================================================================================ Presenting a FAQ/Walkthrough for... ;""""O" "";;""" OO""OO. """ ;"""OO; "OOOO@;OOOO. @@,O@OO@OO O@##############@ ,," ;,; ";,. ;,;;;;";,.";;" ;;;;"""; ;";;;,O""".,OO.;;O"O;;, @##############@. ,," ,,; ";, ;;;,";;.","" ;,, .;;" ";; ,O""";;O" ;"O ;@##############@. ,,";;;" ",,,;". ";;";O.;,,; ;,, .,," ",";; .""";"""; .";O ;@@@@O@@@OO###@" ,,;;;O; ",..,;. ;",", .,,; ;,, .,," ";,;; .";;;"O;, .";O .;;;; .@O###@O ,,"O;," .,. .,.;....; ,,. .,., ,," .;;,;;";, .";O ,@@##@O ,,".;,; .,, ",. ...,,,,, ,., .,., ,,; .;;,,,",, .";O "@##@@, ;,".;,; .., ".. .;;;,,"; ,.; ,,., ,," .;;,;;;,. .";O ,@##@O@ ;"O.";,..,,.,",";.,;.,; ;;" ",,,,O"; ,.;";".,; .,,,. ,;O ,@@###@@O. "OO,";;O"""O@O";"";",O""OO" ,"O"O@O.,,,,,,OO"" ",,,"; ;O; .O@####@@, ,""",,,,;;;;"; ;...,;O ;"",.; ......;#O@;,..,; "@@####@; ;";,,;; ".. .; , .,O; .. ,O#@,.. ., "@#####O ;",,,;; . .;" , .O. .. ...;O@#; . .. 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O@@ "@@ .O" "@#O O @###; .O#";#@, @#O ;@#;;" "@#;O@O";. .",, ;#; O#O @#@;;;.,@#" "@" ;O O" @@@, O#O ,, ;. .; Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for Playstation By: Darrell Larabee (Undrtakr) Final Version Last Updated: 10/20/00 Email: Undrtakr387@aol.com ================================================================================ E-mail Policy ============= If you are going to E-mail me about Resident Evil 3, please read the Frequently Asked Questions before you do. When I get to the e-mail, I probably won't reply to it, so you'll need to check back at the FAQ/Walkthrough when it is updated, and your question should be answered in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. Also if you see any mistakes, please e-mail me. If you have read all of this, you may email me at Undrtakr387@aol.com Thank You The Undrtakr ================================================================================ ================================================================================ = -Table of Contents- = ================================================================================ I. Version History II. Introduction III. Controls IV. Walkthrough V. Maps VI. Weapons VII. Ammunition VIII. Items IX. Health Healers X. Gun Powder XI. Mercenaries Mini-Game XII. Mercenaries Mini-Game walkthrough XIII. Saving XIV. Files XV. Epilogues XVI. Secrets XVII. Frequently Asked Questions XVIII. Thanks and Praise ================================================================================ ================================================================================ = -I. Version History- = ================================================================================ V 1.0 - Everything is new V 1.5 - Added the rest of the maps Added some more Questions and Answers to the "Frequently Asked Questions" section Fixed some mistakes on the walkthrough V 1.6 - Centered all of the maps Added some more Questions and Answers to the "Frequently Asked Questions" section. Final - Added Items, Enemies, Weapons, Files, and Map lists to the walkthrough. Fixed all mistakes Added some more Questions and Answers to the "Frequently Asked Questions" section. Separated the walkthrough, hopefully making it easier to read. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ = -II. Introduction- = ================================================================================ Hello, and welcome to my first Walkthrough. In the walkthrough I will tell you the basic things, such as which way to go, what to do, etc. I won't tell you where there are Zombies, Hunters, Nemesis, and the other enemies, if I do, it will be rare, I will pretty much only tell you when you have to kill them to get past an area or something like that. Whenever there is a part where the screen turns blue, and you get to make a decision, I will write what to do and what happens on both decisions, and when I am at a part where meet after the needed things for each decision, the walkthrough will continue under the line. There will be other sections on this FAQ/Walkthrough that go into more detail. When I say right or left, it will be to the character's right of left, it might not be to the right or left on the screen though. Also, I won't tell you exactly where the ammo/not-so-important items are. Hope you enjoy! ================================================================================ ================================================================================ = -III. Controls- = ================================================================================ Start - Start Game Pause game Select - Options Menu Skip FMV D-Pad/Analog Stick up - Move Forward D-Pad/Analog Stick left - Turn Left D-Pad/Analog Stick right - Turn Right D-Pad/Analog Stick down - Move Backwards Square - Run (While holding R1) 180 degree turn (While holding down) Triangle - Back/Cancel Circle - Status Screen X - Shoot (While holding R1 or R2) Zoom/unzoom maps Open Doors L1 - Change Target (While aiming weapon) L2 - Map Screen R1 - Draw/Aim weapon (at enemies) Dodge (When enemy attacks) R2 - Draw/Aim weapon (at targetable objects) - Dodge (When enemy attacks) - Locate attack objects ================================================================================ ================================================================================ = -IV. Walkthrough- = ================================================================================ It all began as an ordinary day in September. An ordinary day in Raccoon City, a city controlled by Umbrella Corporation. No one dared to oppose Umbrella, and that lack of strength would ultimately lead to the city's destruction. If only they had the courage to fight... Once the wheels of justice begin to turn, nothing can stop then - nothing! But it may already be too late. Now it's Raccoon City's last chance and my last chance... My last escape... ================================================================================ Warehouse --------- -Items: First Aid Spray, Gun Powder A (x2), Handgun Bullets, Ink Ribbon (x3), Warehouse/Backdoor Key -Enemies: Zombies (x7) -Weapons: None -Files: Game Instructions A, Game Instructions B (if this is your first game, otherwise, there are none). -Maps: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will start the game by being blown through back from a building. Go forward an climb the dumpster, once you are on the other side of the dumpster, a cinema will occur. You are now in the warehouse area. Another Cinema. After the cinema, go up the stairs and to the right, and follow the path until you get to a door. Open the door. Get the warehouse key in save room and exit the room. Follow the path to the other door, use the warehouse key, and open the door. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Uptown ------ -Items: Green Herb (x4), Gun Powder A, Gun Powder B, Lighter Oil, Lighter/Empty Lighter, Red Herb (x2) -Enemies: Cerberus (x2), Zombies (x28) -Weapons: Shotgun -Files: Clock Tower Postcard, Photo A -Maps: Uptown Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go down the stairs and proceed forward until you get to another door... well, open the door! Go left and open the other door. Go forward until you get to yet another door, open it, and a very short cinema will occur. Go into the room and get the lighter oil, there is also a shotgun if you want it! Go back up the stairs, exit the room, and go straight through the narrow pathway, just follow the pathway until you get to a door, and open the door. Go straight, go right, then left (just follow the way). You will hear someone scream, proceed forward, and you will find out that a guy is getting eaten by zombies :), just keep going until you get to a door, open the door! Go straight until you get to some stairs, and go down the stairs, you will see Brad Vickers shooting a zombie, follow him, open the door, a cinema! Just let Brad kill the zombie, so you don't have to waste any of your ammo. After Brad kills the zombie, another cinema. Go forward, get the lighter by the pay phone, and combine it with the lighter oil, you now have a lighter that works :)! Go back to the door you came into the bar from and open it. Follow the path, go up the stairs, to the right, then to the left and through the reddish-brown corridor until you get to a door, gee, I wonder what you do, maybe you open the door, yes, that's right, open the door! Go to the gate to your left that is tied up with a rope and use your lighter on it as it is soaked with machine oil (hint, hint), and open the gate. Go straight and you will notice a fire, and on the wall is a fire hydrant, to put out the fire, you will need a hose, which you will get later in the game. Anyway, just keep following the path and go to the gate and open it (there is another door to your left which is a save room if you would like to go in there). Go straight and to the left until you get to the police station, and open the police station gates... ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Police Station -------------- -Items: Blue Gem/Sapphire, Brad's S.T.A.R.S. card/Card Case, Emblem Key/S.T.A.R.S. Key, First Aid Spray, Green Herb (x3), Gun Powder A, Gun Powder B, Handgun Bullets (x2), Ink Ribbon (x6), Jill's S.T.A.R.S. Card, Lockpick, Red Herb (x2), Shotgun Shells -Enemies: Cerberus (x2), Nemesis, Zombies (x11) -Weapons: Magnum or Grenade Launcher -Files: Marvin's Report, David's Memo, Fax from the Kendo Gun Shop -Maps: Police Station Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A FMV will occur. LIVE SELECTION TIME! ------------------------- -Fight with the Monster -Enter the police station ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fight with the Monster ---------------------- You will have to fight Nemesis. Once you kill him, you can take the Eagle Parts A. Go check Brad for the card case, check the card case and take the S.T.A.R.S. Card. Go inside the police station and go straight until you get to the computer. Use the S.T.A.R.S. card on the computer to get the combination for the locked drawer in the evidence room (remember this combination, you will need it later). -Some of the combinations I have seen are: 0513 0131 4312 Go to the door on the left side of the police station and open it. Search around the room and you will nitice in an office that Marvin Branagh from the S.T.A.R.S. team is dead. Go straight and open the door near the chalkboard. You will notice a locker with a red light on it, open that locker and take the blue gem. Go around to the other side of the lockers and you will notice that there is another locker with a red light on it, you need the comination that you saw on the computer to open this one, once you open it, take the emblem key. Enter the police station ------------------------ Jill will dodge a clothsline from Nemesis and enter the police station, when you get it, Nemesis will try to get in, but don't worry, he won't... at least at that part he wont. Anyway, open the only door that you can open in the police station (the one on the left). Search around the room and you will nitice in an office that Marvin Branagh from the S.T.A.R.S. team is dead. Go straight and open the door near the chalkboard. You will notice a locker with a red light on it, open that locker and take the blue gem. There is also another locker with a red light you need to open, but you need the combination code for it which you will get later. Exit the evidence room through the other door (the one that you didn't come in... duh)! Go straight down the hallway until you get to another door, open it. Follow the hallway until you get to some double doors, open them. Go straight and you will find Jill's S.T.A.R.S. card on the grey desk, there are also some shotgun shells in the other part of the room if you need ammo. Go back out the double doors. Go right in the hallway and follow it until you get to a door, and open it. Go back up the hallway and enter the evidence room. Exit through the other door in the evidence room. Turn left, and go straight and exit to the hall. Go to the computer and use the S.T.A.R.S. card to get the combination. -Some of the combinations I have seen are: 0513 0131 4312 Go back to the door on the left side of the police station and open it. Go straight and open the door near the chalkboard. Go to the locker with the red light and enter the combination and take the emblem key. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go straight and exit the room through the door. You should now be in a hallway, go straight and up the stairs. Once you are up the stairs keep going straight past the statue and open the door. You are now in another hallway, go straight until you get to a door on your left, use the emblem key to unlock the door and open it. Now you are in the S.T.A.R.S. office, take the lockpick from Jill's desk, there is a weapon in the locker next to the computer operating board, it will either be a grenade launcher, or a magnum, whichever one it is, you will get the other one later in the game. Try to exit the room, a cinema. Exit the room. Go back to the door you got into the hallway from and exit the hallway. Go straight until you get to the stairs and go down the stairs. Go straight to the end of the hallway and open the door. Back in the evidence room, open the other door to exit. Go right, then straight and exit the room. You are now back in the main hall of the police station, exit the police station. Go straight, and exit the police station through the gates. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Downtown -------- -Items: Blue Herb (x2), Bronze Book/Book of Wisdom, Fire Hook, Fire Hose, First Aid Spray (x2), Green Gem/Emerald, Green Herb (x7), Grenade Rounds, Gun Powder A (x6), Gun Powder B (x2), Handgun Bullets (x3), Ink Ribbon (x6), Machine Oil, Power Cable, Red Herb (x2), Rusted Crank, Shotgun Shells (x3), Wrench -Enemies: Brain Suckers (x5), Cerberus (x5), Crows (x8), Nemesis, Zombies (x38) -Weapons: None -Files: Mercenaries Diary, City Guide, Photo B, Photo C, Reporter's Memo, Mechanic's Memo -Maps: Downtown Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the path straight until you get to another fire, then go left, use the lockpick on the door, and open it. Follow the path until you get to another door, and open the door. To your left you will notice an open gate, you will need to come back here later, but for now, go left. You will get to a gate, open it. You will hear someone shooting a gun. Go straight until you see a door to your right, go to the door and open it. In here, you will notice a battery in a car charging and sparking a little, go up to it and take the power cable, you will need to use this later. Keep going until you get to yet another door, open it, and watch as it magically opens by itself, just like all the other doors. You are now in a save room, so if you want to save, go ahead. Proceed forward and open the next door. Follow the path until you get to another door, and open the door. Go forward until you get to an intersection, and a cinema will occur, this is a brain sucker. After the cinema, you should be facing a certain way, just go forward the way you are facing, go up the stairs, and open the door. OK, here is where you can decide weather you want to meet Carlos in the restaurant, or in the newspaper office. If you want to meet Carlos in the Restaurant... ----------------------------------------------- Go right, and follow the way until you get to double doors, this is the entrance to the restaurant, open the doors. Go left, follow the way to the kitchen, go to the end of the way, use the lockpick on the locker, and take the fire hook. Go forward a little bit until you see a brown lid thing on the ground, use the fire hook on it, and a cinema will occur... CARLOS! After the cinema... LIVE SELECTION TIME! ---------------------- -Hide in the Kitchen -Run into the Basement ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hide in the Kitchen ------------------- Jill and Carlos will hide behind a wall, Jill will throw the lit lamp, and it will blow up Nemesis. Nemesis will leave an item behind if you want it. Exit he restaurant through the back door before Nemesis gets back up. A cinema will occur. Go down the stairs and proceed forward, go right at the intersection, keep going until you see a door on your right, and open it. In the save room take the rusted crank. Before you leave, get the blue gem. Exit the save room. Run into the Basement --------------------- Jill and Carlos will go into that place where you used the fire hook (the basement), there will be a pipe breakage, and the basement will start to flood. If you don't find an escape in time, Carlos will call you over and you will have to go up the ladder and meet Nemesis. The other escape is the ventilation hole. Here is a map to show you where the ventilation hole is: ___________________ | L | =================== | ___________C___| = KEY = | | = = | | = L = Ladder = | | = C = Carlos = | | = V = Ventilation = | | = Hole = | | =================== V | |___| After you escape through the ventilation hole, a cinema will occur. Go forward, then left at the intersection, and keep going forward until you get to a door on your right, and open it. In the save room take the rusted crank. Before you leave, get the blue gem. Exit the save room. If you don't make it through the hole, you will have to go up the ladder with Carlos and fight Nemesis. After you kill Nemesis, exit the restaurant through the back door. Go down the stairs and proceed forward, go right at the intersection, keep going until you see a door on your right, and open it. In the save room take the rusted crank. Before you leave, get the blue gem. Exit the save room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After exiting the save room... Go right, up the stairs, forward until you get to a door, and open it. Go forward and you will notice a closed gate to city hall. To the right there is a clock like thing that has 2 gems missing, you need to get the 2 gems and put them in to open the gate. Use the blue gem (you don't have to use the blue gem now, you can use it when you have the green gem or anytime you want, but if all of your item spaces are filled up, then use it, because you need a space for the green gem). Now we need one more gem to open that gate. Follow the way until you get to the entrance of the newspaper office (double doors), and enter the newspaper office. Push the ladder toward your left all the way, and turn the power on with the switch. Now go to the shutter and there is a switch to the right, push it, and the shutter will open. Go up the stairs and open the door. Go forward and you should see a doorway to your left, go through it. You are now in an office, take the green gem, now we can open the gate to city hall! Backtrack, and exit the newspaper office. Go to that clock like thing and use the green gem, the gate will open. Before you go through the double doors, make sure you have the rusted crank with you. Open the double doors. If you want to meet Carlos in the Newspaper office... ----------------------------------------------------- Go left and open the door. Go forward, left at the intersection, up the stairs, and open the door. Go forward and you will notice a closed gate to city hall. To the right there is a clock like thing that has 2 gems missing, you need to get the 2 gems and put them in to open the gate. Use the blue gem (you don't have to use the blue gem now, you can use it when you have the green gem or anytime you want, but if all of your item spaces are filled up, then use it, because you need a space for the green gem). Now we need one more gem to open that gate. Follow the way until you get to the entrance of the newspaper office (double doors), and enter the newspaper office. Push the ladder toward your left all the way, and turn the power on with the switch. Now go to the shutter and there is a switch to the right, push it, and the shutter will open. Go up the stairs and open the door. Go forward and you should see a doorway to your left, go through it. You are now in an office, and a cinema will occur. LIVE SELECTION TIME! -------------------- -Hide in the office -Jump out the window -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hide in the office ------------------ Jill and Carlos will hide behind a wall, something will explode, and it will knock Nemesis out! You can take the item he leaves behind if you want. Backtrack, and exit the newspaper office. A cinema will occur. Jump out the window ------------------- Jill and Carlos will jump out the window and land on garbage. Go forward until you get to a door, and open it. A cinema will occur. