SeanKelson's Legend of Mana Walkthrough Table Of Contents 1---Quests Organized by Li'l Cactuses Diary 2---Encyclopedias A. Characters B. Artifacts and Lands C. Items and Equipment D. Monsters E. Produce F. World History G. Basic Golemology H. Techniques I. The Forbidden Tome.... 3---Guide to Blacksmithing A. Forging Weapons B. Tempering & Altering C. Forging Armor 4---Monster Corral A. Finding Monsters B. Raising Monsters 5---Instrument Making A. Getting Elemental Coins B. Elemental Tips C. Instrument Power Chart D. Magical Powers 6---Golems A. General Creation B. Painting C. Logic Blocks 7---Tips 'n' Tricks A. General B. Fun Stuff C. Boss & Enemy Tips D. Gaining Lucre E. Gaining Levels F. Leveling Up Guide (How to max out your stats!) G. Catching Monster Eggs H. Dudbear Language I. GameShark Codes 8---Item List A. Item List B. Monsters C. Shopping List 9---Other Information A. Contact Information B. Licensing C. Credits ------1: Quests: Note: Some quests become impossible to complete when you lay an artifact, or complete a quest. If this happens to you, you can always beat the game and start it over with everything except lands and artifacts (You will have the entries, but not the actual lands or artifacts)! Requirements for quest are like this: Required: Artifact (Place it creates) and/or Quest (Number in diary) These quests are in the order they appear in Li'l Cactus's diary. 1: Nicolo's Business Unusual Required: Colorblocks (Domina) In the marketplace of Domina, there is a rabbit named Nicolo. Talk to him. Say "no" to his first question, and "yes" to his next. Nicolo has now joined you. Now, go visit Teapo, the teapot in the house next to the item shop. After a bit of chatting, you'll get the wheel. Use the wheel to create the highway. At the highway, go straight until you get to the fork. Talk to the person there, then go on the upper path. Go straight as far as you can go. At the end will be a boss. Defeat him to win the quest. Boss Tip: Mantis Ant It's best to use a bow during this battle. Let Nicolo fight the Mantis Ant up front, while you shoot at it from afar. 2: The Little Sorcerers Required: Nicolo's Business Unusual (#1) or The Lost Princess (#5) Go into your house then come back out. A pelican will tell you that pumpkins and sorcerers are in western Domina. Go to the path behind the outskirts of Domina to fight Bud and Lisa. Once you beat them, take them in as your apprentices. 3: Gaeus's Wisdom Required: Nicolo's Business Unusual(#1) and Heaven's Gate (#17) must NOT be complete In the inn at Domina there are three guest rooms. In one of them is Daena, who you met on the highway. Tell her yes, then the soul lives forever and that you will meet Gaeus with her. Now go to the highway and use Boink to get to the fork. Head right. At the end of the canyon side, there is a large rock creature. This is Gaeus. Speak to him and it's over. He will also tell you about an ancient tree around your house... 4: Where's Putty? Required: Mine Your Own Business (#14) and Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer), Catchin' Lilipeas (#64) must NOT be complete Enter the mines. You should see a sign in the first room. Walk up to it and read it. It says "Dudbear Express." A dudbear will then transport you to its hideout. There you will find out their dog, Putty, was kidnapped by pirates. Now go to the SS Buccaneer. Go down stairs until you're at the 2nd to last room. Talk to the barrel. Now, just go to the Polpota Harbor Shore (by the cliff) to find Putty. **By Polpota Harbor Shore, I mean to go to the cliff. At the start of the cliff, go right to get to a small beach. This is Polpota Harbor Shore.** 5. The Lost Princess Required: Colorblocks (Domina) Note: If Elazul leaves, he will join you again when you re-enter Domina. Go into the bar and talk to Elazul (The guy with a purple cape). Take any options you want. If you choose the bottom three, Elazul will instantly join you. Otherwise, go to the marketplace and leave. Elazul should walk up to you on the map. Now go to the bar again and talk to Rachel. She will give you the Jade Egg. Create the Caverns with the Jade Egg. Go inside. Take the lower path at the fork. Once in the room, climb down the stair-like rocks. There should be two sets of stairs. Go down both of them (In the room right after the first room). In the third room, just go straight. In the fourth room, go down and to the left. Go down the stairs. Go through this room. In the room at the bottom of the stairs, you might see a lady, Sandra. If Sandra is there, talk to her. Otherwise, just go on. Fight the boss. Boss Tip: Du'Inke Most of Du'Inke's attacks affect the area in front of him. Get behind him whenever you see him start an attack. But watch out for his kick attack, which will harm you even if you're behind him. 6: Diddle's Letter Required: Nicolo's Business Unusual (#1), The Little Sorcerers (#2) Talk to Diddle (the music player) in the park of Domina. He will walk away. Then talk to the juggler. Go to the outskirts, look around, then go back to the park. The juggler will talk to you, then leave. Go to the center of town and talk to the sproutling. He will tell you about a bird. Go into the inn. Listen to the speech, then go to the outskirts and talk to Capella. The pelican will take him somewhere. Then leave the outskirts and reenter. Talk to the pelican. Now go to the highway and talk to Boink. Then talk to the juggler. He will read Diddle's Letter. Go on the path at the bottom of the screen. You will meet Diddle. Upon finding out Capella (the juggler) read his letter, he will go in the cave. Enter the caves and take the stairs down. Go to the far left of the room you wind up in and take the stairs down. Go up the stairs and into the next room to meet a boss. Defeat him to win. Boss Tip: Giga Rex If you keep your distance, you'll avoid most of Giga Rex's attacks. If you have a partner, this battle will end very quickly. 7: Two Torches Required: Murmuring Forest (#9) Go to Gato. You will see Escad enter the Temple of Healing. Go up to the back room (Go to the left or right in the first room, then go up). Matilda will wish to see you. After talking to her, leave the room. A nun will walk in. Just go back into the room. The nun will take Matilda. Now you must go find Matilda. Go outside the temple and listen to the chat. Go to the dungeon. Daena will take you to the Meditation Room if you took her as your partner, otherwise you must find the Meditation Room (To get there: far left cave, right path, down stairs, right path, [you should now be outside], up the path, left cave, right path, [you should now be outside], up the path, right cave, down stairs, left path, left path, [you should now be outside], down the path, left cave, across bridge, up stairs, right path, go through the path on the upper side of the screen that appears before the treasure chest, up stairs) where a boss awaits! Boss Tip: Spriggan Avoid its attack by stepping off the red carpet to the top of the screen when this boss charges up. It will use weaker enemies to attack, but let your pet/golem and NPC handle that. 8: Huntin' Du'Cate Required: Medallion (Jungle) Enter the jungle and listen to the three people talking (Sotherbee, Skippie, and Hamson). Then talk to the blue-clothed owl, Sotherbee. From the start, go straight. Take the far right path. Go left. Take the path heading down. Then go down on the far left path going down. A person runs out from the bushes. Walk through the bushes and defeat the monsters. A pirate penguin will come up. Talk to him and he'll cast a spell on you. The spell will make it so you don't get lost. Go back to the entrance of the forest. This time, take the lower path at the 3-way fork. Take the upper path (on the right), then go left in the next area. Go on the path on the right, then the upper path on the right. You'll meet up with Skippie again. Talk to him, then go beyond the path he was standing in front of. You'll meet Rosiotti (A Wisdom). Talk to him. Now go find & talk to Skippie and Hamson. Say that you'll help them, but don't hint that the other person is helping. Follow Skippie into Du'Cate's Territory, then go through Du'Cate's Territory. At the end, you will fight Du'Cate. Note: Your reply to Sotherbee when he gives you 500 Lucre determines the quality of the item you receive. Boss Tip: Du'Cate This guy isn't that hard to kill. Avoid the melons being tossed down on you, dodge the berries he uses like a machine-gun, and watch out when he falls from the trees to the ground. 9: Murmuring Forest Required: Huntin' Du'Cate (#8) Go to the Forested Ruins (use the flowerling's teleportation service). Then go to the place where Rosiotti is. A Pirate Penguin will be there. Talk to him. Now go to the Courtyard of Rain. Fight the monsters there. Talk to the Pirate Penguin that runs out. Go back to Rosiotti's place. Another penguin will be there (Selkie). Talk to her. Say that you'll help. Now go through the lower- left section of the forested ruins. Go through the forest there and fight the boss. Boss Tip: Punkmaster Stop his attacks by using your own attacks. If he does get an attack off, dodge it. This battle shouldn't be a problem if you brought an NPC. 10: The Gorgon's Eye Required: Stone Eye (Lake Kilma) Enter the lake, then follow the pirates (Take the bottom path, go straight, take the upper path, straight, lower path, straight, upper path, straight, far right path, upper path). Along the way you'll come across Tote. At the cliff where the pirates wind up at, jump off after talking to Tote (the turtle). At the bottom, you'll fight a boss. Boss Tip: Gorgon's Eye This boss has several nasty attacks, but if you bring Bud or Lisa they can help out a lot. Be cautious of the beam attack that will temporary petrify you. 11: In Search of Faeries Required: The Gorgon's Eye (#10) and Two Torches (#7) Go to Gato and talk to Matilda. Go to Lake Kilma and talk to Tote (at the cliff, see #10 on how to get there). Go back down the hill. Chase Daena down the lower path. Go down that path until the boss. Boss Tip: Boreal Hound Whatever you do, DON'T USE GLOVES AGAINST THIS BOSS! When electricity flies around the Hound, go to the top of the screen to avoid its attack. 12: Teatime of Danger Required: Ancient Tablet (Ruins) Enter the ancient ruins. Mark will tell you that Teapo got lost. Go up, then to the left when you meet the person who tells you about the flowerlings. Set the flowerings up in the following order to open the western gate: Upper Flowerling: Left Lower Flowerling: Right Go through the western gate and find the flowerling who will activate psykokineses. Ignore the other blue flowerlings. They have no purpose in this quest. Go back and switch the lower red flowerling over to the left side. Now go through the gate. Talk to the red flowerling, and she will open the floor on the temple. Now go in. You will be in a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, there will be a room will Teapo and a vampire in it. Kill the vampire. Boss Tip: Count Dovula Use your special techniques wisely and the Count will be no more. 13: Star-Crossed Lovers Required: In Search of Faeries (#11) and Teatime of Danger (#12), Pokeihl: Story Teller (#15) (If you fail Pokeihl: Story Teller, you can still complete this event.) Go to the Gato Grottos and visit Matilda. You will wind up in the ruins. Find Nicolo at the ruins and have him take you to the Tower of Winds (he's near the lower path on the western gate). Now just climb the tower. Boss Tip: Escad or Daena It doesn't matter who you fight, but close in with the NPC and attack from both sides. 14: Mine Your Own Business Required: Bottled Spirit (Ulkan Mines) Go into the mines. In the 2nd room from the entrance you should find Watt's shop. Talk to Pokeihl. He will tell you Watts is in the mine. Now just go into the mine and find him! Boss Tip: Labanne Move around the screen to avoid its magical attacks. Focus on one of the two creatures with your partner. 15: Pokeihl: Dream Teller Required: Mine Your Own Business (#14) and In Search of Faeries (#11) --------DO NOT LEAVE THE MINES DURING THIS QUEST-------- Enter the mines and you should see Pokeihl. Talk to him. Proceed into the mines. When you see Pokeihl again, tell him you're in a hurry. From the place he teleports you, go down one more floor... If you can't decide who to side with or choose Daena, you'll fight Escad. Boss Tip: Escad Close in from both sides with an NPC or pet/golem. 16: Diddle Kidnapped!? Required: Diddle Had It! (#20) and Catchin' Lilipeas (#64) Go into the church. All the diggers should be there. Talk to Roger. Now go into the park. The dudbears will take Diddle. Now go to the White Forest. Head to the left, then straight until you get to the dudbears. Talk to all four of them. Make sure they have all fallen down. Now, take the upper left path and fight the boss. Boss Tip: Chimera Lord If you coward in the corner, you should be missed by most of his attacks. Make sure the beast is vulnerable, then unleash a technique. 17: Heaven's Gate Required: Star-Crossed Lovers (#13) Go talk to Matilda. You'll get AF Brooch of Love. Use it to create Lucemia. Take Bud as your NPC and go to Lucemia. Go through Lucemia, saying "Of Course!" every time the Wisdom Selva asks you a question. You can get some good items from chests here, so just explore Lucemia, because after this event you can't go back! At the end, just kill Irwin. Boss Tip: Irwin When Irwin starts blinking, move to the side of the screen to dodge his magical attacks. 18: Daddy's Broom Required: Little Sorcerers (#2) and The Infernal Doll (#19), You must also have completed around 18 events. Go upstairs in your house. Talk to Li'l Cactus, then leave to the world map. Then go back. Li'l Cactus is gone. Go downstairs. Talk to Bud and Lisa. Then go upstairs and talk to Li'l Cactus. Take Bud with you to the Junkyard. Once at the junkyard, follow this path from the Acropolis of Trash: Teddy Bear, Soldier, Jack-In-The-Box, Rocking Horse Fight the boss. Boss Tip: Gremlin With Bud, the Gremlin is easy. Just avoid its shrink attack. 19: The Infernal Doll Required: Broken Doll (Junkyard) Go into the junkyard. Go through the junkyard the following way: Jack-In-The-Box, Teddy Bear, Soldier (Doll), Jack-In-The-Box, Rocking Horse. Alternate Method: Keep going to the Acropolis of trash, talking to Louie, and having the jack-in-the-box at the Acropolis of Trash teleport you back. Talk to the jack-in-the-box at the beginning. Eventually, you'll be summoned to Louie's room. Follow the path he tells you: Teddy Bear, Soldier Doll, Jack-In-The-Box, Rocking Horse. 20: Diddle Had It! Required: Diddle's Letter (#6) and Trembling Spoon (Underworld) Go to Lumina. Talk to Capella and Diddle. Leave Lumina and go back to the tavern. Diddle will walk away. Talk to Capella. Exit Lumina and enter your house, then leave. Some Shadoles will approach Lumina. Go talk to Capella. Then go to the underworld and find Diddle by dodging the Shadoles. Or you could keep running into the Shadoles in the first room. Each time you do this, it removes 1 Shadole from each room! Boss Tip: Ape Mummy The ape mummy is easily stunned by power attacks (square button), so use those in combination with other attacks to eliminate this boss. 21: The Looking-Glass Tower Required: Moon's Mirror (Tower of Leires) Go to the Tower of Leires. Talk to Pearl. You can either take her along or not. If you don't take her along, Elazul will be waiting in front of the Room of Fate on the 11th floor. Then go to the 11th floor of the tower. To climb the tower: go straight up stairs, don't worry about anything (don't switch to another side of the tower, except at floor 1) until floor 5. Switch to the other side. Go up to floor 8. Switch to the other side. Teleport to floor 10 and go up the stairs you find. Enter the Room of Fate..... Boss Tip: Iron Centaur Use a bow or spear. Dodge the Centaur's magical attacks by going to the edge of the screen. Now you must take Pearl out of the tower. Jump off the 11th floor and climb down from there. (Leave the tower at the exit by going to the sides of what looks like the exit, not straight through) Fight the boss. Boss Tip: Jewel Beast It's good to use the bow or spear against the Jewel Beast. Dodge his attacks; They're quite powerful. 22: Two Pearls Required: Cosmo (#24) Go into your house and talk to Elazul on the bed. Keep going upstairs, talking to him, and going back downstairs until Elazul disappears. Then find him at the Tower of Leires. Go to the 11th floor with him and into the room of fate..... (See #21 on how to climb the tower) Boss Tip: Lady Blackpearl Equip a bow or spear, and let Elazul attack up close. 23: Flame of Hope Required: Torch (Gato Grottos) Enter the Gato Grottos and go into the town. There will be a sproutling there. Now go up to the pathways. Talk to Mr. Rubens and head to the left. Talk to the sproutling, then go to the temple. Then to the left, then to the temple, then to the left. Talk to the sproutling each time. Then Inspector Boyd will talk to you. He will tell you to go to the dungeon (if you cooperate). Go through the dungeon following the sproutling leaves. Then go through the waterfall to the bird's nest. You'll see a scene, then it's over. 24: Cosmo Required: The Lucky Clover (#31) Talk to Elazul outside your house. Tell him you haven't seen Pearl. Then go to the caverns with him and search for Pearl. Boss Tip: Jewel Beast With Lady Blackpearl on your team, this boss will be dead before he knows it. 25: Can't Look Back Required: Frozen Heart (Fieg Snowfields) Go to the snowfields. Go down the path, then at the field of innocence head on the upper right path. Go to the camp at the end of the path, talk to everyone, then go back to the field of innocence. Now head down the lower left path (don't take the left path after that!), and beat the boss at the end. Boss Tip: Du'Mere Let your NPC or pet/golem hammer the beast up front while you safely fire arrows into the melee. Keep the arrows coming and the beast stands no chance. 26: A Siren's Song Required: Drowned Dreams (#28), Faeries' Light (#30), Summer Lovin' (#27) Go to Polpota Harbor. Find the knight on the cliff and talk to him. Now go to Lumina. There, go to Crescent Moon Alley (over bridge at tavern and to the upper-right). You will see some soldiers. Talk to them all, then talk to the soldier in the candle shop. Now go to the harbor at Polpota Harbor and talk to Monique. Then go to the small beach by the cliff. Talk to everyone there. Now go to Madora Beach. Go left as far as you can. You will be at the lighthouse. Talk with Rameshe (mermaid), then go as far right as you can without going out of the lighthouse place (hide). When the bubble at the door pops (you'll see what I mean), run inside and fight the boss. Boss Tip: Tropicallo You won't be harmed in the lower-left corner. **Note: Go to the cliff at Polpota Harbor. At the bottom of the cliff, go to the right. This is the Polpota Harbor beach.** 27: Summer Lovin' Required: Torch of Coral (Madora Beach) Go to Madora Beach. There will be two penguins there. Now go explore to the right and fight the boss.... To get to the boss, go into the cave. Take the stairs going down. Head straight, straight, then take the upper-left path. Go into the next cave, head to the path on the right, then the path on the lower left. Boss Tip: Fullmetal Hagger Hack at Hagger, avoiding him when he steps forward to attack. Prepare yourself when your attacks start to be blocked. When this happens, Fullmetal Hagger is using a powerful attack. 28: Drowned Dreams Required: Rusty Anchor (Polpota Harbor) Go to Polpota Harbor and talk to the innkeepers. Say you'll help out. Go talk to the soldier on the cliff about the ghost. Now go back to the hotel and meet Basket Fish. At the harbor, find Inspector Boyd. Keep talking to him until he leaves. Now go to the cafe and see the soldier. Now go to the hotel entrance, then talk to the soldier in the lounge and you're done! 29: Fluorite Required: Alexandrite (#32) Go into the jewelry shop in Geo. Now, explore Florina's dreams (just give Nicolo money). When you see Elazul the 2nd time, go through the waterfall of sand that disappeared. Boss Tip: Jewel Beast Just beat it how you've been beating all the other Jewel Beasts. 30: Faeries' Light Required: Firefly Lamp (Lumina) Go to Lumina. Talk to Gilbert in Morning Moon Alley, then go in the candle shop a bit below him. Now talk to Monique. Then go outside and tell Gilbert you'll help sell lamps. Go to the tavern and ask the bartender to teach you dudbear language. Now sell lamps to the dudbears. The dudbears switch around each game, so I can't help much. However, wait until the dudbear you're selling a lamp to agrees to be friends before saying Dada Dadda. Don't spend the money you get from the lamps! Go talk to Gilbert after selling all three lamps. Then talk to Monique, then Gilbert and Monique once they go outside. After Gilbert leaves, talk to Monique. 31: Lucky Clover Required: The Looking-Glass Tower (#21), Tome of Magic (Geo) Important & Helpful Note: You can stay the night in Geo at the cafe. Go to Geo and talk to Esmerelda at the academy of magic. Then go get Elazul to join you at the Domina pub. Go to Geo and talk to Esmerelda on days when she's in the classroom. Then talk to her when she's in the library, then classroom, then library again. She will join you. Go to the Palace of Arts and talk to Kristie. Then go downstairs and talk to Diana. Then go to the principal's office on Dryad Day. Then go in the cafe and talk to the Teapo behind the counter (go behind the counter to talk to her). Then go back to the Geo map, then to the cafe. Find Elazul and say "A note came." You'll meet the inspector at the school, then go to the Palace of Arts. Talk to Kristie, then go talk to Diana. Boss Tip: Jewel Beast It has slow moves, so you can easily avoid it. Use quick attacks (X button) and techniques to defeat the Beast. 32: Alexandrite Required: Two Pearls (#22) Go to the Domina pub and find Elazul. Accept his request. Go see Diana in Geo now. Then go talk to Kristie. She will tell you to find three keys. One is in the principal's office, one at the city gate, and the last in the instrument shop. Then go talk to Kristie. Go down to the battle arena. 33: Teardrop Crystal Required: Fluorite (#29) Find Boyd in front of the church in Domina. Follow him to Geo. In the jewelry shop, try to leave and Pearl and Elazul will come in. Now, search the treasure chest. Florina will give you AF Jumi's Staff. Now, choose your NPC (if you choose Pearl then talk to Elazul you get an IshePlatinum weapon: SwordOfFate) and go to the Bejeweled City using the Jumi's Staff. Get the 4 gems you can get, then examine the door. Fight the monster. Put the green one and red one on the stands in front of the door. Go back to the rooms where you found the green jewel and red jewel to get them again. Go through the door, and get the turquoise and purple gem. Examine the door. Now, place the gems on the 3 stands in a guess and check method (different per game, or I'd give the combinations away). When you get three gems on the stands, walk up to the door and hit X (or whatever you've set the main button to). The number of bell rings is how many gems you got right (like Mastermind). Go get the gems you used from their rooms. Get the diamond, then use the method above to solve the final 4 stand door. Inside, fight the two bosses. Boss Tip: Jewel Beast With your NPC along, the Beast should be a piece of cake. Otherwise, try defeating them like you have all the other Jewel Beasts. Boss Tip: Machine Golem A golem guards the diamond. Avoid its laser beam attack at all costs. Your best option is to kill it from a distance with a bow or spear. Boss Tip: Lord of Jewels 999 This boss isn't buff, but its got brains. Fighting the Lord of Jewels up close is not an option. Instead, fire arrows at it and use instruments. Boss Tip: Lord of Jewels 1000 This battle is similar against the Lord of Jewels 999. Just dodge the magic attacks, which will severely hurt you. 34: The Quiet Sea Required: Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer on map) Note: Sometimes you can't find the spot you must sail to to activate this event. If you can't, check the sea chart at Go to the SS Buccaneer and go in the wheelhouse (across the hall from the captain's cabin). Meet Ramtieger. Go south, east, east. Go up to the quarter deck and talk to the penguin there fishing. Now leave, and go back to the quarter deck. Talk to the fishing penguin. Now go and talk to the captain. Go to the lower deck. Talk to the barrel and say "Pretty girl's here!" Now go up back to the deck. Fight the boss. Boss Tip: Gova Use a combination of all your attacks to finish off Gova. 35: Treasure Map Required: Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer) & The Lost Princess (#5) Note: Sometimes you can't find the spot you must sail to to activate this event. If you can't, check the sea chart at Go to the SS Buccaneer and talk to Ramtieger. Choose north, north, east. Look around in the caverns. Once you find the map, find the 8 dudbears and get the map pieces from them immediately! Where to move to: From entrance, take the upper Boink, which will warp you to the room where Roger sends off the dudbears, then take upper right path to room with the map. Nail the dudbear, then take the lower right path to get to next dudbears, then follow the penguins to find the rest of them. More importantly, dodging Roger. As near as I can tell, Roger will catch you if you spend too much time in one of the dudbear rooms. Found out when I wasted all sorts of time fighting monsters, getting coins, etc. with no sign of Roger. Also, this means that if you're having trouble catching a dudbear, LEAVE the room, resets Roger counter - of particular use in the room with 3 dudbears - failed the quest 3 times consecutively trying to get the last dudbear, even though I was standing toe-to-toe with it for about 5 tries. 36: Reach for the Stars ---DO NOT LEAVE THE DESERT DURING THIS QUEST--- Required: Sand Rose (Duma Desert) Go to the Duma Desert. Talk to Kathinjina a few times and offer help. Then, go through the desert (Green students lie!). Once the students at the first fork start fighting, take the lower path. Head on the far right path. Go through the path the green students guard. Go left, then go on the upper path on the left side of this area. Go through the path the green students guard, then go straight to encounter Mephianse. Fight the boss. Boss Tip: Axebeaks Just dodge the axebeaks' attacks, and bring a partner since the axebeaks work as a team. 37: The Dragon Princess Required: Green Cane (White Forest) ---Bring a pet or golem, it makes it a lot easier.--- Go to the White Forest with Larc. Follow Larc's senses to Vadise. Larc will get the Mana Crystal, then leave. That leaves you to fight Vadise. This is the toughest boss, in my opinion. Boss Tip: Vadise Attack Sierra, and use a special on Vadise each time your meter fills up. If Vadise or Sierra is dead for long enough, and the other is still alive, one or the other will revive, so balance your attacks. 38: The Guardian of Winds Required: Skull Lantern (Norn Peaks) Go to the Norn Peaks with Larc. Climb up the mountain. Kill the three elders on the mountain, then talk to the statue on the path. It will disappear. Go up the path and fight Akravator. Boss Tip: Akravator Your best chance to beat this boss is to get right by it when a spell is cast, then hack at the dragon when he stops casting. 39: The Ghost of Nemesis Required: Dragonbone (Bone Fortress) and The Field Trip (#63) Go to the Bone Fortress with a pet/golem and talk to the students. Then go to the entrance of the bone fortress and fight the Deathbringer's Knight. Then go inside. You will fall into a trap. Go across the bridge, then to the room behind the monsters. Talk to the skull. Go in the door he opens. Talk to the knight and go in the room. You will get your pet/golem back. Now go to the main room. Step on the two platforms. From the elevator, go to the 3rd floor. Fight Sierra, grab the key, then go to the 2nd floor. Talk to the knight in one of the rooms and get Larc back. Go up the staircase on the 3rd floor. Fight the Deathbringer, then fight Jajara. Boss Tip: Deathbringer As long as you have a pet or golem to take hits for you, the boss isn't that hard. Use a combination of attacks to bring the Deathbringer death. Boss Tip: Jajara This boss will collapse parts of the roof at times, so try your hardest to dodge that. Also avoid Jajara's spells. 40: The Crimson Dragon Required: The Dragon Princess (#37) Go down the underworld to Drakonis. Fight Larc (See below). The Underworld will transform into the Flames. Enter the Flames. At floor 2, go to the left. Go up to the fourth floor and go inside the big door. You fall down into a room. Go down the stairway to the left and fight the boss. Go back up the left stairway. Fall down into the room again, this time go down the stairway to the right. Now fight the boss. Go to the left again. Fall down into the room. Go in the left doorway. Fight the boss, and go through the far right doorway. It will take you to the 4th floor. Go through that familiar door. You won't fall now. Go across and fight Drakonis. Boss Tip: Larc the Centaur This is an easy boss if you learn to dodge its attacks. Mini-Boss Tip: Sky Dragon Use quick attacks to win this fight. Mini-Boss Tip: Land Dragon Crouch and dodge, then just use quick attacks. Boss Tip: Zenoa Move around to dodge attacks, and use quick attacks to hurt the beast. Boss Tip: Drakonis He frequently travels across the screen. Crouch during these periods. Quick attacks are good to use against Drakonis. Carefully dodge his attacks. To find Larc, travel down to the Underworld. Go down the same stairs you went down before until you reach the Shrine of Silent Faces. Leave the shrine through the other door. Look around, and you should see the Shrine of Silent Faces again. Leave through the other door, and you should see some Shadoles. Look around for the Shrine once more, then go through the other door one final time. 41: The Fallen Emperor Required: Trembling Spoon (Underworld) Go to Lumina. Go to the right dot. If Pokeihl is there, tell him you'd like to visit the underworld. Otherwise, don't worry. Go to the tombstone at the underworld without an NPC. Larc will appear. Take him down to meet his master. Go down the stairs and meet Olbohn. You'll receive the Baptism of the Flames. Now look through the doors until you find some stairs going down. Take these stairs down to meet Larc's master, but first you must be tested. Boss Tip: Hitodama When Hitodama disappears, some faces on the wall start chanting. If all 4 chant, move to the lower part of the screen to dodge the deadly trident. When Hitodama reappears, finish him off with techniques. 42: The Blessed Elixir Required: Tome of Magic (Geo), Torch (Gato Grottos) Go to Geo and talk to the bartender. Go to the barrel room in the dungeon of Gato (it's near the exit). Talk to the nuns twice. Then go to Geo and speak with the bartender. Then go to Lumina and talk to the bartender there. Get the barrel in your soul, then go to the oasis in the Duma Desert. The barrel will fill. Go back to the barrel room and talk to the nuns. 43: Seeing Double Required: Domina's Shade Level at 3 (Just put the Mana Tree by Domina, since Pee-Wee Birdie (#67) is similar) Go to Domina. You will see yourself take three leaves from a sproutling. Then go talk to the sproutling. Go to the market from the northern entrance (Just take the same exit the other you took from the center of Domina). Then go talk to Teapo. Go talk to the sproutling again. Go to the western end of town to fight the fake you. Boss Tip: Shadow Zero One Shadow Zero One has a lot of powerful attacks. Keep your distance when he starts to use an attacks. Make careful use of your special techniques. It is hard to regain HP in this battle, so crouch whenever possible. Always stay on the move in this battle. 44: The Cage of Dreams Required: Full Mana Tree in upper-left corner of map, you also must have either The Crimson Dragon (#40), Teardrop Crystal (#33), or Heaven's Gate (#17) complete. If the event doesn't trigger, place another artifact on the map. Note: The size of the tree in the corner of the map is determined by how much mana energy there is in the world. The tree grows when you place artifacts, not complete quests. Enter your home, then leave to the map. Enter your home again. Your sproutling will be on the ground and there will be 3 other sproutlings. Talk to everyone, then enter your house and leave. Talk to the three sproutlings. Follow the trail of leaves to your workshop. Inside you will see Nunuzac and another guy arguing. Listen, talk to them both, then leave. Say you'll join the conversation with Pokeihl. Then talk to Nunuzac. Go through the wimpy dungeon. 45: Nicolo's Business Unusual: Part 2 Required: Nicolo's Business 1 (#1) and The Flame of Hope (#23) Go to the shop in Gato and talk to Nicolo. Go with him to the waterfall. While he searches, go to the bird's nest and go back. Wait for the fairy to appear, then talk to her. 46: Nicolo's Business Unusual: Part 3 Required: Nicolo's Business 2 (#45) and Firefly Lamp (Lumina) and Teatime of Danger (#12) Do not go into your house during this quest or it will be marked as an X. Go to Lumina and find Nicolo in one of the shops. Go to the ruins with him, and find the sproutling who activated the psykinesis. Then you gotta get out of the ruins. Go to the flowerlings that are south of where you just were. Move the bottom flowerling over to the right. Rearrange the flowerlings near the north gate. Go south past the Megalithic Structure to find another set of gates. Go south to find yet another set of flowerlings. Rearrange them (there's only one way to rearrange them) to be able to leave. 47: Nicolo's Business Unusual: Part 4 Required: Nicolo's Business 3 (#47) and Tome of Magic (Geo) Find Nicolo in the fruit parlor. Go see Watts. Make sure you have some Gator Skin (It's OK if you don't). Keep going in and out of Watts's shop, talking to Watts if necessary. If you don't have Gator Skin when Watts asks for it, Miss Yuka at the Domina Inn will give some to you, or you can buy it at the Diggers' Hideout lower in the mines. 48: Nicolo Calls it Quits Required: Nicolo's Business 4 (#47), Tome of Magic (Geo) and Rusty Anchor (Polpota Harbor) If you lose Nicolo in this quest, you can find him at the Polpota Harbor shore. Go to Geo and talk to Kristie and Sotherbee (In the Palace of Arts). Then go to Polpota Harbor and find Nicolo at the *shore by the cliff.* Take Nicolo to Kristie and Sotherbee. Talk to them both. Go to the bird's nest in Gato. Go take the medicine to Kristie. Go back to the bird's nest. Nicolo will fall. Go to Polpota Harbor *shore by the cliff* and get Nicolo again. Go to the Palace of Arts. **Note: Go to the cliff at Polpota Harbor. At the bottom of the cliff, go to the right. This is the Polpota Harbor shore.** 49: Li'l Cactus Required: Gilbert: School Amour (#58), The Little Sorcerers (#2) it helps to have Huntin' Du'Cate (#8) done too. You must have 8 events in Li'l Cactus's Diary. Go to your house. Go upstairs, talk to Li'l Cactus, then go back downstairs. Talk to Bud, then Lisa. Go to the fortune teller in the Domina marketplace. Go back to your house, and Li'l Cactus will be gone! Search his pot, then go see Gaeus on the highway (See #3 on how to get to him). Now go to the Jungle. Find where Rosiotti is. If the pirate penguin's sister isn't back, fight the monsters at the Courtyard of Rain, then go to where Rosiotti is. Talk to Selkie (the pirate penguin's sister). Then go to Geo and talk to Brownie (the one at the door to the classroom). Now go to the SS Buccaneer's lower deck to find David. Then go talk to Pelican (the mail carrier) in Domina. Now go home to find Li'l Cactus on your mailbox. 50: Rachel Required: Rachel home in her room. (Requires time.) Tip: Traveling on the world map (from one place to another) makes a day pass. Go to the upstairs room of Rachel's house to find her and Mark. Talk to them. After that, find Rachel's mother in the marketplace on a day she's in the marketplace. Talk to her. Then go to the upstairs room again. Talk to Teapo downstairs. Go to the Geo library on a day when Nunuzac isn't there (Salamander Day, for instance. Go back to Domina into the upstairs room and talk to Mark (when he's there) and Rachel. Find Rachel's mom in the marketplace on her day off, then go to the upstairs room again. 51: Nordic Field Required: Can't Look Back (#25), Treasure Map (#35) and Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer) Note: Sometimes you can't find the spot you must sail to to activate this event. If you can't, check the sea chart at Find Ramtieger in the wheelhouse of the SS Buccaneer. Go west, west, south, south, east. A penguin will rush in. Tell the captain you'll help. Now, find faries in the snowfield. Earn your way to level 7 eye level, and save. Go down the lower right path to find 3 faries. One of them is Ehrlang. Ehrlang is usually the one in the upper-left when you enter. 52: Buried Treasure Required: Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer), You must crush at least 20 crabs on Madora Beach. Then talk to the crab that tells you how many crabs you killed without leaving Madora Beach. If you got at least 20, you should go back to the world map instantly. Note: Sometimes you can't find the spot you must sail to to activate this event. If you can't, check the sea chart at Find Ramtieger in the SS Buccaneer's Wheelhouse. Go west, north, west. Help the captain. You'll get 15 Halo Coins. To the right you'll find 5 dudbears. Give a Halo Coin to the middle dudbear. In the first cave, you'll find many dudbears. One of them will give you a Li'l Bottle in exchange for a Halo Coin. Get 2 more Li'l Bottles from it. Give a Li'l Bottle to the dudbear in the lower-right entrance. He will move. In the next cave, find the dudbear closest to the white circle on the floor. Give him 2 Li'l Bottles for 2 shells. Give a shell to the dudbear guarding an exit. Do the same in the next cave. When you find the treasure and Roger walks up, give them a Halo Coin. 53: The Path of the Blacksmith Required: Watts Drops the Hammer (#61) Go in your workshop. Watts will come out. He will tell you how to be a blacksmith. 54: Enchanted Instruments 101 Required: Gilbert: School Amour (#58), Reach for the Stars (#36) Go in your workshop. A student will teach you about making instruments. 55: Golem Workshop Required: Professor Bomb (#60) Go in your workshop. Professor Bomb will give you a handout, then quiz you on golem creation. I won't put the answers here. It's good to know how to make a golem. 56: The Mana Orchards Required: Visit Gaeus at the highway at least once (See #3). Go to your backyard orchard and fight the monsters. An ancient tree will somehow instantly appear. After you harvest your first pieces of fruit, the quest is complete. 57: Monster Corral Required: Nicolo's Business (#1) and The Lost Princess (#5) Go to the western end of town (by the outskirts). You will see a beast egg. Duelle will help you catch it by giving you 3 pieces of fruit and telling you how to catch an egg. 58: Gilbert: School Amour Required: Faeries' Light (#30) and Tome of Magic (Geo) Go to the fruit parlor in Geo. Gilbert and Kathinjina will be talking. Talk to Gilbert after Kathinjina leaves. Offer help. There are 15 students you must convince to go back to school. You just need to answer questions to get them back, and you have infinite tries. 3 students in the fruit parlor 2 students at the market/mall 3 students in the instrument shop - One of these students will not return to school until you have when you talk to all other 14 students, you won't have any options on what to say. 2 students in cafe/inn 2 students outside the academy 1 student in academy hallway 2 students in school library 59: Gilbert: Resume for Love Required: Gilbert: School Amour (#58), A Siren's Song (#26) and Gilbert must be taken from the city gate and in basement of the Palace of Arts (Talk to Alex in the Geo jewelry shop) Go to the Palace of Arts. Talk to Sotherbee. Go to the storage room in the Palace of Arts and talk to the Gilbert statue. Go to the Digger's Hideout at the Mines (If Mine Your Own Business (#14) is done, take the Dudbear Express). Read the book. Talk to Roger now that he came in. You'll be back on the map. Go back to the Digger's Hideout, read the book and talk to Roger again. Go talk to Gilbert in the dark abandoned room on level 1 of the mine. Now go to the lamp shop in Lumina and talk to Monique. She'll tell you she wants to go to the beach. Go to the lighthouse on the beach (Use Boink!) and find Monique and Elle inside. Then go back to Gilbert after hearing about the mermaid spell. Go back to Gilbert and help Monique with the spell. Answers to the spell: A - earth with life B - The ancient memories C - Of Mother Earth fill D - The truth that E - Of energy for all 60: Professor Bomb's Lab Required: The Infernal Doll (#19) Enter the junkyard and let the flowerling take you to Professor Bomb's Lab. Keep talking to Professor Bomb until he tells you about his golem. Help him find the golem by going to the fortune teller in the Domina marketplace and getting your fortune told. Then fight the golem on the lake. Boss Tip: Golem Move away from the golem between your attacks to dodge its attacks. Once you know his attacks, this boss is a sinch. 61: Watts Drops the Hammer Required: Mine Your Own Business (#14) Talk to Watts in his shop in the mines. He has lost his hammer. Go get his hammer in the Digger's Hideout (Take the Dudbear Express!). Go back up to Watts. 62: The Seven Wisdoms Required: The Little Sorcerers (#2) Talk to Bud twice. He will tell you about six wisdoms he wants to visit. The Wisdoms are: 1) Tote (Turtle at Lake Kilma) 2) Rosiotti (Beast in the Jungle) 3) Gaeus (See Quest #3) 4) Olbohn (Keeper of the Underworld) 5) Pokeihl (Poet in Watts's shop in the Mines, Lumina or at the Mana Tree) 6) Selva (See Heaven's Gate, #17 or Gato Grottos after you find the other Wisdoms) 63: The Field Trip Required: Dragonbone (Bone Fortress) Go to the Bone Fortress and talk to all three students. Go to the entrance of the Bone Fortress. Get the spotted silver mushrooms from a female red flowering, star sparkles from a male red flowerling, and farie scales from one of the blue students. You must get all three in a row to mix them together. 64: Catchin' Lilipeas Required: The Dragon Princess (#37) Go to the White Forest and meet Sotherbee, Skippie, and Hamson. Go find the church minister guarding the path to a Lilipea village. Talk to him. In the forest, talk to Skippie and Hamson to stop them from chasing the Lilipeas they were chasing. There are also two barrels you need to break and get the Lilipeas out of. Now enter the Lilipea village. Keep talking to everyone, and eventually the minister will get close enough to the chief to translate what he's saying. Talk to the chief, and fight the minor monster. 65: Gilbert: Love is Blind Required: Faerie's Light (#30), A Siren's Song (#26) and you must NOT have completed Gilbert: School Amour (#58) Go to the lighthouse at the beach and get Elle to join your party. Go to the Polpota Harbor cafe and talk to Gilbert. Then go back to the lighthouse and find Elle again. Have her join you again. Go outside. Gilbert will take Elle to the SS Buccaneer. At the SS Buccaneer, talk to Gilbert and Elle, then talk to the captain. Go up to see Elle and Gilbert again, and then fight the boss. Boss Tip: Orc This boss is vulnerable to techniques and magic, so that should be your method of attack. His attacks are fairly easy to dodge, so this boss is simple. 66: The Wimpy Thugling Required: Duma Desert's Dryad level at 3, The Blessed Elixir (#42), Reach for the Stars (#36), Main character's level 40+, Fluorite (#29) must NOT be complete Go to the Duma Desert without your pet/golem. At the fork you should see a scene involving a fish. Offer to help the fish. Find the boss by following the trembling. Boss Tip: Kima This boss has powerful attacks, but it becomes easy once you use counter. 67: Pee-Wee Birdie Required: Wisp and Salamander levels at 3 Go into the Domina Inn. Miss Yuka will ask for MenosBronze, Bobab Wood, Animal Hide, Topple Cotton Flat Seed, Citrisquid, Rotten Meat, and Sulpher. Some of these can be gotten from the person selling minerals in one of the guest rooms. Others can be gotten from the Mana Orchard. The other ones you should have picked up somewhere in your travels. Final Event: Legend of Mana Required: Sword of Mana (Tree of Mana) Go to the Mana Tree and climb to the Sanctuary of Mana. Kill all the monsters here to fight the last boss... Boss Tip: Mana Goddess Hiding in the lower-left corner is a good idea. The following are her powerful attacks: -Whirlwind centered on her. -Ball of lightning flies and whoever hit gets hacked at. -Black Sphere erupts in front of her (VERY STRONG) -Used when moon is hidden: Beams unleashed from the moon and sky sweep across the ground -Used when moon is full: She moves rapidly as a beam of light. See the ending, and you'll have started your game over with everything the same except the lands, place you play, and artifacts. It's like the New Game + in Chrono Trigger. I had to go through the game 5 times to get all I have here. ------2: Encyclopedias Here are all of the encyclopedias. Each encyclopedia has the stuff I've written and the actual encyclopedia. --------A) Characters I have copied the text from the game onto the characters now. 1. Nicolo Is found in: Events #1, #45-48, #13 and in #29. He can be an NPC in your party. "He believes that he brings happiness to his customers with his transactions, but he sometimes plays dirty tricks on them. Dislikes the Sproutlings and Flowerlings." 2. Escad Is found in: Events #7, #9, #11, #13, #15, and #33. Only found in event #33 if he's not dead. He can be an NPC in your party. "Born into the Liotte family of Holy Knights. He fights for the cause of justice with an overbearing sense of righteousness." 3. Daena Is found in: Events #7, #9, #11, #33, #13 and #3. Only found in event #33 if she's not dead. She can be an NPC in your party. "A monk soldier who protects Gato's temple. She grew up with Escad, Matilda, and Irwin, but especially adores Matilda like her own sister." 4. Larc Is found in: Events #37-#41 He can be an NPC in your party. After event #40, he can be an NPC in your party if you talk to him at the tombstone at the underworld.
"A beast-warrior who once was a famous hero.  He became Drakonis's dragoon after
he died."

