_______________________________________________________________________ 1. INFORMATION =============================== | Spiderman (Playstation, PSX) | | An FAQ/Walkthrough by Wayalla | | Real Name: Aaron Baker. V 1.0 | | Email : Wayalla1@yahoo.com.au | =============================== Complete Normal mode walkthrough, inlcuding bosses. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS =============== I: INTRODUCTION =============== 1. INFORMATION 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 3. INTRODUCTION 4. VERSION HISTORY ========== II: BASICS ========== 1. CONTROLS 2. CHARACTERS 3. THE STORY SO FAR 4. COSTUME BASICS 5. WEBBING TYPES 6. ITEMS/PICKUPS ================ III: WALKTHROUGH ================ 1. GET TO THE BANK 2. BANK APPROACH 3. HOSTAGE SITUATION 4. STOP THE BOMB 5. RACE TO THE BUGLE 6. SPIDEY VS SCORPIAN 7. POLICE CHOPPER CHASE 8. MISSILE ATTACK 9. BUILDING TOP CHASE 10. SCALE THE GIRDERS 11. POLICE EVADED 12. SPIDEY VS RHINO 13. CATCH VENOM 14. SPIDEY VS VENOM 15. SEWER ENTRANCE 16. SEWER CAVERN 17. SUBWAY 18. SEWAGE PLANT 19. HIDDEN SWITCHES 20. TUNNEL CRAWL 21. VENOM'S PUZZLE 22. THE LIZARD'S MAZE 23. SPIDEY VS VENOM AGAIN 24. SYMBIOTES INFEST BUGLE 25. ELEVATOR DESCENT 26. STOP THE PRESSES 27. BUGLE BASEMENT 28. SPIDEY VS MYSTERIO 29. WATERFRONT WAREHOUSE 30. UNDERWATER TRENCH 31. STOPPING THE FOG 32. SPIDEY VS DOC OCK 33. SPIDEY VS CARNAGE 34. SPIDEY VS MONSTER OCK =========== IV: SECRETS =========== 1. SECRET MOVES 2. SECRET AREAS 3. BASIC SECRETS 4. CHEAT CODES 5. GLITCHES ========================= V: COMIC BOOK WALKTHROUGH ========================= 1. THE BANK COMICS 2. EVADING THE POLICE COMICS 3. CATCHING VENOM COMICS 4. SYMBIOTE INVASION COMICS 5. BOSS BATTLE COMICS ============= VI: BOSS FAQ ============= 1. SPIDEY VS SCORPIAN 2. SPIDEY VS RHINO 3. SPIDEY VS VENOM 4. SPIDEY VS VENOM AGAIN 5. SPIDEY VS MYSTERIO 6. SPIDEY VS DOC OCK 7. SPIDEY VS CARNAGE 8. SPIDEY VS MONSTER OCK ================== VII: ENDING STUFF ================== 1. CREDITS 2. COPYRIGHT 3. WEBSITES 4. EMAIL POLICY 5. MY OTHER FAQS _______________________________________________________________________ 3. INTRODUCTION Spiderman. Well, one of my very old Playstation games. When I first got this games ages ago, I didn't even have a computer, let alone the internet, let alone know about GameFAQs, so how could I make an FAQ then? The point is, I like the game then, and it is still pretty good now, so I am deciding to do the FAQ now. I know this game isn't played by few people anymore and things, but I really wanted to write the guide for this. If you are reading this, then please rate this guide. Make your opinions heard. This guide will give you a walkthrough to complete the game as well as some information on the controls, story, the items and all sorts of different things. Read on, please. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. VERSION HISTORY VERSION 1.0 First version of the document. ####################################################################### ======================================================================= <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SECTION 2: BASICS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ======================================================================= ####################################################################### _______________________________________________________________________1 . CONTROLS Okay. First, to even start playing the game, you must need to know how to control spidey. This section will describe how you do that. I will list the button and what it does. SQUARE - Punch TRIANGLE - Shoot webbing CIRCLE - Kick CROSS - Jump R2 - Swing L2 - Stealth L1 - Target aim/Centre Camera R1 - Zip Line ~~PUNCH~~ Just the basic spiderman punch. Press punch three times in a combo and spiderman will do a special poiwerful move. Punching can be used if you want to save some of your web, or just like the fighting sequences. ~~SHOOT WEBBING~~ What spiderman is famous for. Different directions do different moves which I will explain abit later. There are four different types of webbing that can be shot. ~~KICK~ The the basic kick. Press the circle button three times fairly quickly, so that it is like a combo and spiderman will do a both footed kick. It looks pretty cool. ~~JUMP~~ Pretty much what you will use throughout the gane. Since you don't really need to use this for jumping to other buildings (because R2 does that) it can be used for various other things. ~~SWING~~ You will need to use this alot. This is what spiderman is famous for, using his webbing to get around the place. Press the R2 button near a building or something and he will swing to it. ~~STEALTH~~ To first enable this, you must at least get one of the special suits that allows you to be invisible. This means that you can't be seen. Press the L1 button to turn on, press again to turn it off. ~~TARGET AIM/CAMERA~~ Hold down the L1 button and a little aimer will come up. Target this on a person and fire a web, or if you are close enough and it turns green, you can press R2 to swing to that location. Also tap the L1 button to centre the camera. ~ZIP LINE~ This will take you straight up to the roof, and if you press it again, then it will take you back down. This is mainly used in the levels with the vents and the last battle. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. CHARACTERS Please refer to the game itself. In the game you can see what the characters look like, and there Bio and all that sort of stuff, so really this section is sort of just blank excpet for this writing. I'm too lazy to write all of the character BIO descriptions down. So, um, yeah, whatever. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. STORY "Last time I checked, I was Spider-Man. So there I was, attending a lecture at the Science Expo given by the now- reformed Dr. Otto Octavius (better known as Doctor Octopus). Just as Octavious finished lecturing on his latest technological innovation, the entire auditorium was thrown into chaos. Somebody dressed to look like Spider-Man took out the security guards and stole Octavius' new piece of technology. As if that wasn't bad enough, I bumped into Eddie Brock during all the commotion. Since Brock is the human half of the symbiotic pair known as Venom, I'm thinking his presence at the Science Expo can only mean more trouble. Isn't that just my luck? Octavius' technology has been stolen, and the police and everyone else in New York think it was me that took it. But there has to be more to this than meets the eye. Why would someone want to steal Octavius' technology and pin the theft on Spider-Man? Well, I know one thing for sure: New York City is only big enough for one Spider-Man. And that's me." _______________________________________________________________________ 4. COSTUME BASICS Costumes are obtained throughout the game by doing various things. Since this is just the basics section, I will not list every costume that there is, what powers they all have and all that stuff. When you are wearing the coustume, it shows it in the cut-scenes and in game, but not all of the FMVs. A cut scene is where it still has the gameplay graphics, such as When Venom and Spidey are in the sewer and Venom says "Laying down on the job Parker." A cut-scene is where Spidewy is evading the helecopter and just misses being shot and then the helecopter hits the tower. The FMVs cannot be changed, but the cut-scenes will change. Along with that, some of the costumes have speical powers, such as stealth and unlimited webbing. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. WEBBING TYPES Spiderman just doesn't use his web to swing, he can use it for different things as well: COMBINATION | WEB USE | AFFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Triangle | Little | This is the very basic of web. When you just press the triangle button, it will shoot out spidermans web. It will shoot web at the enemy and tangle him up. Triangle + up | Medium | It fires an impact webbing. Impact webbing is like a ball, and is fired at an enemy, and hits them as a ball, and can kill an enemy very quickly. Very useful for boss fights. Triangle + right | Large | Puts you in a web dome. This is best used for taking out several enemies at one time. You cannot be hit while in the dome, and press the X button to explode it. Web will spread around you hitting anyone in the way. Triangle + left | Low/Med | Web Spikes. It puts web all around Spideys hands so that it will make his punches hurt more to the enemy. You will need to refresh after a while though. Triangle + Down | Low | Web pull. Press down plus triangle and it will pull an enemy towards you. This is good for one on one battles because you can oull them to you. Also you can whack the enemy to the left or right by pressing the directional buttons. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. PICKUPS/ITEMS WEB CATRIDGE - Pick on of these up and it will add another cartridge to your amount that you have. If you have a full amount of cartridges, but one has some web taken off of it, then grab this and it will refill it. The more that you use web, the more of these you will need to pick up. HEALTH - Pick this up and it will refill your health. They look like a white thing with a plus sign on it. They are found around the place, and of course the more times that you get hit by the enemy the more of these you will need to pick them up. BURNING WEB - You will not see one of these to farther on in the game. As you know, maybe, the Symbiotes cannot be harmed by the normlal web that Spidey has (apart from the web spikes and the dome.) When you pick this up, your webbing will turn to flame, so you can now burn the symbiotes. ####################################################################### ======================================================================= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SECTION 3: WALKTHROUGH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ======================================================================= ####################################################################### _______________________________________________________________________ 1. GET TO THE BANK As the game first starts, watch the opening movie to see what the storyline of the game is. As soon as that is over, Stan Lee will come up and tell you all the stuff that you can just skip unless you like being bored for afew minutes. Once that cut-scene is over, spiderman will climb up the side of a building and onto a building where Cat is. Speak to her and she will tell you more about the story. It seems like this level is timed, but I have never had it say that the hostages were killed or anything like that, so you don't need to worry about the hostages and a time limit just yet. First, sit back and just get a feel for the controls. Jump, kick, and shoot your web, but don't waste all of your webbing just yet. If this is the first time through the game, then go up to the question mark and it will teach you how to swing, which is easy. Just jump and press the R2 button and spiderman will swing over to the next building. So swing across to the building which has the letters of New York on it. Get to the top of it and you will see a question mark. All it says is that there is a catridge for you to pick up if you wanna. When that is over, use the spidey compus to work out the direction you are ment to go in and jump and swing across to the next building. Once you are on there, your spidey sense will tingle and it will tell you that there is an enemy above on the building. He never turns your direction, so you don't have to worry about him seeing you. There will be a question mark on your right, get it if you want to, and don't worry about the enemy, he will never turn your way as I just mentioned before. Get the question mark and cat will come down and tell you how to take out the enemy in front of you. When thats over, use whatever method you want to take out the enemy. I suggest just punching and kicking him, but you can do whatever you want to him. Jump down onto the next building with all of the crates on it. At the farthers part of the roof will be an enemy just walking from left to right. My advise it to jump nearly on top of him and then press the circle or the square button and spidey will kick the enemy as soon as they make contact. This should kill the enemy very quickly. Go to the left or the right of the sign, and then jump and swing over to the next building. Crawl up the side of it and to the top where you will see another enemy. Use any of your ways to kill him and continue on your quest to get to the bank. Jump and go up to the top of the next building. Crawl to the first section to find an enemy. He will usually load up hios gun and fire at you, so use the jump kick method and spidey will automatically home in on the enemy. He will get up after that, so just kick and punch him some more before he can get a shot in. Climb to the top and kill the next enemy and jump and swing across to the next building, which is of course the bank. Once you are on the bank, a cut scene will kick in. _______________________________________________________________________ 2. BANK APPROACH After the FMW, Spidey will come up to the top of the building where cat is, and they will chit chat there about how the police choppers were shot down and how Spidey will get the blame for what just happened. After this is all over, then just jump and swing across to the next building, where you will find another little question mark thing. This one will just tell spidey about how the health things fill up his health. Pretty basic, and you should already know about it, in most games something with a plus on it is usually health. Once that is over with, swing across to the next building. Spiderman will talk about how he can get into the bank through the top of this building. So, climb all the way to the top of the building. When the little cut scene comes up with the hencmen and the helecopters around, sometimes you can see yourself to the very left of the screen. When you finally get to the roof, there will be 5 henchmen waiting for you at the top. All of them are just below from where you will be, so this may be a chance to practice your web skills. Use the L1 button to aim your web, and use any fire to try and take out the hencmen below. My preffered way is using the webbing where you pull them into something. There are 5 of these hencmen here altogether, so take them all out. Once all of them are taken out, you no longer have to do anything, as spiderman will automatically go into the cutscene, break the glass and go down inside the banl, where you get a new level. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. HOSTAGE SITUATION This is a fairly long level to what the other few have been. So, lets start. Spiderman breaks the galss and comes down into the bank. When spiderman pops down, one guy will walk past. Either wait for the guy to come back your way, or run out and chase after him and beat him up. Whichever way, get rid of him. Run arpund the corner and the next and you will see one hostage in a room along with a guard outside. Run up and get rid of the guard. You can also pick up one of the planters from the left side of this section and throw at him if you like, but it is only really for some fun. Turn the next corner which is on your left, and creep up against the wall. Peek around the next corner where you will see the office section with afew hostages as well as two guards. Take out the first guard that you can see with the pull back techique using your web, and then quickly fire an impact webbing at the other guy. Make sure you quickly kill that second guy. He is ready to shoot that hostage that is in the office section because the hostage thinks that he is free because you killed the other guy. No matter which guy you kill first, this is going to happen, so protect the hostage and quickly take them both out. In the two office sections will be afew goodies for you to pick up. Actually two web catridges, but they can still come in handy if you have just used some web before on the enemies. How many more hints do they want to give you for the next bit. When you get near the room with the switches, it will say find a way into the room and show you the switches and sutff inside. Go to the vent lid which is on the ground. When you are on this lid, press the R1 button and you will zip up to the roof, well, actually inside the vent. By the way, the question mark next to the vent on the ground will just tell you about zipping up. All it does is say that the R1 button zips you up to the roof. So, um, yeah, whatever. Once you are into the vent, crawl and drop into the next area by either just jumping down or pressing the R1 button to zip back down to the ground. This room alos contains afew goodies. There is some health for you, some web for you, and also an enemy for you to kill. The enemy isn't looking your direction, so pick any way you want to try and kill the guy. If you like saving your web, then just punch and kick the guy. If you like using the web all the time, then experiment. There are also 3 switches in this room. Switch 1 opens the door to where the very first hostage that you seen in the game was, inside the room. Switch number two opens the door so that you can get out of the room that you are currently in so that you don't have to use the vent. Switch 3 opens the door to the next area, and afew guars will come through. When the guards come throughm yiu might want to use your webbing to take them out. Fighting them off when there are three of them can lose you some helath, and the webbing will work failry well against these enemies. But the choice is yours, so whatever. Kill them all and then run up and through the door that opened with the third switch that you pressed in the room. Run up and into the next section where your spider sense will tingle. Once in here, a guard will come from the right and go towards the left. Kill him first, best using the impact webbing on the normal webbing so that you do this next bit fast. Run around the corner to the right and there will be two enemies here. Use the impact webbing and take them both out. Fire it at both of them. Make sure you quickly do this, because if you kill one, the hostages will try and run off, but the other enemy is still alive and will shoot at the hostage. You don't want this to happen. Once the enemies are dead, follow the hostages into the elevator which is just around the corner from where you are now. Once the hostages are in the elevator, they will just dissapear. Go in the elevator, and you will be taken up to the next level. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. STOP THE BOMB You do not have to stop the bomb straight away in this level. There is a little lead up to it. So, from the elevator, turn the corner and your spider sense will tingle. Straight in front of you will be an enemy. I suggest using your kicks and punches to eliminate this guy because he is threatening no hostages. Once he is gotten rid of, walk up but not past the first barrier on the right. You will see one enemy all the way down the end of this room. Use the L1 aim and try to take him out with the pull webbing or any other type of web that you will think works good. That guy is the guy that will take out the hostages if you set the hostages free from the enemy holding them at gun point. If the hostages run out into the open, this is the guy that will shoot them and kill them, which is what you don't want. Trun into the section on your left, to see one hostage as well as an enemy next to him. The enemy will be looking the opposite way, so you can just use any attack on him you want. Once he is gotten rid of, you have rescued that hostage. Jump or do whatever to get over this barrier and into the small section with a hostage and one enemy. Use an attack to take out the enemy, and jump over the next barrier to another big section with one enemy ad a hostage. Attack the enemy with whatever you want and rescue the hostage. Turn the corner to see a big door. This door is pretty much sealed tight so that you can't get through no matter how hard that you try. But, you will see a vent lid on the ground. This means that the lid has fallen off the vent. Go on top of this vent lid and press the R1 button. The R1 button will zip you straight up to the roof (well, inside the vent.) Crawl out the over side of the vent and drop down. Turn to your left to see 2 guys. Use whatever ways you want to take these guys out. My favourtie is using the web pull, which is down plus trianlge. Once the two enemies are taken out, spidey sense will tingle and the door will open. One enemy will come out, kill him by whatever means and go through the door. You will see two switches, one controls the safe and the other controls the way to the bomb. Go up to the siwtch closest to the safe (which is of course the one closest to the right) and press it by shooting some web at it, or pressing the kick or the punch button just in front of it. The safe will then open and spidey will say: Wow, big safe. Press the next button which opens the door to the bomb. As soon as you press the switch, a cut scene will come up. The enemy will say "You messing with us. Start the time on the bomb and take out all the hostages." You now have a time limit to do this part in. The time limit is 2 minutes. Quickly ru through the door. 3 enemies are in here, so take them all out by doing whatever. Make it quick if possible. Once they are all gotten rid of, you have saved the hostages, but still have to do something about the bomb. Pick up the bomb by going up to it and pressing the punch button. Spidey will lift it above his head. This cluse will give it away: I need to put it somewhere SAFE. So carry the bomb out all the way to the safe. Spidey will have trouble lifting it because of the weight, so he can't exactly run to the safe. Be paitent and walk all the way to the safe and throw it in. Just walking you will make it with plenty of time to spare. If you want, you can throw the bomb from where you first get it and then pick it up again. You can keep doing that to you get to the safe and throw it in, but it will jam the timer and the countdown will go quicker. Press the punch button again to throw the bomb. It will slide into the safe. Once it is in, press the switch to make the safe close. The timer will stop, and the bomb will go off inside the safe. You have now completed the level. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. RACE TO THE BUGLE Watch the FMV with Jona and the scorpian battling. Pretty cool scene if you ask me. After that, Stan Lee will come up telling you about the story. if you wanna waste afew minutes, then go ahead and hear what he has to say. You will be given a meter at the top of the screen. This is how far away the scorpian is from killing J Jonah Jamesan. You cannot let this happen of course, so you need to get to the bugle in time to save J. Jonah Jameson. So, start your adventure. You will imediately see a question mark just ahead of you. This will tell you something you already probably know. The building across from you is pretty far away. So, if you jump forward and then use the R2 button to swing, you can make it to the next building. So, do that. Jump and use R2 to swing. Climb up to the top of the building and either ignore or quickly take out the enemy. Because this is a timed mission, you might just want to knock him down and leave him, or just ignore the enemy. Jump to the big building that is on your left because you cannot make it to the building fartest away. You will most likely be on the side of the building. Get around to the side so that spidey is facing the next building. Jump off and keep on tapping the R2 button so that spidey will swing over to this building. When you are up top, there are afew enemies waiting for you. Kill them, knock them out, or just ingore them. Jump and swing across to the next building, which has a lower platform with one enemy on it and a roof with afew more enemies on it. Ignore the guy on the lower platform and crawl your way to the top of the building. Kill the enemy up top. Swing over to the next building. This section is like the last one, it is two buildings but no space in between them. When you are on the lower roof, jump onto the wall and crawl up the side of it to the top buildings roof. When you are near the top, a cut-scene will kick in. It will show the henchmen taking about how if they take you out, the sooner that the boss will pay them. Jump up and attack both of them and kill them both. Once that is done, jump to the upper left and swing to the building that is there. Crawl to the platform near the top and swing over to the next building. You will now defenetly be able to see the Daily Bigle building from where you are. Jump across to the building and run and swing to the building rooftop where the billboard is. The next building is the daily bugle. Swing to it to get the FMV and to complete the level. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. SPIDEY VS SCORPION Your very first boss battle, and of course this is quite easy. By the looks of things, J Jonah put Gargin or some name like that in this scorpian suit, and has made his life a misery. As you will hear "You have ruined my life, so now I'll end yours." As soon as the battle starts, Spiderman will jump through the windwo and say: Leve him alone chuckles. Quickly run to the right so that Scorpian doesn't hurt JJ. You might want to press left plus triangle and get some web hands, because they do more damage. Run and punch or kick him with a combo. He will turn to you and decide to attack you know. Continue to hit and kick him, and keep doing that so that he can't get a hit on you. If you find that you are losing health in between the combos, then try this: Do the combo and then quickly jump up in the air. Scorpian will try and attack you, but since you jumped in the air, his attack will be on the ground. While he is still in his attack mode, press the circle or the sqaure button while you are in the air. This will make spidey come down in a kick or a punch. This will hurt scorpian and you can get another little combo in on him. Watch your health, also, because you might be getting hit even though you don't really see it. If you are losing some health, then just pull back abit from scorpian and use your impact webbing on him. Just keep firing that at him, and you will get him down to somewhere like half health. Once he is at half health, something new will happen. JJ will run off, and the scorpian will chase after him making a bigwhole in the wall. Spiderman will then come through the hole in the wall. JJ will run and try to hide from scorpian, but scorpian finds him. You must turn the attention away from Jonah and to you. Run and use the jump and kick or punch home in method and the kick will go straight for scorpian. Continue to punch and kick him wildley, or using the impact webbing to get rid of the scorpian. Get him down to no health left, and make sure Jonah doesn't get him too many times and you will beat the scorpian and complete the level. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. POLICE CHOPPER CHASE Spiderman is being chased by the police because the polioce think that spidey stole all of Octaviouses equipment, but we of course know that it wasn't the real spiderman that took it, it was an imposter. So, now the police are firing at him. It seems abit wierd, actually the police shooting at him, in real life they wouldn't get all these helecopters out to shoot him over this, but of course this isn't real life, and they need to have some action in it, so here it is. At the start, the camera will be behind you and two crates behind will get blown up. The main thing to remember in this level is to keep on moving if you are out in the open, otherwise you will get shot. If you keep moving, you can dodge the bullets. First, jump and swing down to the building just abit lower than you. A crate to the right will be blown up here, so move to the left and then swing up onto the big building. You can ignore that small building, because it is easy to skip. Also, you do not have to kill all the enemies in this level either, they are just there to shoot at you, but killing them will leave you open for an attack from the helecopter, so my advise is to just keep on moving along. Once you are on this building, the crate to the upper left and the crate just to your right will explode. Get away from the explosion and go onto the next building. A target will be on the crate next to you, so quickly run out the way of the missile so you don't die. Jump over to the building next to the tower, and that will also blow up. Look and swing to the building that is on your upper left. Run across the bridge, and you will see a police station. (You don't need to swing here, it's just something you should see if you have followed the walkthrough, so you know what I'm talking about and aren't lost.) Run across the little bridge. Targets will come up on that, so quickly get off of there. If you think you are still going to be on it when the missile strikes, jump and swing to the next building. Jump up to the Pork and Donuts building. Once again that sign will be shot down with a missile. Is it really worth destorying all of this stuff just to try and get spiderman? But whatever. Run and jump and swing over to the next building. Get to the top. Your spider sense will tingle and the helecopter will pop up and shoot at you. Ddge the bullet and jump across to the next building. Spidey will say almost there and afew guards will pop out the room. Ignore them all and just jump and swing across to the next building where the level is over, but the police are still after you. _______________________________________________________________________ 8. MISSILE ATTACK Now, the police are now using missiles to get spiderman. But, they must have incredibly stupid aim or can't hit anything but the wooden thing. You need to get to the roof of this section without dying. It seems hard, and of course it is. Watch out for where the missile is going to aim, and then quickly move away from the part where the missile is going to hit. Trust me, you don't want to be on the tile when the missile hits, otherwise you will just die. At the start, jump up and the tiles below you, to the right and to the left will all blow up. Head up to the left, not where all the tiles are. The three tiles to the right will all blow up. Lucky you weren't on them. Keep heading up to the left. The tiles on the right will be shot with the missiles. Just up ahead are tiles, so head to the right. Theyw ill then be blown up. Continue upwards, and onto the platfrom above. There is more climbing ahead of you here. Sticking to the right, jump up and try to stick on the wall past the first tile. This tile will be straight away blown up. The tiles to the left of you will be blown up also. Keep on heading up and don't stop. You will need to cross over the tiles, so quickly cralw up and avoid the missile attack. Just up ahead are afew more tiles that get blown up. Here you can either try and cross it, which sometimes works, but other times it kills you because you cannot make it. So you will need to be quick that way. The other way is to head to the left and cross over the little corner bit, which will cause you no trouble and you wont get blown up (hopefully.) Keep on moving up past the last set of tiles that you will need to cross over in order to get to the platform just above. Quickly crawl up over the tiles and onto the back of the platfrom. Let spidey get up, and you finally get a checkpoint. You now have the sniper on your tail. This bit is easier than the last bit. The sniper will go around trying to find your location, and try and stick with you. This will be hard for them, and pretty much easy enough for you. All you are trying to do is to dodge the bullets so that you can try and get to the top of this building. When the sniper gets you in his sights, then just move to the left or the right. When they are about to make the shot, the sniper will veer off. You just have to go the opposite direction of the sniper aimer and crawl upwards and maybe to the left or right so that you don't get hit by the sniper bullets. Keep on doing this techinque, and the sniper wont get many shots on you. The bullets are easy top dodge, so this should be no problem to do. Jump up to the top when that is done, and it once again puts you back into the tiles part and the missile going on to them. Jump and and quickly crawl up past the first lot of tiles. They will all be hit with the missiles. Quickly keep on gpoing up where you will see the roof. There are three tiles that you have a choice of crossing over here. Take the middle one, because it gets hit by the missile last, leaving you alot of time to get to the roof before the missile even hits. Once you get to the roof, this level is completed and it is back into the evading the helecopters and the police now. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. BUILDING TOP CHASE When you are on the roof, there will be an enemy on there. Ignore him and jump and run and swing over to the buildings with the two towers. They will both be shot be a missile in a second, so quickly swing to the next building in order to survive. You wont make it to the top of this building with the swing, but you will make it to the side of the building. The police chopper will fire bullets at you. You need to try to go the way of the bullets so that they don't get you. If the bullets are coming from the right of screen, heading left, then head over to the left to dodge the bullets. It's no use going right and going straight into the bullets. Just get up to the roof, where more things will be shot down with missiles. The crate on the right will be shot down. Avoid the blast, and jump to the next section and then jump and swing down to where it looks like the building has been stripped and all is left is the girders. Try to get on the top girder. Run, jump and swing to the building on your upper left and crawl to the top because you probably wont make it up there first time. Once you are at the top, the helecopter will once again shoot at you, and nearly kill you. Avoid the crate being bloasted with the missile and jump onto the next building. The helecopter will do the same attack as before when you are on the side of the building. It will come from the left or the right and fire machine gun bullets either way. Just avoid them like you did before and try not to get hit by them. Jump up onto the top of the building and crates will explode to the left and to the right of you. You will see a building up ahead with a wierd looking middle bit. The helecopter will blow this out, so swing to the building. In the buidling will be afew of the police. You can either take them out, or just leave them. I suggest here to take them out, because you are safe from the helecopter fire because you are safe inside the building. There are three, so the best move would be to use the web dome so that you can knock them all off the edge of the building. Jump up to the next building and go to the roof. There is no enemies on this roof. Bullets will come down from the helecopter, so avoid them. Spidey will say: Mary Jane was right, I should have stayed home today. You will see a crate just ahead, swing to it. Run and jump over to the next crate, bullets will once again come down from the helecopter. Keep on moving and jump and swing down to the next building which just consists of all the girders from a building that looks like it has been stripped down to just them. Jump onto the next building, and it's level complete. _______________________________________________________________________ 10. SCALE THE GIRDERS Spidey lands on a building. He says: No where to go but up. So, you need to try and get all the way up to the top of this building. The helecopter is firing down it's machine gun at you, hopefully trying to kill you. You need to try and doge those bullets. The only real way is to go with the flow of bullets. Lets just say the the bullets come from the left of screen and head to the right, then you should head right as well so that the bullets will be behind you and the helecopter will stop firing after about 3 seconds. The bullets wont go all the way along the building. Sometimes you will accidently go the wrong way and go into the bullets instead of doding. This always happens and will be the loss of some of your health. Oh well, just try to see a pattern in the way the helecopter attacks. Keep crawling up to the top of the building and get onto the roof where you will see girders. Run underneath so that you will be protected by the fire from the stupid helecopter. Once under here, eliminate the enemy. You now need to get to the top of the girders. There is two ways to do this one. There is the walls, or there is inside the girder section. Each of these sections has it's little disadvantages that I will tell you in a minute, so you choose which way that you want to go. The first way is on the outside walls of the girders. This is bad because yopu then get the sniper up trying to shoot you down, and because this is a little wal, there really isn't anywhere to hide, oh wait, there kind of is. Keep crawling up the wall until you hear your spider sense go off. When the spider sense does go off, then head to the left or right right around the girder so that the wall will protect you from any fire. The only problem with this is that the guys on the inside might shoot at you, but by the time they realise you, you will be back around the other side. The other way is the inside, which is crawling with enemies and guns. They seem to always shoot at you, and it can be sometimes hard to control where you want to crawl. That can cause you to be shot. You will need to use the zip line move, which is executed by pressing the R1 button to get up. I think that the technique with the side is better than the inside part, because you wont lose as much health on the wall as you will on the inside section with all the enemies, but still, the choice is of course up to you what you want to do. When you reach the top, zip line up and get to the roof where your spidey compus will show. Spidey will say that the crate is the only way out. Get on the crane and dodge the bullets. Jump up to the top and jump and swing onto the crate. Once on it, the crane rope will be snapped and the crate will fall down. Spiderman is on the crate, and uses the swing and grabs onto the building using the webbing. You have just completed another level, no long to the police chase ends, either. _______________________________________________________________________ 11. POLICE EVADED At the start of the level, you will once again see what happende at the end of the last level. Spidey will use his web swing and ctach onto the building. He will then automatically crawl up the side of the building and to the top where the last battle begins. Run forward. The two little room things to the left and to the right of you will be blown up by a missile. Run and jump onto the crate just forward of you. They wont fire the missiles at the crate, instead the fire the machine guns. Run and jump over to the girder section just by where the monster infests sewers sign is. From here, jump to the building pointing the way of the spidey compus and jump and swing over to it. Spiderman will say: Monsters infest sewers, yeah right. Nothing on the toip of this building will be destroyed by the missiles. It's seems like that they are fresh out. Instead, they try to pounch you with the machine gun bullets. Jump down to the next building, there is galss here. If you want, you can let the glass break belwo you, and you will fall down into a secret section. In here is some health, web catridge and also two enemies. Take them out. One of the walls here can be gotten rid of, which is the one closest to where you were heading. Use the impact webbing to get rid of the wall. When you are ready, hop oput of this section, and then the chopper will be after you again, shooting the machine gun bullets. Use the spidey compus, which will point you to which way that you need to go, otherwise you might forget. Jump and swing over to the next building, and use the same bullet dodging technqiue to miss the mcahine gun bullets being pelted at you. When on the roof, kill the enemy and jump to the building being indicated by your spidey compus. Once you land, the crates will be blown up by missiles, which are to the left and right of you. Use your web and swing over to the building full of girders. Avoid the machine gun fire, and jump over to the next building to the upper right. When on top, afew guys will come out a little room. It'ts just best to ignore these guys, but there is some health in here, so kill the enemies and get it. You cannot be hit by tyhe fire from the machine guns in this room, also. Climb on top and then jump over onto the crate. Jump onto the building indiacted by the spidey compus. Swing over to the building with the two towers and you have completed the level. No more police chase levels to do. Watch the movie. _______________________________________________________________________ 12. SPIDEY VS RHINO The move before this is very long, so I will just sum it up for you abit. The neding move of the last level shows spidey getting up top onto the building, just being missed by the machine gun bullets. The helecopter then hits the tower and crashes. Spiderman truns around and there is black cat explaining all that is happening. Venom is on in time square, and Rhino is on a rampage over at Omnitech. Cat and Spidey go and watch what Venom has to say. It turns out that Venom has got Spideys wife. Spiderman babbles on about he is spiderman and it has taken away alot from him and given him alot. He also explains how he has to use his powers to help everyone else before himself, no matter what the cost is. So, in other words, he's not selfish. Cat swings her web over to omnitech as well as Spidey. When they get there, it shows that the helecopter is taking away stuff from Omnitech, so thats 2 major technology heists in just two days. Rhino then appears and strikes cat. The end of the movie is where Rhino chargges at Spiderman, and he so: Oh oh. Then stan lee pops up and says his bit about how black cat has been taken out and Rhino is looking to take out Spidey instead. You then start by jumping over Rhino. In case you don't know, this is a boss battle. At the very start of the level, either go under or jump over those laser things. Once you are out of the middle section, lay afew ocunhes into Rhino. Make sure that they are punches or kicks, because you really don't want to waste your webbing on this guy. There is an easy way to do this, and there is a hard way to do this. The easy way is what you want to do. The hard way will take ages to do, and will waste most of your webbing. So, I think that we need to take the easy way. I know I do. What you have to try and do is try and get Rhino to charge into the power boxes. To do this, get near one of the power boxes controlling the power to those laser things (which you really don't want to touch, because you will be electricuted and lose some health). Anyway, stand near one. Let rhino put his feat down and get ready to chrage. He will put his feat down 3 teams. On the third time he will charge, so move in so that you are being blocked by the power box. He will charge stright into it, and his head will get stuck into it. He will lose health rapidly, but will get back out after losing a certain amount of health. You can also fire afew of the impact webbing bullets at him so that he loses even more health. When he is out, find another power box and do the same. Spidey will say some comments such as: "Oh, are your ears ringing," "Rhino burgers coming up," "Thats shcoking," "Did you get a charge out of that" and "Look at you all lit up." Keep doing the charge into powerbox tecnhique, choosing different ones each time. Once a power box has been charged into 2 times, there will be no more power in it and the laser it controls will be taken away. So that means you can at least get Rhino's head sutck in a power box 8 times, because there are 4 and each can withstand the head of rhino 2 times. If all 8 have been used, and there is no power but rhino is still alive, there still is some more things you can do to try and kill him fully. You can either let him go into the barrels or use the punch and kick method. There are barrels around the outside of the level. What you have to do is the same as before, but jump out of the way. Stand in front of the barrels and let Rhino charge at you. When he is near you, then jump up in the air and he will go underneath you and into the barrels. This will take some damage off. There are sets of barrels in the corner, so this should take off the rest of the damage needed to fully kill Rhino. If not, then do the same thing to a wall and Rhino's tusk will get caught in the wall and you can ounch and kick him from behind until he decides to get out. You shouldn't need to use your web here at all. Try to save your webbing, because this level can easily be done without using any kicks and punches, let along andy webbing. Although you might want to use the impact webbing when he is stuck in the power boxes because you can't kick and punch him them. Once Rhino is down to no health, a FMV sequence moves in. The police arrive, the spider sense goes off and Spidey hides. Dock Ock comes in and takes away Rhino with the Trap a matic. Peter goes out to the ambulance and goes to cat where she tells him that the people in the ambulance are not paramedics. The FMV sequence ends with two people who I wont reveal who they are here because of afew spoiler laughing. _______________________________________________________________________
13.                                                         CATCH VENOM

