THE ULTIMATE ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION ______ ______ _______ __ _ __ ____ __ _____ / _ _ / / ____/ /__ __/ / | | | / _/ | __| | \ \ \ / ///// / /__ / / / | | | | |____ | |_ | \ \ / / ///// / __/ / / / /| | | | | |_ _| | _| | |\ \ \ _\ / ///// / /___ / / / / | | | |__ | |_|| | |__ | | \ \ \ \\\ / ///// /______/ /_/ /_/ |_| |____| \___/ |____| |_| \_\ \_\\\ | |--------------------------------------------------------------------|| | |--------------------------------SOLID-------------------------------|| |_|--------------------------------------------------------------------|| FAQ ~~~ CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~ PART 1 1 Legal Stuff 2 Story 3 Profiles 4 Items 5 Weapons 6 Techniques PART 2 7 Complete Walkthrough 8 Rankings 8a. Records** 9 Secrets 9a. Items 9b. Ghosts 9c. Others PART 3 10 Special Missions - Sneaking Mode* 11 Special Missions - Weapon Mode* 12 Special Missions - Advanced Mode* 13 Special Missions - Special Mode* 14 Special Missions - Secrets/Extras* PART 4 15 Q & A** 16 Gameshark Codes 17 Credits** 18 Challenges** 19 Wanted *Not Complete (Working on) **Your contributions ____________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL STUFF ~~~~~~~~~~~ This FAQ was made by me and me only. It wasn't copied in any places. I will include in the credits anyone who has contributed towards it. This FAQ may not be ripped off in any way. It may not sold to make profit. To give any advice or any other contribution, please e-mail me. Feel free to e-mail me any questions regarding the FAQ (Please don't send any questions about my user name, it's personal). Metalgear Solid FAQ© v1.0 12/16/2000 Mark Nolan ____________________________________________________________________________ STORY ~~~~~ You've just returned from your last mission and started settling in Alaska, making a living from dog sled races, when you get dragged away to a military base and are greeted by an old friend. Colonel Campbell. He has you strip searched and injected with nanomachine transmitters. He then tells you that Metalgear has come about again. A group of terrorists - Foxhound, your former group - have got their hands on a new MetalGear prototype. They're demanding the remains of Big Boss, the 20th century's greatest warrior, and if the demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch a nuke. You have two mission objectives. First, your to rescue the two hostages, the DARPA Cheif Donald Anderson and the Armstech President Kenneth Baker. Then, you're to investigate whether or not they have the ability to launch a nuke, and stop them if they do. You arrive at Shadow Moses Island by one man SDV with 18 hours till their deadline and no backup or weapons. You're on your own from now on, good luck. ____________________________________________________________________________ PROFILES ~~~~~~~~ SOLID SNAKE AGE: 30 NATIONALITY: USA HEIGHT: 6'00" HISTORY: 1995-Outer Heaven- Single handedly infiltrates base and destroys MetalGear. On the way out runs into Big Boss and defeats him. 1999-Zanzibar Island-Single handedly infiltrates base and destroys MetalGear 2. He then defeats Grey Fox and finishes Big Boss once and for all. ROY CAMPBELL AGE: 50 NATIONALITY: USA HEIGHT: 5' 10" HISTORY: 1999-Zanzibar Island- Becomes Commander of Foxhound and Solid Snake's boss, he leads him through the base and advises him through the mission. NAOMI HUNTER AGE: 20 NATIONALITY: Unknown HEIGHT: 5' 6" HISTORY: 1983-Zanzibar Island-Parents killed in war. Brought up by Frank Jegear - Grey Fox. 2000-USA-Joined Foxhound Medical Staff. MEI LING AGE: 16 NATIONALITY: Chinese HEIGHT 5' 6" HISTORY: 2000-Gets an early career in electronics. Invents Codec and Soliton Radar System. MERYL SILVERBURGH AGE: 18 NATIONALITY: USA HEIGHT: 5' 10" HISTORY: 1999-Becomes a member of Foxhound and has brain surgery to destroy her interest in men. Exellent results in VR training but no real battle experience. HAL EMMERICH AGE: 27 NATIONALITY: USA HEIGHT: 6' 00" HISTORY: 1999-Joins Armstech as a scientist and designs MetalGear. Invents all kinds of things including Stealth Camuflage. NASTASHA ROMENENKO AGE: 23 NATIONALITY: Russia HEIGHT: 5' 9" HISTORY: 1987-Forced from homeland by nuclear bomb. Parents killed by radiation in cleanup. 1993-Becomes expert in military analysis and moves to California to her new office. LIQUID SNAKE AGE: 30 NATIONALITY: USA HEIGHT: 6' 00" HISTORY: 1993-Earns the title Sergant in the Gulf War. 1999-Joins Foxhound and quickly gains ranking. Hugely warrior-like and highly skilled in all areas. 2000-Becomes Foxhound's squad leader. REVOLVER OCELOT AGE: 55 NATIONALITY: Russia HEIGHT: 6' 6" HISTORY: 1999-Suddenly joins Foxhound and has exellent results in gunfighting and a specialist in interrigation. VULCAN RAVEN AGE: Unknown NATIONALITY: Alaska HEIGHT: 7' 00" HISTORY: 1999-Joins Foxhound. Has amazing resistance to cold weather and exellent spiritual powers. PSYCHO MANTIS AGE: 30 NATIONALITY: England HEIGHT: 5' 10" HISTORY: 1980-Kills his father for fear of his own life. Later burns his village down to bury his past. 1990-Joins FBI for interrigation purposes. Carries on working for them for the next ten years. 1999-Joins Foxhound. SNIPER WOLF AGE: 25 NATIONALITY: Russia HEIGHT: 6' 00" HISTORY: 1990-Taken from bombsite by Big Boss where she had lived and been under threat all her life. 1999-Joins Foxhound. DECOY OCTOPUS AGE: Unknown NATIONALITY: Unknown HEIGHT: 6' 00" HISTORY: 1999-Joins Foxhound. Very little is known about him. ____________________________________________________________________________ ITEMS ~~~~~ PAN CARD - Personal Area Network Card. Automatically opens doors on approach with a number equal to or lower than that on the card. ___________ | PAN | | LEVEL 1 | |___________| PAL CARD - The emergency override system for MetalGear. There are 3 at different temperatures. __________ | PAL | | MED TEMP | |__________| DIAZEPAM - Tranquilrizer tablets. Steadys body's movement. Good for Snipers. ______ |___|||| CARDBOARD BOX - A simple box that can be used for hiding in. Maybe the enemy soldier will just overlook you. _________________ | ___ | | |___| | | | | | |_________________| CIGARETTES-Snake's favourite brand. Takes away health. } { } _____________ { |_____________||| SURPRESSER - For use with Socom (See WEAPONS). Muffles blast effect. _________________ / /\ \_________________\/ MINE DETECTOR - Detects metal objects and places them on your radar. _________________ | ____ |_______/\ | <> | | | \/ | | | | | <> |____| | |_________________| RATIONS - Replenish health __ / \ | <> | \__/ THERMAL GOGGLES - Heat sensitive imaging. Can be used in total darkness. __________________ | T H