RALLY CROSS 2 FOR PLAYSTATION ----------------------------------- By Wayalla ======================================================================= ____ _ _ | _ \ __ _| | |_ _ | |_) / _` | | | | | | | _ < (_| | | | |_| | |_| \_\__,_|_|_|\__, | |___/ ____ / ___|_ __ ___ ___ ___ | | | '__/ _ \/ __/ __| | |___| | | (_) \__ \__ \ \____|_| \___/|___/___/ ____ |___ \ __) | / __/ |_____| ======================================================================= Plain ASCII art by: www.netowrk-science.de Guide contents created by Wayalla, uless credited. ======================================================================= ~*~*~*~*~*~VERSION HISTORY~*~*~*~*~* Version 1.0 Started the guide, it's pretty small, but March 10th starts the real basics of the game, such as 17kb things like setting up, game modes, difficulty modes, options etc. Also added alot of tips which should help you win. Version 1.4 Yay, finally got around to updating this March 13th document. Added the crap ASCII art to the top 20kb of the document, started to work on the course tips & tricks, finsihed the first few levels. www.Cheatcc.com asked to host document, the answer is no and will remain that way. If you see it on that site, please contact me. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TABLE OF CONTENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (1)TABLE OF CONTENTS (2)CONTROLS (a) IN-GAME (b) MENUS (c) REPLAYS (3)GAME MODES (a) SINGLE RACE (b) SEASON (c) TIME TRIAL (d) PRACTISE (4)RACE TYPES (a) NORMAL (b) HEAD ON (c) SUICIDE (5)DIFFICULTY MODES (a) ROOKIE (b) VETERAN (c) PROFESSIONAL (6)SETTING UP (a) CAR SELECTION (b) CHOOSE TRACK (7)DIRECTIONS OF PLAY (a) FOWARD / REVERSE (b) FORWARD DESCRIPTION (c) REVERSE DESCRIPTION (8)DRIVING & GAME TIPS (a) SPEED (b) CORNERING (c) CORNER BRAKING (d) BEST CHOICE (e) CORNER SPEED (f) CRASHING (g) SHORTCUTS (h) BUMPING (i) RAMPS & JUMPS (j) WATER & MUD (k) CUT OFF (l) PUSHING (l) QUICK TURNOVER (m) LAP LEARNING (9)SCREEN (a) LAP TOTAL/BEST/CURRENT (b) POSITION (c) MAP (d) COMPLETION (e) SPEEDOMETER (10)OPTIONS (a) AUDIO (b) CONTROLLER (c) CAMERA (d) CENTRE SCREEN (e) SAVE/LOAD (11)COURSE TIPS & TRICKS (a) CONSTRUCTION (b) RAILWAY (12)PARK EDITOR* (13)CAR SETUP* (14)BASIC GUIDE STUFF (a) COPYRIGHT (b) EMAIL (c) CREDITS _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ * : Section hasn't been started on _______________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CONTROLS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Of course, to even play the game, you need to learn what button does what. Here, I will explain that. Capiche? I N G A M E |------------------------------------------------------| | SYMBOL NAME ACTION | |------------------------------------------------------| | X Cross Throttle | | [] Square Brake | | O Circle Hand Brake | | /\ Triangle Rear View | | L1 Left 1 Lower Gear | | R1 Right 1 Higher Gear | | L2 Left 2 Rock Left | | R2 Right 2 Rock Right | |------------------------------------------------------| M E N U |------------------------------------------------------| | SYMBOL NAME ACTION | |------------------------------------------------------| | X Cross Accept/forward | | /\ Triangle Back | |------------------------------------------------------| R E P L A Y |------------------------------------------------------| | SYMBOL NAME ACTION | |------------------------------------------------------| | L2 Left 2 Switch car view | | R2 Right 2 Switch car view | | <- Left Slow Motion | | -> Right Fast Replay | | V Down Pause Replay | | X Cross Exit Replay | |------------------------------------------------------| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GAME MODES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- S I N G L E R A C E Just the basic racing, you might just want a quick race against the computer, or are new to the game and want to start just a little challenge but don't want to go into the main mode yet, so if you want that little challenge, go here. S E A S O N The main game mode of the game, play as a racing vehilce and compete to come first, simple now isn't it? You play against other computer cars, that are nearly as skilled as you are. Do you have what it takes to beat them all? T I M E T R I A L This mode is also good if you want to try and challenge yourself. By doing a lap, you set a time, now you must go and do another lap and try to beat that time you just made, thus kind of challenging yourself. A good mode if you don't want to battle the computer just as yet. P R A C T I S E If you just want to get a feel for the tracks and want no competition, than go to this game mode. Take a car, and choose a track and try it out, see if it's your car. This is a good way to prepare for a season mode. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RACE TYPES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N O R M A L Just lets you cruise around the track against other opponents, this is the basic mode of play, and is what they do in other games. 5 laps you have to go around, against the 3 other cars. H E A D O N Never seen anything like this in a game before, allows you to race 1 car around, but there is kind of a catch.... It will be going backward (Or you will be going backward) this is good if you don't want to make it look like a big challenge, and I have found it is easier to come back on. S U I C I D E Haha, you will always get hit on this mode. This allows you to play against about 3 other vehicles (opponents), they will be all going foward, but you will be going backward. Very hard game mode as you will be coming straight into the cars, and they don't stop for you either. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DIFFICULTY MODES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- R O O K I E The very first diificulty you get. You must complete these challenges to unlock the next difficulty. On the rookie mode, you unlock 3 tracks, and 3 cars. V E T The scond mode of play. You must complete the rookie stage to get here, and things get a little bit tougher. No easy wins here. On the Vet mode, you unlock 6 tracks and 6 cars. P R O A big battle for you here. To open the pro mode, you must first complete the vet stages (Also the rookie one, but in order to get to the vet you need to do the pro, so they are already done.) In Pro mode, all tracks are unlocked for you to play. Good luck. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SETTING UP GAME -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- C A R Here you can choose what car you want to use to race in. There are 3 cars to choose from first of all, but as you progress, you can get more cars to choose from. T R A C K Here, you can choose what track that you want to play on. Only three are open at the start, which are the constrauction zone, switchyard and the black forest. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DIRECTIONS OF PLAY -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- F O W A R D / R E V E R S E With the track that you choose, you can either play the track fowards, or in reverse. Choose the one you think is best for you. Unique mode this is. F O W A R D Foward lets you race the normal way of the course, which is usually an anti clockwise way. R E V E R S E Puts you in the opposite direction, heading in a clockwise direction. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DRIVING AND GAME TIPS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - Speed is the main key, just like in any other racing game. You will need alot of speed to get past the other competitors, when on a straight, always hold down the X button fully. - Cornering can always be a problem for most people. Try to take the corner wide if possible, and then dodge back into the corner. - There are three types of ways you can brake around a corner. You can either do the normal square brake around the corner, which is most often used, the O button, or the let go of X type breaking. - Out of the three I listed above, I think it is best to use the square tecnique, brake around the corner using square and pressing the direction button into the corner. - Try to get speed just after the corner. Make sure you neve hold down square and press x at the same time, it will usually spin you around. - Try not to crash, seriously, don't do it, it takes alot of preciouis time away, in which all your opponents can pass you and you will end up coming last. - Play unfair, look for shortcuts. The makers have put in alot of shortcuts throughout the levels, so if you see something suspicous, don't be afraid to try it out. Some hidden shortcuts are not even covered that well. - Bumping is good as well, although you always seem to end up the one in the ditch weather you were the bompuer, or the bumpee. You can hit the opponent off somewhere if you want to, like nudging them into a pole or into the barrier. - Using ramps, you can clear certain objects, some ramps allow you to jump over over things, including cars. Try and use ramps and jumps to your advantage. - Mud can slow you don't abit when you go through it, but not by much so it really makes no difference. Try to avoid it if there is a quick way around it, otherwise just go through it. - Water can also slow you down, but by more than the mud. But water can also be used as a shortcut, but it ends up slowing you down more. So.. don't use it. - Cut the drivers off. If you are coming on the inside around the corner, you can use the middle of your car to hit the front of their car, thus knocking them abit off course into the wall or whatever happens to be nearby. - Pushing is good also, only if someone pushes you. Some cars tend to try and push through, and if you happen to be the one trying to get pushed through, the computer will usually push you and you get that little extra boost. - This happens alot, people roll their vehicle. If you want to get it back on it's feet again quickly, press either L2 or R2 and it will flip the car back on it's wheels, and your ready to go again. - Another one out of the few I mentioned I will say again; DO NOT CRASH it totally ruins all of your chances if you do. Avoid obsticles and do everything you can. Crashing once is one time too many, so try not to crash. - Learn by each lap as you go along. You have 5 laps in a race, so if you are on the first lap, start to get a feel of the track, and where the hard parts are, the turns, the barriers, etc, so that when you come to the last lap, you can do it with breeze. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SCREEN -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I N T R O D U C T I O N On your in game screen you will find some icons on it, this section just describes what they all are, although some are self explanitory. C U R R E N T L A P T I M E WHERE: The top most left thing on the screen, next to the best lap time and the edge of the screen. DESCRIPTION: The title is pretty self explaintory, it displays the current time you have been on the current lap. Of course, it will be short if you just started, and a bigger time if you are nearly finishing the lap. B E S T L A P T I M E WHERE: Just to the left of where the total time is, and just to the right of the current lap time. DESCRIPTION: Out of the total amount of laps you have had, this will show your fastest lap around. If you are on your first lap, then it will show you that time. As you progress, it will then store your best lap time to see if you can beat it. T O T A L L A P WHERE: Just to the right of the best lap time, and by the edge of the screen also. Above the course map. DESCRIPTION: I keep getting this mixed up with the first one. This adds up all of your lap time from your total amount of laps you have done, and combines the total to get one big time