Document best viewed in Courier new font size 10, screen size 1024x768 Users of WIN XP save this file to text then use Lucida console font Welcome to the complete guide for .. ___ _ _ ___ _ | _`\ _ ( ) ( )_ ( _`\ _ (_ ) | (_) ) __ ___ (_) _| | __ ___ | ,_) | (_(_) _ _ (_) | | | , / /'__`\/',__)| | /'_` | /'__`\/' _ `\| | | _)_ ( ) ( )| | | | | |\ \ ( ___/\__, \| |( (_| |( ___/| ( ) || |_ | (_( )| \_/ || | | | (_) (_)`\____)(____/(_)`\__,_)`\____)(_) (_)`\__) (____/'`\___/'(_)(___) ___ ( _`\ _ | (_(_) _ _ _ __ _ _ (_) _ _ _ _ __ `\__ \ ( ) ( )( '__)( ) ( )| |( ) ( ) /'_`\ ( '__) ( )_) || (_) || | | \_/ || || \_/ |( (_) )| | `\____)`\___/'(_) `\___/'(_)`\___/'`\___/'(_) Who.. who am I ?!... Welcome to my complete walkthrough for RE Survivor, this walkthrough can be used with both the PlayStation version and the not so long ago released PC version of the game. This walkthrough is complete in all formats and I have made sure as to leave nothing out. This walkthrough is brought to you by Adnan Javed, better known as ChandooG on the GameFAQ's message boards and as A-J among his friends and many many forums. Keep in mind first off that the walkthrough contains spoilers so if you would rather not spoil the story of the game then I would advice you to close this window and go play the game, I do not wish to make the game less-enjoyable for anyone, so use this walkthrough mainly for pointers and information as you please. Sit back, kick your shoes off, get yourself a carbonated soda and turn on your console/PC .. Quick overview -------------- RESIDENT EVIL SURVIVOR Complete Walkthrough By Adnan Javed Alias AJ ChandooG on message boards Original ver Oct/2/04 *under repairs* _____ _ _ ___ |_ _|___| |_| |___ ___| _| | | | .'| . | | -_| | . | _| |_| |__,|___|_|___| |___|_| _ _ ___ ___ ___| |_ ___ ___| |_ | _| . | | _| -_| | _| |___|___|_|_|_| |___|_|_|_| ________________________________________ | | | |No | Description | |___|____________________________________| | | | |1. | Introduction | | | | |2. | Story | | | | |3. | Controls | | | | |4. | Characters | | | | |5. | Enemies | | | | |6. | Weapons | | | | |7. | Beginner Info | | | | |8 .| Walkthrough | | | | |9. | Item's listing | | | | |10.| Files | | | | |11.| Cheats | | | | |12.| Review at IGN | | | | |13.| Interesting bits | | | | |14.| Series Time Line | | | | |15.| Legal Information | | | - Site's hosting this | | | - Contacting information | | | - Ending words | |___|____________________________________| Got anything to ask about the game, or this Guide, then dont hesitate in dropping me an emai off at.. Version History --------------- V 1.0 This is the first and final version of this guide, i dont plan to update it in any other way possible or imagineable. So if you think i'm gonna update it then your wrong, and if you have any sort of questions then just mail em to me at : and i'll answer em for ya. Well what can i say ? everything is in place here, and i dont need anything else ... 1. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ _ _ _ _ |_|___| |_ ___ ___ _| |_ _ ___| |_|_|___ ___ | | | _| _| . | . | | | _| _| | . | | |_|_|_|_| |_| |___|___|___|___|_| |_|___|_|_| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* The basic prospect of playing a RE game in first person is exciting ? isnt it ??? but dont let this game fool you, its not the best game, hell its just an average game with not so good graphics and its too short for taht matter. But this is a Resident Evil game and people will go and play these games as long as they keep making em. This game isnt that bad actually, its quite fun to play for a while but that while is a little too small. The basic idea which capcom had while making this game was to make an exciting shooter for the playstation 1. But thats the biggest flaw of the game, that its on a PS 1. That means inferior memory and graphic power then any other system. This game sucks mostly because it was made on a 32 bit machine, and from what i think the developers couldve done a whole lot better then this if they had better machinery. In general Survivor is the story of a man who is trapped on an island, the man who is your hero has no past memory of who he is and what he is doing on that island. You must survive the horrors of the island thus the game is named survivor as the main goal for you in this game is to survive. This game has some very good points and some very very bad points as well, some of the good points which i will mention here are the excellent back ground musicof this game and the sheer fun of shooting the zombies and other creatues as muchas you want, this game WAS designed to be a shooter rather then the normal Resi games so shooting is essential in this game. Some of the really bad points of this game are the obvious one's the story of this game sucks full time, no seriously, the story isnt like any other good RE stories, well it actually is but still this story in particular sucks. The other thing is the games length its too short of a game, but since it was designed to be a shooter i think we can forgive capcom for that. The voice acting of the game is like crap all the time with no real emotions shown like any other RE games. ------------------------------------ Following taken from RE: Survivors Guide What do you get when you mix technology older than RE2 and release it after RE3? You get the god awful Resident Evil Survivor!! Ok Capcom wanted to create a first person version of one of their Resident Evil games on shitty Playstation 1 hardware. Well here it is, loooowww polygon models. Low rez textures and animation so bad you'd swear the zombies were break dancing. Its almost funny. Anyway, the Resident Evil game you've probably never played is here. Ark; A friend of Leon Kennedy has been investigating a small town under the control of Umbrella. There was an outbreak and the entire town has been infected. As Ark tries to escape his helicopter crashes leaving him with severe memory loss. Who is he? Why is he in this town?? In the distance he hears the faraway moans of Zombies and other creatures. He takes a glance at the wreckage that was his helicopter, not going that way. Drawing the hand gun from his coat pocket he makes his way into town... 2. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ ___| |_ ___ ___ _ _ |_ -| _| . | _| | | |___|_| |___|_| |_ | |___| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* In 1998 a disaster struck the quiet midwestern residence of Raccoon City. An uncontrollable outbreak of the Umbrella created T-Virus transformed the city into an inescapable death trap. To stop the outbreak from spreading, Umbrella Incorporated was forced to wipe out the entire city. However, this was not the only location where an outbreak occurred... and then the opening movie starts, the sheena island streets are crawling with zombies, another incident, when we thought that raccoon city was the only place where anything like this could happen. No one imagined it , but its happened, all because of one man's greed for money and power from umbrella. A chopper is seen flying in the night sky with one determined soul flying on it while another one hangs from it with a gun in his hand and a pair of dogtags in the other one, but suddenly he shoots in the chopper and it explodes a little and the hanging man looses control and falls down screaming. The chopper goes down in an abandoned street, and then a stranded stranger jumps out of the burning wreckage, once he regains conscnousness he realizes taht he has forgotten all information about himself, who he was, what is name was ? he didnt even knew what he was doing here, the only thing he has is a gun in his hand.. now he must survive, but as well find out about his identity, who he really was ? and what he was doing on a hell hole like this ? his only hope is this gun in his hands, he starts his journey with the words " i must remember.... i must survive " Then he boldly steps into the darkness.. into death. """ ---------------------------------------------------------- That is when you the player comes into play and its your job to make sure that our hero survives the horrors and makes it through to the eventual encounters, meeting some strange people and finally ending the game. 3. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ _ ___ ___ ___| |_ ___ ___| |___ | _| . | | _| _| . | |_ -| |___|___|_|_|_| |_| |___|_|___| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Well since i still have to play the PC version of this game im only gonna post the ps version controls for the G con and the standard controller. Standard controller. Resident Evil Survivor PAD _ move character X _ fire / select Square _ run START _ inventory / skip scenes SELECT _ options menu R1 _ aim L1 _ focus on closest enemy or item or door ------------------------------------------- Biohazard Gun survivor PAD _ move character X _ run Square _ fire/select O _ same as square START _ inventory/ skip scenes SELECT _ options menu R1 _ aim L1 _ focus on closest enemy or item or door ------------------------------------------- Gun COn A _ move left B _ move right A+B _ inventory tap A or B twice _ focus on close enemy item or door trigger _ walk if gun is away from screen / double to run _ shoot while gun is at screen trigger +A+B _ options menu 4. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ _ ___| |_ ___ ___ ___ ___| |_ ___ ___ ___ | _| | .'| _| .'| _| _| -_| _|_ -| |___|_|_|__,|_| |__,|___|_| |___|_| |___| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* ARK THOMPSON ------------ This is the hero of this game, its his first and probably last outing in a RE title, ark thompson starts his mission to know and find out about himself and who he is ? and what he is doing here, along the way he fights many odd and powerfull creatures and finds some people still alive. Along his trip he stats to think that he is this person called vincent who is responsable for this whole mess on this island. and he also gets in trouble because of his false identity as someone tries to kill him. LOTT KLEIN ---------- You first meet lott in the sewers area but he runs off afraid of you and you dont get to have a proper talk to him until the end of the game, in the japansese version of this game lott is written as rott as there is no L in the japanese language. LILLY KLEIN ----------- Meet lott's little sister lily who has the worst voice actor in the whole game, she runs around with his brother until he leaves her at their house, that is the place where you get to meet her properly and she tells you about lott. ANDY HOLLAND ------------ This is the umbrella sewer manager, you first meet him in the library and there he thinks that your vincent and from there on he makes many attempts to kill you, but you will find out later in the game why he thinks your vincent, the truth is that andy is just one of the good guys but he's been mistaken about your identity and fate has put him against the hero. VINCENT GOLDMAN --------------- This is the bad guy of this game, vincent is the person who spread the virus in this place in the first place, he wanted to gain power and wealth from umbrella and this is what his sick mind comes up with, he is the one who knows the truth about the cleaners and he also wants to kill the spy aka ark before he leaves the island. Seems like the vincent who dies in the start is a fake one if you meet him alive and well later in the game. LEADER OF THE CLEANERS ---------------------- You only see this loud mouth 2 times in the game, once when he's barking orders to his cleaner teams when you first see them, and the other time in the end of the game , well he only shows up and does nothing, thats all. 5. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ ___ ___ ___ _____|_|___ ___ | -_| | -_| | | -_|_ -| |___|_|_|___|_|_|_|_|___|___| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Zombies ------- These are the common resident evil enemies, no game can be complete without zombies. Zombies were actually the civilians which turned to this form due to the T virus. This game has the same zombie models as in RE 2. They are quiet easy to beat and i advice using nothing but the handguns while facing them, you cant decapitate zombies in this game like the other RE games, but head shots can cause more damage then normal shots. Dogs ---- Animals can also come under the influence of the T virus and this is the proof, if your playing the game with the standard D pad then these are the worst enemies you will encounter in the whole of the game because aiming at them is just so damn hard, but if you consider fighting them use the hanguns , knock them down and then dont let them get up, shoot them while they're down. Crows ----- You wont come across these things alot in the game, only 2 or three times to the max they can mostly be found in the open areas liks streets, so if you ever want to kill them all you gotta do is take wild shots on them and they shall go down with 1 shot each. Spiders ------- You can find 2 kinds of spiders in the game, one are the basic green and black one's and the other are a little larget purple and black one's, now the main diff between these 2 types is that the purple one can spit acid at you which poisons you, so the best method against spiders is to probably avoid them. Hunters ------- The hunters are back in all there green scaly glory and they are as mean as they ever were, these arent the hunter beta's or gamma's from RE3, but these are the alpha series from the original RE, those were the hunters which were a real pain, unlike the easy one's from RE3. But in this game they are back.... a little reduced of their power though but still they take more then 1 shotgun shell to kill and they can give you that instant death attack here too. The best method against dealing with hunters is to take a powerful weapon and keep them in your sight, and shoot them, if they jump towards you just move back a little and it will land in front of you avoiding you, another way is that if you have a more powerful weapon like the shotgun you can just shoot it down in the air. Air shots cause more damage then normal shots. Lickers ------- Another welcome return for one of the most annoying creatures in the RE series, these are the lickers from RE 2 but here you'll see that they lack in comparision to the hunters and they are easy enough to just take down with any handgun you have, this i say is a great shame to the lickers name as they should have been made more stronger then shown. The best method to deal with lickers in this game is by taking on them with any handgun and shoot at it, then when it jumps at you it pauses in mid air for a sec and that is the time for you to step back or else you'll get hit. When you step back it should land right in your feet allowing you a couple of more shots, and then you can just run to the other end of the room or hall your in and continue this method until the licker(S) are dead. Cleaners -------- These are a new addition to the Resident evil series are they are actually quiet an easy one to be said. These are human soldiers who are sent by umbrella to cleanse the area and by cleansing they mean killing every zombie and human in sight. The cleaners look like humans but they certainly dont sound and act like one. When you kill them they just dissolve into the ground , weird. They take no more then 1 or 2 handgun bullets to kill. Moth ---- You will only see 2 moths in the whole game, these moths unlike the one's in CV are really easy to kill and they can just be killed with the handguns , nuff said Plants ------ The plants also make a return to survivor after being left out in RE3. There are 2 variations of the plants similar to the spiders, first there are the green one's who can only hurt you and then there are the other purple one's who can poison you, so you must bs careful when fighting or avoiding the plants, they dont make their appearence until the very ending parts of the game and are quiet easy to kill. Cokroaches ---------- Thats right even the roaches are in this game, just what the doctor ordered, but dont worry as they are only in one room in the entire game, when you press the light in that room they start running wild and that is the cue for you to split out of there before they can do more damage to you. Even though they are small, they can cause helluva lot of damage once they get a good annoying hold on you. BOSSES Alligator(s) ------------ Well ok some people may not classify them as the boss but i can put them in this section because these alligators give you the hardest fight in the game, and not only that this fight is totally unavoidable means you must kill them both and you dont have alot of room to do so. Most of the time you'll end up dead in this fight but the best method to kill them is to concentrate your firepower on the first alligator at the time, and when the second one shows up keep on firing at the first one, and when the first one's dead then go towards the second one. Watch out and dont get too close to them or its bye time. MR X (S) -------- This is the same big dude from RE2 remember ? in RE2 you only had one mr X chasing you all the way through the game but this time you have a whole damn army of them chasing you but dont let that fool you as these are quiet easy if your at quiet a distance from them. They wont take more then a couple of handgun clips and they always leave some ammo behind after you kill them, later in the game you even get to see the place where they are made. Tyrant ------ The ultimate biological weapon is back in this game and this one aint pretty.. looking different then the tyrants in RE1 and CVx this tyrant has to be fought only 2 times in the game , the first time its quiet easy and all you have to do is step back and keep on shooting it with the shotgun, the second time use your all powerful weapons cause thats gona be the final fight of the game, this is one cool mother and its sure to keep you entertained in the final moments of the game. 6. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | -_| .'