T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N ## ## ###### ###### ## ## .###### ###### ## ##### ### ### ## ## ## ### #### #### ###### ## ##### ## ## ##### ###### ##### ###### ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #" ## ###### ## ## ## ###### ##### ###### ## ## ## ## ## S O L I D ## V R M I S S I O N S _______________________________________________________________________ Unofficial MGS: VR Missions FAQ For Sony PlayStation Only Version Last By Beno Jange Email: beno_jange@hotmail.com ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________ I. Disclaimer ............................................. 01000000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This FAQ is intended for personal use only. It can't be used for any profitable purposes nor can it be published in any forms. No one are allowed to update, edit, translate, HTMLize, reproduce or do anything with it without my permission. If you like to add it on your site, pls ask my permission first. If I agree with you then keep it unaltered and up to date by checking the newest revision on GameFAQs once a month. If you want to take some parts of it, give a credit where it is due. Any offenders will severely dealt with. Furthermore, it is protected by US Copyright Law and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions characters, logo (C) 1999 by Konami. PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Unofficial MGS: VR Missions FAQ, logo (C) 2001-2004 by Beno Jange. All copyrights and trademarks (if any) are acknowledged. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ II. Table of Contents ...................................... 02000000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I. Disclaimer ............................................. 01000000 II. Table of Contents ...................................... 02000000 III. Revision History ....................................... 03000000 IV. Author's Note .......................................... 04000000 About This FAQ ...................................... 04010000 How to Get the Update ............................... 04020000 How to Contact Me ................................... 04030000 V. Game Reviews ........................................... 05000000 VI. Game Basics ............................................ 06000000 Controls ............................................ 06010000 Techniques .......................................... 06020000 Weapons ............................................. 06030000 Items ............................................... 06040000 VII. Walkthrough ............................................ 07000000 Sneaking Mode ....................................... 07010000 No Weapon ........................................ 07010100 Socom ............................................ 07010200 Weapon Mode ......................................... 07020000 Socom ............................................ 07020100 C4 ............................................... 07020200 Fa-Mas ........................................... 07020300 Grenade .......................................... 07020400 Claymore ......................................... 07020500 Nikita ........................................... 07020600 PSG1 ............................................. 07020700 Stinger .......................................... 07020800 Advanced Mode ....................................... 07030000 Socom ............................................ 07030100 C4 ............................................... 07030200 Fa-Mas ........................................... 07030300 Grenade .......................................... 07030400 Claymore ......................................... 07030500 Nikita ........................................... 07030600 PSG1 ............................................. 07030700 Stinger .......................................... 07030800 Special Mode ........................................ 07040000 1 Min Battle ..................................... 07040100 VS Target ..................................... 07040101 VS Enemy ...................................... 07040102 Puzzle ........................................... 07040200 Mystery .......................................... 07040300 Variety .......................................... 07040400 NG Selection ..................................... 07040500 Ninja ............................................ 07040600 VR Missions ...................................... 07040700 VS 12 Batttle .................................... 07040800 VIII. Tips & Tricks .......................................... 08000000 Getting Close to the Model in Photographing Mode .... 08010000 Getting Mei Ling in Photographing Mode .............. 08020000 Metal Gear RAY picture labelled "CONFIDENTIAL" ...... 08030000 Unlocking Movie Roll ................................ 08040000 Unlocking Ninja Mode ................................ 08050000 Unlocking Photographing Mode ........................ 08060000 Tweaking Title Screen ............................... 08070000 Programmers Way ..................................... 08080000 Easy Best Times ..................................... 08090000 Take A Peep on Naomi ................................ 08100000 IX. Frequently Asked Questions ............................. 09000000 X. GameShark .............................................. 10000000 Miscellaneous Codes ................................. 10010000 Special Mode Codes .................................. 10020000 1 Min Battle Codes .................................. 10030000 Sneaking Mode Codes-No Weapon ....................... 10040000 Sneaking Mode Codes-Socom ........................... 10050000 Weapon Mode Codes-Time Attack ....................... 10060000 Weapon Mode Codes-Practice .......................... 10070000 Advanced Mode Codes-Time Attack ..................... 10080000 Advanced Mode Codes-Practice ........................ 10090000 More Miscellaneous Codes ............................ 10100000 XI. Wish List .............................................. 11000000 Critizisms .......................................... 11010000 Suggestions ......................................... 11020000 XII. My Best Times .......................................... 12000000 Sneaking Mode ....................................... 12010000 Weapon Mode ......................................... 12020000 Advanced Mode ....................................... 12030000 Special Mode ........................................ 12040000 XIII. Credits ................................................ 13000000 Bibliography ........................................ 13010000 Contributors and Thanks ............................. 13020000 _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ III. Revision History ....................................... 03000000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ v0.5 - 01/05/2001 - First release. v0.7 - 01/22/2001 - Rewrote Author's Note section. - Rewrote Game Reviews section. - Added Weapon and Item description on Game Basics section. - Finished Sneaking Mode. - Revised level 08 VR Missions in Special Mode. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. - Updated Credits section. - Put End of Document at the end of the FAQ. v1.0 - 01/28/2001 - Rewrote Author's Note section. - Revised level 09 No Weapon in Sneaking Mode. - Revised level 03 Socom in Sneaking Mode. - Finished Advanced Mode, 1 Min Battle and VS 12 Battle in Special Mode. - Edited Tips & Tricks section. - Decided to put up all GameShark codes. - Added Wish List section. - Updated Credits section. v1.1 - 05/04/2001 - Happy Vesak day on 7th May 2001. - Edited Disclaimer section. - Revised Author's Note section. - Added more technique and control in Game Basics section. - Revised level 10 Puzzle in Special Mode. - Revised level 03, 04, 06, 07 NG Selection in Special Mode. - Updated GameShark section. - Updated Wish List section. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. - Edited Credits section. - Some changes in typography. v1.2 - 08/25/2001 - Updated Author's Note section. - Added one more control for Ninja. Thx to - Added Frequently Asked Questions section. - Revised Credits section. - Fixed some keyword number errors. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. - Some changes in typography. v1.3 - 09/01/2001 - Fixed the word wrap in Author's Note section. - Added one more question in Frequently Asked Questions section. v1.4 - 12/08/2001 - Revised level 06 NG Selection in Special Mode. Thx to Angelique G Jackson - Added some questions in Frequently Asked Questions section. v1.5 - 12/22/2001 - Revised level 05 PSG1 in Advanced Mode. - Revised level 04, 10 Puzzle in Special Mode. - Revised level 04, 05, 06, 07, 12 Variety in Special Mode. Thx to Brady - Revised level 13 Variety in Special Mode. Thx to Lancer Evolution and joeisdeth - Added "Tweaking Title Screen" in Tips & Tricks section. - Added some questions in Frequently Asked Questions section. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. v1.6 - 01/20/2002 - 1st Anniversary of this FAQ! - HUGEEEEE REVISION has been made towards the FAQ! - Revised most of the strategies for Weapon Mode. - Revised most of the strategies for Advanced Mode. - Revised several strategies for Special Mode. - Added "Programmers Way" in Tips & Tricks section. - Added "Easy Best Times" in Tips & Tricks section. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. v1.7 - 02/21/2002 - Happy Chinese New Year on 12th February 2002. Gong Xi Fa Cai! - Solved level 07 Mystery in Special Mode. - Added alternate strategy for level 09, 10 Puzzle in Special Mode. - Added alternate strategy for level 08 Variety in Special Mode. - Finally decided to draw the map for level 06 Variety in Special Mode. - Revised all of the levels for VR Missions in Special Mode. Thx to daveait - Revised all of the levels for VS 12 Battle in Special Mode. - Revised several strategies in all modes. - Added notes on all of the modes. - Updated Frequently Asked Questions section. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. - Some changes in typography. v1.8 - 03/01/2002 - Added My Best Times section. - Corrected level 08 Puzzle in Special Mode. - Corrected level 08 Variety in Special Mode. - Confirmed several questions in Frequently Asked Questions section. - Added some questions in Frequently Asked Questions section. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. vLast - 01/18/2004 - 3rd Anniversary of this FAQ! - Happy Chinese New Year on 22nd January 2004. Gong Xi Fa Cai! - Added alternate strategy for level 08 Mystery in Special Mode. Thx to - Confirmed that the picture is Metal Gear RAY not Metal Gear REX. Thx to Erik P. - Confirmed the exact percentage to unlock the Ninja Mode. - Added "Take A Peep on Naomi" in Tips & Tricks section. Thx to Brandan Chapman. - Added some questions in Frequently Asked Questions section. - Corrected some grammar and spelling errors. - No more updates will be made towards the FAQ. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ IV. Author's Note .......................................... 04000000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- About This FAQ ............................................... 04010000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my Unofficial MGS: VR Missions FAQ. This FAQ will help you on getting through all the missions (but perhaps not getting the best times). Although this FAQ can be used for VR disc in Metal Gear Solid Integral (MGSI) but I'm not aware of any major gameplay differences. I wrote this FAQ since I couldn't find any detailed FAQ for it on GameFAQs. What a surprise for me! That's what I think when I still receive quite many emails asking about this game. After idling about two years, then I consider to update my FAQ. This update is most likely to answer those questions. In this update, I've just received a new strategy for Mystery #08. My thx goes to Biffvsmcfly@aol.com for telling me that strategy. Also some secrets has been added to the Tips and Trick section. OK, this will be the last revision of this FAQ. I've decided that no more updates will be made towards the FAQ. If I happen to update this FAQ then the chance is about 0.0001%. For the contributor, please consider it. For easy searching just highlight the keyword number on Table of Contents and press Ctrl+F. Btw, please excuse for my poor English. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Get the Update ........................................ 04020000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The newest revision of this FAQ can always be found at: = GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com This FAQ can also be found at: = Game Advice http://www.gameadvice.com = Playstation cheat.net http://www.psxcodez.com = Metal Gear Solid Section http://communities.msn.com/cheatingscum = Cheat Code Central http://www.cheatcc.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Contact Me ............................................ 04010000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions, requests to post this FAQ, critizisms, contributions, suggestions, etc (no spam please) are welcome as long as you state "MGS: VR Missions" as a subject of your letter and tell me where you read this FAQ. Tell me your website name and address if you request to post this FAQ. Before sending me any questions, make sure that you've searched my FAQ thoroughly and you still can't find the answer. If your questions are already covered in this FAQ then I will tend to ignore it. Also please understand that you won't get my reply very soon since I check my email not every week (but at least once a month). NOTE: I am not hiding secrets or any other information, i.e. everything I know about MGS: VR Missions is in this guide. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ V. Game Reviews ........................................... 05000000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Metal Gear Solid as we know was the greatest games for most of the PSX gamer. Btw, many peoples were quite disappointed of the short length of it. Konami then released MGS: VR Missions. We can called it as the latest (perhaps the last) installment for MGS on PlayStation. It is more likely an expansion package or a new remake for the VR Training on MGS. In Japan it was called Metal Gear Solid Integral and packed along with the story mode which is the original MGS. Sadly this package didn't come to US. Konami only released the VR Training disc. The reason may be because they think that the original US MGS version has covered everything that they expected. MGS: VR Missions contains 300 advanced training missions. It also has many categories: Sneaking, Weapon, Puzzle, Mystery, etc. Each category has their own characteristic and objective. For eg. Mystery is the mission in which you have to find the murderer. Btw, I really love Ninja Mode but too bad that it has only 3 missions. I wish at least 10 stages for Ninja Mode (Konami can you hear that?). All of the missions will keep you to play it over and over again to improve your skill and get the best times. MGS: VR Missions also contains some unique secrets which is really addictive. For eg. getting the photograph of Naomi and Mei Ling. Speaking about the graphic, I think that Konami has done a good job on this. Sadly that Konami only add a little animes on the intro. I wish that Konami would add more. The sound effect is good. You can hear the explosion sound, the guard alerts, etc. It makes you feel like in the real battlefield. The music is really well composed. It really catches my ears especially the theme song. The innovation is great. It has many missions, secrets, weapons, puzzles, etc. You don't have to complete the mission in chronological order, just choose whatever you want to play. The gameplay is really fun. It will keep you busy for solving the puzzles. I know that some of you who have bought the VR Missions will say that this game is garbage, sucks, etc. But if you enjoy the challenge that this game offers then you'll be agreed with me. I know that some of you really enjoy the storyline type game. But why don't you try something different. This game offers you to use much brain than brawn. One mission may be having more than one strategy to use. You can share your strategy with other player and compare which is the best. Btw, the best strategy is making you get the best times. For those of you who haven't bought this game then I suggest you to buy it especially if you are MGS fans then this is a must for you. Here are my rating for this game: - Graphics : 8.5/10 - Sound : 8.5/10 - Music : 9.0/10 - Innovation : 9.5/10 - Gameplay : 9.5/10 - Overall : 9.0/10 - Difficulty : Medium - Buy / Rent : Buy _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ VI. Game Basics ............................................ 06000000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls ..................................................... 06010000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- O = Confirm (when in the menu). Punch (when unarmed). Detonate C4 (when equipped with C4). X = Cancel (when in the menu), crawl. /\ = 1st person view (for Snake and Nikita). [] = Shoot (when equipped with Fa-Mas, Socom, Nikita, Stinger, PSG1). Put C4, Claymore (when equipped with C4, Claymore). Throw grenade (when equipped with grenade). L1 = Equip / unequip item. L2 = Change the item (press d-pad to choose). R1 = Equip / unequip weapon. Detonate Nikita in the air (when equipped with Nikita). R2 = Change the weapon (press d-pad to choose). Start = Pause the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Techniques ................................................... 06020000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Choke and drag = Hold [] (when weapon is not equipped and close to the enemy) then use your d-pad to drag. If the enemy struggle, release and hold [] without any delay to tighten the choke. Choke and snap = Hold [] (when weapon is not equipped and close to the enemy) then press [] ten times quickly. Running shoot = Press d-pad and keep pressing X while pressing []. Throw = Press d-pad and [] (when weapon is not equipped and close to the enemy). Lean on the wall = Press d-pad toward the wall. Knock on the wall = While leaning on the wall press O. Quick reload = Tap R1 twice. Punch and kick = Press O three times rapidly. Quick peek = Press and hold /\ then push R1 or L1 to take a quick peek to the left or to the right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Weapons ...................................................... 06030000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Socom = .45 caliber pistol with laser aiming module. C4 = Plastic bomb that will be exploded with detonator. Fa-Mas = Machine gun that can throw 1000 rounds per minute. Grenade = Throwable bomb that will be exploded after 4 seconds. Claymore = Buried mine that will be exploded if someone step on it. Nikita = Remote control missile which has fuel. PSG1 = Sniper rifle for long range shoot. Stinger = Rocket launcher with auto lock on mechanism. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Items ........................................................ 06040000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Camera = Use to take picture in photographing session. Scope = Use to locate the object position. Socom Suppr. = Combine with Socom to silence the gun. Cigarettes = Snake favorites. Use to see the ray movements. Beware it will decrease your life bar slowly. Card Box A = Use to hide from camera, enemy, etc. Body Armor = Reduce the damage when you got shot. Diazepam = Use for an accurate shoot with PSG1. Thermal Goggle = Use to see the ray movements, Claymore location. Mine Detector = Use to locate the Claymore position with its range. Ration = Use to restore partial Snake's health. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ VII. Walkthrough ............................................ 07000000 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ In this walkthru, because the Practice and Time Attack mode is almost the same so I write the strategy for Time Attack only. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sneaking Mode ................................................ 07010000 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No Weapon .................................................... 