E R M A L | | | || | | | | || | | | |______||______| | |__________________| NIGHT-VISION GOGGLES - Amplifies the light. Can be used in dark areas but do not work in total darkness. __________________ | NIGHTVISION | | | || | | | | || | | | |______||______| | |__________________| COLD MEDICINE - Cures cold. ______ |___|||| SCOPE - Binoculars with zoom feature. __________________ | ______ ______ | | | | || | | | | |---|--||---|--| | | |___|__||___|__| | |__________________| BODY ARMOUR - Lowers damage recieved when hit. __ __ | | | | / \__/ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | |______________| ____________________________________________________________________________ WEAPONS ~~~~~~~ SOCOM - Handheld Semi-automatic pistol. Can be used with silencer (see ITEMS). _________________/\ _| /\ |_ \/ |_ ___________<> | |__| | | | | |____| FA-MAS - Automatic assualt rifle. Press the weapon button to fire. Hold down for full auto. ____________ |_____/\_____|_________ _______| __ ___ | ~~~~~~|~~| | | | |__| \_| | | | |_| |_| PSG1 - Sniper rifle. Enters scope mode when equipped. _________ <________<> _______ ______________|||_________| \ _____________| | |________ _ | |_| \_ ________ | \ \ \ | \ \ |_______| \___\ GRENADE - Press weapon button to pull pin. Release weapon button to throw. ______ | | \ _| |_ \ / \ \ / \ \ | | | | | | \ / | \______/ | CHAFF GRENADE - Jams electronics temporarily eg cameras, radar, ect. ___ _|||\ | \ | || | || |_____|| |_____|| STUN GRENADE - Knocks out enemies with a big flash and bang. ___ _|||\ | \ | || | || | || |_____|| C4 - Plastic explosive. Press weapon bitton to set, action button to detonate. <> | | __|__ | | | | | | |_____| CLAYMORE - Landmine. Press weapon button to set. Explodes when the marked area is entered. Crawl over them to pick them up. ____/___|___\____ | | | | |_________________| | | | | STINGER MISSILE - Portable heat seeking missiles. _________ _| |___________________/| |_ _____________________ | |_______| || \| NIKITA MISSILE - Radio controlled missile. Can't be used in areas with electronic jamming. __________ | |_____________ | __________||_| | |\ \ |________| \_\ ____________________________________________________________________________ TECHNIQUES ~~~~~~~~~~ BARE HANDED ~~~~ ~~~~~~ THREE HIT COMBO - Tap the action button three times while standing (left punch, right punch, right kick). This move will send the enemy flying (the kick provides the power). CRAWL - Press the crawl button to crouch and press the directional buttons to crawl. When crawling underneath something, you go into first person veiw mode and the radar disappears. KNOCK - Press the directional button towards the wall to press up against it. Press the directional button to move along the wall and press the action button to knock on the wall. This can be used to lure guards to traps or away from where they are patrolling. THROW - Run towards an enemy soldier and while still moving, press the weapon button. STRANGLE - Whilst standing behind a guard, press and hold the weapon button. Repeatedly press the weapon button to snap his neck. DRAG - Perform STRANGLE and press the directional button to move him in that direction. When he struggles quickly release and then hold the weapon button to tighten your grip. Release the weapon button to release the guard. HANDS FULL ~~~~~ ~~~~ RELOAD - Press the equip weapon button twice when holding a gun. SHOOT ON THE RUN - Hold the weapon button and while doing so, hold the crawl button. This will enable you to shoot and run at the same time. CARDBOARD BOX USAGE - Although this item sounds useless. It actually has two very useful functions and a weird one (also pretty useful). 1)TRANSPORT - Whenever you see a truck, you can jump into the back and equip the box. A little while later a guard will drive you to the address written on the box. 2)HIDING - Equip the box and you can walk around in it. If a guard sees you he will usually overlook you, unless you're in the middle of his patrol route. He will then kick the box out of the way and see you. 3)FOOLING WOLVES - When you go through the frozen cavern for the first time, after getting past the wolves, give Meryl a punch, then quickly hide in a box. She will whistle to the cub and he will come and slash on you, making you smell like a wolf, making it a lot easier coming through the next time. You must equip the same box to fool them. ____________________________________________________________________________ COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ _________________________ | KEY | | ~~~ | | S=SNAKE $$$=GOAL | | R=RATIONS G=GUARD | | |_\/=WALL PIECES | | - =CRAWLABLE/STEPS | | I=ITEM W=WEAPON | | *=MINE .=PATROL | |_________________________| THE DOCK - You start off in the corner in the docks. Jump back in the water to find rations. Crawl under the pipe and watch out for the guards on patrol. When you get near the goal, you'll recieve a call telling you to hide till the elevator comes down. So collect the rations in the corner if ____________________ you still haven't and have room. And then hide behind | . .___.$$$.___.. R|the box until the elevator comes down. There is a | . | |. .| |.|| |guard inside the elevator so watch out. If you do get | G |___|. .|___|.|| |seen then run down towards the bottom in the middle. | ...___... ___ .. |You will dive off into the water. Then you must go |. .| | G | | . |back to the start and try again. |. .|___| . |___| . | When you do enter the elevator, it will start |. . . . . . . |moving up unless you are being tailed by a guard, or | .__ __ __ __ |a guard is on it. |-|__|_| | |__| | After a movie sequence, you will be told about | S | | R |your radar and how it works and how to get into the |_____ | |______|building. You must crawl through one of the airducts. R Either the one on the ground floor, guarded by a camera and a guard sleeping in front of it, or the one on the top floor, with a guard patrolling the balcony and a surveillence camera on the stairs. Personally, I'd choose the second one but you shouldn't go there yet, there are a few things to do first. The big helipad in the middle has two big searchlights which you mustn't let see you. In the centre of the helipad there is a box of chaff grenades which you should get and in the truck there is a SOCOM which is very important but firing it will alert the guards until you find the supresser. In a side room there is a box of stun grenades guarded by a surveillence camera. This should not prove to difficult to get (remember cameras have a blind spot underneath them). When you have everything, head for an airduct. After getting through, find the elevator, it's on the bottom floor at