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Incidentally, I've only just finished writing this guide for Resident Evil 2, and it's the 3rd of August, 2000. Why so late? Because I wanted to find EVERYTHING in the game. Of course, being lazy didn't help much either. When I finally finished the walkthru for Leon's A Scenario, I realised that it was pretty damn huge. So, instead of doing one big walkthru, for both of Leon and Claire's scenarios, I'm doing each scenario at a time, with it's own walkthru, and you're reading the first one now. *** In this document, the whole document is referred to as 'the guide'. It is only 'The Walkthru' of the document section that is referred to as 'the walkthru' *** (note: this is a fairly big text file, and Notepad may not be capable of running it. Try running it in Wordpad instead.) 2) VERSION HISTORY ------------------ Version 1.0: - Finished 1st draft of guide. Version 1.1: - Added the version history section. - Realised I'd bodged up with the names of the modified HANDGUN, SHOTGUN, and MAGNUM, and promptly changed them from COMBAT HANDGUN/SHOTGUN/MAGNUM to CUSTOM HANDGUN/SHOTGUN/MAGNUM. Just so you know. - Minor modifications to walkthru section. - Changed legal section according to Gamefaqs' regulations. Version 1.2: - Modifications to several sections. - General tidying up of whole guide. Version 1.3: - Change legal section AGAIN, from now on, I won't accept requests from sites wanting to post this guide. Version 1.4: - Minor modifications to Walkthru and legal section. Version 1.5 (Final): - Realised there's not much else to do to this guide, and I'm perfectly happy with it. So I've decided to lay it to rest in it's final version and work on some other FAQS. I've changed it just a little bit, but I just want everyone to know that this guide won't be updated anymore. Sniff. Also, contradicting the comment in the introduction above, I probably WON'T be "doing" the other three scenarios, 'coz I've been bogged down with schoolwork and other FAQs. Sorry! :) 3) BEFORE YOU START ------------------- Right then, plucky adventurers. I'll divulge a few tips that you should at least browse through before you start laying waste to the legions of undead that plague Raccoon City. 1) Choose the right gun. Believe me, dispatching a zombie with a Custom Magnum is *not* efficient. Sure, it'll kill him, but so will four or five pistol rounds. Seeing as you get thousands of pistol ammo boxes lying around, it's best to save the heavy ordnance for the bosses. 2) Conserve your ammo. Loose off as many pistol shots as you want, but beware - the next baddie is just around the corner. What are you gonna do if you haven't got enough ammo to take care of him? Stare him down? 3) Reload after every encounter. There's nothing worse than facing off a Licker when your shotgun's empty. It's a simple matter of going to the menu screen and combining the bullets with the gun. 4) Heal yourself. Always have at least one healing item with you. Many enemies have attacks that can easily finish you off in one go if you're on low to middling health. 5) Listen. True RESI experts will quickly learn what a baddie sounds like. Identifying the bad guy by it's cries will make you more prepared, and hopefully, with the right gun. 6)Look. Check any suspicious looking pieces of scenery for various items, ie: ammo, health, anything. 7)Smell. Only joking. 8)Dodge. The best tactic when taking on enemies isn't to engage them in combat, it's to avoid them. Learn each baddie's attack patterns, and rather than wasting ammo, just run past them. Note that this won't work with certain enemies, especially the boss characters that you *have* to kill. 9) Rest. It's okay to take a breather or two in RESI 2 to organise your items. If you're worried about the zombies getting you while you muck about with your item list, do it in a save room. In RESI 2 'save room' is usually synonymous with 'safe room', so if a room has a typewriter and item box, it's almost always devoid of enemies. 10) Organise. When you're off to fight a boss or collect a key item, make sure that you're properly kitted out for the task; for fighting bosses take plenty of ammo, your best guns, and healing items, for item collecting, take the same kind of things, but ensure that you've got enough empty spaces to pick up whatever it is you're after. If it's your first time playing, treat every boss encounter and key item collection as a mini expedition from a save room. Before you go, kit yourself out, go and kill the boss/get the item, then come back to a save room and save your game. Perform the process again and again. You should find this makes your life a whole lot easier. 4) A NOTE ON HERBS ------------------ During your adventure, you'll enevitably come across three different types of herb, namely Green, Red, and Blue. Now, these items are healing items of average strength on their own, but to get the really good results, you'll have to go all D.J. and MIX. You see, by using the Combine option in the item menu, you can mix two of more herbs together, to create some slightly dubious-looking powders, ready for ingestion. These concoctions are more often than not a vast improvement on the single herb medicine-wise, but to get the desired effect, you'll need to know what mixture of herbs does what. So, I've compiled this nice little chart for your herb-related perusal: 1 Green: Light healing 1 Red: No use on it's own 1 Blue: Cures Poison 2 Green: Medium healing 3 Green: Full healing 1 Green + 1 Red: Full healing 1 Green + 1 Blue: Light healing + Cures Poison 2 Green + 1 Blue: Medium healing + Cures Poison 1 Green + 1 Red + 1 Blue: Complete healing + Cures Poison See? Pretty self-explanatory actually, once you realise what each single herb does. Remember, you can't put more than three herbs together in one mixture. 5) THE WALKTHRU --------------- In the walkthru, I've given detailed information about more or less whatever you come across, plus, where to find every item. However, for the shocks and set-pieces, I'll place this precursor: - ShOcKeR!!! - for those who want to experience them for theirselves. Also, when referring to a weapon or item, I've displayed them in CAPITALS, for easier reference. Locations within the game have been displayed in , again, for easier reference. Now for the walkthru. Prepare to descend into the ultimate horror that is Raccoon City..... MWA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!! Ahem. ------------------- Leon's 'A' Scenario ------------------- - ShOcKeR!!! - Watch the intro to see how Leon comes to Raccoon City and meets Claire for the first time. Exhilarating sequence follows as the stricken truck hurtles towards them - and they escape just in time. Lucky, that. - ShOcKeR!!! - You start the game with the HANDGUN, a terrible weapon that fires as slow as anything and does minimal damage, but does well for the zombies that you'll first encounter. It'll be your primary weapon for the first part of the game. On easy mode, it comes with a stash of 120 bullets (which will rapidly decrease, trust me) and 18 in the clip. You'll also be in possession of the KNIFE, which, quite frankly, is a pointless addition that does virtually no damage to enemies whatsoever. Get rid of it as soon as possible. You'll instantly encounter your first enemy, the... MALE ZOMBIE - Bog-standard cannon fodder. They shamble around like, well, zombies, and have a medium strength attack, which is to grab you and start chowing down on your neck. If this happens, bash the fire, run and aim buttons to push them away. Their other attack is to grab your ankle when they're on the floor. Perform the same button bashing technique, and you'll squish their head under your trendy trainers. As for their toughness, they very resilient. They can take around five HANDGUN bullets to kill, and that's on easy difficulty. If, however, you aim for their midriffs with the SHOTGUN, you can literally blow them in half. Then their top halves crawl along the floor to try and get your ankle. Much later, when you get the MAGNUM, you can shoot their heads off, killing them instantly. Yummy. They come in many cool flavours - white shirt, denim jeans, cop, and on fire, to name but a few. Get moving quickly, as although these zombies are few in number, they'll finish you off in no time if you hang around, plus they'll have reinforcements from the burning truck. Dodge past them, the street is wide enough for you to have room to manoeuvre. Make your way left, to the end of the street, where it will branch off. There'll be few more zombies here, but again, they're easy to avoid. Go into the with the black jeep outside. As soon as you move, the shopkeeper will pull a SHOTGUN on you and interrogate you. When he realises that you are a human, you can move around the shop. Go to the counter nearest the window, and take the... HANDGUN BULLETS - You'll be seeing a lot of these. They add an extra 15 bullets to the ammo pool for your HANDGUN. They're hidden everywhere, so