******************************************************************************* --------------------------------- M E T A L G E A R S O L I D --------------------------------- Sony PlayStation FAQ/Walkthrough, Version 1.0 Last Updated - 06/01/2007 By Crazyreyn (crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com) Copyright (c)2007 Matthew Reynolds. All rights reserved. ******************************************************************************* +--------------+ | Legal Notice | +--------------+ The ONLY sites that may have this FAQ and all my other FAQs are the following.. http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.neoseeker.com http://faqs.ign.com/ http://www.cheats.de http://www.cheathappens.com You will find the latest versions here. If you want to host my FAQ then give me an email and I'll most probably agree, as long as you don't alter anything, and if keep it in it's original format and give me full credit for creating the document. +-----------------+ | Contact Details | +-----------------+ If you see a fault of ANY kind or you want to contribute some data to me, then either email me at crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com OR speak to me on MSN Messenger on crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com, or on AIM at Crazyreyn. If you are emailing me, then please have the subject title as 'Metal Gear Solid FAQ' or something similar, otherwise it will not be opened. Full credit will be given in due course. Or feel free to ask me any questions you wish, comment on this FAQ, ask if you want this posted on your site etc. then do that same as above. If you could, rate this FAQ so I can get some feedback. Thank You. =============================================================================== ---------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------- =============================================================================== Hello and welcome to the Metal Gear Solid FAQ/Walkthrough. This guide will provide you with a full walkthrough from beginning to end, an overview of how to play the game including the fundamentals of stealth, VR Missions and ghost picture guides and a list of the unlockables - pretty much everything you will need to uncover everything within this game. Metal Gear Solid broke the mould back in 1998 with its refreshing gameplay, novel ideas and an amazing complex plot that kept you guessing. Whether you are experiencing this game for the first time or replaying it, I hope this guide helps you out. I dedicate this to my friend Robert Lane and his brother Philip Lane, both for first introducing this game when they imported it from the US, meaning we got to play it months before the UK release. Happy trails, Hans! - Reyn =============================================================================== --------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------- =============================================================================== 1. Version History 2. Game Overview 2.01. Story 2.02. Characters 2.03. Basics 2.04. Controls 3. Walkthrough 3.01. Disc 1 3.02. Disc 2 4. Items 4.01. Items 4.02. Weapons 5. Bosses 6. VR Training 7. Ghost Pictures 8. Secrets / Unlockables 9. Conclusion and Special Thanks Searching - Simply copy and paste the section you want to go to into the Find box (to open it, press CTRL+F). Now press enter twice and you will be taken to your selected section. =============================================================================== ---------------------- 1. VERSION HISTORY ---------------------- =============================================================================== +--------------------------+ | Version 1.0 - 06/01/2007 | +--------------------------+ The first version of the FAQ, everything is complete! =============================================================================== -------------------- 2. GAME OVERVIEW -------------------- =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.01. Story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the story of Metal Gear Solid. Note that this is lifted directly from the manual and so is not my own words. -- The Dawn of the 21st Century - The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago was being used to train the next generation special forces unit FOXHOUND when the unit suddenly revolted and captured the island. The terrorists have secured hundreds of nuclear warheads and are demanding that the government turn over the remains of Big Boss. They warn that if their demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch a nuclear weapon. Solid Snake is once again called back to duty in a top-secret mission to deal with the greatest terrorist threat the world has ever seen. First, he must single-handedly infiltrate the nuclear weapons disposal site and rescue two hostages, DARA Chief Donald Anderson and the President of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker, and then eliminate the terrorist threat and prevent a nuclear launch. With just 24 hours left, the clock is already ticking. Once again, Snake heads into battle...alone. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.02. Characters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the cast of characters from the game. Note that this is lifted directly from the manual and so is not my own words. Solid Snake ----------- Former member of FOXFOUND. This infiltration expert can accomplish his mission in any location, under any circumstances. Meryl Silverburgh ----------------- Colonel Campbell's niece. She has been dragged into the FOXHOUND revolt. She has superior training, but no combat experience. Roy Campbell ------------ Former commanding officer of FOXHOUND. Although retired, he was reactivated for duty as he is the only mission commander who knows Solid Snake. Naomi Hunter ------------ Chief of FOXHOUND's medical staff and in charge of gene therapy. She provides support for Snake along with Campbell. Mei Ling -------- Operator in charge of communications and data management for this mission. She is the inventor of the Codec - Snake's communications device. Hal Emmerich ------------ ArmsTech developer. Obsessive fan of Japanese animation. Nicknamed Otacon, short for "otaku convention". Liquid Snake ------------ Appearance is identical to Solid Snake. He is the combat leader for FOXHOUND and the mastermind behind the terrorist attack. Revolver Ocelot --------------- FOXHOUND member. Unmatched with a revolver and an expert on torture. Vulcan Raven ------------ FOXHOUND member. This giant shaman has untapped spiritual powers. He is extremely resistant to cold. Sniper Wolf ----------- FOXHOUND member. A brilliant sniper, she can remain in a sniping position for a week at a time without moving. Psycho Mantis ------------- FOXHOUND member. Former member of the KGB's Paranormal Intelligence Division. Possesses powerful telekinetic and mind-reading abilities. Decoy Octopus ------------- FOXHOUND member. No details on file. Ninja ----- A mysterious cyborg ninja. Body is well suited to stealth and camouflage. Wields a steel Japanese katana, capable of deflecting bullets. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.03. Basics =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section will tell you the basics of Metal Gear Solid. From the basic moves to advanced stealth strategies, to the radar, codec and the different sorts of obstacles that you will encounter. ----------- Game Screen ----------- +--------------------------------+ | -------- +-----+ | | 1 | 2 | | | +-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 4 | +--------------------------------+ 1 - Life Gauge 2 - Radar 3 - Items (when L is pressed) 4 - Weapons (when R is pressed) ------ Gauges ------ There are a number of different Gauges that you will encounter during the course of the mission. Here is a list of them all, with descriptions of what they show and when they will appear Life Gauge - This appears in the top left corner of the screen at all times, and is Snake's health gauge. When this is empty, then Snake has no more life left and it is game over. O2 Gauge - This appears when Snake is in a gas or underwater environment. The Gauge will slowly decrease until you are out of these environments. When the Gauge is down to 0, then the life Gauge will begin to decrease. Boss Gauge - Once this is down to 0, then boss will end. ----- Radar ----- The radar, found in the top right hand corner of your screen is a map of the area, with additional details. The white, central dot is Snake, with the green cone being the field of vision. Red dots are enemies / cameras / gun placements and their field of vision is blue. However if they see you or become suspicious then the cone of vision will change yellow, and if you are seen then it will become red. Also, when you have the Mine Detector equipped, the mines will show up on the radar as yellow cones. Always keep an eye on the radar. ----------- Alert Modes ----------- There are various modes of alert that change the way the guards operate. They change once you are seen, and then gradually decrease once you have hidden from view, where the alert mode goes back to Normal. Below is a flow diagram of the different alert modes, and below that is the alert modes meanings and what to do when in them to eventually progress back to Normal mode. Normal Mode | V Alert Mode | V Evasion Mode | V Normal Mode Normal Mode - This is where you haven't been discovered by any enemy of any kind. The guards will follow a fix route and will investigate something that will look suspicious, or if they hear something. Some guards will remain in fixed locations in this mode too. Alert Mode - Once you have been seen my an enemy or a camera, then this alert mode will initiate. Radar is disabled, and the enemies will be chasing and hunting you down. Get out of enemy sight and hide to step down to Evasion Mode. Evasion Mode- This mode is where the guards will come looking for you. Radar is disabled. Make sure that you are in a decent hiding place, and that no guards or cameras have seen you get there (lockers and under tables are great hiding locations). Guards will look around the area for you and they even may work in a team (and you get treated with a video of their actions in the top right corner). ----- Codec ----- The Codec is used to contact the other characters in the story. To enter the Codec menu then press the SELECT button and the same again to exit. Pressing left and right searches through the different Codec frequencies, and pressing Circle calls the frequency. Pressing down displays all the frequencies that you have from memory; here is a list of the frequencies you will need in the game - Roy Campbell - 140.85 Naomi Hunter - 140.85 Mei Ling - 140.96 Nastasha Romanenko - 141.52 Master Miller - 141.80 Meryl Silverbrough - 140.15 Hal Emmerich - 141.12 Mei Ling is for saving your data, and Meryl and Hal must be contacted during the course of the game. All the others will call you for story, or you can call them at any times to get advice about the current situation. --------------------- Weapon and Item Equip --------------------- Pressing and holding the L2 or R2 button brings up the Item or Weapon menu up respectively. Using the Analog stick or D-Pad you can scroll through the different items and weapons. You can use certain items that are selected. To equip an item/weapon, then let go of the L or R button while having it selected. To quickly unequip, then press the L1 or R1 button quickly to have no item equipped; pressing it again equips the weapon once more. -------------- Transportation -------------- Most of the games transport is on foot (99% of it is) but when you get a box, you can use trucks to skip large chucks of backtracking. There are three boxes to collect in the game; Box 1 (Heliport), Box 2 (Nuke Building) and Box 3 (Snowfield). These locations that are marked on the boxes are the destinations the trucks will go to, which are also found in those three areas. Get into the back of the truck and equip the box labeled with your desired location, then wait around 10 seconds and a cutscene will cut in, where the guard takes you to that area. Unless you backtrack heavily you shouldn't need to do this, but it's pretty decent none the less. ----------------- Moves and Actions ----------------- Here is a list of all the moves and actions that Snake can perform. Read through this section and you should gain more stealth and movement knowledge which will aid you in your mission. Crouching and Crawling ---------------------- Pressing the X button when not moving puts Snake into the crouching position. This can be useful for hiding under things like crates and boxes. Whilst in the crouching position, moving then allows Snake to crawl. This is useful for crawling into air vents, tight spaces and under objects like tables. Walls ----- Walls (apart from being vertical, flat and good for supporting the ceiling) are useful as stealth tools. Pressing a direction into the wall causes Snake to flatten against it, making Snake more hidden. You can move by moving the Control Stick diagonally (moving either left or right while still holding pressing against the wall). Pressing Square button while Snake is pressed against the wall causes Snake to knock the wall. This noise will alert nearby guards to your location, allowing distractions to be made. Combat without a Weapon ----------------------- If you don't have a weapon, there are some moves that Snake can perform that can cause damage to the enemy, knock them out or even kill them. Using the Circle button you can punch in the direction that Snake is facing. Pressing O repeatedly allows Snake to perform a punch punch kick combo. After so many hits, the enemy will collapse onto the ground, and possibly be rendered unconscious (otherwise they will get back up again). Square (with no weapon equipped of course) throws and chokes the enemy. Moving while pressing Square throws the enemy, which can knock them out, or if positioned correctly, throw them off balconies (priceless in the Blast Furnace). If you press Square while not touching any directions then Snake will get the enemy into a choke hold. You can move while in this hold. Pressing S repeatedly strengthens the grip and if you keep doing this, Snake will snap the enemies neck and kill them. Combat with a Weapon -------------------- When a weapon is equipped, Square is (usually) used to use the weapon. Firearms lock onto close enemies automatically. You can attack with the butt of the larger weapons using the B button (you can do this with the FAMAS, Nikita and the Stinger missile launcher). Ladders ------- Approach a ladder and to climb / descent it, press the Y button. Often leaving an area by ladder will clear any alert modes. Handy! Elevators --------- To call the elevator, go to the panel on the right hand side and press Circle. Now wait for the elevator to arrive. When it does, enter and go to the left of the door to view the buttons. Select what floor you wish to go to and press Circle to select it. Note that elevators will not work if you are in the Alert or Caution modes. Running and Shooting Simultaneously ----------------------------------- To run and shoot at the same time then hold X and Square together while moving. Place your finger between both buttons for easier control. --------------------------- Enemies and other Obstacles --------------------------- There is a large range of enemies and obstacles that you will come across in your mission. Here is a list of all the different enemies or obstacles that you will come across, and how to avoid them - Genome Solders - Your average guard enemies. Avoid their attention by not making noise or being seen close to them. You can distract these guys, knock them out and kill them. However watch out for other guards and obstacles close by before doing so. Overall it is best to avoid these guys as much as possible until you fully know what they are like. Cameras - These are cameras fixed onto walls that either scan the local surrounding area, or are fixed into looking at one location. To avoid being seen, either keep away from their sight or progress past them by going underneath them (taking advantage of their blind spot). You can also use a Chaff Grenade to disable them for a short period of time, or you can destroy them with an explosive. If you are spotted then the Alert mode is initiated. Gun Placements - Found later in the game, these are like cameras, but instead of Alerting they fire at you. Again to avoid being seen by them, either keep away from their sight or progress past them by going underneath them (taking advantage of their blind spot). You can also a Chaff Grenade them to disable them for a short period of time, or you can destroy them with explosives. They don't raise any alarms, so in some cases it may be easier to just peg it past them. Sensor Beams - Appearing in areas throughout the game (mainly to guard the important areas or items) these are two sensor units (tall vertical black units) that have invisible beams running between them. These beams are either fixed and still, or moving vertically. To see the beams, then either equip the Thermal Goggles/cigs. Once you can see the beams, you can then progress past them. Trapdoors - Only found in certain areas (such as the Armory or Warehouse North) these cannot be noticed until they are stepped on. When they are, you hear a 'clunk' noise and you can see the trap- door's edges. Move away as quickly as possible before the floor gives way, leaving a hole behind. You can still fall down this hole after it gives way, so watch out later. Wolves - Found in the Caves area, these are wolves which attack you as you progress through their territory. Killing them with a firearm is pointless as they quickly respawn. Avoid them. Later when you get a special item (the hanky) you can get past them unharmed. Puddles - Moving through puddles creates two problems; noise and footprints. The noise will attract the attention of the local guards, and the footprints create a trail after which the guards can follow. If you tread into a puddle and a guard has heard you, get away as far as possible. If no one has heard you run around in a small circle until the foot prints stop. Snow - Only an obstacle due to that they create footprints that the guards can follow. Make sure that you don't stay in areas of snow for too long. Searchlights - Only found at the Heliport, search lights grace the helipad with their bright dazzling presence. Avoid these at all costs. Gas - Some areas in the game (notably the Nuke Building B2) is filled with gas. You cannot stop the decrease of the 02 gauge in these areas, only slow it down (with the aid of a Gas Mask) so keep heading to non-gas filled areas to refill your O2 gauge. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2.04. Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Analog Stick - Move Snake. Square button - Use Weapon (if equipped), throw / choke enemy Circle button - Punch, knock or Action X button - Crouch / Stand up Triangle Button - First Person View L1 button - Quick Equip Item L2 button - Select / Equip item R1 button - Quick Equip Weapon R2 button - Select / Equip weapon =============================================================================== ------------------ 3. WALKTHROUGH ------------------ =============================================================================== This is the walkthrough and is the main feature of this FAQ. - The guide is based on the Normal walkthrough. Remember that if you are not playing on the Normal setting and are following the walkthrough, you must be aware that there may be some differences. - I will provide you with directions throughout for which way you should be going, such as 'go up' or 'head west'. Note that these are for the standard isometrical gameplay viewpoint and not for anything else. - Apart from some place and boss names, NOTHING will spoil the plot for you in this walkthrough. I never commentate any of it throughout, as I wish for my readers to benefit from the plot first hand without knowing it by simply wanting help. - If you are having trouble in terms of stealth and such, scroll up and take a gander at the Basics section. - Save regularly! