METAL GEAR SOLID Optional Codec Transcript & Location Guide by odaiba_memorial (A. Mayes) (c) 2016 ============================================================================== VERSION INFO ============================================================================== Version 1.5 (2/26/2018) Made some corrections and moved a few conversations in response to another playthrough I did recently. Things should be a bit more in place now. Verson 1.0 (5/15/2016) Very sloppy, but managed to salvage it all together from an old text dump accompanied with a 13-hour playtesting session. Any version after this will essentially just be cleanup. ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== Part 1: Rescuing the Hostages 01) Dock 02) Heliport 03) Tank Hangar, in the vents 04) Tank Hangar 05) Cell 06) Armory 07) Armory South 08) During Revolver Ocelot fight 09) Armory South, after Revolver Ocelot fight 10) Armory, after contacting Meryl 11) Tank Hangar 12) Canyon 13) During M1 Tank fight Part 2: Nuclear Warhead Storage Building 14) Nuke Building 1F 15) Nuke Building B2, without Nikita 16) Nuke Building B1 17) Nuke Building B2, with Nikita 18) Nuke Building B2, southeast hall 19) During Cyborg Ninja fight 20) Lab, after Cyborg Ninja fight 21) Nuke Building B2 22) Nuke Building B1, before finding Meryl 23) Nuke Building B1, after finding Meryl 24) Commander's Room 25) During Psycho Mantis fight 26) Commander's Room, after Psycho Mantis fight Part 3: Sniper Wolf 27) Cave 28) Underground Passage, after Meryl is shot 29) Tank Hangar 30) Armory 31) During first Sniper Wolf fight 32) Underground Passage, after Sniper Wolf fight 33) Medical Room 34) Medical Room, after Otacon shows up 35) Cell 36) Armory 37) Armory South 38) Nuke Building B2 39) Nuke Building B1 40) Cave 41) Communications Tower A 42) Communications Tower Roof 43) Rappelling 44) Communications Tower Walkway 45) Communications Tower B 46) During Hind D fight 47) Communications Tower Roof, after Hind D fight 48) Communications Tower B 49) During stealth elevator ambush 50) Snowfield 51) During second Sniper Wolf fight Part 4: Metal Gear 52) Snowfield, after Sniper Wolf fight 53) Blast Furnace 54) Cargo Elevator 55) During Cargo Elevator ambush 56) Cargo Elevator, after ambush 57) During Vulcan Raven fight 58) Warehouse, after Vulcan Raven fight 59) Warehouse North 60) Underground Base 1F 61) Underground Base 3F 62) The PAL Key I: Retrieving the Key 63) The PAL Key II: Cooling the Key 64) The PAL Key III: Heating the Key 65) During Metal Gear Rex fight 66) During Liquid Snake fight 67) Escape Route Addendum: Removed Conversations (?) Copyright Info ============================================================================== 01) Dock ============================================================================== Campbell: Snake, don't forget this is a covert operation. There are lots of bad guys and only one of you. If you're spotted, you'll be surrounded before you know it. Naomi: If that happens, you're finished. Campbell: First go to the elevator in the back and take it up to the ground floor. Then look for the DARPA Chief. ============================================================================== 02) Heliport ============================================================================== Campbell: Snake, your mission is to infiltrate, not to fight. Don't let the enemy see you. First you've got to rescue the DARPA Chief. Infiltrate the building in front. Look for some way to get in. --- Naomi: Are you smoking? Snake: Yeah, so what? Naomi: Didn't you know that cigarettes contain benzopyrene, a chemical that leads to lung cancer? We now know that when benzopyrene enters the body, it changes to benzopyrene diolepoxide (BPDE) and attaches to the receptors on the P53 gene, the gene that causes lung cancer. The BPDE attaches to the P53 gene in three specific locations and causes precancerous changes to the lung tissue. Snake: You know a lot about science, but you don't know how good a cigarette tastes in the morning. --- Nastasha: This is Nastasha Romanenko. A pleasure to work with you, Solid Snake. Snake: You're the nuclear specialist that the colonel mentioned? Nastasha: That's me. You can ask me anything about nukes that you want. I am also a military analyst, so I have an extensive knowledge of weapons systems as well. They asked me to participate in this operation as a supervisor from the Nuclear Emergency Search Team. I was happy to accept. We must not allow terrorists to get their hands on nuclear weapons on any kind. I hope I can help you to stop them. Snake: You're a tough lady. Nastasha: Those terrorists are serious about launching a nuclear weapon. The world cannot stand by idly and allow that to happen. And neither can I... Unfortunately, all I can do from here is provide you with information... Snake: Hopefully that'll be enough. Another soldier here wouldn't make a difference anyway. It's good to work with you, Nastasha. Nastasha: Same here, Snake. --- Nastasha: The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island was built at the beginning of this century. It was made only to temporarily store the nuclear warheads. Snake: Why? If they wanted to dispose of them, why wouldn't they just dismantle them right away? Nastasha: They cannot do that. You see, when you dismantle a warhead, you still have nuclear materials that must be stored. At this point, all of the nuclear material storage facilities are way past capacity. But they could not stop dismantling weapons while at the same time pushing START-2... Snake: So, you're telling me that this base was built so they could temporarily avoid being in conflict with START-2? Nastasha: Most people think that we live in a safer world now. But with all the dismantled nuclear weapons and waste around, the threat of nuclear terrorism has increased tremendously. Snake: It's ironic, isn't it? --- Nastasha: After the START-2 Accord was signed on January 3, 1993, Russia and the U.S. reduced their strategic nuclear warheads to between 3,000 and 3,500 warheads each. They completely dismantled all of the ICBMs which contained MIRVs (multiple independently targeted reentry vehicles). As a result of that, there are over 15,000 dismantled nuclear warheads waiting to be disposed of. --- Nastasha: The warheads are supposed to be dismantled at Pantex or some other dismantling facility, but there are limits to how many warheads they can process. We just don't have the capabilities to dismantle all the warheads that are out there. --- Nastasha: Over 200 tons of plutonium and over 1,000 tons of high-grade uranium have been removed from nuclear weapons so far. And on top of that, nuclear reactors all over the world continue to produce and leak spent nuclear fuel. According to one estimate, as of the year 2005, America alone was storing over 50,000 tons of nuclear material. There is no room left in our nuclear material storage sites. That is why we need nuclear weapons disposal facilities. --- Nastasha: Nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors, hazardous waste... We're constantly being exposed to plutonium and other radioactive materials. Compared to that, smoking seems not so bad, huh? --- Nastasha: That is a chaff grenade. It is a special grenade that dispenses thin, narrow metallic strips of various lengths and frequency responses. It can confuse electronic equipment. It will be useful against machines, which depend upon electronic sensors. Naturally, for it to be effective, you must use it before you are attacked. If you are expecting an attack, spread the chaff beforehand. --- Campbell: Watch out for that surveillance camera. You can probably jam it temporarily with your Chaff. There should be a blind spot underneath that camera. You'll be okay if you stay flat up against the wall. --- Nastasha: Security cameras? Da. That is the wireless type which transmits visual data to a central security area. If you use chaff, you will be able to disable it. --- Nastasha: Those are Stun Grenades. They are often used in sensitive operations such as feeeing hostages and that sort of thing. Sometimes they are called "flashbangs" or "sound and flash grenades." They make a big flash and lots of noise, which will temporarily disorient and disable your opponents. They will not cause fatal injury, but they can make enemy soldiers unconscious. Use them wisely. --- Nastasha: Harasho...good! You found a SOCOM. That's a Special Operations Command pistol. It's a .45 caliber pistol with plenty of stopping power. It's also equipped with a LAM (Laser Aiming Module) for nighttime combat. If you hold down the Weapon button, you can train the laser sight to help you aim. If you find a SOCOM suppressor, you can equip that, too. That pistol was designed specifically for use by special forces, so I think it will be useful. Some people find it a little heavy and hard to use, but it shouldn't be a problem for you. --- Campbell: Snake, you'll never be able to get through the front door. Find some other way to get in. ============================================================================== 03) Tank Hangar, in the vents ============================================================================== (Note that taking the upper vents gets you an extra cutscene, while the lower vents get you an extended conversation with Master Miller.) --- Campbell: Snake, first you've got to find the DARPA Chief. Look for clues. --- Mei Ling: Sorry. The Soliton radar won't work in a narrow space. Too much harmonic resonance. The radio waves produce interference and we can't analyze the topographic data. Try to hang on until you get to a more open space, okay? --- Master: Snake, you've got to think. Your mind is your most dangerous weapon. If things are getting too complicated, try to simplify your thoughts. You can also try calling Campbell for advice. --- Master: Soldiers that have been forged in the fires of battle are used to catching naps whenever and wherever they can. There's a big difference between real soldiers and those kids who have only been trained in VR simulators. After playing for a long time, you should get some rest too. --- Master: People's reaction speed is slowest around three o'clock in the morning, and so is their judgment. If you're feeling drowsy, you should get some sleep. --- Master: It's also important to be able to control your bodily functions. You never know when a long demo is about to begin, so make sure you're prepared to sit in front of the monitor for a long time if necessary. --- Master: It's never a good idea to fight on too full a stomach. It'll make you logy...maybe even sleepy. You should wait 30 minutes after eating before you play. --- Master: Where I come from, a soldier who loses his head in combat is called a "target." --- Master: Military C-rations place an emphasis on calories. That's why it's best to use them along with some other type of nutritional supplement such as vitamins or minerals. --- Master: The weather in Alaska is very hard to predict. It can change on a dime. A lot of people say it's the worst weather in the world. ============================================================================== 04) Tank Hangar ============================================================================== Campbell: Don't make too much noise or you'll be spotted. Be careful when you're walking on that floor. --- Mei Ling: You found out where the DARPA Chief is! With his nanomachine transmitter, he should show up as a green dot on your radar when you get close. Try to find him. --- Master: Snake, that floor is designed so that your footsteps echo. Listen, Snake. There's a way to walk so that your footsteps won't be heard. I call it stalking. Here's how you do it. First, put your weight on the opposite foot that you're going to step with. Then take a step so that your heel makes contact with the ground first. Then as you slowly lower the tip of your foot to the floor, gradually shift your weight onto that foot. Use your knees to maintain the subtle balance. Try it. Snake: I...I can't do it... Master: Another way is to wear your socks over your shoes... If you crawl on your stomach, you won't make any noise either... --- Nastasha: Thermal Goggles work by thermal imaging instead of by amplifying light like the Night-Vision Goggles. They'll work just as well in complete darkness. Not only that, they can also penetrate optic stealth systems. You will be able to spot Claymores too. But they will tire your eyes out, so do not use them too much. ============================================================================== 05) Cell ============================================================================== Naomi: Snake! Look at your radar! We've picked up the DARPA Chief's signal. Mei Ling: Can you see the green dot flashing on your radar? That's coming from the transmitter in the Chief's body. That's where you'll find him. Campbell: It looks like the Chief is being held in a cell. Find some way to get in there. Hurry up and get him out. --- (After meeting with the Darpa Chief): --- Campbell: Sorry Snake, but it looks like the rescue was a failure. There's no reason to stay in that cell anymore... Snake, get out of there and go to the 2nd floor basement. You've got to rescue the president of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker, before the terrorists find out his detonation code. --- Mei Ling: The DARPA Chief. Poor man...he has a heart attack right after you save him... I'm getting a bad feeling about this, Snake. Maybe you should let me save your mission. --- Nastasha: They were conducting exercisess with this new Metal Gear prototype. Is that what the DARPA chief said? Snake: Yeah. Nastasha: What the hell!? Snake: So you know about Metal Gear? Nastasha: Just rumors. I heard it is some kind of walking tank that can deliver an accurate nuclear strike from any terrain... Mountains, deserts, swamps...wherever. But you are the real expert on Metal Gear, aren't you, Snake? Snake: Yeah, I guess I am. But what about the PAL system that the DARPA chief mentioned? Nastasha: It is a device attached to a nuclear-weapon system to prevent the missile from being armed or launched. Usually a secret detonation code or combination is necessary to launch the missile. Snake: According to the chief, there are two codes, and the terrorists already know one of them. Nastasha: The other code... if the terrorists find out about that one too... Snake: Yeah... I've got to hurry and rescue President Baker... --- Nastasha: PAL stands for "permissive action link." It's a safety system attached to nuclear-missile systems. The missile cannot be fired without the insertion of a special electronic code. But if the terrorists have found out the detonation codes, they can launch the missile anytime they want. --- Snake: Is it possible to destroy the PAL system so that the missile can be fired even without inserting the detonation code? Nastasha: I do not believe so. It is set up so that the warhead will become automatically inactive if any attempt is made to remove, deactivate, or destroy the PAL. Snake: So unless the terrorists either learn the detonation codes or get their hands on the detonation-code override keys, there's no way they can launch... Nastasha: Don't be too sure. Any system can contain bugs or malfunctions. We cannot relax yet. --- Nastasha: I do not know much about Metal Gear. Just the little I have heard. I know it appeared in Outer Heaven in 1995 and then again in Zanzibar in 1999... Both were Third World countries led by military regimes. They secrety developed Metal Gear to increase their military and political power throughout the world. But both were stopped by a lone hero... You, Solid Snake. Snake: .......... That was a long time ago.... --- Nastasha: All the ICBM silos are closely monitored by military satellites. SLBM-equipped submarines can move secretly, but naturally they are limited to launching from the water. Finally, there are ALBMs which can be launched from aircraft. They allow for excellent mobility, but they are somewhat unreliable... Metal Gear was developed to solve all those problems. It can move freely over any terrain and independently launch a nuclear missile at any target in the world. It completely changes the nature of the strategic-arms race and destroys the delicate nuclear balance... It is a weapon to be feared, believe me. --- Nastasha: The development of Metal Gear is a cynical attempt to consolidate and increase our military dominance while at the same time maintaining the pretense of disarming ourselves. Now that the SLCM zero option, allowing for the sneak inspections of submarines in international waters, has been concluded, the value of submarines as strategic weapons has greatly diminished. With Metal Gear, governments of the world will be able to avoid this type of inspection and, at the same time, stay in compliance with international nuclear treaties. --- Master: You say the DARPA Chief is dead!? Snake: Yeah...According to Naomi, it was a heart attack. Master: looks like all you can do now is find Kenneth Baker, the president of ArmsTech. He's in the 2nd floor basement, isn't he? Snake: Yeah, on the other side of the wall that was cemented over. Master: Okay. Good luck, Snake. You can do it... --- (After the shootout): --- Naomi: Snake, Psycho Mantis has the power to read people's minds. He got the DARPA chief's detonation code. Hurry up or he'll get Baker's code too... Campbell: That's right. If the terrorists get Baker's code, they'll be able to launch that nuke anytime they want. Snake: Yeah, they'll use Metal Gear to do it... Colonel, did you know they were conducting a military exercise here using Metal Gear? Campbell: ...I didn't know. Snake: Really? Campbell: Snake, you've got to understand. I'm just the middleman in this operation. Anyway, hurry up and get to the 2nd-floor basement! You've got to save the ArmsTech president before the terrorists find out his code. ============================================================================== 06) Armory ============================================================================== Campbell: The walls that were cemented over should look slightly different. Look at the walls carefully in First Person View Mode. Try to find the walls that have a different pattern. Naomi: Did you try hitting the wall? Maybe it'll sound different too. Campbell: You'll need some kind of explosive to destroy the C4 or something. Take a good look around the armory. --- Nastasha: That is C4 explosive. A plastic explosive with a texture similar to clay, so you can shape it in almost any way you want. Although it has 1.4 times the destructive power of dynamite, it is highly stable and will not explode without a detonating device, even if it is shot, burned, or beaten. You are using a wireless detonator. The detonator is equipped with a scrambler so you don't have to worry about interference from any other radio source. Make sure you are sufficiently far enough away when it goes off. Also, as you know, the sound of the explosive will alert your enemies, so be careful. --- Nastasha: You found some Grenades. Just pull the pin and it explodes after five seconds. You can get a lot done duting those five seconds, Snake. How you use them is up to you. ============================================================================== 07) Armory South ============================================================================== Campbell: President Baker should be somewhere around there. Hurry up and find him. Also, you can't use your radar around there. Mei Ling says it's because of electronic jamming. If you want to know more, ask her. --- Mei Ling: Snake, you can't use your radar in that area. There's some kind of electronic jamming coming from there...I wonder what it is. Anyway, be careful. ============================================================================== 08) During Revolver Ocelot fight ============================================================================== Campbell: If you've got a question about FOX-HOUND, ask Dr. Naomi. Naomi: Revolver Ocelot is a former member of Spetsnaz. After the fall of the Soviet Union, he apparently served in the Russian Tax Police's elite SWAT team. After that, he joined the SVR, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, which was formerly a part of the KGB. But according to my sources, he was dissatisfied with the rigid system of the KGB and wanted to get out. That's when he was recruited by FOX-HOUND. He's a gun fanatic totally obsessed with cowboy movies and spaghetti westerns. He's also something of a sadist...he learned the most advanced torture techniques while he was with Spetsnaz. Campbell: Yeah, he had plenty of practice. The Lubianka Prison is located right there inside KGB headquarters. In a gunfight, reloading is usually the most dangerous time. But he loves it. Use that to your advantage. You'll have to take him out when he's reloading. Can you see where his number of remaining bullets is displayed on the screen? Wait for the right moment and then take him out! --- Campbell: Make sure President Baker doesn't get hurt. If he's killed, it's all over. Try not to cross over that yellow line or you might set off the explosion. --- Campbell: You might also try to faze him with a Stun Grenade. --- Campbell: If you get too close to Ocelot, he'll run away and shoot you from a distance. So be careful. --- Campbell: Snake, don't forget that President Baker is there. He's wrapped up in C4, so don't use any type of explosive near him. --- Nastasha: He's using a Single Action Army? The first model of that gun was made in 1873...over 130 years ago. Today they're still being made in small numbers, but that's just for collectors and such. Nobody uses them in combat anymore... Biggest drawback to revolver style handguns is the reload time. That's your chance. --- Master: The muzzle velocity of a bullet fired from a revolver is slower than one fired from an automatic. That's bad for you. The slower a gun's muzzle velocity, the more damage it does. That's 'cause the bullet will tend to lodge in the body instead of going right through. Those kinds of wounds take a long time to heal. Sometimes they never do. I think that's part of the reason he likes that gun. He's a real sick puppy, that Ocelot... The biggest drawback to a revolver is the reload time. That's your chance! ============================================================================== 09) Armory South, after Revolver Ocelot fight ============================================================================== Campbell: The DARPA Chief and President Baker...So now the terrorists know both detonation codes... Snake: Yeah. And on top of that, they both died right in front of my eyes. Campbell: Snake, now that the terrorists have both detonation codes, the only way to stop a nuclear launch is to either use the detonation code release keys that Meryl's holding, or... Snake: Or find the Metal Gear chief engineer that President Baker mentioned...Hal Emmerich. Campbell: In any case, you should contact Meryl by Codec. Wasn't her frequency written on the back of the CD case? --- Nastasha: It is just like Baker said. We are facing increasing danger from stored nuclear materials. You see, there are three elements necessary in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Nuclear materials, nuclear engineers, and manufacturing technology. All three of them can easily be acquired by either legal or illegal means. If you have enough money, that is. --- Nastasha: They say that there are 500,000 nuclear engineers in the world. But after the end of the Cold War, the demand for nuclear engineers dropped precipitously. In the Eastern Block countries, in particular, there is a tremendous brain drain. They cannot keep their scientists in the country, and each year more and more nuclear engineers go to work for the highest bidder. --- Nastasha: Just like Baker said, each year there are more and more cases of MUF coming from the nuclear material storage facilities. That stands for "Material Unaccounted For." It means that someone is stealing nuclear materials and probably selling them on the black market. --- Nastasha: After the fall of the Soviet Union, the nuclear management program fell to pieces. In the late 1990s, there were rumors that nearly a hundred Suitcase-sized nuclear bombs mysteriously disappeared from the Soviet arsenal. We still do not know whether it is true or not, but it is possible that they fell into the hands of terrorists... --- Nastasha: It looks like the DARPA chief and the ArmsTech president both agree on the concept of maintaining a dominant nuclear arsenal. They are big on the nuclear deterrent theory. The idea behind a nuclear standoff is that both countries would be too afraid to use a nuclear weapon for fear of a nuclear reprisal. In other words, the only thing preventing a country from totally devastating another country with nuclear weapons is the fear of a nuclear counterstrike. Those two probably feel that Metal Gear will further promote that security... --- Nastasha: The right-wingers believe that as long as any country has nuclear weapons, they must have them as well. That is why they will never be in favor of the total elimination of nuclear weapons. And with each new country that acquires nuclear capabilities, the need for maintaining that counterstrike threat increases. As long as the nuclear deterrent policy continues, we'll never be rid of nuclear weapons... --- Nastasha: The theory of nuclear deterrence was born during the Cold War, at a time of great suspicion between the U.S. and the USSR. The great gulf between the ideologies of East and West caused a dramatic escalation in the arms race. And this escalation of the arms race in turn fueled mutual distrust and fear between the world's two great superpowers. The last half of the twentieth century was shaped by the policy of nuclear deterrence. But the world has changed. The Cold War has ended, and we are now living in a world where small, regional conflicts are breaking out all over. Things are not so simple anymore, and the policy of nuclear deterrence is obsolete. Most of these regional conflicts are the result of age-old enmities between different ethnic groups and religions. In those cases, the hatred often runs so deep that rationality is thrown out the window. For people such as them, the fear of a counterstrike often means little, and that is why the nuclear-deterrence policy has lost much of its efficacy. A nuclear standoff is not a sufficient deterrent in the current world climate. --- Master: First the DARPA chief and then President Baker die of a heart attack? Snake: Yeah. Smells pretty rotten to me. Master, do you know anything? Master: No... But there's definitely something going on. Keep your eyes open out there. --- Master: People who have been through war and survived develop a kind of sixth sense to warn them of danger. Trust your instincts as a soldier... As a gamer... --- Master: In war, a split second can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Don't ever hesitate. The slower you react, the greater the chance that you'll be beaten. --- Master: That inner voice that warns you when danger is nearby... You can't learn that in training. You've got to have survived a few firefights... seen a few friends blown away before you learn that trick. --- Master: When you're trying to hide, avoid places that look like the enemy might search. Think about how your enemy is going to move and then sneak in there. It doesn't matter how smart you are, just use your head out there. --- Master: Snake, divide and conquer. Try to take your enemies on one at a time. ============================================================================== 10) Armory, after contacting Meryl ============================================================================== Snake: Don't worry, Colonel. Meryl is fine. Campbell: Thank God... Naomi: Meryl is a very strong woman. I really respect her. Snake: She's got plenty of heart. Campbell: Not so fast. The real mission is still ahead. --- Nastasha: Snake, that room is set with infrared sensors. You should be able to see them if you had some smoke--cigarette smoke or something. Snake: Sorry, but these are smokeless cigarettes. Nastasha: You mean those cigarettes that are designed to cut down on secondhand smoke? Oh well, don't worry... If you blow the smoke in the direction of the infrared sensors, you should be able to see them. That was a good idea bringing the cigarettes. But don't smoke too much. Cigarettes make you weak, in mind and body. They're bad for you. --- Nastasha: That is a FAMAS. It is a bullpup style assault rifle. It is durable and easy to use. Very resistant to overheating, it is a reliable weapon with smooth action. It can fire up to 1,000 rounds per minute. On full auto, you will empty a 25 round magazine in a few seconds. ============================================================================== 11) Tank Hangar ============================================================================== (To initiate this conversation, contact Campbell while standing next to a sleeping Genome Soldier.) Campbell: Even though the Genome Soldiers are strengthened by gene therapy, they still need to sleep. You can move safely while they're napping. Naomi: The Genome Soldiers were specially trained so they can enter into a light sleep any time and still remain in attack posture. Be careful not to make noise when you're near them. Campbell: When they're yawning, their eyes are closed, so they shouldn't be able to see you. Be careful with your timing and you'll be okay. --- Nastasha: Good. You found a Suppressor for the SOCOM pistol. If you equip that, you won't have to worry about being noticed by the enemy when you fire. It will greatly reduce the sound and flash from your muzzle. It uses a multi-layered chamber to lower the velocity of the gas emissions and thus reduce the sund and flash when you fire your weapon. The Suppressor is narrow enough so you can still use the gun's original sight even when it is equipped. It shouldn't change the feel when you fire it. --- Campbell: What have you got there? A cardboard box? Snake: Yeah. Remember that trick? Campbell: That's the Snake I remember. Those poor fools won't know what hit em. --- Nastasha: A cardboard box. A cardboard box usually consists of a thin pasteboard with a corrugated paper center. They are usually made of recycled paper. It was first invented in Europe over one hundred years ago. It was originally used to absorb one's sweat when wearing hats. With the same amount of wood to make one wooden box, you can make six or seven cardboard boxes. And since it's recyclable, it's highly economical. In addition, it is strong and easy to store. That is why it is widely used for packing. But to avoid damaging weapons and other delicate instruments when shipping them, they should be packed in stronger boxes, like... wood or something. Also, the crevices should be filled with Styrofoam to prevent them from moving around. ...So anyway, what's with the box? Snake:...Oh big deal. --- Master: A cardboard box, huh. Just like Zanzibar. Snake: It saved my skin more than a few times in Outer Heaven, too. Master: Getting the maximum use of ordinary on-hand objects is the first principle of survival. It's especially important for covert operations. Snake: I haven't forgotten what you taught me. --- Meryl: A cardboard box? I heard stories from my uncle, but I always though he was pulling my leg...I...I've got no comment. --- Nastasha: That is a mine detector. It works by searching for metal objects. It will even find Claymores that are hidden with optic stealth technology. It is set so that the position of the land mines will show up on your radar. All you have to do is equip the mine detector and keep an eye on your radar. Use it carefully. ============================================================================== 12) Canyon ============================================================================== Campbell: If you go north from there, you should come to the Warhead Storage Building. Naomi: Dr. Emmerich is probably being held there. Campbell: You've got to save him and find out how to destroy Metal Gear. --- Master: Sound travels better in cold environments. If you're going to use a handgun, you should equip a suppressor. --- Master: When the temperature falls down to minus 30 or minus 40 degrees Celsius, you start to get ice fogs. That's when the moisture in the air freezes. It may look pretty at first, but it'll severely limit your visibility. Be careful. --- Master: Kipling, an English poet who also won the Nobel Prize, said that once you go beyond 65 north, you're beyond the reach of divine protection and human law. To survive in such surroundings, you have to be strong enough to not rely on God or anyone else. --- Master: In cold like this, over 70% of your body warmth is lost through your head. Put on some kind of hat. Snake: I hate hats. Is a bandanna okay? Master: Well, I guess it's better than nothing... --- Master: In an arctic environment, it's important to change your underwear if you're sweating a lot. Dawdle around too much and you'll not only waste your strength, but you could even catch pneumonia. Gaming after a bath should be avoided. --- Master: It's easy to dehydrate in subzero climates, so make sure to replenish your fluids. But don't ever try to do it by eating snow. You'll freeze your stomach, and your body temperature will drop. Always melt the snow and then boil it before you drink it. --- Master: No cold foods or cold liquids for you. That stuff causes a temperature imbalance that actually drains your body of energy. A golden rule in arctic environments. --- Meryl: If you go north from there, you'll eventually come to the Warhead Storage Building. Dr. Emmerich should be in the laboratory area in the 2nd floor basement. I'll go ahead and wait for you there. Snake: Meryl. Meryl: What? Are you going to tell me to stay back cause I'm too green again? Snake: Nope. It's your decision. I can't stop you from doing what you want, but... Meryl: But? Snake: Don't do anything stupid, okay? Meryl: Stupid? Boy...thanks for the great show of confidence... Snake: Meryl.... Meryl: Anyway...I'll see you there. --- (After the call from Deepthroat.) --- Snake: Colonel, I got a Codec call from someone outside this operation! Campbell: I know. We were monitoring the call. Mei Ling knows everything about the communications system, so let me have her explain it to you. Mei Ling: Well, if somebody knows your frequency, they can call you. But the question is how did he learn it... it's top secret information... Snake: So you mean someone leaked the information? Mei Ling: That's the only explanation I can think of... Snake: Mei Ling, do you know where that transmission originated from? Mei Ling: I'm sorry. The radio waves were too weak to locate their source. But I'm sure he's near you...somewhere on the base. Campbell: Snake, you'll have to go through the mine field to advance. --- Nastasha: That area is mined? After you locate the mines on your radar, crawl forward and retrieve them. Anti-personnel mines have killed over 20,000 non-combatants in the past thirty years. In countries like Cambodia and Nicaragua, the killing and maiming of innocent victims continues long after the wars have ended. It is easy to plant the mines, you see, but removing them is a different matter. It requires more time and manpower than anyone is willing to invest. The superpowers need to donate more mine detectors and other equipment to remove them. It is the least we could do after laying them. --- Snake: Master, does the name Deepthroat mean anything to you? Master: Deepthroat? What? You mean the guy from Watergate? Snake: No. But he uses the same name. Whoever he is, he's not part of our operation, but he's been giving me advice by Codec. Master: What? Snake: On top of that, he wasn't using burst transmission. It seems he was transmitting from somewhere on this base. Master: Somewhere on the base? Snake: Yes. Master: ...I have no idea who that could be. Snake: I see... ============================================================================== 13) Canyon, during M1 Tank fight ============================================================================== Campbell: Snake, look out for that tank's main gun. It'll pulverise you. There should be some way. Ask Nastasha. She knows everything there is to know about weapon systems. --- Nastasha: That M1 tank is equipped with advanced vetronics. Once it locks on to a target, it automatically tracks it, and its main gun is effective up to 3,000 meters. To get close, you'll have to confuse its tracking system. Use your chaff. If you can jam the system and get close enough, it won't be able to use its main gun. Use your chaff at a long distance to fool its electronic systems. --- Campbell: A tank can't operate by itself. It's actually a fairly delicate weapon. Don't worry. You've got at least a fighting chance. Ask Nastasha what she thinks. --- Nastasha: Even if you can get close, the M1 tank's maximum speed is 45 miles per hour. First, you'll need to slow it down. Go after its caterpillars with C4 or grenades. Once it slows down, toss a grenade in the commander's turret. The M1 has exceptionally strong armor. With your weapons, the only way to beat it is to attack the soldiers inside through the hatch. Try to aim at the upper hatch with your grenades. --- Meryl: No matter how good you are, there's no way you can match up against an M1 tank. All you can do is try to take out the person in the driver's seat. With grenades, you should be able to attack the soldier on top of the tank too. --- Meryl: I think you might be able to fool the tank's electronic systems with a Chaff Grenade. ============================================================================== 14) Nuke Building 1F ============================================================================== Campbell: Snake, you've got to rescue Dr. Emmerich, the Metal Gear engineer. Naomi: He's probably being held prisoner in the 2nd floor basement of the Warhead Storage Building. --- Meryl: You're incredible, Snake! You single-handedly beat an M1 tank. Snake: No big deal. But I'll bet that VR simulator you trained on didn't have any scenarios that put you one on one against a tank, did it? Meryl: No. But there was no scenario where I had to work alone with a special forces soldier against a group of terrorists either. Snake: In real life, things never go the way you expect them to...especially on a battlefield. Meryl: I'm already holed up in the Warhead Storage Building. It looks like Dr. Emmerich is still fine, but I'm not sure for how much longer... Hurry up this way, okay? --- (After the call from Naomi warning you about the nukes.) --- Nastasha: Snake, that is a nuclear warhead storage area. Snake: Are all these filled with nuclear warheads? Nastasha: Yes. But their detonation mechanisms have been removed. Snake: So I don't have to worry about this island turning into a pile of smoking rubble? Nastasha: No. But if the casing is damaged, they may be leaking nuclear materials. Please make sure you do not use your gun around there. --- Nastasha: Naturally, nuclear weapons contain plutonium. Most of the radiation emitted by plutonium isotopes consists of alpha rays. The ionization effects are strong, but if they are kept in containers there is no danger of exposure. But if plutonium enters the body through breathing or other contact, it is quickly absorbed into the bones and internal organs. After that, there is no way to remove it. Once that happens, the victim will be constantly exposed to it, and just one one-millionth of a gram of plutonium can cause cancer. That is why a plutonium leak is such a serious danger. Make sure you do not use your gun anywhere near there. --- Nastasha: Scientists are currently using gene therapy to try to create a microorganism capable of breaking down plutonium, but they have not yet had any success. Snake: The plutonium version of bio-remediation, huh. Instead of processing, what about reusing it? I thought that they were working on using dismantled plutonium for civilian applications. Nastasha: For a time, it looked like there was going to be international cooperation for that, but unfortunately there was too much mutual suspicion, and it all fell apart. --- Nastasha: The signing of START was a step in the right direction, but it created a flood of dismantled plutonium. Disposing of that plutonium safely is now the biggest challenge facing the world. Combustion in nuclear reactors, vitrification processing...lots of suggestions have been made, but in reality no effective solutions have been found. --- Meryl: Dr. Emmerich should be in the laboratory area in the 2nd-floor basement. Heavy-arms fire in that area is strictly prohibited. An explosion could cause nuclear material to leak from one of more of the warheads, and that would be a very serious problem. Please be careful. Snake: It looks like they're equipped with gas masks. Meryl: That's because they are not supposed to use heavy arms. Snake: Ah. You mean they use chemical weapons, instead. --- (If you trigger Alert Mode and the gas is released.) --- Campbell: Snake, it's gas! Hold your breath! Your O2 Gauge should appear underneath your Life Gauge. If you don't breathe, the gauge will decrease. When it reaches zero, your Life Gauge will begin decrease. Try to find a Gas Mask. Naomi: The gas that's being dispersed is probably an organic phosphorus-based nerve gas. It destroys the nervous system by interfering with the breakdown of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter. And you don't have to breathe it in for it to kill you. It can enter your body through skin contact as well. Victims die within fifteen minutes of the onset of symptoms such as nausea, perspiration, convulsions, headache, or difficulty with breathing. Your Sneaking Suit will give you some protection. It's made of a material similar to that which the NBC soldiers use. Also, I injected you with nanomachines that contain PAM (protopan chloride), a nerve gas neutralizing agent. But that will only give you temporary protection. You'd better find a Gas Mask! --- Meryl: If you use a gas mask. You should be able to survive that gas for a long time. Snake: Where is the gas mask? Meryl: On the 2nd floor basement of that building. So you'll have to go through there without one. --- Nastasha: The area is filled with gas. Probably an organophosphate nerve agent like Soman or something similar. Well, your Sneaking Suit gives you some protection. Also, your nanomachines contain anti-BC neutralizing agents, should be okay for a short time. But what you really need is a Gas Mask. An organophosphate nerve agent is a gas which invades an animal's nerves. It was first used as a weapon in World War II, and the casualties resulting from it were tremendous. In its pure form, it is a colorless, odorless gas. That gas was probably colored yellow to make it easier to detect in the case of a leak. --- Master: Snake, that's probably some type of nerve gas. It's extremely lethal. Use a gas mask. ============================================================================== 15) Nuke Building B2, without Nikita ============================================================================== Campbell: You've got to rescue Dr. Emmerich and find out Metal Gear's weak point. Naomi: Isn't he being held in the laboratory in the northeast part of the floor you're on? --- Meryl: Dr. Emmerich is probably being held in his lab in the northeast part of that floor. They've flooded the area with gas to prevent him from escaping. But there should be a gas mask on that floor too. If you use it, you'll be able to make it through easily. --- (After the call from Deepthroat.) --- Meryl: Deepthroat? No, I don't know anyone who calls himself that. Snake: I see... Meryl: I wonder why he's trying to help you. Snake: I have no idea. Meryl: A trap? Snake: Could be. But for the time being, I'll have to trust him... Where are the remote controlled missiles? Meryl: I think the remote controlled missiles are on the 1st floor basement of the Warhead Storage Building. ============================================================================== 16) Nuke Building B1 ============================================================================== Mei Ling: Snake! Are you smoking a cigarette!? Cigarettes are poison...they kill people. Didn't you hear what Dr. Naomi said? "He that cuts off twenty years of life cuts off so many years of fearing death." Is that why you smoke, Snake? You're too afraid of life? --- Nastasha: Those are remote-controlled miniature reconnaissance missiles, sometimes called Nikita missiles. They've got CCD cameras in their nose cones. After you fire them, they'll transmit their visual data to your monitor. You can control their flight freely in all directions. But the missiles have a limited amount of fuel. Watch the
          gauge carefully.

