"Sorry I'm late." ._______. ._______. ._________.___._______. ._________._______. ._______. | ._. !_| ._. !_| ._. | | ._. !_| ._. | ._. !_._! ._. | | |\| | |\| | |\!___|___| |_| | |/| | |/| | |/| | | | | | !_! | !__\__| | | | | !_! | | | | | | | | | !___| ._____!_____. | | | | | ._____| | | |___! | | | | |\__| !\_____\____! | | !_! _| !_____| | | |__/| | | !___! | !_________________. | |_______!_! ._________! !___! | !___! \___\| \________| ._. !_| |\________| |________/!/___/ !/___/ | | | | | | |___| | | !_! | | | | | | .___. | ._____| !_! | | |/| | | !\____!_. ._| | !_! | !_________!_!_____!_!___!_________! \________! !_______!___!________/ | ._. |_. | | | | !___|_| ._| |___|_ |_| ._____! | !_________! !_________! KNIFE WALKTHROUGH (c)2001 VMerken[vip@padua.org], started editing May 18th -1 Work in Progress .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; This is the alpha version of the Resident Evil 3 Knife guide, and is dedicated to all the fans and long-term players of the game. Updates will probably be very superficial, unless someone provides me with new and verifiable insights. As an Easter Egg, you'll find the character profiles promised to you in the handgun walkthrough. 0 Welcome! -.-.-.-.-.- Walkthrough objective: * Kill all targets with the Combat Knife. * Time is irrelevant. * Usage of Ink Ribbons is irrelevant. * obtain a 100% kill, of course following the optimal story branches. I pondered long and hard on this, but decided to go for it, and succeeded. Yes, 100% kill. That includes all Nemesis fights, even against type II (which took about 129 stabs before it was over o_O'). Requirements: * Be completely awake. The game will crush you if you're not paying attention. * Fully mastered controls. * Patience, patience, patience, patience, patience, and then some. Bring extra. * Basic math knowledge (addition & subtraction). The rewards: * Jill handling a combat knife is extremely cool to watch. * Carlos handling a toothpick is as hilarious as they come. * You get to see all the monster AI in axion. * The challenge is extreme. * Extreme bragging rights in front of the survivhor community. This guide is here to help. If you fit the requirements, be ready to have a great time. Let's go! 1 Contents _._._._._._._._._._._._ -1 Work in progress 0 Intro 1 Contents 2 Cast of Characters 3 Toothpick 101 4 Walkthrough 5 Disclaimer 6 ??? 2 Cast of characters _-_..._-_..._-_..._-_ /Jill Valentine\___ Well, didn't someone get a polygonal update! After a small comparison between the Jill of RE1 and present Jill, I'd say that the development team invested some time and money in a complete facelift and some other aesthetical corrections for our favorite heroine. Either way, the CG modellers at Capcom were in a very confident mood. Our beloved non-'civey' (how do you spell this anyway) ranks right up there with Regina (Dino Crisis) and Quistis (Final Fantasy VIII). Lara who you say? Oh and you guys probably won't admit this in public, but I'm sure that there was a whole lot of ooh-in' and aah-in' as Jill got out of the Clock Tower in slow motion to greet the Rescue Chopper. I, of course, did no such thing ;). Apart from her physical transformation, Jill's attitude has changed, too. Where are the times of "You sAVed mE! ThAnk you BArry" or "Oh... okAY, I'll look in the hOUse a little MOre...". Now she's a lot more heroic and daring (remember the Oil light in the Restaurant), and she should be, because in this, her, last escape, you need to be, strong, or get, squashed, by Nemmy. But of course, Jill still has her weaker moments. Her starting speech, for instance. "If ONly they had the cOURage to fIGHT!"... wake up and smell the napalm, Jill! How is one supposed to fight a virus? Spit it out? Perform dark rituals using the rejuventating blood of a hundred virgins? And let's not get started on her beautiful intonation, which automatically induces an impression of overacting the size of a termite hill. Also, the alternate costumes she gets to wear are crap, except for Regina's cloth, which comes with a complementary hairdo. Finally, I do miss the 'real' Jill, the girl of flesh and blood which appeared during the opening and ending cinemas in RE1. That's why I started playing the series in the first place, because at the time, it seemed as if movies and computer games were beginning to converge. It's sad to see this obsession for purely synthesized images, but I must admit that they're getting better and better each year... look at Shrek, FF the movie... wow. So, maybe the day will come when we get to play as our favorite actor in our favorite motion picture... who knows. /Brad Vickers\_____ Hey, it's Brad! Wait up, Brad! Don't run away, Brad! ...*sigh*... Good'ol "Chickenheart" didn't change one bit, skillfully avoiding any perils and making way to safer locations. But who wouldn't be scared, trapped in Raccoon City with only a Handgun? A pity Brad couldn't manage to get online and read my Handgun FAQ ;). Smell his fear as he talks to Jill about the abomination that's roaming the streets. Nothing more to report actually, Brad's role is pretty minor in this game. /Nemesis\_____ Huge. In Rage. Fights dirty. Will destroy everything in order to get what he wants. Knows only one word. Likes to play with Rockets. It's me when having an total off-day :). You've got to love Nemesis. He's got his own theme music and The Pose. You KNOW that you're in for a hard time if you're not careful - except when he does The Pose. Dude appears whenever you don't want him to, which really puts you 'in the game'. /Carlos\_____ I would've gone easy on this guy. I would've praised him, looking all cool and composed (much better than Steve*cough*ardo Di*cough*Burnsidio in fact)(I hope his make-over in CV X is a good one) with his M4A1 Assault Rifle. I could've stressed his excellent behaviour in the battlefield and how easy he is to control, but I won't. The reason is a mere sentence: "Women like the accent. It drives them crazy." First off, what accent? Yes, there are maybe two or three words during the entire game he pronounces differently as in contrast to 'genuine' american english, but call that an accent? I'd sooner be a Jamaican woodpecker with a severe teak addiction. Well anyway, his little catchphrase fails - as it should. Jill doesn't succumb to Carlos' musings, so he ingeniously falls back to plan B: Charm thine victim with yonder gifts. Unfortunately for him, Barry already tried plan B in Resident Evil 1 without success. Grenade Rounds just aren't a girl's best friend. Carlos is good, but he ain't my pick of the day. That would be... /Nicholai\_____ Oh yes. I dare you to say "pull my finger" in the presence of this guy. Chances are that your little piggy goes to the market permanently. Everything about Nicholai spells doom in full capitals. Being a merc in the truest sense of the word, he's possibly even more frightening than Nemesis. Nemesis kills because he was programmed to. Nicholai, on the other hand, will not only kill you for a fistful of dollars, but also skin you and sell your hide to the nearest hospital. After more than 10 kills, he offers a discount and yes, Visa's accepted. This mean butcher isn't exactly talkative, but when he does, at least it *sounds* like a stereotyped Russian accent. Amazingly cool character, the only thing that spoils it a bit is that, from the start, there's "double-you-double-you-doubly-you-dot-SUSPECT-dot-com" written all over him, something you didn't have with Wesker in RE1 (not *immediately*, that is). /Mikhail\_____ This man offers his very life and soul to the Cause, and that makes him a great guy. It's amazing how a man with such honesty and devotion to his troops joins UBCS, so I'm guessing he was either strapped for cash, or given the same treatment as Wesker gave to Barry. A true hero. Apart from that, there's not much to say, like Brad, his role was only a small one. 3 Toothpick 101 )))))))))))))))))) Before we start the action, you'll have to train. Hard. You don't stand a chance with the Knife unless you're fully accustomed to it. In this section, I'll teach you how to live, breathe and smell the Toothpick. Can someone sound the gong please? ***BWOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG*** The first lesson has begun, glasshoppel. Let us begin with The Principle: ALWAYS PLAY IT SAFE. NEVER GIVE IN TO THE TEMPTATION OF "MWAHH, I CAN HANDLE IT". THE GAME WILL SLAUGHTER YOU IF YOU DO, AND LAUGH YOU STRAIGHT IN THE FACE WHILE AT IT. DO NOT MOCK THE PRINCIPLE. All clear? Onto the exercices. Start a new game in heavy mode (or do a restart from a Next Game save if you want to change Jill's outfit) and play any way you like until you're able to equip the Knife (it's inside the first save box you encounter). Equip it and let Jill assume the position (always wanted to say that :). Exercise 1: take a few swings and get used to the rhythm. Aim up and down and let her swing some more, until you have memorized all the animation differences and attack range. Take note of the area Jill controls while moving. As with every weapon from the ready position, you have an ATTACK phase and a RECOVERY phase. Try to discern these, and note how horribly SLOW the knife is. This is it's greatest weakness. Note that you cannot cancel the entire slash once Jill started it. Exercise 2: Repeat exercise 1, but let go of the R1 button after each slash. See how Jill steps back a little to straighten herself? It is VERY IMPORTANT to know that during that small step, you cannot control Jill in any way, only after it's finished. You WILL get into big trouble if you don't take this little detail into account. Exercise 3: Repeat exercise 3, followed by a quick turnaround (tap DOWN and X simultaneously) and a dash. Practice it until fully mastered, as it is a fundamental move in your repertoire. You'll be doing this combo a LOT. There should never be a delay from the stepback to the turnaround. Once you feel you're confident enough, it'll be time to put your training skills to the test on the monsters outside... -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 4 The Walkthrough _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Chapter 0 Walkthrough, structure --------- I wanted this to be clear guide at all times. Here's the deal: * Jill/Carlos runs through ROOMs. Each room is described using following layout: [ROOM NUMBER] [ROOM NAME] [GRADE] [ITEMS] [MONSTERS] [ANCIENT HORADRIC SCRIPTURES] [ACTIONS] Confused? Don't be. [ROOM NUMBER] is a unique three digit code for fast room lookup. [ROOM NAME] is the official room name (c) Capcom(tm). Fruity names? Blame them. [GRADE] is a number ranging from 0 to 10, denoting the room's difficulty. 0 means it's a breeze, 10 means you're going to fight Nemesis inside the Cable Car (you don't). [ITEMS] are the available room items. Items may carry tags, such as: [R]: Random item [2x]: Item occurs twice [3x]: Item occurs thrice NULL signifies no items. Since this is a Knife Only guide, I won't mention the location of any other weapons or ammo. You'll only see healing items, Ink Ribbons and key items. I STRONGLY recommend you pick them all up, but keep at least one inventory slot free. You don't want to waste any healing items... [MONSTERS] are the residing monsters in the room. If there are two possible monster configurations possible, you'll see this: [MONSTERS+] [MONSTERS-] [MONSTERS+] is what you want to see. If you come across the not-so-good [MONSTERS-], reset your game and load an earlier savepoint. Keep trying until the good stuff appears. NULL signifies no monsters. Of course, [ITEMS] and [MONSTERS] are only mentioned on first appearance. [ACTIONS] are basic, gameplay related stuff you need to do to get on with the game. This includes pickups of key items. [ANCIENT HORADRIC SCRIPTURES] are the guidelines recorded by me as I forced Jill to forget about all those cool weapons and just stick with the Knife. Convincing Carlos took considerably more time. Contains both room-specific and general things, such as monster info on first encounters and playing tips. One last, important comment: on first play, avoid the Nemesi like the plague, and only fight them when you need to (follow the tactics in the combat file). Play as if you were doing a speed guide, so that you get familiar with handling basic creatures and how to avoid them. Don't do backtrack missions. Once you did the 'speed' walkthrough, it may be time to consider actually taking on your foes. If you don't, you'll end up losing much more time than you bargained for... as well as your general sanity. All set now? Let's go! Chapter 1 My, Last Escape has, begun --------- The game starts with Jill blasting out of a burning hotel room of some kind. Run forwards, lure the single zombie blocking her path, then curb around him. Go over the dumpster and enjoy the non-skippable cut-scene. Once Jill finishes saying 'I CAN'T beLIEVE that I'm stILL, aLIVE', tap select followed by a reversal (tap the Run button and Down simultaneously). 