Populous: The Beginning Spells FAQ Written by Lord Veovis (lord_veovis_gamefaqs@yahoo.com) v 1.1 5-18-03 Version History 1.0- Created and submitted FAQ (2-22-03) 1.1- I have a new e-mail address (lord_veovis_gamefaqs@yahoo.com), so send all your questions and comments to it instead of the old address (5-18-03) Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Spells III. Legal Information I. Introduction Populous: The Beginning is one of my favorite god-games. I decided to write this FAQ because there weren't any FAQs on the spells, which in my opinion are the best feature of the game. There are 20 spells in the entire game. 16 of the spells are normal spells, and the other four are super spells and can ONLY be used in a few certain levels (even if you cheat to get all spells). II. Spells There are 20 spells in the game. Each has a specified range and mana use. Both are measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 being the maximum range/mana required. Blast Range: 10 Mana required: 5 A simple spell, blast is more useful early in the game because of its low mana cost. It will send nearby followers (including your own) flying into the air. A good tactic would be to use this on an enemy follower near the water. If aimed right, the enemy follower will be blown into the sky and fall into the water. Also, when enemy followers surround your Shaman, casting Blast on your Shaman will get the enemy followers off your tail (temporarily). Convert Range: 100 Mana required: 5 Convert is not an offensive spell. Cast it around wildmen and any wildmen caught in the radius of the spell will be converted into a Brave of your own. Cast it in the center of multiple wildmen for maximum effectiveness. Swarm Range: 30 Mana required: 50 Swarm isn't a spell used to kill enemy followers, but it is a very effective distraction spell. Cast it around any enemy followers and they will stop whatever they're doing and run around frantically trying to get away from the swarm of insects. There are many good ways to use this. If an enemy Preacher is converting your followers and you don't want to cast blast or lightning on him (you might kill your own followers), cast swarm on him and he'll stop preaching and run away. Cast swarm on enemy followers in a boat and they'll jump out and drown, or on a balloon over water and they'll fall out into the water. It also can be used to kill enemy followers who are near death. Invisibility Range: 30 Mana required: 25 Invisibility will make the followers you cast it on invisible (obviously). Cast invisibility on your followers and send them into an enemy base for a quick and effective raid. Once an invisible follower begins to fight he will become visible again. Combine invisibility with magical shield for an even better raid. Magical Shield Range: 30 Mana required: 30 This spell casts a shield on your followers to protect them during battle. It also gives them nearly complete immunity from enemy spells. When I say nearly complete that means that an enemy Shaman can't cast any spells directly onto the shielded follower (blast, lightning, etc.); it will just bounce off the shield in a random direction. However, the shielded follower isn't protected from offensive spells if the spell is cast near him. An example would be lightning or blast cast near (not on) a shielded follower and the area of effect causes some damage to him. The shielded follower dies upon walking through a swamp. Angels of death will still eat him. An effective use would be to cast it on your warriors to make them even better fighters and your preachers to prevent them from being attacked while converting enemy followers. Land Bridge Range: 50 Mana required: 30 When you cast this spell, a land bridge will rise to connect the spot where the Shaman is standing and where it was cast. It can make bridges to cross water and create ramps to travel up and down cliffs. Lightning Range: 60 Mana required: 30 Similar to the blast spell, but much more powerful. It will kill any enemy follower (except shielded followers) if it hits them perfectly. It also sends nearby followers (including your own) flying into the air, but not as far as with the blast spell. If you cast it on buildings they will catch on fire and send any occupants running out. Cast it on large groups of enemy followers, enemy Shamans, and guard towers with preachers or firewarriors in them. Hypnotize Range: 30 Mana required: 35 Hypnotize can turn the tables in any fight. Cast it on a large group of enemy followers and they'll convert to your side. However, it only lasts for around 15 seconds. A very good tactic is to cast it on enemy preachers. He will start preaching to other enemy followers and convert them, but the converted followers won't be hypnotized, they will be your own followers. Tornado Range: 30 Mana required: 35 When you cast tornado it will stay in the spot it was cast for awhile, then it will move in a random direction for awhile and eventually wear off. Any followers (enemy or your own) who get