------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sony PlayStation Nuclear Strike Walkthrough Version 1.01 Made by the "Last Cetra", which owns exclusive CopyRight E-mail: lastcetra@rpgclassics.com Any question/advice regarding this game may be sent to me. Created in September 13th, 2003; Last Update in October 19th, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER Nuclear Strike guide copyright by Fernando Garcia (Last Cetra). It's exclusive property of the author. It may be reproduced, as long as integrally and for NONCOMMERCIAL purposes only, under direct authorization of the author. If you need permission to use this on your website, e-mail me. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents: 0. Version Info 1. Introduction; 2. Game Mechanics; 3. Walkthrough; 4. Secrets/Miscelaneous; 5. Closure. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0. VERSION INFO V1.0 September 13th, 2003 First release already with full walkthrough was added. V1.01 October 19th, 2003 Small update on "5. Closure", about Future Strike. Small update on "4. Secrets", about the Manhattan sound samples. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. INTRODUCTION I know the STRIKE series is famous for involving relatively hard gameplay, however with easy strategy, since most things are told to you during your mission. And on top of that, this is, perhaps, the easiest of the STRIKE games around. Still, I do believe a strategy guide may be useful as to pinpoint easier ways to make things that sometimes may pass unnoticed, as well as gathering info about hidden supplies on each level. This guide may not be complete, but I believe I've pretty much put in here all the info needed for easily completing any level. It's basically a set of advices based on during-mission briefings and radio transmissions, as well as general exploration of each level. The guide's layout is divided in two sections for each level, "Overview" and "Start". Overview will gather information about helpful hidden supplies around the level, as well as a "general strategy notes" mini-guide and things that are unique to the level. The "Start Mission" is the guide itself, sorted out by mission. It's all pretty easy to follow, if you want to get to a specific mission, search for its title here as provided in the game (Ctrl+F usually). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. GAME MECHANICS 1) BATTLE TACTICS There isn't much to say about battle tactics here beyond the obvious. On a chopper, the smartest way to defeat your enemies while avoiding being shot would be to a) fly around it shooting or b) quickly pass through it with a deadly strike. You can check info for all enemies during the mission itself, just go to the start menu. By checking their armor and weaponry you can calculate how many shots of your weapons you'll need to destroy them, and how much danger you're facing. If an enemy doesn't represent much danger to you (easy to dodge or too weak), you may stick to machine gun and rockets only. If an enemy is dangerous (like homing-missile launchers), you might want to spend some heavier ammo and destroy it as instantaneously as you can. For instance, an instantaneous way to defeat a tank with 175 armor would be one missile and three rockets. A trick that works well for most enemies is shooting them from far away, the farthest you can get while still aiming at them. Most of the enemies on this game won't spot you from a distance, so you can destroy them safely with your machine gun. This trick is specially eficient and useful when you're near some tall places, since your chopper automatically flies higher and gives you a much farther aiming capacity. 2) GENERAL TIPS a) Your mission map, brought up by the start button, will be your most helpful "supply" during any level. Other than all the intel related to a level, it can also server to guide you in real-time. If you highlight ANY mission/enemy/supply/other on the map, then go back to the game, you'll notice a green arrow appeared on the top of the screen. This arrow points to the location of the nearest current highlighted item on the map (like nearest Fuel Tank, for instance). b) If you are riding a one-try only vehicle (like the Harrier) and you lose all your armor, but still got more tries, your main vehicle for the level (likely the Apache) will automatically come to pick you up. c) Take down enemy radars (alert zones) ASAP. They can give you a lot of headache if you let the alert zones enabled. Never enter a protected area without destroying the radars first. d) Press Start while holding Select to quit the mission, if you ever need to. If you failed the level but keep flying around and refueling, after your third refuel you'll be remotely terminated. e) You may find some crates and supplies throughout the game that'll hang from your chopper when you get them, so you can drop them somewhere else. Some of those items are meant to be automatically dropped on a designed drop-zone, but other, such as the Nitro on Operation 2, must be dropped manually at your command. For such maneuver, press R2 while holding L2. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. WALKTHROUGH ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** OPERATION 1: DELTA LOCATION: Delta River, somewhere on Indocine CODE: JUNGLEWAR ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ******************************* OVERVIEW ******************************* ARMOR: most are pinpointed on the map, and there's more than you'll even need SPECIAL AMMO: a) inside a building, on the small portion of land on the southwest edge of the map b) laying on the north-most island of the southeast archipelago, just south from the Home Base c) on your Home Base to the west d) inside a building around the central Smoke Pit (mission 1), just east from the volcano e) laying on the enemy base where you help Naja steal the ammo supply (mission 3) f) there are FOUR of them laying on the east-most portion of the map, around the central area (south of the Jungle Fortress, mission 7) g) inside a building a little way northeast from the ones above h) exactly south from the Jungle Fortress (mission 7), inside a tower QUICK