Spider-Man Walkthrough Copyright 2000, J. Grevas Version 2.1 History 8/26/00- Wrote Version 1.0. Special thanks to www.gamesages.com for info on the "Quick Change Spidey" and "Peter Parker" costumes, as well as the "Big Head Spidey" cheat and some comics I missed. 8/28/00- Version 1.1 Corrected minor errors I somehow missed the first time through. 9/3/00- Version 2.0 Added several cheats, characters, requests, 1 costume, updated wish list and credits 9/3/00- Version 2.1 Added more info on the Peter Parker costume. Special thanks to Im Unknown and TroySch1 for the tip. A. Miscellaneous B. Controls & Power-ups C. Characters* D. Walkthrough* 1. Get to the Bank 2. Bank Approach 3. Hostage Situation 4. Stop the Bomb! 5. Race to the Bugle 6. Spidey vs. Scorpion! 7. Police Chopper Chase 8. Missile Attack 9. Building Top Chase 10. Scale the Girders 11. Police Evaded 12. Spidey vs. Rhino! 13. Catch Venom 14. Spidey vs. Venom! 15. Sewer Entrance 16. Sewer Cavern 17. Subway 18. Sewage Plant 19. Hidden Switches 20. Tunnel Crawl 21. Venom's Puzzle 22. The Lizard's Maze 23. Spidey vs. Venom Again! 24. Symbiotes Infest Bugle 25. Elevator Descent 26. Stop the Presses! 27. Bugle's Basement 28. Spidey vs. Mysterio! 29. Waterfront Warehouse 30. Underwater Trench 31. Stopping the Fog 32. Spidey vs. Doc Ock! 33. Spidey vs. Carnage! 34. Spidey vs. Monster-Ock! E. Cheats F. Comic Collection* G. Spider-Suits* H. Wish List* I. Thanks and Credits *=Contains Spoilers ========================================================= A. Miscellaneous First off, this work is the intellectual property of J. Grevas. Don't steal it! Feel free to post it anywhere you like as long as you do 3 things: 1. Give me proper credit. Writing this took a great deal of time and effort, so gimme some credit. 2. Tell me. I'd like to know where this thing is being distributed. Right now, it should be available only on www.gamefaqs.com, so if I find it somewhere else, I'll go Sabretooth on ya. 3. Don't alter it in any way. Feel free to add things, but please don't take anything out. If you do, look above to see what your fate will be. Be warned that this walkthrough is full of spoilers. Anything with an asterisk beside it contains spoilers, so proceed at your own risk. Please read the whole thing before sending me e-mails. I don't need my inbox flooded with questions I've already answered. I won't respond. No hate mail either (I get enough of that from my webpage). I'm sick of hearing, "HEY YOU SAID THAT YOU CAN BEAT VENOM IN FIVE OR SIX SHOTS BUT IT TOOK ME 10 YOU (insert various nonsensical expletives here)!!!!!!" I'm human, and I make mistakes sometimes. You're not cute, you're not funny, and I don't care about anything you have to say if you're gonna talk to me like that. However, if you have a good tip, or a question that isn't covered here, feel free to drop me a line at jgrevas@hotmail.com. I'll try to respond as quickly as possible, but don't flip out if it takes me a day or two. All characters in this game are TM and Copyright 2000 Marvel Characters, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc. Copyright 2000 Activision Publishing, Inc. Developed by Neversoft. All rights reserved. Blah, blah, blah, I'm just a comic dork trying to help out his fellow dorks, so don't sue me, 'kay? ========================================================== B. Controls & Power-ups Triangle: Fire trap webbing. Great for the basic enemies in the early stages of the game, not so great for symbiotes and lizardmen. Sometimes useful against bosses. Up + Triangle: Fire Impact webbing. An all around great long-range weapon. Left + Triangle: Web gloves. Double damage for punch attacks. Disappear after a few punches, if you cling to a surface, or fire webbing. Right + Triangle: Web Dome. Protects you from enemy attacks. Press any button to shatter it and damage any nearby enemies. Fairly worthless. Down + Triangle: Web yank. Use this to pull the enemy toward you or press left or right immediately after firing to throw the enemy in that direction. Doesn't work against some enemies, and the timing is difficult to get the hang of (at least for me, but maybe I just suck....) Triangle + Square or Circle: Grab. Press punch or kick after grabbing to execute an attack (multiple punches or a mule kick, respectively). Square: Punch attacks. Pressing multiple times will unleash a combo. Can be powered up with web gloves. Circle: Kick attacks. Slightly more powerful than punches. X: Jump. This will enable you to beat every enemy in one shot. Idiot. L1: Web aim. Very Useful. Yellow crosshairs appear if you're targeting an enemy, light purple for a switch or part of the environment that you can interact with. L2: Stealth, if you have the right suit. R1: Zip-line. Shoots you to the surface directly across from your current position if it is a climbable surface. R2: Web swing. Another really straightforward one, but be careful because you can only swing within a certain range, and sometimes, if you attempt to change directions, the camera angle will prevent you from doing so. Blue Spider symbols: Gives you another web cartridge. Maximum of ten. White and Red Spider symbols: Health. Gold Spider symbols: Spider-Armor. Yeah, it was pretty lame in the comics, but it's actually useful here. Has its own health meter, but Health icons won't restore it. Slightly increases damage, also. Gold and Red Spider symbols: Magnesium Webbing. Particularly useful against symbiotes. ========================================================== C. Characters (SPOILERS) Don't blame me for any grammatical errors in here. This text is taken straight from the game. Spider-Man Powers: Super strength, super agility, stick to walls, Spider Sense. First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy 15 Peter Parker Bio: When not out fighting crime as Spider-Man he is a photographer for the Daily Bugle. First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy 15 Black Cat Bio: A skilled cat burglar- Felicia Hardy knows Spidey as well as anyone, even his secret identity! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 194 Dr. Otto Octavius Bio: Octavius is now reformed and is using his vast knowledge for the good of humanity. First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 3 Eddie Brock Bio: The journalistic rival of Parker and one half of the symbiote known as Venom! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 299 Henchman Bio: The henchmen live only to serve out the will of their master- and to get paid as well! Bank Thug Bio: A high tech thief and part of the crime unit known as the Jade Syndicate! J. Jonah Jameson Bio: Editor of the Daily Bugle- JJJ often writes editorials about the threat Spider-Man poses on citizens of NY! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 1 Scorpion Bio: J. Jonah put Mac Gargan through an experiment that transformed him into a deranged scorpion! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 20 Daredevil Bio: Blinded as a youth, Matt Murdock developed a radar sense which he uses to fight crime with! First Appearance: Daredevil 1 Policeman Bio: New York's finest! These guys are against Spidey almost as much as they rely on his help! SWAT Cop Bio: New York's other protectors! This time hoping that more firepower will be enough to capture Spider-Man! Rhino Bio: A small time crook turned assassin! The Rhino has super-human strength wrapped in an armor suit! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 41 Human Torch Bio: A member of the Fantastic Four! Torch has the ability to generate flames of great intensity! First Appearance: Fantastic Four 1 Venom Bio: A union of Eddie Brock and alien symbiote! Venom's goal- to destroy his arch-nemesis Spider-Man! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 299 Lizardman Bio: Example of the Lizard's mad science- these creatures can be found lurking in the sewers of New York! The Lizard Bio: A victim of his own genius- Curt Connors the man now spends his life as the vicious Lizard! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 6 Mary Jane Bio: Mary Jane must balance the roles of being a super model and the wife of superhero Peter Parker! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 42 Symbiote Bio: This creature is part of the alien race that spawned fearless villains Carnage and Venom! Mysterio Bio: Quentin Beck uses the tricks of his trade to baffle Spidey with illusions and robotics! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 18 Punisher Bio: His family was killed by the mob! Now Frank Castle chooses to fight bad guys using their rules! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 129 Doc Ock Bio: When four robot arms were fused to his body, the resulting insanity gave birth to Doctor Octopus! