43: OmegaTornado

-Kid (Wind / Close-range):
One of the three egg brothers. Strong, but no magic. 

Location: Mothergreen

Quest: Defeat the chimera in the Ancient Forest.

-Lv. 30: FinalAttack

-Koro (Thunder / Close-range):
Mechanical dog who died heroically to save his owner.

Location: Orange Village, in the graveyard after his death.

Quest: Save Alfred from his fever.

-Lv. 5:  Shockwave
-Lv. 22: CharmHowl
-Lv. 30: ParaHowl
-Lv. 42: DarkHowl

-Ledgem (Dark / Close-range):
The rabbit god.

Location: Wonder Woods after "noticing" him in The Tower of Wisdom.

Quest: Take him deep in the NetherWorld.

-Lv. 1:  Meteorite
-Lv. 2:  Sleep
-Lv. 7:  Meteor
-Lv. 13: MegaMeteorite
-Lv. 15: Poison
-Lv. 18: GigaMeteor
-Lv. 22: MegaSleep
-Lv. 26: MegaPoison
-Lv. 28: Charm
-Lv. 21: GigaMeteorite
-Lv. 33: MegaCharm
-Lv. 46: Death
-Lv. 47: OmegaMeteor

-L-kun (Thunder / Close-range):
The big bear thingie that Cornet loves to wear.

Location: Myao's BBQ joint in the Wonder Woods.

Quest: Participate in the dance contest.

-Lv. 1:  Lightning
-Lv. 8:  Storm
-Lv. 15: MegaLightning
-Lv. 19: MiracleWall
-Lv. 22: GigaStorm
-Lv. 32: GigaLightning
-Lv. 45: OmegaStorm

-Michael (Water / Close-range):
The puppet form of Caroline's true love.

Location: Ice Temple after the murder of Michael.

Quest: Keep him and Caroline in your party for a while.

Lv. 1:  WaterHeal
Lv. 7:  Hydro
Lv. 8:  CoolDown
Lv. 14: ShieldBreak
Lv. 16: GigaHydro
Lv. 24: GigaWater
Lv. 29: OmegaHydro

-Sharte (Holy / Close-range):
Nurse Angel Ririka on crack. 

Location: You get her at the very beginning of the game.

Quest: Keep her and Terra together in your party for awhile.

-Lv. 1:  Saint
-Lv. 2:  Heal
-Lv. 5:  Wake
-Lv. 8:  Holy
-Lv. 10: MegaSaint
-Lv. 13: CurePoison
-Lv. 15: HealAll
-Lv. 21: Real
-Lv. 27: GigaHoly
-Lv. 30: MegaHealAll
-Lv. 35: GigaSaint
-Lv. 48: OmegaHoly

-Tell (Wind / Long-range):
Second of the three egg brothers. 

Location: The cave in the Wonder Woods.

Quest: Defeat the chimera in the Ancient Forest.

Lv. 8:  PlusShot
Lv. 18: Bullseye
Lv. 35: MultiArrow

-Terra (Dark / Close-range):
The anti-Nurse Angel Ririka. 

Location: Cat'sEye Mine. Must have Sharte in your group. 

Quest: Keep her and Sharte together in your party for awhile.

-Lv. 1:  Meteorite
-Lv. 4:  Sleep
-Lv. 7:  MegaMeteorite
-Lv. 9:  Poison
-Lv. 12: Meteor
-Lv. 16: MegaSleep
-Lv. 20: MegaPoison
-Lv. 21: Charm
-Lv. 25: GigaMeteor
-Lv. 30: GigaMeteorite
-Lv. 39: MegaCharm
-Lv. 45: OmegaMeteor
-Lv. 52: Death

-----Enemy Puppets-----

-Metal Jelly (Earth / Close-range):
Pretty shiny silver jelly mmm...

Location: Tower of Ninetail

Quest: N/A

Lv. 10:  Regain
Lv. 20:  TurtlePress

-WhiteWind (Holy / Close-range)
Big blue birdie enemy!

Location: Towel of Ninetail

Quest: N/A

Lv. 12:  Blast
Lv. 25:  HealWind

Magic List

This will look better eventually...

