0@@@@0@0Oo,. 0@@@#@@@@@@00,. O#000,..,o,O000. .o@O0o 0#o. R A C I N G .O@OO. o#@Oo, .,0OO, o@##@@O, L A G O O N .00o. o@@@@oo0@@, (TM) o0@#@@@@@@@o. o@@o. ,0@#@###@@0o, .@0, High-Speed Racing RPG O@@0oo.Oo00@O,,,,,#0 .@O00O.,#@#@#@@@0@0@,. O@@0#0#O0#@,.ooOOOo, Copyright 1999 Square .O00000,o@@0#@o.. . o@O@@0o. .O@@#@@o. 0O0@@, .,O@0##0o Mini-FAQ/Walkthrough @0@O,. .,O@@@@0, 00, .o0#@0@0. Version 0.01 .. .o0#@@@o. .o@###O. April 24, 2000 ,O@@#0o .,0##@O, .O@##0o O@##@O. ,@###0 .O@#@ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Racing Lagoon (TM) For the Sony PlayStation Logo, characters, and game are Copyright Square 1999 FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright 2000 Jeff "CJayC" Veasey The latest version of this document may always be found at GameFAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com If you see this document on _any_ other site, it's an illegal copy. Until Version 1.0, this document is an exclusive to GameFAQs. THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT ADVANCE PERMISSION. SEE THE FINAL SECTION OF THIS DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- C O N T E N T S -- I. Introduction and Version History II. Controls III. Game Basics IV. Walkthrough V. Map VI. Administrivia +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I. Introduction and Version History For now, this is basically just a mini-FAQ to help get you started in the game. Depending on the amount of feedback received (see the e-mail address at the bottom of this doc), this guide may eventually turn into a full walkthrough. No feedback, no more work. Lots of positive feedback, a full guide. Version History --------------- V0.01 (04/24/00): First release. Controls, Game Basics, Walkthrough of Prologue Night and 1st Night (14/17 events). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II. Controls Race Battle Controls -------------------- Steering D-Pad or Left Analog Stick Accelerator X Button Brakes/Reverse Square Button Hand Brake O Button Shift Up L2 Button Shift Down R2 Button Pause Start Button View Change Triangle Button Analog On/Off Analog Button Headlight Flash R1 Button Street Map Controls ------------------- Steering D-Pad or Left Analog Stick Accelerator X Button Brakes Square Button Park O Button Race Results/M. Complete Start Button Park Points Toggle Select Button Analog On/Off Analog Button Headlight Flash R1 Button +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ III. Game Basics High Speed Driving RPG ---------------------- When beginning the RPG, you will always be presented with two options: New Game or Continue. Either way, you will then be taken to a Memory Card screen to either save your first game or load a new game (See Save/Load Window below for more information). After beginning, you will be taken to the name entry screen to enter a name for your character. The default is Sho Akasaki, although you can change this. The L1 and R1 buttons change between Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana, and Roman characters, the X button erases, the O button selects, and the Triangle button takes you to the next screen. You will enter both a proper name and a handle before continuing. After the opening cinema, you are taken to the night (i.e. Chapter) introduction screen. Press the O button to continue. Dialog sections and movies cannot be skipped, unfortunately. In dialog portions, advance the dialog with the O button. Prologue Night is just an introduction with one long dialog section and one race. With the 1st Night, the game will begin in earnest. Once the real game begins, you'll be in South Yokohama, driving around, looking for trouble. You'll find it in Street Fights, which are one-on-one races against unknown rivals. You'll see some cars driving around constantly flashing their lights - these are other drivers looking for a race. If they catch up with you, you'll immediately be taken to a Race Battle, with the winner getting a piece of the others' car. The race location depends on your current location on the map, as well as which direction you're heading. To avoid Street Fights, you should stay on the correct side of the road (the LEFT side), and get out of the way when you see a racer come up from behind. You can initiate your own Street Fights with your headlights- if you catch another car in your beams, you'll race them. If you find the going too tough during a Race Battle, you can always quit by pressing Start and selecting "Give Up". Doing this may sometimes (although not always) spare you from losing a car part. After winning a race, you'll be taken to the Get Rewards screen where you can take an item off of the loser's car. You must have enough Reward Points to "purchase" the item, which are earned by racing. In the Machine Complete screen (which then comes up, or by pressing Start while on the street). The other thing to do on the street is to look for Events, designated by parking places. To find these, drive up to areas marked with a "P" (or a white dot on the map) and press the O button. Events can be dialog scenes, race battles, or other features. To save your game, find a GS Milage station and park there. To buy and sell parts (and even major items), head to Tuneshop Spencer. Parts are very expensive, and the only way to earn money in the game is to win parts from other racers and sell them. To complete a night, simply follow the conditions to race in the CLIMAX RACE. Winning this race enables you to move on to the next night, losing ends the game. 2 Warriors Battle Mode ---------------------- In 2 Warriors Battle Mode, you will race against either the computer or a human opponent. By default, you will race against the computer unless a second player presses Start on their controller. At the bottom of the Character Select screen are the seven default racers, along with an option to load up your saved car from the RPG. The characters are, from left to right: Kenzo Yamada Kyoji Nanba Yuka Suzuki Sho Akasaki Ikki Fujisawa Ajura Tsujimoto Makoto Sawaki Machine Complete Upload Initially, you will only be able to select from three courses. Of course, these three courses are the most important to learn in the beginning of the game, so it's a good idea to practice here first. Bay Lagoon Short Test Course Graveyard ST Select your course, the distance, direction, handicap, and divide, and then press O to begin the race. While racing, you can press the Start button to