=============================================================================== * RC de GO! * FAQ Version 1.02 For The Taito G-Net System Arcade Game and the PSX Version Steven Ives Send Comments & Suggestions To saives@gameoverdude.com =============================================================================== Table of Contents: 00) Trademarks & all that other Legal Crap 01) History 02) What is RC de GO? 03) The controls and other things to know first. 04) Practice mode 05) Normal Mode 06) Championship Mode 07) The Kyosho Shop Inventory 08) Soundtrack Info 09) Shout-outs 10) The Pillory 11) Final Disclaimer =============================================================================== 00) TRADEMARKS AND ALL THAT OTHER LEGAL CRAP: RC de GO, Go By RC, and all related trademarks are property of Taito Corporation. Any other trademarks are those of their respective owners. This FAQ is copyright 2000 by Steven Ives, all rights reserved. It may be posted only on these sites: gamefaqs.com GameFAQs gameoverdude.com Gameoverdude.com (the author's site) gameadvice.com Game Advice vgstrategies.about.com Video Games Strategies Did you see this FAQ on another site? Tell me now. It is to be on these sites listed above ONLY. If you have permission to host my FAQ, it is to be in the original unaltered plain text form. NOTHING but NOTHING is to be changed or taken away. NOTE: NEVER is this FAQ to appear on megagames.com, gamesdomain.com, or CNET Games Center (games.netscape.com/Faqs). If you just found it there, TELL ME. I've heard it through the Game FAQs grapevine that these sites rip off FAQs. HTMLized versions of the FAQ may not appear on any site other than www.gameoverdude.com (Game Over). For now you can check gamefaqs.com for the latest version. The author reserves the right to post this FAQ on gameoverdude.com at a future time. If you wish for permission to host this FAQ on your page, E-mail me. No one is to profit from this FAQ. This includes but is not limited to magazines, COP-DN or other for-profit sites, and others. This applies even if no profit is directly derived from the FAQ. DON'T TRY TO PROFIT OFF OF MY WORK. Don't plagiarize. If you wish to use any info found herein in a FAQ or other material you are working on, ask the author for permission first. If permission is granted, you are to credit the author in your work for the information used. I reserve the right to litigate if the TERMS & CONDITIONS are violated. Applicable copyright laws will be enforced. If the author uses a copyrighted resource, an acknowledgement will be given in the SHOUT-OUTS (The Credits) section. If you disagree, you may not use this FAQ. SPAM: I do not put up with any Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE). If you send me any UCE, your E-Mail will be filtered and forwarded to SpamCop. Spamming is a good way to get yourself into some deep you-know-what. OK, I think I've bored you enough with this legal crap. Let's go! =============================================================================== 01) HISTORY: 10.27.2000 It's time for an RC de GO! FAQ. It includes some info on the home and arcade versions, as well as a parts listing for the Championship Mode of the home version. V1.00 released. 10.27.2000 Correction added: The correct soundtrack CD number is ZTTL-0044. 10.29.2000 Recommend trying the Joytech Rac-Con/RaceCon Pro controller for PSX version. This is an incremental update, but still IMO worthy of release. So here is V1.02. =============================================================================== 02) WHAT IS RC DE GO? It first appeared as an arcade game for the Taito G-Net system (like System 12 it uses enhanced PlayStation hardware) in 1999. It is a "Radio Control Car Simulator". The view is as if you are looking down on your RC vehicle. The graphics are realtime rendered (polygon) but the game play is 2D, somewhat like RC Pro-Am on the NES or RC Grand Prix on Sega Master System. RC de GO! was produced under supervision of Kyosho (a maker of RC vehicles) and in cooperation with RC World Magazine. The arcade game uses a special RC controller with a wheel on the right hand side and a 2-way analog trigger. You pull the trigger to accelerate and push out on it to brake. An RC de GO! cabinet can be linked with others to allow up to 4 players in a game. The arcade game's World version is known as "GO By RC". The PlayStation port appeared in Japan in 