____ The ____ ________ | \ Ultimate / | | ____ | | \ / | | |____| | | |\ \ / /| | |__ ____| | | \ \ / / | | | |^\ \ | | \ \ / / | | | | \ \ | | \ \/ / | | | | \ \ |__| \____/ |__|onster |__| \__\ancher __________ | _______| | | | |____ | ____| | | | | |__|aq version 1.2 By: Zombie333- Jimmy Spivey Version: 1.2 Site: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dome/6395 Date: 6/24/99 email: zombie333@bellsouth.net -~^Introduction^~- Well one day I was looking for the old MR FAQ's that I started off with when I was a novice Monster Rancher, and I couldn't find them. And the internet was disconnected (my cousin has aol, and aol has the worst connection ever) and I didn't feel like getting her to hook me back up again so I made this FAQ. If you want to post this faQ on your web site or message board than email me and do not alter ANY of it. Shouts out to Dan Hauck(dhauck@qualcomm.com), INDYMISFIT AND HyDrOsToRm, they didn't help me directly or anything but I did use their FaQs to write this one and to improve my skills in Monster Rancher. This FaQ will help you become a Master Breeder, help you obtain rare monsters; expand all of your monster's life spans and much more. Even if you own a MR site, are a Master Breeder and have every monster, 215, there is something in here for you. So enjoy! -~^Picking your monsters^~- First off before you experiment with this faQ you must be geared off into the right direction. Some people who have played for 30 Monster Rancher years have never accomplished anything in except the basics of the gameplay (not even that) and raised a Nya. You don't have to play for 50 MR years to get a good Monster. The important thing is, is that you know the purpose of your Monster(s). What is their job? You might want to use your monster to perform the following: - Become a master Breeder - Fill up your Breeder book - Max out the stats on your favorite monster - Be the best breeder in town by challenging anyone with Monster Rancher - use a Dex Drive to challenge people over the net - more.... Well the object of the game is very flexible. To achieve these goals your monsters will need certain jobs. Since your monsters are short lived they should only qualify for one job. Monster Jobs ___________________________________________________________________________ | Job || Description | |===================||======================================================| | Battler || Your number one priority is to get him pumped up | | || and to have enough life left to win all of the S | | || invitational tournaments. These monsters come | | || before any other. They are also used to Battle other | | || Trainers. | |===================||======================================================| |Expedition Monster || These monsters should never have to worry about a | | || battle, just make sure that you get him to Class C | | || with haste. From there on just train Pow., Ski. and | | || Int. attributes. There are of extreme importance and | | || are key to getting a long lived, powerful, and great | | || Battler. They can also bring back very expensive | | || items. | |===================||======================================================| | Money Monster || Not necessary, but useful if your low on cash and | | || need some for your upcoming monster(s). These | | || Monsters should be brought up to Class A (S would be | | || a waste of time) and then battle in non-official A | | || Class battles. | =========================================================================== Before getting a Battler you must get some rare items by using an Expedition Monster and if you don't have enough money to raise one then try raising a Money Monster. Now not just any Monster can be a Battler, Expedition Monster or even a good Money Monster. Here are the best fit Monsters(in my opinion) for each Job: _____________________________ |___________Battler___________| | Name || Type | Well this chart is just my |=============================| opinion, but you can see you don't need |1. Ardebaran|| Magic/??? | rare monsters to beat the game. |2. Robo || Dragon/Henger | |3. Kaduka || Magic/Naga | |4. Mage || Ghost/??? | |5. Aloha || Dino/Plant | ============================= _____________________________ |_____Expedition Monster______| | Name || Type | Magic's, Golem's, Hare's, Naga's, |=============================| Gali's and Pixies are great for |1. Jerod || Magic/??? | expeditions, so mix these together and try |2. Angel || Pixie/Gali | them out. |3. Amehno || Golem/Gali | |4. Dean || Golem/Pixie | |5. Magic || Magic/Magic | ============================= _____________________________ |________Money Monster________| | | A lot of Monsters fit into this | Any above average to | category, nothing special about them. | average