near it will be sucked up and thrown far in a random direction. The fall from that height won't kill most followers at full health, but they may be thrown into the water. If you cast it on a building it will suck up the entire building and throw the wood around randomly. It is a good disruptive spell against enemy Shamans or large groups of enemy followers heading to your base. Swamp Range: 30 Mana required: 50 Swamp is a great defensive spell. Any followers (enemy or your own) that walk into a swamp will immediately die. After a swamp has killed 10 followers it will disappear. An effective strategy is to cast it near your base to prevent the enemy from attacking your base, and to cast it on large groups of enemy followers. Flatten Range: 30 Mana required: 60 When you cast flatten, all land around the point where the spell was cast will rise or lower to the exact height of where the spell was cast. A good strategy is to create a tall cliff that surrounds your base with one opening for the enemy to enter, which would be very easy to defend. Earthquake Range: 30 Mana required: 60 When you cast earthquake, the screen will shake and you will hear a deep rumbling. After a few seconds, the area where the spell was cast will suddenly split and emit a small amount of lava. If you cast it on very low land near the water, the land will go underwater for a short period, sinking any buildings and people on the land. The best places to cast earthquake are on enemy buildings on the shore or on high cliffs. Erode Range: 30 Mana required: 80 Upon casting erode, the land will sink quickly. It is most effective when used on enemy bases on high land. Also, if you cast it on low land near water, the land will sink underwater, and so will any buildings or people on the land. Firestorm Range: 30 Mana required: 85 Firestorm is a very powerful spell. When you cast it, flaming meteors will fall from the sky, igniting anyone, including your own followers (but not your Shaman), and any buildings in the radius. It will do major damage to buildings and usually kills anyone in the area. It is best used in large settlements with a lot of enemy buildings and/or followers. Don't cast it when your followers are around the Shaman because the radius of firestorm is large enough to hit your followers. Angel of Death Range: 15 Mana required: 90 When you cast angel of death, a giant flying creature will emerge from the ground. It will quickly fly to enemy settlements. There it will lock onto an enemy follower and rush at it, grabbing it in its jaws, igniting the follower, and spitting him out to fall a great height. This will kill any enemy follower regardless of heath or even having a magical shield. There are three ways to destroy an angel of death: create another angel of death to fight it, send lots of firewarriors to shoot at it, or wait until it dies of old age (around 5 minutes). Volcano Range: 15 Mana required: 100 When you cast volcano, the land will rise in a circular pattern from the ground (or water) where you cast it. Lava will pour out of it and set fire to any building or follower, whether enemy or your own (your Shaman won't be hurt, however). The lava will also create more land if it reaches water. Any land the lava touches will become damaged, and buildings cannot be built there until it becomes fertile again. The following are super spells. They require no mana, but you can only get one-shot versions of the spells from worshipping Stone Heads in a few certain levels. Armageddon Range: 100 Mana required: N/A Armageddon is the ultimate spell. When you cast it a giant arena rises from the ground (or water) where it was cast. All followers in the entire world are teleported to that arena where they all engage in a massive fight. The Shamans stand on the high parts of the arena with a permanent shield and cannot be hurt. Once all of a Shaman's followers a die in the fight the Shaman's shield disappears, and another Shaman will cast lightning on her, killing her and eliminating that tribe. The last tribe standing wins the level. You can only find the Armageddon spell in the Middle Ground and Head Hunter levels. Teleport Range: Infinite Mana required: N/A Teleport is only available in the Unlikely Allies level. Cast it anywhere on the entire map and the Shaman will instantly teleport there. You can use this for a quick escape or a quick assault on the enemy. Bloodlust Range: 30 Mana required: N/A Bloodlust can turn the tides of any fight, no matter how uneven the numbers may be. Cast it on your followers and they will take and deal much more damage than they normally would. In fact, one bloodlusted Brave can take out a group of five Warriors. Use this spell for effective raids or when your followers are losing in a big fight. III. Legal Information This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site (except www.gamefaqs.com) or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any website other than www.gamefaqs.com or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.