Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon Skill Points FAQ { i } ( || ) Hello and Welcome to my Spyro 3 FAQ! =Version1.0= |Table of Contents| (Use Ctrl + F to search) 1A.Introduction 2B. Skill Point list and walkthrough. 1a. Sunny Villa: Flame All Trees 2b. Sunny Villa: Skateboard record I 3c. Molten Crater: Assemble Tiki heads 4d. Molten Crater: Supercharge the wall 5e. Seashell Shore: Catch the funky chicken 6f. Icy Peak: Glide to the pedestal 7g. Enchanted Towers: Skateboard record II 8h. Spooky Swamp: Destroy all Piranha signs 9i. Sgt. Byrd’s Base: Bomb the gophers 10j. Frozen Altars: Beat the Yeti in two rounds 11k. Lost Fleet: Skateboard record time 12l. Fireworks Factory: Find Agent 9’s powerup 13m. Charmed Ridge: The Impossible Tower 14n. Charmed Ridge: Shoot the temple windows 15o. Bentley’s Outpost: Push the box off the cliff 16p. Desert Ruins: Destroy all seaweed 17q. Haunted Tomb: Swim into the dark hole 18r. Dino Mines: Hit all seahorses 19s. Dino Mines: Hit the secret dino 20t. Agent 9’s Lab: Blow up all palm trees 3C. Epilogue Guide 4D. Fodder Guide 5E. Version History 6F. Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1A. Introduction This FAQ is a guide on the Skill Point aspect of Spyro3. The skill points are there to challenge the player with extra tasks aside from the main objectives of the game. When you get 10, you unlock the Epilogue in your atlas. When you get all 20, you unlock the rest of the Epilogue. You can get a list of all the pages in the epilogue at the end of this FAQ, but since that is technically a spoiler, I wouldn’t recommend this if you want to get it for yourself. Once you have the complete epilogue, got all the eggs, and gems, you have completed the game to achieve 117%. . When you get a skill point, a notice will appear on the screen and a sound will chime. You will then receive a free life. [Skill Point!] 2B. Skill Point List and walkthrough This section is a list of where all skill points are found, and instructions on how to get them. 1a. Sunny Villa: Flame all trees. This one is easy, and can be accomplished in a short amount of time. To get it, you must flame all of the potted trees scattered throughout the level. Tree Locations: -In the beginning of the level, to the right. -First large section of level, next the river on the green plateau. -Up the steps after the first part of the level, straight ahead. -Climb stairs in second area, glide to platform -Climb stairs in second area, glide from platform to platform, and head up the whirlwind. From here, glide from pedestal to pedestal to get to a cliff. It is next to the source of the river. -Next to the entrance of the hallway. -At the corner of the wall, near the well. -In the hallway at the end of the level, behind the exit. 2b. Sunny Villa: Skateboard course record I For this one, you have to complete the objectives, and then Hunter will allow you to attempt his course record. The record is 3500 points. To earn points, you must do tricks. For more help on this, see my Skateboard FAQ. . To get to this sub-level, get to the end of the level, and go up the stairs in the hallway behind the exit. 3c. Molten Crater: Assemble tiki heads This one is easy, yet time consuming. The skill point is achieved when you set all of the tiki heads on the entrance platform before you put them on their bodies. One of them is already on the platform, so you will have to obtain the other 4. You are in a large room in a cave, and there are many sub-rooms. This is where you find the heads. You are Sgt. Byrd, so to get the heads you have to drop down on them, and they are automatically picked up. There are also obstacles preventing you from bringing the heads back. There are toucans that knock you down, making you drop the heads, and there are flame jets, also making you drop the heads, and lose a hit point. If you do drop a head, it returns the place you found it. You can shoot down the toucans, but they do come back, so be careful. To get to this sub-level, go to the end of the level, and take a right. It is in the portal across the bridge. 4d. Molten Crater: Supercharge the wall This one is also part of a sub-level. To get here, follow the same directions as in the last entry, but instead of going into the Sgt. Byrd portal, take a right and glide across to the next platform. Enter the portal. To get the skill point here, you have to crash through a crack in the wall. To get to this breach, from the entrance, go straight ahead, and take a left. You will be at a cliff if you keep going. Stand under the shadow of the supercharge ramp, and look to your left. You will notice an unusual pattern on the wall. Charge or flame it to crash through and get the skill point. Contrary to the title, you do not actually have to supercharge this to get the skill point. 