             5: Sierra
Is found in: Events #37-#40
She can be an NPC in your party.  After event #40, visit her in the White
Forest to make her an NPC.

"A beast-warrior who is Vadise's dragoon.  Never compromises, and always hard on
herself as well as others."

             6: Pearl
Is found in: Events #5, #21, #22, #24, #29, #31-#33
She can be a useless NPC in your party, unless she transforms into Blackpearl
(Event #33).  After #33, you can get her in your party at the Bejeweled City.

"Elazul's partner.  She sometimes has a tough time speaking clearly, and is also
very shy.  Has a tendency to wander off and get lost while thinking."

             7: Blackpearl
Is found in: Events #21, #22, #33, #24
Blackpearl can be an awesome NPC, but can't be used too much.  See "6: Pearl".

"A Jumi knight who devotes herself to leading the Jumi through the threat of
extinction.  A very logical and level-headed individual."

             8: Elazul
Is found in: Events #5, #21, #22, #24, #29, #31-#33
He can be an NPC.  You can get him as an NPC in the Bejeweled City after event

"Pearl's knight, and one of the youngest Jumi.  He speaks and acts in a rough
manner and thus starts the occasional fight."

             9: Elle
Is found in: Events #26, #59, #65
She can be an NPC.  She is found in the lighthouse after event #26.

"A siren who refuses to sing as the result of an accident.  Friends with
Flameshe and Monique."

             10: Bud
Is found in: Event #2, in the house afterwards
He can be an NPC.  He's in the house after event #2, ready to join you in your

"Lisa's twin brother.  He thinks he is a great sorcerer, though he still has
much to learn.  He was run out of the Academy of Magic because he was too
mischievous.  His magic frying-pan was once his mother's."

              11: Lisa
Is found in: Event #2, in the house afterwards
She can be an NPC.  She's in the house after event #2, ready to join you in your

"A better sorcerer than her twin brother.  She carries around her father's

              12: Irwin
Is found in: Events #17, #11, #13 and #3.

"A half-demon who is a childhood friend of Daena, Escad, and is particularly
close to Matilda."

2nd Entry:
"He took away Matilda's elemental powers when he saw her suffering from her
This caused Matilda to age much more rapidly then she was supposed too."

              13: Matilda
Is found in: Events #7, #11, #13, #33, and #15.

"Born into a family of priests in Gato, she began to question the life that
awaited her.  Matilda became attracted to Irwin and his free way of life."

2nd Entry:
"A decade ago her powers were taken by Irwin after their temple escape was
stopped by Escad.  She has aged drastically since then."

              14: Inspector Boyd
Is found in: Events #29, #31, #28, and #23.  Sometimes found outside the church
in Domina.  The Inspector is working as hard as he can to catch Sandra.

"A little man with a really loud voice that could even reach a nearby land.  He
might be the most honest and kind-hearted person you'll ever meet."

              15: Sandra
Is found in: Events #29, #31, #28, and #23.  Sometimes found in a guest room in
the Domina inn.

"The notorious jewel hunter who steals only the most brilliant jewels.  Her
daring thefts resulted in secret admirers of her work."

              16: Alex
Is found in: The jewel shop in Geo.

"A mild-mannered geologist who also has a shop in Geo.  He only keeps the shop
for income to fund his research."

              17: Florina
Is found in: #29, #33, after #33 is found in the Bejeweled City

"A Guardian who was the Clarius in the Bejeweled City of Jumi.  The burden of
healing all the wounded cores of the Jumi has caused her own core to fall

              18: Flameshe
Is found in: Birdcage Lighthouse sometimes, and by the flower booth in the
market of Polpota Harbor.

"A teenage mermaid who is sometimes a little hard to deal with.  She sneaked out
of her family one day and went to the beach, where she met and befriended Elle."

              19: Pelican
Is found in: Outskirts of Domina

"The mail carrier who delivers practically everything.  She often makes mistakes
and is not always on time, but she does not seem to care."

              20: Li'l Cactus
Is found in: Your room in your house!

"A shy little cactus.  He is a cactus of few words, but he happens to be
thinking about many things."

              21: Pokeihl
Is found in: Events #44, #15, usually in Watts's shop

"The poet of Truth.  He is one of the Seven Wisdoms, and was a hero who was
called 'the Messenger of the Cosmic Truth.'"

              22: Tote
Is found at: Lake Kilma

"An ancient turtle who is one of the Seven Wisdoms.  He only introduces himself
as 'Turtle,' and always speaks in a mild manner."

              23: Olbohn
Is found in: The Underworld

"The keeper of the Underworld and one of the Seven Wisdoms.  In the era of the
Faerie's War, he went to the Underworld to defeat the Faerie's leader."

              24: Gilbert
Is found in: #30, #58, #65, #59

"The poet of love who even sings during regular conversation.  He travels in
search of love everywhere."

              25: Watts
Is found in: his shop in the mines

"A master blacksmith who becomes so absorbed in working that he often forgets

              26: Rosiotti
Is found in: The Jungle

"One of the Seven Wisdoms, he was once a hero.  Rosiotti now quietly resides in
the Jungle as the guardian of the creatures there."

              27: Duelle
Is found in: Events #12 and #57, also found in his house

"An onion warrior.  He likes everything straight-forward and hates people like
Nicolo with a passion."

              28: Miss Yuka
Is found in: Domina Inn

"The owner of Domina's only inn.  She insists that she is a canary, but there
are rumors that she is really a Chocobo.  Addressing her as 'Miss Yuka' is a

              29: The Manager
Is found in: Lumina Tavern

"The bar manager in the town of Lumina.  He is a gentleman who feels joy in
communicating with people."

              30: The Bartender
Is found in: Geo Fruit Parlor

"A young man who has a tendency to feel the blues a little too often.  Sharing
sob stories with the Manager seems to make him feel a bit better."

              31: Mark
Is found in: Domina shop and his house

"The owner of Domina's item shop and also Rachel's father.  He really loves his
family, but they seem to be a little sick of his overdose of love."

              32: Jennifer
Is found in: Domina shop or marketplace

"Mark's wife, who likes spending time outside his shop.  She says anything that
crosses her mind."

              33: Rachel
Is found in: Domina pub or her house

"The daughter of Mark and Jennifer.  She hardly talks, and does not become too
friendly with anyone.  She is sick of her Faerie-like appearance and the room

              34: Rev. Nouvelle
Is found in: Domina church and Lilipea village

"The caretaker of the church on Domina's outskirts.  He is a kind-hearted man
full of knowledge, from how to catch Rabites to the history of this world."

              35: Meimei
Is found in: Domina Marketplace

"A glamorous fortune teller.  She led a luxurious and exciting life, but now she
seems to be saving money for her old age."

              36: Capella
Is found in: Domina Park or Lumina Bar

"An itinerant performer.  He was inspired by Pokeihl's verses and decided to go
on a journey to send his audience a message of some sort."

              37: Diddle
Is found in: Domina Park or Lumina Bar

"Plays music for his performing partner, Capella.  A kind-hearted, sensitive boy
who speaks very slowly."

              38: Rubens
Is found in: Gato Grottos, Underworld and Bejeweled City

"A man who has given up everything.  He is hiding the fact that he is a Jumi of

              39: Prof. Bomb
Is found in: Prof. Bomb's Lab (Junkyard)

"The leading pioneer of golem development, who toils in a small laboratory in
the Junkyard.  Also a girl-chaser."

              40: Roger
Is found in: Digger's Hideout

"He met his true fate when he found divinity with his pet dog, Putty, while
working as a miner with the dudbears.  Since then he has become a man of faith."

              41: Putty
Is found in: Event #4, #16

"Roger's pet dog.  He was made into a religious icon, but is just a dog."

              42: Count Dovula
Is found in: Event #12

"Guardian of the ruins, he is also the leader of the Succubs clan."

              43: Basket Fish
Is found in: Event #28

"One of the nouveau-riche who looks down on everyone, but in reality he is the
one who is looked down on by everybody else.  He LOOOOOVES Revanshe the dancer."

              44: Cap'n Tusk
Is found in: Captain's Cabin of SS Buccaneer, Event #12

"The dandy captain of the SS Buccaneer.  He leads the Pirate Penguins with his
gentlemanly sense of philosophy.  Ladies, he is a real catch!"

              45: Revanshe
Is found in: Hotel at Polpota Harbor

"The dancer at Polpota's Seaside Hotel.  She's always dancing, because dancing
is her passion, her life."

              46: Selva
Is found in: #17, Gato Grottos fork at times.

"One of the Seven Wisdoms.  He always knows what is happening in Fa'Diel, since
he is always gathering information from the Lilipeas and the birds."

              47: Teapo
Is found in: Rachel's House, Event #12

"A magical life-from with a kind heart.  She thinks she is a jewelry collector,
but most of them are fakes Nicolo sold to her."

              48: Belle
Is found in: Event #44

"A spirit of dreams who is in charge of managing all creatures' dreams.  A
little too pushy at times, but she is only doing her job."

              49: Esmerelda
Is found at: Academy of Magic, Event #31
Can be an NPC in your party.

"A very charming and sometimes childish student at Geo's Academy of Magic.
There are rumors that she may be Nunuzac's magical monster, or a ghost."

              50: Magnolia
Is found at: Academy of Magic, Event #19

"A doll with a Fire Stone core that Anuella the Witch made a thousand years ago.
She lives at the Junkyard, without any hope or will."

              51: Thesenis
Is found at: Academy of Magic, Event #63

"A professor at Geo's Academy of Magic who is also a witch of reincarnation.
She is the most avoided person there, perhaps of her creepy behavior and

              52: Nunuzac
Is found at: Academy of Magic, Event #44

"Back in the day, he was a conjuror who fought in many wars.  Now he is a
professor at the Academy of Magic, though his body is represented by a magic
circle since his body was trapped in another dimension."

              53: Kathinjina
Is found at: Academy of Magic, Event #36

"The most popular professor at the Academy of Magic, she has the power to
explode things by staring at them.  She always looks out with people, and is
friends with Thesenis."

              54: Louie
Is found at: Junkyard

"The caretaker of the magical creatures of the Junkyard.  He is an old magical
creature himself, and he understands the anger and sorrow they feel."

              55: Mephianse
Is found at: Academy of Magic, Event #36

"A professor at Geo's Academy of Magic who has a strong passion for magic."

              56: Skippie
Is found in: Palace of Arts, Event #8 and #64

"A shy little man who is a really fast runner.  He sees through everything, and
is sometimes cunning.  Works at Kristie's place with Hamson."

              57: Hamson
Is found in: Palace of Arts, Event #8 and #64

"A big man who has the muscles, but not the mind for fighting.  Stupidly honest
and can't seem to see the obvious."

              58: Mr. Moti
Is found: All over the world!

"He is everywhere doing everything."

              59: Diana
Is found in: Bejeweled City, Events #31, #32, and #29

"The leader of the Jumi, and a Jumi of Diamond herself.  She tried to keep the
Jumi from extinction, but her hard-headed dictatorship caused her to lose

              60: Crystalle
Is found in: Event #25

"The beautiful snow Faerie who guards the Garden of Icicle Flowers."

              61: Sotherbee
Is found at: Palace of Arts, Event #8 and #64

"Madame Kristie's butler.  He does everything perfectly, but inside he is still
a little child.  His nickname is 'Mr. Fuddy-Duddy.'"

              62: Kristie
Is found at: Palace of Arts

"The owner of Geo's palace, which is also an art gallery.  Deeply loves art,
money, herself, and everything else."

              63: Monique
Is found in: Lumina Lamp Shop, Events #30, #26, and #59

"A siren who works at Lumina's lamp shop.  She sings to the spirits ad asks them
to light her lamps in return, then later sells the lamps."

              64: Students
Are found in: Event #36, Geo

"Students at Geo's Academy of Magic.  The color of their robes differ by

              65: Thoma
Is found in: Event #26, #28

"A soldier belonging to the Deathbringer's army.  His mind is being controlled
by the Deathbringer, and he would do anything for his lord."

              66: Thona
Is found in: Event #26, #28

"One of the Deathbringer's skeletal soldiers.  His body has died, but his soul
is still controlled by the Deathbringer."

              67: Sproutlings
Are found: All over the world!

"Little creatures that appear out of nowhere and end up living in any town.
They all share the same mind with each other."

              68: Gaeus
Is found at: The Highway

"A huge face on a mountainside that is also one of the Seven Wisdoms.  He always
has answers to any question."

              69: Cancun Bird
Is found at: Gato, Event #17

"A huge and mysterious bird that is said to have been living in Gato over the
past several centuries."

              70: Flowerlings
Are found at: Ruins, Bone Fortress

"When a flower blooms on a Sproutling's head, it becomes a flowerling.  There
are males and females, but the only difference between the two seems to be

              71: Lilipeas
Are found at: White Forest, Jungle

"Strange, small creatures with tiny bird nests on their heads.  They multiply by
rolling some mud into Lilipea shapes."

              72: Pirate Penguins
Are found at: Event #10, SS Buccaneer

"Penguins that have the tendency to tell silly jokes a little too often.
Extremely proud of the fact that they are pirates, though they don't seem to act
like pirates very often."

              73: Faeries
Are found at: Lake Kilma, Jungle

"Deeply love nature and dislike humans.  But they are still interested in what
humans are up to."

              74: Dudbears
Are found at: Digger's Hideout in the Mines, Lumina, Event #16

"Diggers who work for Roger's mining business.  Now they are forced to join his
new religious activities, with the dog as their lord."

              75: Shadoles
Are found in: The Underworld

"Shadows of all living creatures and inhabitants of the Underworld.  They share
the same consciousness."

              76: Nuns
Are found at: Gato

"Women who are in the process of spiritual training at Gato's temple."

              77: Wind Callers
Are found at: Norn Peaks

"The clan that serves Akravator as his dragoons.  They are open-hearted to those
who respect their traditions, but no others."

              78: Trent
Is found at: Event #56

"The ancient tree that lives in the backyard at Home.  He swallows seeds to
produce fruits and vegetables on his branches."

              79: Boink
Is found: Lots of places such as The Highway and Mekiv Caverns

"A strange creature that knows the links between dimensions.  Those who touch it
will immediately fly to where its tail is."

--------B) Artifacts and Lands
This section tells you what the artifacts are, what lands they create, and how
to get them.  The "Encyclopedia Entry" below shows the entries.

Artifact       | Land           | Where to get it
Mailbox        | Home           | You start with it
Colorblocks    | Domina         | Talk to the sproutling in front of your house
Wheel          | Luon Highway   | Event #1 (Nicolo's Business Unusual)
Jade Egg       | Mekiv Caverns  | Event #5 (The Lost Princess), The Lucky Clover
Stone Eye      | Lake Kilma     | The Lost Princess (#5)
Flame          | Gato Grottos   | Nicolo's Business Unusual (#1) or The Gorgon's
                                  Eye (#10)
Medallion      | Jungle         | Nicolo's Business Unusual (#1) or The Gorgon's
                                  Eye (#10), OR The Quiet Sea (#34)
Firefly Lamp   | Lumina         | The Lost Princess (#5)
Sand Rose      | Duma Desert    | Huntin' Du'Cate (#8) or Faeries' Light (#30)
Trembling Spoon| The Underworld | Faeries' Light (#30)
Ancient Tablet | Midas Ruins    | Huntin' Du'Cate (#8) or The Flame of Hope
Torch of Coral | Madora Beach   | The Dragon Princess(#37) or The Flame of
                                  Hope(#23), Reach for the Stars (#36)
Broken Doll    | Junkyard       | Nicolo's Business Unusual: Part 2 (#45) or
                                  Reach for the Stars (#36), The Fallen
                                  Emperor (#41)
Skull Lantern  | Norn Peaks     | Event #41 (The Fallen Emperor)
Rusty Anchor   | Polpota Harbor | Summer Lovin'(#27) or Teatime of Danger (#12)
Moon's Mirror  | Tower of Leires| Summer Lovin'(#27), Mine Your Own Business
                                  (#14), or The Infernal Doll (#19)
Tome of Magic  | Geo            | Event #19 (The Infernal Doll)
Dragonbone     | Bone Fortress  | Event #39 (The Guardian of Winds)
Bottled Spirit | Ulkan Mines    | Drowned Dreams (#28) or Teatime of
                                  Danger (#12)
Pirate's Hook  | SS Buccaneer   | Drowned Dreams (#28)
Frozen Heart   | Fieg Snowfields| The Looking-Glass Tower (#21)
Green Cane     | White Forest   | Event #38 (The Ghost of Nemesis)
Golden Seed    | Orchard        | Harvest 60 pieces of fruit from Trent
Brooch of Love | Lucemia        | Event #17 (Heaven's Gate)
Jumi Staff     | Bejeweled City | Event #33 (Teardrop Crystal)
-----None----- | The Flames     | See Event #40 (The Crimson Dragon)
Sword of Mana  | Tree of Mana   | See Event #44 (Cage of Dreams)

Encyclopedia Entry:


1. Home
"Home sweet home!  Your home is comfortably located near a giant tree,
surrounded by nature.  Many visitors come and go.

2. Domina
"A lively town frequented by traveling merchants and entertainers.  The
outskirts boast a church with a fabulous view of the countryside.

3. Luon Highway
"This highway was once traversed by merchants and entertainers, but the
highwaymen have stopped all of the traffic.  Some say that one of the Seven
Wisdoms lives nearby.