check all over the place. - ShOcKeR!!! - The zombies burst through the window and put a grisly end to the shopkeeper in a gory setpiece. The world is surely better off for it. - ShOcKeR!!! - Thank the zombies by killing them with your HANDGUN. Make a tactical retreat if need be. Move behind the counters for a better position. Once they're all dead (look for the blood pools), move towards the shopkeeper and inspect his body twice to find the... SHOTGUN - Almost infinitely more powerful than the HANDGUN, this will finish off the zombies with one shot. However, ammo is scarce, so watch out. It's best to save it for the harder enemies. If you do use it on the zombies, aim upwards just before firing to remove their heads and get a definite kill. Kick ass. Apart from another box of HANDGUN BULLETS near the other counter, there's nothing else here. Leave via the other door. If, by chance, you didn't take the bullets in the gun shop, you'll hear the zombies murder the shopkeeper just as you move away from the door. Go back in to retrieve the SHOTGUN and HANDGUN BULLETS. You'll still have to kill the zombies, mind, and they'll be in different places. Anyway, run down the alley, but stop at the basketball court's gate. Shoot through the wire mesh fence with the HANDGUN to kill the two zombies standing within. You'll find that the door is unopenable, so continue down the alley. At some point, another zombie will break down the gate and come after you. Ignore him for now, and go to the end of the alley, where you'll find a white van. Search it for HANDGUN BULLETS, then kill the zombie and enter the basketball court. Run past the one remaining zombie, and go through the door. Go up the green metal stairs and around the balcony. Go down again, and climb up onto the dumpster. From here, pick off the... FEMALE ZOMBIE - The same as the male zombie, but for some reason, slightly weaker. (Feminists - your quarrel is with Capcom, not with me) ... and her male counterpart. Run past the rest, and through another door we go.
Quickly now, run past the zombies feasting on the corpse and hop in the crashed bus, taking no time *at all* to chuckle at the nice man in the cafe with chair legs protruding from his abdomen. Hee, hee, hee... Ooh, spooky music. Firstly, check the back for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Dispatch the female zombie on the floor with your HANDGUN. Proceed through the bus, and kill the zombie with his guts hanging out. Seeing as there's no space to manoeuvre, you'll more than likely have to kill them both rather than dodge them. This bus is pretty gory, with smashed heads everywhere, so exit quickly if you're of a nervous disposition.
Several zombies litter this small section, so just run past them, through the gate, and into the... Before we start exploring the main part of the game, here's a little secret. If, by some marvellous gaming feat (hah!), you managed to get here without picking up *any* items, there'll be a super-tough zombie down in the lower passage here. (For those who care, this is Brad Vickers, a S.T.A.R.S. member who was in RESI 1 and is killed rather violently by the Nemesis in RESI 3) Upon defeat, he'll relinquish the SPECIAL KEY, which can unlock a secret costume later on. Meanwhile, either kill or avoid the two zombies on the grass. There lies the splendour of the Raccoon Police Department's front door. Check the hedges at the back for... GREEN HERBS - Standard healing stuff. Restores a fairly small portion of your health. Enter the station, or, if you fancy a bit more death, examine the gate opposite to reveal a secret screen containing some more zombies. Pointless, but interesting nonetheless.
Wow, isn't it huge? There's lots to do here, but for some reason two of the doors won't flippin' open. Something must be done. Proceed first to the reception desk where you can take some more HANDGUN BULLETS and an... INK RIBBON - These come in packs of two or three, depending on the difficulty setting, and allow you to save the game. When you have one in your inventory, use a typewriter. Simple as that. Try all three doors. The one that does open... er... opens. Don't get any ideas - the room's been trashed and there's a half-dead cop on the floor. - ShOcKeR!!! - The cop reveals what happened, involving the RESI 1 incident and the zombies appearing in Raccoon City. He's about to cop it, so he tells Leon to go on and leave him, and to try and rescue any other survivors. - ShOcKeR!!! - The cop gives you a BLUE CARD KEY at the end of his speech, which'll open those stubborn doors.
The cop locks the door behind you (I don't know how he manages to get across the room that fast), so that room's out of bounds for a while. Still, you've got plenty to do. Use the BLUE CARD KEY on the computer to open the doors. Go through the one on the left-hand side of the hall. Pick up the POLICE MEMORANDUM on the bench, and go to the box-like chest in the corner. These chests (which are scattered across the game) are used as a kind of extended inventory where you can store extra items. Open it to reveal three.. FIRST AID SPRAYS - These are invaluable, because they restore your health to maximum. They are quite rare, unfortunately. Take as many FIRST AID SPRAYs as you want (they'll not be here on normal hardness or above), get rid of the useless KNIFE, then... carefully... slowly... walk behind the screen at the end of the room... - ShOcKeR!!! - Aaah! What was that?! You'll find out soon enough... hahaha... - ShOcKer!!! - The desk next to you is locked, so go through the door. We'll open it later when we have the right key. This is where you'll meet that mysterious creature that you saw just then. If you listen, you can hear drip-drip-drip... Arm your shotgun, and move down the corridor. Round the corner you can see a dead body. Inspect it. "It's head seems to have been twisted off." Inspect it again for HANDGUN BULLETS. Move further still, and you'll see blood dripping from the ceiling into a puddle on the floor. Go closer, I DARE you. - ShOcKeR!!! - Following the scary cutscene, the hideous creature drops down from the ceiling to attack. Meet the... - ShOcKeR!!! - LICKER - These monstrosities are tougher, faster, stronger and smarter than zombies. They crouch right down on the floor, so you'll have to aim down to hit them. They can attack in three ways. One attack is simply where they crawl up to you and hack your legs. The second is to spear you with their long tongue. The last, and most lethal, is to launch a flying leap at you before slicing into your neck. This can kill you in one go, but luckily you can tell if they're going to do it, because they crouch on their hind legs before jumping. The best weapon to use is the SHOTGUN. Two blasts'll send the bugger to mutant hell. Changed your trousers yet? Good. If you try to open the first door, you'll find that it's locked, so carry on the way you were going, take the handily placed GREEN HERBs if you were wounded in the fight, and open the next door. What happened here? Seems like the whole place has been barricaded up... Follow the corridor round halfway, and go through the double doors. This place has been wrecked, but there's plenty to get here. Take the OPERATION REPORT 1 from the desk, and go behind the screen at the back. Use the LIGHTER on the fireplace to get the RED GEM. This is essential later on. Search the mess at the far end of the screen for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now, go back to the... This time, go all the way around to reach the... Quickly move towards the female zombie, kill her, and take her position to finish off the other zombies that advance. Leave the one hiding round the corner alone, he's easy to dodge. Instead of going up the stairs, go round the corner that the zombie's hiding in, to find some GREEN HERBs and a door to the... If you got the SPECIAL KEY from Brad Vickers, use it on the tall locker here to get Leon's alternative costumes. One makes him look like a street punk, giving him shades, a baseball cap, a T-shirt, and jeans (it also makes him fire his HANDGUN sideways-on, gangsta-style). The other turns Leon into a biker, with jacket and drainpipe jeans. You can continually revisit this locker, so if you fancy a change of clothes halfway through, all you need to do is come back here. The filing cabinet holds some HANDGUN BULLETS, and you should take the OPERATION REPORT 2 and INK RIBBONs from the desk. This is also where you'll come to develop any films that you might find, using them on the developing fluid bath in the side room. Go back to the... Up the stairs to the... Ignore the first door, it won't open. Now comes a pretty cool little puzzle. Push the red and blue statues onto the pressure pads at the opposite ends, so that they're looking at the statue of the bloke in the middle of the room. If nothing happens, make sure the statues are dead centre by nudging them around until it makes a *clunk* sound. When it's right, the statue in the middle will drop another RED GEM. When you've got it, go through the door. Nothing to do here except polish off the three zombie cops. Mmmm....satisfying. Enter the door with the S.T.A.R.S. sign outside. Tons of stuff in here. The large cabinet in the top corner contains another SHOTGUN, the small cabinet to the right of the right-most desk offers a FIRST AID SPRAY, and the middle desk will relinquish CHRIS'S DIARY and the UNICORN MEDAL. Take both, and Claire will appear and speak to you. Now, if you want some hardcore secret stuff, listen up. Search the top desk, the one that says: "It's trashed. Someone must have searched the desk." when examined. Search this 50, yes, *50* times to reveal a FILM, that can be developed in the . It's a rather sexy shot of a young girl in a tight vest crouching next to a basketball. Once you've cleared this room out, exit. The other door requires a SPADE KEY, so we'll have to backtrack. Go back to the... - ShOcKeR!!! - Tread carefully - this corridor is a lot more dangerous now. At two points here, zombies from outside will thrust their hands through the gaps in the boards to try and grab you. If they get you, tap all the buttons quickly to release their grip. - ShOcKeR!!! - Run through, and return again to the...
