Monsters, Inc. Scream Team Walkthrough - V 1.0 Spark Pristine - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Contents 2. Version History 3. Introduction 4. Walkthrough 5. Thanks and Comrades ^.^ 6. Copyright Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V 1.0 3/08/03 - Initial walkthrough started, giving strategy through the entire game and all. Also, the final one, because there is nothing else to cover. ^.^;; Good luck! *Bang!* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Howdy! ^.^ Another bounty hunter walkthrough. Gotta love it. ^.^ Well, this game is about Sulley and Mike getting sent to Scare Island to become a top scare team and train their scaring skills, getting awards for each level they pass in the course. Whee! :?D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Orientation This is where you get your instructions for the game from that frightening lady. >.>; Instead of having to walk through it as it tells you exactly what you must do, I’ll just use this to tell you the controls and everything about the game. X = Jump; X, then X in mid-air = A double jump. Use Square to attack, using it to break boxes, destroy some toys, and knock out of some items. In later levels, you can also use it to pick up blocks and things like this. X, then Square in the air = Pounce, using it on steel boxes and some toys that can’t be attack from the side. R2 and L2 move the camera right and left respectively, holding both together allowing you a first-person view. Press Circle to start a scare near a Nerve that its siren is lit up, then follow the buttons on the right corner above the scream meter, hitting X to do an ending scare. -- Items to be found about (Walk into them to get): Bag ‘O Calories: Restores one life point. You start off with five life points. Extra Try Token: Gives you another try a.k.a. an extra life. Primordial Ooze: Increases the power of your Fright Meter. You must have the color of the Nerve full in your Fright Meter before you can scare them. Green ones fill up a sliver of the Meter and red ones fill up five slivers. Collect 100 for an extra life. The Nerves come in five colors, each needing a different bar on the Fright Meter and different numbers of button presses before the end scare X press: Blue - One and One Green - Two and Two Yellow - Three and Three Orange - Four and Four Red - Full and Five You get medals from all of this, three different ones available: Bronze - Scare five Nerves in the level. Silver - Collect all ten Monsters, Inc. tokens in the level. These are bigger than Extra Try Tokens and have the eye emblem on them. Gold - Scare all the Nerves in the level. A personal note from me is: when I say collect all the items, get everything, including the tokens and Ooze. Also note that I used Sulley throughout the game, but it doesn't change between Sulley and Mike. That’s all you need to know, so now for the actual walkthrough, whee!! Urban Training Field City Park First, grab all the Primordial Ooze you can find, attacking the trashcans to get more, using a side attacks to destroy the locomotive at the playground and the two spinning globe things with eyes on the path to the right of the entrance and at the end of the around the big tree. After collecting all of the Ooze you can find, head back to the playground, scaring the green Nerve on top of the monkey bars and the blue Nerve in the sandbox. Return to the entrance, taking the right path and hitting the trashcan with the orange Nerve in it, scaring it once it pops out. Head back to the playground, going to the other side and to the left of the house, scaring the yellow Nerve here. Now, head back to the entrance, going into the door near the fountain. Destroy the two toys in here, then going forward and scaring the green Nerve, this earning you a bronze medal. Save if you want, then press Start and quit to Scare Island. Downtown Start this place by destroying the remote controls on the right and left with a pounce to stop the cars, then go around collecting all of the items and Ooze you find (Note: these can be hidden in boxes and in corners as well, especially the corner at the entrance). After getting all the stuff, scare the blue Nerve at the end of the street and the green Nerve in the bush surrounded area. Now, head opposite the street with the barricades, falling into the sewer, collecting the Ooze and scaring the green Nerve, then hopping on the ladder and saying “yes” to go back up. Go up the street a little and turn right, heading into the toy store that just opened and collecting all the items inside. Destroy the blockmen, making sure to stick around to attack again as they reform, then jump up on the shelf, scaring the yellow Nerve, going through the door that opens in the back. Collect all the items on the conveyor belts as you hop up, finally going through the door at the top. Through this door is the roof, so collect all the items on the various parts and being careful not to fall. Once you collect everything on the main roof, getting to the part with the stairs and the roof opposite them, hop to the other roof, pounce