Resident Evil 3 =============== Monsters Guide/Survival Manual v1.1 Copyright A.Redfield 2002 email: This FAQ was written and copyrighted by A.Redfield. Therefore this document is private property of A.Redfield. It may be reproduced electronically or otherwise as long as it appears completely unaltered and containing this and the above copyright statements. This FAQ may not be used for profit. Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Biohazard, and all related persons, places and entities, fictitious or nonfictitious, are all copyright Capcom Co., LTD. ---------- =Contents= ---------- 1. Forward 2. Basics/Briefing 3. The Weapons 4. The Health and Ammo 5. The Monsters Zombie Cerberus Crows Drain Deimos Brain Sucker Hunter Beta Hunter Gamma Webspinner Slitherworm Spider Poison Roach 6. The Bosses Gravedigger Nemesis Type 2 Final Mutation 7. The Nemesis 8. Advanced Tactics 9. Misc. Notes 10. Credit/Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Forward ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my third Resident Evil FAQ thusfar. I have been writing guides for those short, action-oriented minigames that is the bane of every RE player's existence. I have never had the inspiration to write those long-winded FAQs about the full game; there are already too many of those out there. When I found Fourth Survivor in RE2 and played it a couple of times, I knew it was my calling. Since then, I have been carved into a hardcore survivor by Hunk, Tofu, Mikhail, Carlos and Nicholai. I figured that since I have been throwing these little tips here and there about "Survival Tactics", why not collaborate them? This Survival Manual is the result. Enjoy. New stuff. Version 1.1, nothing really big. I came back to RE3 after like 3 years away and I find that it's still fun, and that I played it way too much back then. All this talk about being "carved into this" and "survivor that"... blah. Being carved is bad, just ask Tofu and the zombies who have been subjected to the Vincent Merken treatment. So the most important to do is to have fun with it. And get out more, maybe visit a real police station or Bar Jack or something. Overplaying RE tends to make you pale, you know. Adam Redfield ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - Basics/Briefing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before reading this guide, I advise you to have done one of two things: [1] Played a bit of Resident Evil 3 to know what the fuss is about. [2] Have read the manual. Preferably you've done both. Even though this IS basic training, you still need to have a cursory knowledge of the RE world in order to survive past your basic undead horror. Naturally, if you are already a battle-hardened veteran, skip this section by all means. That said and done, here we go. <> Running and Fighting You should know when to fight and when to run. If you are in a wide-open space with one zombie wandering aimlessly around, resist the urge to splatter its pitiful brains. Just run from it. Also, if you are in a room where you know you won't be coming back to, simply ignore the monsters in it. You should always pick running over fighting to conserve health and ammo. Don't run, however, if there is not enough space or if you will be coming back to this area more than one time. <> When you have to fight... NEVER, I repeat NEVER attempt a war of attrition in RE3. A war of attrition, for those who don't already know, is standing in one place, pumping round after round into an oncoming bad dude, hoping to drop him before he gets to you. This is a bad idea. For one thing, most of the enemies in the game can shrug off anything less than a shotgun shell as if it was a mosquito bite. They can take more damage than you. Get used to the "stick-and-move" pattern. <> When you have to run... As JR Kerr says, don't run with your nose into a wall. It slows you down and increases the chance of the enemy catching up to you. Practice running until you can run ALONG a wall, not with your nose into it. Also learn to bob-and-weave while running, avoiding potential obstacles and also throwing chasers off your tail. <> Aiming correctly The auto aim in this game is better than in RE2, but in rooms where there are a lot of enemies you may want to switch to manual. The reason is that the auto aim will lock on to the closest enemy; and that enemy may not be the most immediate threat. The most useful perk about auto aim is targeting an enemy that is immediately behind you. <> Shooting correctly There are three major weapons in the game that are highly range dependant: the two shotguns and the grenade launcher. Since part of the RE universe is a seemingly persistent lack of ammo, conserving rounds is crucial. The shotgun can kill a zombie in one shot at close range. Surprisingly, it can also do the same to dogs, Hunters, Drain Deimos... etc. Make sure to know which guns are better at close range and which are better at long range. The Handgun shouldn't be used as a close range weapon, for example. <> The Dodge A new maneuver in RE3, the dodge is done by tapping R1 or R2 one-half of a second before the enemy strikes. This is very hard to do at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's invaluable against quick monsters such as dogs and Brain Suckers. Jill will duck to her left/right, avoiding the attack and repositioning herself at a better vantage point. <> The Emergency Escape This was adopted from the game Dino Crisis, and only works on zombies. When a zombie is near you and almost upon you, hold R1 and mash every other button your fingers can find. Jill ducks and shoves, pushing the zombie(s) roughly away and giving you some breathing room. This move is unreliable and is not nearly as useful as the dodge, but it can spare you some damage in certain situations. <> Reloading NEVER let yourself get caught in a reloading animation. When shooting anything, keep count of the rounds left in your gun. As soon as it hits zero, tap Circle to access the menu screen to reload. I'm sure all of you have at one point pressed X when Jill's got no rounds left, and see her digging for the spare clip while the zombie/dog/Hunter/whatever is gaining. This is very annoying and often fatal. <> Herb Economy Always use herbs over sprays. Unlike RE2, when at any given time you will have hundreds of green herbs, RE3 gives you just enough to make it through, with little margin for error. In short, don't take unneccesary hits and conserve your herbs. Always use a Red+Green instead of a Green+Green+Green. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - The Weapons ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name : Knife Score: 1/10 Range: Very Close There are only three reasons why you would want to use the knife. [1] You are completely (COMPLETELY) out of ammo, in which case you are dead anyway. [2] You like to have the satisfaction of dropping bad dudes with a sharpy. [3] You are a mad-skills maniac who can stick-move-pop-drop even the toughest sacks of crap in the game with but a thought and a thumb motion. The knife sucks; it can only hit enemies in range of your arm and it has the least damage in the game. Use only against zombies, crows and worms. Even rarely at that. Name : S.T.A.R.S. Custom M92F (Samurai Edge) Score: 3/10 Range: Mid/Far The standard sidearm. It's a reliable weapon as long as you're dealing with zombies/dogs and anything lower in the monster hierarchy. It fires one bullet, not scattershot, and is accurate, meaning that none of the monsters in the game can dodge a shot if you aim right. The damage ratio is still comparably low, though. Name : Benelli M3S Shotgun Score: 5/10 Range: Close/Mid A pump-action, sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun. In my opinion, the second most versatile weapon in the game. The shotgun fires spread-shot, covering a wide area. The ammo scatters as it gets farther from the gun, thus being able to damage multiple enemies in mid-range. In close range, the strength of the shell is concentrated enough to deliver a powerful blow, killing zombies in one shot. Aiming up is useful for increasing the damage. Name : S&W M629C Magnum Score: 8/10 Range: All This looks a lot like the Colt Python .357 from RE1 and plays the part. The Magnum is the penultimate handgun, being able to kill practically anything with one shot, regardless of range. The only things that aren't taken down by a single bullet from this baby are the boss monsters. You have to be good at aiming to get 100% delivery, because the Magnum ain't nearly as forgiving as the M92F. You can't expect to fire multiple rounds from the Magnum rapidly, because the pistol "jumps" in Jill's hand after each shot. Name : HK-P Grenade Launcher Score: 9/10 Range: Close/Mid THE most versatile weapon in the game. Can be loaded with FOUR, not three, kinds of ammo. Grenades, Flame Rounds, Acid Rounds and the new Freeze Rounds. Note that these are in ascending order of strength, with regular Grenades being the weakest and Freeze Rounds the strongest. This is the weapon you will be using for most boss encounters, since it can adapt to exploit any weakness the monster possesses. The only gripes I have with this weapon is it's reload speed and slow-travelling bullets. I have actually seen Nemesis dodge a grenade before and it's scary. The other thing is that in RE2, the regular grenades were more powerful. Name : SIGPRO SP2009 Score: 3/10 Range: Mid/Far The plastic alloy pistol has basically the same strengths and weaknesses of the M92F, and uses the same rounds. This is the sidearm issued to the UBCS Corps, and Nicholai's main weapon. Name : M4A1 Assault Rifle Score: 7/10 Range: All The first of two automatic weapons in this game. Set on full auto, this gun can stop anything short of Nemesis in its tracks. It fires a spray pattern of constant rounds, and burns through the clip rather quickly. When set on manual, a capacitor is used in the gun, firing in three-shot bursts. Although this gun shines in its speed of fire and ease of use, it has two major drawbacks. Spare clips for this gun are nonexistent (except in Easy Mode; you start with two) and each round does less damage than a Handgun round, about 2/3. Therefore, 3 AR rounds = 2 Handgun rounds. It does hold a lot of ammo but it goes by real quick; 100% = 300 bullets. Name : STI Eagle 6.0 Score: 4/10 Range: All A specialty gun for competitions. Uses the same ammo as the M92F and SIGPRO but can use it better. This gun fires quicker, reloads quicker, and has a 5% chance of scoring a "critical hit". Critical hits work only on zombies and dogs; it kills them in one shot. Basically an upgraded handgun; when you get it, use it to replace the old sidearm. Name : Western Custom M37 Score: 6/10 Range: Close/Mid I like to call this gun the "Terminator". This is because this was the shotgun used by the Terminator in the movie T2. Watch Jill go and do that one-handed reload! Cool! The Western M37 is better than the Benelli in terms of speed and accuracy. The damage dished out is still the same, but this lever-action shotgun fires and reloads much quicker than the Benelli. The earliest you'll get this is right before the clock tower; use it to replace your old shotgun. Name : Gatling Gun Score: 9/10 Range: All This murderous weapon is a three-barrel personal mini-gun; it fires high caliber bullets at lightning speed. This gun has several drawbacks but can be noted for it's ability to take down ANYTHING in the game with sustained fire. The main fault of this weapon is the fact that, like a real Gatling Gun, it has to start spinning the barrels for about one second before it actually starts firing, making it rather risky using on fast enemies. It's still an extremely fun weapon to use, though. Name : M66 Rocket Launcher Score: 10/10 Range: Mid/Far THE ultimate weapon of RE3. Actually, for any of the RE games. The M66 fires a single rocket propelled grenade, enough to decimate all in its path. This baby takes down the toughest bad dude in the game, Nemesis, in two shots. It takes down anything else in one shot. Actually, there is only ONE drawback to this godlike weapon and that is the draw speed and rate of fire. The recoil on the M66 is even worse than the Magnum's, and hefting the gun to aim it at the bad guy takes another second. Therefore, make sure to let fly before your target gets too close. Name : Jill's Combat Boot Score: 11/10!!! Range: Very Close THIS IS THE BEST WEAPON IN THE GAME! Okay, so not really. The real score is around 1 or 2/10, but it still has its uses. Basically, the boot is used when a zombie grabs Jill's ankles or when running over small and annoying creeps like the Slitherworms. It's pretty friggin wicked when Jill pops a zombie in the face, blowing its brains out through the back of its head. Also note that you don't have to be running to squash spiders and roaches and the like, it's just that Jill's foot has to come down on them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 - The Health and Ammo --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, herbs and bullets. The two most essential pick-ups in the history of RE. Without these, you're toast, so let me outline them. HEALING ITEMS Name : Green Herb Frequency: Common You find these around the place. Using one is good for restoring 1/3 of your total health. Mixing two green herbs restores 5/6 of you total health. Mixing three green herbs restores all of your health. These are the "base herbs". Name : Blue Herb Frequency: Uncommon These can cure poison. Poison is more abundant in this game, so try to pick up a few of these. Mixing a blue herb with any of the above green combinations will add curing poison effect. Name : Pot of Blue Herbs/"Blue Bush" Frequency: Rare Every once in a while you come upon a bunched-up pile of blue leaves in a pot. You can't pick these up, but they can be used an infinite amount of times tocure poison. Not very useful, actually. There are only three of these in the game. Name : Red Herb Frequency: Uncommon The Red Herbs can be mixed ONLY with a green herb or a blue-green combo. Red Herbs triple the effect of green herbs, meaning mixing a single red-green combo will heal you completely. Red Herbs cannot be used by themselves. Name : First Aid Spray Frequency: Uncommon You actually end up with a lot of these in the course of the game. Although they heal all of your health, you shouldn't use them. Why? Because using them lowers your grade in the end of the game. Use only in dire, near-death emergencies. AMMUNITION Name : Handgun Bullets Frequency: Common These are the bullets for the M92F/SIGPRO/STI Eagle. You get them in boxes of 15 or 30 rounds. Even though there are much of these, use sparingly. Name : Shotgun Shells Frequency: Uncommon 12-gauge shot shells for the Benelli or Western M37. These get more common as you get farther into the game. When you have enough of these to spare, use the shotgun as your main weapon. Name : Grenade Rounds Frequency: Uncommon Explosive shells of the HK-P Grenade Launcher. Use very sparingly, as they are few and far between. These are the normal grenades and the weakest of the four types. Name : Flame Rounds Frequency: Rare Grenades loaded with napalm. These are effective against most forms of normal enemies. Should be saved for tough encounters i.e. Hunter Beta/ Gammas. Name : Acid Rounds Frequency: Very Rare Grenades containing acidic substances. The second strongest of all the grenade types, and should be saved for bosses. However, they are very effective against all forms of enemies. Name : Freeze Rounds Frequency: Very Rare Grenades with liquid nitrogen warheads. These are the strongest of all the grenades available, and should be used exclusively for Nemesis. These are quite possibly the best type of ammo other than a rocket. Name : M629C .44 Magnum Rounds Frequency: Very Rare Ammo for the Magnum. You'll be lucky to find more than one of these in the whole game. Very tough ammo, can drop just about anything. Name : 5.56mm NATO Rounds Frequency: Special Ammo for the M4A1 Assault Rifle. You only get clips of these in Easy Mode. Each one contains 100%, or 300 rounds. Name : Handgun Bullets E/"Black Taurus" Frequency: Special These can only be obtained one way: refining it with the Reloading Tool. To get these special rounds, get about 8 Gunpowder A's and refine them all, without mixing any. The eighth time you make ammo, you will be asked if you want to make Special Rounds. Say yes, and you'll get these. They enhance the power of the M92F/SIGPRO Handguns. The sound and kick of the gun changes; it does more damage. If you notice, Brad's gun at the beginning of the game is loaded with these. Name : S.G. Shells E Frequency: Special These can only be obtained one way: refining it with the Reloading Tool. To get these special rounds, get about 8 Gunpowder B's and refine them all, without mixing any. The eighth time you make ammo, you will be asked if you want to make Special Rounds. Say yes, and you'll get these. They enhance the power of the Benelli/M37. The shells are loaded with explosives and do the damage of a Magnum round. Neato! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - The Monsters ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =MONSTERS LEGEND= (L)= Light attack (M)= Medium attack (H)= Heavy attack (D)= Finishing blow (P)= Poisoning ZOMBIE ------ Attacks: Bite(M), Acid(L), Ankle Bite(L) Knife : 9-13 Handgun : 6-8 H.Gun E : 4 Shotgun : 1~2 S.G. E : 1 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 1~2 Flame : 1 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 3% Western M37: 1 Gatling Gun: 3 secs R. Launcher: 1 The zombies are your basic monsters, they encompass more than half of the creatures you meet during the course of the game. Slow and stupid, they're hardly a threat unless encountered in a large groups and you're caught without your shotgun. When there are only one or two of them and the leeway between them and the walls are acceptable, you can evade them rather easily. They can also be juked easily. Otherwise, a few rounds will put them down. CERBERUS -------- Attacks: Bite(L) Knife : 7~8 Handgun : 6-9 H.Gun E : 4 Shotgun : 2 S.G. E : 1 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 1 Flame : 1 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 4% Western M37: 2 Gatling Gun: 2 secs R. Launcher: 1 Ah, cerberus. The hellhound watchdogs of the RE series. They are essentially the same; fast and agile but dealing out little damage per hit. They are almost never encountered alone, there are at least two of them. The handgun is good enough to take them out but if there are three or four of them hanging around it's better to whip out your shotgun. CROWS ----- Attacks: Peck(L) Knife : 1 Handgun : 1 H.Gun E : 1 Shotgun : 1 S.G. E : 1 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 1 Flame : 1 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 0.3% Western M37: 1 Gatling Gun: 1 R. Launcher: 1 There are a lotta these in RE3 but it's never necessary to fight them. If you can run without snagging they won't be a threat. If they do catch you, hit all of the buttons like mad to shake them off, because the pecks that they throw at you are fast and can build up the damage. DRAIN DEIMOS ------------ Attacks: Claw(L), Grab and Bite(M) Knife : 14-18 Handgun : 9 H.Gun E : 5 Shotgun : 2 S.G. E : 1 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 2 Flame : 1 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 6% Western M37: 2 Gatling Gun: 3 secs R. Launcher: 1 Drain Deimos replace the Lickers. Personally, I think the Lickers were much more dangerous, as that the Drains are horribly slow and can only inflict moderate damage at best. They are only a real threat when they leap at you or get up on two legs and "run" after you. The leap they