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the way until you get to a door to the left, and open it. Go forward, then left at the intersection, go up the stairs and open the door. Use the lockpick on the locker and take the fire hook. Use the fire hook on the brown lid. Go down the ladder, go forward, and take the green gem from the corpse. Go back up the ladder, and exit the restaurant through the same door you came in. Go down the stairs, right at the intersection, keep going forward until you see a door to your right, and open it. Take the rusted crank, and exit the save room. Go right, up the stairs, and open the door. Go forward, use the green gem on the clock like thing, and the gate will open. Before you open the double doors, be sure you have the rusted crank with you (you should have it unless you put it in the item box in the save room). Open the double doors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go forward until you get to an intersection, if your item spaces are full, go right at the intersection, up the stairs, and open the gate. You are now in the gas station yard. Follow the way until you see a shutter. To the right there is a hex-shaped hole (hint, hint), use the rusted crank and... oh no, it was so rusty it broke! There is still part of the crank stuck in the hole, you will get a certain thing to turn it and come back later and open it. For now, backtrack and exit the gate. If you have a free item space, you can do this later. Go down the stairs and go right at the intersection again, keep going forward until you get to a door, and open it. Follow the narrow way until you get to a gate, and open it. Follow the way again until you get to a door, and open it. Go forward, climb over the wooden things, keep going and you will notice a cable car, the first door is locked from the other side, so keep going and enter the cable car through the other door. You will notice something sparking to your right, that is the thing you need to fix to get the cable car going. You will need the power cable, the mixed oil, and the fuse, (you should already have the power cable), if you have the power cable with you, go ahead and use it to get rid of an item so you have more item spaces, if you don't, no problem, you can get it later and use it there. Go forward, and a cinema will occur. Proceed forward, and another cinema will occur. Proceed forward, and open the door, and ANOTHER CINEMA will occur (WOW, 3 in a row). If you are on hard mode, Carlos will give you a pack so you can carry 2 more items! If you are on easy mode, I don't know if he will give you anything or not (I haven't played on easy mode). Anyway, proceed forward and take the wrench. Unlock the door next to you, and exit the cable car. Now what we need to do is get some mixed oil, and a fuse to get the cable car going, so... Go forward and climb over the wooden things, and open the door. Follow the path until you get to a gate, and open it. Go forward until you get to a door, and open it. Go forward until you get to the intersection, and go left, up the stairs and open the gate. Go to the shutter blocking the gas station, and use the rusted crank if you haven't already, and use the wrench on the rusted crank. After the shutter is up, open the door. Go forward, and a cinema will occur. The cinema will either be Nicholai coming in the gas station saying he will check the other room, or Carlos coming in, and zombies moaning. Go around the counter, and operate the electronic lock to open the glass doors. Another puzzle! You should see a panel that looks something like this: __________________________________________ | | | _________________________ | | | | | | |_________________________| | | | | | | ** ** ** | | * * * * * * | | ** ** ** | | _____ _____ _____ _____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| | | | | A B C D | | | |__________________________________________| There will be a letter that is lit up, and you have to make it so only one red light exactly above it is lit. This is a random puzzle, so I can't give you the solution. Here is something that should help you out though: ==================================== = If you select... = = = = A = A and B will be effected = = B = A, B, and C will be effected = = C = B, C, and D will be effected = = D = C and D will be effected = ==================================== After you complete the puzzle, take the machine oil, walk forward a little, and a cinema will occur. Exit the gas station. If Nicholai came in the gas station walk forward a bit, then a FMV will occur. If Carlos came to the gas station, it will be a cinema, then a FMV. Exit the gas station yard through the gate. We need to add something to the machine oil to make the mixed oil for the train. Go forward, and left at the intersection, and keep going forward, and zombies will break through the green door. Go through the doorway, go right, and you should see a statue. Go up to the statue, push the switch, and take the bronze book. Go back out the doorway, go right, and exit city hall through the double doors. Go forward and open the glass door. Proceed forward, down the stairs, go right at the intersection, and open the other glass door. Go forward a little until you see a door to your right, and open it. Proceed forward once again, go down the stairs, right at the intersection, and open the door. Follow the way until you get to a door, and open it. A save room! If you want to save, go ahead. Exit the save room through the door that you didn't come in (the door by the desk). Turn left, follow the way until you get to another door, and open it. Turn left again, go forward until you get to a gate, and open it. Proceed forward, and you should see a gate open. Go through the open gateway, and you should see a white fire hose that is fixed with bolts... hmm, I wonder what loosens bolts, maybe... THE WRENCH! Use the wrench and take the fire hose. Go back out the gateway, and open the door to the left. Follow the corridor until you get to a door, and open it. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Uptown (2nd time) ---------------- -Items: Blue Herb (x2), Crank/Square Crank, Grenade Rounds (x2), Gun Powder A ((x3) possibly), Gun Powder B ((x3) possibly), Oil Additive -Enemies: Drain Deimos (x2), Nemesis, Zombies (x19) -Weapons: None -Files: Manager's Report, Business Fax, Dario's Memo -Maps: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the way, go left at the intersection, and open the gate. Go forward until you see a blinking red light to your left, this is the fire hydrant, use the fire hose and put out the fire. Go forward through the passage that was blocked by the fire and open the door. Go forward again until you get to a door and open it. Take the crank if you want, this is optional, you can use the crank on the hole near the shutter where you first saw Brad, I believe there is some ammo in there, follow the way until you get to double doors and open them. A cinema will occur, it will either be Carlos that kills Murphy, or Nicholai. If you met Nicholai at the gas station, it will be Carlos, if you met Carlos at the gas station, it will be Nicholai. Go to the large desk and you will notice a computer, you need to have a password to enter in the computer and unlock the door. Use the remote on the large desk (it should be right next to the computer) and watch the TV. Whatever it advertises on the TV is the password you enter in the computer. -Some of the ads/passwords I have seen are: ADRAVIL AQUACURE SAFSPRIN Enter the password into the computer, and open the door it unlocks. Follow the way and at the end on the shelf, take the oil additive, and combine it with the machine oil, you now you have the mixed oil! Now all we need to get the cable car running is the fuse! Walk forward a little, and an FMV will occur. Kill all of the zombies, and exit through the door. Go back out the doorway and exit the sales office through the double doors. Follow the way and exit through the door. Go forward until you get to a door, and open it. Proceed forward until you get to a gate, and open it. Proceed forward, go right at the intersection, keep going forward until you get to a door, and open it. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Downtown (2nd time) ------------------ -Items: Battery, Bronze Compass/Future Compass, 6 Flame Rounds, Fuse, Gun Powder B (x2) -Enemies: Cerberus (x3), Gravedigger, Nemesis, Slitherworms (x3), Zombies (x9) -Weapons: Magnum or Grenade Launcher -Files: None -Maps: None -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the corridor until you get to a door, and open it. Turn left, go forward and open the gate. Proceed forward until you see a door on your right, and open it. Go forward a little, and a cinema will occur. LIVE SELECTION TIME! --------- -Climb Up -Jump Off --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb Up -------- Jill Will pull herself up (strong woman eh?), and avoid the boxes. Go forward and open the door. Jump Off -------- Jill will jump down and avoid the boxes. Go forward until you see a ladder to your right, and go up. Go forward and open the door. Follow the way until you get to another door, and open it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Save room! Save the game if you want, and before you leave, make sure you have the bronze book with you! Exit the save room through the door near the item box. Follow the way until you see a door to the right, and open it. Go forward, right at the intersection, up the stairs, and open the door. Turn to the right, and go forward until you get up to a statue. To the left of the statue, there is a hollow space for something to put be put in, it says "Place your Wisdom here." Since the bronze book turns into the book of wisdom one you check it (hint, hint) place it in the hollow square thing. Now go to the left and take the bronze compass. The reason you needed to place the bronze book on the other hollow place is because if you didn't, and you tried to take the bronze compass, water would be shooting from the statues, and you wouldn't be able to get out with the bronze compass... but you can now :). Go straight, then right, then forward and open the glass door. Proceed forward, go left at the intersection, keep going forward until you get to the other glass door, and open it. Go forward and enter city hall through the double doors. Go forward and through the doorway to the right, go up to the statue and use the bronze compass (put it in his hand). The statue will turn around. Take the battery. Exit through the doorway, and exit city hall through the double doors. Go forward and open the glass door. Proceed forward, go right at the intersection, keep going forward until you get to the other glass door, and open it. Go forward until you get to a door to the right, and open it. Go down the stairs, and keep going forward following the way, go up the stairs, and you will notice an elevator with no power supply, to the left of it, use the battery, and go down the elevator. Follow the way until you get to a gate, and open it. Go forward until you get to another gate to the right, and open it. If you look at the shutters you will notice that they must be set at a certain voltage to be opened. One shutter reads "Low voltage control room. The lock will be released at 15V-25V." The other shutter reads "High voltage control room. The lock will be released at 115V-125V." Go forward, then to the left you will see a red light, set the device to manual mode. Turn back left, go to the power supplier. This is another puzzle. This isn't random, so I can give you the solution :). Here are the solutions: ============================================================ = SOLUTIONS = = = = To unlock the low voltage control room... = = Solution 1: 1st switch: Red, 2nd switch: Blue, = = 3rd switch: Blue, 4th switch: Blue = 20V = = = = To unlock the high voltage control room... = = Solution 1: 1st switch: Red, 2nd switch: Red, = = 3rd switch: Red, 4th switch: Blue = 120V = = Solution 2: 1st switch: Blue, 2nd switch: Red, = = 3rd switch: Blue, 4th switch: Red = 120V = ============================================================ In the low voltage control room, on the shelf is the fuse, take it! A cinema will occur. LIVE SELECTION TIME! ---------------------------------- -Escape through the Emergency Exit -Increase the Electricity Output ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escape through the Emergency Exit --------------------------------- Jill will run for the emergency exit and escape through the door. Just go back in the door, you will have some zombies to kill. Increase the Electricity Output ------------------------------- THIS is the fun one! Jill will increase the output of electricity, which will electrocute the zombies and blow their heads off :)! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We can now get the cable car going, since we have all the stuff we need! In the high voltage room there will either be a magnum or a grenade launcher in the locker, it you already got the magnum, it will be the grenade launcher, if you already got the grenade launcher, it will be the magnum. Go to the gate and exit the voltage control room. Turn right, go forward until you get to another gate on your right, and open it. Go back to the elevator, and go back up. Go forward, down the stairs, straight at the intersection, and open the door. Go left a little bit, and open the glass door. Go forward, left at the intersection, there is a save room to your right, make sure you have the mixed oil and the fuse with you. Go up the stairs, and open the other glass door. Proceed forward and open the double doors to city hall. Proceed forward, go left at the intersection, and open the door. Follow the way until you get to a gate, and open it. Follow the way, and the ground will start shaking, and you will fall through a hole. You will meet gravedigger! Kill it if you want, to get it out of your way. Turn on both of the of the emergency power generators in those little side places. Go to the area where 2 green lights are flashing, lower the ladder, and go up the ladder. Go forward, climb over the wooden things, follow the way and enter the cable car. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Clock Tower ----------- -Items: Amber Ball, Chronos Chain, Clock Tower Key/Bezel Key, Clock Tower, Crystal Ball, Key/Winder Key, First Aid Spray, Gold Gear, Grenade Rounds, Gun Powder A (x2), Gun Powder B (x2), Ink Ribbon (x6), M.T. Rounds, Obsidian Ball, Red Herb (x2), Silver Gear -Enemies: Crows (x8), Giant Spiders (x6), Nemesis, Small Spiders (x8), Zombies (x9) -Weapons: Mine Thrower -Files: Operation Instruction, Art Picture Postcard, Mercenary's Pocketbook -Maps: Clock Tower Map -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the panel where the parts need to be fixed, and use the mixed oil, and the fuse. After that, a cinema will occur. Go forward and open the door. A cinema will occur. The train will shake, go to the door where Mikhail is on the other side, and open it. A cinema will occur. Try to get to the other side of the cable car by opening the door, and Mikhail will tell you to get out of the cable car. You will go to the other side, and a cool FMV will occur. LIVE SELECTION TIME! ------------------------ -Jump out the window -Use the emergency brake ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump out the Window ------------------- Jill will jump out of the window of the train. A FMV will occur. Once Jill wakes up, go forward, and a cinema will occur. Go to the picture that is crooked, and take the clock tower key. Exit through the door. You are in the living room, which is also a save room! Save your game if you want. Use the clock tower key on the other door, and open it. Go forward a little, and a cinema will occur, Carlos will give you some freeze rounds for the grenade launcher. Turn left and exit through the door. Go forward and open the double doors. Go left, and open the door. Go forward until you get to a door, and open it. You are now in the chapel, go forward, then right, and take the other clock tower key on the armoire. Exit the chapel. Go forward, and a cinema will occur. Open the door to the main hall of the clock tower. Go forward, and up the stairs. Follow the balcony until you get to a door, and open it. Use the Emergency Brake ----------------------- Jill will break some glass and hit the emergency break. A FMV will occur. Once Jill wakes up, go forward, and enter the clock tower through the door on the right. Go forward, then left, and open the door. You are now in the chapel. Go forward, then right, and take the clock tower key on the armoire. Exit the chapel. Walk forward a little, and a cinema will occur. Open the door to the main hall of the clock tower. Go forward, until you get to a door, and open it. A cinema will occur. Turn left, go forward, and use the clock tower key on the door, and open it. You are now in the living room, which is also a save room! Save your game if you want. Exit the save room through the door near the item box. Go to where there is a crooked picture, and take the other clock tower key. Go back out the door. Go forward, and open the door. Go forward until you see a door to the left, and open it. Go up the stairs. Follow the balcony until you get to a door, and open it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go forward, and use the clock tower key on the ornament copper plate, and a ladder will come down. Go up the ladder. Turn left, and go forward and check out the music box. Puzzle Time! you need to match all of the switches up so they sound like what the music box just played. This is another random puzzle, but I have some solutions. Here is the two solutions to the puzzle that I have encountered: ==================== ==================== = SOLUTION 1 = = SOLUTION 2 = = = = = = Switch A = Down = = Switch A = Up = = Switch B = Down = = Switch B = Down = = Switch C = Up = = Switch C = Up = = Switch D = Down = = Switch D = Down = = Switch E = Up = = Switch E = Up = = Switch F = Up = = Switch F = Up = ==================== ==================== Once you get the puzzle right, you will get the chronos chain. Combine the clock tower key/winder key with the chronos chain to get the chronos key. Go forward, and take the silver gear on the shelf. Go back down the ladder, walk forward a little, and a cinema will occur. LIVE SELECTION TIME! -------------- -Use the light -Use the cord -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the light ------------- Jill will turn on one of the lights, it will shine in Nemesis' eyes, and Jill will push Nemesis off the balcony! COOL! Use the cord ------------ Jill will use the cord, it will electrocute Nemesis, and take him out. He will leave behind an item if you want it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go forward and open the door. Follow the balcony until you get to the stairs, and go down them. Turn left, and open the door. Go forward and use the chronos key on the door to the left. Follow the corridor until you get to another door, and open it. Go forward, and you will see three statues. Take the amber ball, the obsidian ball, and the crystal ball from them. Go to your left and up to the three clocks. Puzzle time! This is another random puzzle. What you need to do is make the clock in the middle read midnight (12:00) like the other 2 clocks by putting the balls in the trays of each clock. Here is something that should help you: =========================================================== = Ball = Left Clock = Middle Clock = Right Clock = =========================================================== = Amber Ball = -3 hours = +3 hours = +6 hours = = Obsidian Ball = -2 hours = +2 hours = +4 hours = = Crystal Ball = -1 hour = +1 hour = +2 hours = =========================================================== Once you get the middle clock to read midnight like the other 2 clocks, the middle clock will open. Take the gold gear, and combine it with the silver gear to get the chronos gear. Exit the room. Follow the corridor until you get to another door, and open it. Turn right, go forward, and open the door. Go up the stairs. Follow the balcony until you get to another door, and open it. Go up the ladder. Go right, and keep going forward until you get to a gear thing near the item box. Use the chronos gear, and the clock will start going. I would suggest you save your game here. Go back down the ladder. Turn right, go forward, and open the door. A FMV will occur, followed by a cinema. Carlos might come to help you and shoot Nemesis' Missile Launcher out of his hand, and he might now, it depends what you did at the cable car. If you jumped out the window, he won't come to help you, if you used the emergency brake, he will come to help you. Time to fight Nemesis (see why I said save your game)! Once you defeat Nemesis, a cinema will occur. You will get to be Carlos now! ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Carlos Scenario/Hospital ------------------------ -Items: Blue Herb, First Aid Spray, Green Herb ((x2) possible), Handgun Bullets, Ink Ribbon (x3), Medium Base, Red Herb ((x2) possible), Sickroom Key, Tape Recorder, Vaccine Base, Vaccine Medium -Enemies: Brain Suckers or Giant Spiders (x3), Hunters (x10), Nemesis, Zombies (x23) -Weapons: None -Files: Director's Diary, Photo D, Medical Instruction Manual -Maps: Hospital Map