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 3 Carnage Bio: Cletus Kasady was dangerous even before joining with the symbiote that would later be called Carnage! First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man 341 Monster Ock Bio: The terrifying result of the symbiote from Carnage taking over the power of Doc Ock! First Appearance: Exclusive to game! Captain America Bio: The Star-Spangled Avenger who got his start battling Axis agents in World War II! First Appearance: Cap Comics 1 Sub-Mariner Bio: Namor- Prince of Atlantis- has been both Mankind's Defender and its greatest foe! First Appearance: Marvel Comics 1 NOTE: If you know where he appears in the game, let me know. I have no clue (although I'm guessing it's in What If? Mode (see "Cheats" section), and I'd really like to know. J James Jewett Bio: A fearless man from Montana! Joel is the ruler of both the Spidey and Tony Hawk teams and master of the Neversoft office! Ghost Rider (No, he doesn't actually appear in the Character Viewer, but he makes a small cameo and I love him, so I'm adding him) Bio: Dan Ketch found a mystic motorcycle transforming him into the living Spirit of Vengeance! First Appearance: Ghost Rider 1 (Dan Ketch Ghost Rider, not John Blaze) ========================================================== D. Walkthrough (MASSIVE SPOILERS) 1. Get to the Bank! After the FMV sequence, you'll get your first game cover (GC), hear the legend himself, Stan "The Man" Lee, and get a visit from the Black Cat. The Cat informs you that the bank has been held up and that the robbers have taken hostages, but doesn't bother to lift a finger to help you. Oh well, not too much hidden on this level, so swing for the building dead ahead using R2. If you need a hint, head for the question mark in the right corner and the Cat'll tell you how to swing (not that kind of swinging, perv). On the next roof, there's a web cartridge and another question mark, this time telling you that the blue icon is a web cartridge. Keep following the *ahem* "Spidey-Compass" (geez, did Adam West write this part?), and when you swing across to the next building your Spider-Sense starts tingling and you face your first bad guy, a basic henchman. Take care of him, keep going straight, take out another henchman and grab the web cartridge and health power-up if need be. There's nothing interesting on any of the buildings to the sides, so keep going straight until Spidey comments on the police choppers. Here, swing to the building slightly to the right, watch the FMV, and get ready for the next level. 2. Bank Approach (Comic #1) At the start of the level, you can swing straight ahead and go to the helipad (there's a health power-up here), and then to the bank on the right, or you can explore a bit. To get your first comic, head to the left at the beginning and swing to the building below, then Four Freedoms Plaza. On top, you'll get comic #1, Amazing Spider-Man #1. After that's done, head for the bank and climb to the top. If you head down instead, you can find a web cartridge on the right hand side. On the way up you'll find out exactly who you're up against, the Jade Syndicate. They wear all black, but they're here to steal the green. Sorry, that's the only explanation I can come up with for the stupid name. You can snag a web cartridge as well as a health power-up here, and after you take out the four bank thugs, you'll automatically enter the bank through what I'm assuming is a skylight. 3. Hostage Situation (Comic #2) When the level starts, there'll be a bank thug straight ahead. Head through the doorway and to the left to take him out. You can stick to the ceiling and use some stealth tactics if you like. Turn right, take out another goon and notice the hostage behind the windows. Remember this spot, you'll be coming back here later. Go past the windows on the right, and take out the thug standing in the entrance of the cubicle. Do it quickly, or he'll assassinate a hostage, and you'll have to start all over again. Around the corner to the left, there's another thug. If you make too much noise fighting the first goon, he'll come over and join the fray (depending on your timing, he might be there already). There are web cartridges inside each of the cubicles, and a question mark further to the left. Past that is a health icon. Stand on the grating here and use R1 to zip-line up to the vent. When you exit at the other end, you'll be in a room with three switches. Hit the first one to free the hostage you saw earlier, the second to open the door to this room, and the third to open a door a little further down the hall. Take out the thug by the third switch and grab the health icon and web cartridge, then double back to the elevator at the beginning of the level for another web cartridge. There's nothing in the room that switch #1 opened, so head through the door switch #3 opened, and take on two more thugs. Zip-line up to the ceiling here and take out another goon, then make your way to the end of the hall and turn right to see two more thugs and three hostages. Drop these guys fast, or the hostages will bite it. To the right, there's another web cartridge, another health icon and another question mark. Lift up the chairs in the cubicles here to get Comic #2, Amazing Spider-Man #200. After that's all done, head out the door in the far corner and board the elevator to pretend you're Steven Tyler and finish the level. 4. Stop the Bomb! (Comic #3) Time for some Tactical Espionage/Stealth Assassin action so prepare to do your best impression of Solid Snake or Rikimaru. Unlike those two, Spidey can stick to ceilings. Do so in the first hallway, crawl into the second room and stick to the ceiling here also. You should have plenty of webbing by now, so take out all the guards in this room by holding down the triangle button until they're rendered immobile. For the first two, use L1 targeting and get 'em from the ceiling. You don't want to engage them with your fists because they'll yell and the other guards will start executing hostages. After the one at the entryway is taken care of, go all the way to the end and get the one who's on patrol. Work your way back toward the entrance saving hostages. If you hear a hostage begging for help, drop down and take out all the guards kamikaze style. There are a total of five guards here, and once you've dropped all of them, head back to the first hallway and grab Comic #3, Spider-Man #1: The Death of Captain Stacy. Now, go back in, grab the web cartridge and health icon, and climb up the vent at the far end. On the other side, you'll end up in a room with two thugs. Drop 'em, and a door opposite the entrance will open. Take out this thug too, and head into the next room through the door that just opened. Enter and hit the blue switch to open the safe door. Next, hit the green switch, and, after the automated sequence, move into the vault and stop the thugs. They don't really go after the hostages, so just take them out ASAP. Web gloves and impact webbing work well here. Once all three are down for the count, pick up the bomb using the punch button, carry it out to the safe you opened, and throw it inside. If you're impatient (like I am), you can throw the bomb repeatedly to save time. Close the safe door by hitting the switch again and the level will end. 5. Race to the Bugle (Comic #4) After the automated sequence you'll get another GC and an FMV. This level is a race, but it isn't too tough, so don't rush and make mistakes. There isn't much to find here, so just keep swinging forward and either fighting or avoiding the henchmen. When the game cuts to an FMA of two henchmen on a rooftop, don't climb up just yet. Crawl around the sides of the building to get Comic #4, Amazing Spider-Man #25. There's also a web cartridge in the center of the roof here. FYI: The billboard here is for Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2. Keep following the *snicker* "Spider-Compass," and on the last rooftop there's a health icon and a billboard for Stark Solutions, "Consulting in the Future." Nice touch. Swing over to the Daily Bugle to finish the level and get ready for a showdown with the Scorpion. 6. Spidey vs. Scorpion! (Comic #5) Okay, your first real boss. Mac Gargan's an idiot in the comics, and he's an idiot here. Piece o' cake. Start off by launching some trap webbing so that The Game-ah, Triple J, can run away like a wuss-boy with his panties on fire. Most of the time, Scorpion looks for JJ, so you can tag him from behind. Impact webbing will draw his attention and he'll come after you with a tail attack. If you destroy all the furniture in this room, either by lifting and throwing it or letting the Scorpion destroy it with his tail, you can get Comic #5, Amazing Spider-Man #20. If you've got lots of webbing, the easiest way to beat down the Scorpion is to keep nailing him with impact webbing. If not, move in close and pound him with punches and kicks, or toss furniture at him. After completing a combo (3 attacks), Scorpion will retaliate. If you're in close, he'll punch, but if you knocked him back, he'll use his tail. Jump away to avoid either of these counters. After you do enough damage, Jameson will run into the next room, and Spidey and the Scorpion will follow automatically. Stick to the same strategy and you'll spank him like a bad puppy. Final note: Don't jump and stick to the walls, 'cause the Scorpion will fire a tail laser that's tough to avoid. After you beat him, there's another FMV featuring everyone's favorite Man Without Fear. 7. Police Chopper Chase (Comic #6) Keep running! Those missiles do a lot of damage, but if you're good at dodging, you can get some extra webbing and health when they blow up the boxes and signs. Be careful on the bridge between the two buildings, because the chopper will fire a missile and take it out. Once you pass the "Porkin Donuts" sign, you'll come to a rooftop where two policemen pop out. Let the chopper's missiles destroy the first box on the right to grab Comic #6, Amazing Spider-Man #16. After that, swing to the next building to finish the level and start one of the coolest levels in the game. 8. Missile Attack Climb straight up at the start, then head left when you see the boarded up section in the center. If you look to the left here, you'll see a billboard advertising a Channel 7 interview with Wolverine. I love this stuff! Start crawling right when you come to the next boarded up section, and up again when you're beneath the keep out sign. Crawl to the center, over the ledge, and up the wall again until you're past the first boarded up section. While on the second one, crawl to the left and up again. Here, there's a billboard for WHLK 96.6, which urges you to "Wake up to the Hulk!" Now, head back to the center, up, and back to the left again. Go up two, right one, up one, left one, and up one more. Whew. Crawl up onto the ledge, and you've reached a checkpoint and a health icon. For the next section, it doesn't matter where you crawl up; just avoid the searchlights and crosshairs, all the while enjoying the cops' frustration. On the left, there's a "Four on Tour. This Summer" billboard. In the next section, climb straight up the center as quickly as possible to end the level. On the right, there's a billboard for "The Jeffrey Swinger Show," on which Captain America is scheduled to be a guest. 