LADDER: inside a building around the central Smoke Pit (mission 1), near north tip of the volcano island EXTRA ATTEMPTS: a) on the building Naja explodes to uncover her vehicle on the hospital compound (mission 2b) b) a little west from the Jungle Fortress (mission 7), inside a tower RADARS: a) it's hard to describe its exact location, but you'll find it near the northern region of the central river, north of the brown area b) on the east-most portion of the map, on the top of a hill (small central white areas) GENERAL STRATEGY: Before actually starting the first mission, it would be wise to clear up as much of the enemies as you can (specially radars). After you complete Mission 3 you'll be forced to trade your Apache in for a Huey, which lacks agility enormously. When you get to operate the Huey you'd be glad if you'd have made more use of your Apache. ******************************** START ******************************** DELTA RIVER: 1. Destroy Smoke Pits Simply do it. When you approach the smoke pits the screen will get a lot darker, you can adjust the brightness of your tv or terminate them quickly. Be sure to get the Quick Ladder upgrade on your way through this mission (it's hidden inside a house around the central smoke pit). 2a. Rescue Nick Arnold After the map has been cleared, Nick's location will be pinpointed. Be careful however, it's a trap. Even if you eliminated everything around that area before, soldiers with rocket launchers will appear from the ground. After you've dealt with them, be sure to take the weird central structure (actually Nick) to the Home Base nearby. 2b. Recruit Naja The STRIKE team will need the help of local guerilla leader Naja Hana if they're going to fight against LeMonde's forces. To gain her thrust, fly over to the pinpointed location at the map and protect the hospital compound from the Stuart tanks. The Stuarts aren't dangerous (to you) but here you'll want fast action, so strike each with three hydras and you're done. When all of them are destroyed, Naja will ride a vehicle and drive northeast to an enemy base, in order to hijack a shipment of ammo. Before scorting her, be sure to get the extra life hidden inside the building her vehicle was in. 3. Liberate Town After Naja uncovers the ammo suply, pick up her as your copilot and then carry the ammo over to the rebels' base to the south (see map). As soon as you deliver the shipment, help the rebel forces destroy all of LeMonde's nearby tanks, a force composed by Vulcans, Stuarts and Bulldogs (will be pointed as blue triangles on the radar/map). 4. River Fort After mission 3 you're obligated to use the Huey helicopter. If you don't move to it after you're told to, your Apache will be self-detonated and the mission will be aborted. Your goal is to ride the Huey and help the guerilla boats to destroy LeMonde's river fort to the nort. It's not that hard, but you'll have to get used to the Huey's sloppy controls first. Don't worry if you lose a life at this point, but don't let all three of the boats to be destroyed. If you manage to destroy all the nearby bridges, no new enemies will appear besides the ones already located. Note: the easiest way to complete this mission is to destroy the whole fort BEFORE getting the Huey, including the bridges, what can be done if you go there before taking out the smoke pits. Whatever your strategy is, be sure to destroy the fort radar beforehand. It's located around the north tip of the central river. 5. Extract Exiles You'll need to rescue at least 4 exiles so they can ride a Huey on the rebel's airport (near the exiles) and help you on mission 6. However there are 12 exiles, the more you rescue the better (you can get up to 3 Huey's aiding you). The exiles are threatened by some AMX's, but they're so distracted it will be no problem taking them from behind. After you're done rescuing the exiles drop them on the airport. 6. Capture Generals Here you should also be aware of a radar, on the east-most portion of the map, on the top of a hill (small central white areas). After you destroy the radar, go for the small enemy camps pinpointed on the map. Each of them contains an enemy general who needs to be captured. They're inside buildings marked as a blue triangle on your radar. 7. Jungle Fortress Your mission is to drop Naja at the designed drop zone and protect her while she seeks for LeMonde. Before you do this, destroy all tanks near the fortress. After you drop Naja, keep watching for soldiers that will come (on foot) and kill any that appear using your machine gun. 8. Hunt LeMonde Naja will find out LeMonde is already escaping to the west. Your goal is to eliminate at least 75% of the scort vehicles. It'll be easy even with the machine gun alone, you can take all targets from behind if you attack from the east. As soon as you're asked to, head back to the fortress and pick Naja up. Take her to the Home Base safely and this operation is done. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** OPERATION 2: ISLAND LOCATION: Lavu Royale, island chain on South China sea CODE: CUTTHROATS ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ******************************* OVERVIEW ******************************* ARMOR: a) inside a huge barrack on the north tip of Cash's mansion island b) there are two crates laying just south of Cash's mansion c) laying on the fishers' village (west of big northeast island) d) laying on the dock east of the beach on the big northeast island e) laying on the east tip of the big northeast island f) inside a lighthouse on the east tip of the island to the east of the military base (mission 8) g) inside a building on the island to the east of the military base (mission 8) h) inside a lighthouse to the west of the barracks (mission 7) i) on the only available Landing Zone j) inside a small building west on the airport (mission 3) k) two crates on the northeast shore of the big south island l) inside a building on the LST fleet compound (mission 5) SPECIAL AMMO: a) laying just south of Cash's mansion b) laying on the island to the east of the military base (mission 8) c) inside a lighthouse on the center of the tiny island to the southeast of the military