Monster. | | | | | | | ============================= Note: Remember that the better your expedition monster you have, the better your battler(s) will be. -~^Raising your Monster^~- This is the biggest concept of the game, raising your monsters. You only get a certain amount of time to beat the game in with the one monster so a lot of preparation is needed. Whenever you take a monster to the Ranch its only purpose is to raise its attributes -unless your just playing around or trying to get a ghost. Now it sounds so easy, yeah? Well no not really. Its actually the hardest part of the game. Newbie Monsters When you first take a monster to the Ranch it is really crappy right. Well its not because of age, no its because of loyalty. So the first thing you must do when your monster first arrives at the ranch is boost its loyalty before any training. The method is simple but whatever you do don't use sting dust. Just buy four apple cakes. You might already know the loyalty boost trick but if not than go to http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dome/6395/gnrlnf.html . Ok now that your set just feed your monster a apple cake every time your raising style go towards cruel. Raising Methods Well yeah this is the hard part and if not perfected it can turn the best monster into a failure. There are some methods to choose from, and they are all effective, its just your decision on which one you want. One is to train your monster accordingly to the moves he has. Like if your monster's best move has a D grade Chance of hitting and S power than you would train more in skill. Or make your monster offensive by training mainly in Pow. or Int and Skl. Or making it defensive by mainly training him in Life, Spd. and Def. An offensive monster will try to knock its opponent out in 2-3 hits and if that fails well just hit reset. A Defensive monster will take about 10% of its opens life but his opens will take about 2-5% of your monster's life. What Attributes to Raise If you just want to train your monster to be a more average monster or just need some guide lines for what to raise and how much of it than this will help. First of its best to pick a monster and decide whether to use pow. or Int. based moves. On your moves list the moves that are in yellow use pow. to determine the amount of damage taken. While green uses Intelligence to determine how much damage will be dealt. If you pick a monster that has more and better Intelligence/Power based moves than ONLY train in Int./Pow. Then Life and Defense go together since they basically serve the same purpose. Try and keep your monsters Life and Defense around the same level. But have more Life than Defense, a good ratio of Life and Defense would be 250 Lif. and 150 Def. Then try and keep that kind of ratio as your monster progresses in those attributes. Next is Skill, this is mainly determine by your monster's most used moves. Try to always get Skl. up to 600, but remember that Skill will only determine your monster's chance of hitting by level only. So 418 skl. is the same as 445 Skl. Now speed is a little to based on chance but still nice to have. Speed is also determined by level. The chart below is a quick reference for how much of each attribute should be raised: ______________________ |======================| |Pow. || max it out | |Lif. || at least 250 | |Def. || at least 150 | |Skl. || at least 600 | |Spd. || at least 400 | |Int. || max it out | ====================== -~^Long Lived Monsters^~- No matter what kind of monster you have and how good of a breeder you are, if your monster doesn't have a long life period than consider him useless. You must try as hard as you can to make your monster live longer. Things to avoid First you must know your do-not's before you know your do's. It is vital that you never, under any circumstances, give your monster any type of vitamin, pill, steroid or taffy. Feeding it any of these will shorten its life span from 3-5 years. Never overwork your monster, always rest it when it gets tired or if you prefer, rest it just before it gets tired. Proper raising methods Now a lot of times, breeders (including myself) don't follow these rules all the time but in a game like this you really should. There are lots of ways to get your monster to live longer. The one that will give you the most results is feeding your monster a golden peach or plant egg. These can only be found on expeditions and are hard to find unless you have a good expedition monster. Once you find one of these items it will only it will be gone for awhile (about 10 years) so be skeptical of who you feed these to. -~^Expeditions^~- There are three different expedition to go on. You must have your expedition monster at, at least Class C. There are three different places to explore, Reno, Hartville and Titus. Expeditions are the