Go up to the slab in front of the statue of the lady and use the UNICORN MEDAL. After a brief cutscene, you'll be rewarded with the SPADE KEY. Instead of going all the way back to the S.T.A.R.S. OFFICE CORRIDOR, go through the other door that the BLUE CARD KEY unlocked. There are six zombies here. The best way to kill them is to aim at their heads with the SHOTGUN, and see how many you can take off with one shot. Finish the rest with your HANDGUN. Go through the nearest door. Kill the zombies, but watch out for the one playing dead on the floor. Take the INK RIBBON from near the printer (you can't save here), and the HANDGUN BULLETS from the dead guy in the small side corridor. Go then into the small office. There's a GREEN HERB hidden behind the desk. Then open the safe with the combination - 2236 (you should already know this from one of the REPORTs that you've picked up). Inside, you'll find a POLICE STATION MAP, and your first box of SHOTGUN SHELLS. The door next to the dead guy leads to a fire escape which acts as a thoroughfare between this and a higher floor. There's some GREEN HERBs there, but the top door's locked. Fear not, as you'll have the chance to unlock it later. Leave through the door by which you came in. There is yet another GREEN HERB next to the drinks machines. Go through the other door. Don't worry, no spooky hands reaching through to grab you here, but there are a few more zombies. You'll probably have to kill them, seeing as there's not much room to manoeuvre through due to the narrow walls. After the corridor's safe, you can pick up a new item, the... RED HERB - These don't do anything on their own, but as I described in the "Note on Herbs", these can be combined with other herbs to form more potent healing items. Two of the doors are locked, so open the remaining one. You can see items through the glass, but you'll have to make do with the SMALL KEY on the desk for now. Now that you have this, plus the essential SPADE KEY, make the trek back to the... Now you can unlock the other door. It opens into the... Search the shelves for a PATROL REPORT, the 'visual material' cabinet for INK RIBBONs, and the other cabinet at the end of the row for some ammo for your trusty HANDGUN. Then push the movable ladder to that self- same cabinet. Hop up and claim the CRANK. Now to open another SPADE KEY door, back in the... The door in question leads to the... I'm running out of names for corridors now. Flatten the zombies with one blast from your SHOTGUN. Down the spooky red-lit corridor, you can grab some HANDGUN BULLETS from under the locker, but the real treat lies in the small red desk before one of the doors. This can be unlocked with the SMALL KEY, and inside you find the incredibly useful... HANDGUN PARTS - Combine these with the HANDGUN to form the... CUSTOM HANDGUN (C. HANDGUN) - A semi-automatic extension for the HANDGUN. It can be set to AUTO (which fires three shots in one blast, and, consequently, eats up three bullets) or MANUAL (one shot) in the inventory. It's much more effective than the HANDGUN, so keep it on AUTO all the time, unless I indicate otherwise. Okay?!? Now that you've acquired this cool gun, proceed through the door. Fiction or non-fiction? Hope you brought your library card. This library holds a key item, but will only let you have it if you solve a puzzle. The secret lies in those funky-looking bookshelves. First things first, take the RED HERB from the table, and go up the stairs. Ignore the door, and keep going round to the damaged part of the balcony. - ShOcKeR!!! - The flimsy wooden floor collapses, dropping you into a hidey-hole. A vain attempt by the programmers to scare us - by now, our psyches are fractured beyond repair, we no longer experience emotions, and we're all merciless, bloodthirsty killers. - ShOcKeR!!! - Look at the panel on the wall. It shows what looks like a bird's-eye- view of the bookcases. Once you've checked it out, push the small red button. It pushes the bookcase out of the way. Now, you have to move the other bookcases into the pattern that was on the panel by pushing the switches and choosing left or right. To do this, move the left two cases one space right. This should open up the panel and reveal the BISHOP PLUG. Take the double door to get to the...
This area is, obviously, above the MAIN HALL. There's nothing essential here, so just kill the zombies and move on. You can, however, drop the emergency ladder, if you want. This provides quick access to the lower floor. The door on the other side of the balcony leads to the... It's another save point. Here you can take the INK RIBBONs, SMALL KEY and the SECRETARY'S DIARY. Onwards... (This SMALL KEY can be used to open the locked desk back in the first , which holds a less-than-vital box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Whether or not you go and get them is up to you.) There are two zombie cops here - one normal and the other on fire. He's been set ablaze by a burning helicopter, half of which is sticking through the wall. Seeing as this is blocking the route, take the other door. You can hear cawing, so it's obvious that there's some kind of bird ahead. CROW - Simple to kill. They require one HANDGUN bullet to top. They don't go directly for you either, but if you get too near, they'll start to peck at your head. Tap all the buttons to shake it off. That blue door that you can see is the other end of the fire escape that leads to the OFFICE, so you can unlock to provide a useful shortcut. Check the dead guy's body for HANDGUN BULLETS after you've killed the crows near him, and move round the corner. - ShOcKeR!!! - Several crows suddenly smash through the windows, inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's 'Birds', I'm sure. Finish them off with your C. HANDGUN. - ShOcKeR!!! - Continue around, and go through the white door. No need to waste time, so just run down the stairs to the... Essentially just a zombie-killing section. Head to the shed-like structure at the end of the path. A tiny room, but with lots to get. There's INK RIBBONs (plus a chance to save), HANDGUN BULLETS, and a key item, the VALVE HANDLE, which you'll use several times during the game. - ShOcKeR!!! - If you try to open the other door, a lay-dee zombie and her boyfriend try to eat you. Don't bother shooting them, just run. - ShOcKeR!!! - Go back to the... Behind the wire mesh fence, there's a valve. Use the newly-acquired VALVE HANDLE on it to overload the pressure in the water tank and burst it, extinguishing the flames on the chopper. Once done, steal the HANDGUN BULLETS from the wreckage, and zoom off back to the... Now that the fire's out, it reveals a new door. Enter. It's too quiet... Oh well. There are lots of hidden items in here, but first, let's get another two key items. One is plain to see - the DIAMOND KEY on the stack of crates. The KING PLUG is obtained by slotting the two RED GEMs into the necklaces of the women reliefs. Once you do this, the big statue's chest pops open (!) to reveal a secret compartment. The really well hidden items are located in the big white china pot near the door (INK RIBBONs) and the crates opposite (SHOTGUN SHELLS). Now, do you remember the ? Good chap. Off you trot. The previously inaccessable door here can now be opened with the shiny pink DIAMOND KEY. Take the CORD, FIRST AID SPRAY, then the ROOK PLUG on the SHELF. Take a couple of steps back towards the door, and prepare to crap yourself. - ShOcKeR!!! - One of the cleverest shocks in the game. A licker bursts through the two-way mirror to attack you. Marvellous idea - credit to Capcom. To kill it, point your SHOTGUN down and fire twice. I remember the first time I saw this - I was watching a friend play, and we both knew that it would jump through as we