17) Nuke Building B2, with Nikita

Campbell: For the time being, let's trust what that Deepthroat told us. Use a 
          Remote Controlled Missile to destroy the switchboard in the NorthWest
          section of the Warhead Storage Building's 2nd floor basement. Make 
          sure your Remote Controlled Missile doesn't get shot down by those 
          gun cameras.


Campbell: You did it. You destroyed the switchboard. The electrical current 
          running through the floor should be off now. You've got to rescue Dr.
          Emmerich and find out Metal Gear's weak point.
Naomi: Isn't he being held in the laboratory in the northeast part of the floor
       you're on?


Nastasha: You got a Gas Mask. Good. That is a double-eyepiece type. Be careful,
          unlike the transparent-shield type, it will restrict your field of 
          vision. It is equipped with a voice emitter, so do not worry about 
          not being heard. The outside is made of reinforced plastic, and the 
          inside is made from an acetate weave. Also, the eyepieces are 
          specially treated so they won't fog up. You will be able to stay in a
          gas-filled area for a long time with that mask. Use it wisely.

18) Nuke Building B2, southeast hall

Mei Ling: Snake, you can't use the radar because something's jamming it. And 
          whatever's doing it is very close to you. Be careful!


Snake: Meryl, what are these holes in the walls for?
Meryl: That's an air cleaner for blowing tiny particles of dust off people's
       bodies before they enter the lab.


Meryl: Snake, Dr. Emmerich is being held just north of there.


(After entering the corpse-filled hallway.)


Snake: What's this pile of corpses...!? It looks like they were all slashed by 
       some kind of sword.
Naomi: It couldn't be! ...
Snake: What!?
Naomi: ...uh nothing.....
Campbell: Snake, I'm worried about Emmerich. Hurry up and get to him!


Snake: Meryl, this pile of this your handiwork?
Meryl: No way!
Snake: I didn't think so.
Meryl: Who could have done that?
Snake: You got me. But he must be somewhere up ahead.
Meryl: Then I guess you'll just have to go and find out.


(After seeing the Ninja.)

Campbell: The ninja!...
Naomi: What!?
Snake: That stealth camouflage, it's him. It must be!
Campbell: Snake! Emmerich's in danger! Hurry and go after him!

19) During Cyborg Ninja fight

Campbell: If you have a question about members of FOX-HOUND, you should ask 
Naomi: I'm sorry, but there's no one in FOX-HOUND like that. There are 
       currently only six members of FOX-HOUND. Psycho Mantis, Sniper Wolf, 
       Vulcan Raven, Decoy Octopus, Revolver Ocelot... And finally, Liquid 
       Snake. The Genome Soldiers under his command are Next-Generation Special
       Forces. FOX-HOUND is intended to be a small number of highly elite, 
       handpicked soldiers.
Snake: You're talking about the current FOX-HOUND, right?
Naomi: Yes...
Campbell: Snake, who or what is that thing? Is he an enemy or not?
Snake: That's what I'd like to know, Naomi, you really don't have any idea?
Naomi: ...Maybe I should ask you the same thing.
Snake: What?
Naomi: Nothing...forget about it.


Mei Ling: Snake, you can't use your radar. It's confused by all of the radio 
          interference. That ninja is giving off some kind of electrical 


Nastasha: Look at him move! ...He must have some kind of powered exoskeleton.
Snake: Powered exoskeleton? You mean like prosthetic arms and legs?
Nastasha: No. Prosthetics are intended to replace original body parts. That 
          ninja's exoskeleton makes him far stronger than any normal human. He 
          is a true cyborg... a cybernetic organism.
Snake: So he's half machine, huh...?
Nastasha: I heard rumors about the experiments, but I had no idea that such a 
          creature really existed...


Master: He's just playing with you. Why don't you try throwing away your 


Meryl: Ninja? I've never heard of any member of FOX-HOUND like that....but 
       you're going to have to do something about him if you want to save Dr. 

20) Lab, after Cyborg Ninja fight

Campbell: Well it looks like you've rescued Emmerich for the time being.
Snake: Yeah. With that stealth camouflage, he should be able to hide safely. 
       Gray Fox...I can't believe it...But the real problem is your niece. The 
       way the Codec got cut off like that has me worried. Something must have 
       happened to her...
Naomi: You're worried? About Meryl?
Snake: Not exactly. It's just that she's holding the detonation code override 
       keys. They're our last chance of stopping that nuclear launch.
Naomi: You're a cold man. Your mission is more important than the life of your 
Snake: This is war. Survival is the name of the game. Sometimes you have to be 
       cold to survive.
Naomi: Yes, but...
Campbell: Snake, either way I want you to find Meryl as soon as possible.


Mei Ling: Snake, there's an old Chinese saying "A scholar who cherishes the 
          love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar." Einstein said it 
          another way. He said that only a life lived for others is worth 
          living. That's why I entered MIT instead of Princeton or Vassar like 
          my friends. I wanted to do applied physics, not just theoretical 
          stuff. I wanted to make things for people. The Soliton Radar System 
          or the Codec System...I just wanted to make something that would be 
          useful for people. I think that it was the same for Dr. Emmerich too.
          But he was used like a tool...used to make a horrible killing 
          machine. Maybe it would be better if engineers like us just stopped 
          making things... I don't know.


Snake: Otacon said that now it's possible to design and test new types of 
       nuclear weapons in a virtual simulation without ever exploding a nuclear
       device. Is that true?
Nastasha: Yes, it's true. Since the establishment of DARHT, the Dual Axis 
          Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility, and NIF, the National 
          Ignition Facility, early in the twenty-first century, there's been a 
          wealth of data concerning nuclear fission and fusion. There is also 
          much data accumulated from the nuclear tests conducted over the last 
          four decades. With the processing speed of today's supercomputers, 
          they can design a new nuclear weapon through virtual reality computer


Nastasha: In order to collect data for the simulation experiments, they're 
          doing subcritical tests underground. Those are experiments in which 
          they detonate high explosives in proximity to plutonium without 
          setting off a critical chain reaction. They then measure the effect 
          that the shockwave has on the plutonium. By measuring the particles 
          which fly off the surface of the plutonium, they can learn the mass, 
          speed, and distribution of the plutonium particles. The politicians 
          insist that whether it is aboveground or belowground, a nuclear test 
          which does not cause a nuclear explosion is not a nuclear test and 
          therefore does not violate the CNTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban 
          Treaty). A lot of people do not agree with that interpretation.


Nastasha: The first subcritical test was performed on July 2, 1997, at the 
          Nevada Nuclear Testing Facility. After that, subcritical testing 
          became extremely common, not only in America, but in Russia and other
          countries too. They say that the reason for the tests is to ensure 
          the safety and reliability of the existing nuclear stockpile, but 
          that's nothing more than a flimsy cover story. In reality, the danger
          of a nuclear weapon exploding accidentally decreases over time. It is
          clear that the real reason for these tests is to aid in the 
          development of new types of nuclear weapons. Even the government 
          admits that the data collected from those tests is used in virtual 
          reality simulation tests.


Nastasha: That is amazing. Dr. Emmerich's father [sic] participated in the 
          Manhattan Project? That was the secret World War II project 
          responsible for the creation of the first atomic bomb. It had a huge 
          budget, something like two billion dollars. They brought in 120,000 
          of the best and brightest scientists and engineers to work on it. And
          we all know how that story ended. In July of 1945, they exploded the 
          first nuclear device at Trinity, followed shortly thereafter by 
          Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Trinity... The world was changed forever that
          day. Scientists and researchers could no longer pretend that their 
          hands were clean of blood. Afterwards, the leader of the Manhattan 
          Project, J. Robert Oppenheimer, said: "The physicists have known sin,
          and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose."


Nastasha: When Dr. Emmerich designed the new Metal Gear prototype, he thought 
          he was creating a mobile TMD system. He is a very naive man. TMD 
          stands for "Theater Missile Defense." They represent a shift in 
          defense priorities from dealing with the threat of ICBMs from the 
          former Soviet Union, to dealing with small-scale regional conflicts 
          in the Third World. Current TMD systems work by a combination of 
          THAADs, theater high altitude air defense, which intercept missiles 
          outside of the atmosphere, and Patriot-type missiles which intercept 
          missiles within the atmosphere. Dr. Emmerich was planning on them 
          using Metal Gear as a low atmosphere mobile missile interceptor unit.


Nastasha: There are many in Russia as well as America who are opposed to TMD 
          systems because they say it undermines the spirit of the ABM, the 
          Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. And there are also those who say that 
          the ABM Treaty is a dinosaur left over from the Cold War. They argue 
          that the strategy of MAD (mutually assured destruction) should be 
          maintained by limiting missile defense systems. There was a big 
          debate over it, but ultimately, under pressure from the defense 
          industry who was looking to expand into new markets, TMD systems were
          accepted as an integral part of a modern military arsenal.

21) Nuke Building B2

(This first conversation is a bit odd. I'm not sure what triggers it, but 
Nastasha will bring this up if you keep calling her throughout the game. I've 
placed it here because this seems to be the earliest point it can happen, but 
it typically won't trigger until later -- on two separate playthroughs, I 
didn't hear this until after the fight with the Hind!)

Nastasha: As long as the strategy of nuclear deterrence continues, nuclear 
          weapons may be reduced, but they will never be eliminated. If you 
          think about it, nuclear reduction does not mean much without 
          elimination as the ultimate goal. I used to work in the DIA (Defense 
          Intelligence Agency), I figured the only way to achieve nuclear 
          elimination was to work from the inside to convince them of the 
          ineffectiveness of the deterrence theory.
Snake: Seems like you're pretty focused on that issue.
Nastasha: ...Victims of nuclear radiation are a sad thing to see...and I have 
          seen a lot of it. ...I have seen more than enough of it...
Snake: ?
Nastasha: I was born and raised in Prypiat, Ukraine. I was ten years old on 
          that day...April 26, 1986.
Snake: You don't mean...
Nastasha: Yes. Chernobyl. That is the day that changed my life and thousands of
          other lives. I lived just three kilometers north of there.
Snake: ..........
Nastasha: 600,000 to 700,000 people were evacuated. Over 650,000 children 
          suffered the effects of radiation poisoning. Between 1986 abd 1993, 
          12,000 children died... My parents, and many others like them who 
          helped in the cleanup, died a few years later from radiation 
          sickness. We must rid this world of all nuclear weapons...before they
          cause more misery. Before they destroy the delicate environment that 
          keeps us alive. I will not allow this pain and anxiety to pass on to 
          yet another generation.


Nastasha: Those are Night-Vision Goggles. They do not use special lenses. They 
          electronically amplify the light by transforming it into electric 
          signals which they then boost to create an image. They amplify the 
          light 100,000 times. You will be able to see 500 meters by starlight 
          just as if it was day. But it won't work in complete darkness since 
          there is no light to amplify. Those Night-Vision Goggles will make 
          your eyes hurt after a while. Do not use them for too long a period 
          of time.

22) Nuke Building B1, before finding Meryl

Campbell: So Meryl's disguised as an enemy soldier, huh? Well even so, you 
          should be able to spot her if you look close enough. Use either First
          Person View or Corner View Mode to get a really close look. You might
          also try to sneak in by covering yourself with that cardboard box.


Otacon: Snake, she's dressed up like one of the terrorists. She won't be able 
        to reveal herself if other soldiers are around. You'll have to find 
        somewhere you can be alone with her. Even dressed like that, she's all 
        woman. You see? Isn't there somewhere only a woman can go?


Otacon: She's dressed like one of the terrorists. But that's just on the 
        outside, the inside hasn't changed. Watch for the way she walks...


(Once you're in the women's restroom.)


Snake: Colonel, I saw your niece, but...
Campbell: Really? Where?
Snake: She went in the ladies' bathroom. That's strange. I saw her go in, but 
       now she's nowhere to be found.
Campbell:You'll just have to look in the stalls, I guess.
Snake: I guess you're right. I'll take em in order.


Mei Ling: Snake! That's a ladies bathroom!
Snake: I know that. I saw Meryl come in here.
Mei Ling: So you went in after her!? Are you some kind of pervert!? I won't let
          you save your mission now!
Snake: Listen Mei Ling, this is the only place on this base that I can talk to 
       Meryl alone!
Mei Ling: Whatever, weirdo! Don't call me again!


Nastasha: Snake, that is a woman's bathroom. You should not be in there!
Snake: But I saw Meryl go in here.
Nastasha: Even so, Snake!
Snake: This is our only chance to talk alone together. I was sure she was in 


Otacon: Did you find Meryl?
Snake: Sort of. I'm positive I saw her come into this bathroom, but...
Otacon: There's only one exit, right?
Snake: Yeah.
Otacon: Well then she must still be in there. Is there any place she might be 
        hiding in there?