| . | . | |_ -| |_____|___|__,| _|___|_|_|___| |_| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* Stats for handguns are out of 10 in their own category and the other guns have other category. Dont compare the values with the handguns. HANDGUN A Glock 17 handgun speed : 7 reload : 6 damage : 5 overall : 5 can hold : 17 bullets This is the first gun you will come across in the game and you will use it probably until you get your next handgun, this is a farily decent handgun with a good clip rate and fair power to its name, it can kill zombies in nearly half a clip, but still thats good enough to keep it in your hands. ------------------------------------------- HANDGUN B CZ 75 handgun speed : 10 reload : 2 damage : 5 overall : 6 can hold : 15 bullets You can find this gun if you take the route to the hospital in the second cross road of the game , this is the fast shooter of the game but fast shooting in followed by some awefully slow reload times and a little bad low damage rate. This gun should only be used on one zombie at a time, not my recomendation but sometimes the fast bullet rate can also help. ------------------------------------------- HANDGUN C M8000 Cougar G handgun speed : 6 reload : 8 damage : 7 overall : 7 can hold : 15 bullets This is probably the pick of the handguns, even though i dont use it but still its the best gun you will find in my opinion, this gun has a good fire rate and good power along with a speedy reload which will help you more then often and will make you keep this handgun. ------------------------------------------- HANDGUN D Nanbu 14 custom speed : 4 reload : 7 damage : 9 overall : 8 can hold : 8 bullets This is my pick of the handguns possibally because i like powerful guns, and thats not all this gun has a good reload speed too, but the firing speed is small and sometimes makes you feel bored, but still its my choice cause its the most powerful and can take down a Mr X with only 2 clips. ------------------------------------------- Shotgun SPAS 12 speed : 5 reload : 3 damage : 8 overll : 7 can hold : 8 shells This is quiet an aswesome weapon and can take down any normal zombies with 1 shots, the hunters will take no more then 2 and so goes for the lickers, i use this weapon whenever there are more then 1 hunters in the area and this is the only thing i use in the first tyrant fight.. otherwise i keep the ammo safe. ------------------------------------------- Grenade Launcher M- 79 Speed : 9 reload : 8 damage : 8 overall : 8.5 can hold : 1 grenade at a time This is one of the best guns in the game and combined with the right kind of rounds this is the killer weapon, use the grenades rounds if you want to take down some zombies, the flamre rounds are best suited for the plants and the lickers, and save the acid roudns as they arevery rear for hunter encounters and the final tyrant. MR x can block these roudns with his hands so its no use shootin at him with the grenade launcehr, otherwise this is the killer gun of the game. ------------------------------------------- Magnum S&W M-19 speed : 5 reload : 3 damage : 9 overall : 7 can hold : 6 rounds This is the big daddy of em all, the magnum, one of the only guns to make its appearence in all the RE games, the magnums are known for their power, in real life magnum bullets can tear through a whole car engine, imagine what it would do to a human. Save these only for the final encounter, you wont find more then 2 magnum clips in the whole game, these 2 clips are the most cherished thing in the game and you must be accurate when shooting with the magnum cause there is no room for waisting ammo. ------------------------------------------- Rocket Launcher M20 - A1 Speed : 8 reload : 3 power : 10 overall : 10 can hold : 1 rocket at a time This is the secret gun of the game and can be obtained only by getting an S rank, this launcher comes with infinite ammo and is suitable for everything in the game, no more then 1 shot should be enough for any enemy, though sometimes mr X can block this too, but still it dont matter cause its got unlimited ammo, and it rocks. 7. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ _ _ ___ | |_ ___ ___|_|___ ___ ___ ___ |_|___| _|___ | . | -_| . | | | | -_| _| | | | _| . | |___|___|_ |_|_|_|_|_|___|_| |_|_|_|_| |___| |___| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* HEADSHOTS AND YOU : Since this game gives you the freedom to aim and fire at which ever body part of the target you want to hit, i think its pretty obvious that we should take aim straight for the head and fire, shooting on the head will not decapitate the zombie but it will sure as hell put it down a lot quicker. Same goes for all the bosses you meet in the game. HEALTH ISSUES: This game has alot of nasty monsters who can take down alot of health in a matter of seconds so its best to always keep a spare full herb combo or a first aid spray with you just in case, on the same note only use herbs and other stuff whenever you need them the most, save them if you can because your gonna need alot of them in the later stages of the game. DISTANCE : You will have just about all kinds of guns through the game, if your using a standard handgun or a magnum then you should know that these are the guns which will cause the same amount of damage no matter how far your shooting from, so keep this in mind and be sure to snipe a few zombies from a good distance, this will often save you alot of bites and close encounters. MR X : You will enocounter several mr X's through out this game, the best method against them is to take out a standard handgun and shoot at them, when they get too close and start to do their punch animation run back a little, they take a huge time to fire a punch so you should be okey, keep this getting back and firing routine and the X will die soon. Check on his dead body since he leaves items behind. NO SAVING : This is something that alot of people forget when they are playing the game, there is NO saving in between the game so once you start playing, you have to play until you've ended the game, you may think that this is stupid but believe us the game is not that long anyway, you can end it with in one hour if your good enough, my personal best is less then 40 minutes, see what i meant. You can only save your game after you've finished it. THE RIGHT CHOICE: If your playing the game for the first time you should take the church in the first three choice area and the library in the second three choice area, why, since the church is really easy and the library will give you the best handgun out of them all, handgun D,thats why. But dont listen to me if you want to explore it all on your own. Be my guest. 8. !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___| | |_| |_| |_ ___ ___ _ _ ___| |_ | | | | .'| | '_| _| | _| . | | | . | | |_____|__,|_|_,_|_| |_|_|_| |___|___|_ |_|_| |___| !*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!* The start of the game shows you a FMV in which the first thing you'll see is a small prologue which goes like this : In 1998 a disaster struck the quiet midwestern residence of Raccoon City. An uncontrollable outbreak of the Umbrella created T-Virus transformed the city into an inescapable death trap. To stop the outbreak from spreading, Umbrella Incorporated was forced to wipe out the entire city. However, this was not the only location where an outbreak occurred... When that is over you will be taken to a FMV in which you see that zombies are running amok the streets and this place is just like raccoon city. Then the camera turns to a chopper on which a man is hanging, he yells to the pilot inside that he wont get away this time, and then he shoots inside, the bullets must have hit something important as the chopper starts to fall down, and the man falls down to earth screaming. The chopper falls a few alleys behind it, and soon a young man jumps out of the burning wreckage.This man is our hero. Once you are finally in control after that dramatic FMV and the movie like memory loss of our hero head. Turn around to see the chopper if you want to, after you've done that go to the end of this area and there's a door there enter it. As soon as the door opens you will see the dead body of the man who fell off the chopper in the opening movie. Once you get near his deceased a little scene starts in which our still nameless hero checks the dogtags in the bodie's hands. The scene ends with a zombie directly in front of you. Shoot it and kill it quickly cause its a little close. When its finally dead it will drop a key which you should use to open any one of the three doors you see. This is the first choice in the game, the door closest to you and the body is the entrance to the church. The second door is the kitchen of a diner and the door at the end is the entrance to a cinema theater. Keep in mind that you cannot go back once you have opened any one of those doors with the key , becaue the key breaks. If you want to go to the church see the church column , if you choose the diner see the kitchen section and if you feel like going to the movies check the cinema section. (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) CHURCH `'·.¸)`'·.¸) Damn those umbrella freaks , they even own the church, how do i know this ? just look at the logo in front of you, anyway in this room you will find two zombies, kill them as they shouldnot be any problem for you, after killing them head towards the door on the right as the left one is currently locked. In this room you will be surrounded by three zombies, you can kill them with 2 tactics either go to any one corner avoiding the zombies and shoot them from the corner or you can do it like i do and shoot em head on one by one from the place where you start the room. Once you have disposed the zombies head towards the ticking clock and take its winder out. Then head towards the far corner of the room and you will see a key lying on the table. Take it as this is the thing which will be used to open the door on the other side of the main church room. Once you exit the room head straight forward and open the door immediately, in this room you can get either of the variations, either the zombies will be in front of you or either they will be in the end of the hall by the clock. Once you have disposed them anywhere they are head towards the double doors in the middle of the hall . Once you enter this room the camera takes a look of the room and you will see a file on the table. Pick up the file and then head around the corner and you will see a herb , a arcade machine and a zombie. Kill the zombie and take the herb, you cant do anything with the machine :P and head back out. Out here go to the end of the hall, you wont be able to open the door yet as it is locked instead go to the stopped clock and you will use the winder on it automatically. Once you used the winder you will see the staircase emerge behind you. Descend the staircase and you will see your first spider in your room, they arent a real threat and these one's cant poison you. Kill it with ease and enter the door at the end. Enter this room and you will see three zombies , kill them off and open the multi color key from the box and head up the stairs again, open the door now and it shall open. Now for the next sectoin check out Phone alley. (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) KITCHEN `'·.¸)`'·.¸) You should know that this is the kitchen of a umbrella owned hotel. Once you enter it you will see some of the living dead in this kitchen. Kill them all and pick up the file on the counter. Once you have done so enter the steel doors as the door behind the counter is closed right now. Once you entered the door you will find a little passage going to the left. Head down this passage and you will see a green herb lying there , pick it up and head up again. Once your up the ramp again enter the door on the other side and your now in the hotel freezer, the zombies are even here so shoot them all, you'll see lotsa meat hanging there but this aint time to eat. Pick up the key in the corner of the freezer and head all the way back to the main kitchen room. Once there go and enter the door behind the counter area and you'll be able to open it. Once you have entered the door the camera will show you the zombies who are banging by the glass of the hotel, head forward and you'll see 2 more zombies on the right side. Once you start shooting at them the previous zombies will break the glass and come after you. Kill them all and enter the door at the end of the hall. Now for the next section check out phone alley. (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) CINEMA `'·.¸)`'·.¸) Once you enter the cinema be sure for some prime time entertainment ... just kidding. You will see some zombies there, kill them and take the green herb before you go up the stairs. Only go up the stairs as the other rooms are of no use to us right now. Once you are on top of the stairs follow the path and you will see a door, enter it and the camera will show you a strange looking projector in the room. Head around the projector and you will see a file in the corner a good file i might add, related with the story and stuff. Now enter the adjacent room in the corner and you will see that a zombie is too close for comfert kill it and get that film roll on top of the shelf, now head to the projector and go to its side, you will be asked if you want to use the film and you know what to do. When the film starts rolling head out the room and head back to the stairs. Along the way some crows will attack you but they are easy to avoid and i suggest that you do so. Once your down the stairs again, kill all the zombies again and enter the first doors your near. Now were talking, were now in the main cinema room and in front we see what umbrella calls entertainment. The most boring movie ever, so much for prime time. Anyway pick up the key near the screen and head out again, for those of you who are curious the key doesnt appear until you start the movie. Now head to the only remaining doors here and you'll open em with the key. But the zombies will be alive here again so be careful. Now for the next section check out phone alley. (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) PHONE ALLEY `'·.¸)`'·.¸) Once your here you will start hearing the phone ring all of a sudden and you will also see 2 dogs here, the dogs can be a real pain in the neck if your using the standard controls to play the game. Once you have killed the dogs and when you try to answer the phone the person on the other side will hang up on you, how rude. Now decend the staircase and you will see your first licker in the game, when you start shooting at it another one will jump out of the dark, kill them as they are not that much of a trouble , once they are dead pick up the key from the bench and take the herb at the end of the alley and climb the other staircase. Once your done climbinb you will see another short scene in which you finally get to answer the damn phone. Some strange remarks later you finally shut the damn phone. Now you will find yourself in another choice section. Here you can either choose between the library, the hospital or the arcade. Keep in mind that this choice will determine the ending you get and like before you cant come back to change your choice once you've made one. If you want to play some games at the arcade check the arcade section, if your one of the book type go to the library section, and if your hurt go to the hospital section. (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) HOSPITAL `'·.¸)`'·.¸) Once you enter the hospital you will see a scene in which you will see a familiar person, but didnt we just saw him dead ? something weird is going on. Once your in control again head to the door on the right beyond the desk. When you enter the room kill the zombie in front and enter the door on the right. In this room you'll encounter some close calls and when ur done killing the zombies go to the monitors and check the only one which is on. You will open the examination table and on it will be a sparkling key. Pick up the key and also the blue herb in the corner of the room and head back a room. Now enter the door opposite to you and you will enter it with the key you found. Now your in a room with zombies and a blue herb, kill em all and get the herb and exit through the other door. Now your in yet another room with zombies and a file. Kill em all and take the file and exit through the door . Now you'll be right in front of a staircase and the only thing to do is climb it. Woah so many doors, but dont worry we'll go through them one by one, first enter the door on the right and you'll find one zombie in there and a first aid kit. Now exit this door and go to the first door on the left, here you shall find your first new gun which is the handgun B , this is a quick baby but slow at reload. Equip this if you want and enter the adjacent room, here you will see some controls in the end, open them. Now head back to the main room and enter the second door on the right, this room will have three close zomies and there's also a green herb in the end of the room. Pick it up and head to the main room again, now enter the third right room and you'll again find three more zombies in here, kill em all and take the red herb there and exit to the main hall. Now enter the final door which is on the left side and immediately in front of you will be a crowbar, pick it up and enter the adjacent room to find some zombies to snipe at. Kill them and head back to the main room again. RIght in front of you will be a lift but when you are about to use it a MR x from RE2 will drop in front of you , kill it with ease as this wont be a hard encounter and he dies easily. Once you kill him you will see the lift has arrived. Enter the lift and when your down there kill any zombies you may find in the morgue and enter the next door. Here go to the manhole lid and you'll automatically use the crowbar and your hero decends down. Now for the next section check out sewer and beyond (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) ARCADE `'·.¸)`'·.¸) As soon as you enter the arcade another small scene begins in which you will be introduced to the lickers and their leader, when you come back to the game you'll see two zombies being killed by a cleaner, they may look hard but they are too easy and take only 2 or more bullets to die. The auto focus key can be quiet help when fighting the cleaners trust me, once you killed the first cleaner head in the single door and you will see another small scene in which someone kills the 2 cleaners for you, in any case take the key and head back to the main room and now enter the double doors which were locked before . Now kill the cleaners here and remember the auto focus key, once you killed them all take the crowbar and head down the stairs, here you'll see some more lickers and a first aid spray on the casino table. Take it and enter the only other door, now you'll see your new gun in front of you, this one is the handgun C and its got a good power and reloading time. Well actually the quickest reloading time. Walk over to the manhole lid and you'll open it automatically and decend downside. Now for the next section check out sewer and beyond. (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) LIBRARY `'·.¸)`'·.¸) If you decide to check out the farthest door then that is the library. Once you've entered the library you'll have a strange encounter with the third kind, i mean you'll see a new person. When this scene is over head directly up the stairs, and when ur up there take the green herb near you. Now enter the door in front of you and another small scene begins. Now your trapped in the room with an unknwon enemy, and when you go to the top section of the library you'll see a handgun on the table but a hunter walks out of there, a hunter. Kill the hunter as single hunters arent alot of trouble to kill. When it is dead go and take your new handgun, this one is the best handgun as it is full of power and a good reloading speed but its a little slow in shooting, but i love it. Take this gun and head down again and down the stairs you came above from, once your down there head to the only other door and along the way some dogs will burst through the window of the library, but avoid them and head directly for the door. In this door you'll see a file and 2 lickers, kill them with ease as they wont be a pain and head to the door in the end of the hall. In this room you'll see three zombies so kill them quickly and easily and take the crowbar and exit from the door on the other side of the room. Open it and your outside again, quickly head towards the lid or if you want kill the enemies and press the focus key to lock to a red herb, now decend the manhole and you'll be in a completely dark room with nothing but a red light in front of you. Press it and you'll see youself in a room with lotsa big roaches, quickly head for the door and dont do anything else. now for the next section check out sewer and beyond. (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´) SEWER AND BEYOND `'·.¸)`'·.¸)
Once youve come to this place go and head towards the door with the 
orange marks near it as that is the only door you can enter right now, 
dont try to open any other doors, when your in the orange room pick up 
the shotgun shells from the top of the fridge and then take the file 
on the table, when you take it you'll see another scene and now head 
towards the door where the boy went. In this room you'll see a licker 
its up to you if you want to stay and kill it or either go directly 
pass it. In any case head up the stairs.