on the RC for the car, then hopping over to the platforms after destroying the steel boxes behind the billboard, returning to the first platform and scaring the red Nerve. Save if you want, then Start and quit to Scare Island. The Docks Start here the same as always, collecting all the items around here and destroying the double-hit blockmen. Be wary when destroying boxes, there being a mechanical mouse in one near the train tracks and another in one on the right side of the dock. I’d suggest hopping over to the lighthouse on the right of the dock, collecting all the Ooze and items, then back to the beginning. Scare the blue Nerve to the right, then head to the dock and scare the green Nerve at the end. Jump back over to the lighthouse from here, scaring the green Nerve, then hop up the vertical platforms to the top of the lighthouse, scaring the yellow Nerve. Fall down and head back over to the dock, then hop up to the ship, going to the head of the boat and scaring the orange Nerve, then saving if you want and exiting to Scare Island. The Marketplace Start off by hopping over the small water pit and collecting the Ooze and token to the left, watching the Nerves scatter. Double-jump up to the ledge at the right, then to the ledge where the Nerves just were. Destroy the crate in the middle, destroying the enemy, then bouncing around while collecting items and moving on. Keep on going, circling the wide area and destroying any mice and globes there are, also making sure to look for shadows if items in the air. You should be able to get your Fright Meter up to orange from all of this; if not, search more carefully in corners and on a certain roof near the sewer. Now, head back to just after the first set of boxes you had to jump on to cross to get past the water, scaring the blue Nerve. Next, jump over on the single box and up to the ledge, chasing around the green Nerve until you can scare it. Finally, head back to where the sewer grating was, scaring the yellow Nerve and jumping into the hole that opens. Destroy the mouse to the right of where you land, then destroying all the boxes to the left, scaring the yellow Nerve that pops out. Continue on, jumping on the platforms to the other side, then jump onto the ladder and climb up. Destroy the globe toy here, then attack each gong once, the one on the left another time, then hop up the carpets to the top of the statue. Get the token here, then scare the orange Nerve, finally saving if you want and quitting to Scare Island, hearing about how all the trampolines are open to you now. Urban Pursuit After the quit and all, you are immediately placed into this level. You have to beat Randall in a race while collecting 75 tokens. Controls are: to go faster, press up; to go slower, press down. There’s not much to write about on this except watch out for the holes in the roads as you slide, collect as many tokens as you can while you slide, use the trampoline in the areas you walk, and always hold forward while maneuvering. Doing all of this, you should easily win. Desert Training Field The Sphinx A desert, how lovely. The puzzle here was based on my experience and I think it is the same for every game. Well, as always, wander around collecting Ooze and items, watching out for the scorpions and lizards. To destroy these, you have to avoid the scorpion’s attack twice until it’s on its back, then pounce on it; you have to whack the lizard to get it on its back, then pounce. To get enough Ooze, you must also jump up on the platforms, but watch out for the oddly colored parts as they can break away. After getting everything that you can, align yourself to a path directly toward the Sphinx, then walking forward. Step on the button to get the pattern: it should be two intertwined circles and a lightning bolt. Go back to where you started again, jumping on the button right next to it, then jump to the closest platform, heading forward and to the left, jumping on this button. Return to the puzzle place, scare the blue Nerve, then jump on the button to get a new puzzle. Head back to the start, jump on the same platform, heading to the right this time and jumping on the button on the far end. After this, head back a few steps, hopping onto the ramp and going up, jumping on the button at the top. Fall off here and go over to the cliffs, climbing them, then jumping on the collapsible platforms floating in the air to get to the final button. Scare the green Nerve at the puzzle place, then hit the button again, heading back to the start. Head to the far left, hitting the first button, then back to the start and hitting the intertwined circles button again. Now, go back over to the cliffs and climb them, hopping to the platform behind you and hitting the moon button, then returning to the edge of the cliffs, jumping on the final button at the cliff’s end. Return to the puzzle button and scare the yellow Nerve, then head directly back from here, scaring the orange Nerve that’s probably asleep. Jump up to the platform in front of you, scaring the yellow Nerve that’s probably asleep too, then save if you