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3.01. Disc 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dock ---- After the opening cutscene, head down the steps into the water and collect the ration in the corner (equip it). Head back up the steps and crawl under the box here (X). Make sure there is no guards ahead or on the right by using your radar and crawl out then stand up (X button) and head to the wall opposite and press up against it. You can look out and round the corner by moving to it. Once the nearby guard is gone, it's time to make a move. There are some items to collect; there are rations in the South East of the area (by the storage box) and next to the Forklift truck in the North East. An ideal spot for waiting for the lift to come is next to the forklift. Ensure that you aren't spotted on the way here; I find going to the South East and then running up the East side when no guards are there and quickly behind the Forklift to be the best. Wait a few minutes for the lift. When it arrives, an extra guard will come. Head onto the lift (make sure that you are not in any alert modes) and you will head up to the heliport. If you are having some trouble in terms of stealth and such, scroll up and take a gander at the Basics section for help on hiding and avoiding guards. Heliport -------- There is a Ration to the left of the lift, then head North and on to the Helipad. Wait on the top of the short steps until the search light goes up, then run up and left back off it. Enter the room to the West and avoid the camera by hugging the top wall across to find Stun Grenades x3. Hug the wall again quickly before it turns around, move across and exit. Head up and right to the truck, and jump in the back where you can find the SOCOM behind the box. As it's not suppressed, there isn't any point using it as taking out guards will just attract the attention of the others. Get out of the truck; you have two routes you can take into the Tank Hangar; via the air duct to the North West on the ground floor (goes to the ground floor of Tank Hangar), or the one in the middle of the balcony section (balcony section of the Tank Hangar). As there is a guard by the ground floor one, lets go to the balcony. Head to the North East of the area to the stairs; go underneath the camera and head up the stairs. The air vent is in the middle of the balcony section, in an alcove. Note that there will be a guard round here, so stand about half way up the stairs to the radar kicks in for the floor above so you can see his location. Once he is out of the way, run left and enther the air vent. Once into the air vent, make your way through to the other end (there will be a cutscene between two guards as you go) and use the action button (Circle) to drop down through the hole at the end into the Tank Hangar. Tank Hangar ----------- Go left and collect the Chaff Grenades and head East, while avoiding the camera at the corner. If you get spotted here, you can head back up the ladder (press the Circle button) and the alert mode will disappear. Head into the room on the East side after, and when the camera is looking down, go underneath it and wait until it is turned up. Now quickly head to the bottom right corner and collect the thermal goggles and go back under the camera, and then exit the room while it is turned down. Head all of the way round on this walkway to the upper left corner, and hide round the wall by the camera. When it faces right head underneath, then ensure it goes fully left before running down the stairs. The map will kick in for this floor so work your way around the guards (the area at the very south wall is hardly looked at so consider it a safe haven) and when you can head to the North wall where the elevator is. Press Circle twice to call it and on the left side select floor B1 and press Circle to go down. If you get spotted here, a good place to hide is underneath the tanks. The lift is on the Northern wall (to the right of the stairs). Call it by pressing the Y button, and wait until it arrives. Enter and head over to the left side of the door, select floor B1 and press the A button to go down. Cell ---- Head out of the lift and press against the right wall to see the DARFA chief. Head South then round the corner to reach a ladder. You can get a ration in the air went on the eastern wall. Press Circle button at the ladder to get up into the air vent. In the air vent, head onward and you can turn left for SOCOM ammo. Head back and continue on the normal route to reach the DARFA chiefs cell at the end, pressing Circle to enter. Watch the cutscene, and after wait for the cell door to open, then exit. Equip the SOCOM and rations and just shoot the guards by tapping Square. Feel free to collect any dropped ammunition or rations during the battle. Halfway through mines are throw in, so just move toward the door to avoid the explosions then back again to take on the next wave of guards. After the battle, equip the Keycard and head back right to where you just had the battle; there is a Ration under the DARPA Chief's bed, and SOCOM ammo in the toilets and by the desks. Now head back to the lift and take it down to floor B2; the Armory. Armory ------ There are no guards here for now, so don't worry about being spotted. However there are trapdoors located in-between the top row of blocks here, so be careful. Now that you have the Level 1 Keycard you can open some of these doors; remember to equip to go in. Head into the top central block and collect all the C4 there. There are some grenades in the bottom left block, and some SOCOM ammo in the bottom central block. The rest of the blocks are inaccessible for the time being as you don't have the required level key card. There are two secret rooms here that you may like to check out, at either side of the lift. Go to the left side of the lift and look in first person for the patch of wall that hasn't been painted. Plant some C4 on the wall there (press against it) with the A button, then back off and detonate it with the B button. There are a range of ammunition in this room. Now do the same for the other side of the lift for more ammunition. To progress, head to the South West corner of this floor and look for a patch of wall that hasn't been painted. Detonate some C4 there and head through to the Armory South. Armory South ------------ Look at the diagram below as a reference to the description I'm about to give. Walk South and when Snake is next to the screen, look at the right wall to see where the paint is missing and detonate some C4 there (1 on the diagram). Head through to a horizontal corridor, where there will be some paint missing on the wall toward the end (2 on the diagram). Blast this and head through for a cutscene and a boss. You can also blow up the end wall (3 on the diagram) where they are two inaccessible rooms, two gun placements, a ration in the bottom end of the corridor and some C4 at the top end. Not much point going there, but check it out if you want. When you are ready, go into the boss room. Armory ^ +XXXX+ +----+ | | |C | | | | | | | Boss | | | | ^ | | | | | | X = Where you can blast | |-------XXX--| | 1,2,3 = References for the walkthrough above | 1 X 2 3X | R = Ration | |------------| | C = C4 | | | R| +----+ +----+ BOSS: Revolver Ocelot ========================== Equip rations and the SOCOM. Quickly run left and shoot him while he is standing in the corner; just face up and tap Square to get him. He will hide round the pillars and shoot at you (he can rebound bullets off walls as well). Watch his bullet count (next to your life gauge) and when this is empty, he will reload giving you a chance to attack. If you run toward him he will run away, so try and catch up and when he stops shoot him, so just keep running at him basically. There is ammunition around the room if you need it, and don't shoot Baker or the C4 planted on the pillars! ========================== Watch the cutscene after, then exit back through the North Western door to the Armory. Armory ------ If you didn't get what Baker meant by back of the package, then he was referring to the back of the game case. The number is on the screenshot - so call Meryl on 140.15. It's best to do it now, but if you want do it in a sec. Now that you have a level 2 keycard, you can access more of these blocks. Also guards now appear here, so watch your radar for them. Head over to the bottom right block, and watch out for the sensors inside (use thermal goggles or the cigarettes if you want to see the beams). Crawl past the the beams and there will be the FAMAS rifle and ammo waiting for you. Exit the block. Head back to the lift in the North and remember to watch out for the guards as you go, and take it up to Floor 1; the Tank Hangar. Tank Hangar ----------- As soon as you arrive, Meryl will call you saying that she has opened the cargo door to the next area. If you haven't called her yet, do so on frequency 140.15 then wait for a while for her to open the cargo door. One of the guards on the ground floor has now relocated onto the balcony above, which should make your progress here a little harder. There are more rooms you can open here thanks to the level 2 keycard, with some handy items - so let's get them before moving on. Head out of the lift and head right to the door next to the cargo door. Wait by the door and make sure that the guard inside is facing away before entering. Enter and slowly walk up behind him, and tap Square to grab hold of him until his neck breaks. Classy! Now go and collect the SOCOM Suppressor in the bottom right corner. To attach, equip the Suppressor on the items and the SOCOM on the weapons and they will be combined into a suppressed SOCOM. Now you can take out guards "permanently" without causing a fuss.- Head over to the North West corner to the stairs leading up to the balcony. You may want to take out the guard on the ground floor here with your newly suppressed SOCOM. Head up the stairs and get past the camera at the corner and head into the door next to here. There are chaff grenades and the ever amazing Cardboard Box A here, and it also acts as an decent hiding spot if you are chased by guards (you can squeeze into the North West corner here). A side note about the box; you can hide in here when a guard is coming to your position and there is a chance he might not peak in, plus it's handy later in the game for using the lorries that will take you from area to area. Head back out and take the balcony round the edge of the area to the East. The room that housed the thermal goggles is now closed and requires a level 4 key card to open, so if you didn't get them earlier you have to wait until later in the game. Head to the room in the North East (watch out for the camera and guard, which the later is easy with the SOCOM) and head inside for a Mine Detector in the North side. Once you are done, exit the room and head back down to the North East corner of the ground level, to the cargo door (you can drop off the ledge here to save time walking round). To progress past this group of sensors, there are two methods; one is to equip the thermal goggles or the cigarettes so you can see the beams, and look at the sensor unit at the side to see where the beam is. Once it is past head height, progress past and do the same with the next one etc. until you have done all five. Once you have got past these units then head through the door to the next area, the Canyon. Canyon ------ Equip the Mine Detector (or Thermal Goggles) and look at the radar to see the locations of the mines; there are four in the middle and one on the left. I recommend that you crawl over all these to collect them (Claymores). Also collect the ration on the left side and go onward for a cutscene. BOSS: Tank =============== Throw a chaff grenade to temporarily disable the tanks' main gun and when it goes off, head North to the tank. If you have no chaff grenades then head South, where there is some by the door. Now hang around the tank for the rest of the battle; if you are close (within about a screen's range should do it) then he cannot use his main gun. However there are still two methods of attack available to the tank; one is that gunners will appear from the top of the tank and shoot at you with machine gun fire. These are pulsing bullets, and so can be seen easily. The other method (perhaps not so intentional) is that the tank can run you over. This hurts quite a bit (takes about half of your health away) so avoid getting too close. If you do get run over, then stay down or get into a crawling position; otherwise you will get hit again as the Tank rolls away. Firstly, if you collected them a moment ago, use Claymores to take out the tracks of the tank; this slows it down and will help you out a fair bit. Now equip Grenades and throw them on top to take out the Gunners. If you manage to get it right next to him, it'll take him out in one go. There are only two Gunners to take out and the boss is over and done with, so it isn't that tricky and if you stay quite close the cannot throw gunfire at you (or do it less). There are also ammunition at the North of the area and to the North East - collect these only when the Tank is close by otherwise Raven will get the opportunity to attack you with the main gun. =============== Nuke Building 1F ---------------- After the boss battle you will head into the Nuke Building. Head up the walkway on the left side to find a ration at the end. Head back and go down the main slope and crawl underneath the parting to the next area. You will get a codec saying that you cannot use any weapons due to nuclear warheads being stored here (although you can still use the chaff grenades). There are guards patrolling around the ground floor, and one on the balcony (near the lift). There are also camera's around (Eastern wall, and the corner to the North on the balcony). If you get spotted here then area is sealed off and filled with gas until the yellow caution mode appears, so hide somewhere and hope that you don't get spotted - the truck to the East and the lockers in the south west corner are good locations to hide. There is little in terms of items here; SOCOM ammo found around the truck Chaff Grenades ammo under the stairs in the west, and Grenades below the north west stairs. I wouldn't particularly go after any of these as I would advise on concentrating on staying out of sight. The lift is at the North West corner on the balcony. You can get there via the stairs in the East and West. Use distractions to avoid the guards to get there and don't be afraid to kill the guards by choking them. Be aware of the guard by the lift - I found it easier to wait until he is to the right of the lift (around the corner) then call the lift and press against the wall to the right that dents out a little. Choke him as he comes past and then enter the lift. The floor you want to go to is B1. Nuke Building B1 ---------------- Exit the lift and enter the large area opposite. Enter the first door on the right and collect the Nikita missile launcher and ammo, and wait until the guard outside passes by and heads around the corner. Exit and strangle him or take him out silently, then grab the Chaff Grenades in the upper north-east corner here. You cannot enter any of the rooms in this large South area yet, although there are SOCOM and FAMAS ammo boxes in the centre of the room. The guard from the toilet will soon enter here, so just stand to the left side and wait for him to move around to the right, and head out and back in to the lift, and take it to B2. Nuke Building B2 ---------------- Exit the lift and press against the right wall here to see the scientist we are looking for. Head through the two doors to the south and watch the cutscene. This area is filled with gas, and your route forward is blocked with an electrified floor. To progress you have to destroy the switchboard in the North West of this floor by using a Nikita missile found in Floor B1. Equip the Nikita and fire it to control the missile. Go down the corridor and turn left and then up into a lab like area. Hug the right wall (where the doors are) to avoid the cameras and head through the gap in the North West glass. Turn right into the room next door and the switchboard is to the north. Here is a diagram to aid you - +----------+--------+-------======== | |////////| | |¯*¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ******* | +---- *----+--------++=====+-------- Diagram of the West side of the | * X| | | Nuke Building B2 | * | | | | * +---------+=====+-------- S = Snake | * | | S | * = Nikita Missile route | * X| | * | X = Gun Placements | * +---------+ * +-------- / = Switchboard | * | | * | | * | | * | | * +---------+ * +-------- |X * | | * | | * | | * | | * +---------+ * +-------- | ***************** |X +----------------------------------- Remember that the Nikita missile slows down when it is turning and goes its fastest when it's on the straight and narrow. You don't have much time before the missile's fuel expires and explodes, so try and remain as linear as possible. Now that the floor is safe to walk on, head back North and refill your O2 gauge. Back in to the gas filled corridor and enter the first room on the right for a Ration, and the last one at the bottom for a Gas Mask. Equip and head South to the end of the corridor. Go East at the turning (ignore the West area for now; you cannot open many of the rooms yet) and enter the door at the end. Go next door and watch the awesome cutscene. Collect the FAMAS ammo to the right of you afterward, then head through the door to reach the Laboratory. Watch the cutscene. BOSS: Ninja ================ First point I wish to make is that you cannot use firearms in this battle, simply because they are ineffective. The only way to deal damage to the Ninja is by means of punching (Circle button). Attack the Ninja using the punch punch kick combo here until he teleports to the North East corner and talks about 'hand-to-hand combat'. Attack him again using the B button. However when you attack, move away afterward as most of the time he will attack you (as you are open). So do what he does; attack when he has finished his move as he is wide open for attack. His attacks come quick and fast; when he starts to move toward you, move out of the way. When you see him hovering in the air he is about to drop down below, causing a mini shockwave around him, so if you see him doing this steer clear then move in quickly and give him a punch combo. After getting his health down to about half way, he decides that he wants to play hide and seek by going into stealth mode and hiding around the room. Equip your Thermal Goggles and run around the room to find him. When you find him, attack him with a punch combo. If you cannot find him then wait in one place and he will approach you. You can attack him then no problem (as he thinks you cannot see him). After a while he will be injured, and he will fight you again. Unequip the Thermal Goggles. As you attack him he will teleport to the side or behind you, then attack (he may even teleport twice). To counter this, only throw one punch when you see him (so you aren't open to attack) then move out of the way when he attacks from his teleported position. After he has finished his attack, get him with a combo. Continue this method until all his life is gone; he will now teleport around the room and create a harmful blue aura around him. Attack him when this is down - three punch punch kick combos and the boss fight will be over. ================ Laboratory ---------- After the Ninja battle, watch the cutscenes between Snake and Otacon. Before exiting the Laboratory, be sure to check out the various ammunition around the room. Exit. Nuke Building B2 ---------------- Head down the corpse filled corridor then back to the gas filled area. Equip the Gas Mask, and head to the West area where the four rooms are. You can enter all of these apart from the one at the bottom - most of them contain ammo and such. Head back to the lift and head up to floor B1. Nuke Building B1 ---------------- Meryl is on this floor disguised as one of the guards. She can be found in the Southern large area; although you can sneak up on her and scare her into running into the women's toilets, it's far easier to just wait behind the right column in the upper area until he heads there herself. Follow after her and check the top cubicle and watch the cutscene. After the cutscene, get the Ration from the central cubicle and head into the large Southern area (there are no guards here) and raid the rooms. You can find Ration and ammp in the bottom right room, Diazepam, Night Vision Goggles and various ammo in the bottom left room and Cardboard Box B in the top left room. Once you are finished here, head back out and take the corridor leading North and head through the door to the Commander Room. Commander Room -------------- After the cutscene, head into the room itself and wait for another cutscene to begin. When Meryl is possessed and is shooting at you, there are various methods of rendering her unconscious. The best way is to use a Stun Grenade, or you can choke a few times (don't snap her neck) or by punching her a few times. Once she is taking five, you will get another cutscene where he will 'read your mind' (a.k.a. reading your memory card) for games that you have played. If you have either ISS Pro, Policenauts, Suikoden and/or Castlevania then he will say that you have played them. After that and some other party tricks, he gets underway with the battle. BOSS: Psycho Mantis ======================== The first _major_ thing you should do is change your controller to Port 2. This way he cannot read your mind (clever, eh?), and you will not be hampered again for the rest of the battle so feel free to shoot at him. This is essential for this boss fight. You start with a Hideo Blackout (don't worry, it's meant to happen). There are other things to make note of; if you stay in first person mode for a while then you will look through the eye's of Psycho Mantis (annoying, but it proves useful if you cannot find him). There will be another Hideo Blackout halfway through the battle too. To damage him, use one of your weapons (I recommend the SOCOM or FAMAS) and shoot him when you see Psycho Mantis he will attack him a variety of ways; one of them is he will go into invisible and appear, then throw a red energy ball your way. When he does this, you can see him using the Thermal Goggles, otherwise wait until he throws the red energy ball and dodge it, then look at the direction the ball came from and quickly shoot Mantis before he disappears again. His other methods of attack inside throwing items around, vases chasing you around and spinning chairs / suits of armour. You can shoot and destroy most of these, however I would just ignore them and attack Mantis. About halfway through the battle Meryl will be possessed again and will start attacking you. Knock her out, and she will she will arise once again, only this time she plans to blow her brains out. Quickly a Stun Grenade. You will continue the battle again afterward, with the same attacks. There is a Ration in the North East corner, and carry on until all of Mantis's life is depleted. ======================== After the battle, change your controller back to port 1 again and head through the passage in the North East. There is some ammo and a ration to the right of the stairs, then continue onward through the door ahead to the Caves area. Caves ----- You have no radar in this area, so below is a map of the caves area -the #### sections being the gaps where you can crawl through to the area next to it. There are also various items and ammos around, so check the diagram with the key for these. To get through, head West then North up through the diagonal passage and crawl through under the rock in to the large open area. There are wolves here; for now you will have to ignore them and carry on - if they are becoming a hassle then use a stun grenade or two. Head North to the far end, then West and South down the passage. To the South there is a hidden section with various ammo you can collect, which can be seen on the diagram below. To continue, crawl through the section on the right to an elongated section where Meryl is located near the door to the North. /--\ /--\ Underground /----/ \--------/ P \ Passage \F | ^ \___/\ | ======= _____ \ /---\ | /R \ / \ / / \ | | | #### = Crawling locations / T \ / \ | \ | M | \ ¯¯ \ | | | | M = Meryl \ | | / | | R = Ration \ | | | | | S = SOCOM ammo | | | | | | P = PSG1 ammo / | | \ | | T = PSG1-T ammo / | | ## | F = FAMAS ammo \ / / ## | Z = Diazepam \---\ /\__/ | ## | \-####-/ \_ _/ \ / \ \ _###__ |¯¯¯| \ \ /R \ |R | \ \ / _ Z| | | \ \ \F_/ \P_/ | | \ \ | | +-----------\ \---------------+ | | | | +------------------+ | +-=====------+ |S | V \___/ Commander Room Once you get to Meryl, before continuing onward have a Box on quick equip (equip a box then press L1 once to unequip it, and you can now quickly equip it again by pressing L1 once more). Now punch Meryl and QUICKLY equip the box. She orders the small wolf to attack you, so he pisses on the box. You now have the scent of the wolves on the box, so whenever you traverse through this area again equip the Box and you will pass through unharmed. Cool, huh? Once you are done, grab the ration to the left of the door then head through it to the Underground Passage. Underground Passage -------------------
This first area is mined, and Meryl will walk between the mines and create a
path with her footprints for you to take. The best way is to simply crawl
straight through the area up toward Meryl, meaning that the mines don't explode
and you pick up some claymores in the process.