base (mission 8) d) inside a lighthouse near the only Landing Zone e) two crates inside buildings on the LST fleet compound (mission 5) QUICK LADDER: unavailable EXTRA ATTEMPTS: a) inside a fisherman house on the western tip of the northeast big island b) inside a tent on the north beach of the east-most island RADARS: a) on the west tip of the airport island (mission 3) b) south of the island with the LST fleet (mission 5). To destroy the radar you must actually destroy the power station a little way east (follow the power supply lines) c) whenever you approach the barracks island (mission 7), you'll get an alert zone warning, but no radar can be seen. Only when mission 6 is complete a radar boat will appear on your map as part of mission 7 d) on the west hill of the military base island (mission 8) e) on the southwest region of the south island (crowded with Hawks) SPECIALS: a) A little way north of the place your Home Base is (at the beginning of the level), you can find two sea mines to carry around. Their purpose is to block the path of the missile boats on mission 6, for that just take them to the yellow circled areas (don't drop them yourself or they'll explode). b) The northwest-most island is called "Nitro Island". There you'll find two cubic crates. Take them to the nearby drop zones and a crate of nitroglicerine will be made for you. The nitro is meant to be use on mission 9, but you can make use of its power on mission 6 as well. It will destroy anything instantaneously. c) A Harrier airplane is available at Hwong's airport (mission 3), after you destroy it. Destroy the hangar to the east to discover it. It has massive power, and can make you pretty much invincible. It can't load supplies, mines or nitro though, but you probably won't need. Make use of it if you like. d) A load of a thousand rounds of special rockets is inside a building on the northeast region of the south island (crowded with Hawks). It fires 2 rounds at once, 15 of power each. Its incredible rate of fire (for such power) can be deadly. GENERAL STRATEGY: A good tactic for making the level easier is to clean the southeast island (crowded with Hawks) to get the special rockets right at the beginning. While you're there you could also clean the airport (antecipate mission 3) and the southeast-most island, to make things easier on mission 2. Anytime you wish (upon completing mission 3) you could also get the Harrier on Hwong's airport, and the rest of the level should be piece of cake. Note, however you won't be able to use the sea mines or the nitro without the Sea Apache. ******************************** START ******************************** LAVU ROYALE: 1. Contact Cash Your first mission is to set the deal with the mercenary Harding Cash so he can help you on te rest of the operation. Near your home base there is a big crate with the payment (pinpointed blue). Just take it to the assigned drop zone near Cash's mansion and pick him up when he comes. 2. ASAT Launch Immediately after Cash is picked up, three ASAT missiles will be spotted, redy to launch at STRIKE. Don't worry about timing, the missiles will only set off when you get close to them (an alarm will set off). They're pretty easy to destroy (50 armor), just use two hydras. On the southwest one be sure you're firing at the missile, not the sub (or destroy both). On the southeast missile, you'll have to drop Cash on the nearby drop zone, so he can uncover the missile for you. But before you do it, eliminate all threats on the island. Once he uncovered the missile, destroy it and then pick Cash back up. 3. Octad Airport Next mission is destroying Hwong's airport. Even if you've destroyed all enemies there previously, enemy choppers will appear now, both flying and landed. Your first move should be destroying the radar to the west of the airport. You can drop Cash on the drop zone if you wish to save ammo, he'll use the bulldozer to destroy the landed choppers. The flying choppers shouldn't be a problem, it's easy to dodge them. They have 125 of armor, hydras should do the job fine. NOTE: After the airport is destroyed, you'll be able to destroy the hangar to the east and uncover the mighty Harrier. Riding aboard it will make the mission really easy with its huge armor and powerful arsenal; it's your choice if you wanna pick it up. If you plan to, I recommend after mission 6 (7 is not timed) you destroy every enemies you can with it until it gets destroyed or runs out of fuel (it's unlikely you'll run out of ammo before destroying everything on the level). Take your time to clean the southeast island (crowded with Hawks) and make it easy for the Apache to just pick up the special rockets later (if you ever need the Apache again). 4. Junk Fleet Hwong's Junk Fleet consists of ships with 300 armor each. Their missiles are easy to doddge, so I recommend you use just rockets while you can. If you they're escaping to the south, start using missiles too. If their escape is iminent (they're near the board of the map), one torpedo can save the mission. I recommend you keep flying over the southern portion of the map, to get any ship that went past you. After all ships are destroyed you need to free the prisoners that are being held on the east island. (Before you do it be sure to get an Extra Attemp on the north beach of this island.) It's a simple task, just be sure you're shooting enemies alone. If you want, you can drop Cash on the marked spot and he'll rescue the prisoners for you. 5. Sink LST Fleet A fleet of LSTs will appear north of the airport. You must be careful when they move near your Home Base (it has moved there now), or they'll destroy it. The LSTs SHOULD have 150 armor, but due to an alert zone you can't shut down (for now), they'll have 300 armor and do double damage. So you may want just destroy the east-most LST and wait around your Home Base for them to come out of the alert zone (which is exactly around your Home Base). It'll be less deadly to you, but if you notice the HB is taking too much damage, go towards the alert zone shooting 2 hellfires and four hydras for each LST. 6. Missile Boats This mission will require some heavy ammo. Each Missile Boat has 1000 