23) Nuke Building B1, after finding Meryl

Snake: Colonel, your niece is fine.
Campbell: Thank goodness!
Snake: We can't relax...not yet.
Campbell: I know. Snake...
Snake: She is quite a woman.
Campbell: As commander of this operation, I can't ask you to watch after Meryl,
Snake: Duty first?
Campbell: Maybe I was wrong...sending my own flesh and blood to war.
Snake: She understands about duty.
Campbell: I know she does...
Snake: But what I want to know is what was the real purpose of this military 
Campbell: I don't know. Like I said, I'm nothing more than a middleman.
Snake: Is this transmission being monitored by the military?
Campbell: Of course.
Snake: I get it. All the world's a stage and we're merely players, right?
Campbell: Yes, but even players can influence the play.
Snake: I just hope we can prevent it from having a bad ending.


Mei Ling: It's a good thing you hooked up with Meryl... You should have seen 
          the Colonel. He doesn't like to let it show cause he's the boss, but 
          he was so happy he could barely contain himself.
Snake: I'm glad to hear that.


Master: You managed to link up with Meryl. Good...So now you must have the card
        keys that will override the detonation code. You should hurry, the time
        limit is running out.


Otacon: Thank God Meryl's okay. She's a tough one all right. Although when you 
        look at her, it's hard to imagine how tough.
Snake: It must be the walk.
Otacon: Ha ha ha. Anyway, I'm glad she's okay.
Snake: I also got a key from her. I think I can use it to stop them from 
       launching a nuke.
Otacon: Get to Metal Gear's underground maintenance base. That's where the 
        detonation code input system is.


Naomi: The tranquilizer that Wolf is using is diazepam.
Snake: Diazepam?
Naomi: It's a benzodiazepam based anti-anxiety drug. It has a strong effect on 
       the central nervous system and it's often used as a psychotropic drug.
Snake: So how does it stop your hands from trembling?
Naomi: Anti-anxiety drugs are also effective as muscle relaxants. They're 
       widely used to treat psychosomatic disorders such as autonomic ataxia or
       as pre-anesthetics to relax patients before an operation. But be 
       careful. If diazepam is used in large doses over a long period of time, 
       it becomes addictive like alcohol. An adult should take no more than one
       to four doses per day, with each dose being .25 to .5 milligrams each.
Snake: Jeez, you sound like a doctor.
Naomi: I am a scientist.


Nastasha: A tranquilizer? Yes. I heard that Sniper Wolf uses them to prevent 
          her hands from quivering. Maybe you should try the same thing.

24) Commander's Room

Snake: Colonel, Meryl's acting kind of strange.
Campbell: Maybe she's just feeling a little tired from all the stress.
Naomi: Snake, do you hear something that sounds like a song?
Snake: Yeah, I do. I started hearing it a little way back. What could it be?
Campbell: Hurry ahead, Snake. The underground base is to the north, isn't it?


Snake: Meryl is acting kind of strange...
Nastasha: It could be the stress of battle. ...I have [sic] a friend who had 
          Chechan Syndrome. He became depressed six months after returning from
          Chechnya and took his own life. He was forced to fight people who 
          spoke his own language...people with his own culture. He couldn't 
          live with the guilt of it...
Snake: It sounds like PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. A lot of veterans 
       returning from Vietnam suffered from that... in fact, many still do.
Nastasha: Yes, it is also similar to the Afghan Syndrome. In Meryl's case, it 
          is probably a much more short-term condition... Try to cheer her up. 
          She'll come out of it.


(When Meryl is trying to shoot you.)


Snake: I can't see Mantis!
Naomi: Snake, he has mind powers, but he's not a magician.
Snake: I get it. Stealth camouflage maybe?
Campbell: Meryl is being controlled by him. Don't use your weapon. Try to knock
          her out.


Nastasha: Meryl is definitely not herself. Could she be dragged? [sic]


Master: Meryl's just being controlled. You're an expert at unarmed CQB (Close 
        Quarters Battle), right? Stop her without using your gun, that's all.


Otacon: Someone else must be controlling Meryl. Do something, Snake...Save her.
Snake: What am I supposed to do? I don't even know where he is.
Otacon: Probably somewhere close by. He's just invisible.
Snake: How?
Otacon: Stealth camouflage. A technology I developed... Stealth camouflage 
        works by bending the light around the user in such a way that they're 
        rendered nearly invisible. But if you had Thermal Goggles, you'd be 
        able to see him. Anyway, you can't see him with your naked eyes, but 
        there must be some way to make him show up.

25) During Psycho Mantis fight

Naomi: That's Psycho Mantis...former KGB psychic. He has powerful telepathic 
       abilities. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he came to America 
       looking for a job. He worked with the FBI on several cases as a psychic 
       profiler. Five years ago he was working on the case of a multiple serial
       murderer ...and he got too far into the killer's mind. As a result, he 
       became just like the killer.
Campbell: So he was sort of infected by this serial murderer's thoughts...?
Naomi: In any case, after that he became sort of a psychic spy working for the 
       highest bidder. He travelled all around the world. That's when he was 
       recruited by FOX-HOUND. He can read people's minds. He knows every move 
       that you're going to make.
Snake: What should I do? I've got no chance of beating him.
Campbell: There must be some way.
Naomi: He's a master at controlling people. Snake! Don't let him manipulate 


Naomi: Not everything you see with your two eyes is real. Destroying his spirit
       is more important than destroying his body.
Campbell: Don't let him read you. Be a blank slate! Okay? Clear your mind.


Campbell: He read your mind with his psychic abilities. Somehow you've got to 
          get around him!


Campbell: He's using his psychic ability to read your Controller's moves.
          That's how he's evading your attack. You've got to do something so he
          can't read your Controller's moves. Think! There must be some way!


Campbell: I've got it. Use the Controller port!! Plug your Controller into 
          Controller port 2. If you do that he won't be able to read your mind!


(To initiate this conversation, die and continue after Campbell gives the above
advice without ever changing controllers.)

Campbell: Snake, is there some reason you can't use Controller port 2? Oh well,
          it's okay. Do you see something that looks like a statue on both 
          sides of the room?
Snake: Yeah. You mean those things with their faces all wrapped up in leather 
Campbell: Yes. Attack those statues to uncover their faces.
Snake: Why?
Naomi: Those statues were modeled after Mantis' real face. Mantis despises the 
       sight of his own face. If he suddenly sees his own disfigured face
       staring at him, it might break his concentration.
Campbell: Snake, if you destroy the faces of those statues, you should be able 
          to disturb Mantis' psychic powers.


Nastasha: A psychic soldier... Yes. Although they won't admit it, many 
          countries have paranormal programs and use psychics in their special-
          ops. Psychics range in power from those who can bend spoons to those 
          who can cause natural disasters. But Psycho Mantis is one of the most
          powerful. Be careful.


Master: It's true...your enemy is a powerful telepath. But you've got more 
        battle experience. You can do it, Snake!

26) Commander's Room, after Psycho Mantis fight

Campbell: It looks like Meryl's okay. Thanks, Snake. Snake, there's no time 
          left. You've got to hurry up and get to the underground base. You 
          should be able to go north from the Commander's Room.


Mei Ling: "The tongues of dying men enforce attention, like deep harmony." 
          Snake, people don't normally lie with their dying breaths. I think he
          was telling the truth. Maybe you should believe him.


Nastasha: It is so ironic. People are working as slaves to pay for weapons that
          must never be used...weapons that target the people themselves. It is


Nastasha: In the 20th century, in order to be a military superpower, you had to
          first be an economic superpower. But things changed toward the end of
          the century, after the collapse of Communism. With all the surplus 
          weapons and technology floating around, even economically weak 
          countries could have a powerful military.


Nastasha: According to the military doctrine which is the basis for NATO 
          expansion, a preemptive nuclear strike may be undertaken if there is 
          a sufficient threat of a regional conflict spreading to a large-scale
          war. In the face of all this NATO expansion, Russia might feel the 
          need to flex their nuclear muscles... if only to show NATO that, even
          with their aging arsenal and diminished army, they are still a major 


Nastasha: Russia could no longer pay enough money to its leading scientists, so
          they sold their weapons and weapons technology to the highest 
          bidders. The result was that, starting with nuclear, biological, and 
          chemical weapons, Russian-made weaponry flowed to developing 
          countries and terrorist organizations. The world's military balance 
          was thrown into disarray. The world has never seen the balance of 
          power shift so quickly and dramatically.


Master: Psycho Mantis...what a pathetic man. He was born with all the right 
        tools, but he never knew how to use them...


Master: You need to make snap decisions. In war, the difference between living 
        and dying is counted in milliseconds.


Master: The basic law of CQB (close quarters battle) is to take your enemy out 
        as quickly and efficiently as possible while maintaining your own 
        escape route.


Master: Don't use your gun unless you need to. If you can get out of a jam 
        using just your hands and feet, then do it. If you can't, then go for 
        the gun.


Master: Soldiers who lose their heads on the battlefield usually lose their 
        heads on the battlefield. Get my meaning? Always have your next action 


Master: Think carefully about your hiding spots. You might find a place where 
        you can hide perfectly, but if you can't get your mission done, it's 


Master: Always use the most appropriate weapon for the situation. If you use a 
        weapon that's not really doing the job, not only are you wasting ammo, 
        but you're also putting your life in danger.


Master: One way of letting yourself know when to change a magazine is to make 
        the last few rounds of the mag tracers.


Otacon: A psychic soldier...what a waste. I guess fighting was all he ever 
Snake: Are you feeling sorry for him?
Otacon: Mantis had incredible power...fantastic power. Maybe that power could 
        have been used to make people happy. ...It's a sad thing when you see 
        all that power being used just for war.
Snake: ..........

27) Cave

Campbell: Be careful. Wolves have the advantage in the dark. Not only can they 
          see better, but they have a keen sense of smell as well. You'd better
          use your Night-Vision Goggles.


Mei Ling: Snake, your Soliton radar...
Snake: I know. I can't use it in a narrow space like this, right?
Mei Ling: Right. I'm sorry.
Snake: No reason to apologize. Even the greatest masterpiece has its flaws.


Master: Don't suddenly look into the dark. Look slowly from a light area to a 
        darker area. If you do that, your eyes will gradually adjust, and 
        you'll be able to see better in the dark. Try not to play in the dark 


Master: When you're fighting in the dark, you need to use your sense of hearing
        and smell. Don't trust your eyes; use your ears. Feel the flow of the 
        air with your whole body. That's the way to tell where your enemy is.


Master: People sometimes panic in the dark. Try to stay cool.


Master: When you're wearing Night-Vision Goggles, the light gets amplified a 
        hundred-fold. So if you look at an explosion or a Stun Grenade, you may
        burn your retinas. If that happens, it'll take a little while until 
        your vision returns.


Otacon: Snake, Metal Gear is in an underground base to the north. Hurry! You 
        should use your Night-Vision Goggles in dark places.


(After crawling into the cave proper.)


Master: Those are wolf dogs in there. Just like their name, they're a cross 
        between huskies and Alaskan wolves. They were bred to be used as sled 
Snake: They were trying to create an animal that would combine the gentleness 
       of a dog with the endurance and ferocity of a wolf. But they didn't get 
       the stamina and power they were hoping for. On top of that, their 
       personalities wound up closer to wolves. Most of them won't even let you
       get close. That's why they never caught on.
Master: Oh that's right. You're a musher.
Snake: Yeah. And after they outlawed the use of hybrids in dogsled races in 
       2002, no one even wanted to breed them anymore. I heard that most of 
       them were put to sleep after that...
Master: Yes, but some of the wolf dog pups that were thrown away went wild. 
        I've heard that wild wolf dogs hunt in packs just like wolves. Better 
        be careful.


Otacon: Snake, don't kill the dogs...Please?
Snake: What are you talking about. If I don't kill them, they'll kill me.
Otacon: But those dogs are just innocent animals.
Snake: If they were guilty, it'd be okay?
Otacon: ...But keep dogs, don't you?
Snake: So what!? This is war. My private hobbies have got nothing to do with 
Otacon: ..........

28) Underground Passage


Nastasha: Those are Claymore Mines. Unlike other mines, which are planted 
          underground, claymores are set up above ground and are designed to 
          produce maximum damage in a wide-fan shaped area. When they go off, 
          they spray seven hundred 1.2 millimeter steel pellets in a 60 degree 
          pattern much like an oversized shotgun. Traditionally, claymores use 
          a trip wire to set them off, but those claymores are a new type. They
          are camouflaged using the new stealth technology and are equipped 
          with sophisticated motion detectors.


(After Meryl is shot):


Naomi: Sniper Wolf is Fox Hound's best sharpshooter. Everyone knows that women 
       have more patience than men, but Sniper Wolf can go for a whole week 
       with no sleep, no food... her sights never straying from her target. And
       on top of that, she takes diazepam, so that her hands never tremble.


Campbell: Stay out of her range and shoot at her with a sniper rifle.
Snake: Yeah, but where can I find a sniper rifle? I can't ask Meryl.
Naomi: What about Dr. Emmerich? He's been on the base for a while. He might 


Mei Ling: She'll die if you leave her like that! Aren't you going to save her!?
Snake: She's just's me they want. If I step out there, I'm going to 
       get picked off and who's going to save Meryl then!? I'm hoping that as 
       long as I don't fall for it, they'll leave Meryl alive.
Mei Ling: So you're just going to leave Meryl there? She's hurt!
Snake: I know what I'm doing. Meryl understands too.
Mei Ling: That's horrible...
Snake: You're right. It is horrible. But that's war. And the first rule of war  
       is to stay alive.


Nastasha: Snake, you cannot win without a sniper cannot save the 
          girl either. Find a sniper rifle. It is the only way to save Meryl.


Snake: Otacon, have you ever seen a sniper rifle anywhere on this base?
Otacon: A sniper rifle?
Snake: Meryl's been an extremely good sniper.
Otacon: Sniper...
Snake: A high quality sniper rifle is the only way I can fight back.
Otacon: I...I saw a PSG-1 in the armory in the 2nd floor basement of the Tank 
Snake: The 2nd floor basement of the Tank Hangar? I have to go all the way back
Otacon: Well...yeah...
Snake: What's wrong with you, Otacon?
Otacon: Oh...nothing.

29) Tank Hangar

Campbell: Hmm. It looks like the infrared sensors that were set up here have 
          been switched off.

30) Armory

Nastasha: Excellent! That is a PSG-1. One of the best sniper rifles in the 
          world. It is accurate enough to shoot cleanly through a 2.5 
          centimeter square from a distance of 100 meters. Unlike other sniper 
          rifles, the PSG-1 is not bolt-action, it is semi-automatic. Its best 
          feature is that it allows for rapid fire. When you are shooting over 
          long distances, the slightest tremble can make you miss your target 
          by inches. Try to keep your hands as still as possible.

31) During first Sniper Wolf fight

Nastasha: Get on your stomach. Fire from the prone position. It would be good 
          if you had a tri pod or something stable to balance your weapon on. 
          If you don't have that, hold the weapon firmly under your armpit and 
          keep it still with your chin. Line up your target in your scope's 


Nastasha: Most soldiers can hit a target at 300 meters. I have a friend who can
          hit one at 520 meters.


Nastasha: To be a good sniper, you must have nerves of steel and lots of 
          patience. Sometimes you have to sit in position for days, barely 
          moving a muscle. The most important thing is to wait for your 
          opportunity and then take it.


Nastasha: A slight tremor in your hand can cause you to miss a target 60 meters
          away by a half foot or more. Concentrate, hold your breath and try to
          stop your hand from moving.


Nastasha: The most important thing is to zero your rifle scope. If you do not 
          zero your sight correctly, you will never be able to hit your target.
          Your sight might be slightly off, so it would be a good idea to try a
          test shot. If it is off, you will have to take some lead for that 
          when you shoot.
Snake: Don't worry. This was Sniper Wolf's rifle.
Nastasha: Da. In that case, you had better not mess with it.


Nastasha: At a distance of 400 meters, a one degree difference in air 
          temperature will take you about 1 centimeter off your target. 
          Atmospheric pressure will affect your shot in the same way. That is 
          why you have to aim differently depending on the conditions.