the top center wall. Order it and take it down to B1. Run down the deserted corridor to find another airduct with it's cover moved. Before you go up. There are some rations in a blocked airduct if you need them. Carry on up the airduct and go straight until you have to turn, there are a few socom bullets from another turning if you want. The last grill you come to is the one you should look down to find your first hostage - the DARPA cheif. After watching him die, you will hear the guard get beaten up and if you look through the hole in the door, you'll see a guard walk past. The door will then open. Grab the rations under the bed if you need them, and walk through the door. Soon after the clip, you'll be surrounded by guards. Pick them off individually and then the female will start shooting with you. There are reapppearing boxes of rations and ammo so no need to worry about that. Part of the way through, the guards will throw grenades so run in the corner to avoid the blast. When they're all gone and the woman runs off disguised as a soldier, head up to floor 1 to claim some important things. Use that card key you got to open all the doors. On the level with the tanks on, one room has a surpresser with a sleeping genome. Grab the surpressor and take out the guard. No one will hear it. Go upstairs to get Card box A and thermal goggles. *IMPORTANT* GET THE THERMAL GOGGLES NOW. They are in a room with a level 4 door. Don't get it later because the door will be shut. Now go down to floor B2. One of the doors contains C4. Get it. Then in the bottom left hand corner, find where the walls are a different color and plant a C4 charge. Blast the wall and walk through. Blast the other differently coloured walls. There are three. Go through the second one you come across to find the Armstech President and... *BOSS 1 - REVOLVER OCELOT* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Boss Difficulty - 6/10 This is a relatively difficult first boss. Run around the room but dont touch those wires because they will blow up. Shoot when you can, there are reappearing boxes of socom bullets around the room. Use the run whilst shooting trick and you'll kill him in no time. ____________________________ After you defeat him and see Baker die as well, move out. There are now guards patrolling so watch out. You now have a level 2 card and there's a FA-MAS in the bottom right corner room but there's also infra-red beams so watch out. Use the thermal goggles to see them. Back to floor 1. Go upstairs to the level 2 door to get the mine detector and then call Meryl on 140.15. After she opens the door, don't charge through because you'll get gased. Equip the thermal goggles and you'll be able to see the infra- red beams and avoid them. If you don't have the thermal goggles, then you'll have to use cigarettes. Equip them and you'll be able to see them as you approach. When you've got past the beams, you will have entered the canyon and recieved a warning message about a minefield in front of you and an ambush from... *BOSS 2 - M1 TANK* ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ Boss Difficulty - 6/10 This boss is harder than the first, just a bit. The Best way to defeat this thing is to run to # where the tank cannot shoot ___________________________________ from long range with its cannon. / | \ Then lob a chaff grenade to | | ___ | disable its cannon and run towards | | R | | it. Go to W to find grenades if \ |_____| | you haven't found any, and lob them | _____ | on top. A good shot will take out / W | | | one guard per grenade. A bad shot | | M 1 | | will take out a guard per two or | | | | three grenades. | |_____| | | | | | | | | / | __ | | * | | | | \__/__ * | \ * #/ \ | \ \ _| * | \ |/ * | | | | S / \____________________________/ NOTE: More mines will appear later on when you return and a few gun cameras. __________________________________ When you appear inside, go up the ramp to get rations (you can now carry three at a time), and then crawl under the gap and recieve the bad news, you can't use weapons on that floor! This is very annoying because if you are spotted, all the exits block off and the room fills with gas. If you got Cardboard box A like I recommended, you could hide in it and as long as you don't move as the enemy looks at you, they'll not look inside the box and you'll have fooled them. Watch out for the one at the top of the stairs as if you block his patrol, he'll kick the box and your cover will be blown. Get to the elevator and go to floor B1. Go and enter the room down to find a room with a guard in it. Go through the door at the top right to get nikita missiles and then go down to floor B2. Now go south, through the two doors, and you will have entered a gas chamber perminantly filled with gas. Luckily it is a weak gas and you can hold your breath for a while. The floor is electrified too, so don't move forwards. Use the nikita missiles and use the first person view mode for better control (hold triangle), and do a U turn around the right hand wall. Go through a slit in the glass door at the end of the corridor and turn right through another door and head straight for the super computer to blow the electricity. This may take a few shots due to the gun cameras. After succeeding, go out to catch your breath, then return, send another missile, this time on the other side, to destroy a gun camera and run through the door. If you haven't already got the famas, then get it from one of those rooms and the gas mask from another. Head up the corridor, watch the ninja enter the lab, then follow him. *BOSS 3 - NINJA* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ Boss Difficulty - 7/10 This is a fairly hard boss for this game. You shoot, only to have them deflected. How do you defeat him? Put away your weapons and fight him hand to hand. Give him a few digs and he'll put his sword away and fight with his bare hands. It is easier to dodge his punches first and then attack him after. After a while, he'll turn invisible and jump away. Equip the thermal goggles and continue the battle. After that, he'll walk calmly up to you and swing at you. To handle this, lob a chaff grenade and you'll stop him from moving. Then, pull out a gun and let rip at him. You can do this any time but it's best to save them till now. After that, he'll start glowing static asking you to hurt him more. Pull out your fa-mas out and do just that to finish the boss. _____________________________ After all the talking has finished, leave the lab and head up to floor B1 and enter the room with two guards patrolling in it. One of them is Meryl. There are two ways of doing this, either you shoot them both and listen to which