=-------------------------------------------------------------------= Resident Evil 2 Script FAQ Version 0.95(First Started 4/10/2004) Last updated: 2/9/2006) By Millers C (millerscrossingfaqs@hotmail.com) This document is copyright Millers C (2004 -) =-------------------------------------------------------------------= For ALL Versions of Resident Evil 2. Warning: This Guide contains scenes of explicit Violence and Gore. This guide contains the completed game script for Leon A and Claire A and Claire B. *---------------= VERSION HISTORY =---------------* Final Version: At last I have completed this guide which has something of an unfinished errand that has bugged me for months now. Not that I don't enjoy trundling through the world of Resident Evil 2 yet again, the prospect of tape recording all the dialogue, some with few changes is a bit tedious at times, but overall I've enjoyed writing the guide. Enough ramblings, the final installment is here (I know you can't wait!), Leon's B game in all its cheesy dialogue glory. Enjoy! Version 0.95: Minor amendments. Version 0.90: This guide reaches its first birthday on Tuesday and only now is it beginning to look anywhere near complete. This update includes the entire game script for Claire's A game. There are some very notable omissions in the Claire A script, most notably in the scene with Claire and Annette where we use the Valve Handle to lower the bridge. Try as I might, I could not hear parts of the conversation due to the background music. Maybe someone with alert ears can help me fill in those gaps sometime. Copywright data and the scence index haev also been updated to fall in line with yearly boundaries and the progression of Claire's A game. I'd like to complete this guide at some point by having a go at Leon B, however I have set no time limit on when I want to have that completed and to be honest, playing through the game so quickly can become a bit of a drag so I'm going to focus on other writing projects for a while until I decide to return to the world of Survival Horror. Enjoy the script for Claire A. Version 0.75: The entire game script for Claire's B game has now been completed. Also some new stuff is in the index section of the guide, basically to tie up and examine how the A and B game plotlines fall into each other. I'd hope to get Claire's A game and Leon B up next, but as that obviously means two more play throughs of the game, fine though it is, it will take a little bit of time. These last two updates have been rather rushed, so there are bound to be a few mistakes and omissions, so bear with it as everything gets sorted. Version 0.50: Nearly a year on and here is the belated second version of the Game Script. As promised, Claire's B game features - Not in its entirety though. I rushed this through to make sure the update was submited today and yeah, some things are missing but I'm at the point where only a couple of cutscenes for Claire's B game need to be typed up before we have this completed. I'll also work on the ASCII art for the title 'Claire's B Game' later. Version 0.25: Dialogue transcripts for Leon’s entire scenario a game are completed. I hope some people will be in touch because I know some sections may be missing a little bit of text. If someone can fill in a few of the gaps which currently exist, I’ll be very grateful. I won’t stop here. I’ll be playing through Claire’s B and A games as well as Leon’s B game. I will do them in tha order to make it structurally better. *----------= Contents =----------* 1) Introduction 2) Disclaimer 3) Script 4) Characters 5) Glossary 6) Scene index 7) Thanks *------------= Introduction =------------* Resident Evil 2 is one of the best adventure games of all time. A stunning experience, it was helped made that way through the excellent storyline and cut scenes that appear through the game. So I’ve typed up a transcript incorporating all of the scenes from Resident Evil 2. I’ve wanted to do one for Resident Evil 2 for ages but never found the time to write it. But know I’ve managed to complete it, condensing most scenes, which involve dialogue into a word document for the pleasure of the Resident Evil 2 fans of GameFAQs and elsewhere. As I’m only an amateur writer, I’ve thrown myself into the script writing deep end here, so don’t be put off by my weak narrative dictation – The whole script is here. Of course, you should only read this guide AFTER completing the game, as it will contain many plot spoilers, so read at your own peril. I hope you enjoy reading the script. *-----------= Disclaimer =-----------* Millers C’s Resident Evil 2 Script FAQ, all rights reserved including the right of reproduction for profit in part or in any form (2004- ). This guide is for viewing purposes only. It is present on GameFAQs on the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be published, sold, circulated or exhibited on any magazine, shop or web-site without my expressed written consent and approval. GameFAQs.com is the only website which may use this guide at present. If you would like this guide to appear on your website, contact me at Cremonese65@hotmail.com. Any help questions or trivia comments are also welcome. ‘Resident Evil’ is a trademark of Capcom Computer Entertainment Limited, all rights reserved. Also, Capcom does not authorise or approve this guide, and I have no association with Capcom myself. I disclaim any copyright in the Resident Evil trademark, and specifically with the dialogue, characters and places mentioned within this guide. *-------= Script =-------* Now, before I begin the transcript of the dialogue Of Resident Evil 2, I’d like to explain the terminology that will be used in this guide. EXT: External, Outside. E.g.: EXT. outside Gas Station. INT: Internal, Inside. E.g.: INT. S.T.A.R.S Office. V.O.: Voice Over. E.g.: Umbrella Soldier (V.O). O.C.: Off Camera. E.g.: Chief Irons (O.C). Since the game doesn’t have seamless gameplay and dialogue (Like Final Fantasy), I’ve chopped the script down into scenes. So if you want to follow the entire game from gameplay points of view, I suggest buying the game and playing it. Don’t expect to be able to read the script and understand the plot and to have seen all the places in the game. For example, one scene takes place In a Gunshop Street, and the next takes place in The Police Precinct. I will not make any attempts to explain why Leon or Claire have gone to the Police Precinct and all eventsleading up to that cut scene. Note: All Scenes have been indexed by a title and are numbered. I have done this so I can make easy links from the B Scenarios. The game script is composed in the following order: Leon A, Claire B and Claire A and Leon B. So enjoy reading the script. Prologue: Narrator (V.O.): A bizarre incident occurred in the outskirts of an American suburb called Racoon City. It was later revealed that the terrible disaster had been caused by the T-Virus, a mutagenic toxin created by the international corporation Umbrella incorporated. The Racoon police department special S.T.A.R.S Unit began an immediate investigation. The case was apparently closed thanks to the efforts of S.T.A.R.S members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine. But the umbrella corporation’s experiments were far from finished. NOTE: This opening narration is used at the beginning of each A game. _ ___ _____ | | / _ \ | __ \ | | ___ ___ _ __ / /_\ \ | | \/ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ | | / _ \/ _ \| '_ \ | _ | | | __ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | |___| __/ (_) | | | | | | | | | |_\ \ (_| | | | | | | __/ \_____/\___|\___/|_| |_| \_| |_/ \____/\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___| Scene 1: What have we got here? Characters: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Truck Driver, Zombies. Duration: 3:48:41. EXT. ROAD –- NIGHT A man is driving his jeep into the town of Racoon City. The camera focuses in on the man, Leon Kennedy, a uniformed Police officer. In the middle of the road is a body. Leon stops his car and gets out to investigate. Leon: What have we got here? EXT. NEARBY GAS STATION – NIGHT A Man falls through a window outside a gas station. He collapses to the floor only to rise again with an unearthly groan... INT. TRUCK CAB – NIGHT A Truck Driver enters his cab at the gas station. He’s clutching his arm which is crimson with blood. Truck Driver: That guys a maniac! Why’d he bite me? EXT. ROAD – NIGHT Leon closely examines the corpse. It’s very disfigured. Leon: Man, what a mess! What could have done this? From a short distance down the road, several ZOMBIES are headed Leon’s way! Barely able to stand, groaning and with rotting flesh falling from their bodies, they stagger slowly toward a startled Leon, who produces his Gun out of sheer panic. Leon: What are these things? Leon by now is aiming his gun squarely at the undead mob. Leon: Alright, that’s far enough! Don’t Move! The body on the floor is no body. It’s another ZOMBIE and it’s crawling toward Leon! It groans as it gets close to his leg, the smell of living flesh too tempting. Leon notices it and instantly aims his gun downward. Leon: No! He shoots the zombie dead. The angry mob is now getting closer and closer. Leon begins firing at the multiple zombies. Some bullets find their target, but they still keep coming undeterred. Leon: What’s up with this guy that was a clean hit! Leon is being backed into an alleyway as the zombies keep advancing. He backs his way near to the back door of a café. The door swings open and Leon spins around to sees a Girl, Claire Redfield. Behind her is another Zombie. She shrieks when she sees Leon pointing his gun at her and puts her hands up. Claire: Wait, don’t shoot! Leon: Get down! Leon fires into the Zombies forehead, piercing its skull. It collapses to the floor, blood oozing from its body. Leon hands his arm to the girl Leon: We can’t stay out here, get to the police station, it’ll be a lot safer. Our two heroes head out into the street where more zombies are converging. They spot an abandoned Police Car in the road. Leon: There! Leon and Claire run toward the police car and enter it. Leon gets into the driver’s seat and is surprised to find the keys. Leon: Let’s buckle up. INT. POLICE CAR – NIGHT The police car passes several zombies who are roaming the streets. Leon is trying to get the Radio in the police car to work. Claire: What’s going on? I arrived in town and the whole place went insane... Leon: Great the Radio’s out! Claire: You’re a cop, right? Leon: Yeah, First day on the job. Great, huh? Names Leon Kennedy, nice to meet you. Claire: Mine’s Claire. Claire Redfield. I came to find my brother Chris. After Leon swerves to speed round a corner, a large tanker truck is coming up behind them. Leon: hey could you open the glove box? Claire: Sure. Claire opens it. There’s a gun inside. Claire: There’s a gun inside. Leon: Better take it with you. They are interrupted suddenly by a ZOMBIE who is in the backseat! It attacks, grappling at Leon and Claire from the back. Leon struggle for control of the car, hitting buildings and stationary vehicles. Leon: No! Claire: Look out! Leon crashes, the back of the car hitting a pole. The zombie flies out the window and gets crushed against the pole. Leon: Are you okay? Claire: Still in one piece. Leon and Claire look out of the window and see the Tanker Truck is speeding toward them. Leon: That maniac’s gonna ram us! The driver is by now completely zombified. Leon and Claire exit the car as the Tanker hits it causing a massive explosion. Both heroes are separated by a large fire. Leon: Claire! Claire: Leon! Leon: I’m okay! Head to the station I’ll meet you there. Rants: /// Who goes to their first day at work at night? And already in uniform? ///Why was that Police car unlocked and why were the keys nearby? ///That Truck Driver REALLY should have sought medical advice for that arm injury... ///Why can’t all pistols shots be to the forehead? Scene 2: Hold you’re fire I’m a human. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Robert Kendo, Zombies. Duration: 39:40. INT. GUNSHOP -- NIGHT Leon enters the gunshot. From behind the counter is a burly man with a bloodstained shirt. He’s holding a shotgun and aims it at Leon. Kendo: Freeze! Who are you, what are you doing here? Leon: Hold you’re fire I’m a human. Kendo cocks the gun, but finally relents and lowers it to his side. He makes his way toward Leon. Kendo: Oh sorry about that, I thought you were one of them. Leon: What’s going on in this town? Kendo: Hold on. Kendo puts the chain on the door. Kendo: I don’t know what’s going on. By the time I noticed something was wrong, the entire city was infested with Zombies. Rants: /// Why did Kendo have the door unlocked in the first place? Was he hoping to lure Zombies in? They could open doors in Outbreak y'know. Scene 3: Survivors In the Other rooms. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Marvin Branagh. Duration: 1:30:57. INT. POLICE OFFICE – NIGHT Leon enters the Office on the first floor. He sees a police officer groaning in agony on the floor. Leon: Oh Man! Leon approaches the man. Marvin: Who...Who are you? Oh, you must be the new guy, Leon...Sorry, but it looks like your party has been cancelled. Leon: What happened? Marvin: About two months ago...there was this incident involving zombies in a mansion located in the outskirts of this city. Chris and the other STARS members discovered that umbrella was behind everything. They risked their lives to reveal the truth. But no one believed them. Not long after that, all this started to happen. Marvin doubles over in pain. Leon: Hang in there! Marvin: Don’t worry about me, just rescue the survivors in the other Rooms. Here, take this key card you should be able to unlock the doors in the hall with this, now go! Leon: But... Marvin: Just go! Marvin points his gun in Leon’s face. Leon: Fine, but I’m coming back for you, just hold on! Leon leaves. Scene 4: Good too see your still among the living. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield. Duration: 49:95. INT. STARS OFFICE – NIGHT As Leon searches the desks, Claire enters the room. Claire: Leon! Leon: Good to see your still among the living. It looks like we’re not going to find your brother here after all. Leon hands Claire, Chris’s Diary. Leon: There’s no reason for us to stay any longer than we have to. Let’s split up look for any survivors and get out of here. Claire: Right. Leon: One last thing, here’s a radio. Take it. That way we can keep in touch if anything happens. Scene 5: Ada Wong Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong. Duration: 1:10:27 INT. PARKING GARAGE – NIGHT As Leon walks through the parking garage, he is shot at. He spins round to see a woman pointing a gun at him. She lowers her gun when she sees Leon is human. Ada: Sorry, but when I saw the uniform I thought you were another Zombie. Leon: Who are you? Ada: Ada, Ada Wong. Leon: And what are you doing here? Ada: I’m looking for a guy named Ben. He’s one of those reporter types, always looking for a scoop. I heard he was locked up in the cell block, only there’s a wrecked car barring the entrance. I’ve been trying to find another way inside. If we wok together we can move this thing. Will you give me a hand? Leon and Ada move the truck out of the way and enter the cell block. Ada bolts off leaving Leon behind near the door. Leon: Ada Wait! Scene 6: Who the heck are you? Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Ben Bertolucci. Duration: INT. CELL BLOCK – NIGHT Leon sees a man lying down on a bed inside one of the cells. Leon: Let me guess, you must be Ben right? Get up now! Leon starts hitting the bars to rouse him. Ben: What do you want; I’m trying to sleep here! Ada has now entered the room and joins Leon. Leon: Is this the guy? Ada: Ben, you told the city officials that you knew something about what’s going on. What did you tell them? Ben: And who the heck are you? Ada: I’m trying to find my boyfriend, his name’s John. He was working for a branch office of Umbrella based in Chicago but he suddenly disappeared six months ago. I heard rumours he was here in the city. Ben: I don’t know anything and even if I did why would want to tell you? Ben turns around to go back to his bed. Leon: Okay, I say we leave him in here. Anyone know where they put the key to this cell. Ben: I have it right here officer. But I’m not about to leave this cell. Those Zombies aren’t the only things crawling around out there. A terrifying Yell from an unknown monster can be heard from far away. Leon: What was that? Ben: Like I said, I’m not leaving this Cell. There’s a kennel in the back of the building. Inside the kennel is a manhole. Go through and it will lead you to the sewer entrance, but it won’t be easy. Rants: /// Ada constantly refers to John as simply 'John', and never once gives his surname. How many John's do you think live in Racoon City? She would have found him by now, if she only thought about giving his surname. Scene 7: It’s a dead end. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong. Duration: 43:46. INT. SEWAGE DISPOSAL CORIDOOR – NIGHT. Leon catches up with Ada in a corridor in the sewage disposal area. They are stopped by a dead end. There is a vent near the top that can be crawled into. Leon: Ada, why don’t you let me introduce myself. My names Leon. I’m with the RPD. It’s a dead end. Ada: Do you think we can get upstairs through this shaft? Give me a boost I’ll go and check. Leon helps ada through the vent. Scene 8: I’ll catch up with you. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong. Duration: 44:78. INT. SEWAGE DISPOSAL CORIDOOR – NIGHT Ada has explored the area she through the vent and has discovered a key. She heads back to the other side of the vent where Leon is still waiting. Ada: Leon, can you hear me? Leon: Ada did you find anything? Ada: Right here. Ada throws the key through the vent for Leon to pick up. Ada: I can’t reach the ventilation hole I’m going to have to find another way around. I’ll catch up with you. Ada leaves through the door. Leon: What? Ada...Wait! Scene 9: Get that Scum! Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong and Ben Bertolucci. Duration: 2:01:48. INT. CELL BLOCK – NIGHT Leon re-enters the cellblock hall using a dust shoot. He hears Ben screaming from the cellblock. Ben (O.C): Nooooooooooooooo! We now see inside the cell block. Ben is backing toward the wall while a large monster is in the room with him. Ben: Get Away! The Monster shoots some sort of organism into his mouth. He starts wailing and collapses to the floor. INT. CELL BLOCK – NIGHT After hearing Ben’s anguished cries, Leon enters the cell block. He sees Ben on the floor propped up against the bars on the outside and rushes over to help him. Leon: Ben! Can you still hear me? C’mon answer me! Leon: Ben? Ben: Bitter irony. The chief of Police, a co-conspirator. Ben hands Leon a file, documenting Chief Brian Irons’ corruption. Ben: Get that scum...Make him Pay! Leon: Hang in there Ben. Ben gets up, groaning in agony. Ben: My chest...Uh Its burning! Leon: What’s wrong? Leon is powerless to help as Ben’s chest explodes ala John Hurt in Alien. A small monster flies out of Ben’s decimated chest and runs to the door. Ada enters the room as Ben collapses to the floor. Ada: Good God, what was that? Leon pulls out his radio to contact Claire. Leon: We now have access to the back of the parking lot. Rants: /// Just how on earth did that 7 foot monster find its way into Ben's cell? He knocked and Ben just let him in right? Scene 10: Reckless and Stupid. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong. Duration: 45:65. INT. SEWAGE DISPOSAL AREA – NIGHT The Wooden ceiling in this area cracks and gives way. Ada Wong falls through it to be reunited with Leon again. Leon: Ada! Running off like that was reckless and stupid! Those zombies are everywhere not to mention that thing that got Ben. Ada: I was there Leon, I know. Leon: Look ada, as an officer it’s my job to look out for you. But we’re not going to get through this alive if we don’t work together. Ada: Alright, we’ll do this your way. For now. Scene 11: I have to talk to her. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Annette Birkin. Duration: 19:66. INT. SEWER B1 HALLWAY – NIGHT Ada and Leon descend an elevator together. As it nears the bottom, they see a woman in a lab coat there. She runs off. Ada follows her. Leon: Ada! The woman in a lab coat shoots at her. Leon dives onto Ada and knocks her over getting shot in the shoulder as he does so. Ada: Leon! That woman was...I have to talk to her. Ada leaves Leon and gives chase. Scene 12: Eat this you freak. Characters: Ada Wong, Annette Birkin, William Birkin, Umbrella Soldiers. Duration: 4:54:07. INT. BRIDGE ROOM – NIGHT As Ada walks around the bridge room, her gun is shot from her hands by the woman in the lab coat. She’s Annette Birkin. She approaches Ada holding her at gunpoint. Annette: Don’t move. You’re the one who’s was with that cop if I remember correctly. Identify yourself. Ada: Ada. Ada Wong. Annette: Ada Wong? I’ve heard that name before. Now I remember. One of the men from Chicago came to assist the T-Virus research. He used his girlfriend’s name as his password, Ada and John i believe. Ada: How did you know? Who are you? Annette: Annette Birkin. My husband is the man responsible for the creation of the T-Virus, William Birkin. Ada: What? Annette: John’s dead. He became one of those zombies. My condolences. And although I regret this, you will be joining him shortly. I won’t let anyone take the G-Virus away from me. Ada: G-Virus? Annette: It’s capable of creating the ultimate Bio-Weapon. Its potential is even greater than that of the T-Virus Ada: That must mean the creature in the police department is... Annette: Precisely. My husband William. And it is all umbrellas’ fault. None of this would have happened if they hadn’t tried to steal his research away from him. We now flashback to a scene in the nearby underground sewage tunnels. Several Armed men in full body armour and protective gas masks and armed with machine guns are walking around the area in formation. Umbrella Soldier: This way. We now cut to a laboratory somewhere nearby. A young scientist, William Birkin is marvelling at his latest experiment. William: Its sheer perfection. My precious G-Virus, no one will ever take you away from me. At this, the soldiers burst into the room. Umbrella Soldier: There he is. William grabs his case of the G-Virus research and picks up a Pistol. William: So, you’ve finally come. Umbrella Soldier 2: Doctor, we’re here to collect the G-Virus sample. William: Sorry, but I won’t just hand over my life’s work. William is backing up against the wall, clearly unable to take on several armed soldiers. As he backs up, he knocks over a vial of test tubes. One of the Soldiers opens fire, peppering William with bullets. He screams as he falls backwards to the floor. The lead Soldier pushes the shooting soldier’s gun away from him. Umbrella Soldier: Stop it! You might hit the sample. The Soldier moves over and collects the case. Umbrella Soldier: That’s it alright. Okay, let’s move out. The Soldiers leave. A few moments later, Annette arrives and tends to her husband. Annette: William...Oh my...hold on darling, I’m taking care of that bullet wound, first, stay here. Meanwhile, several more soldiers in the sewers are in contact with the retrieval team. Umbrella Soldier: ALPHA Team, have you retrieved the sample yet? ALPHA Team Leader (V.O): Affirmative. Meeting at the Rendezvous point in One minute. William notices one vial of the G-Virus lying on the floor. He injects himself with it. His eyes turn a piercing red. We cut back to Annette and Ada. Ada: Are you telling me that he injected the G-virus into his own body? Annette: The G-Virus has the ability to revitalise cellular functions. Several Soldiers in the sewers hear an unearthly roar from nearby. Umbrella Soldier: What was that? Umbrella Soldier: Something’s wrong, let’s check it out. Over there! More Soldiers are battling the creature that was once William Birkin. They fire their Weapons at the creature but to now avail. Umbrella Soldier: I’m stopping it! Umbrella Soldier: What is this thing? William closes in on one of the soldiers and kills him. Umbrella Soldier: Noooooo! The previous two soldiers hear the screams of their comrade. Umbrella Soldier: Hurry! When they arrive they see William. He’s eating cases of the G-Virus to get even stronger. Umbrella Soldier: What is this thing? Umbrella Soldier: Fire...Fire! Both soldiers fire at William, but he closes in and kills one of them. Umbrella Soldier: You Sun of a...! He continues to fire but runs out of ammo. He backs into the wall as William kills him too. Over the sound of the soldier’s screams, we see rats eating cases of the G-Virus. We now cut back to Ada and Annette once more. Ada: So those rats were the carriers of the virus? Annette: as a result of his transformation, William should have lost any prior memories he had as a human by now. Even worse, every G-Virus Bio Weapon including William has the ability to implant embryos into other creatures. Ada: And create offspring...No... Suddenly, Annette goes to shoot Ada. Both women grapple over the handgun. Ada smacks Annette in the face and she heads over the railings and into the sewage below. She screams as she hits the bottom. Ada: Too bad. Ada picks up her gun and gets on her way. INT. SEWER B1 HALLWAY – NIGHT Leon comes to following his bullet wound. Leon: Ada? Scene 13: Alligator Attack. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong. Duration: 43:11. INT. TRASH HEAP ROOM – NIGHT Leon finds ada in a room filled with trash. She’s firing into the water. Leon: Ada! From under the water comes a giant alligator which nearly bites Leon’s head clean off. Scene 14: The Sooner the better. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong Duration: 43:11. INT. TRASH HEAP ROOM – NIGHT After dealing with the alligator, Leon makes his way back to where Ada was. He crouches, clearly tired and drawn. Ada: Leon. Leon: This bullet wound isn’t making things any easier. Ada: Quiet Leon. I’ll patch you up. She bandages Leon’s wound up for him. Ada: That’s two I owe you. Leon: Don’t mention it. Ada: I just found out. John’s dead. Leon: What? Ada: Never mind. Let’s get out of here, The sooner the better. Rants: /// 'That's two I owe you'. Obviously something was lost in the translation there. Scene 15: Snap out of it. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, William Birkin. Duration: 43:11 INT. LARGE SCALE TRANSPORT – NIGHT As Leon and Ada descend the large scale transport from the factory toward Umbrella’s secret laboratory, the massive claw of the G-Type punches a hole through the side catching Ada in the arm. Leon kneels over her trying to help her. Leon: Ada! Ada...Can you hear me, c’mon snap out of it. Scene 16: We’re leaving this place together. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong. Duration: 1:36:64. INT. MEDICAL ROOM – NIGHT After dealing with the G-Type and ensuring the Transport reaches the lab, Leon returns to Ada. Leon: Don’t die on me Ada. C’mon, Wake up! C’MON! Leon carries the unconscious Ada to a nearby Medical Room. He puts ada onto a bed, and she begins to wake up. Leon: Welcome Back. Ada groans in pain as she wakes up. Leon: Hey, take it easy. We’re inside umbrella’s secret lab. I’ll go find something to treat that wound. So just rest here in the meantime. Ada: But I’ll only slow you down with these injuries. Go and save yourself. Leon: I told you it’s my job too look out for you. Ada: But...You’ll be in danger if you stay with me. I know I’ve only known you for a short period of time, but I really enjoy being with you. Leon: I’m... Ada: I know. I’m not capable of caring about anyone, but...I don’t want to lose you. Leon: We’re leaving this place together. Wait here, I’ll be right back. Scene 17: You’re So Gullible. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Annette Birkin. Duration: 1:46:47. INT. LABORATORY – NIGHT. Leon has acquired the MO Disk which is needed to escape the Laboratory. After leaving one lab, he is confronted by Annette Birkin who is pointing a gun at him. Annette: You! You murdered my husband! I know what you’re looking for! You came for the G-Virus didn’t you! You won’t take it from me! This is my husband’s legacy! Now, where’s that spy you were working with earlier, you know who I’m talking about. Leon: What? Annette: You really don’t know anything do you! Hahaha, you’re so gullible! She’s one of the operatives sent here by the agency. The only reason why she came here was to obtain the G-Virus. Leon: That’s a lie. Annette: No it’s the truth. I discovered this when I did a background check on her. She specifically got close to John and became his girlfriend to get information about umbrella. Leon: That can’t be! I know her; Ada wouldn’t do something like that! Annette: If you don’t want to believe me I don’t care, your about to die anyway. Annette cocks her gun and points it at Leon. As she does this, the entire complex is rocked by a severe rumbling. Annette and Leon are barely able to stand. Annette: What happened? The ceiling caves in. Several steam pipes fall from the ceiling and crush Annette underneath. She still tries to shoot Leon, but he manages to stop her. He takes with him the G-Virus which she was holding. He then hears a computer voice from somewhere within the complex Computer Voice (V.O): The self destruct sequence has been activated! Repeat, the self destruct sequence has been activated! This sequence may not be aborted! All employees proceed to the emergency car at the bottom platform! Scene 18: Shut up, you’re gonna make it. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Annette Birkin. Duration: 2:21:89. INT. MAIN SHAFT – NIGHT As Leon proceeds to one of the main doors in the laboratory to escape, he hears a voice behind him. Ada (O.C): Leon! Leon spins around to see Ada walking towards him. She points her gun at him. Ada: I’ve been waiting for you Leon. Leon: What are you doing? Ada: You know what this is about, so just hand over the G-Virus! Leon: I don’t believe this. Annette was right...about everything. Ada: That’s why I told you to leave without me, but you wouldn’t listen! Now hand it over. Don’t make me shoot you! Leon: You can’t do that. Ada still points the gun at him. But she knows she can’t do it. Her head drops and she lowers her gun. A gunshot is heard and Ada’s chest explodes. She collapses over the edge of the railings, with Leon grabbing her hand to stop her falling down the massive shaft. Leon: Ada...Ada, I’ve got you...Don’t give up We see Annette, standing behind where Ada once was, holding a gun. Annette: G-Virus...G-Virus... Annette collapses to the floor from her Injuries. Leon desperately tries to hold on to Ada. Ada: Its over. Let me go. Leon: Shut up! You’re gonna make it! Ada: It’s too late Leon. We both know it. Leon: No! I promised you we would escape. You just have to help me out here! Ada: I really wanted to escape with you...Escape from everything... Goodbye... Leon lets her drop. Leon: AAAADDDDDDAAAAA! Leon collapses to his knees and pounds the floor with his fists. Leon: No... Leon reaches into his pocket and finds the G-Virus. Leon: So...THIS is what everyone’s been dying for. Leon throws the G-Virus down the Shaft, destroying it. Rants: /// Try and pick up Ada's gun. Now I'm depressed. /// Come to think of it, why did she do that? Scene 19: This is just the beginning. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: INT. BOTTOM PLATFORM – DAY Leon finally reaches the bottom platform. He sees a train, starting up. He sees Claire by an open door. Claire: Leon...Hurry up! Leon! Claire needs to duck back into the train after she nearly looses her head on a wall. The complex is now violently shaking. It’s only a matter of time before it explodes. As the train roars by, Leon spots an open door and heads to it. Leon enters the train and sees Claire and Sherry inside. Sherry: Leon! The train shudders and Sherry and Claire shriek. Leon: Stay down! Claire: Are you okay? Sherry: Yes, I’m fine. Leon: It’s finally over. Claire: No. I have to find my brother. Leon: You’re right. This is just the beginning. Leon opens the door to the driver’s compartment and looks out to the subway tracks in front of him. Leon: Goodbye, Ada. ------------- CLAIRE B GAME ------------- Scene 1: I'm finally here. