\\\[PARASITE EVE] - CHRYSALER BUILDING WALKTHROUGH ver 2.0/// written by Sup(email: sick_s0p@hotmail.com). updated: 15/03/2003 ===WARNING=== This walkthrough does contain spoilers, but only to a small extent. I am certain that the suspense will be maintained. CONTENTS 1-INTRO 2-UNLOCKING THE CB 3-PREPS 4-CB BRIEFING 5-TIPS & TRICKS 6-BOSS STRATEGIES 1-///INTRODUCTION/// Some people probably think that I'm late in this gaming thing. To tell you the truth I only play when I've got the time to waste, which is very rare indeed. This walkthrough is based upon what I have gone through already without the help of a any friends or game guides. Everything that shall be explained will be in a sense of what I have done through 'hair pulling' trial and error. Therefore I am proud to bring to you my very own sweat and tears so that you won't have to shed any. I haven't really spent much time on explaining every single detail to the Chrysaler Building. However, this guide is made more in-depth towards the bosses of the CB. I have made a complete startegy guide towards defeating the toughest of the tough bosses and have also spent some time explaining how to defeat the TRUE EVE. 2-///UNLOCKING THE CHRYSALER BUILDING/// To play the Chrysaler Building, you'll have to beat the game once. After the credits are finished rolling, you'll be awarded 3000 bonus points. Reinsert Disc 1 and prepare yourself for the EX Game, in which the Chrysaler Building is available straight after you beat the Carnegie Hall stage. 3-///PREPARATIONS/// In order to even survive in the Chrysaler Building, you'll need to have LIBERATE, the final PE move. This means you'll have to be level 32 and over. To accomplish this, beat up to the T-Rex boss and then proceed into the Chrysaler Building. 4-///THE CHRYSALER BUILDING/// Navigating your way through the CB can be a frustrating job, because all the hallways resemble, and there are a lot of dead ends and paths that can have you running around in circles all day! And here's another thing, every 10 floors (1 level) you go up, you'll have to fight a boss to proceed to the next level. Everytime, you defeat a boss, you'll get a key for the elevators. If you don't defeat a boss, and you re-enter the building, all the pathways will be automatically changed; this applies to even when you step out of the building and re-enter it! So what I recommend to you is to shoot first and ask questions later. This means, to just go up and defeat the sub-bosses, so when you get the key, you'll have no trouble in getting at those powerful guns, armors and rare trading cards in any missed storage rooms (every floor has one). 5-///TIPS & TRICKS/// 1. The enemies of floors 2-10 are mostly rats and crows(purple ones that is). If you kill a lot of these critters, you get lots of junk which can be very useful when giving them to Wayne. How is this useful you ask? Well I was suprised myself the first time it happened. You see, everytime I exited the Crysaler Building for more supplies from Wayne, I usually just asked him to discard my junk for me (Laziness, I guess!) I've given him so much junk that after I gave him about 300 pcs or so, he asked me if I wanted him to make a gun out of all the junk that I brought him! (Sweet!) So go ahead and try it if you have the patience for it! I'm sure it'll be the best 2 hours you've ever spent! 2. Although the enemies of floors 61-70 are downright pains in the backside, they yield tons of EXP. I recommend that you tarry around these levels to level up a bit. The 70th floor boss will definitely be a 'toughie' if you're at a low level. 3. Collect 10 or 12 Rare T Cards and give them to Wayne and then ask him to see his Rare T Card Collection and he will give you a Tool Kit. 4. Give him 2 more rare cards and ask him to see his collection once more and he will give you the Super Toolkit (veeerrrryyy useful!) \\\THE "SHOT/UL1" GUN\\\ Well this gun cannot be found in the game actually! This was actually a MAG rifle, then I cutomized it and Wayne asked me if I wanted to engrave a name onto it. This gun had:- STATS - Attack - 265 Range - 255 Bullets - 110 SPECIAL EFFECTS - Quick Draw; Triple Command; Burst; Critical Bonus; Counter and Cyanide. I guess you want one too! Well it's simple really, just shift all your bonus points to the attack stat of your favourite gun plus all those other gun power-ups. Work hard, get lots of BP and maybe your gun might turn out as good as mine or even better! \\\THE "AYA SP" ARMOR \\\ This was also a custom made armor (was originally a CR SUIT 2) that was forged in the depths of the Armory in the 17th precinct. Here's the rollout:- STATS - Defense - 250 PE Energy - 210 Critical - 195 SPECIAL EFFECTS - MAX HP Increase; Attack Increase; Auto Potion; Auto Heal; Resist Poison, Darkness, Stiffness, Confusion; +4 Item Space Tuning up this armor can take some time and BP but it's worth it. You won't believe how much of a lifesaver this is! N.B -These are just small references and examples to what you can do with a super toolkit. 6-///BOSS STRATEGIES/// C.B - LEVEL 1 BOSS - SPIDER Well he looks scary but he's a wuss just like his brother from the Hospital. The only difference is that you can't get away from his webs very easily because there isn't much space to run around in. The only thing you should do is LIBERATE, and kick his sorry behind. C.B - LEVEL 2 BOSS - CROCADILES These guys are just like those pair of crocs that I am certain that you have encountered in the sewers and...they're the stupidest idea for a floor boss! They're so lame, you don't even need to use LIBERATE! Just blow them away and get it over with! C.B - LEVEL 3 BOSS - CENTIPEDE He has the same attacks and strategy as the one in the Subway. But he's a little faster. However it's really no big deal how fast he is. Just blow him apart with LIBERATE and blow away his four segments afterwards. (Note: The head segment can poison you and the tail segment can cause Darkness --- Ouchies!). C.B - LEVEL 4 BOSS - TRICERATOPS The only difference between this guy and the one from the Museum is their color, I guess! Just break off his head armor with LIBERATE and blow him the hell away afterwards! C.B - LEVEL 5 BOSS - COCKROACH (Note: I recommend a rifle with the Burst effect for this boss). Well this a suprise--a new boss! This guy isn't a cockroach for nothing! It's gonna take A LOT of HIGH damaging shots to kill him. But he's simple really, the key is staying as far away from him as possible, but keeping him within firing range at the same time. Otherwise if you get too close by a little distance, he's gonna whip you with his antennae good! Try using LIBERATE from a distance to weaken him a bit, because he'll lay an egg that will hatch and grow into another cockroach! Now you'll have two of them to deal with! And this is the hard part. While one is flying around shooting balls of fire at you, one will be trying to whip your little ass! And the second cockroach is a bit faster, so use HASTE to help you get around him and those fireballs. Shoot them alternately or simultaneously, so that when one dies, the other wouldn't have a chance to lay another egg. Concentrate on the one on the ground, most likely the flying one will die first and the other will get ready to lay another egg, so kill him before the egg hatches! And it'll be the end of those killer cockroaches! C.B - LEVEL 6 BOSS - HYPER CRAB (Note: I recommend a rifle/shotgun with the Burst effect for this boss). Whoa! This guy is on some serious caffeine! He's pretty fast to keep up with at normal speed, so use HASTE ever so often. Like his brother in the Warehouse, he likes to start things off with his eye lasers, do your best at dodging them, because they come at you fast and furious! Now get ready to chase him down, cuz if you're not at his side he'll wipe you out with his bubble attack. There is one thing though; everytime you shoot him, he does a counter attack where he shoots out his two pincers in a forwards motion simultaneously, so corner him, stay at his side and keep on pumping lead into his pincers until you blow both of them off. Now's the hard part. He's gonna crawl even faster, so don't run in a complete circle to catch up, but just run straight at his side and wait until he does the bubble attack to shoot. It's the only possible way of getting rid of him without losing your head! C.B - LEVEL 7 BOSS - QUEEN HORNET This boss is one hell of a 'you know what I mean'. She's big and she does this attack where she sends out this big wave at you and two boomerang-like projectiles all at once! They come at you so fast, you shall definitely need to use HASTE to dodge this killer attack! She also has two drones that give her 250 HP when she's hurt so don't even think about using LIBERATE, because you'll be wasting precious PE. This boss' strategy is to move to the center of the room and then move quickly to either the left or right top end and do the wave attack. While this is going on, the drones will be trying to sting you. Even when you kill them, more will be back to serve their queen. So here's your strategy: Dodge the first wave attack, run to the opposite side from where the queen is at and fire at her and the drones (A rifle with BURST, works wonders here). Use this strategy everytime she does a wave attack. Also don't shoot the queen while a drone is healing her, shoot the drone instead in order to kill him before he heals the queen. Another precaution when dodging a wave attack, while avoiding the boomerang beams, try not to get cornered by the drones, they can kill you instantly with just one sting. PARASITE EVE (77th floor Chrysaler Building) - TRUE FINAL BOSS - MAYA (PREPARATIONS - I hope that you're well stocked for this fight because it will surely take a lot of lives to beat this lady! Just keep a lot of Revives and a few Med 4's if you have any. You can collect these in the Museum from enemies if you need to stock up. Customize your primary weapon to the fullest, and your armor as well. You won't need a R. Launcher, it will only slow you down and plus it won't have much of an effect on Maya. Deposit any lucky charms and such for more room for recovery items. Now save your game, go up to the 77th floor cross your fingers and take a deep breath.) This is how Maya strings her attacks together: First she just floats around the rather SMALL room and vanishes and reappears to do a LIBERATE attack. This can be dodged by waiting for her to fully reappear and run in a direction furthest away from her (HASTE is must), when she teleports to hit you run in a tight circle around her to get behind her attack (At first she does just one hit but when she gets weakened, she does more hits. All you have to do is to always try and get behind her, so that her attack misses you. Good luck in dodging them though!). Secondly, when she's really weakened, she'll vanish and reappear on some corner of the room and powers up (it takes about 5 seconds) and dashes straight towards you with blinding speed! When you get hit, it leaves you down to a staggering 1HP. Sadly enough, I've tried many different techniques in trying to dodge this killer attack but it was all in vain...which means that this attack is inescapable. What you can do is stand up and suck it in, then shoot Maya when she's huffing and puffing in a corner after the charge attack. Just make sure she doesn't touch you after the dash attack, so stay out of those corners and ends of the room. Now Maya will call a little girl (Who has a striking resembelence to little Maya). If this happens---DON'T SHOOT MAYA! (the real one that is!) Otherwise all your efforts will be naught when she gets healed from one of her helpers. Wait until they are ready to leave then you can return to shooting the living daylights out of Maya. Repeat the same steps, but don't be hasty wait and see what Maya is going to do next then shoot depending on the situation. If you have survived long enough to see Maya disintegrate, you shall be revealed to the rest of the story. Enjoy the cool CG artwork afterwards! CREDITS Well as I have stated earlier, no one has helped me in figuring out how to defeat the true final boss neither has anyone helped me in writing this guide. So therefore I have only myself to thank! (;p) --------------------------- Copyright SQUARESOFT 1998. ---------------------------