Resident Evil Survivor By Wesker ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Updated 9/17/00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Walkthrough 2. Weapons 3. Controls 4. Legal Stuff 5. Contact Me ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level I The Street Once the game starts walk forward and follow the path and turn left and go through the door. Walk forward and you will see a dead man Arc Thompson. After that you will see a zombie kill him and pick up the rusted key he has. Now walk forward and go through the door ahead of you. He will use the RUSTED KEY on the door once through the door kill the zombies and go to the left of the room and go through the double metal door. Now go strait and go through the door ahead. You will be in the freezer where frozen meat is kill the zombies and on once of the white crates in the corner of the room is the MANAGERS KEY. After you get it leave the room through the door and go back into the kitchen now you will notice a small room when you entered the kitchen strait ahead go strait and go through that doorway and use the MANAGERS KAY on that double door that would have been locked. Once through that door a movie will kick in he will look back and fourth after that go towards the window where the zombies are banging like crazy go towards the window and the windows will break kill those two zombies plus the other 2 behind you. Now face the glass window and turn around behind you go strait and take the door on the left. Now you will be outside. Kill the 2 cerebus' and pick up the phone it will hang up. Now take a left at the phone and go down the stairs kill the lickers it will form into 2 when you get close enough to them go to the one of the park benches and pick up the CRACKED KEY don't worry it is useful. My suggestion run to the stairs going up after you get the key unless you feel lucky and tempt fate by trying to kill 2 lickers with a handgun. Anyway weather you kill them or not go up the stairs the phone will ring he will pick it up. After the movie turn left from the phone and walk strait until you get to a double door building he will use the CRACKED KEY to open the door. After the chat will the little bald guy don't go after him it will just release monster so instead go up the stairs. And go through the door that traitor he will lock you in there will be a super hunter kill him and somewhere in the room will be the HANDGUN D it is on a desk by a computer. Pick it up after you kill the super hunter the door will be unlocked the chicken will run back in his room again. Next go down the stairs and the lickers will attack quickly run to the door where the man locked himself in it won't be locked anymore. Next kill the 2 lickers and pick up the UNBRELLA TOP SECRET FILE off the desk. Then go around the bookcases till you find a single door. Go through kill the two visible zombies and pick up the MANHOLE OPENER off one of the desks head towards the back of the room and kill the zombie go thorough the door. Now use the MANHOLE OPENER on the manhole out here to do this hit X when you are near it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL II The Sewer Now he will go down a ladder you will hear something that sounds like a machine gun those are bats go through the door in front of you. Now in this next room you will notice a ledge all the way on you right climb on it and go strait to the door at the end. Next go to one of the desks and pickup ANDY DIARY carefully read it after you put it on file you will see a boy. Follow him through the door and run through this narrow sewer passage a licker will drop run and go to the ladder going up. Now go strait through the door that says Paradise more like hell but anyway go through the door kill the zombies in front of you there could be once in back of you too. Now go into the door that has an office sign above it a.k.a. on the left. Go through that door now kill the zombies and go through the other door in the room pick up the PRISION CELL KEY on the desk. Now leave the room and go back into the main hall where the office door was now go through the door on the right in the main hall. Next kill the 2 zombies plus the other zombie at the end of the hall on the left. Now pick up the ROPE in the hallway. Next go back to where you killed the zombie that was alone and go through the jail cell door kill all the nude zombies and pick up the PRISONERS DIARY read it will give you vital info on the game. Now go through the other door in the room. Now you will be in a hallway with 2 doors take the one to the right. Pick up the SHOTGUN in that room and leave go through the bloody door. Now run past the cerebus walk around the weird post things and head towards the back of the path pick up the RED HERB on your right and go strait and go up the ladder on your left. Now you will notice hook type things on the wall walk towards them and he will use the ROPE. Now you will notice the guy in the trenchcoat kill him before he gets to close. Pick up the SHOTGUN SHELLS he drops he will always drop shotgun shells or ROUNDS ex. FLAME ROUNDS so when you kill him in the future I will just call them SHELLS or ROUNDS okay. Alright back to the walkthrough you will hear machine guns these animals are called Cleaners because they clean out the city and not with a mop or a street sweeper. Anyway you won't have to worry about them yet. . . Next go strait down the path and take a