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MZM 0 X WZX0 Namco Classic II FAQ NES 1992 Version: 1.0 released on the 12th of February 2011 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. .============================================================================. | .========================================================================. | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | '========================================================================' | |============================================================================| | 01.) Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Course | G0300 | | Hikari Course | G0310 | | Echo Course | G0320 | | Yamabiko Course | G0330 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Namco Classic II' for the NES, released by Namco in 1988. It is a sequel to the appropriately titled 'Namco Classic'. 'Namco Classic II' is a golf simulation and features three short courses for both practice and tournament play. The guide uses Shift-JIS to display Japanese characters in .txt form. If you cannot see them automatically and just see some garbled font, set your browser encoding or file viewer manually. It is recommended that you view the file in a fixed font such as Courier New as some of the tables with Shift-JIS will look odd without it. Do not worry if you cannot get it working after all, you can still wing it through the small menu selections without. Suggestions, comments or errors - tell me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== ラウンドプレイ Round Play 1. Play Mode: ストロークプレイ Stroke Play マッチプレイ Match Play ポイントマッチ Match Point ベストボールゲーム Best Ball Play 2. Choose No. of Players 3. Course Select: ひかりコース Hikari Course こだまコース Echo Course やまびこコース Yamabiko Course 4. Options 5. CPU opponent: じぶんで プレイ Myself Play プロでプレイ Pro Play Enter your Name, Age (you cannot be too old or too young!), select your clubs and confirm your profile (yes, no), then select a random caddy on the next screen to finally move on to the course. トーナメント Tournament 1. Choose: ニューゲーム New Game 2. Tournament: ジャパン トーナメント Japan Tournament インターナショナル トーナメント International Tournament Enter your Name, select your clubs and confirm your profile (yes, no), then select a random caddy on the next screen to finally move on to the tournament. This mode comes with commentators and fierce competition. パスワード Password やめる Quit わんしゅう Practice 1. Select Course: ひかりコース Hikari (Bright) Course こだまコース Kodama (Echo) Course やまびこコース Yamabiko Course 2. Select Hole 3. ティーショット Tee Shot こうりゃく Full Hole 4. Options 5. CPU opponent: じぶんで プレイ Myself Play プロでプレイ Pro Play Enter your Name, select your clubs and confirm your profile (yes, no). Options: かぜ: なし, よわい, ふつう, つよい, たいふう Wind: None, Weak, Normal, Strong, Typhoon グリーン: べソト, コーライ Green: Best, Kourai(?I guess hard) スーパードライバ: あり, なし Super Driver On/Off のこりヤードひょうじ:あり, なし Rest Yard Display On/Off ゲージひょうじ:あり、なし Gauge Display On/Off Press START to confirm. Press B during the game to get a menu. -Continue -View Hole -Menu -Intro Swinging: ````````` Your screen is divided into two parts. The top is the layout of the course as you might have guessed. The rest are mainly information for the current hole and your shot. The bottom left displays the current hole statistic. This includes the PAR, shot number and yard measures. Next to your picture (and player number) is your club selection as well the wind information. As you take your shot your first goal is to aim. Notice a small icon on the top display which can you move around with the left and right arrow. Select your club with the up and down arrows as indicated by the icon in the bottom right (above the wind meter). Different clubs are used for different situations; check the specialized section for more information. Confirm your angle and club with the action button. Note that you can only aim at certain angles. This makes the game a little trickier than others. You can alter the direction by hitting it at different spots of the ball. This is where the next screen comes in. Here you player photo has changed to a ball with an icon on it. You can move this icon around where you want to hit the ball. Physics should tell you that if you hit it at the bottom left it will swerve to the left and higher up, and reversed if you hit it at the top left then it will be a low shot and aimed to the right. Combine this with the angle you picked in the previous screen to almost perfect your aim. However, you must not forget about the wind meter. Assuming there is no wind at all you should have an easier time to target the shot, yet if you find yourself with a lot of winding going around your ears then you must take extra notice of this meter. For example, if you aim straight and the wind is going 4m to the right, then naturally the ball with fly to the right. The stronger the wind the more it will curve, naturally. If the wind goes against your shot then it will slow it down due to resistance, but with wind going with your shot the ball will be carried further. Confirm your ball spot with the action button as before. The ball icon will change to a power meter. You might know these from other golf games and this one is no different. There is a target meter at the top of this dial which you should get as close to the black area as possible without going too far in it. Getting it right at 3 o'clock is a perfect speed. Note that you do not always want the full speed. For example, aiming at 200 yards with a 0W would be too much at full speed as it will easily shoot at 250+ yards. Since your club selection is limited you will have to sometimes only use a certain per cent of the power meter. Nevertheless once you select