Once you make it through this area, a cutscene will cut in. After, you now have
to find a Sniper rifle to fight Sniper Wolf. Head South back to the Caves area
(go around the right edge to avoid the mines). You need to get the PSG1, which
is found back in the Armory. That's right, WAY back there. Friggin' hell.
To get back to the Armory, go through the following rooms (in case you've
forgotten) -

Caves > Commander Room > Nuke Building B1 > Nuke Building 1F > Canyon >
Tank Hangar > Armory

Remember to equip the scented box (if you got it scented that is) when going
through the caves to avoid the onslaught of wolves, and that the canyon is now
populated with cameras and claymores. Oh joy!

The PSG1 is located in the top left block. There are several guards around here
so use knocking and waiting and the top left exploded room to make your way
in there. Inside, use the Thermal Goggles or Cigs and crawl under the sensor
beams and collect the PSG1 and some ammo. Now exit, get ammo from the other
rooms if you like and head all the way back to the Underground Passage to fight
Sniper Wolf. Make sure you take some Diazepam with you (found in the South West
room of the Southern area of Nuke Building B1).

BOSS: Sniper Wolf
As soon as you enter the Underground Passage area, head to one of the sides to
avoid fire (the mines are gone now so need not worry about them). Crawl out
from this corner and into the middle, equip the PSG1 and take some Diazepam to
stop you shaking when using the PSG1. To use the PSG1, press Square to fire.
The first and hardest part about this battle is finding her initial location
and gaining the advantage. With the Thermal Goggles equipped, look ahead at the
balcony section and when you see her, equip the rifle and shoot her (preferably
in the head for more damage). Once you have found her and kept her in your
sights, then the battle is a breeze.

Just then keep following her as she moves around and as soon as she is about to
fire, take her down. If she manages to shoot you while you do this, your
aim will become well off, so unequip then reequip the PGS1 and try again.
Also note that you can see if she is hiding behind a pillar or corner by
looking for her breath. Remember to keep taking the Diazepam when your aim
becomes shaky, and that there is some ammo in the bottom right corner if you
need it.

After the battle, save your game (!!!) and head North down this long passage
until you reach the end. There is a ration in the bottom left corner and
various ammunition under and on the balcony section. Now SAVE your game here
(_very_ important!) and head to the door in the North East. Watch the

Torture Chamber
After the cutscenes, as promised Ocelot will torture you with electric
currents. To resist press the Circle button repeatedly. To submit (when you are
about to lose all your health) press the Select button. If you lose all your
health then it's game over, with no continue available. I really hoped your
saved after the Sniper Wolf battle. ;)

A good method I found was to use a pen to rub over the Circle button, to tense
your arm so your hand shakes or by using a turbo pad (most pads can slip under
Ocelot's radar so to speak). Also once the electrocution has stopped,
continue tapping to restore a little more life afterward.

The outcome here is important at it decides your ending. If you submit then you
get one ending, whilst surviving the torture and resisting to it gets you the
other one. I'll leave it up to you to what you want to do here.