armor. Deactivating the alert zone by destroying the southern powerstation (not the radar itself) is a must, or you'll be facing 2000 armor ships. Note the ships will only start moving after one of them is destroyed. I'd use 2 torpedoes on each ship, it's the easiest way. When you need to reload you can either get those inside the buildings on the same island or the one inside the lighthouse near the only LZ around. Another alternative (the easiest way) is to bring the two mines that were near your Home Base at the beginning of the game (the only ones you can grab) over to the yellow circled areas. At least two of the ships will go over them. The other two will face torpedoes. If you don't plan to use the Nitroglicerine on the last mission, you may use it now to take another boat. 7. Destroy Barracks Now you can finally disable the alert zone near the barracks. Among the several blue targets on your map, one of them is on the water. It's a radar boat, destroy it before actually engaging the battle on the fortress. The fortress turrets have 500 of armor, but there's an easier way to blow them off. Drop Cash on the nearby landing zone and he'll take care of the towers with some C4. Meanwhile you use your machine guns to eliminate all soldiers (staying away from the operational turrets). When leaving be aware of a couple of Chaparrals that will appear from the flanks. 8. Military Base You need to capture Hwong's brother, who's inside one of the buildings. Drop Cash on the LZ and he will destroy most of the stationary tanks. This won't be a problem if you've cleaned the area previously. If you didn't, be sure to destroy anything moving before dropping Cash. 9. Hwong Now it's time to put your hands on Hwong himself. He's on a fortified oil rig; its heavily protected, so you might want to use the nitroglicerine now, if you still haven't. It's the last mission anyway. Read above the "Specials" of this level for info on how getting the nitro. Quickly position your chopper over the center of the oil rig and drop the nitro. It will completely destroy it. To make Hwong escape, lock your aim at the tower and give some machine gun shots to scare him away. After he appears two choppers will come to torment you. Destroy them if they give you problems and chase Hwong's boat. When he finally leaves the boat on the east shores, capture him and go back to your Home Base. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** OPERATION 3: PEACE (PART 1) LOCATION: Pyongyang, North Korea Capital CODE: COUNTDOWN ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ******************************* OVERVIEW ******************************* ARMOR: (Armor crates, in this level, will be inside blue labeled statues) a) on the west tip of the football stadium "island" b) near the SIROK agent who's being kept on the northwest island (mission 1) c) dropped as a bonus by forcing APC number 1 to be smashed by a train (mission 2) d) little way southeast of the Museum (mission 4) e) a little way southwest from the nuclear shelter (mission 6) SPECIAL AMMO: a) inside the huge pyramid structure on the west border of the northwest island b) inside a fruit kyosk to the north of the bus from mission 3 c) dropped as a bonus by destroying a T-55 with the explosion of the News Helicopter (shoot the helicopter after mission 4) QUICK LADDER: northwest from your Home Base, laying next to a firemen truck by the airport EXTRA ATTEMPTS: none RADARS: none GENERAL STRATEGY: Unlike the other levels, here you won't want to do any battle. Don't be scared by the few amount of armor and special ammo supplies, they won't be needed. The best strategy on this levels is doing as little battle as possible: focus on protecting the diplomats (often serving as bait for enemies) while Andrea guides them around the town. On mission 6, be sure to destroy the west gate (Andrea will say the NORTH gate is blocked, but it's just a fault from the game). Don't worry about your conditions for the next level, you'll get a new Cobra. This also means you'll lose your quick ladder device. ******************************** START ******************************** PYONGYANG: 1. Rescue SIROK Agents While on the News Chopper, as long as you don't fire your Smoke Bombs or Machine Gun, no one will shot you. And you don't wanna have to do any fighting with such a weak transport. To rescue the SIROK agents use the Tear Gas Bombs (Missile button) on the pinpointed buildings. When there's more than one building, always go for the east one. Do not fire your weapons othar than the tear gas. 2. Stop Transports You'll have to stop three APCs (with 100 armor) while using your modest gun "power". You'll probably die or need armor before you could destroy them though. The trick here is to use the environment for your advantage. Do not shoot the APCs, only follow them as the news helicopter that you are. APCs 1 and 2 will come across railways and pause to wait for a train to pass. Right before the train passes, shoot the blockage (recommended that you stay on the side of it for better aiming) and the APC will be smashed by the train. APC 1 will leave a bonus Armor Crate behind if you do this trick. APCs 3 and 4 will drive nearby gas stations. When they're near these, shoot the oil tanks for a big explosion. Time your shots well to get the APC involved on the explosion. Note the oil tanks have 40 armor, requiring 20 normal shots to be destroyed. 3. Scort Bus After mission 2 is complete rush to the pinpointed location to protect Andrea from some korean soldiers. After you kill them you can start clearing the path for the bus to pass. Scorting the bus with diplomats out of town is easier than it sounds, you'll hardly die or let the bus be destroyed (it has a lot of armor). The only enemies you should care about are the cop motorcycles hidden behind outdoors. Those have 25 armor and aren't marked on your map. As for other enemies, such as T-55's, Gaskins and Boats, you must serve as a bait, flying around them while easily avoiding their shots, and keeping them distracted while the bus passes by. Don't try to destroy any of those, you'll waste your time. Also remember to destroy the couple of blockades on the bus' way. After this mission you should need to recharge your fuel. 4. Get Cobra You'll finally be able to abandon the News Helicopter. Right after you drop Andrea so she can get the Cobra chopper, soldiers and T-55's will appear. Avoid the T-55's and eliminate all soldiers to protect Andrea (she has a lot of "armor" but she can still die). Now to land the news chopper and change vehicles you'll probably have problems with the T-55's. Make sure your armor is above 400 (if it's not, take some dissidents to the far away LZ and recover it). After you've got the Cobra, destroy the news chopper before you deal with the T-55's for a bonus special ammo crate. 