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Truck Driver, Zombies. Duration: EXT. ROAD –- NIGHT A young woman rides into Racoon City on a motorcycle and stops outside a cafe, and gets off her bike. Claire: I'm finally here. EXT. NEARBY GAS STATION – NIGHT A Man falls through a window outside a gas station. He collapses to the floor only to rise again with an unearthly groan... INT. TRUCK CAB – NIGHT A Truck Driver enters his cab at the gas station. He’s clutching his arm which is crimson with blood. Truck Driver: That guys a maniac! Why’d he bite me? INT. CAFE – NIGHT Claire enters the cafe, its seemingly deserted. Claire: Hello? Is Anyone here? Hello. Towards the back of the Cafe, there are some strange slurping noises. Claire approaches and sees a man leaning over something. Claire: Erm...hello? The man turns around. Its not a man, its a Zombie. It groans and grins at Claire, attracted by the scent of living flesh. Claire shrieks as it slowly staggers towards her. Claire: Look, I'm sorry I bothered you okay? Just don't come any closer! The Zombie continues to approach Claire. Claire: Are you listening!? Claire backs towards the front door. She spins around to see two Zombies pressed up against the door, groaning. Claire shrieks and runs to the back door. CLaire bursts the door open. Facing her is a cop, Leon Kennedy, pointing his sidearm right at Claire.She shrieks when she sees Leon pointing his gun at her and puts her hands up. Claire: Wait, don’t shoot! Leon: Get down! Leon fires into the Zombies forehead, piercing its skull. It collapses to the floor, blood oozing from its body. Leon hands his arm to the Claire. Leon: We can’t stay out here, get to the police station, it’ll be a lot safer. Our two heroes head out into the street where more zombies are converging. They spot an abandoned Police Car in the road. Leon: There! Leon and Claire run toward the police car and enter it. Leon gets into the driver’s seat and is surprised to find the keys. Leon: Let’s buckle up. INT. POLICE CAR – NIGHT The police car passes several zombies who are roaming the streets. Leon is trying to get the Radio in the police car to work. Claire: What’s going on? I arrived in town and the whole place went insane... Leon: Great the Radio’s out! Claire: You’re a cop, right? Leon: Yeah, First day on the job. Great, huh? Names Leon Kennedy, nice to meet you. Claire: Mine’s Claire. Claire Redfield. I came to find my brother Chris. After Leon swerves to speed round a corner, a large tanker truck is coming up behind them. Leon: hey could you open the glove box? Claire: Sure. Claire opens it. There’s a gun inside. Claire: There’s a gun inside. Leon: Better take it with you. They are interrupted suddenly by a ZOMBIE who is in the backseat! It attacks, grappling at Leon and Claire from the back. Leon struggle for control of the car, hitting buildings and stationary vehicles. Leon: No! Claire: Look out! Leon crashes, the back of the car hitting a pole. The zombie flies out the window and gets crushed against the pole. Leon: Are you okay? Claire: Still in one piece. Leon and Claire look out of the window and see the Tanker Truck is speeding toward them. Leon: That maniac’s gonna ram us! The driver is by now completely zombified. Leon and Claire exit the car as the Tanker hits it causing a massive explosion. Both heroes are separated by a large fire. Leon: Claire! Claire: Leon! Leon: I’m okay! Head to the station I’ll meet you there. Scene 2: Don't Come Any Closer. Characters: Claire Redfield, Fat Cop, Helicopter Pilot. EXT. POLICE STATION ROOF – NIGHT Claire ascends the staircase to get to the heliport. There she hears the buzzing of an overhead helicopter. A heavy set cop stands in the middle of the Heliport, armed with an MP5 Machine Gun. He gestures to the helicopter franticly. Cop: Hey! Get over here, hurry! Pilot: I can't set her down, I'll drop you a rope ladder! The rope ladder swings down just out of reach. Cop: C'mon, just a little more! As the cop reaches for the ladder, he hasn't noticed due to the sound of the chopper that several Zombies have followed him and are lurking right behind him. The Zombie attacks and grapples with the cop. Cop: Get off me! The cop manages to shake off the lead Zombie. He backs himself into a corner and opens fire on the Zombies. Cop: Stay back, don't come any closer! The Mp5 does nothing to halt their charge. Cop: Stay back! Both Zombies are unaffected and attack. This time he has no chance and is pushed to the floor. In the struggle, he continues firing the Mp5. A volley of bullets pierce the underbelly of the Helcopter. The Pilot is peppered several times with bullets and he screams with pain and loses control. The Helicopter descends wildly and crashes on top of the Cop and his zombified pursuers, causing a massive explosion - all witnessed by Claire. Rants: /// How many bullets from an Mp5 Sub Machine Gun did that fat cop fire at those zombies? Remind me how many of them he killed? He got what he deserved. How on earth did that oaf survive so long? Still, he's in good company with Barry 'Three Colt Python rounds to kill a zombie' Burton. Scene 3: Good too see your still among the living. Characters: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield. Duration: 49:95. INT. STARS OFFICE – NIGHT Claire enters the STARS office and sees Leon standing near a desk. Claire: Leon! Leon: Good to see your still among the living. It looks like we’re not going to find your brother here after all. Leon hands Claire, Chris’s Diary. Leon: There’s no reason for us to stay any longer than we have to. Let’s split up look for any survivors and get out of here. Claire: Right. Leon: One last thing, here’s a radio. Take it. That way we can keep in touch if anything happens. Claire leves the S.T.A.R.S office and as she does, she sees a little girl being menaced by a Zombie. Sherry: Help me! The girl runs from the Zombie as Claire rushes after her. Scene 4: You'll end up just like all the others. Characters: Claire Redfield, Chief Brian Irons. Duration: 1:30:81. INT. CHIEF IRONS' OFFICE - NIGHT. Claire is inside the decorated office of one Brian Irons, Chief of the Racoon City Police Department. She approaches the desk. On top of it is the body of a young woman with a wound in her gut. The chair, which had its back to Claire, spins round. A man in a shirt with a Police ID points his gun at Claire. Irons: Oh, I'm terribly sorry...I thought you were another one of those Zombies. Claire: Are you Chief Irons? Irons: Yes, that's me. And just who are you...no don't bother telling me. It makes no difference, you'll end up just like all the others. Irons can see that Claire is looking at the body lain out on his desk. Irons: That's the Mayor's daughter. I was told to look after her, but I failed...miserably. Just look at her...she was a true beauty, her skin nothing short of perfection. Irons pauses for asecond. Irons: But, it will soon putrify and she will turn into a Zombie within the hourlike all the others! Claire: There must be some way to stop it! Irons: In a manner of speaking there is, either by putting a bullet through her brain...or by decapitating her completely. Camera pans to reveal Irons' collection of stuffed animal carcasses beside his chair. Irons: And to think that taxidermy used to be my hobby... Irons : But no longer! Please, I'd really like to be alone now. Scene 5: I'm Not a Zombie. Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: INT. CHIEF IRONS SECRET ROOM - NIGHT. Claire encounters the little girl she saw near the S.T.A.R.S Office earlier. She sees Claire, shrieks and tries to run by her but Claire gets hold of her hand. Claire: Wait! Sherry: Let me go! Claire: Easy, easy there I'm not a Zombie! Your safe now. Sherry hugs Claire and starts crying. Claire: My names Claire, what's yours? Sherry: Sherry. Claire: Do you know where your parents are? Sherry: They both work at the Umbrella Chemical Plant, near the City limits. Claire: The chemical plant? Then what are you doing here? Sherry: My mom called and told me to go to the Police Station because it was too dangerous to stay at home. Claire: By the look of things I'd say she was probably right, but its dangerous here as well. You're better off coming with me. Sherry: But there's something out there...I don't know what it is, but I saw it! Much larger than any of those Zombies and its coming after me! A terrifying Yell from an unknown monster can be heard from far away. Claire: What was that? Sherry: That's what I was telling you about, its here! Sherry runs off. Claire: Sherry, wait! Scene 6: Don't go alone. Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: INT. SEWAGE DISPOSAL PASSAGE - NIGHT Claire catches up with Sherry in the sewage disposal area. Claire: Sherry! I've been looking everywhere for you, I was so worried.... We've got to go now honey okay? If we stay here that monster will find us. Lets go. Sherry: No! I won't! Claire: What's the matter? Don't you trust me? Sherry: Its not that Claire, its because of my daddy. He's over there, I heard him call my name...daddy must have been attacked by the monsters, I have to help him! Sherry runs to a raised gap in the fencing at the end of the passage and crawls through before Claire can catch up with her. Claire: Wait Sherry, don't go alone! Sherry! Sherry! Scene 7: I'm on my way. Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: INT. SEWAGE DISPOSAL PASSAGE - NIGHT Claire is waiting for Sherry to return. She talks to Claire through the gap. Sherry: Claire? Are you there? Claire: Sherry, are you okay? Did you find your dad? Sherry: Yes, I'm okay but I couldn't find him...but I did find something else for you, here. Sherry throws the Precinct (Club) Key through the gap. Claire: Thanks, sweetie. Now why don't you come over here, I want you to stay with me. Sherry finds that the gap is to high to reach now. Sherry: Claire, I can't reach the ventilation hole any more, but don't worry, I'll find another way. I can take care of myself. Sherry runs off. Claire: Wait, Sherry come back! Sherry! Sherry! Leon calls Claire on the radio. Leon (OC): Do you read me Claire? We now have access to the back of the parking lot. Claire: Got it. Leon: I'm getting out of here and heading to the sewer. Can you meet me there? Claire: I'm on my way. Scene 8: I'm going down there. Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: INT. CHIEF IRONS OFFICE - NIGHT Claire finds Sherry inside Chief Irons office. Claire: Sherry! You're okay! Sherry: I'm glad to see you're safe Claire. Claire places the stones in sequence on the painting behind Chief Irons' desk. This reveals a secret room with an elevator. Sherry runs around the corner. Sherry: Claire! Claire: I'm going down there, stay here and wait for me Okay? Scene 9: Everyone's Gonna die. Characters: Claire Redfield, Brian Irons. Duration: INT. CHIEF IRONS TORTURE CHAMBER - NIGHT Chief Irons can be heard laughing off camera. Irons: So, you've made it this far. Not bad girl! Irons: I'm not letting ANYONE leave my town, Everyone's gonna die! Claire: Calm down Chief, what happened? Irons: Shut up! Irons points his gun at Claire. Irons: You couldn't possibly understand what's happened. Those monsters from Umbrella have destroyed my beautiful town! How could they do that to me after everything I've done for them!? Claire: So its true, you have been working for Umbrella...then you must know about the G-Virus, what is it tell me! Irons: If you must know, it is the agent that can turn humans into the ultimate Bio-Weapon, superior to the T-Virus in every way. William Birkin is the genius behind the project. Claire: William Birkin? Irons: I'm sure you've already seen his little girl running around here. Sherry? Isn't it? In case you haven't already figured it out, the monster that's been tearing my precinct apart is yet another product of the G-Virus, The Ultimate Bio Weapon! Umbrella must be trying to cover its tracks, but If I'm going to go, I'm going to take you with me! The terrifying yell from the monster from earlier can be heard very close by. Irons: What the? The trapdoor in the room bursts open, Irons is grabbed by a claw. He is dragged below screaming in terror. The screams are followed by some squelching sounds. Then they stop. As Claire approaches the trapdoor, Chief Irons corpse is thrown back up with force - minus his legs and lower torso. Scene 10: We should be able to find some place safe. Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: INT. CHIEF IRONS OFFICE - NIGHT Claire returns to Chief Irons' office using the elevator. Sherry is waiting and she runs to Claire. Sherry: Claire! You came back! Claire and Sherry hug. Claire (To herself): I can't believe that the man who developed the G-Virus is her father. Sherry: What's the matter? Claire: Its nothing, but I think I found a way out of here. We should be able to find some place safe if we can just make it out of town. Sherry: But... Claire: Don't worry, I'll protect you but you have to make sure you don't leave my side. Scene 11: Run! Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Mr. X. Duration: INT. SEWAGE DISPOSAL - NIGHT Claire and Sherry have made their way to the sewage disposal, to enter the Sewers. Claire: C'mon, lets get out of here. Claire helps Sherry into the water. From above their current position, we see Mr. X stalking along the balcony. He hasn't seen Claire and Sherry. Sherry: Claire! Claire: Run! Both characters run through the gate and into the Sewer. As Claire and Sherry stand there, a floodgate opens sweeping Sherry into the depths below. Claire: Sherry, where are you? Sherry! Scene 12: Someone tried to kill me. Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy. Duration: INT. SEWER B1 HALLWAY – NIGHT Claire descends the elevator and sees Leon propped up against the wall, wounded. She runs over to him. Claire: What happened? You're bleeding! Leon: I...I ran into this woman who was in trouble...her names Ada. right after that...someone tried to kill me! Nearly succeeded too! Ada went after the Sniper but...I'm worried about her. You've got tp find her before something happens. Claire: But you've been shot! Leon: I'll be Okay...Its Ada I'm worried about. Scene 13: No one will take that away from me. Characters: Claire Redfield, Annette Birkin. Duration: INT. SEWER B1 BRIDGE CONTROL ROOM As Claire enters the bridge control room, a woman in a lab coat emerges from the sewage. Claire approaches her. Claire: Are you all right, what happened? Annette: Get away from me! Claire backs off. Annette: You just want my husbands G-Sample, don't you! But no one will take that away from me. Claire: Husband? Then you must be Annette! Annette: How...how did you!? Claire: Don't worry about that, Sherry is lost somewhere in the sewer system, I have to find her! Annette: What, I told her to go to the Police building! Why is she here? Now Sherry and the G-Virus sample are in danger. Claire: What did she mean by that? Does Sherry have the G-Sample? Scene 14: Its the truth. Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: EXT. SKY TRAM CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Claire has just used the control panel to raise the Sky Tram, and Sherry enters the room. Claire: Sherry! Your Okay! Claire and Sherry hug. Claire: Sherry, did your mom give you something called G-Virus? Either a vial or a test tube? Sherry: G-Virus? I've never heard of anything like that before. Claire: Are you absolutely sure? If you give it to me, I'll hold onto it for safe keeping. Sherry: But I really don't have anything...its the truth. INT. VACANT FACTORY - NIGHT Claire and Sherry make their way to the Vacant Factory. Claire: Sherry, wait here, I'm going to check it out by myself. Sherry: Okay, I'll wait here, but hurry back. INT. VACANT FACTORY - NIGHT Claire has raised the Transport. Claire: Okay Sherry, lets go. Scene 15: What was that? Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin. Duration: INT. TRANSPORT - NIGHT There are some loud crashing sounds from outside the transport as Claire and Sherry take it down into the Labs. Sherry: Claire! What was that!
We then hear the groans of a familiar monster.