4. Mekiv Caverns
"This limestone cavern was created by underground currents.  Over the centuries
it was hollowed out, and pillars were created.  The cavern is made up of many

5. Lake Kilma
"This sizeable lake is surrounded by quiet, forested mountains.  Faeries,
servants of the lake, are often witnessed there.  Some say that incredible
treasure lies under the lake.

6. Gato Grottoes
"A town protected by divine winds.  It is always windy on the dangerous
precipices.  The temple of healing there is dedicated to the Spirits of Air and

7. Jungle
"Due to thick vegetation, many became lost in this jungle.  Others claim to have
witnessed Faeries, while some say one of the Wisdoms resides here.

8. Lumina
"The town of endless night.  The town is always bathed in the light of the full
moon, so it never becomes completely dark.  There is a tavern where Dudbears

9. Duma Desert
"Only cactus grows in this wasteland.  Great fossils litter the landscape, and
flowing sands hinder each step.  It could be the ideal site to conduct a
colossal experiment.

10. The Underworld
"Souls who have departed their earthly vessels are judged by the King of the
Underworld.  His vassals, the Shadoles, bring the departed to the Underworld.

11. Mindas Ruins
"These ruins are all that is left of a city which prospered around a tower,
built by mages during the end of the Faerie War.

12. Madora Beach
"Come to Madora Beach for the best sun-bathing and finest sand anywhere.
Explore our many caverns!  While you're here, why not try some crab-hunting.

13. Junkyard
"This trash-heap is home to discarded items, mass-produced to fight in a long-
forgotten war.  Some of the objects still bear a grudge towards humanity, and
cling to their warrior past.

14. Norn Peaks
"Strong winds howl through the treacherous mountain passes.  The foothills are
home to a settlement of Wind-Callers, and their Guardian Spirit is said to
reside on the highest peak.

15. Polpota Harbor
"A tropical resort, home to soft breezes and sun-kissed surf.  The Seaside Hotel
provides lodging in the center of the town.

16. Tower of Leires
"Looming in the night sky, the Tower of Leires was constructed by magicians
during the Faerie Wars to increase their supply of Mana.  Nowadays, the tower is
nothing but a stone testament to the power of its builders.

17. Geo
"A castle-town with an academic atmosphere.  Kristie's palace occupies the
center.  The instructors at the Academy of Magic have a lot of personality.

18. The Bone Fortress
"A tiny Flowerling village rests atop a gentle slope.  Towering above them looms
the Bone Fortress.  It is said that the foliage around the walls holds huge
amounts of Mana.

19. Ulkan Mines
"The Ulkan Mines have been abandoned for ages.  Now, only curious weaponsmiths
hunt for ore, for a suspicious gang is based here.

20. SS Buccaneer
"The good ship of the famed Cap'n Tusk, leader of a band of pirates.  They have
sailed north, south, east, and west in search of buried treasure.

21. Fieg Snowfields
"A frozen land buried in snow.  Some say Faeries' treasure is hidden here, but
none have ever laid eyes upon it.  There are reports of an abominable snowman

22. The White Forest
"A dense forest, home of the White Dragon.  Legend has it that the forest is
populated by an extremely rare folk.

23. Orchard
"A tree with a striking resemblance to the one in your backyard.  Perhaps
mankind will never understand the connection which all plant life shares.

24. Lucemia
"Irwin has resurrected this legendary beast, who came from beyond the stars
during the ancient wars.  The wingless dragon split the earth asunder and razed
entire cities, only to swallow a volcano and burn himself up."

25. Bejeweled City
"This is the home of the Jumi.  Boulder-size jewels comprise every part of the
city, and now, even after the fall of the Jumi, it still shines with an
everlasting glow.

26. The Flames
"The castle of Drakonis. He has raised his domain from the depths of the
Underworld to return to the land of the mortals."

27. Tree of Mana
"The ultimate source of all things.  Everything within the Sanctuary exists in
an eternally invisible immovable, absolute state.


1. Mailbox
"A few letters a month can mean a lot to a lonely, far-off home.

2. Colorblocks
"The town changes through the ages according to its citizens.  It doesn't change
according to bring about a new age.

3. Wheel
"Even the longest roads are rutted by hundreds of wagons which traverse them.
Roads remember their travelers, and wagon wheels are reflections of those

4. Jade Egg
"By taking a stone formed through the ages inside the earth and shaping it into
the source of all things, the earth's creative power was captured inside.

5. Stone Eye
"This artifact uses the power of the Master of the Lake to turn to stone those
who harm the lake.  However, the power does not respond to the will of mankind.

6. Flame
"That which illuminated the shrine was but a small flame.  Before long, mankind
ceased to notice the fire, but its significance continued to grow.

7. Medallion
"The beasts who followed a wise man were eaten by an invading beast.  It then
gained wisdom and became a wise man itself.

8. Firefly Lamp
"One poet wrote that all of history comes from lovers' whispers.  It was a poem
of lovers talking of love and the future, under the cool light of fireflies in
the midsummer night sky.

9. Sand Rose
"An image of a rose in the Sanctuary of Mana; it never became a true rose.  It
turned into crystal, its powers trapped inside for all eternity.

10. Trembling Spoon
"A silver spoons for scooping up flames to baptize departed souls into the
Underworld.  Sometimes a soul who resists death become trapped inside; then the
spoon begins to tremble and must be discarded.

11. Ancient Tablet
"Long ago, a civilization very different than our own, unimaginable scientific
advances were made, and are recorded on this tablet.  However, mankind has lost
the ability to decipher it.

12. Torch of Coral
"The Mermen appear on the shore using a flame from this torch.  It gives off
light invisible to human eyes, and so they remain hidden.

13. Broken Doll
"This doll was a servant of mankind when artifacts were used as instruments of

14. Skull Lantern
"Mages, searching for a gem guarded by a dragon, crafted a skull of a fallen
comrade into a lantern.  It glows of its own accord.

15. Rusty Anchor
"Even large anchors are small compared to their ships.  These very anchors are
what hold the ships firmly to the harbor, not unlike mankind's roll on earth.

16. Moon's Mirror
"The mages of antiquity would pour water onto the mirror and reflect the moon
and stars to learn of mankind's fate from the heavens.

17. Tome of Magic
"In ages past, many tried to explain the works of the gods, spending much time
making incredible sacrifices.  The secrets they have uncovered are small, but
hold enough power to destroy a continent.
See GEO"

18. Dragonbone
"Ages ago, bones from dragons were used by alchemists.  The Dragon of Wisdom
lived the longest and had unbelievable powers.  Their bones were the hardest to

19. Bottled Spirit
"Once, a foolish mage tried to seize the powers of a spirit by imprisoning it in
a bottle.  The mage was immediately slain by the spirit's curse, but the bottle
containing a powerful spirit remained.

20. Pirate's Hook
"When a land-dweller first sets out to sea, he is faced with dangers unknown.
Even after replacing a lost hand with a hook, pirates continue to challenge
these dangers everyday.

21. Frozen Heart
"Once a gem hardens into a core, it grows swiftly, not unlike the hardness of
one's heart.  If the core grows large, it may remain despite its owner's death.

22. Green Cane
"The cane is capable of drawing power from the earth, converting it to Mana, and
releasing it into the atmosphere.  It is said that by sticking it into the
ground, an entire forest shall grow overnight.

23. Golden Seed
"Seeds contain everything.  Everything starts from a seed.  Each generation of
seeds produces another.

24. Brooch of Love
"This was given to a mage who promised to acknowledge all and understand all.
Whoever wears this brooch is charged with overcoming any ordeal through love.

25. Jumi's Staff
"A staff replete with the power of gems of every color.  The jewels draw in and
store the waves of various kinds of Mana.  They can then be released.

26. Sword of Mana
"This sword has the will to shape its own destiny.  It is said that a disruption
of air follows this blade, and if you listen closely, you can hear the air
around it hum.

--------C) Items and Equipment
You get these encyclopedias near the beginning of the game.

Getting these encyclopedias:
Talk to Jessica (By the fruit-fortune lady) to get the items encyclopedia
on her day off.
Talk to Mark (In the chair in Rachel/Teapo/Duelle's house) on his day off
to get the equipment encyclopedia.

Encyclopedia Entry:


1: Metal
"Primary Material. Metallurgy has been the barometer of a civilization's
technological level. Different types of metals in Fa'Diel are named after the
areas where they were mined."

2: Wood
"Primary Material. Trees of Fa'Diel distribute the Mana energy as air for the
creatures in this world. Tools and simple buildings have been made with wood
since the ancient times."

3: Stone
"Primary Material. Stones have been used since the beginning of time as tools,
decorations, and in architecture."

4: Hide
"Primary Material. Armor can be made from softer materials such as hide, but one
should be aware of the compatibility between the material and the item."

5: Scales
"Primary Material. Scales of some monsters and dragons can be used to make armor
and weapons. The materials used to create such items are reflected in their
effects and parameters."

6: Bone
"Primary Material. The world of Fa'Diel uses bones from the monsters living
there. When making armor, pay specific attention to the materials' defense
levels for effective compositions."

7: Fabric
"Primary Material. Fabric can be used to strengthen equipment as well as being
the primary material for armor. Those with mysterious patterns or colorful
designs may have magical properties."

8: Aerolite
"Primary Material. Aerolites are rocks that fall from the sky. They tend to have
unusual and useful properties when used to make equipment."

9: Mana Stone
"Secondary Material. Mana Stones contain high concentration of Mana energy.
There are Mana Stones of Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water."

10: Mana Crystal
"When pure Mana energy becomes crystallized, Mana Crystals are made. Most of
them glow with the energy, but some that absorb light have been found."

11: Coins
"Secondary Material. These coins represent the energy of each elemental spirit.
Sometimes the spirits give them to mortals they favor."

12: Seeds
"Secondary Material. Each seed has a different color, and, like mixing paint,
one can grow wider varieties of produce by planting two different seeds together
at the same time."

13: Produce
"The produce that grows in the orchards varies by the seed combinations, the day
of the week they were planted, and by luck. Used to feed pets and to color

14: Meat
"Secondary Material. Meat can be acquired by defeating different types of
monsters, and then it can be used along with produce to catch monster eggs."

15: Fangs & Claws
"Secondary Material. The most powerful parts of monsters. Fangs and claws are
often used to make protective and magical items such as talismans."

16: Eyes
"Secondary Material. Some stones look like eyeballs of monsters, and they also
have magical properties. Eyes are divided into groups by their appearance."

17: Feathers
"Secondary Material. Usually the Aerial monsters' feathers are sold on the
market, but sometimes beautiful Arthropod monsters' wings are considered

18: Bottles
"Secondary Material. There are all sorts of liquids in many different bottles.
Some seem to contain liquids you cannot drink, and others you couldn't even
guess when they were last opened."

19: Vials
"Secondary Material. Even the most unthinkable things could be sealed in these
vials. There could be whispers, curses, or maybe even some stinky breath."

20: Urns
"Secondary Material. No one can guess what these urns contain, or what they are
for. What could be inside the urns you find in this story?"

21: Pellets
"Secondary Material. Little medicine pills made of material you would not
normally eat. Those that are known to be effective have a higher price tag."

22: Powders
"Secondary Material. Some are mere dirt and some are blends of materials with
creepy effects. Keep out of reach of children."

23: Pouches
"Secondary Material. These pouches could contain some really unusual and
exciting items. On the other hand, the items may be quite normal and plain."


1: Knife
"A dagger. It comes in many different styles, and much work goes into crafting
the handle and blade. Most are designed to be practical. A shield cannot be used
with a knife. Although it has the shortest reach, the rate of movement is the

2: Sword
"A long sword. Most are double-edged and have sharp tips. The sword is
considered a holy weapon due to the precious metals it is made from. It is
wielded in one hand, so the rate of movement is average."

3: Axe
"Also known as the hand-axe or hatchet, the axe is a single-bladed weapon
wielded in one hand. Often thought of as primitive, the rate of its movement is
slower than the sword."

4: 2H Sword
"The ultimate in swords requires two hands. Yields epic damage when swung in a
wide arc. Cannot be used with a shield. It's quite heavy, so the rate of your
movement is slower."

5: 2H Axe
"The two-handed axe is used for embedding a cold piece of steel in your enemies.
With an axe like this, who needs a shield? Unfortunately, the sheer weight of
this weapon will slow your movement to a snail's pace."

6: Hammer
"Knock some sense into your opponents with this huge two-handed hammer. But
don't complain about the slowest movement rate and being unable to use a

7: Spear
"A great way to keep uglies at a distance. However, in actual combat the spear
is used in a variety of ways. Of course, a shield is out of the question, and
the shape of the weapon precludes fast movement."

8: Staff
"Long staves such as these have multiple uses, and can hit an enemy both up
close and far away. Since they require both hands, a shield cannot be used, and
the rate of movement is slower than when wielding a spear."

9: Glove
"Nothing beats pummeling the enemy with these reinforced punching gloves. Of
course, proper boxing stance precludes the use of a shield. Even though the
attack range is short, the rate of its movement is very fast."

10: Flail
"Incredible power is gained when two or more staves are connected with a chain.
The rate of its movement is quite good, but it is impossible to use a shield
while wielding a flail."

11: Bow
"With a bow, one can lay waste to enemies from afar, and thwack them when up
close, as well. Scoring a direct hit, however, requires much practice. A shield
cannot be equipped with a bow."

12: Shield
"The smart sword or axe-wielder will always keep a shield handy. From large,
bejeweled shields to the familiar frying-pan lid, shields vary greatly in size
and strength."

13: Helm
"Providing ample protection for the head, helms come in all shapes and sizes,
from great steel helms to upside-down pots. The round shape of the helm helps
deflect incoming blows."

14: Hat
"Unlike helms, hats are often worn for the enchantments contained within, rather
than for physical defense. They often grace the heads of well-known mages and

15: Hauberk
"There is a wide range of hauberk types, from highly-decorated ceremonial
hauberk to hauberk that is too heavy for practical use."

16: Robe
"Oft worn by mages and clergymen, robes are often designed for other purposes
than mere physical protection, and are decorated with holy symbols or arcane

17: Gauntlets
"Gauntlets come in many shapes and sizes, but all of them help protect the arms
and hands from nasty cuts and bruises."

18: Ring
"Even a small ring can help protect the finger. Some are plain, while others are
works of art, worn by those wise in the ways of magic. Some rings are said to
hold incredible power."

19: Boots
"Heavy footwear for the combat enthusiast, boots give protection to the feet,
ankles, and shins from common nicks and scratches, where needed most."

20: Sandals
"Light footwear for the fashion-conscious warrior, sandals afford less physical
protection than boots, but they seem to protect best against magic."

21: Armor
"Completely protecting the head, torso, arms, and legs, armor gives outstanding
protection. However, very little additional armor can be worn, because armor
covers the whole body."

22: Mantle
"Mantles are worn over the shoulders, and can be worn over any kind of armor.
Most protect against magical attacks."

23: Pendant
"An accessory that can be worn under all types of armor, pendants are used for
their protective properties."

24: Harp
"Harps are stringed instruments that can be used to perform magic with an
Elemental Coin. Such coins are gained by negotiating with a Spirit."

25: Marimba
"The marimba is a percussion instrument that can be used to play magic with an
Elemental Coin. The cycles of magic are determined by the type of instrument,
its main material, and the property of the Elemental Coin used."

26: Flute
"The flute is a wind instrument which can be used to play magic by using an
Elemental Coin. Elemental Coins are important because they help determine the
type and cycle of magic that will be played."

27: Drum
"The drum is a percussion instrument which can be used to play magic with an
Elemental Coin. During negotiations with a Spirit, it is important to play tunes
the Spirit enjoys listening to."

--------D) Monsters
For information on what the classes are useful for, see Monster Corral -->
Finding Monsters

Encyclopedia Entry:
STR = Strength
WK = Weakness


1: Rabite -Beast-
"STR: Wisp, Dryad
WK: Shade, Aura
A round bunny-like monster. Watch out for its biting attacks!"

2: Molebear -Beast-
"STR: Aura, Gnome
WK: Dryad, Salamander
It attacks with its long, sharp claws, and likes hiding underground."

3: Teedie -Beast-
"STR: Jinn, Undine
WK: Gnome
Attacks enemies by throwing rocks and feathers."

4: Howler -Beast-
"STR: Jinn
WK: Gnome
Attacks by jump-kicking with its strong hind legs."

5: Gray Ox -Beast-
"STR: Aura, Undine
WK: Dryad, Jinn
It attacks enemies by headbutting with its horns or by licking them."

6: Lullabud -Plant-
"STR: Wisp, Dryad
WK: Shade, Aura
Spews toxic pollen to poison its enemies."

7: Mushboom -Plant-
STR: Shade, Dryad
WK: Wisp, Aura
A cute mushroom that attacks by kicking, and by throwing its own cap."

8: Shrieknip -Plant-
"STR: Dryad, Gnome.
WK: Aura, Salamander.
A giant radish that shoots its leaves and seeds like missiles."

9: Marlboro -Plant-
STR: Aura, Gnome
WK: Dryad
All it can do is punch anything in front of it and exhale really stinky breath."

10: Wooding -Plant-
"STR: Wisp, Dryad.
WK: Shade, Aura.
A tree that became possessed by evil spirits. Attacks with its arm-like

11: Stinger Bug -Anthropod-
"STR: Wisp, Dryad, Jinn
WK: Shade, Aura, Gnome
Attacks with its scythe-like forearms, and with its huge needle in back."

12: Hoppin' Tick -Arthropod-
"STR: Aura, Salamander
WK: Dryad, Undine
It jumps on enemies to suck out blood."

13: Silkspitter -Arthropod-
"STR: Dryad
WK: Aura
Instead of making a cocoon for itself, it spews out fiber to attack enemies.
Maybe it doesn't want to grow up."

14: Sand Scorpion -Arthropod-
"STR: Dryad, Gnome
WK: Aura, Salamander
Watch out for its gigantic pinchers and tail!"

15: Gloomoth -Arthropod-
"STR: Salamander, Jinn
WK: Gnome, Undine
Sprews poisonous scale-powder on enemies. It can also shoot out lethal eye-

16: Tonpole -Reptile-
"STR: Wisp, Undine
WK: Shade, Jinn
A cute little tadpole that is trying its best to be a good monster."

17: Lizardon -Reptile-
"STR: Undine
WK: Jinn
It swallows the enemies by using its tongue, whether it's hungry or not."

18: Rattler Boa -Reptile-
"STR: Dryad.
WK: Aura.
A rattlesnake that wraps around its enemies to cause great damage."

19: Basilisk -Reptile-
"STR: Jinn, Undine
WK: Gnome
Its eye beams cause petrifaction in a flash!"

20: Tyrranos -Reptile-
"STR: Gnome
WK: Salamander
It chomps on any enemies with its huge jaws."

21: Iffish -Aquatic-
"STR: Undine
WK: Jinn
A colorful spiny fish. Attacks with its water-bubble cannon."

22: Pincher Crab -Aquatic-
"STR: Undine
WK: Jinn
A grumpy crab. Shoots out its huge pinchers to attack enemies."

23: Seajack -Aquatic-
"STR: Undine
WK: Jinn
A shark with a gigantic saw-like nose. Watch for its lethal body blow!"

24: Seadragon -Aquatic-
"STR: Undine
WK: Jinn
A sleepy-looking monster. Attacks with water while floating in the air."

25: Big Baby -Aquatic-
"STR: Undine
WK: Jinn
An adorable-looking monster with big eyes. Spits out water bubbles."

26: Needlebeak -Aerial-
"STR: Wisp, Jinn
WK: Shade, Gnome
A ball-like bird which attacks with its sharp beak."

27: Bloodsucker -Aerial-
"STR: Shade, Jinn
WK: Wisp, Gnome
Attacks with ultrasonic waves. For some strange reason it belongs to the Aerial

28: Cockatrice -Aerial-
STR: Dryad, Gnome
WK: Aura, Salamander
A chubby, bird- like monster. Its tail is a snake that can bite and petrify

29: Chocobo -Aerial-
"STR: Wisp, Jinn
WK: Shade, Gnome
Nope, not the same chocobo you know!"

30: Garuda -Aerial-
STR: Wisp, Jinn
WK: Shade, Gnome
A large, bird-like monster that attacks with its sharp beak and claws."

31: Shadow Zero -Morph-
"STR: Shade
WK: Wisp
A quick-moving shadow with big attacks."

32: Slime -Morph-
"STR: Gnome
WK: Salamander
A gooey drop with two eyeballs.

33: Tezla -Morph-
"STR: Wisp.
WK: Shade.
Generates an electric field to zap anything around it."

34: Denden -Morph-
"STR: Dryad
WK: Aura
A winged snail that can move faster than its ground-crawling kin."

35: Moldy Goo -Morph-
"STR: Aura, Undine
WK: Dryad, Jinn
A big lump of mold with dead soldiers' weapons stuck to it."

36: Skull Beast -Undead-
"STR: Gnome
WK: Salamander
Just a bunch of animal bones with a funny walk."

37: Zombine -Undead-
"STR: Gnome, Undine
WK: Salamander, Jinn
They happen to be born this way."

38: Specter -Undead-
"STR: Gnome, Undine
WK: Salamander, Jinn
A monster that attacks enemies by slapping them with its big hands."

39: Skeleton -Undead-
"STR: Shade, Dryad, Gnome
WK: Wisp, Aura, Salamander
A fancily-clad skeleton knight."

40: Ape Mummy -Undead-
"STR: Shade, Gnome
WK: Wisp, Salamander
A large mummified ape. It charges towards enemies to attack."

41: Imp -Demonic-
"STR: Shade, Jinn
WK: Wisp, Gnome
A tiny demon with a tiny spear. It can use some magic, too."

42: Fierce Face -Demonic-
"STR: Salamander
WK: Undine
A flaming monster-head that floats in the air."

43: Punkster -Demonic-
"STR: Shade, Jinn
WK: Wisp, Gnome
A fun-loving demon that likes to start cyclones."

44: Dark Stalker -Demonic-
"STR: Shade
WK: Wisp
A knight of shadow, clad in heavy armor. It summons other monsters."

45: Chimera Beast -Demonic-
"STR: Wisp, Undine
WK: Shade, Jinn
A huge chimera that petrifies enemies with its eye beams."

46: Kid Dragon -Dragon-
"STR: Salamander, Jinn
WK: Gnome, Undine
A half-pint dragon that could spit out some fire."

47: Sky Dragon -Dragon-
"STR: Jinn
WK: Gnome
An aerial dragon with a glide attack."

48: Land Dragon -Dragon-
"STR: Aura, Gnome
WK: Dryad, Salamander
A dragon with tough skin.  It has a tendency to go berserk."

49: Eye Spy -Oddity-
"STR: Wisp, Gnome
WK: Shade, Salamander
Attacks with eye beams, and can disappear to hide from enemies."

50: Spiny Cone -Oddity-
"STR: Dryad, Jinn
WK: Aura, Gnome
A shadowy creature. Shoots out thorns and poisonous air."

51: Poto -Oddity-
"STR: Undine.
WK: Jinn.
A really sleepy-looking monster that attacks enemies by licking them."

52: Beholder -Oddity-
"STR: Aura, Salamander
WK: Dryad, Undine
A huge eyeball that floats in the air."

53: Springball -Oddity-
"STR: Aura
WK: Dryad
Attacks enemies by using its springy neck."

54: Cursed Doll -Poltergeist-
"STR: Shade
WK: Wisp
A doll that was given a mind. Their existence is meaningful only when they

55: Polter Box -Poltergeist-
"STR: Aura, Gnome
WK: Dryad, Salamander
It preys upon unwary treasure-hunters with surprise attacks."

56: Chess Knight -Poltergeist-
"STR: Shade, Gnome
WK: Wisp, Salamander
Its overwhelming wish to fight turned it into a monster."

57: Dainslaif -Poltergeist-
"STR: Shade, Aura
WK: Wisp, Dryad
A possessed weapon that exists to fight."

58: Machine Golem -Poltergeist-
"STR: Aura
WK: Dryad
A man-made Golem. It was not supposed to have its own mind."

59: Chobin Hood -Demi-human-
"STR: Dryad.
WK: Aura.
A master bow-hunter species. They look cute, but they could be pretty mean."

60: Goblin -Demi-human-
"STR: Shade, Dryad
WK: Wisp, Aura
It firmly believes that evil doing is the true meaning of life."

61: Tomato Man -Demi-human-
"STR: Aura, Salamander
WK: Dryad, Undine
A clan of black-magic priests. It is said that they never leave their pots."

62: Sahagin -Demi-human-
"STR: Undine
WK: Jinn
It became a demi-human as it began living ashore."

63: Succubus -Demi-human-
"STR: Shade, Jinn
WK: Wisp, Gnome
One of the vampire clans. They tend to look down on the other clans."

64: Narcissos -Demi-human-
"STR: Aura, Gnome
WK: Dryad, Salamander
This clan is obsessed with staying in shape by practicing their own martial

65: Mad Mallard -Demi-human-
"STR: Wisp, Salamander
WK: Shade, Undine
Loaded with attitude, these ducks pop out egg-bombs."

66: Axebeak
"A bird-like creature that lives in the deserts."

67: Chimera Lord
"A demonic creature with fierce appearance."

68: Punkmaster
"A small creature with an evil mind."

69: Gremlin
"A mischievous little demonic creature."

70: Shadow Zero-One
"A shadow that loves grabbing people's attention."

71: Skeletal Soldier
Soldiers of the Deathbringer's army."

72: Wind Callers
"The entire clan serves Akravator as his dragoons."

73: Count Dovula
"The leader of the Succubus Clan."

74: Mantis Ant

75: Hegs Ant

76: Du'Inke

77: Du'Cate

78: Du'Mere

79: Gorgon's Eye

80: Boreal Hound

81: Gova

82: Spriggan

83: Labanne

84: Tropicallo

85: Fullmetal Haggar

86: Orc

87: Jewel Beast

88: Jewel Beast II

89: Jewel Beast III

90: Jewel Beast IV

91: Iron Centaur

92: Larc the Centaur

93: Zenoa

94: The Deathbringer

95: Deathbringer II  (You need a Saga Frontier 2 save for this.  See Tips 'n'
Tricks --> Fun Stuff)

96: Kima

97: Hitodama

98: Akravator

99: Jajara

100: Vadise

101: Drakonis

102: Lord of Jewels

103: Irwin

104: The Mana Goddess

105: Note
"(Example) STR: Wisp, Dryad.
WK: Shade, Aura.

The example above shows that the monster becomes stronger (STR) in lands with
more Wisp and Dryad influence, and weaker (WK) in Shade and Aura lands. This
does not affect the player's pet monsters."

--------E) Produce
My notes:
Harvest around 40 fruits from Trent to get this book. You can also get this book
much earlier.  Talk to Rev. Nouvelle (the guy at the church).  Choose to talk
about the town, then townsmen, then others, then Meimei to get the produce
Each seed has a color. I have no clue what the colors mean.  You can get some
seeds from enemies, and others from Trent when you grow seeds.  You can buy some
seeds at the Bone Fortress after The Field Trip (#63).  It's seems to be easier
to get rarer fruits and seeds in the Orchard.

Some Planting Stuff:
Oblong  + Crooked = Red, Yellow and Orange Families
Round   + Oblong  = Blue, Yellow and Green Families
Crooked + Round   = Blue, Red and Purple Families
Round   + Long    = Green, Purple and Black Families
Spiky             = All Families

Round Seed - Blue
Oblong Seed - Yellow
Crooked Seed - Red
Big Seed - Green
Small Seed - Orange
Long Seed - Purple
Flat Seed - White
Spiny Seed - Rainbow

Effects of Produce:


Pwr - Power
Skl - Skills
Def - Defense
Mgc - Magic
Spr - Spirit
Chm - Charm
Lck - Luck

Agr - Aggressiveness
Arr - Arrogant
Clm - Calm
Ind - Indecisive
Sch - Scheming
Laz - Lazy
Frd - Friendly
Lon - Lonely

How to read this list:
Name: +Stuff, -Stuff ~ Family

Applesocks: +Skl, +Chm, +Clm, +Ind ~ Red
Apricat: +Def, +Clm ~
Bellgrapes: +Mgc, +Spr, +Sch, -Frd ~ Purple
Boarmelon: +Pwr, +Skl, +Spr, +Lon, -Chm ~ Green
Bumpkin: +Pwr, +Spr, +Agr, +Arr, +Sch, +Laz ~ Orange
Cabbadillo: +Def, +Spr, +Frd, +Lon, -Chm ~ Green
Cherry Bombs: +HP, +Frd ~ Purple
Citrisquid: +Mgc, +Sch ~ Yellow
Conchurnip: +Pwr, +Def, +Agr, +Arr, -Mgc ~ White
Cornflower: +Mgc, +Chm, +Agr, -Clm ~ Yellow
Dialaurel: +Pwr, +Lck, +Agr, -Clm ~ Green
Diceberry: +Pwr, +Agr ~ Red
Fishy Fruit: +Skl, +Mgc, +Chm, -HP, -Sch ~ Yellow
Garlicrown: +Chm, -Arr ~ White
Gold Clover: +Skl, +Lck, +Frd, -Sch ~ Blue
Heart Mint: +Chm, -Laz ~ Blue
Honey Onion: +Skl, +HP, +Spr, +Ind, -Pwr ~ Orange
Lilipods: +Skl, +HP, +Clm, +Ind, +Frd, +Lon, -Mgc ~ Purple
Loquat-Shoes: +Skl, +Chm, +Sch, +Laz, -HP ~ Orange
Mangolephant: +Pwr, +HP, +Agr, +Arr ~ White
Masked Potato: +Def, +HP, +Spr, -Lck, -Frd ~ White
Mush-In-A-Box: +Lck ~ Black
Needlettuce: +Def, +Chm, +Clm, -Agr ~ Green
Orange'opus: +Def, +HP, +Sch, +Laz ~ Orange
Orcaplant: +Def, +Mgc, +Sch, -Frd ~ Purple
Peachpuppy: +Pwr, +Skl, +Frd, -Sch ~ Red
Pear O'Heels: +Pwr, +Def, +Chm, +Arr, -Spr ~ White
Pine O'Clock: +Pwr, +Skl, +Def, +Mgc, +HP, +Spr, +Chm, +Lck, -Agr, -Clm, -Sch,
-Frd ~ Blue
Rhinolupe: +Pwr, +HP, +Spr, -Mgc, -Clm ~ Blue
Rocket Papaya: +Mgc, +Chm, +Clm, -Agr ~ Orange
Spade Basil: +Spr, -Lon ~ Blue
Spiny Carrot: +Mgc, +Spr, +Clm, +Ind, -Skl ~ Orange
Springanana: +HP, -Ind ~ Yellow
Squalphin: +Mgc, +Lck, +Frd, +Lon, -Pwr ~ Green
Sweet Moai: +Def, +Mgc, +Lck, +Laz, -Skl ~ Purple
Toadstoolshed: +Pwr, +Skl, +Def, +Mgc, +HP, +Spr, +Chm, +Lck ~ Black
Whalamato: +Mgc, +HP, +Chm, -Def, -Agr ~ Red

Encyclopedia Entry (Stats & Family not included):


1: Garlicrown
"A crown-shaped garlic clove that might make you feel like royalty!"