Medical Room
Once you had three bouts of electric-based fun, you will be thrown into the
cell. There will be some codec conversations. SAVE at this point, as if you
resisted then you will have to go in for another session. If you submitted,
then you don't. Either way after the torture wait until the guard heads to the
toilet with a stomach problem, where Octacon will appear. He will give you
a range of items - a Ration, a Level 6 Key Card, Ketchup and a Handkerchief.
There are three ways to escape the cell at this point -

1 - As soon as the guard goes to the toilet, hide under the bed. He will
    come in to investigate, at which point you crawl out and kick his ass.
    The best way to knock him out is to choke him.
2 - As soon as the guard goes to the toilet, lie on the ground and use the 
    Ketchup. The guard will look in, thinking that it is blood, and
    investigate. Once he is in the cell, get up and kick his ass. The best way
    to knock him out is to choke him.
3 - Wait in the cell for a long time for the Ninja to arrive and bust you out.
    He will come along at the 6th toilet break since the Otacon conversation
    (that's about 11 minutes!). He slices the door into two, and then the
    guard comes out to bust your ass. The best way to knock him out is to choke

Once you are out of the cell and the guard unconscious, head into the torture
Chamber and collect the large item there - this is all your equipment and such.
Have a quick look through your items now for a Time Bomb; if you have it,
then press the S button whilst it is open to throw it away. If you don't then
it could explode and kill you (although most of the time Deep Throat will
warn you by CODEC soon before). Also note that you may have received a cold;
this will cause you to sneeze now and again, which is quite the pain when
trying to avoid guards. There's some medicine in the Nuke Building B1, and
you shouldn't encounter that many guards on the way. Now exit through the
North East door now while avoiding the camera in the corner.

Holding Cells
Before continuing, let's go get the Camera. There are some gun placements on
the walls here to watch out for. Take the lift down to floor B2; the Armory.

Go through the other blocks to stock up on ammo, then head through the door at
the bottom to the Armory South to get the Camera.

Armory South
Head South here to the Horizontal passage. Detonate the right end wall of this
passage and head through to the room opposite before the gun placements can
notice you. Inside, there is a gun placement on the south wall (on higher
difficulty levels I think there is one on the North wall too). Take it out
using the SOCOM. Collect the Stun and Chaff Grenades to the South (ignore the
Stinger missile ammo for now) and head through the gap in the fencing into the
small enclosed area in the corner. The Camera is in here.

The other room doesn't contain anything, so now exit to the Armory.

Grab ammo if necessary, then take the lift up to the Tank Hangar (Floor 1).

Same as when you came here before, gun placements and claymores. Equip the
Mine Detector and pretty much hug the left side until you reach the far door
to the Nuke Building 1F.

Nuke Building 1F
Nothing's changed here; get to the lift and take it down to floor B2, as there
is a room we can now open to get a decent new item.

Nuke Building B2
Equip the Gas Mask and head South into the gas filled area. Head down the
corridor, go left and enter the closest room. There is some Body Armour
inside - this reduces your damage by half when equipped, and so is very
useful. You could get this later on in the game, but why not get it now, right?
Anyway, head back to the lift up to B1.

Nuke Building B1
Head into the large area South, then the middle room to the West for some
Medicine. Take it and it will stop you sneezing. Now head through to the
Commander Room.

Commander Room
Head straight through to the Caves.

Head straight through to the Underground Passage. Now that you have Sniper
Wolf's Handkerchief, you can equip it and use it to get past the wolves

Underground Passage
Head North, and after the cutscene, keep going to the end. Collect the ammo
around here if you wish, and when you are done, head through the door in the
North East to the Communication Tower A.

Communication Tower A
Go onward and collect the SOCOM and FAMAS ammunition at the corner, and then
continue to the door. As soon as you walk through it, you trip the
sensor beams and guards approach you (this cannot be avoided). PICK UP THE
ROPE OPPOSITE and head South to the base of the tower. There are items on this
floor here, but ignore them as they are just things like ammo. Take out a 
few of the guards that have followed you and take the stairs upward. Equip your
rations as enemies will come from either side and you will incur a few bit
of damage.

Equip your FAMAS and as run and shoot at the same time as you go (holding X and
Square buttons together) to take down the guards that come from the front.
You can tell that you are approaching some as you can see tracer bullets fired.
Ignore the ones behind you. You can also use Stun Grenades, but sometimes they
don't work that well. Halfway up you will come across a flat floor with a LVL 6
door that doesn't work; just continue going up the stairs (take out some
guards behind you here). Keep going all the way to the top and make your way
round to the ladder in the South West corner. Press the O button to head up to
the top of the tower.

At the top, head out the door to the roof and grab the Stun Grenades at the
side of the block and head onward for a cutscene. After, simply equip the Rope
that you collected earlier and after another cutscene, you have the job of
abseiling down the outside wall of the tower while avoiding the Hind. To move,
press the X button to kick away and then hold a direction down to go that way.
To walk across the wall, then use the Circle button instead. You have to dodge
gunfire and steam from the pipes as you descend; this is very easy, just head 
straight downward by tapping X and holding the Analog Stick down. You'll get
hid a few times by gunfire, but as it doesn't damage you much it shouldn't
matter. You have to be fairly quick anyway as your grip meter decreases as
you abseil.

If you managed to forget collecting the Rope on the way here, then not all hope
is lost. Hang off the ledge and drop down. You now have to make your way down
the wall by means of shimmying and dropping down from pipe to pipe. Below is
a diagram of the wall, with the pipe locations -

 |                       |
 |                       |
 |               ========|     X  -  Start
 |                       |     =  -  Pipe
 |                       |
 |            ========   |
 |            ========   |
 |       --------        |

The X button is to drop, and the OO button is to grab onto the pipe. Remember
that you need to tap O when you are falling to grab onto the pipe below you.
Drop down onto the pipe below, and go right to the end, drop down, and again,
then go left a little, drop down twice onto the bottom most pipe and drop down
on the far left and onto the A-B Connecting Bridge. 

A-B Connecting Bridge
At the bottom, use C4 on the door to make it work again (there's some on the
right if you need it). Now stand in front of the door, equip the PSG1
and look down the walkway ahead. There are three guards at the far corner; take
them out using headshots. They will run away and hide, but they will come back
after a short while. You can also use a Nikita missile here, but it's far
easier (and quicker) to use the sniper rifle of DOOM! Lie down and take
Diazepam if it makes it easier. Once all three of the guards are disposed
off, head down this walkway to the corner, where the Hind will appear once
more. Quickly carry on down the walkway route to the indoors, where you will
find the Stinger and some ammo. Head South through the door.

Communication Tower B
Head South and try the lift to find it won't work, so head round the lift in a
clockwise direction and go down the stairs until you reach the dead end. Now
head back up to the lift for a cutscene. After, the path up the tower is
clear, so head right of the lift and take the stairs up to the top of the
tower. There are gun placements along the way, so throw a Chaff Grenade when
you start, and throw another when the gauge (in the top right corner) is
halfway so that the new one will come into effect when the current chaff
stops working. When you reach the top, collect the ammo and ration around the
edges and then take the ladder on the North wall up to the roof. Head out into
the roof to fight the Hind.

BOSS: Hind D
Always stay in North area here (around the two tankers) as they provide
sufficient cover from the gunfire. The Hind is the red mass on the radar, and
you have to use the Stinger to shoot it down. Equip the Stinger and aim at the
Hind; there are three targets available on the Hind and it doesn't matter
which you choose. Lock onto the target (the square will become red and you
will hear a continuous beep) and fire with the Square button. Have the stinger
on quick equip.

He will fly all around the rooftop, so keep an eye on the radar for his
location. Watch out for his fire, so hide at the tankers until he's fairly
close, then stinger him quickly. Sometimes he will be on the radar but out of
view - he will most likely be underneath you, so keep looking toward his
direction and when the Hind appears take a shot. When he says 'Eat This!' and
fires a missile, stay away from the Southern area as that area will get blown
to smithereens. There is also some ammo over on the East side, and a ration to
the West.

When his life gauge is all gone, he will fly off into the distance then fire a
final missile. When he does this, head over to the Southern area to avoid the
explosion. Nice fly swatting skills, Snake!

After the boss take the ladder back down into the tower and head back down
to the lift. Remember to use the Chaff Grenades as you start descending and to
throw another when the gauge (in the top right corner) is halfway so that the
new one will come into effect when the current grenade stops. When you reach
the lift, call it, enter and take it down to Floor 1.

In the battle with the stealth enemies, you may want to equip the Thermal
Goggles and just go crazy with the FAMAS until they are all toast. After
the battle you reach the ground floor. Collect the ammo from all around the
lift when head through the South East door. The corridors here have gun
placements throughout, so throw a couple of Chaff Grenades and make your way
through to the door on the end. Run forward in the snow and watch the cutscene.

BOSS: Sniper Wolf 2
This is the same kind of deal as the first battle with Wolf. She will use
the trees at the far side of the area as a means of cover, so to find her
easily, equip the Stinger to find her location, then change to the PSG1
and take some Diazepam. Like before keep watching her and stay ahead
of her moves by shooting first. It's much easier to shoot her when she is on
the move as well as she goes at a much reduced pace. Again if she shoots you
and totally swings your aim (or if you lose her) then equip the Stinger to
find her again. Remember to keep taking the Diazepam when your aim becomes
shaky, and this battle is a breeze.

After the battle head North for a cutscene. Afterward it is time to explore
this area. There are loads of rooms that surround the snowfield, so here is
a list of what they contain (and in brackets the defences they yield).

SE - Chaff Grenades x2, Grenades x2 (Guns)
E  - FAMAS ammo x3, SOCOM ammo x3
NE - Ration, Stun Grenade, Diazepam (Mines)
N  - Need a Level 7 Card Key to enter.
NW - Nikita ammo x4 (Guns)
SW - Ration x2, Box C (Guns)

There is a truck located in the South West as well, which contains a Bandage.
There is also a secret Codec conversation to be had here as well - head to the
South East corner of the Snowfield and head onto the higher ground, then look
out to the East in first person. You will see a parachute in the tree, and you
will receive a Codec conversation about it.

Once you are done exploring this area, then head off to the North / North West
room (it's to the left of the Level 7 room). Hide behind the crates as soon
as you enter to avoid the gun placement in the corner, then take it out when
it is turned away. Collect the SOCOM ammo from underneath, then destroy the
other gun placement opposite and head down the stairway. Disc 1 complete!

 3.02. Disc 2

Blast Furnace
Head down the stairs and into the area ahead. There is a guard on the ledge,
and I recommend that you take him out. Head down the South West walkway to
the ledge on the West wall that goes over the molten metal below. Press
against the wall and make your way North over the ledge. Make sure that you
are in the crouching position so that the crane doesn't knock you off.

At the other side, head follow the walkway to the stairs and head down. There
will be a guard down here, so use your judgment to manage the situation best.
From the bottom of the stairs, going West takes you to an area that would be
good for hiding (it also has some ammo round there), South takes you to some
C4 and a lift that takes you back up to the area above and going East takes
you down some more steps to the area below. Explore the other areas then go
East down the steps.

Before heading through the door in the North East, you may want to go into
the area opposite the door (especially if you haven't got the Body Armor).
This is a small pipe laden area containing various ammunition - watch out for
the steam that comes from the pipes as you go. Head over to the South West
corner and crawl through under the pipes there to reach an area next to the
molten metal pit. Take out the two gun placement that are at the corners, and
grab the Body Armor from under the gun (if you already have this, then it will
be some SOCOM ammo instead), plus there are some Stinger missiles and Chaff
Grenades on the Southern wall. Once you are done here, head back through the
piped area and through the door in the North East to the Cargo Elevator.

Cargo Elevator
Go onward to the cargo elevator and press O at the control station on the right
to take it down. After the cutscene you will have to fight a group of guards;
it's best use the FAMAS. At the stop halfway, head East to the other lift
(watch the gun placement in the middle and the mines under the lift). Head down
when you are ready. At the bottom, there is more ammo and rations around the
crates, then head through the door to the Warehouse. Watch the cutscenes.

BOSS: Vulcan Raven
Always watch out for his position on the radar, and don't get too close to him
(or in front of him) otherwise he will fire at you using his nasty minigun.
Equip the Body Armor to reduce the damage you take here by half, but keep
an eye on your health throughout. Attack from the sides or behind him. My
weapon of choice here is the Stinger; get to the side of him and fire from
where he cannot see you. Below are two examples of in what examples you can use
the Stinger without being spotted straight away by Raven (just make sure as
soon as you fire you run away and hide).
  __    __    __
 |  |  |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯    ¯¯     You stand next to him with a crate between you.
  __  ^ __    __
 |  | R|  | S|  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯    ¯¯

  __    __    __
 |  | ^|  |  |  |
  ¯¯  R ¯¯    ¯¯     He carries on walking, and you can see him walking onward,
  __    __    __     allowing you to fire at him with his back turned.
 |  |  |  | S|  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯    ¯¯

Here is another example.

       < R
  __    __
 |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯      Raven is traveling either to the East or West, with you at the
  __  S __      turning.
 |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯

    < R
  __    __
 |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯      Just as he appears into view in front of you (regardless of him
  __  S __      turning toward you or carrying onward) fire a stinger and run
 |  |  |  |     away.
  ¯¯    ¯¯

You could also use the Stinger at a long distance away, and fire it from there.
Other methods of attack include using the Nikita missile; however this is risky
as you may not know his exact location and it leaves Snake wide open to attack.
You could also use Claymores and lay them around the Warehouse (just make sure
you don't tread on them), Grenades and C4. Any bullet based firearms don't
really work that well here. It gets harder later in the battle when he starts
to jog around, but just keep on your toes and you should be fine. Don't get
impatient either, stay hidden until you get a clear shot of him. There is a
ration in the North East corner as well if you need it, and he will also shoot
crates down that reveal ammunition.