9. Building Top Chase (Comic #7) Okay, you're on a rooftop now. There's a billboard to your left, and if you climb onto it, you'll receive a humorous message from Spidey. I really wouldn't recommend this if you're not wearing the Captain Universe suit, though. "Tony Hawk. Hey, I skated with that guy." Hah. Avoid the center of the next roof, unless you like getting pegged with missiles, but take note that there's a health icon on the other side in the center. Swing over to the hotel and climb to the top. Head to the right and swing over to the crane here to get some armor and Comic #7, Amazing Spider-Man #39. This is a really cool room. I won't spoil the surprise here, but if you're a Spidey fan, you'll probably like this. So what if it isn't exactly in character. Anyhow, keep following the Spider-Compass (hee hee, that still makes me giggle like a school girl) until you come to a building with three windows. The helicopter will destroy these, revealing a health icon and several SWAT members. Alternatively, you can climb to the top and grab a web cartridge, but be warned that the rooftop gets bombarded with missiles. Keep going forward until you come to the two cranes. Move quickly here, because the helicopter will shoot them down. When you reach the big building in the distance, the level is complete. 10. Scale the Girders (Comic #8) Ignore Spidey's comment at the beginning about going up, and go down. When you reach the ledge, head left to get Comic #8, Amazing Spider-Man #400. Climb back up, dodging helicopter fire, until you get to the girders. Unless you really need health icons, keep on zip-lining your way to the top and ignore all the guards. At the top, grab the health icon and head for the crane. Walk all the way to the end of the arm and swing for the crane to automatically end the level. 11. Police Evaded (Comic #9) Just like the Building Top Chase, just keep going forward. Swing for the "Gossip" billboard for a funny message and a bit of foreshadowing. Shortly after that you'll come to a rooftop with an "Omnitek" billboard and two skylights. Let the chopper shoot out the skylights, and enter to fight two SWAT members and grab a health icon. More importantly, if you shoot out the blue glass underneath the yellow glass using impact webbing, you can get Comic #9, Amazing Spider-Man #14. Exit and keep going forward past the Roxxon Oil billboards and another crate (it'll fall if you dawdle too long; swing for the crane if it does) toward the building with the two transmitters and the end of the level. Yet another FMV and the third GC. 12. Spidey vs. Rhino! (Comic #10, Scarlet Spidey Costume) Time for your next boss battle. Don't bother punching and kicking Rhino; it doesn't do much damage, and he'll hit back. Hard. Also, if you take out all the barrels, Comic #10, Amazing Spider-Man #41, will appear in the middle of the electric fence. Another easy one. Stand in front of the barrels until Rhino starts to charge, then jump out of the way and head for one of the other groups of barrels. While Rhino is stunned you can nail him with impact webbing, but be warned that if you do he'll charge immediately. Again, don't stick to the walls here, or Rhino will unleash a shockwave that brings you back down. If you run out of barrels, lure Rhino into one of the electric pylons and tag him with some impact webbing while he's getting shocked. You shouldn't need to, but you can also lead him into the walls, then peg him with some web glove shots. This battle is most notable for having Spidey's best one liner of the game, "Aw, did you hurt your little tusky wusky?" Heh. I don't know about y'all, but this really makes me want a Deadpool game. After you win, you'll get another FMV, another GC, and your first extra costume, Scarlet Spidey. TIDBIT: The Scarlet Spidey costume was worn by the Spider Clone, Ben Reilly, when he believed he was the real Peter Parker. Years ago, the Jackal created a clone of Spider-Man, but it was believed he perished in a warehouse fire. After drifting for years under an assumed name, Reilly showed up out of nowhere to claim the Spider mantle in one of the most infamous stories in Spidey's 37 year history. Reilly went by the name Scarlet Spider at this time, and was a member of the New Warriors. 13. Catch Venom (Comics #11 & #12) If you're playing this on the Hard difficulty setting, prepare to be frustrated. Start out by going forward, then diagonally left, diagonally right, cross the bridge, jump on the platform, diagonally left, hard right, and diagonally left again. You have to make all these moves pretty quickly or Venom will get too far ahead and you lose. Now you finally get a breather, as Venom waits for you and taunts on the building that's under construction. When you get here, don't worry about losing him, instead, go left right away to get some armor and Comic #11, Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #42. Go right now, and you'll see Venom just sitting there. When you get close, he heads for the corner where you first landed. Head over there, then the opposite corner when he runs again. An automated sequence inside a building follows, so catch your breath and get ready for the hard part. When you regain control, climb up the building and head left immediately. Do NOT go straight ahead toward Venom. If you do, he runs away and gets a big lead. This can end the level right here. Anyhow, go left toward the far corner. Venom will run past and swing off. Follow him, and on the far right hand side of this rooftop, you can get Comic #12, Peter Parker: Spectacular Spider-Man #76. The pace increases rapidly here, so do your best to keep up and hit R2 at the top of your jump to get maximum swinging distance. Venom does stop at least once, so if you have to climb up any buildings there's still a chance you can keep up. After about four more buildings, the level ends with you automatically chasing after Venom. 14. Spidey vs. Venom! (Comic #13, Ben Reilly Costume) Finally, a boss that's actually a bit of a challenge. After the oh-so- cool FMV, you get a bonus set of web gloves. Trust me, you'll need 'em. Start off by attacking Venom with your web gloves. Try to stay in the center at the beginning, or Venom will pull you in with a web yank-punch combo, or grab you with the symbiote for an attack that hurts a lot. There's a web cartridge in the back-right corner, and a health icon in the front-left. Also, if you lift up the dumpster in the left rear there's a web cartridge, and a health icon under the dumpster in the right front corner. Don't forget to lift up the car to find Comic #13, Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8. After your initial flurry, stick to the corners so that you can see Venom wherever he might appear. Two shots of impact webbing or web glove combos will cause him to disappear again (one if you're wearing the symbiote, Captain Universe, or Spider-Man 2099 costumes). Be warned that if you get in close, Venom may hit you hard with a punch attack or grab, lick, and throw combo using the symbiote. After you take him down, Venom heads into the sewers, so get ready for a brand new set of enemies. Winning this battle also nets you the Ben Reilly costume. TIDBIT: When Peter Parker believed he was a clone, he gave up being Spider-Man to spend more time with his wife, Mary Jane, and his daughter, May Parker. Ben Reilly officially took over being Spider-Man and wore this costume. Reilly was eventually gored on the Green Goblin's glider and turned to dust revealing that he was indeed the clone created years ago by the Jackal. 15. Sewer Entrance (Comic #14) Start out by following Venom and heading right through the large hole in the wall. When you round the bend, your Spider-Sense will activate, and you'll be forced to fight off two Lizardmen. Take care of them, then go forward until you see the large open cavern and Spidey comments on the lizardmen. After that, double back to the entrance of this tunnel to get Comic #14, Spectacular Spider-Man #229. Swing from pipe to pipe until you reach the doorway with a health icon. I highly recommend equipping web gloves at this point. Once inside, the door will close, leaving you to fight off four lizardmen. Beat 'em down, and head for the other end of the cavern and the end of the level. 16. Sewer Cavern (Comic #15) Swing forward from pipe to pipe until the game tells you to use L1 targeting. Walk to the end of the pipe, and, guess what, use L1 to swing for the next pipe. Crawl around so you're facing the next pipe and repeat. Don't swing for the next pipe here, though. Aim your targeting behind the waterfall until it turns green. There's a hidden room back here that contains two web cartridges, some armor, and Comic #15, Spider-Man #1 (McFarlane-Silver). Again, just keep using L1 targeting until you reach the little pipe at the end and a doorway with a health icon. Get your web gloves ready, 'cause inside there are four more lizardmen, another health icon, and the level ends at the end of the tunnel. 