5. Cover Airlift Right after you drop Andrea to rescue the dignities, you'll be surrounded by some soldiers, two T-55's and a Gaskin. Destroy all of those and prepare to shoot other six soldiers coming from west during the first helicopter airlift. Right after that, other three soldiers will come from north. Then it's done, you don't need to follow the helicopters, just protect their take-off. Don't forget to pick up Andrea again. 6. Scort Diplomats This may be the hardest mission on the level if you don't do the right preparatives. You need to protect Andrea while she takes (on foot) a bunch of diplomats from the east position to the west nuclear shelter. The easiest way to reach the nuclear shelter (a straight line) is blocked by the west gate though. If you don't destroy the west gate before Andrea tries to go through it, she'll use the north gate, where a crowd of new enemies are waiting. If you destroy the west gate, the only things you should worry about are: 1) many soldiers coming from south right at the beginning; 2) a lone soldier with a rocket launcher coming from east; 3) a couple of soldiers among the buildings to the west; and 4) a T-55 near the shelter. A maximum of three diplomats can be killed; if a fourth dies, mission fails. Pick up Andrea when everyone's safe. 7. Collect Supplies The countdown is coming to an end, and Pyongyang will really be nuked. This isn't exactly a mission, but anything you can take with you to the stadium will be there on the next level. Although they recommend you to take ammo to the stadium, you can take whatever you want (fuel green statues and armor blue statues are also ok). Take whatever is near enough; all of those items will be abundant on the next level anyway. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** OPERATION 3: PEACE (PART 2) LOCATION: Pyongyang Ruins, North Korea... Capital? CODE: PLUTONIUM ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ******************************* OVERVIEW ******************************* ARMOR: a) inside the football stadium (either the ones you brought with you from the past level or the one that appears by default when you input the password) b) laying far north from the football stadium, across the river c) laying near the only LZ on the level d) all the way north from the only LZ, and a little way west e) on the southeast part of the crater, near a green spot f) on the tiny island east of the big north one g) dropped as a bonus by one of the T-55's that try to stop the train (mission 8) SPECIAL AMMO: a) south from the nuke crater, across the river b) far northwest form the crater, across the river (east side of the big north island) c) on the center of the big north island d) to the west and a little south of the crater, over a big fossile e) inside a building north of the train (mission 8) QUICK LADDER: unavailable EXTRA ATTEMPTS: none RADARS: pinpointed on mission 9 SPECIALS: a) There is a Harrier plane to the north of the nuke crater and to the east of the river, in a big white building that doesn't seem to have been affected by the explosion. Needless to say it makes the level a lot easier. I'd recommend using it right after completing mission 8. GENERAL STRATEGY: If you use a password to get to the next level, automatically one unit of each supply (fuel, ammo, armor) will be laying on the stadium. Otherwise, the supplies available there will be the ones you could bring from the last level (even if you die on this level). This level is really short (perhaps parts 1 and 2 of PEACE operation shouldn't have been splitted), but is crwoded with enemies. To make your life easier on the couple of missions, I'd recommend you destroy everything on the map. Always keep your chopper full of dissidents (there're plenty of them) to recover your armor on the LZ when you need. Also be sure to destroy all the bridges on the southern river (protected by choppers) before mission 8, so you'll be working on mission 9 in advance. ******************************** START ******************************** PYONGYANG: 8. Scort Train Before you start this mission I recommend you have a full load of special and normal ammo. Immediately after Andrea gets in the train, an enemy train will come from the west border (the only enemy that will come from behind). To destroy enemy trains (there'll be two more) fire at the _train_ itself, not the wagons. It has 600 of armor, two wing special missiles (or one fuel drop) would be good if you brought them. Always fly a little ahead of Andrea, so you can destroy appearing enemies before they get to her. After you destroy a second enemy train, you'll have to shoot the switch-track device to avoid a collision. You don't have to destroy the train which was going to collide with Andrea, just switch the tracks (you can do this even before starting the mission). Then a bunch of enemies will appear far ahead (east); destroy them all, specially the T-55's stationed over the railway. Near the north border of the map, on a railway crossing, pay attention to a train coming from south. Destroy it or it's gonna take your last two wagons on its way. After this the mission should be near complete. 