had read about it in computer mags and suchlike. However, my friend says "It's okay. As long as I leave the FIRST AID SPRAY, it won't jump through." Lo and behold, despite his 'good idea', it *did* jump through, causing both of us to have mild heart attacks. I never forgave him for that. - ShOcKeR!!! - Get out of here, and head aaaalll the way back to the... Go through the DIAMOND KEY door here which will open to the... There are loads of zombies in a tight space. Use the SHOTGUN if necessary, and watch out for the ones behind the row of lockers. The lockers themselves contain SHOTGUN SHELLS and a FILM. This particular film is a shot of a blood-covered dismembered arm floating in fluid. I can just imagine it on the cover of the next issue of Vogue. Before you go through the next door, arm your SHOTGUN, as you're about to face the game's first boss character. Remember this? Remember the wounded cop? Can you guess who the boss is gonna be? Click. There's a GREEN HERB here, useful if you're wounded in the fight ahead. He's in the smashed up office, lying on the floor. - ShOcKeR!!! - A pleasant close-up of the cop regressing into a zombie. Beautiful. This guy's tougher than most zombies, and the fact that he's right next to you don't help much. Fire your SHOTGUN immediately, then when he's on the floor, finish him with the C. HANDGUN. - ShOcKeR!!! - When he's copped it (excuse the pun), nick his HEART KEY. This key only unlocks one door, but it leads to a vast new area. Take the MEMO TO LEON (that's you, remember) from the desk, and acquire *yet another* set of HANDGUN BULLETS from the large locker. Toddle off back to the... Go through the HEART KEY door to the... Two GREEN HERBS are readily available, and there are SHOTGUN SHELLS in the shelves at the end. The door needs a CLUB KEY, so we'll just have to flipping well find one, won't we? Maybe it's down those stairs... (extra ammo saving tip - you see the green electric box? Use the CORD on it to prevent some zombies escaping here when you next enter the library. If I'm not making any sense, read on - I'll explain fully later) This is easily the scariest section of the game. Firstly, meet an new acquaintance - the... DOG - Whether it's a zombie or not, I'm not really sure, but it is tough. Tougher than it looks, actually. It takes two C. HANDGUN AUTO blasts to kill. Using the SHOTGUN is quicker, but not effective. They have only one attack, which is to leap and bite you. Try to shoot them in mid-air. There are three of them. Once they're dead, you are free to explore the . There are three doors that you can open. The one at the left end of the fork is not worth going through - there's a RED HERB just inside the door and a save room at the end, but you'll have to fight two dogs concealed in dangerous places. If you *must* go through, just go through the door, take the RED HERB, and come straight back into the . Ignore the big, brown double doors - we can open them later. The only door that you really want is the one that has the big 'Parking' sign outside. - ShOcKeR!!! - A few steps in, you'll be shot at by a woman called Ada Wong. She misses, but recognises you as a human and says she's looking for a reporter called Ben. She'll help you move the big police van blocking one of the doors, so that you can proceed. She'll follow you for a while, too. - ShOcKeR!!! - There is a GREEN HERB a little to the right of the van, by a large gate. Go through the door that was revealed when you moved the van. Ada runs off, so follow her. She goes past the door, to the fencey thing at the end of the corridor. Before entering, take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the table. From the first vacant cell, you can take a GREEN HERB and a... BLUE HERB - These don't up your health, but heal poison. There are some poison-inflicting enemies ahead, so it might be wise to take it. Go to the next cell, where you'll find... - ShOcKeR!!! - ...Ben. Alive, too. He's locked himself in a cell to keep protected from the zombies. Ada appears again and talks about her missing boyfriend John. Ada runs off, Ben then tells you that there's a manhole in the , which can take you out of the city, but, as Ben says, "it won't be easy". - ShOcKeR!!! - Take the MANHOLE OPENER from the cabinet, and travel back to the... Go into the door that you passed earlier. It leads to the... You can kill the dogs if you want, but they're trapped in their cages and can't get you. Take the RED HERB next to the end kennel, and then use the MANHOLE OPENER on the manhole cover to open an exit to the... Get out your SHOTGUN, as it's time to get jiggy wid da... SPIDER - Grotesque, vile, repulsive. These massive spiders will make your skin crawl with their eerily realistic movement. They remain dormant until you get too close, but when they see you, they're hard to shake off - they crawl on the floor, walls, or ceilings to try and either bite you or gob poisonous gunk on you. If you get hit by the gunk, check your status in the inventory. If it reads 'Poison', then use a BLUE HERB immediately, or else your health will slowly decrease. Poison can't kill you, but it will eventually lower you to critical health, where one hit will kill you. Spiders take two SHOTGUN blasts to vanquish. There's two spiders in this short section. Go up the stairs when they're both dead. Simply pop through the first door to reach the... Take all of the PLUGs that you've got so far from the chest, take the BLUE HERB from the floor, and go back outside to the... Into the next door we go. Fit all the plugs into the panel to find that you're one short. D'oh! Go back to the... Hey! Ada's back. She offers to explore the vent, so you give her a leg- up. She crawls through the vent to the... Huh?! What's going on? Yes, folks, it's true. You get to control the lovely Ada for a little while. She has a similar HANDGUN to Leon's, except it fires faster and has a smaller clip of 13. She also has 45 extra HANDGUN BULLETS and a FIRST AID SPRAY. On the other side of that door is the... Kill off the three dogs. Take the red lift in the cog-filled outhouse to go to the... Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS, and go back to the... Take the door this time. Rip down the BASEMENT MAP from the wall, hop down the steps, and nudge the crates around so that they're all up against the wall in a straight line. Climb back up, and hit the switch. The water will rise, and the crates will make a handy bridge leading across to a shelf that holds the final station key, the CLUB KEY. Return to the... Ada will throw the CLUB KEY and SHOTGUN SHELLS back to Leon in the... You resume control of Leon, so pick up the items that Ada lobbed. Go all the way back to the , but take care whilst traversing through the , two flesh-hungry lickers await. Unlock the CLUB KEY door at the top of the stairs. Go in, a marvellous piece of kit is present therein. Take some SHOTGUN SHELLS from the third locker from the left, and then look behind them. Gaze in awe. There lies the oh-so-groovy... MAGNUM - The best all-round gun in the game. Powerful, accurate, and just damn good-looking. It does twice as much damage as the SHOTGUN, but ammo is even rarer. It can hold 8 rounds, and you can find extra clips of 8 rounds. Oh yeah, you can steal the WATCHMAN'S DIARY, too. For my next trick, I'll tell you how to open the penultimate key room. It's miles away, in the... It's the futuristic blue door with the painting next to it. In you go... Is nothing sacred? Even this place has been trashed. There's a tricky puzzle here. Firstly, use your lighter on the furnace-like thing next to the three woman-shaped busts (oo-er). Then, turn the taps on the busts in this order - middle, then right, then left. This knocks a G. COGWHEEL out from the painting on the opposite wall. Take it, plus the FILM on the desk right next to it. Now, we're off to get the final PLUG. It's in a room at the very top of the cop shop, the CLOCK TOWER. Before we set off, make sure that the CRANK and the G. COGWHEEL are in your inventory. Go to the... - ShOcKeR!!! - As soon as you enter, there'll be a cutscene where you see hordes of zombies pushing themselves through windows in the LICKER CORRIDOR and the BROKEN WINDOW CORRIDOR. If you placed the CORD in the BROKEN WINDOW CORRIDOR fuse box, the shutters will be down and the zombies can't get in. Ha! - ShOcKeR!!! - Go through the door at the very top of the stairs. Go straight through the other door. Use the CRANK on the hole to lower the stairs, then put the G. COGWHEEL in the assortment of cogs. Press the switch, and a big rusty door will open next to you, revealing a dust chute. In a little hole behind the door hides the elusive KNIGHT PLUG. The game then asks you if you want to jump down the chute. Say yes, as it takes you back to the... - ShOcKeR!!! - A rather sick cutscene shows Ben having a gobbet of flesh rammed down his throat by some weird creature that looks strangely familiar... Look at the filed Film A photograph to jog your