left to the metal door not the stairs. Once in the there the trenchcoat guy will be her exterminate him and pick up his ROUNDS. Now go through the other door in the room and you will be in a bar. Now strait ahead of you go up the stairs with the door go through the door. Now walk forward until you are in a room pick up the CLUB HALL KEY just after you pick it up trenchcoat man is here kill him and pickup his SHELLS. Now leave this room and go through the door and go down the stairs. The trenchcoat guy is back kill him pickup his ROUNDS and walk around the room till you find the door that says EXIT is locked use your CLUE HALL KEY on the card scanner to your right. Go through that door. Now there will be a movie UMBRELLA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level III Umbrella Headquarters Once inside head forward pickup the MAGNUM ROUNDS kill the licker and find the other door somewhere in the room go through it. Now kill the zombies and go onto the elevator strait ahead. It will take you to the 13 Th floor how lucky. Kill the lickers here exterminate them with a SHOTGUN. Now go through the reddish door to your right a movie will come in he will pass up a shining item after the movie when you go and get it the trenchcoat man will come out to play kill him first pick up his SHELLS now get the item it is the CARD KEY. Now to open this locked door in the hallway scan the card key in the scanner. Now pick up VINCENT'S DIARY in the same room. Now find the other door in this room and you will hear a recording from your mother the movie will take you to a little girl I forget what her name is but her brothers name is Lott. After the movie pick up VINCENT'S TAPING RECORD. Now go through the other door in this room. Now go to the elevator it will say it has not reached its floor yet meanwhile kill trenchcoat man. Then take the elevator. Now scan your keycard through the scanner to disable the alarm if you don't lickers will come after you. Now go through the door in that room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL IIII Parking Lot And Children's House Now you will be in the parking lot kill the cerebus with a SHOTGUN an d pick up the GRENADE LAUNCHER on the car hood find the other door in the parking lot it is up the ramp that says exit go through the door. Now go through the door the kids will just over the fence you do it too. Now follow them every time you see a fence there is always a door on the fence he will open it when he sees it. Now go through the door in the fence. Next you will notice a hunter on the bridge on top of you shoot him if you don't he will jump down and claw you. Go through the door in the fence ahead. Now kill the spiders to get out of here there is a ladder on the right wall can't see it either put up your map or increase the brightness of your TV to see it. Go up the ladder. Now go into the house the only door unlocked this is the kids house. Now once inside take the door to your right kill the zombie in-between the two beds and pick up the RED HERB next to the dresser. Leave this room and go through the remaining door in the house. You will hear a bump in the closet this is Lily approach the closet and there will be a movie scene. After the movie pick up LOTT'S DIARY. Go to the side of their house you will find a GREEN and BLUE HERB there. Leave the house and go through the gate after killing the zombies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL X The Factory Here we go to the factory to save her brothers butt. Now after going through the fence. You will find stairs going up somewhere here go up them now you if you played the game Din Crisis you should know that pat very well the floor plan is exact. Anyway kill the 2 cerebus and take the path to the right a hunter will break through the door kill him and go inside the room pick up the GREEN HERB. Now go through the door in the same room you will notice a computer panel hit it to activate the power for the ropeway then 2 lickers will come out kill them. Now go back out the door you came in and the ropeway will come back it is the hole in the fence you saw before it is not hard to find. Get on it you will notice a hunter jumped on it watch out for him. Now when you get out kill him. Next walk out the opened door in the fence there are stairs here you will go down them walk on the path and trenchcoat man will come plus 2 cerebus will attack from behind watch out the trenchcoat man will drop ROUNDS. Okay now somewhere in that area is a fence it has a door in it go through it. Now find the fence door that says Elmonia Mountain Road or something like that it is in big letters. Now go through the door there will be an infinite amount of cleaners coming after you so just run past them till you get to the end of the road watch out for the lasers those are snipers don't stop or they will shoot. Now once you are at the need go through the door. Now kill the 2 hunters and take the door to your left. Now kill the cerebus or run to the factory doors they are really hard to miss. Now take a right kill the hunter follow the path and go through the small door to your left. Now you will hear lott scream pick up the ROUNDS in this room and go down stairs kill trenchcoat man and head down the path and go into the computer room. Pick up the MAGNUM off the floor and activate the left by flipping the switch on the wall. Now go down the elevator kill the zombies and take the path