one sounds female, or you get out your binoculars and look at each ones behinds to see which one has a femenine wiggle. If you can't be bothered to find out, it's the one on the left. Let her see you and she'll run into the female restroom. Follow her and you'll see another animation. After the animation go load up on ammo in that room and get diazepam, cardboard box B and night vision goggles. Now, sprint out and go up the corridor between the elevator and the men's restroom. Meryl will then start walking towards you strangely, pointing a gun in your direction. Lob a stun grenade to knock her out and you will meet... *BOSS 4 - PSYCHO MANTIS* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Boss Difficulty - 4/10 With this boss you'll try to shoot, only for him to dodge. The same happens if you try to hit him bare handed. Here comes the logical part. He knows what you're going to do because he's reading you're actions - you're controller - so switch controller ports to stop him from reading you. This makes him prove to be a simple task. Periodically he'll pop Meryl back up so knock her out with stun grenades. Soon, he'll be beat. _________________________ After listening to his life story, go down the steps into the frosen caverns. Crawl under a gap in the glaciers right in front of you. Run past the wolves to another gap on the far eastern wall about half way up. It might be easier to do this part with night vision goggles. You'll meet Meryl on the other side, attracting wolves. Give her a punch, then hide in a box. A pup will then come and pee on the box, making it smell like a wolf so you can wear it to make you smell to them like a wolf, making it much easier next time. Go through the door. Meryl will navigate a minefield for you. Equip the thermal goggles to see them, then go pick them up if you need them. There will then be an animation and a codec call showing Meryl get shot by Sniper Wolf. Run off back to the glaciers. Navigate your way back equipping the damp cardboard box. When you get to floor 1 of the nuclear warhead storage building, the one that you can't use weapons on, sneak into the back of the truck and equip cardboard box A. When you arrive, re-enter the building. Alternatively, you could go across the canyon. The first way is quicker, but more risky. Go down to floor B2 and head for the top left hand corner room. Get rid of the guard and enter. The room is guarded by infra-red beams. They are hard to get past so an effective way of getting the PSG1 is to throw a stun grenade, then quickly running through the beams to grab the gun then turn around and as the guards enter, hope the stun grenade knocks them out. Run to the section of wall you blew up to lose them. Make your way back to the place where you met... *BOSS 5 - SNIPER WOLF* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ Boss Difficulty - 6/10 This is a gunfight involving sniper rifles. First, take a diazepam to steady your aim, then spin round and equip your sniper rifle. The hardest thing about this boss is getting locked on. After you hit her a few times it's easy. Resist the temptation to snipe the rats on top or you'll lose her, she moves fast. Soon, she'll be finished. _________________________ *IMPORTANT* Save NOW! After you save, head for the door to the communication tower. You'll be arrested by genome soldiers and Sniper Wolf. You will be knocked out and dragged away. *SPECIAL EVENT 1 - TORTURE* ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~ You will come to locked on a torture machine. Whatever you do it will change the ending. If you don't submit then the game gets a bit harder. Press the circle button repeatedly to regain health, he says that you can't use a turbo pad but he's bluffing. Press select to submit. If you lose all you're energy, you'll die and there's no continues. This is why you should have saved earlier. You could save twice in the same place and finish the game both ways. ________________________ Whatever happens in the torture room, you'll end up in a cell unless you died in which case you'll have to start from your last save point. If you're happy with the outcome, save. If not, restart the console and do it again. Repeat this every time you end up in here and save again once you escape. As soon as you get in, call Campbell and Otacon. If you didn't submit, you'll get tortured again before you get a chance to escape. After Otacon sneaks in and gives you that stuff (Rations, Ketchup, Wolf's handkercheif and a level 6 key), you will get a breif chance to escape. There are two ways, either you crawl under the bed so he comes in looking for you then you jump him and run off, or you lie down and use the ketchup in the same way you use rations to put it all over the floor as fake blood so the guard thinks you're dead and comes in to check you out and then you kill him and run off. If you don't submit ever and you can't do it, then the ninja will break you free after a while. After you escape, go up to floor 1 and either go across the canyon out the back or ride in the truck out the front. When you arrive at the nuclear warhead storage building, go down to floor B1 and head for the caverns through the commanders room. This time through, equip Wolf's handkercheif so you smell like Sniper Wolf. This is much easier as you can get from door to door without being attacked. Run past the spot where Meryl was shot and through the door to communication tower A. Race down the corridor, through the door, grab the rope and stun grenades and run like hell because there's a camera over that door and some guards will chase you. Head up the steps, throwing stun grenades as they get close. You'll see a door half way but don't try to open it because you can't yet. Just keep going until you get to the top. When you do, climb the ladder and open the door. Go up to the big sattelite dish to cross the bridge, only to see it get blown apart. You will see a hind D fly up to you to kill you. Equip the rope and run for the north wall. *SPECIAL EVENT 2 - RAPPELING* ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ This event is where you must scale a wall with steam coming out of it. There is also the hind trying shoot you. Here is a list of controls:- JUMP - Press the X button to jump off the wall MOVE - Press the directional buttons in mid-air to move in that direction. You can't move up. You can move carefully by pressing directional buttons while holding circle button while on the wall. With little difficulty you should be able to get down to the bottom fairly quickly. Just look where the steam comes out and jump over that area when the steam isn't coming out and as for the Hind, that doesn't even