This starts with Spidey talking to Jonny about his story on the statue 
of liberty. You don't actually get to hear everything that he told him, 
but he says that Venom can't be caught using his spidey compus, and with 
Spideys luck, Venom will find him.

Spidey is then Swining along normally when Venom comes in. Venom says 
"Parker hates it when I get the drop on him". Then Spidey comes up and 
says basically the same thing, just that "I hate it when he gets the 
drop on me." And then the level starts.

You need to chase venom to his hideout, and you can't let him get away, 
otherwise any chance of finding Mary Jane is gone. So, you must stcik by 
him and follow him. There is a meter at the top of the screen showing 
how far you are from venom. The closer you two are, the better. The 
farther, the worse.

If you fail to keep up with him, which means that you fall off the end 
of the meter, you have failed the level and have to start it again, 
which is no biggie. There are also times in the level where Venom will 
just stay in one spot so that you can cacth up. Aw, isn't he nice.

When you start, Venom will be first off the web and will say "Hurry up 
Parker." A message down the bottom will tell you that you should chase 
venom to his hideout, which you of course already know that you have to 
do just that.

Follow venom to the building just to the upper left of you. Quickly land 
and then jump and swing to the next building that yopu can see venom on. 
Swing down here, and follow venom to the next building on your upper 

Don't let the meter slip behind too much as you cross the little bridge. 
Venom will jump and swing onto the building on the upper left. Follow 
him by swinging up there as well. Spidey will give you encouragement by 
saying "Gotta keep moving and Goota keep up."

Jump to the building venom is on, and he will saty there wating for you. 
When you are on it, venom will move off of it and jump top another 
building. Get to the top and then jump over to that building with all of 
the crates around.

Jump and swing down the the girder section, and Venom will stay here for 
awhile, so you don't need to hurry up and find him because he is still 
in your range all the time that he is in this girder section. Now you 
have to follow him around this section.

The first time in this girder section he is in the upper left section of 
it. Run around the girders and to him. Don't bother about trying to 
attack him here, because all of your web will go straight through him, 
and it is just a waste of your web if you do that.

Once you are near him, he will move again. He will move to where you 
first came into, so go to the right and then turn right again to see 
Venom. Once you get close to him again, he will move. Turn around to see 
Venom again and run up to him. 

Once you are near him again, a little cut-scene will trigger. This one 
is quite funny. Venom swings into the building followed by Spiderman 
crawling up the side of the building and going into it. Funny things in 
here happen.

VENOM: "Watch that first step parker, it's a doosy." VENOM: "Out of my 
Way Nerd. Nerd: "Aghh". SPIDEY: "Ahh, my head," "Toe, Toe, Toe". VENOM: 
Sorry lady, I didn't see a thing." Then it conlcudes by Venom jumping 
out the building followed closely by Spiderman.

Run over to where you can see venom. Once you are near him, he runs to 
the left. Follow him over here. He then jumps to the building, so you 
follow him byu swinging to it using the spidey compus to make sure you 
are going to the right building.

Avoid the crates and then run and jump to the next building with Venom. 
Look to the upper right and run and jump over to this building. This is 
another one of those places where Venom stops and waits up for you. Get 
up top of the building.

Venom will scoot over to the next building, so follow him all the way 
along. Keep jumping over and swining and following him. He will then 
eventually get to a place with the billbaord and say: "If you wanna 
fight, follow me." Thats the end of the level. This next movie is pretty 

14.                                                     SPIDEY VS VENOM

Hah, did you like the movie. VENOM: "Hmmmm, where did spiderwuss go? 
Spiderwuss, come out and play...." SPIDERMAN: *Falls from above and 
kicks venom in the head* Tag. Pretty funny. Anyway, this is another one 
of those boss battles.

You get to fight venom here. As soon as you start, venom will then 
dissapear, so you can just uickly look around for some web catridges and 
stuff if you need it, which prepares you for battle against the evil 

As soon as he appears, get the web spike things on your hands, and then 
run up to him and battle him. He will most likely pick you up and get 
you in the gooy stuff and also attempt to lick you. Spideys response is 
things like "Yuck" and "Get a breath mint." 