Spell: MP cost/Type/Target/Effect

BraveHeat: 12/Fire/one ally/Increases offense
Charm: 8/Dark/one enemy/Confuses an enemy
CoolDown: 10/Water/one enemy/Lowers the offense of an enemy
CurePoison: 15/Holy/one ally/Recovers from poison
Death: 20/Dark/one enemy/Instant death
Earth: 20/Earth/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (EARTH)
EarthHeal: 5/Earth/one ally/Restores HP
Fire: 5/Fire/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
FireHeal: 8/Fire/one ally/Restores HP
FireShield: 12/Fire/one ally/Increases defense
Flame: 25/Fire/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
FlowerHeal: 5/Earth/one ally/Recovers with the power of Earth
Fool: 10/Earth/one enemy/Lower the int. of an enemy
Geo: 3/Earth/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (EARTH)
GeoWise: 10/Earth/one ally/Raises intelligence
GigaEarth: 30/Earth/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (EARTH)
GigaFire: 18/Fire/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
GigaFlame: 35/Fire/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
GigaGeo: 10/Earth/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (EARTH)
GigaHoly: 35/Holy/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (HOLY)
GigaHydro: 30/Water/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (WATER)
GigaLightning: 17/Thunder/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (THUNDER)
GigaMeteor: 30/Dark/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (DARK)
GigaMeteorite: 13/Dark/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (DARK)
GigaSaint: 18/Holy/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (HOLY)
GigaStorm: 35/Thunder/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (THUNDER)
GigaTornado: 35/Wind/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (WIND)
GigaWater: 12/Water/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (WATER)
GigaWind: 15/Wind/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (WIND)
Heal: 3/Holy/one ally/Restores HP
Holy: 25/Holy/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (HOLY)
Hydro: 20/Water/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (WATER)
Lightning: 5/Thunder/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (THUNDER)
MegaCharm: 30/Dark/multiple enemies/Confuses enemies
MegaGeo: 7/Earth/one enemy/Inflicts Damage. (EARTH)
MegaHealAll: 30/Holy/all allies/Restores HP of party members
MegaFire: 10/Fire/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
MegaLightning: 10/Thunder/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (THUNDER)
MegaMeteorite: 9/Dark/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (DARK)
MegaSaint: 10/Holy/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (HOLY)
MegaSleep: 20/Dark/multiple enemies/Puts enemies to sleep
MegaWater: 8/Water/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (WATER)
MegaWind: 10/Wind/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (WIND)
Meteor: 20/Dark/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (DARK)
Meteorite: 4/Dark/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (DARK)
MiracleWall: 30/Thunder/one ally/Creates a wall that repels magic
OmegaEarth: 45/Earth/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (EARTH)
OmegaFlame: 55/Fire/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (FIRE)
OmegaHoly: 55/Holy/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (HOLY)
OmegaHydro: 50/Water/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (WATER)
OmegaMeteor: 66/Dark/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (DARK)
OmegaStorm: 54/Thunder/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (THUNDER)
OmegaTornado: 50/Wind/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (WIND)
Poison: 7/Dark/one enemy/Poisons an enemy
Real: 15/Holy/one ally/Cures panic with Holy Power
Saint: 5/Holy/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (HOLY)
ShieldBreak: 10/Water/one enemy/Lowers the defense of an enemy
Sleep: 5/Dark/one enemy/Puts an enemy to sleep.
Storm: 28/Thunder/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (THUNDER)
Tornado: 22/Wind/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (WIND)
TrickWind: 10/Wind/one enemy/Lowers the agility of an enemy
Wake: 15/Holy/one ally/Wakes up with Holy Power
Water: 3/Water/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (WATER)
WaterHeal: 6/Water/one ally/Restores HP
Wind: 4/Wind/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (WIND)
WindHeal: 4/Wind/one ally/Restores HP
WindSpeed: 10/Wind/one ally/Raises agility