seem to be aiming for you. ________________________________ When you get down to the bottom, grab the C4 and don't go forwards yet because on the other side of the bridge there are three guards ready to ambush you. Simply whip out your PSG1 and take care of them. As soon as you have done so, run down to the other end and the Hind will pop up. Just run straight past him and into the room to your left. Grab the Stinger and he'll fly away. Go through another door to be in a room the same as in tower A and head east to go down the stairs. Near the bottom, you'll notice that the staircase is broken so go back up and head the other way. You'll see Otacon and you'll need to head up those steps. Watch out for the gun cameras as they progressively increase. Climb the ladder at the top and go through the door to meet... *BOSS 6 - HIND D* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ Boss Difficulty - 7/10 The best place to fight this boss is at point X. The best stratergy is to hit it at point Y then to run to point Z and when it reaches point A run to point B Y and shoot him and run back to ____________________________________ point X. If you run out of | | ______ Z | ammo then there are 5 more | | | | | missiles in the weapon box. A | | | | | while later, the Hind will blow | | X | | | away all of C and create an | | | | | explosion on the lower half of | | | | | the map which shouldn't affect | | |______| | A you if you stayed where I told |______| Z B | you. Soon, he'll begin ducking | R | underneath you and then popping | | back up. Follow him with the | | targeting system and get ready | | for him. Soon, he'll be | | finished. |------------------------------------| CCCCCCCC ------ ____ | CCCCCCCC ------ |__ | | CCCCCCCC ------ W|_| | CCCCCCCC | CCCCCCCC_____________________________| Y _______________________________________ After the animation, you'll recieve a call from Otacon saying the elevator's working so sprint back down to there. Call the elevator and select floor 1. In the elevator, you'll be attacked by 4 genomes who stole Otacon's stealth camuflage prototypes and stopped the elevator from working. Use thermal goggles to see them and waste them. When you get to floor 1, go around picking up items and then leave through the door. Go along the corridor with the area jammed with the chaff grenades. Run forwards outside to be shot by... *BOSS 7 - SNIPER WOLF II* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ Boss Difficulty - 2/10 Yes that's right, 2/10! But only if you use a new tactic. Run to the right, behind a big steep mound of ground. She won't be able to shoot you behind it but you won't be able to shoot her, so use nikita missiles and guide them up to her and after 5 or 6 hits she'll be dead. ___________________________ After defeating that pathetically easy boss, go through the level 6 door north of you, it's the nearest one. Going down these steps ends disc 1 and you must swap discs when it tells you. Keep going down to reach a door. On the other side there's a patrolling guard. Get past him and cross the first west bridge you come across which is directly west to the entrance. Press up against the wall and sidestep across the tiny platform. If you stop pressing you'll fall into the furnace. Duck as the crane passes. Then go down two flights of steps avoiding the guard. You'll see two big cargo doors but don't enter yet. Opposite them you'll see the entrance to the boiler room. In the boiler room you will see steam coming from the cracks in the pipes. Dodge them and get to the far west wall and crawl out through a hole in the wall. Outside there is a platform guarded by two gun cameras. Chaff them and grab Body Armour and some ammo. Go back to the cargo doors and enter them. Run over to where you'll find a gap where the elevator will come up and wait for it. When it arrives, step on it and go over to the keyboard and press the X button to send it down. On the way down three guards will try to kill you. Deal with them by knocking them off the edge with your three hit combo. When the elevator arrives, equip your thermal goggles and run past the gun cameras and avoid the mines and head for the other elevator and send that one down. When that one gets to the ground then go and find a few items between the crates. After getting them, equip your rations and go through the big door to meet... *BOSS 8 - VULCAN RAVEN* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Difficulty - 5/10 This boss is in a warehouse which is made easier with the radar as you can see where he is but the Stingers tracking system is a ___________________________________ lot more effective. You should stay | | at point X and equip your stinger and | ___ ___ ___ ___Y | wait until he reaches points Y or Z | | | | | | | | | | and then shoot him and run to point A | |___|CCC|___| |___| |___| | for Y and B for Z. He will get faster | C | as the battle goes on. If he chases | ___ ___ ___ C___Y | you run off and return to X when he | | | | | | | | | | clears off. Later on, some heavy | |___| |___| |___| |___| | containers will fall and cover points | | C. | ___ ___ ___ ___Y | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| |___| |___| |___| | | C | | ___C ___ ___ ___Y | | | | | | | |CCC| | B | | Z |___| Z |___| Z |___| Z |___| | | A X | |___________________________________| ___________________________________ After defeating him you should go up through the north door to enter a corridor with trap doors leading to a room full of gun cameras which you should chaff and run past. There is a flight of stairs with a huge bounty of ammo at the top of them, also guarded by cameras. Go through the door at the other side of the corridor to enter another corridor leading to the MetalGear staging room. This place has no guard until the top of MetalGear. Then there is one guard for you to take out. Head for the ladder to the right of the front of MetalGear. Take another ladder just left of where you get up. Take another ladder up and over the top of MetalGear to a catwalk with the guard on it. take him out and head for the command room. Go up the steps to the command room to see another animation where Ocelot sees you and shoots the PAL card out of your hand and into the drainage ditch and you are then chased by a guard over the top of MetalGear where he won't follow you. you then must go back down to search for the key which has been eaten by a rat. You must equip the mine detector to scan for the card and you'll be able to find the rat with the card and shoot it. When you reclaim your card, go back to the command room and chaff the cameras up there. Enter the card into the first computer then get back out without being