Nastasha: Have you ever heard of the Magnus Effect? Normally, a rifle bullet 
          rotates and curves slightly to the right. That is called the Magnus 
          Effect. Think about comrade Magnus when you are rising up your 


Master: The most important tools you need to be a good sniper are the senses 
        that you were born with. No amount of training can change those. If 
        your senses are dull from the beginning, you'll never be a great 


Master: According to the SWAT manual, the longest a shooter can stay adequately
        focused on his target is fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, the 
        observer and the shooter change places. Sniping is usually a two-man 


Master: It looks like your target is stationary. If you've had enough practice,
        it shouldn't be a difficult shot.


Master: The scope of a sniper rifle is extremely powerful. On the other hand, 
        it's got a very narrow field of vision. If you're searching for your 
        enemy's position, it'd be better to use your binoculars.


Otacon: ..........
Snake: What is it?
Otacon: Wolf...I...just....forget it.

32) Underground Passage, after Sniper Wolf fight

Campbell: Good job with Wolf. Is Meryl okay?
Snake: I don't know. I don't see her around.
Naomi: You don't think she's been captured do you!?
Snake: Could be. Let's ask Wolf. If she's still alive, I'm going to get some 
Naomi: Snake...
Campbell: About Meryl, I'm counting on you.


Mei Ling: Snake, wouldn't now be a good time to save your mission? You haven't 
          saved your mission in a long time anyway, right?
Snake: What's going on?
Mei Ling: I'm not sure...I'm getting a bad feeling.
Snake: A bad feeling? Something you ate?
Mei Ling: No, I'm a premonition or something...


(After shooting a lot of rats with your PSG-1.)

Campbell: Snake, we don't need a rat trap. We need someone to stop that godamn
          nuke from getting launched!


(After shooting even more rats with your PSG-1.)

Naomi: Snake, is killing rats really that fun? Torturing small animals is a 
       sign of a warped mind, you know.

33) Medical Room

Mei Ling: Snake, are you okay? I feel so scared for you. It must be horrible.
Snake: I've been through a lot worse. Believe me.
Mei Ling: Wow. You really are a hero. It's a good thing the Codec is connected 
          directly to your inner ear. You can contact us anytime. ...It's 
          always nice to hear that you're all right.
Snake: Why don't you contact the Colonel? If anyone can think of a way out, 
       it's him.


Nastasha: Just because you are locked up does not mean there is no chance of 
          escape. Keep your eyes and ears open and when you see a chance, take 
          it. You should call Campbell and wait for his instructions.


Master: Normally, when a soldier is taken prisoner, he should only give up the 
        "big four." That's name, rank, serial number, and date of birth. But 
        you're not any old soldier, Snake. I don't want you to tell them 
        anything. Fortunately, you're strong enough to resist. In any case, 
        don't you think you should contact Colonel Campbell?


Master: Don't say anything to tease or anger the person torturing you. If you 
        make him mad, it'll be that much worse for you. You'll need to save 
        your strength.


Master: If you get a chance to eat, don't pass it up. A prisoner can't be 
        choosy. You need to get your strength back so you can escape when the 
        opportunity presents itself.


Master: Snake, you'll get a chance to escape. Make sure you take it.


Snake: Otacon, are you still okay?
Otacon: Yeah. Thanks to the stealth camouflage, that is.
Snake: I have a favor to ask. I need your help.
Otacon: I was wondering when you'd ask. What should I do?
Snake: I've been captured. I'm locked up here in this cell.
Otacon: What cell?
Snake: There's a big torture machine nearby.
Otacon: Okay. I know it. It's close. I'll be there right away.


Snake: Otacon.
Otacon: I'm headed your way now. Can't you just relax?
Snake: I am relaxed. I just don't know how to kill time here.
Otacon: Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can.


Campbell: The guard is only human. He has to sleep and go to the bathroom like 
          the rest of us. That'll be your chance.


Campbell: Snake, don't worry. You'll have a chance to escape. Hang on.

(After the second torture sequence and Codec call.)

Campbell: Snake, that's a prison cell. You can't open the door from the inside.
          Somehow you'll have to get the key off the guard.
Snake: Yeah, but how?
Naomi: Why don't you try disappearing?


(The following two conversations only occur if you gave in to Ocelot's torture,
resulting in Meryl's death.)


Snake: Mei Ling...You must think I'm garbage...
Mei Ling: ...Snake, don't blame yourself too much. You just...
Snake: I just let them kill Meryl to save my own worthless hide!
Mei Ling: China, they have a saying... Forget it...I'll use my own 
          words this time. Cheer up, Snake. Don't listen to what he said. It's 
          nothing but a bluff. I'm sure about that.
Snake: I don't think he's the bluffing type...
Mei Ling: But, Snake. You have a job to do. Pull yourself together for the 
          world's sake. First, you've got to figure out how to get out of 
          there. Snake, listen to me!'ve got to pull yourself 
          together, and get back to work.
Snake: You're right. I've sat here feeling sorry for myself long enough. 
       Thanks, Mei Ling...


Snake: Master, I...
Master: Don't say it, Snake. You still have a mission to accomplish. That's all
        you should be concentrating on right now. In any case, don't you think 
        you should contact Colonel Campbell?

34) Medical Room, after Otacon shows up

Campbell: The ketchup! You might be able to trick the guard if you use it 
Naomi: Snake, why don't you use the ketchup and pretend that you're dead?


Otacon: Did you use the ketchup? It took me a long time to find that. It's 
        exactly the right color and consistency too. Use it wisely, okay?


(If the Ninja opens your cell for you.)

Campbell: I don't know how, but the door is open.
Snake: I saw the silhouette of someone in stealth cammies...
Campbell: Stealth camouflage? Could it be Emmerich?
Snake: No, I don't think it was Otacon.
Campbell: So who then?.....You don't think it could be Gray Fox?
Snake: Yeah, I do. I think it was...
Naomi: ...Are you saying that he came to save his friend?
Snake: Could be. Or maybe he just doesn't want me to die in a prison cell. ...I
       don't know. I can't imagine what he could be thinking...
Campbell: Snake, you can worry about it later. Now is the time to escape.


(If the Ninja opens your cell for you.)

Snake: Otacon, are you there?
Otacon: What is it?
Snake: Was that you who opened the door just now?
Otacon: What are you talking about?
Snake: So it wasn't you!...Which means that...
Otacon: The door is open right? You've got to get out of there now!
Snake: You're right.


(If you knock out the guard rather than using the bathroom trick.)

Campbell: Great job with the guard, Snake. Now is your chance to escape.
Snake: I plan on it. Next time I meet Ocelot, it's going to be on my terms...
Naomi: How do you feel Snake? Can you go on?
Snake: Yeah. Don't worry. That sadist can't keep me down.


(If you used the ketchup to fool the guard and escaped successfully.)

Otacon: So you figured out what I had in mind, huh?
Snake: I can't believe it actually worked.


(If you did not use the ketchup to escape, or used it unsuccessfully.)

Otacon: It looks like you escaped. I'm glad.
Snake: No thanks to you.
Otacon: Too bad. I thought you'd be able to figure out what my plan was.
Snake: What are you talking about? I was just lucky that security was careless.


Otacon: If you're looking for your items, they're near where you were being 
        tortured. Why don't you go get them?
Snake: If you knew that, why didn't you just bring them to me?
Otacon: The guard was scary.
Snake: ..........


Master: Now that you've got your stuff back, you should take a good look 
        through it. If you're slow equipping an item in battle, it could mean 


Otacon: If you go straight down the underground passageway north of the Cave, 
        you'll arrive at the Communication Towers. You should be able to go 
        over the glacier by using the Communication Towers' walkway. Head for 
        the towers.

35) Cell

Nastasha: So the terrorists intentionally set their deadline to coincide with 
          the signing of the START-3 accord... According to the terms of START-
          3, both Russia and the U.S. are to reduce the number of their nuclear
          warheads in deployment to between 2,000 and 2,500 missiles. The 
          current president has not yet had any major foreign policy successes.
          His term will be up soon, and the word at the White House is that he 
          desperately wants this one for the history books.
Snake: Typical politician...
Nastasha: It's a big concern for him and his supporters.


Nastasha: The signing of the START-3 was dependent on ratification of the 
          START-2. But MIRVs were the most important weapon in Russian arsenal.
          Naturally, the conservatives in the Russian Parliament were greatly 
          opposed to disarming them. The expansion of NATO, along with tension 
          caused by disagreements over the application of the ABM Treaty with 
          regards to TMD systems, made ratification in the 1990s difficult. It 
          took a tremendous amount of pressure and secret negotiations to get 
          the Russians to sign the START-3 tomorrow. But the political 
          situation in Russia is tenuous at best, and one small incident could 
          bring the signing to a crashing halt. If the Russians learn that 
          America has secretly developed a new type of nuclear weapon, there is
          no telling how they might react. World opinion will be strongly 
          against us too. That Liquid Snake is a smart one... He knows the 
          political climate. His actions were obviously very well calculated...


Nastasha: It's true that the signing of START-3 would mean a reduction in 
          nuclear missiles, but it would still leave between 4,000 and 5,000 
          missiles between the U.S. and Russia alone. That is more than enough 
          to destroy every living thing on this planet several times over. 
          There is a big difference between nuclear reduction and nuclear 


Nastasha: Negotiations for START-3 began in the late 1990s. The Russian 
          president had actually been pushing for a much more ambitious arms 
          reduction pact, but it was rejected by the Americans. America was the
          sole remaining superpower on the earth, and they were not too eager 
          to give up the title. The fact is, in the history of the world, no 
          dominant power has ever willingly given up the reigns of that 
          power... In the case of the U.S., that means nuclear superiority.


Nastasha: There has been a lot of effort to reduce the number of nuclear 
          weapons, but even today, there is no treaty limiting tactical nuclear
          weapons. It may look from the outside that the world is disarming, 
          but in fact nuclear weapons are not going anywhere soon.


Nastasha: The Nuclear Age is not over yet. As long as one country in the world 
          has nuclear weapons, they will never go away.


Master: Plan your strategy based on the enemies' positions. Try to think like 
        the enemy commander will think. If you can put yourself in the map 
        designer's mind, a lot of doors will open for you.


Master: Once you give up hope, it's all over. That's when you can't do anything
        right. Despair leads to death, you know.

Master: You've got to believe. If you believe with your whole heart, you will 


Master: Sometimes in combat or when you're near the end of your rope, you can 
        see things that normally aren't there or shouldn't be there. Relax. 
        It's not a bug. It's just the mysteries of the human mind.


Master: Think about something terrible that happened in your life. Everyone has
        had something bad happen to them. It'll help take your mind off the 
        misery of the battlefield.


Master: A real master of warfare alters his strategy to cope with changes in 
        the battlefield conditions. If you always follow the book, you'll be 
        transparent to your enemy.

36) Armory

Campbell: To get to the underground base where Metal Gear is, you'll have to 
          climb the Communications Tower on the north side of the cave.
Naomi: Wait a minute, Snake. You're in an armory. Why don't you load up on 

37) Armory South

(After ditching the bomb Ocelot planted in your inventory.)


Campbell: That was a close one, Snake.
Snake:'ll pay for that...
(If the player waited until being contacted by Deepthroat before disposing of 
the bomb:)
Snake: That Deepthroat's a real enigma. He's definitely from inside their 
Campbell: Is he an informer? Maybe some kind of renegade? I've got the feeling 
          there's some other force at work here.


Nastasha: That was a close one. I didn't think they would go so far as to booby
          trap your equipment. ...sneaky bastards.


Master: That was too close, Snake.
Snake: Yeah. That was quite a surprise, all right.
Master: Hiding a bomb in your items... That's a despicable act. He should 
        never...well, forget it. You'd better hurry to the underground base. 
        You're almost out of time.

38) Nuke Building B2

Nastasha: You found the body armor. The armor is constructed of a special fiber
          five times stronger than steel. Wearing that will considerably reduce
          damage from enemy fire. It is designed to prevent bullets from 
          penetrating, but you will still feel the impact of the bullets. Don't
          rely on it too much.


(The following conversations take place if you caught a cold from the guard in 
the cell; this happens if you use a chokehold on him, or if you gave in to 
Ocelot's torture.)


Campbell: Snake, Naomi wants to talk to you.
Naomi: How do you feel, Snake?
Snake: Well, to tell you the truth, I think I'm catching a cold...
Naomi: I'm monitoring you via the nanomachines...Your body temperature is 
       elevated and your lymph nodes are slightly swollen. But don't worry, it 
       appears to be just a mild rhinovirus.
Snake: I guess I got it from that soldier.
Naomi: I've increased your nutrition and elevated your blood sugar level.
Snake: You can't cure it?
Naomi: Sorry, Snake. The nanomachines don't carry antibiotics.[sic] Maybe you 
       could find some garlic. It contains natural antibiotics, you know. 
       Vitamins and minerals too.
Snake: Uhhh. Raw garlic. Gimme a break.
Campbell: There must be some cold medicine somewhere on the base. That would 
          make you feel better. If not, you'll just have to wait until your 
          body's natural defenses take over.


Mei Ling: "O, he's a limb, that has but a disease; mortal, to cut it off; to 
          cure it easy." Snake. You caught a cold, didn't you? Don't you think 
          you'd better take some cold medicine at least?


Nastasha: It sounds like you have a bad cold. You had better try to shake it 


Master: You caught a cold, Snake? In battle you need to be in top physical 
        condition. Do you have any cold medicine?


Snake: Is there any cold medicine on this base?
Otacon: What's wrong, Snake? You caught a cold? I think there's some in the 
        commander's room. There's a pharmaceutical storage room in the 
        southwest of the 1st floor basement...of the Warhead Storage Building. 
        There are other types of drugs there too. I gave directions to another 
        soldier who had caught a cold.
Snake: Well it looks like he gave the cold to me.

39) Nuke Building B1

Nastasha: Cold medicine? I don't know. It looks like regular old cold medicine 
          to me.


Mei Ling: Snake, "This sickness doth infect. The very life-blood of our 
          enterprise." That's from Henry IV. Snake, you'd better take that cold
          medicine and start feeling better. The success of this mission may 
          depend on it.

40) Cave

(If you have the handkerchief equipped in the cave.)

Master: The wolf dogs aren't attacking? Are you carrying something that might 
        be causing them to act like that?

41) Communications Tower A

Campbell: Snake, the launch deadline for the new nuclear warhead is almost 
          here. Hurry and get to Metal Gear's underground maintenance base! The
          overland route is blocked by a glacier. Climb the Communications 
          Tower so you can go over it. The Communications Tower consists of 
          tower A and tower B. You're in tower A now. To get to tower B, you'll
          have to use the outside walkway.
Naomi: Remember, Snake. Dark places are dangerous places. You can't see where 
       your enemies are coming from. Please use your Night-Vision Goggles or 
       your Thermal Goggles.


Otacon: Snake, it's dark inside the Communication Towers. You should use your 
        Night-Vision or Thermal Goggles. Be careful. There are always a lot of 
        soldiers guarding the Communication Tower. The walkway is directly 
        between the Communications Towers. Head for there.


(After trying to open the 9F doorway and the Otacon call that occurs.)

Campbell: The walkway door won't open, huh?
Snake: Yeah. Any ideas?
Naomi: Wait a minute, Snake. According to these satellite photos that Mei Ling 
       got, it looks as if there's a walkway on the roof as well.
Campbell: You can take that to the other side too.
Naomi: Be careful, Snake.


Campbell: Use your throw move on the bad guys that are chasing you! Grenades 
          might work well too. To get the grenade to explode near the soldiers,
          pull the pin and hold on to it for 4 seconds before you throw it.


Campbell: Snake, you'll have to use the walkway on the roof. Climb up there!
Snake: That's easy for you to say...

42) Communications Tower Roof

Snake: Whew...I made it to the roof.
Naomi: You must be exhausted, Snake.
Snake: It was no big deal.
Naomi: Snake, I'm monitoring you closely. Your heart rate is elevated and your 
       breathing is shallow.
Snake: ..........
Campbell: What's the matter, Snake? You out of shape from all that dog 
          mushing? Then climb down and proceed north.


Snake: Otacon, I'm up on the roof.
Otacon: That was a pretty fast climb.
Snake: I wanted to go slowly, but someone there forced me to move faster.
Otacon: Hmm. Well you can't relax 'cause there's an elevator in Tower B. That 
        walkway will take you to Tower B.


(If you equip the rope before the Hind shows up.)

Nastasha: Rope? If it is at least 12 millimeters thick, lightweight, and hard 
          to cut, you should be able to rappel with it as well. It is not a 
          hemp rope, is it?
Snake: No. It looks like it's made of nylon fibers.
Nastasha: Good. When hemp rope gets wet, it loses its flexibility. It would not
          be good for rappelling. But that rope sounds like it will not be a 


(After the Hind shows up.)