Now you'll be in front of a large door with the paradise tag on 
the top, enter that door and you'll find yourself inside a prison 
building, in this first room you will see few zombies and they come 
in either of the 2 patterns, either they are very close to you , in 
this case go to  the other end of the room and shoot from ther, or 
they will be at a good distance, in this canse you can shoot from 
where you start the room.

when your done here go to the door on the left wall as the other one 
is closed right now, this is a tough room because its small and its 
got 4 zombies in it. Kill them quickly and head to  the next room 
where you shall find a file on the table and a key also on another 
table, take the items and exit back and you'll see that the zombies 
have risen again, kill them again and head back to the main room, 
and now enter the door directly in front of you which was previously 
locked, now the key shall open the door for you.

Now when your in this room take the rope and kill any zombies here, 
but dont enter the door in front of you, instead go to the door in 
the left area, the one with the bars, in this next room kill the 
naked :P zombies and take the file from one of the cells and exit the 
other door. Here go in the first door to your right, this is a shower 
room but its already occupied with 4 zombies, kill them quickly and 
then tak the Shotgun in the corner and head back outside again..

Here you will be directly in front of you which leads to the tower 
and there's a staircase in the back of the area which leads 
to the underground.

Now you shall have your third choice in the game...

If you want to go through the guard tower take the TOWEr route, or 
if you want to take a much harder route go to the UNDERGROUND section, 
keep in mind that the underground part is the hardest in the game 
as it has alot of hunters and 2 alligators.

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   TOWER AND BEYOND


Once you have entered this room you will see either 2 hunters in 
this room which is more often or you'll see dogs here, if you have 
dogs here then you should just run past them or if you have hunters 
then get behind the poles and start shooting one at a time, first get 
one hunter and  use the focus key to make it easier, then you can kill 
the other in the same way. When your done here go to the top left 
opening in the wall, no need to go to the door here as it leads a 
long way back. Take the red herb there and look directly opposite to 
it and you will 
find a ladder going up , take it and you'll be on top of the guard 
tower, go ahead and you will be asked to use the rope, you know what 
to do now and now your out of the prison. 

When your down the ladder you'll see a large figure coming towards 
you, its a mR X but you should be able to kill it before it reaches 
you so do so, now its time to make another decision, this time you 
can either go through the empty night club or you can go through 
the rooftop and the warehouse method.

if you wanna boogie at the club go to the SUB SECTION CLUB, or if 
you want to be safe and suddle then go to the SUB SECTION ROOFTOP.

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   SUB SECTION CLUB


As soon as you enter the club you will see another MR x coming 
right at your face, you can do this room by two ways, either you 
can go behind the boxes and then go to the exit door which is very 
easy to do, or you can do it the way i like to do it and go behind 
the boxes and shoot the X. It will give some ammo after it dies so 
it is a good idea to shoot it. Once your done head to the door and 
you will be in the main room of the night club but its completely 

Once your in here take the green herd nearby and then head towards 
the stairs and you will go up in the room automatically, in here 
the only thing to do is take the card, but as soon as you do a mr X 
will come charging in the room, kill it quickly before it does any 
damage and exit the room, down in the main room you will face another 
mr X and you have to waste  him too, after you do that head towards 
the only other exit in the room and use the reader and the card 
will be used.

Now for the next section check out UMBRELLA HQ

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   SUB SECTION ROOFTOPS


Once your here you will face a couple of cleaners, its up to you if 
you want to take on them all or just take the herb in the corner and 
exit, anyway you do it, dont forget the herb and exit through the 
ladder on the other end of the roof, once you get down here go to 
the end of the small area and take the grenade launcher ammo lying 
there to be taken, and then enter the door.

Once your in this room kill all the cleaners, to make it easier for 
you kill the one's who are shooting at you from the top of the 
containers first, when your done here, head behind the containers and 
pick up the shotgun shells and then exit the warehouse through the 
other exit.

Now for the next section check out Umbrella HQ

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   UNDERGROUND AREA I


If you chose this area even after reading that this is a hard area 
then you are on hardcore player i say, this area is a real pain so 
you better have a good trigger finger, once you  enter the underground 
area kill the 2 moths you see in the first room, they can sometimes be 
a real pain so kill them quickly and take the blue herb there and enter 
the vent hole to exit this room, and use the rope if and when asked.

In this room you will face some hunters, the one's who are on the other 
side of the bridge can jump across the bridge and hit you so you have 
to be quick, kill the hunters quickly and then climb the ladder in the 
end of the line.

Now go through this area killing anything you may encounter along the 
way and you will come to a door which will lead you to the other side 
of where you were before, now take the green herb which should be there 
and enter the only other door, in the next room pick up the red herb 
before exiting to the door on the other side of the area, and now you 
should get ready for a gruesome fight.

Once your in this room the fight with the 2 alligators begins, and if 
and when your able to kill them head through to the exit in the end 
of the room.

Now for the next section check out Umbrella HQ

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   UMBRELLA HQ


Before you enter the main umbrella building you will have a little 
scene in which your hero will struggle with his memory a little bit, 
when the scene is over use the auto focus key to see the red herb 
and pick it up and enter the main doors of the building. In the main 
room you will either face 2 lickers or 2 hunters, the hunters here 
can be a real pain because both of them will attack you at the same 
time, anyhow when the enemies are dead take the magnum rounds lying 
in front and head towards the door on the right side.

Now in this room you will be face to face with a couple of zombies, 
you can either stay  where you are and shoot from there, or the easier 
way here is to go to the end of the hall and shoot from there and 
kill the zombies with ease. Now head around the corner and take the 
herb lying near the next lift, now go to the previous lift and enter 
it, you will be taken to the 13th floor automatically.

Once your up the floor you will be in a hall and you will either face 
lickers or hunters kill them and enter the first door you see, in 
this room you will have another scene, and when it is over take the 
file on the left hand table, and then go and get the card on the 
panels, before you do so a Mr X will come through and bother you, 
once you kill it pick up the card from the floor and exit the room, 
now use the key card on the card reader with the door to the other 
room and enter it.

Once you enter this room there will be either lickers or zombies, 
either way kill them and exit the other door, in this room you will 
have another little scene and you will see a little girl in it, once 
the scene is over turn and pick up the file and after that head in 
the direction where she went and exit through the other door. In this 
room find the red herb and use the right side lift and the mr X will 
attack again, kill it again and the lift will arrive, enter it and you 
will be taken to the first floor .

Once your down here, head straight and run right past the scanner, 
no need to turn the switch because by the time the licker comes you 
will be long down the stairs, down here you will see some dogs, if 
your in the mood then shoot them or else run and along the way take 
the grenade launcher from the car and exit through the door on the 
other end of the parking lot.

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   PATH TO LOTTS HOME
                          AND BEYOND


Once you exit the parking lot you will see another small scene in 
which lott and lilly will dive in the watery area and you will follow 
them, when your back in control head forward and through the dark 
door, in this next room you will see a hunter walking  in a passage 
above, you can either shoot it from the place your standing or you can
just run by it and hope it doesnt see you.

In the next room you will face some spiders and keep in mind they 
can poison, again you can either kill them or just run past them, 
anyway you like go to the end of this area and you will see a 
ladder to climb. Once your at the top of the ladder turn to your 
left and you will see some herbs lying there, pick them up and 
enter the main door of the house.

When your in the house first head towards the door on the left 
and walk slowly inside you will see a zombie sitting on the floor 
doing something :). Once you waste him take the herb in the room 
and exit to the main room of the house, now head towards the only 
other room in the house, when you enter it ark will look left and 
right and see a little disturbance in the closet. First take the 
file on the table and look at the street fighter 2 poster on the 
wall , then check the closet and another scene will start in which 
you will be introduced to lilly who tells you that lott's gone 
alone and then she begs you to save him.

Once your done here exit the house altogather and you will see that 
the door on the end which was closed before is now open, but the 
zombies have been released too, kill the zombies and pass through 
the door there and climb the stairs in the end of the street.

In this next area kill the dogs you see here and then head around 
the corner towards  the door, but before you can reach it a hunter 
will burst through it, kill it and take the green herb there , now 
enter the door on the right, in this room go to the controls and 
start the tram control , but before you can exit the room a licker 
will burst through one of the windows , kill it or either leave it 
and exit the room, now you will see the tram coming towards the 
station, and you can aboard it.

When you enter the tram you will see a hunter jumping on top of 
the tram, when the tram finally comes to a halt the hunter will 
come down and right in front of you, kill it and the 2 other hunters 
in this room, that makes a total of 3 hunters, real pain in the @$$. 
Once they are all dead head down the stairs towards the next area.

Now when your down here you will see a mr X come towards you with 
ease and there are also 2 dogs in this room, kill the mr X quickly 
and then waste the dogs and then exit  the room from the only other 
exit, now you will come across another choice in your path, you have 
to choose from 1 of three doors, the one directly in front of you leads 
to the hillside and in that door your gonna face plenty of mr X's.

The other door leads to the underground area which is the hardest 
area as you will have to fight lickers and hunters to get through 
it. and the final door which has a little bit of greenry coming 
through it will lead to the testing grounds where you will be host 
to a lot, and i mean alot of cleaners.

If you choose the hillside go to HILLSIDE
if you choose the underground passage go to UNDERGROUND 2
if you choose the forest area go to FOREST

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)



This is a really straight forward area with no real explination of 
direction to be done. Once the scene is over you will start to hear 
the sounds of MR X's coming towards you. Here you can either kill 
them all or just run past them if you can, keep in mind that they 
wont give you anything for killing them, when your doen with the 
path exit through the door at the end.

For the next part check MANSION AND LAB.

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   UNDERGROUND II


Here once your in control head through the long and dark tunnel , 
if you wish you can  kill the hostiles in the way or just run 
past them, once your at the end of this tunnel head through the 
doors, and in the next room follow the path to the next door. 

In the next room take the ammo you see and kill anything in your 
path and exit to the bridge room, here walk along the path and kill 
the hunters who jump out of nowhere to distract you.

In the final room take the herb and kill any monsters and head up 
the stairs to the next room.

FOr the next part check MANSION AND LAB

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)



This is the simplest path of the three and with the easiest enemies 
to kill. Kill the cleaners and head along the straight forwad path, 
you can even lock on to the lasers with the focus key. Anyways head 
to the end and exit through the door.

For the next part check MANSION AND LAB.

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   MANSION AND LAB


Once you exit through either of the three areas you will be in a 
area with eiter hunters or dogs, kill them as you may and head 
towards the door at the end, once you enter this door you will 
either face dogs or spiders, kill them or run past them, either 
way head towards the double doors in the center of the large area 
and you will enter the mansion grounds.

In this area you will face some hunters, kill them quickly and 
you will see that the main mansion doors are locked, head towards 
the left of the masion and take the herb at the end now head 
towards the right of the mansion and after killing the hunter 
around the corner enter the side door of the mansion * clever *

Once you enter the mansion you will see that this one is trashed, 
something really bad must have hapened here, once you step forward 
you will hear lott scream, after that head to the corner of the 
main hall and take the grenade rounds then head down the stairs 
to the entrance of the lab,  once your down here you will either 
face one MR x  or more then 1. Once you killed them head along the 
path to the control room where you find the magnum , yell YEE HAW 
and take the gun, now hit the switch on the wall and a elevator will 
come up for you, head to the elevator and you will decend into the labs.

Once your down here you will see some naked zombies, shoot them and 
head towars the door to the right with the large machinery. Once your 
in here kill the licker you see and take note of the blue box on the 
wall in front while entering the door on the left wall.

Once your inside the door you will see some plants but they are 
not just normal one's  either, they are zombie plants, and they 
are trapped in the test tubes. Leave them and take the acid rounds 
on the table, after that head towards the only other door in the 
room, here you will see a dark licker at first, kill it and enter 
the adjacent room where you will find a file and a disk, take 
them both and you will hear the sound of glass crashing. When you 
head back you will come across 3 dark lickers, the best thing to 
do is to avoid them as they take too long.

Once your back in the plant room you will see that they are free 
now, but no need to fight them and exit back to the hall. Now head 
back to the main room killing the licker along the path, once your 
in the main room again kill the naked zombies again, and enter the 
other large door on the left side of the room. Here go along the 
slightly long walkway and use the disk in the blue slot in the end 
machinery. Once that is done an alarm will sound and a door behind 
you will open revealing some zombies , kill the zombies and enter 
the room where they came from to get some grenade launchers, now 
head back to the main room, killing the naked zombies again and 
heading to the other room agian. 

Now remember the blue box i told you about .. head there and use 
it and the shutter besides you will open revealing a dead corpse 
with something shining and 2 plants, kill the plants and search 
the body and you will find a umbrella id card. Take this new card 
and go to the end of the hall to the lift which was previously 
inaccessable. Enter the lift and you will go down one floor.

Now you will be in a large room with 2 plants again, kill the 
plants and use the switch in the end to raise the large gates. 
Take the flame rounds and the blue herb and enter the large biohazard 
marked doors. Once you enter the room another scene will start in 
which you will see alot of MR x's under production, but before 
you can see anymore a live mr X comes crashing in front of you 
and the door in the end closes itself.

Kill the mrX as it walks towards you and the door at the end 
opens up after you hear another of lott's screams, now head 
quickly to the door and you shall be witness to one of the most 
hillarious scenes ever, you will see lott trying to take on a 
hunter with a baseball bat, but lott's in trouble now and its up 
to you to save lott but another hunter will emerge and you will 
have to kill it. Once your done killing it another scene will 
start in which lott explains you about yourself, once your done 
with the scene you'll find out that the self destruct system had 
been activated.

Take the first aid spray in the room and head towards the door on 
the other end. Once  in this room another scene starts in which 
ark somehow remembers who he is and why is he here ? Once your in 
control of the hero head straight forward and enter the door in 
front of you, kill all the zombie in this room and take the magnum 
rounds in the corner, now flick the switch right in front of the door 
and head back to the previous hall.

Once back here use the panel on the wall and you will open up a 
section of the wall revealing 2 plants and a door, kill the plants 
and enter the double doors, here you  will finally get to see the 
tyrant, its still in its test tube, but it wont come out now, take 
the master key and also take the file on one of the side tables, 
take one final look at the tyrant cause the next time you see him 
he wont be so quiet. ;)

Now head back to the previous hall and another scene will start 
in which you will see the person of the path you chose, if you 
took the arcade you will see the leader  of the cleaners, if you 
took the library you will see the midgit andy and if you took the 
hospital you will see the real vincent goldman again and alive.

Whoever the person is gets to die after a small dialogue and now 
you have to face the tyrant one on one. The best weapon here to 
use is the shotgun, take it and take careful shots at the tyrant, 
and walk back when ever he lunges forward or tries to claw you.

Soon enough the battle will be over and now you have to enter 
the door, once your in it you will see a nice scene in which you 
see the tyrant getting up from its fall and raising its claw a 
little. Once your in control again, head towards the only other 
door and use the master key and open the door.

Once your in here you will see the doors in front of you burst 
open, and out will come either alot of cleaners, or alot of mr X's 
or nothing at all, in any case take the lift at the end of the 
hall and proceed.

Once your down the lift you will see the kids waving at you and 
you will hear the  message agian, now follow the path and first 
turn left and take the shotgun shells. Now head right and press 
the switch there and the door in the trains way opens up. When 
you turn around you will see some cleaners, either kill them or 
run away and enter the train.

Once your in the train it moves and when it stops you see the 
kids heading forward once your in control head forward and dont 
try to shoot the kids as nothing is gonna happen to them, now 
take the lift and once your at the top a scene starts .The kids 
are in the chopper now and your on the heliport alone with the 
tyrant, and this time there wont be any rocket launcher to help you.

               (`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)

                   THE FINALE


When the final fight starts shoot at the tyrant with the most 
powerful guns you have and soon you will see another scene in 
which it mutates, now its 2 times wider but its more powerful 
now and it can grab and throw you now, oh and it can even block 
your shots now, when ever it grabs to throw you quickly shoot at 
it, use magnum rounds and when your out of them use acids, then 
flamers, and then if needed use the shotgun, the normal grenade 
rounds suck bad so dont use them here.

Once your finall done with the tyrant the ending scene starts, 
in which you will kill the tyrant for real in a good fashion 
missile to missile colliion.

Finally the game ends.

Well capcom really saved the best for the last, and no i dont 
mean the ending FMV.  I mean the music which plays when your 
watching the ending credits, its awesome you can skip the credits 
if you want to, wait and watch your rank and then save your game 
to play later on.


!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
                 _ _                 
                |_| |_ ___ _____ ___ 
                | |  _| -_|     |_ -|
                |_|_| |___|_|_|_|___|

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*

				Ammo and health items

Handgun bullets 
These are 9X19 Parabellum Bullets that can be used for various 

These are the only handgun bullets in the whole game and they are 
infinite from the start these bullets can be used with any kind of 
handgun, nuff said.

Shotgun shells
Shot Shell. These can be used with the S.P.A.S. 12

These shells arent rare in the game and can be found occasionally 
around the odd corner or on the tables. Very handy so keep an eye 
out for them.

Flame rounds
Grenade Flame Rounds. These can be used with the M79 Grenade 

These are the flame rounds for the grenade launcher, use these 
rounds on the plants to make short work of them.