Technique List

Technique: MP cost/Target/Effect

Blast: 25/one enemy/Wind attack
Blaze: 20/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (FIRE)
BombMeow!: 6/one enemy/Throws a bomb at the enemy
Breath: 10/one enemy/Breath attack
BubbleBreath: 20/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (WATER)
Bullseye: 20/one enemy/Instantly kills an enemy
CharmHowl: 10/multiple enemies/Confuses all enemies
DarkHowl: 42/multiple enemies/Kill all enemies
DemonFire: 35/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
DiveAttack: 10/one enemy/Jumping dive attack
EarthBreath: 35/multiple enemies/Damages all enemies. (EARTH)
Electricity: 20/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (THUNDER)
ElvenFire: 20/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
Excalibur: 20/self/Increases offense w/ holy power
Explosion: 10/multiple enemies/Self destruct
FairyFire: 10/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
FinalAttack: 28/one enemy/Critical blow to an enemy
FireBreath: 35/multiple enemies/Damages all enemies. (FIRE)
FireBreeze: 15/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (FIRE)
FlameGigaKick: 32/one enemy/Critical damage to an enemy
FlameKick: 45/one enemy/Critical damage to an enemy
FlameMegaKick: 20/one enemy/Critical damage to an enemy
FoulSpore: 12/multiple enemies/Confuse enemies
Glare: 12/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (HOLY)
G.Laser: 48/multiple enemies/Damage all enemies. (THUNDER)
Goodnight: 10/one enemy/Puts an enemy to sleep
Healing: 30/all allies/Restore HP of party members
HealWind: 20/one ally/Restores HP
HellStab: 42/one enemy/Critical blow to an enemy
HolyBreath: 45/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (HOLY)
IceBreath: 35/multiple enemies/Damages all enemies. (WATER)
InotiumBomb: 10/one enemy/Throw a tail bomb
Justice: 10/self/Increases offense
Laevateinn: 30/self/Increates offense w/ fire power
LightPunch: 50/one enemy/Critical damage to an enemy
LiquidFlame: 20/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage to all. (FIRE)
LovelyKiss: 20/all allies/Restore HP of party members
LoveNeedle: 10/multiple enemies/Philanthropy effect
LoveSpore: 10/multiple enemies/Philanthropy effect
MeteorBreath: 48/multiple enemies/Inflicts damage. (DARK)
MultiArrow: 15/muliple enemies/Arrow attack to multiple enemies
ParaAttack: 7/one enemy/Paralyzes an enemy
ParaHowl: 10/one enemy/Paralyzes an enemy
Petrify: 15/multiple enemies/Petrify enemies
PlusShot: 2/one enemy/Critical arrow attack on an enemy
PoisonPunch: 8/one enemy/Poisons an enemy
PoisonSpore: 20/multiple enemies/Poisons enemies
PrettyKiss: 10/one enemy/Confuses an enemy
RapidPunch: 20/one enemy/Critical damage to an enemy
Regain: 10/one ally/Restores HP
Reppu: 25/self/Neo-charge
Senpu: 10/self/Charge
Shish-Kebob: 20/one enemy/Shish-Kebob an enemy
SleepSpore: 10/multiple enemies/Put enemies to sleep
Shockwave: 20/multiple enemies/Damages all enemies
Sippu: 18/self/Charge-revised
SonicPunch: 35/one enemy/Critical damage to an enemy
SparkBreath: 35/multiple enemies/Spark damage to all enemies
SparkGlare: 11/one enemy/Inflicts damage. (DARK)
StarPress: 10/one enemy/Confuses an enemy
Sting: 10/one enemy/Poisons an enemy
StoneShock: 25/one enemy/Petrifies an enemy
TurtlePress: 16/multiple enemies/Turns enemies into turtles
TurtleSting: 6/one enemy/Turns an enemy into a turtle
VenomPunch: 42/one enemy/Kills an enemy
WindBreath: 25/multiple enemies/Damages all enemies. (WIND)

Reward List

More info added later.

SugarCandy: Sugar Candy attack
Flan: Flan attack
Cake: Cake attack
Pancake: Pancake attack all enemies
Heart: Restores HP & MP of entire party.

Items List

AntedoteBall: Recovers from poison
AntedoteChips: Recovers from poison
BBQ: Burg's special cuisine
Bobo: Prince's favorite fish
Cat'sEye: BlueCat's specialty
DarkKey: Key to the Netherworld
Darkstone: Dark Inotium crystal
Egg: Toy egg
ElixirBall: Restores MAX HP
ElixerCandy: Restores MAX HP
ElixirCocoa: Restores MAX MP
EnergyCandy: Restores 150 HP
EnergyCocoa: Restores 100 MP
Firestone: A key to save the prince
HealCocoa: Restores 10 MP
HealingBall: Restores 20 HP
HealingCandy: Restores 20 HP
Holystone: A key to save the prince
Illustration1: High quality illustration
Illustration2: High quality illustration
Illustration3: High quality illustration
Illustration4: High quality illustration
Illustration5: High quality illustration
Illustration6: High quality illustration
Illustration7: High quality illustration
Illustration8: High quality illustration
Illustration9: High quality illustration
Illustration10: High quality illustration
Illustration11: High quality illustration
Illustration12: High quality illustration
Illustration13: High quality illustration
Illustration14: High quality illustration
Illustration15: High quality illustration
* Lovestone: Everything's like a dream...
MediCandy: Restores 50 HP
MediCocoa: Restores 40 MP
ParaBall: Recovers from paralysis
ParaGum: Recovers from paralysis
RabbitPie: Recovers from turtle condition
RareRing: Libinsky's relic
Reality: Recovers from Philanthrophy
* RevivePotion: Not used...
RuinKey: Key to enter the Inotium Mine
SanityGummi: Recovers from confusion
SnowHerb: Cures Ninetail Fever
StrawberryKiss: Recovers from petrified condition
Teleporter: Teleports you to the World Map
Thunderstone: A key to save the prince
Toad: Ingredient for cooking
WakeBall: Recovers from sleep
WakeCandy: Recovers from sleep
WarpRing: Polanski's ring
Waterstone: A key to save the prince
Windstone: A key to save the prince