100 Storehouse 0 FAS (First Aid Spray) NULL 101 Storehouse Office 0 Ink Ribbon[3x] NULL Discard: Game Manual A, Game Manual B, Reload Tool Pick up: Warehouse Key, Combat Knife Equip: Combat Knife Practice Toothpick 101 until all three excercises are fully mastered (success rate should be 95%). Now let's talk HP. If you even dream about surviving with the Knife, know that healing items are very precious, so you really don't want to waste them. Thus keeping track of your character's HP is vital. You need to know exactly how much damage your character receives and how much HP is left. This is where your add/subtract skills come in handy, and this FAQ will tell you how much damage any monster attack may inflict. You might also want to know how much damage you'll inflict with the knife. Don't worry, we'll cover that as well. Jill and Carlos are worth a fine 200HP when at full health (status FINE). Should it sink beneath 100HP, they'll start to show signs of injury (status CAUTION), and limp when below 20HP (status DANGER). ONLY heal when in danger status (you can anticipate this when counting), or when you're likely to fall victim to a lethal attack (more about that later). 100 Storehouse 0 Ink Ribbon NULL Use: Warehouse Key 102 Lane in front of Storehouse 0 NULL NULL 103 Main Street 1 NULL Zombie[5x] Time for a little target practice, and these wide open streets are the perfect training grounds. Also, the zombies are scattered and you can pick them apart one by one. So, how do we take them out? Let's start with some background: __/Zombie Fact Sheet\___________ Appearance: thin male, fat male, thin female, naked male Speed: crawl/slowest/slow/medium/fast/variable HP: 35-138 Attack damage (HP) Bite 20 Leg Bite 05 Acid 10(near)/05(far) Hand grab 00 Leg grab 00 Knife damage 10 ________ ____________________/ Zombies are the most common creature type you'll encounter, and thus have the most diverse properties. These ex-humans have highly variable appearance, speed and HP, and usually appear in large hordes (typically 6 or more). General note: it's interesting to know that every creature (besides Nemesis) comes in two Modes: Sleeper Mode and Active Mode. While in Sleeper Mode, a creature will wander around aimlessly, minding its own business. However, once it 'detects' your character, it'll immediately go over into Active Mode and do its best to kill you. Study a Hunter to see the differences between the two Modes. Also, a vital trick before we move on: when things get too difficult to handle, it's a wise idea to exit the room. This will reset all surviving creatures to their offset positions, but unfortunately, they get fully healed and their properties will be regenerated at random. But it's a little price to pay with respect to the health you save. So always make sure you've got an exit. Okay, back to zombies. What's the best way of dealing with them? _____/Zombie Combat File\___________________ As you can see from the fact sheet, it takes 4 to 14 stabs for a zombie to bite the dust. You don't want to attack an entire moving pack, but rather try to work on one while the rest is busy sleeping elsewhere. To do this, exit the room to put everyone back to Sleeper Mode. Re-enter and try to arouse a single zombie into Active Mode. Analyze his speed - if it's a fast zombie (trust me, you'll definately notice when that happens), exit, because it'll chew right into you. You can handle any velocity below fast with the stab/turnaround combo, so start pickin'. After 3 or 4 swipes, a zombie ALWAYS drops, even if it has 138HP, so abuse it to land 4 more stabs while it tries to get up. It'll usually die by then (most zombies are 71-99HP range), but hang in there if it doesn't. By now, other zombies might be activated and are coming in, so get ready to exit and reenter (known as the almighty exit/reenter trick) as soon as you finish dealing with your current victim. ________________ ________________/ That's all there is to it. Zombie = cannon fodder normally, so practice your skills in this room, and try not to get bitten at all. It is imperative that you conserve all your health this early in the game, and you'll see soon enough why... 104 Y Junction 1 Lighter Oil - Green Herb(Green)[2x] Zombie[5x] If you go up the stairs, you'll soon meet a door from which Brad comes storming out, zombies pursuing him. If you don't see this happen, try to open said door. Then, run back from whence you came. Exit and re-enter to calm the angry mob (there'll always be a runner after Brad's escape), then dispose of them. Pick up: Lighter Oil 105 Street in front of Apartment Building with 1F Shop 1 Green Herb [2x] Zombie[6x] Three zombies up front, two others munching on a corpse at the back. While you're busy with these two, the corpse will soon enough join the party. There's gratitude for ya. Should you be interested in a few health items (I sure am), there are two Green Herbs to be found in the area. You can climb a crate near the corpse-munchers, then activate a fire escape, run up and collect the stuff. These items may be considered semi-hidden. 106 Garbage Dump 1 Ink Ribbon[3x] Zombie[2x] Go down the the stairs, where Brad's shooting a zombie. He'll kill it, leaving the two remaining zombies for Jill (how nice). Abuse the stairs for easy kills with downward stabs. 107 Bar Jack 0 empty Lighter Zombie Tap Select, followed by a 180 once Jill's visible again. You're so scared of Brad pelting a walking undead that you want to exit back to the Garbage Dump. As you do that, Brad somehow raises caliber and brings his assailant down quick. Pick up: empty Lighter 106 Garbage Dump 0 108 Street where policemen were slain 1 Red Herb(Red)[2x] Zombie[7x] Zombies are partying behind a fence and want you to join... badly. Wait for them to pop the fence, then hurry over to stab the two crawlers a few times. Once the gang's close enough, hide behind the oil cannister and let them get stuck behind it. You may now freely stab forward for loads of damage, but sooner or later, the crawlers will come around. Dispose of them now and mount the stacked bars in the back of the area. The walkers that are still alive will join you there, but can't do a thing besides dropping acid (which is pretty harmless as you now know). Keep'em at the front of the stacked bars, step back and use downward stabs for the kill. This is taking full advantage of your surroundings, folks. Claim your prize, a set of Red Herbs, which can be combined to form 2 Red-Green mixtures. You'll be needing them soon enough. Now head to the vine-wrapped exit gate. Combine: empty Lighter, Lighter Oil Use: Lighter 109 Garbage Collection Point 1 NULL Zombie Dog(Lassie)[2x] ______/Zombie Dog Fact Sheet\______________ Appearance: Think 'evil German shepherd' HP: 69-129 Speed: Fast Attack Damage Bite 12 Knife damage: 10HP ______/Zombie Dog Combat File\_____________ They're pretty easy. Predictable, too. Once in Active Mode, they'll just run around and bite you. However, if you hit'em once (forward/downward swipe), they'll drop like a potato bag. Your opportunity to home in for the kill. When there're two or more coming at once, try to group them in a tight pack and mow them down simultaneously. If that's too risky for you, focus on a single kill while the others take bites (for relatively low damage), then exit/reenter for the rest. Of course, if you can take one out while the others are minding their own business, do so. Rule of thumb: one is a charm, two is okay, three watch your back. _____________ _____________________/ Run up to the junction, then slowly walk until the burning dog jumps out of the fire. He'll run to the back, which is your cue to follow. You'll find two dogs nicely bundled together and with one simple swing, both drop in close vicinity to eachother. A few double-swipes later, they're history. 118 Storeroom on Back Lane 0 NULL NULL How is Jill's health? Still above 150HP? Then SAVE here using an Ink Ribbon. In this game, saving a lot is HIGHLY recommended, if only for easier monster configs (using the reload trick). Inventory check: Combat Knife - Red-Green[2x] - Ink Ribbon [5x] 110 Street in front of Police Station Main Gate 0 NULL NULL Nothing there, so you might as well train your running skills by following the shortest path to the Police Station (straight lines). Ahh, the calm before the storm... 201 Police Station Main Entrance 8 STARS Card(Brad) Nemesis type I Hold Select to end the FMV. First-time knifers want to do this: LIVE SELECTION 1 -> Fight the Monster Do a 180 and dash for the exit. Do it quickly or Nemesis will catch up and hurt you with his overhead punch. You don't want to moonwalk (failed 180) here. Veteran players may try to take on their very first Nemesis kill, so... *Insert favorite warcry here* (and be prepared to see the YOU DIE! screen lots of times). _______/Nemesis type I Fact Sheet\_________________ Appearance: Nemesis in overcoat, biped HP: 900 Speed: Faster than you Attack Damage Grab 05 (attack is lethal if your HP is below 40) Punch 20 Running punch 25 Rocket launcher 40-60! Knife damage: 10 _______/Nemesis type I Combat File\________________ Fact: Nemesis type I is EXTREME. He's a cold merciless killer who will obliterate you when you make too many mistakes. He is the hardest challenge the game can throw at you, so if you have a friend who says "DOOD I DO N3M3515 W17H KN1F3 34SY!", he's lying to you. Trust me: there is NO cheap tootpick trick, solely due to the fact that your cuttlery is so darn slow, and Nemesis type I is so darn fast. You WILL need Jill at nearly full health and two full healing items to survive him, and ultimately the game. Look at the statistics: you need 90 stabs before he drops! That means you'll be spending an awful lot of time with him. During this time, you'll start to feel the adrenalin. Do not let it get the best of you! If you lose nerves, he'll have a much easier time slaughtering you. Nemesis type I comes in two flavors: Vanilla before he drops (after about 40 stabs), and Lemon after the drop. I personally like Vanilla, but Lemon's just too darn sour. Nemesis Vanilla is 'acceptable' at best. The strategy to follow here is to lure him into grabbing you, then run away (not too soon and not too far!) and stab (pray that he doesn't connect a punch afterwards). Repeat about 40 times for his first drop. It won't be easy, but you should manage. If Nemmy comes too close during your recovery phase, get ready to Dodge; it's your only safeguard. After that comes Nemesis Lemon, and he has a very effective counterstrategy to your lure/stab scheme: if you give him enough time to think, he'll punch before grabbing, allowing him to do a nice 20HP damage bonus, and the fun part is that it's uncounterable (the animation takes only a few frames). The key to beating him is to not give him the time to