to the right go through the door. Now kill the lickers and go through the single door to your left now go around the room and pickup the ACID ROUNDS. Ana go through the door on you left. Now follow the path kill the licker get the FACTORY WORKERS DIARY off the desk and pick up the ACTIVATION DISK. You will hear something break out head back to the main hall kill the licker but wait you will notice plants broke out kill them and head back to the place where you came down the lift but this time go through the other door you did not just come out of once there follow the path to the computer system it will ask if you want to put in the card key do it. Tons of zombies will come out kill them in a back room in this room there are 2 zombies and ROUNDS anyway after the computer go back to the main hall where I told you to go through the single door. Now you will notice a blue light on the wall press it the walls will open and plants will come out kill them. And get the UMBRELLA ID card from the dead guy and use it on the card slot on the locked door. The elevator will take you down to B3. Now once out of the elevator on your left wall there will be another blue light switch push it and it will open a shutter go through it and go through the door. Now kill trenchcoat guy and go strait through the door and save Lott. After the movie go through the door you are facing. Now after the flashback go through the door ahead of you. Now activate the computer kill the zombies and pickup the MAGNUM ROUNDS on one of the computer in this room. Next go back through the door you came through. Now push the switch to the left of you it will open a shutter kill the 2 plants. Now go through the door after the shutter. Now pickup the MASTER KEY on the computer console. Now go back out the door and walk strait there will be a movie after it kill the Super Tyrant and by the way I can't tell you which person you will see dead if you took my route you will see Andy the fat short guy dead any other way and you will see either the Cleaners Boss A Human or Vincent anyway go through the only single door that is not locked after that you will see a movie that Super Tyrant is not dead. After the movie go strait and use the MASTER KEY on that door that was locked. Then in the next room the walls will blow out then walk strait into the elevator after that you will meet the kids. Don't follow then go down the path head right to activate the computer to open the gate. Then either run from the cleaners or kill then. Enter the train. After you get out follow the kids up the elevator. Now you will have to kill Super Tyrant for the last time. Watch out for Super Tyrants second form its really lethal all I can tell you to beat him is to run around him and shoot at him. GAME OVER!!! Really Sad. Yeah Right Kill Him And You've WON!!! GAME OVER!!!! Yesss!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Weapons ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handgun A The first gun you have in the game good for killing zombies until you get handgun B C D or E. Max Ammo Hold 15 Cartridges Unlimited How Many Cartridges In Game: Unlimited ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handgun B A step up from Handgun A Max Ammo Hold 15 Cartridges Unlimited How Many Cartridges In Game: Unlimited ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handgun C A step up from Handgun B Max Ammo Hold 15 Cartridges Unlimited How Many Cartridges In Game: Unlimited ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handgun D A step up form Handgun C Max Ammo 15 Cartridges Unlimited How Many Cartridges In Game: Unlimited ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Magnum Very powerful gun great for killing every monster. Max Ammo 6 Cartridges Magnum Bullets How Many Cartridges In Game: 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade Launcher Gun is very effective on monsters who are affected by Acid, Fire and Explosives. Max Ammo 12 Cartridges Acid Rounds, Fire Rounds, and Explosive Rounds How Many Rounds In Game: From 8 to 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun Good for blowing zombies heads off and good for general use. Max Ammo 8 Cartridges Shotgun Shells How Many Cartridges In Game: From 8 to 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Controls The controls in this game are mostly basic and you will get used to them in a while but here they are. L1= Nothing L2= Nothing R1= Aim Your Gun R2= Nothing Triangle= Nothing Square= Nothing O= Nothing X= Shoot Your Gun While Holding R1 Start= Menu Select= Options ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Legal Stuff This walkthrough is copyright Tomb Raider a.k.a. Mark Wynn. This walkthrough can not be reproduced, copied or sold for profit it can only be printed for your non-profit use. Without my consent violation of these rules is a violation of federal law. And you can be charged for plagiarism. And if I do give you consent to put it on your website it must have my name on it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Comments I am open to all forms of criticism give me comments, criticism, and suggestions to make the this FAQ better. Don't send me comments like ex. Your FAQ Sucks without reasoning. So if you want to contact me My e-mail ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Tomb Raider/Mark Wynn 2000 All Rights Reserved -----------------------------------------------------------------------