2000. Later in 2000, Acclaim has localized RC de GO! for Europe and North America. The NA version retails for $29.99. Although RC de GO! comes out rather close to RC Revenge which is also published by Acclaim, it is the better simulation of RC racing. The PlayStation version has a FMV intro depicting some actual RC racing. This one is actually quite good, and worth a watch. =============================================================================== 03) THE CONTROLS AND OTHER THINGS TO KNOW FIRST Arcade- You use a gun-shaped RC controller with a steering wheel on its right hand side, and a 2-way analog trigger for acceleration and brakes. The controller is red, with a black "TAITO" logo on the left side. The steering wheel is black and somewhat resembles a tire. PlayStation- The Dual Shock pad is the controller of choice here. To try to simulate the real arcade control in this pad, Taito has made the default control mode so that you steer with the right analog stick and control braking and acceleration with the left one. This control setup also is somewhat like that found in the PlayStation version of Super Sprint. If you want a closer controller to the arcade, get the Rac-Con or RaceCon Pro from Joytech. It has the "gun" shape of the arcade controller and is set up very similarly. NAME ENTRY: Before starting a game, you do this. Arcade- Turn the wheel left or right to select a character, then pull the trigger to confirm the choice. You enter 3 initials and a 4th hidden character which will be your "Security Code". PlayStation- Like the arcade, but you enter a name of up to 5 characters. There is no security code. DASHING & DRIFTING: Dashing (a Speed Boost) is done differently in each version: Arcade- When going at full speed, brake for about half a second and then accelerate all the way. Think of this as being the RC de GO! equivalent of the Crazy Taxi "Crazy Dash". PlayStation- Just hit L1 or R1 to make your RC car dash. If you turn while dashing, you will "Drift". Used correctly, this is a good way to take corners. In both versions, you can ram other cars while doing dashes or drifts and hopefully cause them to crash. If you cause another car to crash, it will temporarily lose control or even get flipped. The faster you are going when you ram another car in this manner, the better. DRIFT POINTS (Arcade Only): Using the Drift technique will give you Drift Points. If another car wipes out thanks to your use of this technique or you demonstrate a good use of drift on corners, you will get a considerable amount of DPs. Drift Points are the key to making other RC vehicles available for your use. When you hit certain amounts, you will be notified at the end of your game that a new vehicle is available. At these amounts, a new Special Machine will be made available: 3,000 - 6,000 - 10,000 - 15,000 - 20,000 - 30,000 MODES OF PLAY: (Both) Practice: You go through four lessons including a practice race. Normal: In the PlayStation version it is called "Quick Race". You race on various tracks against a time limit. If the time runs out, you retire but are given the option to retry/continue. (PSX Extras) Championship: Eight On-Road and six Off-Road tracks are available. You choose a car and race on the tracks of your choice. You earn Credit Points for setting records and based on your ranking in a race. These can be spent at the Kyosho RC Shop to soup up your car. Time Attack: Have the track all to yourself and go for a time record. (Other stuff) Record: See the best times lists. Option: Set the game options. =============================================================================== 04) PRACTICE MODE The Practice mode has four steps: 1- Your car is surrounded by 8 arrows pointing outward from it. When the arrow lights up, turn your car to it. You can only steer. 2- Drive your car toward the STOP markers and brake so that you stop on them. You can only use the accelerator or brake. 