17. Subway Not much to this one. Just stay on the subway, and keep close to the Lizardmen. If you need health or webbing, face front and try to grab the next icon that comes floating your way. If you're wearing the Spider-Man Unlimited costume, press L2 to become invisible and not only will you not have to fight, but you can also gather plenty of webbing. At least four cartridges appear, so you can really stock up. 18. Sewage Plant (Comic #16) When you start this level, three lizardmen are coming for you. You can fight them, but I recommend just jumping over and avoiding them. Go straight until you come to the end of the hall. Avoid the lizardmen and go left to snag a web cartridge, a health icon and Comic #16, Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1 (Reprint Version B). Go back down the hall past where you turned left. You should pass another health icon. Eventually, three lizardmen will drop from the ceiling. When you reach the metal grating, zip-line up to enter a vent. If you go right you'll have to fight two lizardmen. You might want to do that now, because you have to do it sooner or later. To the left is a large whirlpool and a switch. Use your trap webbing to hit the switch, then walk slowly to the edge and use L1 targeting to look down and see when it's safe to enter. Drop down and quickly walk straight ahead into the small tunnel. If you're playing on Hard difficulty this can be very tight. Zip-line up to the ceiling when you hit a dead-end. Straight ahead is a room with three switches and a health icon. Grab the icon, hit the switches and double back, where you'll face three more lizardmen. Personally, I use impact webbing to knock them backwards into the water here, but use whatever means you prefer. Hit the switch again, and go back into the first vent. The dead-end by the lizardmen is open now, so head through, hit the switch and use L1 targeting to look down once more. Run through, zip-line up and there should be another room with three switches and a health icon. This time, however, there are also three lizardmen. Do whatever you have to in order to finish them off, flip the switches, and head back to the first vent, yet again. Drop down, and to your right a new path should be open. Hit the switch, wait for the water to empty, drop down, and when you see light coming from above zip-line up to end the level. 19. Hidden Switches (Comic #17) Tiny little level. Run forward until you reach the water, then swing left to reach a platform with a web cartridge to the right and a health icon and a switch to the left. Hit the switch, then swing for the platform on the other side of the room. Lizardmen will appear, but just keep swinging back and forth to hit the switches and grab the power-ups that appear. After you hit the fourth switch, you can exit the level, but you should swing back to the third one and nab Comic #17, Peter Parker: Spider-Man #1 (Reprint Version A). After that, drop down to where the water used to be and head through the door to beat this one. 20. Tunnel Crawl (Comic #18) Go straight ahead at the beginning and you'll see Venom swing off to the left. Follow him, avoid the lizardmen, and crawl through the broken vent dead ahead. Push up, not right, to crawl forward. If you're having trouble and keep drowning, stop at the brown line before the tunnel slopes downward and wait for the water to start dropping again before you move. On Hard difficulty, the timing is really close, so I highly recommend stopping here even if you seem to have plenty of time. Once that's over, avoid the two lizardmen, swing to the pipe, and across to the opening with a web cartridge. Hit the switch to lower the water level and Venom will bound past you. Jump down into the new room, deal with the four lizardmen, and hit the switch on the far side of the first box. Go around to the other side of the second box to pick up Comic #18, Spectacular Spider-Man #158, then go through the doorway that's now open on the far side of the room. Keep going straight to finish the level. 21. Venom's Puzzle Another really easy one. At the start, Venom will taunt you, and disappear behind a set of four doors. The objective here is to open the doors and catch him, so start off by turning around to face the big open room with the waterfall. Walk in and Spidey will explain the objective. The trick here is to go directly down two levels. Don't go left or right, just drop off the ledge and hug the wall or web swing back so that you are directly beneath your starting location. Do the same thing again, and you should now be on a ledge with a switch. Push it and the 2nd and 4th doors should open. Now, facing out into the open cavern, the waterfall should be on your left. Use L1 targeting to look up and to the left (near the waterfall) to spot and shoot another switch, which will open the other two doors (Venom's taunt here is great). Now, use R1 to zip line back up to the entrance, head back to the start of the level and through the doors you just opened to the right to end the level. 22. The Lizard's Maze (Comic #19) Nail Venom here, and he'll disappear. Keep going straight, stick to the ceiling when you have to and avoid the acid that's dripping. Watch out for the slamming walls, and turn right at the next intersection. You'll run into Venom again, so take him out and keep going. At the end, you'll talk to the Lizard (YEAH! You actually talk to him! He isn't psycho!) who tells you how to navigate the maze. Now, when you turn around, Comic #19, Amazing Spider-Man #6, should be nearby. Follow the Lizard's directions, and when you come to the third waterway turn right. Venom should start verbally taunting you at this point. At the next intersection it looks like Venom is a member of a set, and took the time to do some tagging. Keep going straight past two sets of slamming walls and pass the next intersection (to the left is an immediate dead end, and to the right is another message from Venom. Venom will appear if you go right, also.) At the second one, turn right for another automated sequence and the end of the level. 23. Spidey vs. Venom Again! This fight can be really frustrating at first, but once you figure out the pattern it's actually easier than the first Venom fight. Right at the start, Venom will hit the switch to raise the water level and drown Mary Jane. Oh, the perils of being a superwife. Parasite kidnaps Lois, GL's gal gets stuffed in a fridge. See, this is why Batman stays a swingin' bachelor. Anyhow, hit the switch with a web line, and stick to the center area so that you're ready for Venom wherever he shows up. Also, take note that there are four switches here, one in each of the cardinal directions, and Venom can appear next to any of them. Furthermore, if you shoot at him, be careful not to hit the switch he's standing by, or else you'll get the water moving, and Venom will block you from turning it off. Use the same pattern from the first fight, and peg him with impact webbing or web glove shots. If you need health or webbing, there are some on the platforms around the room. Once he's finished, cue Chris Jericho, 'cause you will never, eeeeeevvvvvvvver face Venom a-gain, and get ready for my favorite FMV sequence and the fifth GC. 24. Symbiotes Infest Bugle (Comic #20) Your first taste of the nuisances known as symbiotes. Man, I wish we could enlist the Protoss to wipe out their whole steenkin' planet. Where's Galactus when you need him? Anyhow, start off by dealing with the symbiote that's right next to you. After he's done, use trap webbing to hit the switch and free your first hostage. Head to the back corner to take out another symbiote in the narrow hallway, and zip-line up to the vent to grab a web cartridge and Comic #20, Amazing Spider-Man #42. Drop back down, and head right towards the windows at the back of the room. They'll shatter and another hostage will be freed. Kill the symbiote, or just head toward the grate at the back (by the health icon) and zip-line up into the vent. Kill the symbiote and drop down on the other side. To your left, there's a switch that will free the final hostage. Head down the hallway toward the web cartridge, fight or avoid another symbiote, turn right, and head for the back right corner of this new room. There's another symbiote here, as well as a switch that opens up the elevator shaft and ends the level. 25. Elevator Descent (Comic #21) Stay on the elevator until it stops. If you drop down, you'll have to fight more symbiotes, and nobody wants that. Now, turn so that the elevator is on the right-hand side of the screen. Jump towards the wall in front of you, and crawl down in the middle. Two doors should open. The one on the left contains a health icon and possibly Comic #21, (I can't remember if this is the right doorway or not. If it isn't here, it's in the left doorway later in the level). The switch here is useless, so go back over to the door on the right. Kill the symbiote, grab the web cartridge, and hit the switch to get the elevator moving again. Now, wait until the elevator is completely below you and jump back on top. Apparently, the Bugle's elevators' external walls are made out of a frictionless surface, so Spidey can't stick to 'em. More symbiotes will drop from above, and if you turn so that the elevator is on the left-hand side of the screen, you'll see a health icon in a small alcove in the wall after the elevator busts through another layer of symbiote goo. Turn so the elevator is on the right side again, and when the elevator stops again, drop down to the next level. There are two more symbiotes here, as well as a health icon. If you kill the symbiotes, the other elevator will drop, causing the ground you're standing on to disappear. Just avoid them. There are also two switches. The one on the left has a symbiote, a web cartridge, and Comic #21 Amazing Spider-Man #100. Door number two leads to the end of the level and the basement. 