the power the pointer will then return to the start of the dial and you need to position it at the starting 6 o'clock spot to get the perfect angle. Note that this is the angle you chose earlier so it does not mean that getting this ?quot;mini-game?quot; right will result in a great shot, it just means the player will excel at the shot you chose. Getting the latter wrong will slice the ball left or right. The red marker means that you must at least hit this area to count the shot; else you will swing and miss. This will depend on your club selection. If you want to undo anything during a shot you can press the Cancel button to return to the previous screen. On to the next shot... The game will automatically select the putter (PT) for the shot on the green. Club selection: ``````````````` Woods (xW): Originally with wooden heads and used to propel the ball for long distances from a tee or fairway. They have varying degrees of loft (angle of club face relative to vertical). The longest wood, the 1 wood, is usually referred to as the driver. It also has the biggest head, making it ideal for use off the tee. In this game you may only use it to tee-off and the game will prevent you from doing any other shot in the course. Irons (xI): Usually shots approaching the greens, medium distances. Irons usually range from numbers 1 to 9, with lower numbered irons having lower lofts. Putters (PT): Used to propel the ball short distances along the ground with optimum accuracy, usually on the putting green. Sand Wedges (SW) have specially designed undersides that use a feature known as "bounce", which combined with a loft of 54-58 degrees make them suitable for shots from bunkers or from the rough. Pitching Wedges (PW) make great chippers from the fringe of the playing area and are very useful on bump-and-run approaches. [WikiPedia] But which one to chose for which situation? The Sand Wedge is straight forward, you use it when stuck in a sand bunker. The Pitching Wedge is for recovering from trouble areas, such as tree lines and rough patches. The Putter is used for putting the ball into the hole, you should usually just do that on the green because the surface needs to be smooth. A 1W is usually a great tee off start, it will go 230 yards easy. The others are also nice and high, but not don't cover so much distance. As for the Irons, they are for more accurate approaches onto the green. The high numbers will also go higher. Think of it like chipping the ball onto a green. In short, start with a 1W, then pick a good one for the shots towards the green and finish up with a Putter. Note that the game is quite old and golf clubs change over the years. If you think a specific number should behave in a certain way in reality and it doesn't end up doing so in the game, it is most likely because the modern clubs do not compare with these. =============================================================================== 03.) COURSE G0300 =============================================================================== This guide to the courses does not take into account any wind effect and aims to tell you the best way to score on a given hole. Club selections will differ depending on your situation. You have to adapt accordingly to make the same score. Hikari Course: G0310 `````````````` o-----------o | Hole 1 | | Par 4 | | 465 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Aim down straight towards the water and then slice the ball to the left to avoid the water and still land on the dark green fairway. With a low Wood you should fly around 240-280 yards easy. Shot 2: Low iron onto the fairway, as long as you get past the water it should be fine. Shot 3: Easy birdie. o-----------o | Hole 2 | | Par 5 | | 515 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: It's risky if you play short but you want to aim dead straight across those Pac-Man sand bunkers. Instead I suggest you aim down the fairway itself, play it safe, hit a decent shot and you will be well lined up for a second shot. Shot 2: If you were brave to shoot across the Pac-Man bunkers you can aim dead straight again and make it almost to the green. Otherwise you want to shoot across the trees to land in the wide area of fairway in front of it. Shot 3: Aim for the green, easy enough. If you are close enough you can try an eagle but it's a birdie unless you screwed one of the shots. Shot 4: If necessary, clean up. o-----------o | Hole 3 | | Par 4 | | 352 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: This hole looks super easy. Problem is, you only want to advance 200 yards with your first shot else you'll be in the beachhead already. Shot 2: Second shot lands on the green, with luck you'll eagle this but with decent aim you are lined up for a birdie. Shot 3: Birdie...on question about it. o-----------o | Hole 4 | | Par 3 | | 167 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: I suggest aiming lower and then swerve left, otherwise just straight and swerve right but I tend to hit the water here more often. Shot 2: Birdie already, no need for a third shot. o-----------o | Hole 5 | | Par 4 | | 280 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: This is a really short hole, not sure why Par 4. our first shot can be quite long and is just a straight line. If you get over 300 yards you must have been supported by wind. Shot 2: Getting this onto the green can be a little tricky and dangerous. I wouldn't think there is an eagle here. Shot 3: You should be on the green so a birdie attempt is on the cards. o-----------o | Hole 6 | | Par 4 | | 466 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Nasty hole. The green is tough to keep at the start and