5e. Seashell Shore: Catch the funky chicken. This is at the end of the level. There is a large seashell building, the one with the exit in it. There is a chicken that swims around this, and through a tunnel in the back of it. All you have to do is charge the chicken to get the skill point. 6f. Icy Peak: Glide to the pedestal This on is in a sub-level. To get to the portal, get to the end of the level, and go down a stairs, off of one of the openings in the building. This requires some careful work. When you first enter, you see two thieves, and two supercharge ramps. One of the thieves is on a pedestal in the center of the two ramps. If you catch the first thief, the one on the pedestal will come down. It is much easier to catch him while he is on the pedestal, because he doesn’t run away. Plus, you need to get on this pedestal to get the skill point. To get here, you must supercharge through a series of precise ramps to get to the height necessary to glide there. Take the ramp to the right, follow it to another fork, then again, and take the right path. At the end of this ramp, make a hard jump to the left instead of across to the next ramp, into a cave. Follow the short cave to a whirlwind. The whirlwind takes you right to the top of a mountain. There is some treasure up here, but this also makes is a lot easier to get to the pedestal. Find the pedestal, and glide in its direction. Hover when you are above it, and be careful to land on it. If you do you get the skill point. 7g. Enchanted Towers: Skateboard course record II For this one, you have to complete the objectives, and then Hunter will allow you to attempt his course record. The record is 10,000 points. To earn points, you must do tricks. For more help on this, see my Skateboard FAQ. . To get to this sub-level, get to the end of the level, and go up the stairs to the right. Glide over to the platform the sorceress statue was on, and fall down the hole. The portal is in this basement. 8h. Spooky Swamp: Destroy all piranha signs For this skill point, you have to ask the name suggests destroy all of the piranha signs throughout the main part of the level. They are not hard to find, but their locations are listed here. -Beginning to the right. -2nd island, to the right. -2nd island, across broken bridge, to the right. -3rd island, to the right, in an arch. -4th island, one to the right, and one to left. -7th and last island, near the portals. 9i. Sgt. Byrd’s Base: Bomb the gophers In this level, the skill point requires you bomb or shoot all of the gophers that appear throughout the level. They run around sort of fast, and they go back into their burrows if you get to close. These are their locations: -3rd Room, on the floor. -4th room, center island. -4th room, on the floor, just before the door. -5th room, on the floor, just after the door. -6th room, on the floor, just after the entranceway. -6th room, floor around the curve in front. -6th room, after the level exit, near the entrance to the lava cave. -6th room, after level exit, second highest ledge, above the entrance to the lava cave. 10j. Frozen Altars: Beat Yeti in two rounds First off, to get here, you must go to the area with the snowman, just before the last room. In this area, there is a lower part. Go down here, and find the ramp leading into the Bentley portal. You have to face another Yeti in a boxing match, on behalf of Bartholomew, who believes the Yeti has stolen his ball. After you beat him the first time, you have to face him again in a three round match. If you beat him within two rounds, you get the skill point. This may seem difficult at first, but if you dodge his punches frequently, and attack when and where he is open, you will do fine. However it is important to move quickly if you are to get this skill point. 11k. Lost Fleet: Skateboard record time To get to this sub-level, you have to get to the plateau to the left of the entrance. There are several methods of getting here. When you enter, Hunter will explain the objectives. When you complete the two, he will allow you to go for the course record. You have to make it around the track three times in 1:45.00. If you do so, you get the skill point. 