2: Cunchurnip
"A turnip shaped like a conch shell."

3: Sweet Moai
"A sweet potato shaped like a Moai.  It's pretty tasty, actually."

4: Pear O'Heels
"A pear shaped like a high-heeled shoe."

5: Mangolephant
"A mango that even has a pear of tusk-like knobs."

6: Apricat
"An apricot with whiskers and ears that make it look like a cat."

7: Diceberry
"The ones with seeds placed like actual dice are very rare."

8: Peach Puppy
"A peach with a dog-like face, and ear-like flaps."

9: Applesocks
"An apple that looks like a Christmas stocking."

10: Whalamato
"A whale-shaped tomato with a stem that looks like a water sprout."

11: Spiny Carrot
"A carrot with knobs like those on spiny shells."

12: Loquat-Shoes
"It has a hole that is big enough to fit a baby's foot."

13: Bumpkin
"A pumpkin with a scary face.  There are some with sad faces too."

14: Honey Onion
"An onion with honey stuffed inside."

15: Orange'opus
"An orange with tentacle-like projections."

16: Citrisquid
"A lemon with a sharp top and tentacle-like projections."

17: Springana
"A coily banana that is rather hard to eat."

18: Cornflower
"Is it a sunflower with corn kernels, or corn that looks like a sunflower?"

19: Fishy Fruit
"It has fin-like bumps that make it look like a fish."

20: Rocket Papaya
"A papaya with projections like a rocket."

21: Cabbadillo
"A cabbage that looks like a friendly armadillo."

22: Squalphin
"A squash that is shaped like a dolphin."

23: Needlettuce
"A lettuce with leaves shaped like porcupine needles.  It's edible."

24: Boarmelon
"A watermelon that has stripes and tusks like a young boar."

25: Dialaurel
"An herb that was named "Diamond" after its leaves' shape."

26: Heart Mint
"This species of mint grows in heart-shaped leaves."

27: Spade Basil
"An herb with a slightly bitter flavor to it."

28: Pine O'Clock
"A very functional pineapple that works as an alarm clock."

29: Gold Clover
"You will be really lucky if you find one with four leaves!"

30: Rhinoloupe
"The skin is very tough and thick."

31: Lilipods
"This lily has peas inside it!"

32: Cherry Bombs
"Cherries with a clear, glass-like flesh around the seed."

33: Orcaplant
"An eggplant that looks like a killer whale."

34: Masked Potato
"A potato with colorful designs on it, making it look like a mask."

35: Bellgrapes
"The grape is covered with a tough skin.  When shaken it sounds like a bell."

36: Mush-in-a-Box
"The inside pops out when touched.  Its taste could be surprising, too."

37: Toadstoolshed
"A mushroom shaped like a house.  Those with two chimneys are rare!"

38: Note telling about the abbreviations.

--------F) World History
I hear you can get world history by taking Bud to the Wisdoms.

Encyclopedia Entry:

World History:
1: The Beginning
"A twinkling consciousness became a star which sparkled in the night and
banished the darkness. The Mana Goddess acquired consciousness by gazing into
the light of that sun. She made Fa'Diel, a great land, but so far an empty one."

2: The Moon Gods
"The Mana Goddess drew beams of six colors from the sun. They became the six
moons, each hiding a small deity within. When those gods awoke, they played
beautiful music and brought fortune to the land of Fa'Diel."

3: The Names of Stones
"The six deities became the Moon Gods and demanded that the Mana Goddess name
them. So the Mana Goddess gave each of them a shining stone, which filled the
air with music: Stars, follow me! Moons, walk with me! And we shall celebrate
your names!"

4: The Moon's Names
"Tryne, merciful god of water.
Zea, passionate god of fire.
Barlen, selfish god of gold.
Libleyt, hopeful god of wood.
Morphes, wealthy god of earth.
Ghazel, whimsical god of wind.
The Moon Gods rejoiced, and the Mana Goddess returned to her slumber, becoming
the great Mana Tree. Fa'Diel was left to the whims of the Moon Gods."

5: The Creation
"The Moon Gods created land and ocean, trees and flowers, and gave them light
and the power to determine their fate. The light became the Elemental Spirits,
riding in the sky. They released bountiful light, and were full of desire to
serve the Moon Gods' will. The Moon Gods then finally returned to slumber."

6: Flammies
"Then, a beautiful yet powerful beast appeared, awakening the Moon Gods. The
Moon Gods named this beast of strength and beauty Flammy. Whenever one of the
Moon Gods would fall asleep, another Flammy would appear. Eventually, Flammies
of all six colors came to populate all the land."

7: Dark Clouds
"The Moon Gods tried to outdo each other in creating beauty. Sometimes they
argued trying follow the Mana Goddess's will and create many beasts. But dark
clouds came to Fa'Diel, and the Moon Gods created greater beasts, and set them
loose upon the land. The Flammies often quarreled, and the cycle of creation and
destruction repeated endlessly."

8: The Hole
"The trees withered, and the Elemental Spirits lost their luster. The land dried
up, and soon thereafter, wars began. As the wars dragged on, the powers of the
Moon Gods were lost. The land of Fa'Diel was scarred, and pits to other worlds
opened in the wounds. The Moon Gods peeked into the other world, and came to
know fear, envy, and desire."

9: Rebirth
"Cracks appeared in the Mana Tree. Waves of chaos from other worlds came and
tried to envelop all of Fa'Diel. Each Moon God chose a Flammy and gave it a
stone. The Flammies rode into the sky. They were born of the earth to ride in
the sky and return to the earth. They became a flying river of Mana."

10: The Thoughts
"Fa'Diel was filled with the power of Mana. It healed itself and shut away the
other world. The Flammies returned to the Moon Gods, but could not find them.
The Moon Gods had lost their memories and became beasts. The six remaining
Flammies cried in anguish and despair. The waves in the air settled, and created
many thought forms."

11: The Revelation
"The Flammies turned their backs on the Moon Gods and flew into the air. The
Moon Gods turned into stars, and the Flammies never came back down. New concepts
came about after the Flammies and the Moon Gods departed, but the Elemental
Spirits were afraid and prayed to the Mana Tree, who responded with soft

12: The Prophecy
"These formless beings will eventually be given form so that they might live.
They will be given the task of creating this world. The thoughts they think will
shape the landscape. They will be born into this world in fear and sadness.
Sometimes their thoughts may hurt this world, but you must help them build it."

13: Man and Faerie
"Soon many new beings were born, such as men and Faeries. Man used Mana to power
his creations. Faeries amplified the power of Mana with song and dance. Then,
from beyond the heavens, six colored beams of light shown down upon the land.
Six Flammies gazed upon Fa'Diel, and all life there prospered. A new age had

14: The Dark One
"The Flammies of legend never returned from their heavenly climb. Below, many
similar creatures came into being. For example, dragons reflected the Flammies'
divinity, become a race of depp introspection. They took it upon themselves to
protect Fa'Diel from its many foes."

15: The Fallen
"Wyrms are rumored to be Flammies who have fallen into another world. Powerful
mages summoned them into this world. Wyrms possess the incredible powers of the
Flammies, but they lack their nobility and grandeur. True Flammies are said to
appear regal and divine, unlike dragons and wyrms, but no man can truthfully
claim to have seen them."

16: The Work of Man
"Humans were destined to reproduce and populate the land, and they developed the
technology to build. Soon they gained dominance over all physical things. The
humans who live in this world come in different forms, but they are all humans.
Some inherit their forms from their parents, while others are shaped through
their experiences."

17: The Work of Faerie
"Faeries have transparent wings, which are not used for flying, and are shed
during growth. Only young Faeries are visible to humans, and their bodies fade
as time goes on. Eventually, they become completely invisible to the human eye."

18: The Mana Tree
"The Mana Tree sustained the bond between the world of humans and of Faeries.
Plants exist in both the human and Faerie dimensions. They absorb the Mana of
Fa'Diel and release it into the atmosphere. Humans use trees for fuel and tools,
harnessing their power within inanimate objects. Faeries use the Mana released
by plants to make Fa'Diel a better place."

19: Sorcerers
"Although not on par with the Faeries, all humans could once harness the power
of Mana. The ability to draw on the power of Mana was originally given to all
humans equally, but many lost that ability by relying on machines, and losing
touch with the natural world. Later, those with the power to draw Mana were
called mages."

20: Anise
"The Great Witch Anise was the first mage to go down in history. Anis bored a
hole into the Mana Tree and built her laboratory there. The flow of Mana into
both human and Faerie worlds was diverted. Anise constructed a jewel called the
Eye of Flame using the vast amounts of Mana in her laboratory. The Firestone
brought out the evil of whoever touched it."

21: Unknown Stones
"In the Age of Myth, the stones that the Mana Goddess gave to the Moon Gods were
the most powerful source of magic known. However, some powerful magic users born
in later ages possessed similar stones. Anise tried to obtain such a stone when
she created the Eye of Flame, but it was difficult to control, and very

22: Golden Age Ends
"Soon, many others learned how to construct their own Eyes of Flame. The waves
of Mana became chaotic, and shadows clouded the hearts of man. These pulses tore
rifts within dimensions and sent waves of evil into the hearts of man. No longer
was all life on the planet descended from the spirits. An age had ended. A world
had fallen from its original purity."

23: Uraklius Aeon
"Evil ruled the land thereafter through men who could control the waves of
Those of truth cried in anguish, but mages, who rejoiced in obtaining new
firmly believed that this was the world they wanted. The mages declared the
beginning of a new thousand-year kingdom and called it the Aeon of Uraklius."

24: The Holy War
"Aion, the leader of the Faeries, sent an army to conquer Anise. There, hundreds
of Anise's mages battled thousands of Faerie warriors. The battle was fought
overnight, and almost all of the Faeries were slain. The few remaining Faeries
continued their lives in the land of men."

25: The Hidden
"Although the Faeries thought that all humans were enemies, they soon discovered
that there were those in the land of men who could understand the Faeries. With
the help of the humans, they were again able to battle Anise and her mages.
Eventually they rose victorious. Unfortunately, during the fight, the Mana Tree
burned to the ground."

26: Eyes of Flame
"Although it was thought that many Eyes of Flame would be recovered from the
ashes, only three were found. Aion was banished to the Underworld. He refused to
be reincarnated, and became the Lord of the Underworld."

27: The Underworld
"Aion, leader of the Faeries, created his new servants, the Shadoles. Shadoles
were born from the thoughts of Aion, and they brought the newly departed to the
Underworld. From this time on, all departed souls are brought to the Underworld
to receive the judgement of its Lord."

28: Seventh Moon
"Anise was killed by a stone called the "Seventh Moon." Legend has it that the
Faerie warrior who fought against Anise, a master of the Eye of Flame in her own
right, bested her using this mysterious object."

29: A Brief Peace
"After the Holy War of the Mana Tree, the flow of Mana to the world resumed.
Before, mages would steal from others, using dangerous magic, but now the land
produced enough for all. However, the surviving mages could not stand being
equal to their fellow creatures. They sought magic that could make everything
their own."

30: Mages' Tower
"The mages started building towers at Mana Points all over Fa'Diel in order to
regain the Eyes of Flame. They took action against the Faeries, who stood in the
way of their plans. Whenever a tower was built, an army would come to destroy
Such wars continued for hundreds of years. Soon, all of humanity came to think
of Faeries as evil beings."

31: Mountain School
"Elise, who called herself Anuella, was the daughter of Anise. She had the power
to bring mundane objects to life. After fleeing her mother's self-righteous
she settled in the northern mountains and there created a group of dolls who
would obey her every command. They came to be called magical beings, and her art
was promulgated by mages who idolized her."

32: Artificers
"There were two types of magical beings. One type was imbued with life. Another
type had hidden powers. The latter were called artifacts. Artifacts had weaker
magical powers than Eyes of Flame, but were simpler to construct. Creating Eyes
of Flame was frought with accidents, so making artifacts became the most popular
kind of magic."

33: Argot
"The king of dragons, Argot, destroyed all the mage towers in the land of
Faeries. Argot opened a hole into the other worlds and called forth many
monsters. However, records state that he eventually turned to evil, and was
banished by the Faeries."

34: Lucemia
"Argot summoned a wyrm in the shape of a Flammy. He summoned Lucemia, the Wyrm
of Light, and the greatest of all the wyrms. Legends says that Lucemia leveled
each and every mage tower, and died trying to swallow an entire volcano."

35: The Lilipeas
"The Lilipeas are a small tribe that settled in the northern mountains. People
said that they were similar to Anuella's dolls. Only Selva, who was tall and
slim, oft visited Anuella by riding on a bird. Selva often took Anuella's dolls

36: The Ashes
"In a charcoal-maker's hut, a little girl awaited her father's return. Her name
was Magnolia, and her father made a living from hunting and from making
Selva gave this girl one of Anuella's dolls."

37: Anise's Fire
"The doll that was brought into Magnolia's room had red stones as its eyes. They
were the Eyes of Flame that Anise made, and they burst into flames and burned
the hut to ashes."

38: Mage and Ruby
"Magnolia lost her life in the hut as it burned down, but the doll was saved.
The doll began to call herself Magnolia, and she stayed with the Lilipeas, until
one day she left with a mage. The mage wanted to steal the Eyes of Flame in
Magnolia's eyes, for they contained more Mana energy than the enchanted

39: Gaeus
"Anuella saw through the mage's plot. She left the northern mountain, then gave
life to a rocky hill so the mage's caravan could not progress further. The
living hill called itself Gaeus, and its knowledge seemed deeper, and more vast
than Anuella's. Anuella called for Gaeus' help and prepared for war."

40: The Conductor
"All the Faeries fought on Anuella's side, using many enchanted instruments. The
mage's force fell apart against the power of the instruments with infinite Mana
power. Anuella came to be known as the "player of the Flying Contravass," and as
"the Conductor" among Faeries."

41: Mage Halciet
"Halciet the Mage was the last one who stood against Anuella. He used a stone
called "the Seventh Moon" and fought against Anuella, but the mages among his
army began a quarrel over the stone's possession, and Halciet left the force."

42: Geimaswald
"The mages made a magic circle with the Eyes of Flame and summoned the Wyrm of
Thunder, Geimaswald, to attack Anuella. But the Lilipeas lured Geimaswald into a
cave and killed it. The leader of the Lilipeas was Selva of the Four Winds."

43: Eastern Wind
"It became known to the mages that these instruments could be used as weapons.
The mages took the remaining Eyes of Flame and the instruments acquired in the
previous battles and fled to the East. There, the mages made instruments with
more Mana power and dedicated them to their new lord, Lonway."

44: Emperor Lonway
"The mages provided Lonway with their magic, and urged him to prepare for battle
with the Faeries. Lonway's army then progressed to the ancient city of Mindas to
open the gates to the land of Faeries. Many nations used this as an excuse to
start their own political battles."

45: Ricrot IV
"Ricrot IV was supported by Anuella, and was given an army of wooden horses that
could fly in the sky to fight against Lonway and his mages. He came to be known
as the "King of Wooden Horses." Many brave men enlisted in Ricrot's army."

46: Spiritual War
"Gato Grottoes were Fa'Diel's power nexus, protected by "the Spirits of the
Ascetics." Many monks fought as soldiers, and the high priests stopped enemies
from other dimensions by sending their spirits to battle. Intense battles
between the dimensions and other worlds took place in Gato."

47: Rosiotti
"Rosiotti was a hero who could pierce a warrior's chest with his arrows from
miles away. It was anticipated that his bravery and skills would change the
war's outcome. However, he only became Lonway's general because Lonway promised
him great rewards."

48: The Chase
"In the midst of intense battles between Ricrot and Lonway's army, Selva of the
Four Winds brought his army of Lilipeas and Flowerlings to fight on Ricrot's
side. Lonway then ordered Rosiotti to kill Selva. No one had ever escaped
Rosiotti's arrows, and the chase was on."

49: Selva
"Selva kept commanding his army, while fleeing Rosiotti's never- ending chase at
the same time. When Rosiotti finally shot Selva's heart with his arrows, he was
surrounded by countless Lilipeas. It was then that Rosiotti was told to become a
Wisdom, to walk the same path with them."

50: Conjuror Nunuzac
"Nunuzac was Lonway's best and the most powerful summoner. He summoned Freymold,
the Wyrm of Fire, as Lonway ordered him when the tide of war began to turn
against him. Nunuzac kept summoning monsters until Lonway was killed, and he
himself became trapped in the dimension on the other side of his magic circle."

51: Warrior Olbohn
"Another army to join the war was Aion's force of "Creatures of Shadow" from the
Underworld. These "Creatures of Shadow," or the Shadoles, caught and threw
living people into the Underworld and trapped them there. Olbohn the swordsman
went down to the Underworld by himself and defeated Aion."

52: Freymold
"Freymold, the Wyrm that was summoned by Nunuzac, flew across Fa'Diel and burned
Rosiotti's jungle to ashes. Rosiotti raged over this event, and later joined
Anuella's force."

53: Knight of Truth
"Lasdanac was the Holy Knight of Ricrot's army who was taught the "Spell of
Truth" by the Faeries. With this spell, he defeated Freymold, but it is told
that he later fell to a Faerie's curse."

54: The New World
"After the war came to an end, Ricrot IV built churches and began compiling "The
Book of Divine Guidance." He also established the Academy of Magic with a
portrait of the great witch, Anise, inside and summoned her spirit to it.
Anuella was displeased by this event."

55: Temple of Healing
"The temples lost many of their monks and priests as they came under Ricrot's
rule. All the male priests were taken and sent to the Academy of Magic as magic
researchers, to lessen resistance from the religious organizations."

56: Anuella
"In the years following the war, Ricrot sent soldiers to capture and kill off
the surviving soldiers of Lonway's army, as well as the Faeries, which he called
"the Ones with Devilish Powers." Anuella left Ricrot and locked herself into a
place named 'The Graveyard of Artifacts.'"

57: Mana Stones
"The seventh Mana Stone was desired for its Mana power, and it appeared in
history many times. Jumis were the first ones to be searched for the possession
of the stone. It is said that an uncountable number of Jumis were hunted down
and killed for this purpose."

58: Dirt
"When Jumis were being hunted during the search for the seventh Mana Stone, they
died after intentionally lessening the energy flow in their jewel cores. Many
Jumis died this way to protect the secret of their clan, and mages began to call
them "lumps of dirt" as a result."

59: Angels
"There was a new movement in the land of Faeries, as Zuf'ben became their
The spiritual waves of the two worlds were becoming magnified, and many expected
the worlds to become one. Zuf'ben lamented over the humans' corruption, and
called upon higher beings for help. Angels answered his prayers."

60: Janna
"Angels were beings who serve the Goddess, and cannot normally be seen by
Faeries or humans. Seven angels chose to reincarnate in the land of Faeries, and
they rode on Janna, a ship with its own consciousness."

61: Incarnation
"In order to control the Janna, the angels decided to reincarnate into Faeries
and humans. The reborn angels would lose their memories, until Janna could
awaken them."

62: Malicious Mind
"Zuf'ben rode Janna and searched both Fa'Diel and the land of Faeries to find
the seven angels, but humans attacked Janna, afraid of the flying ship. During
the attack, the minds of those onboard the ship were tainted with evil."

63: Unawakened Angels
"The angels transmuted into their human and Faeries forms, but they lost
awareness of their true nature, because they could not sense Janna's
Some of the angels even joined the battle to gain control of Janna. Janna turned
to evil, and villainous people gained demands over her."

64: Ancient Memories
"Even though Janna had not awakened them, six of the seven angels regained their
memories. One cried for a fallen friend, one confronted Janna, one crossed
swords with a former angel, one heard the guidance of a Wisdom: Six angels'
memories were restored, but the seventh would never awaken."

65: Seventh Angel
"In the dreams of the six angels, a seventh angel appeared. But he did not
answer the calls of the others. He was neither human nor Faerie, but a Jumi.
Both humans and Faeries had used the Jumi to strengthen their magic in the war."

66: Janna's End
"The angels gave up on retrieving Janna, and chose to fight for the Jumi. With
help from the Wisdoms, they built a ship to confront Janna, and joined the war.
The angels defeated the leader of humans and Zuf'ben, who had become an evil
Faerie, and sealed Janna in the dimensional gap. Then they remained in Fa'Diel."

67: Divine Guidance
"As time went by, "the Rule for Peace" which Ricrot started changed to "the
Peace for Rule." "The Book of Divine Guidance" was used to propagate the
empire's religious and political thoughts, and many "heretics" were hunted down
by the empire's army."

68: Deathbringer
"Irzoile Enaanshalc was the fifteenth emperor of the Enaanshalc Empire, and he
was called the Deathbringer. He was a descendant of Ricrot Enaanshalc, a hero in
the era of the Faerie War, but his oppressive reign caused the empire's fall."

69: Holy Knight
"The chivalric code, which Ricrot IV established, produced many legendary heroes
in a short time period. Julio Liotte was the most accomplished knight in the
empire's army, and thus he was given the title of "Holy Knight," and became the
guardian of the empire. The Liotte family passed this title down the line."

70: The Halloways
"To commemorate the souls of heroes lost during the war, Ricrot IV established
shrines to the Mana Goddess, and closed down most of the older temples aside
from the one in Gato. The Halloway family was a line of priests, but under the
rule of Ricrot's empire, its influence diminished."

71: Windcallers
"The clan of Windcallers could speak to and control the wind. They live quietly
in a village by the base of Norn's Peak, and kept their watchful eyes on any
intruders that might disturb their way of life."

72: Empire's Fall
"Irzoile Enaanshalc desired immortality, and sent his army to retrieve the
Dragon Stones which the ancient dragons protected. His attempts failed, and he
lost his life as a result. But his overwhelming desire for immortality made
Jajara, the bone dragon, choose him to become his dragoon."

--------G) Basic Golemology
Complete Golem Workshop (#65) for the book.

Encyclopedia Entry:

Basic Golemology:

1: Golem's Composition

"Q: What are the necessary components?
A: A completed body and logic blocks.

The body of the golem determines its power level, and the logic blocks provides
the action patterns of the weapons it equips."

2: Golem's Body
"Q: What makes up the golem's body?
A: At least one weapon or piece of armor.

A golem's body is made by combining a lifeball with one weapon and up to three
pieces of armor. Its performance and characteristic parameters reflect those of
the materials."

3: Logic Blocks
"Q: What makes up a logic block?
A: Two pieces of equipment.

Choose two pieces of equipment from your list of armor, weapons, or instruments.
Each block provides certain action pattern for a golem."

4: Logic Grid
"Q: What determines the size of the logic grid?
A: The number of armor pieces used for the golem's body.

The larger the grid, the more logic blocks it can hold, for a wider variety of
golem actions."

5: Golem's Actions
"Q: What determines a logic block's type?
A: The combination of its components.

Try different equipment combinations to create blocks you want for desired
action patterns of your golem!"

6: Logic Types
"Q: What determines a logic block's shape?
A: The combination of its components.

All logic blocks have one of 11 shapes, and each block's effectiveness derives
from the components' parameters."

7: Attack Types
"Q: What determines the golem's attack mode?
A: The type of the weapon used for golem's body.

Some blocks cannot be assigned to a golem if the block's attack type differs
from the golem's attack type."

8: Attack & Defense Level
"Q: What determines golem attack and defense levels?
A: The characteristics of the weapons and armor used.

Golem parameters such as HP, attack and defense, and elemental levels, are
determined by the components used to make its body. This does not include logic
grid size and rate of malfunction."

9: Malfunction Rate
"Q: How is the malfunction rate determined?
A: The number of armor pieces used as components.

The higher the percentage shown on the menu screen, the more frequently golem
fails to deliver an attack. If one action fails, actions connected by wedge-
marks also fail to deliver."

10: Choices of Action
"Q: How does a golem decide which action to take?
A: By referring to its action gauge and calculating the distance to the enemy.

The logic grid has two axes. One is the action gauge, and the other is the
distance between the golem and the enemy."

--------H) Techniques
Here is a list of techniques.  I will not EVER type in the descriptions, because
they are the most pointless thing EVER!

Technique/Ability            | Required
Jump                         | Free
Defend                       | Free
Lunge                        | Free
Retreat                      | Free
Crouch                       | Free
Push                         | Free
Cheer                        | Free
Spin                         | Free
Grapple                      | Defend, Push
Whirl                        | Grapple, Spin
Bash                         | Whirl, Push
Somersault                   | Lunge, Jump
Back-Roll                    | Retreat, Jump
Back-Flip                    | Back-Roll, High Jump
Moonsault                    | High Jump, Somersault
High Jump                    | Crouch, Jump
Double-Jump                  | Jump, High Jump
Tackle                       | Lunge, Push
Counterattack                | Defend
Counterstrike                | Counterattack
Taunt                        | Retreat, Cheer
Evade                        | Lunge, Retreat
Toss                         | Crouch, Bash
Defensive Lunge              | Defend, Lunge
Slide                        | Crouch, Lunge
Flip-Kick                    | Back-Roll, Back-Flip
Admonition                   | Lunge
Rising Eagle                 | Jump
Vortex of Death              | Spin
Sonic Wave                   | Back-Roll
Rising Dragon                | High Jump
Crescent Moon                | Moonsault
Eclipse                      | Back-Flip
Backstab                     | Slide, Double-Jump
Puppet                       | Retreat, Cheer
Cobra Fang                   | Push, Retreat
Ninja Drop                   | Grapple, Evade
Pouncing Cat                 | Back-Roll, Somersault
Back Slasher                 | Whirl, Lunge
Reaping the Mist             | Back-Roll, Back-Flip, Lunge
Dark Assassins               | Evade, Spin, Crouch
Dance of Roses               | Defensive Lunge, Evade, High Jump
Looking Glass                | Whirl, Bash, Taunt
Aerial Reaver                | Flip-Kick, Spin, Crouch, High Jump
Phoenix                      | Cheer, Evade, Defensive Lunge, Double-Jump
lai  Strike                  | Lunge
Cutting Bamboo               | Jump
Maelstorm                    | Spin
Rising Sun                   | Crouch
Triple Tiger                 | Somersault
Blade Launcher               | Back-Roll
Cutting Pine                 | High Jump
Bird of Prey                 | Moonsault
Corkscrew                    | Back-Flip
Cross Strike                 | High Jump, Lunge
Tiger Claw                   | Somersault, Back-Roll
Clean Sweep                  | Slide, Retreat
Dragon's Tail                | Tackle, Back-Flip
Orbiting Blades              | Spin, Defensive Lunge
Motion of Truth              | Tackle, Moonsault, Bash
Smashing Blade               | Push, Whirl, Somersault
Invisible Death              | Grapple, Lunge, Retreat
Dynamite X                   | Jump, Crouch, Cheer
Terminal Velocity            | Whirl, Spin, Back-Flip, Lunge
Golden Dragon                | Toss, High Jump, Evade, Crouch
Deep Slice                   | Lunge
Axe Bomb                     | Jump
Tornado                      | Spin
Electronic Yo-yo             | Somersault
Retribution                  | Back-Roll
Bird of Prey                 | Moonsault
Salmon Upstream              | Back-Flip
Rising Sun                   | Crouch
Cutting Pine                 | High Jump
Axe Bomber                   | Evade, Bash
Black Wings                  | Toss, Retreat
Boulder Dash                 | Back-Flip, Tackle
Orbiting Blades              | Spin, Defensive Lunge
Cross Strike                 | High Jump
True Strike                  | Whirl, Somersault, Moonsault
Dynamite X                   | Jump, Cheer, Crouch
Time Burst                   | Push, Spin, Evade
2 Handed Sword
Lunging Arc                  | Lunge
Rising Crush                 | Crouch
Spiral Wave                  | Somersault
Impulse                      | High Jump
Shield Breaker               | Jump
Windslasher                  | Spin
Windwalker                   | Moonsault
Shish Kebob                  | Back-Roll
Splashblade                  | Back-Roll, Back-Flip
Rain of Blood                | Toss, Double-Jump
Bring it On                  | Retreat, Taunt
Marble Stream                | Evade, Lunge
Skullsplitter                | Whirl, Jump
Beautiful Three              | Tackle, Back-Flip, Lunge
Quakebringer                 | Cheer, Moonsault
Triple Offence               | Evade, Somersault, High Jump
Deep Swing                   | Crouch, Defend, Counterattack, Counterstrike
Raging Pain                  | Evade, Flip-Kick, Jump, Taunt
2 Handed Axe
Sideswipe                    | Lunge
Rising Claw                  | Jump
Flying Sawblades             | Spin
Rolling Throw                | Somersault
Blurred Axe                  | Back-Flip
Rising Crush                 | Crouch
Spiral Wave                  | Somersault
Impulse                      | High Jump
Divine Right                 | Push, Back-Roll
Snowfall                     | Toss, Spin
Spinning Hawk                | Back-Flip, Flip-Kick
Tidal Wave                   | Evade, Defensive Lunge
Splashblade                  | Back-Roll, Back-Flip
Angelic Lumberjack           | Somersault, Moonsault, Back-Flip
Buzzsaw of Doom              | Double-Jump, Somersault, Lunge
Spikestrike                  | Whirl, Spin, Tackle
Super Slugger                | Lunge
Big Bang                     | Jump
Blammo                       | Spin
Mole-Hunting                 | Somersault
Ground Zero                  | High Jump
Rising Crush                 | Crouch
Windwalker                   | Moonsault
Retribution                  | Back-Roll
Blazing Hammer               | Retreat, Tackle
Double Impact                | Somersault, Moonsault
Thor's Hammer                | Toss, High Jump
Skullsplitter                | Whirl, Jump
Tidal Wave                   | Evade, Defensive Lunge
Ultra Slugger                | Lunge, Toss, Retreat
Intervention                 | Spin, Double-Jump, Somersault
Volcano                      | Cheer, Jump, Crouch
Pearly Gates                 | Retreat, Toss, Lunge, Spin
Lancer                       | Lunge
Mighty Javelin               | Jump
Twister                      | Spin
Dragon's Bite                | Somersault
Furious Copter               | High Jump
Nebulous Saucer              | Moonsault
Lancenator                   | Tackle, Crouch
Cyclone Racer                | Spin, Lunge
Rewind                       | Back-Roll, Moonsault
Fool's Play                  | Toss, Evade
Holy Light                   | High Jump, Somersault
Triple Supremacy             | Lunge, Crouch, Spin
Deadly Branding              | Bash, Taunt, Slide
Chrome Ray                   | Back-Roll, Defensive Lunge, Grapple
Raging Fury                  | Tackle, Evade, Lunge
Lo and Behold                | Moonsault, Double-Jump, Spin, Crouch
Blue Dragon                  | Retreat, Spin, Evade, Defensive Lunge
Gust                         | Lunge
Paint it Black               | Jump
Aftershock                   | Spin
Golden Pyres                 | Crouch
Bubbles                      | High Jump
Blaze                        | Moonsault
Halo                         | Evade
Purgatory                    | Tackle, Cheer
Flower of Gold               | Evade, Retreat
Fire and Ice                 | Somersault, Back-Flip
Gales of the Fall            | Spin, Moonsault
Song of the Spirits          | Spin, Evade, Taunt
Bloody Knuckles              | Lunge
Lightning Kick               | Jump
Whirlwind Kick               | Spin
Jawbreaker                   | Crouch
Rolling Slam                 | Somersault
Flip Thrust                  | Back-Roll
Moonsault Stomp              | Moonsault
Giant Swing                  | Grapple, Spin
Tiger Driver 91              | Grapple, Crouch
Northern Lights              | Grapple, Jump
Mental Barrier               | Counterattack, Counterstrike
Sparkly Feet                 | Toss, Evade, Double-Jump
Cough Drop                   | Grapple, High Jump, Bash
Fist of the Norse Star       | Lunge, Evade, Grapple
Flips of Thunder             | Back-Roll, Back-Flip, Flip-Kick
Power Combo                  | Grapple, Bash, Retreat, Lunge
Gravity Drop                 | Crouch, High Jump, Grapple, Toss
Earthquake                   | Back-Roll, Back-Flip, Moonsault, Crouch
Dragon Teeth                 | Lunge
Setting Sun                  | Jump
Pheonix Wings                | Spin
Chinsplitter                 | Crouch
Drunken Monkey               | Somersault
Twilight                     | High Jump
Psyclone                     | Moonsault
Double Dragon                | Moonsault, Evade
Back Slasher                 | Whirl, Lunge
Enter the Tiger              | Slide, Retreat
Avalanche                    | Crouch, Back-Flip
Puppet                       | Retreat, Cheer
Challenger                   | Tackle, Taunt, Counterattack
Demon's Howl                 | Flip-Kick, High Jump, Lunge
Extreme Conditions           | Evade, Tackle, Double-Jump
Looking Glass                | Whirl, Bash, Taunt
Malevolence                  | Crouch, Evade, Jump, High Jump
White Tiger                  | Defensive Lunge, Grapple, Evade, Spin

Trueshot                     | Lunge
Forward Artillery            | Jump
Spinshot                     | Spin
Needle Shower                | Back-Roll
Tri-Shot                     | High Jump
Trickshot                    | Moonsault
Hypershot                    | Toss
Change-Up                    | Retreat
Backshot                     | Bash
Flying Swallows              | Tackle
Rain of Death                | High Jump, Spin
Sureshot                     | Flip-Kick, Back-Flip
Carpet Bomber                | Evade, High Jump
Mastershot                   | Whirl, Back-Flip, Spin
Wildshot                     | Grapple, Back-Roll, Double Jump
Main Gun                     | Evade, Retreat, Lunge, Counterattack

--------I) The Forbidden Tome
You get this once you beat the game.  If you don't want peace, and you
want a nightmare, you will enter Nightmare Mode...
Note: The Forbidden Tome is an encyclopedia in your library.