26. Stop the Presses (Comic #22) Symbiotes, oh how we hate thee. The most obnoxious level thus far starts with Spidey finding the source of the symbiotes in the building. Destroy this first generator, then keep going straight. If you kill the symbiotes before destroying the generator more will appear, so be sure to take out the generators as soon as you see them. If you don't destroy these symbiotes, they'll be waiting for you when you return to this room, so take them out. Web gloves work well, but trap and impact webbing are pretty much useless. Supposedly, you can throw them into the printing presses using the web yank, but I can never get that to work, so I just beat them down. Be careful; you'll die instantly if you fall into the presses yourself. Past the stack of papers, there's a web cartridge, and to the left is the second generator. Destroy it and kill or avoid the symbiote. Head back into the first room, and a new room has opened on the far left. Go inside, and if you need webbing, there's a cartridge in between the third and fourth presses on the ground floor. Past this row of presses is the third generator. Take it out, kill the symbiote, and pick up the stack of papers to the left to earn Comic #22, Amazing Spider-Man #50. Turn right, and go into the first door on the left. When you enter, the symbiotes try to steamroll you, so jump up and to the left to destroy the final generator. The switch at the back of the room opens up a room containing magnesium, which makes your webbing flamin' hot. This is invaluable against the symbiotes, 'cause they hate fire. One shot of impact webbing will drop 'em like a bad habit. Be careful though, because another symbiote drops from the ceiling in here. Head back out into the main room, and head to the upper row of printing presses dead ahead. There's a health icon in between the first and second presses. Drop down to your left, and head through the door. They'll try to steamroll you again, so jump up and to the left to clear this stage. The switch on the right hand side will only open the door, so don't waste your time and risk your life. 27. Bugle's Basement (Comic #23) Start out by going straight and killing the symbiote then taking your first left. As you near the door, a pipe will burst and the door will open. Jump over the steam, destroy the generator, kill the symbiote, then flip the switch. Walk up to the furnace and use L1 targeting to look up and web-swing to the ledge above. In the hidden room there's magnesium, a web cartridge and a health icon. Drop back down and head out into the first hallway. Make a left and cross the fire pit in front of you. As soon as your Spider-Sense starts tingling, stop and use L1 targeting to seal up the four pipes that explode (look for the purple cross and hit triangle). When all four are done you'll get Comic #23, Amazing Spider-Man #13. Head to the end of hall and go right over the elevator. If you drop down, there's a health icon inside, but there's also a symbiote, so you may want to avoid it. Make a left at the intersection, and the last right at the end of the hall before the furnace. There's a web cartridge here, but a symbiote will drop from above when you get close. Take him out and zip-line up to another room with a symbiote, a health icon and a switch. Flip the switch, drop back down, go left, then left again. Destroy the generator and grab the web cartridge; you're gonna need it. Turn around, go left and run into a familiar face. Marvel (no pun intended) at Spidey's mastery of the obvious, and the level will end. 28. Spidey vs. Mysterio! (Comic #24) Really, really frustrating if you're in the original threads, not so bad if you're wearing one of the three double damage Spider-Suits. At the beginning, get ready for Mysterio to grab you and throw you all the way down to the bottom. Avoid this by jumping or dropping down a level. On the second level down, Ol' Fishbowl Head will attempt to pound you with his fists, and on the bottom level or in the pit he'll try to stomp you. Keep jumping or running to avoid these attacks, but be careful not to jump straight up or his attack will succeed. Keep your eyes open, because lots of health and webbing icons will appear and disappear on the various levels. When Mysterio stops attacking, he's summoning spiked wheels of death. Run toward the wheels and jump over them when you get close. Be sure not to get stuck on the columns. Stick to the center of each platform and you should be fine, but this can be really annoying. Hammer away at the glowing conduits with impact webbing (one shot will do take care of each of them if you're wearing one of the double damage suits, two for a normal suit. Double these numbers if you're playing on Hard.). After you take out all six, head down to the bottom level to grab Comic #24, Amazing Spider-Man #311, but beware the electrified floor. Now, head to the top level where Mysterio fires laser beams out of his two conduits, and get as far back as possible to launch more impact webbing. Destroy both of these conduits and Mysterio will get physical again and try to grab you. Stick to the same pattern of jumping and firing, but take note that you also have to avoid the moving electrified floor. Beat him and you're off to the warehouse and a meeting with the Punisher. 29. Waterfront Warehouse (Comics #25 & #26) While the FMA is going on, take note of your surroundings. You can see both generators in this room as well as several power-ups. I'm not going to list them all here, except to say that if you zip-line up to the ceiling you can get magnesium and other power-ups as well on the catwalk. Take out the two generators, and remember, those canisters are flammable, so throw them or shoot them with impact webbing to help you take out the symbiotes. Just past the ground floor generator is the hidden exit. There's a health icon up here. Drop down and head to the left. When you turn the corner, a symbiote ambushes you, so let him have it with a blast of hot impact web death. Destroy the generator in the room ahead, turn around and take the left ahead. This leads to the final room in the level. Drop down, destroy the generators here, and search every nook and cranny for Comic #25, Amazing Spider-Man #129. There are also more catwalk power-ups, so grab those if you need to. When you're done, head out the ground floor exit. Drop down the vent to reach a checkpoint, then drop to the floor below. There's a grating over the fan, so don't worry about an instant death. Go through the door, turn left, left again and drop down another shaft. There's no grating over the next fan, so jump for the right wall and drop or crawl down to the platform below. Follow the path, but don't drop down the vent just yet. Ceiling crawl over to the grating and use the punch button to open a hidden room containing a web cartridge, health icon and Comic #26, Amazing Spider-Man #15. Now, head back to the vent and drop down to end the level. 30. Underwater Trench (Comic #27) Unquestionably, one of the three most frustrating and annoying levels in the game. In the first room, you can find a web cartridge if you go behind the pipe to your right. Go through the doorway, and get your first taste of why this level sucks so bad. Swing for the platform on the right, and take out the cannon or quickly jump for the platform straight ahead. Jump and swing again to head for the next room. To the left, there's a health icon behind the gear, and a web cartridge to the right behind the pipe. Head into the next room, and again swing for the platform on the right. There's a health icon here, and you need to take out the cannon this time. Use L1 to swing up to the platform above you to the left. Take out the cannon, and swing for the platform dead ahead. Don't overestimate your swinging distance here. Go for the one slightly to the right, then make a run for the goal. In the next room, there's a web cartridge and a switch to the right, and a health icon to the left. The switch opens up the hidden room where you can find Comic #27, Amazing Spider-Man #2, but it's a big pain in the butt to go back and get it. Be prepared if you choose to do so. The method is the same, but uses more L1 targeting. If you took the time to destroy the cannons the first time through, this is much easier to do. Now, to finish the level head into the next room. This time, use L1 targeting to swing over to the platform on the left. Swing to the one to the right, destroy the cannon, then pray that your timing is good and head for the one WAY ahead and to the left. From here, it's a straight shot to the door. There's a web cartridge in this room, and the walls aren't electrified so you can crawl straight across to the exit. 31. Stopping the Fog (Comic #28) After the last hellish level, this one is a downright treat. Head straight for the center to grab some magnesium, then climb up the center column for some armor. Also, you can climb down the center column to find Comic #28, Spider-Man 2099 #1. Next, head for the only door that has a green sign above it. Go inside to find the Black Cat, and the switch that will open the other doors outside on the right hand side of this room. Head to each of the lettered rooms (A, B and C, they now have green signs above them also), and flip the switches in the center of the rooms. After you hit all three, the Cat will be freed, and you'll automatically move on to face the not-so-shocking mastermind of this nefarious scheme. 32. Spidey vs. Doc Ock! (Comic #29) Repeat after me: easy, easy, easy! Keep running around in a circle until a section of the floor turns yellow and one of the switches drops down. Repeat this four times jumping over the force walls that appear and the shield will drop. Put on your web gloves, and beat him like a
red-headed step-child.  When the shield regenerates, Comic #29, Amazing 
Spider-Man #3, will appear, but it disappears quickly, so be on the 
lookout.  Keep repeating this same pattern, and the Doctor will go down 
with barely a whimper.