OK, we have to find the vaccine to cure the virus in Jill, so...

Exit the chapel.  Go forward until you get to a door, and open it.  Go forward,
then right, and open the double doors.  You are now in the main hall, you will
notice that you can't go up the stairs or out the clock tower anymore, because
of all the blockage, so go forward and open the door.  Go forward, and open the
door to the left.  Follow the corridor until you get to another door, and open
it.  Go to the back of the room, push the bell to the wall, and open the door.
Go forward, left at the intersection, keep going forward until you get to the
hospital, and open the double doors.  Go forward a little bit, and a cinema will
occur.  HUNTERS!  Yes, that's right, the hunters are back from Resident Evil.
Kill the hunters if you want, and open the door right next to you.  A save room!
Go ahead and save your game if you want, and open the other door.  In this room,
take the tape recorder on the desk.  Go up to where there is a gray elevator
door blocking your way, and to the right turn on the microphone, use the tape
recorder, and the elevator door will open.  Go in the elevator, and operate the
panel to the right.  Go to the 4th floor (4F).  Exit the elevator.  Go forward
until you get to a door to the right, and open it.  A cinema will occur if you
jumped out of the window in the cable car, but if you didn't, there will be 2
hunters.  Go forward, and take the sickroom key.  Exit the room.  Go forward,
then right, and open the first door to the right (Room 401).  Read the number on
the doctor's corpse, and remember it, because you will need it in just a second.
Notice a dresser like thing with 4 drawers on it, and remember where it was.
Exit the room.  Turn to the right, use the sickroom key on the other door, and
open it (Room 402).  In this room, you will see another dresser like thing with
4 drawers.  You need to push it on the right switch in one of the corners to
make the picture fall down, revealing a safe, if you put it on the wrong switch,
you will get shocked, and need to go out of the room, and come back in so the
safe in an open place again.

Here is something to help you out:

                        Room 401             Room 402
                    _______/________     _______/________
                   |A              B|   |B              A|
                   |                |   |                |
                   |                |   |                |
                   |                |   |                |
                   |                |   |                |
                   |                |   |                |
                   |                |   |                |
                   |C______________D|   |D______________C|

Whichever letter the dresser thing was on in Room 401, you put it on the same
letter in room 402.

After you get it on the right switch, a picture will fall down, revealing a
safe, the combination is the number that was on the paper in the doctor's corpse
Some of the combinations I have seen are: 531

Once you get the safe open, take the vaccine base.  Exit the room.  Go back to
the elevator and go to basement level 3 (B3).  Exit the elevator.  Follow the
way until you get to a door, and open it.  Go forward, and a cinema might occur,
if you used the emergency brake at the cable car, then there will be a cinema,
if you jumped out the window, then there will be 2 hunters.  Go forward, and
open the door.  Go left, and take the medium base on the shelf.  Proceed forward
and switch the electric power supply on the panel next to where the tanks are.
The water will drain from the tanks.  To the left set the medium base in the
synthesizer.  Puzzle time!  You need to get it so both things go up to the
yellow light.

Here is the solution to the puzzle:

                          =        SOLUTION        =
                          =                        =
                          = Switch I = | (Down)    =
                          = Switch II = - (Up)     =
                          = Switch III = | (Down)  =
                          = Switch A = | (Down)    =
                          = Switch B = - (Up)      =

After you get the puzzle figured out, take the vaccine medium, and combine it
with the vaccine base, and get... the vaccine!  Now we can go give the vaccine
to Jill and save her!  So... go forward a little bit and the hunters will break
out of the tanks!  Kill them if you want, and exit the room.  Go forward, and
exit the room.  Go back to the elevator, and go to the 1st floor (1F).  Exit the
room.  Go forward, and exit the room. A cinema will occur, and a time bomb will
be there for 6 seconds if you are on hard mode, and 15 seconds if you are on
easy mode, anyway, exit the hospital through the double doors before the time
runs out!  If you make it, a FMV will occur.  Go forward and open the door.  Go
forward until you get to another door, and open it.  Follow the corridor and
open the door.  Turn right, and open the door.  Go forward, and a cinema will
occur.  Exit through the double doors.  Go left, and open the door.  Go forward
until you get to a door, and open it.  Go up to Jill and use the vaccine, and a
cinema will occur.

Regain Control of Jill/Park
-Items: Blue Herb (x2), First Aid Spray, Green Herb (x3), Grenade Rounds (x2),
Gun Powder A (x2), Gun Powder B (x2), Ink Ribbon (x3), Iron Pipe, M.T. Rounds,
Park Key/Graveyard Key, Park Key/Main Gate Key, Park Key/Rear Gate Key, Red herb
-Enemies: Cerberus (x3), Giant Spiders (x3), Gravedigger, Hunters (x2), Multiple
Slitherworms, Zombies (x20)
-Weapons: None
-Files: Photo E, Written Order to the Supervisors, Supervisor's Report, Fax from
the H.Q.
-Maps: Park Map

Jill is OK now!  You get to take control of her again, so...

Make sure you have the lockpick with you, and exit the chapel.  Go forward a
little, and a cinema will occur.  Go forward, through the doorway, then right,
and open the double doors.  Go forward until you get to a door, and open it.  Go
forward, and open the door to the left.  Follow the corridor until you get to...
SURPRISE!  Another door!  Open it!  Go to the back of the room, and open the
door by the bell.  Go forward, use the lockpick on the door, and open it.  A
save room!  Save your game if you want.  Take the park key on the key hanger,
and exit the save room.  Turn left, go forward, up the stairs, and use the park
key on the gate, and enter the Raccoon Park.  Go right, proceed forward until
you get to some stairs that go down, and go down them.  Follow the path until
you get to a gate, and open it.  Follow the way until you get to a corpse of a
mercenary on the ground, and take the second park key from his hand.  Backtrack
back to the gate, and open it.  Follow the path until you get to some stairs,
and go up them.  Go forward until you get a gate, and open it.  Turn left, go
forward until you see a green light blinking, and open the lid.  We need to get
the water drained from the fountain thing.  Puzzle Time!  What you need to do
here is get the white gears to the bottom, and the black gears to the top, with
6 moves.

    You should see a panel that             You need to get it to look like
    looks like this:                        this:

     ___________________________              ___________________________
    / _   ____________________  \            / _   ____________________  \
   | |6| /         ***    *** \  |          | |0| /         ***    *** \  |
   |  -  \        *WGA*  *WGB*/  |          |  -  \        *BGA*  *BGB*/  |
   |      \        ***    ***/   | -------> |      \        ***    ***/   |
   | ___   \    ***    ***  /    |          | ___   \    ***    ***  /    |
   || * |   \  *BGA*  *BGB*/     |          || * |   \  *WGA*  *WGB*/     |
   ||_S_|    \__***____***/      |          ||_S_|    \__***____***/      |
    \___________________________/            \___________________________/

                           =         KEY         =
                           =                     =
                           = WGA = White Gear A  =
                           = WGB = White Gear B  =
                           = BGA = Black Gear A  =
                           = BGB = Black Gear B  =
                           = S = Start Button    =

Here is the solution:

           *MOVE #1*
 / _   ____________________  \
| |5| /  ***    ***    *** \  |
|  -  \ *BGA*  *WGA*  *WGB*/  |
|      \ ***    ***    ***/   |
| ___   \           ***  /    |
|| * |   \         *BGB*/     |
||_S_|    \_________***/      |

       Black Gear A = Up

           *MOVE #2*
 / _   ____________________  \
| |4| /  ***           *** \  |
|  -  \ *BGA*         *WGB*/  |
|      \ ***           ***/   |
| ___   \    ***    ***  /    |
|| * |   \  *WGA*  *BGB*/     |
||_S_|    \__***____***/      |

      White Gear A = Down

           *MOVE #3*
 / _   ____________________  \
| |3| /  ***    ***    *** \  |
|  -  \ *BGA*  *BGB*  *WGB*/  |
|      \ ***    ***    ***/   |
| ___   \    ***         /    |
|| * |   \  *WGA*       /     |
||_S_|    \__***_______/      |

       Black Gear B = Up

           *MOVE #4*
 / _   ____________________  \
| |2| /  ***    ***        \  |
|  -  \ *BGA*  *BGB*       /  |
|      \ ***    ***       /   |
| ___   \    ***    ***  /    |
|| * |   \  *WGA*  *WGB*/     |
||_S_|    \__***____***/      |

      White Gear B = Down

           *MOVE #5*
 / _   ____________________  \
| |1| /  ***           *** \  |
|  -  \ *BGA*         *BGB*/  |
|      \ ***           ***/   |
| ___   \    ***    ***  /    |
|| * |   \  *WGA*  *WGB*/     |
||_S_|    \__***____***/      |

      Black Gear B = Left

           *MOVE #6*
 / _   ____________________  \
| |0| /         ***    *** \  |
|  -  \        *BGA*  *BGB*/  |
|      \        ***    ***/   |
| ___   \    ***    ***  /    |
|| * |   \  *WGA*  *WGB*/     |
||_S_|    \__***____***/      |

      Black Gear A = Left

           *MOVE #7*
 / _   ____________________  \
| |0| /         ***    *** \  |
|  -  \        *BGA*  *BGB*/  |
|      \        ***    ***/   |
| ___   \    ***    ***  /    |
|| * |   \  *WGA*  *WGB*/     |
||_S_|<-- \__***____***/      |

    Press the Start Button

Once you get the puzzle figured out, a drain thing will open, and drain the
water.  Go Down the steps, follow the way to where the water was drained, and go
down the ladder.  Follow the way, climb up the step to the right, proceed
forward, and go up the ladder.  You are now in the graveyard, here, zombies
will.... well, I don't want to spoil it.  Go forward, then left, then right,
then follow the way until you get to a door, use the park key on it, and open
it.  In this room, take the iron pipe on the bookshelf.  Go forward, and open
the door.  A save room!  I would suggest you save your game here!  Exit the save
room.  Go up to the fireplace and use the lighter to burn the wood away, then
use the iron pipe to pry the bricks.  Go through the opening.  In this room, you
need to get the third park key on the table.  Try to exit back out through the
opening, and a cinema will occur.  Exit back out through the opening, and
another cinema will occur.  After the cinema, exit the room back to the
graveyard.  Go forward a little, and the ground will shake, go forward a little
more, and a FMV will occur.  This is the gravedigger!  You need to fight him
this time (See why I suggested you save your game before).  Once you kill it, or
the fence falls down after you have hurt it bad enough, escape my climbing the

Turn left, go forward, and jump down the step.  Turn left, proceed forward, and
go up the ladder.  Follow the way around the fountain, climb up the steps,
proceed forward, and open the gate to the left.  Proceed forward until you get
to the steps that go down, and go down them.  Follow the path until you get to a
gate, and open it.  Follow the path until you get to another gate, use the park
key to unlock the lock holding the chain, and open it.