12l: Fireworks Factory: Find Agent 9’s powerup This one makes the game a WHOLE LOT easier. First you must get to the end of the Fireworks Factory level. Then, Greta will set off the rocket. Jump down the hole where the rocket was to get to the portal. Inside, Handel will explain that you have to go through a ninja course to get to the egg. The skill point is inside, and will greatly help you with this difficult task. Enter the first room, and clear out all of the ninjas. Then, look to the ceiling. On one of the rafters, you will see a red box. If you shoot this, you receive the skill point, but also, as the name suggest Agent 9’s powerup. A large gun will fall, and when you get it, Agent 9 will laugh, and you now have a machine gun with 500 shots. 13m. Charmed Ridge: The Impossible Tower This one can be tricky if you don’t execute it well. This requires that you perform a careful glide to a tower. To get to the area necessary to glide here, get to the cave where the superflame is. Climb the wall to the left. Glide onto the small platform you see to the right. From there, glide to the awkwardly shaped platform. Once here, climb up the outcropping to the right. Now glide to the tower you see not on land to the left. When you land you receive the skill point. 14n. Charmed Ridge: Shoot the temple windows This one is done to get to this sub-level, go to the late area before the end. Inside the building in the middle, there is a whirlwind. Once on top, glide to the right ledge. Follow this to the portal. Once inside, a fairy will tell you about cat witches. During the battle with them, shoot out the 2 stained glass windows on each side of the temple. Once you shoot all of them, you get the skill point. 15o. Push box off the cliff This one is simple. All you have to do, is make your way through the level, until you com to the box. This is about 2/3rds way through, just after the 2nd gong. Bartholomew will ask you to move a box blocking the door. Just push it off the cliff to get the skill point. 16p. Desert Ruins: Destroy all seaweed First, to get to this sub-lever, you must get to the part with the three climbing columns being heated by the flame guys. Climb up, and move along the ledge/balcony until you come to a hole. Drop down to get into the basement containing the portal. When you enter, you see a diving spot. Dive in, and find Hunter. He will give you your objective, and when you have completed his task, he will let you freely ride his manta-ray. Use it to shoot the seaweed scattered throughout the area. When you shoot the last one, the skill point is rewarded. 17q. Haunted Tomb: Swim into the dark hole This is probably the easiest skill point, requiring barely any work at all. Simply go into the second room into the level, and find the stream in front, just past the first large mummy. Get into the stream, and swim right, into the dark hole. That’s it. You have gotten the skill point. 18r. Dino Mines: Hit all seahorses This one may take some time…bus if you miss them the first time around, they will not be there when you try again, making it easier to focus. You are swimming through a tunnel and dodging obstacles along the way. It is a pressurized tube, similar to the one in Seashell Shore, only much longer, with more obstacles. There are a few orange seahorses here and there in the tunnel. You must hit them all. To get to this sublevel, go to the part just before the end of the level. Climb up the side of the giant water tank, and dive in. This is the portal. 19s. Dino Mines: Hit the secret dino In the Agent 9 sub-level, you are asked to shoot down the Bailey Gang, similar to the ninja task with Handel in Fireworks Factory. Only this time, you do not get a power-up. Sometime during the shootout, Agent 9 will make a left, and there will be three green dinosaurs shooting at you. Behind them, you may notice an Orangish brown colored dinosaur with different garments. All you have to do is shoot him. This is sort of hard if you don’t focus and aim well. To get to this sublevel, climb the water tank described in section 18r, and glide to the left onto the ledge where the portal resides. 20t. Agent 9’s Lab: Blow up all palm trees. For this one, you must get to the area just before the end of the level, where the professor tells you about using the bombs. There is a bomb-vending machine here that gives u ten bombs per pickup. Get ten, and go back to the beginning. Here is a brief list of the 7 trees’ locations, from the beginning: -To the right of the 1st shooting zone (with all the targets). -Top left of the 1st shooting zone. -Middle left of the 1st shooting zone. -The 2nd shooting zone, to the left. -Right next to the one listed above. -Area to the left of the bomb machine, top left corner. -Area to the left of the bomb machine, top right corner. When you blow them all up, the last one releases the skill point. 