TIDBIT: Dr. Octopus once dated Peter's Aunt May, and almost found out 
Spidey's secret identity.  Dr. Octavius is also Marvel Comic's foremost 
expert on radiation.  So much so that Reed Richards, the Fantastic 
Four's Mr. Fantastic, once sought out his expertise to save the life of 
Sue Storm's unborn child.

33. Spidey vs. Carnage! (Comic #30)
Carnage has some powerful attacks, but if you know what you're doing or 
get lucky, he's the easiest boss in the game.  The trick is to keep him 
in the sound bubble in the center of the room.  To get him there, 
either web him up and knock him in with a punch or kick combo, or push 
him back with a burst of impact webbing.  Once he's in there, let the 
sound bubble do its thing, and once it's expended, keep him in place 
with some trap webbing.  If you're wearing one of the unlimited webbing 
suits, hold down the triangle button and he can't do a thing.  Remember 
to grab Comic #30, Amazing Spider-Man #33, which will appear in the 
center of the sonic bubble.  Also, don't put too much distance between 
Carnage and Spidey, or Carnage will launch a leaping attack that can 
kill you in one shot.  Web cartridges and health icons will show up 
periodically, so make a dash if you need to.  This is the last battle, 
but watch the FMV, and you're off to the final level.

34. Spidey vs. Monster-Ock! (Comics #31 & #32)
Imagine the Underwater Trench level is a Jawa.  If so, then this level 
is the Rancor.  Again, not much to say here, 'cause this level is so 
freakin' long and repetitive, but there are a few useful tips I can 
give that I hope will help.  1. Web swing whenever you can.  It covers 
ground much faster than jumping or walking.  2. Whenever you come to 
what seems to be a dead-end, use R1 to zip-line up to the ceiling and 
enter the next level.  3. Never, ever stop moving.  Should be self-
evident, but your only goal here is to get outta Dodge.  4. At the 
first bend, you can grab Comic #31, Amazing Spider-Man #252.  5. About 
3/4 of the way through the level, Comic #32, Amazing Fantasy #15, 
appears on level 2.