Dead Factory
-Items: Blue Herb (x2), Card Key, Facility Key, Facility Key (Upgraded), First
Aid Spray (x2), Green Herb (x5), Grenade Rounds (x2), Gun Powder A (x3), Gun
Powder B (x3), Ink Ribbon (x6), Shotgun Shells (x4), System Disk, Water Sample
-Enemies: Drain Deimos (x2), Nemesis, Multiple Slitherworms, Zombies (x27)
-Weapons: Rocket Launcher
-Files: Manager's Diary, Security Manual, Incinerator Manual, Classified Photo
-Maps: Dead Factory Map

Go up the stairs, and proceed forward... LIVE SELECTION TIME!

-Push him off
-Jump off

Whatever you choose here, will determine the ending you get, if you push him
off, Jill and Carlos will get in the chopper and fly off at the end, and if you
choose to jump off, Barry will come to rescue Jill and Carlos at the end.

Push him off
Jill will dodge Nemesis' attack, then push him off the bridge.  Jill will go
forward and open the double doors.  Follow the way until you get to the door at
the end, and open it.  A cinema will occur.  Take the facility key on the shelf,
and exit through the door under the red light.  You are now in a room with a
bunch of steam.  Puzzle time!  You need to press the switched in a certain order
to get to the panel (P) to supply power.

Here is the order to press the switches in:
            |  _________  |        =================================
            | |         | |        =    ORDER TO PRESS SWITCHES    =
            | |         D |        =                               =
            | A         E |        = 1st = Switch A                =
            | |         | |        = 2nd = Switch B                =
            | |___B_C___| |        = 3rd = Switch C                =
            |_________P|__|        = 4th = Switch A                =
                                   = 5th = Switch D                =
                                   = 6th = Switch E                =
                                   = 7th = Switch A                =
                                   = 8th = Switch C                =
                                   = 9th = Press switch on panel.  =
                                   = 10th = Switch B               =
                                   = 11th = Switch A               =

After you figure out the puzzle, and power is supplied, exit the room.  Turn
left, go forward, and open the door.  Go forward until you get to a door to the
left, use the facility key, and open it.  Take the system disk on the computer
control thing, enter the elevator, and press the button.  Follow the way, go
down the stairs, and open the door.  Go forward, down the little step, turn
right, proceed forward, go up the other step, and open the door.  Take the water
sample off of the panel, and open the door.  Go down the stairs, to the back of
the room, to the right use the facility key, and get it upgraded.  To the left,
use the water sample.  Puzzle Time!  you need to match up the marks with the
marks on the water sample.  This is another random puzzle, but here are 4
solutions that I have seen.

**Solution 1:
               |= |  |= |  |  |= |  |  |
Water Sample:  |= |= |= |  |= |= |  |= |
               |= |==|==|==|==|= |  |==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|

                   Move Right 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |= |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |

                   Move Right 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |= |  |==|  |= |= |  |= |

                   Move Left 2 times

**Solution 2:
               |  |  |= |  |  |= |  |  |
Water Sample:  |= |  |= |= |= |= |  |= |
               |==|==|= |= |==|==|= |==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|

                   Move Right 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |  |  |= |= |= |==|  |= |

                   Move Right 3 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |==|  |= |= |  |= |= |  |

                   Move Left 3 times

**Solution 3:
               |= |  |  |  |  |  |= |  |
Water Sample:  |= |  |= |= |  |= |= |= |
               |==|= |==|= |= |==|==|==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |  |==|= |  |==|= |==|

                   Move Left 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |==|  |= |  |  |= |= |= |

                   Move Left 2 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |= |= |  |= |= |  |==|  |

                   Move Right 2 times

**Solution 4:
               |  |  |= |  |= |  |  |  |
Water Sample:  |= |  |==|= |==|= |  |= |
               |= |= |==|= |==|= |= |==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |  |==|= |  |==|= |==|

                   Move Left 4 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |  |= |= |= |==|  |= |  |

                   Move Right 3 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |= |  |==|  |= |= |  |= |

                   Move Left 2 times

Once you complete the puzzle, there will be a green light shown by a door, now
we have power supplied, and water supplied, so we can go open the door.  GO back
up the stairs, and open the door.  A save room!  I would suggest you save your
game here.  Exit the room through the other door.  Go forward, down the step,
turn left, go forward, up the step, and open the door.  Go up the stairs, enter
the elevator, and press the button.  Turn left, follow the way, and open the
door.  Go forward, and a cinema will occur.  Go forward, and use the system disk
where on the panel where the red light is.  A cinema will occur.  Tee cinema
will pretty much show you how to kill Nemesis, you can shoot the pipes and have
that stuff shoot at him, or you can waste more ammo, and kill him that way.
Once you take Nemesis out, it will show a red card fall from a scientist's
corpse pocket.  Go and take the card key.  Use the card key on the panel next to
the door, and exit the area.  A FMV will occur, Nemesis will be garbage... where
he belongs!  There will be a voice say "Warning!  Missile attack confirmed."
Follow the way until you get to a door, and open it.  Go forward until you get
to a door, and open it.  If you want the Rocket Launcher, turn right, and open
the door.  Exit through the other door.  Use the Card Key on the reader next to
the elevator, and go down.  Go forward and use the upgraded facility key on the
locker.  Go back up the elevator, open the door, exit the save room, and now we
are back to where we were.  Turn left, go forward, and use the card key next to
the shutter, and the shutter will open.  Go though the opening, and open the
door.  A cinema will occur.  Try to go down the ladder, and a voice will say
"Warning!  Missile attack confirmed."  The lid will open.  Go down the ladder.
Follow the way, and open the double doors.  Follow the way until you get to some
more double doors, and open them.  Turn right, go forward, and activate the
batteries.  Push the batteries in order, battery 1, battery 2, and battery 3.
After you push in the first battery, Nemesis will come down at you.  If you got
the Rocket Launcher, give him all you've got with, or the magnum will be ok too,
he won't die though, but you will have him hurt bad.  Proceed to push in the
batteries, when you have all of the batteries pushed in, the rail cannon will be
activated, it will shoot about every 10 seconds.  What you need to do, is get
Nemesis lined up with it, and make it shoot him, eventually, it will take him
out.  Go over to the door, and try to open it.  LIVE SELECTION TIME!

-Exterminate the monster
-Ignore it and evacuate

Exterminate the monster
Jill will dodge Nemesis' poison attack, then pick up a magnum off the ground,
keep shooting Nemesis, and kill him.  Go to the door and open it.

Ignore it and evacuate
Jill will exit through the door.

You are now in the elevator.  Operate the control panel, and the elevator will
go down.  Go forward a little, and a cinema will occur.  After the cinema, the
final cool FMV will occur!

Congratulations!  You have beat Resident Evil 3!

Jump off
Jill will dodge Nemesis' attack, jump off the bridge, and Nemesis will walk
away.  Climb up where the bluish green water is coming down.  Go forward, and
climb the ladder.  Go forward a little, and a cinema will occur.  Go forward,
climb up the step, and open the door.  GO forward and take the water sample off
of the panel, and exit the room through the same door you came in.  Jump down
the step, turn right, go forward, up the step, and open the door.  Go up the
stairs, proceed forward until you get to an elevator, open the doors, and press
the button.  Proceed forward, take the system disk on the computer control
thing, and open the door.  A cinema will occur.  Turn right, and open the door.
Take the facility key on the shelf, and exit through the door under the red
light.  You are now in a room with a bunch of steam.  Puzzle time!  You need to
press the switched in a certain order to get to the panel (P) to supply power.

Here is the order to press the switches in:
            |  _________  |        =================================
            | |         | |        =    ORDER TO PRESS SWITCHES    =
            | |         D |        =                               =
            | A         E |        = 1st = Switch A                =
            | |         | |        = 2nd = Switch B                =
            | |___B_C___| |        = 3rd = Switch C                =
            |_________P|__|        = 4th = Switch A                =
                                   = 5th = Switch D                =
                                   = 6th = Switch E                =
                                   = 7th = Switch A                =
                                   = 8th = Switch C                =
                                   = 9th = Press switch on panel.  =
                                   = 10th = Switch B               =
                                   = 11th = Switch A               =

After you figure out the puzzle, and power is supplied, exit the room.  Turn
left, go forward, and open the door.  Go forward until you get to a door to the
left, use the facility key, and open it.  Take the system disk on the computer
control thing, enter the elevator, and press the button.  Follow the way, go
down the stairs, and open the door.  Go forward, down the little step, turn
right, proceed forward, go up the other step, and open the door.  Take the water
sample off of the panel, and open the door.  Go down the stairs, to the back of
the room, to the right use the facility key, and get it upgraded.  To the left,
use the water sample.  Puzzle Time!  you need to match up the marks with the
marks on the water sample.  This is another random puzzle, but here are 3
solutions that I have seen.

**Solution 1:
               |= |  |= |  |  |= |  |  |
Water Sample:  |= |= |= |  |= |= |  |= |
               |= |==|==|==|==|= |  |==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|

                   Move Right 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |= |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |

                   Move Right 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |= |  |==|  |= |= |  |= |

                   Move Left 2 times

**Solution 2:
               |  |  |= |  |  |= |  |  |
Water Sample:  |= |  |= |= |= |= |  |= |
               |==|==|= |= |==|==|= |==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|

                   Move Right 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |  |  |= |= |= |==|  |= |

                   Move Right 3 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |==|  |= |= |  |= |= |  |

                   Move Left 3 times

**Solution 3:
               |= |  |  |  |  |  |= |  |
Water Sample:  |= |  |= |= |  |= |= |= |
               |==|= |==|= |= |==|==|==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |  |==|= |  |==|= |==|

                   Move Left 1 time

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |==|  |= |  |  |= |= |= |

                   Move Left 2 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |= |= |  |= |= |  |==|  |

                   Move Right 2 times

**Solution 4:
               |  |  |= |  |= |  |  |  |
Water Sample:  |= |  |==|= |==|= |  |= |
               |= |= |==|= |==|= |= |==|

                _______________________          _______________________
Row A:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |==|= |  |==|= |  |==|= |        |= |  |==|= |  |==|= |==|

                   Move Left 4 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row B:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |= |= |==|  |= |  |  |= |        |  |= |= |= |==|  |= |  |

                   Move Right 3 times

                _______________________          _______________________
Row C:         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | -----> |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               |  |= |= |  |==|  |= |= |        |= |  |==|  |= |= |  |= |

                   Move Left 2 times

Once you complete the puzzle, there will be a green light shown by a door, now
we have power supplied, and water supplied, so we can go open the door.  GO back
up the stairs, and open the door.  A save room!  I would suggest you save your
game here.  Exit the room through the other door.  Go forward, down the step,
turn left, go forward, up the step, and open the door.  Go up the stairs, enter
the elevator, and press the button.  Turn left, follow the way, and open the
door.  Go forward, and use the system disk where on the panel where the red
light is.  A cinema will occur.  Tee cinema will pretty much show you how to
kill Nemesis, you can shoot the pipes and have that stuff shoot at him, or you
can waste more ammo, and kill him that way.  Once you take Nemesis out, it will
show a red card fall from a scientist's corpse pocket.  Go and take the card
key.  Use the card key on the panel next to the door, and exit the area.  A FMV
will occur, Nemesis will be garbage... where he belongs!  There will be a voice
say "Warning!  Missile attack confirmed."  Follow the way until you get to a
door, and open it.  Go forward until you get to a door, and open it.  If you
want the Rocket Launcher, turn right, and open the door.  Exit through the other
door.  Use the Card Key on the reader next to the elevator, and go down.  Go
forward and use the upgraded facility key on the locker.  Go back up the
elevator, open the door, exit the save room, and now we are back to where we
were.  Turn left, go forward, and use the card key next to the shutter, and the
shutter will open.  Go though the opening, and open the door.  Take the portable
radar receiver.  Walk around a little bit, and a cinema will occur.  LIVE

-Negotiate with Nicholai
-Return fire to the chopper

Negotiate with Nicholai
Jill and Nicholai will have a conversation, and eventually, Nicholai will fly
away in the chopper.

Return fire to the chopper
THIS is the fun one, you get to shoot at the chopper.  If you take out the
chopper, it will fall to the ground and explode.  If not, Nicholai will fly

A cinema will occur.  Try to go down the ladder, and a cinema will occur, there
will be a voice that says "Warning! Missile attack confirmed."  The lid will
open.  Go down the ladder.  Follow the way, and open the double doors.  Follow
the way until you get to some more double doors, and open them.  Turn right, go
forward, and activate the batteries.  Push the batteries in order, battery 1,
battery 2, and battery 3.  After you push in the first battery, Nemesis will
come down at you.  If you got the Rocket Launcher, give him all you've got with,
or the magnum will be ok too, he won't die though, but you will have him hurt
bad.  Proceed to push in the batteries, when you have all of the batteries
pushed in, the rail cannon will be activated, it will shoot about every 10
seconds.  What you need to do, is get Nemesis lined up with it, and make it
shoot him, eventually, it will take him out.  Go over to the door, and try to

-Exterminate the monster
-Ignore it and evacuate

Exterminate the monster
Jill will dodge Nemesis' poison attack, then pick up a magnum off the ground,
keep shooting Nemesis, and kill him.  Go to the door and open it.