pause the race. From this menu, you can also adjust the brightness of the screen as well as turning Dual Shock vibration on and off. After a race, you will automatically begin a Replay. To exit the replay, just press Start and select "Exit Replay". This will take you to a Save Window where you can save your replay to a Memory Card for later viewing. You can always press "X" on any menu to exit out of the this mode. Option Window ------------- Under the Option Window, you have the following available options: Sound (Stereo/Mono, BGM Volume, Effects Volume) 1P Controller (Vibration On/Off, One of four standard configs or a custom) 2P Controller (Vibration On/Off, One of four standard configs or a custom) Replay (View a saved replay from the Memory Card) View (Set Default View and Default Camera distance) Window (Message speed and background texture) After making any changes to the game options, you will be asked if you wish to save. The upper choice is "Yes", the lower is "No", the O button selects. See the "Save Window" portion for more information. PocketStation ------------- (to be continued...?) Save/Load Window ---------------- On the Save Window screen, select a Memory Card with the O button. After searching the card and finding either a blank space or a previous save, the game will prompt you to verify your save. The upper selection is "yes", the lower is "no". After saving, you will be returned to the Memory Card selection portion. At this point (and at any other time), you can press the X button to exit. After pressing the button, you will be asked if you're sure you want to Exit. The upper selection is "yes", the lower is "no". The Load Window works the exact same way, except that after loading you will be taken directly into the game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IV. Walkthrough ===================== =Before you begin...= ===================== PRACTICE. That's the only way to do well in the initial portion of the game. Enter the 2 Warriors Battle Mode, select Sho Akasaki as your driver, and race. If you can run through the Bay Lagoon Short course (2 laps) until your total time for the two laps is under 1'40", you'll have a head-start on beating the first Climax Race. ============================== =Prologue Night: Crimson Moon= ============================== This first night consists of only a dialog portion and a single race against a full pack of rivals. No matter what happens, good or bad, you'll still continue on to the next night. In fact, it's pretty much impossible to do better than 5th, thanks to the fact that your car hasn't been improved at all. You main goal here is to beat the Night Racers driver Keisuke Ishikawa, who starts out in the orange car in front of you. CLIMAX RACE ----------- Course: Bay Lagoon Short Direction: Normal Laps: 2 Opponents: 6 Rival: Keisuke Ishikawa (5th Position, Orange Car) If you lose to Keisuke, you'll lose a part of your car. It's not the end of the world, but it will make it a bit harder starting out. ============================== =1st Night: Midnight Plus One= ============================== After another lengthy dialog (with a single choice, and no, I don't know what if any difference it makes), you'll be let loose on the streets of South Yokohama. Events (14/17 Total): ------------------ Location: BayLagoon Wharf Street: BayLagoon Street Event: Read the in-game instructions (kind of useless if you don't know Japanese) Location: BayLagoon Tower Street: BLT Street Event: Dialog, Get "Brake Pad: EX Pad" Location: Hikawamaru 2nd Street: Lagoon Chicane Event: Dialog Location: GS Milage Street: Syk Main Street Event: Dialog (w/ Kyoji Nanba), Get "Eakuriinaa: GreenWind", Save Game (2nd Dialog Option) Location: Marine Tower Street: Yamashita Street Event: Dialog, Race Battle (1st Dialog Option): Yamashita Street Location: Ancient Bay Street: Ancient Street Event: Dialog Location: China Town Street: China Street Event: Dialog Location: Yokohama Stadium Street: Stadium Street Event: Dialog (w/ Makoto Sawaki) - Nothing for First Dialog Option Location: Redrenga Warehouse Street: Warehouse Street Event: Dialog Location: Tuneshop Spencer Street: Neo-BayArea Street Event: Purchase Parts Location: Spencer's TestCourse Street: Neo-BayArea Street Event: Dialog (first time), then try out your car on the test track after parking a second time. Location: Cosmic Bigwheel Street: Bigwheel Street Event: Dialog (w/ Yuka Suzuki) Location: F's Mansion Street: Kannai Street Event: Dialog Location: Gaikokujin Graveyard Street: Graveyard Street Event: Race Battle (Top Dialog): Graveyard Down Hill vs. Kenzo Yamada CLIMAX RACE ----------- Condition: After racing at Gaikokujin Graveyard, you'll see a brief dialog sequence. The Ishikawa brothers will then begin driving around town (marked with a red arrow over his car). When one of you flashes the other, after a brief dialog, flash them again, and the Climax Race will begin. Course: Varies Direction: Varies Laps: N/A Opponents: 1 Rival: Ishikawa Brothers Lose this race, and the game is over. Win, and you get to continue on to the next night. Be warned, the Ishikawa brothers have improved their car since the first race. You'll want to get them on a course you're familiar with, and you will need a faster car than the one you start out with to win. (to be continued...?) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VI. Administrivia Sources and Thanks: This FAQ was put together using several different sources (aside from my own know-how and experience). In no particular order: Racing Lagoon Game and Game Manual For control and basic information Midnight Dream (http://www.otonet.ne.jp/yamamoto29/midnight/) For confirming my guesses about the events and climax races. Contacting Me: If you have stuff to add, please do send it along to cjayc@gamefaqs.com for inclusion in the next revision. If you found this guide useful, I'd like to hear about it as well. Copyright Notice: This document is Copyright 2000 Jeff "CJayC" Veasey. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs without advance permission from the author (cjayc@gamefaqs.com). It may not be distributed electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed otherwise at all. At some point in the near future, this document may be released for free public distribution. The latest version of this document on the GameFAQs web site will hold the current Copyright and distribution information. -EOF-