Sit back and enjoy a job well done while you watch the humorous ending.  
Some purists will probably be offended by the FMVs here, but I've been 
reading comics for 18 years now, and I enjoyed it, so don't write me to 
tell how much you hated it.  If you beat the game on Hard, you'll earn 
the Captain Universe and Symbiote costumes.  If you managed to snag all 
32 comic covers, you'll also earn the Spider-Man 2099 costume, for a 
grand total of five extra costumes on one run through.  Not too shabby.  
E. Cheats
Got a cheat?  Send it to me at jgrevas@hotmail.com.

All cheats are entered by selecting "special" from the main menu, then 
selecting "cheats."  Codes should be entered _exactly_ as they are 
printed here (i.e. if there's a space, put one in it when you enter the 

This section wouldn't have been possible without the help of "The 
Amazing Spider-Friends."  Yes, I know I'm a big dork, but that's what 
I'm calling them.  Their names follow the cheats.  If you submitted a 
code and I didn't credit you, _please_ write me so I can give everyone 
their due in the next update.

All Game Covers: "ALLSIXCC"
Big Head Spidey: "DULUX"
   Amazing Bag Man (Unlisted Hidden Costume, very cool): "AMZBGMN"
   Ben Reilly: "BNREILLY"
   Captain Universe: "S COSMIC"
   Peter Parker: "MJS STUD"
   Quick Change Spidey: "ALMSTPKR"
   Scarlet Spidey: "LETTER S"
   Spider-Man 2099: "TWNTYNDN"
   Spidey Unlimited: "PARALLEL"
   Symbiote: "BLKSPIDR"
Debug Mode: "LLADNEK"
Infinite Health: "DCSTUR"
Invulnerability: "RUSTCRST"
J. James Jewett: "RULUR"
Note: This code adds J James Jewett, President of Neversoft (All Hail 
the creators of Tony Hawk and Spider-Man!) to the character viewer.
Level Select: "XCLSIOR"
Random Word: "IDENTITY"
NOTE: This code doesn't affect gameplay, but it's still kinda cool in a 
stupid way that dorks like me appreciate.  Basically, Spidey pops up, 
hits the word you entered, and a randomly selected word takes its 
place.  A new code has never come up for me, but maybe you'll have 
better luck.
Unlimited Webbing: "STRUDL"
Unlock All Character Bios: "CVIEW EM"
Unlock Everything: "EEL NATS"
Unlock Movies: "WATCH EM"
Unlock Storyboards: "CGOSSETT"
What If? Mode: "GBHSRSPM"
NOTE: This code rocks!  I won't spoil the surprises for any of you 
reading this, but lots of cool little differences in dialogue and 
effects such as a scene from "The Matrix," a surprise when you fight 
Doc Ock and a Ghost Rider cameo during "Race to the Bugle."  Very nice.  
You have to start a new game to make this one work, and if done right, 
the Watcher will appear at the beginning of the "Bank Approach" level.  
NOTE 2: This code changes the location of some comics.  I'm still 
looking for a few, but they will be updated before Version 3.0

Amazing Spider-Friends
The following individuals submitted working cheat codes.