* unavailable through normal game play

Accessory List

Cat'sPaw: Offense +5
CharmOfValor: Offense +30
DefenseRobes: Reduces physical damage by 1/2
Dragon'sClaw: Offense +20
Fighter'sCharm: Defense +5
GeniusCap: Intelligence +20
Hero'sCharm: Defense +20
HolyCharm: Reduce MP cost by 1/2
MagicRobes: Reduce magical damage by 1/2
RobesOfHealing: Restores 10HP on every turn
SmartCap: Intelligence +10
SonicShoes: Agility +20
SpeedShoes: Agility +10
Tiger'sPaw: Offense +10
ThinkingCap: Intelligence +5
Warrior'sCharm: Defense +10

Monsters / Foes List

Ankiro (Dark)
Techniques: SparkGlare

Ariel (Holy)
Magic: Saint, Heal, Wake, Holy, MegaSaint, CurePoison, HealAll, GigaHoly,
       Real, MegaHealAll, GigaSaint, OmegaHoly

Armadillo (Holy)
Techniques: Glare

Beast (Earth)
Techniques: ParaHowl, CharmHowl, DarkHowl, Shockwave

Bebe (Thunder)
Techniques: Electricity

Bee (Wind)
Techniques: Sting

Behemoth (Dark)
Techniques: Breath, ParaHowl, DarkHowl

Bobo (Water)
Techniques: BubbleBreath

BoneBoy (Dark)

Bonedaddy (Earth)

BoneMan (Fire)

Boo (Earth)
Techniques: TurtleSting, Sting

Bubu (Fire)
Techniques: LiquidFlame

Burg (Neutral)
Techniques: Shish-Kebob

Centaur (Water)
Techniques: G.Laser

Chimera (Fire)
Techniques: FireBreeze, Blast

Crowdia (Neutral)
Techniques: LightPunch

Ctrice (Earth)
Techniques: Petrify, Blast

DarkDrgn (Dark)
Techniques: Breath, MeteorBreath

Dinosaur (Earth)
Techniques: ParaHowl, Breath

D.Knight (Dark)

Dragib (Wind)
Techniques: WindBreath

Eagle (Wind)
Techniques: DiveAttack

EarthDrgn (Earth)
Techniques: Breath, EarthBreath

Ego (Dark)

Elinger (Earth)
Techniques: LoveSpore, FoulSpore

Faerie (Holy)
Techniques: PrettyKiss, LovelyKiss, Healing

FireBird (Fire)
Techniques: FireBreeze

FireDrgn (Fire)
Techniques: Breath, FireBreath

FireGolem (Fire)
Magic: Fire, FireHeal, Flame, BraveHeat, MegaFire, FireShield, GigaFlame,
       GigaFire, OmegaFlame

Fox (Earth)
Techniques: FoulBreath

Gao (Neutral)
Techniques: FlameKick

General (Fire)
Techniques: Healing

Ghost (Holy)
Magic: Saint, MegaSaint, Holy, GigaHoly

Ghosty (Dark)
Magic: Meteorite, MegaMeteorite, Meteor, GigaMeteor, Death

Golem (Earth)
Magic: Geo, EarthHeal, Earth, GeoWise, MegaGeo, Fool, GigaEarth, GigaGeo,

Griffin (Wind)
Techniques: Black, Shockwave

IceDrgn (Water)
Techniques: Breath, IceBreath

IgaIga (Fire)
Techniques: Regain, Explosion

In. Lizard (Earth)
Techniques: InotiumBomb

IronGolem (Thunder)
Techniques: StoneShock, HellStab

Jelly (Earth)
Magic: Geo, EarthHeal, GeoWise, MegaGeo, Fool, GigaEarth, GigaGeo

JellyBomb (Fire)
Techniques: Explosion

JellyFish (Water)
Techniques: ParaAttack

Knight (Thunder)

L.Heart (Neutral)

Mag.Jelly (Dark)
Magic: Meteor, MegaSleep, Poison, MegaPoison, Charm, MegaCharm

Marjoly (Neutral)
OmegaMeteor, OmegaFlame, OmegaHydro, OmegaTornado, OmegaStorm

Mermaid (Water)
Magic: Water, WaterHeal, Hydro, MegaWater, CoolDown, ShieldBreak,
       GigaHydro, GigaWater, OmegaHydro

Met.Jelly (Earth)
Techniques: TurtlePress, Regain

MiniDark (Dark)
Techniques: StarPress

MiniEarth (Earth)
Techniques: TurtlePress

MiniFire (Fire)

MiniIce (Water)

MiniThndr (Thunder)

Mushroom (Fire)
Techniques: FoulSpore, PoisonSpore, SleepSpore

Myao (Neutral)
Magic: MegaSleep, MegaPoison, MegaCharm, Death, BraveHeat

Nightmare (Dark)
Techniques: GoodNight, HellStab

Ninetail (Wind)
Techniques: Healing

Nyanchi (Neutral)
Techniques: BombMeow!