Ignore it and evacuate
Jill will exit through the door.

You are now in the elevator.  Operate the control panel, and the elevator will
go down.  Go forward a little, and a cinema will occur.  After the cinema, the
final cool FMV will occur!

Congratulations!  You have beat Resident Evil 3!

=                                  -V. Maps-                                   =

                              = KEY FOR ALL MAPS =
                              =                  =
                              = S = Save Room    =
                              = | or _ = Wall    =
                              = / or \ = Door    =

            | |                               |      |            |  |
            | |                               |      |            |  |
            | |                               |     _\____________|  |
            | |        Police Station         |    |              |  |
            | |                               |    |              |  |
            | |                               |    |              |  |
            | |                               |    |              |  |
            | |                               |    |              |  |
 ___________| |____                       ____|    |______________|  |
                   \_________/ \_________/                           |
 ___________   ____                       __________/_____________   |
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      ___|  | |                |S|   |  |          | |            |  |
     |      | |________________|\|___|  |          | |            |  |
     |Sales | /________/___     ___/_   |       ___| |            |  |
     |Office| |            |   /     |  |      |  _/ |            |  |
     |_     | |            |  /      |  |      | | | |            |  |
       |_   | |            | /       |  |______| | | |            |  |
 ________|/\| |____________| |_______|   ________| |_|            |  |    __
 ______________________   ______   __   |          _______________|  |___|  |__
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                       | |/\ | _|  \ \  /    \____| |__________/  /| |
 ______________________| |BQ\||     \|\/  /\                     / | |
 _______________________  \  //      \   /  \___   ___\_________/  | |
                        \  |/| \    /   /       | |            |   | |
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                          \  \   \/   /\ \      | | __         |   | |
                           \  \/|/    \ \ \     | ||           |   | |
                            \       /\|\ \ \/\  | |___________/|   | |
    BQ=Boutique               \     /  \ \ \  /  | /____________|   | |
                              \   /    \ \/  \__| |                | |
                              /  /      \  /\___/ |                | |
                             /  /        \/     | |                | |
                            /  /                | |                | |
                                                | |                | |

                             **POLICE STATION 1F**
   |                                                                        |
   |    _____________   _______                                             |
   |   |  __     __  | |       |                                            |
   |   | |  |\ /|  | |_|  ____/|                                            |
   |   | |         |   | |     |______________                              |
   |   | | Confer. |___\ |     |              |                             |
   |   | |_ Room  _|   | |  S  |              |                             |
   |   |   |     |Evid.| |     |              |                             |
   |   |   |     |_ R__|_|_____|              |                             |
   |   |___|     | \         \_   Main Hall   |                             |
   |       |_____|             |              |                             |
   |             |             |      S       |                             |
   |             |     ________|              |                             |
   |             |    |       _|              |                             |
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   |____________              |                  |              ____________|
                \             |                  |             /

                             **POLICE STATION 2F**
   |                                                                        |
   |                     _____                                              |
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   |     |     _______________|                                             |
   |    _|    |                                                             |
   |   | /____|_                                                            |
   |   | |      |                                                           |
   |   | |STARS |                                                           |
   |   | |Office|                                                           |
   |   | /      |                                                           |
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   |____________                                                ____________|
                \                                              /


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 ___|   |        |           |              |   |         ||
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 ___     \_______|                                                          |
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    |    ________| |         | |_     __    |   |      |S|   | \ |   |   |  |
    |   |      __| |         |   |___|_ ___/    |______|/|___| | |___|   /  |
    |   |     / _\ |___      | ____________\     _\___________ |         |  |
    |   |    / / |  __ \    / /            \    |             ||_________|  |
    |   |   | |  | |  \ \  / /              |   |             ||         |  |
    |   |___| |  | |   \ \/|/               |   |             ||         | _|
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 ___|   |________| |________________________|   |_________| |____________|  |__

 ______  ___________________________________        ______   _________/___/____
       ||                                   |   |  |  | S | |      _|__/_| |
       ||                                   |   |  |  /___| |     |   |  | |
       ||                                   |   |  |      | |     |___|  |/|_
       ||                                   |   |  |_     | |     |   |  ____|
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       ||                                   |   |_|       | |
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       ||                                   |     |       | |
       ||                                   |    _\_______| |

                               **CLOCK TOWER 1F**
                                 |              |__
                                 /              |  |
                                 |              /  |
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                                 |______________|  |
                               _______________  |  |
                              /               \ |  |____
                             /                 \|____   |
                            |                   |    |  |
               _____________|                   |    |  |
              |             |                   |____|/_|_
              |             /     Main Hall     |         |
              |             \                   /         |
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              |_______   ___|                   |         |
                      | |   |                   |  _______|
                    __|/|___|___________________| |
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                   |        |                   |         |
                   |        |                   |    S    |
                   |        |                   |         |
                   |___/____|                   |__/______|
                   |       ||                   |       |
                   |Chapel ||                   |       |
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                   |   S   ||                   |       |
                   |_______||_______________            |
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                                                    \  /

                               **CLOCK TOWER 2F**
                               /                \
                              /   _________     _\
                             |   /         |   |
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                             |    |        |___|
                             |   _|
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                             |  |__
                             |     |
                              \                  /
                               \                /

                               **CLOCK TOWER 3F**
                                  |         |
                                  |         |
                                  |    S    |
                                  |         |
                                  |         |

                                **HOSPITAL 1F**
                  |   ____________________                 |   EV = Elevator
                  |  |                 /EV|                |
                  |  |                 \__|__________      |
                  |  |                 |             |     |
                  |  |                 |             |     |
                  |  |                 |      S      |     |
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                                           \  /

                                **HOSPITAL 4F**
                  |                  _____                 |   EV = Elevator
                  |                 |  /EV|                |
                  |                 |  \__|                |
                  |_________________|  |                   |
                  |                 |  |______________     |
                  |                 |                 |    |
                  |                 |  __/________/___|    |
                  |                 | |       |       |    |
                  |                 | | Room  | Room  |    |
                  |                 | | 401   | 402   |    |
                  |                 | |       |       | _  |
                  |                 | |_______|_______|| |_|
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                                **HOSPITAL B3**
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                              **DEAD FACTORY 1F**
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=                                -VI. Weapons-                                 =

Assault Rifle

Description from game: M4A1 assault rifle.  The gun is set in AUTO/MANUAL mode.
It uses 5.56mm NATO rounds.

My Description: The Assault Rifle is a new gun in Resident Evil 3.  Each bullet
is about as powerful as a handgun bullet, although it shoots them at amazing
speed!  It is Carlos' main weapon, he has it in all of the cinemas and FMV's
that he is in.  The only 2 ways you can get it as Jill is on easy mode, and by
buying it for $2000 with infinite ammo in the mercenaries mini-game.  It is
pretty much just like the sub machine gun in Resident Evil 2.

Capacity: 100%

Rating: 8.8/10


Description from game: STI EAGLE 6.0.  A custom made gun for competitions.  It
uses 9mm parabellum rounds.

My Description: The Eagle 6.0 is just like the handgun, but it shoots the
bullets faster.  It isn't very powerful, although it can sometimes blow off
zombies' heads, sometimes kill other enemies in one shot, you just never know,
and that is the thing that makes this gun kind of bad, because if you happen to
kill an enemy in one shot, you will keep shooting, not knowing that you killed
it in one shot, and since it shoots so fast, that will probably waste about 2
bullets.  You get this gun from Nemesis by combining the Eagle Parts A, and the
Eagle Parts B.

Capacity: 15 bullets

Rating: 7.9/10

Gatling Gun

Description from game: A powerful weapon that enables you to scatter bullets
with single trigger action.

My Description: The Gatling Gun is also a new game to Resident Evil 3.  It is
quite a powerful gun, and shoots at amazing speed, however, it takes a while to
lift it up and get it to start shooting, at least, enough time for a hunter to
jump at you and scratch you, and if an enemy attacks you while you are getting
it ready, you will let the gun down, and have to lift it and get it started all
over again, that is what brings the rating down a bit, otherwise, this is a very
good weapon.  You can only get it by buying it for $3000 with infinite ammo in
the mercenaries game.

Capacity: Unknown, you get it with infinite ammo

Rating: 8.7/10

Grenade Launcher

Description from game: Hk-p Grenade Launcher.  A small size grenade launcher
developed for police use.  It is loaded with burst rounds.

My Description: The grenade launcher is just like the bazooka in Resident Evil,
and the grenade launcher in Resident Evil 2.  It is a powerful weapon, and can
shoot different types of rounds, including; grenade rounds, flame rounds, acid
rounds, and freeze rounds.  Freeze rounds are the most powerful of the four
types of rounds, and they are new to Resident Evil 3.  This is a very neat

Capacity: 6 rounds

Rating: 9.3/10

Hand Gun

Description from game: M92F Custom.  A custom handgun made for S.T.A.R.S.  It
uses 9mm parabellum rounds.

My Description: The handgun is just like the other handguns in the Resident Evil
series, it is your standard weapon.  The handgun isn't a very powerful weapon,
it is actually one of the least powerful weapons in the Resident Evil Series.
This particular handgun was made specially for the S.T.A.R.S. team from the
Kendo Gun Shop, as you will read in the fax from the Kendo Gun Shop.

Capacity: 15 bullets

Rating: 8.2/10


Description from game: Dagger knife for self-defense.

My Description: The knife is also a standard weapon in the Resident Evil Series.
It is also the least powerful weapon in the whole Resident Evil Series, however,
it is a pretty good weapon in Resident Evil 3, it takes about 10-14 stabs to
kill a zombie in Resident Evil 3, unlike in Resident Evil 2, where is took about
30 stabs.

Capacity: None

Rating: 7.8/10


Description from game: S&W M629C.  A large stainless steel revolver.  A classic
type equipped with weights to reduce the recoil.  It uses .44 Magnum bullets.

My Description: The magnum is also in the Resident Evil Series.  It is a small,
but VERY powerful weapon, it kills almost anything in one shot!  However, the
kick of the gun kind of makes it take a while to get it back in aim, and that is
what just barely brings the rating down (it brings it down by about .2).  You
can blow zombies' heads off with the magnum too :).

Capacity: 6 bullets

Rating: 9.4/10

Merc's Handgun

Description from game: SIGPRO SP2009  It's mainly made of plastic and is very
light.  It uses 9mm parabellum rounds.

My Description: The Mercenary's handgun is just like the regular handgun in
Resident Evil 3, it is smaller, and very light.  Just as the regular handgun, it
isn't very powerful.  You can use this gun as Carlos in Resident Evil 3, or as
Nicholai in the mercenaries mini-game.

Capacity: 15 bullets

Rating: 8.0/10

Mine Thrower

Description from game: A prototype weapon made by Umbrella's armament dept.  It
uses special bullets equipped with a sensor.

My Description: The mine thrower is a new gun to Resident Evil 3.  It is a
pretty powerful weapon.  It shoots small mines on the ground, and when an enemy
touches it, the mine explodes, however, if you walk over it, it will not
explode, it has something special to not explode when the person with the gun
shoots it, you will know where the mine is, because you will see the mine

Capacity: 6 mines

Rating: 8.7/10

Rocket Launcher

Description from game: M66 Rocket Launcher.  An old but powerful weapon.

My Description: Ahh yes, the good ol' Rocket Launcher that you get in the
Resident Evil games.  You get this close to the end of the game, but you can
also get it in the mercenaries mini-game with infinite ammo.  This is the most
powerful weapon in Resident Evil 3, as well as the other Resident Evil games, it
will take Nemesis out with 2 shots!

Capacity: 8 rockets?

Rating: 9.8/10


Description from game: Benelli M3S.  An easy to carry sawed-off shotgun.  It
uses 12 gauge shot shells.

My Description: The shotgun is another gun that is in all of the Resident Evils.
It is quite powerful, and scatters bullets, which is cool, because you can kill
more than one zombie with it!

Capacity: 7 shells

Rating: 9.2/10

Western Custom

Description from game: Western Custom M37.  Equipped with a special reload
system and is effective for close range battle.  It uses 12 gauge shot shells.

My Description: The western custom is a new gun to the Resident Evil series, it
is about as powerful as the shotgun.  It reloads quick after every shot.  You
get this gun by combining the M37 part A, and the M37 parts B that Nemesis
leaves behind.

Capacity: 7 shells?

Rating: 9.3/10

=                              -VII. Ammunition-                               =

Acid Rounds

Description: Grenade acid rounds.  Special bullets whose warhead is filled with
anti-creature sulfuric acid.  Used for Hk-p Grenade Launcher.

A.R. Bullets

Description: 5.56mm NATO rounds.  Army bullets for the assault rifle.  Used for

Flame Rounds

Description: Grenade Flame Rounds.  Special bullets for whose warhead is filled
with powerful napalm gel.  Used for Hk-p Grenade Launcher.

Freeze Rounds

Description: Grenade Freeze Rounds.  Special bullets whose warhead is filled
with ultra low temperature liquid nitrogen.  Used for Hk-p Grenade Launcher.

Grenade Rounds

Description: Grenade Burst Rounds.  Standard bullets that scatter fragments when
they hit the target.  Used for Hk-p Grenade Launcher.

Magnum Bullets

Description: .44 Magnum rounds.  Powerful bullets for the revolver.  Used for
S&W M629C.

M.T. Rounds

Description: Special bullets that burst if anyone other than the user
approaches, thanks to the equipped sensor.  Used for Mine Thrower.

Shotgun Shells

Description: Shot Shells.  Used for Benelli M3S.

Shotgun Shells E

Description: 12 gauge shot shells added with powerful powder created with the
Reloading Tool.  Used for Benelli M3S.

H. Gun Bullets

Description: 9x19 parabellum rounds.  Used for either the M92FS Custom or the

H. Gun Bullets E

Description: 9mm parabellum rounds added with powerful powder created with the
Reloading Tool.  Used for either the M92F or the SIGPRO.

M.T. Rounds

Description: Special bullets that burst if anyone other than the user
approaches, thanks to the equipped sensor.  Used for Mine Thrower.

=                               -VIII. Items-                                  =

Amber Ball

Description: A ball made of amber.

Usage: On the 3 clocks in the room in the clock tower

Location: On the first statue in the clock puzzle room in the clock tower


Description: An old style battery.  It seems to be as powerful as a modern one.