want and quit the level. The Oasis This level is actually less of a hassle than The Sphinx. As always, go around collecting the Ooze and items and destroying the enemies, using the same tactic with the scorpions and just pouncing on the snakes. Watch out for the deep water too. Head from the start going forward, then hop up the little platforms to the top of the waterfall. Just ignore the logs here as you can walk on the river they float on. Double-jump around to collect all the Ooze in the air here, heading up to the ledges to the right at the end, ignoring the Nerve and going to the cliff of this area. Hold L2 and R2 to get the first person view, look around until you see a tree with red Ooze all along it, hopping down here. Jump from tree to tree, then go into the cavern, collecting all the items and Ooze and falling down, stepping on the button and attacking the UFO when it falls if you want to destroy it. Head out the door, destroying the scorpion out here and collecting all, finally using the ledge next to the door with the red Ooze on it to jump back over to where you started. Head over to the lagoon with the colored leaves, hitting the button to play the pattern, then hopping on the leaves in the same pattern to bring out a Nerve. Do it three times and scare the Nerve after each time. After this, head to the right of the platforms where you climb the waterfall, scaring the green Nerve building the sand castle. Finally, head up the waterfall, past the logs and up the ledges, scaring the orange Nerve at the top, saving if you want and quitting the level after you do it. The Tomb Head around the tomb, collecting the items and Ooze, destroying the scorpion, and scaring the blue Nerve in the right corner behind the tomb. Also, make sure you get the token by using the trampoline in the back left corner behind the tomb. After getting everything from the ground, hop up to the top part of the tomb in the back, destroying the scorpion and collecting everything before scaring the green Nerve. Once you’ve accomplished this, walk to the other side of the roof and stand in front of the block, pressing Square to pick it up, then drop down to the front of the tomb at the top of the stairs, setting the block down in the right marker. Drop down to the left from up here, picking up the block by the mailbox, then carrying it back up and placing it in the middle marker. Finally, grab the block right nearby to the upper right a little, placing it in the left marker, then jumping down the hole it opens. Head down the left hallway down here, avoiding the UFO and destroying it after pressing the button, collecting the items, then picking up the purple block and returning to the center, placing it in the purple marker. Scare the orange Nerve that comes down from it, then head off to the right. Collect all the stuff on the ground, then jump on the right ledge, from here to the upper left ledge, finally jumping up and grabbing the cliff so you can shimmy to the right. Hop up to the platform to the far right, jumping up the two platforms, collecting all the items, then picking up the red block and falling back down, placing it on the red marker. Scare the orange Nerve that falls down, then head through the central door, collecting all the items you can, then jumping on the tilting platforms to the left until you get to the stable platform before the flames. Wait for the flames to die down, then jump to the other side and collect, then pick up the block and placing it on its marker. Scare the orange Nerve, save if you want, and exit the level. The Pyramid I really enjoyed the music in this level. Same as always, go around collecting Ooze and items while destroying enemies. After doing this, head into the doorway to face the “eye” puzzle. Watch out for the fireballs raining down as you head right, going all the way until you can scare the blue Nerve. Bounce up to the ledge and scare the green Nerve, then hop up the platforms farther left to get the rest of the items, going through the door at the end. Press the button to switch the puzzle to the “snake” puzzle, then head through the door again. Jump around to collect everything while pouncing on the snakes, then scare the blue Nerve near the top, finally heading out the door. Press the button again to get the “scarab” puzzle when you go through the door. You must be wary of two obstacles here: the falling rocks and the crumbling platforms. Collect everything again, going to the top after and scaring the orange Nerve, then leaving by door. Once you emerge, head left and jump to the tallest tree, scaring the yellow Nerve, then saving and quitting. Get ready now for Desert Pursuit. Desert Pursuit This is the same as Urban Pursuit, except you have to win with 100 tokens this time. Same advice mostly: watch out for more holes in the course, watch for tokens in tight turns and in jumps, use the speed boost on the last walking part at least. Do all of this, you should win with a little less ease than before, but still easily. Arctic Training Field Sugar Shack As always, go off and collect everything, even that