limit, which is how long you have been racing for. They should just call it "Total Time". C A R P O S I T I O N WHERE: The bottom left most feature on the screen, next to the lap completion statistic and bottom left to the car. DESCRIPTION: This little statistic shows you what position you are in the race. If you are coming first, then it will show 1, blah blah blah. 1st is good remember :) All pretty self explanitory. C O U R S E M A P WHERE: Oh gee, I don't know, maybe it's that thing besides the car that takes up a quarter of the screen? DESCRIPTION: This map shows the layout of the course, and your car and also all of the other cars on the road around you. Use it to see how far you are from them, although this can sometimes get annoying. L A P C O M P L E T I O N WHERE: Just to the right of the "Car Position" statistic, located in the bottom left hand corner of screen. DESCRIPTION: Just tells you how many laps you have completd. It will show how many you have done, over the total amount of laps there is in the race, which is 5 usually. S P E E D O M E T E R WHERE: Bottom left of the screen, to the right of the lap completion, pretty hard to miss. DESCRIPTION: This thing here includes the SPEED you are currently travelled at by the numbered way, and also the stick way. To the right is what number gear that you are in. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPTIONS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A U D I O Here, you can adjust the Music and the Sound Effects volume to your liking, weather it be LOUD or soft. C O N T R O L L E R Here, you can choose one of the pre-set configurations to choose what controls that you want to use to drive. You can also change the vibarations setting here. C O N F I G Here, you can choose one of the pre-set configurations to choose what controls that you want to use to drive. V I B R A T I O N Here you can choose from engage, collision, or none. I like it best on one, but choose what you want. C A M E R A There are afew different camera views to choose from here. Select the one you want to, that is the best to do. You can also select this in- game so it doesn't matter here. C E N T R E S C R E E N Takes you to the setting that just about every other game has, move it around to get the right screen positioning. S A V E / L O A D Load the options you had off of your memory card, or save the new set of options onto your memory card. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COURSE TIPS AND TRICKS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ======================================================================= Construction Site: this is a fairly easy level to get past, but like all of the levels in the game, has it's difficulties. There is two paths to go when you are around the corner abit, really, none of the ways do any better than the other. Way one takes you around by all of the trees, the way that doesn't look like a shortcut that is. The other track looks like it is a shortcut, but it really isn't, because many people (including me) crash out coming out of the section, turning there can be a pain. If possible, try to use the cars as pillars in this section. The water should be steered clear of. Try not to go through it, it can be a pain to try and try to take a shortcut, but end up losing valubale time instead. So, don't use the water. ======================================================================= Railway: Well, there isn't much shortcuts and things like that to this level, so there really isn't much to write about. This track i thought was easy to win on, or at least place in the top 2. Mud really doesn't slow you down, it pretty much does nothing to your car, except make it dirty. Taking corners well is needed in this track, because there are so many corners to go around. There really isn't much to say about the layout, it is pretty basic, afew curbs, jumps, and wierd bits of the track. Train tracks go through the middle of the actual rally road, and you can see some trains. ======================================================================= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PARK EDITOR -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- **THIS SECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CAR SETUP -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- **THIS SECTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ENDING -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thankyou for reading my guide, I hoped it helped you out some way or another. Make your opinions heard, rate this guide. This document is in fact coyright Aaron Baker 2003. It canot be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal of private use. No website must host this FAQ without my written permission (Unless I send it to them, and also gamefaqs). If any website is found hosting this guide without permission, the means nessecary will be taken to get the guide down off the site. If you do want to use this guide on your gaming site, then please contact me first. I may let you depending on what site you are. If you are www.ign.com, www.gamefaqs.com or www.neoseeker.com you may take my work without written permission, but that is it, no one else. [EMAIL] I have no problem if you want to email me about something, but please do not mke the question more than about 5 lines long, because I have alot of emails a day regarding my FAQs, and have to reply to them all. I will do my best to reply. My email adress is Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au be sure to take out the (at) and replace it will the @ symbol. [CREDITS] - GameFAQs, for hosting all of my guides and being the best video games site on the internet. - Myself, Wayalla, for writing up this guide. It took me less than a half a day to write up. - Anyone else who wants to be thanked. - You, for reading this guide :P