You can pick up certain things and throw them at him, such as the car, 
which can take off some damage if you can throw it so that it will hit 
him directly. Mainly use your impact webbing on Venom to take his health 
down alot.

When he appears, quickly fire all of these at him. He will most likely 
(before he dissapears again) do something such as swap positions, try to 
pull you back and get you in that gooy stuff. Just keep firing and 
hitting him all you can.

If you think that you want to save some of your webbing, then you can 
just fight him. There is plenty of health around, so I guess you can 
battle him and lose some health by punching and kicking him to get rid 
of all of his health.

Doing the Jump and auto lockon kick and punch method doesn't really work 
here, because straight away after you do this, he will grab you and 
throw you away, which you really don't want. Ah well, just battle it 

Always look around using the L1 button (tap it so that it centres the 
camera) so that you can quickly see venom when he first appears all the 
time so that you can get the first hit on him. When you finally get him 
down to no health left, he takes the drain lid off and you go into the 

15.                                                      SEWER ENTRANCE

Wow, you have just finsihed the boss battle and you are now into the 
sewers. This is where the next about 7 levels will take place, so you 
will defenetly be down in the sewers for awhile. Lets get you acquainted 
with the surroundings.

It will mostly be dark, and all there will be is you, venom, and the 
lizards. The Lizards are a new type of enemy. Think back to the police 
levels, when you had to evade them. There was a sign saying somthing 
like "Lizards insfest Sewers," remember that?

Well, whats my point? Spidey goes "Yeah right." When actually, what he 
said was actually wrong and that the lizards have infested the sewers 
and are now your new enemeis (along with Venom) for the middle part of 
the game. Say hello to them.

As soon as you fall down into the sewers, Venom will be standing up, and 
Spidey will be on the ground. Venom will say "Laying down on the job, 
Parker." Venom will then get up and run away. Spidey will then decide to 
get up.

You now have control of Spidey, as he yells "Where's my wife, you 
symbiote freak" to Venom. They have really made those sounds good as 
well, you know, the dripping water and all that, it makes it seem so 
real, which is what alot of people like.

Run up farther, and keep going. On the right will be a hole in the wall 
where Venom went through. Once you are through this hole, Spidey will 
shout "You can run Venom, but you can't hide." Actually, there are alot 
of places to hide in the sewer.

Your Spidey sense will sense afew enemies. They are the new lizards. Use 
whatever methods that you want to get rid of them. Fight them of, pull 
them, impact web them or do whatever you want to do. Note that the 
normal tangle web cannot harm these guys.

When you do hit them in the combo, they will be pushed back farther, so 
this means that they can't get a hit on you straight away, so that means 
you can just get your hits on them straight away. Watch out for the 
stuff that the spit, also.

When both of them are gotten rid of, head around the corner and keep 
going up. Spidey will say that these guys must be the left over from one 
of the lizards experiments. With that, press the R2 button and you will 
swing across.

Another lizard creature will be on this little platform in the middle 
over the caverns. Knock it off the edge and swing to the next platform. 
This has no enemies on it. Swing over to the next one, and use a three 
hit combo on the enemies back and knock them off the edge.

Jump and swing to the next platform and into the little cave where you 
can see some health. Head up farther, and it will turn out that Venom 
has trapped you in this section. You now have to face off with 4 of the 

Use the dome technique if you want to, or just fight them off. There is 
some health on your way in, so you may just want to use the web spikes 
on your hands and then run up to them and battle them like that. Thay is 
the best way, although you could watse some webbing doing the impact 
webbing ball. 

Another way that you can get rid of them is to get in a battle of one on 
on. Use the web pull move my presing triangle plus the down button and 
you can pull an enemy towards you. Do this, and battle them one on one. 
Once all are defeated, you have completed the level.

16.                                                        SEWER CAVERN

At the end of the last level, you defeated the lizards and it was 
realised that it was a trap. At the start of this level, Venom decides 
to be nice and opens the door so that you can keep chasing him. He says 
"Come in."

Launch across to the next little platform dangling above the caverns. 
There is one lizard on this cavern, so knock him off the egde by getting 
a combo done on his back. Watch out if he spits that liquid stuff at 

When he is gotten rid of, jump and swing to the next platform which 
contains another lizard. Run up to his back and use afew combos to knock 
him off the edge to his death, or just keep on pounding him to he dies. 
I like the falling off the cliff death better.

Run up abit farther, and you will come to another lizard kill him. Just 
up abit farther, Spidey will tell himself that you can use the L1 button 
to aim, and then press the R2 button to swing to that location if it 
turns green.

Do just that and go over to the pipe with the button looking things that 
you can see on it. Swing over to the next pipe that turns green, and if 
you look closely to the left of screen when you were introduced to the 
L1 aiming, you can see a little waterfall.

Use the L1 aiming mode to swing over to this little cavern which 
contains afew features for you, which includes a comic, spidy armour and 
also afew web catridges that may come in handy. This may be the first 
time that you have used the spidey armour.

There is also a comic here, so grab it and then jump and swing out to 
the next pipe that is the closest to you. Once you are on this pipe, 
look to the upper left to see another little pipe. Get around to the 
side of the pipe that you are on and use the L1 targeting feature and 
swing across.

Swing to the next pipe. The colour of the aim wont go green if you are 
amining near the middle of the bottom of the pioe, so aim near the top 
and then use the L1 targeting swing and swiong over to the pipe. You 
will now be able to see the door.

First, aim and swing to the next little pipe, and then jump and swing 
over to where the door is. Let go of the webbing, and the door will open 
for you. Grab the health if you need it, and up father will be another 
little battle.

4 of the lizards will come towards you. The best thing to do here is to 
use the web pull and bring them to you one at a time so that you don't 
have the hassle of 3 over lizards picking on you when you are just 
trying to kill the one lizard.

Once they are all gotten rid of, then run up farther and grab the 
health. Keep running up farther, and you will see the subway as well as 
all the sounds of the trains and stuff going past you. Walk up some 
more, and you will automtaically get on the train.

17.                                                              SUBWAY

Ah, this is going to be a hard battle here. You will need all the haelth 
that you can get, and certianly some of thw eb catridges if you really 
want to stay alive. Once you are half way through the track, you are 
halway complete of the story mode.

What you have to do is fight off millions of these Lizard creatures. 
They are all on the train, and you have to get rid of them all. They 
drop down from the roof, and spit things at you, and also try to bite 
you. You need to stop them from doing it.

A good thing to do is to just stay at the front or the back of the 
train. It doesn't matter which of them two, but the reason for this is 
that you will most likely never have to worry about an enemy getting 
behind you.

Still sometimes the enemy will, but only one or two. Fighting in the 
middle is bad, because you have enemies coming from all difrections 
trying to attack you. It is okay if you have alot of web though, because 
then you can use the web done to get rid of the lizards.

Try to battle with your hands and your feet at the start, and maybe even 
put the web spikes on your hands for a better, powered up punch. What 
you will be trying to do with the lizards is to try and knock them off 
the train.

Actually killing them on the train can be hard when you are being 
attacked by millions of other zombies, so you need to do it the quick 
way so that you don't die from other people. Just aim for the side of 
the train, and the force from the punch will take them enemy off.

Health and web catridges go past all the time. If you are at the front 
of the train looking back, you will defnetly miss those bonuses that 
come flying at you. You wont see them, because you are looking back and 
it will be a waste trying to run after them.

This is way you maybe should be at the back of the train looking 
forward. This way you can see the health and the web catridges as they 
appear, and you can grab them and use the webbing to your advanatage. 
This helps really with the web dome which can be used to push alot of 
enemies at one time over the edge of the train.

The whole ride on the subway goes for approximately 2 minutes and 45 
seconds. I timed it myself. Try to last all of that out. Also, you can 
just look at the bottom of the screen where it shows the line and where 
the train is.

When it gets to the end, the train symbol will no longer be down below, 
and you will need to battle it out for an extra 15 or so seconds. One 
more thing about the battle, you can use the web pull and pull the enemy 
to the right off the train.

Once you get all the way to the end of the line, and FMV sequence will 
kick in showing you being yourself, and then venom appears behind you. 
Venom has extreme accuracy in hitting you down some hole, which is where 
you will start the next level.

18.                                                        SEWAGE PLANT

As soon as you start, there will be three of the Lizards in front of 
you. Seeing you just battled it out will like 1 milliong lizards on the 
train, killing these three should be absolutely no problem, so kill them 

The best way to do it is the web pull. Use it on one lizard, pull them 
towards you and use a kick or a punch combo on them when they are about 
to hit you. This will seriously damage the lizard. Now you can repeat on 
the other two left.

Or you can just battle it out hand to hand and feet to feet with the 
other two lizards, because facing three was hard, but lets face it, 
facing two is pretty easy, in fact, most people will think facing three 
can be done without using any health.

Once you have killed the first lizard though, it will take some time to 
do it, so that means that the lizards will end up catching you, making 
it impossible for a one on one duke. Whichever way, kill all of the 

By the way, if you look up (after you have defeated these lizards, 
because they will attack you if you don't) you can see where you came 
from. This was the hole that Venom pushed you donw. It seems smaller 
than it really is.

Run up farther and swing past the machinery in the middle there. Keep 
running up farther to the end of this path. 3 lizards will appear around 
the corner. Once again, there are numerous ways that you can take out 
these guys.

Run back if you need to and use the web pull technique. Pull one back 
and duke it out with him. Since there is alot of room, you can move back 
alot to avoid the other lizards attacking you while you are duking it 
out with the one lizard.

Whichever way, kill them all. You will now come to a T section, and you 
are probably wondering which way that you should go. Well, head to the 
left if you want to get equipped up. Go to the right if you don't want 
to be equiped up and you want to get on with the level.

At the left path, follow it down to the end. At the end, there will be a 
comic, some web and some health grab it all because you will probably 
need it. Then turn back to the way you came, and follow the path all the 
way down so that you are now following the path that you would of been 
on if you turned right at the T section.

Keep on running down the path, and at the end will be some more lizards 
that appear from up top. Most of the time I just ignore these guys, but 
you can do whatever. There is some health before them also, so get it, 
because you will need it.

Kill the lizards and then run up farther. there will be asection caged 
off so you can't get down below. It looks like you are stuck, but you 
really are not. Use the R1 button and zip line up to the roof. There you 

Quickly turn to your right as soon as you are on the roof, and jump down 
to find afew lizards. Jump down on top of them and battle it out with 
them. If you really want to, you can knock them down below where you 
just came from for an easy kill.

Trun back to your left and follow the path along. When you come to the 
end, you will find a switch, and alot of water. Spidey will drown if he 
goes into this water, so you have to drain all the water out of this 

Be warned, it will come back again after a while. So, shoot some of your 
normal webbing at the switch, because your punche and kicks can't reach 
the switch to turn it on. Watch using the L1 button as the water drains 

When you can see that there is no more water above ground, then quickly 
jump down to the ground at where the water originally was. Quickly run 
forward to the little opening, and to where you can see light coming 
from above.  

Once you are here, press the R1 button to zip line up to the roof and 
you are pretty much safe from the water now. You will most likely hear 
the water coming back up, but it will never reach you, because you are 
on the roof.

Run up to where you can see the health along with the switches. Once you 
are here, go along either shooting web at the switches or using your 
kick and punch to press them in. Whichever way, press all threee and a 
little cut scene will come up.

A new door will be open. This door is the one next to the lizards that 
you first battled when you came up into the section with the water. 
Three more lizards will then come from the water, and try to attack you. 
Kill them all.

Use the impact webbing for this, because then you can easily knock them 
back into the water and they will of course die because of the sheer 
drop. Make sure you do get close to them, otherwise your impact webbing 
will not make it to the lizards.

Go to where the switch is, and stand on the very edge near the water. 
Hit the switch with some webbing and the water will once again drain 
out. Use the L1 button to see if the water has fully drained out of the 
system before jumping down.

Once you know that the water has been fully drained out, then you can 
jump down to where the water was. Run forward to the very end, and then 
press the R1 button. Crawl back inside the vent where you first came to, 
and you will see the newly opened door.

Keep going forward, and you wil once again most likely hear the water 
being pout back in from where you just were. Keep going forward, past 
the door and up to the next switch with al the water below you. You need 
to go down there.

Hit the switch using your webbing and let the water drain out. Remember 
to use the L1 button to look around to see if the water has fully 
drained out. Once it has, and you can see that it has, then feel free to 
jump down.

Run forward to where you can see the light and zip line up to the top. 
Now you will be on the roof. Drop into the next area,  and run up 
forward and be perepared for another little battle, with of course the 
lizards again.

Use the web yank technique and get rif of one of the enemies and pull 
them towards you. Kill that lizard, and do the same to the next lizard 
and then just duke it out with the very last lizard, which you can 
easily kill with your hand to hand combat.

Anyway, hit the three switches that you see in this room. If you want to 
save your webbing, go up to the switches and press either the kick or 
the punch button to activate them. If you don't want to walk up to the 
switches, then just use the webbing to hit the switch.

A new door will now open. This door is the one that is next to where you 
first came into this ventialltion area, where you have to zio line up. 
So, head back the way you came and go towards the water and the switch. 
Hit the switch using the web. 