Claire: Don't worry, Just wait here, I'll go check it out.

Claire deals with the Birkin monster and returns. Sherry is dressed in
Claire's jacket.

Sherry: Isn't this...

Claire: That's Okay, you keep it. I'm sure it will keep you safe. Wait here
for me okay, I'm going back to look for your mom.

Sherry: Thanks Claire. Even though I'm an only child, neither of my parents
spent much time with me...because of their work. But now that you're with
me I finally have someone to rely upon.

Claire: Sherry.

Scene 16: Where is she?
Characters: Claire Redfield.


Claire enters the transport to discover Sherry has disappeared.

Claire: Sherry? Where is she?

Scene 17: Which room, tell me!
Characters: Claire Redfield, Annette Birkin, Sherry Birkin, Mr. X.


Claire sees Annette approach her.

Claire: Annette!

Annette cocks her gun and approachs Claire.

Claire: Where's Sherry?

Claire shakes her head.

Claire: But I asked her and she's never even heard of the G-Virus before.

Annette: Which room? Tell me!

Annette approaches the large security monitor and scrolls through the 
monitors. We see Sherry inside the power room being menaced by Mr.X.

Annette: Sherry!

Claire: No! Annette!

Annette: The Sample is inside the pendant Sherry's wearing!

Annette runs off.

Scene 18: Sucker.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Mr. X.


Claire finds SHerry being menaced by Mr. X.

Claire: Sherry!

Sherry: Help me Claire!

Mr. X throws a punch at Sherry, but she ducks.

Claire: The monster wants your pendant! Throw it to me!

Sherry throws her pendant to Claire and Mr. X instantly turns to chase down

Claire: Now run Sherry!

Sherry crawls down a dust chute.

Claire: Come and get it, I've got what you want! C'mon!
Here, this is what your looking for, right?

Mr. X bears down on Claire.

Claire: Fine, then go get it!

Claire hurls the pendant from the power room and over the balcony. Mr. X
tries to grab it and misses, he falls through the railing and plummets
head first into the Iron smelting pool.

Claire: Sucker!

Computer Voice (V.O): The self destruct sequence has been activated! 
Repeat, the self destruct sequence has been activated! This sequence may 
not be aborted! All employees proceed to the emergency car at the bottom 

Claire returns to the pumping room.


Claire: Sherry where are you? Sherry? Where is she?

Scene 19: You have to escape.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Annette Birkin.


Claire finds Sherry cradling a badly injured Annette, in tears.

Sherry: Mom!.....Mom!

Annette: Sherry...you have to escape...I know i've been a terrible mother..
.but I still love you.

Annette coughs and dies.

Sherry: Mom!

Claire: Sherry...we have to go now.


Claire and Sherry have used Annette's master key to access the emergency 
route on the elevator, and have entered the train.

Claire: You go and wait here Okay? I'll go and get this thing moving.

Scene 20: Who are you?
Characters: Claire Redfield, Ada Wong, Mr. X.

After evading Mr. X as he tries to kill her, Claire hears someone calling
out to her from a ledge, surrounded by shadows.

Ada: Here!

The person throws a Rocket Launcher down.

Claire: Who are you?

Claire grabs the Rocket Launcher and fires once at Mr. X.

Claire: You lose big guy! 

Mr. X is blown to pieces by the blast.

Scene 21: Its finally over.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Sherry Birkin.

Leon finally reaches the bottom platform. He sees a train, starting up. He 
sees Claire by an open door. 

Claire: Leon...Hurry up! Leon!

Claire needs to duck back into the train after she nearly looses her head 
on a wall. The complex is now violently shaking. It’s only a matter of time 
before it explodes. As the train roars by, Leon spots an open door and 
heads to it. Leon enters the train and sees Claire and Sherry inside.

Sherry: Leon!

The train shudders and Sherry and Claire shriek.

Leon: Stay down!

Claire: Are you okay?

Sherry: Yes, I’m fine.

Leon: It’s finally over.

Claire: No. I have to find my brother.

Leon: You’re right. This is just the beginning.

As Leon enters the train cab, Claire goes to Sherry who is still wearing
Claire's jacket.

Claire: Ah, my god has protected you. It will always be with you. (!??)

Sherry: Claire.

Claire: Sherry.

The train jerks, and both characters are thrown around. A claxon blairs out.

Leon emerges from the main cabin.

Leon: What was that?

Claire attempts to get the end of the train, but a computer voice starts up as 
she is between the first to cars.

Computer Voice (OC): Warning! Biohazardous outbreak imminent! The emergency
system has been activated! This train will detonate! Repeat this train 
will detonate!

Claire: What's wrong with this thing?

Leon: I don't know, the door won't open!

Claire goes to the second car.

Scene 22: We've still got a job to do.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Sherry Birkin.


Claire finds the Birkin monster, now a monstrous blob, is the culprit. After
a short battle, Claire returns to the area between the first two cars.

Computer Voice (OC): Warning, the self destruct sequence has been activated,
each train compartment will detonate sequencially.

Leon: What!?

Sherry: Claire!

Claire (OC): Leon, stop the train!

Leon: I can't, the door is locked!

The Birkin monster is oozing through to the main car.

Sherry: Leon!

Leon: Sherry, get back!

The Birkin monster has now emerged inside the car. Sherry screams.

Leon: That's what I call ugly!

Leon and Sherry back up as the Birkin monster gains on them.

Leon: Claire, where are you?


We see Claire is hanging tough on the roof of the train.

Claire sees parts of the Birkin monster as it slowly consumes the first car.

Claire: You don't give up, do you!?


The Birkin monster is still consuming the first car.

Leon: Sherry? What are you doing!

Sherry is crawling under a gap in the door which leads to the train's 

Sherry: We have to stop the train, right? I can do it!

Leon: Sherry!

Leon faces the Birkin monster. He notices a panel below...

Leon: Come and get me...

Sherry is trying to select the right switch.

Sherry: Hum, which one is the right switch...maybe this one?

Claire hangs over the front of the train, and sees Sherry.

Claire: Sherry!

Sherry: Claire!

Claire: Press the switch, over there!

Sherry: Got it!

The Birkin monster has consumed the first car, and is set to continue 
through to the main cab.


Leon is hanging underneath the train, avoiding the Birkin monster. 

Leon: I can't hold on much longer!

The train grinds to a holt.

Leon: Finally!


Claire: Are you okay Sherry? Where's Leon...Leon...Leon!


Claire and Sherry exit the train. Sherry sees Leon.

Sherry: Leon!

Leon: You're both Okay!

By now, the Birkin monster has fully consumed the Train and is oozing out
the windows.

Leon: We've gotta get out of here, move it! Go!

All three characters make sprint away from the train.

We see the timer on the Train's self destruct sequence click down as
we see the Birkin Monster...3...2...1.

The train explodes, a sheet of flame spraying out of the tunnel.

Claire, Leon and Sherry are safe near the railway line, in the desert.


Leon: That was a close one! That was pretty impressive back there Sherry!

Sherry: It was nothing, I saw somebody do that on TV once.

Claire: C'mon, we've gotta move out!

Leon: Why is there something following us?

Claire: Hey, we've still got a job to do.

Leon: Go, oh You can't mean...

Claire: Chris...I have to find you!


Scene 1: I'm finally here.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Truck Driver, Zombies.

A young woman rides into Racoon City on a motorcycle and stops outside a
cafe, and gets off her bike.

Claire: I'm finally here.

A Man falls through a window outside a gas station. He collapses to 
the floor only to rise again with an unearthly groan...

A Truck Driver enters his cab at the gas station. He’s clutching 
his arm which is crimson with blood.

Truck Driver: That guys a maniac! Why’d he bite me?

Claire enters the cafe, its seemingly deserted.

Claire: Hello? Is Anyone here? Hello.

Towards the back of the Cafe, there are some strange slurping noises. 
Claire approaches and sees a man leaning over something.

Claire: Erm...hello?

The man turns around. Its not a man, its a Zombie. It groans and grins
at Claire, attracted by the scent of living flesh. Claire shrieks as it 
slowly staggers towards her.

Claire: Look, I'm sorry I bothered you okay? Just don't come any closer!

The Zombie continues to approach Claire.

Claire: Are you listening!?

Claire backs towards the front door. She spins around to see two Zombies
pressed up against the door, groaning. Claire shrieks and runs to the back

CLaire bursts the door open. Facing her is a cop, Leon Kennedy, pointing his
sidearm right at Claire.She shrieks when she sees Leon pointing his 
gun at her and puts her hands up.

Claire: Wait, don’t shoot!

Leon: Get down!

Leon fires into the Zombies forehead, piercing its skull. It collapses to 
the floor, blood oozing from its body. Leon hands his arm to the Claire.

Leon: We can’t stay out here, get to the police station, it’ll be a lot 

Our two heroes head out into the street where more zombies are converging. 
They spot an abandoned Police Car in the road.

Leon: There!

Leon and Claire run toward the police car and enter it. Leon gets into 
the driver’s seat and is surprised to find the keys.

Leon: Let’s buckle up.

The police car passes several zombies who are roaming the streets. Leon 
is trying to get the Radio in the police car to work.

Claire: What’s going on? I arrived in town and the whole place went 

Leon: Great the Radio’s out!

Claire: You’re a cop, right?

Leon: Yeah, First day on the job. Great, huh? Names Leon Kennedy, nice to 
meet you.

Claire: Mine’s Claire. Claire Redfield. I came to find my brother Chris.

After Leon swerves to speed round a corner, a large tanker truck is coming 
up behind them.

Leon: hey could you open the glove box?

Claire: Sure.

Claire opens it. There’s a gun inside.

Claire: There’s a gun inside.

Leon: Better take it with you.

They are interrupted suddenly by a ZOMBIE who is in the backseat! It attacks,
grappling at Leon and Claire from the back. Leon struggle for control of 
the car, hitting buildings and stationary vehicles.

Leon: No!

Claire: Look out!

Leon crashes, the back of the car hitting a pole. The zombie flies out the 
window and gets crushed against the pole.

Leon: Are you okay?

Claire: Still in one piece.

Leon and Claire look out of the window and see the Tanker Truck is speeding 
toward them.

Leon: That maniac’s gonna ram us!

The driver is by now completely zombified. Leon and Claire exit the car as 
the Tanker hits it causing a massive explosion. Both heroes are separated 
by a large fire.

Leon: Claire!

Claire: Leon!

Leon: I’m okay! Head to the station I’ll meet you there.

Scene 2: What's going on in this town?
Characters: Claire Redfield, Robert Kendo, Zombies .


Claire enters the gunshot. From behind the counter is a burly man with a 
bloodstained shirt. He’s holding a Bow Gun and aims it at Claire.

Kendo: Freeze! Who are ya? What are you doin' here?

Claire: Don't shoot i'm a human.

Kendo cocks the gun, but finally relents and lowers it to his side. He 
breathes a sigh of relief and makes his way toward Claire.

Kendo: Sorry about that babe, I thought you were one of them.

Claire: What's going on in this town?

Kendo bolts the front door.

Kendo: I ain't got no clue darling, by the time I noticed something was
wrong, the entire city was infested with Zombies. But don't you worry
girlie, you'll be safe in here. I'm keeping a close eye on things.

Scene 3: We should have listened to them.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Marvin Branagh.

Claire enters the Office on the first floor. She sees a police officer 
groaning in agony on the floor and goes over too him.

Claire: Hang in there! Are you the only officer left in the building?

Marvin: Who...who are you?

Claire: Claire, Claire Redfield - i'm looking for my brother Chris.

Marvin: We lost contact with him over ten days ago. Chris, Jill, Barry
every last S.T.A.R.S team member has disappeared. We should have listened
to them.

Claire: What happened?

Marvin: About 2 months ago, there was this incident involving these zombie
like creatures in a mansion located in the outskirts of this city. Chris
and the other S.T.A.R.S members discovered that umbrella was behind
everything. At the risk of their own lives but, no one believed them.

Marvin doubles over in pain.

Claire: Are you okay?

Marvin: Don't worry about me, just the rescue the survivors in the other 
rooms. Here, take this keycard. You should be able to unlock the doors
in the hall with this. Now go.

Claire: But...

Marvin: Just go!

Marvin points his gun in Claire's face.

Claire: Okay, just hang in there I'll be back soon.

Scene 4: I'll go look for her.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Sherry Birkin.


Upon exiting the S.T.A.R.S office, Claire sees a little girl being 
menaced by a zombified police officer.

Sherry: Help me!

The girl runs off as Claire kills the zombie.

Claire follows her into the next hall where she hears footsteps from the

Claire: Leon!

Leon: Claire, you made it!

Claire: Yeah...did you see a little girl around here?

Leon: Yeah, you just missed her...who is she?

Claire: I don't know, but its too dangerous for her to stay here alone, 
Leon i'll go look for her, you go and find us a way out of here.

Leon: Of course, but before I forget here's a radio. That way we can keep
in touch if something comes up.

Scene 5: You'll end up just like all the others.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Chief Brian Irons.
Duration: 1:30:81.


Claire is inside the decorated office of one Brian Irons, Chief of the
Racoon City Police Department. She approaches the desk. On top of it is
the body of a young woman with a wound in her gut. The chair, which had its
back to Claire, spins round. A man in a shirt with a Police ID points his
gun at Claire.

Irons: Oh, I'm terribly sorry...I thought you were another one of those

Claire: Are you Chief Irons?

Irons: Yes, that's me. And just who are you...no don't bother telling me.
It makes no difference, you'll end up just like all the others.

Irons can see that Claire is looking at the body lain out on his desk.

Irons: That's the Mayor's daughter. I was told to look after her, but I 
failed...miserably. Just look at her...she was a true beauty, her skin
nothing short of perfection.

Irons pauses for asecond.

Irons: But, it will soon putrify and she will turn into a Zombie within
the hourlike all the others!

Claire: There must be some way to stop it!

Irons: In a manner of speaking there is, either by putting a bullet through
her brain...or by decapitating her completely.

Camera pans to reveal Irons' collection of stuffed animal carcasses beside 
his chair.

Irons: And to think that taxidermy used to be my hobby...

Irons : But no longer! Please, I'd really like to be alone now.

Scene 6: I found the girl.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Leon Kennedy.


Claire encounters the little girl she saw near the S.T.A.R.S Office earlier.
She sees Claire, shrieks and tries to run by her but Claire gets hold
of her hand.

Claire: Wait!

Sherry: Let me go!

Claire: Easy, easy there I'm not a Zombie! Your safe now.

Sherry hugs Claire and starts crying.

Claire radios Leon.

Claire: Leon, come in I've found the girl and I've cleared the wreckage 
that was blocking the coridoor.

Leon (OC): Got it.

Claire: My names Claire, what's yours?

Sherry: Sherry.

Claire: Do you know where your parents are?

Sherry: They both work at the Umbrella Chemical Plant, near the City limits.

Claire: The chemical plant? Then what are you doing here?

Sherry: My mom called and told me to go to the Police Station because it
was too dangerous to stay at home.

Claire: By the look of things I'd say she was probably right, but its
dangerous here as well. You're better off coming with me.

Sherry: But there's something out there...I don't know what it is, but I
saw it! Much larger than any of those Zombies and its coming after me!