9. Destroy Bridges/HQ You have to destroy all enemy mobile radars (pinpointed on the map) before they get to the DMZ (that is, before they get out of your reach). You don't have to deal with any of the other enemies, but they will give you problems, specially the Havocs, which can kill you in seconds. To make things easier you can use your special ammo on each radar or get the Harrier. It should not be complicated at all. Note you can actually let one of the mobile radars escape, but this will change the outcome on the next level. You may let one of the radars to escape without faliing the mission, but then the password for the next level will be PUSAN instead of MACARTHY. I still haven't found out what's the difference between them (the next level seems the same). ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** OPERATION 4: DMZ LOCATION: South Korea Demilitarized Zone CODE: PUSAN / MACARTHUR There are two different passwords for this level but I couldn't figure what's the difference between them. You'll receive the PUSAN password if you let at least one of the radars from the past level last mission to escape. If you destroy them all though, you'll get the MACARTHUR password. If you know what's the difference between those two, please let me know. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ******************************* OVERVIEW ******************************* OBS: Scattered through this level are very noticeable blue supply structures. You can destroy those for ammo, armor or fuel. They'll all be scattered along the margins of the northern river, and following it down to the southwest lake. ARMOR: most of the armor on this level is pinpointed on the map, and it's more than enough to keep you going. Search inside the blue supply structures if you need more armor. SPECIAL AMMO: You can only get Fuel Drop tanks on this level. They'll be available on the following places: a) just northwest of your Home Base, inside a tiny building b) on the southern Abrams tanks base c) on the northern Abrams tanks base d) two on the base to the east of the infantry barracks QUICK LADDER: you can get it along with Andrea on mission 1 (she's standing just next to it) EXTRA ATTEMPTS: inside one of the blue suplly spots, to the northeast of the northern Abrams tanks base. RADARS: none SPECIALS: a) Night vision goggles: you can get those on an enemy camp somewhere between the ammo and fuel supply bases. You'll be able to find some POWs there too (worth armor). The goggles will be specially useful when the sun starts to set later on the mission and also priceless on spotting tunnel exits. b) Super Cannon: there's another attachment like that from the second mission to replace your rockets. It's available inside one of the buildings on the northeast-most building complex where the ROK agent is being held captive (he will be pinpointed to you mid-way on the mission). c) Vehicles: there are several special vehicles for you to use on this level. I don't really see the need for any of them though, unless you like experimenting new stuff. Almost every allies' military base marked on the map will have a vehicle for you to use. There's also an A-10X plane marked on the map. GENERAL STRATEGY: You gotta start by deploying the ally troops to the places you want them to be. Make sure you cover the most terrain while assigning them around. Be sure to increase your infantry power before assigning them somewhere by carrying over the infantry supplies from the base to the east of theirs. After all troops are assigned you can save Andrea and prepare for the real mission to begin. Like you're told on the briefing, you're not expected to be in all places at once. LOTS of enemies will appear, but instead of worrying about fighting them, you must first worry about slowing them down. Be sure to: - Destroy the SCUD missiles near the Gaskins before they launch - Order the Artillery to destroy the enemy's both fuel and ammo supplies bases - Destroy any enemies near the allies' military bases - Block all tunnels you can find time to (pick up ROK agent to discover tunnels) - Take down the pillars near the north roads to force the tanks into the mountains If you manage to do all this, the mission can be completed easily with little to none battle afterwards. Be sure to abuse your fuel drops on the beginning of the level (to kill many soldiers at once or destroy multiple buildings) since they won't be needed later on. ******************************** START ******************************** SOUTH KOREA: 1. Collect Andrea Before picking Andrea up you should deploy all allied troops to key spots around the map. There's no better way to do this, just try to scatter them around as much as possible. To deploy troops fly over them and press start to choose the road to protect. Notice you can't deploy the Artillery near your HB at first. To the east of the infantry HQ there's a supply base with body armor and bazookas for the infantry. Taking them over to the infantry BEFORE deploying them somewhere would be of great help. After all troops are deployed pick up Andrea and the Quick Ladder. 2. Main Battlefield You should be able to give the Artillery a target now. Do that first, flying over (near) to your Home Base. Your first target should be the enemy fuel supply (search for a lot of fuel tanks gathered in one place to the north on your map). It will take a while for the artillery to reload, but as soon as they do go back there and tell them to target the enemy ammo supply this time. Afterwards you won't need their help anymore. By now you should've received a warning about the sub forces coming from southwest. You only should care about those if you plan to use an APC vehcile or the A-10X. I wouldn't use any of those so you may skip this. Your first worry should be the SCUD launchers to the north, depending on what you want to save. It's easy to find them, they're near the few gaskins on the level. The central SCUD will aim at your fuel supply, the west SCUD at your A-10X and the east one at your artillery. First go to the east one, because it's located near a ROK agent. There'll be a building complex on the northeast part, destroy the buildings to find the agent (who'll spot the enemy tunnels and supply bases for you) and the more powerful rockets attachment. Destroying the central one and west one is up to you (will you feel safer with extra fuel/A-10X?). While you're trying to destroy the SCUDs you may get some warnings about tunnel commandos and infiltrators coming from south. Destroy the tunnel commandos asap to be