Then use the L1 button and look down below. When the water is all the 
way at the bottom, past the drain part, then you are clear to go down 
here. Jump down, and then keep on going forward until you get to the 
wall. Then press the R1 button and go into the vent.

Jump down the hole, and you will see the water with a switch above it. 
Using the web, hit the switch and the water will drain out and you can 
go down there. A hole will be above you, so zip line up into it and 
spidey will automatically go into the next section.

19.                                                     HIDDEN SWITCHES

Congrats, you have just completed one of the longest levels in the game. 
Damn, that was really hard everytime you died and had to be put back all 
the way to the beginning of the level, that really sucked in my opinion, 
but whatever.

Now we come into a very small level. It is called Hidden Siwtches. These 
switches are not very hidden at all. From the start, run forward to see 
a hole in the ground with water in it. Ignore this now, as water is 
pretty fatal to spidey.

Run up and jum over to the left side. Turn around, and you will see the 
very first switch here. Use your web to hit the switch, or just go up 
and press it with your hand by pressing either the punch or the kick 

There is health by the button as well, so get it if you need it. It 
might prepare you for what happens next. Your Spidey snes will tingle 
and afew of the lizards will crawl out of the water. Just ignore them, 
because they keep on coming.

Jump and swing over to the next section, which is across from where you 
are now, and turn left and go to the next switch. Hit it, and the water 
will go down some more, and more of the lizards will come down, and the 
switch can no longer be pressed.

There is once again some health next to this switch, so grab it if you 
need it. Go back and look at the water and swing over to the next 
section. Look and head to your right, near the switch will be a web 
catridge. Get it and also hit the switch. 

The water will go down even more. One more switch to go. Turn back to 
the water, and jump and swing across. Look to your right, and see 
another web catridge. Head up, and get the catridge as well as hitting 
the switch.

The water will dissapear, so that you can now go down there through that 
hole in the ground. Spidey will automtically walk through the open area, 
and you have now completed this pretty short and simple enough level. On 
to the next.

20.                                                        TUNNEL CRAWL

This is a pretty easy level as well, but needs exact timing. Once again 
it is pretty small like the above level. From the start, run forward and 
battle it out with the lizards. Hand to hand combat here will do, as 
they will just die easily.

Then head to your left and zip line up to the roof. Then crawl into the 
whole of the tunnel, where you will hear the water, see the water, and 
also the camera angle will change so that you can see where the water is 

There is a marker on the wall. It shows where thw ater is going to come 
up to. You have to try and be above that line when the water is high. If 
you are under it, well, you are trapped and will probably be drowned. 

The water drains down, and then come back up. It spends most of it's 
time down, but you will still need to time it right. You might have to 
wait at the beginning for awhile, because you will not make it all the 
way. Well, sometimes I have and other times I haven't.

All you have to do is hold up, and hope that you make it above the line 
so that you can be safe from the water. As soon as you do get above the 
line, you might have to wait again because the water will go down, but 
you have already wasted two seconds.

Try and get there the first time, and if you drown, then try again and 
wait. Do whatever you want, but just hold the up bottom and just sprint 
up to the very top and hope to get above the line. Crawl into the tunnel 
at the end.

Keep going forward and eliminate the two lizards that stand in your way. 
Do whatever you want to get rid of them. Run and jump across to that 
middle platform with the water below, and then run and swing over to the 
next section.

Hit the switch and the water will be drained out and venom will appear 
behind you aand say "Coming through." Follow Venom to where he went, 
which is where the water was. So run and jump down. Don't worry here, 
the water doesn't drain back up.

When you are down below, there will be afew Lizards down here. They are 
scattered over, so you can kill them easily, or you can just ignore them 
all together, because you don't have to kill every enemy to progress on 
to the next level.

Go around the machinery to find a switch. Press it and a door will open 
from pressing it. Sometimes the enemies will be in your way when 
pressing the switch, so the kicks might lock on to them. If they do, use 
your webbing to press it, or just take out the enemies. Go to where the 
new door was open, and keep on going forward. Spidey will automtaically 
keep on running into the next level. 

21.                                                      VENOM'S PUZZLE

The start of the level will start off with Venom going through a set of 
doors, and then the doors shutting so that it blocks of spidey so that 
he can't get through to get to Venom so that Spidey can get to his wife. 

You must figure out the pattern so that you can get these doors open. 
The doors on the siwtches are represented as: |||| if one is alit, then 
if you press that switch, the door will open. If a door is already open 
and you press the switch again, it will close the door. 

All switches have different door patters on them, such as: |-|- and 
|-|-, and |---. For example, if you hit switch A and then switch C, the 
only door that would be open is then third one. So, you must get the 
switches right.

There are actually only 2 switches that you need to press. They are: 
|-|- and -|-|. Head back the way you came from the start of the level, 
and when on the platform, Spidey will tell you what you have to do, and 
this is press the right switches.

Head and jump down to the closest platform to you on the left. When on 
it, look down to see a switch with: -||- on it. Swing down to this 
platform, but do not press the switch. Turn and you will see a switch 
which has: -|-| on it. Jump down to this switch, and press it. 

It will open up those two doors, and venom will say something like 
"Guess again." Now you need to find and hit the other switch. Jump up to 
the next platform above you, and then straight away above you again will 
be another platform.

This alos has a switch on it. Press the switch by using your web or 
pressing punch or kick next to the switch. You now have all doors open 
and Venom will say something like: "Ooh, look at the big brain on 
spidey." Head all the way back to the top.

To get to the top, crawl up to the wall just by the switch, and keep on 
going up. Jump onto the platform you see and look behind to see the 
opening where you came in. Go up on the platform to your right, and go 
into the little cave area.

Run forward, and to the right. The doors will be open, and you can now 
jump through. The first door will close when you go through the doorways 
so that you can't go back. Keep on going forward and into the next 

22.                                                   THE LIZARD'S MAZE

This here is once again one very long level. You have to battle through 
a maze, and try to find where your wife is being held hostage too. This 
was the part I was dreading to write in my walkthrough, because I though 
I only found out the way by luck.

Now I know how to get there, thanks to the lizard, which I didn't know 
about before. So, lets take you to the lizard first, shall we, because 
he knows the way to get to the secret Lair of his own, which Venom took 

As you start, the camera view will look a littl wier. Don't worry, it 
doesn't stay this way. Venom will appear just  up farther. No matter 
what you do, you can't hurt him here. It will just be a waste of all of 
your webbing if you try to, so don't. 

Venom wont stop until he has hurt you, so just let him grab you or 
something, and he will then just dissapear. You are now free to get on 
with the start of the maze without Venom hassling you. Okay, now here 
goes the start.

Jump onto the "Danger, keep out sign" and run forward. Jump or zip line 
up to the roof so that you don't fall in the water. You will spend most 
of your time in this maze on the roof, so get used to it. If you hold 
down the L1 button, you can get a pretty good view.

The crack wont hurt you, but those blcoks that crash together will. Wait 
by them, and as soon as they pull back from the crash, start moving. 
Quickly sprint along and hopefully you don't get cruched by those 
blocks, which is of course what you don't want.

Head to the first path that is on your right. Jump over the waterway. 
Look at this little map. You need to try and get yourself to the lizard, 
and he will give you instructions on where to go. Capiche. Here is the 
                             _                              _    _
                            |W|       _     _   _      _   | |  | |
                    ________| |______|W|___|B|_|B|____| |__| |__| |
                   D________   ______   ___   _   ____   __   __   D
                _           | |      |W|   |B| |B|    |H|  | |  | |
_______________|B|__________| |______ ¯     ¯   ¯     |V|  | |  |_|
S______________   __________   ______D                 ¯   | |
¯              |B|          | |                             E
                ¯           | |
                     _______| |_______
            DEAD END _______   _______D
                            | |
                           _| |_
                          |     |
                          |     |
                          |  L  |
B - Block things that smack together
S - Where Spidey Starts
W - Warm sign on wall
H - Hot Sign on Wall
V - Venom Attacks you
D - Dead end
L - Lizard Location
E - Exit

Actually uou don't need to go to the lizard, and his directions are abit 
confusing. The map isn't drawn to scale, and doesn't really show 
corners. You will now when you get to the first intersection, because 
Venom will say "Starting to sweat here Parker?"

Ignore the lizard way if you really want and just follow my map. So turn 
left at the first intersection, head forward and turn right. Follow the 
path forward and venom will say "Warmer." Keeping moving up past the 
blocks and venom will say "Starting to sweat here Parker?"

Keep going up and by the two big blcoks Venom will say "Ooh, your on 
fire." Keep going up, and on the second path, to the right is where you 
should go. A cutscene will kick in, and you have completed the level, 
and it's now time for a boss battle.

23.                                               SPIDEY VS VENOM AGAIN

The wait is over. You have finally found your wife. The only problem is, 
she is being drowned by Venom. You must fight venom, and make sure that 
the water doesn't drown her, so that you can save her. You must also 
defeat venom, but your first priority is to help your wife.

A FMV will kick in, showing Mary Jane, and then Venom appears ready for 
a fight. There are switches around the place here, and you must make 
sure that they are not turned on so that water doesn't get into where 
Mary jane is.

First off, you must stop the first switch, which can be any of the 
switches that is on the lower floor. You get a meter for how much water 
that there is in the tank where Mary Jane is. You must not let this 
meter get to full under any circumstances.

When venom does appear, use all of your impact webbing on him. Just keep 
on firing at him to take his health down rapidly. He will eventually 
either attack you, or just dissapear. Because you are slaughtering him 
non stop, you will accidnetly hit the switch.

If you accidently hit the switch, thhen press it again so that it will 
stop the flow of water. Repeat slaughtering venom and turning off the 
switches on the lower floor until venom will start turning on the 
siwtches to the left and to the right.

When this happens, ignore venom for the time being and then quickly shut 
the water off. Then concentrate on venom and pound him with the impact 
webbing until he is hurt. He will then disspaear once again and either 
go to the ground, or the switch opposite.

Whatever he does, stop him from hitting the switch to let the water in 
the tank. Keep pounding him, and turning the switches on and off until 
he has fully lost his life, and you have won the battle. Just make sure 
Mary Jane hasn't drowned yet. You get a nice big FMV for your trouble.

24.                                             SYMBIOTE'S INFEST BUGLE

This will once again be a long level, and because you have to rescue 
some hostages, it may make it a bit harder rescuing them. Plus, you find 
a new set of enemies here, which are the Symbiotes. They are tougher 
than any other enemy, and no webbing (apart from the dome) works on 
these guys.

Your best bet against the symbiotes is to ignore them. Thats waht I 
always do, and it always works. It's no use battling in hand to hand 
combat with them, so just plain ignore them. From the start, view the 

It will show the sybmiotes. Straight ahead of you will be the switcc for 
fan control. Hit it with your web. It will save a hostage. Turn back 
around to find a sybiote in front of you. Either ignore it like I do, or 
just whack it until it explodes.

Whichever way, head around the sheleves and filing cabinets into the 
next section. Go to where the vent lid is, and where you spidey compus 
tingles, and press the R1 button to zip line up. This is where you 
rescued the hostage to. Grab some stuff and go back down.

Run towards the offices and go to where the glass window is an either 
use a web attack to break or, or punch and kick it, or just walk through 
it. Once through, you will rescue a hostage. Beat up the Symbiote inside 
here also.

Run to where the health is. It is on a vent lid. Your spidey sense will 
tingle. It is telling you to go up. So, press the R1 button and it will 
take you to the roof of the vent. Drop down so that you are now inside 
the vent.

Walk up farther to find one hostage, one sybiote and also some health. 
Beat up the symbiote first, then grab the health. There is nothing that 
you can do about the hostage for now. Just wait until the next area and 
you can help him.

To rescue him, you will need to turn on the air conditioning. Jump down, 
and hit the switch on your left. This will turn on the air conditioning 
and rescue the hostage. Well done. All hostages here are nowrescued. The 
spidey compus will now show up.

You don't have to stop for anything here. Just follow the spidey compus. 
Go around all of the shelves and around the next corner. Sometimes 
Spidey says "These guys aren't ugly enopugh to be venoms kids." LOL, is 
all I can say.

Run around the next corner, and ignore the sybiotes, or just battle 
them. Do whatever you want with them. You will see some gooy stuff on 
the wall and a switch. Press the switch, and it will turn out that the 
gooy stuff is on the door of the elevator. Level completed.

25.                                                    ELEVATOR DESCENT

This is a pretty straight forward level, it's just decending down an 
elevator, and it has afew problems on the way. Spidey has worked out 
that the Symbiotes have come from the basement, so that is where he is 
going. Pretty short level, but the elevator ride makes is seem long.

Spiderman starts off by saying "There are two things that Symbiotes 
hate, they are Sonics and Fire, and I'm fresh out of both. Guess I will 
have to do it the old fashioned way." The old fashioned way means 
fighting them as in hand to hand cobat, and with your feet.

A Symbiote will come on the upper right side of the elevator, but at 
first he never sees me. Thats good, so I don't really have to battle 
him. Let the elevator break through the gooy stuff. More Symbiotes mgith 
fall onto the elevator, and others will fall down.

Battle the ones that fall on the elevator. Try to kick them off, so that 
they die instantly that way instead of battling them on the elevator, 
which will take about 12 hits to die if you just battle them with the 
hand to hand combat way.