Nightmare Mode:
If you think you can beat any monster without a problem, then this is
for you!  Nightmare mode raises the level of all monsters by about 20.
It increases their attack, HP, and defense greatly.

No Future Mode:
If you're really good, then answer no to the nightmare question, and no
to the next question.  This mode is much harder than Nightmare Mode.  Most
enemies are made lvl. 99 and given high everything.  Each EXP crystal
from anywhere is worth 54 EXP points!  I got 324 EXP from 2

------3: Guide to Blacksmithing
If you want to be a blacksmith, first you should complete The Path of the
Blacksmith (#53).

Note: To get the best out of blacksmithing, you may want to check out some
other guides.  My guide might miss something.

--------A: Forging Weapons
Note: The word inside the [brackets] is what is before the weapon name.
Example: IshePlatinum Bow would be called IsheBow.

The number is the attack power of the weapon.

Forging Weapons Chart:
Some of this information is probably inaccurate, since I have not tested it all
myself.  If you find an error, please e-mail me.  Thanks!

Material:Knife:Sword:Axe:2H Sword:2H Axe:Hammer:Spear:Staff:Glove:Flail:Bow
Adamantite [Adam]      : 72: 75: 75: 93: 92: 88   : 86  : 54  : 72  : 68  : 66
AnimalBone [Bone]      : 11: 12: 11: 15: 15: 14   : 14  : 8   : 10  : 9   : 10
AnimalHide [Hide]      : 6 : 3 : 2 : 4 : 4 : 1    : 4   : 1   : 0   : 0   : 3
AnkhRock [Ankh]        : 36: 45: 49: 56: 60: 68   : 45  : 37  : 41  : 43  : 31
BaobobWood [Bao]       : 14: 17: 19: 21: 25: 23   : 18  : 10  : 11  : 12  : 13
Coral [Coral]          : 14: 16: 16: 20: 20: 21   : 17  : 12  : 13  : 13  : 12
DiorWood [Dior]        : 35: 42: 48: 53: 62: 57   : 45  : 25  : 29  : 31  : 33
DragonScale  [Scale]   : 54: 58: 58: 73: 73: 74   : 65  : 44  : 50  : 51  : 46
EbonyWood [Ebony]      : 17: 21: 24: 26: 31: 28   : 22  : 12  : 14  : 15  : 16
Emerald [Jewel]        : 1 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2    : 2   : 1   : 1   : 1   : 1
FishScales [Fish]      : 7 : 7 : 7 : 9 : 9 : 9    : 8   : 5   : 6   : 6   : 6
ForsenaIron [Forse]    : 14: 15: 15: 18: 18: 18   : 16  : 11  : 13  : 13  : 12
FullMetal [FullMetal]  : 55: 57: 57: 71: 72: 68   : 66  : 40  : 51  : 50  : 49
GatorSkin [Gator]      : 6 : 5 : 4 : 6 : 6 : 2    : 8   : 1   : 0   : 0   : 6
GranzSteel [Granz]     : 18: 20: 20: 25: 25: 25   : 22  : 15  : 17  : 17  : 16
HalleyRock [Aero]      : 29: 30: 29: 37: 37: 35   : 35  : 21  : 29  : 27  : 26
HollyWood [Holly]      : 10: 12: 14: 15: 18: 17   : 13  : 7   : 8   : 9   : 10
IshePlatinum [Ishe]    : 37: 40: 40: 50: 50: 50   : 45  : 30  : 35  : 35  : 32
Ivory [Ivory]          : 23: 24: 24: 30: 30: 28   : 28  : 17  : 20  : 20  : 20
JacobiniRock [Jacob]   : 21: 22: 22: 28: 27: 26   : 26  : 16  : 21  : 20  : 19
JuddHemp [Hemp]        : 13: 10: 9 : 12: 12: 3    : 16  : 1   : 0   : 0   : 12
LapisLazuli [Lapis]    : 1 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2    : 2   : 1   : 1   : 1   : 1
Lizard Scales [Liza]   : 14: 15: 15: 19: 19: 19   : 17  : 11  : 13  : 13  : 12
LorantSilver [Lora]    : 23: 25: 25: 31: 31: 31   : 28  : 18  : 21  : 21  : 20
Lorimarlon [Rimar]     : 42: 45: 45: 56: 56: 56   : 50  : 33  : 39  : 39  : 36
Marble [Marb]          : 12: 12: 13: 15: 16: 14   : 15  : 7   : 11  : 10  : 12
MenosBronze [Menos]    : 9 : 10: 10: 12: 12: 12   : 11  : 7   : 8   : 8   : 8
MapleWood [Maple]      : 45: 45: 39: 56: 46: 55   : 51  : 42  : 50  : 48  : 35
OakWood [Oak]          : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10: 12: 11   : 9   : 5   : 5   : 6   : 6
Obsidian [Sidia]       : 25: 26: 26: 32: 34: 29   : 30  : 15  : 23  : 22  : 24
Orihalcon [Halc]       : 34: 35: 34: 43: 43: 41   : 40  : 25  : 30  : 29  : 29
Pearl [Pearl]          : 1 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 2    : 2   : 1   : 1   : 1   : 1
PedanStone [Pedan]     : 30: 47: 54: 59: 66: 85   : 40  : 45  : 46  : 51  : 24
Shell [Shell]          : 16: 18: 18: 23: 23: 24   : 20  : 14  : 15  : 15  : 13
Sultan'sSilk [Silk]    : 10: 7 : 6 : 9 : 9 : 2    : 12  : 1   : 0   : 0   : 9
ToppleCotton [Cot]     : 6 : 5 : 4 : 6 : 6 : 2    : 8   : 1   : 0   : 0   : 6
TuttleRock [Tuttle]    : 48: 60: 65: 75: 81: 90   : 60  : 49  : 55  : 58  : 42
VinekRock [Vinek]      : 42: 52: 57: 66: 70: 79   : 52  : 43  : 48  : 50  : 36
VizelGold [Vizel]      : 32: 35: 35: 43: 43: 43   : 39  : 26  : 30  : 30  : 28
WendelSilver [Wndl]    : 28: 30: 30: 37: 37: 37   : 33  : 22  : 26  : 26  : 24

--------B: Tempering & Altering
This is the biggest section that people have contributed to.  There are tons of
credits for this section, so check the bottom.

---Ultimate Tempering with DiorWood and DragonScales, and a Tempering Trick
I received this in an e-mail from (Richard Bavely):

Two Player Duplicate Trick

I've been using a trick to make unlimited weapons
using 2 game saves with different names. The first
save is set in no future and the second is in
normal mode. Anyway I first make an item as player
one saving on a temp slot then I pawn it off at
the junkyard in the temp slot.

(Reset and load player two game.)

Next I have player two buy it. Then I have player two
save in their primary slot as though they where
leveling elc. Then I have player two go back and pawn
the item again. Then player two overwrites  in the
temp slot.

(Reset and load original player one)

Last player one buys the weapon back from the player
two temp slot and then saves as a normal game.

At this point player 1 retains all items used to create
the item since they never really made it. The cool
thing is player one and two retain the item as though
they bought it from each other. The only real thing
lost is a few thousand $$ but nothing compared to the
$100K+++ it takes to make one.

Ultimate DiorWood Tempering

This tempering creates the most powerful weapon using
DiorWood. An axe created with this method exceeds 999
attack power however, the game limits weapon power to
999! This is an extremely expensive yet powerful
method for tempering wood weapons and armor. This
formula not only makes 999 attack power axe it also
gives the weapon +9 statistic bonus across the board!

This is for DiorWood weapons and armor ONLY!. All other
materials, Metals, Aerolites, and Scales require
different tempering to reach 61 total points in essence
levels. Please don't try this with other materials
you will be disappointed.

Look at the check points and save often print it out and
mark out the lines as you go along  :)

1 Wisp Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Wisp Silver
3 Glow Crystal   Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    0    6    0    0    0    0   0
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Shade Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Shade Silver
3 Glow Crystal   Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    6    0    0    0    0    0
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Sulpher
1 Dryad Gold     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    0    0    0    0
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Aura Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Aura Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Mercury
1 Aura Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    0    0    0   0
1 Undine Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Undine Silver
3 Glow Crystal
3 Mercury
1 Undine Gold    Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    0    0    0    7
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystals
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystal   Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    5    0    0    7
4 Mercury
1 Undine Silver
1 Undine Gold    Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    2    0    0    8
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystals
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Sulpher
1 Sala Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    6    0    0    8
4 Mercury
1 Undine Silver
1 Undine Gold    Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    3    0    0    9
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystals
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Sulpher
1 Sala Gold
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Sulpher
1 Sala Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    7    0    0    9
4 Mercury
1 Undine Silver
1 Undine Gold    Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    4    0    0   10
1 Gnome Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Gnome Silver
3 Glow Crystal
3 Sulpher
1 Gnome Gold     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    0    7    0   10
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Jinn Silver
2 Mercury
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver    Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    0    7    5   10
4 Sulpher
1 Gnome Silver
1 Gnome Gold     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    0    8    2   10
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver
3 Glow Crystal   Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    8    7    0    8    6   10
4 Sulpher
1 Gnome Silver
1 Gnome Gold     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    9    7    0    8    3   10
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver
3 Glow Crystal   Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    9    7    0    8    6   10
4 Sulpher
1 Gnome Silver
1 Gnome Gold     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    9    7    0    9    3   10
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Mercury
1 Jinn Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    9    7    0    9    7   10
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Sulpher
1 Sala Gold
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Sulpher
1 Sala Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    9    7    7    9    7   10

61 point total essence weapon!

Axe 999 Attack Power  | Bow 681+ Attack power
  +9 Stats (tested)   |  +9 Stats (tested)
2 Pine'clock         | 1 Sun Crystal
1 Silly Eye          | 1 Moth Wing or Moon Crystal
3 Lillipods          |10 Spiny Seeds
10 Spiny Seeds        | 4 Bumpkin
1 Bumpkin            | 1 Sharp Claw
2 Ash                |
1 Sharp Claw         |

Notice that dryad raises to 6 without a single dryad

This next tempering method is for dragon Scale weapons
and armor. It may be possible to use this on other
materials like metals, aerolites, and fabric however,
it hasn't been tested. Sadly with this method 1 point
is lost in dryad. I also found out that attempting to
temper undine and gnome to level 8 failed 100% of the
time because of the material rejecting the essence. :(
!!!!!!!!!! These materials are VERY PICKY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 Glow crystal
1 Jinn Silver
3 Glow Crystal
2 Jinn Silver
3 Mercury
1 Jinn Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   0    0    0    0    0    0    7    0
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Undine Silver
2 Mercury
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Undine Silver  Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   0    0    0    0    0    0    7    0
4 Holy Water    <- Needed to clear rows because mercury!
4 Mercury
1 Jinn Silver
1 Jinn Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   0    0    0    0    0    0    8    2
3 Glow Crystal*
2 Sala Silver*
2 Glow Crystal*
1 Sala Silver*
3 sulpher*
1 Sala Gold*     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   0    0    0    0    7    0    8    0
1 Chaos Crystal*
2 Gnome Silver*
2 sulpher*
1 Chaos Crystal*
1 Gnome Silver*  Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   0    0    0    0    7    5    8    0
4 Holy Water*   <- Needed to clear rows because sulpher!
4 sulpher*
1 Sala Silver*
1 Sala Gold*     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   0    0    0    0    8    2    8    0
3 Glow Crystal
2 Wisp Silver
3 Glow Crystal   Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    0    0    0    8    0    8    0
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Shade Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Shade Silver
3 Glow Crystal   Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    0    0    8    0    8    0
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Gnome Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Gnome Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 sulpher
1 Gnome Gold     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    0    0    8    7    8    0
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Undine Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Undine Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Mercury
1 Undine Gold    Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    0    0    8    7    8    7
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Dryad Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Dryad Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 sulpher
1 Dryad Gold     Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    7    0    8    7    8    7
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Aura Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Aura Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Mercury
1 Aura Gold      Wisp Shad Drya Aura Sala Gnom Jinn Undi
                   6    6    7    7    8    7    8    7
                           56 Points

The stars "*" Represent areas to skip if you don't want
salamander on your armor. This is incase you want to add
some cards that will fail if salamander is present.
These include mirrored world and bed of thorns.
Results of tempering are updraded from the diorwood
formula that gets 57 points. This is why tempering above
level 7 and 8 is so complex. It's something that comes
in levels. each stage becomes more complex and cost more
gold and silver coins. Each essence level up on a primary
essence comes at the cost of a secondary essence. Yes it
puts an item in a negative lock. To go to then next level
you'll need to increase the essence it drains even more!

Note 1 :When tempering with mercury and sulphur you must
understand the following before you design a tempering
method. Mercury works only for Undine, Jinn and Aura
where as sulphur only works for Wisp, Shade, Salamander,
Gnome, and Dryad. It's important to note this before
even considering tempering materials.

Note 2: Essences that effect other essences. I've found
that Shade and wisp effect dryad and aura. Knowing this
I tested the effects of having lower essences of dryad
and aura when I was raising essences to level 10. I came
out with a shocking secret. The top row of essences has
a great effect on the bottom row. If an essence like
wisp is level 6 your dryad will not reach level 10. If
your dryad and aura aren't as high as they can be the
bottom row maxes out faster.

Dragon Scales High Essence Tempering

This is for DragonScales only, it looks like a lot of steps, but that's because
there are a lot of single cards. I think less cards are tempered in as compared
to other super tempering methods. 68 total essence points (tested)! Only silver
coins used and No draining of other essences involved either. It is very order
specific though. Dang, the formating of this text is kinda jacked up, but I'm
sure you'll understand it.
1 glow
1 dryad silver
1 glow
1 dryad silver
1 glow
1 sulpher
1 dryad silver
3 glow
2 sulpher
1 dryad silver
3 glow
2 sulpher
1 dryad silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0
1 aura silver
1 glow
1 aura silver
1 glow
1 mercury
1 aura silver
3 glow
2 mercury
1 aura silver
3 glow
2 mercury
1 aura silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0
1 shade silver
1 glow
1 shade silver
1 glow
1 mercury
1 shade silver
3 glow
2 mercury
1 shade silver
3 glow
2 mercury
1 shade silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 0 9 9 9 0 0 0 0
1 wisp silver
1 glow
1 wisp silver
1 glow
1 supher
1 wisp silver
3 glow
2 sulpher
1 wisp silver
3 glow
2 sulpher
1 wisp silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 0
1 undine silver
1 glow
1 undine silver
1 glow
1 mercury
1 undine silver
3 glow
2 mercury
1 undine silver
3 glow
2 mercury
1 undine silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 9 9 9 9 0 0 0 9
1 gnome silver
1 glow
1 gnome silver
1 glow
1 sulpher
1 gnome silver
3 glow
2 sulpher
1 gnome silver
3 glow
2 sulpher
1 gnome silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 9 9 9 9 0 9 0 9
1 chaos
2 salamander silver
2 glow
1 chaos
1 salamander silver
3 glow
1 chaos
1 sulpher
1 salamander silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 9 9 9 9 7 9 0 9
1 chaos
2 jinn silver
2 glow
1 chaos
1 jinn silver
3 glow
1 chaos
1 mercury
1 jinn silver Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
3 glow 9 9 9 9 7 9 7 9
68 essence points, the important thing is the order in which you temper in the
essences though. I don't know the exact formula, but dior wood can be tempered
to 62 essence points using a similar scheme (but different), what's important is
the order, there is also no need for draining of essences for my dior wood
scheme. The final essences for the dior wood item is such:
Wisp Shade Dryad Aura Sala Gnome Jinn Undine
7 7 9 7 7 9 7 9
That's the same total of essence points as the dior wood scheme in your FAQ, but
I think mine takes less tempering. Sorry I didn't bother with the exact details
for the scheme, but it's similar to the one above and I've tested it so I know
it works.

Getting an Essence to level 8

By now everyone knows how to get an essence to level 7
There are better ways and DiorWood won't get salamander
to level 8 as far as I can tell. This isn't optimized
choose your best formula to reach level 7.

2 Silver Coin
3 Glow Crystal
1 Silver Coin
3 Glow Crystal
3 Sulpher or mercury (See Note 1)
1 Silver Coin
1 Gold Coin

Level 5 is required for the opposing element to
achieve level 8. This works most of the time.

1 Chaos Crystal
2 Silver Coins
2 Mercury or Sulphur (depends see note 1)
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Silver Coin

First the primary essence is level 7 and the secondary
essence is level 5 use the below method to absorb
secondary essence and raise the primary essence to
level 8! This requires the essence it absorbs to be
level 5 and the essence that is dominate over it to be
level 0!

Example: if you want Gnome to be level 8. First you'll
need a material that will allow it to reach level 8.
Second you'll need Gnome to be level 7. Third you'll
need Jinn to be level 5, and finally Salamander must be
level 0 because it's dominate over gnome! For this
example coins are gnome and sulpher is used.

4 Mercury or Sulphur (depends see note 1)
1 Silver Coin
1 Gold Coin

Getting an essence to level 9

Raise the secondary essence to level 6

1 Chaos Crystal
1 Silver Coin
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Silver Coin
3 Glow Crystal

This next step only works if you've got the primary
essence is level 8 and the secondary essence is level
6 use the below method to absorb secondary essence
and raise the primary essence to level 9! This
requires the essence it absorbs to be level 6 and
the essence that is dominate over it to be level 0!

Example: if you want Gnome to be level 9. First you'll
need a material that will allow it to reach level 9.
Second you'll need Gnome to be level 8. Third you'll
need Jinn to be level 6, and finally Salamander must be
level 0 because it's dominate over gnome! For this
example coins are gnome and sulpher is used.

4 Mercury or Sulphur (depends see note 1)
1 Silver Coin
1 Gold Coin

Getting an Essence to level 10

Level 7 is required for the opposing element to
achieve level 10.

1 Chaos Crystal
1 Silver Coin
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Silver Coin
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
3 Sulpher or mercury (See Note 1)
1 Gold Coin

First the primary essence is level 9 and the secondary
essence is level 7 use the below method to absorb
secondary essence and raise the primary essence to
level 10! This requires the essence it absorbs to be
level 7 and the essence that is dominate over it to be
level 0!

Example: if you want Gnome to be level 10. First you'll
need a material that will allow it to reach level 10.
Second you'll need Gnome to be level 9. Third you'll
need Jinn to be level 7, and finally Salamander must be
level 0 because it's dominate over gnome! For this
example coins are gnome and sulpher is used.

4 Mercury or Sulphur (depends see note 1)
1 Silver Coin
1 Gold Coin

For other formulas you'll need to follow note 1, you'll
also need to note that I've never been able to achieve
above level 7 on wisp or shade. Doing so results in one
essence being wiped completely.

Getting Wisp or Shade to level 7

This can cause you problems getting aura or dryad to
stick I've proven this by massive testing. If wisp
and shade aren't balances there is a chance that one
essence will drain forever. I found the if wisp is
level higher than shade aura will take the drain
likewise, if shade is higher dryad will take the
drain EVEN on a DiorWood items. If you attempt to
fix aura shade will take a hit and still have the

If your interested I think this is the formula for
getting wisp or shade to level 7.

3 Glow Crystal
2 Silver Coin
3 Glow Crystal
2 Sulpher
1 Silver Coin
1 Gold Coin

Credits and special thanks, without these people I
wouldn't have known about mercury, sulpher, glow
crystals or chaos crystals.

David Myers (His Legend of Mana Tempering FAQ)
Sean Kelson (Kelson Tempering)
SSJcloud and Phildo (Mercury and sulpher)
someguy (Getting essence to level 8!)

Kelson Tempering

The weaker method of tempering:
(At once this was the best method, but that was a very long time ago.)

Although it is called Kelson Tempering, there's a lot of credits involved.  Lots
Of people have helped me out.

I think you can use this method for armor, too.

Here is a method to get an extremely high (Over 440!) power and 6 essence levels
on all of the elementals!!!  However, this method is "enhanced" by other people
in the Tempering FAQ on

You can substitute the silver coins with gold ones, but it won't do anything to

Use DragonScales to create the weapon.  The reason you shouldn't use Adamantite
is because the Cleric mystic power that you get from Holy Water.  When the first
cleric goes in, you get more power added if you have a DragonScales weapon.

3 Glow Crystal
2 Dryad Silver
3 Glow Crystal
2 Wisp Silver
3 Glow Crystal
2 Undine Silver
3 Glow Crystal
2 Gnome Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Sala Silver
2 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Sala Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Aura Silver
2 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Aura Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Shade Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Shade Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Jinn Silver
2 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Jinn Silver
2 Glow Crystal
5 Holy Water
1 Dragon Breath
1 Giant's Horn

Now you should have some kind of ultimate sword with max. essence level on all
elementals!!!  I've heard of Shade not being at 6. . .  Save before you temper
and try switching Shade and Aura if it doesn't work.

Getting above 4 essence level

Let say you want to upgrade your sword to level 4 Dryad:- temper it with 3
silver coin and 1 gold coin. Now from level 4 to level 6:- simply forge your
sword with 1.glow crystal, 2.silver Dry, 1.glow crystal, 2.silver Dry and,
1.glow crystal. You see the point lies in Mystic power Nymph of Dawn. Each time
you discard and replace the mystic the element coin you temper in goes up one

Forging a Revive/Forbidden Ring

You can get the fertility goddess trait by altering a piece of armor with an
ear of wheat, but it requires level 5 dryad on that weapon.  The same is
true for Phoenix (on the Revive Ring) but that requires level 5 salamander.
There are probably others like that.

About Mystic Power Slots:
Mystic Power Slots

While there are three visible slots, there seems to be a fourth "inactive" slot
where abilities are stored...
You have a sword with nothing on temper it once with a Dryad Silver,
and nothing happens.  Your slots now look like this.

(Dryad)    <------  Inactive slot

Once you temper it again with another Dryad Silver, the Dryad will come out,
leaving your slots like this.

(Dryad)<----Just tempered in

Temper it again with, say, an Aura Silver, another Dryad will come out, leaving
your slots like so.


Let's fill up the slots...


Temper again with any other coin or item that gives an effect, and the top Dryad
will be pulled out, leaving the Dryad Essence there.

(Dryad)----->  Cancels

When a Mystic Power is cancelled, it is usually taken from the top, though
sometimes it can be taken from the bottom.  I don't know how this works.  Also,
when it appears that no change has taken place, your mystic power slots may have
been "shuffled", so to speak.  This happened to me when tempering my
Slots were like this:

Ancient Moon

After tempering in a Wisp, nothing happened, but my slots looked like this...

Ancient Moon

This is also where I found that Mystic Powers could be taken from the
bottom...after another Wisp Silver, this happened.

(Ancient Moon)----->

Mystic Powers List

Here are some information on tempering/altering from
(Wandering Mage).

There is also more info after this from another person.  Unfortunately, I lost
his/her e-mail address.  If you sent me the TempShee.txt file, please tell me.

E-mail Wandering Mage if you can add to this.

Below are effects that I have seen or heard of. I've activated Man of Valour but
it was unintentional and on a weapon I had used a lot of items on.

Item                Effect
????                Yggdrasil
????                Ragnarok
????                Metropolis
????                Tower
????                Spring
????                Ruler Of Sky
????                Mother Of Gods
????                Thunder God
????                Ocean God
????                Wind God
????                Wisdom Goddess
????                Blacksmith God
????                Fallen Angel
????                Witch Of Moon
????                Lord Of Flies
????                Wings Of Darkness
????                God Of Destruction
????                Beast Headed God
????                Leviathan
????                Sage
????                Wanderer
????                Nymph Of Orchads
????                Unicorn
????                Horse
????                Joker
????                Fertility Goddess
Bumpkin             Clown
Lilipods            Enticed Nymph
Honey Onion         Princess [Note 7]
Garlicrown          King [Note 7]
[Seed]              Dryad
Peach Puppy         Wolf [Note 7]
Springanana         Heavens Scale
Dragon Blood        God of War [Note 6]
Dragon Breath       Man of Valour [Note 6]
Healing Claw        Tower [See Note 1]
White Feather       Nymph of the Sky [See Note 1]
Needle              Bed of Thorns [Note 5]
Needlelettuce       Bed of Thorns [Note 5]
Moon Crystal        Moon Goddess [Note 4]
Mirror Piece        Mirrored World [Note 3]
Flaming Quill       Phoenix [See Note 2]
Sun Crystal         Sun God [See Note 1]
Raven Feather       Raven
Glowing Crystal     Nymph of Dawn
Chaos Crystal       Ancient Moon
Ash                 Volcano
Mercury             Witch
Sulpher             Sorcerer
Holy Water          Cleric
Grave Dirt          Dying Earth
Firestone           Salamander
Waterstone          Undine
Earthstone          Gnome
Windstone           Jinn
Moth Wing           Spirit 1
Ether               Spirit 2
Loquat Shoes        Spirit 2
Hairball            Spirit 3
Ghost's Howl        Sacrificed Nymph
[Silver, Gold]      [Elemental]
Little Eye          Pixie 1\
Sleepy Eye          Pixie 2 \
Silly Eye           Pixie 3  \
Dangerous Eye       Pixie 4   \
Angry Eye           Pixie 5    \
Blank Eye           Pixie 6     \ Each Pixie has a different combination of
                                   stats that it affects.
Creepy Eye          Pixie 7      \
Stinky Breath       Pixie 8      /
Electricity         Pixie 9     /
Rust                Pixie 10   /
Poison Power        Pixie 11  /
Sleepy Powder       Pixie 12 /
Knockout Dust       Pixie 13/

All Elementals give +1 to their essence

To activate one of the above effects:
Step 1) Use the favored item.
Step 2) Use another item that causes something.
Even if you replace a power with another, the first one's effect will stay in
place (usually). This is why Pixies are something to avoid as much as possible.

{Note 1] Wisp at 3+.
[Note 2] Sala at 3+.
[Note 3] Must follow 3+ other powers.
[Note 4] Wisp = Shade at 3+.
[Note 5] Dryad must be at 3+ with Needle. No req. for Needlelettuce.
[Note 6] Wisp at 2+, Sala at 2+
[Note 7] Is it just me, or is it weird that this card has NO PICTURE?!