A terrifying Yell from an unknown monster can be heard from far away.

Claire: What was that?

Sherry: That's what I was telling you about, its here!

Sherry runs off.

Claire: Sherry, wait!

Scene 7: Don't go alone.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin.


Claire catches up with Sherry in the sewage disposal area.

Claire: Sherry! I've been looking everywhere for you, I was so worried....
We've got to go now honey okay? If we stay here that monster will find us.
Lets go.

Sherry: No! I won't!

Claire: What's the matter? Don't you trust me?

Sherry: Its not that Claire, its because of my daddy. He's over there,  I 
heard him call my name...daddy must have been attacked by the monsters, I
have to help him!

Sherry runs to a raised gap in the fencing at the end of the passage and 
crawls through before Claire can catch up with her.

Claire: Wait Sherry, don't go alone! Sherry! Sherry!

Scene 8: I can take care of myself.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin.


Claire is waiting for Sherry to return. She talks to Claire through the gap.

Sherry: Claire? Are you there?

Claire: Sherry, are you okay? Did you find your dad?

Sherry: Yes, I'm okay but I couldn't find him...but I did find something 
else for you, here.

Sherry throws the Precinct (Club) Key through the gap.

Claire: Thanks, sweetie. Now why don't you come over here, I want you to
stay with me.

Sherry finds that the gap is to high to reach now.

Sherry: Claire, I can't reach the ventilation hole any more, but don't
worry, I'll find another way. I can take care of myself.

Sherry runs off.

Claire: Wait, Sherry come back! Sherry! Sherry!

Scene 9: I'm glad to see you're safe Claire.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Brian Irons.


Claire finds Sherry inside Chief Irons office.

Claire: Sherry! You're okay!

Sherry: I'm glad to see you're safe Claire.

Claire places the stones in sequence on the painting behind Chief Irons'
desk. This reveals a secret room with an elevator.

Sherry runs around the corner.

Sherry: Claire!

Claire: I'm going down there, stay here and wait for me Okay?

Claire descends and exits the elevator. We then see Chief Brian Irons who
is inside a room, faced by the monster we heard earlier.


Irons screams in terror.

Irons: Help Me!

The monster shoots a parasite into Irons mouth and forces its way down his
throat. He collapses to the floor.

Scene 10: The ultimate bio-weapon.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Brian Irons.


Chief Irons can be heard laughing off camera.

Irons: So, you've made it this far. Not bad girl! 

Irons: I'm not letting ANYONE leave my town, Everyone's gonna die!

Claire: Calm down Chief, what happened?

Irons: Shut up!

Irons points his gun at Claire.

Irons: You couldn't possibly understand what's happened. Those monsters
from Umbrella have destroyed my beautiful town! How could they do that to me
after everything I've done for them!?

Claire: So its true, you have been working for Umbrella...then you must 
know about the G-Virus, what is it tell me!

Irons: If you must know, it is the agent that can turn humans into
the ultimate Bio-Weapon, superior to the T-Virus in every way. William
Birkin is the genius behind the project.

Claire: William Birkin?

Irons: I'm sure you've already seen his little girl running around here.
Sherry? Isn't it? In case you haven't already figured it out, the monster 
that's been tearing my precinct apart is yet another product of the G-Virus,
The Ultimate Bio Weapon! Umbrella must be trying to cover its tracks, but 
If I'm going to go, I'm going to take you with me!

Irons is about to kill Claire, when he doubles over in pain.

Irons: My chest....can't...take the pain!

Chief Irons screams in pain as his chest is ripped open from the inside.
The parasitic creature which shot down his throat earlier shoots out from
Irons decimated chest and scoots down a trapdoor, while Irons bloodied
and mutilated corpse falls to the floor. Claire goes down the trapdoor
to investigate.

Scene 11: Are you crazy!
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Leon Kennedy.


Claire returns to Chief Irons' office using the elevator.
Sherry is waiting and she runs to Claire.

Sherry: Claire! You came back!

Claire and Sherry hug.

Claire (To herself): I can't believe that the man who developed the G-Virus
is her father.

Sherry: What's the matter?

Claire: Its nothing, but I think I found a way out of here. We should be
able to find some place safe if we can just make it out of town.

Sherry: But...

Claire: Don't worry, I'll protect you but you have to make sure you don't
leave my side.

Claire calls Leon on the radio.

Claire: Leon, you're still there? We're leaving.

Leon (OC): Are you crazy! The sewers are still crawling with zombies!

Claire: It'll be all right, we found a way to the sewer follow us later.

Leon (OC): Claire!...Claire...wait, wait!

Scene 12: I'm here.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, Birkin Monster.


Claire and Sherry have made their way to the sewage disposal, to enter the

Claire:  C'mon, lets get out of here.

Claire helps Sherry into the water. From above their current position, we
see the Birkin monster stalking along the balcony. He hasn't seen Claire 
and Sherry.

Sherry: Claire!

Claire: Run!

Both characters run through the gate and into the Sewer. As Claire and
Sherry stand there, a floodgate opens sweeping Sherry into the depths below.

Claire: Sherry, where are you? Sherry!

Sherry stands up in a lower section of the sewers.

Sherry: Claire, I'm here!

Sherry continues to a garabage disposal area. The floor collapses lowering
her into a dump.

She rises.

Sherry: Claire?

Sherry collapses, just as the Birkin monster closes in on her.

Scene 13: You must be Annette.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Annette Birkin.


As Claire enters the bridge control room, a woman in a lab coat confronts
her at gunpoint.

Annette: Who are you? 

Annette cocks her gun.

Another spy sent by Umbrella, right? You're just after my husband's G-Virus
aren't you?

Claire: Husband? Then you must be Annette.

Annette: What?

Claire: Sherry's wandering around alone in the sewers! You have to help
me find her. 

Annette: That's impossible, I told her to go to the police station, what
is she doing here, William will be after her!

Claire: William?

Annette: That's right the creature that has been causing all this
destruction is none other than my husband.

We now flashback to a scene in the nearby underground sewage tunnels. 
Several Armed men in full body armour and protective gas masks and armed 
with machine guns are walking around the area in formation.

Umbrella Soldier: This way.

We now cut to a laboratory somewhere nearby. A young scientist, William 
Birkin is marvelling at his latest experiment.

William: Its sheer perfection. My precious G-Virus, no one will ever take 
you away from me.

At this, the soldiers burst into the room.

Umbrella Soldier: There he is.

William grabs his case of the G-Virus research and picks up a Pistol.

William: So, you’ve finally come.

Umbrella Soldier 2: Doctor, we’re here to collect the G-Virus sample.

William: Sorry, but I won’t just hand over my life’s work.

William is backing up against the wall, clearly unable to take on several 
armed soldiers. As he backs up, he knocks over a vial of test tubes. One 
of the Soldiers opens fire, peppering William with bullets. He screams as 
he falls backwards to the floor. The lead Soldier pushes the shooting 
soldier’s gun away from him.

Umbrella Soldier: Stop it! You might hit the sample.

The Soldier moves over and collects the case.

Umbrella Soldier: That’s it alright. Okay, let’s move out.

The Soldiers leave. A few moments later, Annette arrives and tends to her 

Annette: William...Oh my...hold on darling, I’m taking care of that bullet 
wound, first, stay here.

Meanwhile, several more soldiers in the sewers are in contact with the 
retrieval team.

Umbrella Soldier: ALPHA Team, have you retrieved the sample yet?

ALPHA Team Leader (V.O): Affirmative. Meeting at the Rendezvous point in 
One minute.

William notices one vial of the G-Virus lying on the floor. He injects 
himself with it. His eyes turn a piercing red.

We cut back to Annette and Claire.

Claire: Are you telling me that he injected the G-virus into his own body?

Annette: The G-Virus has the ability to revitalise cellular functions.

Several Soldiers in the sewers hear an unearthly roar from nearby.

Umbrella Soldier: What was that?

Umbrella Soldier: Something’s wrong, let’s check it out. Over there!

More Soldiers are battling the creature that was once William Birkin.
They fire their Weapons at the creature but to now avail.

Umbrella Soldier: I’m stopping it!

Umbrella Soldier: What is this thing?

William closes in on one of the soldiers and kills him.

Umbrella Soldier: Noooooo!

The previous two soldiers hear the screams of their comrade.

Umbrella Soldier: Hurry!

When they arrive they see William. He’s eating cases of the G-Virus to get 
even stronger.

Umbrella Soldier: What is this thing?

Umbrella Soldier: Fire...Fire!

Both soldiers fire at William, but he closes in and kills one of them.

Umbrella Soldier: You Sun of a...!

He continues to fire but runs out of ammo. He backs into the wall as 
William kills him too. Over the sound of the soldier’s screams, we see 
rats eating cases of the G-Virus.

We now cut back to Ada and Annette once more.

Claire: So those rats were the carriers of the virus?

Annette: As a result of his transformation, William should have lost any 
prior memories he had as a human by now. He'll try to create offspring.

Claire: What?

Annette: Every G-Virus bio weapon including William has the ability to
impregnate embryos into other life forms. That's why he's after Sherry.

Claire: What are you trying to say?

Annette: A body with non related genetic coding is likely to reject the

We can hear Sherry screaming off camera.

Claire: Its Sherry, you go that way!

Scene 14: Come on, lets go.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin.


Claire sees Sherry lying amongst various waste and trash.

Claire: Sherry!

Claire is attacked by a giant Alligator which has emerged from the sewage.

After dealing with the alligator, Claire makes her way back to where Sherry 
is lying.

Claire: Come on, wake up Sherry!

Sherry eventually comes to.

Sherry: My stomach...It hurts.

Claire: Don't worry you'll be fine; Come on, lets go.

Scene 15: I have to hurry.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin, William Birkin.

As Claire and Sherry descend the large scale transport from the factory 
toward Umbrella’s secret laboratory, Sherry starts to feel ill.

Sherry: Claire, my stomach...my stomach hurts.

Claire: Hang in there Sherry, she's burning up. I have to hurry before
the embryo's pupate.

The massive claw of the G-Type punches a hole through the side of the
transport, and Claire ventures outside to do battle.

Claire returns.

Claire: Sherry.

Sherry mumbles.

Scene 16: I'll be right back.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Sherry Birkin.

After dealing with the G-Type and ensuring the Transport reaches the lab, 
Claire carries Sherry to a nearby medical room.

Sherry wakes up.

Sherry: Claire?

Claire: You're finally awake.

Sherry: Isn't this...

Sherry is wearing Claire's jacket.

Claire: That's Okay, you keep it. I'm sure it will keep you safe. 

Sherry: Thank you Claire. Even though I'm an only child, neither of my 
parents spent much time with me...because of their work. I grew up alone.
But now that you're with me I finally have someone to rely upon.

Sherry cries.

Claire: Sherry. Rest here for me, I'll be right back as soon as I've found 
the antidote for you.

Scene 17: Tell me what I need to know.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Annette Birkin.


After acquiring the lab card key, Claire exits the lab to be confronted
by armed Annette Birkin.

Claire: Annette!

Annette: You killed William, I'll never forgive you for that.

Annette cocks her gun.

Claire: Wait!

Annette: I've just prepared a sample of the G-Virus, and this time
no one will take it from me. This is the most significant piece of
research my husband has ever left in my hands.

Claire: Stop it, Sherry's in serious trouble, William implanted her 
with his embryo, there's no telling when they'll pupate. If that 
happens, Sherry won't...

Annette: What?

A gurgling sound can be heard off camera.

Annette: William!?

Annette abandons Claire and runs towards the door leading to the control
centre. The monster that was once William Birkin, stands before Annette.

Annette: William! You're alive!

Birkin savagely slashes Annette accross her torso. Her screams are heard
by Claire who rushes in to find Birkin disappearing through some piping
on the ceiling. Annette lies in a pool of blood on the floor with a 
massive wound accross her torso.

Annette groans as Claire kneels near her.

Annette (Weakly): W-William...is alive! He's getting stronger with each 
skin he casts off. Sherry!

Claire: Tell me what I need to know! How can I save Sherry?

Annette: I have detailed information...everything you need to know 
to prepare the antidote is right here.

Annette hands Claire a file.

Annette: Save my daughter...and tell her i'm sorry I wasn't a better

Annette begins to lose consciousness.

Annette: Sherry...

Annette croaks and dies.

Claire: Annette!

Scene 18: I've got something else to take care of.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy.


Claire sees Leon via the security monitor in the control centre, and 
calls him on the radio.

Claire: Leon, we made it!

Leon: Claire is that you, Where are you?

Claire: I can see you on the monitor. Never mind about that now, Leon you 
have to go back and get Sherry, I left her in the security office, 
please you must save her.

Leon: Wait a second, what about you, where are you going?

Claire: I've got something else to take care of. I'm counting on you.

Scene 19: I have to find my brother.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Sherry Birkin.

Claire finally reaches the bottom platform. See sees a train, starting up. 
She sees Leon by an open door. 

Leon: Claire...Hurry! Claire!

Leon needs to duck back into the train after He nearly looses his head 
on a wall. The complex is now violently shaking. It’s only a matter of time 
before it explodes. As the train roars by, Claire spots an open door and 
heads to it. Claire enters the train and sees Leon inside and an
unconscious Sherry on a seat.

Claire: Sherry!

The train shudders and Sherry falls off the seat.

Leon: Stay down!

Both heroes recover.

Leon: Sherry's unconscious.

Claire: I have the antidote. If I give it to her...

Claire administers the antidote.

Leon: Claire, what's happening?

Claire: Not now! C'mon Sherry, wake up! Wake up, please wake up.

Sherry eventually comes to.

Sherry: Claire? Where am I?

Leon: It worked!

Claire: Oh, Sherry You're gonna be okay!

Leon: It's finally over.

Claire: No, I have to find my brother.

Leon: You're right this is just the beginning.

Claire: Ah, my god has protected you. It will always be with you. (!??)

We see the back of Claire's jacket. It reads 'Made in heaven'.

Sherry: Claire.

Claire: Sherry!


Scene 1: What have we got here?
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Truck Driver, Zombies.
Duration: 3:48:41.

A man is driving his jeep into the town of Racoon City. The camera 
focuses in on the man, Leon Kennedy, a uniformed Police officer. 
In the middle of the road is a body. Leon stops his car and gets 
out to investigate.

Leon: What have we got here?

A Man falls through a window outside a gas station. He collapses to 
the floor only to rise again with an unearthly groan...

A Truck Driver enters his cab at the gas station. He’s clutching 
his arm which is crimson with blood.

Truck Driver: That guys a maniac! Why’d he bite me?

Leon closely examines the corpse. It’s very disfigured.

Leon: Man, what a mess! What could have done this?

From a short distance down the road, several ZOMBIES are headed 
Leon’s way! Barely able to stand, groaning and with rotting flesh 
falling from their bodies, they stagger slowly toward a startled 
Leon, who produces his Gun out of sheer panic.