think. Stick close, stick to the old plan, but do it fast and accurate. About 50 stabs later, you may call yourself a true badass. A very important requirement for all this is space. Nemesis will pulverise you in a tight corridor, so let him follow you to an open place (a moderately sized square will do) and do your thing there. And the fun part is: there are six incarnations to wreck (type I)! So much fun, yes sirree. _________________ ___________________________/ The reason why this gets an 8, even though this is actually the easiest Nemesis fight in the game, is because this might be your FIRST Nemesis fight... you'll spend quite a lot of time figuring him out here. 202 Hall in Police Station 0 NULL NULL 203 West Side Office 1.5 NULL 5 Zombies (scenario 1) Jill looks dead ahead as she enters. All zombies are stacked in a room and will be heading towards your general direction. It's pretty easy to isolate one of the critters and have some words with it, then leave/reenter to clear the room. (scenario 2) Jill looks to the left as a zombie is near. Killing it asap is your highest priority, and it's best to leave-reenter should he be too fast. Once he's gone, leave/reenter to eradicate the nearby sleeper zombie. With him gone, others will have closed in, but you should have enough room to take out one other zombie, preferably the one behind the sleeper. If you kill him, you can run around the office desks and attack the remaining undead from the back to finish the room. 204 Storehouse for Seized Object 0 Blue Gem - Emblem Key NULL Pick up: Blue Gem Pick up: Emblem Key (after entering passcode) I hear the entire survivalhorror community screaming at me. "YOU FORGOT BRAD'S STARS CARD! YOU DIDN'T CHECK THE COMPUTER! YOU DON'T HAVE THE PASSWORD! YOU'RE DOOMED! GO HOME!" No sweat then, mind if I take a lucky guess? The are only four codes: 0131 - 4011 - 0513 - 4312 I always enter them in this sequence as 0131 is the fastest to enter, so if it's the right guess, I'm out fast. But you could try the long 4312 from the start, if you feel that Lady Luck's at yo' crib. 205 Corridor in front of Darkroom 1 NULL 4 Zombies Press up and run to get the female zombie to notice you (which, unlike real life, will succeed ;). You do this to check whether she's a speed zombie or not. In the latter case, commence stabbing and get to her before her two male companions get too close. leave/reenter upon success, then work on the aforementioned duo; they should be a snap. There's one hidden Zombie as you follow the corridor parallel to the staircase. 209 Corridor in front of Conference Room 2 Red Herb[2x][R] 6 Zombies A tight corridor with a pack of zombies in the back. Why bother coming here? Well, for one, this hones your mad Zombie knifing skills, as the Zombies are packed together and secondly, they may guard two Red Herbs, which you really, really need. Don't bother visiting the Conference Room; there's nothing of intrest there. 205 Corridor in front of Darkroom 0 206 Corridor with Stone Statue 1 NULL 4 Zombies (scenario 1) You see three Zombies as you go up the stairs. The perspective is tricky, but you need to cut in behind the first and escape diagonally. Run on to surprise the fat Zombie near the statue. The other Zombies should be close once you dealt with him, so pick one out and work it. The remainder is handled as usual. (scenario 2) You see nothing as you go up. The fat zombie's here and the three previous zombies are now at the statue. Proceed as above - fat cop first, then the others. 207 Corridor in front of S.T.A.R.S. Office 0 Red Herb[2x][R] You should have enough ingredients to make two Mixed Herbs. Make it so. 208 S.T.A.R.S. Office 0 Pick up: Lockpick, First Aid Spray (Rebecca's desk) Tap Select when you hear the first beep from the communications panel (happens when you exit). You shouldn't hear the second echo beep. 207 Corridor in front of S.T.A.R.S. Office 206 Corridor with Stone Statue 205 Corridor in front of Darkroom 0 Nemesis type I Nemmy will surprise you here and look - he brought his friend Ronny the Rocket Launcher. You better not fight him here, as there's not sufficient room (and the staircase'll make things hard. Retreat. 210 Darkroom 0 Save your game. 205 Corridor in front of Darkroom 0 206 Corridor with Stone Statue 8 Nemesis type I First run all the way to the Stone Statue. Nemesis will follow you up and because you're sooo far away, he'll send a few rockets your way (even Nemmy gets a little lazy now and again). Of course, you can easily evade them, do so until your favorite foe's supply expires (he has 5 missiles) and is forced to drop Ronny, following up with The Pose. Quickly join him at the little square right in front of the staircase and kill him in the exact same way as you did in front of the police building. You don't have as much space here, obviously, but the square diagonal is just about the right size to play the stab-move game (and here, it's easy to stick close, which makes Lemon Nemmy "manageable"). Time to move on. 205 Corridor in front of Darkroom 204 Storehouse for seized Object 203 West-side Office 202 Hall in Police Station 201 Police Station Main Entrance 110 Street in front of Police Station Main Gate The Lockpick comes in handy here. 111 Shopping Street Side Road 0 112 Lane in back of Shopping Street 0 113 Street in front of Car Park 1 NULL Zombie Dog[3x] It's easy knifing the doggies, as they attack you separately (unless you kamikazed Jill straight to the exit door). 301 Car Park 2 Blue Herb[infinite supply] - Power Cable Zombie Dog[2x] Run to the Car Park Office and reenter to facilitate the kill. 302 Car Park Office 0 NULL NULL 303 Street in front of exclusive Hotel 4 NULL Zombie Dog[3x] Run left. Two dogs behind you. Keep on running to the left until a third dog jumps and misses, then go for the exit. Enjoy the doggy parade. Now reenter and immediately start stabbing the nearby dog. Make sure it's dead before its compatriots arrive or when when they do, keep focussing on that one dog. Leave as soon as it's gone, then reenter to finish the two others. 304 Construction Site 4 NULL Drain Deimos[1x] Run along until the game introduces you to a new creature: the Drain Deimos. _______/Drain Deimos Fact Sheet\_________________ Appearance: giant centipede-like bug HP: 84-140 Speed: slow/average/fast (depends on attack) Attack Damage Left Claw 15 Right Claw 10 Embrace 30 Poison Attack near: 10 far: 05 Egg 01 Knife damage: 10 _______/Drain Deimos Combat File\_________________ As you can see above, you don't want to fall victim to the Deimos' Embrace attack. And you certainly DON'T want to be Embrace-locked by two Drain Deimos, as it's instant game over. Ignore the difference in claw damage - just count 15 for each blow. Now, the key to defeating these annoying pests is to fight them one by one. If a second or even third Deimos cares to join the party, leave/reenter. Be prepared for a very boring fight, where you and the Deimos trade punches until one of you dies (preferably the Deimos). I tried flanking the monsters (ie. stick to its right side), but your opponent turns much too fast to effectively use this tactic. So we're stuck at trading punches, but fear not: now and then, the Deimos is tempted to use its Embrace attack, which you can dodge easily (you'll see it try getting up). After the dodge, you get a couple of free stabs due to the Deimos' slow recovery time. Try to ignore them as much as you can (until right before a major plot twist), because you'll need your healing items for more important matters (Nemesis being one of them). Be assured, fighting two of these critters will always cost you one full recovery item, so by doing the maths, you know whether you want to fight them or not. _________________ ___________________________/ Only one Drain Deimos here, which is an excellent practice opportunity. 305 Street in front of Restaurant 0 Green Herb[2x] - Bronze Compass Carlos is shooting some rotten flesh. Ignore him and go to the T Junction. 306 T junction behind Restaurant 1 Null Zombies[6x] Just pick off one zombie at a time and you should be fine here. 308 Shopping Street Storeroom 0 Rusted Crank NULL Pick up: Rusted Crank 306 T junction behind Restaurant 309 Street in front of City Office 0 NULL NULL 310 Raccoon Press 1F 0 First Aid Spray NULL Pick up: First Aid Spray Shove the stepladder to the high-up switch. Climb up, press the switch, then unlock the shutter. 311 Raccoon Press 3F 0 NULL NULL Walk into the office to find Carlos conveniently tucked away behind some office desks. After some brief conversation, Nemmy feels it's time for his theme music. LIVE SELECTION 2 -> Jump out of the window 323 Raccoon Press Fire Escape 0 Red Herb[2x] NULL You just followed the only story thread giving you access to this room. Why you want to be here? Well... Pick up: Red Herb[2x] 309 Street in front of City Office 306 T junction behind Restaurant 307 Restaurant 1 NULL Zombie[5x] Use: Lockpick (on nearby locker) Receive: Fire Hook Once the Hook's yours, feel free to pick away at the residing zombies. They're absolute cheese by now. Use: Fire Hook (on basement hatch) 324 Basement of Restaurant 2 Green Gem Zombie[3x] The cramped space makes it a little more difficult here. Watch your aim or you might end up stabbing the wall, which is pure torture for your cuttlery - as well as leaving Jill open to attacks. Still, after a few kill-climb-ladder repeats, you should be able to move on. Pick up: Green Gem 307 Restaurant 306 T junction behind Restaurant 308 Shopping Street Storeroom Update health items if necessary and save the game. 306 T junction behind Restaurant 309 Street in front of City Office 7 NULL Nemesis Type I[1x] This is one of the most important fights in the game. One, it's against Nemmy (but luckily, there's a lot of room to deal with him here - as was at the RPD) and two, he's going to drop a First Aid Box here. The FAB is fab (OK corny, but it was too tempting to pass up :) because it contains 3 FAS helpings and is rechargeable with other FAS to boot! This means no more FAS clogging up your inventory. So go get Nemmy here and claim your prize. Receive: FAB Use: Green Gem, Blue Gem 312 City Office 0 Green Herb[3x][R] NULL 313 Street in front of Pumping Station 1 NULL Zombie-[3x] Zombie+[4x] Lots of zombies playing dead, but nothing difficult. 314 Street in front of a Monument 0 Green Herb[2x] 315 Cable Car Stop 2 (+) 3(-) NULL Zombie-[7x][R] Zombie Dog+[3x][R] Wait a moment, then press R2 to shoot the barrell. Oops, wait a minute, wrong walkthrough. Just knife anything that comes your way, be it zombies or dogs. It might be a good idea to step up the crate for additional leverage and safety... 316 Back of Cable Car 0 NULL NULL Tap Select to avoid conversation with both Nicholai and Mikhail. Chapter 2: Let's get this piece of junk moving ---------------------------------------------- 317 Front of Cable Car 0 Wrench NULL All babes dig Carlos' accent. Except Jill. She's a tough cookie, so mr. Oliveira decides to soften her up with gifts. Well, those extra two inventory slots do come in handy. Pick up: Wrench Unlock the nearby door. 315 Cable Car Stop 314 Street in front of a Monument 313 Street in front of Pumping Station 1 NULL Zombie-[2x] Zombie+[1x] There's a surprise runner bursting out of the car, so exit/reenter to calm him down. At the back of the lane is number two. 312 City Office 318 Street in front of Gas Station 0 Red Herb[2x][R] NULL Use: Rusted Crank, Wrench 319 Gas Station 0 Pick up: First Aid Spray, Machine Oil (after solving puzzle) The puzzle's easy, here's the general strategy: Call AB the 'left side', CD the 'right side'. Suppose you have to solve for A. Well, reduce the puzzle so you leave a single light at the left side, then use the A switch if necessary. Same goes for the right side, except that you need to use the D switch. Reducing the puzzle to such a case is often very easy. I could list a table, but a keen eyesight and logical mind is usually faster than looking up the solution. 