Conflicting Elements (this seems kinda weird but is true:
Wisp       - Shade
Shade      - Wisp
Dryad      - Aura
Aura       - Dryad
Salamander - Gnome-----\
Gnome      - Jinn       \ I know, weird combos. But true.
Jinn       - Undine     /
Undine     - Salamander/

Mixing different Elementals can raise or lower stats depending on the mix.
Multiple copies of an effect can lead to unexpected results.
Mixing Powers can lead to unexpected results.
3 Auras give defense against Shade and Aura.
Mixing a Pixie with Dying Earth gives -5 to all stats. Getting rid of the Dying
Earth lowers this depending on the effect of the other powers on that piece of
Mixing Witch and Sorcerer seems to give +3 to magic together instead of +1 each.
Wooden items seem to activate Dryad after being tempered twice.

This is what these do alone. Most of these I've only tested on weapons. ARMOR

Aura: Luck +1
Gnome: Defense +1
Undine: Magic +1
Salamander: Power +1
Dryad: HP +1
Wisp: Charm +1
Jinn: Skill +1
Shade: Spirit +1
Phoenix: Power +4
Nymph of the Sky: Skill +5, All Other Stats +1
Tower: Charm +1?
Moon Goddess: Spirit +10, If you have 3 one plunge attack becomes Moonlight.
Sun God: Charm +10, If you have 3 one plunge attack becomes Sunlight.
Raven: Spirit +1, Shade essence +1, Charm +3, Magic +3
Spirit 1: Spirit +1, Charm +1
Spirit 2: HP +1, Defense +1
Spirit 3: Luck +1
Pixie: -1 to 6 stats depending on which Pixie.
Witch: Magic +1
Sorcerer: Magic +1
Dying Earth: All stats -1
       On Weapon: Power up +?
       On Armor: Strike Defense +?, Slash Defense -?
Ancient Moon: Allows conflicting magic to be on the same piece of equipment at
the same time without conflict.
Fertility Goddess: Found on Forbidden Ring. Not sure if it causes the exp.
high essence levels, or both.
God Of War: Power +7
Man of Valour: Power +2, HP +1
Goddess of Love: Mag. Defense +7
Wolf: +3 HP, Skill
Joker: -4 to all stats
Sacrificed Nymph: Seems to do nothing.
Nymph of Dawn: Seems to do nothing.
Volcano: Causes Magma Hammer plunge attack (untested)
Mirrored World: Only 1 allowed. Seems to do nothing.
Bed of Thorns: +5? to non magic defenses (untested)
Heavens Scale: Only 1 allowed. Seems to do nothing.
King: +1 Power, Aura Essence?
Clown: Luck +3, Wisp Defense


I greatly thank the few who have helped me. For those who don't know who I am,
but have addresses listed below, remember this. At the top of this list is a
request that you send any info to ME, not the owner of the FAQ you saw this in.
I, though, have lost my faith in almost everyone on the message
boards due to the cold shoulder they gave me. I will give them another chance
soon, but I doubt their attitude will change.

                        Mystic Powers List (Compressed)

            Contributed by ???  (Lost his/her e-mail address...)
Here Is an almost complete list of items and their effects read very carefully.

Item              		Effect
Spiny Seed         		Yggdrasil
Pine O'Clock      		Ragnarok
Dialaurel         	 	Metropolis [low Wisp lvl.]
Healing Claw       	 	Tower [low Shade lvl.]
Fishy Fruit        		Spring
Spade Basil        		Ruler Of Sky
Heart Mint          		Mother Of Gods [not sure what else is involved yet]
Electricity         		Thunder God
Squalphin           		Ocean God
Orcaplant           		Ocean God
Diceberry           		Wind God
Aroma Oil           		Wisdom Goddess
Ether               		Blacksmith God [Spirit at low mana lvl.]
Virgin's Sigh       		Goddess Of Love
Little Eye          		Fallen Angel [Note8]
Rust                		Witch Of Moon [Note8]
Sleepy eye          		Witch Of Moon [Note8]
Blank Eye           		Lord Of Flies [Note8]
Sleepy Powder       		Lord Of Flies [Note8]
Stinky Breath       		Wings Of Darkness [Note8]
Creepy Eye          		Wings Of Darkness [Note8]
Poison Powder       		God Of Destruction [Note8]
Angry Eye           		God Of Destruction [Note8]
Dangerous Eye       		Beast Headed God [Note8]
Knockout Dust       		Leviathan [Note8]
Silly Eye           		Leviathan [Note8]
Messy Scroll        		Sage
Wad Of Wool         		Wanderer
Applesocks          		Nymph Of Orchads
Whalamato           		Unicorn
????                		Horse
????                		Joker
Ear of Wheat        		Fertility Goddess
Bumpkin             		Clown
Lilipods            		Enticed Nymph
Honey Onion         		Princess [Note 7]
Garlicrown          		King [Note 7]
[Seed]              		Dryad
Peach Puppy         		Wolf [Note 7]
Springanana         		Heavens Scale
Dragon Blood        		God of War [Note 6]
Dragon Breath       		Man of Valour [Note 6]
Healing Claw        		Tower [See Note 1]
White Feather       		Nymph of the Sky [See Note 1]
Needle              		Bed of Thorns [Note 5][low Sala lvl.]
Needlelettuce       		Bed of Thorns [Note 5][low Sala lvl.]
Moon Crystal        		Moon Goddess [Note 4]
Mirror Piece        		Mirrored World [Note 3]
Flaming Quill       		Phoenix [See Note 2]
Sun Crystal         		Sun God [See Note 1]
Raven Feather       		Raven
Glowing Crystal     		Nymph of Dawn
Chaos Crystal       		Ancient Moon
Ash                 		Volcano
Mercury             		Witch
Sulpher             		Sorcerer
Holy Water          		Cleric
Grave Dirt          		Dying Earth
Firestone           		Salamander
Waterstone          		Undine
Earthstone          		Gnome
Windstone           		Jinn
Moth Wing           		Spirit Dancing Girl
Ether               		Spirit Old Man
Loquat Shoes        		Spirit Old Man
Hairball            		Spirit Dancing Girl
Conchurnip          		Spirit Young Girl
Ghost's Howl        		Sacrificed Nymph
[Silver, Gold]      		[Elemental]
Little Eye          		Pixie 1\
Sleepy Eye          		Pixie 2 \
Silly Eye           		Pixie 3  \
Dangerous Eye       		Pixie 4   \
Angry Eye           		Pixie 5    \
Blank Eye           		Pixie 6     \ Each Pixie has a different
combination of stats that it affects.
Creepy Eye          		Pixie 7      \
Stinky Breath       		Pixie 8      /
Electricity         		Pixie 9     /
Rust                		Pixie 10   /
Poison Power        		Pixie 11  /
Sleepy Powder       		Pixie 12 /
Knockout Dust       		Pixie 13/

All Elementals give +1 to their essence

To activate one of the above effects:
Step 1) Use the favored item.
Step 2) Use another item that causes something.
Even if you replace a power with another, the first one's effect will stay in
place (usually). This is why Pixies are something to avoid as much as possible.

[Note 1] Wisp at 3+.
[Note 2] Sala at 3+.
[Note 3] Must follow 3+ other powers.
[Note 4] Wisp = Shade at 3+.
[Note 5] Dryad must be at 3+ with Needle. No req. for Needlelettuce.
[Note 6] Wisp at 2+, Sala at 2+
[Note 7] Is it just me, or is it weird that this card has NO PICTURE?!
[Note 8]Ragnarok must be on the Weapon or Armor or you will get a Pixie Card.

About seeds

The color of the seeds represent there elemental (Green = Dryad, Red =
Salamander).  This tells you what seed gives what power.

Here's some stuff written by (Richard Bavely):

If the Right Hand side matches the info on the item it's probably ok to
save so you won't have to start from the beginning. This version was
Done to simplify the process of creating a 6 essence in all areas.

3 Glow Crystal
2 Dryad Silver
3 Glow Crystal                                                  Nymph of
2 Wisp Silver   Wisp  Dryad Undin Gnome Salam Aura Shade Jinn   Nymph of
3 Glow Crystal    6     6                                       Wisp
--------------- 1st Save
2 Undin Silver
3 Glow Crystal                                                  Nymph of
2 Gnome Silver  Wisp  Dryad Undin Gnome Salam Aura Shade Jinn   Nymph of
3 Glow Crystal    6     6     6     6                           Gnome
--------------- 2nd Save
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Salam Silver
2 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal                                                 Nymph of
1 Salam Silver  Wisp  Dryad Undin Gnome Salam Aura Shade Jinn   Nymph of
3 Glow Crystal    6     6     6     6     6                     Salam
--------------- 3rd Save
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Aura Silver
2 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal                                                 Nymph of
1 Aura Silver   Wisp  Dryad Undin Gnome Salam Aura Shade Jinn   Nymph of
3 Glow Crystal    6     6     6     6     6     6               Aura
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 4th Save
1 Chaos Crystal
1 Shade Silver
3 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal                                                 Nymph of
1 Shade Silver  Wisp  Dryad Undin Gnome Salam Aura Shade Jinn   Nymph of
3 Glow Crystal    6     6     6     6     6     6    6          Shade
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- 5th Save
1 Chaos Crystal
2 Jinn Silver
2 Glow Crystal
1 Chaos Crystal                                                 Nymph of
1 Jinn Silver   Wisp  Dryad Undin Gnome Salam Aura Shade Jinn   Jinn
2 Glow Crystal    6     6     6     6     6     6    6    6     Ancient Moon
--------------- 6th Save Finished All 8 Areas to level 6!

This next area is for maxing out stat modifiers. Having items with 10 in all
stats may not sound feasible but I've found a cool trick that works every
using fangs to keep raising them.

1 Moon Crystal
1 Sun Crystal
1 Spiny Seed <- Yggdrasil <-- This allows all stats bonuses
1 Flaming Quill <- Selectable + Possible Cleric or Bed of Thorns
1 Heart Ment <- Mother of Gods <- This allows all stats be raised next step
1 Heart Ment <- Use this is area just to activate Mother of Gods
5 Poison or Vampire Fangs <- Stats Upgrade to 10
1 Clear Feather <- Attack upgrade without removing "Yggdrasil"

This Area Is what effects secondary items may have on equipment keep in mind
some of these require Levels Essence not listed if you used the above method
to get 6 in all areas this shouldn't be a problem.

Item Type   Name           Mystic Power           Stats
Seeds       All Seeds      Dryad Card             Dryad Essence+1
Seeds       Spiny Seed     Yggdrasil (Special)    ??? Effects all Stats +?
Eyes        All Eyes       Pixie (various)        negative stats
Slv. Coins  Spirit Name    Spirit Card            Spirit Essence+1
Gld. Coins  Spirit Name    Spirit Card            Spirit Essence+2
Produce     Bellgrapes     -                      Mag+1
Produce     Diceberry      God of Wind            ???
Produce     Mangoelephant  -                      Hp+1
Produce     Loquat Shoes   -                      Skl+1
Produce     Pear O' Heels  Spirit (Old Man)
Produce     Squalphin      -                      Undine+1
Produce     *Citrisquid    -                      +strikes -slashes
Produce     *Springanana   Heaven's Scale
Produce     Apricat        -                      Skl+1
Produce     Applesocks     -                      Skl+2
Produce     Whalamato      -
Produce     Watomellon     Unicorn ???            ???
Produce     Pine O' Clock  +Regenerk ???          *Def sleep
Produce     Boaramelon     -                      Str+1
Produce     Rhinoloupe     -                      *Def poison
Produce     Sweet Moai     -                      Def+1
Produce     Cornflower     -                      Wsp+1
Produce     *Needlettuce   Bed of Thorn
Produce     Cherry Bombs   -
Produce     Masked Potato  -
Produce     GarlicCrown    King                   Str+1, Aur+1
Produce     Honey Onion    Princess               Def+1, Dry+2
Produce     Peach Puppy    Wolf                   Hp+2, Skl+2
Produce     Bumpkin        Clown
Produce     Heart Ment     Mother of Gods         ??? seems to add atk
Produce     Spade Basil    Ruler of Sky           ???
Produce     Orcaplant      Ocian God              ???
Produce     Lil Pods       Enticed Nymph
Produce     Fishy Fruit    Spring                 Und+2,Def Gno
Produce     Conchurnip     Spirit (Young Girl)
Feathers    Moth Wing      Spirit (Dancing Girl)
Feathers    Raven Feather  Raven
Feathers    White Feather  Nymph of the Sky       ???
Feathers    Flaming Quill  Pheonix                ??? Revive?
Feathers    Clear Feather  -                      +atk
Fangs&Claws Sharp Fangs    -                      +atk
Fangs&Claws Poison Fangs   -                      +atk
Bottles     Ether          Spirit (Old Man)
Bottles     Holy Water     Cleric                 +atk
Bottles     Aroma Oil      Goddess of Wisdom
Vials       Mercury        Witch
Vials       Stinky Breath  Pixie
Vials       Ghosts Howl    Sacrificed Nymph
Vials       Dragons Breath Man of Valour          +atk/str on weapons
Vails       Dragon Blood   God of War             ???
Vails       Either         Blacksmith God         ???
Vails       Virgin's Sigh  Goddess of Love        ???
Powders     Ash            Volcano
Powders     Grave Dirt     Dying Earth            -all stats
Powders     Suplher        Sorcerer
Powders     Rust           Pixie                   negative stats
Powders     Knockout Dust  Pixie                   negative stats
Powders     Sleepy Powder  Pixie                   negative stats
Powders     Poison Powder  Pixie                   negative stats
Pouches     Hairball       Spirit (Dancing Girl)
Pouches     Messy Scroll   Sage                   ???
Pouches     Mirror Piece   Mirrored World         ??? Doubles effects?
Urns        Electricity    Thunder God            ???
Urns        Ear of Wheat   Fertility Goddess      shared xp w/ party
Mana Crys.  Sun Crystal    Sun God                +Sun attack in plunge
Mana Crys.  Moon Crystal   Moon Goddess           +Moon attack in quick
Mana Crys.  Glow Crystal   Nymph of Dawn          Used for essence past 6
Mana Crys.  Chaos Crystal  Ancient Moon           Allows conflicting essence

* = Armor Only
+ = Weapon Only

Items with "-" in their mystic power means they are stat mod items.

--------C: Forging Armor
Note: The word inside the [brackets] is what is before the armor name.
Example: IshePlatinum Shoes would be called IsheShoes.

The number is the defense.

Forging Armor Chart:
Some of this information is probably inaccurate, since I have not tested it all
myself.  If you find an error, please e-mail me.  Thanks!  However, I have
confirmed that adamantite is the best material.

Material: Shield: Helm: Hat: Haubert: Robe: Gauntlet: Ring: Boots:
Shoes: Armor: Mantle: Pendant
Adamantite [Adamant]: 24: 19: 8: 42: 22: 20: 16: 19: 7: 77: 20: 23
AnimalBone [Bone]   : 2 : 2 : 0: 5 : 2 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 0: 11: 1 : 3
AnimalHide [Hide]   : 8 : 3 : 1: 8 : 3 : 3 : 2 : 3 : 0: 15: 2 : 3
AnkhRock [Ankh]     : 14: 10: 4: 26: 11: 11: 4 : 11: 4: 48: 9 : 6
BaobobWood [Bao]    : 7 : 6 : 3: 11: 6 : 4 : 4 : 5 : 2: 23: 5 : 6
Coral [Coral]       : 7 : 5 : 2: 14: 6 : 6 : 2 : 6 : 1: 25: 4 : 3
DiorWood [Dior]     : 19: 16: 8: 30: 17: 15: 12: 14: 6: 58: 16: 16
DragonScales[Dragon]: 26: 21: 8: 46: 20: 20: 9 : 21: 8: 83: 16: 11
EbonyWood [Ebony]   : 9 : 7 : 3: 14: 7 : 7 : 5 : 5 : 2: 27: 7 : 8
Emerald [Jewel]     : 3 : 1 : 3: 1 : 6 : 1 : 12: 1 : 3: 3 : 9 : 18
FishScales [Fish]   : 6 : 1 : 0: 5 : 0 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0: 9 : 0 : 1
ForsenaIron [Forse] : 3 : 3 : 0: 8 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 0: 18: 2 : 5
FullMetal[FullMetal]: 21: 16: 6: 38: 18: 18: 7 : 17: 6: 68: 14: 10
GatorSkin [Gator]   : 3 : 6 : 3: 14: 7 : 6 : 4 : 6 : 2: 28: 6 : 6
GranzSteel [Granz]  : 7 : 5 : 2: 13: 5 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 2: 25: 6 : 7
HalleyRock [Aero]   : 9 : 6 : 3: 14: 8 : 7 : 8 : 6 : 3: 26: 9 : 12
HollyWood [Holly]   : 4 : 3 : 1: 7 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 0: 15: 3 : 4
IshePlatinum [Ishe] : 17: 13: 6: 28: 13: 14: 10: 13: 6: 50: 13: 15
Ivory [Ivory]       : 7 : 6 : 2: 13: 6 : 4 : 4 : 5 : 2: 24: 5 : 6
JacobiniRock [Jacob]: 5 : 3 : 1: 9 : 6 : 4 : 6 : 3 : 1: 19: 5 : 9
JuddHemp [Hemp]     : 7 : 5 : 2: 11: 5 : 5 : 4 : 5 : 2: 22: 6 : 7
LapisLazuli [Lapis] : 3 : 1 : 3: 1 : 6 : 1 : 12: 1 : 3: 3 : 9 : 18
Lizard Scales [Liza]: 2 : 5 : 1: 11: 4 : 5 : 2 : 4 : 1: 20: 4 : 3
LorantSilver [Lora] : 10: 7 : 2: 16: 9 : 7 : 6 : 7 : 2: 31: 7 : 9
LorimarIron [Rimar] : 17: 14: 6: 31: 17: 14: 11: 14: 6: 56: 14: 16
Marble [Marb]       : 2 : 1 : 0: 6 : 2 : 1 : 3 : 2 : 0: 9 : 2 : 5
MenosBronze [Menos] : 7 : 2 : 0: 5 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 2 : 0: 12: 1 : 3
MapleWood[Maple]    : 13: 9 : 5: 22: 13: 10: 13: 10: 5: 39: 14: 20
OakWood [Oak]       : 2 : 2 : 1: 5 : 2 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 0: 10: 2 : 3
Obsidian [Sidia]    : 7 : 4 : 1: 12: 7 : 5 : 7 : 5 : 2: 22: 7 : 11
Orihalcon[Orihalcon]: 11: 9 : 3: 20: 11: 9 : 10: 9 : 3: 38: 10: 15
Pearl [Pearl]       : 3 : 1 : 3: 1 : 6 : 1 : 12: 1 : 3: 3 : 9 : 18
PedanStone [Pedan]  : 18: 14: 5: 33: 15: 14: 6 : 15: 6: 58: 12: 9
Shell [Shell]       : 8 : 7 : 2: 15: 6 : 6 : 2 : 6 : 1: 28: 4 : 3
Sultan'sSilk [Silk] : 3 : 3 : 0: 8 : 4 : 3 : 3 : 3 : 0: 15: 2 : 5
ToppleCotton [Cot]  : 3 : 1 : 0: 5 : 1 : 1 : 2 : 1 : 0: 9 : 1 : 3
TuttleRock [Tuttle] : 19: 15: 6: 34: 16: 15: 7 : 13: 7: 60: 13: 9
VinekRock [Vinek]   : 16: 12: 4: 29: 12: 13: 5 : 13: 4: 50: 9 : 7
VizelGold [Vizel]   : 17: 11: 6: 23: 13: 11: 8 : 11: 6: 44: 12: 13
WendelSilver [Wndl] : 10: 8 : 2: 19: 9 : 8 : 7 : 8 : 2: 37: 8 : 11

------4: Monster Corral
See "Produce Encyclopedia" for more information.
For this section, it helps to have a corral.  Complete Monster Corral
(#57) to get it!

--------A: Finding Monsters
There are two ways to get monsters as your pets.  The first, and most
common, is through eggs.  However, some monsters you can find at places,
waiting for someone to join.

Method A:
To see what the eggs might hatch, check your monster encyclopedia.  Each type
i.e. Oddity, Demi-Human) is in the encyclopedia.

Catch Monsters Without Using Food:
If you manage to get behind a monster egg without scaring it off and stay that
way, it'll eventually show either a blank or "..." in the status bubble where
the arrows and such appear.  Step up then and catch it!  This prevents waste of
produce and meat that could be fed to pets or just sold for cash.

See Encyclopedias --> Monsters

You can find eggs at the following places:
Mekiv Caverns (After Boinks move) - Oddity Egg
Norn Peaks (Boss Location) - Arthropod Egg
Fieg Snowfields (By boss location) - Dragon Egg
SS Buccaneer (Bottom Deck) - Aquatic Egg
Lake Kilma (Just Another Place) - Beast Egg
Gato Grottos - Morph Egg
Junkyard (Boss area) - Poltergiest Egg
Ulkan Mines (Mine Your Own Business Boss Location) - Oddity Egg
Jungle (Boss Location: Du'Cate) - Plant Egg
Jungle (Boss Location in the Faerie Forest) - Demonic Egg
White Forest (Boss Location) - Beast Egg
Bone Fortress (Boss Location) - Undead Egg
Luon Highway (Boss Location) - Aerial Egg
Luon Highway (In Caves) - Reptile Egg
Tower of Leires (Room of Fate) - Poltergeist Egg
Duma Desert (Fluorite (#29) boss location) - Arthropod Egg

Method B:
The following are the places I know of where you can find demi-humans.  The
stuff after the -hyphen- is the required mana level:

Norn Peaks (Tomato Man) - Unknown
Ulkan Mines (Tomato Man) - Salamander Level 3
Lumina (Goblin) - Shade Level 3 and Dryad Level 3
Jungle (Chobin Hood) - Dryad Level 3
Fieg Snowfield (Succubs) - Shade Level 3
The Wimpy Thugling (#66) (Sahagin) - See Quests --> #66: The Wimpy Thugling
Lake Kilma (Mad Mallard) - Unknown
Junkyard (Narcissos) - Gnome Level 3

--------B: Raising Monsters
The "Produce Encyclopedia" helps a lot to raise (but sometimes lowers) stats.
Here are my tips on raising monsters:

>>> Use the produce encyclopedia to modify stats.
>>> Have three monsters grazing at one time.
>>> You can pet a monster to see its main personality.
>>> If you have a personal favorite monster and don't care for the others, sell
the monsters you don't need.  If treated well, the monsters can rake in some
>>> Visit your corral often to feed monsters.
>>> It is almost necessary to have The Mana Orchards (#56) done to raise
good monsters.
>>>About feeding your pet meat:
		Animal meat	Bug meat
Total HP	+6
Power		+1		-1
skills		+1		+1
defense		-1
magic		-1
spirit				+1
charm				-1
d. slashes	+1
d. thrust
d. magic			+1
>>> Gaining pet levels:
>When you complete The Wisdom of Gaeus (#3), Daena gives you the Forbidden
>Ring.  If you equip it on a pet or NPC, the pet/NPC will get the same #
>of EXP crystals as you.  If the pet picks up an EXP crystal, you'll get
>the experience and so will he.

That's about it.

------5: Instrument Making
If you want to make instruments, it helps to be able to.  Complete the
event Instrument Making 101 (#54) to get the instrument creation part in
your workshops.

--------A: Getting Elemental Coins
Here's some tips:
--> Go to Gato Grottos, Ulkan Mines, or Mekiv Caverns.  Go to where the spirits
appear.  When 2 of them appear, say no and run toward the closest spirit.  You
should catch him and get some coins.

Wherever there are monster eggs, there are also spirits.  What spirit
appears depends on
the mana level (lower-left corner of world map) of the area.  For example:
If an area had Shade level 3, Salamander level 3, and Dryad level 1, there is a
3 in 7 chance that Shade will appear, 3 in 7 that Salamander will appear, and 1
in 7 that Dryad will appear.  Try searching for elementals in a place with
full mana power! (To get that, put the mana tree by it!)

Strategy (By defz (
If you play one instrument, and either the melody or the harmony for all
attempts, there are four choices that you have (serene, sorrowful, cheerful, and
mysterious).  2 of these will result in the element being "interested", one
"does not like" and one "it likes it".  So at the very most all you need is one
instrument and 4 attempts at playing.  This is really helpful when you're trying
to collect coins for tempering weapons and much quicker than the previous
speculation that a melody and harmony line with more than 1 instrument were
needed for best results.  The tune is indeed random.

--------B: Elemental Tips: Gold or Silver?
How to get gold or silver by (Wandering Mage).

1) The rate an elemental appears is determined by an area's mana level. If an
area has no white, Wisp won't
show up. If it has 3 black, Shade will show up more than the others.

2) The day also plays an important role in elemental appearance. I'm not sure of
the exact figure but you could
say it adds 1 to an area's mana of the elemental assigned to that day. This way
it is possible to see an elemental in an area with no actual mana of that color.

3) The rate at which you receive gold depends on what interest an elemental has
in your song. If it is
interested, you have about as much a chance of receiving as Fujin from FF VIII
has speaking a 5 syllable
word (If you haven't played it yet, the longest word she's spoken is
AFFERMATIVE), while if it likes the
song, I'd say you have a 1/9 chance.

4) The more instruments you use, the better. You have a max of 8 at one time.
Set 4 to melody and 4 to harmony.
If you have 1 harp and 3 drums, set 2 drums to one and 1 harp and 1 drum to the
other. The elementals are
generally tone deaf :P and don't care if you set 8 drums. It's the shear number
that counts. If your using 1
flute on a song it's interested in, your chances of getting a gold are slim to
none and slim just walked out    the door.

Note: More instruments only affect how the elemental moves.  The more, the
closer he walks to you.

5) Now, this is just from personal experience and seemed to work as I was typing
this. If you choose the song
the elemental likes on the first try, you will most likely get a gold. Just
don't forget to use as many
instruments as you can. If this is true, then the amount of tries it takes you
to find the song it likes
directly affects your chance of getting a gold. Remember, this is from
experience. I don't know if it's true
or if my karma was just shining bright that day, but I thought I might as well
share this.

--------C: Instrument Power Chart
The chart below is for the power of an instrument.

Note: The word inside the [brackets] is what is before the instrument name.
Example: FishScale Flute would be called FishHarp.

The Chart:
Material: Harp w/Gold Coin: Harp w/Silver Coin: Marimba w/Gold Coin : Marimba
w/Silver Coin :Flute w/Gold Coin : Flute w/Silver Coin: Drum w/Gold Coin: Drum
w/Silver Coin
Adamantite [Adamant]: 12:  8: 12:  8: 15: 10:  9: 6
AnimalBone [Bone]:    24: 16: 19: 13: 25: 17: 18: 12
AnimalHide [Hide]:     6:  4:  4:  3:  6:  4:  9: 6
AnkhRock [Ankh]:      31: 21: 27: 18: 36: 24: 21: 14
BaobobWood [Bao]:     31: 21: 30: 20: 37: 25: 24: 16
Coral [Coral]:        12:  8: 12:  8: 15: 10:  9: 6
DiorWood [Dior]:      94: 63: 84: 66:109: 73: 69: 49
DragonScales [Dragon]:91: 61: 81: 54:105: 70: 66: 44
EbonyWood [Ebony]:    42: 28: 39: 26: 49: 33: 31: 21
Emerald [Jewel]:      54: 36: 46: 31: 63: 42: 36: 24
FishScales [Fish]:     7:  5:  9:  6:  9:  6:  6: 4
ForsenaIron [Forse]:  19: 13: 19: 13: 24: 16: 12: 8
FullMetal [FullMetal]:12:  8: 12:  8: 15: 10:  9: 6
GatorSkin [Gator]:    16: 11: 13:  9: 24: 12: 12: 11
GranzSteel [Granz]:   30: 20: 28: 19: 36: 24: 19: 13
HalleyRock [Aero]:    21: 14: 18: 12: 24: 16: 13: 9
HollyWood [Holly]:    21: 14: 21: 14: 25: 17: 16: 11
IshePlatinum [Ishe]:  72: 48: 64: 43: 84: 56: 49: 33
Ivory [Ivory]:        55: 37: 46: 31: 61: 41: 40: 27
JacobiniRock [Jacob]: 10:  7:  9:  6: 12:  8:  6: 4
JuddHemp [Hemp]:      15: 10: 13:  9: 18: 12: 22: 15
LapisLazuli [Lapis]:  54: 36: 46: 31: 63: 42: 36: 24
Lizard Scales [Liza]: 26: 19: 27: 18: 33: 22: 21: 14
LorantSilver [Lora]:  40: 27: 37: 25: 48: 32: 27: 18
LorimarIron [Rimar]:  82: 55: 73: 49: 96: 64: 57: 38
Marble [Marb]:        22: 15: 19: 13: 27: 18: 12: 8
MenosBronze [Menos]:   9:  6: 10:  7: 12: 8 :  4: 3
MapleWood [Maple]:    52: 35: 48: 32: 61: 41: 39: 26
OakWood [Oak]:        10:  7: 12:  8: 13: 9 :  9: 6
Orihalcon [Orihalcon]:51: 34: 46: 31: 60: 40: 34: 23
Pearl [Pearl]:        54: 36: 46: 31: 63: 42: 36: 24
PedanStone [Pedan]:   75: 50: 42: 28: 75: 50: 42: 28
Shell [Shell]:        12:  8: 12:  8: 15: 10:  9: 6
Sultan'sSilk [Silk]:  10:  7:  9:  6: 12: 8 : 15: 10
ToppleCotton [Cot]:    4:  3:  4:  3:  6: 4 :  7: 5
TuttleRock [Tuttle]:  52: 35: 45: 30: 60: 40: 36: 24
VinekRock [Vinek]:    42: 28: 36: 24: 48: 32: 28: 19
VizelGold [Vizel]:    61: 41: 55: 37: 72: 48: 42: 28
WendelSilver [Wndl]:  51: 34: 46: 31: 60: 40: 34: 23

--------D: Magical Powers
Every step in the creation of the instrument determines the type.