Let the elevator break through the next lot of goo, and then the 
elevator will stop. To get it working, head forward and jump down. Go 
into the room there and either battle it out with the Sybiote, or ignore 
him all together. 

If you try to press the switch in here with your hand and feet, it will 
lock on to the sybiote. SO either battle the sybiote, or use your web 
attack on the switch. Once you hit the switch, the elevator will start 
going down again.

The elevator will once again stop when it is down farther. More 
symbiotes will come onto the elevator, but you just have to try and get 
to the swithc quickly, befoere the Symbiotes snap the cable and you go 
plunging to your death.

Jump down and hit the switch that is closest to the right side of the 
screen. Once again use your webbing, since you don't want to battle the 
last two Sybmiotes. If you do battle them, it will waste time and the 
elevator will snap and you will die.

Instead, ignore these two symbiotes. The switch on the left opens up a 
door with a symbiote in it, but just leades into a pile of goo. So, push 
the switch on the right like I said before, and go into that room. It 
will be automatic, and spidey will go into the next level.

26.                                                    STOP THE PRESSES

As soon as the level starts, Spidey will talk about how the Symbiote 
generators have been responsible for all of the symbiotes around the 
place. You must now go around and get rid of all of these generators. 
The first one is right in front of you.

To get rid of the generator, you must hit the things on the side and let 
them explode. You can web it, dome it, impact it or punch and kick it to 
get rid of it. Hit both of them, and you will get rid of the first 

After you do destory the very first generator, a message will come up 
saying that you have gotten rid of one generator, and you still have to 
get rid of 3 more. Walk forward, and climb up onto the roof  to avoid 
the symbiotes. 

Go on the roof and you can avoid all of the enemies. When you go over 
the top of the presses, you spider sense will tingle. This will tell you 
not to go down. It is signifying that if you do go down, you will die. 
Spidey gets printed.

Drop down near the end of this room. Get on the ground and then turn to 
your left. Run up to where the generator is. To hit ti with your impact 
webing, you must be up close to this generator, otherwsie the webbing 
will just into the ground. Ignore all of the symbiotes.

Fire the two impact webbing balls at the generator and it will come up 
with "Destroy two more generators." You will now be stuck with no where 
to go. A new door will now open. So turn back and run out the way you 

Look to your left, and you will see a new door open. Go through this 
doorway. Once again, zip line up onto the roof so that the sybmiotes 
wont attack you up here, because they cannot reach you up here. in the 
middle will be another generator.

Drop down next to it, and quickly fire two balls of impact webbing at 
either side of the generator. When you have destroyed this generator, 
spidey will say just one more. That is, one more generator has to be 

Once again zip line up to the roof and continue forward, all the way 
along the ceiling. Keep going forward, ignoring the spidey sense when it 
tingles, because it will just tell you that if you drop down now, you 
will die.

Drop down at the very end, but don't go under the doorway just in front 
of you. Instead, turn to your left, and go through this door. Run up, 
and press the switch next to the big boulder, to open a new door. Run 
throug here, and grab the fire webbing.

Shoot the symbiotes to get rid of them, and they will brun to death. 
Fire the impact bals at the generator and all of them will now be 
destroyed. Once you have destroyed this one, the spidey compus will come 
up showing you the way.

Head out of this section, and to the left. Do a U - Turn to your left 
and then run down to where the lid is off the vent. Spidey will 
automatically jump down the vent, and you have now just completed the 

27.                                                      BUGLE BASEMENT

As you start the level, Spidey will say that whoever is controlling the 
generators must be done here. Well they are down here, but you will have 
to wait to find out who it is. Now, lets actually start the level, shall 

Okay, there is one smybiote just ahead of you. The best thing to do here 
is to get in front of it and try and knock it into the fire, which is 
behind you from where you started. So, do that, using the punch or the 
kick combo to send them flying and they will die from the fire.

Head all the way up forward, and take the first path on your left. You 
will see one generator, as well as a fw symbiotes. Ignore the symbiotes 
for now, and just go straight for the generator and fire two impact 
webbing balls at it.

It will most likely destroy the generator, if not, then keep on trying. 
There is kind of like secret in this area. Press thw switch, and it will 
open the gate. Jump into the fire and press the R1 button to get to the 
roof. Then grab the goods.

The door opening is ment to be so that you can punch anjd kick the 
Symbiotes into the fire, so that they die pretty easy. So, if yo can, 
try and do that so that the symbiotes will die straight away. Do that, 
or just ignore them.

Run back out the way that you just came, and then turn to your left. 
Keep running up, and you will need to jump over all of that fire. Just 
jump and try not to land on it, and swing using the R2 button if you 
need to.

Keep running up farther, and if you got the fire stuff to add to your 
webbing, then use this stuff against the symbiotes. Just keep on firing 
the impact webbing at them, and with the fire, they will easily die with 
one shot.

Once you are passed the fire, head around the corner, which is on the 
right. You will see the elevator. Turn the corner to the left and go up 
farther. Turn in the very last path on the right. It may not look like 
anything is in here, but there is something.

Use the web zip line to go up, and destroy the symbiotes hidden in this 
area. There will be a switch here. After you have defeated the 
symbiotes, then press the switch. Run back out of this area, and back 
the way you come.

Now take the first path which will now be on your left. A door was here 
before and you couldn't get past, but now you unlocked it. Run into the 
area with the generator, and from far back aim at the things on the side 
of it and destroy it with your impact webbing.

Once that is done, it will say that all of the generators have been 
destroyed, and the spidey compus will now come up. Collect the web 
catridge and head out to the left, and go around the corner on your left 
to see a Cut-Scene.

28.                                                  SPIDEY VS MYSTERIO

It will show Spidey running around the corner, and find his imposter. 
They both look at each other and say the imposter, and then the actual 
imposter turns around and runs off, with spiderman running after him 
through a hole.

Wacth the opening scewne whre they face off, and spidey calls the 
imposter "Angry back alley spiderman." The Imposter (which is Mysterio) 
then says he wants to shut spideys mouth once and for all, and turns big 
and decides to crush spidey. What a nice guy.

The opening part of the level shows Spidey jum-p up to the top of this 
section, and Mysterio will be in the middle. This may be a pretty hard 
battle, and there are two stages to it. First off, as soon as you start, 
fire an impact web near his head.

It will automatically go into his lasers, and nearly knock one of them 
off. This will Cause him to go down abit in his health. Make sure that 
you use the impact webbing to get rid of the source of his power. Keep 
shooting them.

he will eventaully try and grab you. Jump over his hand so that he can't 
get you, and then quickly shoot at him again. His hand will once again 
try and grab you, just avoid it like you did before, and shoot him 
again. Repeat until the two lasers at the top are gotten rid of.

Once those lasers are gotten rid of, then jump down to the next level. 
His attack will now be that spike ball thing that goes along and also he 
will try to crush you with his hand. Avoid the ball by jumping and the 
hand by not being in the way of where he puts it down.

Fire all the impact webbing you can at the lasers and try to get rid of 
them. Keep doing it when you have the chance, which will of course be 
between his attacks. Your spidy sense will tingle when the spikey ball 
is coming.

Once you destroy both of those things on his body, then jump down to the 
next level, which will be his legs. The attacks this time are the spikey 
ball again, and he will try and squish you this time with his foot.

Just jump the spikey ball, and avoid the foot when it comes down by 
continually running so that he can't lock onto you. Then shoot at the 
things on his body and get rid of them both by shooting the impact 
webbing at them when you have the time.

Once you get him down to no health, you have not beaten him yet. You 
still have to do something else. He will reappear with full health. This 
time the things are just on hus head, so there is no reason at all that 
you need to go dwon below here.

Stay up the top and fire all the impact webbing that you can at him. 
Fire at all the times that you can. To avoid the lasers, keep on moving 
around the circuit. When he stops, quickly shoot the impact webbing and 
continue to run.

Every time that you hit one of those things, it will take his health 
down alot. Keep hitting one, and then go for the other one. Avoid the 
attacks and get rid of both of the lasers. Once that has happened, shoot 
the impact webbing at his head, and you win.

29.                                                        WAREHOUSE 65

Mysterio will reveal all, and you now have to go to warehous 65. On your 
way along the building you spot Punsiher. Spidey takes out his scope and 
they talk. They team up, but guns wont solve the problem, so Spidey goes 
in alone.

Stan Lee will pop up with abit to say, so listen to what he has to say 
about the symbiotes. It will also show the two generators. From the 
start of the level, head to your left and destroy the first generator 
using your impact webbing. 

Once that is done, jump behind you and get some health. Over from you 
will be some fire webbing, so jump and get it. (From the start you can 
just go to the right and climb up the crates.) Use the fire webbing to 
get rid of the Symbiotes.

Head forward and use your pimact webbing to take out the next generator. 
Crawl on the wall up ahead of you, and go into the little open section, 
near where the health is located. Then jump down, and you will find a 
hidden passage.

Once down here, turn to your left to see another generator. Once again, 
use your impact webbing and fire it at the symbiotes and also the 
generator so that you destory it. Head back out of here, and around the 
corner to the left.

You come into a new room, where Spidey will say "More generators. They 
will have to go." Jump down, and straight in front of you will be one 
generator. Use the impact fire wbbing to destory it, and any other 
symbiotes around the place. 

Then run to your upper right and jump up onto the crates. here will be 
the very last generator. So, destroy it using your impact webbing as 
usual. As always, use your webbing top once again destroy all pf the 

That is the last egenrator that you have to destroy, so the flow of the 
symbiotes will stop, and you are now free to just explore the level and 
get some health. When yoiur ready, go to where the vent is. Jump down 
and you get a checkpoint.

Jump down again. The fans are belwo you so you can't get hurt. Move up 
forward inside the vent and go to the left. Take the path around the 
corner and you will hear Spidey say: "I like the concret, the driopping 
water, nice."

You will come down to another drop down section, drop down. It is safe. 
Go to the next drop down section, and the camera will change and it your 
spidey sense will tingle, as Spidey says. Look dwon, and jump down to 
the right.

Crawl on the wall if you need to, and make sure that you land on the 
platform. Do not fal down into the ventialltion shaft, you will die if 
you die. Turn the corner, and jump down the next shaft, where the level 
will end, and you wiull start a new level.

30.                                                   UNDERWATER TRENCH

Level thirty. You are nearly complete the game, not too long to go. 
Spidey will be put next to on of the fans and as soon as the level 
sarts, he will say "Phew, what a rush." Run up forward and to the right 
will be a web cartridge, behind the machine.

Open up the next door, and Spidey wont like what he sees. You are under 
water, there are electrified floors and walls and also deadly turrets 
pointing directly at you. Run and jump over to the closest pltfrom, that 
is pretty high up.

Avoid the laser and run and jump and swing over to the next platfrom. 
Stay on the bottom setion of this little platfrom so that the laser 
can't get you, and then get up once it has been shot and go to the next 

Quickly get up and jump to where the doorway is. Get some health, hwich 
you will probably need and continue up. When you open the next door, you 
will once again find some more of these turrets pointing at you and some 

Ignore the lower platform, so jump and swing over to the highest one. 
The reson for this is that you will get a longer range when you try to 
jump over to the next platform. Ignore the turret fire, and jump to the 
next platform.

Ignore the turret fire here also, and jump to the higher platform. Once 
again, ignore the turret fire and jump over to where the doorway is 
located. Press the side. This releses the comic, which is all the back, 
under the very first doorway.

Get it or don't, I really don't care. Open the next door, and there will 
once again me some more of these turrets. THe third lot. Jump and swing 
to the one closest to you, get the health which you will need and then 
use the L1 swing get to the platfrom above you.

Jump across to the next platform that is closest to the way out, swing 
to the next, and then swing over to the door and open it. Run up through 
the next section and grab the web cartridge and run trhough the next 
door, where the level will end.

31.                                                    STOPPING THE FOG

This here is the very last normal level in the game. It is the fourth to 
last, but the other three are not like this. You will see what I mean 
after you complete this level. Here is a little map for the next 
         \A\    /S/                   
          \ \  / /
___________\ \/ /_________
E__________      _________B
           / /\ \
          / /  \ \
         /C/    \R\

E - Exit (Entrance)
A - Control room A
B - Control room B
C - Control room C
R - Research facilities
S - Security Controls

First, head yp and to your upper left and go to the security controls. 
That is the only way open to start off with. It will have Cat in there. 
Spidey will ask questions, and a cut-scene will kick in showing them 

Now head to the right, and press the button to open rooms A, B and C. 
Now go to all of the rooms and press the buttons on them. Once you do 
this, the things will shut down, and you can then go to the researh 
facilities room. End of the level.

32.                                                   SPIDEY VS DOC OCK

It is time for the first battle out of three. This first battle you need 
to fight Dock ock, the scientist guy. He has claws and atuff and they 
can hurt when they grasp hold of Spidey. But, as of course, he is pretty 
easy to defeat.

Run around the outside dodging his claws at first. This should be pretty 
easy if you just keep on moving and never let him have the chance to get 
those claws on you. Keep moving around, and dodging them all. Okay, 

A switch will come down after a while. it will say off on it. You need 
to hit it with the webbing to make it turn on. make sure you are not 
directly in front of the switch though. It will turn on a shield. These 
shields can easily be dodged by you jumping.