3- Drive around and pop 20 balloons. You have a radar screen showing where all the balloons are. 4- Practice Race. This is a single level of a Normal game. Do these tasks quickly, as they have their respective time limits. If your time runs out on a step of Practice, your game does not immediately end. Instead, you go to the next step. You are graded at the end of the Practice game on your completion of steps 1-3, and you are also shown your finishing rank for step 4. =============================================================================== 05) NORMAL MODE Note: This is called "Quick Race" on the PlayStation. When you choose the Normal mode, you can choose either the On-Road or Off-Road course. ON-ROAD: Pick either Beginner (1-2-3-4), Intermediate (3-4-5-6) or Expert (5-6-7-8) After the course select, you pick a machine. Arcade version: The cars will be rated in the categories for Acceleration, Traction, and Handling. There will be a number of square symbols (1-4) shown by each category on the respective machine. Question marks will appear to designate special machines that you have not yet earned. PlayStation version: The cars are rated in Acceleration, Traction, and Handling here as well, but the ratings are depicted on a bar graph. When a race begins, you are given a certain amount of time to complete it. You start in 8th position. If the time runs out, you can continue/retry. You have unlimited continues in both versions. On the arcade version, the lower right corner of the screen will show a Drift Point counter as well as an image of the RC controller that depicts the player's controller inputs. There is also an acceleration meter. On the PlayStation version, the lower right corner of the screen has an acceleration meter and speedometer in Km/h. When you have cleared the last track on the chosen course, the game will end and your time record will be put in the list if it is good enough. On the PlayStation, you can save the records. The arcade game automatically saves records if you entered a name. =============================================================================== 06) CHAMPIONSHIP MODE (PlayStation Only) This mode lets you put together an RC vehicle and then race it on the tracks one by one. A race in this mode has no time limit- so your only opposition is the other 7 racers. First, you put your 1-5 character name in. Then you begin to make your vehicle as follows: Chassis Select: You pick one of three chassis varieties. It can be designed for Top Speed, Acceleration, or Handling. The first two types are self explanatory, while Handling is higher in Grip ability than the others. Body Select: Go through all the different body styles and just pick one that you like. Course Select: All 8 On-Road tracks and all 6 Off-Road tracks are available for your selection. Scroll through them, and underneath each one will be its top prize value. This is the amount of Credit Points you win if you place first on that race. Higher numbered tracks are more difficult but offer more Credit Points. Racing: Just like the Quick Race mode, except your car will perform according to the upgrades you've done on it. NOTE: The QUIT option is not recommended here. If you do, you don't get to save the game. Just finish the race instead and choose EXIT. After a race, you are given Credit Points for the following: Ranking: Get first place for the top prize. Lower amounts are offered for lower rankings. Record: Add 300 points to your CP if you beat a course record. Lap: Add 200 points to your CP if you set a new laptime record. After a race, you can do the following: - Play Next Race - Go to the Kyosho Shop - Tune Up - Exit Play Next Race: Takes you back to the Course Select. The Kyosho Shop: Here, you can buy a myriad of Kyosho RC parts to enhance your machine. Your car's stats are Acceleration, Brake, Grip, and Speed. Each part has its cost in Credit Points. Tune Up: If you bought some nice new parts at the Shop, this is where you go to change or add parts. Exit: This quits the Championship Mode and gives you the option to save your progress to the Memory Card. One block is required. If you place 1st-3rd in a race, a trophy will be shown for that race on the Course Select screen. If you don't quite have enough CP to get a part that you want, you can redo a race you've beaten to pick up that amount you need. =============================================================================== 07) THE KYOSHO SHOP INVENTORY: Here is a list of parts that you can purchase with your Credit Points: PART NAME COST SPEED/ACCEL/GRIP/BRAKE upgrade Engines: -GS11R Engine 4,200 30/10/00/00 -GT12S-CR Engine 6,400 40/15/00/00 -GS15R Engine 9,000 50/20/00/00 Swappable at the Tune Up screen. Throttle Servo: -S Servo 2,700 00/20/00/13 -EX Servo 3,600 00/25/00/19 -RS Servo 5,400 00/30/00/25 Steering Servo: -S Servo 2,200 00/00/18/00 -EX Servo 2,900 00/00/27/00 -RS Servo 4,400 