The following is a list of abilities that you can obtain from coins (these are
all the abilities I've unlocked):

Undine Coin:                                   Salamander Coin:
Splash Blade                                   Flame Shackles
Watermill                                      Blazing Storm
Floodwater                                     Supernova
Aqua Slash                                     Flame Launcher
Aqua Launcher                                  Burning Needle
Bubble Shots                                   Fireburst
Tsunami                                        Firestorm
Water Nymph                                    Blaze Cannon
Water Cannon                                   Sparkling Flame
Bubble Bomb                                    Magma Shower
                                               Infernal Flame
                                               Salamander's Spear

Jinn Coin:                                     Gnome Coin:
Storm Zone                                     Earth's Fury
Tornado Blow                                   Terra Hammer
Wind Viper                                     Granite Shots
Cyclone Trap                                   Basalt Blast
Air Slicer                                     Earthquake
Jinn's Dance                                   Mica Crush
Cyclone Flower                                 Boulders
Cyclone Needle
Cyclone Whip

Wisp Coins:                                    Shade Coins:
Celestial Burst                                Evil Smash
Holy Slash                                     Diabolical Soul
Twinkle Beam                                   Black Wind
Blessed Spear                                  Diabolical Impulse
Celestial Blast                                Black Stinger
Divine Strike                                  Dark Sphere
Holy Thunderbolt                               Dark Prison
Wisp's Blaze                                   Black Shamshir
Holy Saber                                     Infernal Wave
Twinkle Ball

Dryad Coin:                                    Aura Coin:
Wood Spikes                                    Golden Aurora
Rose's Thorns                                  Platinum Flicker
Emerald Lancer                                 Golden Sphere
Emerald Storm                                  Platinum Arrows
Strangling Vine                                Platinum Needle
Emerald Orb                                    Glimmering Slash
Emerald Vine                                   Platinum Meteor
Emerald Jail                                   Golden Wheel
Dryad's Cyclone

The other part of the magic ability is it's range (lock won't activate unless an
enemy is in the area, fire will):
LineLock/LineFire: Fires in a straight line on both sides.
RandomFire/RandomLock: Attack affects 3 random circles in battle.
FanFire/FanLock: Attacks in a cone shape.
SphereLock/SphereFire: Attacks in a circle in front of you.
DonutLock/DonutFire: Attacks in a circle around you.
ControlLock/Control Fire: Creates a bubble around you that you can move around.

------6: Golems
This section will be of use only if you have a Golem Workshop (#55).

--------A. General Creation
When you create a golem, you use one weapon and 1-3 armor pieces.  Use the
strongest stuff you have.  The number of armor has the following effects:
3 pieces: 15% failure chance, 6x6 logic grid
2 pieces: 25% failure chance, 5x5 logic grid
1 piece: 35% failure chance, 4x4 logic grid.

Creation tips:
--Use three pieces of armor.
--Keep the weapon type in mind, it determines some attacks.
--Use the strongest things you have.
--If you make golems out of items that increase luck, that golem will have lots
of luck (3 destinydice = 20 luck golem!)

Creation Strategy (Sent in to me by another person):

Let's face it, golems are mostly useless, except for their Synchro
abileteis. But, there are three things golems can do to be of help.
1. Soak up hits. Make a golem out of 3 good peices of armor.
2. Drop Candy.
3. SET PEOPLE ON FIRE! The most damaging attack is anything that will set
monsters on fire. It will bing ANYTHING, even a Land Dragon, to 1 HP!

How To Fight:
The easiest way to kill monsters is to time your attacks so that the monster
does not have time to strike back. This does NOT mean using a combo. Work on
your timing and you will be able, someday, to kill a land dragon using an
animal hide hammer!

How To Make A 200+ Attack Power Lorimar Iron Hammer With Only 750 Lucre And
A Giant's Horn:
Get a hammer. Go to polpota harbor and buy 3 holy water. find a giant's
horn. Temper them into your hammer. Easy. Quick. Effective. And best of all,

--------B. Painting
Here are the paint colors, for those who care about their golem's appearance:

Apricat: Apricot
Applesocks: Apple Red
Bellgrapes: Grape Gray
Boarmelon: Melon Green
Bumpkin: Golden Orange
Cabadillo: Lettuce Green
Cherry Bombs: Berry Purple
Citisquid: Sweet Yellow
Conchurnip: Conch Gray
Cornflower: Sour Yellow
Dialaurel: Bitter Green
Diceberry: Strawberry
Fishy Fruit: Sour Yellow
Garlicrown: Crown Silver
Gold Clover: Grass Gold
Heart Mint: Mint Green
Honey Onion: Eliminates all color
Lilipods: Lily Purple
Loquat-Shoes: Golden Orange
Mangolephant: Mango Green
Masked Potato: Masked Blue
Mush-in-a-Box: 'Shroom Silver
Needlettuce: Cabbage Green
Orange'opus: Sun Orange
Orcaplant: Orca Blue
Peach Puppy: Peach Red
Pear o' Heels: Pear Silver
Pine o' Clock: Pine o' Green
Rhinoloupe: Rhino Blue
Rocket Papaya: Bitter Green
Spade Basil: Basil Blue
Spiny Carrot: Sun Orange
Springana: Sweet Yellow
Squalpin: Dolphin Green
Sweet Moai: Moai Gray
Toadstoolshed: Shack Brown
Whalamato: Tomato Red

--------C. Logic Blocks
What really makes a golem special is its logic blocks.  These determine its
actions in battle.  Depending on where you place the block on the logic grid,
the range and gauge is determined.  It's best to make the logic blocks fit the
whole grid, and not have an empty spot.

The following are the shapes possible (It helps to draw a "blueprint" of the
logic grid):

 @          @@      @         @        @          @@         @@@          @@@@
@@@         @@      @@@     @@@

@@          @@        @
 @@        @@         @@

Logic blocks:
Here is a simple chart for logic blocks.  If you have an instrument shop and a
blacksmith, this should be no problem.  The better power of the equipment you
use, the higher power the logic block (like +3 or +1, or nothing which is +0).
I have gotten a maximum of +9 with a beam shot.

Logic Block List:

Note: Parts of this chart may have errors, but most of it is tested and correct.

First Component| Second Component| Logic Block      | Color
Hat            | Flute           | Acid Beam        | Red
Helmet         | Flute           | Acid Beam        | Red
Hat            | Gauntlet        | Barrier          | Red
Helmet         | Gauntlet        | Barrier          | Red
Shield         | Gauntlet        | Barrier          | Red
Shield         | Hat             | Barrier          | Red
Shield         | Helmet          | Barrier          | Red
Flute          | Flute           | Beam Shot        | Red
Mantle         | Pendant         | Bit Barrier      | Red
Pendant        | Pendant         | Bit Barrier      | Red
Ring           | Mantle          | Bit Barrier      | Red
Robe           | Pendant         | Bit Barrier      | Red
Robe           | Ring            | Bit Barrier      | Red
Ring           | Pendant         | Bit Beams        | Red
Ring           | Ring            | Bit Beams        | Red
Armor          | Armor           | Bomber Shot      | Red
Hauberk        | Armor           | Bomber Shot      | Red
Hauberk        | Hauberk         | Bomber Shot      | Red
Boots          | Armor           | Bowling Bomb     | Red
Hauberk        | Boots           | Bowling Bomb     | Red
Hauberk        | Shoes           | Bowling Bomb     | Red
Shoes          | Armor           | Bowling Bomb     | Red
Armor          | Marimba         | Buster Launcher  | Red
Flail          | Pendant         | Candy Drops      | Red
Flail          | Ring            | Candy Drops      | Red
Hammer         | Pendant         | Candy Drops      | Red
Hammer         | Ring            | Candy Drops      | Red
Knife          | Glove           | Chain Drill      | Green
Spear          | Glove           | Chain Drill      | Green
Staff          | Glove           | Chain Drill      | Green
Axe            | Spear           | Chain Guillotine | Green
Axe            | Staff           | Chain Guillotine | Green
Knife          | Axe             | Chain Guillotine | Green
Knife          | Sword           | Chain Guillotine | Green
Sword          | Spear           | Chain Guillotine | Green
Sword          | Staff           | Chain Guillotine | Green
Knife          | Knife           | Chain Spear      | Green
Spear          | Spear           | Chain Spear      | Green
Spear          | Staff           | Chain Spear      | Green
Staff          | Staff           | Chain Spear      | Green
2H Axe         | 2H Axe          | Chainsaw         | Green
2H Sword       | 2H Axe          | Chainsaw         | Green
2H Sword       | 2H Sword        | Chainsaw         | Green
Axe            | 2H Axe          | Chainsaw R       | Green
Axe            | 2H Sword        | Chainsaw R       | Green
Sword          | 2H Axe          | Chainsaw R       | Green
Sword          | 2H Sword        | Chainsaw R       | Green
2H Axe         | Mantle          | Chainsaw Spin    | Green
2H Axe         | Robe            | Chainsaw Spin    | Green
2H Sword       | Mantle          | Chainsaw Spin    | Green
2H Sword       | Robe            | Chainsaw Spin    | Green
Marimba        | Flute           | Diffusion Beam   | Red
Robe           | Drum            | Diffusion Beam   | Red
Hat            | Drum            | Doppelgangers    | Red
Bow            | Pendant         | Double Bits      | Red
Bow            | Ring            | Double Bits      | Red
Knife          | Harp            | Drill Missiles   | Green
Spear          | Harp            | Drill Missiles   | Green
Glove          | Armor           | Dynamite Punch   | Green
Glove          | Hauberk         | Dynamite Punch   | Green
Flute          | Drum            | Electric Charge  | Red
Bow            | Gauntlet        | Electric Net     | Green
Bow            | Shield          | Electric Net     | Green
Helmet         | Helmet          | Energy Charge    | Red
Hat            | Armor           | Fireworks        | Red
Hat            | Hauberk         | Fireworks        | Red
Helmet         | Armor           | Fireworks        | Red
Helmet         | Hauberk         | Fireworks        | Red
Marimba        | Drum            | Flame Cyclone    | Red
Marimba        | Marimba         | Flame Launcher   | Red
Helmet         | Hat             | Float            | Blue
Axe            | Axe             | Guillotine       | Green
Sword          | Axe             | Guillotine       | Green
Sword          | Sword           | Guillotine       | Green
Hat            | Hat             | Halt             | Blue
Axe            | Drum            | Hurricane Slash  | Green
Sword          | Drum            | Hurricane Slash  | Green
Gauntlet       | Marimba         | Immolation       | Red
Shield         | Marimba         | Immolation       | Red
Boots          | Harp            | Jet Dash         | Blue
Shoes          | Harp            | Jet Dash         | Blue
Glove          | Glove           | Knuckle Punch    | Green
Bow            | Drum            | Machinegun       | Green
Armor          | Flute           | Meteor Shower    | Red
Harp           | Harp            | Missiles         | Red
Hat            | Marimba         | Napalm Bomb      | Red
Helmet         | Marimba         | Napalm Bomb      | Red
Gauntlet       | Armor           | Nuclear Explosion| Red
Hauberk        | Gauntlet        | Nuclear Explosion| Red
Shield         | Armor           | Nuclear Explosion| Red
Shield         | Hauberk         | Nuclear Explosion| Red
Harp           | Marimba         | Projectile Shot  | Red
Drum           | Drum            | Pulse Attack     | Red
Boots          | Shoes           | Retreat          | Blue
Hat            | Harp            | Rocket Missile   | Red
Helmet         | Harp            | Rocket Missile   | Red
Glove          | Harp            | Rocket Punch     | Green
Flail          | Flail           | Rubber Hammer    | Green
Hammer         | Flail           | Rubber Hammer    | Green
Hammer         | Hammer          | Rubber Hammer    | Green
Armor          | Drum            | Scatter Bombs    | Red
Hauberk        | Drum            | Scatter Bombs    | Red
Bow            | Bow             | Shotgun          | Green
Flail          | Hat             | Spike-Bomb Hail  | Green
Flail          | Helmet          | Spike-Bomb Hail  | Green
Hammer         | Hat             | Spike-Bomb Hail  | Green
Hammer         | Helmet          | Spike-Bomb Hail  | Green
Flail          | Mantle          | Spiked Boomerang | Green
Flail          | Robe            | Spiked Boomerang | Green
Hammer         | Mantle          | Spiked Boomerang | Green
Hammer         | Robe            | Spiked Boomerang | Green
Glove          | Flail           | Spiked Punch     | Green
Hammer         | Glove           | Spiked Punch     | Green
Boots          | Mantle          | Spinning Blow    | Blue
Robe           | Boots           | Spinning Blow    | Blue
Robe           | Shoes           | Spinning Blow    | Blue
Shoes          | Mantle          | Spinning Blow    | Blue
Robe           | Mantle          | Spiny Guard      | Blue
Robe           | Robe            | Spiny Guard      | Blue
Bow            | Flute           | Wave Beam        | Red

------7: Tips 'n' Tricks

--------A. General:
You can change the day by moving on the world map.
The element in the upper-right corner is the day it is.
Lay the map carefully.  Put everything that can go on the water on the
water, or you might run out of land.
If you hit O and ^ at the same time, you'll do a different trick.  Back-Roll +
Back - Flip = Flip-Kick.
A good place to start on the giant map is the lower-left corner.
To get rid of an NPC, just walk into your house.  Don't do this in quests
like Daddy's Broom (#18) or The Lost Princess (#5).  If you do, you may
never see the NPC again.
Having trouble getting the Mana level of a place up?  Just place the Mana
Tree by it!
The further away something is from your home, the more valuable things you
can buy there, and the tougher it is.  Use this to buy Lorimarlon from Geo (put
Geo in one corner, home in the opposite corner).  I have also been told that
you must have many lands on the map before you place Geo on the map.
To load another character as an NPC, ask Rev. Nouvelle About Using 2P after
asking him about battle, make sure you don't have an NPC with you.  Go to the
upper-left house in the Center of Domina and press X.  You now can choose a game
to load another character from.

You can get the following people in your group after completing their quests:
Escad/Daena: Temple of Healing
Pearl/Elazul: Bejeweled City
Sierra: White Dragon's Location in White Forest
Larc: Tombstone at The Underworld

***Artifact Placement Strategy:
If you know there's an elemental-related item in an
area that you want, place the Mana tree near it and
three other lands. Those can, of course, have the same
desired item.

Example. I want to get a Succubus. Therefore, a Shade
level of 3 is necessary for Fieg Snowfields. Thus, the
Mana Tree will increase it if it is placed adjacent to it.

If, in other areas, I am lacking an elemental's
presence (I.E, no Dryad readily available), then I
should plan on putting something that has a good
chance of having Dryad access either next to the Tree,
or to my Fieg Snowfields."

--------B. Fun Stuff:
You get a crab in your study/library whenever you complete a quest on the
SS Buccaneer that you have to move the ship to complete (Max. of 4).
Hold L1 on a location surrounded by 8 other places to play Land Bopper
(9 locations must be on the screen at once).
If you complete all of the following quests:
The Lost Princess (#5), The Flame of Hope (#23), Drowned Dreams (#28), The
Looking-Glass Tower (#21), The Lucky Clover (#31), Cosmo, Two Pearls,
Alexandrite, Fluorite, and Teardrop Crystal (#33)
Go to the bar in Domina on Salamander Day to play a mini-game.  Prizes:
Points: Item(s)
I didn't get this info myself.  Someone mailed it to me.
0-10 zerobees: nothing
11-20: Little Eye
21-30: Angry Eye
31-40: Blank Eye
41-50: Creepy Eye
51-60: Wicked Eye
61-70: Clear Feather, Moth Wing
71-80: Angel Feather, Raven Feather
81-90: Flaming Quill, White Feather
91-100: Firestone, Earthstone
101-110: Windstone, Waterstone
111-120: Demon Meat, Odd Meat
121-130: Magical Meat, Dragon Steak
131-140: Stinky Breath, Ghost's Howl
141-150: Dragon Breath, Virgin's Sigh
151-160: Aroma Oil, Acid
161-170: Holy Water, Ether
171-180: Halley Rock
181-185: Ankh Rock
186-190: Vinek Rock
191-200: Spiny Seed

Deathbringer II: Without Saga Frontier 2 save:
Simply go to the area where you fought Jajara before you enter The Flames.

Get Strongest Sword from Saga Frontier 2 (Heishihorin 2HSword, power : 62):
Recently, I have heard that there is a way to get the sword without a Saga
Frontier 2 save on your memory card.  If you know exactly how, please e-mail me.

1. Have a Saga Frontier 2 save on your memory card.
2. Highlight the save in a Legend of Mana Save screen, and then cancel out
of the Save.
3. Go to "The Bone Fortress" and head for the third floor. Go left,
upper-left, and then to the right. You'll see two skeletons on the bridge.
When you get close enough to the skeletons, the event will trigger. After
defeating Deathbringer II, you will receive the strongest sword from Saga
Frontier 2.

Get Chocobo as your first pet monster:

1. Have a Final Fantasy VIII save on you memory card.
2. Highlight the save in a Legend of Mana Save screen, and then cancel out
of the Save.
3. Go to "Domina" and head for the western section of "Domina".
4. You will find Duelle and a monster egg here. If the interaction occurred
correctly, Duelle will tell you that the egg is a Bird Egg. Once you catch
the egg and the egg finally hatches, you will receive a Chocobo as your
first pet monster.

Get "FastestWheel" ring item (must finish "catchin' lilipeas" quest first):

1. Have a Chocobo Racing Save on your memory card.
2. Highlight the save in a Legend of Mana Save screen, and then cancel out
of the Save.
3. Go to "Polpota Harbor." On the "Polpota Harbor" map, Skippie will appear
and give you a ring item called "FastestWheel."

Tempering a Mage: (by
For those who have been through the game several times, it might be fun to play
differently.  Here is the equipment for a mage:

Weapon: Staff
Cards: Yggsdrasil
Plunges: Demonicide
Golden Touch

Armor: Adamantite Pendant
Cards: Sacrificed Nymph (Petrification Immunity)
Spring (Sleep Immunity)
Bed of Thorns

Armor: Dragonscale Robe
Cards: Metropolis (Magic Defense +50%; Confusion Immunity)
Spring (Flameburst Immunity)
Bed of Thorns

Armor: Adamantite Ring
Cards: Witch of the Moon (Magic +15)
Witch of the Moon
Witch of the Moon

Pet: Basilisk
-For Effect Plus Petrification. This will help make up for the poor armor.

-------C. Boss & Enemy Tips:
Watch their attacks.  Eventually you should be able to dodge them.
Make full use of your abilities and techniques.
You can pause during battle to see the enemies' level.
Here is how to get different types of motions with a power attack.  If you press
forward, forward, power attack you'll do a thrust.  Back, forward, power attack
and you'll do a jump attack, and you can press diagonal in the direction you are
facing and power attack to do the uppercut attack, these are for melee weapons,
it is different when using the bow, but the same motions work.  These will allow
better combos when doing normal attacks and you won't [get stuck] for a while
when using a power attack if you are doing a thrust, uppercut, or jump attack.
You also have to press them pretty quickly, not wait a few seconds in between...
My favorite tip: "Gain levels!"

Getting Candy in battles:
I know this works for sure with a one handed sword you can make your main
character throw candy in battle(works well with bed of thorns)
OK here's how it works make sure you have high jump (equipped others may work
haven't tried )  do the combo: quick attack , quick attack, quick attack, high
jump + hard attack (so that you drop sword-first) , quick attack, quick
attack,quick attack=candy drop
NOTE: all 7 attacks must connect for this to work

--------D. Gaining Lucre:
Go to the Fieg Snowfields and catch as many dragon eggs that you can.  When the
corral is full, just sell dragon eggs.  If one has 68 HP and 15 attack power, it
is either a Land or Sky Dragon, and will sell for 5,000 Lucre!  You don't even
have too leave the Snowfields!
Play the Shadow Zero game (See Tips 'n' Tricks --> Fun Stuff) and get Dragon
Steaks.  Sell 'em for 1,000 Lucre a piece!
Go to the lower decks on the SS Buccaneer.  Fight polter boxes.  They will give
you sun, moon, and glow crystals.  These will bring in 1,00 Lucre a piece.  (See
Item List for rare item tips.)
Fight Spiny Cones to get wind caps.  Alter them by adding four clear feathers
then sell them for 20,000 lucre!

--------E. Gaining Levels:
After you finish The Lost Princess (#5), the Boinks will have moved and
open a new place in the Mekiv Caverns.  You can get good EXP back there!

If you have the Bejeweled City, go to the room where you get the diamond.  Keep
entering and leaving.  The boss there, worth 900 EXP keeps coming back!

Sometimes you just need experience as an NPC. (This is a very cheap method!)
Load a high level character game.  Go to the empty house in the center of Domina
(See Tips 'n' Tricks --> General).  Load in a low level NPC.  Now, set 2-player
options so the NPC is controlled.  Go fight some tough monsters.  Have the NPC
coward during battle, then snag the EXP!  I got my brother to level 20 before he
hadn't even completed his second quest!

Experienced players who have played through the game once and
automatically started over have two options.  The high EXP mode (Nightmare
Mode), or the low EXP mode (Normal Mode).  Or, the extreme EXP mode.....
(No Future Mode)
See Encyclopedias --> The Forbidden Tome

--------F. Leveling up Guide:
~ By Martin (

Your power weak, you want average stats?  Change your weapon before it's too
Every weapon in this game give you different point if you gain a level.
Note : Your maximum power is 99

Point key and rate (this rate isn't always same exactly):

1 : Very low  : You get 2 power after 4 level
2 : Low       : You get 3 power after 4 level
3 : Average   : You get 4 power after 4 level
4 : High      : You get 5 power after 4 level
5 : Very high : You get 6 power after 4 level

Abilities :
Pwr - Power
Skl - Skills
Def - Defense
Mgc - Magic
H P - HP
Spr - Spirit
Chm - Charm

Weapon point chart :
|Weapon           | Pwr | Skl | Def | Mgc | H P | Spr | Chm |Total|
|Knife            |  2  |  4  |  2  |  2  |  1  |  3  |  3  | = 17|
|Sword            |  3  |  3  |  3  |  2  |  2  |  2  |  2  | = 17|
|Axe              |  3  |  2  |  3  |  2  |  2  |  3  |  1  | = 16|
|2 Handed Sword   |  4  |  3  |  2  |  2  |  2  |  1  |  2  | = 16|
|2 Handed Axe     |  4  |  2  |  4  |  2  |  1  |  2  |  1  | = 16|
|Hammer           |  5  |  2  |  1  |  2  |  2  |  2  |  2  | = 16|
|Lance            |  2  |  4  |  3  |  2  |  1  |  2  |  3  | = 17|
|Staff            |  1  |  2  |  2  |  4  |  1  |  2  |  4  | = 16|
|Glove            |  4  |  2  |  2  |  1  |  3  |  2  |  2  | = 16|
|Flail            |  2  |  4  |  1  |  2  |  1  |  2  |  4  | = 16|
|Bow              |  1  |  5  |  2  |  2  |  1  |  2  |  3  | = 16|

--------G. Catching Monster Eggs:
Walk up to them slowly.
Lay as much food as you want (Max of 5), you can pick it up after the
monster is caught.  Wherever there are monster eggs, elementals (to get
coins from) are there too.
Where bosses will be or used to be are good places to find eggs.

Catch Monsters Without Using Food:
If you manage to get behind a monster egg without scaring it off and stay that
way, it'll eventually show either a blank or "..." in the status bubble where
the arrows and such appear.  Step up then and catch it!  This prevents waste of
produce and meat that could be fed to pets or just sold for cash.

--------H. Dudbear Language:
Dub: "Hi", "Yes"
Dud: "Bye", "No"
Duba: "You"
Duda: "Me"
Dubba: "Friends"
Bubu: "Dudbear"
Gugu: "Other creature"
Da: "Light", "Stars"
Ba: "Night"
Dadda: "Lamp"
Dubababa: "Many", "Very"
Du: "Little"
Baba: "Music"
Dada: "Please"
Gak: "Ack!" (Doesn't like it at all)
Bub?: "What?"
Dada Dadda: "Please by a lamp."

--------H. GameShark Codes:
Credit to Sariel on the GameFAQs message boards for these:

How this list is laid out:
gameshark bit numbers - Plunge Attack name: Card/Temper item (if known).
Description and notes. Slot (if known).

00-02 - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Flash Blade.
03 - Flash Blade: Method unknown. Fire. Medium damage cut.
04 - Ice Blade: Method unknown. Earth/water. Medium damage cut.
05 - Quick Blade: Clown / Bumpkin. Medium damage cut. Raises WP.
Replaces Uppercut.
06 - Ripper Blade: Method unknown. Medium damage cut. Lowers
enemy Defense. Actually affects Charm.
07 - Cats Claw: Method unknown. Medium damage cut. Raises Skill.
08 - Lions Claw: Method unknown. Medium damage cut. Confuses.
09 - Numbing Blade: Method unknown. Medium damage cut. Paralyzing.
0A - Poison Blade: Beast-headed God / Dangerous eye. Medium
damage cut. Poison. Replaces Uppercut.
0B - Sinister Blade: Lord of Flies / Sleepy dust, Blank eye.
Medium damage cut. Good vs. Demi-humans. Replaces Jump.
May Dizzy / Stun Demi-humans (very rare).
0C - Power Attack: Not a plunge. Same as pressing Square.
0D - Thrust: as normal.
0E - Uppercut: as normal.
0F - Jump: as normal.

10-12 - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Flame Tongue.
13-16 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
17 - Flame Tongue: God of Destruction / Angry Eye, Poison
Powder. Medium damage cut, blazing. Replaces Uppercut.
Sets enemies on fire.
18 - Icebrand: Method unknown. Medium damage cut. Freezing.
Turns enemies into snowmen.
19 - Moonlight: Moon Goddess / Moon Crystal. Medium damage cut,
good vs. Aquatics. Replaces Jump. Puts Aquatics to sleep.
1A - Sunlight: Sun God / Sun crystal. Medium damage cut, good
vs. Undead. Replaces Uppercut. Sets Undead on fire.
1B - Vampsword: Witch of Moon / Rust, Sleepy Eye. Medium damage
cut, steals HP. Replaces Uppercut. Restores a fraction
of the damge you inflict via Uppercuts.
1C - Power Attack: Not a plunge. Same as pressing Square.
1D - Thrust: as normal.
1E - Uppercut: as normal.
1F - Jump: as normal.

20-2? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Dragonslayer.
2?-29 - (Blank). Same as Quick Attack.
2A - Dragonslayer: God of War / Dragon's blood. Medium damage cut.
Good vs. Dragons. Replaces Uppercut. Puts Dragons to Sleep.
2B - Woodchopper: Wanderer / Wad of wool. Medium damage cut.
Good vs. Plants. Replaces Jump.
2C - Power Attack: Not a plunge. Same as pressing Square.
2D - Thrust: as normal.
2E - Uppercut: as normal.
2F - Jump: as normal.

2-H Sword
30-3? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Chaotic Avenger.
3?-38 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
39 - Chaotic Avenger: Fallen Angel / Little Eye.
Fire/earth/air/water medium damage cut. Replaces Thrust.
No interesting additions.
3A - Holy Avenger: Method unknown. (Man of Valour? Cleric?).
Medium damage cut. Good vs. Undead. No additional effects
3B - Ragnorak : Ragnorok / Pine o' clock. Large damage cut.
Raises Strength. Replaces Jump.
3C - Power Attack: Not a plunge. Same as pressing Square.
3D - Thrust: as normal.
3E - Uppercut: as normal.
3F - Jump: as normal.

2-H Axe
40-4? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Treefeller.
4?-4A - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
4B - Treefeller: Leviathan / Knockout dust, Silly eye. Large damage
cut. Good vs. Plants. Replaces Jump. Dizzies / stuns Plants.
4C - Great Axe Attack: Lists as Medium damage piercing attack.
Seems to do the same as pressing Square.
4D - Thrust: as normal.
4E - Uppercut: as normal.
4F - Jump: as normal.

50-5? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Mjolnir.
5?-57 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
58 - Mjolnir: Thunder God / Electricity. Fire-based large damage
blunt. Replaces Jump.
59 - Sledge Hammer: Blacksmith God / Ether. Medium damage blunt.
Good vs. Poltergeists. Replaces Jump. Stuns/dizzies
5A - Magma Hammer : Volcano / Ash. Gold/Fire-based medium damage
blunt. Replaces Jump. Increases Defense when it connects.
5B - Quake Hammer : Spirit / Ether. Gold/Earth-based medium damage
blunt. Replaces Jump.
5C - Power Attack: Lists as Medium damage piercing attack.
Seems to do the same as pressing Square.
5D - Thrust: as normal.
5E - Uppercut: as normal.
5F - Jump: as normal.

60-6? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Gungnir.
6?-68 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
69 - Gungnir: Ruler of Sky / Spade basil. Large damage pierce.
Raises Mental. Replaces Thrust.
6A - Spear Of Light: Man of Valour / Dragon's breath. Light-based
large damage pierce. Replaces Thrust.
6B - Trident : Ocean God / Squalfin, Orcaplant. Medium damage
pierce. Good vs. Aquatics. Replaces Thrust. Bestows
Confusion on Aquatic enemies.
6C - Extreme Attack: Lists as Medium damage piercing attack.
Seems to do the same as pressing Square.
6D - Thrust: as normal.
6E - Uppercut: as normal.
6F - Jump: as normal.

70-7? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Electrosceptre.
7?-77 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
78 - Electrosceptre: Ruler of Sky / Spade basil. Fire-based
large damage blunt. Replaces Jump.
79 - Golden Touch: Wings of Darkness / Creepy eye, Blackened Bat?
Weak damage. Experience becomes money. Replaces Jump.
Enemy must be killed by a Jump (back-forward motion) for this
plunge attack to work.
7A - Demonicide: Cleric / Holy water. Medium damage blunt. Good
vs. Demons. Replaces Jump. Sets Demons on fire.
7B - Caduceus: Wind God / Diceberry. Medium damage blunt. Good vs.
Reptiles. Replaces Thrust. Paralyzes Reptiles.
7C - Power Attack: Lists as Medium damage piercing attack.
Seems to do the same as pressing Square.
7D - Thrust: as normal.
7E - Uppercut: as normal.
7F - Jump: as normal.

80-8? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Flying Fist.
8?-88 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
89 - Flying Fist: Method unknown. Medium damage blunt. Good vs.
Aerials. Blinds Aerials.
8A - Bullslayer: Method unknown. Medium damage blunt. Good vs.
Beasts. Paralyzes Beasts.
8B - Hand Of Midas : King / Garlicrown. Weak damage. Experience
becomes money. Replaces Uppercut. Enemy must be killed
by an uppercut (fireball motion) for this plunge attack
to work.
8C - Power Attack: Lists as Large damage blunt attack.
Seems to do the same as pressing Square.
8D - Thrust: as normal.
8E - Uppercut: as normal.
8F - Jump: as normal.