3C. Epilogue Guide Like I mentioned in the introduction, this could be considered a spoiler. So do not read this is you want to get the epilogue for yourself. Once you have gotten all of the skill points, you have unlocked the Epilogue feature. Go to your Atlas, and on the main page, press the circle button. It will show you the epilogue. Here is a list in order of what each page says, and a brief description of what is depicted: “Nancy wins gold at last.” -The ice skater from Icy Peak with a gold trophy. “The dreaded curse of the tail snake comes true.” -Agent 9 and one of the dogs from Haunted Tomb. Agent 9’s tail is one of the cobras he had to shoot at. “The seals invent the sport of squid boarding.” -Two seals from Seashell Shore using squids as skateboards. “The game of whack a Bentley is born.” -A mole from Crystal Islands Chasing Bentley with his club. “A Rhynoc primadonna entertains Cloud Spires.” -Several of the people from Cloud Spires listening to an armored Rhynoc sing. “The Bailey gang finds an easy target.” -Many of the dinosaurs from Dino Mines holding up Moneybags. “Zoe and Ami compete for Sparx’s affections.” -Zoe and another fairy looking at Sparx. “Deputy Holiday catches the notorious ‘Nyaah Nyaah’ Gang.” -Deputy Holiday locking up some thieves. “Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto hold a summit to discuss ‘the Spyro Problem’.” -Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto in a meeting. “Baaaaaah!” -A farmer and sheep saucers from the speedways. “Hunter discovers babysitting is harder than it looks.” -Hunter with baby dragons all around him. “Thanks for playing. We’ll miss you.” -All of the characters of the game waving goodbye. 4D. Fodder Guide This is just a simple guide on the various creatures that you will encounter that when killed; release a butterfly that Sparx eats for health. If you eat 9 butterflies, the tenth will be a free life butterfly. Sunrise Spring Home: Sheep #: 5 Sunny Villa: Frogs -Main: 3 -Sheila Sub-level: 3 Cloud Spires: Lavender Canaries Main: 4 Cloud sub-level: 1 Sun sub-level: 1 Molten Crater: Fire Slugs Main: 4 Sgt. Byrd sub-level:1 Seashell Shore: Aqua-Chickens Main: 6 Bomb challenge sub-level: 3 Sheila’s Alp: Geese 6 Buzz’s Dungeon: Sheep -randomly enter; no certain number. Midday Gardens Home: Rabbits -15 Icy Peak: Arctic Birds -Main: 7 Enchanted Towers: Sheep -Main: 4 -Wolf challenge sub-level: 1 Spooky Swamp: Crawdads -Main: 6 -Wizard battle sub level: randomly enter; no certain number. Bamboo Terrace: Crickets -Main: 4 -Bentley sub level: 2 Sgt. Byrd’s Base: Ladybugs -10 Spike’s Dungeon: Sheep -Randomly enter; no certain number. Evening Lake Home: Frogs -15 Frozen Altars: Lavender Arctic Birds -Main: 2 Lost Fleet: Hermit Crabs -Main: 7 Fireworks Factory: Fire Flies -Main: 3 -Dragon Sub-level: 3 -Handle’s Egg challenge sub-level: 1 -Agent 9 sub-level: 5 Bentley’s Outpost: Rabbits -4 Scorch’s Pit: Chickens -no certain number, randomly enter. Midnight Mountain Home: Lizards -18 Crystal Islands: Turtles -Main: 7 -Slide sub-level: 1 Desert Ruins: Lizards -Main: 4 -Sheila sub-level: 2 Haunted Tomb: Scarab Beetles -Main: 7 -Agent 9 sub-level: 6 -Tank Battle sub-level: 2 Dino Mines: Hermit Crabs -Main: 2 Agent 9’s Lab: Erlenmeyer flasks -2 Sorceress’ Lair: Sheep -enter at random, no certain number Sparx Worlds There is no fodder creatures in these worlds, however, the butterflies just fly around plainly. This is jus the amount of each butterfly in each level. -Crawdad Farms: 7 -Spider Town: 6 -Starfish Reef: 9 -Bug-bot Factory: 6 5E. Version History -Sept 29, 2005: Started work on FAQ. -Oct. 5, 2005: Finished FAQ 6f. Credits Thanks to all the creators of this game, because it's truly one of the greatest. Thank you Father Time and society for giving me too much time, allowing me to write this FAQ. Thanks to anyone else that helped out. And finally, thank you mom, just for the sake of using the cliché, and for buying me the game all those years ago. Also, if anyone finds anything not in my FAQ, please E-Mail it to me and I will add it. Please ask permission before you copy my FAQ, or add it to any website. Thank You ©2005 by JellyBeanLord MysticDomain5@Yahoo.com