able to destroy an extra tunnel later on. If you don't destroy the infiltrators' bus they'll take over all your southern bases. If the bases are empty already this might not be a problem. After you've dealt with the warnings and the SCUDs, it's time to prepare for (avoiding) the real battle, destroying the tunnels. Deal with further warnings (attack at northwest base/freedom bridge) if you want to save supplies. The tunnels should be visible if you saved the ROK spy on the northeast border (if you didn't, do it now, and get the better rockets too). To better visualize tunnel exits you may get the Nightvision Goggles (see "specials" section on overview). There're three things you can do about the tunnels: 1) Near the exit of each tunnel there's a drill vehicle. Drop Andrea on the drop zone and she'll destroy the tunnel. Follow her to the entrance of the tunnel to pick her up on the other end. This can't be done on the west-most tunnel because of the lake. On the second west-most tunnel you can also find a fuel truck. Drop Andrea near it instead of near the drill and she'll place the truck near the tunnel eixt for you to cause an explosion (remember to pick her up first so she doesn't get killed on the explosion). 2) The only way to destroy the southwest tunnel (near the A-10 base) is to use explosive shells. Those can be found on the supply base to the east of the infantry HQ (if it's still in one piece). Drop one of the explosive shells near the exit of the tunnel and shoot it for a big explosion. You can use the other shell to destroy any reamining tunnel also, instead of using Andrea. 3) If the drills were destroyed and you already used the two shells, but there's still remaining tunnels, you can use the Mine Dispensers (placed next to the shells) on the _entrance_ of a tunnel to slow down the enemy tanks, as a last resort to block that tunnel. Take a Mine Dispenser over a tunnel entrance and drop it (L2+R2) to scatter the mines. After blocking the tunnels and destroying the enemy supplies, you pretty much completed this mission. At this point, if you saved the A-10X craft, you could make use of it just for fun. One last thing you can do to slow the tanks down is to fly over to the northern board of the map searching for blue pillars next to the roads. Shoot them to make them fall over the roads, forcing the tanks to drive over the mountains instead. After this you can just wait for the U.S. Bombers to arrive, destroying any tank that gets near the southern parts of the map. ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** OPERATION 5: FORTRESS LOCATION: southeastern Siberia CODE: ARMAGEDDON ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** ******************************* OVERVIEW ******************************* ARMOR: all armor crates are pinpointed on the map. Those you can't see at first will be dropped later on. There's a single hidden one inside a truck on the north part of the fortress. SPECIAL AMMO: a) around the central area of the western border of the map, inside a tower b) inside a tower just northwest of the northeast hidden radar (mission 2) c) on the southeast edge of the map (wait for a supply drop) QUICK LADDER: unavailable EXTRA ATTEMPTS: none RADARS: a) all hidden flat-plate radars are pinpointed on mission 2. b) EMP truck on the southwest portion of the fortress (just north of southwest bridge) c) EMP truck around the central northern area of the fortress (on an elevated area) d) EMP truck on the northeast region of the fortress (south of the north bridge which is most to the east) SPECIALS: a) T-90: you can find one of those powerful tanks by destroying a palace around the central area of the northern border of the map. b) Hokun: the special chopper is inside a palace around the central area of the eastern border of the map, over a hill. GENERAL STRATEGY: This level seems too simple for a last level. In fact, I believe this is not the last level on the PC version of the game. Go for the missions in the order they're given and you should face no problems. Just remember you don't need to drop Naja on mission 3 in order for her to uncover the EMP trucks for you: it's possible to destroy them beforehand if you know their location (read "radars" section above). Don't try going near the fortress before destroying the EMP trucks for any other reason than that (destroying the EMP trucks), because your missiles will be disactivated. Also, try to save your sidewinders supplies for the latter two missions, as they'll be more useful then. ******************************** START ******************************** SIBERIA: 1. Protect Agents Worry about nothing else at first and go straight for the rescue of Cash and Naja. Avoid going near the fortress (radar-blocked) for now. You'll notice enemy forces attacking both to the west (Cash) and east (Naja). Destroy a few enemies on Cash's side and then quickly switch over to protect Naja to the east. After Naja's safe go back to Cash. A few soldiers will remain, chasing him around the palace, but don't worry about them (you can't kill them, Cash will). After both agents are saved you must wait for them to destroy the palace and uncover a new chopper for you. Switch over immediately since you'll get a bigger load of rockets. You may get the Hokun chopper later (greater armor) but for now you'll have to quickly assist Hack. 2. Destroy Towers Before worrying about the towers check Hack's position on your map. He'll soon be attacked by two enemy choppers, so fly over there in advance. After the choppers are gone, a few more moments and a T-90 will come from the west. Wait around the area to destroy that one too. After the T-90 Hack should be safe for the rest of the level. Now you can worry about the towers, and maybe the enemy reinforcements that'll start arriving from all edges of the map. You can deploy your commandos (pinpointed on the map) to deal with the reinforcements or even the bridges to keep them from entering the fortress, but I didn't find it necessary. You can destroy them quickly after they're stationed inside the fortress anyway. Instead you might want to just destroy all towers on mission 2. But be sure to change your current chopper for a Hokun hidden on the eastern edge of the map, for greater armor. 