only use when you are too far away and they need to catch up. Sometimes, though, they will actually jump over you and grab you from behind. Use the shotgun on these. BRAIN SUCKER ------------ Attacks: Claw(L), Spawn Roach, Acid(P), Brain Drain(M) Knife : 16-19 Handgun : 9 H.Gun E : 5 Shotgun : 2 S.G. E : 1 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 2 Flame : 1 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 6% Western M37: 2 Gatling Gun: 3 secs R. Launcher: 1 Basically a spiced-up version of the Drain Deimos. You can see the difference between the two; the Brain Suckers are vomit-green and beefier than the Drains. Also, they have the nasty habit of spitting some nasty poison mucus at you. Shotgun will do fine in this case. Keep your distance, and two or three shells will do it. HUNTER BETA ----------- Attacks: Slash(L), Leaping Slash(M), Claw Swipe(D) Knife : 10 Handgun : 11 H.Gun E : 7 Shotgun : 2 S.G. E : 1~2 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 2 Flame : 2 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 6% Western M37: 2 Gatling Gun: 4 secs R. Launcher: 1 Ah, the Hunters are back. Remember the Hunter Alphas from RE1? Well, this is it's smaller, weaker cousin. The Hunters are hunched-over reptilian monsters with huge rippling arms and claws. Although they look and sound almost identical to the Hunter Alphas, this time it only takes two shotgun shells to kill them, not FOUR. Still, they have an instant-death attack, so use the Magnum or Grenade Launcher. HUNTER GAMMA ------------ Attacks: Slash(L), Leaping Slash(M), Claw Swipe(D), Devour(D) Knife : 13 Handgun : 11 H.Gun E : 7 Shotgun : 2 S.G. E : 2 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 2~3 Flame : 1 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 6% Western M37: 2 Gatling Gun: 4 secs R. Launcher: 1 Shorter and faster than the Betas, the Gammas look like mutated frogs. Indeed they are quicker than the Betas because the never walk, they only run. It takes relatively the same amount of ammo to kill them, but don't fight them if not necessary, they are extremely dangerous. Hunter Gammas can eat you whole if you are 'Caution' or worse. WEBSPINNER ---------- Attacks: Bite(M), Acid(P) Knife : 12 Handgun : 7 H.Gun E : 4 Shotgun : 2 S.G. E : 1 Magnum : 1 G. Launcher Grenades: 1 Flame : 1 Acid : 1 Freeze : 1 M4A1 A.R. : 5% Western M37: 2 Gatling Gun: 3 secs R. Launcher: 1 Huge, hairy spiders. These have been in every RE game to date, and always are identical. They either spit poison or bite you, and are actually rather annoying buggers. You never need to fight them, but if you want to, use the Shotgun or something better; the Handgun just pisses them off. SLITHERWORM ----------- Attacks: Blood Drain(L) 1 HIT FROM ANY WEAPON You find these slimy horrors in the sewers. They come in groups of 3 or more and leap at you in unison. If they connect, they start to drain your blood until you shake them off by mashing the controls. They can be killed rather easily but it's a waste of ammo; just run. SPIDER ------ Attacks: Bite(L) 1 HIT FROM ANY WEAPON OR BOOT If you kill a Webspinner with anything less than Flame Rounds then these mini-spiders pop out of the corpse. They can bite your ankles, and this does about the same damage as a peck from a Crow. To get rid of them, run them over with your boot (yeah!) or just leave the room and come back. Spiders can dodge bullets. POISON ROACH ------------ Attacks: Leech(L), Bite(P) 1 HIT FROM ANY WEAPON OR BOOT These only appear when a Brain Sucker or Drain Deimos is around. They look like mini versions of the Brain Sucker. They have two attacks, they either latch onto you, causing minor damage, or they do this weird-looking leaping bite that can poison you. Just squish them flat. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 - The Bosses ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There aren't many bosses in RE3, unlike RE2. This is definitely to equalize the addition of Nemesis, who is like a boss that chases you throughout the game. Still, there are those humongoid-monster encounters that eat up a major portion of you ammo and herbs. These I like to call boss fights. G R A V E D I G G E R --------------------- Attacks: Gore(M), Head Ram(L), Grab and Thrash(H), Eat(D) Knife : 80+ Handgun : 49-53 H.Gun E : 31 Shotgun : 21 S.G. E : 17 Magnum : 13 G. Launcher Grenades: 24 Flame : 22 Acid : 11 Freeze : 15 M4A1 A.R. : 34% Western M37: 19 Gatling Gun: 6-8 secs R. Launcher: 3 You'll know it when you see it. It's a huge worm with four mandibles that charge you for some of the worst damage anything in the game can dish out. You'll meet this nightmare twice: once on the way back to the Trolley after collecting all of the necessary items and once in the Raccoon City Park. The first encounter, he comes out of the holes on the walls and it only takes one-half the amount of ammo listed to take him down. The second time, he pops out of the ground (look for the trailing dirt) and attempts to thrash you into a pulp. Try to lure him into the center area by the puddle and don't get yourself cornered. After he pops up, hit him with a barrage of ammo and he'll go back underground. Continue this pattern until he dies or until you get a little cut-scene where you see the lamp posts get loosened. Then, use R2 to shoot out the lamp posts and lure him into the electrified water. N E M E S I S T Y P E II -------------------------- Attacks: Whiplash(M), Ankle Whip(L), Backlash(L), Grab and Slam(H) Clothesline(L) Knife : 70+ Handgun : 49-56 H.Gun E : 37 Shotgun : 23 S.G. E : 19 Magnum : 17 G. Launcher Grenades: 15 Flame : 14 Acid : 12 Freeze : 12 M4A1 A.R. : 46% Western M37: 22 Gatling Gun: 8 secs R. Launcher: 4 You fight the mutated, horribly weakened Nemesis in the garbage dumping room. He's wounded pretty bad and can only limp slowly after you, but he's still dangerous. This battle is timed, but the clock shouldn't be your worry. The trick is to run past him on his right just as he is trying his tentacle whip. As he is delayed from the attack, launch a round into his back and run past him again. Keep repeating this and you will have him down in less than a minute. Preferably use the Grenade Launcher with Acid Rounds. If he does land a hit on you it could be bad; this is a confined space and he can get multiple hits after knocking you down. The pattern seems to be: Whiplash/Ankle Whip/Backlash. He repeats this as long as he keeps you in a corner. If you actually stand up he'll likely use the Grab and Slam which will kill you if you are in Caution. Rule of thumb: Stay as far away as