Leon: What are these things?

Leon by now is aiming his gun squarely at the undead mob.

Leon: Alright, that’s far enough! Don’t Move!

The body on the floor is no body. It’s another ZOMBIE and it’s 
crawling toward Leon! It groans as it gets close to his leg, the 
smell of living flesh too tempting. Leon notices it and instantly 
aims his gun downward.

Leon: No!

He shoots the zombie dead. The angry mob is now getting closer and 
closer. Leon begins firing at the multiple zombies. Some bullets 
find their target, but they still keep coming undeterred.

Leon: What’s up with this guy that was a clean hit!

Leon is being backed into an alleyway as the zombies keep advancing. 
He backs his way near to the back door of a café. The door swings 
open and Leon spins around to sees a Girl, Claire Redfield. Behind 
her is another Zombie. She shrieks when she sees Leon pointing his 
gun at her and puts her hands up.

Claire: Wait, don’t shoot!

Leon: Get down!

Leon fires into the Zombies forehead, piercing its skull. It collapses to 
the floor, blood oozing from its body. Leon hands his arm to the girl

Leon: We can’t stay out here, get to the police station, it’ll be a lot 

Our two heroes head out into the street where more zombies are converging. 
They spot an abandoned Police Car in the road.

Leon: There!

Leon and Claire run toward the police car and enter it. Leon gets into 
the driver’s seat and is surprised to find the keys.

Leon: Let’s buckle up.

The police car passes several zombies who are roaming the streets. Leon 
is trying to get the Radio in the police car to work.

Claire: What’s going on? I arrived in town and the whole place went 

Leon: Great the Radio’s out!

Claire: You’re a cop, right?

Leon: Yeah, First day on the job. Great, huh? Names Leon Kennedy, nice to 
meet you.

Claire: Mine’s Claire. Claire Redfield. I came to find my brother Chris.

After Leon swerves to speed round a corner, a large tanker truck is coming 
up behind them.

Leon: hey could you open the glove box?

Claire: Sure.

Claire opens it. There’s a gun inside.

Claire: There’s a gun inside.

Leon: Better take it with you.

They are interrupted suddenly by a ZOMBIE who is in the backseat! It attacks,
grappling at Leon and Claire from the back. Leon struggle for control of 
the car, hitting buildings and stationary vehicles.

Leon: No!

Claire: Look out!

Leon crashes, the back of the car hitting a pole. The zombie flies out the 
window and gets crushed against the pole.

Leon: Are you okay?

Claire: Still in one piece.

Leon and Claire look out of the window and see the Tanker Truck is speeding 
toward them.

Leon: That maniac’s gonna ram us!

The driver is by now completely zombified. Leon and Claire exit the car as 
the Tanker hits it causing a massive explosion. Both heroes are separated 
by a large fire.

Leon: Claire!

Claire: Leon!

Leon: I’m okay! Head to the station I’ll meet you there.

Scene 2: Don't Come Any Closer - Alternate.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Fat Cop, Helicopter Pilot.

Leon ascends the staircase to get to the heliport. There he hears the
buzzing of an overhead helicopter.

A heavy set cop stands in the middle of the Heliport, armed with an MP5
Machine Gun. He gestures to the helicopter franticly.

Cop: Hey! Get over here, hurry!

Pilot: I can't set her down, I'll drop you a rope ladder!

The rope ladder swings down just out of reach.

Cop: C'mon, just a little more!

As the cop reaches for the ladder, he hasn't noticed due to the sound of
the chopper that several Zombies have followed him and are lurking right
behind him.

The Zombie attacks and grapples with the cop.

Cop: Get off me!

The cop manages to shake off the lead Zombie. He backs himself into a corner
and opens fire on the Zombies.

Cop: Stay back, don't come any closer!

The Mp5 does nothing to halt their charge.

Cop: Stay back!

Both Zombies are unaffected and attack. This time he has no chance and is
pushed to the floor. In the struggle, he continues firing the Mp5.
A volley of bullets pierce the underbelly of the Helcopter. The Pilot is
peppered several times with bullets and he screams with pain and loses
control. The Helicopter descends wildly and crashes on top of the Cop
and his zombified pursuers, causing a massive explosion - all witnessed 
by Leon.

Scene 3: I'll go look for her - Alternate.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Sherry Birkin.


Leon leaves the library and finds a little girl crouching near a desk.

Startled by the newcomer, Sherry runs off around the corner.

Leon: Hey, wait!

Leon pursues the girl who crawls under an air vent into another part of
the police station, but not before dropping a key in her wake.

Leon retraces his steps and hears footsteps approaching.

Claire: Leon!

Leon: Claire, you made it!

Claire: Yeah...did you see a little girl around here?

Leon: Yeah, you just missed her...who is she?

Claire: I don't know, but its too dangerous for her to stay here alone, 
Leon i'll go look for her, you go and find us a way out of here.

Leon: Of course, but before I forget here's a radio. That way we can keep
in touch if something comes up.

Scene 4: Ada Wong
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong.
Duration: 1:10:27

As Leon walks through the parking garage, he is shot at. He spins round to 
see a woman pointing a gun at him. She lowers her gun when she sees Leon is 

Ada: Sorry, but when I saw the uniform I thought you were another Zombie.

Leon: Who are you?

Ada: Ada, Ada Wong.

Leon: And what are you doing here?

Ada: I’m looking for a guy named Ben. He’s one of those reporter types, 
always looking for a scoop. I heard he was locked up in the cell block, 
only there’s a wrecked car barring the entrance.
I’ve been trying to find another way inside. If we wok together we can 
move this thing. Will you give me a hand?

Leon and Ada move the truck out of the way and enter the cell block. Ada 
bolts off leaving Leon behind near the door.

Leon: Ada Wait!

Scene 5: Who the heck are you?
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Ben Bertolucci.

Leon sees a man lying down on a bed inside one of the cells.

Leon: Let me guess, you must be Ben right? Get up now!

Leon starts hitting the bars to rouse him.

Ben: What do you want; I’m trying to sleep here!

Ada has now entered the room and joins Leon.

Leon: Is this the guy?

Ada: Ben, you told the city officials that you knew something about what’s 
going on. What did you tell them?

Ben: And who the heck are you?

Ada: I’m trying to find my boyfriend, his name’s John. He was working for a 
branch office of Umbrella based in Chicago but he suddenly disappeared six 
months ago. I heard rumours he was here in the city.

Ben: I don’t know anything and even if I did why would want to tell you?

Ben turns around to go back to his bed.

Leon: Okay, I say we leave him in here. Anyone know where they put the key 
to this cell.

Ben: I have it right here officer. But I’m not about to leave this cell. 
Those Zombies aren’t the only things crawling around out there.

A terrifying Yell from an unknown monster can be heard from far away.

Leon: What was that?

Ben: Like I said, I’m not leaving this Cell. There’s a kennel in the back 
of the building. Inside the kennel is a manhole. Go through and it will 
lead you to the sewer entrance, but it won’t be easy.

Scene 6: It’s a dead end - alternate.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Sherry Birkin.
Duration: 43:46.


Leon catches up with Ada in a corridor in the sewage disposal area. They 
are stopped by a dead end. There is a vent near the top that can be crawled 

Leon: Ada, I don't think I've introduced myself yet. My names Leon. I’m 
with the RPD. It’s a dead end.

Ada: Do you think we can get upstairs through this shaft? Give me a boost 
I’ll go and check.

Leon helps ada through the vent.

When Ada drops through she see Sherry in the small storeroom here.

When she spots Ada, she turns and runs through the door to the sewer.
Sherry has dropped something again, this time its her pendant which
Ada picks up and opens. Inside is a photograph of Sherry and her parents.

Ada: How cute. That little girl must have dropped this. I think I'll
hold onto it for her.

Scene 7: I’ll catch up with you - Alternate.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong.
Duration: 44:78.


Ada has explored the area she through the vent and has discovered a key. 
She heads back to the other side of the vent where Leon is still waiting.

Ada: Leon, can you hear me?

Leon: Ada did you find anything?

Ada: Right here.

Ada throws the key and maybe even some Shotgun shells through the vent 
for Leon to pick up.

Ada: I can’t reach the ventilation hole I’m going to have to find another 
way around. I’ll catch up with you.

Ada leaves through the door.

Leon: What? Ada wait!

Leon hears the beeping of the radio he gave to Claire earlier.

Claire: Leon, come in - I've found the girl and Ive cleared the wreckage 
that was blocking the coridoor.

Leon: Got it.

Scene 8: Get that Scum! - Alternate.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong and Ben Bertolucci.
Duration: 2:01:48.


Leon re-enters the cellblock hall using a dust shoot from the 3rd floor. 
He hears Ben screaming from the cellblock.

Ben (O.C): Nooooooooooooooo!

We now see inside the cell block. Ben is backing toward the wall while a 
large monster is in the room with him.

Ben: Get Away!

After menacing the reporter, the monster with one quick swipe of its huge
claw turns Ben's chest into mincemeat, his white shirt crisscrossed with
multiple red slashes.

After hearing Ben’s anguished cries, Leon enters the cell block. He sees 
Ben on the floor propped up against the bars on the outside and rushes over 
to help him.

The reporter is covered in blood.

Leon: Ben! Can you still hear me? C’mon answer me!

Ben: I'don't believe this! I almost got the story!

Leon: Ben?

Ben (Groaning): Bitter irony. The chief of Police, a co-conspirator.

Ben hands Leon a file, documenting Chief Brian Irons’ corruption.

Ben: Get that scum...Make him Pay!

Leon: Hang in there Ben.

At that, Ben's wrecked body gives up its fight and he expires and flops
to the floor, a large crimson puddle spreading out from beneath his corpse.
Ada enters and crouches next to Leon
Ada: Leon.

Leon: Where are you going Ada?

Ada: To the chemical plant, I have a feeling that's where I'll find John.

Leon: Ada, wait, hey!

Claire: Leon are you still there? We're leaving.

Leon: Are you crazy? The streets are still crawling with Zombies.

Claire: It'll be okay, trust me we found a way to the sewers. Follow us

Leon: Claire, Claire, wait, wait! Man why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?

Scene 9: Reckless and Stupid.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong.
Duration: 45:65.

The Wooden ceiling in this area cracks and gives way. Ada Wong falls 
through it to be reunited with Leon again.

Leon: Ada! Running off like that was reckless and stupid! Those zombies are 
everywhere not to mention that thing that got Ben.

Ada: I was there Leon, I know.

Leon: Look ada, as an officer it’s my job to look out for you. But we’re 
not going to get through this alive if we don’t work together.

Ada: Alright, we’ll do this your way. For now.

Scene 10: I have to talk to her.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Annette Birkin.
Duration: 19:66.

Ada and Leon descend an elevator together. As it nears the bottom, they 
see a woman in a lab coat there. She runs off. Ada follows her.

Leon: Ada!

The woman in a lab coat shoots at her. Leon dives onto Ada and knocks her 
over getting shot in the shoulder as he does so.

Ada: Leon! That woman was...I have to talk to her.

Ada leaves Leon and gives chase.

Scene 11: Where did you get that?
Characters: Ada Wong, Annette Birkin, Leon Kennedy.

As Ada walks around the bridge room, her gun is shot from her hands by the 
woman in the lab coat. She’s Annette Birkin. She approaches Ada holding her 
at gunpoint.

Annette: Don’t move. You’re the one who’s was with that cop if I remember 
correctly. Identify yourself.

Ada: Ada. Ada Wong.

Annette: Ada Wong? I’ve heard that name before. Now I remember. One of the 
men from Chicago came to assist the T-Virus research. He used his 
girlfriend’s name as his password, Ada and John i believe.

Ada: How did you know? Who are you?

Annette: Annette Birkin. My husband is the man responsible for the creation 
of the T-Virus, William Birkin.

Ada: What?

Annette: John’s dead. He became one of those zombies. My condolences. And 
although I regret this, you will be joining him shortly. I won’t let 
anyone take the G-Virus away from me.

Ada: G-Virus?

Annette: It’s capable of creating the ultimate Bio-Weapon. Its potential 
is even greater than that of the T-Virus

Ada: That must mean the creature in the police department is...

Annette: Precisely. My husband William. And it is all umbrellas’ fault. 
None of this would have happened if they hadn’t tried to steal his research 
away from him. 

Annette notices Sherry's pendant around Ada's neck.

Annette: Where did you get that? That looks exactly like the one I gave 

Ada: She dropped it, I was just holding on to it for her!

Annette: LIAR! Give it back to me!

Annette lunges for the pendant. In the ensuing Struggle, Ada slaps Annette
hard and she plummets from the bridge into the green sewage below.

Ada: Too bad.

Ada opens up the pendant to reveal a vial containing a purple liquid.

Leon awakens in the sewer system coridoor.

Leon: Ada!

Scene 12: The Sooner the better.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong


Leon sees Ada at the other end of a room which is full of trash.

Leon: Ada!

Ada: Leon. 

Leon: This bullet wound isn’t making things any easier.

Ada: Quiet Leon. I’ll patch you up.

She bandages Leon’s wound up for him.

Ada: That’s two I owe you.

Leon: Don’t mention it.

Ada: I just found out. John’s dead.

Leon: What?

Ada: Never mind. Let’s get out of here, The sooner the better.

Scene 13: We've finally arrived.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong.


Leon and Ada have entered the control room at the vacant factory.

Ada: We've finally arrived, but there must be something here.

Leon goes down a level and activates the control which raises the large
turntable which will take the duo to the lab. After a brief scuffle with
Mr. X, Leon returns to the control room.

Leon: Come on, lets go.

Scene 14: Snap out of it.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, William Birkin.
Duration: 43:11

As Leon and Ada descend the large scale transport from the factory toward 
Umbrella’s secret laboratory, the massive claw of the G-Type punches 
a hole through the side catching Ada in the arm. Leon kneels over her 
trying to help her.

Leon: Ada! Ada...Can you hear me, c’mon snap out of it.

Scene 15: Welcome Back.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong.

After defeating William Birkin's latest mutation, Leon returns to the 
turntable to come to the unconscious Ada's aid.

Leon: Welcome back.

Ada is stirring.

Leon: Hey, take it easy. We’re inside umbrella’s secret lab. I’ll go find 
something to treat that wound. So just rest here in the meantime.

Ada: But I’ll only slow you down with these injuries. Go and save yourself.

Leon: Is it just me or does everybody always ignore what I say? 
I told you it’s my job too look out for you.

Ada: But...You’ll be in danger if you stay with me. I know I’ve only known 
you for a short period of time, but I really enjoy being with you.

Leon: I’m...

Ada: I know. I’m not capable of caring about anyone, but...I don’t want to 
lose you.