Usage: On the control panel for the elevator

Location: On the back of the statue of the mayor at city hall

Blue Gem/Sapphire

Description: A sapphire shining in blue.

Usage: On the clock thing near the entrance of city hall

Location: In a drawer in the evidence room in the police station

Boutique Key

Description: It's a key for an uptown boutique.

Usage: Unlock the uptown boutique.

Location: You get it once you complete the game, it will be in the item box on
your saved game

Bronze Book/Book of Wisdom

Description: A bronze-made book-shaped object.  It says "Given knowledge" on it.

Usage: On the hollow area near the water area with the statues to get the bronze

Location: In the statue of the mayor's hand at city hall

Bronze Compass/Future Compass

Description: A bronze-made compass.  It says "Future in my hand" on it.

Usage: To put in the statue of the mayor's hand in city hall to turn him around
and get the battery

Location: Water area with the statues

Card Case

Description: A card of some kind is inside the card case.

Usage: To get Brad's S.T.A.R.S. card

Location: On Brad at the entrance of the police station

Card Key

Description: It is used for the card reader at the disposal facility.

Usage: 1. On the panel to the right of the shutter to open the shutter in the
dead factory
       2. On the panel to the right of the elevator to give the elevator power
in the dead factory

Location: On the corpse of the dead scientist after you defeat Nemesis in the
dead factory

Chronos Chain

Description: A chain made to adore a god of time.  There's a small screw hole
near the ornament.

Usage: None, you need to combine it with the clock tower key to get the chronos

Location: In the opening after you complete the music box puzzle at the clock

Chronos Gear

Description: A gear designed after a god of time.

Usage: On the gear thing to get the clock going at the clock tower

Location: Nowhere, you get it by combining the silver gear, and the gold gear

Chronos Key

Description: It's a key designed to adore a god of time.

Usage: To unlock the god of time door at the clock tower

Location: None, you get it by combining the chronos chain, and the clock tower

Clock Tower Key

Description: It's a key ornamented with a clock part.

Usage: To bring down the ladder at the clock tower

Location: 1. Behind a crooked picture in a room in the clock tower
          2. On the armoire in the chapel in the clock tower

Clock Tower Key/Winder Key

Description: It's a key ornamented with a clock part.  It has a screw shaped
ornament to put a round shaped object.

Usage: To unlock the door in the living room in the clock tower

Location: 1. Behind a crooked picture in a room in the clock tower
          2. On the armoire in the chapel in the clock tower

Crystal Ball

Description: A ball made of crystal.

Usage: On the 3 clocks in the room in the clock tower

Location: On the third statue in the clock puzzle room in the clock tower

Emblem Key

Description: S.T.A.R.S. emblem is engraved on it.

Usage: To unlock the door to the S.T.A.R.S. office

Location: In the drawer that you unlock with a combination in the evidence room
in the police station

Empty Lighter

Description: It has no oil left and cannot be used by itself.

Usage: None, you need to combine it with the lighter oil to make the lighter

Location: Near the phone booth at the uptown bar

Facility Key

Description: A plastic card engraved with an ID is attached to it.  It seems to
be coated with some kind of special painting.

Usage: To unlock the door in the dead factory

Location: On the shelf in the resting room in the dead factory

Facility Key (Upgraded)

Description: The plastic is radiating.  It seems to show some kind of code

Usage: To unlock the locker where the rocket launcher is in the dead factory

Location: Nowhere, you upgrade it by sticking it in the panel next to where you
use the water sample

Fire Hook

Description: It's edge is in the shape of a hook.  It must be used to hook

Usage: To open the lid to the basement at the restaurant

Location: In the locker in the restaurant

Fire Hose

Description: A hose to be connected to a fire hydrant.

Usage: To put out the fire uptown

Location: Uptown Alley


Description: A fuse for the high power supply to be used for large size

Usage: To help fix the cable car

Location: In the low voltage control room

Gold Gear

Description: A beautiful gear made of gold.

Usage: None, you need to combine it with the silver gear to get the chronos gear

Location: In the opening after you complete the clock puzzle at the clock tower

Green Gem/Emerald

Description: An emerald shining in green.

Usage: On the clock thing near the entrance of city hall

Location: 1. On the corpse in the restaurant basement
          2. In the upstairs office in the newspaper office

Iron Pipe

Description: An iron pipe for gas piping.  It's tough and long enough to be used
as a pry.

Usage: To pry the bricks in the fireplace at the graveyard area

Location: On the book shelf in the room at the graveyard area


Description: An oil lighter.

Usage: 1. To burn the rope tied around the gate
       2. To burn the wood in the fireplace

Location: Nowhere, you get it by combining the empty lighter and the lighter oil

Lighter Oil

Description: It's fuel for a lighter.

Usage: None, you need to combine it with the empty lighter to make the lighter

Location: Uptown basement


Description: I can unlock the simple locks with this.

Usage: To unlock the doors with simple locks

Location: Jill's desk in the S.T.A.R.S. office in the police station

Machine Oil

Description: Oil for small machines.  It can't be used for the large size
machinery by itself.

Usage: None, you need to combine it with the oil additive to make the mixed oil

Location: Green shelf in the gas station

Medium Base

Description: Material used to create the cultivation medium needed for the
vaccine creation.  It creates the vaccine cultivation medium combined with
several chemicals.

Usage: None, you put it in the synthesizer to get the vaccine medium

Location: On the shelf in the B3 room at the hospital

Mixed Oil

Description: Oil mixed with the oil additive.  It can be used for the power
source of the large size machinery.

Usage: To help fix the cable car.

Location: Nowhere, you get it by combining the machine oil and the oil additive.

Obsidian Ball

Description: A ball made of obsidian.

Usage: On the 3 clocks in the room in the clock tower

Location: On the second statue in the clock puzzle room in the clock tower

Oil Additive

Description: Adding this to the machine oil turns it into the ideal oil for use
with large size machinery.

Usage: None, you need to combine it with the machine oil to get the mixed oil

Location: Shelf in sales office

Park Key/Graveyard Key

Description: It's a key given from a mercenary.  It says "Raccoon Park

Usage: To unlock the door in the graveyard area

Location: In the corpse of the mercenary's hand at Raccoon Park

Park Key/Main Gate Key

Description: It's a key for the main gate of the Raccoon Park.

Usage: To unlock the main gate to the Raccoon Park

Location: In the save room near the Raccoon Park

Park Key/Rear Gate Key

Description: A small key with an iron ring attached to it.  It says "Rear Gate"
on the ring.

Usage: To unlock the rear gate at Raccoon Park.

Location: On the table in the fireplace room (the room after you crawl through
the fireplace)

Power Cable

Description: A large capacity power cable for use with large machinery.

Usage: To help fix the cable car

Location: On the charging car in the garage (I don't know exactly what it is
called, so I'll just call it a garage)

Rusted Crank

Description: A hex-edged crank.  Its grip is heavily rusted.

Usage: On the hex hole near the gas station entrance (It will break, you need
something else to turn the part that is stuck in there (mentioned later))

Location: In the save room in the downtown narrow corridor

Silver Gear

Description: A beautiful gear made of silver.

Usage: None, you need to combine it with the gold gear to get the chronos gear.

Location: On the shelf in the gear room in the clock tower

S.T.A.R.S. Card

Description: An ID card for S.T.A.R.S. with Brad's picture on it.

Usage: On the computer in the main hall of the police station to get the
combination to unlock the locker in the evidence room

Location: Check the Card Case, and you will get it

S.T.A.R.S. Card

Description: An ID card for S.T.A.R.S. with Jill's picture on it.

Usage: On the computer in the main hall of the police station to get the
combination to unlock the locker in the evidence room

Location: On the desk in the meeting room in the police station

System Disk

Description: It seems to be a system disk used to release the treatment room

Usage: On the panel to release the lock on the door in the dead factory

Location: On the computer control thing in the dead factory

Tape Recorder

Description: A portable tape recorder.  A patient's diagnosis is recorded onto

Usage: On the voice recognition thing near the elevator in the hospital to open
the elevator door

Location: On the desk in the room in the hospital


Description: Vaccine that is effective against the virus infection.

Usage: To cure the virus that Jill got infected by

Location: Nowhere, you get it by combining the vaccine base and the vaccine

Vaccine Base

Description: Core material used to create the vaccine.  It needs to be mixed
with the vaccine medium.

Usage: None, you combine it with the vaccine medium to get the vaccine.

Location: In the safe in room 402 in the hospital

Vaccine Medium

Description: Cultivation medium used to make vaccine.  It needs to be mixed with
the vaccine base to create the vaccine.

Usage: None, you combine it with the vaccine base to get the vaccine

Location: Nowhere, you get it by placing the vaccine base in the synthesizer,
and completing the puzzle

Warehouse/Backdoor Key

Description: A small key with a tag attached to it.  It says "Backdoor" on the

Usage: To unlock the door in the warehouse.

Location: On key hanger in the save room in the warehouse

Water Sample

Description: Sample from the treated drainage of this factory.  It shows it has
passed the water pollution test.

Usage: On the panel to supply water (you have to complete the puzzle first)

Location: On the panel in the control room


Description: An instrument to wrench hex-shaped objects or bolts.

Usage: 1. Turn the part of the rusted crank in the hex hole near the shutter at
the gas station.
       2. Unscrew the bolts to get the fire hose.

Location: On the seat in the cable car

=                             -IX. Health Healers-                             =

You can get things that heal your health throughout the game in Resident Evil 3:
Nemesis, such as herbs, and first aid sprays.  Herbs and first aid sprays have
been in the whole Resident Evil series.  They are very useful, especially if you
are poisoned or on danger.  You can mix herbs to make them more effective.
First aid sprays can also come in boxes of 3.

Here are what they do:

Green Herb (x1)                             - Cures some of your health
Green Herb + Green Herb (x2)                - Cures most of your health
Green Herb + Green Herb + Green Herb (x3)   - Cures all of your health
Green Herb + Red Herb                       - Cures all of your health
Blue Herb                                   - Cures poison
Green Herb + Blue Herb                      - Cures poison and some health
Green Herb + Green Herb + Blue Herb         - Cures poison and most health
Green Herb + Red Herb + Blue Herb           - Cures poison and all health
First Aid Spray                             - Cures all of your health

=                               -X. Gun Powder-                                =

You can make more ammo in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis with gun powder.  Gun powder
is new to the Resident Evil series.  you can make ammo by combining gun powder
with the reloading tool.  The more gun powder you mix, the more and better ammo
you get.

Here are the mixtures and results after you combine the gun powder with the
reloading tool:

NOTE: After you get more experienced with mixing ammo, you will make more than
what it is supposed to be (for example: What is usually 20 shotgun shells will
start becoming 22 shotgun shells when you mix gun powder A, A, and B).  It's not
a BIG difference, but you make a little more.  Also after you get more
experiences with the hangun and shotgun ammo, you can start making the hangun
bullets E. and the shotgun shells E.

Gun Powder A (A)                         - 15 handgun bullets
Gun Powder AA (A+A)                      - 35 handgun bullets
Gun Powder AAA (A+A+A)                   - 55 handgun bullets
Gun Powder ABB (A+B+B)                   - 66 handgun bullets
Gun Powder B (B)                         - 7 shotgun shells
Gun Powder BB (B+B)                      - 18 shotgun shells
Gun Powder AAB (A+A+B)                   - 20 shotgun shells
Gun Powder BBB (B+B+B)                   - 30 shotgun shells
Gun Powder C (A+B)                       - 10 grenade rounds
Gun Powder AC (A+C)                      - 10 flame rounds
Gun Powder BC (B+C)                      - 10 acid rounds
Gun Powder CC (C+C)                      - 10 freeze rounds
Gun Powder CCC (C+C+C)                   - 24 magnum bullets

=                         -XI. Mercenaries Mini-Game-                          =

In the mercenaries mini-game there is a time bomb implanted in your body set for
2 minutes.  You must reach your destination to stop it.  You can get extra time
bonuses throughout the game by killing enemies, rescuing people, etc.  To rescue
someone you must kill all of the enemies near it, then go up to them and press
the action button (X).  Also by rescuing people, you get extra things besides
time, such as; handgun bullets, shotgun shells, magnum bullets, and first aid
sprays.  You can either be Carlos, Nicholai, or Mikhail.  Each character has
different things to start off with.  You get rankings in the mercenaries game
just like you do in the regular Resident Evil 3 game as well.  After you beat
the game, you will get money, which you can buy some goodies with :).

Weapons to start with:    M4A1 Assault Rifle
                          Eagle 6.0
Ammunition to start with: 90 Handgun bullets
Supplies to start with :  3 mixed herbs

Weapons to start with:    M629C Magnum
                          Benelli M3S Shotgun
                          M66 Rocket Launcher
Ammunition to start with: 10 Magnum Bullets
                          21 Shotgun Shells
Supplies to start with :  1 mixed herb

Weapons to start with:    SIGPRO SP2009 Handgun
                          Combat Knife
Ammunition to start with: None
Supplies to start with :  3 First Aid Sprays

=                   -XII. Mercenaries mini-game walkthrough-                   =

You will start out in the cable car, exit the cable car.  Go right and straight
until you get to a pile of wooden things and climb over it.  Go forward until
you get to a door, and open it. Follow the path until you get to a gate, and
open it.  Follow the path until you get to... yet ANOTHER DOOR, and open it!  Go
forward until you get to an intersection, go left, go up the stairs and open the
gate.  Follow the path until you get to the gas station, and open the door.  You
will hear someone crying "HELP ME!"  Go forward and you will see a doorway, go
through the doorway.  Kill all of the zombies, and rescue the fat man.

Exit the gas station.  Follow the path and exit the gas station yard.  Go
forward, down the stairs, and go left, follow the hallway until you get to
double doors, and exit through them.  Go left yet again, and follow the way
until you get to some more double doors, enter the newspaper office.  Go through
the opening and up the stairs until you get to a door, open it.  When you are in
the hall way you will hear a voice cry "HELP ME!"  Go forward and into the
office.  Kill all of the zombies, and rescue the girl.

Go back through the door, down the stairs, and exit the newspaper office.
Proceed forward and open the glass door at the end.  Proceed forward once again,
go left, up the stairs, and open the door.  You are now in the restaurant,
follow the way until you get to a ladder that leads down, and go down the
ladder.  You are now in a sewer like area, when you are down the ladder, you
will hear a voice cry "HELP!"  Kill all of the zombies, and rescue Brad Vickers.