After the battle, had North through the door.

Warehouse North
There are two trapdoors ahead of you before the Ration. There are a billion and
one Gun Placements in here, so use a Chaff Grenade and head up, right and
down up the stairs to get the Stinger ammo (you need to stock up for a battle
in a while so may as well do it now). Head back down and through the door to
the North West when you are done here.

Underground Base
Head North and watch the cutscene. Head East and take the ladder up to the
area above, then go left and then North up another ladder. Head West taking
the ladders over Metal Gear and head left to the corner. A guard patrols the
walkways South here, so look in first person and when he is in front of you,
cap his ass with SOCOM rounds. Head South, collecting ammo along the way
and round the corner and up the set of stairs to the Control Room.
Watch the cutscenes.

The PAL Key can be found in the drainage ditch on the ground level. That means
heading all the way back down there; as for the alert level, just ignore the
guards and once you are back over the East side from going over Metal Gear
it'll be gone. On the ground, head to the North West corner and take out the
Gun Placement from the right side using a Nikita missile (it will shoot it
if you approach it with a missile from the south). Anyway, head into the
Drainage Ditch via the stairs. Search everywhere within this ditch for the PAL
Card Key. Note that there are several other items here too, such as the SOCOM
Suppressor in the North West corner if you haven't collected it yet, rations
and SOCOM ammo. You may also collect a Time Bomb, and if you do, throw it away
by selecting it in the item menu and pressing the A button. While the other
items show up with Thermal Goggles the Card Key doesn't, so just keep
searching for it until you get it.

That done, once you get the PAL Card Key head back up to the Control Room.
Although you may have killed the guard before, it will keep regenerating each
time you move out of this area. I would still advise you kill them each time.
Take out the camera's within from the doorway with the Nikita then head inside.
Go to the three laptops in the North side of the room. Approach the orange one
on the left with the PAL Card Key equipped and press the Circle button in front
of it to activate PAL Code no.1.

For the next two codes you'll need to freeze and warm the key. This involves
tedious backtracking in order to lengthen the game playing time - sorry no
complaining. :P You may have noticed the two areas on the way to the base -
the Blast Furnace and the Warehouse, and their hot and cold temperatures
respectively? Well head back to the Warehouse and remain there until the
PAL Card Key is blue. This will take several minutes and the icon doesn't
turn blue, but the diagram when you look at the item screen with L2 will do.
Stay too long and your Rations might freeze, so as soon as the card freezes
head back to the Control Room and insert it into the central laptop. Remember
to destroy the Gun Placements before entering the room though, otherwise you'll
be locked in and gassed with no escape. Eek.

Before going to do the next part of the key, ensure you have maxed out
Stinger missiles and Chaff Grenades. Warehouse North and the Base has them.
For warming the key, head all the way back to the Blast Furnace. Hide in the
alcove under the stairs to avoid detection and wait until the PAL Card Key is
red, then hurry back to the Control Room. Once you have activated all three of
the PAL codes, you will receive a Codec call. After the room will seal off and
fill with gas. Equip the Gas Mask and call Octacon on your Codec on frequency
141.12. He will call you back shortly and will open the door for you. Exit the
room, run right and watch the cutscenes.

BOSS: Metal Gear Rex
Equip the Body Armor and run South to keep away from Metal Gear. You have to
shoot the radome on Metal Gear's left shoulder, which is to your right (it's
the circle) with the Stinger. However before you begin you need to send a
Chaff grenade to disable it's radar so it's missile attacks cannot lock on to
you, then fire away with the Stinger. You need to keep refreshing with the
Chaff grenades every so often, otherwise the missiles will easily hit you.
If you get close enough, then Metal Gear will use a powerful laser attack,
and also a stomp move - the camera will change before the stomp, so RUN and
roll out of the way of the leg, which also creates a shockwave. There is also
a gun fire attack too. The bottom line is not to get too close to Metal Gear -
Stinger missiles will reach from a good distance.

Once you have got it's health down to nothing, watch the cutscenes
afterward and the next part of the battle will begin. The cockpit is opened
up, and that is your new target (the central target on Metal Gear). Now
you got to remain underneath Metal Gear and get to behind him until his
field of vision turns blue on the radar, meaning he's lost you. Now turn around
and fire a Stinger at the central target from underneath (if it doesn't lock
on then fire there anyway, it should hit) and repeat. If you can't see where
you are, check your position on the radar to avoid getting crushed by the legs.

Watch the cutscenes.

BOSS: Liquid Snake
You will have three minutes to complete this battle. You have no weaponry,
so hand to hand combat is how you play it. He will dodge your attacks, so to
counter this, only punch once and if he shifts out of the way, adjust quickly
and let rip with a combo. If you go straight in with a combo and he moves,
then you are wide open for attack. Later in the battle he will try and ram
you with his head; this is easy to spot, so either attack him before he can
do this or move out of the way. It is quite damaging, so try not to get hit
by too many of these rams. Another attack is when he gets up off the ground,
he will kick as he gets up. Stay out of his way when he gets up, then attack
him shortly afterward.

It's a fairly easy battle once you get used to his attacks. If you get knocked
off the edge, then simply get back up and keep going. Also to get his dog tag
in this battle, knock him off the edge and he will drop them onto the arena.

Watch the cutscenes.

Escape Route
You have ten minutes to escape the base. Head left and collect the Ration by
the stairs, then continue left to a car park. There is another Ration in the
South West corner, so collect that one as well and equip them. Fight off the
guards until the Keys are found and the car is started, and when it is,
approach the back of the left car to climb on board. You will now have to
command the gun; go into first person and shoot the drums by the door to create
an exit.

You will now drive down a tunnel. At the checkpoints, again go into first
person and shoot the drums at either side to progress. After two checkpoints,
another jeep will turn up and give chase. Continuously shoot at the driver
until the end.


                                   4. ITEMS

 4.01. Items

There are loads of items that can you find throughout the game, and most of
which are not essential to the mission. To equip an item, press and hold the
L2 button and use the Analog Stick / D-Pad to scroll through the items.
Releasing the L2 button on the item of your choice equips that item, and
pressing L1 will quick equip or unequip it. Here is a list of all the items in
the game (in alphabetical order), with their uses and locations -

Note - For the description, they are the ones as used in the game with some

AP Sensor
Location    : Cargo Dock; South East, in water.
Description : Sensor that detects nearby lifeforms, which rumbles on enemy
How to Use  : Equip it and it works. You'll need to keep it equipped, however.
Other Notes : All other rumbles are turned off when this is equipped. Only
              useful if you are playing with no radar, or when you are areas
              with no radar. Otherwise it's pointless, and you may as well
              as have something else on constant equip which is more useful -
              e.g. Rations.

Location    : Complete the game with the Meryl ending to get this item.
Description : Snake's Bandanna with an infinity symbol sown into it. When
              equipped gives you unlimited ammunition for your weapons.
How to Use  : Equip it to give you unlimited ammo.
Other Notes : You still have to reload when using this item. To counter this,
              tap the R1 button twice quickly (unequip then equips the weapon)
              for faster reloading. Special item. Very fun to use.

Body Armor
Location    : Nuke Building B2, South West Room / Blast Furnace.
Description : Bullet-proof vest that halves the damage taken when equipped.
How to Use  : Equip this to half damage taken.
Other Notes : Use this for bosses (but still keep an eye out on your health).

Box 1
Location    : Armory, in the bottom right block. If you miss it however it will
              appear again later in the Warehouse North, in the upper area to
              the East.
Description : A cardboard box labeled with 'Heliport'.
How to Use  : Equip to wear.
Other Notes : Useful for evading or hiding for guards. Can use to transport
              from place to place using the game's three trucks.

Box 2
Location    : Nuke Building B1, South Area, South West room.
Description : A cardboard box labeled with 'Nuke Building'.
How to Use  : Equip to wear.
Other Notes : Useful for evading or hiding for guards. Can use to transport
              from place to place using the game's three trucks.

Box 3
Location    : Snowfield, South West room.
Description : A cardboard box labeled with 'Snowfield'.
How to Use  : Equip to wear.
Other Notes : Useful for evading or hiding for guards. Can use to transport
              from place to place using the game's three trucks.

Location    : Armory South, South East room / complete the game to get this
Description : Digital Camera that allows you to take photographs to save onto
              your memory card. You can view them in the SPECIAL area, from
              the main menu.
How to Use  : Press the O button to take photographs, Square to zoom in and X
              to zoom out.
Other Notes : Saves images to memory card (1 blocks each). Can be used to see
              the secret ghosts. Special item.

Card Key
Location    : Different levels received from different events throughout game.
Description : Security card that allows you to enter doors of the cards number.
How to Use  : Have the Card key on you (need to equip it) and approach the
              door to open.
Other Notes : Goes up to Level 7.

Location    : You start with this item.
Description : Highly addictive and bad for you; Snake's favourite brand.
How to Use  : Equip them to smoke.
Other Notes : Gradually reduce your health; allows you to see sensor beams when
              equipped. Other than that pointless, like smoking is. *expects
              a nasty email or two*

Location    : Various locations - first found Nuke Building B1, South area,
              South West room.
Description : Stops trembling of the hand when using a sniper rifle.
How to Use  : When open in the menu, press the A button to use.
Other Notes : Doesn't last long, so once you start shaking again, take another.
              Although they do work well.

Gas Mask
Location    : Nuke Building B2
Description : Reduces the decrease of the O2 gauge when in poison gas areas.
How to Use  : Equip and it will take effect.
Other Notes : Remember this only reduces the speed of the O2 decrease, and
              doesn't stop it. Still very useful though, especially in Nuke
              Building B2.

Location    : Given to by Otacon in the Medical Room.
Description : Sniper Wolf's handkerchief, smell's faintly of her.
How to Use  : Equip it when heading through the Caves area to get past the
              wolves without being bothered.
Other Notes : No other use. You lose it later in the game (I won't say when).

Location    : Given to by Otacon in the Medical Room.
Description : Tomato-based food condiment. Has so many addictives in you could
              go blind*.
How to Use  : When open in the menu, press the A button to use.
Other Notes : Use it to escape the Medical Room cell.
              *That was a joke, by the way. Probably.

Location    : Nuke Building B1 - South Area, Central West room.
Description : Cold medicine, and when used, stops you sneezing.
How to Use  : When open in the menu, press the A button to use.
Other Notes : You only get a cold once, so there is only one of this item.

Mine Detector
Location    : Tank Hangar, North East room (balcony section).
Description : Chemically detects the mines, which show up on the radar (as well
              as their direction).
How to Use  : Equip to use; mines show up on radar.
Other Notes : Shows up mine direction as well. You can crawl over the mines
              to collect them (they show up as Claymores in your weapons).

MO Disk
Location    : Given to you as part of the story.
Description : Optical Disk containing Metal Gear exercise data.
How to Use  : No use.
Other Notes : No use; as part of the story.

Location    : Nuke Building B2, North West room.
Description : Stands for Night Vision Goggles. Electronically amplifies weak
              light for visualisation (and so allows you to see in the dark).
How to Use  : Equip to wear. 
Other Notes : You will hardly need it. The only location where you may use it
              is in the Caves; but you can see fine there anyway.

Location    : Given to you as part of the story.
Description : Emergency input or override device.
How to Use  : Have it equipped to use it for computers.
Other Notes : You will need it later in the game. See the Walkthrough for more

Location    : Various locations. Can be retrieved from enemies.
Description : "Meal ready to eat". Restores health, and so is very important.
How to Use  : When open in the menu, press the O button to use. Even better, if
              you have it equipped then it is used when you health is down
              to 0 automatically. 
Other Notes : Restores only about half of your health, so keep several in
              supply. If you in the cold too long, these can freeze.

Location    : Communication Tower A; ground floor. Next to THAT sensor beam.
Description : Long durable rope that is made from Nylon fibres.
How to Use  : Equip when prompted during the game...
Other Notes : Doesn't have to be collected, but it makes the section a lot

Location    : You start with this item.
Description : Military binoculars allowing long-distance reconnaissance. In
              English, they are binoculars that allow you to look around the
              area with it's adjustable zoom. Whee.
How to Use  : Press Square to zoom in, and the X button to zoom out.
Other Notes : Useful for seeing where guards and other things are located.

SOCOM Suppressor
Location    : Tank Hangar, North East room on the ground floor. In the corner /
              Underground Base, North West in drainage ditch.
Description : Silences the SOCOM when attached.
How to Use  : Equip this on items, and the SOCOM as the weapon for the two to
              be combined together.
Other Notes : Silences the SOCOM, meaning that SOCOM is useable in guard heavy
              areas. Not essential, but very useful and makes the game

Location    : Complete the game with the Octacon ending to get this item.
Description : Optically deceives the enemy eye a.k.a. turning you invisible. As
              "seen" by Otacon and the Ninja. Get it? As seen by? Invisible?
How to Use  : Equip to activate.
Other Notes : A very cool item, and useful for replays. It's not perfect
              however - it unequips if you touch an enemy solder, it doesn't
              work against bosses, wolves or those enemy set pieces and it
              still set's off sensor beams. Special item.