possible. NOTE: You can kill him very quickly by using the molten sludge pipes, because they deliver an unholy amount of damage. The problem is positioning Nemesis right and then hitting the valve. Give it a shot! F I N A L M U T A T I O N -------------------------- Attacks: Acid Scatter(L), Acid Shot(M), Head Ram(L), Bite(M), Tentacle Whip(L), Chew and Throw(H), Reverse Bone Spike(D) Knife : 140+ Handgun : 97-109 H.Gun E : 60+ Shotgun : 41-49 S.G. E : 34 Magnum : 21 G. Launcher Grenades: 38 Flame : 36 Acid : 24 Freeze : 22 M4A1 A.R. : ~70% Western M37: 39-47 Gatling Gun: 7 secs R. Launcher: 5 The final boss of RE3, he can take much much more than he can dish out. Basically all you have to do is keep your distance and continue pumping him full of rounds until he drops. At medium to far range most of his attacks can be avoided easily, since the boss itself moves slowly. There is a catch to this battle, though, he never can really be "killed" by normal means, you have to power up the rail cannon in the room in order to finish him off. The chamber is a huge room with a stack of machinery in the center and the rail cannon off to the right. There are three battery cartridges in the room, one right where you came in (1), one on the farthest wall from the entryway (2) and one adjacent to the rail cannon (3). You have to activate the batteries in THAT ORDER for the rail gun to start up. Remember, the batteries are not switches, you have to push them in. Once you push in battery #1, the Final Mutation appears. Run a safe distance and fire off a few shots. Run over to battery #2 and push it in. Stick and move, lure the boss away from battery #3 and keep shooting while avoiding the acid. When you gain enough distance, push in battery #3. Now the rail gun will start firing it's huge laser at ten second intervals. You have to shoot the boss continuously, trying to lure it into the path of the rail cannon shots. Once it takes one of those, kiss goodbye! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 - The NEMESIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nemesis is the ultimate creation of the Umbrella Corporation. A relentless pursuer with an armored hide and lethal tentacle weapons. You can think of him as a Mr. X who has eaten about a couple hundred pounds of steroids. He's fast, strong and doesn't let up. You encounter him about 7 or 8 times in the game, not including the final fights. This chapter is included to help you evade, or when the need arises, to take down this monstrosity. NEMESIS TYPE ALPHA ------------------ Attacks: Left-Arm Throw(M), Left-Arm Punch(M), Right-Arm Clothesline(L), Rushing Punch(M), Face Spike(D) Knife : 51.48 Handgun : 44.28 H.Gun E : 25.19 Shotgun : 16.10 S.G. E : 12.7 Magnum : 11.6 G. Launcher Grenades: 12.12 Flame : 12.11 Acid : 9.6 Freeze : 9.6 M4A1 A.R. : 27%.22% Western M37: 15.9 Gatling Gun: 7 secs R. Launcher: 1.1 The first number before the period is the shots it takes to drop him temporarily. The number after the period is the shots it takes to "kill" him. This is the Nemesis you encounter before and during the Clock Tower event. You know, big dude wearing a black raincoat and gloves. He is actually more dangerous in this form than in any other, as that only in this form does he possess his instant death attack, the Viral Spike. You see him use it on Brad in the RPD Building FMV. Anyway, he walks slowly usually, but get too far away from him and he starts dashing. When dashing he can use two attacks; the Throw or the Rushing Punch. Generally you should try to keep him from running by staying mildly close to him. He is ALWAYS faster than you can no matter how much you weave he can track you. Keep at medium range and pump him full of hot lead. The pattern when fighting Nemesis goes like this: 1. Get 4 footfalls ahead of him and depress R1. Jill turns around. 2. Fire for a 1.5 second duration. 3. Watch him start to swing and move past him on his RIGHT side. 4. Repeat. After this pattern goes by three times, and if you have done it each time correctly, Nemesis gets pissed and starts running. Simply evade his rushes for about three seconds and he gives up. Start the pattern again. If Nemesis ever catches you, this is what happens: 1. He grabs you and looks at you. He goes "Mrrraahh" and throws you down. 2. You mash the Square and X buttons frantically to get Jill to her feet. 3. If you succeed Nemesis begins walking slowly after you. 4. If Jill is still on the ground, Nemesis grabs her and spikes her. D'oh! However, during step 4 if Jill is in yellow Caution or better, you can break free of his killing blow by rapidly tapping all the buttons at once. If you don't resist, it is a sure death. If you knock Nemesis down, the fight ain't over yet. Walk over to him and aim down. Pump rounds into his brain until he gets up. He does that frustration roar that we all know and love. He then attacks you with more gusto than before. You need to be more careful this time, because his patterns are erratic and you never know when he starts running. Use your most powerful weapon to take him down quickly. You know he's dead when he goes "Ooorrggh..." and holds his right arm with blood gushing out of his shoulder, after which he falls to the ground in defeat. Purple blood gathers around his putrid corpse. Collect any briefcases he dropped and move on. The MINIMUM requirement for these Nemesis fights is a M92F-E or the Eagle. Only risk using the normal Handgun when you have lots of space to work with. After practicing Nemesis fights for a few days, you'll be able to drop this bad boy with an STI Eagle, sixty rounds and a single green herb. !BONUS SECTION! FUN WITH NEMESIS SPEECH You can tell how much Nemesis is hurt by his varying growls: "Ruh!" = That tickles (H.Gun or AR shot) "Urgh! = That pinches (Shotgun) "Ughuh!" = That hurts! (Magnum round) Try it yourself! Hear and recognize these sounds! NEMESIS TYPE ALPHA with ROCKET LAUNCHER --------------------------------------- Attacks: Rocket(H), Rushing Club(H), Knee Club(M) Knife : 51.48 Handgun : 44.28 H.Gun E : 25.19 Shotgun : 16.10 S.G. E : 12.7 Magnum : 11.6 G. Launcher Grenades: 12.12 Flame : 12.11 Acid : 9.6 Freeze : 9.6 M4A1 A.R. : 27%.22% Western M37: 15.9 Gatling Gun: 7 secs R. Launcher: 1.1 Okay, so this isn't really a different form of Nemesis. Three out of the 8 times you encounter the Nemesis he is carrying the Rocket Launcher featured in RE2. Now, instead of running after you, he fires these projectiles homed in on your position. His Rocket Launcher holds five shots, and your main strategy should be to get him firing until he exhausts his ammo. Once his rockets are gone, he throws away the empty weapon and comes after you bare-handed. To get him to fire a rocket and successfully evade it, follow this: 1. Run ahead of Nemesis. You will hear his "Mrrraahh" meaning he has readied the Launcher. Stop. 2. Turn to Jill's right/left by ninety degrees. Stop. 3. You hear the *rachack* of a rocket being loaded. Count one second and run two steps forward, while you hear the *whoosh* of the missile. 