your first attempt will either be in the water or tree line if you just get it a little bit wrong. There is also a tree if you get it short, a bunker if you get a little longer. Yes tough luck...sorry to say. Shot 2: If you got a good tee off then the second shot is a little bit better but not by much. The large green in the corner is useless on this hole. Get the shot below the trees and ready for the next approach. Shot 3: Onto the green is really best you can do. I think this is a really tough hole and Par is best you can do without wind support or something to get across the tree line directly. Shot 4: Par for most people. o-----------o | Hole 7 | | Par 3 | | 190 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: You can make this one shot, I have had hole-in-ones on this one even, but many times you will land in the water. Try to get it further so at least you are in the bunkers or rough instead. Shot 2: Birdie unless you screwed up. o-----------o | Hole 8 | | Par 4 | | 396 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Aim northeast and let it rip. You just want to fly out of this area for now since your options are limited by the large water area. Shot 2: You should be at the northern section, still well off the bunker and hopefully on the green. You can now aim towards the green which is not too hard, but it's kind of tiny and you will often land in the rough. Shot 3: I would say you can birdie this one 70% of the time. o-----------o | Hole 9 | | Par 5 | | 480 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Aim straight ahead, nothing special about this shot. Shot 2: You can now choose between playing it save down south or try to go directly for the green. Of course you can screw this latter shot with ease and I do not recommend it. Shot 3: Either approach the green now or go for the eagle if you managed to shoot straight across. Shot 4: Birdie is only easy if you took chances here, but with a green still separated by rough it is not so straightforward. Shot 5: Many teams I have seen this just being a par hole. It is not necessary a tough one but the approach is just so risky and the last island gives you little to work with to get your score down. Echo Course: G0320 ```````````` o-----------o | Hole 1 | | Par 4 | | 440 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: You have a tough choice to make. Either try for a long shop, it must be over 240 yards to get across the water, or make it shorter than 210 yards to only reach the end of the first island. In both cases I would suggest aiming slightly to the south. Shot 2: Both second shots should aim for the green but with a longer approach in the first one you will have it slightly easier to aim now. Shot 3: Whatever you did before, you should now have the chance to birdie. o-----------o | Hole 2 | | Par 3 | | 179 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Easy hole, it just looks funny. Shot 2: Second shot should be in unless you could not aim properly in the first shot. Nothing else to say. o-----------o | Hole 3 | | Par 4 | | 440 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: You will immediately spot the water feature in this place and it is the worst thing about it. Your goal is to shoot around the southern tree, anything else would be kind of crazy. It would be rather unlucky to get the souther tip of this star-shaped lake which would put your shot around 260 yards, and often enough I have seen my shot bounce this little gap anyway. Shot 2: Aim northwest towards the green. This shot is slightly trickier to get on the green at this point thanks to the poorly-placed bunker. Shot 3: Birdie if you got it on the green, naturally. o-----------o | Hole 4 | | Par 5 | | 510 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: This looks funny but most of the features on this hole are easy to avoid. Aim a little north of the trees and let it rip...280 yards please. Shot 2: The river just became a bit more annoying and the lone tree is actually more harmful than it looks like, but overall you cannot do much about the fact the area is suddenly crowded with hazards. Good news is that if you followed my advice from earlier and had a long shot then you now aim for the green directly and forget about all that. Shot 3: I do not often hit the green with my third shot but it is very very possible. This is probably one of the easier holes to eagle but do not feel bad if you still need an extra shot to get this closer. Shot 4: Even if you screwed up you should be on a birdie here. o-----------o | Hole 5 | | Par 4 | | 370 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Aim straight, swerve south to plant this one on the green below the sand bunker. If you are confident enough you can also go straight and let it rip but it will not save you that much extra yards for the next shot. Shot 2: Shoot onto the green. It is tricky, no doubt about it. Shot 3: Birdie is on the cards if you get the green in the previous shot. o-----------o | Hole 6 | | Par 3 | | 100 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Surely one of the funnier holes in the game. You actually have a harder time selecting a favorable club here to lob the trees. There are also some naughty bunkers surrounding the green which really make this easy-looking hole a rough one. Shot 2: Birdie is what I should say but I am often in a bunker around here. Shot 3: I leave shot three here because par is often what you get. o-----------o | Hole 7 | | Par 4 | | 380 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: So your first question is going to be: "what is up with those frickin' trees on the fairway? You can take it easy and shoot over them though. A 250+ yard tee off that goes straight should do the trick and I highly recommend you trying that because everything else will kind of suck. Shot 2: Second shot from the west side of the tree line is still no easy thing since the green is surrounded by bunkers. Try your best. Shot 3: Birdie depend on your last shot, I think you can do the first shot well but the second one is really tougher. Shot 4: Par is my common result here too. o-----------o | Hole 8 | | Par 5 | | 500 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: The bunker is easily ignored, just swing over it and slightly south and even if you come up a little short you should reach the wide fairway. It would be much better if you have a long shot here since the second shot is then already manageable onto the green. Shot 2: If you had a long tee off you can reach the green, otherwise you have to aim for the little patch of fairway in the north which makes everything more complicated. If you go for goal you need to be aware of the bunkers and water around there. Shot 3: If you are in the north you still have some north to, otherwise you can try for an eagle. I had a few here so I think you can too. o-----------o | Hole 9 | | Par 4 | | 460 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: It almost looks like you are given a choice. Top is a wider fairway but has a nasty bunker, south is a very narrow fairway which requires a lot more skill to hit. Shot 2: From either position after shot one you can make the green and I do not think either way is harder so anything from the first shot will do. Shot 3: Birdie should be no problem unless you managed to hit those bunkers in the back. Yamabiko Course: G0330 ```````````````` o-----------o | Hole 1 | | Par 5 | | 570 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Long hole, start out by shooting your way up northwest. Shot 2: Still a long way to go, aim straight and slightly south to find enough fairway space. No thrills yet. Shot 3: Third shot can easily make the green, plenty of space. Shot 4: Do not see you not getting a birdie here, the river and bunker do not cause much distraction. o-----------o | Hole 2 | | Par 4 | | 400 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Cliffs, that is new! You still want to chip the ball over the cliff right in front of you, maybe slightly southern to make it for sure and also avoid the tree right after. Shot 2: A couple of trees and annoyingly-placed bunker should not prevent you from making this on the green. Shot 3: Birdie. o-----------o | Hole 3 | | Par 3 | | 190 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Easy to get on the yard, it is also surrounded by a cliff and should bounce back into the green if you overshoot onto that. Shot 2: Birdie attempt. o-----------o | Hole 4 | | Par 4 | | 330 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: This one is confusing to look at. You should aim before the sand bunker right in the middle. Trust me on this one. Shot 2: This is the reason why Par 4 on a short hole. The second shot only goes over the cliff and if you lucky it will land on something dark green. Not likely. Trust me on this one, too. Shot 3: I think you will still be trying to hit the green now. Shot 4: Par...sorry to say this is not an easy hole. o-----------o | Hole 5 | | Par 4 | | 410 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Southwest onto the large fairway. I almost want to hit the Pac-Man bunkers for the heck of it. Shot 2: Northwest onto the fairway once again. You can probably not make the green from here. Shot 3: Onto the green, it is not easy to birdie this hole. Shot 4: For par. o-----------o | Hole 6 | | Par 4 | | 460 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: It looks like you could make the lower layer of the fairway already on the first shot but I doubt without wind assistance you can avoid hitting the trees. Instead aim a little north and then go from there. Shot 2: As I suggested you are now in the north, shoot towards the green. It has a fair bit of risk involved. Shot 3: It is unlikely you managed to hit the green in the second shot, but you must try to reach that goal now. Shot 4: Another par, this course is really a little tougher than the others. o-----------o | Hole 7 | | Par 3 | | 220 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: You must reach the green from here, but whether or not you get the nasty little bunker inside the green or the ones around it is up in the air. Shot 2: You are lucky enough to birdie if you got on the green, normally you still have to get this done now. Shot 3: Even this is usually a par. o-----------o | Hole 8 | | Par 5 | | 480 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Aim a tad more north and swerve a little left as you hit the long drive. You want to reach the wide fairway. Shot 2: This shot should be just in front of the actual green. Close enough. Shot 3: Onto the green, sometimes it actually goes in for an eagle. Just saying. Shot 4: Birdie for this course? Yes! It's the easier hole of the course. o-----------o | Hole 9 | | Par 4 | | 470 Yards | o-----------o Shot 1: Shoot straight but make sure you get a right swerve on your aim as this must not land in the water or the bunker that follows. Shot 2: From this shot you can reach the green but often it lands a little short. Shot 3: The rest of this hole is straightforward whatever you end up doing. Easy ending to a tough course. =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First and complete version (12th of February 2011) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Namco for the game. WikiPedia for the info on clubs. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=