on the ledge above the trampoline and on the platform in the middle of the water, destroying the snowman by pouncing on him. Head on forward, hopping up to the cavern where the two Nerves are throwing rocks, getting the two Ooze jars, then scaring both of the Nerves. On the ledge of his cavern, turn to face in, then jump forward gently while heading slightly left, grabbing onto a tiny ledge and shimmying to the left. Drop down to the platform at the end, then jump to the platforms on the opposite side, scaring the yellow Nerve. Now head back to the platform you fell down to, going across the thin ledge on the wall to find and scare an orange Nerve. Fall down from here, heading around the shack and collecting everything while destroying the snowmen, then picking up a pile of logs and carrying it to the right side of the shack, placing it on top of the other part that looks like other logs stacked up. Do this with another pile, then jump and climb up the ledge. Go up on the roof and scare the orange Nerve, then save if you want and quit the level. The Ski Lift Collect all he Ooze and things in this first area, watching out for the penguins, pouncing on them when they dive and get stuck in the snow. After getting everything, scare the blue Nerve on the ice, watching out for the fish jumping in and out of the holes. Head down the ice into the doorway, arriving at the ski lift, but first, dropping down and climbing the hill and searching the corners near the bottom to get some more Ooze and items. Go into the door to get back up, jumping onto a lift going up and collecting the Ooze, breaking a box after every three. At the top, go around the while avoiding the red Nerve’s snowballs and destroying the penguin, collecting all the Ooze, then returning to the lift and going back down on one, doing the same as you did coming up. Now, get on a life going up again, jumping on the first platform to the right, scaring the blue Nerve and collecting stuff. Jump back onto a lift going up, heading up and jumping to the next platform to the right, getting some red Ooze, then returning to the lift and finishing the journey to the top. Get on a lift going down this time, jumping to the first platform to the right, scaring the green Nerve and collecting the Ooze, then returning to the lift. Jump to the right at the next platform, destroying the snowman and scaring the orange Nerve, then getting on the lift one more time, riding it to the bottom. Head out the right door and scare the yellow Nerve making the snow castle, save if you want, then quit. The Iceburg Do the same as always, collecting all the items you see around, running away when the exploding clocks lock onto you and destroying the snowmen. Also, ignore the thin path of ice at the end where the fish are jumping over. When you get to the button, jump on it and use the speed boosts to get inside the igloo. Just wander around collecting things in here, ignoring the red Nerve’s snowballs at the end and destroying the snowman, then heading out through the doorway in the corner. This will have you slide down while collecting all the stuff. From here, head right back to the igloo’s entrance, looking to the small ledge to the left of it, then scaring the green Nerve. Cross over the speed arrows here and get on the ice, scaring the yellow Nerve too, then head back to the thin path and go down it, watching out for the jumping fish. At the end, scare the orange Nerve, then go up the circular path, destroying the snowman at the top and scaring the yellow Nerve. Hop down after, destroying the snowman down here, then hopping across the platforms while watching for the fish, scaring the orange Nerve. Save if you like, then exit the level. Hot Springs First thing to do here is to head forward, jumping up to the hot spring and getting the Ooze, then heading down the right path. Watch out for the thin icicles as they will fall on you. Down the path some, destroy the penguin, going on into the next room, scaring the green Nerve and collecting the Ooze, then use the geyser to go up to the next ledge. Go to the right and collect the Ooze from the small hot springs, and bouncing on the trampoline to get a token, then returning and scaring the yellow Nerve. Head down the path now, pouncing on the snowmen while doing so, collecting all the Ooze and items in the high air and ledge here, then jumping down, collecting those in the hot springs and scaring the blue Nerve. Head down the path here, returning to the start and pouncing on any of the snowmen that might’ve appeared, then scare the Nerve. Return to where you were, using the geyser to go back up to the ledge, heading through the door to the right, jumping over the bottomless chasm and destroying the penguin on the other side. Finally, go into the room at the end, jumping up to get the token to the right of the door, then heading left and scaring the yellow Nerve in the hot springs. Save if you want and quit, getting ready for the final race. Arctic Pursuit Same as the other two, except you have to win with 125 tokens this time. A little differing advice this time, considering the heightened difficulty: on the second sliding part slow down in the turns to get the tokens, collect as many tokens along the way, and use the flingshot in the third walking part, jumping into it to use it. You should be able to accomplish the goal by this, successfully completing level one of Scare Island. However, this doesn’t end the game. You must complete all levels to do this, which I found out and was very disheartened by as I thought this was going to be easy. ^.