memory. - ShOcKeR!!! - The game won't let you go through any other doors apart from the one that leads to Benny boy, so tramp through that. - ShOcKeR!!! - Although I think RESI 2's a smashing piece of gamery and all that, this cutscene has more hammy acting than Charlton Heston himself. I will demonstrate by relating it to you in a script fashion. Lights, camera... action! *BEN IS LYING ON THE FLOOR, PROPPED UP AGAINST THE WALL* *ENTER LEON* Leon: God, Ben, what happened? What was that sound? Ben: Well, got the story, but, wouldn't you know it, I've flipping gone and got myself inpregnated with a genetically mutated embryo. Leon: Whoa, bummer. Ben: Yeah. Turns out that the Chief of Police is a bit of a bent copper. Read this! *BEN HANDS LEON A PIECE OF PAPER, WHICH LEON FLICKS THROUGH* Ben: Ouch, my chest. Oh well, time's up. Looks like I'm just about to be brutally and violently ripped apart. Leon: OK, then. Bye. Ben: AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! *BEN'S TORSO TEARS IN HALF FROM SHOULDER TO HIP* *THE EMBRYO WRIGGLES OUT AND SQUIRMS DOWN THE CORRIDOR* *LEON WATCHES IT GO* *BEN'S RAVAGED BODY FLOPS TO THE FLOOR* *ENTER ADA* *ADA STARES AT BEN'S BODY FOR A MOMENT* Ada: Hi, Leon. I'm off to the chemical plant. My boyfriend might be there. Oh, yeah, by the way, what happened to Ben? Leon: Ben? What Ben? Oh, right, him. Don't worry about it. Off you go, then. I'll be with you in a tick. *EXIT ADA* *FIN* Although *slightly* exaggerated, this is basically what happens. Utter tripe. - ShOcKeR!!! - Read and file the MAIL TO THE CHIEF. Right then, we're almost done in the police station. All that remains is to return to the... Go through the big brown double doors. They lead to the... Take the GREEN HERB and POLICE B1 MAP. Find the panel with the switches. Flick the first up, the next down, then up, down, and finally up again. This restores power to the card reader outside the . Go back to the... Let's open the final CLUB KEY door. It leads to the gruesome... Run around to the cabinet at the end, to take the RED CARD KEY. - ShOcKeR!!! - The seemingly dead blokes around the floor spring to life! Send 'em back to the other side with either the C. HANDGUN, or the SHOTGUN if they get too close. - ShOcKeR!!! - Return once more to the... Use the RED CARD KEY on the now-activated card reader to grant you access to the fabulous... Ooh, sweet. First, scavenge all the ammo you can find. I count two cases of HANDGUN BULLETS and one of SHOTGUN SHELLS. Then proceed to the lockers at the end to discover the... SUB-MACHINE GUN - It ain't all it's cracked up to be. Instead of an ammo counter, the SUB-MACHINE GUN has a ammo percentage which drops after you fire each shot. It starts at 100%. The gun itself is pretty weak - yeah, it's rapid firing, but it's only really useful for a short section. And another disadvantage - if you take it now, it won't be there for Claire in her 'B' Scenario. You've got to ask yourself this: do you *really* want it? Yeah, go on. Leave Claire to suffer. The thing is, in the small section that it's useful for, it's VERY useful. You should also take the SIDEPACK, which adds an extra two spaces in your inventory. Time to fight the first proper boss. Tramp back to the , but first place the KNIGHT PLUG and SUB-MACHINE GUN in your inventory if you decided to take it, otherwise bring along the SHOTGUN or, even better, the MAGNUM. Remember that gribbly embryo that burst out of Ben...? - ShOcKeR!!! - Here you can see it rapidly grow and mutate into one of the ugliest buggers you're ever likely to see, what I like to call the... INFANT TYRANT - This hulking great beast is slow, but tough. If you've got the SUB-MACHINE GUN - easy. Just fire at it constantly, and when it pukes up the little cockroaches, (talk about this to your family at the tea-table for a guaranteed conversation piece) aim down to splat them. After about 25% of the SUB-MACHINE GUN's ammo has been emptied, the monster should have taken enough lead to kill it outright. However, if you've only got the SHOTGUN or MAGNUM, you should fire away at it, but when the cockroaches get near, switch to the C. HANDGUN on MANUAL and kill them with one shot. Then resume fire on the big guy. His bug friends will crawl up you and bite you if you get too close. Shake them off in the normal fashion - tap all the buttons quickly. If you get too close, he'll swipe at you with his powerful claws, but if he gets that close, you're doing summat wrong. - ShOcKeR!!! - Once it's dead, fit the final PLUG into the panel, opening the huge door. Welcome to the... It's Ada again! She'll have a chat with you, after which you should immediately exit through the only other door. Nothing to do here except take some BLUE HERBs. Hop up onto the step and go through the door. Another save room. You'll probably want the HANDGUN BULLETS from the small red cabinet and the SEWER MANAGER FAX from the table. There's the usual INK RIBBONS near the typewriter as well. After getting all that, there's a secret door here. Push the silver cupboard out of the way to reveal a ladder to the... It's pitch black, so to see any items you'll have to light the two gas lamps with your LIGHTER. The light will reveal a clip of MAGNUM BULLETS on one shelf, and SHOTGUN SHELLS on another. Take both, and return to the... Go down the red lift. - ShOcKeR!!! - A mysterious lab-coated woman stands in the corridor. Ada follows her, but she gets shot at. Leon, in hero mode, dives in front of Ada and takes the bullet. He passes out due to shock. -ShOcKeR!!! - So, you get to control Ada again for a little while. Go through the door. Firstly, run to the top of the screen, where there's an alcove containing some slaughtered marines. Remember this place, as you'll have to return here later as Leon. Go up the ladder. There are two icky spiders in the , which you should leave for now. Your HANDGUN isn't that great against them, so it's much better to wait until you can wipe them out with Leon's more powerful weapons. Besides, you don't need to go near them. As soon as you get up the ladder, RUN. If you wait around, loads of giant cockroaches will swarm from a grating. They can finish you off surprisingly quickly. There's another ladder at the end, so burn rubber. - ShOcKeR!!! - The weirdo scientist lady reveals her identity as Annette Birkin, and Ada finds out that John's dead. Also, it turns out that the freaky mutant thing that blew up Ben is Annette hubby! Bet she didn't expect that when she tied the knot. There follows a lengthy cutscene which tells all about the G and T-Viruses. Still don't get it? Okay, here's the deal... The T-Virus (in it's present, mutated state) is the one that turns people into zombies. It has been transmitted to people around Raccoon City by rats, after it's canister is dropped in the sewer. The G-Virus is the one that turns William into a huge mutant. It can revive dead cells, and rewrite genetic structures. William injects the G-Virus into himself after he's shot by the marines, so that he isn't killed. Those marines were after the G-Virus for some reason, which will undoubtedly be later explained. After the cutscene, Ada and Annette have a little brawl, which results in Annette being thrown off the gantry with a truly pathetic scream. - ShOcKeR!!! - Run across the thin walkway to a balcony overlooking some trash. Go down the ladder on the left of the screen. - ShOcKeR!!! - Ada, having climbed down the ladder, notices something splash in the water... fade to black... - ShOcKeR!!! - We cut back to Leon in the... - ShOcKeR!!! - Leon hears Ada's terrified scream. It seems as if the female cast is being killed off one by one (that's not a plot hint, by the way. There isn't some kind of woman-killing maniac running around - just so you know)! - ShOcKeR!!! - Leon recovers from the shock of the bullet wound, and you regain control of him. Go the same way that you did with Ada, to the... Remember that grisly alcove where we visited as Ada? Go there now, ignoring the spiders. Search the bloody corpses for a WOLF MEDAL and a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS. Then, kill both spiders. The SUB-MACHINE GUN is very useful here, but not necessary. The vent that Ada went through is blocked by a spinning fan, so you'll have to go through the other gate. It's wise to move straight away, because there's a spider right above you, ready to gob some unpleasant sputum on you. Run towards the screen, avoiding the other spider, and jump onto the step. Go through the large metal double doors. There's an infinite supply of BLUE HERBS in the flower box inside the door, for use if you got poisoned by the spiders you just ran past. You'll need to use the VALVE HANDLE in the slot to lower the gantry. Make sure that once you're across, you use the VALVE HANDLE on the other slot to raise the gantry to it's original position for later use. There
are GREEN HERBs on the floor, and SHOTGUN SHELLS, INK RIBBONS, and a 
typewriter on the desk, for your own, personal, exclusive use.