90-93+ - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Electrosceptre.
9?-98 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
99 - Game Of Death: Mother of Gods / Heart Mint. Medium damage
blunt. Raises Skill. Replaces Uppercut.
9A - Green Princess: Mother of Gods / Heart Mint. Medium damage
blunt. Raises Defense. Replaces Thrust.
9B - Red Dream: Mother of Gods / Heart Mint. Medium damage
blunt. Raises Strength. Replaces Jump.
9C - Flail-flog: Lists as Medium damage blunt attack.
Seems to do the same as pressing Square.
9D - Thrust:
9E - Uppercut:
9F - Jump:

A0-A? - Quick Attack: Not a plunge. Is the same as pressing X button.
Lists itself like Medusas Arrow.
A?-A3 - (Blank): Same as Quick Attack.
A4 - Medusas Arrow: Method unknown. Weak damage pierce. Petrifying.
Enemy takes damage until it breaks free; it cannot be
attacked until it does so. Comes standard on Sacred Bow.
A5 - Flaming Arrow: Method unknown. Medium damage pierce.
Blazing. Replaces Double Shot. Sets targets on fire.
Comes standard on Sidewinder.
A6 - Icicle: Method unknown. Medium damage pierce. Freezing.
Replaces Double Shot. Turns enemies into popsicles. Comes
standard on Waveruck.
A7 - Phoenix Falling: Phoenix? / Flaming Quill? OR Sage / Messy Scroll.
Medium damage pierce. Good vs. Aerial. Replaces Double Shot.
Sets birds / aerials on fire.
A8 - Solar Flare: Sun God / Sun crystal. Light-based large
damage pierce. Replaces Double Shot.
A9 - Lunar Shot: Moon Goddess / Moon crystal. Shadow-based large
damage pierce. Replaces Shot.
AA - Magical Shot: Method unkown. Large damage pierce. Good vs.
Demons. Confuses Demons.
AB - Elven Archer: Spirit 2 / Moth wing. Medium damage pierce.
Paralyzation. Replaces Shot.
AC - Power Attack: Lists as Medium damage pierce. Seems to do the
same as pressing Square.
AD - Double Shot (double tap): Indirect medium damage pierce. Quickly fires two
consecutive arrows. These arrows cannot hit the same target.
AE - Shot (fireball): Indirect medium damage pierce. Paralyzes
on occasion. Long recovery time after using it. Short
range and hard to aim. Can hit multiple enemies if they
are close together.
AF - Jump (back and forward): Medium damage blunt attack.

------8: Item List
Getting items from monsters easier:
-Equip 3 DestinyDice (get it from mad mallard monster).  Contrary to popular
belief, the Draupnir is not as good as DestinyDice.  The Draupnir gives +2 to
luck while DestinyDice give +4.
-Bring Polter box pet with you that has maximum luck (keep feeding it pine o'
clocks until lvl. 33!)
-If you can't get an item, switch to a harder mode.
-Find out the elemental strengths and weaknesses of the enemy that you want
an item from. When you place the land that contains that enemy, increase the
mana levels of that land so that that creature's weak elementals are low and
their strong elementals are high.

--------A: The Items
This is a list of what items you can get from who.  I don't include chests or
shopping.  The items are arranged by alpha.  The rarity is from 1-7, 1 being the
most common and 8 being the rarest.  If you see stuff like 3-7, then that gives
it the rarity of 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

I get most of this info from the BradyGames strategy guide, as incorrect as it
may be.  I don't guarantee any of these being 100% accurate.

Items are in alphabetical order and in the following format:
Item: Class: Rarity: Monster that drops the item.

The chart:

Acid                    :      Bottle: 3-7: Big Baby
Acid                    :      Bottle: 3-7: Slime
Adamantite              :     Primary:   7: Chess Knight
Ancient Robe            :        Robe:   3: Tomato Man
Ancient Tiara           :      Helmet: 5-6: Succubs
Angel Feather           :     Feather:   4: Teedie
Angel Feather           :     Feather: 4-5: Garuda
Angry Eye               :         Eye:   3: Hoppin' Tick
Angry Eye               :         Eye:   4: Beholder
AnimalBone              :        Bone:   2: Gray Ox
AnimalBone              :        Bone:   2: Howler
AnimalBone              :        Bone:   2: Skull Beast
AnimalBone              :        Bone:   2: Skeleton
AnimalBone              :        Bone:   3: Molebear
AnimalHide              :        Hide:   2: Teedie
AnimalHide              :        Hide:   3: Gray Ox
AnimalHide              :        Hide:   3: Rabite
AnimalHide              :        Hide:   4: Molebear
AnimalMeat              :        Meat:   2: Molebear
AnimalMeat              :        Meat:   2: Rabite
Ankh Rock               :    Aerolite:   5: Shadow Zero
Archenon                :         Bow:   4: Chobin Hood
Aroma Oil               :     Bottles: 4-7: Poto
Baked Caterpillar       :      Pellet: 4-7: Silkspitter
BaobabWood              :        Wood:   3: Cursed Doll
BaobabWood              :        Wood:   3: Wooding
Big Seed                :        Seed:   1: Lullabud
Big Seed                :        Seed:   2: Malboro
Big Seed                :        Seed:   3: Shrieknip
Bird Meat               :        Meat:   2: Bloodsucker
Bird Meat               :        Meat:   2: Chocobo
Bird Meat               :        Meat:   2: Cocatrice
Bird Meat               :        Meat:   2: Garuda
Bird Meat               :        Meat:   2: Needlebeak
Black Elk               :         Axe:   2: Goblin
Black Robe              :        Robe:   7: Specter
Blackened Bat           :      Pellet: 4-7: Bloodsucker
Blank Eye               :         Eye:   2: Poto
Blank Eye               :         Eye:   5: Beholder
Blank Eye               :         Eye: 3-7: Lizardon
Blank Eye               :         Eye: 3-7: Tonpole
Bloody Mask             :      Helmet:   4: Fierce Face
Braveblade              :    2H Sword:   3: Dainslaif
Brisingamen             :     Pendant:   7: Succubs
Bronze Spear            :       Spear:   2: Sahagin
Bug Meat                :        Meat:   2: Gloomoth
Bug Meat                :        Meat:   2: Hoppin' Tick
Bug Meat                :        Meat:   2: Sand Scorpion
Bug Meat                :        Meat:   2: Silkspitter
Bug Meat                :        Meat:   2: Stinger Bug
Butterfly Wing          :     Feather:   4: Gloomoth
Captain's Helm          :      Helmet: 5-6: Mad Mallard
Choco-bite              :     Unknown:   1: Chocobo
Choco-bite              :     Unknown:   1: Rattler Boa
Choco-bite              :     Unknown:   1: Shadow Zero
Choco-bite              :     Unknown: 1-2: Tomato Man
Chaos Crystal           :Mana Crystal:   5: Polter Box
Ciermerlion             :        Ring: 5-7: Mushboom
Clear Feather           :     Feather: 3-7: Stinger Bug
Coral                   :     Primary: 4-7: Seadragon
Coral                   :     Primary: 4-7: Seajack
Coral                   :     Primary: 5-6: Pincher Crab
Creepy Eye              :         Eye:   6: Beholder
Crimson Glare           :       Knife:   6: Dainslaif
Dangerous Eye           :         Eye:   3: Beholder
Deathstroke             :       Knife:   5: Dainslaif
Demon Meat              :        Meat:   2: Dark Stalker
Demon Meat              :        Meat:   2: Fierce Face
Demon Meat              :        Meat:   2: Imp
Demon Meat              :        Meat: 2-3: Chimera Beast
Demon Meat              :        Meat: 2-3: Punkster
Demon-Wolf Spirit       :     Unknown:   5: Howler
Destiny Dice            :     Pendant:   3: Mad Mallard
Devil's Fork            :       Spear:   7: Imp
Devil's Spear           :       Spear:   7: Sahagin
Dior Wood               :        Wood:   7: Wooding
Divine Flail            :       Flail:   7: Springball
Doombringer             :    2H Sword:   6: Dark Stalker
Doomhammer              :      Hammer: 4-5: Cursed Doll
Dragon Blood            :     Bottles:   4: Land Dragon
Dragon Blood            :     Bottles:   4: Sky Dragon
Dragon Breath           :       Vials:   3: Land Dragon
Dragon Breath           :       Vials:   3: Sky Dragon
Dragon Mail             :     Hauberk:   6: Land Dragon
Dragon Necklace         :     Pendant:   3: Specter
Dragon Ring             :        Ring:   6: Sky Dragon
Dragon Robe             :        Robe:   ?: Kid Dragon
Dragon Scales           :      Scales:   7: Land Dragon
Dragon Scales           :      Scales:   7: Sky Dragon
Dragon Skin             :        Hide:   5: Land Dragon
Dragon Steak            :        Meat:   2: Land Dragon
Dragon Steak            :        Meat:   2: Sky Dragon
Dragonsbane             :       Sword:   4: Dark Stalker
Dragonsmane             :      Helmet:   ?: Land Dragon
Durandal                :       Sword:   5: Dark Stalker
Earthsplitter           :         Axe:   3: Goblin
Ebony Wood              :        Wood:   4: Wooding
Electric Essence        :         Urn: 3-7: Tezla
Elder Bow               :         Bow: 2-3: Chobin Hood
Excalibur               :    2H Sword:   7: Moldy Goo
Fiery Stabber           :       Spear:   5: Sahagin
Fish Meat               :        Meat:   2: Big Baby
Fish Meat               :        Meat:   2: Iffish
Fish Meat               :        Meat:   2: Pincher Crab
Fish Meat               :        Meat:   2: Seadragon
Fish Meat               :        Meat: 2-3: Seajack
Fish Scales             :      Scales:   3: Seadragon
Fish Scales             :      Scales: 3-7: Iffish
Flaming Quill           :     Feather: 3-7: Chocobo
Flaming Quill           :     Feather: 3-7: Cocatrice
Flat Seed               :        Seed: 5-6: Malboro
Flat Seed               :        Seed: 6-7: Lullabud
Flat Seed               :        Seed: 6-7: Shrieknip
Fluffy Hairball         :     Pouches:   6: Rabite
Flying Dragon Grass     :     Unknown:   5: Sky Dragon
Fossil                  :        Bone:   7: Tyranno
FullMetal               :     Primary:   7: Pincher Crab
Gaeus' Tears            :       Stone:   7: Chimera Bast
Gator Skin              :        Hide:   3: Tyrannos
General's Helm          :      Helmet:   7: Mad Mallard
Giant's Horn            : Fangs/Claws: 4-7: Gray Ox
Giant's Horn            : Fangs/Claws: 5-6: Chess Knight
Giant's Horn            : Fangs/Claws: 5-7: Skull Beast
Giant's Spear           :       Spear:   6: Sahagin
Gigas Flail             :       Flail:   4: Springball
Gigas Glove             :       Glove:   3: Narcissos
Gigas Glove             :       Glove:   7: Molebear
Goddess Mail            :     Hauberk: 6-7: Polter Box
Glow Crystal            :Mana Crystal:   4: Polter Box
Ghost's Howl            :        Vial:   4: Shrieknip
Grave Dirt              :      Powder:   3: Skull Beast
Grave Dirt              :      Powder:   3: Zombie
Grave Dirt              :      Powder:   4: Ape Mummy
Grave Dirt              :      Powder:   4: Specter
Grave Dirt              :      Powder:   4: Skeleton
Halley Rock             :    Aerolite:   4: Shadow Zero
HealingClaw             : Fangs/Claws:   3: Chess Knight
Hero's Armor            :       Armor:   7: Sand Scorpion
Hero's Crown            :      Helmet:   7: Fierce Face
HollyWood               :        Wood:   2: Cursed Doll
HollyWood               :        Wood:   2: Wooding
Holy Glove              :       Glove: 5-6: Narcissos
Ivory                   :        Bone:   4: Chess Knight
Jacobini Rock           :    Aerolite:   3: Shadow Zero
Jade Band               :         Hat:   ?: Kid Dragon
Jester's Cap            :      Helmet:   6: Fierce Face
Judd Hemp               :      Fabric:   6: Ape Mummy
Judge's Gavel           :      Hammer:   6: Cursed Doll
Juggernaut              :       Flail:   2: Springball
Langseaxe               :         Axe:   6: Goblin
Levantine               :       Sword:   3: Dark Stalker
Levantine               :       Sword: 5-6: Moldy Goo
Little Eye              :         Eye:   5: Rabite
Little Eye Throw        :     Unknown:   5: Teedie
Lizard Meat             :        Meat:   2: Basilisk
Lizard Meat             :        Meat:   2: Lizardon
Lizard Meat             :        Meat:   2: Rattler Boa
Lizard Meat             :        Meat:   2: Tonpole
Lizard Meat             :        Meat:   2: Tyrannos
Lizard Scales           :      Scales: 3-7: Basilisk
Lizard Scales           :      Scales: 3-7: Rattler Boa
Long Seed               :        Seed:   2: Shrieknip
Long Seed               :        Seed:   3: Lullabud
Marble                  :       Stone:   4: Chimera Beast
Milane Crown            :      Helmet:   5: Fierce Face
MapleWood               :        Wood:   5: Wooding
Moon Crystal            :Mana Crystal:   3: Polter Box
Moonrock Tiara          :         Hat:   2: Succubs
Moss                    :        Urns:   4: Moldy Goo
Muramasa Blade          :    2H Sword:   7: Dainslaif
Needle                  :       Pouch: 3-7: Needlebeak
Ninja's Charm           :     Pendant:   4: Mad Mallard
Oak Wood                :        Wood:   1: Wooding
Oblong Seed             :        Seed:   1: Malboro
Obsidian                :       Stone:   5: Chimera Beast
Obsidian                :       Stone:   6: Teedie
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   1: Beholder
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   1: Poto
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   1: Springball
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   2: Denden
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   2: Moldy Goo
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   2: Shadow Zero
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   2: Slime
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   2: Tezla
Odd Meat                :        Meat:   3: Springball
Odd Meat                :        Meat: 1-2: Spiny Cone
Odd Meat                :        Meat: 5-6: Springball
Orihalcon               :       Knife:   4: Dainslaif
Orihalcon               :       Metal: 4-7: Punkster
Paralysis Powder        :      Powder:   4: Mushboom
Paralysis Powder        :      Powder:   5: Gloomoth
Pedan Stone             :       Stone:   6: Chimera Beast
Pedan Stone             :       Stone:   7: Teedie
Pegasus Helm            :      Helmet:   3: Fierce Face
Pheonix Robe            :        Robe:   7: Garuda
Poison Fang             : Fangs/Claws:   4: Howler
Poison Fang             : Fangs/Claws: 5-7: Zombie
Poison Fang             : Fangs/Claws: 6-7: Howler
Poison Powder           :      Powder:   2: Mushboom
Poison Powder           :      Powder:   3: Sand Scorpion
Poison Powder           :      Powder:   4: Lullabud
Rabite Ear              :      Mantle:   7: Rabite
Ragnarok                :       Sword:   7: Dark Stalker
Raven Feather           :     Feather:   3: Garuda
Rosary                  :     Unknown:   4: Tomato Man
Rotten Meat             :        Meat:   2: Ape Mummy
Rotten Meat             :        Meat:   2: Specter
Rotten Meat             :        Meat:   2: Zombie
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Bloodsucker
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Cursed Doll
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Imp
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Lizardon
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Rabite
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Slime
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Specter
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Teedie
Round Seed              :        Seed:   1: Tonpole
Ruby Band               :    Gauntlet:   6: Garuda
Rust                    :      Powder:   3: Moldy Goo
Rust                    :      Powder: 4-7: Hoppin' Tick
Sacred Bow              :         Bow:   7: Chobin Hood
Salesman  Glove         :       Glove:   7: Narcissos
Scissors                : Fangs/Claws:   3: Pincher Crab
Scissors                : Fangs/Claws:   5: Sand Scorpion
Sharp Claw              : Fangs/Claws:   3: Howler
Sharp Claw              : Fangs/Claws:   4: Tyrannos
Sharp Claw              : Fangs/Claws:   5: Molebear
Shell                   :     Primary:   4: Pincher Crab
Shell                   :     Primary:   6: Sand Scorpion
Shell                   :     Primary: 3-7: Denden
Sidewinder              :         Bow:   5: Chobin Hood
Silly Eye               :         Eye:   2: Beholder
Silly Eye               :         Eye:   3: Poto
Silly Eye               :         Eye:   4: Malboro
Silver Crane            :         Axe:   4: Goblin
Skeleton Mail           :     Hauberk:   7: Skeleton
Skuldesect              :       Glove:   4: Narcissos
Skuldesect              :       Glove:   7: Ape Mummy
Skullhead               :     Unknown:   6: Skeleten
Sleep Powder            :      Powder:   3: Mushboom
Sleep Powder            :      Powder: 6-7: Gloomoth
Sleepy Eye              :         Eye:   3: Gloomoth
Sleepy Eye              :         Eye:   3: Teedie
Small Seed              :        Seed:   1: Shrieknip
Small Seed              :        Seed:   2: Lullabud
Small Seed              :        Seed:   3: Malboro
Snake Scales            :      Scales: 5-6: Tyranno
Snow Deer               :         Axe:   5: Goblin
Soldier's Helm          :      Helmet:   2: Mad Mallard
Spiny Seed              :        Seed:   5: Lullabud
Spiny Seed              :        Seed:   5: Shrieknip
Spiral Claw             : Fangs/Claws:   2: Narcissos
Spiral Claw             : Fangs/Claws:   3: Ape Mummy
Spirit Ribbon           :         Hat:   4: Succubs
Stargazer               :       Spear:   4: Sahagin
Stinger                 :     Unknown:   4: Sand Scorpion
Sultan's Silk           :      Fabric:   3: Silkspittter
Sun Crystal             :Mana Crystal:   2: Polter Box
Sweet Revenge           :         Axe:   7: Goblin
Thor's Hammer           :      Hammer:   7: Cursed Doll
Throatslitter           :       Knife:   2: Dainslaif
Ash Wood           :        Wood:   6: Wooding
True Spear              :       Spear:   3: Sahagin
True Spear              :       Spear: 3-6: Imp
Tuttle Rock             :    Aerolite:   7: Shadow Zero
Waveruck                :         Bow:   6: Chobin Hood
Wicked Eye              :         Eye:   7: Beholder
Wind Cap                :         Hat: 3-7: Spiny Cone
Wishbone                :     Pendant:   3: Skeleton
Vampire Fang            : Fangs/Claws:   3: Bloodsucker
Vestment                :     Unknown:   6: Specter
Vinek Rock              :    Aerolite:   6: Shadow Zero
Vitium Ribbon           :         Hat:   3: Succubs
VizelGold               :       Metal:   6: Molebear
Zombie Claw             : Fangs/Claws:   4: Skull Beast
Zombie Claw             : Fangs/Claws:   4: Zombie
Zombie Claw             : Fangs/Claws:   5: Ape Mummy
Zombie Claw             : Fangs/Claws:   5: Specter
Zombie Claw             : Fangs/Claws:   5: Skeleton

--------B. Monsters
Here is where to find the monsters (by alpha):

Ape Mummy:
The Underworld
Mindas Ruins
Bejeweled City

Tower of Leires
Tree of Mana

Lake Kilma
Bejeweled City

Big Baby:
Madora Beach

Mekiv Caverns
Tower of Leires

Chess Knight:
Mindas Ruins
Tower of Leires
The Flames

Chimera Beast:
The Underworld

Chobin Hood:
Luon Highway
Lake Kilma
Bejeweled City

Luon Highway
Duma Desert
Madora Beach
Tree of Mana

Duma Desert

Cursed Doll:
The Underworld
The Flames

Tower of Leires
Bone Fortress
The Flames

Dark Stalker:
The Underworld
Tower of Leires
Bejeweled City

Luon Highway
The White Forest
Bejeweled City

Fierce Face:
Duma Desert
The Flames

Luon Highway
Tree of Mana

Bone Fortress
The Flames

Mekiv Caverns
The White Forest
The Flames

Gray Ox:
Gato Grottos
Lake Kilma

Hoppin' Tick:
Ulkan Mines

Norn Peaks
Fieg Snowfields
The Flames

Madora Beach
SS Buccaneer

Luon Highway

Land Dragon:
Mekiv Caverns
The Flames
Tree of Mana


Luon Highway
Mindas Ruins

Mad Mallard:
Duma Desert
Tower of Leires
The Flames

Ulkan Mines
Bejeweled City
Tree of Mana

Moldy Goo:
Gato Grottos

Duma Desert
Ulkan Mines

Mekiv Caverns
The White Forest

Norn Peaks
Ulkan Mines

Gato Grottos
Luon Highway
The White Forest

Pincher Crab:
Mekiv Caverns
Madora Beach

Polter Box:
Gato Grottos
SS Buccaneer

Mekiv Caverns
Fieg Snowfields

Tree of Mana

Luon Highway
Fieg Snowfields
The White Forest

Rattler Boa:
Gato Grottos
Mindas Ruins
The White Forest

Mekiv Caverns
Madora Beach
SS Buccaneer
Fieg Snowfields

Sand Scorpion:
Duma Desert

Madora Beach
Fieg Snowfields

Madora Beach
SS Buccaneer

Shadow Zero:
Gato Grottos
The Underworld
Bejeweled City

Lake Kilma
Luon Highway

The White Forest

Skull Beast:
Duma Desert
Bone Fortres

Sky Dragon:
Fieg Snowfields
The Flames
Tree of Mana

Gato Grottos
Bone Fortress
Ulkan Mines

Gato Grottos
Ulkan Mines
SS Buccaneer

Spiny Cone:
Luon Highway
Lake Kilma

Mekiv Caverns
Gato Grottos

Ulkan Mines
Tree of Mana

Stinger Bug:
Luon Highway
Lake Kilma

The Underworld
Mindas Ruins
Tower of Leires
Bejeweled City

Lake Kilma
Madora Beach

Lake Kilma
Madora Beach

Tomato Man:
Bone Fortress
Tree of Mana
Bone Fortress

Mekiv Caverns
Lkae Kilma
Fieg Snowfields

Tree of Mana

Gato Grottos
The White Forest
Tree of Mana

Fieg Snowfields

--------C. Shopping List/Items From Quests
Shopping varies on where you place your lands.  The farther away a town is from
home, the better stuff they sell!  (See Tips 'n' Tricks --> General)

In every town, there is a person selling minerals (usually a student from Geo).
There is also an item shop at every town.  If you put Geo in the upper-left
corner of the map, and your home in the lower-right, they'll be selling
IshePlatinum weapons at Geo!!!

Since there are so many different combinations for shopping, it's nearly
impossible to make a list.  Just read the guidelines above.


You can get many items from quests.  The item is usually determined by how far
away your home is from the location where you finished the event.  If you place
The White Forest in one corner of the map and your home in the opposite corner,
you might get AltenaAlloy from The Dragon Princess (#37).  Here is a chart
showing how to get AltenaAlloy and buy LorimarIron weapons:

How to buy Lorimar Iron and be able to get Altena Alloy:
put your home in one corner, put Geo in the other, then put The White Forest
(or any other quest you can get Altena Alloy from) in any of the spots
marked with :::

Geo :::
::: :::


(Basically, put your home in one corner, Geo in the opposite corner, and the
White Forest by Geo.)

------9: Other Information

--------A: Contact Information

    My e-mail address is I am unavailable to provide help on
game-related issues due to the amount of time that has passed since the writing
of this walkthrough. However, I would appreciate hearing from you with comments
and requests.

	If you are interested in including this walkthrough on your site, please
read the next section.

--------B: Licensing

As of April 27, 2009, I have updated all of my walkthroughs to be licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
( This means you are free to
redistribute or build upon my work, even for commercial purposes. The only
thing I ask in return is that you give me credit for the content you use.

--------C: Credits

I do give a special thanks to everyone in the credits.  Without them, this
walkthrough would be nothing.

Thanks to Squaresoft for making such a great game!
Thanks to anyone who has written a walkthrough or FAQ, I know how hard it
Thanks to (100% @nne Lumina) for information on finding
Arthopod eggs at the Duma Desert.
Thanks to for several item locations.
Thanks to Ah King's Legend of Mana Site.  It helped me get the information
I needed.;id=18;go
It's a great site, although lots of stuff is for the Japanese version.
Thanks To Ronnie Crowder's  (  technique guide.
It helped my get the techniques I missed.
Thanks to Aphel Aura ( for the "Gaining Pet Levels"
Thanks to Joe Marshall ( for telling me about No
Future Mode, among many other people.
Thanks to Soothsayer (, and ctjanus (e-mail unknown)
for their helpful posts on message boards.
Thanks to (Robert J Spurling) for help on No Future Mode
Thanks to kiah (e-mail unknown) for his strategy on tempering.
Thanks to Martin Wahyudi ( for the leveling up section and
the item list.
Thanks to Arthur Wong ( for helping me write some tips for
some quests and notifying me that Forsenalorn is ForsenaIron.
Thanks to the walkthroughs on GameFAQs for helping me get some stuff, and
reminding me of a few things.  They also helped me to get some encyclopedia
entries I didn't have.
Thanks to all the strategy guides that helped me put the "final detail" on the
walkthrough.  I give special thanks to the BradyGames guide.
Thanks to many e-mails and posts on message boards and the BradyGames strategy
guide for helping me finish up the item list.
Thanks to (Kai Moonbourn),, and for putting Deathbringer II in the encyclopedia.
Thanks to for helping me with the different kinds of attacks in
Thanks to (Lee Beng Hai) for some golem stuff and instrument
Thanks to (Jon D) for confirming the requirements for event
Thanks to Dxie's Pet Guide for helping me get all of the demi-human mana levels
I have.  Dxie's Pet Guide can be found at:
Thanks to Moonlore for expanding greatly on kiah's tempering stuff.  His e-mail
was not posted on the message boards.
Thanks to (The NightGuard) for helping Wandering Mage
with the Man of Valour mystic power.
Thanks to (Clinton Newcombe) for helping me duplicate
a Revive/Forbidden Ring.
Thanks to (Wilson Mark) for identifying the Ragnarok and
the Rabite's Ear.
Thanks to for telling me where to find AltenaAlloy.
Thanks to for giving me several small tips and bug fixes.
Thanks to for some items and some Lucre tips.
Special thanks to (Wandering Mage) for Elemental Tips and
Tempering stuff.  Wandering Mage also helped with the Shadow-Zero mini-game.
Thanks to for some demi-human locations.
Thanks to the following for their small, but very helpful contributions:
Jack Dietz (, The Andreen's (, Ryan
Ballew (RBallew@DOCE.LSU.EDU),,,
Tom J Kenny (, Jeff (, Wei Chern Chu
(, john yein (,,
Thanks to (Pongkit Siriruamsap) for help on creating an all-
powerful weapon.
Thanks to (Eli Davis) for the FullMetal item.
Thanks to (tgcelestino) for correcting some stuff.
Thanks to Senlur's LOM message board post for helping me make an awesome
Thanks to (Acceptable Risk) for telling be that you can
get Broken Doll from Reach for the Stars.
Thanks to for helping Wandering Mage with some mystic powers.
And thanks to all the e-mails (many, many, many) that helped me fix all of
the errors in all the versions.
Thanks to Masterwai for his post on 4+ essence levels.
Thanks to and for helping the mystic powers
Thanks to (Dennis H Ingram) for telling me about Bed of Thorns
mystic power.
Thanks to (Che Weng) for finishing up the Paint section on
Thanks to for telling me about golem luck.
Thanks to (Conliffe, Ciaran(LIT) for informing me
about Elazul leaving on The Lost Princess event.
Thanks to (defz) for telling me that you get the Jade Egg from
The Lucky Clover event as well.
Thanks to for telling me several things.
Thanks to (Wilson Mark) for identifying several items.
Thanks to (Dark Angel) for telling me about several
Thanks to (Huy Lam) for telling me about the Salesman Glove
and Dragonsmane.
Special thanks to (Richard Bavely) for some awesome tempering
Thanks to CoJo  for some stuff on seeds.
Thanks to for telling me that the Orihalcon dropped by
Dainslaifs is a knife.
Thanks to for helping me with fixing the 2H Sword
Thanks to for helping me figure out how to use 3 abilities.
Thanks to (Andre Wijaya) for more help on the Shade/2H
Sword problem.
Thanks to every site that posts my FAQ and to the people that read it.  After
all, without a site, no one could read it.  If no one read it, then it would be
Thanks to (Richard Bavely) and for stuff on
Thanks to for telling me about LoM's second glitch.
Thanks to K for sending in lots of stuff.
Thanks to (Shane McIntire) for notifying me about Ash
Thanks to (Cayr Desanea) for testing Sarick's ultimate bow.
Thanks to Todd Brauns ( and Michael Martinez
( for giving me a location placement strategy.
Thanks to (Firedrake) for telling me about getting characters
after you complete their quests.
Thanks to for telling me about getting candy in battle with a 2H
Thanks to (Conliffe, Ciaran(LIT)) for telling me
about getting the Broken Doll from The Fallen Emperor, and telling me about the
Sword of Fate.
Thanks to (Nathaniel McCann) for telling me about lots of
stuff, including a chart on getting AltenaAlloy and a Golem creation strategy.
Thanks to defz ( for telling me lots of stuff.
Thanks to for telling me how to get Ankh Rock from the
Shadow-Zero mini-game.
Thanks to for telling me how to fix the medallion bug.
Thanks to for telling me that he got the Saga Frontier 2
sword without a Saga Frontier 2 save on his memory card.
Thanks to (Bart Kelsey) for telling me you can get the Torch
of Coral from the Reach for the Stars (#36) events.
Thanks to for information on getting weapons made of good
material in Geo.
Thanks to AsianGrinch ( for DragonScales tempering info.
Thanks to (Eectro) for information about Nicolo's Business
Unusual: Part 3 and Nicolo Calls it Quits.
Thanks to for corrections on my technique section.
Thanks to for the 'Tempering a Mage' section.
Thanks to (Ty) for information on getting easy lucre.

Thanks to the following from the GameFAQs message boards (e-mail addresses are
above, but names on the message board are given here):
The Sickness, Sarick, Senlur, kiah, Zingo, gilbeymog, Sir Garland, Sariel

***Extra Special Thanks***
To all the sites and individuals that have helped spread the popularity of this