318 Street in front of Gas Station 312 City Office 1 Zombie[4x] It's time for The Knife! Destroy the four surprise zombies. Pick up: Bronze Book. 309 Street in front of City Office In case you're wondering, there are no respawns at the Press building nor at the Restaurant, so no dilly-dallying there. 306 T junction behind Restaurant Follow Carlos on his way out. Zombies, what zombies? 305 Street in front of Restaurant Use: Bronze Book Pick up: Bronze Compass 306 T junction behind Restaurant 0 NULL Zombie[6x] Oh, *those* zombies. Well, since they're in the exact same positions as the last time, I don't expect you'll have any trouble. 309 Street in front of City Office 1 or 3 NULL Zombie Dog-[3x][R] Crow+[5x][R] If you meet the dogs, exit/reenter to calm'em down, then pick them apart, one after the other. If you meet the crows however... _______/Crow Fact Sheet\_________________ Appearance: Medium sized black birdlike creature HP: 5 Speed: Fast Attack Damage Beak 05 Knife damage: 10 _______/Combat File\_________________ What's there to say? Pathetic HP, pathetic attack... these birds are obviously put in as a Hitchcock reference and marginal shock value, but that's about it. Still, it's pretty annoying if you get caught in a mass attack and go into pecklock. An efficient way to get rid of these pests is to simply run away and not bother at all. If you want them dead anyway, the exit/reeenter trick works wonders. You'll find the crows resting on the ground, simply walk into range and let them have it. _________________ ___________________________/ 312 City Office 0 Battery NULL Use: Bronze Compass Pick up: Battery 309 Street in front of City Office 0 306 T junction behind Restaurant 0 305 Street in front of Restaurant 0 304 Construction Site 4 NULL Drain Deimos+[2x][R] Brain Sucker-[2x][R] Make sure you've got a full recovery item to spare. No regrets afterwards, okay? Now, in case ya haven't heard of Brain Suckers before... _______/Brain Sucker Fact Sheet\_________________ Appearance: fat centipede-like creature, long 'whiskers' on 'forehead' HP: 84-140 Speed: slow/medium/fast (depends on attack) Attack Damage Right Claw 10 Left Claw 15 Brain Suck 30 Poison Attack near:10 far:05 Egg 01 Knife damage: 10 _______/Brain Sucker Combat File\_________________ This thing look almost exactly like a Drain Deimos, and behaves in exactly the same way. Therefore, I refer you to the Deimos Fact Sheet instead of having to repeat myself twice. _________________ ___________________________/ Use: Battery 320 Street in front of Electrical Substation 2 NULL Zombie+[4x][R] Zombie-[6x][R] Zombies are pushovers, even here. They tend to cramp up in groups, yes, but they'll always use an acid attack when closing in on Jill. This makes it easy for you to deal with them. 321 Entrance to Electrical Substation 0 Red Herb[2x]R] NULL 322 Electrical Substation 4 Fuse Zombie[4x] First, put the transformer in Manual Mode, then activate the console. Press Red - Blue - Blue - Blue to open the left shutter. Pick up: Fuse Start tapping Select as you get out of the left shutter room. LIVE SELECTION 3 -> Do NOTHING! As you do nothing, 4 zombies burst through the gate, which then magicallly closes itself before the remaining two zombies make it in. Man, if we could use gates like that at a night club instead of bouncers ;) Anyway, run into the opened alcove and wait for the zombies to rear their ugly heads in the opening, then let them have it. You might have bad luck and have a few Runners online, but hey, this is still a LOT easier than having to fight 6 of'em outside the substation. 321 Entrance to Electrical Substation 3 NULL (because you picked those random Red Herbs earlier, right?) Zombie[2x] Okay, the space is cramped, but if you use the exit/reenter trick long enough, you should end up with two very slow zombies, which IS manageable, trust me. Just move to the back while stabbing the closeby zombie three-four times until he drops, then drop the other zombie. This gives you enough leeway to take away the rest of their HP... 320 Street in front of Electrical Substation 8 NULL Nemesis Type I[1x] Nemesis must be a big Pokemon fan, but he didn't get the slogan right: "STARS - gatta catch'em all". There's nothing to stop him from getting Jill. No zombies will hurt his trophy, so he uses Ronny to remove them. Say "Thank you Nemmy!". Once they're gone, Big Dude aims his Ronny at Jill, so let him have some target practice and miss you time after time (he's a very bad gunman :) until his rockets are depleted. Now get him to jump off the building by running towards the exit. As he gets down, you get down with him. The area's nice and large, so you should have no problem repeating the RPD debacle. 304 Construction Site 0 303 Street in front of exclusive Hotel 0 302 Car Park Office 0 301 Car Park 0 113 Street in front of Car Park 0 112 Lane in back of Shopping Street 0 Fire Hose NULL Use: Wrench (Discard afterwards) Pick up: Fire Hose 111 Shopping Street Side Road 4 NULL Drain Deimos[2x] 110 Street in front of Police Station Main Gate 2(+)3(-) NULL Zombie+[6x] Zombie Dog-[3x] 109 Garbage Collection Point 0 Use: Fire Hose ATTENTION: If you want a 100% kill, proceed to the Street where the Policemen were slain and all uptown areas beyond that point. You should meet a lot of zombie meat (some crows tag along for fun) on the way, but they're absolute t-o-a-s-t because you're a mad knifing dervish by now. Once you're finished with these areas, return here and continue the walkthrough. The reason I'm not going into detail here is because (a) the areas are all cheese and (b) there is nothing of intrest to be found, storywise. anyway, on with the good stuff. 114 Alley from Garbage Collection Point 0 Blue Herb[2x] (wanna make Red-Blue-Green mixtures?) 115 Lane in front of Office 4 Drain Deimos+[2x] Brain Sucker-[2x] You know the drill. 116 Pharmaceutical Company Sales Office 0 FAS NULL Tap Select, then perform a 180 and activate the computer to enter the password. "HEY! YOU FORGOT TO USE THE REMOTE FOR THE PASSCO.. Ohh.. 'Lucky guess' again?" Yup. There are three possible codes (ADRAVIL, AQUACURE and SAFSPRIN), so I'll take the gamble. The keyboard wraps and I foresee every next letter I have to input, so the codes are quickly inserted. 117 Pharmaceutical Storeroom 1 Oil Additive Zombie[6x] Pick up: Oil Additive As you retreat to exit, hold Select for the surprise FMV, then enjoy the zombie parade. Use the pipes to steam them (run up three steps, then aim with R2. Yes, the knife works on those valves) and finish the remainder with the knife. 116 Pharmaceutical Company Sales Office 3 Wrap around the table, then try to run inbetween two zombies guarding the entrance hall - don't pay attention to the fast female zombie closing in from the back. Let Jill stumble them if she gets hurt, then leave. The solitary entrance hall zombie's no biggie. Exit/reenter to have an easy time dealing with the undead. 115 Lane in front of Office 114 Alley from Garbage Collection Point 109 Garbage Collection Point 110 Street in front of Police Station Main Gate 111 Shopping Street Side Road 112 Lane in back of Shopping Street 113 Street in front of Car Park 1 NULL Crow[6x] 301 Car Park Power Cable Pick up: Power Cable LIVE SELECTION 4 -> Climb up Tap Select, then leave zze reum. 302 Car Park Office 303 Street in front of exclusive Hotel 4 NULL Drain Deimos+[2x] Brain Sucker-[2x] 304 Construction Site 305 Street in front of Restaurant 306 T junction behind Restaurant 309 Street in front of City Office 312 City Office 9 NULL Nemesis Type I[1x] Make no mistake, this is the hardest Nemesis Type I battle. You have to fight him girlo-a-Nemeso in what has to be the smallest crawlspace imaginable. And you can't get him to spawn anywhere else. Luckily, we've got a (be it marginally small) trick up our sleeves - the Y Junction point! It's possible to trap Nemesis at the grassy patch; simply lure him to either the City Office or Cable Car, then hook onto the grassy patch visible at the junction camera point. When done correctly, Nemmy should get stuck, leaving him open to your attacks. Beware: if Nemesis switches to a running attack, he'll get free, and you'll have to retrap him. Now, if all that is too hard for you, or you don't have the patience for it, you'll be forced to take him on directly. Again, use the junction point to your advantage and move from one extremity of the Y to the other. Good luck! 313 Street in front of Pumping Station 0 314 Street in front of a Monument 0 Tap Select as soon as Jill starts to shake. 323 Tunnel below Street in front of a Monument 7 NULL Grave Digger[1x] [V]"Hello mr. Digger, care to introduce yourself?" [mr. Digger]"Why yes V, don't mind if I do!" _______/Grave Digger Portfolio\_________________ Appearance: I sometimes wear brown, but usually white clothing. People sometimes call me a disgusting giant worm, but I prefer the term "cylindrically challenged". HP: 600HP, but my brown suit is actually a magical armor, granting me an additional 300HP (which gives 900HP total). Speed: Fast Attack Damage Slide Bite 35 Grave Bite 50 Devour 99 Jaw (white cloth) 30 Please, understand. I am a pacifist at heart, but don't enter my turf, or I'll bite the **** out of you! Also, my Devour attack is lethal, as I kinda eat you, so try to be tasty at least. Knife damage: 10 _______/Grave Digger Personals\_________________ Ooh, what to put here? Well, I kinda attack really fast and since I'm about 10 times a human's size, my attacks hurt. The only way you could possibly beat me is by pinning me down, so that you know where I'll surface and land a counterhit, but I'm not telling you how to do that! :P _________________ ___________________________/ As soon as Jill's under your control, do a 180, then walk backwards into the alcove perpendicular to the place Grave Digger got out of. Wait for him to come out (the ground shakes, strange noises can be heard), then run to the other alcove along the walkway. It's not bad if you bump into the walls here. You need a perfect position to hit the switchboard. If you do, press the Action button, then wait again for the maggot to rear its ugly head. Now run back to the first alcove (the one you walked into) and press the switchboard there. Now to get mr. Digger out of the way. Run to the camera perspective right before the spot where the ladder is going to pop out. See that neon light? See the little rocks it illuminates? That's your offset position. From there, do the following: 1 - walk a few steps forward until you hear mr. Digger banzai 2 - return to offset position and stab downwards 3 - repeat steps 1-2 until mr. Digger gives up And that's all there is to it. Note that the Digger won't use his Devour attack at this stage, so you're safe for the time being. I won't tell ya that this simple procedure takes up to 30 minutes before it's over as that's a big secret. Sorry. Now pop out the ladder and exit. 315 Cable Car Stop 0 316 Back of Cable Car 0 Combine: Oil Additive, Machine Oil -> Oil Mixture Use: Oil Mixture, Fuse, Power Cable, First Aid Spray (if necessary) After this, a small cut-scene begins in which Carlos offers Jill some Flame Rounds. Let's get him to think he's lost his romantic touch, so say no. Jill must be the ice queen. 317 Front of Cable Car 0 Tap Select, then run back to see if Mikhail's all right. 316 Back of Cable Car 0 NULL Nemesis Type I Oh look, Nemesis dropped by for tea, biscuits and a good chat with Mikhail. It's better to leave them alone philosophizing about the stars, so turn around, Action button, tap Select, hold Select.
Btw, I'm not chickening out. you don't get any reward from taking Nemmy on
here, plus you don't get to kill him anyway - Mikhail always butts in at
midtime. Therefore, this cannot be counted as a kill, and we're still set for
our 100%.

