N64 - NBA Hangtime: Tips For When the Computer's "On Fire" Mini-FAQ by KGGolson -------------------- NOTICE: You can distribute this freely in anyway whatsoever but you may not take credit for this document. Remember, you have been warned. INTRO: This is a small Mini-FAQ explaining some tips for stopping the fire, avoiding the on-fire computer player to score, and so forth. Remember, this document is only giving tips on how for YOU (or you and another friend) to maneuver against the COMPUTER. TIPS: Stopping the fire of a computer player is quite easy, when you get used to it. Probably the most risk-free way of stopping the fire is starting a two-player game and doing this once the computer player gets on fire: - Tell the other human player next to you to move exactly under the basket that you and him are scoring at. Then, posistion yourself in front of the computer player and when the computer player jumps up to shoot block the shot. Then, while you are still in there from blocking the ball, press the pass button. This will conveniently automatically be in the hands of your fellow human's hands in no time. Since your fellow human is right under the basket, he/she can do a quick dunk. The way to stop the fire if you have posession of the ball is nothing but a quick and simple drive down the court into the paint. When in the paint, do NOT do a large dunk mostly because the on-fire player can easily block your dunk. Instead, go as close to the hoop as you can and press the shoot button. This will enable you to do a small dunk so that it is impossible for the on-fire player to block you.