Thermal Goggles
Location    : Tank Hangar, West room on balcony section.
Description : Visualises heat source distribution a.k.a. allows you to see warm
How to Use  : Equip to use.
Other Notes : Very useful - allows you to see guards, bosses, rats, wolves or
              any enemies that are hard to see. You can also see the sensor
              beams, dog tags, Claymore mines and allows you to see in the
              dark. Nice. :)

Time Bomb
Location    : Sometimes found when you get your items back from the Medical
              Room, and can be collected from the Underground Base drainage
Description : A bomb, and the timer can be see on the item's icon. Explodes
              when the item is expired, killing Snake instantly.
How to Use  : When open in the menu, press the Circle button to throw it away.
Other Notes : Take care of it as quick as possible. You should get a codec
              about it when you get it from the Medical room, but when you can
              collect it from the Drainage Ditch, make sure you don't have it
              before progressing.

 4.02. Weapons

There are loads of weapons that can you find throughout the game, and most of
which are not essential to the mission. To equip an item, press and hold the
R2 button and use the Analog Stick / D-Pad to scroll through the items.
Pressing the R1 button on the item of your choice equips that item.
Here is a list of all the weaponry in the game (in alphabetical order), with
their uses and locations -

Note - For the description, they are the ones as used in the game with some

Location    : Various locations - first found in the Armory, top central block.
Description : Plastic Explosive with a remote control detonator.
How to Use  : Set the C4 with the S button, and detonate it with the O button.
Other Notes : Can set this on walls as well as the ground, and on the back of
              guards (no, really!). Can set lay down more than one at a time -
              up to 16 in fact.

Chaff Grenade
Location    : Various locations.
Description : Grenade that temporarily disables electronic devices, including
              surveillance cameras and gun placements.
How to Use  : Press the S button to aim, and release to throw. The longer held
              the further it will go.
Other Notes : Very useful item, and can be used for certain bosses too. If you
              hold this too long, then it will go off in your hand.

Location    : Various locations - Canyon, Underground Passage and the
              Snowfield. To collect the Claymore, crawl over the mines.
Description : Antipersonnel landmine with a front sensor.
How to Use  : Press the Square button to set.
Other Notes : You can collect mines that you have set by crawling over them.
              Useful for certain bosses, and comedy moments with guards. ;)

Location    : Armory, bottom right block.
Description : Assault rifle.
How to Use  : Press the Square button to fire. Hold X and Square buttons
              together to run while firing.
Other Notes : Very loud, and has 25 rounds per magazine. The last 3 bullets are
              tracer bullets (visible).

Location    : Various locations. First found in the Armory.
Description : Frag Grenade which after a short period of time explodes.
How to Use  : Press Square to aim, and release to throw. The longer held
              the further it will go.
Other Notes : Not the most useful weapon, only good for certain bosses. If you
              hold this too long, then it will go off in your hand. Naturally.

Location    : Nuke Building B1, South Area, on the East side.
Description : Remote control missile launcher. Fictional.
How to Use  : Press Square to aim, and release to fire the missile. Use
              the Analog Stick or D-Pad to control it. Press Triangle to
              go into first person.
Other Notes : The missile only have a limited fuel supply (the gauge in the
              top right corner of the screen) and can only be controlled in the
              first person perspective. Only needed in one part of the game,
              but can be used also for bosses and messing with the guards.

Location    : Armory, top left block.
Description : Sniper rifle. Aims in first person. Very loud and shaky.
How to Use  : Fire with Square.
Other Notes : Required for certain boss battles. Will alert other guards when
              fired due to it's noise. To stop the shaking, use a Diazepam
              and use while in the crawling position.

Location    : Helipad, back of the truck.
Description : .45 handgun. Loud, but you can attach a suppressor onto it. Also
              equipped with a laser sight.
How to Use  : Press the A button to aim, and release to fire.
Other Notes : Can attach a suppressor onto it (see the items section to find
              it's location). Very handy to have.

Location    : Communicating Towers Connecting bridge - just before you enter
              Communicating Tower B.
Description : Portable surface to air missile, with lock-on. Very awesome.
How to Use  : Press Square to aim, and release to fire the missile. Don't
              fire until you have a lock-on.
Other Notes : Lock-on feature allows you to see where hidden enemies are
              located. Overall great for later bosses, and for taking out those
              pesky, pesky guards/crows/rats!

Stun Grenade
Location    : Various locations.
Description : Grenade that temporarily stuns enemies.
How to Use  : Press Square to aim, and release to throw. The longer held
              the further it will go.
Other Notes : Very useful - can be used for bosses as well as enemies. If you
              hold this too long, then it will go off in your hand.

                                   5. BOSSES

BOSS: Revolver Ocelot
Equip rations and the SOCOM. Quickly run left and shoot him while he is
standing in the corner; just face up and tap Square to get him. He will hide
round the pillars and shoot at you (he can rebound bullets off walls as well).
Watch his bullet count (next to your life gauge) and when this is empty, he
will reload giving you a chance to attack. If you run toward him he will run
away, so try and catch up and when he stops shoot him, so just keep running at
him basically. There is ammunition around the room if you need it, and don't
shoot Baker or the C4 planted on the pillars! 

BOSS: Tank
Throw a chaff grenade to temporarily disable the tanks' main gun and when
it goes off, head North to the tank. If you have no chaff grenades then head
South, where there is some by the door. Now hang around the tank for the rest
of the battle; if you are close (within about a screen's range should do it)
then he cannot use his main gun. However there are still two methods of attack
available to the tank; one is that gunners will appear from the top of the
tank and shoot at you with machine gun fire. These are pulsing bullets, and
so can be seen easily. The other method (perhaps not so intentional) is that
the tank can run you over. This hurts quite a bit (takes about half of your
health away) so avoid getting too close. If you do get run over, then stay down
or get into a crawling position; otherwise you will get hit again as the Tank
rolls away.

Firstly, if you collected them a moment ago, use Claymores to take out the
tracks of the tank; this slows it down and will help you out a fair bit. Now
equip Grenades and throw them on top to take out the Gunners. If you manage to
get it right next to him, it'll take him out in one go. There are only two
Gunners to take out and the boss is over and done with, so it isn't that tricky
and if you stay quite close the cannot throw gunfire at you (or do it less).
There are also ammunition at the North of the area and to the North East -
collect these only when the Tank is close by otherwise Raven will get the
opportunity to attack you with the main gun.

BOSS: Ninja
First point I wish to make is that you cannot use firearms in this battle,
simply because they are ineffective. The only way to deal damage to the Ninja
is by means of punching (Circle button). Attack the Ninja using the punch punch
kick combo here until he teleports to the North East corner and talks about
'hand-to-hand combat'. Attack him again using the B button. However when you
attack, move away afterward as most of the time he will attack you (as you
are open). So do what he does; attack when he has finished his move as he
is wide open for attack. His attacks come quick and fast; when he starts to
move toward you, move out of the way. When you see him hovering in the air he
is about to drop down below, causing a mini shockwave around him, so if you
see him doing this steer clear then move in quickly and give him a punch combo.

After getting his health down to about half way, he decides that he wants to
play hide and seek by going into stealth mode and hiding around the room.
Equip your Thermal Goggles and run around the room to find him. When you find
him, attack him with a punch combo. If you cannot find him then wait in one
place and he will approach you. You can attack him then no problem (as he
thinks you cannot see him). After a while he will be injured, and he will
fight you again. Unequip the Thermal Goggles. As you attack him he will
teleport to the side or behind you, then attack (he may even teleport twice).
To counter this, only throw one punch when you see him (so you aren't open to
attack) then move out of the way when he attacks from his teleported position.
After he has finished his attack, get him with a combo. Continue this method
until all his life is gone; he will now teleport around the room and create
a harmful blue aura around him. Attack him when this is down - three punch
punch kick combos and the boss fight will be over.

BOSS: Psycho Mantis
The first _major_ thing you should do is change your controller to Port 2.
This way he cannot read your mind (clever, eh?), and you will not be hampered
again for the rest of the battle so feel free to shoot at him. This is
essential for this boss fight.

You start with a Hideo Blackout (don't worry, it's meant to happen). There are
other things to make note of; if you stay in first person mode for a while then
you will look through the eye's of Psycho Mantis (annoying, but it proves
useful if you cannot find him). There will be another Hideo Blackout halfway
through the battle too.

To damage him, use one of your weapons (I recommend the SOCOM or FAMAS) and
shoot him when you see Psycho Mantis he will attack him a variety of
ways; one of them is he will go into invisible and appear, then throw a red
energy ball your way. When he does this, you can see him using the Thermal
Goggles, otherwise wait until he throws the red energy ball and dodge it, then
look at the direction the ball came from and quickly shoot Mantis before he
disappears again.

His other methods of attack inside throwing items around, vases chasing you
around and spinning chairs / suits of armour. You can shoot and destroy most
of these, however I would just ignore them and attack Mantis. About halfway
through the battle Meryl will be possessed again and will start attacking you.
Knock her out, and she will she will arise once again, only this time she
plans to blow her brains out. Quickly a Stun Grenade. You will continue the
battle again afterward, with the same attacks. There is a Ration in the North
East corner, and carry on until all of Mantis's life is depleted.

BOSS: Sniper Wolf
As soon as you enter the Underground Passage area, head to one of the sides to
avoid fire (the mines are gone now so need not worry about them). Crawl out
from this corner and into the middle, equip the PSG1 and take some Diazepam to
stop you shaking when using the PSG1. To use the PSG1, press Square to fire.
The first and hardest part about this battle is finding her initial location
and gaining the advantage. With the Thermal Goggles equipped, look ahead at the
balcony section and when you see her, equip the rifle and shoot her (preferably
in the head for more damage). Once you have found her and kept her in your
sights, then the battle is a breeze.

Just then keep following her as she moves around and as soon as she is about to
fire, take her down. If she manages to shoot you while you do this, your
aim will become well off, so unequip then reequip the PGS1 and try again.
Also note that you can see if she is hiding behind a pillar or corner by
looking for her breath. Remember to keep taking the Diazepam when your aim
becomes shaky, and that there is some ammo in the bottom right corner if you
need it.

BOSS: Hind D
Always stay in North area here (around the two tankers) as they provide
sufficient cover from the gunfire. The Hind is the red mass on the radar, and
you have to use the Stinger to shoot it down. Equip the Stinger and aim at the
Hind; there are three targets available on the Hind and it doesn't matter
which you choose. Lock onto the target (the square will become red and you
will hear a continuous beep) and fire with the Square button. Have the stinger
on quick equip.

He will fly all around the rooftop, so keep an eye on the radar for his
location. Watch out for his fire, so hide at the tankers until he's fairly
close, then stinger him quickly. Sometimes he will be on the radar but out of
view - he will most likely be underneath you, so keep looking toward his
direction and when the Hind appears take a shot. When he says 'Eat This!' and
fires a missile, stay away from the Southern area as that area will get blown
to smithereens. There is also some ammo over on the East side, and a ration to
the West.

When his life gauge is all gone, he will fly off into the distance then fire a
final missile. When he does this, head over to the Southern area to avoid the
explosion. Nice fly swatting skills, Snake!

BOSS: Sniper Wolf 2
This is the same kind of deal as the first battle with Wolf. She will use
the trees at the far side of the area as a means of cover, so to find her
easily, equip the Stinger to find her location, then change to the PSG1
and take some Diazepam. Like before keep watching her and stay ahead
of her moves by shooting first. It's much easier to shoot her when she is on
the move as well as she goes at a much reduced pace. Again if she shoots you
and totally swings your aim (or if you lose her) then equip the Stinger to
find her again. Remember to keep taking the Diazepam when your aim becomes
shaky, and this battle is a breeze.

BOSS: Vulcan Raven
Always watch out for his position on the radar, and don't get too close to him
(or in front of him) otherwise he will fire at you using his nasty minigun.
Equip the Body Armor to reduce the damage you take here by half, but keep
an eye on your health throughout. Attack from the sides or behind him. My
weapon of choice here is the Stinger; get to the side of him and fire from
where he cannot see you. Below are two examples of in what examples you can use
the Stinger without being spotted straight away by Raven (just make sure as
soon as you fire you run away and hide).
  __    __    __
 |  |  |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯    ¯¯     You stand next to him with a crate between you.
  __  ^ __    __
 |  | R|  | S|  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯    ¯¯

  __    __    __
 |  | ^|  |  |  |
  ¯¯  R ¯¯    ¯¯     He carries on walking, and you can see him walking onward,
  __    __    __     allowing you to fire at him with his back turned.
 |  |  |  | S|  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯    ¯¯

Here is another example.