Campbell: The walkway on the roof of tower A was destroyed...? That doesn't 
          mean there's no other way. Is there a rope or something around there?
          If you had a rope you could rappel from the roof of tower A down to 
          the walkway below. You're an expert at rappelling aren't you? You'll 
          have to go to the north part of tower A and use that rope to rappel 
          down to the walkway below.
Naomi: It's too dangerous! That Hind is aiming at Snake! And he'll need to use 
       both hands to rappel too!
Campbell: You're right, but we have no choice! The Hind can't move in tight 
          spaces. It's our best bet!
Naomi: This is insane!
Snake: The colonel's right. There's no other way.


Nastasha: To beat that Hind, you need a SAM, a surface to air missile. You 
          cannot shoot it down with just small arms fire. If only you had a 


Otacon: Snake, are you going to take on a Hind with your bare hands?
Snake: I'm not that big a fool. Isn't there a weapon I can use against him 
Otacon: There are Stinger missiles in Communications Tower B. I'm pretty sure 
        they're near the entrance to the walkway. If you had a rope, you could 
        probably get them by dropping down from the roof.

43) Rappelling

Otacon: Wow, Snake. You're like an action movie star!
Snake: Totally different.
Otacon: Huh?
Snake: This is real. Not some prearranged stunt. If I screw up, there are no 
Otacon: Yeah...I guess you're right.


Otacon: Snake, there are some places on the wall where steam from the heating 
        system is spurting out. So be careful, it'll give you a nasty burn.

44) Communications Tower Walkway

Campbell: Snake, why don't you try the door that leads from the walkway to 
          Tower A?


Nastasha: The Hind is still around. You'll need a surface to air missile to 
          take him on. Like a Stinger or something...


Otacon: Great job. You made it down!
Snake: No problem.
Otacon: Maybe now would be a good time to blow that door open with some C4 so 
        you can get through later.


(Once the Alert Mode music begins.)


Naomi: Snake, you're under attack from off screen.
Snake: What should I do?
Campbell: First find out where the enemy is. Use your binoculars, then use your
          sniper rifle or something with a longer range than an ordinary 


Nastasha: You are under long-distance attack. Shoot back with your sniper 


Otacon: You're getting shot at? But to get where the Stinger missiles are, you 
        have to make it down that walkway.

45) Communications Tower B

Campbell: It looks like Liquid really wants to have a showdown with you. I'm 
          looking at Mei Ling's digitally enhanced satellite images right now.
Naomi: Snake, he's waiting for you. He's just circling around like a buzzard.
Snake: I hope everyone's enjoying the live broadcast?
Campbell: Sorry, Snake. I wish I could do something to help.
Naomi: Snake...I don't like it. Please don't go up to the roof.
Snake: I have to. I can't run from this one.


Nastasha: You have Stinger missiles. Now you have at least got a chance against
          the Hind...
Snake: Only a chance?
Nastasha: Well you are not exactly evenly armed. That Hind is a monster. You 
          have only a small chance to win, but at least it's better than no 
Snake: That's a pretty grim analysis, Nastasha.
Nastasha: To shoot down that Hind, you will have to get to a place with good 
          visibility. Do not try to fight in that walkway. Get up on that roof 
          where you will have a clean shot at him.


Otacon: Snake, I'm heading your way. There's something I've got to ask you...
Snake: Well what is it?
Otacon: Hmm...well ya see...I...I'll ask you when I see you...bye.
Snake: Wait a minute!


(After finding the stairs blocked by crates.)

Campbell: The way to the top is blocked, huh...Well we can worry about that 
          later. Why don't you go and see what's happening below?


(After discovering the broken staircase at the bottom.)

Campbell: The staircase is broken...tough luck. It looks like the elevator is 
          the only way up now. Okay, Snake, I want you to head up there right 


(After Otacon shows up.)


Otacon: You're gonna go after that Hind now? I can still hear the sound of its 
        rotors. It's just circling the tower. He must be waiting for you.
Snake: Yeah, well you won't hear it for much longer.
Otacon: ...Good. In the meantime, I'll fix the elevator so you can use it 


Otacon: I'll repair the elevator while you're fighting that Hind. It might take
        some time, so don't hurry.

46) During Hind D fight

Campbell: Liquid means to bring this to an end now. He obviously planned this.
Naomi: Maybe the broken elevator was all part of the trap.
Snake: You mean he fiddled with the elevator to get me out on the roof?
Campbell: You'll have to destroy that Hind, Snake. You can see the Hind on your
          radar screen. Even if you lose visual contact, you can always check 
          his position by radar.


Campbell: You'll have to destroy that Hind, Snake. Use your ears, Snake. You 
          should be able to tell where he's coming from by the sound of his 
          rotor blades.
(If you have the sound option set to "Monaural," the conversation continues.)
Campbell: Huh? Snake, you're not using a stereo TV!?
Mei Ling: It can't be!
Naomi: A Mono TV...
Campbell: Hmmmmmm....
Naomi: Well Colonel...there's nothing we can do about it....
Campbell: ...I guess you're right. Snake, don't worry about it. There's more to
          being a good person than just having a stereo television. You can do 
          it just the way you are!
Mei Ling: A mono TV...


Nastasha: Your best chance is to hit him while he is circling, when his nose 
          isn't pointed at you. That is your opening. Shove a Stinger missile 
          up his butt!


Nastasha: That machine gun can rip you to shreds in seconds. When it is facing 
          in your direction, you'd better hide in the shadows up there.


Nastasha: You cannot move while operating your Stinger missile. Focus your 
          sights on that bird as soon as it shows its tail. When its gun turret
          is aimed at you, quickly hide in the shadows. Use your R1 Button 


Nastasha: That Hind is equipped with infrared and night-vision equipment. It 
          can fly even in pitch darkness. But there's one thing... Only a 
          handful of pilots in the world could operate a Hind in a blizzard 
          like this. The IR and night-vision equipment would be useless. He 
          must be flying on manual. That means your Chaff won't work.


Otacon: Snake, are you okay!?
Snake: So far. How are you doing?
Otacon: Sorry. The elevator's not working yet. It's strange. There's no problem
        with the motor and the power is on. I need a little more time...

47) Communications Tower Roof, after Hind D fight

Campbell: You did it, Snake! You shot down the Hind!
Naomi: I was so worried...
Campbell: Liquid couldn't have survived that.
Snake: I wonder... But even so, just cause we've taken out their leader 
       doesn't mean they're going to give up. They're still going to try to 
       launch that nuke.
Campbell: You're right. There's no time to waste. Hurry. The underground 
          base is past the Communications Tower. The elevator is working 
          again, isn't it?


Nastasha: My God, you actually shot down that Hind...
Snake: You're the one who said I could do it with a Stinger. ...You didn't 
       really think I had a chance, did you?
Nastasha: It's not that... Well after all, that Hind shot down two F-16s. It is
          hard to believe that after doing that it got taken out by just one 
          man... nice going, Snake.


Nastasha: You found Stinger missiles. Great! They are equipped with a thermal 
          homing device, so once they locked on they will automatically pursue 
          the target. To lock on, all you have to do is line up the crosshairs.
          Stingers are very potent, short-range, low-altitude SAMs. In 
          Afghanistan, the Mujahaddin shot down hundreds of Soviet aircraft 
          with them. In fact, they were forced to change their tactics. One of 
          my favorite horror books is called Stinger and my favorite cocktail 
          is a Stinger. I guess you could say I've got a thing for Stingers.


Otacon: I don't know why, but the elevator just started working again. If you 
        take it all the way to the bottom of Tower B and go outside, you'll be 
        in the Snowfield. The entrance to the underground maintenance base is 
        in the north of the Snowfield.

48) Communications Tower B

Nastasha: If we do not drastically reduce the number of stockpiled nuclear 
          weapons, it's going to become easier and easier for terrorists to get
          their hands on them... That means more terrorist attacks like this 
          one. There was some talk about both sides reducing their nuclear 
          stockpiles to a "core-deterrent force" of less than 500 missiles 
          each, and declaring that there would be no nuclear counterstrike in 
          the event of the use of conventional or chemical weapons. But talks 
          fell through. It seems that America is unwilling to relinquish its 
          position as the most powerful country in the world.


Nastasha: There is no doubt about it. After the Cold War ended, the chance of a
          full-scale, worldwide nuclear conflageration was diminished. But on 
          the other hand, the chances of local, tactical use of nuclear weapons
          greatly increased. Civil wars, revolutions, regional disputes... It 
          seems like there is a new war popping up somewhere every day, and 
          many of them are the result of centuries-old hatred between different
          ethnic or religious groups. These people do not think rationally or 
          logically. In such conflicts, there is no concern for the high 
          civilian casualty rate, and international criticism means little. A 
          nuclear deterrent is meaningless because emotions run so hot. 
          Furthermore, unlike strategic nuclear missiles, the decision to use 
          tactical nuclear missiles is in some cases left up to the battlefield
          commanders. It is pretty scary. As long as nuclear weapons continue 
          to proliferate, the chances that someone is going to use them will 
          also continue to grow...


Nastasha: Ironically, the policy of nuclear deterrence has prevented the 
          elimination of nuclear weapons. The entire basis for determining them
          to be illegal has been undermined by this military policy. In other 
          words, nuclear weapons cannot be declared illegal because we have an 
          entrenched policy which makes them legal, ipso facto.


Nastasha: America and Russia aren't the only countries with nuclear weapons. 
          During the Cold War, the UK, France, and China publicly declared the 
          existence of their own nuclear arsenals. Since we entered the twenty-
          first century, we have confirmed the existence of nuclear weapons 
          programs in countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, South 
          America, and Asia. Nukes are steadily proliferating. The twenty-first
          century is paying for the twentieth century's failure to plug the 
          holes in the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) and for IAEA's failure to
          tighten nuclear control measures.


Nastasha: The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) was established in 1957
          to oversee peaceful as well as military applications of atomic power.
          But the IAEA can only investigate those countries which request an 
          investigation. Furthermore, the timing of the inspection must be 
          approved by the country in question. They are not allowed to do sneak
          inspections. The country that is being investigated can even dictate 
          the nationality of the inspectors that they will allow in. In the 
          late 1970s, Iraq would only allow inspectors from Bulgaria and Russia
          to enter the country. The IAEA does not even have the authority to 
          level fines against countries who have committed infractions. After 
          the Gulf War, they discovered that Iraq had been developing nuclear 
          weapons in secret, right under the investigator's noses! 
          Unfortunately, as an organization, the IAEA just did not have the 
          teeth to effectively stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and 


Nastasha: In 1970, all five nuclear powers--America, the Soviet Union, France, 
          England, and China--signed the NPT. The treaty provided that the non-
          nuclear-equipped countries could receive assistance for peaceful 
          applications of nuclear power. But military applications of nuclear 
          power were strictly prohibited, and the IAEA was given the 
          responsibility of investigating countries who were suspected of being
          in noncompliance with the NPT. But the IAEA could not stop the 
          proliferation of nuclear weapons either. Not only could not the IAEA 
          levy any penalties against violating nations, but it became 
          impossible to distinguish between technologies which would lead to 
          military development and technologies which were for civilian 

49) During stealth elevator ambush

Campbell: They're using stealth camouflage! You can't see them, so listen 
          closely. Use your ears.
Naomi: How does that stealth technology work? Is it optic or chemical? ...Do 
       you know, Snake?
Campbell: Ask the person who invented it. He should know.


Nastasha: Stealth camouflage? Yes. That is the new material, recently 
          developed, which hides a person's body by bending light. I think you 
          should ask the person who invented it.


Snake: Otacon, I can't see them! What should I do?
Otacon: Hmmm...Stealth camouflage works by bending the light around an object. 
        That's how it makes them invisible. But it doesn't have the ability to 
        mask heat. Use your Thermal Goggles, Snake. You'll be able to see their
        heat signatures!

50) Snowfield

Campbell: It looks like the weather is getting worse. Try using your 
Snake: What about the satellite data?
Mei Ling: I'm sorry, Snake. I can't see the entrance in the satellite photos 
Snake: What about a heat source? An exhaust pipe or something?
Mei Ling: I can't confirm anything. Only that there are multiple heat sources 
          to the southeast of your position.
Campbell: That's probably just the burning wreckage from the Hind.
Mei Ling: Snake, you're in a big open space surrounded by walls. The entrance 
          to the underground base should be somewhere in there. Stay close to 
          the walls and you won't get lost.
Campbell: Snake, you're our only hope. Please stop them from launching that


Snake: Otacon, which direction is the underground base?
Otacon: It's in the snowfield to the north of Tower B. The door is security 
        level 6. The weather is terrible. Make sure you don't get lost out 
        there. Snake, I don't have to tell you, but it's bitter cold out there.
        It'd be dangerous to stay out in the Snowfield too long.

51) During second Sniper Wolf fight

Campbell: It's Sniper Wolf. You can only shoot at her with your PSG-1.
Naomi: Snake, Wolf is hiding somewhere in that Snowfield. First you'll have to 
       find out where she is.
Campbell: She should come out of hiding briefly to shoot at you.


Nastasha: Sniper Wolf....It is pretty unusual for a sniper to announce their 
          presence before they shoot. She must have a real thing for you. 
          Anyway, I do not think it is going to be as easy as before.


Snake: Otacon, where can I find ammo for the PSG-1?
Otacon: I...I can't tell you.


(After defeating Wolf, but before approaching her.)


Campbell: It looks like Wolf is down. Now get to Metal Gear's underground base 
          on the double.


Master: So you beat Wolf, huh. She was a fool to use the same tactics that 
        failed her in your first meeting. But remember. Don't let down your 
        guard until you've got a confirmed kill.

52) Snowfield, after Sniper Wolf fight

Campbell: A sad story. We shouldn't have turned our backs on the Kurds after 
          the Gulf War...
Snake: Listen. We're not responsible for her choices. Everyone decides their 
       own fate, no matter where they were born. Words like fate,'s 
       just an excuse for giving up if you ask me....
Naomi: I don't agree with you. Maybe if she hadn't been born on a battlefield, 
       she might have had a happier, more fulfilling life. She might not have 
       turned into a killer...
Snake: ..........


Mei Ling: In China they say "It's better to live ugly than to die beautiful." I
          think it's true. Once you're dead, you'll never have another chance 
          to be happy. I can't understand people who want to die before their 
          time. Please Snake...promise me that you'll come back alive.


Snake: Master, you and I...we're nothing more than dogs, are we?
Master: That's not like you, Snake...Don't let what Sniper Wolf said bother 
Snake: ..........
Master: Listen. There's not a soldier alive that doesn't question himself. And 
        if there is one, he's nothing more than a murderer. But someone like 
        Wolf...a soldier who's looking for nothing more than their own death is
        no good to anyone either. Once she started to look for death, it was 
        all over. That's how you'll end up too, Snake...


Otacon: The entrance to the underground maintenance base is in the north of the
        Snowfield. ...I'll be watching, Snake...


(Look at the parachute over the eastern wall in First Person View Mode.)

Snake: Colonel, listen to me. I found a parachute near the wreckage of the 
Campbell: A parachute? You don't think that Liquid survived.....?
Snake: Impossible. As soon as he jumped out of the pilot's seat, he'd e sliced 
       up faster than an onion on an infomercial.
Naomi: ...So what's that parachute doing there then?
Snake: I have no idea.
Naomi: A trap?
Snake: Either that or a me.
Campbell: ...Meaning "I'm not dead", I suppose...
Snake: Maybe...but I think it's more like "I'll string you up!"
Naomi: ..........
Campbell: Well, in any case, don't let your guard down.
Snake: I won't.

53) Blast Furnace

Campbell: Snake, that's a blast furnace.
Snake: A blast furnace? What do they use that for?
Campbell: There's no airport on the base, so it's hard to bring in supplies. 
          They must have built a blast furnace so they could make building 
          materials and such.
Snake: That makes sense. Whew, I'm starting to sweat. It's getting kind of 
Campbell: The entrance to the underground base is further below. There should 
          be a cargo elevator that you can take down somewhere around there. 
          Try to find it.


Nastasha: You have a good view, though your movement is limited... It might be 
          a good place to take out your enemy with your PSG-1.


Master: Sometimes, even though you know it's a losing battle, you just have to 
        fight or be damned. A narrow chance is still a chance.