Go back up the ladder.  Go forward and exit the restaurant through the double
doors.  Proceed forward once again, go right, then open the door on your left.
Go forward, then right, up the stairs, and go down the elevator.  Once again,
proceed forward until you get to a gate, and open it.  Go forward until you get
to another gate, and open it.  You will hear a voice shout "GO AWAY!" kill all
of the zombies in the area, and rescue Marvin Branagh.

Go back to the gate and exit the area (open the gate... duh!).  Go left and go
out the gate.  Go back to the elevator and go up.  Proceed down the stairs,
follow the path, when you get to an intersection, go left, and open the door.
Go forward until you get to a door, and open it.  There are a bunch of zombies
alive laying down just waiting to grab your foot in this room, make your way
around them and open the door.  You are now in an area with a bunch of cars.  Go
left, follow the way until you get to a door, and open it.  Go left again, then
forward and open the gate.  Proceed forward until you get to a door on your
right, and open it.  Follow the corridor until you get to another door, open it.
Follow the path until you see a corridor to your left, follow it, and open the
gate.  Just keep going straight here until you get to a door, and open it.
There are a bunch of slugs here, just keep going straight again, and open the
door.  Follow the way until you get to double doors, and open them.  Go through
the little opening, around the big table, and open the door.  You will hear a
mercenary shout something (it depends on who you are on who will be there to
rescue, but it is always a mercenary).  Kill all of the hunters, and rescue the

Go back out the door.  Go out the sales office.  Follow the way until you get to
a door, and open it.  Go straight and try to avoid the slugs until you get to
the door, and open it.  Go forward until you get to an intersection, go right,
go forward, and open the gate.  Follow the way until you get to another door,
and open it.  Go forward until you get to another intersection, go right, down
the stairs, forward, up the stairs, and open the door to your left.  You will
hear a voice yell out something.  Another mercenary to rescue!  Kill all of the
zombies, and rescue the mercenary.  That was your last rescue.  Now we just have
to make it to the destination.

We are close to the destination.  Exit the bar through the other door (the door
by the pay phone).  Turn left, follow the way until you get to a door, and open
it.  Follow the corridor until you get to an intersection, go right, follow the
corridor down the stairs and open the door.  Just follow the way all the way
around until you see a door to your left, and open it.  Follow the corridor
until you see another door on your left, and open it.  Follow the walkway here
until you get to a door, and open it!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!  You have beat the mercenaries mini-game!  The final cinema
will occur, and you will get your reward!  Be sure to save your data, or it will
be lost and you won't have that money!

=                                -XIII. Saving-                                =

You save your game in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis just like you do in all of the
other Resident Evil games in the Resident Evil series.  You use the ink ribbons
on the typewriter, and save your game.  It takes one ink ribbon per save (duh).
You can find ink ribbons in various places, usually they will be near the
typewriters.  If you are on hard mode, don't save too much, because you might
find yourselfs out of ink ribbons.  In easy mode, you don't have to worry about
it, seeing is how in easy mode you get infinite ink ribbons (found in the item
boxes).  In Resident Evil 3, the ink ribbons usually come in packs of 3.

=                                 -XIV. Files-                                 =

NOTE: The files are written in the order you get them.

-1. Game Instructions A-
We hope to improve your chances to survive!

(Shooting Objects)
You may get different reactions from shooting objects, such as oil drums and
* Press the R2 button to aim directly at these objects.

(Quick Turn)
You can perform quick 180 degrees turns.
* Press the Run button while retreating.

(Emergency Escape)
When you're trapped by enemies, you can push them away to escape.
* Press the Directional buttons, Action button, Cancel button, Run button, R1,
R2 and L1 buttons rapidly.

(Emergency Dodging)
Just before an enemy attacks, you can perform a dodge move to evade it!
* Press the R1 or R2 buttons.
* Press the Action button while aiming.

(Getting on/off an Object)
You can get on or off certain objects that appear in the game.
* Press the Action button while you are moving forward to the edge of an object
that you wish to get on or off.

Press the L2 button to view the map.
* You can zoom in or out of the map by pressing the Action button.
* While the map  is zoomed in,  use  the Directional buttons to move the screen.
* Press the Select button to switch between maps.

(Live Selection)
At  certain points  in the game,  the screen  fades  into B&W.  At these
points, you will be prompted to choose between two different options.
* Use  the Directional buttons  to move  between the options and use the Action
button to make your decision.

(Event Cancel)
It is possible to skip certain scenes.
* Press the Select button to skip these scenes.

-2. Game Instructions B-
(Ammunition Creation System)
To create various ammunition, you need to use  the "Reloading Tool" and "Gun

(Reloading Tool)
This is  a necessary item  if  you want  to create  different  types  of
ammunition. By combining the Gun Powder and Reloading Tool, various type
of ammunition will be created.

(Gun Powder)
Mix materials to create various types of ammunition. There are three type
of basic Gun Powders: A, B and C.  Please note that Gun Powder C is created by
mixing A and B types.

(How to Mix Gun Powders)
You can create various kinds of bullets by mixing  the different Gun
Powders. There are 13 different kinds of Gun Powders in all.

(Example of Gun Powders)
A         : Hand Gun Bullets
B         : Shotgun Shells
C         : Grenade Rounds
A + C     : Grenade Flame Rounds
B + C     : Grenade Acid Rounds
C + C     : Grenade Freeze Rounds
C + C + C : Magnum Bullets

(Mixing Gun Powder with Grenade Rounds)
If you combine a certain type of Gun Powder with Grenade Rounds, special
types of Grenade Rounds will be created.

(Mixing Level Improvement)
If you repeatedly create the same kind of ammunition, your skill will be
improved, and you will be able to create more powerful ammunition.

-3. Clock Tower Postcard-
A picture postcard of a clock tower.

The following explanation is printed  on the backside:
"A landmark spot: Saint Michael Clock Tower."

-4. Photo A-
The policeman are pressing forward.

It's dated "September 27."

-5. Marvin's Report-
September 24th
There are reports of a theft in the municipal building before dawn.  A jewel
decorated clock  at the main gate  was damaged.  Two of twelve gems that are
installed on the face of the clock are missing.  Due to lack of available
officers  at this time, I  have no choice  but to suspend the research of this


Marvin Branagh

September 26th
Based  upon  an autopsy report  of a 42 year old  restaurant owner,  I have
discovered that he has one of the missing gems.  He apparently  took shelter  in
the police department at about 10 am, where he was shot to death within 10
minutes of having developed the symptoms.  Since the city  is currently under
martial law,  we are forced  to  suspend this case. At this time, we'll keep the
gem as evidence.


Marvin Branagh

-6. David's Memo-

My sanity is at its end... I still can't believe this is happening.  We lost
another man yesterday.  Meyer;  one of our better marksmen.  He saw me panic
once we were overrun by the zombies but he came back to save me.  But  when the
time to return the debt,  I ran.  I can still hear him calling out my name.  I
can still hear the screams coming from behind.  The sound of his flesh being
stripped from its bones. I was afraid... terrified... It's the 27th.  The fight
to stay alive  continues.  I  took  out  several zombies  who managed  to break
through  the barricades.  Now  I'm  cutting through  the chill  with whisky,
unloading my Mossberg on anything undead.  That shotguns become a close friend
of min. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer with it.

We've lost 13 men  as of yesterday.  In 3 hours,  we'll bicker over trivial
things in the meeting room.  It's a total waste of time. When I finish this
bottle,  my  old friend  Mossberg  will  be  turning  one  last  body  into

Peace at last.

I can hardly wait...

-7. Fax from Kendo Gun Shop-
To the boys of S.T.A.R.S.,
I have some good news for you from my brother Joe.  He has finalized the new
hand-gun for official use.  It's the M92F S.T.A.R.S. Special, but he call it
the "Samurai Edge."  It's the most balanced of the Kendo custom guns.  Joe
said, if you miss the targets with this, you should carry a teething ring
instead of a gun in your holster.  Goods will be delivered along with their
proper documentation.  I'm sure you'll be surprised when you see what kind of
excellent parts are used for the M92F.  I know that you'll want to thank the
good people who developed it.


Robert Kendo
Kendo Gun Shop

-8. Mercenaries Diary-
September 1st
Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had returned.  I was
a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no reason given.  I
was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But  on the morning  of my
execution,  a miracle happened.  The company had helped me out, giving me a
second lease on life.

September 15th
I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office.  It looks like my IBCS
unit's been called into action.  Umbrella maintains its  own paramilitary unit
to counter corporate terrorism  and V.I.P. abduction.  In addition,  they have
nightmen who specialize in handling problems cause by illegal products.  I'm
currently a member of the latter.

September 28th
Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare.  There are no
provisions of any kind here.  The undead walk the streets feeding upon the
flesh of the living.  Given the choice again, I would rather have been executed.
Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to this place.  I've chosen to pull the
trigger myself, in the hope that my dead body won't come back to life.

-9. City Guide-
City Guide
The Tracks of Our City

Dear citizens,
Thanks to kind and generous people of Umbrella Inc., this is a peaceful and
friendly city.  The vast donations from Umbrella Inc., have been used for
welfare work, the constructions of public utilities, and to help maintain public

In 1992, it was my fifth year as mayor of our beautiful city.  It was then that
through many donations and hard work our city was able to rebuild the municipal
building, create a state of the art hospital.

In honor of these fine accomplishments, I was awarded with a grand statue that
same year.  The statue rests in the municipal building.

I came to this city as an engineer more than 35 years ago.  I made
contributions to the electric systems, and to the installation of the cable
car.  I pledge to follow the tradition of this fine city and will devote my
life to its prosperity.

                                                         The mayor of the city
                                                                Michael Warren

-10. Photo B-
A close-up shot of a zombie.

It says, "SCOOP!" on the backside.

-11. Photo C-
The police have been destroyed.

-12. Reporter's Memo-
At last I have found  the evidence  I  need  to prove  that the "cannibal
disease" is indeed happening in this city.  One man actually ate people to
death.  He was like a savage animal tearing away a new flesh.  It was completely
disgusting.  I have heard rumors that many people are also suffering from this
disease now.  However, the causes of the disease is not yet known.  Is this
another mystery of the present disease?  I will have to check on it...

They have placed Raccoon City under martial law because of the cannibal
disease.  I have lost contact with the media outside of the city, but I won't
keep my eyes shut and walk away.  I have a duty to the people and my profession.
I don't think the disease has spread nationwide yet.  I believe that this city
holds the key to its creation and cure.  In fact, I'm sure of it.

The military has setup blockades around the city to keep people from escaping
and spreading the disease.  Most of the citizens have either died or have come
in contact with the disease.  I know that it is the right decision to quarantine
the city, but I can't help but pity myself.  If I am infected or eaten, it
doesn't matter.  My fate is already sealed. All I have left is my journalism.  I
won't give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease.  I have just
discovered that the disease is not spread through the air, but by some other

-13. Mechanic's Memo-
I know that you're intimidated by your new job Kevin, so let me tell you
how to make sure that you and your trains get along just fine.  You see,
these carriages were made in 1968, and then imported from Europe.  Sometimes
they get rickety, but they still work because they are simple, stubborn, and
strong.  We can always depend on them.  If they have a bad day and are
malfunctioning, you'll need to take a good look at their circuits for any
trouble. Once you discover what's wrong, you'll be able to fix it easily.

I'm sure that you'll be able to avoid those nasty little malfunctions if
you check the parts every day.  These old trains will surely have problem
if you don't remember to check them out.  Just remember that if you need to
replace anything, you have to choose a suitable part. When I say suitable,
I mean that even if you can't find another original part, you'd better find
something that works good enough.  Even with regard to oil, you must always
prepare good quality oil for these trains.  Never forget Kevin that a man may
betray others, but a machine won't.

-14. Manager's Report-
Before you begin your new position, please allow me to give you some advice.
Some of the medicine in the storage room are unstable and their quality will
deteriorate under changing temperatures or humidity.  Therefore, you must
remember to keep the temperature the same in the storage room at all times.  You
should personally check it everyday.  Although the computer checks it around the
clock, a machine is not perfect.  Try and remember that a machine is no more
than a tool to be used by people.

You must check all personnel coming and going to the storage room.  Many
dangerous drugs are stored there, if any of them are missing you have a
serious problem on your hands.  The door to the storage room is always
locked, but when you let personnel into it, you will need to have them hand
in their documents.  And above all else, remember that if you find anything
suspicious, contact your boss immediately.

If you forget the password to lock the door, try and remember that it is a
word that everyone is familiar with.  Don't forget that once a new product
is shipped, the password will be updated again.  You can always enter the
password from the terminal of the PC for administration.

-15. Business Fax-
                                "Order Sheet"

The liquid medicine named VT-J98 is suitable to culticate the NE-T type virus.
Therefore, we will need to order additional quantities of it.

                                                        U.E. Sixth Laboratory

-16. Dario's Memo-
I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing them
will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else.  After I've become a meal for
those undead  monsters, will the G.I.S responsible for sealing off the town
laugh upon discovering my corpse?  So is this how it's supposed to end?  I don't
want  to die.  I'm just not ready...

My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed.  But none of
that matters anymore.  Right now, my life is the only important thing.  That's
all that matters.  I never would have pictures  my end to be like this.  I had
so much left to do.  Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my
hand at being a novelist.  It's what I've always wanted,  but my mother would
only  tell me you have a long way to go.

Why did I ever listen to her?  But this looks like the end for the great
Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire.  Cut down before his prime...

-17. Operation Instruction-
Order for UBCS Echo Team :

Wipe out the downtown area of the infestation and then evacuate the remaining
citizens to the clock tower.  Among the civilians, remember to give priority to
the employees of Umbrella's affiliates.  Remember to stay alert because the
infected have a high endurance rate and will strike without hesitation.

Evacuation Procedure:

1. Once the mission is complete, or when it becomes too impossible to
accomplish, evacuate immediately.

2. We'll deploy a helicopter that is waiting in the suburbs, to the yard in
front of the clock tower.

3. When you are ready for evacuation, ring the bell of the clock tower to
signal the helicopter.

-18. Art Picture Postcard-
A picture of antique clocks.

The following verse is printed.  "Give your soul to the goddess.  Put your hands
together to pray before her."

-19. Mercenary's Pocketbook-
September 26th
It's only been there hours since the mission started, but the team is down
to me and Campbell.  The number of the zombies is far greater than we expected.
There is no hope left for this city.  We have already injected the
antibody for the virus, but I'm not sure that it will work.  I don't know if
I will survive...