The door next to the desk leads to the...

You're real close to another boss, but don't worry if you didn't bring 
your most powerful guns. Run to the big brown door at the end of the 

Ada's alive! But... what's she shooting at?

- ShOcKeR!!! -
CRIPES! Bet you weren't expecting that!! That sure is one...

GIANT ALLIGATOR - Blimey. How the hell are you supposed to kill that 
thing?!?  No matter how many bullets you put in it, it just keeps on 

It's actually very, very, easy. You COULD empty all your guns into it, 
but this is a frightful waste of ammo. The sneaky way is to run back 
through the corridor, and press the small red-lit switch on the wall. 
This drops an emergency gas cylinder onto the floor. Take a few steps 
back, equip your C. HANDGUN, point it at the alligator, and wait. The 
alligator will scoop up the cylinder in it's mouth. Wait another two 
seconds or so, then fire one shot.


The gas cylinder explodes - and it takes half of the alligator's head 
with it! Hooray! A seemingly impossible boss taken care of with one 
HANDGUN bullet!
- ShOcKeR!!! -

Go back to whence it came. Flick the switch on the wall to unlock the 

The right-hand rubbish pile has some INK RIBBONS in. Climb onto the step 
to talk with Ada again and have your wounds healed. Go up the ladder, 
and be quick about it.

Go up the sloping walkway to find another dead guy. This one holds the 
second medal, the EAGLE MEDAL. There's also a SEWER MANAGER DIARY on the 
control panel. Now slow the fan down by using the VALVE HANDLE on the 
panel at the base of the ladder and climb up into the shaft. Go through 
to the...

There are now three corpses on the floor that weren't there before. 
These are actually zombies playing dead. Run past them, through the 
door, to the...

Fit the two medals into their slots. This drains all the water and lets 
you go through the door behind the waterfall.

Terrfiying music. Just run along to the next door. You may be slightly 
perturbed by the mysterious thud above you that you hear halfway across.

The panel on the right of the tram must be activated before you can 
enter the tram. All aboard!