07010100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to beat this level, you only have to enter the checkpoint. As it says that this is Sneaking Mode so you will fail your mission if you get spotted. Level 01 - Run to the guard and throw him. Go to the checkpoint. Level 02 - Run right. Throw the guard. Go to the checkpoint in the north. Level 03 - Run left, up. Throw the guard. Run right, down. Crawl to the right tunnel. Go to the checkpoint. Level 04 - Run to the left, up, right, and down the middle path. Go to the checkpoint. Level 05 - Run by using border left-side path. As you passed the guard, run diagonally right to the checkpoint. Level 06 - Run up (close to the wall). Pass one camera. Run left to pass one camera. Run up (huge the wall) to pass the last camera. Run to the checkpoint in the north west. Level 07 - Run up the stairs. Lean on the wall to see the ray movements. Pass it. Run up. Do the same steps for the last ray. Go to the checkpoint in the north. Level 08 - Run up to the middle of low wall as the guard looks away. Wait until the guard looks away then run to the middle of the low wall again. Run up to the checkpoint in the north. Level 09 - Equip card box A. Run up pass two cameras (left-side and right-side camera). Run to the rightest path to avoid the 2nd left-side camera. Wait until the cameras (3rd left-side and 3rd right-side) look away then go to the checkpoint in the north. Level 10 - Run right using the bottom path (try to run along the lowest path) to pass two guards. Run up through the rightest path. Pass one guard. Go to the checkpoint in the north east. Level 11 - Run up, pass the pitholes. Turn left then flip the guard. Run left then up. Run left to pass the left-side guard. Run left, pass the pitholes to the checkpoint. Level 12 - Knock on the right-side wall (a wall that can be used to hide). Quickly run left then up to pass one guard. Run up. Knock on the right-side wall (a wall that can be used to hide). Run left and hide on the wall. As the guard inspects that wall, quickly run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 13 - Run right (close to the wall), up to the right-side of the wall. Wait until the spotlight away then run diagonally left to pass two spotlights. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 14 - This stage is very easy. All you have to do is keep running using the border right-side path. Once you're in the north east and there's guard in the north west, flip him. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 15 - Run to the wall where the right-side guard is (beware of the spotlights). Do not move up yet or you will get spotted. As he looks left, run into him and flip him. Run to the right- side camera. Quickly run to the checkpoint in the north without any delay to pass the guard on your left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Socom ........................................................ 07010200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to beat this level, you have to kill all the guards in order to allow the checkpoint to appear. As it says that this is Sneaking Mode so you will fail your mission if you get spotted. Level 01 - Run right then up. Stand on the 4 intersections from the bottom. Shoot the guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north east. Level 02 - Run right. Stand on the 4 intersections (from bottom-left). Aim your Socom then shoot the guard. Run up a bit using mid way (3 intersections from the bottom). Aim your Socom and shoot the guard. Run down, shoot the guard. Run up a bit (4 intersections from the bottom) shoot the guard. Level 03 - Knock on the wall to lure the guard. Shoot him. Run left then up. Stand on the 4 intersections below from above. Shoot the guard. Run left then down. Crawl on the tunnel. Shoot the guard below you. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 04 - Run left then up a bit. Shoot the guard. Run down then right a bit. Shoot the guard. Run right, up, left a bit. Shoot the guard. Run up. On the 4 intersections below from the above shoot the guard. Run up then left. Shoot the last guard. Run down then left to the checkpoint. Level 05 - Run left, up, left a bit. Shoot two guards. Back to the previous area. Shoot the guard. Chase and shoot the rest guard. Level 06 - Run up (close to the wall) and hide. When the guard goes down, quickly run left and shoot him. Shoot the guard that come from up-side. Run down then left a bit. Shoot the left- side guard. Run left (close to the wall) then up (close to the wall) to the checkpoint in the north. Level 07 - Run up and up the stairs. Shoot the guard. Run up. Knock on the wall to lure the guard. Shoot two guards. Lean on the wall to see the ray movements. Pass it. Run up. Lean on the wall to pass the last ray. Go to the checkpoint in the north. Level 08 - Shoot the guard in front of you. Shoot the right-side guard. Shoot the left-side guard. Run up a bit. Shoot two coming guards. Run up a bit shoot the rest guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 09 - Equip card box A. Run up to pass two cameras. Unequip card box A and shoot the guard in front of you. Equip card box A. Run up and pass two cameras. Unequip card box A. Aim your Socom then shoot the guard. Go to the checkpoint in the north. Level 10 - Run right (about 3 intersections from left). Shoot the right-side guard. Shoot the coming guard. Run right to the second path from the left. Shoot the right-side guard. Shoot the up-side guard. Run to the checkpoint in north east. Level 11 - Run up to pass the pitholes then left. Shoot the left-side guard. Shoot the up-side guard. Run left a bit then shoot the guard in front of you. Run up a bit. Shoot the left-side guard. Before passing the left-side pitholes, be sure to shoot the left-side guard. Pass the pitholes to the checkpoint. Level 12 - Run up. Knock on the right-side wall. Kill the coming guard. Run up a bit. Kill the coming guard. Run up a a bit. Shoot two coming guards. Run up a bit then shoot two coming guards. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 13 - Wait until the guard goes down. Quickly run right and shoot him. Run up, right a bit. Shoot the guard in front of you. Run up a bit. Shoot the coming guard. Run to the north east. Shoot the left-side guard. Run left a bit shoot the last guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 14 - Run right then shoot the coming guard. Run left then shoot the guard (in front of you). Shoot the right-side guard. Move up a bit then shoot the left-side guard. Shoot the coming guard. Run to the north. Shoot the last guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 15 - Run left then up to the left-side wall. Hide then shoot the coming guard. Run straight forward then left to the wall. Aim your Socom and shoot the guard. Run up. Shoot the left- side guard. Run up a bit. Shoot the up-side guard. Run right below the stairs. Shoot the below guard. Run up the right- side stairs. Run down. Stand between the last intersections on the below platform. Shoot the guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north. NOTE: Saving the bullets is important. It will give you bonus time. Just remember that one guard needs only 3 shots to be killed. Also you can choke and snap the guard but it's quite risky. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Weapon Mode .................................................. 07020000 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In order to beat this level, you have to destroy all of objects in order to allow the checkpoint to appear. As it says that this is Weapon Mode so it will teach you how to use your weapon wisely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Socom ........................................................ 07020100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Once the game start, running shoot to destroy all of the boxes in a row. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 02 - Run to the area between two boxes and destroy the boxes. Once done, run to the north and destroy the rest boxes. Use your Socom auto-aim mechanism. Checkpoint is in the north. Level 03 - Run to the upper right corner and destroy three objects in a row. Run to the upper left corner and destroy three objects in a row. Checkpoint is in the center. Level 04 - Run to the opening area between south west and west pillar. Destroy two objects in a row. Run to the opening area between south east and east pillar. Destroy two objects in a row. Back to your previous area and destroy one object. Run to the opening area between north and north west pillar. Destroy one object. Checkpoint is in the center. Level 05 - Once to the game start, destroy the 2nd object in the north. Move up right to the right of destroyed object and destroy the object in the north east. Face south and destroy two objects in the bottom. Run to north west and destroy two objects. Run to south west and destroy the target. Run to south east and destroy the target. Checkpoint is in the center. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C4 ........................................................... 07020200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Put C4 behind the wall. Run to the bottom. Detonate it. Level 02 - Put C4 between two boxes. Repeat these steps for the rest boxes. After that, stand on the center (up right a bit). Detonate all of it. Run to the checkpoint in the center. Level 03 - Put C4 on the upper right corner. Stay away from it. Timed correctly. Detonate it. It should create a chain explosion and left only one cube. Destroy that cube and run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 04 - Run up the stair. Put two C4s on the 2nd grid. Run down the stair. As C4 between two cubes and the right side cube is up a bit, detonate the 1st C4. As C4 between two cubes and the left side cube is up a bit, detonate the 2nd C4. Run to the checkpoint in the south. Level 05 - Place C4 near the 1st cube. Keep the distance, detonate it. Run to the stair in the left and put C4 on top of the stair. Once three cubes gather together in the top, detonate it. It should destroy all of the glass wall except the one that block your way to the checkpoint. Run right, pass the pitholes. Place C4 near the glass wall. Keep the distance and detonate it. Run to the checkpoint. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fa-Mas ....................................................... 07020300 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Destroy the object in these orders: middle, right and left side. Run to the checkpoint in the lower left side. Level 02 - Destroy all moving objects from the center. You should make a chain explosion of three objects in the left and right side. After that, destroy the object in the north and south. Checkpoint is in the north. Level 03 - Once the game start, shoot while pressing up to destroy two objects from this position. Run right, when you see an area with two row of objects, shoot while pressing up. Repeat these steps for the rest area. For the last area, running shoot to the checkpoint in the north. Level 04 - All you need to do in this level is destroying the object and keep the distance to avoid the blast. Try to shoot the object which near to the other object to create a chain explosion of two or three objects. For easy shooting, remember to shoot non-moving object 1st. For best times, make a use of running shoot and quick reload technique. Level 05 - Once the game start, destroy two moving objects in the right and left side. Once two object pop up, destroy it. Quickly face backward to destroy the moving object behind you. Running shoot and quick reload to destroy the rest objects. Remember to destroy the pop up object 1st. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade ...................................................... 07020400 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Run up about three intersections from the north hole. Throw the grenade straight forward. Run up till you're in the edge of the north hole then throw the grenade on these orders: left, up and right side. Run to the checkpoint in the north by using the left path. Level 02 - Once the game start, face right. Throw the grenade straight forward. Run one square down. Throw the grenade to the west then throw the grenade to the north. Run to the checkpoint in the north (up right side). Level 03 - Once the game start, face right. Throw the grenade straight forward. Face down right. Throw the grenade straight forward. Throw the grenade to the north platform. Throw the grenade to the west platform. Checkpoint is in the center. Level 04 - Once the game start, face left and throw the grenade on that position. Run up and throw the grenade to the moving cube in the left. Repeat this step for another moving cube. For the last two cubes, you should throw your grenade as close as possible from the right side (not up side). Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 05 - Throw the grenade straight forward from the intersection at lines 2, 4 from the left-side. Throw the grenade straight forward from the intersection at lines 2, 2 from the right- side. Throw the grenade straight forward from 5 intersection from the lower-left stair. Throw the grenade from the intersection at lines 5, 2 from the upper side. For the last object, throw it from intersection at lines 2, 1 (upper-left most area). Checkpoint is in the right of the most north west area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Claymore ..................................................... 07020500 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Crawl to retrieve two Claymores. Run up then put Claymore on the moving cube to blast it. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 02 - In your radar, you should see two Claymores near your position. Crawl to retrieve it. Place Claymore facing left on the connecting platform in the north. Place Claymore facing down on the connecting platform in the east. Run to the checkpoint in the north east. Level 03 - Retrieve all of the Claymores on the dark green area in the west. Once done, place Claymore (facing left) in the connecting platform. Move up right and place Claymore in front of two moving objects. Move to the east and place Claymore in front of two moving objects. Run back to the connecting platform and place Claymore in front of two moving objects on your left. Checkpoint is in the east. Level 04 - Place the Claymore in front of the tunnels in north and east area. It should destroy 4 objects. Place the Claymore on the 2nd tunnel in south area. Retrieve two Claymores in south east and south west. As it destroys the object, place another Claymore on this tunnel. Repeat these steps for the last two objects. Checkpoint is in the center. Level 05 - Place Claymore in front of the approaching objects. Also take a look on dark green area, you will notice that the moving objects will pass this area. Put the Claymore in this area to destroy the moving objects. Checkpoint is in the center. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nikita ....................................................... 07020600 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Once the game start, shoot your Nikita. Once it accelerates, quickly turn right to pass the low wall. As you see the box, turn down to hit it. Checkpoint is on the place that you stand. Level 02 - Shoot your Nikita and turn left. Detonate Nikita once it is near the object. Shoot Nikita and turn right then down. Detonate it once it is near the object. Shoot Nikita and turn left then up. Detonate it once it is near the object. Shoot Nikita and turn right. Detonate it once it is near the object. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 03 - Don't go all the way north 'cos it will give you bad times. Instead fire your Nikita from your current position and control it to the object. It needs some practices though. Checkpoint is in the south. Level 04 - Run up to the middle tunnel area. Shoot your Nikita to this tunnel. Go in the 1st tunnel. Quickly move right and down to exit the tunnel. Let it accelerates and hits the object. Checkpoint is in the south (left side). Level 05 - Shoot your Nikita, use left path. Move your Nikita to the middle path in order to pass two walls. Then move your Nikita all the way right. Lastly, move your Nikita to the middle tunnel (below the gun-camera). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PSG1 ......................................................... 07020700 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Pick up Diazepam and use it (if you want to). Run to the north east. Use your PSG1 and shoot the boxes from right to left. Checkpoint is near you. Level 02 - Pick up Diazepam in the east and use it. Use your PSG1 to destroy the boxes from this position. Checkpoint is near you. Level 03 - Pick up Diazepam in the west and use it. Aim your PSG1 from this position. Destroy the moving objects from bottom to up. For an accurate shoot, aim and shoot one square after the direction that the moving object want to go. Checkpoint is in the center. Level 04 - Pick up Diazepam and use it. Run to the middle and aim your PSG1 from this position. Destroy three moving objects in the center area. Once done, move to the boundary area and destroy four moving objects. Use the same strategy as level 03 for an accurate shoot. Checkpoint is in the east. Level 05 - Shooting the objects on top of the tower won't rank you 1st. Instead, run to the top of the 1st stair. Pick up Diazepam and use it. Equip PSG1 and shoot the objects from this position. Use the same strategy as level 03 for an accurate shoot. Checkpoint is near the tunnel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Stinger ...................................................... 07020800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Run up. Face south. Aim your Stinger up and fire the object from this position. Checkpoint is in the center. Level 02 - There are 4 objects which scattered in south, east, north and west. Run to that direction to destroy the objects. Lean on the wall to see the object position. Once done, run to the checkpoint on the right-side of the wall. Level 03 - Run down the stair, shoot one object. Run all the way up to the top stair. Shoot the objects from this position. For the last object, shoot from the south. Checkpoint is north of the stair. Level 04 - Shoot all objects from the center area. When you aim at the object which is covered by the pillar then lock on the object and shoot your Stinger from the nearby opening area. Checkpoint is in the center. Level 05 - There are 16 objects in this level. 8 of them will move in circle manner in the lower area. The rest of them will move in circle manner in the upper area. Aim your Stinger in the four directions to destroy the lower objects. Aim up in the four directions to destroy the upper objects. Checkpoint is in the north. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Advanced Mode ................................................ 07030000 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Getting spotted by the enemy is OK. But try not to get spotted to get bonus time -3 seconds. Also the same as Sneaking Mode - Socom, you have to kill all of guards in order to make the checkpoint appear. You can choke and snap the guard but it's quite risky. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Socom ........................................................ 07030100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 01 - Run up. Shoot the guard on your left and right-side. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 02 - Run left. Shoot the guard in front of you. Shoot the right- side guard. Run up. Shoot the guard on your right. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 03 - As soon as the west guard moves left, run left then shoot him. Quickly shoot the east guard then run right to the center. Shoot the north guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 04 - Shoot the guard on your left. Shoot the north guard. Run up a bit through the left path. Shoot the right-side guard. Run up through the path. Shoot the north guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north. Level 05 - Run up then left. Shoot the right-side guard. Run right, up the north west stair. Shoot the guard in the south. Run down a bit. Shoot the guard in the south. Run up the north east stair a bit. Shoot the guard. Run to the checkpoint in the center. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C4 ........................................................... 07030200 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Level 01 - Run up (by huging the left side wall). As the guard stands 
           on his position, quickly plant C4 on his back. As the guard 
           walks down, detonate it. Run to the checkpoint in the north 
Level 02 - Run right, up. Knock on the wall and quickly plant C4 on the 
           ground. Run down, left. As soon as the guard near the C4, 
           detonate it. Checkpoint is in the south west.
Level 03 - Run right, up. Run right, up a bit. Place C4. Wait until 
           both guards shoot you. Run down, left. Detonate it. Run to 
           the checkpoint in the north.
Level 04 - Plant C4 in the south, east area. As you plant C4 in the 
           north area, you will get spotted. Quickly detonate all of 
           the bombs (in the south, east and north) and plant another 
           C4 near the east guard. Detonate it. Run to the checkpoint 
           in the center.
Level 05 - Plant C4 on top of the north stairs as the guard looks away. 
           Plant C4 on top of the west stairs as the guard looks away. 
           Place C4 on top of the east stairs as the guard looks away. 
           Place C4 below of the south stairs. Run down the stair to 
           the bottom. Detonate it all.