([RE community]"C-H-I-C-K-E-N!")
([V]"Oh, **** up!")
([V]"Fine, YOU go kill him, then..")
([RE community]".......")
([RE community]"But ahh, well, technically, we can't kill him unhh...")
([V]"Continue with the guide?")
([RE community]"Yes, that would be great.")

317   Front of Cable Car   0

LIVE SELECTION 5 -> Jump out of the window

Chapter 3: Clock Tower and why I love RE3

401   Clock Tower Bedroom   1
Clock T. Key (#1)

Pick up: Clock T. Key (#1)

same old same old... exit/reenter, then pick the zombies apart, one after the
other. It's particularly easy here, as all zombies are in Sleeper mode, so you
can wake them up one by one.

402   Clock Tower Living Room   0

Use: Clock T. Key (#1) (automatically)

403  Clock Tower Study   0

Rumble rumble... who's making that noise? Oh, it's Carlos. Still not giving up,
he now offers Jill a box of Freeze Rounds. Tempting as they are, refuse
(because, umm, you kinda don't need them). Carlos'll give up. It's no time for
romance anyway.

404   Atrium-style Entrance   0

Why I love RE3... for this piece of music alone. It's not 'music', more a
collection of noises, but god, it's so brilliant! This kicks any music score
I've ever heard. This kind of music is why I think Capcom is the best game
company out there. More, please!

405   Dining Room   0

Two crawlers, one guy playing dead, nicely spread around... sing with me
people: p-i-e-c-e-o-f-c-a-k-e! Praise!

406   Dance Room   0

For a 100% kill, go outside (Clock Tower Courtyard) and have some fun poking 8
little crows to death. Peanuts.

407   Clock Tower Chapel   0
Clock T. Key (#2)

Pick up: Clock T. Key (#2).

406   Dance Room   2

The perspective is misleading. After the small zombie cut-scene, press upper
left and the Run button to turn around and head outside (Clock Tower
Courtyard). Immediately return to rip your assailants to kibbles and bits.
Focus on the nearby zombie first (in Sleeper mode), once he's down the rest's
all yours.

405   Dining Room   0
404   Atrium-style Entrance   0

408   2F Corridor in Clock Tower   0
Giant Spider[3x]

_______/Giant Spider Fact Sheet\_________________

Appearance: 8 legs, hairy, scares the ladies
HP: 83-116
Speed: moderate

Attack             Damage
Tackle               20
Poison             near:10 far:05

Knife damage: 10

_______/Giant Spider Combat File\_________________

These nasty fellows have been dethroned by the Suckers and Deimos of this
world, who are faster, have higher HP and carry a little more variation when it
comes to attack possibilities.

To kill them effectively, go one on one and try to flank your opponent. Once
he/she bought it, exit/reenter, as its offspring is bound to drop by. Apart
from that, not a lot to tell about Giant Spiders. I never used to attack them,
not even in prior Resident Evils, but I guess it has to be done for that
ominous 100% kill rank...

409   Clock Tower Balcony   0
Red Herb[2x]

Use: Clock T. Key (#2)

410   Clock Tower Mechanical Room   0
Chronos Chain - Silver Wheel

Activate the Music Clock. In order to receive the Chronos Chain, you'll have to
reproduce the short jingle by placing pins at the right position.

Pick up: Chronos Chain (after solving the puzzle)
Combine: Clock T. Key (#1), Chronos Chain -> Chronos Key

This is a random puzzle with a total of 64 possibilities and unluckily, the
odds are not in your favor, as 65% of the time, you'll place three or more pins
incorrectly. How I got that percentage? Simple.