September 27th
We managed to reach the clock tower.  Out of desperation we robbed some
wounded members of their weapons and used the surviving citizens as decoys.
We were taught to do this in order to survive in the battlefield, but I never
enjoyed it.  However, a girl showed up at the clock tower before me.  She is
one of the survivors.  She looks just like my sister before she starved to

September 28th
I wanted to evacuate as soon as possible, but the girl didn't.  Her father
insisted that he wouldn't leave the city.  Where his beloved wife rests in
peace.  I really wanted to save the girl, but Campbell said, "All I care
about is our lives." That's how I felt before, but now...  The clock tower  has
become a dangerous place and I don't want to make anymore mistakes...

-20. Director's Diary-
September 10th
These patients suffer from gangrene and congestion of their blood at first.
Then their mind slowly deteriorates.  In the end, there is nothing left on
their mind.  When that happens even mercy killing seems pointless.  After
all, they are already dead... This disease is unlike anything I have ever
witnessed.  Once the patient's mind is gone, they become flesh hunger monsters
and act like wild animals who are on some type of bloodlust.

September 18th
Another patient has been admitted to the hospital.  He is showing symptoms
of the first stages of the disease at this point, but... I haven't been able to
sleep at all these past few days.  I refuse to let these patients become
"zombies."  I am not just an ordinary citizen.  I am a doctor.  Even if I die,
my clinical charts will contribute to finding a cure.

September 26th
We lost most of the doctors and staff during the battle against the "zombie"
patients.  It's impossible to maintain the hospital under these conditions.
And, I know that it's too late for me.  I am beginning to feel that same itchy
and hungry desire  that all of my patients felt.  It's too late for me...

-21. Photo D-
The zombies are walking.

It says, "The effect of the T-virus" on the backside.

-22. Medical Instruction Manual-
Umbrella Medical Service
North America Division
Douglas Rover

In order to activate the synthesizer to cultivate the vaccine, please follow the
procedure as detailed below:

1. Supply enough energy to the system.

2. Set the medium vase to the device.

When the device is ready, you can start mixing the vaccine medium,  To mix the
vaccine, you will need to control the five levers.  This will cause the two
gauges to increase or decrease.  If you adjust the two gauges so that they stop
at the center, the vaccine medium will then be produced automatically.

-23. Photo E-
The zombies are attacking.

-24. Written Order to the Supervisors-
Mission Requirements : Bravo 16

1. Obtain and secure sample of all the information pertaining to this case.
Observe and record combat data on the UBCS.

2. Destroy all the evidence including the medical facility that has the medical
treatment data.

3. Check the guinea pig's ability to accomplish the mission.

Once your mission is complete, evacuate the area.  Remember that you must not
help anyone who is not a supervisor, nor bring anything back that might be
traced to where it belongs.

-25. Supervisor's Report-
The endurance ability of the contaminated guinea pigs is truly incredible.
Even when shot in a vital area, they can sometimes survive for several days
without taking care of the wound.  However, after prolonged exposure to the
virus, the guinea pigs' intelligence level decreases to that of an insect.
Even though reviving the dead seems to disgusting, the virus may still be
of use.  If we inject the virus into our POWs and release them, they would
return to their units and then turns into zombies.  This plan may work well
for us in the future.

In certain areas, the virus  seems to have caused  the mutation of animals
and plants.  It may be difficult, but it'll make a good sample for the bio
weapon development.  I've heard that there is a giant alligator, but I have
only encountered a giant creature moving under ground.  I don't even want to
imagine what creature spawned that monster.

I  encountered "NEMESIS."  If I didn't know about it, I'd have been contaminated
and would have become one of them by now.  If it is still walking around the
city, its mission is not yet over.  S.T.A.R.S. members must be very tough, since
they have survived until this point.  However, they cannot hold out forever.

-26. Fax from the H.Q.-
Attention.  The Raccoon City project has been abandoned.  Our political
maneuvering in the senate to delay their plans are now futile.  All supervisors
should evacuate immediately.  The US army is going to execute their plan
tomorrow morning.  The city will be obliterated at daybreak for sure.

-27. Manager's Diary-
April 25th
Today is my 30th birthday.  I was transferred to this facility today.  I am
very happy because the work environment is very different from life in the

May 14th
The disposal system has been completed.  Using a special kind of gas, it can
decompose the cells of the guinea pigs.  We have to try this out before
beginning practical usage of the system, since it is not 100% stable yet.

May 20th
While I was checking the treatment room, the door shut, and I was locked
inside.  I couldn't get out for one hour.  I guess even if you have the key
card, it's useless when you are locked inside.

June 7th
The guinea pigs we have to dispose of are increasing.  The system is not
working smoothly.  The laboratory staff doesn't listen to my opinions and
I am getting extremely frustrated.

July 16th
We can't dispose of all the bodies and the quality of the liquid medicine
is not good enough, either...

July 29th
Though the function of the system decreases, the number of the bodies we have to
dispose doesn't.  The  infection  level  has increased and the antibodies we are
using is no match for the new mutation of the virus.  Some of the workers have
been infected by the disease. I have continued to work, but I always keep a gun
with me. I must remember to save one bullet for me.  I want to weep.  I don't
want to die here.  I swear that I'll lose my mind if I imagine how painful the
death will be...

-28. Security Manual-
"Security of the Plant"
Since this plan is a facility under the disguise of a deserted factory,
civilians will sometimes enter.  If this should occur, do not hesitate to
shoot them.  If they choose to surrender, arrest and then transfer them to
the laboratory as a guinea pigs.  You will be rewarded.

"Maintain of the Device"
This entire plant is controlled by an epidemic prevention system.  When
contamination is detected in the treatment room  or decomposed specimen pool,
the plant  will automatically  be locked down for isolation.  In that case, you
must follow the manual to unlock it. If the contamination is over the limit,
the whole system  will automatically lockdown.  Then, you must
remain in the plant and wait for subsequent orders.  Those who leave the
facility without permission will suffer extreme consequences.

-29. Incinerator Manual-
The incinerator plant is one of the facilities that burns the disposable items
which are sent from the laboratory.  The incinerator burns the waste materials
that cannot be decomposed at the treatment room.  It also supplies electricity
to the facility by a thermal power electricity generator.  Part of the
electricity is stored in the big battery installed in the facility's underground
area.  The electricity is used as an auxiliary power source.  The
auxiliary power circuit will be activated once the three "auxiliary circuit
units" are properly placed in their sockets.  In case the circuits are not
connected automatically, a person can connect them manually to activate the

-30. Classified Photo File-
In my opinion, I feel that it's too early to use this, "Paracelsus' Sword"
in actual fighting.  However, in order to acquire the G-Virus that Umbrella
has developed, it will be a great help to us.

The power of the "Rail Cannon" is satisfactory,  but please note that it is
still having a few remaining problem.

Technology Division Colonel

Franklin Hart


-31. Jill's Diary-
August 7th
Two weeks have passed since that day.  My wounds have been healed, but I
just can't forget it.  For most people, it's history now.  But for me, whenever
I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly.  Zombies eating peoples
flesh and the screams of my teammates dying.  No, the wounds in my heart are
not healed yet...

August 13th
Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently.  What's  with him?  He
seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated.  The
other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for accidentally
splashing Chris' face with coffee.  I immediately stopped
Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walk away. I wonder
what happened to him...

August 15th
Midnight.  Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me
so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a
couple of pieces of paper.  They were part of a virus research report entitled
as simply as "G".  Then Chris told me that "The nightmare still continues."  He
went on to say that "It's not over yet."  Ever since that day, he has been
fighting all by himself without rest, without even telling me.

August 24th
Chris left the town today to go to Europe.  Barry told me that he would send
his family to Canada and then he would follow Chris.  I decided to remain in
Raccoon City for a while because I know that the research facility in this
city will be very important to this entire case.  In a month or so, I'll be
joining with then somewhere in Europe.  That's when my real battle begins...

=                               -XV. Epilogues-                                =

You can unlock epilogues by completing Resident Evil 3 on hard mode.  Each time
you complete it, you will unlock one epilogue.  There are eight total epilogues,
so to unlock them all, you must complete the game eight times on hard mode.

-Jill Valentine-
After escaping the city, Jill set out to join Chris Redfield.  However, all she
found was an empty hideout of Chris's.  On the floor was Chris's knife.  Jill
left without hesitation because she firmly believes that Chris is still alive.
She will search for him until she finds him.  Then they can go and put an end to

-Chris Redfield-
"Please forgive me Claire."  Chris Redfield has just finished this letter with
his signature phrase.  As he removes his sunglasses, a lady walks by him with
light steps.  "She looks about the same age as Claire," he thinks.  A short time
later, Chris discovered that his sister was looking for him, but was caught...

-Barry Burton-
Barry Burton looks at his young daughters and says, "I'm sorry but my comrades
are waiting for me."  He knows that he must repay his teammates for forgiving
his betrayal.  Even if that means leaving his family for now.  His wife tries to
hide her fear so she smiles and says, "Don't worry.  We'll be OK..."

-Leon Scott Kennedy-
Leon Scott Kennedy is confronted with a man who claims to be a US government
agent.  Leon says, "Leave  Sherry alone.  She is innocent."  "She knows  too
much," the man replies.  He looks at Leon and says, "But you have value.  This
is a good deal.  Make your choice."  Without regret or hesitation, Leon closes
his eyes and then sharply responds...

-Claire Redfield-
"Leave us alone."  Claire Redfield couldn't believe Leon's words.  Leon
continued, "You're looking for your brother, right?  Just go!"  Claire knew
that Leon and Sherry needed immediate medical attention, but she could not
waste anymore time.  "I... I'll be back.  I promise!"  She said as she
disappeared into the wilderness alone...

-Sherry Birkin-
"Do you have any relatives?"  When the army officer asked her, Sherry Birkin
did not respond for she has no immediate relatives.  Her father and mother died
because of the G-virus.  And so, this little girl holds herself with her
arms and bites her lip tight.  She thinks, "I'm sure she will come back.  She
won't forget about me..."

-Ada Wong-
A woman looks at herself in the mirror.  She used be called Ada Wong.  But this
morning she will say good-bye to the name. "I'm not Ada Wong anymore."  She
feels her ab and thinks, "This is Ada's scar, not mine."  And as she says good-
bye to Ada Wong, she can't stop her tears.  However, there isn't much time left
before her next mission...

"Once again, only you survived, Mr. Death," the chopper pilot speaks with a
cold bitterness.  "Always, only you survive, Mr. Death," the pilot continues.
But Hunk does not respond to the pilot.  He doesn't care.  "The Death cannot
die..." the survivor thinks to himself with a warm smile...

=                                -XVI. Secrets-                                =

-Jill's Diary - To get Jill's Diary (a secret file), you need to collect all of
the other files in order, by doing this, you will get Jill's Diary!

-Mercenaries Mini-Game - To get the Mercenaries mini-game, all you need to do is
complete the game!  After beating the mercenaries mini-game, you will get money,
which you can buy some goodies with :).

-Get extra costumes - To get extra costumes, complete the game!  You will get
the boutique key, which will enable you to unlock the botique room, which is
where the costumes are.

Ranking A: 5 costumes unlocked
Ranking B: 4 costumes unlocked
Ranking C: 3 costumes unlocked
Ranking D: 2 costumes unlocked
Ranking E: 1 costume unlocked

-Epilogues - To unlock epilogues, complete the game on hard mode, each time you
complete it, you will unlock one epilogue.

-Assault Rifle w/ Infinite ammo in Resident Evil 3 - $2000 in the mercenaries

-Gatling Gun w/ Infinite ammo in Resident Evil 3 - $3000 in the mercenaries

-Rocket Launcher w/ Infinite ammo in Resident Evil 3 - $4000 in the mercenaries

-Infinite ammo for all weapons in Resident Evil 3 - $9999 in the mercenaries

=                      -XVII. Frequently Asked Questions-                      =

Q: Where do you get the Handgun E. and Shotgun E.?
A: There is not handgun e., or a shotgun e., there are handgun bullets e., and
shotgun shells e., by making a lot of bullets or shells with the gun powder, you
will eventually start getting the enhanced bullets.

Q: How many different suits can you get in the boutique?
A: There are 5 different outfits in the boutique.

Q: I'm having trouble beating Nemesis at the clock tower, is there any certain
strategy to beat him.
A: Well, what I do is shoot him once, then run, shoot, then run, shoot, run, and
continue that until he is taken out.

Q: How do you push the batteries 1, 2, and 3 in at the end, I hold forward by
them, but they don't go in?
A: You just have to push them in on the side.

Q: How many times does Nemesis come after you in the game?
A: He comes after you at least 7 times if you kill him every time, but if you
don't, he comes after you about 12-15 times.

Q: How come you have 2 names for some of the items on the items section?
A: If you check some of the items, the names will change.

Q: How many times do you have to actually fight Nemesis?
A: You have to fight, and take him out 3 times.
     Here is a list of those 3 times:
       -1st time = Outside the Clock Tower
       -2nd time = In that room you go into after you use the system disk
       -3rd time = In the room where you push the batteries in at almost the end
of the game.

Q: Are there any parts you can get for guns like in Resident Evil 2?
A: Unfortunately, no.

Q: How do you beat the Mercenaries mini-game with Nicholai?  It's very
A: Yes, it is very challenging.  Since you have to use the knife most of the
time, I would suggest you use it on the weaker enemies, like the zombies, and
cerberus.  Use your hand gun mostly on the tougher enemies, like the hunters,
and brain suckers.  Another good idea would be to try to avoid the tougher
enemies.  It may take a couple of tries to beat it with Nicholai, but practice
makes perfect, no?

Q: Is Resident Evil 3 a sequel, or prequel to Resident Evil 2?
A: Well, it's both actually.  The first half of Resident Evil 3 takes place
before Resident Evil 2, and after that, when Carlos takes over, it's after
Resident Evil 2.

=                          -XVIII. Thanks and Praise-                          =

Thank you:

Capcom - For making this great game, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

CJayC - For posting this FAQ/Walkthrough on his site

Dingo Jellybean - For asking a few good questions to add to the "Frequently
Asked Questions" section
                  His Chrono Cross FAQ also inspired me to separate the
walkthrough to make it easier to read.

Zelkin - For asking a few good questions to add to the "Frequently Asked
Questions" section

Me (Undrtakr) - For making this FAQ/Walkthrough :)

Be sure to check out my Resident Evil 3 site at re3nemesis.cjb.net!

Questions?  Comments?  Email Undrtakr387@aol.com

This text is Copyright 2000 The Undrtakr, and shall not be used on any site,
mags, etc. except for www.gamefaqs.com, re3nemesis.cjb.net, and
www.gamewinners.com without permission.