Fa-Mas ....................................................... 07030300

Level 01 - Run up, left then up (huge the wall). Shoot the guard in 
           front of you. Run right to the checkpoint.
Level 02 - Run down, right, up (approach the guard). Shoot him. Run up 
           to the north. Run left, down (approach the guard). Shoot 
           him. Run down a bit. Shoot the guard in the south. Run down 
           to the checkpoint in the center.
Level 03 - Run left. The guard will spot you, kill him. Run right, stop 
           on the 2nd path from the left. Shoot the right-side guard 
           then shoot the coming guard in front of you. Run up, right. 
           Stop on the middle path. Shoot the guard in front of you. 
           Run up to the 2nd path from the left. Kill the guard. Run to 
           the checkpoint in the north.
Level 04 - Run right, up. Running shoot through the enemies and pit-
           holes to the checkpoint in the north. Don't forget to use 
           quick reload.
Level 05 - Wait until the left-side gun camera looks away. Quickly run 
           left then shoot the guard in front of you. Run up, below the 
           gun camera. Don't move up or the north gun camera will 
           shoot you. Shoot 3 guards from this position. As the north 
           gun camera looks away, run up the stair in the north. Kill 
           the guards. Checkpoint is just on top of the stair.

Grenade ...................................................... 07030400

Level 01 - Throwing the grenade on top of the stair won't give best 
           result. Instead, run to the north east and throw your 
           grenade diagonally left to the guard. As the grenade 
           explode, run to the checkpoint in the north.
Level 02 - Run up. Throw the grenade from the intersection at lines 
           3,1 from the left-side. Run to the checkpoint in the north 
Level 03 - Throw the grenade straight forward from the intersection at 
           lines 3,4 from the lower right edge. Throw the grenade 
           straight forward from the intersection at lines 1,1 from the 
           lower left edge. Throw the grenade straight right from the 
           intersection at lines 1,3 from the lower left edge. Throw 
           the grenade straight forward from the intersection at lines 
           2,4 from the lower left edge. Checkpoint is in the center.
Level 04 - Throw the grenade straight forward. It should kill the south 
           east guard and make the south west guard unconscious. Run to 
           the west area and throw your grenade a little near to the 
           north west guard. It should kill both guards (north west and 
           south west guard). Run to the north and throw your grenade 
           to the north east guard. Checkpoint is in the north.
Level 05 - Run up by using the left path. Stand about halfway, face 
           right. As soon as the north east guard stands on his 
           position, quickly throw your grenade to the sleeping guard 
           in the center area. This will assure you that the grenade 
           will explode as all of the guards gather in the center area. 
           As it explodes, throw another grenade to the unconscious 
           guards. Run to the checkpoint in the north (down a bit).

Claymore ..................................................... 07030500

Level 01 - Run right, up. Crawl to retrieve 2 Claymores. Equip it. Run 
           up. Place the Claymore in front of the guard. Run to the 
           checkpoint in the north.
Level 02 - Run right, up. Crawl to retrieve the Claymore. Run left, up. 
           Place Claymore in front of the guard. Run right. Place 
           another Claymore in front of the guard. Run to the 
           checkpoint in the north east.
Level 03 - Run right, up on the 2nd path from the right-side. Place 
           Claymore to blow up the guard. Run down, up through the 
           rightest path. Run left. Place Claymore to blow up the left-
           side guards. Place another Claymore to blow the down-side 
           guards. Run down to the checkpoint.
Level 04 - Run up. Crawl to retrieve the Claymore. Run left. Place 
           Claymore to blow the guard. Place another Claymore to blow 
           the coming guards. Run right. Run up. Place Claymore to blow 
           the guard. Run to the checkpoint in the north.
Level 05 - Follow the guard moving pattern (or you will get the blow). 
           Quickly choke and snap him as you get close to him. Ignore 
           the spotlight just proceed left. As you see the mine 
           detector in the north, proceed north. As you get the mine 
           detector, quickly crawl and proceed north. As you've 
           retrieved two Claymores, stand up and just blow up the guard 
           in front of you. Run to the checkpoint in the north.

Nikita ....................................................... 07030600

Level 01 - Shoot your Nikita. Move it left, up. Turn right to pass the 
           low wall and hit the guard. Checkpoint is near you on the 
           north east.
Level 02 - Shoot your Nikita on the 1st tunnel. Let it accelerates and 
           move it to the north wall near the right side guard. As it 
           hits the wall, it will kill the right side guard and make 
           the left side guard unconscious. Shoot your Nikita on the 
           1st tunnel. Let it accelerates and hits the awake guard. Run 
           to the checkpoint in the center.
Level 03 - Shooting the Nikita into the tunnel and controling it all 
           the way to the guard in the north is a bad idea. Instead, 
           run to the stair and stand on the 3rd step down from top of 
           the stair. Face south and shoot Nikita from this position. 
           Control it to guard head by using the area outside of noisy 
           platforms. Once it is closed to guard head, detonate it. 
           Checkpoint is in the south.
Level 04 - The key in this level is to conserve enough fuel by letting 
           Nikita to accelerate for faster moving. Run up the stair to 
           the 2nd platform. Shoot your Nikita to the stair on your 
           left and let it accelerates and flies forward it. Control 
           your Nikita to the top platform then turn left. Turn down 
           as it's two squares left from the stair in the bottom to fly 
           forward the hanging stair in the south. Turn left then up. 
           As you see another hanging stair, turn right to fly forward 
           it. Detonate it as it reaches the guard head.
Level 05 - Shoot Nikita straight forward. Turn right, accelerate up the 
           stair. Turn left, accelerate up the stair. Turn right, up 
           the stair. Turn left, up the stair. As it's in the center of 
           the platform, turn down to hit the group of enemies in the 