Go around the outside hiting the switches as they come down. Jump over 
the shields as well, and when the shields will drain the power away from 
his main shield. So, his power will go out for a minute. When it does go 
out, do this.

Shoot your impact webbing like crazy! Save none, just fire it away at 
him, and this will take off alot of health. Continute doing this all the 
time that the shiel is down, and you will deplete his live bar down 

But then, his shield will regenerate. Do the same as you did before. 
When the siwtches do come down, press them. Go around and press all 4 of 
the switches, jump over the shiels and hit Doc with the impact webbing. 
Keep doing this until you fully kill him.

33.                                                   SPIDEY VS CARNAGE

This is the second to last level in the game. You must this time fight 
carnage, as he has just defeated venom pretty much. Heh, Venom gets 
defeated my everyone. Okay, Venom is slightly harder than Doc Ock. So, 
here goes.

A sonic bubble will appear in the middle of the room. Apparently it was 
put in here by Doc Ock in case Cranage tried to double cross him. So, 
you must use this sonic bubble to your advantage. Remember what Spidey 
said about the symbiotes.

"The only things Symbiotes hate are fire and sonics...." Well, there you 
go. Sonics. As the battle starts, Carnage wil probably jump over the 
bubble. Run around the other  side and web yank him into the sonic 

Once he is in there, then use your trap webbing to keep him in there, 
because he can escape and the sonic bubble will take awhile to work. he 
will start losing some health, and then escape your webbing. Continue to 
pull him in.

In Kid Mode, you can just fire all of your impact webbing at him, and 
this works well because this is the last time in the game that you will 
use your webbing for the triangle button. So, if you are in kid mode, 
fire everything at him.

In normal mode, things don't go like that. Webbing does not hurt 
Carnage. So, use the web pull technique and get him in that sonic 
bubble. Continue to do this and in the end, Carnage will end up dying. 
and you win.

34.                                               SPIDEY VS MONSTER OCK

This really isn't a fight, it is really an escape. You must get out of 
this place before that thing blows. At the start, you think thar you 
have beaten the game, but you haven't. This is the very last level in 
the game.

All you simply have to do (not so simple actually) is just run. I have 
worked out that using the R2 button can get you abit of distance away 
from the monster, as well as jumping, and you will need to use that to 
get over some obstacles.

This will be a very long battle, so just keep on running. In order not 
to hurt your hands, I advise to use the analog stick if you haven't been 
using it throughout the game. Pressing right will make you go right of 

Just keep running. When you come to a part where you need to go up, 
press the R1 button to zip line up to the roof. Then jump down into the 
next area and continue to keep on running. The radiation will then soon 
build up.

The radiation meter is actually telling you how far away the end of the 
level is. This will take awhile to fully build up. Near the middle 
though, it will spurt up in big chunks, but the level will still go for 

Just keep runninf as I said, and when the radiation meter gets full, 
that will be the end of the level. Spidey wil swing up and it will show 
the big blast of fire. Spidey will then pick up Ock and carry him out to 
the helecopter.

Venom, Cat and Captain America will be in a helecopter so that you can 
get away. You get away in the helecopter as everything blows up behind 
you. Venom asks for Captain America's autograph, and then they play some 
cards where everyone is accused of cheating and Cat and Jonny are 
dancing. Then it shows all the bad guys in a cell.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SECTION 4: SECRETS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1.                                                         SECRET MOVES


I have done this one afew times, but I am not really show how I did it. 
When you do the web pull move, I somehoe pull the guy all the way over 
my back. Once again, I am not sure how, but any information on this I 
would be grateful for.


Everyone wants stealth, and to get it, there is a costume that you must 
get that will have it. To use stealth, press the L2 button. Preset 
enemies will still kill you, like the lizards on the subway, bosses, and 
also the helecopter in the police chases.

2.                                                         SECRET AREAS


Just about every comic book in the game is hidden somewhere secret. 
These range from places like hidden waterfalls, to just under desks and 
doing certain objectives. Most of them are hidden, so check the Comic 
Book section for the locations of them.


Actually in he lizards maze, you can find the lizard. Check out the 
walkthrough, and it that section you can find out where the lizard is 
located to, using the map.

3.                                                        BASIC SECRETS



All around the place, there are billboards of "Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2." 
This is a game that is made my Activision and Neversoft, which of course 
make this game. So, they advertise there own game in this game. Pretty 
smart if you ask me.


If you go into the bank with your stealth on, you can hear all sorts of 
stuff that the bank robbers say. I have heard things like "Did you hear 
that?" and the guy reply "No." Also, I am sure I heard the guards say 
something like: "I really need to go."


Go into the cheats menu located in special, and type in any swear word, 
such as "shit" or "fuck". Spidey will then come up and scrap the word, 
replacing it with something like "flower."


Leave the game on the main screen for awhile and it will come up with a 
nice little demo showing you how to use your web attacks. Pointless, but 
still a secret none the less.


A rather cool secret this. On the main menu screen, leave the game for 
awhile. Soon enough, it will come up with the demo above. Still leave 
the game. Let the demo end, wait awhile more and it will come up with 
this. It will show spiderman walking to the circle like James Bond, and 
James bond then shoots at the circle. Well, Spidey fires impact webbing 
and the screen goes blue.

4.                                                          CHEAT CODES

All of the cheat codes in the game are typed in using the Special menu. 
Type in these passwords, obviously without the "'s.

- - -

Unlock Everything -

Enter "ELL_NATS" in the cheats menu

- - -

Invincibility -

Enter "RUSTCRST" in the cheats menu

- - -

Unlimited Webbing -

Enter "STRUDL" in the cheats menu

- - -

Unlock all movies -

Enter "WATCH_EM" in the cheats menu

- - -

Unlock all levels -

Enter "XCLSIOR" in the cheats menu

- - -

Debug Mode -

Enter "LLADNEK" in the cheats menu

- - -

All game covers -

Enter "ALLSIXCC" in the cheats menu

- - -

Big head -

Enter "DULUX" in the cheats menu

- - -

I'm pretty sure that there are way more codes, like the ones for the 

5.                                                            GLITHCHES


Not really a glitch, but whatever. Lets say you choose the "Peter 
Parker" outfit and play the game. It will show you being in the Peter 
Parker outfit in the cut scenes, but in the FMVs, it will show you in 
the spiderman suit.  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SECTION V: COMIC BOOK WALKTHROUGH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1.                                              COMIC BOOKS WALKTHROUGH

NOTE: Some are missing because I am yet to find them.


- On top of the 4 building. From the start of the 2nd level, look to the 
left and swing over to the building.


- Just before the elevator, search around the cubicles and pick up one 
of the desks and it will appear.


- After you put the bomb in the safe, don't lock it in yet. Go to the 
security door and grab the comic.


- Next to the guys who want to take out spiderman so they can get paid. 
Move around the side and jump onto a platform.


- Destroy every single piece of furniture in all of the rooms. Just hurl 
it at scorpian, and it will appear.


- Near the end of the level, the helecopter will start blowing up the 
crates, it appears under one of these.


- When you reach all of the girders, hand around the side and look down. 
Jump and ge the comic.


- The helecopter will smash the glass on the ground, go inside here and 
blow up the wall.


- Stand in front of the barrels and let Rhino charge into them all. It 
will then appear.


- Seacrh around inside the girder section. You cannot lose here since 
venom will stay until you catch him.


- In one fo the corners of the level, there is a car. Pick up the car an 
throw it at venom. Comic was under it.


- After swining out, go back to the first cave. I found this by 
accident, I was actually lost.


- On the second pipe you swing to, use the L1 targeting and swing over 
to waterfall section.


- At the T section, take a left. Look behind all of the machinery to 
find this comic.


- After pressing the last switch, swing over to the opposite side and 
find the comic there.


- After hitting the switch, go back behind the machinery to find the 
comic sitting there.


- Use my map to get to the lizard. After talking to him, the comic will 
then appear.


- Turn on first switch, and go up inside the first vent. Where the 
hostage was is now a comic.


- When the elevator stops the second time, jump down and press the left 
switch. Run inside building.


- Once you defeat the first lot of laser things on Mysterio, jump to the 
bottom level.


- After you press the switch, it will then appear under the first 


- Appears in the middle of the bubble, watch out that you don't get 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SECTION VI: BOSS FAQ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1.                                                   SPIDEY VS SCORPIAN

Your very first boss battle, and of course this is quite easy. By the 
looks of things, J Jonah put Gargin or some name like that in this 
scorpian suit, and has made his life a misery. As you will hear "You 
have ruined my life, so now I'll end yours."

As soon as the battle starts, Spiderman will jump through the windwo and 
say: Leve him alone chuckles. Quickly run to the right so that Scorpian 
doesn't hurt JJ. You might want to press left plus triangle and get some 
web hands, because they do more damage.

Run and punch or kick him with a combo. He will turn to you and decide 
to attack you know. Continue to hit and kick him, and keep doing that so 
that he can't get a hit on you. If you find that you are losing health 
in between the combos, then try this:

Do the combo and then quickly jump up in the air. Scorpian will try and 
attack you, but since you jumped in the air, his attack will be on the 
ground. While he is still in his attack mode, press the circle or the 
sqaure button while you are in the air.

This will make spidey come down in a kick or a punch. This will hurt 
scorpian and you can get another little combo in on him. Watch your 
health, also, because you might be getting hit even though you don't 
really see it.

If you are losing some health, then just pull back abit from scorpian 
and use your impact webbing on him. Just keep firing that at him, and 
you will get him down to somewhere like half health. Once he is at half 
health, something new will happen.

JJ will run off, and the scorpian will chase after him making a bigwhole 
in the wall. Spiderman will then come through the hole in the wall. JJ 
will run and try to hide from scorpian, but scorpian finds him. You must 
turn the attention away from Jonah and to you.

Run and use the jump and kick or punch home in method and the kick will 
go straight for scorpian. Continue to punch and kick him wildley, or 
using the impact webbing to get rid of the scorpian. Get him down to no 
health left, and make sure Jonah doesn't get him too many times and you 
will beat the scorpian and complete the level.

2.                                                      SPIDEY VS RHINO

The move before this is very long, so I will just sum it up for you 
abit. The neding move of the last level shows spidey getting up top onto 
the building, just being missed by the machine gun bullets. The 
helecopter then hits the tower and crashes.

Spiderman truns around and there is black cat explaining all that is 
happening. Venom is on in time square, and Rhino is on a rampage over at 
Omnitech. Cat and Spidey go and watch what Venom has to say. It turns 
out that Venom has got Spideys wife.

Spiderman babbles on about he is spiderman and it has taken away alot 
from him and given him alot. He also explains how he has to use his 
powers to help everyone else before himself, no matter what the cost is. 
So, in other words, he's not selfish.

Cat swings her web over to omnitech as well as Spidey. When they get 
there, it shows that the helecopter is taking away stuff from Omnitech, 
so thats 2 major technology heists in just two days. Rhino then appears 
and strikes cat.

The end of the movie is where Rhino chargges at Spiderman, and he so: Oh 
oh. Then stan lee pops up and says his bit about how black cat has been 
taken out and Rhino is looking to take out Spidey instead. You then 
start by jumping over Rhino. In case you don't know, this is a boss 

At the very start of the level, either go under or jump over those laser 
things. Once you are out of the middle section, lay afew ocunhes into 
Rhino. Make sure that they are punches or kicks, because you really 
don't want to waste your webbing on this guy.

There is an easy way to do this, and there is a hard way to do this. The 
easy way is what you want to do. The hard way will take ages to do, and 
will waste most of your webbing. So, I think that we need to take the 
easy way. I know I do.

What you have to try and do is try and get Rhino to charge into the 
power boxes. To do this, get near one of the power boxes controlling the 
power to those laser things (which you really don't want to touch, 
because you will be electricuted and lose some health).

Anyway, stand near one. Let rhino put his feat down and get ready to 
chrage. He will put his feat down 3 teams. On the third time he will 
charge, so move in so that you are being blocked by the power box. He 
will charge stright into it, and his head will get stuck into it.

He will lose health rapidly, but will get back out after losing a 
certain amount of health. You can also fire afew of the impact webbing 
bullets at him so that he loses even more health. When he is out, find 
another power box and do the same. 

Spidey will say some comments such as: "Oh, are your ears ringing," 
"Rhino burgers coming up," "Thats shcoking," "Did you get a charge out 
of that" and "Look at you all lit up." Keep doing the charge into 
powerbox tecnhique, choosing different ones each time.

Once a power box has been charged into 2 times, there will be no more 
power in it and the laser it controls will be taken away. So that means 
you can at least get Rhino's head sutck in a power box 8 times, because 
there are 4 and each can withstand the head of rhino 2 times.

If all 8 have been used, and there is no power but rhino is still alive, 
there still is some more things you can do to try and kill him fully. 
You can either let him go into the barrels or use the punch and kick 

There are barrels around the outside of the level. What you have to do 
is the same as before, but jump out of the way. Stand in front of the 
barrels and let Rhino charge at you. When he is near you, then jump up 
in the air and he will go underneath you and into the barrels.

This will take some damage off. There are sets of barrels in the corner, 
so this should take off the rest of the damage needed to fully kill 
Rhino. If not, then do the same thing to a wall and Rhino's tusk will 
get caught in the wall and you can ounch and kick him from behind until 
he decides to get out.