Grenade rounds
Grenade Bearing Rounds. These can be used with the M79 Grenade 

These are the default rounds for the grenade launcher, useless 
in my opinion use them only if you want to get rid of some zombies.

Acid rounds
Grenade Acid Rounds. These can be used with the M79 Grenade 

These are the best of the grenade rounds and they are also the 
rarest, only 2 of them exist in the whole game, they are really 
useful and keep em only for the final fight.

Magnum rounds
357 Magnum Rounds. These can be used with the S&W M19 series

These are the rarest things in the game, the rounds for the all 
mighty magnum , never even think of using a magnum on anything 
but the final boss. nuff said.

First aid spray
This spray will fully recover your vitality.

This is the first aid spray, one spray and your health is back to 
full , but it wont cure poison, and if your looking for a good 
rank dont think of using it... stick with the herbs.

Green herb
This is a herb that can be used to heal wounds

This is the basic health increaser in the game, you will find green 
herbs alot in the game when ever you find one be sure to stack it. 
Dont hesitate in using em if your health is down.

Red herb
This is an herb that can enhance the effect of other herb

useless on its own the red herbs can be used with others to increase 
their powers, save them for the 3 herb combo only.

Blue herb
This is an herb that can detoxify poisons.

This is your only poison curer in the whole game, if you make a 
tripple herb combo then not only your health restores, but your 
poison is also cured.. save these herbs too.

					Game items

Handgun A

This is a small lightweight gun, which is made from plastic and 
is famous for it's stability. 

This is the first handgun your game starts with.

Found : You start with it

Rusted Key

This is a key that looks like it could easily break apart
This key shall make you chose your first choice in the game.

Found : The first zombie in the game, he drops it

Chappel Key

It appears to be a key for a chapel.
no need for explaning here i thinks

Found : Church right room

Clock winder

It appears to be a winder for a clock.
Use this winder on the other clock in the church for some 
magical affects.

Found : Church right room

Church rear key

It appears to be a key for the rear entrance of a church.
Use this key to exit through the back door of the church.

Found : Churh underground area after you use the clock winder 

Manager key

It appears to be a key to open the hall entrance of a restaurant
Use this key to gain entrance to the eating area of the hotel.

Found : In the freezer in the back area of the restaurent

35 MM film

The word "Umbrella" is written on the case of the film.
Use this film on the projector then go down to the theater and 
enjoy the show

Found : Found in the small room besides the projector room

Cracked key

This key is cracked and could break at anytime
This key will make you chose your second and ending decider 
choice in the game.

Found : On top of a bench in the area where you fight the first 

Handgun B

CZ75. This is a small gun which uses 9X19 parabellum rounds
This is the faster of the handguns in the game and shall be found 
in the hospital.

Found : Hospital 2F

Handgun C

M8000 Cougar G. This gun is famous for it's excellent precision 
thanks to it's Rotating Barrel blow back action.

This is the more balanced of the handguns in the game and shall 
be used if you have it.

Found : Arcade basement, in the room where you use the manhole 

Handgun D

Nanbu 14 Custom. This is Japan's first automatic gun, which was 
used by the Japanese army This is my pick of the guns in the game 
cause of its power and kill rate.

Found : Library in the room where andy locks you

Arcade key

This is a key to access the underground of the amusement park.
nuff said

Found : Arcade room 2

Manhole opener

This could be used to open a manhole.
Use this and gain your access to the sewers.

Found : More then 1 place

Medicine room key

This is a key to open the door of the medicine room
Use it in the right room in the hospita.

Found : Scanning rooom

Prison key

This is a key for the entrance of a prison cell
The prison is actually called paradise in the game.

Found : Prison warden's room


S.P.A.S. 12. This large size military shotgun can be handled with 
one arm if used with a stock option.

i dont think any explaining from me is needed.

Found : Showers in prison

Club hall key

This is a specially designed card key for a club member.
This can only be used inside the club to make your way to the 
other exit.

Found : Club office room

Umbrella key card

This is a card key that can be inserted into a card reader The word 
"Vincent" is written on it. As always in a RE game the final key 
card needed to escape always belongs to umbrella.

Found : In vincents personal office


S&W M19. The M19 can handle 357 magnum rounds once the barrelis 
extended from 4 to 6 inches This is the power house of the game 
and save it for the last.

Found : Control room which calls the lift up

ID card

This is an ID card of a researcher. You can insert it into a card 
reader at the factory. no explaining from me.

Found : Dead researcher corpse where you lift the shutters

Master key

This is the master key for the factory
Like the name says , master key, use it to open one of the final 

Found : Tyrant room

Rocket launcher

M20A1 Rocket Launcher. This powerful weapon fires rockets and can 
defeat most enemies with one shot

This is the secret weapon you get if you can finish the game in 
S rank.

Found : in your inventory.


!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
                    ___ _ _         
                   |  _|_| |___ ___ 
                   |  _| | | -_|_ -|
                   |_| |_|_|___|___|

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*

There are a total of 13 files in this game, once you finished 
a game and if you start from the save game then you will see 
that the files will still be in your inventory, even though 
they will be in the game but they will also be in your inventory.

i. Church Managers Diary

October 7, 1998

Today, the leaders of the each section of the city, including
myself, attended a meeting with the commander.

The briefing was on the destruction of Raccoon City. During the
conference, everyone placed blame on William Birkin. He betrayed
the company and wanted to keep the G-virus for himself.

The commander told us that if there is a traitor like Birkin in
this city, we should execute him immediately and without question.

I wholeheartedly agree with the commander's orders. This city is
as vital to Umbrella as that laboratory in Raccoon City was.

No... It is actually much more important.

We must not allow a biohazard to happen in this city. We cannot
let Umbrella's efforts to buy the city and establish these
billion-dollar facilities go to waste. We should keep a closer
eye on the behaviour of personnel in the future.

Location : This file can be found on the table in one of the rooms 
           in the church it tells you about the church owners life 
           and his contact with umbrella.


ii. Restaurant Owner's Diary

October 4, 1998

I heard an unbelievable story.

A small town in America, Raccoon City, was destroyed last week.
They said that all the residents turned into zombies, and the city
is now completely deserted.

Umbrella Inc. is rumored to be behind the incident, but I don't
know the details. Although the incident occurred far from here,
across the sea, I can't help but feel anxiety if Umbrella is
truly behind it.

I hope that this city will be okay...

October 6, 1998

I heard another interesting story. This one is about William
Birkin, who supposedly destroyed Raccoon City.

He was the creator of the virus called T, or G, or whatever. He
tried to use the virus for his own purposes. Unbelievable as it
may seem, he injected the virus into his own body and turned into
a monster.

Also, the virus leaked into the sewer and it is rumoured that rats
spread the virus around the entire city.

October 8, 1998

What should I do? One of the workers who came here for lunch
mentioned that the T-virus IS on the island. He said that there's
no possibility that an accident could occur here in this city,
but... I'm not so sure.

I decided to work for Umbrella because of the money. But now I've
grown tired of opening my restaurant for only Umbrella workers.

There is nothing new or interesting left for me in this town.

I guess it's time to get out of here before it's too late...

Location : This file can be found on a table in the kitchen of the 
           restaurent. It tells you about the thoughts of the hotel 
           owner on raccoon's destruction.


iii . Raccoon City
      "After the Destruction" Report

Date: August 5, 1998
Report from the U.B.C.S. member.
Part 1

The biohazard that occurred on May 11th at Lord Spencer's mansion
and bio-chemical laboratory ended on July 25th when members of
the S.T.A.R.S. teams destroyed the entire facility.

As of 8/5/98, there are no signs of viral leakage in the
surrounding area. However; we must continue to monitor the area
with extreme caution.

Our secret operative Albert Wesker, is M.I.A. and is presumed dead.
However, we have just received infomation that Jill Valentine and
Chris Redfield are  preparing to report the incident to the press
and their police chief.

I request that this matter be addressed with the utmost urgency.

U.B.C.S. Commander
Nicholai Ginovaef


Date: September 30, 1998
Report from the U.B.C.S. member.
Part 2

At this moment, I am in the clock tower situated above Raccoon

The city is overrun with zombies. It is safe to say that Raccoon
City has been completely destroyed due to the biohazard.

This situation is different from the accidental biohazard in the
mansion. We suspect that it was intentionally caused by one of our
company's researchers, Dr. William Birkin, the creator of both the
T-virus and G-virus.

I have researched both biohazard incidents, and noticed that two
issues need to be addressed immediately.

The security of the virus stored in our worldwide facilities must
be improved. Also, we need to re-educate our workers. Biological
weapon viruses will surely become our primary product, so they
should be handled as such.

All personnel should take extreme care not to allow any more
biohazards to happen.

U.B.C.S. Commander
Nicholai Ginovaef


Date: October 6, 1998

We've had extreme difficulties collecting the sample data for
T-virus contamination and tactical data regarding the B.O.W.

The new B.O.W. we call "Nemesis" was more ferocious and intelligent
than we had expected. As a result, many U.B.C.S. members sent to
the area have been sacrificed in the process of collecting combat

I expect the researchers to analyze the combat data and use it to
develop an even more evolved, ultimate B.O.W.

U.B.C.S. Commander
Nicholai Ginovaef

Location :  Found in the room with the projector in the cinema.
            This file informs us about the events before and after 
            Raccoon's destruction and it also proves that nicholai 
            is still alive after RE3.


iv. Umbrella Top Secret File

Umbrella Confidential Document


This file contains the data for the B.O.W.s created by the virus
contamination that occurred during the biohazards.

The first biohazard was caused by the T-virus leak at Arklay
Laboratory on May 11, 1998.

The second was the large-scale biohazard at Raccoon City which
happened 4 months later.

Although they have not been confirmed yet, note that there may be
B.O.W.s other then the ones listed below.

The data for those will be filed when it is ready.


B.O.W. FILE #1: Zombie

Humans who are contaminated by the T-virus. They have lost their
consciousness, and wander around on their instinct and appetite to
satisfy their hunger for human flesh.

Tactical procedure:

As their movements are slow, they can be easily eliminated if you
keep enough distance to snipe.


B.O.W. FILE #2: Cerberus

Dogs which are contaminated by the T-virus. Their bodies have not
rotted as much as that of the zombies, so they can move much
faster. They are very sensitive to noise. If they hear you run,
they will pursue and attack you.

Tactical procedure:

You can eliminate them with a hand gun, but since they are fast,
it may be difficult to aim.


B.O.W. FILE #3: Licker

They are created by a mutation that occurs when a zombie is
contaminated by the T-virus. As a result of the transformation
process, they have conspicuous features like exposed brain tissue,
and they move around on all four legs.

Compared to the zombies, they possess incredible agility. They
have no eyes, and are unable to see. Instead, they have an
abnormally evolved sense of hearing.

Tactical procedure:

As they attack in response to sound, you should be careful when
firing at them. Since they are very keen to hearing footsteps,
you should avoid running when they are around.


B.O.W. FILE #4: Ivy

B.O.W.s which are created from plants.
They can move on their own will by using the vapors inhaled
through their skin. Watch out for their tentacles which are used
like whips.

Tactical procedure:

As fire is lethal to them, a grenade launcher is a very effective


B.O.W. FILE #5: Hunter

B.O.W. that is created when the T-virus contaminates the human DNA.
Since their lower body muscles have been enhanced, they can jump
incredibly high and attack enemies with razor-sharp claws.

Tactical procedure:

Just before they jump at an enemy, they stop their movement
momentarily. You should attack them during this time.


B.O.W. FILE #6: Tyrant

The ultimate result of our B.O.W. project with the T-virus.

Based on the regular Tyrant, the more ferocious "Enhanced Tyrant"
and "Nemesis" which is even more aggressive and intelligent, were
created at our European branch.

Tactical procedure:

There are virtually no countermeasures against Tyrants' incredible


B.O.W. FILE #7: Prototype

They are not yet complete, but logically speaking, we can create
and mass-produce more ferocious B.O.W.s by adding certain materials
during the process of cultivating Tyrant's genes.

However; there is one problem...

Location : On the desk in the room in 1F of the library
           This file tells you about the several umbrella BOW's


v. Medical charts of the patients

Name: William J Smith
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Height: 181cm
Weight: 72 kg
Physical condition: Good
Mental condition: Languid
Tranquilizer 10mg in soup for every breakfast.
Hallucion 5mg in bread for every dinner.


Name: Jennifer Campbell
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Height: 165cm
Weight: 47 kg
Physical condition: Good
Mental condition: Unstable
Since she has been confined for a long time, she has become very

Putting drugs in her meals is ineffective, as she rarely eats.
It would be best to put the tranquilizer in her drinking water.


Name: Ryoji Yokota
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Height: 177cm
Weight: 50 kg
Physical condition:
According to the results of an MRI, a vein tumor was found at his
cerebellum. Worthless as a product.


Name: Karelina Albachakov
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Height: 155cm
Weight: 43 kg
Physical condition: Good
Mental condition: Good
Tranquilizer 10mg in soup for every breakfast.

Location : Hospital 1F, desk in the doc's office.
           This file tells us what umbrella does with their " patients "


vi. Andy's Diary

September 6th

I've never seen him, but I heard that one called Vincent has
become this city's supreme commander.

Officially, he is an elite sent by Umbrella headquarters. In truth,
he is such a fiend that he would not hesitate to kill his friend
if it would promote him.

Well, since I live here in this dark sewer, it doesn't mean
anything to me...

September 20th

I heard a disgusting rumor...

The new commander Vincent, orders the facility personnel to do
savage experiments every day on kids brought in from all over the

I don't know why those kids were brought to this city, but it sure
is disturbing. Well, I don't want to get involved, so long as it
doesn't affect me...

October 10th

It seems some terrible accident happened above ground last night.
I don't know any more details, but I heard that Commander Vincent
has done something cruel.

November 9th

Today at last, Commander Vincent came down here for an inspection.

We made small talk, but I could see nothing but cruelty in him.
When I took a picture of him as a souvenir, he became very angry...

He is such a jerk!

Location : In andy's room in sewer system
           This file tells us about andy and how he feels about 


vii . Prison Chief's Diary

October 20th

Today, we received a reply to our report about the incident where
20 guinea pigs committed suicide the other day.

The headquarters does not seem to have any suspicions and says
that they plan to gather replacement guinea pigs soon. It's too
late, but now I'm starting to regret that I sent a fake report of
a mass suicide incident, when it was actually a mass escape.

However, as long as I stay in this city, it means death to me if
I dare to oppose to Commander Vincent.

I'll never forget the cruel smile of Vincent when he was shooting
at the boys who tried to escape from the prison on that night. It
looked as if he were killing a bunch of insects.

Commander Vincent is indeed a very cold-blooded person, just as
he is rumoured to be. He is a true murderer. I am in a position
where I am supposed to report the truth to headquarters, but I'm
so afraid of Commander Vincent... I don't know what to do...

Location : Prison chief's office, prison 1F
           This file tells us about the prison chief and what he 
           thinks about vincent


viii. An Imprisoned Boy's Diary

September 5th

16 days have passed since I was abducted on a street in Congo by
the men in black, and was brought here. I didn't understand what
was happening at first, but I gradually became aware of the truth
of this city.

We seem to be confined here to serve as guinea pigs for a medical
company called Umbrella Inc.. All the residents of this city work
for Umbrella, even the women and children are family members of

The guinea pigs seem to be gathered from all over the world. The
guy in the next room is from China, the one in the front of my
cell is from Brazil. The rest are Russian, Japanese... It's like
a world trade show. Its strange that they are all around my age.
The youngest is 16, and the oldest is 19 or 20.

Those guys from Umbrella sometimes take us to an arcade or to a
nightclub so we can enjoy ourselves and relieve our stress, but I
won't let them deceive me. I will escape from this place, no
matter what it takes! I must...

Anyway, the most important thing to do now is to organize and
gather our comrades for what lies ahead.

September 10th

Recently, the others have been behaving strangely. It seems that
they have put some kind of weird drug into our meals. I sometimes
lose consciousness, too.

I have to be careful.

September 21st

I can't believe it!

Another friend of mine, Chin, from the next room, was taken to the
factory on the mountain. I don't think Chin's coming back. He will
meet the same fate as Anna or Jacob who disappeared last week.