seen as the room will fill with gas on sight and you'll be trapped. Now you must freeze the key. To do that, you must return to the warehouse where you fought Raven. Stay there till the card changes blue, then run back to the command room and enter the key into the middle computer. Now you must warm the key. But before you do that, explore the platforms where you don't need to go to get some items. Afterwards, go down through the warehouse with a few guards to sneak past. Now go up the cargo elevators and back to the boiler room in the blast furnace and wait until the key turns red. Then, speed back to the command room, and I mean fast, and enter the card into the end computer. You will have then activated the PAL code, not deactivated and you'll get a call off Master Miller revealing himself to be Liquid Snake. He'll then lock the door and fill the room with gas. Call Otacon and he'll hack into the system and open the door for you. Leave the room to see Liquid run off. Follow him and he'll jump into... *BOSS 9 - METALGEAR REX* ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ Boss Difficulty - 9/10 This is by far the hardest boss in the game. If you are too close, you'll be shot by the railgun. If you're too far away, you'll be hit by the heat seeking missiles. So how do you do it? Stand in missile range and throw a chaff grenade th jamm the homing device and fire a stinger missile at the radome which is located on Rex's left arm. It looks like a satellite. This does mean you have to chaff, equip, aim, fire, dequip, chaff, ect. When you've lowered the health bar to nothing, the ninja will come to help you fight, only to get squished. The second part is easier as Liquid has manual control so he can't see under Rex. So run underneath him and wait for him to stop moving, then fire away into the cockpit until he's finished. ______________________________ After destroying MetalGear, you'll see an animation, followed by a final battle with... *BOSS 10 - LIQUID SNAKE* ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Boss Difficulty - 7/10 You only have 3 minuites for this boss, so move it. You are having a fist fight with Liquid Snake on top of MetalGear. At first he will try ducking and weaving, doing a roundhouse if you miss him, then he'll start adding one-twos that are quite painful. Then he'll do a charging headbutt that will send you flying. Don't knock him off the edge until his health is really low, or he'll grab the ledge as will you, wasting more time. You should see him fall down and out of sight. ______________________________ You will be lead away by Otacon if you submitted to the torture and by Meryl if you didn't. You enter a room with jeeps and get spotted by the camera. When the vehicle gets started you can jump onto the back and use the gun mounted onto the back. Blow away the barrels with the gun and you'll ride away. *TIP* hold first person button for easier shooting. You'll come to a checkpoint which you must blast the two barrels to pass. You will then come to another where you need to kill the three guards on guard. Then Liquid will make an appearance. You need to shoot him for a while. Afterwards, you'll get to the end of the tunnel where Liquid will move his jeep in front of yours to make you crash. You'll see an animation showing Liquid die of foxdie. You'll then see the credit sequence. THE END ____________________________________________________________________________ RANKINGS ~~~~~~~~ After the credits show, the game statistics appear. They consist of:- Difficulty Game Time No of saves No of continues used No of times spotted No of rations used No of enemies killed Special items used Special items possesed Ranking There are many different rankings used. There are ones for normal play affected by all of the above (best on top):- Leopard Grizzly Jackal Tarantula Gazelle The next set of rankings is for exceptional play:- Falcon - Game time less than 2:30 Pidgeon - Easy difficulty Killed less than 25 enemies Rations 1 or less No continues Game time less than 3:00 Hound - Same as pidgeon except Medium difficulty Fox - Same as hound except Hard difficulty Big Boss - Same as fox except Extreme difficulty The next set of rankings are for special play:- Jaws - Kill more than 250 enemies Pig - Ate more than 130 rations Cat - Saved more than 80 times Turtle - Game time more than 18:00 Chicken - Pig, Cat and turtle note: For being seen, wolves and gun cameras don't count. RECORDS ~~~~~~~ This is the MetalGear Solid world records. Enties accepted from anyone.* FASTEST TIMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. MOST KILLS IN UNDER 4:00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. LEAST NO# OF RATIONS USED PER KILL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. MOST GREEDY PLAYERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. MOST NO# OF TIMES SPOTTED WITHOUT LOSING A CONTINUE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. *Must show statistics on scanned photograph to be e-mailed to me with your name. ____________________________________________________________________________ SECRETS ~~~~~~~ ITEMS ~~~~~ STEALTH CAMUFLAGE - Complete the game with otacon's ending and save the game statistics. Makes user 'invisible' eo enemy and radar. BANDANNA - Complete the game with Meryl's ending and save the game statistics. Equip it to give infinite ammo. CAMERA - Found in the armoury (B2 of tank hanger). Go through the hole in the wall leading to where you fought Ocelot. Go down the corridor to where you blasted another hole to another corridor. Go to the opposite end of this corridor, blast another hole there with C4 and go into the level 6 room. Watch out for the gun cameras in the area. GHOSTS ~~~~~~ Ghosts are images of the production team that appear on certain pictures you take. Each picture takes up 2 memory card blocks on your memory card and can be viewed by selecting ALBUM on the SPECIAL menu on the game's main menu. NAME: Muraoka PLACE: The Dock OBJECT: The canal you came through LOCATION: South of the water tank in the south-east area DIRECTION: South NOTE: Put the tunnel on the right hand side and don't zoom or adjust the height. NAME: Ishiyama PLACE: Helipad OBJECT: The top of the building LOCATION: A little east of where you start off DIRECTION: North NOTE: Zoom in and adjust the hight so the crosshairs are in the sky with the roof showing 1/3 of the way up the picture. NAME: Fukushima PLACE: Helipad OBJECT: Sea LOCATION: The cliff DIRECTION: South
     NOTE: Take the picture between the elevator and the east wall as far      
                south as you can go.  Take the picture without zooming or      
     adjusting the height.