Nyanki (Neutral)

Nyanko (Neutral)
Magic: Heal

Painting (Dark)
Techniques: TurtlePress

Poishroom (Wind)
Techniques: PoisonSpore, LoveSpore, FoulSpore, SleepSpore

PoisnToad (Water)
Techniques: PoisonPunch

QueenBee (Water)
Magic: Water, WaterHeal, Hydro, CoolDown, MegaWater, ShieldBreak,
       GigaHydro, GigaWater, OmegaHydro

R Heart (Neutral)
Techniques: LoveNeedle

RoyalBee (Wind)
Magic: Wind, WindHeal, Tornado, TrickWind, MegaWind, WindSpeed,
       GigaTornado, GigaWind, OmegaTornado

SaboSabo (Earth)
Techniques: Regain, Explosion

Salamand (Fire)
Techniques: Blaze

Samurai (Earth)

Shogun (Water)

Silph (Wind)
Techniques: LovelyKiss, PrettyKiss, Healing

Siren (Thunder)
Magic: Lightning, Storm, MegaLightning, GigaStorm, MiracleWall,
       GigaLightning, OmegaStorm

Sleshroom (Water)
Techniques: SleepSpore, PoisonSpore

S.Knight (Dark)
Techniques: Healing

Sniper (Thunder)

S.Shooter (Wind)

SuperBones (Holy)
Magic: Saint, MegaSaint, GigaSaint, Holy, GigaHoly, OmegaHoly

ThndrDrgn (Thunder)
Techniques: Breath, SparkBreath

TickTick (Wind)
Techniques: Regain, Explosion

Toad (Water)

TogeToge (Water)
Techniques: Regain, Explosion

VenomPunch (Water)
Techniques: VenomPunch

Werewolf (Wind)
Techniques: CharmHowl, Shockwave, ParaHowl, DarkHowl

WhiteDrgn (Holy)
Techniques: Breath, HolyBreath

WhiteWind (Holy)
Techniques: HealWind, Blast

WindDrgn (Wind)
Techniques: Breath, WindBreath

Illustration Gallery

Just keep playing the game to unlock new pics.

Page One:
-Cornet: Cornet playing her horn for Kururu and Ledgem
-Cornet and Kururu: Cornet w/ Kururu on her arm
-Ferdinand: Ferdinand poses with his hands on his sword
-Etoile: Etoile looking nice and snobby
-Marjoly and family: Marjoly and her three followers
-Cornet: Generic Cornet pic

Page Two:
-Kururu: Generic Kururu pic
-Ferdinand: Ferdinand in a slightly different pose
-Etoile: Etoile in the middle of one of her laughs
-Marjoly: Generic Marjoly pic
-Myao: Generic Myao pic
-Gao: Generic Gao pic

Page Three:
-Crowdia: Generic Crowdia pic
-Cherie: Generic Cherie pic
-Angelic Kururu: The pic on the instruction manual cover
-Image 1: Cornet w/ Kururu on her arm and a little forest scene
-Image 2: Cornet in a shorter outfit walking in the woods
-Image 3: Myao summons her dragon to attack Cornet

Page Four:
-Image 4: Cornet on the ground in shock
-Image 5: An upset Myao looks on at her wounded dragon
-Image 6: Ferdinand tends to Cornet's wound
-Image 7: Cornet daydreams
-Image 8: Angry women.. heheh
-Image 9: Cornet in the disturbing L-kun outfit scares Ferdinand

Page Five:
-Image 10: Cornet falling down in her L-kun costume
-Image 11: A pensive Cornet with Ferdinand
-Image 12: A serious Cornet with other various peoples
-3 Egg Brothers: Billy, Tell, and Kid pose together
-L-kun: Everybody's favorite bear thing

Page Six:

Page Seven:
-Big Flare
-NightSpawn: It's Spawn! Really!