- ShOcKeR!!! -
The mutated creature attacks! It's on top of the tram, and it tries to 
kill you by stabbing it's claw through the tin-foil-like roof at various 
places. Stand still, and when you see dust above you, move away. Your 
shots will hurt it, but luckily Ada shoots at it too, so you can run 
around without worrying about shooting. Eventually Ada will finish it 
off, and the tram will reach it's destination.
- ShOcKeR!!!-

Turn left as soon as you exit, and you'll see a flare gun. Use your 
LIGHTER on it so that it fires a flare into the darkness. This makes a 
flash appear for a moment, and the light reveals the 'twinkle' of a 
hidden item on the floor right next to you. Pick it up, it's a W. BOX 
KEY, which will later be used to get a *very* powerful gun. Open the 

In the meanwhile, before you get the *very* powerful gun, there's 
another gun for you to get, which isn't *quite* as powerful, but much 
more fun. Take the left fork, fight your way past the zombies as there's 
no moving space, and search around the corpse at the end for the SHOTGUN 
PARTS. Combine these with the SHOTGUN to create the...

CUSTOM SHOTGUN - This is COOL. It's my favourite gun on RESI 2, no doubt 
about it. It's as powerful as the MAGNUM, but takes off more body parts. 
As long as you get fairly close to your target, it won't stand a chance. 
It'll fill 'em with so much buckshot that they wouldn't be able to stand 
even if they still possessed the necessary nerves/bones/muscles.

Take the other fork and go through the door.

Test out your C. SHOTGUN on the zombies, taking the right fork if you 
want some GREEN HERBs, and taking the left fork if you want the next 

Usual save room. INK RIBBONS, chest, typewriter. You know the drill.

There's also an oppotunity to stock up on ammo and health here. There 

Exit via the medium of the door.

There are some inadequate HANDGUN BULLETS in the oil drums, and a 
FACTORY MAP on the wall. Could be useful.

You can't activate the , so go inside.

Steal the C. PANEL KEY and go back to the...

Use the C. PANEL KEY on the control panel and press the button. You'll 
automatically re-enter the...

The  starts up, and you descend into the depths.

- ShOcKeR!!! -
BANG! It looks as if Ada's met her match. But no! She's still alive! Go 
outside to avenge her death... I mean, vicious wounding. Boss time...
- ShOcKeR!!! -

- ShOcKeR!!! -
After taking a few steps, the evil William Birkin, in hideous mutation 
form, lobs a metal pipe at you and jumps down.

TYRANT, SECOND FORM - He's slow, but powerful. His claws do a great deal 
of damage, but as long as you keep your distance and keep firing your 
MAGNUM, he'll go down easily. Have a FIRST AID SPRAY handy just in case. 
You'll know when he's 'dead' when the music stops. Six accurate MAGNUM 
shots is all it takes.
- ShOcKeR!!! -

The  stops, and you carry Ada off.

A great place to rearm. After Ada's finished whining, take the INK 
RIBBONS, GREEN HERBS and MAGNUM BULLETS that are in plain view. Then 
there's some more SHOTGUN SHELLS in the locker. 

Exit when ready.

Take the only openable door.

The left-hand route is the one you want.

Go through the door with ice around it.

Take the FUSE CASE from the trolley, and use it on the robotic arm. This 
forms the MAIN FUSE.

Take the FIRST AID SPRAY on top of the drum, and go back to the...

Use the MAIN FUSE on the breaker in the middle to restore power to the 
lab. Now take the right-hand route.

Open the shutters by using the switch. This is your first encounter with 

TRIFFIDS - Nasty plant-men. These things can grab you with their arms 
(vines?) and spit the same poisonous acid as the spiders do in your 
face. They can take up to two C. SHOTGUN shots to kill, but watch out, 
as they can still whip you with their tendrils whilst dead on the floor.

Kill 'em!!!

Now take the right-most door. (The middle one won't open)

There's two reports in here - one on the bench, and one by the computer. 
Then look in the locker for the...

FLAMETHROWER - A mostly useless weapon, but deals a lot of damage to 
triffids and zombies. Like the SUB-MACHINE GUN, it has a percentage 
count instead of ammo.

Infinite supply of BLUE HERBs next to the bed, if you want them.

Go and look at the dead scientist next to the vine-infested vent. To get 
into the vent, either use your LIGHTER on the petrol on the floor, or 
just fire one blast from the FLAMETHROWER. Then climb up in.

Don't move! You're surrounded by...

ADVANCED LICKERS - Basically normal lickers, but they're tougher, and do 
more damage with their attacks. And they have hooks on their hands 
instead of claws. And they're green. OK, so they're nothing like normal 
lickers. They take 2-3 C. SHOTGUN blasts to kill.

Kill them off, then search the large closet for two lovely boxes of 

Exit via door.

The triffids are back, so dispose of them duly. Then go through the most 
left-most door possible.

Retch at the sight of the massive grim-looking plant. Then kill the 
triffid, take the GREEN HERBs, and hop down the ladder.

Just go through the door, man.

Go round the bend of the corridor, but when you see the highlighted vent 
cover in the top of the screen, tread carefully...

- ShOcKeR!!! - 
A simple but effective scare, the advanced licker bursts out from the 
- ShOcKeR!!! -

Kill off all three advanced lickers in here, and take the multitude of 
GREEN HERBs. They'll undoubtedly be useful after fighting all those 
lickers. The big door won't open, cause it needs a M.O. DISK. We'll have 
to get that later, so just go through the door at the end of the long 

This is just a very big save room, but you can take the LABORATORY MAP 
that's cunningly concealed next to the blue-lit computer underneath the 

Door. Go through.

Don't go down the corridor with the Alien-like eggs in it - the door at 
the end won't open, and then you'll have just wasted time, won't you? 
Simply take the RED HERB and go through the big door.

Want to get that *very* powerful gun that I mentioned earlier? So be it. 
Got the W. BOX KEY? Good. Use it on the locker with the blue lamp above 
it. Ooh! Some MAGNUM PARTS! Can you guess which gun you have to combine 
them with?

CUSTOM MAGNUM - Just go through the automatic door, and fire it at the 
zombie. You'll see what I mean. Impressive kickback, eh? Although the 
zombie isn't the best test subject, trust me, this gun rocks. It's 
*twice* as powerful as the MAGNUM, easily felling an advanced licker in 
one shot. Cooool. Just beware of the horrendous recoil time.

Wipe out all the zombies in this room. 

You'd think, wouldn't you, that in such a big room, there'd be loads of 
choice items to nab, but all there is is a LAB CARD KEY! Pfah. 

Take it and leave.

It's time to brave the egg corridor. Icky!

Beware of the...

GIANT MAGGOTS - These drop from the vents in the ceiling. They're mostly 
harmless, and don't even heed to be shot - just stand on them and squish 
'em. They do spit poison goo, though.

Go through the door.

There's a boss-type creature here, the...

GIANT MOTH - You can actually kill this freak without even seeing it. As 
soon as you enter the room, aim your gun, and tap the 'right' button 
once. Then fire your C. MAGNUM thrice. Bingo - one dead moth. If you 
miss, and it gets close, it'll jump on your face and start biting you. 
If it does this, shake it off and get medieval on it's furry ass.