PSG1 ......................................................... 07030700

Level 01 - Stand on the middle. Shoot the guard. Run up to the 
           checkpoint in the north (about halfway).
Level 02 - Pick up Diazepam. Run up to the north. Use Diazepam. Shoot 
           the guards from this position. Checkpoint is near the left-
           side wall.
Level 03 - Run up to the north and face diagonally left. Aim your PSG1 
           to the stair in the left. As soon as you see the guard, kill 
           him. Run to the west area and use Diazepam. From this 
           position, kill two guards. Checkpoint is just in the south 
           east of Diazepam area.
Level 04 - Pick up Diazepam in the tunnel and use it. Locate the middle 
           side guard 1st and kill him. Aim your PSG1 diagonally left 
           and shoot the guard. Aim your PSG1 diagonally right and kill 
           the guard. Still on the tunnel, move to the other side of 
           the tunnel. Aim PSG1 diagonally right and kill the guard. 
           Aim PSG1 diagonally left and kill the guard. Lastly, move 
           forward to exit the tunnel. Aim to the middle area and kill 
           the guard. Checkpoint is in the north.
Level 05 - Run to the tunnel in the north east and crawl in. Use 
           Diazepam and aim PSG1 down to the 1st floor. Shoot two 
           guards in the row. Aim up to the glass window in the 2nd 
           floor and destroy the glass then kill the guard as he stands 
           back. Aim down and shoot the guard. Aim up again and kill 
           two guards in a row. Checkpoint is near the tunnel (down a 

Stinger ...................................................... 07030800

Level 01 - Stand in the middle. Shoot the guard. Run up to the 
           checkpoint in the north (just below the tower).
Level 02 - Aim your Stinger up to the low wall in the north. Fire your 
           rocket. This will lure the guard to that low wall. Shoot 
           another rocket at him to kill him. Checkpoint is just below 
           the stair in the north.
Level 03 - Run up the stair. Quickly shoot both guards from the tunnel 
           in the north. It should kill both guards. If not, just shoot 
           another rocket to kill the awake guard. Checkpoint is just 
           north east from your position.
Level 04 - Run up the stair. Shoot the left side guard (the one below 
           the stair in the left). This will lure the guard. Quickly 
           aim your Stinger to the stair in the right and launch the 
           rocket as soon as you see the guards. It should kill both 
           guards. Launch another rocket to the group of enemies in the 
           left stair. Checkpoint is just on top of the stair (near 
Level 05 - Run right to the stair. Proceed north. Aim your rocket to 
           the center area (up a bit) in the bottom platform. As soon 
           as all of the guards in the center area, launch your rocket. 
           It should kill all of the guards. Checkpoint is near you 
           (down a bit).

Special Mode ................................................. 07040000

1 Min Battle ................................................. 07040100

VS Target .................................................... 07040101

In this mode, you have to destroy as many objects as you can within 1 
minute. You will fail your mission if you can't destroy the minimum 
requirement amount of objects that the level give you.

No Weapon - Just tap punch button three times to destroy the object. 
            Remember that destroying the object with kick followed will 
            slow you down so do not press punch button rapidly.
Socom     - Use running shoot technique to destroy the objects and 
            remember the order of object appearance. Shooting the 
            objects in the north is a good option.
C4        - Plant one C4 on the upper right-side. When you are in safe 
            position. Detonate it. Repeat the same patterns. Btw, try 
            to make the chain explosion.
Fa-Mas    - Same strategy as the Socom.
Grenade   - Throw the grenade towards the center of the square or 
            ouside of the square. Just remember that the grenade will 
            explode after 4 seconds. Creating the chain explosion will 
            grant you a lot of destroyed objects.
Claymore  - You will notice that the moving objects will meet in the 
            center. So plant the Claymore in front of them.
Nikita    - Stand in the middle, shoot your Nikita in four directions. 
            Try to make chain break by detonating Nikita once it is 
            closed to the object among the objects.
PSG1      - Run on top of the stairs. Take Diazepam and use it. Now 
            shoot the object from this position. Analogue controller is 
            preferrable on this stage.
Stinger   - Try to shoot the object without the help of auto lock on. 
            Shoot the farther object. Try to make chain explosion. Try 
            not to miss the target too much as it will slow you down 
            from reloading the missile.

VS Enemy ..................................................... 07040102

In this mode, you have to kill as many guards as you can within 1 
minute. You will fail your mission if you can't kill the minimum 
requirement amount of guards that the level give you. You can choke and 
snap the guard but it's quite risky.

No Weapon - Use punch/kick combo to knock the guards over the cliff. 
            When you get spotted, try to throw the guard over the 
Socom     - Run to the middle of three stairways. Gun down as many 
            guards as possible from this position. When you get 
            spotted, lure the guards to the west stair and gun down 
            all of them. When the guard shoot you from the back, lure 
            the guards to the east stair and gun down all of them. 
            Repeat these steps in order to kill a lot of guards.
C4        - Plant C4 on where the guards standing. Start from bottom, 
            middle and top. Plant some C4s on the bottom. Detonate the 
            1st three C4s. Lure the guards to C4 area. Once the guards 
            near C4 then detonate it.
Fa-Mas    - Shoot the enemy and run to the northern wall. From this 
            position, shoot the oncoming guards.
Grenade   - Once the game start, throw the grenade towards one of the 
            unaware guard. Once it explodes, try to be spotted and 
            gather 4 guards. Let them shoot you and throw the grenade 
            towards them. Repeat these steps and remember to run once 
            you run out of life.
Claymore  - Stand on the corner of wall. Plant the Claymore to the 
            oncoming guards. It's best if you can blow a row of the 
            guards. When the guards unconscious, plant the Claymore 
            near them, then take a cover. Repeat these steps and you 
            will kill a lot of guards.
Nikita    - Once the game start, shoot the southern wall. This will 
            lure the guards to that location. Shoot the missile on 
            them. Keep shooting the missile to the oncoming guards.
PSG1      - This stage is easy. Run up on the second stairs. Equip 
            Diazepam and use it. Now shoot the guards. Analogue 
            controller is preferrable in this stage.
Stinger   - Shoot the guard in the above platform. When the enemy run 
            down the stair, shoot the northern wall. At this point, you 
            have to shoot the missile to the oncoming guards in the 
            above platform and in the northern wall.

Puzzle ....................................................... 07040200

You will have to rack your brain in order to solve the puzzles in this 
mode. Well, I used Charles MacDonald's FAQ to get through this mode 
for the 1st time. I didn't copy anything from his FAQ but it is 
inevitable that much info here is indirectly coming from his FAQ. 
That's why Charles MacDonald  deserved a credit.

Level 01 - Once the game start, run right and throw the grenade towards 
           the guard on the 3rd intersection from the right side. 
           Checkpoint is in the west (on the 3rd grid from the left).
Level 02 - Stand on the second grid from the south then punch and kick 
           the guard. If done correctly, you will miss your 1st punch. 
           But your 2nd and 3rd punch followed by kick should make the 
           guard falls correctly onto two guards which cause the rest 4 
           guards falls down. Checkpoint is in the north.
Level 03 - Using Stinger to kill the guard and then blowing up the 
           camera won't give you best times. Instead, you should use 
           your Stinger to make the guard falls to the lava pit without 
           lock-on him 1st. Aim your Stinger to the opening at the 
           platform above in the north (where the lava pit is below). 
           Once the guard moves right, shoot the missile to hit him. 
           Remember timing is important here.
Level 04 - In this stage you should know that when the Stinger lock-on 
           the hard-to-reach target, if you shoot your missile to the 
           nearby window then the missile will hit the object with that 
           nearby window. Once the game start, run to the stair and 
           stand on the 1st step down from top of the stair. Face north 
           and use your Stinger to destroy most of the blocks. Aim your 
           Stinger to the upper left window, lock on to the object 1st 
           then quickly shoot the missile from this window. Move down 
           to the lower left window and destroy the object. Move right 
           to the window in the right of lower left window and destroy 
           the object. Lock on to the northernmost object and shoot 
           missile from the right side opening area. Now, face east and 
           destroy two objects through the upper window by locking onto 
           it 1st. Checkpoint is in the east.
Level 05 - Ignore the guard. Use running shoot and quick reload for 
           this stage. But remember to save some bullets for the last 
           wall. Shoot only when you're near to the wall.
Level 06 - Once the game start, run to the most lower left platform. 
           Shoot Nikita straight forward. Once it is on the edge of the 
           platform in the north, detonate it to destroy the box on top 
           of it. Run up to the north platform. Shoot Nikita and switch 
           to 1st person view. Move it to the tunnel in the right. Let 
           it flies through it. Turn left to where the 1st ramp located 
           and fly forward it. Turn left to where the 2nd ramp located 
           and fly forward it. Turn right, and fly towards the 3rd 
           ramp. Turn right, fly up the ramp, then turn left and head 
           towards the two blocks. Detonate the Nikita, once it is 
           below the blocks. Now move down to the previous platform. 
           Destroy the blocks which connecting the two platforms. 
           Proceed right to the lone block area. Destroy two blocks 
           which is north of the lone block then destroy the lone 
           block. Head south from lone block area. Proceed to the ramp 
           below the lone block. Face south and shoot your Nikita. 
           Control it to the lowest blocks of the tunnel building in 
           the north. Do not destroy the blocks near you. Instead, run 
           across it and head north. Proceed to the most lower right 
           platform. From this position, destroy the rest blocks then 
           destroy the blocks in which I tell you not to destroy. 
Level 07 - The Claymores are in the center area. Run left to approach 
           the spotlights (but do not touch it). As you see a gap 
           between two spotlights, do not run to accroos it to the 
           Claymore area yet. Stay calm and wait the spotlights move to 
           collide each other. Once you see another gap between the 
           spotlights, run in and crawl to retrieve the Claymore 
           (somewhere in the center). Quickly proceed to the glass wall 
           in the north. Place the Claymore in front of the wall 
           (facing the wall). Let your body blows it up.
Level 08 - Stand on the three squares right from the upper left corner 
           and throw the grenade straight forward. Move one square down 
           and throw the grenade straight forward. Move one square down 
           and throw the grenade straight forward. Stand on the three 
           squares left from the upper right corner and throw the 
           grenade straight forward. Move one square down and throw the 
           grenade straight forward. Move one square down and throw the 
           grenade straight forward. Checkpoint is in the south.
Level 09 - The simplest way to beat this level is by hiding in the west 
           low wall and placing C4 once the guard passes you (after a 
           minute), then detonate it as the guard reaches two cameras. 
           The best times way can be achieved by two ways. The 1st way 
           is quite easy. Knock on one of the low walls in the west to 
           lure the guard. Take a cover and place C4 on him once he 
           turns back. Quickly dequip C4 and choke the guard then bring 
           him to the north. Once done, take a cover. The guard will 
           awake and run back to his position. Once he reaches two 
           cameras, detonate it. The 2nd way (i.e. the fastest way) is 
           tricky. As the guard is about to turn to the right. Get 
           ready to go near him and stay about two or three spaces away 
           from him. As he turns right, place C4 on the floor (in front 
           of him). Quickly take a cover 'cos he will turn back. Repeat 
           the same steps, only this time place C4 on his shoulder (as 
           he turns right). Once done, take a cover and detonate both 
           C4s. The 1st C4 will send the guard flying backwards towards 
           the camera. The 2nd C4 will destroy the camera. Checkpoint 
           is in the center. Well, my credit goes to Schlauchi 
            for the 2nd best times way which is taken 
           from Yee Seng Fu's FAQ.
Level 10 - Pick up the mine detector. Equip it. You should see the 
           Claymore location. When the soldier looks away, quickly 
           choke him about 8-9 times (not more than that or you will 
           kill the guard). Dash to the Claymore area and crawl to 
           retrieve it. Quickly go back to the bottom. Knock on the 
           wall to lure the guard. The guard won't track your previous 
           foot prints. Instead, he will follow your knock. Lure the 
           guard to the glass wall area. Remember to keep the distance 
           so the guard won't loose your foot prints. When you are in 
           the glass wall area, walk up to the wall then walk down a 
           bit and place your Claymore (facing the wall). Hide then 
           watch the guard commit a suicide. In order to beat this 
           level under 1 minute then you should follow this strategy. 
           When the guard looks up, quickly run in and choke him about 
           8 times. Wait about a second or so as you want your foot 
           prints to be fresh. Run to the Claymore area and crawl to 
           retrieve it. Rise quickly (a bit) and dash to the bottom. At 
           this point, equip your Claymore and stay calm. The guard 
           will inspect the foot prints. Follow him and be about 2 
           steps behind him. Once he is closed to the top of Claymore 
           area (about three intersections from the top of Claymore 
           area), place Claymore behind him. This will kill him and 
           destroy the glass wall into pieces. Make your way to the 
           checkpoint (i.e. glass wall area). Well, my credit goes to 
           Khairuman Bin Lani  for 
           submitting this strategy to Yee Seng Fu's FAQ.

Mystery ...................................................... 07040300

For most of the levels in this mode, you should drag the culprit into 
the checkpoint to finish this mission. Choke and drag the guard to 
do that. Some of you might wonder about why the solution is so brief. 
That's because I want you to think about the reason behind the solution 
for yourself. Anyway, there will be a quick camera change if you use 
your 1st person view at the evidence.