You shouldn't need to use your web here at all. Try to save your 
webbing, because this level can easily be done without using any kicks 
and punches, let along andy webbing. Although you might want to use the 
impact webbing when he is stuck in the power boxes because you can't 
kick and punch him them.

Once Rhino is down to no health, a FMV sequence moves in. The police 
arrive, the spider sense goes off and Spidey hides. Dock Ock comes in 
and takes away Rhino with the Trap a matic. Peter goes out to the 
ambulance and goes to cat where she tells him that the people in the 
ambulance are not paramedics. The FMV sequence ends with two people who 
I wont reveal who they are here because of afew spoiler laughing.

3.                                                      SPIDEY VS VENOM

Hah, did you like the movie. VENOM: "Hmmmm, where did spiderwuss go? 
Spiderwuss, come out and play...." SPIDERMAN: *Falls from above and 
kicks venom in the head* Tag. Pretty funny. Anyway, this is another one 
of those boss battles.

You get to fight venom here. As soon as you start, venom will then 
dissapear, so you can just uickly look around for some web catridges and 
stuff if you need it, which prepares you for battle against the evil 

As soon as he appears, get the web spike things on your hands, and then 
run up to him and battle him. He will most likely pick you up and get 
you in the gooy stuff and also attempt to lick you. Spideys response is 
things like "Yuck" and "Get a breath mint." 

You can pick up certain things and throw them at him, such as the car, 
which can take off some damage if you can throw it so that it will hit 
him directly. Mainly use your impact webbing on Venom to take his health 
down alot.

When he appears, quickly fire all of these at him. He will most likely 
(before he dissapears again) do something such as swap positions, try to 
pull you back and get you in that gooy stuff. Just keep firing and 
hitting him all you can.

If you think that you want to save some of your webbing, then you can 
just fight him. There is plenty of health around, so I guess you can 
battle him and lose some health by punching and kicking him to get rid 
of all of his health.

Doing the Jump and auto lockon kick and punch method doesn't really work 
here, because straight away after you do this, he will grab you and 
throw you away, which you really don't want. Ah well, just battle it 

Always look around using the L1 button (tap it so that it centres the 
camera) so that you can quickly see venom when he first appears all the 
time so that you can get the first hit on him. When you finally get him 
down to no health left, he takes the drain lid off and you go into the 

4.                                                SPIDEY VS VENOM AGAIN

The wait is over. You have finally found your wife. The only problem is, 
she is being drowned by Venom. You must fight venom, and make sure that 
the water doesn't drown her, so that you can save her. You must also 
defeat venom, but your first priority is to help your wife.

A FMV will kick in, showing Mary Jane, and then Venom appears ready for 
a fight. There are switches around the place here, and you must make 
sure that they are not turned on so that water doesn't get into where 
Mary jane is.

First off, you must stop the first switch, which can be any of the 
switches that is on the lower floor. You get a meter for how much water 
that there is in the tank where Mary Jane is. You must not let this 
meter get to full under any circumstances.

When venom does appear, use all of your impact webbing on him. Just keep 
on firing at him to take his health down rapidly. He will eventually 
either attack you, or just dissapear. Because you are slaughtering him 
non stop, you will accidnetly hit the switch.

If you accidently hit the switch, thhen press it again so that it will 
stop the flow of water. Repeat slaughtering venom and turning off the 
switches on the lower floor until venom will start turning on the 
siwtches to the left and to the right.

When this happens, ignore venom for the time being and then quickly shut 
the water off. Then concentrate on venom and pound him with the impact 
webbing until he is hurt. He will then disspaear once again and either 
go to the ground, or the switch opposite.

Whatever he does, stop him from hitting the switch to let the water in 
the tank. Keep pounding him, and turning the switches on and off until 
he has fully lost his life, and you have won the battle. Just make sure 
Mary Jane hasn't drowned yet. You get a nice big FMV for your trouble.

5.                                                   SPIDEY VS MYSTERIO

It will show Spidey running around the corner, and find his imposter. 
They both look at each other and say the imposter, and then the actual 
imposter turns around and runs off, with spiderman running after him 
through a hole.

Wacth the opening scewne whre they face off, and spidey calls the 
imposter "Angry back alley spiderman." The Imposter (which is Mysterio) 
then says he wants to shut spideys mouth once and for all, and turns big 
and decides to crush spidey. What a nice guy.

The opening part of the level shows Spidey jum-p up to the top of this 
section, and Mysterio will be in the middle. This may be a pretty hard 
battle, and there are two stages to it. First off, as soon as you start, 
fire an impact web near his head.

It will automatically go into his lasers, and nearly knock one of them 
off. This will Cause him to go down abit in his health. Make sure that 
you use the impact webbing to get rid of the source of his power. Keep 
shooting them.

he will eventaully try and grab you. Jump over his hand so that he can't 
get you, and then quickly shoot at him again. His hand will once again 
try and grab you, just avoid it like you did before, and shoot him 
again. Repeat until the two lasers at the top are gotten rid of.

Once those lasers are gotten rid of, then jump down to the next level. 
His attack will now be that spike ball thing that goes along and also he 
will try to crush you with his hand. Avoid the ball by jumping and the 
hand by not being in the way of where he puts it down.

Fire all the impact webbing you can at the lasers and try to get rid of 
them. Keep doing it when you have the chance, which will of course be 
between his attacks. Your spidy sense will tingle when the spikey ball 
is coming.

Once you destroy both of those things on his body, then jump down to the 
next level, which will be his legs. The attacks this time are the spikey 
ball again, and he will try and squish you this time with his foot.

Just jump the spikey ball, and avoid the foot when it comes down by 
continually running so that he can't lock onto you. Then shoot at the 
things on his body and get rid of them both by shooting the impact 
webbing at them when you have the time.

Once you get him down to no health, you have not beaten him yet. You 
still have to do something else. He will reappear with full health. This 
time the things are just on hus head, so there is no reason at all that 
you need to go dwon below here.

Stay up the top and fire all the impact webbing that you can at him. 
Fire at all the times that you can. To avoid the lasers, keep on moving 
around the circuit. When he stops, quickly shoot the impact webbing and 
continue to run.

Every time that you hit one of those things, it will take his health 
down alot. Keep hitting one, and then go for the other one. Avoid the 
attacks and get rid of both of the lasers. Once that has happened, shoot 
the impact webbing at his head, and you win.

6.                                                    SPIDEY VS DOC OCK

It is time for the first battle out of three. This first battle you need 
to fight Dock ock, the scientist guy. He has claws and atuff and they 
can hurt when they grasp hold of Spidey. But, as of course, he is pretty 
easy to defeat.

Run around the outside dodging his claws at first. This should be pretty 
easy if you just keep on moving and never let him have the chance to get 
those claws on you. Keep moving around, and dodging them all. Okay, 

A switch will come down after a while. it will say off on it. You need 
to hit it with the webbing to make it turn on. make sure you are not 
directly in front of the switch though. It will turn on a shield. These 
shields can easily be dodged by you jumping.

Go around the outside hiting the switches as they come down. Jump over 
the shields as well, and when the shields will drain the power away from 
his main shield. So, his power will go out for a minute. When it does go 
out, do this.

Shoot your impact webbing like crazy! Save none, just fire it away at 
him, and this will take off alot of health. Continute doing this all the 
time that the shiel is down, and you will deplete his live bar down 

But then, his shield will regenerate. Do the same as you did before. 
When the siwtches do come down, press them. Go around and press all 4 of 
the switches, jump over the shiels and hit Doc with the impact webbing. 
Keep doing this until you fully kill him.

7.                                                    SPIDEY VS CARNAGE

This is the second to last level in the game. You must this time fight 
carnage, as he has just defeated venom pretty much. Heh, Venom gets 
defeated my everyone. Okay, Venom is slightly harder than Doc Ock. So, 
here goes.

A sonic bubble will appear in the middle of the room. Apparently it was 
put in here by Doc Ock in case Cranage tried to double cross him. So, 
you must use this sonic bubble to your advantage. Remember what Spidey 
said about the symbiotes.

"The only things Symbiotes hate are fire and sonics...." Well, there you 
go. Sonics. As the battle starts, Carnage wil probably jump over the 
bubble. Run around the other  side and web yank him into the sonic 

Once he is in there, then use your trap webbing to keep him in there, 
because he can escape and the sonic bubble will take awhile to work. he 
will start losing some health, and then escape your webbing. Continue to 
pull him in.

In Kid Mode, you can just fire all of your impact webbing at him, and 
this works well because this is the last time in the game that you will 
use your webbing for the triangle button. So, if you are in kid mode, 
fire everything at him.

In normal mode, things don't go like that. Webbing does not hurt 
Carnage. So, use the web pull technique and get him in that sonic 
bubble. Continue to do this and in the end, Carnage will end up dying. 
and you win.

8.                                                SPIDEY VS MONSTER OCK

This really isn't a fight, it is really an escape. You must get out of 
this place before that thing blows. At the start, you think thar you 
have beaten the game, but you haven't. This is the very last level in 
the game.

All you simply have to do (not so simple actually) is just run. I have 
worked out that using the R2 button can get you abit of distance away 
from the monster, as well as jumping, and you will need to use that to 
get over some obstacles.

This will be a very long battle, so just keep on running. In order not 
to hurt your hands, I advise to use the analog stick if you haven't been 
using it throughout the game. Pressing right will make you go right of 

Just keep running. When you come to a part where you need to go up, 
press the R1 button to zip line up to the roof. Then jump down into the 
next area and continue to keep on running. The radiation will then soon 
build up.

The radiation meter is actually telling you how far away the end of the 
level is. This will take awhile to fully build up. Near the middle 
though, it will spurt up in big chunks, but the level will still go for 

Just keep runninf as I said, and when the radiation meter gets full, 
that will be the end of the level. Spidey wil swing up and it will show 
the big blast of fire. Spidey will then pick up Ock and carry him out to 
the helecopter.

Venom, Cat and Captain America will be in a helecopter so that you can 
get away. You get away in the helecopter as everything blows up behind 
you. Venom asks for Captain America's autograph, and then they play some 
cards where everyone is accused of cheating and Cat and Jonny are 
dancing. Then it shows all the bad guys in a cell.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SECTION VII: THE END <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

1.                                                              CREDITS

I really have no contributions as of yet, so here are afew shoutouts!

CJayC - The owner of GameFAQs. Posts all of my work. Thanks man.

Steven NG - Also hosts my work on http://faqs.ign, once again, thanks.

Inferno - Sorry that the GTA3 Joint guide didn't go well

Neversoft and Activision - For making this game

GameFAQs friends - for being so cool 

My Family - For supporting me

You - For reading this document

2.                                                            COPYRIGHT

This Document Copyright Aaron Baker 2003.
This Document Copyright Wayalla, (c) 2003.

It may be used for Personal and private use only, and can't be put in a 
magazine, put on a site that you need to pay money to access this FAQ or 
just generally sold. This guide is sole property of Aaron Baker. Only 
authorized websites can have this FAQ, but must not alter the copyright 
notice at all. This guide is available free of cost from sites, and I am 
taking time out of my busy life to write this, so be thankful that I am 
helping you. Do not rip off this guide in Part or Whole, that is illegal 
and the appropriate steps will be taken if necessary. I didn't write 
this guide so that someone could just come and rip it off. 
                        _ _ _

That's it, no one else, unless I decide otherwise. This must be stated 
specifically in the FAQ if I am allowing anyone else to use this guide. 
Anywhere else will have to e-mail me first. I have the right to deny 
your website use of the guide because it is mine. Aaron Baker wrote all 
of the contents in this file, unless stated otherwise in the credits 
section at the end of the guide. Cheat Code Central is forbidden to use 
this guide. If any websites are using this guide without my permission, 
the appropriate steps will be taken to get the guide off the site.
                        _ _ _

The author of this document can be contacted via e-mail, which is: 
Wayalla1(at)yahoo.com.au! Most questions will be answered unless the 
question is answered in the guide, the title doesn't include the games 
title or something like that, and also no Spam and stupid e-mails. You 
are allowed to download this file onto your hard drive, that's the whole 
point of the FAQ really, to print it because I doubt many people have 
the console and computer in the same room and no one will want to stay 
at the computer playing the game. 

3.                                                             WEBSITES

These sites can have my FAQ without asking me:

www.gamefaqs.com -> (make originally for this site)

If you want this on your site, please ask me first. Oh, this document my 
NEVER be seen at: www.cheatcc.com

4.                                                         EMAIL POLICY

Feel free to email me with anything like:

- Spelling mistakes
- Contributions
- Corrections
- A question

I will do my best to reply, unless you break one of these rules:

- Please use proper grammar
- Put "Spiderman" in the subject

5.                                                        MY OTHER FAQS

Dman, it is way to many to list here, so I will just list my Contributor 
Recognition Page, where you can see my work.

I have made 30 guides before this one, so this is my 31st FAQ. Although, 
I might be having two of my FAQs taken down soon, so then this will be 
my 29th FAQ if that happens. Anyway:


6.                                                               ENDING

Well, I hope you enjoyed my FAQ. By for now.
This FAQ took three days to make. Serious!