4. The rocket misses Jill over her shoulder. Press Square+Down. 5. You hear another *rachack*. Count one second and run two steps forward. 6. The second rocket misses the other way. Nemesis is running at you now. So you see, Nemesis will usually only fire two rockets in succession. He will run after you and try to club you to death and then start releasing rockets once more. After you get him to exhaust his ammo, use the strategy for the regular Nemesis Type Alpha. CLOCK TOWER NEMESIS TYPE II --------------------------- Attacks: Left-Arm Throw(M), Left-Arm Punch(M), Right-Arm Clothesline(L), Rushing Punch(M), Viral Lance(M), Face Spike(D) Knife : 51.48 Handgun : 44.28 H.Gun E : 25.19 Shotgun : 16.10 S.G. E : 12.7 Magnum : 11.6 G. Launcher Grenades: 12.12 Flame : 12.11 Acid : 9.6 Freeze : 9.6 M4A1 A.R. : 27%.22% Western M37: 15.9 Gatling Gun: 7 secs R. Launcher: 1.1 You only fight this Nemesis under some special conditions. If in the Cable Car Live Decision you chose "Use The Emergency Brake", AND if Carlos appears at the beginning of the fight, then you will have to battle Nemesis "1.5". At the beginning of the fight Carlos jumps out from some nearby debris and begins launching his attack on Nemesis. After a few seconds the Assault Rifle causes Nemesis' Rocket Launcher to backfire and blow up. Nemesis is knocked down temporarily, and Carlos passes out. Then the unstoppable monster comes back, half-singed by the flame and very very angry. Basically, this is Nemesis Alpha with a single new weapon: the Viral Lance. Now, if he chooses to, Nemesis can stick out his right hand and throw a tentacle out at Jill. He does this quite often, too. To avoid it, give yourself a wide berth and run a loop around Nemesis on his right side. He will usually miss. However, the new attack is very quick and sometimes he'll hit you anyway. Use the same basic attack pattern as for Nemesis Alpha; and use Flame Rounds. Why Flame and not Acid? For some reason Flame rounds can take him out in 8 shots, provided you can shoot straight. NEMESIS TYPE II (BETA) ---------------------- Attacks: Whiplash(M), Ankle Whip(L), Double Lashing(M), Grab and Slam(H) Backlash(L), Tentacle Stab(M), Rush Combo(H), Left-Arm Clothesline(L) Knife : 64.49 Handgun : 57.42 H.Gun E : 36.28 Shotgun : 23.17 S.G. E : 19.11 Magnum : 15.8 G. Launcher Grenades: 18.13 Flame : 18.12 Acid : 11.7 Freeze : 11.6 M4A1 A.R. : 35%.28% Western M37: 21.15 Gatling Gun: 7 secs R. Launcher: 3.1 After Nemesis takes that fire bath in the Clock Tower battle, he comes back even more mutated and pissed off than before. The flames seemed to have burned off most of his clothing save his pants (whew!) and his boots. What was under that blackish coat? A mass of writhing tentacles, as it seems. He uses these new appendages against you and with them he has much more range. There are the upsides and downsides of Nemesis Type II. Firstly, he doesn't have the ability to kill you in one hit anymore, which is a definite plus. He cannot move or strike as fast, though he can still run. He also can't use the Rocket Launcher any more. The bad news? His new tentacle-attacks are more varied and once they hit he can likely score enough damage to put you in Danger. He doesn't have to be close to you to hit you; those tendrils can reach across half the friggin' room to knock Jill down. He uses the same pattern of attacks, usually: Ankle Whip, Whiplash, Grab and Slam. If he connects with this entire chain you will probably get killed. If he gets you in that Grab and Slam lock you can break out of it by tapping Square+X like before. As with the original boss, don't stray too far from him or he will dash. Keep medium distance and fill his fleshy hide with metal: 1. Nemesis is walking toward you. You see him stop and begin pulling his right arm back, with that "schlook" noise. 2. You run past him on his LEFT side. He won't grab you. 3. He has struck with his tentacle where you used to be. Meanwhile you are 3 or 4 footfalls behind him. 4. Depress R1 and fire a grenade/bullet/shell/whatever. 5. He was delayed by the tentacles retracting so that the round hit him in the back. 6. Repeat. Nemesis Type II has more vulnerabilities than before as well. For example, if you hit him with a specific kind of rounds enough times in succession, you can knock a part of his body off. Unfortunately, he can grow it back the next hime he meets you. AMMO TYPE ------> Severed Body Part --------- ----------------- Flame Rounds Tentacle Acid Rounds Tentacle Freeze Rounds Left Arm M.T. Round Arm/Tentacle Note that these do not happen often and when they do it only happens after you knock him down the first time. It can impede his ability to use certain attacks such as the Clothesline. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 - Advanced Survival Tactics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are for seasoned players that want to add a bit of edge to their game. Note that these tactics aren't perfect and can use a little tweaking in individual cases. Have fun with it! <> Arm Wrestling If you notice, when you get grabbed by a zombie/Drain Deimos/whatever, they keep hurting you for a good while before your character shakes them off automatically. The thing is, you can shake them off FASTER if you "arm wrestle" with them. By this I mean mashing the D-Pad. The truth is, I know that the manual and a lot of the printed guides say to press "all the buttons to break free", the only buttons that help you are the directionals, Square and X. In truth, you are wasting valuable time tapping Triangle, Circle and the shoulder buttons. If you fight with D-pad+Square+X, the results are: Attack Type Fighting Result ----------- --------------- Zombie Bite Avoid second bite, damage reduced by 1/3 Crow Peck Throw off crows, damage reduced by 1/4 Drain Deimos Grab Throw off grab, damage reduced by 1/4 Brain Sucker Grab Throw off grab, damage reduced by 1/4 Slitherworm Bite Remove worm, mobility returns quicker Nemesis Throw Get up faster, avoid second grab Nemesis Face Spike Avoid Face Spike Nemesis II Grab and Slam Released before third/fourth/fifth slam Nemesis II Ankle Whip