Level 01 - Search for the guard with distinct appearance.
Level 02 - Search for the guard with no mask.
Level 03 - Search for the guard with no breath.
Level 04 - Drag the guard far away from he stands and watch the 
           reaction when he comes back to his position.
Level 05 - Chase the culprit and keep an eye before he's gonna flee, 
           then throw the guard (once you are closed to him) to give 
           you a chance to drag him.
Level 06 - Punch and kick the guard and watch carefully how he falls. 
           The reason behind the solution for this level can be found 
           in Frequently Asked Questions section.
Level 07 - Crawling to track the murderer foot prints is a bad idea. 
           Once the game start, exit the room and crawl. At this point, 
           you should keep an eye on the oncoming guards which will 
           give you a clue about which guard is the murderer. If the 
           guard in the right side passes you by moving left then the 
           murderer is the 1st guard. If the guard in the left side 
           passes you by moving right then the murderer is the 2nd 
           guard. If there's no guards pass you then the murderer is 
           the 3rd guard. 
Level 08 - Use your 1st person view on each guy and hear his heart 
           beating. Louder your TV speaker in case you can't hear the 
           sound. If you don't wanna bother yourself to louder the 
           speaker then you can use this alternate strategy. Watch the 
           steam from the guard breath, the culprit is breathing faster 
           and harder than the others. (Thx to Biffvsmcfly@aol.com)
Level 09 - There is another room in this area. Find it and use the item 
           on that room then see the guard reaction when you face them 
           one by one.
Level 10 - Wait until the timer runs out. Btw, you can look around the 
           room to see some evidences.

Variety ...................................................... 07040400

This mode is more or less a mixture of the modes that you have faced so 
far. This mode requires you killing the guards or destroying the 
objects in order to make the checkpoint appear. Some of the levels need 
your brain to beat it.

Level 01 - Choke the guard and bring him to the glass panel then choke 
           and snap him.
Level 02 - Choke and drag the enemy to the hole in the north. Position 
           the enemy to face forward the hole. Release the guard. As he 
           wakes up quickly punch and kick him to the hole. Run to the 
           checkpoint in the north.
Level 03 - First run straight forward. Punch and kick the guard to push 
           him to the hole. Repeat these steps for the rest guard. The 
           key here is to kick the guard one intersection below his 
           standing position but not too close or you'll get spotted. 
           Checkpoint is in the center.
Level 04 - Lean on the wall. Put C4 on the floor between the 1st and 
           2nd guards. Lean on the wall. Put another C4 on the floor 
           between the 3rd and 4th guard. Lean on the wall. Put another 
           C4 on the floor between the 5th and 6th guard. After that, 
           go near the 1st guard and let he hits you. As you fall down, 
           quickly detonate all C4s. It should kill all of the guards. 
           Run to the checkpoint in the center.
Level 05 - Run up, left. As soon as the left side guard stands, flip 
           him then run right. Once you see the checkpoint, run right a 
           bit then up left to the checkpoint. Remember, timed 
Level 06 - This stage is hard since the soldiers are using stealth 
           camouflage. Use your 1st person view mode if you have to. 
           The stealth soldiers can be seen by their blurries and 
           breaths. The radar won't help you this time so keep the 
           distance if you wanna shoot the guard or they will spot you 
           (and you will fail the mission). Also make a use of wall 
           knocking to lure the guard out from his position. In order 
           to beat this level, you have to kill 5 stealth guards who 
           scattered in random position. Checkpoint is in the center. 
           Btw, finally I've decided to draw a map which show you all 
           of the possible stealth guards location. Well, my credit 
           goes to Rudy Hendrawan  for his rule on 
           drawing the map for the VR Training which is taken from his 
           FAQ. I draw each 1*1 block as 2*1 block in my map, because 
           it looks more proportional.

 24                            ....G.
 23                        ............
 22          ............  ............
 21      .................G....##..............
 20    G.........####..........####............
 19    ........####..........####..............
 18    ........####....##....####......####......
 17        .....G[[..G.##......####..G.##........
 16      ........##########....######[[##G.........  
 15      ....############......####....######...... 
 14  ........##....####................####........  Legends:
 13  ...............G[[..............####.........G  # = wall
 12  ....##..........####......##[[######........    [ = tunnel
 11  ....####....################[[####......        . = path
 10  ......############....######..............      G = guard
  9  .........G########G.....[[[[G.............
  8    ........##..######....######....####....
  7      ....####G...##......############......
  6      ......##..........############........
  5      ................########G...........
  4        ....................##............
  3                  ................
  2                    ..............
  1                      .G....

  0  -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-1-2-3

Level 07 - Destroy all red objects. Remember to destroy the one that 
           closest to you 1st. If the object happen to touch you then 
           you will fail the mission. Checkpoint is where you 1st start 
           the game.
Level 08 - Pick up Diazepam all the way up to the top platform. After 
           that, use Diazepam and use your PSG1 to destroy four 
           objects. Don't shoot any guards or you will fail the 
           mission. For the last object, aim at the top point of the 
           target and wait until the sleeping guard moves away then 
           destroy the object. Run to the checkpoint in the bottom. 
           Getting the best times in this level is required skill (i.e. 
           quite tedious). Once the game start, run up the stair and 
           pick up the Diazepam. Proceed to the north and destroy all 
           objects up til the 4th object. Once the 4th object is pop up 
           on the left side of the sleeping guard, destroy it and 
           quickly shoot the 5th object to your right (i.e. the left 
           point of the target) before the guards surround it. You 
           don't have much time to aim at the last object (i.e. the 5th 
           object), so have your PSG1 pointing at the spot where it 
           will appear before you shoot the 4th target. When the 4th 
           object crosses your sights, shoot it, and then immediately 
           shoot the last object, before it becomes impossible. Well, 
           my credit goes to ShinJN  for the 2nd way 
           which is taken from his FAQ and to Sariel for telling me 
           how to shoot the 5th object correctly.
Level 09 - This stage is easy. You have to destroy all targets by using 
           Socom. Use running shoot and quick reload for the best 
Level 10 - The same as level 09 only this time you use Fa-Mas. Use 
           running shoot and quick reload for the best times.
Level 11 - Destroy 20 objects using Stinger. The UFO will appear so 
           keep firing until it explodes. Checkpoint is in the north.
Level 12 - There are 3 parts of giant soldier to shoot: head, stomach 
           and leg. Guess it. Just remember, each time you shoot the 
           false target then the true target will reveal. Make he falls 
           6 times then he should be gone for good.
Level 13 - Shooting both giant soldiers is not a good option. Instead, 
           wait until the right side giant soldier stands backward. 
           Quickly fire him to make he falls down. Do not shoot the 
           left side giant guard. Simply wait until the right side 
           giant guard awakes. Once he gets up, he will get furious and 
           hit his partner. Both of them will wrestle and fall on the 
           water. (Thx to Lancer Evolution and joeisdeth)

NG Selection ................................................. 07040500

NG Selection is a mode where you have to kill or capture the guards or 
destroy the objects with your brain by racing against the times. You 
will notice that the best times is quite tedious to get if you didn't 
have a correct strategy to use.

Level 01 - Retrieve all the Claymores. Look at the radar. You should 
           know when to run and when to crawl. For quick retrieval then 
           you should crawl once you're behind Claymore. Checkpoint is 
           in the north.
Level 02 - Once the game start, throw your grenade straight forward. 
           Hide in the middle wall. Let it blasts off the enemy. Run to 
           the checkpoint in the north.
Level 03 - Equip your card box A. Run four squares up from the south 
           then stop. Once the droid looks away, run about five squares 
           up and stop. The droid will look south and suspicious. He 
           will inspect you. Once he turns back, quickly unequip card 
           box A. Run into him then choke and snap him. Run to the 
           checkpoint in the north.
Level 04 - Once the game start, use your Socom to destroy the cube in 
           front of you. If timed correctly then it should create chain 
           explosion of all cubes. After that, run down the stair and 
           take the right path to the checkpoint in the center.
Level 05 - Crawling all the way to the checkpoint will give you very 
           bad times. Instead, once you have crawled over the 1st glass 
           panel, kill the 1st droid by snapping its neck. Dash to the 
           other side. Once you've passed the 3rd glass panel, quickly 
           run into the 3rd droid and flip him. Run to the checkpoint 
           in the south. Well, my credit goes to ShinJN  for the 2nd solution which is taken from his FAQ.
Level 06 - Go up the left tower and take the Diazepam and aim the PSG1 
           to the upper-left corner. A target passes at around the 
           twenty second mark, just remember to anticipate the shot.  
           Now count three squares down and one to the right. Another 
           target appears there around the thirty second mark. Finally 
           move one block up and one block to the left. The final 
           target passes there around thirty-five seconds (and again at 
           around 53 seconds in case you miss). (Thx to Angelique G 
           Jackson ) Btw, the 1st way won't give 
           best results. In order to beat this level under 5 seconds 
           then use my way. Once the game start, aim the PSG1 to two 
           squares down and two to the right from the upper left 
           corner. A target will move up so anticipate the shot. Move 
           one block to the right. A target will move up so anticipate 
           the shot. Move one block down. A target will move to the 
           right so anticipate the shot. Checkpoint is in the west.
Level 07 - Run down the stair and crawl to where Stinger is, stand up 
           and stay still. Once the droid passes you, press on the d-
           pad towards the droid. Once close to the droid, choke and 
           snap him. Then run down to the checkpoint. If you happened 
           to throw the droid then simply wait until the droid wakes up 
           and quickly choke and snap him. Well, my credit goes to 
           ShinJN  for the strategy which is taken 
           from his FAQ.
Level 08 - Hide on the tunnel (in the left) and wait for the guard. 
           Once the guard takes the book, quickly choke and drag him to 
           the checkpoint.

Ninja ........................................................ 07040600

I love this mode as Gray Fox comes back in the action. Ninja is far 
superior than Solid Snake. Ninja has many great abilities such as 
invincibility, jump, etc. Anyway, this mode is too short IMO as it has 
only three levels. I wish if it has at least 10 levels.

[]       = Forward spinning slash (while running). Choke and slash 
           (when close to the enemy).
O        = Cross slash. Hold it to block and deflect bullets.
           (Thx to )
X        = Jump.
/\       = 1st person view.
L1       = Stealth mode (beware it will decrease your life bar).
R1       = Body disruption (it also will decrease your life bar).

Level 01 - In order to beat this level, you have to slash all 15 
           poles. Try to find the poles: in the center of the area 
           (watch the intro movie), on top of the box (in the west and 
           east box area) and in the corner of the area. Remember to 
           jump in order to get into the box.
Level 02 - In order to beat this level, you have to kill all 30 
           soldiers. Once the game start, kill the guard on your right. 
           Proceed to the north west box and let the guard spots you 
           then kill him. Run to the path that leads to the room where 
           the checkpoint is. All you need to do in this level is by 
           killing the oncoming guards that come from the room in the 
           north (i.e. the room where the checkpoint is), east, west 
           and south. Use your forward spinning slash to kill them. 
           When there's still enemy left try to find them in the room 
           (where the checkpoint is) and in the room the 1st time you 
Level 03 - In order to beat this level, you have to find and kill Snake 
           in soldier uniform. You can differ Snake from the guards as 
           Snake has a black hair in the soldier uniform. As far as I 
           know, Snake will appear in three locations randomly. These 
           locations are: west box area, east box area and in the room 
           (where the checkpoint is). Use stealth mode to kill him.

VR Missions .................................................. 07040700

You have to complete all 10 levels in order to beat this mode. After 
reading daveait's  strategy for VR Missions 
mode in Best Times topic from GameFAQs MGS: VR Missions message boards 
then I realized how slow am I. That's why I revised my strategy for VR 
Missions mode. Anyway, much info here inevitable is taken indirectly 
from his strategy since I used his strategy to achieve best times in 
this mode. So he deserved a credit here.