I know... I know what happens to those who are taken to the
factory on the mountain...

When they took me to a nightclub yesterday, I overheard a
conversation that some factory workers were having...

Under orders from Vincent, the commander of the city, they cut
open our brains and extract some kind of material, whatever they
call it.

All I can say is that Vincent is a devil. No... Not just Vincent.
Even the women and children in this city don't treat us as human
beings, but as guinea pigs.

All the people in the city are evil. I will surely be killed if I
stay here any longer.

We have to hurry and execute our escape plan!

October 9th

The time has come. I have noticed the Umbrella people have been
visibly disturbed for about a week or so. Rumor has it that there
was a terrible accident at the Umbrella laboratory somewhere in

All the prison guards seem to be very busy gathering information
on the accident, so security isn't as tight.

We've organized our comrades already. Stojkovic and Enriquez are
supposed to steal the keys from the guards, Sankhon and I will act
as decoys, and Yoshikawa and Fellipe are in charge of gathering

October 10th

We have decided on our escape route. The plan will be carried out
at 11pm tonight. We have twenty members seperated into two units:
Unit A and Unit B.

Unit A will go into the sewer through the ventilation slot of the
confinement room, while Unit B will use a rope to climb down from
the surveillance tower.

We'll use the rope they used to tie us. If we fail, Vincent will
surely kill us. But if we stay here, Vincent will order them to
cut our brains eventually.

We're dead either way, but I'd rather die trying to escape...

Location : One of the prison cell's in the prison area
           This file tells us of the revolt the prisoners made.


ix . Commander Vincent's Diary

October 10th

Last night, a group of guinea pigs confined in the prison escaped,
took weapons and caused a riot.

The guinea pigs who were responsible for the incident were all
shot to death by myself, but it will cause a lot of trouble if
Umbrella headquarters becomes aware of this.

This could spoil my plan of returning to headquarters and
collecting my reward for my great achievements here in this city.

I ordered the prison chief to report the incident as a mass
suicide, but I will also have to order the others who are involved
not to talk about it...

November 8th

The people of the city who have been opposing me are now trying to
gather information, intending to report to headquarters what I did.

Yesterday, that little boy, Lott, told me that a spy sneaked into
the city. I guess that spy may have something to do with the
rebellion happening here.

I'll let him for now, and see who he works for and why he is here.

Then I'll kill him.

It's a sad story that the only person that I can trust in this
whole city is that little kid, Lott.

November 19th

The people of the city seem to be preparing to hand the
prosecution report to the headquarters people who are delivering
the new guinea pigs next week.

They say that they have evidence of my doings. I can never allow
them to reveal that.

Those civilians will regret what they are doing. I'll teach them
what happens to those who oppose me!!

November 22nd

Now they know who holds the power!

I've spread the T-virus all over the city. Of course, it was done
so that it looked like an accident. The city should be completely

Now I can go back to Umbrella headquarters and get promoted for my
great achievements at the factory.

No one can oppose me now...!

Wait... There is one person that I have to take care of. It's that
spy. I have to eliminate that rat who sneaked into the city!

Location : Vincents office, umbrella HQ 13th floor.
           This file tells us about the great vincent himself and his


x. Wiretapping Record of Vincent

We can no longer tolerate what Commander Vincent has been doing,

To deprive him of his position, we must obtain conclusive evidence
of his evil doings, and report it to headquarters.

We realized that he is very intelligent and cautious. As a last
resort, though it was very dangerous for us, was to wiretap his
phone conversations.

Finally we obtained evidence that was potent enough to deprive him
of his position.

This tape contains his conversations on the prison breaking
incident last month. It proves that he shot those young people all
by himself, and that he tried to hide the truth.

Furthermore, this tape reveals that before coming to this city,
Vincent had killed his colleague only for the purpose of his own

If we could hand this tape to the corporate people coming to the
city next week, he will surely lose his position for sure.

Then the city will be peaceful once again.

Location : Communication room, where you first meet lilly
           This file tells about how vincents partners felt about him.


xi. Lott's Diary

September 10th

I saw some prisoners at the arcade today. They all had sleepy eyes.
One of the girls even slavered. Some of the boys were glaring at
me. They wore rugs and smelled rotten.

Like dad and Commander Vincent told me, they are very different
people from our Umbrella families. Dad told me that they bring
them to this island so they can operate on them and make them into
decent people.

I think they are doing the right thing. I hope they will become
decent people sometime soon.

October 15th

I heard Commander Vincent killed those people who tried to escape
from the prison.

I wonder why such a thing happened? I know they are inferior to
us, but did he have to kill them? Is this what I believed in?

Umbrella and my dad were supposed to help the inferiors by
operating on them...

Why did he kill them?

November 23rd
The city is in total panic!

Monsters are everywhere and they are attacking people! Those
Umbrella people who were very nice to me suddenly started
attacking me.

I need help!

Please someone rescue me!

November 24th

My dad and my mom turned into monsters.

One of the survivors told me that Commander Vincent turned the
people in the city into monsters.

I can't trust anyone now.

I have to survive and protect my sister Lily, no matter what!

We have to escape from the city together!!

Location : Lotts room, lotts house
           lott wrote this diary, nuff said


xii .  Factory Worker's Diary

August 5, 1998

I can't stand it anymore! I have to take the subjects to the
operating table and sever their skulls to extract a part of their

I do this over and over, day after day... It is awful. Guilt stays
with me all the time, even after I go to bed.

Commander Vincent instructs us... "Do not see them as humans.
They are just raw material we use to create Tyrants with." But it
is we who cut their skulls. I can never consider them as just raw
materials. They are humans just like we are.

I asked Commander Vincent about ways to reduce their suffering,
but he ignored my request, saying that by using anesthetics, pure
Beta Hetero NonSerotonin cannot be extracted.

Even if it is the company's orders, I don't believe what we are
doing is ethical...

I'm sure that I'll be sent to the worst possible place, when I die.
Or perhaps I should say, I'm already there...

Location : Desk in the lab with the system disk
           Confessions of one of the workers


xiii. How to extract Beta Hetero Nonserotonin

To establish a system of mass-producing Tyrants, it is absolutely
necessary that during the process of gene cultivation, a large
amount of pure Beta Hetero Nonserotonin must be injected. This
material is one of the human brain's elements.

It has been revealed that the material is mainly produced by the
pituitary of people at the latter period of developing secondary
sex characteristics.

Also, medical data shows that this cerebral material is produced
in response to the excessive secretion of noradrenalin that is
produced from the locus ceruleus in the brain stem.

Noradrenalin is the cerebral material secreted when people are in
a state of extreme tension or fear. As the Beta Hetero
Nonserotonin only exists in active cells, you can't extract it
from a dead brain.

Thus, the best way to extract the material is to cut open the
subject's skull without anesthesia. This will cause the excessive
secretion of noradrenalin.

The pituitary is then ripe for immediate extraction.

Vincent Goldman, Commander
Tyrant Plant on Sheena Island.

Location : Tyrant room
           How cruel can umbrella be

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
                     _           _       
                 ___| |_ ___ ___| |_ ___ 
                |  _|   | -_| .'|  _|_ -|
                |___|_|_|___|__,|_| |___|

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*

Cheat codes

	Game shark codes for Resident Evil Survivor NA version

Enable Code (Must Be On-Version 1) 
D001714C 023A
8001714E 1000 

Enable Code (Must Be On-Version 2) 
D00170C4 000A
800170C6 1000 

Infinite Health 
800A8584 00C8 

Have 50 Item Slots 
E00A88C0 0002
300A88C0 0032 

Infinite Continues 
D00B608C 0001
800B608C 0004 

Handgun A & Ammo 
800AF800 0000
800AF802 0011 

Grenade Launcher & Ammo 
800AF810 0008
800AF812 0001
800AF814 000F
800AF816 FFFE 

Handgun B & Ammo 
800AF818 0001
800AF81A 0011 

Handgun C & Ammo 
800AF820 0002
800AF822 0011 

Handgun D & Ammo 
800AF828 0003
800AF82A 0011 

Shotgun & Ammo 
800AF830 0004
800AF832 0005 

Magnum & Ammo 
800AF838 0005
800AF83A 0006 

Custom Magnum & Ammo 
800AF840 0006
800AF842 0006 

Rocket Launcher & Ammo 
800AF848 0007
800AF84A 0001 



* To get the rocket launcher simply finish the game in S rank and 
you will find the launcher in your inventory when you start the 
next game, dont worry about finding its rounds as it will give 
you unlimited ammo. Go for it.


* While fighting the first tyrant if he is alot far away from you dont 
hesitate in using your handgun on him cause he is quiet slow and 
sluggish in the first fight.

* To kill the final mutated tyrant quicker then normal means take out 
your shotgun and aim for its large heart, each shot to its heart will 
cause it to move back a little meaning that it is more painful then 
the normal shots.

* In the arcades you will find some apparently clear posters of dino 
crisis but there is also a darkstalkers poster inside the arcade , 
in the first room whre you fight the cleaners for the first time, 
its right across the dino crisis poster.

* Aim for the neck and above area's of any creature to get quick kills. 
You wont get head blowing shots though.

* If you wanna see a pic of nemesis look at the final 2 pages of the 
report which nicholai wrote

* If you want to see a street fighter poster search the room in which 
lilly is hiding and its Right there in front of your eyes.


!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
                  ___ ___ _ _|_|___ _ _ _ 
                 |  _| -_| | | | -_| | | |
                 |_| |___|\_/|_|___|_____|

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*

This game is fine and all and it deserves some credit judging 
on the console it was made here are the scores.

Graphics : 7/10

Most people will tell you tht the graphics in this game sucks, 
well some times its true but just look at what they have done 
with the game, they have given you a 3D prespective of the world 
of Resident evil. Sure they took alot of things form RE2 but still 
they did the best things they could with the fricking 32 bit 
hardware of the PS 1. Im sure if this game was made on a ps2 then 
it wouldve been alot good looking but still this game has fair 
graphics and it deserves some credit. 

Story : 5/10

This i says is the weak point of the game, the story of the game 
sucks, looks like all capcom did was take the story of a 5 year 
old child and made it into survivor. This game needed a good RE 
style's stoy which it didnt god. Would it have killed capcom to 
show some main series characters instead of arc in this game. I 
mean its fine and all but the story stinks.

Sound / Music : 8/10

The cheesy Resident evil tridition of voice acting is back in 
this game and it aint no different then before, even worse voice 
actors then any other game out there, vincet sounds like a cheap 
hired actor who has never acted in his life, the only good actor 
in this game in andy , the little midgit guy. He is the only one 
who sounds good. The rest are just well.. someething not to liten 

The music however on the other hand of this game is awesome, this 
game has some nice  tunes which change according to the surroundings 
or the situaton your in, if your attacked suddenly then the music 
changes to action music. Tis good.

Gameplay 7/10

This game is actually quiet fun if you sit down and play it with 
your head all clear, some people just go on and bash survivor for 
nothing, but i for one was quiet immersed in the game while playing, 
only the cutscenes were a bit disappointing but the gameplay and all 
the shooting factor made up for it. Keep in mind people that capcom 
wanted this to be a shooting game , not like the other RE games so 
you must bare with this. At first sight this game looks quiet boring, 
and well it did to me too, but one or two plays through the game 
will change your mind alot quicker then any other method. Trust me.

Overall 7/10

This quiet a fair game, not the best game ever, but not bad too, play 
this game like capcom wanted you to play it that is like a shooter, 
kill everyhing in your path ,and that is what this game is good at, 
making the played kill things, if you have a G con then this game 
gets double the fun, but sometimes shooting the dogs with the normal 
control pad can be quiet alot frustrating. This game has some good 
elements and some bad one's too. Just think of the game's good sides 
and go for it.


!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
 _     _                   _   _            _   _ _       
|_|___| |_ ___ ___ ___ ___| |_|_|___ ___   | |_|_| |_ ___ 
| |   |  _| -_|  _| -_|_ -|  _| |   | . |  | . | |  _|_ -|
|_|_|_|_| |___|_| |___|___|_| |_|_|_|_  |  |___|_|_| |___|

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*

Well like they always say, save the best for the last, im saving
this information section for the finale of the guide, in this 
section i'll tell you of some handy info and some cool things.

I . Getting the damn S rank.

Since this game was released this question has been arised many 
times that was is the real method of getting the S rank in this 
game, well i dont know myself, but  whenever i get the S rank 
its mostly in the second time im playing through the game. Its 
very hard to get the S rank when your playing the first run, now 
i shall tell  you some handy tups in getting the S rank. Read 
them carefully.

** This is the first and obvious thing to be done, play the game 
only in normal mode if you start in easy mode then you can kiss 
the S rank goodbye.

** Always make sure that your not taking too long in any room, the 
basic time req's for getting the S rank is 1:30, but seeing this 
game's length we can even score less then that. I have managed to 
get a 55 minute run through the game.

** Never ever use First Aid spray's this is the thing to keep in 
mind, never use em one use and your S rank is long gone, ok ?

** Shoot as good as you can in the game, always keep your shooting 
inside the zombies body and make sure that you get an accuracy of 
over 85%.

** Make sure that you kill alot of zombies along the game length. 
Getting like 120 + kills will be good enough .

** Make sure that you dont use any continues in the game, one 
continue and your S rank is bye bye.

** Taking all the files and all the guns doesnt matter, its 
just a rumor.

If you followed through those tips then you should get a S rank, if 
not in your first run through the game, then definetly in the 
second run .


*. Once your in lott's house see the other room, enter it and slowly 
walk towards the beds and you will see a zombie sitting on the floor 
doing. ahem. something.can u guess what he's doing ?

*. This is actually a glitch that in the forest area where you have 
to go through alot of cleaners, sometimes when you lock on to the 
red lasers you suddenly  see large LARGE cleaners in front of you, 
this glitch has been said by many  people.

*. Did you knew that RE survivor has taken alot of things from RE2, 
i mean the zombie models, the lickers, the MR x. 

*. This was told to me by some people taht there exists a code , a 
gameshark code which has the ability to make the magnum longer , 
meaning that you will be able to see it in your view, if this is 
true can someone please tell me what the exact code is and how 
does it work.

*. In the japanese version of this game lott's house is written 
Rott's house in the map, the reason for this is that there exists 
no character in the japenese language which can make a sound like L.

*. As far as i can tell there are 4 different posters in this game, 
one is of dino crisis which is the apparent, then there is the one 
of street fighter and another of ghouls and ghosts which are both 
found in lott's room, and  i have also heard of some darkstalkers 
posters in the arcades.

*. As we know that house of the dead is one of the biggest competators 
of RE series and we also know that the HOTD games are following the 
lead of the RE games if we look at them, the first RE game is in a 
mansion, the first HOTD game is in a mansion the second RE game is 
in a city gone bad, the second HOTD game is in a city gone bad, 
i have yet to play HOTD 3.

This time capcom decided to do something, and the name of the evil 
guy in survivor is vincent goldman, and goldman is the name of the 
villain in HOTD 2, and well we all can see that survivor is supposed 
to be a shooting game much like HORD games.

*. Although we all know that survivor takes place in sheena island 
but still to today some people think that this game takes place in 
raccoon. The first Tokyo Gmame Show which showed this game also 
reported it to take place in raccoon, and the instruction booklet 
says " a midwesters american town " wasnt that supposed to be 
raccoon ? and isnt sheena just an island ?

*. If this isnt raccoon then what the hell are herbs doing in this 
place ? the botany book in RE 1 clearly states that the herbs only 
grow in the area's around raccoon. But this mistake has also been 
made in code veronica, so nothing big here.

!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
                _            _   _           _ _         
    ___ ___ ___|_|___ ___   | |_|_|_____ ___| |_|___ ___ 
   |_ -| -_|  _| | -_|_ -|  |  _| |     | -_| | |   | -_|
   |___|___|_| |_|___|___|  |_| |_|_|_|_|___|_|_|_|_|___|
!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*(`'·.¸ ¸.·'´)¸.·'´)¸.·'´)*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*


Doctor James Marcus, Lord Edward Ashford and Ozwell E Spencer discover
the mother virus.

Birth of Kenneth J. Sullivan S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team Scout.
Deceased July 23, 1998 inside Spencer Mansion.  Devoured by Zombie.