3. EMP Trucks You'll be told to drop Naja on the fortress so she can find the trucks for you to destroy, but it's hard enough to protect yourself from the T-90 using the chaingun, what to say about protecting Naja as well. You might want to ignore this order and go yourself searching for the trucks. You can do it silently (unlike Naja), avoiding combat with any T-90. See the position of each EMP truck on the section "radars" above. 4. Guardian Guns Now you must drop Cash so he can bring down the armor of the guardian turrets protecting the fortress. This will require some good dodging skill and patience, so I recommend you first annihilate all enemies inside and around the fortress. It may take some tme (not much), but will be very useful for the rest of the campaign. After the area is clean and only the guardians are left, drop Cash and prepare to protect him. He'll follow a clockwise path around the guardian rails. To keep the Guardians from shooting him, always position yourself on the opposite side (making their guns turn away from Cash and towards you). Fly in a half-circle pattern around them (avoiding being shot) until Cash gets in the guardian. When he's inside, fly over the other side of the guardian to protect Cash's leaving. After Cash gets away from the guardian rails, use your firepower to destroy it. Repeat the pattern for all of them. At the end of the mission remember to pick Cash back up. When you do that, lots of enemy choppers should appear. Take your time to destroy them all, it's really necessary. A missile on each should be enough. 5. Destroy ICBMs There will be three ICBMs hidden inside the fortress; don't worry about timing, they'll only set off when you actually find them out. But reload your sidewinders and use one on each ICBM, along with a normal missile. You need to drop Andrea so she can uncover the silos. There are six silos however, so other three will be empty. Their position seems to be random so you'll have to keep trying. During this mission more T-90's and enemy choppers will appear. You can avoid the T-90's if you want to (they'll be stationated), but destroy the choppers as soon as you can, or they'll start dropping some annoying spheric droids to shoot you. 6. Shiva's Dagger Last mission of the game is pretty easy, if you've already eliminated all other threats. Once again don't worry about timing, the "Shiva's Dagger" will only activate when you get near it. You may drop Andrea on the assigned zone so she'll also pilot her own Hokun and help you around. She didn't help me destroying the "daggers" though, so I assume she would handle other enemies for you, if any were left. The "dagger" has a lot of ammo, but can hardly represent a threat to you. Reload your sidewinders before facing it and use all the firepower you got; it should be enough to destroy it before the launching. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. SECRETS/MISCELANEOUS CODES (PSX version): Reduce Fuel Consumption MPG 4 Extra Lives PHOENIX 5 Extra Lives WARRIOR Infinite Lives LAZARUS Infinite Weapons GOPOSTAL Infinite Ammo/Armor/Fuel PACKISBACK No enemies on level 1 AVENGER Faster Game WARPDRIVE Level Reconnaissance EAGLEEYE (weapons disabled) Return to previous mission ANDREAS E3 Bonus Level LIGHTNING Future Strike Ad COMMERCIAL (go to "STRIKE files") OBS: The bonus level consists of a few missions on the map of Level 2 (Lavu Royale). It's really just a bonus/demo and didn't need a walkthrough. TRICKS: A trick that works well for most enemies is shooting them from far away, the farthest you can get while still aiming at them. Most of the enemies on this game won't spot you from a distance, so you can destroy them safely with your machine gun. This trick is specially eficient and useful when you're near some tall places, since your chopper automatically flies higher and gives you a much farther aiming capacity. MISCELANEOUS: 1) I previously thought the PC version of the game would have an extra level due to a misunderstanding. There are codes available for 7 levels on the PC version, but actually some levels have multiple passwords, so in the end it
all evens out. Probably levels other than the South Korea DMZ also have
multiple codes, but I don't know what to do in order to trigger those, and
I don't believe it does much of a difference in the end.

2) I've found out some sound samples on the PS disc about a nuclear bomb in
Manhattan. The sound samples can't be heard from the game itself, but
using some tool to browse the disc's audio files you can spot two of those
which're related to a Manhattan explosion. Probably unused audio for an
unfinished mission...?



At the end of Level 5 (Siberia), or at the end of the bonus level
(Lightning), or yet after you enter the code COMMERCIAL, you'll get a teaser
of something that would be the next STRIKE game in the series, Future Strike.
Apparently you'd be able to control a vehicle similar to Star Wars' AT-STs,
which would have been a good inovation to the series.
Thanks go to LASSITER for giving me info on this game: It seems it was never
released as Future Strike, but actually as Future Cop LAPD 2100. It doesn't
follow Strike's plotline (nor cast), but if you like the Strike series it
might be worth a play. You do control the AT-ST-like vehicle, so it's
reasonable to assume it is in fact what came of Future Strike.

Anyway, here ends another guide by the Last Cetra. I'm missing a couple things
throughout the game, but since I don't intend going after them, I'm keeping
this version as 1.0. If you know of some supplies I didn't point out and you
think would be significant, or answers for any open question I might
have left, feel free to email me (lastcetra) at rpclassics.com.

I'd like to once again thank GameFAQs for hosting this guide, and on the old
fashioned Capcom way, THANK YOU FOR PLAYING (reading?) ;)

Sony PlayStation Nuclear Strike Walkthrough
Version 1.01
Made by the "Last Cetra", which owns exclusive CopyRight
E-mail: lastcetra@rpgclassics.com
Any question/advice regarding this game may be sent to me.
Created in September 13th, 2003;  Last Update in October 19th, 2003