Level 01 - Just run all the way up the left side. You should see the 
           guard patrolling is walking away from you. Once you are 
           closed to the guard, throw him. Proceed to the checkpoint.
Level 02 - Immediately grab the Socom on your right. Run up to pass the 
           pitholes and right to grab the suppressor. Combine the Socom 
           with its suppressor. Knock on the wall to lure the guard. 
           Shoot him before he starts turning the corner down to you. 
           Get the Socom bullets that he drops and runs. Throw the 
           guard patrolling in the top and proceed to the checkpoint.
Level 03 - Get the grenades on your right. Immediately run out and 
           throw the guard (who is facing you). The alarm will sound so 
           quickly hide (by crawling) in the tunnel on the left side. 
           Once the guards are behind you, exit the tunnel. Make your 
           way to the checkpoint in the north. 
Level 04 - Ignore the C4. Just run up by using the left path. Stay calm 
           as you see the left side guard is facing left. Once the left 
           side guard is walking to the right, run up to the top left 
           corner and throw the grenade to the right. Take a cover and 
           wait until the grenade explodes. It should kill all of the 
           guards. Proceed to the checkpoint. Shoot your Socom 3 times 
           to destroy the glass wall.
Level 05 - Don't pick up anything. Just run to the sensors area. When 
           you get to the sensors, crawl in the 3rd row from the left. 
           Once you pick up the 3rd Claymore, stand and run up to pass 
           the sensors. The alarm will sound but you should be able to 
           get to the checkpoint before the guard has a chance to shoot 
Level 06 - Grab the PSG1 and its bullets and wait till the camera is 
           not facing at you. At the bottom of the stairs, equip your 
           PSG1 and use it to kill 4 guards. Once done, proceed to the 
           north and grab the Socom bullets that the guard drops. Make 
           your way to the checkpoint in the north east.
Level 07 - Don't pick up anything. Take the left route and you will 
           pass the guard. Once you are in the 2nd junction from the 
           top, move left and use PSG1 to kill the guard in the right 
           side. Stay calm with PSG1 equipped. As the guard comes to 
           inspect the noise, kill him. Make your way to the checkpoint 
           in the north east. Remember to grab the PSG1 bullets.
Level 08 - Run right then down to past the stairs. Immediately, throw 
           the guard in the right side. The alarm will sound, just 
           ignore it. Run to the opening at the bottom and throw the 
           grenade on it. Run to the opening at the left and throw your 
           last grenade on it. Make your way to the checkpoint in the 
           south. You should be able to get to the checkpoint before 
           the guards have a chance to shoot you.
Level 09 - Run up through the leftest path. Use your Socom to kill the 
           guard who comes down. Dequip your Socom. Run up and throw 
           the sleeping guard at the top. When you get to the 
           checkpoint, use your Socom to destroy the glass wall.
Level 10 - PSG1 is very important in this level. Once the game start, 
           equip PSG1 and kill the guard that you 1st see. Move your 
           scope to the right and kill 2 guards from this position. Run 
           to the center and proceed to the north. Use your Socom to 
           kill the guard at the top. Proceed to the checkpoint.

NOTE: The safest strategy here is not to make any noises and not to 
      alert any guards, then kill all of guards. Why? If you make any 
      noises (which is the same meaning that you alert the guard), you 
      will resurrect the dead guards. Btw, if you kill all the guards 
      quietly then the guards won't appear anymore. Also try not to 
      continue or restart if you wanna get the best times as the timer 
      goes on.

VS 12 Battle ................................................. 07040800

In this mode, there are 12 guards that you have to kill in order to 
make the checkpoint appear. Only 4 guards are allowed to appear at a 
time. You are provided with the available weapon that each level give 
you. As you advance, you will have less ammo and weapon. Finally I've 
come up with more detail strategy for it. Hopefully this strategy will 
grant you the best times.

Level 01 - Once the game start, use your PSG1 to take out 6 guards in 
           the west and east area. For easy aiming, unequip PSG1 and 
           face diagonally left or right then equip PSG1 to kill the 
           guard in the west or east area. Once done, run to the center 
           of the screen and use your Stinger to take out 3 guards in 
           the north. After that, run up to pass the stair and face 
           south. Use the Nikita (and other remaining weapons) to kill 
           the guards who come up from the stair in the south. 
           Checkpoint is in the center.
Level 02 - Gun down as many guard as possible with Socom. When you get 
           spotted and many enemies chase you, quickly use the Claymore 
           and plant it in front of the coming guards. Once the 
           Claymore is used up, plant C4 and lure the guards (to where 
           C4 located) then detonate it. If there's still enemy left, 
           use your Nikita to blow them up followed by remaining 
           weapons). Checkpoint is in the south west.
Level 03 - Use the same strategy as level 02. Checkpoint is in the 
           north east.
Level 04 - Once the game start, run forward and use Socom to kill the 
           guard below. Continue using the Socom to kill the guards 
           below. Once the Socom is used up, throw the grenade to the 
           stair below. Continue throwing the grenade to kill the 
           coming guards below. After that, place C4 and gather as many 
           guards as you can to the C4 area then detonate it followed 
           by the remaining weapons. Checkpoint is in the north of the 
           platform below.
Level 05 - Use the PSG1 1st to kill the guard in front of you. After 
           that, run forward and throw the grenade to where you kill 
           the guard with PSG1. Continue using grenade to the oncoming 
           guards. Once the grenade is used up, plant Claymore to kill 
           the oncoming guards followed by the remaining weapons. 
           Checkpoint is in the south.
Level 06 - Once the game start, head to the wall in front of you. Once 
           the guard looks away, head to the left. As the left side 
           guard moves right, move to the left side. Move up (by using 
           the left boundary) and follow that guard. Once he looks 
           down, head to the wall (where the guard is). As the guard 
           moves left, quickly move up right to the wall in front of 
           you. Once the guard patrolling looks right, dash to the 
           north to get the ammos. Use Stinger to kill the guards in 
           the left. This will lure the guards to that area. Launch the 
           missile on them, then use PSG1 to kill the guards. After 
           that, use the grenade to lure the guards. Keep throwing the 
           grenade to the oncoming guards. When you get spotted, use 
           Socom to kill the guards followed by the remaining weapons. 
           Checkpoint is in the north (in front of the northern wall).
Level 07 - Once the game start, throw the grenade straight forward. 
           Throw another grenade towards that direction. Quickly run 
           right to take a cover. The 1st explosion will lure the 
           guards to the explosion area. The 2nd explosion should make 
           the guard dead or unconscious and lure another guards to 
           where the explosion is. Throw your grenade towards the 
           guards (who inspect the noise). Approach the awake guards 
           and kill them with Socom. After the Socom is used up, kill 
           the oncoming guards with Claymore. Plant C4, lure the guards 
           and detonate it once the guards are near it. Checkpoint is 
           in the north.
Level 08 - Once the game start, run right to the path on your right. 
           Throw the grenade straight forward. Throw another grenade 
           towards that direction. The 1st grenade will kill the 
           oncoming guard and lure the guards. The 2nd grenade will 
           cause the guards dead or unconscious. As it explodes, 
           quickly run to the 2nd path from the left and stand on the 
           1st junction from bottom. Face right and use your PSG1 to 
           kill the guards. Approach the guard and kill them with 
           Socom. Once the Socom is used up, kill the oncoming guards 
           with Claymore. Plant C4, lure the guards and detonate it 
           once the guards are near it. Checkpoint is near where you 
           1st stand. 

NOTE: You can choke and snap the guard as long as the radar doesn't get 
      jammed. When the radar gets jammed (which is the same meaning 
      that you get spotted), all the enemies will approach and shoot 
      you. You won't have enough time to snap the neck and will 
      sacrifice your health. You better use it when there's only one 
      enemy left or you run out of ammos.

VIII. Tips & Tricks .......................................... 08000000
Getting Close to the Model in Photographing Mode ............. 08010000

Your current VR Training completion will determine how close you'll get 
to the model.

Getting Mei Ling in Photographing Mode ....................... 08020000

Get the best times on Time Attack in Sneaking mode (both No Weapon and 
Socom). Go to EXTRA then choose Photographing and you'll see it.

Metal Gear RAY picture labelled "CONFIDENTIAL" ............... 08030000

Complete the VR Training with 100.0%.

Unlocking Movie Roll ......................................... 08040000

To get TGS Roll B, complete the VR Training with 46.6%.
To get E3, complete the VR Training with 75.3%.

NOTE: Go to EXTRA then choose Movie and you'll see it.

Unlocking Ninja Mode ......................................... 08050000

Complete the VR Training with 85.0%. Go to VR Training then choose 
Special and you'll see it.

NOTE: Once Ninja mode is unlocked, you'll see Ninja unmask his face.

Unlocking Photographing Mode ................................. 08060000

Complete the VR Training with 35.6%. Go to EXTRA and you'll see it. 
Btw, in this mode you should see Naomi in two poses. One is sitting and 
the other is standing.

NOTE: You can end the session by going south.

Tweaking Title Screen ........................................ 08070000

Like its previous series (Metal Gear Solid), you can use your d-pad to 
change the color of the background once you're in the title screen.

Programmers Way .............................................. 08080000

After the intro movie, if you have patience to wait then there will be 
demo that show you how the programmers beat certain level on their own 
way which should help you to figure out how to beat certain level.

Easy Best Times .............................................. 08090000

For easy best times then you should consider these points:
- Ammunition. Ammunition is important in this game. Save lots of it and 
  you'll surprise about how well you can achieve your time in most of 
  the modes.
- Sneaking. In this game, sneaking is very important. In other word, do 
  not get spotted. In most of the modes it will give you a nice bonus -
  3 seconds time.
- Checkpoint. Checkpoint is also important. If you know where the 
  checkpoint is and run to it as the checkpoint appears, you will save 
  quite lots of time.
- Controller. Choosing the controller is quite helpful. Digital control 
  is used for preciseness and tightness. Analogue control is used for 

Take A Peep on Naomi ......................................... 08100000

Go to photographing session and choose Naomi model 2. Get as close as 
possible and look at her legs. When she moves, you can see her 
underwear. Getting 100% completion is a good idea here (Thx to Brandan 

  IX. Frequently Asked Questions ............................. 09000000
Q: I'm glad you wrote this FAQ for I was having trouble with the game. 
   I wish to print out the guide to help me through the game when I get 
   stuck. Since you asked that I ask permission first, that is what I 
   am doing. 
A: Permission is granted as long as you don't use it for any profitable 

Q: I've completed Metal Gear VR disc till 99% to unlock Ninja mode but 
   it didn't unlocked.
A: If you speak about the VR disc which packed along with the story 
   disc then you played the Metal Gear Solid Integral (PC or Japanese 
   PlayStation version) not Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions which is 
   consist only one disc. I don't have the MGSI (PC or JP PSX version). 
   However, if you played MGSI then (according to several resources) 
   you should complete the story disc in extreme difficulty with Big 
   Boss rank.

Q: What are the criterias for Big Boss rank?
A: According to several resources:
   - Complete the game in less than 3 hours.
   - Kill 25 enemies or lesser.
   - Use only 1 ration or none.
   - No continues.
   - Spotted by enemies 4 times or lesser.
   - Save game 79 times or lesser.

Q: Is there any other way besides getting the Big Boss rank?
A: If you played the JP PSX version then pls consult Metal Gear Solid 
   Integral FAQ for more detail. If you played the PC version then I 
   think that you will need the trainer. Pls don't ask me where to 
   download it.

Q: Also I can't see the Photographing mode.
A: If you played the MGSI then (according to several resources) you 
   should beat the story disc once. The game will reward you with the 
   special item and camera. After that, go to EXTRA in the VR disc and 
   you'll see the Photographing mode.

Q: Is there any other way to get the camera?
A: I took this information straightly from GameSages . To get the camera, when you get a Level 6 keycard go to the 
   first building (Tank Hangar). Then take the Elevator down to 
   Basement 2. Go into the hall before the Room where you fought 
   Ocelot. Then there should be a spot where you can blow a hole in the 
   wall with C4. When you blow it up there are two rooms, the camera is 
   in one of the rooms, and there is ammo and a ration around in there 

Q: I can't see Naomi in the Photographing mode.
A: If you played the MGSI then (according to several resources) you 
   should beat the story disc either easy, normal or hard difficulty.

Q: I can't see Mei Ling in the Photographing mode.
A: If you played the MGSI then (according to several resources) you 
   should beat the story disc in extreme difficulty.

Q: Are you sure that it will work?
A: I tell you once again that I don't have Metal Gear Solid Integral 
   (MGSI) so how do I suppose to confirm it.

Q: It seems that you know alot about MGSI.
A: Well, that is just based from MGSI FAQs that I read. If you want to 
   know alot about MGSI then you should read MGSI FAQs (which can be 
   found on GameFAQs or any other FAQs sites) and you'll be surprised 
   about how much information that you'll get.

Q: Is there a higher percent than 100 in Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions?
A: No, there isn't. But if you used GameShark then it will probably 
   increase the percentage of your completion.

Q: How do you change the altitude of the Nikita?
A: Nikita will accelerate if you don't move it. When Nikita in the 
   tunnel with many turns, you should keep it moving to avoid it 
   accelerates and hits the walls. When Nikita in the stair or ramp, 
   take the advantage of his acceleration for faster moving.

Q: I've a hard time on shooting the guard with the Socom since the wall 
   cover him and my Socom laser aim can't aim on the guard perfectly.
A: As long as you can see him, you should use your 1st person view and 
   locate the guard in the middle of limit/time screen. Then quickly 
   shoot him three times and he should be off.