Birth of Enrico Marini.  Captain of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.
Wounded during Spencer Mansion penetration.  Killed July 23,
1998 by a single gunshot wound.  Murderer unknown; possibly
Barry Burton under the command of Albert Wesker.

Birth of Albert Wesker, captain of STARS Alpha team

Early 1960's
Alexander ashford graduated with a Ph.D in biogenetics and joins his
father in research for the mother virus.

Birth of Barry Burton.  Ex S.W.A.T. team member; currently part of
S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team.  Working under threats to his family by
Albert Wesker.  Competent helicopter pilot.

Michael Warren, an engineer, moves to Raccoon city and begins work
the city's cable car system.  He eventually becomes mayor.

New york city architect George Trevor is hired by spencer to build a
huge mansion in the arklay forest.

Birth of Brad Vickers.  Part of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team. Known as
"chickenheart" he pilots the helicopter (and abandons the team)
during a botched team disembark at the Spencer Mansion.


November 10, 1967
Progenitor Virus administered to Jessica and Lisa Trevor, wife and
daughter of famed architect, George Trevor.  Kidnapped and held in
the Spencer Mansion, Jessica eventually dies, Lisa lives.
Trevor's Diary: George Trevor's aunt becomes ill and is sent to a
nearby hospital.   Jessica and Lisa Trevor intend to visit her.

November 13, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers: Architect George Trevor arrives at the Spencer
Mansion, which he designed over a five-year period for Lord Ozwell E.
Spencer.  Spencer tells Trevor that Trevor's family has recently
departed to visit a sick aunt.   Both gentlemen feast in the dinning
room before viewing the mansion's art collection.  Trevor mentions
the house's "numerous secrets."
Lisa Trevor's Letters: Part torture subject, part bio-experiment,
Jessica Trevor writes a final, emotional note to her daughter,
pleading for an escape plan and fearing the worst is upon them.

November 14, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers: Trevor views Lord Spencer's collection of
European paintings and parchments.  Spencer tells Trevor he is
contemplating turning the residence into a seaside resort.  He also
wishes to start an "international industrial medicine company." The
company's name would be "Umbrella."
Lisa Trevor's Letters" Lisa Trevor feels dizzy from the shot she was
given four days ago.  She wants to escape the mansion, but her mother
hasn't returned.

November 15, 1967
Lisa Trevor's Letters: Lisa finds her mother and they eat together.
Lisa is happy until she realizes her mother is a "fake" and "different
inside." She locates her mother's face, peels it off her skull, and
attaches it to herself.

November 18, 1967
Lisa Trevor's Letters: Lisa mentions a coffin under the house where
her mother rests.  Little else of the letter is comprehensible.
Trevor's Private Papers: Trevor notes in his diary that his wife and
children have not returned from their Aunt Emma's.  There are no
telephones, so he can't check their whereabouts.  Trevor heads to a
second floor terrace.  Large crows perch here; Trevor feels strange,
as if he is being watched.  He spies a lower courtyard with a ladder
leading down into a hole ­ this wasn't in his design.

November 20, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers: Trevor notices that the shotgun gave Lord
Spencer has been swapped for a broken one.  Trevor is alarmed at his
family's disappearance, and his employer wants him back at work.

November 21, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers:  Trevor is ushered into an enclosed
reception chamber, where a man in a white lab coat tells Trevor
that his family is dead.  Trevor feels pain in the back of his
neck; he falls to the floor.

November 24, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers: Trevor is imprisoned in the room' the
man in the white coat brings him "revolting" food.  Only he and
Spencer know the mansion's terrible secrets.  He mentions
preternatural entities roaming the manor grounds.  Trevor wonders
if Spencer is testing the mansion's "secret mechanisms" on him.
A strange ant-like creature lands on Trevor tramples a number of
them.  Trevor's Diary also notes these occurrences.

November 26, 1967
Trevor's Diary: George Trevor loses his favorite lighter ­ the one
Jessica gave him.

November 27, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers: George Trevor escapes from his room, but
the mansion is securely locked.  He mentions Crests, an eye needed
for a statue, and a Golden Emblem.  He hasn't time for these games.

November 29, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers:  Trevor begins to lose his mind.  He stumbles
upon a room with a giant plant growing through it.  He describes it
as "absurdly gigantic." Trevor escapes the mansion and moves through
a laboratory, in to a cave system.  He mentions high-heeled shoes.
He hopes his wife escaped by this route.  Trevor's diary entries
become increasingly disjointed.  He hasn't had food or water for
days. He feels trapped.
Trevor's Diary: Trevor continues to ramble on about being trapped,
writing about large glass tubes and wet, eerie caves.

November 31, 1967
Trevor's Private Papers: Trevor is in the dark.  He scrambles through
a secret tunnel that ends in a damp chamber.  Something monstrous
looms in the shadows.  With his final match, he illuminates the room.
Near him is a headstone carved with his name carved into it.  Trevor
scrawls a final goodbye to his wife.

Sometime in 1967
It is assumed that Lord Ozwell Spencer and Alexander Ashford completed
the experiment known as the T-virus.

Sometime in 1967
The Special Tactics and Recovery Squad (or S.T.A.R.S.) is formed in
New York City as a special branch of the police force.  Its specially
trained troops deal with cult-affiliated terrorism.

Birth of Forest Speyer, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team sniper and vehicle
specialist.  Deceased July 23, 1998 on a balcony inside Spencer Mansion.
Devoured by an unknown entity.

Estimated "birth" of Alfred Ashford and Alexia Ashford, twins in a
long line of Ashfords.  Their father Alexander (along with Lord
Spencer) created the T-virus.  The twins then experimented on
Alexander, turning him into a "Nosferatu".  After the nvention
of the T-Veronica Virus, Alexia enters a cryogenic state chamber to
mutate and strengthen her powers.

Birth of Joseph Frost, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team vehicles specialist,
who joined Alpha Team under orders from Albert Wesker.
Deceased July 23, 1998 on Spencer Mansion grounds.
Devoured by zombified hounds.

The Raccoon City chapter of S.T.A.R.S. is established.

Birth of Chris Redfield S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team member.  Dishonorably
discharged from the Air Force, Chris is recruited from S.T.A.R.S. by
Barry Burton.

Birth of Richard Aiken, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team communications specialist.
Bitten to death July 23, 1998 on Spencer Mansion grounds.

14th Feb 1975
Birth of STARS alpha team member Jill valentine.
Current status. Active.

Wesker's Report II: Albert Wesker arrives at the Arklay Laboratories
ignoring the Umbrella president and remaining aloof to the other staff.
He commences research on the Ebola Virus, and attempts to create a
Bio Organic Weapon (B.O.W. Entities).  Wesker first encounters the
"woman," a creature who has been constantly experimented on with
multiple viral strains since her first injection on November 10, 1967.

Birth of Rebecca Chambers, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team medic and part-time
pianist.  One day before Alpha Team's arrival in Raccoon Forest,
she investigates a mysterious train.  Albert Wesker shoots her in the
chest, but she survives and escapes the mansion.
Her status is currently active.

Birth of Steve Burnside.  An immature but good-hearted child, he is
 held on the remote Rockfort Island with his father as a prisoner
of Umbrella, Inc.

July 27, 1981
Wesker's Report II: Ten-year old Alexia Ashford is given permission
to head up Umbrellas' remote Antarctic research station.  Her family's
 reputation is legendary (her father, Alexander Ashford first
discovered the T-virus), although Alexander's son, Alfred, is
useless.  Wesker vows to commence research on the laboratory's older
workers, but Dr. William Birkin ins envious of Alexia and isn't
mentally capable of helping Wesker.  An imprecise killing machine,
 name the Zombie, is created.  However its infection ration isn't
perfect.  The "woman" still lives ,l and Wesker is surprised at
how resilient she has become.


January 30, 1983
Alfred's Diary: Alfred Ashford, inside the secret Umbrella Antarctic
base keeps a diary where he mentions a hidden passageway, accessible
only by using three family brooches.  He cannot retrieve his father's

February 17, 1983
Alfred's Diary:  Alfred manages to secure the brooches and enter the
sealed room.  He makes a shocking discovery-his DNA was spliced from
a family ancestor and surrogate mother; both Alfred and Alexia are
experiments.  Angry and jealous that his father chose Alexia (she
exhibits genius intelligence, but Alfred does not), Alfred is determined
to avenge his blundered birth.

March 3, 1983
Alfred's Diary: Alfred and Alexia begin to experiment using the
T-Veronica Virus on a "human body" they find- most likely their
father.  Alfred worries that the family butler will find out
about this macabre experiment.

April 22, 1983
Alfred's Diary: Alexander Ashford is turned into a freakishly
mutated being that comes to be known as "Nosferatu," and he's
locked away in a secret basement room.  Alexia, meanwhile,
continues to experiment on herself, and she informs Alfred that
she needs to be frozen for 15 years before the T-Veronica Virus
can completely consume her Alfred, now alone, mentally degenerates

December 31, 1983
Wesker's Report II: Wesker hears that Alexia died after injecting
herself with the T-Veronica Virus.  He can't rely on Alfred to
help with research.  Wesker begins to wonder why Ozwell Spencer
locate the laboratory here, especially as Wesker believes other
species (both animal and vegetable) could be affected by the virus.
He realizes that placing a base in the Antarctic wasn't so crazy
after all.  The "failure" at the laboratory (the woman infected
back in 1967) has been forgotten. Wesker's true intentions- that
 he's been planted in the Umbrella organization by another company ­
are still secret.

Birth of Sherry Birkin, daughter of Umbrella scientists, Doctor
William Birkin and Annette Birkin.  Sherry wears a small neck
pendant that carries the G-virus.  Albert Wesker's forces may be
holding her against her will.

Residents of Raccoon City elect Michael Warren (the engineer who
pioneered the town's cable car system) mayor of Raccoon City.
Warren holds this position until the town is destroyed; he dies
in the nuclear explosion.

Wesker's Report II: Wesker can't believe Birkin is bringing life into
the world when he works in such a place, especially as work has begun
on the Tyrant, a genetically superior soldier.  However, very few
"test subjects" could survive with the T-Virus inside them; most turn
into Zombies.  Only 10 people in the United States have the correct
DNA.  Hear the Umbrella France has recently started the Nemesis Project,
Wesker requests appropriate samples, realizing that a tremendous
soldier can now be created.   The Nemesis parasite has a short life
expectancy outside of the host body, so Wesker resolves to plant
the Nemesis parasite into the "woman."  The results are surprising ­
she devours the parasite and lives.  Wesker switches his research
completely and begins to work on the "failure".

After five years as mayor of Raccoon City, Michael Warren begins to
rely heavily on Umbrella's "charitable" donations.  The money helps
to build a hospital, a public utility works, a municipal building,
and helps "keep the public peace."

The newly appointed Raccoon City chief of police, Brian Irons, begins
to take bribes from Umbrella, Inc. to ignore the disappearance of
locals, Umbrella's "experimental" areas of the city, and other
atrocities.  Chief Irons becomes more erratic.


July 31, 1995
Wesker's Report II: Wesker returns to the Arklay Laboratories after
a four-year absence.  Birkin heads the G-Virus experiment that Wesker
began.  The G-Virus continuously mutates its host, creating a creature
that resurrects itself from the dead.  Spencer spends less and less time
at the Raccoon facility.  A new lead researcher named John arrives,
and the experiment on the "woman" begin to turn violent ­ she rips
the faces off careless researchers and wears them on her hunched
back.  She is destroyed, but Wesker wonders what Spencer has in
store for Umbrella.

While Mayor Warren and Police Chief Irons stonewall any protests,
Umbrella, Inc. is permitted to construct the Arklay Laboratories
near the old Spencer Mansion, away from the main business district,
but still within Raccoon City Limits.

Barry Burton leaves his job as S.W.A.T. team sergeant to become
a full-time member of S.T.A.R.S. Burton recruits Chris Redfield,
and both move to Raccoon City to revamp the S.T.A.R.S. team there.
Ada Wong, a spy infiltrating the Umbrella organization to gain more
information on their viral experiments, manages to become intimate
with an Umbrella researcher named John. The Raccoon City Police
Department moves into the disused Raccoon City Art Gallery.
Artwork remains in the building during the move, but many more
expensive paintings and statues arrive shortly afterward.  They
belong to Chief Irons.


April 25, 1998
Manager's Diary: A technician is hired to manage Arklay Laboratories
and "disposal" facility.  The lab is near the mansion, disguised as
a factory.

May 10, 1998
Keeper's Diary: The keeper looks after a new specimen, which may be
a Chimera.  The beast dismembers and disembowels its meat (a wild pig)
before eating. Secretary's Diary: Chief Irons acquires another disgusting
painting; a naked human, being hanged.

May 11, 1998
Keeper's Diary:  A T-Virus leak shuts down the Arklay Laboratories
 basement area.  The keep dons a haz-mat (hazardous materials) suit.

May 12, 1998
Keeper's Diary:  the Keeper feels "musty" and "itchy" after 24 hours
in the haz-mat suit.

May 13, 1998
Keeper's Diary: The Keeper goes to the laboratory clinic when his
itchy back becomes swollen.  He removes his haz-mat suit, and they
bandage his back.
Prisoner's Diary: On Rockfort Island, a prisoner complains that
his cell "stinks of death." He shares a bunk bed with an
"interesting" fellow named Bob.

May 14, 1998
Keeper's Diary:  A blister appears on the Keeper's foot; he
hobbles to the dog pen.  Some of the hounds have escaped.
Manager's Diary: Arklay Laboratories tests a special, but
unstable, gas that decomposes living cells.

May 15, 1998
Keeper's Diary: An armed guard prevents the Keeper from leaving
or making phone calls.

May 16, 1998
Keeper's Diary: A scientist is shot trying to escape from the
secured Laboratory.  That night, a piece of rotting flesh falls off
the Keeper's arm.
Prisoner's Diary: Bob says that he was the assistant to Alfred
Ashford, but was imprisoned over "a tiny little mistake."

May 17, 1998
The T-Virus accidentally saturates a laboratory plant in Arklay
Laboratories, creating Plant 42.  An angry researcher floods the
mansion's lower rooms, freeing sharks infected with the T-Virus.

May 19, 1998
Keeper's Diary: The T-Virus metamorphosis is almost complete.
The Keeper attacks and eats the guard.

May 20, 1998
A female hiker is found on the bank of the Marble River.  The body
shows signs of animal lacerations.
Manager's Diary" Despite possessing a keycard, the Manager is accidentally
locked inside a "treatment room" in the Arklay  Laboratories.
Prisoner's Diary: Military personnel move Bob to a building from people
never return.

May 21, 1998
Plant 42 Report: Umbrella researcher Henry Sarton writes about a mutating
plant that attacks by crushing its victims in its vines or by bloodletting
with its tendrils.  This monster has preyed on several scientists.

May 27, 1998
The Raccoon Times writes a report on the discovery of the dead hiker.
The police think a grizzly bear attacked her.

June 7, 1998
Manager's Diary: Staff members are becoming unruly and will not correctly
dispose of experimentations.

June 8, 1998
Researcher's Note: John, a researcher, tells his sweetheart how to correctly
exit the Arklay Laboratories.  Pass codes are mentioned.

June 16, 1998
The Raccoon Weekly runs a story about strange "dog-like" creatures
roaming the Arklay Mountains near the Spencer Mansion.  The paper
urges people to try to photograph or capture a specimen.

July 9, 1998
The Raccoon Times: "Mystery in the Arklay Mountains" reports that
local authorities closed the roads into the wilderness area; they
summoned S.T.A.R.S. to help investigate.  Grotesque monsters are
still in the area, and more families have vanished.

July 16, 1998
Manager's Diary: Bodies in the facility are still being dumped
into exterior containers and not burned per instructions.  The
plant disposal system cannot cope with "demand." The workers feel
a little strange, they're taking medicine, but it isn't working.

July 22, 1998
White Umbrella: A clandestine organization give strict orders about
an "X-Day." S.T.A.R.S. members are to be lured into a laboratory to
battle the mutating experiments.
Suicide Note: A researcher, writing to his wife, details a viral
outbreak in the Arklay Laboratories.  He destroys his colleague
with an ornate pistol and then hangs himself.