Get up faster <> The Combat Roll Much like the Dodge but more complicated, the Combat Roll is performed by pressing R1+X+Down when the attack is coming from above Jill. She drops into a crouch and rolls a short distance away, coming up in a kneel. The timing is the same as the Dodge; a half-second before the attack connects. From Jill's kneeling position, she can fire the Handguns and the Magnum much faster than normal. This maneuver is invaluable for those enemies that just won't go down and require tons of ammo to stop (i.e. Gravedigger). <> The Push/Elbow Shove With enemies that CANNOT grab you (Dogs, Hunters etc.) you can sort of "push" them out of your way, with some practice. While running at them, allow Jill's arm to touch them. The target just sort of slides across the ground and makes way for Jill to pass. Why? It probably has something or other to do with the game's collision detection. When attempting this, only let Jill's arm brush the enemy's weak side. <> Ground-to-Air Fighting This skill is used solely for the Hunters and Drain Deimos/Brain Sucker, who have that annoying ability to do a flying leap over you. Remember this: If you knock them down with a powerful blow, like from the Shotgun, and if you are not right next to them when they get up they ALWAYS do a leaping attack. They also leap at you if you gain enough distance. Aiming up and knocking the Hunter/Drain/Brain out of the air with another round doubles the damage. With some practice, this can really save you health and ammo. For example, a Hunter usually takes two grenades to kill but if you hit him in the air, it takes only ONE. <> Weak Spots Every enemy, and I mean EVERY enemy has a weak spot. Usually it's the head, but in some cases it's not. If you score a hit in the weak area, damage is increased by one-third. To hit heads, you usually have to aim up, in the exception of the STI Eagle. Enemy Weak Point ----- ---------- Zombie Head Cerberus Head Drain Deimos Head Brain Sucker Upper Torso Hunter Beta Lower Torso Hunter Gamma Lower Torso Webspinner Midsection Gravedigger Head Nemesis Head Final Boss Upper Back To really test out this theory, I used the Mine Thrower and Shotgun. When the Mine struck an enemy in a certain area, it blew it to kingdom come while it took two explosions in another spot. <> Shooting and Dodging Something crucial that every RE3 gamer should know, you CANNOT dodge while Jill is pumping the lever or grip on the shotgun/grenade launcher. You CAN, however, dodge during the recoil animation of the Magnum or other weapons. Therefore, you can wait until the target is very close, pull the trigger then tap X quickly to shoot-dodge. This maximizes damage and prevents you from getting caught in an awkward recoil. The timing is such that the enemy should be TWO footfalls away and taking the step when you fire. Then, the bullet connects as their foot is touching the ground and they are ready to swipe. <> Circle-Strafing You can only circle-strafe Nemesis. And even then, only in a wide open area. However, someone who can circle-strafe well can actually drop the bad boy with no damage sustained. This is the abridged version of the process: 1. Nemesis is here. You make sure you have a good-sized "arena" and you are not near any walls. 2. Let Nemesis come at you. You are carrying the STI Eagle 6.0 OR M92F-E. 3. Nemesis is two steps away. Let him have two rounds. 4. He is ready to swing. Tap R1 lightly to evade the punch, immediately after which you tap R1+X to put one round into his side. 5. He turns and is ready to swing. Tap R1 to evade his punch. Now you depress Square+Up/Right on the D-pad for the briefest second. 6. Now you are standing back where you started. Put two rounds into him. 7. Repeat, CAREFULLY. <> Usable Background Weapons Okay, before we get started, one thing... DO NOT stand too close to a drum/bomb when you shoot it! It will hurt you BADLY! Now that that's out of the way, there are different ways to make full use of the explosives in the game. The most obvious are the red oil drums or the packs of C4 nailed to the walls. There are also more diverse forms, as well: Name Found At: ---- --------- Oil Drum All over the place Bomb All over the place Hanging Crate Downtown Construction Site Gas Canister Restaurant (Live Decision) Voltage Generator Substation (Live Decision) Steam Pipes Sales Office Oil Lamps Park Central Courtyard Electric Lights Gravedigger 2nd Battle Toxic Waste Pipes Dead Factory Dumping Room Some are harder to use than others. Also, in the case of the exploding drums/bombs, the minimum safe distance is 6 walking steps from the blast point. The minimum damage range is half that distance. So, if you want the explosion to hurt every monster in the area, make sure they're at least 4 steps from the drum/bomb. <> Juking Ever since RE1, juking has been essential to my playing through the game. Juking is effectively playing on the monster's attack pattern to fake it out and evade it when there's not enough room to run normally. Juking Zombies: Wait on one side or a corridor/hall until the zombie is almost grabbing you. Immediately dash to the other side and go around him. He won't have time to react. Juking Dogs : As they are chasing you wait for them to get close and spring at you. At this point make a sharp turn and the dog will miss. Now as the dog lands it will try to U-turn to make another pass. AS its turning flank the dog {so that it can't get to you} until the path is clear and keep running. Juking Drain/ Brain Deimos : Bit trickier here. Their attack pattern is erratic but here is one strategy that works most of the time. Run toward them, and when you're about a step and a half away, stop. They have noticed you. Press Square+ Down. Run forward until they decide to jump. While they are airborne, tap Square+Down and run past them. Most of the time you can just "push" them, though. Juking Hunters: The right side seems to be their weak side, so when you run past them favor their right arm. Otherwise, if you run at a Hunter and play a game of "chicken", you can trick it to jump over you. Run in a beeline towards the lizard freak and about two feet away from collision, bank left/towards the Hunter's right. For some reason if you do this the Hunter will ALWAYS try it's jump slash and miss. Juking Web- Spinners : Run to one side of the hall/room. They will swivel their heads toward you and rush you. Dash to the other side. They can't quick-turn; they have to stop and swivel. So take this time to run past them, making sure to stay
                   away from their heads so they can't bite or spit.