       < R
  __    __
 |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯      Raven is traveling either to the East or West, with you at the
  __  S __      turning.
 |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯

    < R
  __    __
 |  |  |  |
  ¯¯    ¯¯      Just as he appears into view in front of you (regardless of him
  __  S __      turning toward you or carrying onward) fire a stinger and run
 |  |  |  |     away.
  ¯¯    ¯¯

You could also use the Stinger at a long distance away, and fire it from there.
Other methods of attack include using the Nikita missile; however this is risky
as you may not know his exact location and it leaves Snake wide open to attack.
You could also use Claymores and lay them around the Warehouse (just make sure
you don't tread on them), Grenades and C4. Any bullet based firearms don't
really work that well here. It gets harder later in the battle when he starts
to jog around, but just keep on your toes and you should be fine. Don't get
impatient either, stay hidden until you get a clear shot of him. There is a
ration in the North East corner as well if you need it, and he will also shoot
crates down that reveal ammunition.

BOSS: Metal Gear Rex
Equip the Body Armor and run South to keep away from Metal Gear. You have to
shoot the radome on Metal Gear's left shoulder, which is to your right (it's
the circle) with the Stinger. However before you begin you need to send a
Chaff grenade to disable it's radar so it's missile attacks cannot lock on to
you, then fire away with the Stinger. You need to keep refreshing with the
Chaff grenades every so often, otherwise the missiles will easily hit you.
If you get close enough, then Metal Gear will use a powerful laser attack,
and also a stomp move - the camera will change before the stomp, so RUN and
roll out of the way of the leg, which also creates a shockwave. There is also
a gun fire attack too. The bottom line is not to get too close to Metal Gear -
Stinger missiles will reach from a good distance.

Once you have got it's health down to nothing, watch the cutscenes
afterward and the next part of the battle will begin. The cockpit is opened
up, and that is your new target (the central target on Metal Gear). Now
you got to remain underneath Metal Gear and get to behind him until his
field of vision turns blue on the radar, meaning he's lost you. Now turn around
and fire a Stinger at the central target from underneath (if it doesn't lock
on then fire there anyway, it should hit) and repeat. If you can't see where
you are, check your position on the radar to avoid getting crushed by the legs.

BOSS: Liquid Snake
You will have three minutes to complete this battle. You have no weaponry,
so hand to hand combat is how you play it. He will dodge your attacks, so to
counter this, only punch once and if he shifts out of the way, adjust quickly
and let rip with a combo. If you go straight in with a combo and he moves,
then you are wide open for attack. Later in the battle he will try and ram
you with his head; this is easy to spot, so either attack him before he can
do this or move out of the way. It is quite damaging, so try not to get hit
by too many of these rams. Another attack is when he gets up off the ground,
he will kick as he gets up. Stay out of his way when he gets up, then attack
him shortly afterward.

It's a fairly easy battle once you get used to his attacks. If you get knocked
off the edge, then simply get back up and keep going. Also to get his dog tag
in this battle, knock him off the edge and he will drop them onto the arena.

                               6. VR TRAINING

Training Mode

Reach the goal without being seen by any of the enemy soldiers!

Stage 01 - Guards x1
Run round the corner and hide in the first alcove until the soldier walks
down. Follow him back and hide in the upper alcove and when he passes again,
run round the corner to the goal.

Stage 02 - Guards x2
You now have a radar to use, making things slightly easier. Run up and press
against the right wall under the upper enemy turns around and goes up.
Run across to the right and up to the goal.

Stage 03 - Guards x2
Crawl through the tunnel in front of you to appear at the North of the stage,
then down round the corner and through the tunnel on the right. Now head
up to the goal.

Stage 04 - Guards x2
Head left and go clockwise around the edge of the stage, entering again on
the right side where the goal is under the guard.

Stage 05 - Guards x4
The light tiles will amplify your footsteps, so walk slowly or crawl over
these parts if you need to. Run up and run around on the spot until both
guards notice you, and run left underneath the vision of the guards, round
and up. For the other pair, run toward the box next to the guard and on the
outer side get his attention to make him walk around the outside, then run on
the inside of the box and to the goal (if you run to close to the other side
on the way up you'll attract the other guard and get spotted).

Stage 06 - Cameras x2
Cameras have a blind spot underneath, which should help getting past them, no?
Run up and left under the camera (wait too long and it'll point right) then
keep running round left and up to the goal.

Stage 07 - Guards x2
Just crawl upwards toward the goal and when the guards head back down, wait
until they pass you and then just run for the goal.

Stage 08 - Guards x2
Walk right and when the guard faces away, run across to the box closest to the
right guard and wait until he turns way, and run right and up to the goal.
If you do it without messing around, the guards won't follow the footprints in
time to catch you.

Stage 09 - Guards x2
You need to use knocking here - press against the wall and tap Circle to do so.
Head round to the right side of this structure and knock to lure the guard
over, so head clockwise around and up to the north area of the stage. Knock
on the bottom side of this structure to lure this second guard and go around
the other way to reach the goal and finish.

Stage 10 - Guards x2, Camera x1, Searchlight x2
Avoid the searchlight and enter the tunnel on the right and crawl to the
far north of the stage. You'll see a guard as you exit; wait until he is
walking away and quickly get out and crouch against the small wall on the left.
When he passes again, run around and up to the goal.

Time Attack Mode

You'll unlock this when you complete the normal Training Mode. Stages remain
the same except guard number and positions differ, and you are against the

Stage 01 - Guards x1
           Time Limit - 25 Seconds
Run up to the top alcove to begin with and wait until he passes. Or, run to the
left of the guard and walk slowly up so he doesn't see you as he turns and
run to the goal for a super fast time.

Stage 02 - Guards x2
           Time Limit - 30 Seconds
Head right and follow the guard until he turns the corner, and press against
the wall so you are looking North. The two guards will pass one another and
head left, leaving the path clear to the goal.

Stage 03 - Guards x2
           Time Limit - 35 Seconds
Just take the normal route under the tunnels to pass this well in time.

Stage 04 - Guards x3
           Time Limit - 50 Seconds
Head left round the corner and hide there until the central guard approaches
then walks away. Follow him round and hide at the upper passage corner until
he comes back round, then run round to the goal. Alternatively, head down
and press right in the bottom alcove quickly before the guard arrives, then
run around the corner to the goal for a faster time.

Stage 05 - Guards x3
           Time Limit - 35 Seconds
Attract the guards attention by running around on the light square so he comes
round the box, then crawl up to the dark tiled island, sticking toward the
centre to avoid the sight of the side guard. When you reach it, get up and
peg it to the goal for a quick time.

Stage 06 - Cameras x6
           Time Limit - 55 Seconds
Remember to run against the walls (don't press) when getting past the cameras.
Run up, left and across to the far left camera and hide underneath until it
looks more south and then run up to the goal.

Stage 07 - Guards x6
           Time Limit - 35 Seconds
Just crawl all the way to the goal. If you want to get there faster, when they
turn away get up and run a few steps and get down again.

Stage 08 - Guards x3
           Time Limit - 30 Seconds
Run right and when the closest guard turns way run cross to just before the
next guard, and again wait until he turns way. For the final guard, run right
and when he looks left run up and past his right side to the goal.

Stage 09 - Guards x3
           Time Limit - 1 Minute 10 Seconds
Run up and in these side alcoves will be a guard in the upper most one. Press
inside the next one down on the opposite side and knock, and quickly run
across to the opposite wall and run up so that the guard completely passes you
as you run up. For the guards around the goal, press against the bottom (toward
the right) and knock to get the attention of the right guard, and run right
and press against the wall on the far right side so the guard will come round
the corners and pass you. When he does run up and WAIT until the guard turns
around toward you and quickly back again, then run to the goal.

Stage 10 - Guards x3, Camera x2, Searchlight x2
           Time Limit - 1 Minute
The easiest way is to do the same as you did last time; head through the
right tunnel to the north side, wait until the guard is walking away and
get out and crouch against the side wall until he faces away again and into
the goal. You'll do it just in time. If you want a faster time, then you can
go across the left side to the side of the searchlights and past the guard
and camera, but just don't step out too much.

Gun Shooting Mode

Unlocked once you complete all ten stages of Time Attack mode, here you have
to kill all of the guards within the time limit and reach the goal. Your
weapon of choice? A silenced SOCOM. The fewer bullets you use the more time
is taken from your time once you finish so minimise ammo use if you are wanting
top scores. Note if you do run out of ammo or want to conserve it, then you
can break necks instead.

Stage 01 - Guards x1
           Time Limit - 20 Seconds
           Ammo - 5
Run round the corner, aim up and kill the guard from here. The goal will appear
in the top right corner.

Stage 02 - Guards x4
           Time Limit - 50 Seconds
           Ammo - 20
Walk right a little and when the southern guard moves down into view, take
him out. With some luck the west guard will come down and investigate, so
kill him as he appears and wait for the eastern guard to come down from the
right. Finally, head north through the passages for the guard to be standing
at the top and facing away for an easy kill. The goal appears in the upper
right corner.

Stage 03 - Guards x3
           Time Limit - 50 Seconds
           Ammo - 15
Enter the tunnel and exit out of the left side and take out the southern
guard. Reenter the tunnel and exit from the north side and kill the left
guard. Finally, head round the corner, through the right tunnel and take out
the southern guard to finish. The goal is in the upper right corner.

Stage 04 - Guards x5
           Time Limit - 55 Seconds
           Ammo - 25
Run left and take out the guard walking down (1) then down to the lower
corner and kill the one walking left toward you (2). Head up and right again
to the starting position, reload, and wait for the guard around the corner
to stop and turn around before popping out and killing him (3). Head right
to the corner and wait for the guard below to walk left before killing him (4),
reload and head down and face right for the final guard to walk down in to
view (5). The goal appears to your left.

Stage 05 - Guards x4
           Time Limit - 50 Seconds
           Ammo - 20
Walk to the left side and aim at the left most guard and take him out, and
quickly do the same with his buddy to his side. Reload and run right; the other
two should be more or less walking away now making them easy targets. The goal
appears at the far north of the stage.

Stage 06 - Guards x3, Cameras x4
           Time Limit - 50 Seconds
           Ammo - 15
Head up and remain under the cameras blind spot until the guard to your left
wonders down, then go round the corner and kill him. Stay on the left side
and wait for the above guard to wonder right into view and quickly dispose
of him. The final guard will now investigate the noise and will walk to here
too, so kill him when he comes into view. Now just navigate the cameras
to the goal in the upper left corner of the stage.

Stage 07 - Guards x6
           Time Limit - 35 Seconds
           Ammo - 30
Walk left a little and kill the bottom left guard, then face right and
take out the guard walking toward you as soon as you can. Now that the closest
two are out of the way, the rest are up the other end of the stage and can
be taken out from a distance. Walk up the middle slightly and pick off the
two closest on each side, and then wonder up a little more and do the same
for the final two. The goal appears in the upper central area.

Stage 08 - Guards x4
           Time Limit - 50 Seconds
           Ammo - 20
This basically involves taking down the bottom guards, then killing the
others as they come down to investigate. So walk right a little and kill
the guard to your right, and wait for the other to get spooked and wonder down.
Hold Square to lock on and as soon as he appears, dispose of him. Continue
right for the closest guard to wonder up and the other to come down to the
corner so he is in view, and kill him. Again wait for the next one to 
investigate and come down, and kill him when he comes into view. The goal
is in the upper right corner.

Stage 09 - Guards x6
           Time Limit - 1 Minute 10 Seconds
           Ammo - 30
Head up the long passage way and knock in the alcove closest to the guard in
the one opposite, run to the right side and kill him as he appears. Another
guard will walk down so quickly kill him. Another two will come down very soon,
so walk up a little and from a distance kill each one without being seen.
Finally the other pair will wonder round and down, so just take them out from
a distance. The goal is at the top in the centre.

Stage 10 - Guards x6, Camera x2, Searchlight x2
           Time Limit - 1 Minute 35 Seconds
           Ammo - 30
Head left and stand on the very corner of the structure, where a guard will
appear north of you. Kill him and wait for another to come investigate and
take him out too. Now run to the right side and up the ramp to the higher
level and take out the guard walking north, then go onward and hide under
the camera. When the coast is clear, pop out and take out the guard patrolling
to the side, then wonder out and up and kill the guard patrolling the higher
level north of you. The final guard is in the lower right corner sleeping, so
head on to the higher level at the top here, right up the stairs and down the
corner and kill him. The goal is at the top in the centre.

Survival Mission

Once you have completed all ten stages of the Gun Shooting Mode, this appears
under that mode. Starting with 25 bullets you have to go through each stage
in order one after another, collecting ammo. You'll get 3 bullets for killing
the first guard in each level and as it takes 3 bullets to take one down then
you should come out evens if you don't miss much. If you are spotted then it's
game over, so good luck!

Complete Survival Mission and you'll get demos of getting the fastest scores
in Gun Shooting mode!

                               7. GHOST PICTURES

Once you have unlocked the Digital Camera (see the section below for more
details) you can take pictures and save them to the memory card. However this
camera has some special properties that allows you to see ghosts! In certain
places in the game you can take an image and a ghost will appear on it. It
will not show up straight away however by going into the Images section of
the Special area from the Main Menu, the ghosts will appear on your picture.
The ghosts are mostly of staff from the game, usually in strange poses and
guises. Some are funny, others are just a little strange. You can also
exercise the ghost from your picture if you decide that you don't want it on
there after all.