Q: I want to ask how to use the codes, eg: 800AC820 0000.
   Can you teach me how to use this in Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions?
A: You need GameShark cheat device to use the codes.

Q: How do I use the Diazepam?
A: If you haven't played Metal Gear Solid then you'll get a little 
   problem on using this item. Hold L2 and use your d-pad to select 
   Diazepam. After you select Diazepam then press O while holding L2 to 
   use it.

Q: How do I equip the body armor?
A: Body armor can only be found in VR Missions mode. You equip body 
   armor in the same way you equip other ordinary items. Once you've 
   got it, press L2 and use your d-pad to select body armor and you've 
   equipped it.

Q: Is there anything more to be unlocked if I get the top ranked time 
   in all the missions ?
A: I've just got the top ranked time in all the missions and nothing is 
   unlocked. So there isn't anything to be unlocked when you get top 
   ranked time in all missions beside personal satisfaction upon 
   achieving that.

Q: My theory is that Meryl is available in the Photographing mode - 
   after all, her 3D model data is in the game because she appears in 
   the final 2 Variety levels.
A: Since nothing is unlocked when you get top ranked time in all 
   missions so your theory regarding Meryl is false.

Q: I have a theory ...
A: Enough with the theory. If you can't prove it then I will tend to 
   believe that your theory is false.

Q: Who is Johnny - the word written in blood on level 06 Mystery in 
   Special Mode?
A: In Metal Gear Solid, Johnny is the guard who gets the cold and the 
   one meryl steals the clothes off of ... you know it's him coz when 
   you kick him to the deck his arse sticks in the air and it's like 
   blurred ... (Thx to unl33t and L Snake)

Q: Why this game is rated mature?
A: It's because in the Photographing mode, you can use your scope to 
   zoom in on Dr Naomi Hunter. And you know exactly what "part" I mean 
   when I say "zoom in". If you still don't know then please read "Take 
   A Peek on Naomi in Tips & Tricks section. (Thx to punkkidseatpizza 
   and IcemanUK)

Q: I heard that there are differences between PAL and NTSC times.
A: Yess, the factor is 6/5 (1.2). For a rough estimate of PAL into NTSC 
   times, divide PAL times using the factor. For a rough estimate of 
   NTSC into PAL times, multiply NTSC times using the factor. (Thx to 
   IcemanUK and A Runnelid)

Q: I heard that we can unlock Ninja mode by pressing start when Ninja 
   unmask his face during intro movie. Is that true?
A: That's not true. I've tested it and nothing is happen. The only 
   method to get Ninja in MGS: VR Missions is by getting 85% completion 
   in the VR Training.

Q: What does "NG" stand for in NG Selection?
A: "NG" stands for "No Good". 

Q: What does it mean?
A: NG Selection are VR missions which did not fit into any other 
   category, or were for some reasons disqualified from the regular VR 
   missions. Famitsu PS suggests you play these "out takes" with an 
   open mind. Well, my credit goes to Kevin  for 
   submitting this piece of information from www.superfami.com/ 

Q: Are there any ghost pictures found on the Photographing mode?
A: I don't know but perhaps there is since you can't save Metal Gear 
   RAY labelled "CONFIDENTIAL" picture into your memory card once you 
   see it. My theory is that we can find it as a ghost picture during 
   the Photographing session. However, most of the responses that I got 
   indicating that this is not true. 

Q: What do you mean about ghost pictures?
A: As you know, in Metal Gear Solid (the previous series of MGS: VR 
   Missions), you can take pictures during a game once you get the 
   camera. Some of the pictures if you shoot correctly will develop 
   with the ghostly image on it (i.e. KCEJ team).

Q: Are there any cheat codes found in the game?
A: I prefer not to believe that. Since no one have found any cheat 
   codes for its previous series (Metal Gear Solid) so I will tend to 
   believe that there should not be any cheat codes to be found in the 

Q: What does ghost mode do in this game?
A: Do you mean the ghost mode in the GameShark section? I don't know 
   since I never use any GameShark codes while playing this game 
   (eventhough I own GameShark) so try it for your own risk.

Q: Once I see the Metal Gear RAY labelled "CONFIDENTIAL" picture after 
   getting 100% completion, I can't see it in anywhere else. How can I 
   see it again?
A: Do not save your game once the game prompt you to save after you see 
   the picture. That way, you will only have to beat the level in which 
   you haven't completed to see the picture again.

Q: According to one of the FAQs authors that I emailed, you can boost 
   your completion rate to 110% by getting top ranked times in the 
   Advanced Mode. Is that true?
A: No, it's not true. I even got 1st places in all of the modes 
   (including the Advanced Mode) and my completion rate is still 100%. 
   I think that FAQ author uses GameShark while playing this game.

Q: I've tried your Variety #08 best times strategy but I always hit the 
A: The man in front of the target is fatter than he looks. If you aim 
   at the target directly, you'll hit him instead, even if it doesn't 
   look like he was anywhere near the crosshairs. The collision 
   detection for this is terrible. In order to hit the target, you 
   must shoot a little to the right or to the left of it depending on 
   which side you shoot the target. (Thx to Sariel)

Q: Anything special about 100.0% rating besides seeing Metal Gear RAY 
   labelled "CONFIDENTIAL" picture?
A: In that case, you should get 1st places in Sneaking Mode in order to 
   have Mei Ling photo shoot in the Photographing mode. Once you 
   unlocked Mei Ling then there's nothing special after that even if 
   you got 1st places in all of the modes.

Q: I have a hard time on getting the best times for Sneaking Mode by 
   following your strategy. Will you kindly send me any alternate 
   strategies for that mode as I wanna unlock Mei Ling in the 
   Photographing mode?
A: Sorry, I can't help. But like Andreas said in the Best Times topic, 
   if you beat the 10 Socom stages found on the original MGS disc, and 
   then proceed to beat the now unlocked Survival Mission, yet another 
   feature - named Technical Demonstration - will open up where you get 
   to see what I dare label strategy-perfect goes on the 10 stages, 
   performed in a demo mode. That will definitely help. Please note 
   that there are some slight differences between the levels found on 
   the original MGS VR Training mode and the levels found on the MGS: 
   VR Misssions VR Training mode.

Q: Is there any Technical Demonstration found on the MGS: VR Missions?
A: If you mean the Technical Demonstration like the one in the original 
   MGS then the answer is no. This is my complain about the game 
   (besides my complain about the staff codec frequency). But if you 
   mean the short demo on certain levels then please refer to 
   "Programmers Way" on Tips & Tricks section. 

Q: What if I get 1st places in all of the modes?
A: No, as I stated before that nothing is unlocked (including Technical 
   Demonstration) even if we get the 1st places in all of the modes.

Q: The photo of the new Metal Gear is called Metal Gear RAY, not Metal 
   Gear REX; REX was in Metal Gear Solid, and RAY is in Metal Gear 
   Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. In the old games (Metal Gear, Metal Gear 
   2: Solid Snake, and Metal Gear 2: Snake's Revenge [MG2:SR has no 
   real place in the Metal Gear series]), it's just called Metal Gear.
A: Yess, the picture labelled "CONFIDENTIAL" is Metal Gear RAY not 
   Metal Gear REX and I've corrected it in this update (Thx to Erik P. 

Q: What percentage do I need to unlock ?
A: My FAQ didn't cover about the percentage to unlock the modes. Btw, 
   you can take a look on Yee Seng Fu's and ShinJN's FAQ (which can be 
   found on GameFAQs or any other FAQs sites) for the exact percentage 
   to unlock the modes.

Q: I have the PC version of Metal Gear Solid. I can't get rid of Psycho 
   Mantis. From several PlayStation MGS FAQs that I read said that we 
   should use the second controller. How can I do that in PC version?
A: According to several resources, if you used Joystick / Game Pad then 
   you can use keyboard as a second controller.

Q: How long did it take you to complete this game?
A: It took me two months to achieve 100 % completion and an extra three 
   months to achieve all best times. You will notice how slow I am but 
   that's just because my mom give me only one hour a day to play the 

Q: How do I use the ciggarettes in Sneaking Mode?
A: Please read the Game Basics and the Strategy section.

Q: What do I use the ciggarettes for?
A: Please read the Game Basics section.

   X. GameShark .............................................. 10000000
All of these codes come from the Game Shark Code Creator's Club:

These codes was made and tested on GameShark v3.2.

Miscellaneous Codes .......................................... 10010000

01 Infinite Health Snake/Ninja                            800B7316 0600
                                                          800B7318 0600
02 Infinite Air                                           800AC844 03E7
03 Radar Not Jam When Spotted                             800AC810 0000
04 Never Get A Cold                                       800B731A 0000
05 Ghost Mode                                             800AC820 0000
                                                          800AC822 0000
06 Never Reload                                           800AC7FC 0019
07 Have Socom Pistol                                      800B5BCA 03E7
                                                          800B5BDE 03E7
08 Have Fa-Mas                                            800B5BCC 03E7
                                                          800B5BE0 03E7
09 Have Grenades                                          800B5BCE 03E7
                                                          800B5BE2 03E7
10 Have Nikita                                            800B5BDO 03E7
                                                          800B5BE4 03E7
11 Have Stinger                                           800B5BD2 03E7
                                                          800B5BE6 03E7
12 Have Claymore Mines                                    800B5BE4 03E7
                                                          800B5BE8 03E7
13 Have C4                                                800B5BD6 03E7
                                                          800B5BEA 03E7
14 Have Stun Grenades                                     800B5BD8 03E7
                                                          800B5BEC 03E7
15 Have Chaff Grenades                                    800B5BDA 03E7
                                                          800B5BEE 03E7
16 Have Sniper Rifle                                      800B5BDC 03E7
                                                          800B5BF0 03E7
17 Have Cig                                               800B5BF2 0001
18 Have Scope                                             800B5BF4 0001
19 Have C.Box A                                           800B5BF6 0001
20 Have C.Box B                                           800B5BF8 0001
21 Have C.Box C                                           800B5BFA 0001
22 Have Night Vision Goggle                               800B5BFC 0001
23 Have Thermal Goggle                                    800B5BFE 0001
24 Have Gas Mask                                          800B5C00 0001
25 Have Body Armour                                       800B5C02 0001
26 Have Ketchup                                           800B5C04 0001
27 Have Stealth                                           800B5C06 0001
28 Have Bandana                                           800B5C08 0001
29 Have Camera                                            800B5C0A 0001
30 Have 255 Rations                                       800B5C0C 03E7
                                                          800B5C22 03E7
31 Have 255 Medicine                                      800B5C0E 03E7
                                                          800B5C24 03E7
32 Have 255 Diazepam                                      800B5C10 03E7
                                                          800B5C26 03E7
33 Have PAL Key                                           800B5C12 0001
34 Have Level 100 Key Card                                800B5C14 0064
35 Never Have Time Bomb                                   800B5C16 0000
36 Have Mine Detector                                     800B5C18 0001
37 Have MO Disc                                           800B5C1A 0001
38 Have Rope                                              800B5C1C 0001
39 Have Handkerchief                                      800B5C1E 0001
40 Have Suppressor Active                                 800B5C20 0000

Special Mode Codes ........................................... 10020000

41 All Mission Open                                       800E5538 FFFF
42 VS 12 Levels All Open & Complete                       800E553A FFFF
                                                          800E553C FFFF
43 Ninja All Levels Open & Complete                       800E553C FFFF
                                                          800E54DA FFFF
44 NG Selection All Levels Open & Complete                800E54BA FFFF
                                                          800E54BC FFFF
45 Variety All Levels Open & Complete                     800E5556 FFFF
                                                          800E5558 FFFF
46 Puzzle All Levels Open & Complete                      800E550E FFFF
                                                          800E5510 FFFF
47 Mystery All Levels Open & Complete                     800E5522 FFFF
                                                          800E5524 FFFF
48 VR Mission Open & Complete                             800E556C 1000

1 Min Battle Codes ........................................... 10030000

49 Vs.Target All Levels Open & Complete                   800E54C0 FFFF
                                                          800E54C2 FFFF
50 Vs.Enemy All Levels Open & Complete                    800E54A8 FFFF
                                                          800E54AA FFFF

Sneaking Mode Codes-No Weapon ................................ 10040000

51 Practice All Levels Opened                             800E546C FFFE
52 Time Attack All Levels Opened                          800E5484 FFFE

Sneaking Mode Codes-Socom .................................... 10050000

53 Practice All Levels Opened                             800E543C FFFE
54 Time Attack All Levels Opened                          800E5454 FFFE

Weapon Mode Codes-Time Attack ................................ 10060000

55 All Weapons All Levels Opened                          800E5456 8FE0
                                                          800E5458 3E0F
                                                          800E545A F0F8
                                                          800E545C 0F8F
                                                          800E545E F83E

Weapon Mode Codes-Practice ................................... 10070000

56 All Weapons All Levels Opened                          800E543E 8FE0
                                                          800E5440 3E0F
                                                          800E5442 F0F8
                                                          800E5444 0F8F
                                                          800E5446 F83E

Advanced Mode Codes-Time Attack .............................. 10080000

57 All Weapons All Levels Opened                          800E5486 8FE0
                                                          800E5488 3E0F
                                                          800E548A F0F8
                                                          800E548C 0F8F
                                                          800E548C F83E

Advanced Mode Codes-Practice ................................. 10090000

58 All Weapons All Levels Opened                          800E546E 8FE0
                                                          800E5470 3E0F
                                                          800E5472 F0F8
                                                          800E5474 0F8F
                                                          800E5476 F83E

More Miscellaneous Codes ..................................... 10100000

59 All Extra Movies Opened                                800B75CA FFFF
60 First Person View (Press Triangle)                     D00AC760 0010
                                                          800AC254 0001
                                                          D00AC760 0010
                                                          800AC860 0040 
61 Ninja's Mask is Open                                   800DDD0C 0032 
62 People Color Modifier                                  800AC1A4 ???? 