As said, there are 64 possibilities (2^6) in all. A possibility has a number of
correctly placed pins and a number of incorrectly placed pins. So, we could ask
ourselves: "How many possibilities have m pins correctly placed (and thus 6-m

Well, the answer turns out to be: 6! / [ (6-m)! * m! ]

(this is an instance of the general combinatorial formula: m out of n equals n!
/ [ (n-m)! * m! ])

(note: n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * ... * n. 0! = 1)


0 pins correctly placed: 6! / ( 0! * 6! ) = 1  possibility
1 pin correctly placed : 6! / ( 5! * 1! ) = 6  possibilities
2 pins correctly placed: 6! / ( 4! * 2! ) = 15 possibilities
3 pins correctly placed: 6! / ( 3! * 3! ) = 20 possibilities
4 pins correctly placed: 6! / ( 2! * 4! ) = 15 possibilities
5 pins correctly placed: 6! / ( 1! * 5! ) = 6  possibilities
6 pins correctly placed: 6! / ( 6! * 0! ) = 1  possibility

Add up these possibilities and you'll get 64. Anyway, you can see now that
there are 42 possibilities where you have only 3 pins or less placed correctly.
And 42 out of 64 is about 2 out of 3 - approximately 65%. Sucks, huh?

Why I bothered writing this down? To differ a little from the Handgun
walkthrough, I guess :).

409   Clock Tower Balcony   0

LIVE SELECTION 6 -> Use the Light

408   2F Corridor in Clock Tower   0
404   Atrium-style Entrance   0
403   Clock Tower Study   0

Use: Chronos Key (automatically)

411   Clock Tower Corridor   4
Giant Spider[3x]

Focus on the closest spider first, then try to separate the other two.
It could be that you get poisoned from the spiders here. Use the Blue herbs in
the Atrium-style entrance if that happens. Be fast - every hitpoint you lose is
one less against Nemesis...

412   Clock Tower Closet   0
Amber Stone - Obsidian Stone - Crystal Stone - Gold Wheel

Pick up: Amber Stone, Obsidian Stone, Crystal Stone
Use: Amber Stone, Obsidian Stone, Crystal Stone (time puzzle)
Pick up: Gold Wheel (after solving time puzzle)

Time Puzzle: What's the time you say? I dunno, check the clock, then
             use the table to determine in what sequence you have to
             put the three stones. Looking it up is faster than trying
             to figure out the sequence by sheer calculation.

Time			  Stone Sequence (past - present - future)

11 o'clock               Amber - Obsidian - Crystal
10 o'clock               Amber - Crystal - Obsidian
9  o'clock               Obsidian - Amber - Crystal
7  o'clock               Obsidian - Crystal - Amber
6  o'clock               Crystal - Amber - Obsidian
5  o'clock               Crystal - Obsidian - Amber

411   Clock Tower Corridor   0

403   Clock Tower Study
404   Atrium-style Entrance
408   2F Corridor in Clock Tower
409   Clock Tower Balcony

410   Clock Tower Mechanical Room   0
Silver Wheel

Pick up: Silver Wheel
Combine: Silver Wheel, Gold Wheel -> Chronos Wheel
Use: Chronos Wheel (DWONG! DWONG!)

Prepare yourself for the upcoming fight against Nemesis.

409   Clock Tower Balcony   0

Once you're through the door, hold Select for the FMV.

413   Clock Tower Courtyard    8
Nemesis Type I[1x]

Well, it's Nemmy with Rocket Launcher in a big wide open space. Give him the
usual (he'll give you the usual as well ;).

Chapter 4: The Carlos Connection

407   Clock Tower Chapel   0

You're now in control of Carlos. By the way, he ain't using his Assault Rifle.
This is a true Knife guide, so

Equip: Combat Knife (item box)

It's important to know that during Carlos' adventure, you'll only find one FAS
and two Red-Green herb mixtures (which are hard to get). Therefore, save at
every occasion and should you feel at a disadvantage, start over... did I
mention that he only has 2 Ink Ribbons available? Ouch. We'll get 100% kill
eventually, but be prepared to suffer long and hard. And to help out, I'm going
to use all the tricks in the book to make life as easy as possible.

406   Dance Room   2

ALL zombie encounters have to be done scoring perfect (no successful bites). We
need the HP for nightmares to come.

405   Dining Room   5
Brain Sucker-[2x]

This room's tough, so make sure you get the zombie config (you don't want Brain
Suckers). The zombies are placed at awkward places, which makes it hard to
kill. You'll have to be very careful here, and reload as soon as you get hit
more than once.

404   Atrium-style Entrance   0

403   Clock Tower Study   0(+) 2(-)
Baby Spider+[5x]

With some luck, you get baby spiders. Boy, do you need those.

402   Clock Tower Living Room

401   Clock Tower Bedroom   3
Zombie Dog[2x]

Thankfully, there're only 2 doggies, so you should get a perfect score here.
They're packed together, so it would be a good idea to smack'em simultaneously,
then multiswipe as they're on the floor.

402   Clock Tower Living Room
403   Clock Tower Study

411   Clock Tower Corridor   7
Brain Sucker-[3x]
Giant Spider+[3x]

This place is a nightmare. It's best to skip it for now and take them on once
you get back - and have at least one full recovery item left.

412   Clock Tower Closet   0 (+) 2(-)

601   Park Street   2

501   Hall in Hospital   0
Red Herb[2x]

_______/Hunter Fact Sheet\_________________

Appearance: naked giant gorillas or frogs with razorsharp claws
HP: 82-130
Speed: extremely fast

Attack             Damage
Claw                 15
Aerial               25
Head Hunter/Devour   70*

*: if the attack is successful, Jill/Carlos dies on the spot.

Knife damage: 10

_______/Hunter Combat File\_________________

Hurray, the Hunters are back! And they're still you very worst nightmare... the
only reason why Nemmy is 'better' than these murder machines is that he has
much more HP before he drops.

They usually appear in twos or threes and you really have no other option than
to keep them separated at all costs! If they combo up, you're dead, no matter
how skilled you are. You should be fine as long as they're on their own.

Killing a single Hunter is "easy" - just stay behind it (it turns around very
slowly) and cut away. The problem is that soon enough, other patrolling Hunters
see you and join in, which is... well, just try and watch how a 200HP
Jill/Carlos gets slaughtered in just a few seconds...

And that's it - no cheap tricks, no uberskills necessary, just keep'em
separated and kill very, very FAST or you'll be sorry. One last tip: count your
HP very carefully and refill if you drop below 70. Hunters are smart - I've
seen a character at 80HP die because Hunter 2 did a Head Hunter at the same
time as Hunter 1 did a claw swipe. That was outright scary.

Anyway here, you SHOULD dispatch these two Hunters, as they guard two Red
Herbs, which are pretty essential to Carlos. But we WON'T, as they get killed
by the game later on, so all we need to do is get those Herbs. How?

Exit to the Office and reenter. You'll see one Hunter to the left of the
screen, a pillar on the right. Wait for the Hunter to activate, then curl
around the pillar. If you did it correctly, you'll have caught Hunter One AND
Two in the dead merc area and you're safe to get ONE Red Herb. Exit to the
Office and repeat. If one of the two Hunters isn't caught, immediately exit.

502   Office in Hospital   0
FAS, Ink Ribbon

Pick up: FAS, Ink Ribbon

Now, as a Hunter practice run, before doing anything else, go outside to 601
Park Street - your cleaning of 4 Zombies there caused a respawn of... 2
Hunters. Lucky for you, Park Street is nice, wide and as a bonus, the Hunters
are largely separated, meaning you can take them on one at a time. Find out how
they work and practice until you're able to off them quick and efficiently,
then return to 502 Office In Hospital. Of course, your foes are also part of
the 100% kill.

There, SAVE the game! We'll need Lady Luck on our side during the trials ahead,
so when she decides to give us the axe: reload.

503   Doctor Station in Hospital   0
Tape Recorder

Pick up: Tape Recorder
Initiate Voice Control Panel
Use: Tape Recorder

Once the elevator's up and ready, proceed to the 3th floor basement.

508   B3 Corridor in Hospital   0

You want to see nothing here. If you get zombies, reload.

509   Laboratory in Hospital   0
Green Herb[2x][R]

Bla, bla, bla, BOOM!

If the Green Herbs are here, combine them to get two full recovery mixtures.

510   Study in Hospital   10
Medium Base

The following battle is INSANE and you may only use ONE recovery item, so get
ready for some crazy ****.

Pick up: Medium Base

Drain the water from the Hunter Gamma capsules.

Use: Medium Base

Turn off valve I, III and A

Pick up: Vaccine Medium

Now, when you run back out, the Hunter Gammas will break loose. Exit, take two
quick breaths and say the following:

"I will CRUSH the Hunter standing near the door and then exit, no matter what
the cost."

Repeat until you've got it memorized, then reenter the Study. Once you
succeeded, exit/reenter and go get number two. You deserved it. Let me repeat:
this battle is INSANE. You'll find out why, trust me, and unfortunately,
there's no way to prevent this fight.

Tip: delay this fight until you covered everything else and got a chance to
save the game.

509   Laboratory in Hospital   0

508   B3 Corridor in Hospital   0

Move on to the 4th floor.

504   4F Corridor in Hospital   0

You do NOT want to see zombies here.

505   Reference Room in Hospital   7
Sickroom Key

You were going to see these two Hunters, no matter what. At least this is the
fairest place to fight them. Run around the bookcases to kill Hunter One, then
exit/reenter for number Two, who's guarding the Sickroom Key.

Pick up: Sickroom Key.

504  4F Corridor in Hospital   0

506  Room 401 in Hospital   1 (+) 3(-)
Green Herb[2x][R]
Sliding Worm+[5x]
Zombie-[2x] (two Sleepers)

Search the doctor's corpse for a passcode and look for a metallic cabinet.
Memorize its position, and get those Green Herbs if they're here!

Oh, in case you're seeing worms...