To take a picture with the digital camera, equip it, aim and press the Square
button. You will then have to save it to a memory card (taking up 1 block of
space per image). As some ghosts are quite tough to get (hard to get angles
and so on) I would do about 2 tries of the same ghost, save your game, exit
and check to see if it has appeared. If it has, then rename it to something
(I named them GHOST 01, GHOST 02 etc) and then delete the other images later.
Although this is a pain, there is nothing worse than realising you have
missed out on a once only ghost. I would also advise that you get all the
ghosts in one sitting (after you have completed the game a few times so you
have the special items to help you through).

Note that the ghost pictures don't unlock anything. Not a sausage. They are
just an extra side quest that you can participate in so you can feel that you
have fully done everything in the game. Anyway, here is the list of all the
ghost pictures in the game!

Thanks goes out to Scott Walker for allowing me to use his Ghost
Pictures FAQ as a source for this list.

Note the following will contain some spoilers.

01. Labratory
    Location -    Policenaughts Poster.
    How to get -  Zoom in on the picture.
    Description - Kojima.

02. Outside of Labratory
    Location -    Hall of corpses.
    How to get -  Round the corner and stay by the body in the corner across
                  from the door, and look across so the moving body is in the
                  screen's bottom half.
    Description - Matsuhuana.

03. Communication Tower A
    Location - Roof
    How to Get - Before roping over the side, head back to the lower corner
                 and take a picture of the wreakage.
    Description - Sato.

04. Underground Passage
    Location - In Meryl's blood.
    How to Get - Stand to the south, looking north with the pool in the centre
                 of the image.
    Description - Nakamura.

05. Underground Passage
    Location - Up the end where Sniper Wolf fires from.
    How to Get - Stand behind the middle pillar and have the stairs facing
    Description - Sinkawa.

06. Warehouse Elevator
    Location - The bottom of the cargo elevator before the cold Warehouse.
    How to Get - Stand in the indent on the elevator front and turn around to
                 look at the railings, getting the tracks in the image too.
    Description - Uehara.

07. Warehouse North
    Location - Sewage Waterfall.
    How to Get - Chaff grenade the gun placements and stand in the middle of
                 the bridge and take a picture of the waterfall square on.
    Description - Negishi.

08. Metal Gear Battle
    Location - When fighting Metal Gear, bottom left corner.
    How to Get - Chaff grenade Metal Gear and head to the bottom left corner,
                 taking a picture of the bottom most explosive barrels. 
    Description - Mizutani.

09. Nuke Building B1
    Location - Men's Restroom.
    How to Get -  Stand on the right wall and look left, getting all three
                  urinals in the picture.
    Description - Korekado

10. Commander Room
    Location - Picture Frames.
    How to Get - Stand in front of the desk after the boss battle and get all
                 three pictures in the image.
    Description - Sasaki.

11. Torture Chamber
    Location - Torture Chamber.
    How to Get - Take a picture of the machine table thing face on.
    Description -Sonoyama.

12. Warehouse
    Location - Centre of Warehouse.
    How to Get - Get one of the sides of the central container.
    Description - Toyota.

13. Canyon
    Location - North East Corner.
    How to Get - Stand on the far wall and take a full image of the water
    Description - Kozyou.

14. Underground Caves
    Location - First crawling point, south.
    How to Get - Go through the crawling point from the south and stand
                 at the wall opposite looking back and take a picture of the
                 crawl space.
    Description - Shimizu.

15. Nuke Building B1
    Location - Women's Restroom
    How to Get - Only obtainable after talking with Meryl in there, take an
                 image of the central mirror. Don't stand too close though.
    Description - Keneda.

16. Heliport
    Location - South cliffs.
    How to Get - Head to the southern cliffs and face the ocean to the south.
    Description - Fukushima.

17. Labratory
    Location - West area, glass panes.
    How to Get - Stand inside the west area of supercomputers and look east
                 through the glass panes.
    Description - Takade.

18. Communication Tower B
    Location - Elevator.
    How to Get - Take an image of the elevator, standing from the wall.
    Description - Fujimara.

19. Nuke Building B2
    Location - Northern area, gassed corridor.
    How to Get - After the cutscene showing the floor is electrified, whip out
                 the camera and take a picture looking down the corridor. Can
                 only get it now.
    Description - Shikama.

20. Underground Base
    Location - Third Level, South.
    How to Get - Stand in front of the ladder that goes into the cockpit and
                 take an image of the railgun's end.
    Description - Kimura.

21. Canyon
    Location - South East.
    How to Get - From the south east wall, take an image of the rock formation.
    Description - Kobayashi.

22. Torture Chamber
    Location - Cell.
    How to Get - Stand at the corpse of the DARPA chief and take an image of
                 the maggots at his knee.
    Description - Okajima.

23. Armory South
    Location - Girder area where the Ocelot boss battle took place.
    How to Get - Stand in front of Baker's corpse and look to either side so
                 he is at the edge of the picture. Snap.
    Description - Nishimura.

24. Caves
    Location - North side.
    How to Get - At the puddle to the north, stand at the bottom edge so
                 you aligned with the ice on the wall and look half way up
                 until you get a circular reflection. Take a picture.
    Description - Mukaide.

25. Armory South
    Location - Girder area during the Ocelot boss battle.
    How to Get - Stand to the south and look at the central Girder with the
                 tied up Baker, and take the picture above his head.
    Description - Onoda.

26. Holding Cells
    Location - Left cell, fake DARPA cheif corpse.
    How to Get - Stand to his side and get him all in the picture.
    Description - Kitao.

27. Holding Cells
    Location - Air Ducts.
    How to Get - When crawling through, take an image of the dead end (first
                 left when you enter).
    Description - Yoshimura.

28. Commication Tower B
    Location - Top floor.
    How to Get - Look down the shaft from the top.
    Description - Hirano.

29. Cargo Dock
    Location - South East corner.
    How to Get - Get to the south east corner (by the Ration) and behind the
                 tanker and aim at the two thin pipes running up the wall.
    Description - Murakoa.

30. Heliport
    Location - Above Helipad.
    How to Get - From the top of the Helipad, look onward to the top of the
    Description - Ishiyama.

31. Tank Hangar
    Location - Inside the elevator.
    How to Get - Stand in the bottom right corner and look across to the upper
                 left corner, straight across.
    Description - Ito.

32. Snowfield
    Location - North side after Sniper Wolf Battle.
    How to Get - Take a picture of her corpse.
    Description - Jeremery Blaustein.

33. Blast Furnace
    Location - Top level, walkway.
    How to Get - Where the guard was, go to the dead end walkway and look
                 straight at the wall where the crane moves across.
    Description - Yoshioka.

34. Commication Tower B
    Location - Bottom floor.
    How to Get - Take a picture of the elevator doors.
    Description - Mori.

35. Communication Tower B
    Location - Stairwell
    How to Get - From the top, run down the stairs until you cannot go anymore
                 and aim down at the dark area below.
    Description - Kinbara.

36. Blast Furnace
    Location - South East boiler room.
    How to Get - Inside the boiler room, and go to where the dead end is.
                 Aim toward the missiles, aiming right and down in the corner
                 to get this picture.
    Description - Tougo.

37. Armory
    Location - North in one of the hidden rooms.
    How to Get - Blow away both rooms with C4 to the north, and stand just
                 inside and take a picture. Either will do.
    Description -  Makimura.

38. Command Room
    Location - In the Command Room (off the Underground Base).
    How to Get - Stand at the North side and look south, taking an image of the
                 world map.
    Description - Kutome.

39. Heliport
    Location - North West corner.
    How to Get - Where the airduct is, take an image between the sleeping
                 guards head and the camera above him.
    Description - Tanaka.

40. Heliport
    Location - North East corner.
    How to Get - On the ground, in front of the camera. Use a chaff grenade
                 and aim ahead so the stairs are on the right.
    Description - Shigeno.

41. Nuke Building F1
    Location - Ground, west side.
    How to Get - Stand at the top of the middle nuke and look west so you get
                 the left most nuke tip in the image.
    Description - Yamashita.

42. Holding Cells
    Location - North East, after Meryl escape.
    How to Get - Take an image just above the naked guy. Lawl.
    Description - Kobayashi.

43. Communication A-B Walking Bridge
    Location - Halfway down the walkway.
    How to Get - Go halfway down and aim down at the railing and the darkness
                 to the side, so the railing looks massive in the image.
    Description - Scott Dolf.

                             8. SECRETS / UNLOCKABLES

This section contains all the unlockables, secrets, Easter eggs and extra
hidden things that you may not know about. Thanks to the GameFAQ's codes page
and their respective contributors for the codes listed, which is one of my


Completing the game once (regardless of ending) unlocks the...
- Camera (you need to complete the game with it however)
- Demo Theater
- Extreme Mode

Completing the game (with the Otacon ending - submit to torture) unlocks the...
- Stealth

Completing the game (with the Meryl ending - resist torture) unlocks the...
- Bandana

Completing with both endings unlocks the...
- Tuxedo Snake
- Snake suit Meryl
- Crimson Ninja

VR Training

Time Attack - Complete Normal Training.
Gun Shooting - Complete Time Attack.
Survival Mode - Complete Gun Shooting Mode.
Gun Shooting Demo - Complete Survival Mode.


- On the title screen, press directions on the D-Pad to change colours of the
- The save icon on the memory card will be Otacon once you have completed the
  game once.
- The save icon on the memory card will be the Ninja once you have completed
  the game twice.
- You can annoy Mei Ling by calling her up then choosing not to save over and
  over again. After a while she will complain, then say nothing, and eventually
  she will stick her tongue out at you.
- When you are paired with Meryl during parts of the game, you can play around
  with her. Punching or shooting her causes her to punch you in retaliation
  (this sadly cannot be avoided) and staring at her makes her uneasy!
- When you first see Meryl in the Holding Cells (overhead in the air duct) exit
  the air duct and return again she will be in her underwear!
- Later when she is disguised as a guard and you have to wait for her to enter
  the ladies toilets (Nuke Building B1; before the Psycho Mantis battle) if you
  enter straight after she goes in, she doesn't have time to change properly
  and she will be in her underwear during the following cutscene.
- Killing ravens on the Cargo Elevator means that in the cutscene with Vulcan
  Raven before his boss battle, he will mention something about your bird
- There is a secret Codec conversation to be had in the Snowfield - head
  to the South East corner of the Snowfield and head onto the higher ground,
  then look out to the East in first person. You will see a parachute in the
  tree, and you will receive a Codec conversation about it.

Easter Eggs

- In the Psycho Mantis cutscene before the boss battle, he will read your
  mind (or rather your memory card) and say what games you are playing. If
  you have Castlevania, ISS Pro, Policenauts and/or Suikoden saves they will
  be mentioned!

                        9. CONCLUSION AND SPECIAL THANKS

That's just about it, folks. I hope that this document has been of aid in
one form or another, and that it has been easy to use. If you could, please
either ask me questions, suggestions, comments or contributions at 
crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com. Also could you rate this FAQ so I could get some 
feedback. Thank you for reading.

Donation - If you feel like this FAQ has helped you enough to warrant a
           small monetary donation, then I'm happy to accept. Please send only
           via PayPal to crazyreyn@gmail.com and even if it's a very small
           amount all little helps. But please don't break the bank; if you
           can't afford to donate then don't. Thanks!

 | Special Thanks to these who have contributed to the guide in some way... |

CJayC (Gamefaqs) -      For accepting this guide and for creating the best site
                        on the internet. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com

IGN -                   For accepting this guide and for creating an awesome
                        video games site. Thanks! http://www.ign.com

Konami -                For creating an all time classic!

ASCII Generator -       For producing the text ASCII for my Crazyreyn sig.
                        Thanks, and is a great site if you need any ASCII text.

Scott Walker -          For allowing me to use his Ghost Pictures FAQ as a
                        source. Thanks!

         | Special Thanks to these who are my good GameFAQS friends... |

Robert Lane        (Lanerobertlane)
Richard Arnett     (Guitarfreak86)
Ryan Harrison      (RHarrison0987)
Thomas Carter      (Carter12)
Duncan Hardy       (Super Nova)
Rebecca Skinner    (Karpah)
Martin Dale-Hench  (Fox)
Brian Sulpher      (BSulpher)
Trace Jackson      (Meowthnum1)
Richard B.         (Gbness)
Steve McFadden     (Psycho Penguin)
Chris Noonan       (Merca)
Colin Scully       (me frog)
Tom Hayes          (THayes)

And everyone else at the FAQ Contributors board! Also a nod to the GameFAQs
UK board / v3, for being so damn awesome!

If I have forgotten you, then please contact me and I'll fix your name up here!

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By Crazyreyn (crazyreyn_faqs@hotmail.com)
Copyright (c)2007 Matthew Reynolds. All rights reserved. 

| Copyright Notice |

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other 
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a 
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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