00/00/37/00 Brakes: -FRP Brake Disk 2,000 00/00/00/33 -Stainless Disk Rotor 3,600 00/00/00/65 On-Road Tires: -Racing Slick No.40 1,400 03/06/08/14 -Racing Slick No.35 2,000 05/10/19/15 -Racing Slick No.30 2,800 07/13/23/20 -Racing Slick No.25 3,800 09/17/30/26 Off-Road Tires: -Rally Tire No.40 1,400 03/06/18/14 -Rally Tire No.35 2,000 05/10/19/15 -Rally Tire No.30 2,800 07/13/23/20 -Rally Tire No.25 3,800 09/17/30/26 Driving Parts: PCPinion Gear -High Acceleration 600 00/04/00/00 -Normal 600 02/02/00/00 -High Speed 600 04/00/00/00 On-Road Suspension (front) -Touring Damper Soft 2,300 00/11/20/00 -Touring Damper Hard 2,300 00/16/16/00 -T.D. S Soft 3,400 00/16/28/00 -T.D. S Hard 3,400 00/22/22/00 On-Road Suspension (rear) -T.D. Soft 2,300 00/16/16/00 -T.D. Hard 2,300 00/11/20/00 -T.D. S Soft 3,400 00/22/22/00 -T.D. S Hard 3,400 00/16/28/00 Off-Road Suspension (front) -Rally Damper Soft 2,300 00/11/20/00 -R.D. Hard 2,300 00/16/16/00 -R.D. S Soft 3,400 00/16/28/00 -R.D. S Hard 3,400 00/22/22/00 Off-Road Suspension (rear) -R.D. Soft 2,300 00/16/16/00 -R.D. Hard 2,300 00/11/20/00 -R.D. S Soft 3,400 00/22/22/00 -R.D. S Hard 3,400 00/16/28/00 Tail Pipe -Tuned Exhaust Set A 3,000 22/10/00/00 -T.E. Set B 4,600 25/12/00/00 -T.E. Set C 5,800 30/15/00/00 Body (all of these are 2,000 cost and 04/04/04/04) -GT-191 2,000 04/04/04/04 -Helicopter -Tonny -Condor -Canty -Valtameed GT -Hornet -Red Assassin -Silrallo -Quasar -Flash Blue -Noriko 8WD -Super Express -Little Bird -Sumo Wrestler Driving Parts (Multiple OK) -Stabilizer Set 1,300 Grip +17 -Center Belt Tension 1,300 Speed +4 Accel +2 -Center One-Way Unit 1,800 Accel +2 Grip +9 Brake +3 -Universal Swing Shift 2,000 Speed +4 Accel +2 -Vesvel Clutch Shoe 2,500 Speed +2 Accel +8 -Cooling Fan 2,500 Speed +6 Accel +3 -Bearing 2,800 Speed +8 Accel +3 -Center One Way Disk 3,400 00/02/05/22 Holder -Special Center Mount 4,000 12/02/03/00 -2 Speed R Transmission4,800 14/12/02/00 Chassis (Multiple OK) -Carbon Damper Stay Fr.1,200 Speed +5 Grip +3 -Carbon Damper Stay Re.1,200 Speed +5 Grip +3 -Carbon Upper Plate 3,600 Speed +14 Grip +5 Wow! Now THAT is a lot of parts there. =============================================================================== 08)SOUNDTRACK INFO: Zuntata Records (Taito's soundtrack CD division) released the original arcade soundtrack on July 23, 1999. RC de GO! 1999.07.23 ZTTL-0044 JPY 2,550 The game's music is by Sawammy, who has also collaborated with Junkie As Machine (J.A.M.) on the Jet de GO! soundtrack. 1.Prologue -The Braves- 2.Opening Demo 3.select 4.Longing 5.Feeling Refreshed 6.Hearts On Fire 7.To Be Wind 8.Desire To Win 9.Last Heartbeat 10.Game over 11.Result 12.Clear 13.Ending 14.Practice 15.bubble head 16.internal medicine 17.Set You Free 18.Epilogue -Reminiscence- =============================================================================== 09)SHOUT-OUTS (The Credits) To Taito, for making such a good RC racing game. To Zuntata Records, for info on the soundtrack CD. To Acclaim Distribution, for localizing RC de GO! To Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for hosting the awesome site GameFAQs. To you, for checking this FAQ out. Thanks! =============================================================================== 10) THE PILLORY A few guilty parties are here to be subjected to public shame. Please go ahead and throw your rotten tomatoes at: Megagames.com - For ripping off more than a few members of the Game FAQs community. ( Ripping en masse) Gamesdomain.com - Ripping en masse. CNET Games Center games.netscape.com/Faqs - Ripping en masse. If anyone violates copyrights on my FAQ, they will be listed here as well. =============================================================================== 11) FINAL DISCLAIMER This FAQ publication is (C) Steven Ives 2000. All Rights Reserved. Breaking the Copyright is a prosecutable offense subject to applicable civil & criminal penalties. Taito Corporation is the sole owner of all copyrights and trademarks that are relevant to Chaos Heat or the Taito G-Net Arcade System or RC de GO!. Any other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Last note: If you find something out about the game that I've not covered in this FAQ, I'd like to hear about it. Please give me any comments or suggestions you may have as well. saives@gameoverdude.com www.gameoverdude.com ===============================================================================