^;; Note: these next sections are taking into consideration that you took my advice and found everything that you could while going through the first time. Return to City Park Go around and collect more Ooze if you need it, then head into the door near the fountain. Scare the red Nerve at the top of the ledges, then go back out, going past the playground and bouncing on the trampoline to the roof of the house, going in the tube. Climb up the spiral platforms around the tree, jumping over the barrels, all the way until you encounter Randall, then going into the house and starting to slide. All of the tokens are easy to get in the slide and you can use the elevator to go back up if you need to. After getting them all, scare the red Nerve at the end, falling down the hole. Head on over to the bushes surrounding the tree, jumping up and making the red Nerve jump down, then falling down and scaring it, exiting after. Return to Downtown Collect any extra Ooze you may need, heading into the toy store here and scare the yellow Nerve in the left aisle, then head through the back door. Jump up the conveyor belts and go up to the roof, going down the path until you get to the floating platforms, heading opposite them up the stairs. Bounce up on the trampoline to the high platform, scaring the red Nerve and getting the token, then head back down. Go across the platforms and destroy the car’s RC, then jump over the next platforms and getting the last token. Now, head back all the way to the beginning of the roof, going into the door with the conveyor belt and scaring the last red Nerve. Return to The Docks From the start, after collecting any other Ooze you may need, head forward and to the left, destroying the blockmen and bouncing on the trampoline to get a token. After this, head down the dock, jumping over to the lighthouse, then onto the other horizontal platforms, bouncing on the trampoline and getting the last token. Head back over to the dock now, jumping up to the ship and heading to the back, destroying the mouse and going into the door. Avoid the steam jets, pistons, and moving walls in here, scaring the red Nerve at the end and hitting the button. Head back out after this, jumping up to the roof of the cabin you just exited, then onto the box, bouncing onto each beam and scaring the red Nerves. Return to The Marketplace From the start, head forward and bounce up to the ledges to the right, then over to the trampoline, making sure to max out your Fright Meter. Bounce up on the trampoline and destroy the boxes, then scare the red Nerve and collect the two tokens. From here, jump up to the left to get the last token, heading down the roofs to the left to scare another red Nerve. Now, head into the sewer, hopping across the platforms to the other side and scaring the last red Nerve. Return to The Sphinx Max out Fright Meter, then head to the northeast, using the speed boost to climb the hill and jumping near the end to get the token. Cross over in front of the paws of the Sphinx, then hit the button, using the speed boosts to get into the door. Head forward in here, watching out for fire jets until you get to a place with ledges. Hope on the right one first, watching out for the rock falling on the middle, then hopping up to the left one, getting another token. Double-jump forward to the platform with the red Nerve, scare it, then head on forward. Chase the red Nerve to the end, scare it, and collect the last token, then head on out. Head straight from the exit, jumping on the trampoline and getting onto the platform, scaring the last red Nerve here. Return to The Oasis Max out Fright Meter, then use the speed boost to the right to jump off the ramp and collect a token. Head back to the main land with a double-jump from the ledge with the red Ooze, then head over to the waterfall. Head up the platforms, past the logs and up the ledges, looking around at the top until you see a token with some green Ooze floating under it. Fall directly on the token and down the Ooze, landing on the leaves, then jumping over to the next tree and jumping onto the carpet. Jump onto the tree to the right from here, scaring the orange Nerve, then double-jumping from here to the carpet with the trampoline on it, bouncing on the trampoline to get the last token. Hope back over to the carpet with the trampoline on it, then to the tree that had the orange Nerve, finally to the carpet and to the other tree, scaring the red Nerve. Hope onto the carpet again, then back over to the cavern, going inside and hitting the button, then running over the speed boost and jumping down, scaring