NOTE: I won't bear any responsibilities for the use of these codes.

  XI. Wish List .............................................. 11000000
After reading the Wish List section in Rudy Hendrawan's Metal Gear 
Solid FAQ and Yee Seng Fu's Metal Gear Solid Integral FAQ, I've come up 
with an idea on sharing my idea about this game to the readers since 
I've found some disappointments on this game. Some of the ideas are 
based on their FAQs though.

Critizisms ................................................... 11010000

01 Why is the movie roll still in Japanese language?
02 Why didn't Konami put the last codec conversation on this game since 
   Konami decided not to release the remake story mode in the US?
03 Why waste two blocks of memory card just to take the picture?
04 Where the hell is replay theatre (in Metal Gear Solid Integral)? I 
   can't find it in this game.
05 I can't see any differences on each movie roll so what's the point 
   to add it on the movie roll?

Suggestions .................................................. 11020000

01 I wish to play the prequel of the game in the 3D remake.
02 I wish there's a mode to play as either the villain or Merryl.
03 I wish there's a mode to fight the bosses.
04 I wish there's a mode to fight tank, hind, Metal Gear REX, etc.
05 I wish there's a 2P mode (may be even multiplayer mode) so we can 
   battle with our friends. We can choose to fight as Solid Snake, 
   Ninja, Vulcan Raven, Metal Gear REX, etc.
06 I wish to fight the animal such as dog, wolf, crocodile, lion, etc. 
   Btw, the dog is the most favorite in my opinion since it will help 
   the guard to find you.
07 I wish to play in open area not always in the building. May be in 
   the snow, forest, etc.
08 I wish to play Snake in 1st person view mode such as DOOM which is 
   more challenging.
09 I wish there are many types of guard as you proceed furthermore. 
   Each type carries different weapon (Socom, Fa-Mas, C4, PSG1, etc) 
   and has different skill.
10 How about adding hostage mode where Snake has to rescue the hostage 
   and the whole area is heavily guarded?
11 Why didn't Snake have the knife? It's fun you know to see Snake cut 
   the enemy throat.
12 How about infiltrating in the underwater and face some sharks, 
   octopus, water mines, etc?
13 How about adding replay mode which record your action during 
   gameplay and you can watch it again?
14 It's better if Konami can add Technical Demonstration mode like they 
   did in Metal Gear Solid which show you how the programmer beat the 
   games in record time.
15 It's better if Konami can add the demo of the MGS sequel (or other 
   cool animes) on the movie roll.

 XII. My Best Times .......................................... 12000000
I'm very proud to say that I've just got best times in all of the 
modes. To show my grateful, below are my best times for all of the 
modes. Please take a note that some of them haven't optimized yet 
(especially for Sneaking Mode - Socom, Weapon Mode and Special Mode - 1 
Min Battle). Anyway, this section is dedicated to those people who want 
to compete my best times (especially for those people on the Best Times 
topic from GameFAQs MGS: VR Missions message boards).

Sneaking Mode ................................................ 12000001

No Weapon
#01 00:04:06       #05 00:07:43       #09 00:14:11       #13 00:10:24
#02 00:06:73       #06 00:06:78       #10 00:07:83       #14 00:08:90
#03 00:12:80       #07 00:14:18       #11 00:11:43       #15 00:10:72
#04 00:08:52       #08 00:08:37       #12 00:22:38  

#01 00:03:58       #05 00:09:57       #09 00:15:86       #13 00:17:41
#02 00:13:34       #06 00:10:81       #10 00:13:29       #14 00:12:40
#03 00:20:28       #07 00:16:35       #11 00:17:03       #15 00:24:94
#04 00:16:86       #08 00:07:74       #12 00:19:31  
Weapon Mode .................................................. 12000002

Socom              C4                 Fa-Mas             Grenade
#01 00:03:91       #01 00:04:60       #01 00:05:59       #01 00:08:84
#02 00:07:77       #02 00:08:52       #02 00:05:91       #02 00:06:85
#03 00:11:82       #03 00:09:31       #03 00:14:85       #03 00:10:06
#04 00:10:51       #04 00:06:78       #04 00:13:78       #04 00:10:42
#05 00:13:91       #05 00:16:54       #05 00:16:46       #05 00:18:80

Claymore           Nikita             PSG1               Stinger
#01 00:07:81       #01 00:05:41       #01 00:04:60       #01 00:09:40
#02 00:11:82       #02 00:14:65       #02 00:13:60       #02 00:13:03
#03 00:24:00       #03 00:12:00       #03 00:27:58       #03 00:51:63
#04 00:21:34       #04 00:10:53       #04 00:23:27       #04 00:50:46
#05 00:34:51       #05 00:14:41       #05 00:15:65       #05 00:53:34

Advanced Mode ................................................ 12000003

Socom              C4                 Fa-Mas             Grenade     
#01 00:02:25       #01 00:03:44       #01 00:02:35       #01 00:05:50 
#02 00:04:24       #02 00:04:00       #02 00:08:06       #02 00:08:00   
#03 00:04:30       #03 00:06:73       #03 00:10:90       #03 00:13:00  
#04 00:03:93       #04 00:06:86       #04 00:03:80       #04 00:12:79    
#05 00:12:55       #05 00:11:73       #05 00:12:83       #05 00:10:86  

Claymore           Nikita             PSG1               Stinger
#01 00:07:93       #01 00:05:60       #01 00:02:45       #01 00:01:99
#02 00:14:41       #02 00:12:46       #02 00:08:94       #02 00:04:17
#03 00:13:86       #03 00:10:84       #03 00:15:27       #03 00:02:41
#04 00:15:69       #04 00:26:60       #04 00:27:71       #04 00:07:74
#05 00:15:39       #05 00:14:58       #05 00:04:00       #05 00:10:76

Special Mode ................................................. 12000004

1 Min Battle                          Puzzle             NG Selection
VS Target          VS Enemy           #01 00:10:30       #01 00:09:23
No Weapon : 32     No Weapon : 14     #02 00:07:86       #02 00:04:79
Socom     : 31     Socom     : 37     #03 00:07:00       #03 00:20:45
C4        : 51     C4        : 21     #04 00:14:58       #04 00:08:41
Fa-Mas    : 50     Fa-Mas    : 37     #05 00:22:03       #05 00:19:60
Grenade   : 109    Grenade   : 13     #06 01:23:27       #06 00:04:81
Claymore  : 42     Claymore  : 32     #07 00:14:86       #07 00:20:06
Nikita    : 61     Nikita    : 34     #08 00:11:96       #08 --:--:--
PSG1      : 28     PSG1      : 26     #09 00:29:34
Stinger   : 40     Stinger   : 29     #10 00:50:35

Variety            VS 12 Battle       Ninja              VR Missions 
#01 00:24:06       #1  01:09:63       #01 00:51:06       03:28:34  
#02 00:28:24       #2  00:27:40       #02 01:00:68  
#03 00:20:65       #3  00:30:53       #03 00:12:17
#04 00:24:94       #4  00:48:99          
#05 00:04:60       #5  00:45:17          
#06 00:28:73       #6  00:59:37          
#07 00:36:20       #7  00:39:40          
#08 00:17:38       #8  00:30:60          
#09 01:18:46
#10 01:09:84
#11 00:30:91
#12 --:--:--
#13 --:--:--

XIII. Credits ................................................ 13000000
Bibliography ................................................. 13010000

There are six major bibliographic references that I used when I write 
this FAQ:

01 Yee Seng Fu , "Metal Gear Solid Integral Basic 
   Guide Version 9.0". Online posting. Available: http://www.gamefaqs 

02 Bernard "Dhampire" Ong , "Metal Gear Solid 
   Integral VR Training Disc Version 2.6". Online posting. Available: 

   v0.4". Online posting. Available: http://www.gamefaqs.com

04 Charles MacDonald , "Metal Gear Solid: VR 
   Missions Puzzle Mode Mini FAQ, v1.0". Online posting. Available: 

05 Rudy Hendrawan , "METAL GEAR SOLID FAQ v 1.0". 
   Online posting. Available: http://www.gamefaqs.com

06 Brady , "Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions Variety 
   Mode FAQ". Online posting. Available: http://www.gamefaqs.com

Contributors and Thanks ...................................... 13020000

There are lots of people to thx and their names appear in alphabetical 
order (more or less):

01 Al Amaloo
   - The webmaster of Game Advice.
   - Thx for hosting all of my FAQs.
   - Thx for asking my permission to host my very 1st FAQ in the 1st 

   - Thx for reminding me that by holding O, Ninja can deflect the 
   - That's a really cool move, once again thx man.

03 All of my friends especially in ISTP, St. Mary, Prima Train, Stephen 
   Komputer and in anywhere for always supporting me on my business.

04 Angelique G Jackson 
   - Thanks alot for telling me the strategy to beat level 06 NG 
     Selection eventhough your strategy won't grant me best times. 
   - But finally I figured out how to beat this level under 5 seconds. 

05 Angelwingnl 
   - Thx for your "Breath of Fire III Power Up Guide".
   - The notes on Angelwingnl's FAQ makes me realize that eventhough we 
     wrote the FAQ by ourself but if we used someone FAQ to get thru 
     the game 1st then we should credit him since much info from his 
     FAQ has been taken inevitably.
   - I used his words to describe how I've taken inevitable much info 
     indirectly from somebody FAQ. Thx for the words.

   - Thx for contributing an alternate strategy for Mystery #08.

07 Chris Richardson  and David Myers 
   - Thx for helping me on writing out the bibliography since I based 
     my bibliography style from their Legend of Mana Tempering FAQ.

08 Christian Wirth
   - The webmaster of Playstation cheat.net.
   - Thx for asking my permission to put this FAQ on his site in the 
     1st place.
   - Thx for hosting all of my PlayStation FAQs.

09 Dan Simpson 
   - Thx for some parts of Author's Note section.

10 Dingo Jellybean 
   - Thx for some parts of my previous Author's Note section.

11 Erik P. 
   - Thx for telling me that the photo of the new Metal Gear is called 
     Metal Gear RAY, not Metal Gear REX.

12 Everyone on GameFAQs MGS: VR Missions message boards.
   - punkkidseatpizza for bringing the question about why this game is 
     rated mature.
   - Lancer Evolution and joeisdeth for the info regarding two giant 
     soldiers fight each other in level 13 Variety in Special Mode and 
     how to trigger it.
   - unl33t and L Snake for the question and answer about the word 
     Johnny from level 06 Mystery in Special Mode.
   - IcemanUK for creating the Best Times topic and answering 
     punkkidseatpizza's question.
   - Andreas Runelid for sharing some of his best times strategy in 
     Advanced Mode to me and for bringing information regarding the 
     difference between PAL and NTSC times. Also thx for convincing the 
     people about what worth is Technical Demonstration. You're rule!
   - Sariel for giving very good advice about writing MGS:VR Missions 
     FAQ but too bad, I can't follow it. Also thx for telling how to 
     shoot correctly in level 08 Variety in Special Mode.
   - daveait  for posting his VR Missions 
     mode strategy which help me to beat that mode under 4 minutes. You 
     are really a true VR Missions master!

13 GameShark Codes Creator's Club
   - Thx for the GameShark codes.

14 Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
   - The founder of GameFAQs.
   - Big thx for hosting all of my FAQs.

15 My father, my mother and my brother
   - Thx for all of your supports.

16 Scott Ong 
   - Thx for some parts of the disclaimer.
   - Thx for the email policy.
   - Thx for the searching method.

17 Whoever on creating WordPad. GOD Bless you.
18 Whoever on reading my FAQ.

19 Yee Seng Fu 
   - Thx for inspiring me on making this FAQ.
   - Thx for always replying my email.

                        --==END OF DOCUMENT==--