July 23, 1998

Raccoon City television runs a story about 10 families missing in
the Arklay Mountains.  Human remains have been found in the area.
A military police vehicle is discovered inside the Arklay Mountains.
Rebecca Chambers reports that corpses of Military Police, plus an
unidentified body, are uncovered near the vehicle.
Alpha and Bravo S.T.A.R.S. teams are ordered to look for any survivors.
The teams assemble on the evening of July 23rd. Bravo Team makes an
initial sweep of the lower-lying forested areas.

But before the Bravo team can do much their chopper maul funcions
and they are forced to make a forced landing in the Raccoon forest.
The team spreads out except for the chopper pilot kevin who decides
to stay there to make some repairs. Rebecca Chambers the rookie
member of the BRAVO team soon finds an overturnd car which has
the corpses of a few MP personal among it, the MP vehicle also
contains a report about a convict being transported named billy
coen, but coen's body is not among the rest of the people which
meant that he is out there in the forest. The BRAVO team captain
Enrico Marini warns the team about this man and then asks them to
spread out in the forest.

Rebecca soon finds a train in the middle of the forest, cautiously
approaching it she readies her gun, but before she can enter the
train it starts to rain. Rebecca enters the train and soon she
comes across billy coen, not surprisingly enough he points a gun
to her but doesnt shoot and asks her to go, not long after their
first encounter Edward , another member of the BRAVO team comes
crashing in through the train windows but dies before revealing
anything important to rebecca. A little while later rebecca is
contacted by Enrico again and he tells her some more information
about Billy and the amount of people he killed, rebecca finds it
hard to believe that he could kill 23 people.

Not long after that they both meet up again, billy and rebecca
dont get along at first but after rebecca encounters a strange
zombie and billy saves her life they decide to stick togather, but
suddenly the train starts to move again.

They make their way to the cockpit only to see some soldiers
being killed by some huge leeches along the way, they make it
to the cockpit and try to stop the train but are unable to do
so and the train crashes near a training facility. Inside the
facility we see the robed man mocking albert wesker and william
birkin. Rebecca and Billy start exploring the training facility.

After saving her life once more billy finally tells rebecca
about the people he killed, he actually didnt kill them, but
billy was the man they all put the blame on, rebecca knew it.
The 2 hero's find several things reguarding one doctor James
Marcus through out the training facility, who is he !?
The two make their way across the facility then go through
umbrella's own private little church. During this course
they find some more things related to this doctor marcus.

Along the path solving mysterious puzzles and fighting more
and more hordes of zombies rebecca and billy coen make their
way through the training facility and then a lab and even go
through a church where they have to face off against a huge
bat, but they kill it with ease, after exploring some more and
finding some more notes about whats been happening here they both
make their way out of the labs.

Rebecca and billy finally make it to a cable car system but billy is
attacked and he falls down somewhere, rebecca goes through the cable
car alone and she comes to a place with a huge elevator, there she
meets up with his captain enrico, and that was the last time she
ever see's him, after enrico leaves rebecca continues's her search
for billy, soon after she finally finds billy clung on for dear life.
After saving billy , they both head forward and finally encounter
the robed man, he explains his story to the two hero's and we find
out that the robed man is actually james marcus, he starts to tell
his tale to the two hero's, marcus flashbacks twenty years ago
when he was in his lab working on a leech, his queen leech,
marcus has infected the leech with the T virus and its results
were splended as far as his research was considered, but umbrella
wasnt too sure about him and they wanted marcus dead.. as marcus is
working in his lab one day suddenly the door bursts open and some
armed men run into the room and open fire on marcus, he is
completely helpless and cant do anything, marcus almost dead see's
two figures walking inside the room, both of them are the young
researchers albert wesker and doctor william birkin, wesker tells
markus that its time or him to die, and william exclaims that he
will take over his research, markus near death says his final
words,  "wesker.. birkin " and he goes out.

But according to him, a miracle happens, and the queen leech
which he was working on suddenly sprains to life and goes inside
his mouth and spawns inside his throat, somehow markus comes back
to life and he has attained the powers of the leech and much
more, he can change his appearance at will, and the young
man we have been seeing all this time is actually that same old
markus.. he exclaims that its time for the hero's to die then
suddenly james marcus starts mutating and turns into a monster, a
huge battle insue's which see's marcus's defeat in the end.

William birkin and Albert wesker turn on the self destruct system
to this facility as rebecca and billy struggle to get out of
the facility, along the way they are attacked by the queen leech
who feels almost no pain from any weapon but sunlight is lethal to it.
So using sunlight billy and rebecca kill the queen leech and billy
shoots it down into the flames, they both escape the place just in
time. Outside rebecca spots the spencer estate and she heads
towards it and takes billy's dogtags with her and claims that officially
billy coen is dead....

July 24th, 1998

After contact with BRAVO team is lost Albert wesker takes out the
ALPHA team for search and rescue, soon they arrive at the raccoon
forest. The ALPHA team locates the BRAVO's chopper but they dont
find anything inside except for the dead body of their pilot kevin.
Joseph cant take the sight and he almost throws up. The team starts
searching the forest for more clues. While searching Joseph comes
across some noises but before he can do much a horribally skinned
dog attacks and kills joseph before he could defend himself. Jill
tries to shoot the dogs but the bullets have no affect. One of the
dogs notices her and tries to attack but she is saved right in time
by chris. They both make it to their feet and run away but a dog
closes in on chris, this time its wesker who shoots the dog away.

The ALPHA team's pilot Brad Vickers chickens out and leaves the
team alone in the forest, chris spots an old abandoned mansion in
a distance and asks the team to head for the mansion, along the
way they dont stop for anything, this was supposed to be an old
abandoned mansion and luckily they could find a hiding spot in there.

Jill, Barry and wesker enter the mansion and discover that chris
is not with them, suddenly they hear a gun shot and thinking it
might be chris jill and barry head out to investigate, but all
they found is kenneth J sullivan's body, being eaten by something
or someone. Upon dispatching the zombie the 2 return back to
wesker only to find out that he's missing too.

Jill and barry go their separate ways then, while chris redfield
in the mansion finds the only surviving member of BRAVO team
rebecca chamber who is terrified out of her life. Togather they
both find Richard who was bitten by a large snake, just within the
nick of time chris finds the serum which is needed to finish off
the poison from his body, chris is able to save richard, and then
they take him to the medical room to rest.

While barry and jill find the body of forest spayer from the BRAVO team
chris and rebecca make their way to the guard house behind the
mansion, heading into a secret lab below the guard house chris makes
his way to a flooded area where he spots richard in the disntace  but
what is he doing here, richard tries to stop chris but chris doesnt
liste to him and starts to make his way through the flooded catwalk
to richard, richard knows why chris shouldnt come close to him and he
see's a huge figure coming at them from a distance, chris is however
unable to spot the figure and keeps walking, richard jumps at chris
and knocks him out of the way when suddenly a hude 20 foot shark
attacks and swallows richard in a single attack, chris saddened by
this avenges his friend by first draining the whole area, but the big
shark is still in a small pool seemingly dead, chris heads to the area
behind it to find a key but the shark knocks the key in the water after
coming back to life all of a sudden.

Chris using his cunning throws in some electronic equipment in the
pool then electrocutes the shark and takes what was needed, checking
the rest of the guardhouse chris finds a large mutated plant called
Plant 42. Luckily with rebecca's knowledge of chemicals they are able
to kill the snake and upon finding a valueable key they return
to the mansion.

When chris and rebecca return to the mansion they find out that its
been taken over by a new kind of enemy, the hunters, while chris
and rebecca take care of these things jill has managed to find a
way out of the mansion, she makes her way to a cemetary and a
cottage outside the mansion, there she finds a new monster , it
looks alot like the hunchback from the fairy tales, but this one
isnt a nice one and jill cant seem to kill her at all.

Escaping the place jill makes it to the guardhouse where she
overhears barry talking to someone else but barry blows the
topic off and ignores it, then the two make their way to the
catacombs below the mansion. In those tunnels jill finds the
BRAVO team captain Enrico Marini but before he can reveal the
indentity of the traitor in the STARS someone shoots him, jill
gives chase only to be led to an elevator with barry on it
leading down into a huge pit.

But before they can do down again barry and jill are attacked
by that thing jill met in the cottage again, jill turns to barry
for help but finds out that he left her alone, jill gets really
mad at this and dodges the thing again, taking a ladder to the
cottage again she makes it to the mansion and a secret alter
right under the mansion main hall. She finds barry in the alter
and barry almot tries to ambush her after they have an arguement.
But the thing attacks them again, jill thinking wisely gives
barry his gun back and they both shoot the thing but the ammo
seems to have no effect, accidentally knocking over the four
stone pieces in each side of the pit jill opens up the coffin
in the area, when lisa trevor see's the coffin she yells in a
sad yet monsterous voice "mother" and then she throws herself
down the pit and comits suicide.

Jill and barry make their way into a secret lab below the
mansion via a secret passage into the alter, chris and rebecca
are in hot persuit as they make their way to the lab not soon
after, but there they have to fight a large spider which they
kill togather. Meanwhile in the secret lab jill finally discovers
albert wesker's plans and finds out that barry was involved in
them thats why he waa acting weird towards jill.

But barry doesnt want to hurt jill so he turns against wesker
and during this the tyrant impales its own master, wesker. Barry
tries to stop it but the tyrant knocks him out, jill is left
alone to fight the thing and after a very close battle jill
finally gets the upper hand and the tyrant is knocked out.
Barry also wakes up in time, and they both find out that the
mansion is about to explode, they both make their way to the
heliport and run into rebecca and chris on their way back.
Togather again all of them head for the heliport. The tyrant
is however up now and it blows a hole to the roof of the mansion
while brad is closing in to catch the team, the tyrant throws
chris away and the rest of the team is left to fight the tyrant.
Brad vickers from the chopper throws down a rocket launcher
which chris redfield catches right in time and he shoots the
tyrant dead with it. The tyrant stands calm at the sight of
the launcher as if it was sure that nothing is going to happen
to it even after taking a rocket, but its thoughts are wrong
and the powerful weapon blows the tyrant into pieces, after
that brad finally gets the courage to land the chopper on the
helipad and all the team makes it into the chopper.

Once inside the chopper they all brace for impace and just make
it out of the blast area as the huge mansion explodes in a
even huger explosion behind them, and takes the T virus with it.
Rebecca seemingly tired by all this ordeal lies down and quickly
falls asleep while jill also falls asleep with her head on chris's
shoulder, chris looks at barry and finds out that he's readying
his gun again, possibly for the future. Chris raises a smile as
the chopper dives into the sun rise.

July 25th, 1998

The bruised and battered team arrives back at the raccoon city
police department where they are welcomed back by their comrades
but they go and confront the chief of police brian irons at once
and they have a long arguement about that, after that the STARS
speak of the events that happened in the mansion on public but
they all think they're just bluffing and dont take them
seriosuly, the STARS are hopeless.

August 7th, 1998

Jill valentine cant still get over her experience at the spencer
mansion, she writes in her diary that her physical wounds may have
been healed but her emotional wounds may never heal.

August 13th, 1998

Chris redfield causes a little commotion in the Police station
and punches one of his co workers.

August 15th, 1998

Chris invites jill over to his appartment where he shows her
some confidential pictures of a new umbrella virus in testing
the G virus. jill cant believe what she see's.

August 24th, 1998

Chris and barry leave for the umbrella base in Europe, chris
lasts the last note in his diary for his sister, jill elects
to stay behind in case of any emergencies and she quits the

September 28th, 1998

After chris and barry had opted for going to umbrella's europe
branch jill decided to stay behind in the city and investigate more
on this new rumored G virus, but suddenly near the end of september
the whole town was infested with zombies, an outbreak of the T virus,
the same virus which cause all the residents in tne mansion to turn
into zombies had been leaked into the city, nearly all the townfolks
had turned into zombies, and those who hadnt were being eaten alive
by them. Jill surprisingly escapes infection and begins her escape
from this town from her appartment.

Not long after she starts she comes across dario russo, a novelest
to be who just lost his daughter out there among the zombies, jill
asks him to come with her because she knew there wont be any rescue
attempts, but dario frustrated locks himself in the back of a truck
and asks jill to leave immediately, jill tries to talk him into coming
with her but he just doesnt listen. Not long after that jill spots his
old team mate Brad Vickers but he is being chased around by a group of
zombies, jill gives him chase only to meet him in a bar, he tells
jill about something which is coming to get all the STARS member
and he warns her that they're all gonna die. Then he leaves jill.
Then at the main entrance of the RPD jill again finds brad but he
looks in very bad condition, before he can reveal anything to jill
a new kind of monster, nemesis, comes down from no where and kills
brad mercilesly right in front of jill, she tries shooting it but her
bullets dont work. Jill retreats into the RPD. Using her STARS badge
 she makes it to the RPD office where she catches a grumbled
transmission from someone.

Before she can escape jill is attacked by nemesis again inside the
RPD, she quickly dodges it using her skills and makes it out of the
station. Exploring more parts of the city jill comes across a man
named carlos, togather they both fight nemesis but before carlos
leaves he tells jill about his team's mission, later jill comes
across a cable car and when she goes inside she finds more men
like carlos, their leader is apparently injured, nicholai isnt
really pleased that they need to take help from an outside but
carlos's persuation convinces him, they are from the UBCS and there
mission was to cleanse the city and take care of survivors. Now they
have to escape
to the clock tower where a chopper is waiting.

Jill along with carlos find the necessary parts neded to run the
trolley and togather they all ride to the clocktower, once reaching
the tower they find that its also infested with zombies, solvnig
puzzles there and obtaining the mechanic parts needed to operate
the clock tower bell jill gives the extraction team the signal,
but before they can land their c hopper a rocket fired by nemesis
blows up the chopper and jill is left to fight the monster, with some
help from carlos and after an extraurdinary fight jill finally gets
rid of nemesis , for now. But during the battle nemesis had injected
her with the T virus and as soon as the fight is over jill collapses
and carlos takes her to the chappel.

September 29th, 1998

Raccoon city now almost dead from the zombie assault lies quiet as 2
strangers leon S kennedy and claire redfield make their way into town
from opposite ends, leon is here for the first day of his job and
claire is here to find his missing brother. After some commotion with
the zombies leon and claire finally meet up togather in the back alley
of a diner, thinking that it would be more safer for them at the police
station leon and claire ride on an empty police vehicle , but a zombie
ambushes them from the back seat and leon looses control of the car as
it slams into a wall, a large truck is coming in straight for them and
they both jump on the opposite sides to save themselevs. Now the fire
separated them and they have to find their way to the police station.
Not far from the crash leon comes up to a human , the owner of a gun
shop, but he doesnt live long as zombies break through the glass and eat
him before leon's eyes, he runs for his life and after some running
through the city streets leon finally makes it to the front entrance
of the RPD. Claire has a shorter run to the station but when she gets
there she has to go via the roof. When she climbs to the roof via a back
alley staircase she see's a failed chopper rescue attempt which ends with
the chopper crashing into the RPD. Claire quickly scatters into the station
and finds the tool needed to put out the fire, but before she can go back
in another chopper comes overhead, and it drops a large capsule on the
station. Clarie goes in and spots what it was, a huge human like monster
which just doesnt give up. Claire dodges it and continues her
journey into the RPD.

Both claire and leon make it to the STARS office at the same time where
they discover that claire's brother is no longer in this town, they both
decide to split up and find anyone living and get the hell out of there.
Not long after that claire finds a little girl but she is too terrified
to tell anything and runs away, claire gives her chase only to be led to
the office of chief brian irons, there is a girls body on her desk and he
tells claire that she was the mayor's daughter and the zombies killed her,
even though the bullet wound is visable. She goes in a door through iron's
office and finally confronts the little girl, she tells a little bit about
herself before she runs away after hearing a monster's scream. Claire gives
chase but she see's that iron's has disappeared too. She see's a painting
with 3 holes in it. She needs to find something to fill them up with.
Meanwhile leon finds his way to the RPD parking lot where he meets another
survivor, a chinese women who's name is ada wong. She claims to be searching
for a reporter who knows where her boyfriend is. Using the aid of leon
they both finally find this reporter called ben who has locked himself
up. But he refuses to leave his cell.