_______/Sliding Worm Fact Sheet\_________________

Appearance: Worms sized too big for their own good
HP: 1
Speed: fast

Attack             Damage
Bite                 01

Knife damage: 10

_______/Sliding Worm Combat File\_________________

Entertainment value only. Simply aim down, wait for them to get in range, then
stab. You might have a harder time fighting the adult versions of these things
(Grave Diggers).

504   4F Corridor in Hospital   0

507   Room 402 in Hospital   0

Place the metallic cabinet in this room opposite to the position of the cabinet
in the other room. It's 'height' must be the same, tho'.

Enter: Passcode
Pick up: Vaccine Base

504   4F Corridor in Hospital   6

As you haven't seen any zombies up 'til now, you MUST a couple of nicely spread
Hunters here. They're the easiest to beat in this place, so do a little skill

503   Doctor Station in Hospital   3

Finally, zombies! Let them bite you to escape from the tiny elevator, then
exit/reenter via the Office to work your way down their ranks.

502   Office in Hospital

Save if you've got at least one recovery item left.

501   Hall in Hospital

I think you get the general idea here: escape during countdown! What a  PITY
that those Hunters had to die before you even got a chance to face them after
all that practice (hehe ;). A shame, really.

601   Park Street   0

412   Clock Tower Closet   0
Sliding Worm+[8x]
Female Zombie-[5x]

The Female Zombie encounter is pretty cute (and females have less HP in this
game overall, so they're easier to deal with).

411   Clock Tower Corridor   5
Drain Deimos-[3x]
Giant Spider+[3x]

You'll HAVE to face them now. In the process, you're going to need your last
recovery items.

403   Clock Tower Study   0

404   Atrium-style Entrance   0
Nemesis type II

_______/Nemesis type II Fact Sheet\_________________

Appearance: seems like Nemmy's had a clash with an octopus.
HP: 900
Speed: Very, very blimmin' fast

Attack                       Damage
Tentacle Throw                 51
Tentacle Grab                  05
Tentacle Punch                 15
Sidewards Tentacle Punch       30
Tentacle Jab                   40

Knife damage: 07

_______/Nemesis type II Combat File\_________________

Look at the numbers. You scared yet? You need 129 knife stabs to get him down
(129 * 7 = 903), during which Nemmy can play with you at leisure and hurt very,
very HARD. Thankfully, you only need to fight him this way once in the entire
game and to be honest, nobody's going to ridicule you if you opt not to fight

However, with miles of patience, you'll get him. He's basically a Lemon Nemmy
(all the time), and you need to stay far, far away from those tentacles (which
are on his right side. Correct, Nemmy switched his handedness!). Once he
launches an attack, you have just about enough time to stab him in the back -
do so (backstabbing is good).

Note that Nemmy no longer grabs you in the traditional sense. Thus you have a
little more running freedom against this form, and by Jove, you need it. I must
say, besting him was a tremendous experience, although I'm not very likely to
repeat it 24/7, you know? :)

This looks bad... and almost no health left! Since Carlos can't kill this guy
(he goes blank at midterm drop), it's better to leave this guy to Jill, once
everyone's fave merc wakes her up... run.

405   Dining Room
406   Dance Room

407   Clock Tower Chapel   0

Combine: Vaccine Base, Vaccine Medium
Use: Vaccine

Switch-back to Jill. She's fully healed again. And she's going to need it. Load
up on health recovery items (three at least) before leaving the room. Also,
make sure to pack Jill's Lockpick and Lighter.

Chapter 5: A stroll in the park

406   Dance Room -> 405 Dining Room   0

Nemesis will crush through the exit. Curve around his right side
(surprise!) and GO RIGHT once through the small corridor. How often I
panicked and had to run all the way round the dinner table...

404   Atrium-style Entrance   10

It's best to fight the big N here, where there's lots of nice room and places
to hide when things get hairy. Let him do all the work and take large
attack/recovery times, enabling you to slice him to pieces. Note the difficulty
level... but it's pretty rewarding, as you'll get another fab prize!

Receive: NOTHING!

Heheh :)

403   Clock Tower Study
411   Clock Tower Corridor
412   Clock Tower Closet

601   Park Street   1

Use: Lockpick (automatically)

After N2, these Zombies are a breath of fresh air - at least, as long as you
stay out of odor range.

602   Park Security Center   0

Pick up: Park Key (#1)

Save here. You might want to come across some "lucky" random monster configs in
the next area.

601   Park Street   0

Use: Park Key (#1) (automatically)

603   Park Central Plaza   0 (+) 6 (-)
Sliding Worm+[6x]

You want sliding worms, but hunters aren't impossible, either. Nicely spread
out, those are.

604   Passage next to Pond in Park   1 (+) 6 (-)

Hunters can be taken on one by one, which makes it easier (just don't run too
far and activate another Hunter)... still, I prefer zombies for their general
easiness and low attack damage.

605   Path in Park   3 (+) 8 (-)
Park Key (#2)
Zombie Dog+[3x]

I'm falling in repeats here... Hunters NO, doggies GO!

Pick up: Park Key (#2)

After pickup, tap the Run button to abort reading the document.

604   Passage next to Pond in Park   0
603   Park Central Plaza   0

606   Fountain in Park   0
Green Herb[3x]
Blue Herb [2x]

You have to drain the pool to open up a secret area. In order to do this, you
need to solve a small cogwheel puzzle. Solution's pretty easy, have some fun
doing all the fountain combinations as well... hey, you earned the fun, ya

607   Underground Water Pipe in Park   0
Sliding Worm[infinite]

Bit of a rumble here, then some sliding worms dropping down near the
ladder. You can't kill them all, so have a little target practice before moving
on. Okay, so this means we have 0% kill because we 'forgot' to kill an infinite
amount of sliding worms in this area. Boo diddly hoo.

608   Graveyard in Park   1
Red Herb[2x]

These zombies have to dig themselves up to get to you, one at a time. Know why?
Because this is a graveyard and the Capcom execs hired them to play buried
people. Scary shivers guaranteed! Everyone loves a cliche when they see one.

Use: Park Key (#2) (automatically)

609   Graveyard Shed + Storeroom in Park   0
Iron Pipe, FAS (Storeroom)

Pick up: Iron Pipe
Use: Lighter, Iron Pipe

610   Strategy Room in Park   0
Park Key (#3)

Pick-up: Park Key (#3)

609   Graveyard Shed + Storeroom in Park   0

"Well..." is all Nicholai can say, because you're tapping Select to end
the cut-scene. Save at the storeroom.

608   Graveyard in Park   2

Hold Select to terminate the FMV, then keep up and the Run button pressed.

Jill will barely pass the outcoming Grave Digger - and look, he's got his
magical armor on, because you were just too strong for him in the sewers!
Still, even with the armor, mr. Digger's all yours. How?

There are two attack patterns this guy likes to perform.

Pattern 1: mr. Digger comes out for a full frontal attack. He'll slide
over the surface, jaws extended to hurt you. If he's in this mode, get
close to stall him and run when he decides to charge. Once he goes down
again, he'll switch to pattern two.

Pattern 2: Grave Digger moves underground and leaps up for a short bite
for a certain amount of times (pretty random, in my experience between
2-6 times). After that, he'll revert to pattern one, which you can hear
as the digging suddenly stops. You MUST run to the site where he emerges and

There's a great trick to outsmart the worm while he's in pattern two. Run to
the place where you climbed the ladder to access the graveyard for the first
time. For the moment nothing's there, except for a lot of dirt. Now position
yourself about four-five steps before the track ends. Turn Jill around so you
can see her bee-hind (ooohh..).

Here, Grave Digger is unable to attack you from both sides, so he can only
attack Jill from the back. When he does, simply run forward and he'll miss
completely. Immediately return to base position. You can do this trick at the
other side of the area too, but the perspective is awkward there.

Anyway, let Diggy play a wittle with Jill. After a while, there'll be a
cutscene where two lampposts get damaged and lo' and behold - they're hanging
over an inviting puddle'o'water! Here's the fun bit: you can knock the
lampposts down with the knife (R2 aim)! Knock'em both down and Digger gets down
too - permanently. Hence the difficulty rating :)

607   Underground Water Pipe in Park   4
Giant Spider[3x]

It's best to lure them onto the dry patch near the ladder, where you can
actually hit them. Watch out for poisonous attacks - there are some blue herbs
for you to heal in the next area.

606   Fountain in Park

603   Park Central Plaza   1

LOTS of zombies, in awkward places, too. Better circle the area and pull the
flock together like a shepherd's dog. Once they're in a nice little parade,
pick them slowly apart. Immediately bail the procedure if one of the sheep is a

At this point, you might think the Clock Tower has spawned new enemies, as
we're now much further along the story. Alas no, so we'll continue to the
Disused Plant Area.

604   Passage next to Pond in Park
605   Path in Park

Use: Park Key (#3) (automatically)

611   Bridge in Park   0

Tap Select once you're on the bridge.

LIVE SELECTION 7 -> Jump off the Bridge

Just try the other options and you're going to LOVE me for telling you to jump
off the bridge :). What's worse than two stacked hunters? Why, THREE stacked
hunters, of course.

613   Wastewater Area under Bridge   0

Chapter 6: Disused Plant Area

701   Wastewater Channel   0

702   Sewage Monitor Room   0
Water Sample

Pick up: Water Sample

703   Water Testing Room   0

Use: Water Sample

Pass the Quality Control Test by using following table. There are four
possible sample puzzles, where you have to use 3 reels (A,B,C) to recreate the
Water Sample. A sample contains 16 measure points, with each taking on a
certain reactivity level (Hi-Middle-Low-Null(nothing)).

For each possible sample puzzle, it suffices that you identify the first two
measure points. From that, you can use the table to solve the puzzle in the
shortest possible time.