the final red Nerve. Return to The Tomb Max out Fright Meter, then head up the stairs of the tomb, using the speed boost on the left with a jump to get a token. Head back up the stairs, using the boost on the right with a jump, hitting the flingshot, then scaring the red Nerve where you land. Jump back over and fall down the hole into the tomb, destroying the Nerve here. Head down the center pathway, then jump to the platform to the right when you come to the platforms, scaring the last red Nerve. Return to The Pyramid Max out Fright Meter, then head forward and left, finally jumping on the little ramp and using the speed boost with a jump to collect the token. Head left from your landing point, using the trampoline to get up to the tree, scaring the red Nerve. Now, hit the button to switch it to the “snake” puzzle, going in the door and heading left to scare the red Nerve. Head back out and switch it to the “wave” puzzle, going into the door and climbing to the top to scare the final red Nerve. Return to Sugar Shack Max out the Fright Meter, then head straight forward from the start, using the flingshot. Now, climb up to the shack’s roof, heading to the front side and using the flingshot, scaring the red Nerve. Use the flingshot to return, then jump down the chimney. Watch out for the two exploding clocks in here, climbing up the stairs and heading around, jumping over the gap to get the token. Scare the red Nerve in her, then head out the door, returning to the start. Use the trampoline here to hop up to the platform, making the last red Nerve run away, then heading back to the shack and scaring it. Return to The Ski Lift Max out the Fright Meter, then head for the ski lift. Get on one going up, then jump off to the second platform to the right, bouncing on the trampoline and using the fling shot to get the token and scare the red Nerve. Fall down and head back to the lifts, riding one all the way to the top this time, scaring the Nerve behind the lift. You have to participate in the skiing game to get the tokens and they’re pretty easy to get, though I must warn you that on the left path, there is a path close to the right wall near the top with one on it. Once you get them all, head out on the ice where you come out and scare the final red Nerve. Return to The Iceburg Max out the Fright Meter, then head back and left, using the flingshot to get the token, returning the same way. Now, head down a little, bouncing on the trampoline and using the flingshot to get to the platform to scare the red Nerve. Finally, head into the igloo, chasing the red Nerve, scaring it at the end and the other throwing snowballs on the ledge. Return to Hot Springs Max out the Fright Meter, then head left, using the geyser to jump up to the ledge. Head right, jump over the bottomless chasm and destroy the penguin, heading on and using the trampoline in the next room to get up to the ledge. Head around on the ledge, watching out for the icicle, scaring the red Nerve. Use the geyser near it to head up, using the trampoline to get a token, then heading back down and going into the hallway. Keep on going, past the bridge, hitting the button while you enter the next path, double-jumping over the pit to get the token and continue. Next, use the speed boost in the next room to get past the ice, going on and using the flingshot to get the token in the air, also heading to a new platform. Get the token here and head down the pathway, using the speed boost to climb up the ice hill, going into the next room. Press the button just in case you fall, then jump on the trampoline and use the flingshot. Scare the red Nerve here first, then get the last token, getting forced out of the level for successfully completing Level 2. Once you get back to the level, head right from the start and use the tall geyser to get up to the bridge, looking around and scaring the last red Nerve, thus completing the entire game and island, which few have ever done! Congratulations!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Thanks and Comrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disney for making the game and the movie, even though this game did ruin the end of the movie for me. >.> Mr. Veasey for putting this up. Whoever made the music for the game, because I found it very amusing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Copyright Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mike, Sulley, Monsters, Inc. and all other names in this walkthrough are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and Pixar. This game is trademarked and copyrighted by ASM and Disney Interactive. This walkthrough is solely my property, trademarked and copyrighted to this user, Spark Pristine. Please don’t steal this walkthrough. If you want to use it, E-mail me and I’ll probably let you. However, if you do, you must give me credit and alter nothing. I mean it! >:?| If anyone wants to talk about games in general, or if you need help, IM me at SparkPris on AIM or my MSN name is the same as my hotmail account. Thank you for reading!! :?) See you next time, FAQ reader!