Leon: We’re leaving this place together. Wait here, I’ll be right back.

Scene 16: You’re So Gullible - Alternate.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Annette Birkin, Mr.X.

Leon Is walking in the coridoor outside the steam room when he is 
confronted by an angry gun toting Annette Birkin.

Annette: You! You murdered my husband! I know what you’re looking for! You 
came for the G-Virus didn’t you! You won’t take it from me! This is my 
husband’s legacy! Now, where’s that spy you were working with earlier, 
you know who I’m talking about.

Leon: What?

Annette: You really don’t know anything do you! Hahaha, you’re so gullible! 
She’s one of the operatives sent here by the agency. The only reason why 
she came here was to obtain the G-Virus.

Leon: That’s a lie.

Annette: No it’s the truth. I discovered this when I did a background check
on her. She specifically got close to John and became his girlfriend to 
get information about umbrella.

Leon: That can’t be! I know her; Ada wouldn’t do something like that!

Annette: If you don’t want to believe me I don’t care, your about to die 

Annette cocks her gun and points it at Leon. As she does this, Mr. X leaps
from an air vent overlooking the area. Panic stricken, Annette flees leaving
Leon to deal with the unstoppable assassin.

Scene 17: We're A Team.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Mr.X.


Leon walks around the narrow metallic catwalk of the power room looking
for some way to bring power to the other sections of the lab complex. As
he does this, Mr.X launches another attack, entering the power room and
stalks towards Leon. The cop is trapped as the monster gets closer and

Mr.X's back explodes as a gunshot rings out. Its Ada. Mr. X looks around 
more out of annoyance than anything and turns his attentions on Ada.

Ada: Run!

Leon: Ada!

Ada fires repeatedly into Mr.X as he converges on her, the bullets finding
their mark but making little effect. The Browning clicks empty, and as she
struggles to feed another clip into the weapon, Mr.X is upon her. He grabs
her effortlessly with one hand.

Leon: Ada!

Ada has just enough time to reload. She unloads rounds into Mr.X's face
at point blank range. Five, Six, Seven shots...the assassin feels the force
of several bullets to its brain and clucthes his bleeding head; With Ada
still in his hand, he throws her with devestating force into the central
column of the power room. The blow is crippling and Ada's broken and 
blood soaked body lies crumpled. Mr.X meanwhile topples over a loose 
railing, off the catwalk and into a vat of molten steel hundreds of feet 

Leon rushes over to the aid of his stricken companion.

Ada: Leon, please...escape!

Leon: No, we're a team I can't just leave you behind.

Ada: I'm...just a woman who fell in love with you. Nothing more.

Leon and Ada embrace.

The passionate encounter is ended by Ada moaning softly and then expiring.


The moment is broken by a computer voice from somewhere within the 

Computer Voice (V.O): The self destruct sequence has been activated! 
Repeat, the self destruct sequence has been activated! This sequence may 
not be aborted! All employees proceed to the emergency car at the bottom 

Leon: I wil always remember you. Goodbye Ada.

Leon  neatly presents Ada's corpse and leaves.


Leon hears the beeping of the radio as he leaves the power room.

Claire: Leon, we made it!

Leon: Claire is that you, Where are you?

Claire: I can see you on the monitor. Never mind about that now, Leon you 
have to go back and get Sherry, I left her in the security office, 
please you must save her.

Leon: Wait a second, what about you, where are you going?

Claire: I've got something else to take care of. I'm counting on you.

Leon: Hello, Claire are you there, Claire? Security Office?

Scene 18: Game Over.
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong, Sherry Birkin, Mr.X.

Leon enters the security offcie using the elevator and sees Sherry resting
on the cot in here.


Leon: Sherry, I've come to get you out of here, Claire's waiting for you.

Sherry: Claire?


Leon and Sherry descend to the bottom platform using the master key he
obtained from Ada. He places Sherry on a bench inside the Train carriage.

Leon: Rest here for a minute Claire should be back soon.

Leon has used the plugs in the fuse box to bring power to the train.

As the power sparks into life, the nearby pool of molten steel erupts.
Mr.X, or the skeletal Tyrant which was masquerading as Mr.X leaps from the
liquid and faces Leon, Its huge claw looking even more fearsome. It lets
out a blood curdling war cry and charges at the cop.

Its a futile battle, the tyrant is so crazed normal weapons cannot defeat
it and Leon is left to run around as it charges at him over and over again.
When all is seemingly lost, Leon hears a voice from an above platform.

Ada: Here, use this!

Ada, obscured by shadows, throws down a Rocket Launcher.

Leon: Ada is that you, Ada!

Leon picks up the launcher and as Mr. X charges towards him, he squeezes
the trigger.

Leon: Game Over.

The rocket zips out carrying a varpour trail and slams into Mr.X blowing
him to pieces.

Scene 19: I have to find my brother.
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Sherry Birkin.

Claire finally reaches the bottom platform. See sees a train, starting up. 
She sees Leon by an open door. 

Leon: Claire...Hurry! Claire!

Leon needs to duck back into the train after He nearly looses his head 
on a wall. The complex is now violently shaking. It’s only a matter of time 
before it explodes. As the train roars by, Claire spots an open door and 
heads to it. Claire enters the train and sees Leon inside and an
unconscious Sherry on a seat.

Claire: Sherry!

The train shudders and Sherry falls off the seat.

Leon: Stay down!

Both heroes recover.

Leon: Sherry's unconscious.

Claire: I have the antidote. If I give it to her...

Claire administers the antidote.

Leon: Claire, what's happening?

Claire: Not now! C'mon Sherry, wake up! Wake up, please wake up.

Sherry eventually comes to.

Sherry: Claire? Where am I?

Leon (Triumphantly): It worked!

Claire: Oh, Sherry you're gonna be okay!

Leon: It's finally over.

Claire: No, I have to find my brother.

Leon: You're right this is just the beginning.

Leon enters the driver's compartment of the train.

Leon: Goodbye Ada.

The train jerks, and all characters are thrown around. A claxon blairs out.

Leon emerges from the main cabin.

Leon: What was that?

Leon attempts to get the end of the train, but a computer voice starts up 
as he is between the first to cars.

Computer Voice (OC): Warning! Biohazardous outbreak imminent! The emergency
system has been activated. This train will detonate! Repeat this train 
will detonate!

Leon: What's wrong?

Leon: I don't know, the door won't open!

Leon goes to the second car.

Scene 20: Its up to us to take out umbrella!
Characters: Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy, Sherry Birkin, William Birkin.


Leon finds the Birkin monster, now a monstrous blob, is the culprit. After
a short battle, Leon returns to the area between the first two cars.

Computer Voice (OC): Warning, the self destruct sequence has been activated,
each train compartment will detonate sequencially.

Claire: No!

Leon: Claire, stop the train!

Claire: I can't, the door to the control room is locked!

The Birkin monster is oozing through to the main car.

Sherry: Claire, what is it?

Claire: Stay down!

The Birkin monster has now emerged inside the car. Sherry screams as Claire
and Sherry back up as the Birkin monster gains on them.

Claire: Leon, where are you?


We see Leon is hanging tough on the roof of the train.

Leon sees parts of the Birkin monster as it slowly consumes the first car.

Leon: You don't give up, do you!?


The Birkin monster is still consuming the first car.

Claire: Sherry? What are you doing!

Sherry is crawling under a gap in the door which leads to the train's 

Sherry: We have to stop the train, right? I can do it!

Claire faces the Birkin monster. He notices a panel below...

Claire: Come and get me, I'm right here!

Sherry is trying to select the right switch.

Sherry: Hum, which one is the right switch...maybe this one?

Leon hangs over the front of the train, and sees Sherry.

Leon: Sherry!

Sherry: Leon!

Leon: Press the switch, over there!

Sherry: Got it!

The Birkin monster has consumed the first car, and is set to continue 
through to the main cab.


Claire is hanging underneath the train, avoiding the Birkin monster. 

The train grinds to a holt.

Claire: Finally.


Leon: Are you allright?

Sherry: I'm Okay.

Leon: Claire...Claire...Claire!

Claire: Right here.

Sherry: Claire!

Claire: I guess we all made it.

By now, the Birkin monster has fully consumed the Train and is oozing out
the windows.

Claire: It won't quit! C'mon we have to get out of here. Run!

All three characters make sprint away from the train.

We see the timer on the Train's self destruct sequence click down as
we see the Birkin Monster...3...2...1.

The train explodes, a sheet of flame spraying out of the tunnel.

Claire, Leon and Sherry are safe near the railway line, in the desert.


Claire: So its finally over!?

She looks at Sherry who has sooty marks on her face.

Claire: You look terrible!

Sherry notices Claire herself has the burns.

Sherry: No worse than you Claire!

Leon: C'mon, time to leave.

Claire: Now, what's wrong? is something following us?

Leon: We have to go.

Claire: Go where?

Leon: Its up to us to take out Umbrella!

 The Stars

Name: Leon Scott Kennedy
Age: 25-27
Hair Colour: Brown
First Met: On the Streets of Racoon City.
Profession: Police officer.
Weapon of Choice: Custom Magnum.
Memorable Quote: “Ada Wait!”
Likes: Guns, Jeeps, Valve Handles, Ada and Self Destruct Sequences.
Dislikes: Mind boggling puzzles, William Birkin and traitors.

Leon is the idealistic rookie police officer who has only just joined the 
Racoon Police department on the day of the viral outbreak. Leon is an adept 
and seemingly experienced officer, but his naivety could could be his 
downfall. His mission is to rescue any survivors in the city and escape.

Name: Claire Redfield
Age: 18 (Yeah of course she is).
Hair Colour: Black
First Met: On the streets of Racoon City.
Profession: Unemployed?
Weapon of Choice: Grenade Launcher.
Memorable Quote: “There’s a gun inside”.
Likes: Riding Motorcycles, being a tomboy and looking out for big brother 
Chris. That’s the former air force pilot cum Special Forces operative Chris.
Dislikes: Nothing. No, Claire is all things to everybody.

Claire is the second main character in Resident Evil 2. Although her 
storyline is very similar to Leon’s certain elements are different. For 
example, Claire teams up with youngster Sherry and vows to protect her. 
Claire is an instantly likeable attractive young woman who knows how to 

Name: Ada Wong
Age: early 30s.
Hair Colour: Black.
First Met: Inside the Underground Parking garage, Police Precinct.
Profession: Unknown.
Weapon of Choice: Browning Handgun.
Memorable Quote: “I’ve been waiting for you Leon!”
Likes: Running away from Leon, lying, that mighty fine Handgun. You’d find 
John a lot quicker if you knew his surname.
Dislikes: Weak Large scale transport roofs, shoulder wounds and Annette 
Birkin. These two really give it to each other at times.

Ada is the main supporting character in Leon’s scenario. A strange, 
seemingly impassive woman Ada initially gives Leon the cold shoulder, 
preferring to continue the search for her boyfriend John alone. But as 
times go by, she forms a strong alliance with Leon.

Name: Sherry Birkin
Age: About 12 years old.
Hair Colour: Blonde.
First Met: In Chief Irons secret hidey hole.
Profession: Kid.
Weapon of Choice: Power of wit.
Memorable Quote: “...”
Likes: Being an irritating little gnat. Ever needed a six foot fly swat more 
Dislikes: Rampaging Zombies, falling through floodgates getting impregnated 
by her dad (Don’t ask).

It seems strange to think that a 12 year old girl could survive this whole 
mess when gallant soldiers and cops have died, but there you have it! 
Sherry is the daughter of two brilliant scientists and their work often 
undermines their roles as parents. When she meets Claire, the two form an 
instant bond and they tag along together for most of the rest of the game.

Name: Brian Irons
Age: 45-50
Hair Colour: Black
First Met: Chief Irons’ office.
Profession: Chief of Racoon City Police department.
Weapon of Choice: Desert Eagle.
Memorable Quote: “It’s my town! Everybody’s going to die!”
Likes: Being a fat, Animal Stuffing, Psychopathic rapist. Everything a 
budding Ed Gein needs. He’s also a corrupt umbrella puppet yes man. 
Dislikes: Getting cut off mid sentence by nasty Umbrella creations.

Chief Irons is the corrupt chief of police. He’s a short tempered man prone 
to violent outbursts and on occasions in the past he has had brushes with 
the law. He’s also been bought by umbrella. As his police force dies, he 
sits in his office the whole time, periodically emerging to kill his own men.

Name: Ben Bertolucci 
Age: 30s
Hair Colour: Brown.
First Met:
Profession: Reporter.
Weapon of Choice: Tie.
Memorable Quote: “Who the heck are you?”
Likes: Getting the top scoop. Anything more stereotypical about this 
character? He looks an idiot with that pony tail.
Dislikes: Probably wonders how a six foot tall monster got into his locked 

Ben is a charcter who appears only in Leon’s game. He’s a brash reporter 
who has apparently gotten a big scoop on Umbrella. Yeah, but who will read 
his articles in a wrecked town? Despite being in the game for a short 
period of time, his insights are useful and helpful.

Name: Annette Birkin.
Age: 30s
Hair Colour: Blonde.
First Met: Sewer B1
Profession: Scientist.
Weapon of Choice: Handgun.
Memorable Quote: “I know what you’re looking for!”
Likes: Still loves her “Husband” despite him being a huge monster. Is an 
unnervingly good markswoman for a scientist. I reckon there is something 
she’s not telling us.
Dislikes: Mothering Sherry. Where is your daughter madam? Is paranoid over 
he G-Virus. If you have it, why don’t you lock it away somewhere?

Annette is Sherry’s mother. A scientist like her husband William, she is 
fiercely protective over her husband’s research and will guard it with her 
life. His legacy is the most important thing to her now, even more so than 
her own daughter.

Name: William Birkin.
Age: 30s
Hair Colour: Blonde
First Met: Multiple locations across the 4 scenarios.
Profession: Scientist.
Weapon of Choice: Pistol, Steel Pipe, Claws.
Memorable Quote: “No one will take my precious G-Virus away from me!”
Likes: His beloved G-Virus.
Dislikes: Knocking over canister in his lab. Wishes he’d locked that damn 
door too, I bet.

William is the brilliant scientist who devised the G-Virus himself. When 
Umbrella tried to steal that research away from him, he injected himself 
with his own creation and turned into a marauding monster hell bent on 
destroying everything in his path.

Supporting characters:

Name: Truck Driver
Age: Unkwnown.
Hair Colour: Black.
First Met: When he crashes into your police car.
Profession: Truck Driver.
Weapon of Choice: Articulated Truck.
Memorable Quote: “That guys a maniac! Why’d he bite me!”.
Likes: To think he will be okay.
Dislikes: Turning into a zombie while driving. Wishes he could find a 
hospital quickly.