     NAME: Shigeno
    PLACE: Helipad
   OBJECT: The surveillence camera next to the staircase
 LOCATION: In front of the camera
     NOTE: You have to stand in the camera's range looking at it.  You         
  should just be able to see the camera on top of the picture.            
Don't adjust zoom or height.

     NAME: Tanaka
    PLACE: Helipad
   OBJECT: A sleeping guard
 LOCATION: In front of the guard
     NOTE: Zoom in so the whole of the guard covers the full picture.

     NAME: Yoshimura
    PLACE: Upper air duct
   OBJECT: The dead end
 LOCATION: The exit to the duct
DIRECTION: ???????????
     NOTE: Take the photo just as you reach the ladder.  you have to gu in     
      the upper duct from the helipad.

     NAME: Ito
    PLACE: Tank hangar
   OBJECT: The elevator
 LOCATION: Inside the elevator
     NOTE: You have to be on floor 1 and inside the elevator.  Don't zoom or   
        adjust the height.

     NAME: Kitao
    PLACE: Cell
   OBJECT: Fake DARPA Cheif's dead body
 LOCATION: Inside the cell
     NOTE: Go to the south-west corner and put the crosshairs on the left      
     side of the sink.

     NAME: Kobayashi
    PLACE: Cell
   OBJECT: The naked guard
 LOCATION: Outside the cell
     NOTE: Don't zoom.  Aim for the east wall so his body just shows.

     NAME: Onoda
    PLACE: Armoury Sth
   OBJECT: The pillars where Ocelot tied Baker up
 LOCATION: South of the pillars
     NOTE: Push yourself against the south wall and take the picture.

     NAME: Nishimura
    PLACE: Armoury Sth
   OBJECT: Baker's corpse
 LOCATION: South of his corpse
     NOTE: Waly up to his corpse until you touch it, then equip your camera    
       and move it as far down as you can.  Don't zoom.

     NAME: Kozyou
    PLACE: Canyon
   OBJECT: Water tank structure
 LOCATION: North-east corner of the water tank structure
     NOTE: Press against the north-east wall , equip your camera and don't     
      change the height or zoom.

     NAME: Yamashita
    PLACE: Nuke Building 1
   OBJECT: Tip of nuke
 LOCATION: A container near the nuke
     NOTE: Press against a container and aim for the nuke without changing     
      the height or zoom.

     NAME: Korekado
    PLACE: Nuke building B1
   OBJECT: The end toilet in the men's room
 LOCATION: The east wall
     NOTE: Push yourself to the east wall and picture the toilet without       
    changing the zoom or height.

     NAME: Shikama
    PLACE: Nuke building B2
   OBJECT: Electric floor
 LOCATION: North of the electric floor
     NOTE: Take the picture without adjusting the camera at all.

     NAME: Matsuhana
    PLACE: Nuke building B2
   OBJECT: The twiching guard in the hallway of corpses
 LOCATION: Anywhere
     NOTE: Just aim for him and zoom in.

     NAME: Kojima
    PLACE: Lab
   OBJECT: Policenauts robots poster
 LOCATION: Behind the desk
     NOTE: get the poster to take up all of the photo but make sure all the    
       poster shows.

     NAME: Takade
    PLACE: Lab
   OBJECT: The window north of the door
 LOCATION: South of the supercomputers
     NOTE: Press against the south side of the supercomputer and turn east.

     NAME: Kaneda
    PLACE: Nuke building 1
   OBJECT: Mirror in women's room
 LOCATION: In front of the mirror
     NOTE: Snake should be on the mirror as you take the picture.

     NAME: Sonoyama
    PLACE: Prison cell
   OBJECT: The torture bed
 LOCATION: Behind the bed
     NOTE: Press yourself against the panel behind it and take the picture     
      without zooming or changing the height.

     NAME: Kutome
    PLACE: Command room
   OBJECT: World map
 LOCATION: South of PAL computers' desk
DIRECTION: East/South/West
     NOTE: You can take this picture anywhere as long as it has the map on     


      In this section I will tell you about other things I know about the game.
 Most are things about seeing things.

MERYL EXERCISING CHANGES - Look at meryl doing exercise in her cell.  Back out
of the air duck and return again.  You'll see her doing a different exercise. 
Keep doing this and eventually, she'll be doing it with no pants on.

REMOVING SENSOR ON KNOCKED OUT GUARD - Go to the naked guard and kneel down
next to the sensored part.  Take out your scope and zoom in filly and the blur
will disappear.


                     READ ON TO PART 4.


      This section has answers to the most frequently asked questions.  If you
have any unanswered, feel free to ask me via E-Mail.
 /   \
|  1  |
                   GAME FIRST?

      Yes, but you need a gameshark or an action replay or some other kind of
cheat cartrige.  There's a list of them on another chapter.

 /   \
|  2  |

      No, don't be stupid.

 /   \
|  3  |

      Yes but only on the special missions disc.