Master: Foresight is important in war. In times of extreme danger, people's 
        latent sixth sense often awakens. When that happens, throw logic to the
        wind and trust your instincts.


Master: The only way to conquer fear is to stare it straight in the face and 
        laugh at it. Never let fear control you.


Master: Don't feel guilty about the soldiers that died from your bullets. They 
        knew the risks they were taking, just like you.


Master: War brings out the cruelty of man. No matter how the soldier was 
        brought up, they all turn into animals when they're thrust into the 
        heat of combat.


Otacon: There's a cargo elevator in the northeast part of the bottom floor. You
        can take that to Metal Gear's underground base. You'll spot it right 
        away. It's got a big patrol light attached to it.


(When near the small elevator on the upper level.)


Snake: Colonel, there's an elevator, but it's stuck on a floor below.
Campbell: That elevator can probably only be moved from below. There must be 
          some other way down. Look around.
Naomi: Dr. Emmerich knows the base well. Why don't you ask him?


Snake: The elevator is stopped at a lower floor and it won't come up. Is there 
       some way to get to an elevator that will take me down further?
Otacon: Well...there is one, but...
Snake: Where?
Otacon: Can you see to the west of the blast furnace? You see that crane? I 
        think if you go down those steps, you'll get to the other side.
Snake: Did you ever see anyone actually go down there?
Otacon: No, but I've seen mice go there.
Snake: Do I look like a mouse to you?
Otacon: Be careful of that crane, too.


Otacon: If you stick close to those steps, I think you can make it to the other


(When in the boiler room on the lower level.)


Campbell: Watch out for the steam. It's dangerous. Use your First-Person View 
          to see where the steam is coming out and then avoid it.
Snake: Yeah. I like a sauna now and then, but this is too much.


Otacon: Are you in the boiler room? Those pipes are really old. Once in a while
        they blow out steam, so be careful.
Snake: You call this "once in a while"?

54) Cargo Elevator

Campbell: Snake, isn't that the elevator that goes down to Metal Gear's 
          underground base?
Snake: Yeah, but there's no button for calling the elevator.
Campbell: Maybe it'll come if you wait.
Naomi: Why don't you ask Dr. Emmerich?


Campbell: Metal Gear is straight down. Better move it! There's no time. The 
          terrorists are ready to launch.
Snake: Negotiations are all finished?
Campbell: The government can't cave in to terrorist's demands.
Snake: But they're threatening to launch a nuclear weapon!
Campbell: They've made their final decision.
Snake: ...Why is the White House being so inflexible? Colonel, is there still 
       something you're hiding from me?
Campbell: Snake, please...just concentrate on stopping them, okay?


Otacon: If you take that cargo elevator down, you'll wind up in Metal Gear's
        underground maintenance base. It's automatically set to go back and 
        forth between the blast furnace and the underground maintenance base. 
        It's not there yet, so you'll just have to wait.

55) During Cargo Elevator ambush

Campbell: Snake, blow away all the bad guys or you're not going to be able to 
          get out of there and get to the underground base.


Master: Naturally, in an enclosed room, your motion is limited. But that 
        doesn't mean that you should stand still and become a human target. You
        can win if you watch how your enemy moves and then cleverly counter it.


(After the ambush, but before the next screen loads.)

Otacon: That elevator is for transporting vehicles and building materials to 
        the underground maintenance base.
Snake: So that's why it's so big.
Otacon: The elevator you're on right now is the No. 1 elevator. That elevator 
        won't take you down all the way, so you'll have to switch to the No. 2 
        elevator at the relay point.

56) Cargo Elevator, after ambush

Otacon: Snake, that's the relay point between elevator No. 1 and elevator No.2.
Snake: Why was it set up this way?
Otacon: Well, for a long time it had been set up so that you could take one 
        elevator all the way to the bottom, but I heard that they changed it 
        because of something to do with the structural integrity of the rock. 
        The No.2 elevator is next to you, right? Transfer to that one.


(If you shoot a lot of ravens.)

Campbell: Snake, we're not paying you to be a scarecrow y'know.
Naomi: Poor things. Ravens are God's creatures too, Snake.


Snake: There are a lot of crows around here...
Master: Those aren't crows, those are Northern Ravens. The Inuit and other 
        native Americans worshipped Northern Ravens as creator deities. Some 
        say that ravens have the power to predict death. The great poet Marlowe
        wrote about them in the 16th century. "Thus like the sad presaging 
        raven that tolls the sick man's passport in her hollow beak, And in the
        shadow of the silent night doth shake contagion from her sable wings."
Snake: That's pretty gloomy, Master.
Master: By the way...
(This will segue into the usually mandatory conversation about Naomi.)


(After the talk with Master Miller.)


Snake: Colonel, where's Naomi?
Naomi: I'm right here, Snake. What is it?
Snake: Oh...uh...nothing. Forget it.
Naomi: Strange...
Campbell: ...Snake, by now those terrorists have finished their launch 
          preparations. Stop wasting time! Metal Gear's base is up ahead.
Naomi: Snake, it's over 30 below outside... Be careful, you're just recovering 
       from a cold...
Snake: ......
Naomi: What's wrong?
Snake: Forget it, thanks.
Campbell: Snake, stop lollygagging around and get to Metal Gear's base. There's
          no time!


Snake: Mei Ling, how's Naomi?
Mei Ling: Huh? She's fine, I guess. What's up?
Snake: Oh...
Mei Ling: What do you want, Snake? If you want to talk to Naomi, why don't you 
          call her?
Snake: Oh it's nothing...forget about it.
Mei Ling: Strange guy...


Snake: I want to ask you about Naomi.
Master: I'm looking into the details now, but it doesn't look good. Weren't you
        ever suspicious of her, Snake?
Snake: ..........
Master: ...Snake, keep your guard up.


Master: Ravens will eat vegetables, meat, garbage...pretty much anything. It 
        seems dirty to us, but that's what allows them to live even in a 
        climate like this.


Master: Legends say that crows have three times the lifespan of a man, and that
        ravens have three times the lifespan of a crow. That's just an old 
        wives' tale, but it's true that crows live longer than many types of 
        birds. Northern Ravens can live pretty close to 70 years.


Otacon: If you take that elevator down, you'll wind up in the warehouse. Metal 
        Gear's underground maintenance base is just past there.
Snake: Ravens...
Otacon: What?
Snake: There are a lot of ravens here.
Otacon: There were ravens around from before. But for some reason they started
        to increase in number around the same time that FOX-HOUND came to the 
        base. It's really weird. I wonder what it could mean...?


(At the bottom of the elevator.)

Master: That place is right in the middle of the permafrost. Just like the name
        says, it never melts. I've heard over 85% of Alaska is permafrost. It's
        extremely cold there, Snake. If you don't hurry, your C-rations will 
        freeze. One way to prevent your C-rations from freezing is to hold them
        close to your body by equipping them.

57) During Vulcan Raven fight

Naomi: Vulcan Raven is half Native Alaskan American and half Inuit. He was 
       raised as a shaman and they say he has supernatural powers. During the 
       Cold War, he trained in Russia with the Bimpel, [sic] the Soviet special
       forces. In 1993, he was demoted by President Yeltsin following his coup 
       d'etat. So he fled the country and became a mercenary. After that, he 
       joined those rent-a-war bastards at Outer Heaven Inc. He stayed there 
       until he joined us in Fox Hound, thanks to a strong recommendation from 
       Revolver Ocelot.
Campbell: That cannon he's holding is a 20 millimeter Vulcan gun. You usually 
          see them mounted on fighter planes. You can't take him on in a fire 
          fight. He'll make mincemeat of you.
Naomi: He's not just strong, Snake. He's a graduate emeritus from Alaska 
       University, so he's a quick thinker, too.
Campbell: In any case, you'd better not try to attack him from the front. 
          Normal weapons are no match for his 20 millimeter Vulcan. Try to 
          attack him from the sides or behind.


Campbell: You're at a disadvantage in a frontal assault. Try attacking him with
          a Remote-Controlled Missile. Maneuver it between the containers to 
          get it to come up behind him. But if you fly the missiles too slow, 
          they'll get shot down even if they approach him from behind. Try to 
          get them close by flying them at top speed, or by maneuvering them 
          around corners.


Campbell: You could also try to predict where he's gonna move and set up some 
          C-4. If your timing is good, it might work.


Nastasha: It looks like Raven's holding an M61A1 20 mm multi-turreted machine 
          gun. They're usually mounted on F16's. With its six rotating turrets,
          it can fire 4,000 20 mm rounds per minute. And it's accurate, too. If
          you come at him from the front he will turn you into borscht.


Master: A Native Alaskan American, huh? Probably Athapaskan. They're originally
        from the same tribe as the Apaches and Navajos of New Mexico. 
        Anthroprologically, they're related to the Japanese. There are even 
        linguistic similarities between Athapaskan languages and ancient 
        Japanese. You and he probably share many of the same ancestors.
Snake: ...Master, I don't remember telling you that I was part Japanese...
Master: ..........


Master: The Four Man Carry is a race where you have to run with four grown men 
        hanging from a long stick that you carry on your back. Apparently Raven
        does it with six men.


Otacon: That room is still under construction because their main priority was 
        to finish Metal Gear's underground base. But the good thing is, with 
        all those containers, it should be easy to hide, right?

58) Warehouse, after Vulcan Raven fight

Campbell: Snake, if it's about Naomi, I'm looking into the matter right now. 
          Give me a little more time.
Snake: Where is she?
Campbell: She's still sleeping.
Snake: I can't believe it... First, the DARPA Chief turns out to be an imposter
       and now Naomi... What the hell is going on here? I suppose you're going 
       to tell me you don't know anything, right?
Campbell: I'm sorry, Snake.
Snake: A madman is threatening the world with a nuclear weapon. I guess that's 
       what I should worry about now...


Snake: ...Naomi wasn't acting strangely or anything?
Mei Ling: No...I just can't believe that Naomi's an enemy spy. I refuse to 
          accept that.
Snake: I don't want to believe it either, but...
Mei Ling: Don't say it, Snake.


Master: Your C-rations are frozen? Never eat frozen C-rats. It'll cause a 
        temperature imbalance that'll drain your strength. Make sure you warm 
        those C's before you eat em.


Master: Snake, I'm sure that woman calling herself Naomi is some type of spy. 
        And now I'm starting to think that Campbell might be hiding something 
        too. Don't trust him.


Otacon: I don't know anything about Dr. Naomi, so there's not much I can say...
        But, Snake, I think you'd better leave that to Colonel Campbell. Don't 
        you think you'd better just get to the Control Room.

59) Warehouse North

(This one's very picky in triggering; stand at the northwest corner of the 
catwalk on the south side of the room. Use a chaff to prevent the gun cameras 
from shooting you.)

Nastasha: Snake, I am detecting high levels of radiation coming from that 
          waterfall. If you get too close you could be exposed. Besides the
          dismantled warheads, Shadow Moses Island must also be storing some 
          other kind of nuclear materials. Whatever it is, it must be 
          leaking... You have probably heard it before, but I will tell you 
          again. Most nuclear storage facilities aren't in much better shape 
          than this one. They're causing immeasurable damage to the 

60) Underground Base 1F

Campbell: Snake, stop that launch. Head for the Control Room in the underground
          base. Give Dr. Emmerich a call. There's no time!


Nastasha: That stuff that is flowing in those ditches on the 1st floor must be 
          radioactive nuclear wastewater. You had better stay away from it. You
          are already exposed enough just by being in that area. Any further 
          exposure could be fatal. That place does not have a nuclear 
          processing facility. It must be some other kind of nuclear material 
          that is leaking besides the dismantled nuclear warheads... Probably 
          spent fuel or something.


Nastasha: Anytime fuel is burned in a nuclear reactor, it will always produce, 
          as a waste product, some spent fuel mixed with highly toxic, 
          radioactive compounds. Spent nuclear fuel stays radioactive for 300 
          years. In other words, this material will remain lethal for the next 
          three centuries.


Nastasha: There was a time when we thought it was safe to seal the nuclear 
          waste in special containers and bury it in a layer of rock salt 
          without much exposure to underground water. Even though we now know 
          there are big problems with that, we still don't have an effective 
          disposal solution. Most of the nuclear waste we produce is just 
          shoved underground with no intention of ever processing it. It's like
          an ostrich with its head in the sand. No?


Nastasha: There is a process which involves mixing the nuclear waste with low-
          grade uranium to convert it into a mixed oxid (MOX) fuel for burining
          in light water reactors, usually in the form of glass logs. But MOX 
          contaminates a nuclear reactor more quickly than low-grade uranium. 
          It is also highly toxic. It is economically unfeasible unless the 
          price of uranium is more than four times what it currently is. Not 
          only that, but you cannot ignore the danger inherent in transporting 
          the MOX from the processing factories to the nuclear reactors. An 
          accident could lead to radioactive contamination, or the materials 
          could be hijacked by terrorists... No, I do not think MOX could be 
          called a viable solution to the problem of plutonium disposal.


Nastasha: There is only one effective use for nuclear waste. Military 
          applications. You see, after chemical reprocessing, they can separate
          plutonium from the nuclear waste. Nuclear weapons normally use 
          military-grade plutonium 239 with a purity of 93-94%. It is made in 
          special nuclear reactors designed for military applications. On the 
          other hand, the plutonium in spent nuclear fuel only has a purity of 
          about 60%. But that does not mean that spent nuclear fuel cannot be 
          used for military applications. America has been successful in tests 
          using eapons made from nuclear-reactor-grade plutonium. That means 
          that eventually everyone will be able to make nuclear weapons from 
          plutonium separated from spent nuclear fuel.


Nastasha: Spent nuclear fuel can also be used to make depleted uranium (DU) 
          bullets or shells. They are armor-piercing antitank rounds. With a 
          very high density and armor-piercing capability, DU explodes after 
          penetrating the target's armor. DU ammunition demonstrates a 10% 
          increase in efficiency over munitions made of heavy metal alloy such 
          as tungsten. Unfortunately, when a DU round explodes, it spreads a 
          fine dust which, when absorbed into a body, supposedly causes 
          terrible health problems such as renal disease. During the Gulf War, 
          Americans as well as Iraqi soldiers were exposed to DU dust and 
          suffered from radiation poisoning and other illnesses. The American 
          government and public organizations undertook medical studies, but no
          clear casual link was established between exposure to DU and the 
          occurrence of cancer or genetic damage. Some people think that this 
          type of radioactive contamination is what is behind the "Gulf War 
          Syndrome," but the government will not admit it...


Nastasha: They are currently doing research to find ways to transform minor 
          actinoids such as Americium and Neptunium, which are highly toxic 
          with long half lives, into nuclear materials with short half lives. 
          It's called extinction processing, but it is not being used much due 
          to all the technical and economic problems with it. A serious program
          for nuclear waste treatment has yet to be established.

61) Underground Base 3F

(This can be triggered anytime after the third Otacon call, where he reveals 
Rex's true capabilities.)

Snake: How about it? Did you find the override system file?
Otacon: Not yet. I need a little more time. Well, I found lots of information 
        about that new nuclear weapon... There are 4 stages involved in 
        launching a ballistic missile. The first one is the Boost Stage. It 
        starts at the point the missile is launched and ends after all the 
        rocket fuel is burned and the missile is propelled into the exosphere. 
        The next stage is the Post-Boost Stage. It starts after all the fuel is
        burned and ends after the re-entry vehicle is ejected. Next is the 
        Intermediate Course Stage. It takes place after the re-entry vehicle is
        ejected and lasts until the missile enters the exosphere. Then comes 
        the Final Stage. It starts when the re-entry vehicle enters the 
        exosphere and it lasts until it reaches its ultimate target on the 
        ground. Missile defense systems use military satellites to detect 
        rocket emissions during the initial Boost Stage of a missile. But this 
        new nuclear weapon employs the rail gun's ability to fire projectiles 
        at ultra-high velocities, instead of using a rocket. That's why it 
        can't be detected by today's missile defense systems! And on top of 
        that, the re-entry vehicle also uses Stealth technology... It's so 
        accurate that its fifty percent zone comes close to 50 meters. That's 
        as good as the best ICBM.
Snake: A highly accurate, undetectable, uninterceptable nuclear weapon. We 
       wouldn't even be able to tell where it came from...
Otacon: And that's not all. A standard ballistic missile uses a 2-stage or a 3-
        stage solid fuel rocket for its propulsion system. Besides costing lots
        of money, safely maintaining the solid rocket fuel and readying the 
        missile for launch requires a lot of work. But a railgun-launched 
        nuclear warhead avoids all of those problems. And it's cheap too.
Snake: It's the perfect nuke. A general's dream...
Otacon: And the world's nightmare.