Page Eight:

Page Nine:
-Reward!!: Cornet shares her love with the world
-Horn!!: Cornet plays for two of the three Egg Brothers (poor Tell..)
-Magic!!: L-kun zaps some baddies

Page Ten:
-Cornet & Kururu 1: Nice circular pic of the duo
-HAPPY NEW YEAR: The cast poses for a new year pic
-Poster: Cornet and Kururu hold blank signs up and Ledgem sleeps
-Cover(Japanese Version): So it is
-Kururu & Elinger: Kururu rides upon an angry Elinger
-Kururu & Ledgem: the duo sleeping together.... NOT LIKE THAT!!!!

Page Eleven:
-Cornet & Kururu 2: Kururu gives Cornet flowers
-Christmas Kururu: Kururu impersonates Santa
-Cover Art 1: Cornet / Kururu playing a horn on her back
-Cover Art 2: Cornet w/ Ferdinand as Kururu cheers her on
-Cover Art 3: Cornet and Etoile arguing
-Cover Art 4: Cornet, Etoile, Ferdinand, and chibi-Kururu

Page Twelve:
-Cover Art 5: Cornet w/ misc chibi-characters
-Cover Art 6: Profile of Cornet
-Cover Art 7: Profile of Kururu
-B&W Image 1: Cherie defending Cornet as a youth
-B&W Image 2: Cornet and Ferdinand kissing
-B&W Image 3: Ferdinand, Cornet, and their baby

Page Thirteen:
-Card Image 1: Cornet, Kururu, and Etoile
-Card Image 2: Cornet in normal clothes w/ Kururu
-Card Image 3: Cornet and Kururu
-Card Image 4: Cornet in normal clothes w/ Kururu

Music Gallery

The songs are available as you progress through the game.

-Let's go on/Contest
-Our World
-Evil Queen
-Amphibian Paradise
-True Courage
-Let's go on/Cherie
-Thank You
-Amazing Pirates

Original Game Soundtrack

Song List:
1.  Someday
2.  Let's Go On (Contest)
3.  Let's Go On (Cherie)
4.  Our World
5.  Amphibian Paradise
6.  Evil Queen
7.  True Courage
8.  Thank You
9.  Mountainmen's Song
10. Amazing Pirates
11. Puppet Princess Theme
12. Little Love
13. Adventurer
14. Welcome To The Dungeon
15. Spirit Wind
16. Marjoly Family Anthem
17. Mothergreen
18. Castle Evening
19. Lady's Barrette
20. Fear
21. Shooting Star
22. Rhapsody Afar
23. Dream Hunter
24. The Wanderer
25. Last Waltz
26. Mother's Lullaby


For those who aren't familiar with the term, "seiyuu" is the Japanese
word for "voice actor". Here are the voices which brought the characters
to life in the game:

-Cornet Espoire
 English: Sara Thomas
 Japanese: Fujino Kaoru

 English: Jody Fleischer
 Japanese: Kawamura Maria

-Ferdinand Marl E.
 English: Josh Synard
 Japanese: Morikawa Toshiyuki

-Etoile Rosenqueen
 English: Jody Fleischer
 Japanese: Amano Yuri

 English: Carrie G. Lowrey
 Japanese: Tomizawa Michie

 English: Sara Thomas
 Japanese: Tamura Yukari

 English: Jody Fleischer
 Japanese: Yamada Miho

 English: Rachel Quaintanes
 Japanese: Jinguji Yayoi


These lyrics were provided by Atlus in-game and some in the manual. I
tried to clean up the Japanese to make it more readable.

-Amazing Pirates


We are the fearless pirates
We are the most amazing pirates
We hunt for the sunken treasure in the ocean
When we get sunburn we put on lotion
This is the life of the pirates
The stars will guide our way
We are the fearless pirates
We are the most amazing pirates

-Amphibian Paradise


Deep inside this jungle green
Mysterious kingdom that's never been seen
Land of the frogs, a most sacred place
Amphibian paradise, wide open space
So please come to our kingdom
The sacred land of the amphibian


Jyanguru Ni Aru
Warera ga Shinpi no Kuni
Daremo Shiranai
Kaerutachi no Rakuen
Kimi no Oide yo
Warera Kaeru no Kuni e

-Evil Queen
Sung by: Marjoly, Myao, Gao, Crowdia


I am mightier than the god
The devil is my slave
More beautiful than the goddess
I put her face to shame

Oh look at me, what do you see?
There's no one greater than me
I'm the queen. The best you've seen, 
so worship me.