                               GAMESHARK CODES
                               ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

      To use these codes, you'll need a cheat cartridge.

~~~ ~~~~~~~
 Infinite Health

                         800B5E06 00FF

    Infinite Oxygen

                         800ACA8C 0400

    Unlimited Rations

                         800B5E54 0002

    Unlimited Medicine

                         800B5E56 0002

    Unlimited Diazepam

                         800B5E58 0001

     Socom Pistol + Infinite Ammo

                         800B5E12 00FF

     FAMAS Rifle + Infinite Ammo

                         800B5E14 00FF

     PSG1 Rifle + Infinite Ammo

                         800B5E24 00FF

    Nikita + Infinite Ammo

                         800B5E18 00FF

    Stinger + Infinite Ammo

                         800B5E1A 00FF

    Unlimited Stun Grenades

                         800B5E20 00FF

       Unlimited Chaff Grenades

                         800B5E22 00FF

    Unlimited Grenades

                         800B5E16 00FF

    Unlimited Claymores

                         800B5E1C 00FF

    Unlimited C4 Explosive

                         800B5E1E 00FF

     Cardboard Box A - Heliport

                         800B5E3E 0001

     Cardboard Box B - Nuke Store

                         800B5E40 0001

    Cardboard Box C - Snow Field

                         800B5E42 0001

    Night-vision Goggles

                         800B5E44 0001

    Thermal Goggles

                         800B5E46 0001


                         800B5E48 0001

    Body Armour

                         800B5E4A 0001


                         800B5E4C 0001


                         800B5E4E 0001


                         800B5E50 0001


                         800B5E52 0001

    Pal Keys

                         800B5E5A 0001

    Mine Detector

                         800B5E60 0001


                         800B5E62 0001


                         800B5E64 0001


                         800B5E66 0001

~~~~ ~~~~~~~
                            Night vision goggles:
                            800b756c 0001

                            Unlimited mines:
                            800b7544 0009

                            Unlimited grenades:
                            800b753e 0009

                            Unlimited SOCOM:
                            800b753a 0025

                            Unlimited Nikita launcher:
                            800b7540 0009

                            Body armor:
                            800b7572 0001

                            800b7586 0001

                            Unlimited rations:
                            800b757c 000a

                            Stealth camouflage:
                            800b7576 0004

                            800b7578 0004

                            Box A:
                            800b7566 0001

                            Box B:
                            800b7569 0001

                            Box B (alternate):
                            800b7568 0001

                            Box C:
                            800b756a 0001

                            Unlimited ketchup (can be used as a ration):
                            800b7574 0002

                            Unlimited Stinger:
                            800b7542 0009

                            800b753c 0099

                            Level 1 Security card:
                            800b7584 0001

                            PAL KEY:
                            800b7582 0001

                            800b7580 0099

                            800b7546 0001

~~~~ ~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

                           Night vision goggles:
                            800b756c 0001

                            Unlimited mines:
                            800b7544 0009

                            Unlimited grenades:
                            800b753e 0009

                            Unlimited SOCOM:
                            800b753a 0025

                            Unlimited Nikita launcher:
                            800b7540 0009

                            Body armor:
                            800b7572 0001

                            800b7586 0001

                            Unlimited rations:
                            800b757c 000a

                            Stealth camouflage:
                            800b7576 0004

                            800b7578 0004

                            Box A:
                            800b7566 0001

                            Box B:
                            800b7569 0001

                            Box B (alternate):
                            800b7568 0001

                            Box C:
                            800b756a 0001

                            Unlimited ketchup (can be used as a ration):
                            800b7574 0002

                            Unlimited Stinger:
                            800b7542 0009

                            800b753c 0099

                            Level 1 Security card:
                            800b7584 0001

                            PAL KEY:
                            800b7582 0001

                            800b7580 0099

                            800b7546 0001



      First off, for version 1.0 only, I've worked completely on my own to
produce this FAQ.  If you have any questions/ideas/records that you send me and
tell me it's all right to include them, I'll include them in the next version
when it is finished.



      This section is basically just a few different ways of doing things the
hard way.  It is a very small chapter, but I hope that it will grow like the
others with a double star next to them (**).  I will not include any impossible
ones.  They will come in four difficulties.


 /   \
|  1  |
 \___/     Complete the game without getting any cardboard boxes or using a
Gameshark/Action Replay.

 /   \
|  2  |
 \___/     Complete the ten VR training missions on the main game.

 /   \
|  3  |
 \___/     Defeat Sniper Wolf for the second time with a PSG1.

 /   \
|  4  |
 \___/     Complete the game without killing anyone.


 /   \
|  1  |
 \___/     Defeat Ocelot with your bare hands.

 /   \
|  2  |
 \___/     Complete time attack mode on the VR missions.

 /   \
|  3  |
 \___/     Complete the gun mode on the VR missions.

 /   \
|  4  |
 \___/     Get the Falcon ranking.

 /   \
|  5  |
 \___/     Defeat Psycho Mantis without changing controller ports.


 /   \
|  1  |
 \___/     Defeat MetalGear without using chaff grenades.

 /   \
|  2  |
 \___/     Defeat the M1 tank with a SOCOM.

 /   \
|  3  |
 \___/     Complete survival mode of the VR missions.

 /   \
|  4  |
 \___/     Get Hound ranking or better.


 /   \
|  1  |
 \___/     Complete the whole VR missions mode with all the best times.

 /   \
|  2  |
 \___/     Get Big Boss ranking.



      As you are aware, there are numerous sections of this FAQ that are
requesting some kind of contribution.  To do so please E-Mail me.  All things
go to the same address.

      Here's a guide to what to put in the subject box.

          {  records
          {  questions
MGS FAQ - {  challenges
          {  advice
          {  comments

                     Thank you for reading this FAQ.
                          Look out for updates.

Mark Nolan