(After the fourth Otacon call.)

Snake: Did you find the file for the override system?
Otacon: Just wait a little longer. I found out a lot about the arms industry 
        though... After the Cold War ended, the United States slashed its 
        defense budget by more than 15%. Naturally, the arms industry was 
        severely affected. It resulted in an orgy of mergers and acquisitions. 
        Some of the big arms conglomerates today are made up of what 10 years 
        ago would have been 20 or more smaller arms companies. ArmsTech is one 
        of those. But we lost our bid to produce the US Air Force's next line 
        of fighter jets. Then we took a stab at civilian applications, but that
        was a failure too. The company was about to go belly up. Ironically, 
        the Defense Department was in pretty much the same situation. Thanks to
        big budget cuts, they were forced to turn to the private sector to help
        fund their weapons development. On top of that, the government began to
        actively export their advanced weapons technology to the private sector
        in order to maintain a high standard of quality in the country's 
        defense armaments. Eventually they decided on a joint development 
        project for new weapon systems between the DOD and the private sector. 
        And since both sides were in such bad financial shape, that's where all
        the backscratching came in. So there was another reason for the joint 
        development of Metal Gear, huh. It wasn't just President Baker trying 
        to keep ArmsTech afloat...

62) The PAL Key I: Retrieving the Key

Campbell: Find that key! It fell somewhere in that drainage ditch! Use your 
          Mine Detector.
Snake: Mine Detector?
Campbell: Yes. The Mine Detector works just like a metal detector. The position
          of the card key should show up on your radar screen.


Nastasha: There is a big difference between conventional weapons and weapons of
          mass destruction. Conventional weapons are intended for use against 
          military targets, but nuclear weapons are used against noncombatants.
          Nukes are designed to kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians in
          a flash. That is why nuclear weapons are so evil.


Nastasha: Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. That is why the 
          world must never forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Nastasha: Nuclear weapons are destructive enough to kill every living thing on 
          Earth and to render the planet uninhabitable for tens of thousands of


Nastasha: In the history of mankind, there has never been a weapon created 
          which was not later used. If we do not do something, we are just 
          going to blow ourselves up. There's no doubt about it. As long as 
          nuclear weapons exist, we have the sword of Damocles hanging over our


Master: You lost the key? Hurry up and find it! They've already entered the 
        detonation code! The only way to stop that launch is to lock the system
        by re-inputting the detonation codes. If you use the Mine Detector, you
        should be able to find the key even if it fell into the drainage ditch.
        Whatever you do, find that key!


(Once Master Miller call you after you find a bomb instead of the PAL key.)


Campbell: Snake, get that card key back from the rat. Why don't you watch its 
          route and set up a trap for it with the C4 or something.


(After retrieving the PAL key.)


Otacon: You found the card key, right? First comes the room temperature key. 
        Put it into the far left terminal in the Control Room. That key is 
        actually an IC card. Its connector pins and main body are made of a 
        shape memory alloy. It's designed so that unless it has been changed 
        to the correct shape, it won't be recognized by the PAL code input 
        terminal in the Control Room and the detonation code won't be entered.


Campbell: Snake, the surveillance camera... When you insert the card key, don't
          let it see you. Try using your Chaff. You could probably use a Box 

63) The PAL Key II: Cooling the Key

Otacon: Next you've got to cool the card key.
Snake: Where should I do that?
Otacon: This is Alaska. Go outside, it's cold everywhere. But you're close to 
        the warehouse where you fought Raven, right? That place is right in the
        middle of the permafrost layer and there's no heater either.


(After successfully cooling the key.)

Otacon: Snake, it looks like you changed the card key's shape correctly. Go and
        put it into the middle terminal in the Control Room. Before it warms up
        and changes back to its original shape.

64) The PAL Key III: Heating the Key

Otacon: Somewhere warm? What about the blast furnace? But the problem is if you
        go through a cold place on the way back, the card key might change 
        shape. You need to hurry on the way back.


(After the call from Master Miller about Naomi.)


Nastasha: I cannot believe it! Dr. Naomi working with the terrorists...
Snake: I don't want to believe it either.
Nastasha: But if what Campbell says is true...
Snake: I know. Nastasha, have you ever heard of FoxDie?
Nastasha: FoxDie? No, sorry...I've never heard of it.
Snake: Oh well....Forget about it.


Master: So Naomi is a spy, just like I thought. Campbell is hiding something 
        too... But that's okay. FoxDie is a virus... a biological weapon. There
        must be a vaccine. We can worry about getting that later, Snake, but 
        right now you've got to focus on re-inputting those detonation codes. 


Otacon: Naomi's an enemy spy!? ...I can't believe it!
Snake: I don't want to believe it either, but...
Otacon: Snake, leave it to Colonel Campbell. You've got to concentrate on re-
        inputting that detonation code.
Snake: You're right...


(After successfully heating the PAL key.)


Master: The key changed shape. Hurry to the Control Room! That's the last key!
Snake: Master, I've never heard you so excited.
Master Miller: ..........


Otacon: It looks like you changed the shape correctly. The last card key goes 
        in the far right terminal in the Control Room. But be careful. If 
        you're in a cold place for too long, it'll change back to its original 
        shape. You need to hurry.


(After the call from Naomi.)


Snake: Colonel, what's new with Naomi?
Campbell: She's being interrogated, Snake. Leave her to me. You just worry 
          about stopping Metal Gear.
Snake: ..........
Campbell: Please, Snake. I consider you my friend. Please believe that.
Snake: ..........
Campbell: Snake, we're just about out of time! Get to the Control Room!


Mei Ling: Snake, Naomi's under arrest...
Snake: What the hell is happening over there? What's the Colonel thinking?
Mei Ling: Campbell is... I'm sorry. I can't say any more. But please believe 
          me. I'm here to help you. Until the end...


Snake: Nastasha, I'm going to ask you one more time. Do you know anything about
       FoxDie and the real nature of this operation?
Nastasha: Sorry. I have not been told anything about that.
Snake: That's funny. The Colonel said almost exactly the same thing.
Nastasha: .........
Snake: Sorry. I didn't mean to sound sarcastic. I believe you...


Master: So Naomi used FoxDie to take her revenge on you...
Snake: Yeah, but she said she wasn't the one who made the decision to use it. 
       According to her, it was just one part of this operation.
Master: Hmmm. If this goes all the way up to Campbell, it might not be so easy 
        to get that vaccine...oh well, forget about it... Hurry up and get to 
        the Control Room. Input that last key!


Otacon: I can't really blame Dr. Naomi... I feel sorry for her....Ever since I 
        was a little kid, I always hated my first name.
Snake: Hal, isn't it?
Otacon: Yeah... But I'm not a computer, I'm a human......My grandfather taking 
        part in the Manhattan father being born on the day of the 
        Hiroshima bomb...I hated every part of that. My name, my father, my 
        grandfather. ...It felt like all those things were a ball and chain 
        around my legs, dragging me down.. But now that I think about it, I 
        realize that I was blessed. At least I know who I am...where I came 
        from... But Dr. Naomi didn't even know who her parents were, what her 
        real name was. She must have been a very lonely little girl...
Snake: Otacon...
Otacon: ...Sorry, Snake. I guess right now you should focus on re-inputting
        those PAL codes.


(After Liquid traps you in the control room.)

Nastasha: Snake, you are in danger! Get out of there!
Snake: Yeah, but how?
Nastasha: Isn't there someone who knows this base? ...Dr. Emmerich! Maybe he 
          can do something.


(After Otacon opens the door.)

Otacon: What are you doing? The door is open, Snake. Hurry up and go after 

65) During Metal Gear Rex fight

Campbell: God help us! Metal Gear is moving... Snake, it's all riding on you 
          now. You've got to stop that thing!
Snake: But how?
Campbell: You'll have to ask Dr. Emmerich, the guy who made it.


Mei Ling: Snake, there's nothing I can do to help you. All I can do is to cheer
          you on!
Snake: Mei Ling, I don't think I can go through all that again. Please save the
Mei Ling: Okay, Snake, I'll take care of it.


Nastasha: I am a military analyst and an expert on high-tech weapons, but I do 
          not know anything about Metal Gear. Why don't you ask Dr. Emmerich?


Nastasha: It probably uses some kind of electronic targeting equipment similar 
          to a tank. If you use chaff, you should be able to confuse it for a 
          little while.


Otacon: Snake, Rex's armor is impregnable. You can't do any damage with the 
        weapons you've got. Rex uses the latest advances in compound armor. The
        only way you can pierce it is with a high-performance HEAT (high-
        explosive, antitank) round.
Snake: So what do I do?
Otacon: Rex's pilot seat operates exactly like a VR system. It's got multiple 
        sensors connected to a high-tech interface used for the controls. It's 
        completely self-enclosed and shut off from the outside environment.
Snake: He's not using his naked eyes?
Otacon: That's right. So if you could somehow destroy the sensors... Do you see
        that round plate on Rex's left arm?
Snake: Yeah, that thing that looks like a shield?
Otacon: That's a radome. If you can destroy that thing, it won't be able to use
        its electronic equipment.
Snake: So he'll be blinded?
Otacon: Yeah. Try to hit that radome with a Stinger missile.
Snake: So that will stop it?
Otacon: No, Rex was designed so it can be controlled manually too.
Snake: Oh, great.
Otacon: The part that looks like a beak is where the pilot seat is. In an 
        emergency it will open up. Rex's armor is perfect. You can't destroy 
Snake: You told me that already.
Otacon: But the interior is a different story.
Snake: I get it... First I destroy the radome. That will force him to open up 
       the pilot's seat.
Otacon: Right. If you can shoot a missile into the cockpit, you'll destroy the 
        computer control system.
Snake: You intentionally designed it with a weak point?
Otacon: It's not a weak point--I like to think of it as more of a character 
        flaw. People and weapons just aren't complete without a character flaw,
        don't you think?
Snake: I guess so. I owe you one, Otacon.


Otacon: I saw it in President Baker's top secret files. Rex has a free electron
        laser mounted on its belly. It's a laser weapon that discharges a laser
        beam into an electron beam that's been accelerated using giant magnets.
        It can generate an incredible amount of energy...pretty close to 100 
        megawatts. That's ten times greater than any other laser out there.


Otacon: If Rex steps on you, it'll be all over. Be very careful when he gets 


Otacon: Rex is equipped with antitank missiles on both of his knees. They're a 
        laser semi-active homing type that doesn't use wires. The shooter uses 
        a laser illuminator to bounce a laser beam off the target. After that, 
        the missile uses the light reflected off the target to home in on it. 
        Fortunately, the missiles are tipped with HEAT rounds and not 
        antipersonnel warheads. But if they hit you directly, you'll be sorry. 
        Be careful.


Otacon: The rail gun uses magnetism to fire projectiles. By perfecting the 
        process of shell acceleration, the rail gun is able to fire a 
        projectile with a muzzle velocity of over 100 kilometers per second. It
        was originally going to be used, as part of SDI, to shoot down enemy 
        ICBMs outside the atmosphere. It's ironic that now it's gonna be used 
        to deliver a nuclear warhead...


Otacon: Rex is the first actual prototype model, but they've been doing virtual
        prototyping for a while now. They pop it into a VR simulation while 
        it's still in the design phase. That way they can make improvements to 
        the design while testing it under all sorts of simulated conditions. 
        So even though it's a prototype, it's extremely well designed. Be 


Campbell: Destroy Metal Gear! We're out of time! If you can't do it, I'll have 
          to resort to my last option.
Snake: Last option?
Campbell: We have a submarine prepared to deliver a full nuclear strike on the 
Snake: What the hell!?


Nastasha: Radome stands for radar dome. It is a cover protecting a super-
          sensitive electronic scanning array. Almost all modern combat 
          aircraft have them. It is not just a radar system in there. That 
          radome probably contains infrared sensors, motion detectors, and 
          other equipment, too. It is like a combination of eyes, ears and nose
          all rolled into one. If you could destroy that you might have a 


Nastasha: Use your Stinger missiles carefully. If you run out, you'll have no 
          chance to win.


(After Gray Fox's sacrifice.)


Snake: Colonel, Fox is dead...
Campbell: I know..... God rest his soul. Even a soldier needs more to live for 
          than just fighting. Maybe if he had found something else, he wouldn't
          have been so haunted...
Snake: He was too simple... too pure. There was nothing in this world for him 
       to believe in... so he chose to believe only in himself.
Campbell: I guess you're right. A man like Fox is really only looking for his 
Snake: Yeah. But if you ask me, there's no happiness to be gained in death... 
       no peace either. I'm gonna leave here alive.
Campbell: Good. I want that too.


Campbell: If you can shoot a Stinger missile directly into the cockpit, maybe 
          you can destroy it. C'mon, Snake! Win!

66) During Liquid Snake fight

Nastasha: Snake, it is just you and Liquid now. There's no advice I can give 
          you. Trust yourself! You have got to win!!


Otacon: If you look like you're about to fall off the back of Rex, press any 
        button rapidly. You'll be able to climb up more quickly.


Otacon: Snake, I don't know anything about fighting. But you've got to beat 

67) Escape Route

Mei Ling: Snake, they've placed the Colonel under arrest. I don't know what I 
          should do. This will probably be your last save.
Snake: I'm going to miss those proverbs of yours.
Mei Ling: Snake...
Snake: Mei Ling, I have a favor to ask you. Make a hard copy of all the Codec 
       conversation data up to this point. I want some insurance.
Mei Ling: Okay, Snake. Leave it to me.


(If Otacon is with you.)
Otacon: What are you using the Codec for? I'm right here.

Removed Conversations (?) 

The following are conversations that can be found in the game's data, but that
I've personally never heard or been able to trigger, leading me to believe they
were cut from the final game. If anyone can find out if/when these 
conversations take place, let me know and I'll credit you!


Mei Ling: I wish I could send you weapons through this Codec, instead of just 
Snake: That would be nice. I'm starting to feel like a thief already... 
       Ransacking rooms, rifling through fallen enemies' pockets...
Mei Ling: But you have no choice, Snake.
Snake: Maybe so, but I think I'm starting to develop kleptomania. I just keep 
       putting things in my pocket.


Mei Ling: Snake, what does it feel like to fight ?
Snake: Why do you ask ?
Mei Ling: I like to play fighting games.
Snake: Games?
Mei Ling: Yeah. Fighting games. Since I started this job, I've seen so many 
          people kill each other. But I always see it on a monitor, or in burst
Snake: Not a very good job, huh.
Mei Ling: I'm not sure. When you watch on a monitor, it starts to feel just 
          like a video game.
Snake: This is no game! There are no startovers if you make a mistake. 
Mei Ling: I'm sorry...
Snake: Killing's not fun. It's not pretty, either, like it looks in those video
Mei Ling: Okay, Snake...I understand. War's not a game.
Snake: Listen, Mei Ling, after this operation is over, I want you to go back to
       being a normal student. You should be having fun...playing real video 
       games instead of playing war.


Nastasha: Snake, radiation sickness is a horrible thing... I watched my 
          friends, family...all my loved ones die slowly from it. It ate away 
          at them like a living thing...they died wretched deaths. All I could 
          do was watch. I sat in my bed and cried for days, whimpering in fear.
          I thought it was my turn next... I was cursed...cursed by the sudden 
          explosion at Chernobyl. Why did this terrible thing have to happen to 
          us?! I cursed at God for what he did to us... I went to America after
          my parents died, but the terrible curse followed me. It was not until
          many years later that I decided to put all of my efforts into making 
          this world free from nuclear weapons... After I learned that I was 
          unable to have children.
Snake: Nastasha...I'm sorry.
Nastasha: Since I was exposed at age 10, I suffered from problems with my 
          thyroid gland. ...It wasn't really a surprise, but when the reality 
          of it hits is quite a shock.
Snake: You became infertile from radiation poisoning?
Nastasha: To be told that you cannot have a child...that you will never be able
          to pass on your genes to a new cannot know what it
          is like. It took a long time, and I hurt a lot of people along the
          way, but learning I was infertile allowed me to think clearly. I 
          decided that instead of having children, I would help to make the 
          world a safe and better place for future generations. I determined to
          work for the elimination of nuclear weapons, and so I 
          joined the Pentagon.
Snake: Nastasha....
Nastasha: I'm sorry to go on and on about myself. Please forget I said 


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