Meanwhile back in the RPD claire finds the stone pieces she needs and
heads back to iron's office where she meets shery again, this time she
doesnt run away, leon on the other hand also makes his way to the sewer
system . Claire encounters iron's in a torture room of some sort but
he is pulled down by something hideous, claire goes down and she finds
what did it, a humanoid monster with a large claw which had an eye on
his right side. Claire fights off this monster and he throws himself
over the railing. Claire and sherry make their way to the sewer system.
Leon on the other hand runs into a woman in a lab coat but she tries to
shoot ada, leon gets in the way and takes the shot. Ada runs off to get
the shooter. She finaly does and finds out that she is the wife of the man
responsable for all this. After some talking and a little fight annete
falls down into water and ada goes back to searching.

Leon wakes up in the mean time and finds ada hanging around in the sewers,
togather they make their way across a cable car where they are briefly
attacked by william, but he runs away. Claire and sherry are also close
behind them, leon and ada make it to a vertical elevator which they take
to ride down to the umbrella base, but during the way ada is injured and
when they reach down leon asks her to rest and he goes to find something.
Claire on the other hand gets stranded in the umbrella lab and sherry is
left alone. While searching for her claire runs into annete again, together
they spot sherry in danger via the monitors, claire quickly makes her
way to where sherry is and she outsmarts mrX and he falls down into a pit
of molten lava. Leon on the other hand finally finds out the truth about
ada, but before he can talk her out of it annete arrives and shoots ada
off the railnig into a deep pit. Leon , angrily throws the g virus he
just acquired off the railing behind ada. Claire and sherry finally make
it to an elevator which takes them to the escape train. Claire turns the
power on but she is attacked by a mutated MrX which apparently dies after
someone drops a rocket launcher for claire to take.

Leon on the other hand runs into william birkin again, but using his skills
he kills him and makes it to the emergency train just as claire is leaving,
togather they ride the train, which is ambushed by william again, the train's
auto destruct system goes on and it blows along with william as the hero's
run for safety.

September 30th, 1998

claire and leon along with sherry escape the town but they run into an
arguement and claire leaves to find her brother, leon is picked up by some
strange men who give him an unknown offer, they also take sherry away from

October 1st, 1998

jill finally awakes after 2 days, carlos had been watching over her
all this time, carlos goes to find a cure for jill only to run into a
hospital full of zombies and hutners, once inside the hospital carlos
has to siff through the floors to find the right item he was looking for
and what he's looking for is something which can cure jill and get rid
off the virus from her body, on one of the floors carlos runs into his
comrade nicholai who is surprisingly still alive and he just shot another
member of the UBCS, his name was murphey, nicholai knows that carlos just
saw too much so he decides to get rid of him too but murphy is somehow
still alive and he chucks a grenade at the two. Nicholai makes a break for
the window after seeing the grenade and carlos runs back avoiding the
explosion. He continues his search in the hospital and finally after
confronting a new type of hunter monster he finds what he's looking for.
But thats not over yet, when carlos exits the hospital he finds a set
of bombs wired to the pillars of the base floor set up by nicholai,
looks like he reallty wants to get rid of everything, carlos makes it
outside the hospital and to a safe distance just in the nick of time
before it explodes in crimson fire and everything is engulfed.

Still the ordeal for carlos isnt over and while he's making his way
towards jill to give her the anti virus he runs into nemesis, now
looking more horrible then ever before and his overcoat is burned
off revealing plenty more tenticles to nemesis's advantage. Its a
race against time as both nemesis and carlos head for the room where
jill was, carlos makes it there first and shuts the door behind him
he administers the vaccine to jill and slowly she comes to her sense.

Carlos tells her about nicholai and nemesis. Now healthy again jill continues
her escape as she makes her way to the city park , fighting a huge worm in
the park she comes across nicholai there who is apparently a traitor, jill
escapes him and then she finds her way to a treating facility, there she
confrons nicholai again but he escapes again. Jill finds out that this
plant was used to get rid of the bodies of the test subjects, carlos
arrives on the spot and tells jill that a nuclear strike is about to
happen on this city and that they need to get out of here ASAP.

Jill along with carlos's help in severa occasions finaly make it to
the control room of the plant, but not before she gets rid of nemesis
for good. At the control room jill confronts nicholai for the last time
and he escapes in a helicopter after telling jill that she's as good as
dead. Not long after that jill and carlos receive a message from someone
on the radio that he is looking for jill. They both get happy at this hope
of life, and make their way to the helipad behind the plant. Along the way
jill finally runs into nemesis for the last time but this time she gets
 permanent rid of him with the help of a rail cannon which blows nemesis
into bits. Upon reaching the helipad carlos and jill see the chopper
coming in at a distance, when they get in it jill finds that the pilot
is someone who she knows very well, barry. They make it just in time
as the city is attacked by the nuclear bomb.

?? November, 1998

An island on the atlantic ocean, named sheena island, apparently is
another one of umbrella's test grounds, much like raccoon city this
is a completely bought out place where the people work for umbrella
and umbrella own nearly all of the town's important places, it is here
that a stranger wakes up from a chopper crash. He doesnt remember
anything about himself. All he has is a gun in his hand, and now his
search for truth begins. Very soon he discovers the body of a man in
white who is holding dogtags with the name Ark Thompson, the stranger
assumes that was his name and continues on his path , after encountering
a church full of zombies this man comes across an alley where a phone is
ringing, but before he picks it up it hangs up. Not long after the man
spots another phone, this time he picks it up in time and the man on the
other end starts calling him a murderer and killer, and reveals his
name vincent.

Vincent continues on with his passage through an arcade where he comes
up with some cleaning squad which are apparently sent to clean everything,
which means killing everything. Getting rid of them and making his way
through the sewers he finds the sewer chief's diary in which he finds out
what he thinks about vincent. Spotting an unknown boy vincent gives chase
and comes out in a prison, while making his escape he runs into a large
monster, but it goes down after a fight. Vincent makes his way through
several more of these large monster and goes through a night club and
turns out in front of a large complex owned by umbrella. Entering the
complex he makes it to the top floor where he finds an office which was
apparently vincent's. Then vincent spots another child through some monitor's
and gives chase. The 2 kids run away from himand lead him to their house,
here vincent spots the little girl and some talk later she tells him that
her brohter went out himself.

Vincent goes after him only to be lead through a mountain passage full of
these large trench coated monsters, the trail ends at a large mansion and
vincent enters it, he hears the boy's scream, following his scream vincent
comes across a hidden laboratory under the mansion, he finds out that those
large trench coated monsters (MR X's) were being built there, vincent
finally finds the boy and after some talking the boy tells him his true
identity, our hero's real name is ark thompson, and vincent was the real
man who cause all of this. Not long after that the facility's auto destruct
sequence is activated by the cleaner's leader, but he falls pray to the
tyrant. After escaping it once, ark fights the tyrant again on the
helipad, the tyrant goes down after a massive fight and the hero's escape
the exploding island. But the tyrant catches the chopper , ark with his
quick thinking skills launches the chopper's missiles with the tyrant
on board, and they all fly away to safety.

December 17th, 1998

3 months after the raccoon city incident claire redfield finally gets a
lead on his brother which leads him to the umbrella facility of Paris.
Claire manages to infiltrate the base but inside she is spotted and some
guards chase her down the halls. Suddenly a chopper comes right in front
of her, she dodges it only to find herself face to face with a dozen
troopers, getting rid of them with a sneaky move claire runs out of
ammo and a guard captures here and she is taken to a prison.

December 27th, 1998

Claire wakes up in a prison after hearing some explosions upside, a little
while later a man walks inside the area and opens up claire's prison, claire
uses her lighter to see that its the same guard who cought her. The guard
lets her out and tells her about what happened, this place was just
attacked by a special forces team, but the guard warns her that there is
very slim chance of her escaping.

Claire runs out of the prison area but before she goes she checks up the
man's name on a list and also finds out that he needs some hemostatic
medicine. After some commosion top side claire comes face to face with
a dozen zombies, her nightmare relived, quickly dodging them she moves
to the next area where she meets another prisoner who almost shoots him.
Steve burnside, but he's got a rotten attitude and he leaves claire goes
away. Claire follows him and soon they meet again in a computer room, this
time steve asks her if she's related to chris, after some more of his
attitude steve goes out of the room leaving claire to wonder about it.

After managing to get herself the right keys claire escapes from the
prison and comes up to a training facility, most of the doors here are
locked however to she heads up to a nearby palace. Reaching the palace
claire finds a strange room with a lock which needs 2 guns to be opened
a little while after that she finds a childs room where she reveals a
secret door by playing a movie of 2 blonde childs torturing a dragonfly.
She finds the 2 guns she was looking for but taking them out releases
a trap so she puts them back in. But before claire can leave she hears
steve scream from that place, using her quick thinking claire sets him
free from the trap and asks steve for the guns but he isnt trading until
he gets something better. Again before claire can escape she encounters
a new man, alfred ashford. After some threatning alfred leaves. After that
claire uses a submarine to find the underwater seaport, she finds a plane
but its locked so she has to get the keys for it.

With the help of steve claire follows alfred into one of his traps and he
releases a new monster called the bandersnatch on her, steve saves her
again and claire gives chase to alfred only to be trapped by her sister
alexia in their bedroom, holding alfred's rifle. Steve comes in the nick
of time and saves her, alexia gets shot but she escapes,, heading through
the passage they discover that alexia was actually alfred in disguise.
They dont even want to kill alfred after his reaction, the two make their
way to the seaport but the bridge is blocking their way, claire volunteers
to get it out. Claire goes and raises the bridge but she has to come the
long way now, along the way alfred releases a tyrant on her, she barely
makes it to the plane and they take off. The tyrant comes into the plane
and claire has to push it off the plane. Not long afterwards alfred takes
control of the plane and makes it crash land in umbrella's antarctic base.

Once they wake up in antarctica they split up, soon after claire finds
a huge monster trapped inside a floor and later she finds out from some
files that its actually alfred's father, finding an ice digging vehicle
they start raising it but steve causes a blunder and the whole area fills
up with gas, claire finds a gas mask and as soon as she shuts off the
gas valve she is attacked by alfred, this time steve shoots him down a
huge chasm, alfred drops his rifle before falling. Claire and steve use
the ice digger and they blow a hole in the wall allowing them escape
via a heliport. On top of the Helipad claire comes face to face with
alexander but using alfred's sniper rifle she fires at his overgrown heart
killing it instantly. Soon after alfred still alive from an unknown place
goes to see alexia, but he cant live long to see alexia coming out of the
sleeping pod. Alexia is awake. !

Alexia mad at what claire and steve did releases a tentacle which literally
flips their snow mobile over, and it starts burning as alexia watches from
a monitor.

Chris arrives in rockfort island as claire and steve are in the antarctic.
not long after arriving he comes face to face with rodrigo but before he
can tell chris alot a huge worms swallows him, chris fights off the worm
which spits out rodrigo's  body before it dies, rodrigo gives chris his
sisters lighter back before he breathes his final breath . chris continues his
journey and finds most of the island already destroyed, he finds a hanger
which still has a harrier jet standing, but he needs the right key to open
the hanger door. Soon after wards while exploring the base chris comes
face to face with his worst nightmare, albret wesker, apparently albert
has somehow gained superhuman powers and he kicks chris's ass, but after
seeing alexia on a monitor he lets chris go.

Soon afterwards chris finds the key he is looking for but he has to fight
a large underwater monster for it, after obtaining the right items chris
makes it to the hanger and flies to antarctica in the last remining harrier

The plane lands in antarctica and chris continues his search for claire
through the rooms of the umbrella base, one of the floors has a exact
replica of the main hall of the spencer estate, chris finally finds claire
behind the staircase there, but alexia interrupts their reunion and after
hearing steve scream claire runs after her, but they are separated again
thanks to another tentacle, claire goes after steve while chris stays there.
Soon afterwards claire finds steve but he mutates right in front of her
and almost kills her, but after claire's life is in danger due to another
tentacle, steve's human side takes over and he kills the tentacle but it
whacks steve pretty bad into the wall. After finally telling claire that
he loved her steve dies and claire is left crying.

Chris in the main hall see's wesker conftonting alexia, after alexia refuses
they get in a battle, wesker shows some more of his super human abilites
and cracks one on alexia's jaw, but after discovering chris wesker leaves
him to take care of alexia. Chris kills alexia easily and goes and finds
claire , claire tells him how to turn the self destruct system on and after
he does it claire and chris finally get togather again. But alexia interupts
again and this time its for the last time, chris asks claire to leave and
stays there to fight, using umbrella's own linear launcher chris gets rid
of alexia for good. But when he makes his escape he see's wesker taking
claire hostage. Giving chase they end up at wesker's submarine.

Wesker lets claire go for a chance of revenge from chris, the battle
starts but chris knowing that he can never match up to wesker's
superhuman speed and strengh tries to find something useful to aid
him, he spots a metal bar and quickly picks it up and smacks wesker
across the face, another charge and chris attempts a power hit but
wesker amazingly blocks the hit with his left arm and even more
surprisingly the bar bends .. wesker grabs the bar and quickly delivers
kick to chris's side, chris flies sprawling and falls about 20 feet
away.. ,then chris is literally taken to hell by wesker.  Wekser hits
chris with a barrage of punches and knee's to the stomach, causing
some bleeding chris quickly dodges wesker's final blow and uses a
level to lower some I beams which crush wesker, chris takes a sigh
fo releaf but thats quickly taken away from him when wesker emerges
out of the beam puddle, visablly staggering but still as determined
to kill chris, they start to get ready for round 2 of the fight ,  but
after one explosion separates the two of them wesker lets chris go,
until the next time, chris returns to the jet and claire and chris
escape just in time as the base explodes behind them.

?? Some Time later in 2004

Leon S kennedy after losing sherry to some umbrella people decides to
head over to the main umbrella head quarters which are situated in
europe.. will he find what he's looking for ?


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This guide was made only for the purpose of helping other people, 
and I dont intend to use it for profit, and I would really really 
appreciate it if no one else does it too. This guide is as free as 
everyone of us is. Use it nicely. The following sites have are the 
special sites who this guide belongs too in full right...  

( PS ... this doesnt mean that other sites cant use the guide, any site
which I want this guide to go to and any site which tells me before
using it shall be allowed )

On another note I dont think I need to mention that this guide is also
protected by the international copyright laws and that makes it about
as illegal as any bad thing for anyone to plagiarize it, I ask everyone
to keep there eyes open and if they ever see this guide being used for
the wrong reasons then please dont hesitate to contact me and I shall
see what I can do about it, dont think of this as a joke because
plagiarism is not that uncommon nowadays, several great authors works
are plagiarized for money and thats.. very VERY bad..

This guide was made by Adnan Javed , better known as ChandooG on the
Gamefaqs message boards, I made this guide just for the people for 
free to be used as a source of making your game easy and enjoyable... 
or if you dont understand in those words or you think of using this 
guide for profitable purposes then know this that I have a very 
qualified lawyer in my family :) get the picture.

Resident Evil all its characters and all the logo's are copyright of 
capcom co. I am in no associated with capcom and this guide is an 
un official work. Resident Evil is a registered trademark of capcom co. 


Want to drop an email to me ?! please make sure of the following things
before sending me an email

* look in the walkthrough for any puzzle or monster related questions
  first.. dont find it there.. mail me.

* Please DONT mail me about how good you are in the particular game
  and how bad i suck.. hehe those will go to the trash ASAP

God any question about the game ?

Use this address :


* God of course for making the whole world like it is today
  and a special thanks for making me lol ;-)

* My hands, i can say without a doubt that i may be one of
  the fastest typers alive.

* , for allowing people such as me to show off
  their writing skills, or even learn that common men can
  also make walkthrough's for games, I mean three years ago
  I didnt know what a FAQ was.

* All the people who use this walkthrough for making their
  game easy, not for their profitable gains, a special
  thanks to the web sites who use it by asking my permission
  first , and keeping it in its original unedited .txt format.

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