Name: Umbrella Soldiers.
Age: Unknown.
Hair Colour: Unknown.
First Met: Through Flashback.
Profession: Umbrella Soldiers, duh!
Weapon of Choice: MP5 Sub machine guns.
Memorable Quote: “I’m stopping it!”
Likes: Acting menacing in their Gas Masks and with their Machine Guns. 
Stealing research.
Dislikes: Getting turned into kebab by William. Running out of ammunition.

Name: Fat Police Officer.
Age: 40s.
Hair Colour: Black.
First Met: Police Station Rooftop. This is a charcter who only appears in 
each respective B game.
Profession: Police Officer.
Weapon of Choice: MP5.
Memorable Quote: 
Likes: Pies, apparently.
Dislikes: Low flying Helicopter’s. Anyone who can’t kill a few Zombies 
with an MP5 deserves to die. A Lack of pies.

A nameless moustached fat policemen, one of the last surviving members of
the RPD, who is killed due to his poor marksmanship and incompetency.
Some people think he looks like Brian Irons and make this mistake 
particularly in Leon's B game.

Name: Helicopter Pilot.
Age: Unknown.
Hair Colour: Unknown.
First Met: Police Station Rooftop. This is a charcter who only appears in 
each respective B game.
Weapon of Choice: Rotor Blades.
Memorable Quote: “I’ll Send you a rope ladder!”
Likes: Hovering over Police stations. Where DID that Heliopter materialize 
from in any case,.
Dislikes: Wild friendly fire from incompetent fat policemen.

Name: Robert Kendo
Age: 40s
Hair Colour: Brown
First Met: Inside Kendo’s Gun Shop.
Profession: Owner of Kendo’s Gun Shop.
Weapon of Choice: Shotgun.
Memorable Quote: “Who are Ya? What are you doin’ here!”
Likes: To have reinforced glass.
Dislikes: Not having Reinforced Glass.

Kendo is the owner of Kendo’s Gun shop in downtown Racoon City. He’s the 
first person other than Claire and Leon we meet in our A games. 
Apparently he’s good friends with Barry Burton, and has often made custom 
Weapons for him.

Name: Marvin Branagh
Age: 30s
Hair Colour: Black
First Met: Office inside Police Station.
Profession: Police Officer.
Weapon of Choice: Handgun.
Memorable Quote: “Rescue the survivors in the other rooms.”
Likes: He looks a lot like Will Smith. 
Dislikes: Turning into a zombie.

Marvin is the first person we meet in the “A” games. He’s a young cop who 
was seriously wounded during the initial zombie assault on the police 
station and hasn’t got long until he turns into a zombie and we have to 
dispatch him “With extreme Prejudice.” Throughout this game, Marvin has no 
name. We find out in Resident Evil 3 that his name is Marvin Branagh.

Name: Hunk
Age: Unknown.
Hair Colour: Unknown.
First Met: Inside Sewer B1.
Profession: Umbrella Special Forces Operative.
Weapon of Choice: Desert Eagle.
Memorable Quote: Hunk has no lines of dialogue.
Likes: Heavy breathing gas masks.
Dislikes: Lying face down in sewage.

When you get back to back A rankings in an A/B game, you get to play
Hunk's special scenario. Hunk is a member of the umbrella special forces
team decimated by William Birkin with glowing red eyes, and his mission 
is to return to the police station heliport from the sewer with the G-Virus.


Leon Kennedy: PAUL HADDAD
Claire Redfield: ALYSON COURT
Sherry Birkin: LISA YAMANAKA
Brian Irons/Robert Kendo: GARY KRAWFORD
Annette Birkin: JENNIFER DALE
Ben Bertolucci: ROD WILSON
William Birkin: DIEGO MATAMOROS.

Note: Lisa Yamanaka, who provides the voice of Sherry Birkin, appeared as 
Paula in Dino Crisis 2. It is also the same voice actor who plays the 
role of Chief Irons and Robert Kendo, and if you think about it they
do sound quite similar to each other.


S.T.A.R.S: The S.T.A.R.S are the Special Tactics and Rescue squad. They are 
the Racoon Police department’s Special Forces team. They were founded by 
Captain Albert Wesker and composed of two squads; ALPHA and BRAVO. 
Previously, several murders were being committed on the outskirts of the 
city. Victims were eaten. The Mansion incident occurred a few months before 
the events of Resident Evil 2, the STARS BRAVO team consisting of Richard 
Aiken, Rebecca Chambers, Edward Dewey, Enrico Marini, Forest Speyer and 
Kenneth Sullivan were called in to investigate. They were immediately wiped 
out on arrival. The whole Mansion was crawling with Zombies and other vile 
creatures. When the STARS ALPHA Team went in to investigate the 
disappearance of their comrades, they had to battle to avoid a similar 
fate. ALPHA team member Joseph Frost was killed, but Albert Wesker, Chris 
Redfield, Barry Burton and Jill Valentine made it in to the mansion, 
infiltrated it and discovered the whole event was the result of bio hazard 
experiments gone wrong and released onto the population of the mansion and 
surrounding ground. Most people turned into the living dead, while other 
monsters roamed the grounds. The secret experiments were being conducted 
by the Umbrella Corporation, which masquerades as a pharmaceutical company. 
The objective was to create the ultimate Bio-Weapons. Albert Wesker, the 
Captain of STARS was in league with Umbrella and helped create his perfect 
weapon, the Tyrant. The STARS ALPHA team members manage to defeat the 
tyrant in battle. The Laboratory was detonated via a self destruct sequence 
and no evidence of conspiracy was uncovered. Only Chris Redfield, Barry 
Burton, Rebecca Chambers, Brad Vickers and Jill Valentine escaped the 
incident. Upon return in Racoon City, Nobody believed them and they went 
the unit was most likely disbanded. But the STARS were far from finished.

Umbrella: Umbrella are a Multi-National corporation who masquerade as a 
pharmaceutical company. In truth, they are conducting secret experiments 
at various laboratories and bases throughout the world to create the 
ultimate Bio-Weapon. One of their principal bases was the Spencer Mansion 
in Racoon City. But their experiments went drastically wrong in the Mansion, 
causing a viral outbreak which was contained by the STARS Alpha team. When 
they shouted conspiracy, nobody listened. Dr. William Birkin, a scientist 
working for umbrella, synthesised a new Virus, the G-Virus. But his quest 
for personal glory was not a view shared by Umbrella who dispatched a 
Special Forces squad to retrieve the virus from Birkin. But as a result, 
they unleashed the G-Virus onto the population of Racoon City.

 Scene Index

Find out here how each scene ties in with each other in terms of the A/B
storyline. I have indexed it in the following layout; Leon A/Claire B and
then Claire A/Leon B.


1) What have we got here?
2) Hold your fire I'm a human!
3) Survivors in the other rooms.
4) Good to see your still among the living.
5) Ada Wong.
6) Who the heck are you?
7) Its a dead end.
8) I'll catch up with you.
9) Get that Scum!
10) Reckless and Stupid. 
11) I have to talk to her.
12) Eat this you freak!
13) Alligator Attack.
14) The Sooner the better.
15) Snap out of it.
16) We're leaving this place together.
17) You're so gullible.
18) Shut up, your gonna make it!
19) This is just the beginning.


1) I'm finally here.
2) Don't come any closer.
3) Good to see your still among the living.
4) You'll end up just like all the others.
5) I'm not a Zombie!
6) Don't go alone.
7) I'm on my way.
8) I'm going down there.
9) Everyone's Gonna die!
10) We should be able to find someplace safe.
11) Run!
12) Someone tried to kill me.
13) Noone will take that away from me.
14) Its the truth.
15) What was that?
16) Where is she?
17) Which room, tell me!
18) Sucker.
19) You have to escape.
20) Who are you?
21) Its finally over.
22) We still have a job to do.

|A/B Game tie ins|

Scene 3 in Claires B game 'Good to see your still among the living' is the
same as scene 4 in Leon A (With the bonus of seeing a small scene with
Sherry in Claire B). 

Scene 7 'I'm on my way' includes a radio conversation with Leon. We get
to see the Leon side of this conversation in scene 9 of Leon's A game 'Get
that scum'.

Scene 12 of Claire's B game 'Someone tried to kill me' shows happens
directly after the events of scene 11 'I have to talk to her' in Leon's
A game. It also reveals that Claire and Leon did meet up the Sewers, despite
not seeing this scene in Leon A as we were controlling Ada at the time. 

Scene 13 of Claire's B game 'Noone will take that away from me' shows the
events that occur right after scene 12 of Leon's A game, 'Eat this you 
Freak!', and also reveals how Annette survived her drop into the sewage.

Scene 17, 'Which room, tell me', of Claire's B game is a strange one. Annette 
clearly sees Sherry inside the Power room, and goes to rescue her and the 
G-Viurs. However, we know for a fact that she actually goes to the blue 
light lab, where she encounters Leon in scene 17 of Leon's A game 'You're 
so gullible'. This scene occurs during the events of scene 18 of Claire's 
B game 'sucker'. Then, scene 18 of Leon's A game 'Shut up, your gonna 
make it' occur with Annette and we see the aftermath of this scene in scene
19 of Claire's B game, 'You have to escape'. There is a lot of action in the
same areas of the lab, with the same characters at the same time - its a 
wonder that they never bump into each other more often.

Scene 20 of Claire's B game 'Who are you', sees a person, obviously Ada,
throw a Rocket Launcher to Claire to defeat Mr. X with. Whilst the character's
identity is not in doubt, given her final fate in Leon's A game Scene 18 
'Shut up, you're gonna make it', its a little testing at best, if not
completely unbelievable.

Scene 21 of Claire's B game 'Its finally over' is essentialy the same 
cutscene as scene 19 of Leon's A game 'This is just the beginning', save
for alternate dialogue at the end - Claire speaks with Sherry while Leon
gives his 'Goodbye Ada' speech in the cabin. The only other difference is 
that after this part of the scene, we get to see some more and lead onto
scene 22 of Claire's B game 'We still have a job to do'.

Leon A/Claire B Plot hole:
In Leon A, Annette is determined to not see the G-Virus fall into the
wrong hands. She has it in her possession until Leon takes it away from
her and throws it down the main shaft of the Lab. During this time frame,
in Claire B, when Claire encounters Annnette she maintains that Sherry
has the virus in her pendant. So why are there two viruses, and why is
it so important for Annette to have the one in Leon A and not the one in
Claire B? And vice versa? I've thought about this too much.


1) I'm finally here.
2) I'm keeping a close eye on things.
3) We should have listened to them.
4) I'll go look for her.
5) You'll end up just like all the others.
6) I found the girl.
7) Don't go alone.
8) I can take care of myself.
9) I'm glad to see your safe Claire.
10) The ultimate Bio-Weapon.
11) Are you Crazy!
12) I'm here.
13) You must be Annette.
14) Come on lets go.
15) I have to hurry.
16) I'll be right back.
17) Tell me what I need to know.
18) I've got something else to take care of.
19) I have to find my brother.


1) What Have We Got Here
2) Don't Come Any Closer - Alt.
3) I'll go look for her - Alt.
4) Ada Wong.
5) Who The Heck Are You?
6) Its a Dead End - Alt.
7) I'll catch up with you - Alt.
8) Get that Scum! - Alt.
9) Reckless and Stupid.
10) I have to talk to her.
11) Where did you get that?
12) The Sooner The Better.
13) We've finally arrived.
14) Snap out of it.
15) Welcome Back.
16) You're so gullible - Alt.
17) We're a Team.
18) Game Over.
19) I have to find my brother.
20) Its up to us to take out Umbrella!

|A/B Game tie ins|

In Scene 8 of Leon B, you can hear the other half of the conversation in
scene 11 of Claire A. These radio conversations overlap in the following
scenes: Scene 6 of Claire A and Scene 7 of Leon B and Scenes 17 and 18 of
Claire A and Leon B.

Scene 4 of Claire A ties directly into Scene 3 of Leon B.

Scenes 2 of Leon and Claire B are indentical except one has Leon and the
other has Claire witnessing the helicopter accident on the roof of the RPD.

Idiot Annette:
In scene 13 'You must be Annette', to quote Annette herself - 'William 
should have lost any prior memories he had as a human by now'. Yet in
scene 17 'Tell me what I need to know', she refers to the monster as
William, and tries to talk to him resulting in her death. I thought William
would have no prior memory of you Annette? Fool.

Shut up Sherry:
I've noticed how many different, 'Sherry' 'Claire' exchanges made in
Claire A, which can only intensify hatred of this character.


Q: So how did this FAQ come about?

A: Well, its funny you should mention that. My computer has recovered from 
a serious crash and I was trawling through my files and saw an uncomplete 
script guide for Silent Hill 2. It was a skeleton guide, with the 
introduction and disclaimer sections complete and only a few scenes of 
dialogue. This guide was written well over 1 year ago. So, I changed 
everything relating to Silen Hill 2 to Resident Evil 2 and set about to 
work. Of course I chose Residebnt Evil 2 because I feel its one of the 
best games of all time and also because It currently doesn’t have a game 

Q: How was this guide written?

A: Its really not that difficult. As I said, the skelton of this guide was 
already written down. So all I needed to do was record the dialogue (Using 
a tape recorder) and note it down on here. Of course I had to play through 
the game as well, which is always fun to do.

Q: Why Leon’s game first?

A: Quite honestly, I selected Leon’s game first because I like the 
storyline better and I hate Sherry. And also he’s first billed character 
as well.

Q: Does Ada Survive? If so, How?

A: In answer to this very Frequently asked question in Resident Evil 2, yes 
she does survive and lives to fight another day. She was apparently rescued 
from Racoon City by an unknown party.

An update to this question: It is confirmed in Wesker's report that he
rescued Ada, and she makes an appearence in Resident Evil 4.

Q: Who is Hunk?

A: Hunk is a member of the Umbrella special forces team that were pwned by 
William Birkin in the sewers. It is unclear whether he was one of the 
members of the team which was wiped out or not, but his mission was to 
retrieve the G-Virus and bring it back into Umbrella’s hands. Hunk’s 
scenario is a secret mission which can be played when you get back to 
back A rankings in an A and B game. You play as Hunk abnd your mission is 
to take the G-Virus sample from Sewer B1 back to the Police Station 
Helicopter Pad. Its great fun too.

Q: Is Hunk a real character?

A: Yes, he certainly is and there is a brief mention of him in Resident 
Evil Code Veronica X, and he’s also mentioned in Resident Evil 3. You can
also play as him in the Resident Evil 4 mercenaries mini game, which I
have yet to play yet as I am waiting for the PS2 release. 

Thanks to Capcom for making one of the best game series in history.

Thanks to Shinji Mikami, whose direction was perfectly balanced, 
affecting and superb, and also for the replay value of this game; 
unparalleled in the survival horror genre.

CjayC for posting this FAQ.

                   DOCUMENT COPYRIGHT MILLERS C (2004 -)