Your highness 
Marjoly, We worship you as number one

OH YES! I am evil personified
so get down on your knees

And if you're graced by my beauty,
you'll thank your lucky stars.
Aren't I great, I'm amazing myself all the time

There is one thing that I still have to get
I won't rest till he's mine. Prince Ferdinando

Don't you know you're old enough to be his mother

My heart is burning overheating with a raging fire
The prince I do admire, he fills me with desire
Dear Ferdinando, I am here to save you from this curse.
Let his love quench my thirst

My precious, wait a little longer, I will end your strife
I'll bring you back to life. I'll be your wicked wife
Dear Ferdinando, I am here to save you from this curse
Let your love quench my thirst


If you dare to get in my way


You won't live another day

Queeny, just show your beauty
You're the baddest queen under the sun
Keep on shining, we'll keep on whining
She's our queen, she's the baddest to be seen
Marjoly, you're the evil beauty
We bow down to you eternally


Kamiyori Tsuyori
Akuma wa Kerai
Dare yori mo Bijin
Megami yori mo

Osoroshii Osoroshii
Jibun-no Miryoku
Atashi wa Sekai de

Marjoly-sama Sakai-ichi

So Atashi wa Ichirin-no
Aku no hana
Sekai-jyu-ga Atashi no
Utsukushisa ni
Osore Ono no ki Hizama Zuku no yo

Dakedo Son-na Atashi nimo
Tenihairanai Monoga-aru

Sore wa Ushinawareta Wakasa

Atashi ga Hoshii no wa Itoshi no Ohji
Naze kon-na Sugata ni Dare no Shiwaza na no
Demo Daijyobu Datte Atashitachi niwa
Aiga Aru

Saa Matte Rasshai Itoshi no Ohji
Sigu ni Maho wo Toite Ageru wa
Soshite Futari wa Koi ni Ochiru no yo
Aito Johnetsu no
Se Ka I

Jyamasuru Yatsu wa

Ta O Se

Yoshawa Shinai

Saa Sakihokore

Uruwashi no Hanazononi
Akuyo Kagayake
Subete wo Moyasu hodo ni
Warera Hokoritakaki
Miwaku no Aku no hana

-Let's Go On
Sung by: Cornet


I remember this song I've known it for so long
And it feels so good to hear
Sounds a little sad but sweet just the same
Lovely melody

Whenever I hear this song,
I really don't know why
It makes me shed a little tear
But I'm sure my tears will soon disappear
Because I know you're here

Whenever I am feeling sad
And everything around looks bad
All I have to do is think of you
I know my dreams are waiting to come true

Let's go on with hope in our hearts 
Love will surely show us how
Let's go on, our hearts filled with dreams
Let's go on and find them now


Natsukashii Kono hibiki
Kokoro Yasuragu
Samishiku mo Yasashige na
Kono Melody

Nazekashira Kono uta wo
Kiku to Namida ga
Dakedo Samishiku nai no
Hitori jya Nai kara

Kanashii toki mo
Kujike sono toki mo
Itsumo Anata ga Soba de
Hagemashite Kureta kara

Kibo to Isshoni
Aruite iko
Yumewo Wasurezu ni
Aruite iko

-Let's Go On
Sung by: Etoile


You're such a lucky girl
That's what they always say
Rich and beautiful and bright
They don't get to see what's hidden deep inside
(So) I feel all alone
They keep telling me.
My life is so grand
What will make them understand
No one knows how truly lonely I am
Why don't they understand
I may act as if I'm strong
But all I want is to belong
Love and understanding from Mom and Dad
Is all I need to keep from being sad
If only I could just let go
Help me let my feelings show

-Let's Go On
Sung by: Cherie


You are my angel
You are my everything
You mean more than anything
When I see your smile so lovely and bright
Makes the world seem right

At times you can act like such a little girl
But in my eyes, you are the world
I wish you health and happiness for all time
And may the world be kind

Whenever you are feeling down
Whenever you are feeling blue
All you have to do is sing this song
Remember I'll be watching over you

Please grow up with hope in your heart
I will always be with you
Please go on with a dream in your heart
i will always be with you


Nani yori mo Taisetsuna
Itoshii Hito yo
Mujaki de Kegare no nai
Sono Egao

Nakimushi de Amaenbo
Watashi no Tenshi
Hayaku Ookikunatte
Genki ni Sodate

Kanashii toki mo
Kujike sou na toki mo
Kono uta wo Utatte
Akaruku Ikite hoshii

Kibo to Isshoni
Aruite hoshii
Yume wo Wasurezuni
Aruite hoshii

-Mountainmen's Song


Mountainmen, big and strong and full of fury
Mountain God, lead us on our holy journey
YO HO HO, We are soldiers of the mountain
Mountainmen, big and strong and always shouting


Wareraga Yama gami
Inochi wo Azuketa
Warera Yama otoko
Warera Yama otoko

-Our World
Sung by: Cornet & Prince Ferdinand


I can no longer hold it back
My heart is filled with love. The feeling of love for you

I can feel your precious heart
Holding your hand in mine, I feel the special love, we have

Is it just a fantasy?

