Dudbear Language Guide v1.0 (6/14/2000) A Legend of Mana Guide written by Grey Dudbears are some cute teddy bear looking critters that live in the town of Lumina. They don't speak any other language then Dudbear, so if you want to communicate with them, you gotta speak their language. The Dudbear language is pretty primitive, but very easy to learn. I've included translations of basic terms, and the translations (and articulation) of common Dudbear terms. Basic Terms /----------------------------------\ | Dudbear | English | |----------+-----------------------| | Dub | Hello, Yes | | Dud | Good-bye, No | | Duba | You | | Duda | Me | | Dubba | Friends | | Bubu | Dudbear | | Gugu | Everyone else | | Da | Light, Stars | | Ba | Night | | Dadda | Lamp | | Dubababa | Many, Very | | Du | Little | | Baba | Music | | Dada | Please | | Gak | (displeasure)* | | Bub? | (I don't understand)* | \----------------------------------/ *These terms are more emotional responses then actual words. Common Dudbear Phrases /----------------------------------------------------------\ | Dudbear | English | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | Dada Dadda | Please Lamps | | Duda Dub Ba | Me No Night | | Duba Dub Ba | You No Night | | Ba Baba | Night Music | | Da Baba | Light Music | | Duba Dubba | Me Friends | | Duba Duda Dubba, Dub? | You Me Friends, Yes? | | Duda Bubu | Me Dudbear | | Duba Bubu? | You Dudbear? | | Duba Dubababa Ba Da! Dub? | You Very Light Night! Yes? | | Duda Gak Duba | Me (Dislike) You | | Duba Gak Bubu | You (Dislike) Dudbear | | Duba Dadda Dub? | You Lamp Yes? | | Dubababababa Dub | Maaaaaaannnny Yes | \----------------------------------------------------------/ Common Dudbear Phrases (articulated) /----------------------------------------------------------\ | Dudbear | English (articulated) | |---------------------------+------------------------------| | Dada Dadda | Please buy my lamps | | Duda Dub Ba | I don't like the night | | Duba Dub Ba | You don't like the night | | Duba Dubba | My friends | | Duba Duda Dubba, Dub? | We are Friends, Yes? | | Duda Bubu | I'm a Dudbear | | Duba Bubu? | Are You a Dudbear? | | Duba Dubababa Ba Da! Dub? | You are very bright! Yes? | | Duda Gak Duba | I don't like You | | Duba Gak Bubu | You don't like Dudbears | | Duba Dadda Dub? | You're selling lamps, Yes? | \----------------------------------------------------------/ Some more Conversational Dudbear /------------------------------------------------------\ | Dudbear | English | |----------------------+-------------------------------| | Duda Gugu. Duba? | I'm a human. You? | | Baba Dubababa Dub | The Music is very good. | | Ba Gak | I hate Night/I hate the Dark. | | Dadda Dud Ba | Lamps kills the Dark. | | Da Da | The Stars are bright. | | Dada Duda Dubba | Please be my friend. | | Duba Dubababa Dubba | You have many friends. | | Ba...Dud | It's Dark... Good Night. | \------------------------------------------------------/ Some clues on speaking Dudbear: 1. Don't be literal. There is some leeway in the translation allowed. 2. Be very careful. Dub looks a lot like Dud, and messing up that 1 letter will make you look like a fool or offend someone greatly. 3. Have fun! It's a language that's funny to even try to say out loud. Try it. Say "Da Da. Da Dud Ba". Well, that's all of this short document. Hope this helps you in your journeys in the land of Fa'Diel. As the Dudbears would say, "Duda Dubba Dud!" or as we would say, "Good night my friends!" ************************************************************** *This document is Copyright 2000 Grey. No one should be using* *this document without permission * * * *Don't rip this. Getting ripped sucks, and you wouldn't want * *it to happen to you. * ************************************************************** ------------------Shameless Plug------------------ Check out my other Legend of Mana writings over at http://www.gamefaqs.com ------------------Shameless Plug------------------