best preemptive ways of raising a monster. Expeditions can make your monsters: 1. can help you obtain great monsters 2. make your monsters live longer 3. items that you keep in your inventory can lower fatigue, resist stress and increase training results/working 4. gain tons of money Getting rare monsters- In each expedition there will be a item (for Reno its four items) to get that you will use to combine with certain monsters to obtain a rare monster. In Titus you will find an Old Mirror that you use to get a Magic. When you visit Reno there will be four Doll Pieces to obtain (this gets a little complicated so visit a monster rancher site and find out about Hengers). In Hartville there is a Magic Banana that you use to obtain an Ape. For info about Rare Monsters visit http://www.gamesages.com, for some info but I highly recommend that you visit a Monster Rancher Site. Fire Stone, Wind Drums, etc These items must be obtain before you think about trying to become a master breeder. They will automatically work if you just keep one in your inventory (note: having more than one of each of these items will have the same effect). On the Reno Expedition you can find the Wind Drum and the Wind Whistle. While in Titus you will come across a Fire Stone and in Harville there is a Calm Stone. ________________________________________________ |================================================| |Calm Stone || resist Stress | |Fire Stone || helps cure some Fatigue | |Wind Drum || increases Training results/Work | |Wind Whistle || increase monster's life span | ================================================ Hidden paths, Int. & Pow obstacles Expeditions sound so great and all but finding items isn't easy, you can find them or you can't. Get a good expedition monster and on one Expedition you can get a lot of stuff. In all of your expeditions there are just about 2-3 buildings that have what you want and are block by obstacles and hidden paths. First off it's important that your monster has at least 600 Int. to destroy Int. based obstacles and find hidden paths. Same goes for power, at least 600, and get at least 500 skill for finding items. But after awhile everything(items/obstacles) except hidden paths will reappear around ten years. -~^Tournaments^~- Tournements are the reason why you train your monster and right? This is where all of the game evolves around. So you should know some tips about how to defeat your opponent. Just try and find each monsters weak points and attack them, then find there strong points and avoid them. Defeating the AI Fortunately the AI in this game is rather stupid. Use this as your strong point whenever challenging the AI. You have probably have seen how bad the AI is, the basic advantage of this is that you can dodge its attack easily or keep it at bay. Its attacks are chosen randomly if it is close to you it will attack you with random close range attacks. This means you could keep a pixie at close range and she will waste her will power on kick and scratch attacks instead of her using sonic blast or psychic kick. Try to keep your opponents will down, the AI will not attack unless it has more than 20 will power. If you can drain its will to bellow 20 this should keep it at bay The AI will not align its self to the appropriate distance to attack you. Battling Tips First off you should try not to lose much life because the more life you lose the sooner your monster will die. Try not to get your will down to low or your hit percentage will drop. If the hit percentage for the selected move is over 50% than you have a really good chance to hit your enemy. If its under 51% than you will have a relatively low chance of hitting your enemy. A great move is to scare your opponent away. When your enemy gets as close to you as it possibly can than hit the square button. This will send it back really far. If you have trouble pulling this off than try to hold forward and keep pursing them until a little red "face-to-face" symbol appears. The Monster Rancher Community BeastNet http://members.xoom.com/beastnet Beastie Farmer http://www.6u.com/beastie/ Beelzebub's Monster Rancher Page http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/4262/index.html Blaze of Fire http://members.tripod.com/~BLAZE_OF_FIRE/CD.html Bombhemoth's Monster Rancher Site http://www.angelfire.com/ga/DREAMTHUNDER/ Carl & Nancy's Monster Rancher monster list http://www.vistech.net/users/tcm/monster-rancher.html Chris and Nick's Monster Rancher Page http://members.tripod.com/~myrkhul/ The Dudes Ranch http://www.dreamsunlimited.com/mrancher/ Holly-chan's Monster Rancher Guide http://www.telesouth1.com/~ryouko/mrancher/front.html Fade's Breeding Site http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/hills/9310 Flea's Ranch http://www.monsterweb.org/mrancher/flea/ Joe and Melisa's Monster Rancher Shrine http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/4633/rancher.htm Keg's Ranch http://members.tripod.com/~Keg_Killer/MonsterRancher/monster.html Kwarlord's Monster Rancher Site http://members.tripod.com/~kwarlord/monster.html The Master Ranchers' http://www.fortunecity.com/underworld/playstation/39/main.html The Monster Haven http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Maze/6761/mhaven.htm Monster Rancher Central Brain http://members.aol.com/clarkdup/welcome.html Monster Web http://www.monsterweb.org Monster World Monthly http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dome/9467/main.html MoG's Monster Rancher Realm http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Ring/8696/ Monster Rancher Create-a-beast Contest, The http://come.to/create-a-beast Monster Rancher Dungeon, The http://members.tripod.com/~BlitzWing/psx/monster.htm Monster Rancher HQ#2 http://www.angelfire.com/al/Boyer/index.html Monster Rancher Info Guide http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/7230/mrancher.html Monster Rancher Page http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Stadium/9793/ Monster Rancher Police Station http://members.tripod.com/~motoroil/Monster_Rancher/ Monster Rancher Range http://www.ent.ohiou.edu/~albrnick/mr/ Monster Rancher Relm http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Maze/8540/ Monster Rancher Retirement Home http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/2050/memory.html Monster Rancher Unofficial Headquarters http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Maze/6857/mmain.html Monster Rancher X http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/4725/MRTactics.html Monster Ranchers http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Haven/1984/ The Naga's Den http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/7194/ The Online Ranch http://welcome.to/Online_Ranch PirchMan's Monster Rancher Page http://members.tripod.com/~PirchMan/home.html Ranch of XaOS, The http://members.aol.com/XaOSbOy/rancher.html Sailor Bacon's Monster Rancher Page http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/3319/mrancher.html Scott's Monster Rancher Site http://members.aol.com/Monster453/main.html Seph28's Monster Rancher Site http://members.tripod.com/~Seph28/monster_rancher.html Tunnel Rat And Romona's Monster Rancher Offspring http://www.geocities.com/Area51/6666/mr/ The Ultimate Monster Rancher Guide http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/7927/ Unofficial Monster Rancher Home http://www.fortunecity.com/underworld/playstation/39/index.html Yet Another Monster Rancher Site http://www.mbay.net/~neko/mr/ Official MR Sites Tecmo's Monster Rancher Page http://www.tecmoinc.com/Product/Mr/index.html Tecmo's Monster Farm Page -Japanese http://www.tecmo.co.jp/product/monster/mf_home2.htm MR Message Boards Fade's Monster Rancher Co-op http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb217741 Monster Rancher Co-op 2 http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb416447 Monster Rancher discussion http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a.tcl?topic=Monster%20Rancher%202 The Original Monster Rancher Co-op http://www.insidetheweb.com/messageboard/mbs.cgi/mb27464 The Ultimate Monster Rancher Message Board http://www.insidetheweb.com/messageboard/mbs.cgi/mb52898 Monster Farm Sites Hide's Monster Farm http://village.infoweb.or.jp/~fwgh4853/mf/mf.htm King of Breeder http://w33.mtci.ne.jp/~runtime/mf/ Monster Farm Combination Manual http://imsnispc01.netvigator.com/~tarot/Games/Monster2.html Monster Farmers http://www2e.meshnet.or.jp/~suezo/ Monster Farm SIYO http://www2.isnet.or.jp/isn00407/monster_farm/minichat.cgi Monster Farm Studio http://www3.alpha-net.or.jp/users/onozaki/mf.htp Welcome2Takuya's HP http://www01.u-page.so-net.or.jp/ba2/tak_cp/ Yes Yes Yes http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~je2m-gtu/ Dead MR Sites BJ's Monster Ranch Brandon's Monster Ranch http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/8625/index.html The Breeding Pit FCBM Monster Rancher Page FIMBA Hartville Kaiser Dragon's Monster Ranch Kyuu Monster Ranch, The Michael's Monster Rancher Realm Monster Rancher Breeding Ground, The Monster Rancher's Guidebook The Monster Rancher H.Q. http://canisminor.knology.net/~rdweb/monster The Monster Rancher Hare Names Sites Monster Rancher Institute of Technology Monster Rancher Monster Attacks Monster Rancher Monster List Monster Rancher Shrine Monster Rancher Universe Monster Ranching http://ndzine.com/Seido/The Seido Thunder2's Monster Rancher Database United Monster Rancher Message Board, The ValleyLily's Monster Rancher Comments, questions, mistakes on this FaQ? Please send them to: zombie333@hotmail.com ~Fin