9 - Miscellaneous Notes

During the final fight...

If the Final Mutation ever jumps down from the stack of machinery and
you end up standing behind it, MOVE! I've seen this crazy move where
the boss flips over backwards onto Jill and kills her with those ribs
protruding from its back. This only seems to happen after it jumps down
from the machinery.

Cheap Hunter kills...

Read JR Kerr's Nicholai FAQ... you'll notice that he points out,
truthfully, that Hunter Betas can't do 180 turns. Poor babies. Use
this to your advantage; trick them into jumping over you and force
them into a corner with your player. The Hunter will keep trying
to jump backwards, but with Jill/Carlos as an obstacle, it can't.
Feel free to peashoot/knife them to death.


-> You can make Flame/Acid/Freeze rounds by simply adding the corresponding
   Gunpowder to the regular Grenades. You don't even need the Reloading
   Grenade Rounds + Gunpowder A = Flame Rounds
   Grenade Rounds + Gunpowder B = Acid Rounds
   Grenade Rounds + Gunpowder C = Freeze Rounds

   This is better Gunpowder economy and it saves inventory space in a pinch.
   BTW, thanks KTeoh!

-> To save ammo early on the game or when you've depleted too much, the
   Handgun becomes a valuable asset. Zombies can be killed in six bullets
   guaranteed, as can dogs. For zombies, shoot them four times to knock them
   down then immediately run over to the corpse and put two rounds into it
   aiming down. For dogs, the first shot should connect as they jump,
   knocking them out of the air. Then keep them down with low shots.

-> F. Aid Sprays do not penalize you as much in this game. You can use 
   up to 3 without getting a grade dropped. Using four or more will start
   dropping your grade severely, so make sure to keep packing those herbs.

10 - Credit/Thanks


For general corrections and input. For the Killing-Prone-Enemies tip


For information found in his Weapons and Ammo guide. Great work, so check
that out... it has more detailed stuff on the Gunpowder and weapon location.


For the input on the Drum/Bomb locations and the Gravedigger Hits-To-Kill.


For his Resident Evil 3 Walkthrough. Helped me locate the things I may
have missed due to chronology of the game.


For all the work on FAQs and guides and whatnot


For the great job on the game, once again.


Justin, Bryan, David all fellow Survivor Horror-ists.


"It was Raccoon City's last chance, and my last chance. My last escape..."

                    |=RESIDENT EVIL III: NEMESIS=|
                       All likenesses, including
                    all persons, places and entities
                     copyright Capcom Co. LTD 1999

                               E  N  D