It's not a fantasy

Are we dancing in a dream?

It's not a dream

I never ever want to wake up from the sweet sweet dream
It's our world Our love is everywhere

To the sky, our hearts will soar above

Our hearts will soar above
It's our world Our love is everywhere

Our love is everywhere

We can fly, together on the wings of love
It's a wonderful feeling being in love with you

Please never go

I'll always stay

I never want to stop dancing with you
This is our world, and I never ever want to let you go

Sung by: Cornet & Kururu


I know that you're out there and I'm waiting for you
Cornet is my name and I'm a puppeteer too
With my puppet friends there's nothing that we can't do
They are there to help me make my dreams come true
And once you get to know them they just might help you too
And all the puppets in the world will help me find my way to you
I know that you're out there and I'm waiting for you

There she goes again she's so in love as if lightning struck her from above

"But it did!"

I love you my prince, you are my true love
Cornet, won't you stop your silly dreaming please

"That's not true. Can't you see?" I'm just trying to make my dream come true

"Dressed like that?"

I've done everything a girl's supposed to
I take a bubble bath, even wash being my ears Oh!
All the bubbles tickle my nose but they get me squeaky clean
And when I'm done I'm looking beautiful

Cornet, you are a silly girl
You must look further than just mere appearances to see
"Cornet, are you following this?"
"What's important is"
What's inside of you

"What's inside of me?"

Don't you understand what I am saying to you?
Look inside yourself and you will find out what is true
You must be courageous and be true to your heart
It will make you happy when you know just where to start

I see it's what's inside of me

"Yes, what's inside of you!"

Someday I'll find my love
He'll be the one for me
I will be waiting patiently until he comes

"I told you don't wait! You take the initiative!"

Now I remember, think for myself

"Yeah, that's it!"

I know I'll find him and he will be the man of my dreams

We'll share our lives as one until the end of time
Someday our hearts will beat as one

-Thank You
Sung by: Cornet


Thank you, my love. I thank you from my heart
You filled my life with melody and song
You are the one,
I tell my story to
It's just begun. Our love will last forever
We'll share our lives as one
We have shared the laughter and tears
Through all of the years
We will say good-bye just for now till we meet again
Thank you, my love. Thank you over and over
It warms my heart just to say it again
Thank you, my dear. It's so hard just to say good-bye
But I will do it with a tear and a smile
Thank you, my love with all of my heart
You gave me a reason to believe

Lessons learned You have taught me through time
And they will stay inside my mind

Thank you, my love. Thank you over and over
It warms my heart just to say it again
Thank you, my dear. It's so hard just to say good-bye
But I will do it with a tear and a smile
Thank you, my love with all of my heart
You gave to me a reason to believe

You helped me find the courage to be me
You gave to me a reason to believe

-True Courage
Sung by: Cornet & Kururu


Why am I always feeling down?
Why am I always so afraid?
Why? Why have I given up hope?

What is it you're afraid of?
I know. It's okay. You can say I'm afraid too in the same way

I give up hope. I just can't cope
Can't give my all much longer

You're not alone. So just hang on
You must try to be stronger
You can overcome life's ups and downs
You can turn your life around
That's the meaning of true courage
So please remember

Don't you ever give up trying
Be courageous. Keep on striving
Fly to the stars
You can have hope for tomorrow
So let's hold hands with one another
We can both take one step further
Dreams can come true
Find the hope that's deep inside
Find your strength that keeps your dreams alive


Naze Utsumuku no
Naze Tachidomaru no
Naze Kibo Suteru no

Nani ga Kowai no
Sou ne Watashi Datte

Honto wa Kowai wa
Ikiteru to Tsurai koto
Takusan aru

Sore wa ne Dare demo
Onaji koto yo
Kurushimi Nori koete
Ikiteyuku Koto ga
Honto no Yuuki

Dato omou
Hora Akiramenai de
Yuuki wo Dashite
Fly to the star
Ashita ga Mieru yo
Saa Te wo tori atte
Ippo Fumidaso
Dream comes true
Hito no tame Ja nai
Jibun jinshin-no Yume no Tame ni

Final Words

I'd like to thank the following:

-CJayC: Hosting the best website for game information and for hosting all
 of my FAQs.

-Atlus: For giving this and other unique RPGs a chance in America.

-Cole: Help with the Flare and Mustaki haters quests.

-Bishounen no Miko: For fixing my horrendous spelling errors and for being
 such a wonderful girlfriend.

-Myself: Typing up this FAQ.