Go up to the computer and fire your C. SHOTGUN down once or twice to 
clear the desk of maggots. Access the computer and enter your user name 
as 'GUEST'. Then register your fingerprint. This won't do anything now, 
but it lets you access a secret room in Claire's Scenario B.

Go back to the...

- ShOcKeR!!! -
*Another* advanced licker bursts from *another* air vent. Not very 
imaginative, is it?
- ShOcKeR!!! -

Trek back to the...

Open the second LAB CARD KEY door.

Turn on the light switch first of all, so you can see all the zombies 
lurking in the darkness. Then C. SHOTGUN them down. The M.O. DISK is on 
the operating table, and there's also a FIRST AID SPRAY on one of the 

Exit to...

- ShOcKeR!!! -
Annette appears, rants about the G-Virus and how Ada's a spy, then 
suffers a rather hilarious death by way of falling masonry. You nick the 
G-VIRUS off of her cold, dead body, and then there's a P.A. announcement 
- the place is gonna blow!
- ShOcKeR!!! -

Go to the...

- ShOcKeR!!! -
Ada threatens you with her gun - she wants the G-Virus. It appears that 
Annette was right: Ada *is* a spy! Luckily for all of us, Annette 
arrives (won't she die?!), puts a bullet through Ada's back and promptly 
cops it. Ada falls off the gantry, but Leon grabs her arm. Cue 
sentimental rubbish - soppy music, 'I won't let you go' kind of thing. 
Leon does let go, and Ada falls to her doom. Leon gets rid of the G-
- ShOcKeR!!! -

If you check Ada's gun afterwards, you'll find that it's not loaded. Oh 
well, we all make mistakes. 

Go back to the...

Fight off the zombies. Quickly now, the lab *is* going to blow up, you 
know. Insert the M.O. DISK in the computer by the huge door to open it.

Go through the door at the end.

Activate the lift by pushing the button.

- ShOcKeR!!! -
It's Willy again, and this time he's more vicious than ever. It's time 
to put an end to this freak once and for all. Hurry it up, though, 
because there's a time limit counting down until the lab's destruction.

TYRANT, THIRD FORM - This form of the Tyrant won't last long. Fire your 
C. MAGNUM twice to make him mutate again.

TYRANT, FOURTH FORM - Vile. The Tyrant's mainly teeth now, and he jumps 
around like a dog. He'll hop around on the tops of the containers, and 
jump down occasionally to maul you. He picks you up in his gob, chews 
you, then tosses you to one side. This ferocious attack takes you 
straight down to 'danger' status, so avoid it. Three more C. MAGNUM 
shots finishes him off, and he turns into a pile of oozing mush on the 

The lift arrives, so take it.

Just run to the end. Hooray! That's Leon's A Scenario completed!!

Only another three Scenarios to go... and is the Tyrant really dead?

After the cutscene and credits, you'll be ranked on how well you 
performed, depending on several factors. The factors are:

Number of saves
Time taken

Number of reports, letters, maps, etc. collected


I don't know the exact requirements for each rank, but to get the best 
one, S, complete the game without saving *once*, or using *any* FIRST 
AID SPRAYs or MIXED HERBs, in under 1 hour and 30 minutes. Tough? Too 
damn right.

If this is your first time completing a scenario, you'll be told that 
you can now play the scenarios in the 'Hard' difficulty setting.

Then, you'll be asked if you want to update your saved game. If you say 
yes, then when you reload that saved game, it'll be at the start of 
Scenario B, a much harder version of the game, in which you start on the 
*other* side of the burning truck.

                              - GAME OVER -


Was that great, or was that great? Here's an extra section that I've 
added, just for fun.


Try these on for size if you found the game too easy...

1/    Complete the game using only the HANDGUN and SHOTGUN (no 

2/    Complete the game using only the HANDGUN.

3/    Complete the game using only the KNIFE (impossible).

4/    Complete the game without healing yourself at all.

5/    Complete the game without killing anything except the bosses.

6/    Try to make bullet holes appear on the screen.     

7/    Get an 'S' rank on the 'Hard' difficulty setting.

8/    Use a game hacker program or trainer to start the game without 
      any items. You can only use items that you pick up during the 
      game. (this is easy)

9/	Complete the game without getting hurt *at all*. (VERY hard)

10/   Complete the game without getting spooked once. (harder than it


Here's a little section for all the tears in the very fabric of RESI 2 
that I've found.

- In the , the licker jumps through from the 
, right? But if you've already been in the , 
and there wasn't a licker in there then - just how did it get in there? 
Presumably, then, this means that lickers can open doors. Spook.

- How does the Tyrant get into Ben's cell if he locked the door? It 
didn't break through any walls or doors, because they're all intact 
afterwards. That means that Ben actually *opened* the door to let the 
Tyrant in! Dumbass.

- How the HELL does Leon (or Claire, or Sherry for that matter) manage 
to survive the whole Raccoon City incident without being psychologically 
scarred or without having any mental breakdowns? I'm pretty sure that 
experiencing all those horrors is MORE than enough to send you 
hopelessly insane, and Leon wouldn't generally be classed as the 
superhero type.

- How does Leon survive getting shot *right through the heart*? If you 
look at the cut-scene, Leon's back is facing Annette when she shoots 
him, but when he lands on the floor, he has an exit wound right over his 
heart. Therefore, the bullet must have gone in through his back, through 
his heart, and out the other side. I take back what I said about Leon 
not being a superhero - he's bloody invincible. 

Resident Evil is a trademark of Capcom Co., Ltd. Capcom is a trademark 
of Capcom Co., Ltd.

Because I want to make this guide as full and complete as possible, I'd 
very much like it if any astute readers would be so kind to e-mail me at 


with any comments, corrections, or criticisms (hopefully, there won't be 
too many of the latter). However, before you do so, read through these 
next points first:

1.   This guide was based on the PC version of RESI 2. Although I'm 
pretty sure that there aren't any differences between this and the 
Playstation version, don't go holding me to that. If I've missed 
something out that was in the Playstation version, don't bother with 
corrections. THIS. IS. A. PC. VERSION. GUIDE.

2.	Alright, I admit it. At times, I can be tiresomely immature. 
That's me. So don't bother e-mailing me criticising my jokes. I won't 
change them. Probably.

3.	I really don't want huge e-mails from RESI plot analysts slating 
me for making mistakes on the "Plot Bodges" section, nor giving me 
detailed background information. I haven't paid a great deal of 
attention to the plot, and I don't intend to. However, a simple 
correction will be much appreciated.

4.	I will not accept spam, chain letters, or the like. They WILL be 
taken up with your mail provider. Sorry to be so harsh.

You can't go posting or linking to this without my permission. The only 
sites that have my permission to post this guide are:


and I'm not going to let any other sites host it, so don't bother 
asking. If you DO see them posted anywhere else, please inform me. Also, 
www.gamefaqs.com will NOT allow linking to the individual F.A.Q.s and 
walkthrus (like this one) that are posted on the Gamefaqs site.

By the way, although I've used my internet handle: "Mr. Black" as the 
author's name for this guide, it's

Copyright 2000 Alexander Hugh Clarkson

And that's yer lot.

By Mr. Black