Table: Quality Control Test

Pattern to recreate (first 2 measure points)	Solution

Hi-Null                                         Reel A: right(1x)
                                                Reel B: right(1x)
                                                Reel C: left (2x)

Middle-Low                                      Reel A: right(1x)
                                                Reel B: right(3x)
                                                Reel C: left (3x)

Middle-Null                                     Reel A: left (4x)
                                                Reel B: right(2x)
                                                Reel C: left (2x)

Hi-Low                                          Reel A: left (1x)
                                                Reel B: left (2x)
                                                Reel C: right(2x)

After this, lock 1 from a sealed area is released.

702   Sewage Monitor Room

Save the game here. Some random areas are coming up, and you want only the
easiest for Jill. Poor, poor, Jill... having to relive this nightmare over and
over and over... I wonder why she hasn't complained to the union yet.

701   Wastewater Channel

Tap Select the second you hear an unexpected noise; you'll end a cut-scene
prematurely. It's this little cutscene which keeps you from having to fight 3
Hunters here *phew*.

704   Decomposition Pool   5
Drain Deimos-[3x]

I actually favor the hunters here, because fighting deimos is so *insert
favorite curse here* boring. Simply let the get out of the pool, exit/reenter
to find them at relatively easy and secluded positions.

705   Decomposition Pool Elevator   0

706   Waste Processing Control Room   1
Green Herb[3x] - System Disk

Cakewalk. Say it with me: C-A-K-E-W-A-L-K. They're all Sleepers here.

707   Entrance to Waste Processing Plant   0

Tap Select, then 180 to the next room. For those who'd like to get back to the
park and clock tower to check on any respawns - the bridge is out. Sorry.

708   Off-duty Room in Waste Processing Plant   0
709   Power Supply Room   0

There's a puzzle here, but as you may have noticed, I likes to cheat and gain
precious seconds. Click the button so you get in reach of the
terminal. You'll see two steam blasts, one up, the other down.
Press both nearby buttons until only the low steam blast remains.

Now position Jill carefully to the left of the steam blast -get close-
and tap Action. She gets hit by the blast, but at the same time the game will
think you effectively solved the entire puzzle and unlock the final lock of the
sealed area. Bwahahahah.

708   Off-duty Room in Waste Processing Plant   0

Save here.

Pick up: First Aid Spray (optional if you already have one)

707   Entrance to Waste Processing Plant   4
Drain Deimos[2x]

Go get'em, tiger! Grrrr!

706   Waste Processing Control Room   0
System Disk

Pick up: System Disk

710   Passage in front of Waste Processing Room   0

Use: System Disk

711   Waste Processing Room   3
Card Key
Nemesis type II[1x]

"It's dark in here. Smelly, too."



- jump -

"Look - I'm sorry I chipped you to death on six separate counts and thus
ridiculed you in front of the entire survival horror community. Can't we talk
this over, like adults?"


It's not looking good now, is it? Nemesis has more resilience than ever
and you're still holding that toothpick. Plus there's a four minute
countdown. You're never going to beat him in time, if you don't believe
consider this: 129 stabs required, 4 minute countdown = 240 seconds. Thus you
need to stab Nemmy every 1.86 seconds. This would be possible if Nemmy were an
inanimate rag doll, but being the killing machine he is, this simply cannot be

Luckily, your worst enemy actually shows you how to defeat him. Look at
that valve... it opens, and lots of gooey stuff comes out. It seems to
hurt Nemesis bad. Well, that's your strategy right there. And it only
takes three simple stabs.

Once Jill's back, run forward to the last valve in a sequence of three.
Lure Nemesis to it -Jill's the bait-, then R2 aim and *whack*! You don't care
if Jill gets hurt. What you care about is that he positions himself nicely in
front of the valve.

After a short delay, a shower of chemicals gushes out, hurting Nemmy type II
hard. Repeat this at the next valve and watch how your foe literally loses its
head, but still keeps going. Now do your trick near the third valve. This will
be lethal for Nemesis.

Say: 'Mwaahhhhh YOU, sucka!'
Pick up: Card Key

It's a good thing that that little earthquake shook the Card Key right out of a
dead scientist's pockets... otherwise you had to search the entire area for the
remainder of the countdown. Thank you, mr. Random Earthquake!

Use: Card Key

710   Passage in front of Waste Processing Room   0

706   Waste Processing Control Room   3

There's a whole bunch of zombies here. Not for long :)

Now go down the elevator and check the Decomposition Pool for respawns. This is
vital to wrap up your 100% rating.

707   Entrance to Waste Processing Plant   1
Green Herb[2x]

Use: Card Key

Finish the small threesome.

712   Control Room   0

Pick up: Missile Radar

Try to exit and tap Select once the screen goes to cut-scene mode.

LIVE SELECTION 8 -> Negotiate with Nicholai

Tap Select before Jill gets a chance to speak. There'll be a short
sequence with Carlos running away in despair. Once Jill turns around,
Select away and descend the ladder.

No, you can't kill Nicholai. If you wonder why, have a go at him - good luck :)

713   Back Door of Waste Processing Plant   1

Check your stats.

You're the king of survival horror and have only your knife and a few health
recovery items left. It's time to wrap this all up.

There is an annoying sleeper and a solitary zombie here, which can
be evaded without bloodshed (for both parties), but we didn't come this far to
evade stuff without bloodshed :)

714   Passage for Scrap   0

Chapter 7: Roast, NE1?

715 Waste Incinerator
Paracelsus Sword[1x]
Nemesis type III[1x]

I still totally dig this part.

Go to the control at the back to activate the Rail Cannon (Paracelsus Sword).
It likes to smoke weed, so.. it's.. totally off.. it, man... it needs some
energy so shove in battery one. Down comes Nemmy type III, all morphing and
growing. Time for our final monster file...

_______/Nemesis type II Fact Sheet\_________________

Appearance: seems like a huge octopus had a clash with Nemmy.
HP: 900
Speed: Very, very blimmin' - slow

Attack                       Damage
Tentacle Back Attack           10
Ribpunch                       101
Tentacle Punch                 50
Sidewards Tentacle Punch       30
Poison Spit                    30
Poison Rain                    05
Poison Explosion               05
Poison Puddle                  01

Knife damage: 07

_______/Nemesis type II Combat File\_________________

You still need 129 knife stabs to get him down and as you can see, this mean
mother has the most powerful attack in the game, which can theoretically kill
you even in Fine condition. It's still 129 stabs for the kill.

But you only have fight this guy once, and during this fight you get help from
a gigantic rail cannon. So I say, "Let the machine do the job". You deserve a
break after all the hard work. So simply follow the tactic outlined below and
show this guy the ropes.

Kudos to Oak for pointing this strategy out to me. I've been speed playing the
game for so long that its very existence eluded me. I usually load up the
grenade launcher with some fire rounds and let rip, which is faster than
waiting for Paracelsus to fire a shot. Oh well, so much the better.

Okay, tactic...

Nemmy absorbed so much chemicals that he's now a walking vat of acid, but
you're not going to die here. Shove in batteries two and three (and by Jove,
they're painfully easy to find - just look around for objects standing off from
the background), then retreat to where you saw a tyrant corpse, near battery

Nemmy should be on top of the central framework by now... just wait for him to
show his tentacles (Oooh :), then move out before his acid attack hits. By now,
Paracelsus should have started his countdown and fires shot numero uno. After
the white flash, Nemmy's trapped inside the opened framework.

All you need to do is keep Nemmy there and no place else. Paracelsus will keep
on hitting him hard and a few shots later, he's decimated. Game over, dude! :)

LIVE SELECTION 9 -> Choose whatever you like

If you do nothing, he'll still kill you.

716   Elevator Room   0

717   Scrap Site   0

Just follow the pathway to start the final cut-scene and FMV.

The End

Yeehaw! That's it! Put a big smile on your face, now, cowboy. Congrats, you've
become the King of RE Land. Turn off the PSX and get a
drink. Is this boasting material, or what? Thanks for bearing with me, and
don't let the bad ranking and time disappoint ya... it's what you *did* that

05 Disclaimer

Room Names & Game characters are (c)1999 by Capcom.
This entire text was written by Vincent Merken, with an honorable mention to
Oak for pointing out the Nemesis type III strategy.
All rights reserved.

This document is hosted by GameFAQs, thus only CJayC has the right to display
it. You are not allowed to print out this document for any commercial purpose
(such as putting it into a strategy guide or separate booklet with the
intention to ask money for it). Selling printed copies of the text is

You are not allowed to ask money in exchange for viewing this document on your
website. If GameFAQs and survivalhorror.com do it for free, why
should you do otherwise?

You may not, in any way, alter the text. Not one letter. Lots of work and many,
MANY hours of play went into this and I don't want to see any other name saying
its their walkthrough.

If you want to see this document on your website, send me an e-mail
telling your intentions. I'll generally concur, if you agree with the
terms stated in this disclaimer.

Sorry to be so strict, but I don't like reading about people who see their text
appearing on websites they didn't give permission for. The Internet is a FREE
information center for anyone and serves to make our lives a bit easier.

6 Secret Chapter: V TALKS

I hope you enjoyed reading this FAQ. If you have questions about it,
comments or flames, e-mail (vip@padua.org). As with my other FAQS, I'll
probably won't update it, since I prefer leaving the tuning to you guys.

I'd like to finish off by greeting some people; Yo's to: My parents,
brother and sister, Nadine, Frank, Tim, Stijn, Koen, Bart, Gert, Griet,
Geert, Els, Jo, Frank Michlick, Frank Glaser, Joerg Kraut, Ives
Brabant, Geert Verschueren, Fredrik, Marco, Yariv, my former
colleague-students at KUL, my fraternities Filii Lamberti and Wina,
JR Kerr, Aya Brea, Mermaid, Xbow, Deekay and Jeff.

Lectori Salutem,