Al Amaloo
Dwight D.
Stygmata Martyr
F. Comic Collection (SPOILERS)

NOTE: Some comic locations change in What If? Mode.  I'll add their new 
locations as I find them.  I have not listed the ones that change 
because I'm writing this from memory (Bad FAQ writer!  Bad!), but I'll 
list them in the next update.

1- Bank Approach: On top of Four Freedoms Plaza (The Fantastic Four 
NOTE: The location changes in What If? Mode (see cheats section), but I 
haven't managed to find it yet.  In What If? Mode, the Human Torch is 
on top of the building and he talks to you.

2- Hostage Situation: Under the chair in one of the cubicles.  The area 
where there are bank thugs and three hostages after the first vent and 
room with three switches.

3- Stop the Bomb!: After freeing the first group of hostages, return to 
the first hallway.

4- Race to the Bugle: When the game cuts to the FMA of the two 
henchmen, you can find the comic on the side of the building.

5- Spidey vs. Scorpion!: Destroy all the furniture in the first room 
and the comic will appear in the center.

6- Police Chopper Chase: On the last building, let the helicopter's 
missiles destroy the right-rear box.

7- Building Top Chase: Inside the Goblin's crane lair.

8- Scale the Girders: Climb down to the ledge at the start of the 
level.  The book is on the left side.

9- Police Evaded: Let the chopper destroy the skylights. Go inside and 
shoot impact webbing at the blue section of the wall.  

10- Spidey vs. Rhino!: Destroy every barrel on the level.  The comic 
will appear in the middle of the electric fence.

11- Catch Venom: Head left as soon as you get to the building that's 
under construction (Venom stops here before the automated sequence 
inside the building).

12- Catch Venom: On the right-hand side of the roof of the second 
building after the automated sequence.

13- Spidey vs. Venom!: Lift the car.

14- Sewer Entrance: Fight your way to the big open cavern, then return 
to the hallway just before you fought the first batch of lizardmen.

15- Sewer Cavern: Behind the waterfall after the game tells you to use 
L1 targeting.

16- Sewer Plant: Walk down the first hallway, turn left, walk to the 

17- Hidden Switches: Press the fourth switch and return to the third 

18- Tunnel Crawl: Hit the switch on the first box, then go to the other 
side of the second box.

19- The Lizard's Maze: Talk to the lizard.  The comic will appear 
behind you.

20- Symbiotes Infest Bugle: In the vent with the hostage.

21- Elevator Descent: Behind the last set of doors on the left.

22- Stop the Presses: Lift the stack of papers near the third 

23- Bugle's Basement: Shoot the leaking pipes. 

24- Spidey vs. Mysterio!: Destroy Mysterio's six conduits.  The comic 
will appear on the bottom level.

25- Waterfront Warehouse: Look in the alcove (Second room).

26- Waterfront Warehouse: At the very end of the level, don't enter the 
vent that leads to the next level.  Jump over the vent and open the 
grate leading to a hidden room.

27- Underwater Trench: In the second machinery room head to the right 
and hit the switch.  Go back to the room shown in the FMA.

28- Stopping the Fog: Climb down the center column to a hidden room.

29- Spidey vs. Doc Ock: Appears after Doc Ock's shield regenerates the 
first time.  It doesn't appear for very long, so grab it quickly.

30- Spidey vs. Carnage!: In the middle of the sonic bubble. It appears 
and disappears. 

31- Spidey vs. Monster-Ock!: At the first bend in the pipe.

32- Spidey vs. Monster-Ock!: About 3/4 of the way through the level, on 
level 2.
G. Spider-Suits (SPOILERS)

Spider-man 2099: Collect every Comic throughout the game.  (Double 
TIDBIT: Miguel O'Hara became the Spider-Man of the future when his boss 
genetically bonded the illegal substance known as Rapture to his DNA.  
A scientific genius, O'Hara tried to restore his original genetic 
sequence but was thwarted when his natural code was combined with that
of a spider.

Symbiote Spider-man: Finish the game on any difficulty level.  
(Unlimited Webbing)
NOTE: Although it isn't officially listed as a power, the symbiote suit 
seems to do double damage.  I only needed one impact webbing shot to 
destroy Mysterio's conduits, and one web glove combo to destroy the 
symbiotes as opposed to two with the normal suit.
TIDBIT: Peter Parker gained the symbiotic suit during the Secret Wars 
when he used a machine that he thought would repair his costume.  
Instead, it bonded him with an alien creature.  This symbiote fed off 
Peter's energy, and would take him out while asleep to swing around New 
York.  Parker almost died when he entered a bell tower to try and free 
himself from the symbiote.  He succeeded, but the symbiote would later 
join a more willing host, Eddie Brock, and the two would form Venom, 
arguably the most dangerous member of Spidey's rogue gallery.   

Captain Universe: Beat the game on Hard.  (Double Damage, Unlimited 
Webbing and Invincibility)
NOTE: The Captain Universe suit sucks the challenge out of the game 
like a Hoover on hardwood.  The biggest benefit is being able to take 
the time to spot all the little hidden extras like the Wolverine and 
Hulk signs during the Missile Attack level.
TIDBIT: When Spider-Man gained the powers of Captain Universe, he was 
so powerful that he threw the Incredible Hulk into orbit.  You try 
tossing a guy who weighs half a ton so hard he achieves escape 

Spidey Unlimited: Beat the game a second time on any difficulty level.  
(Invisibilty. Press L2 to become invisible, just like Solid Snake and 
Sue Storm.  Doesn't work on bosses or the police chopper.) 

Scarlet Spidey: Beat Rhino. (No special abilities)

Ben Reilly: Beat Venom the first time.  (No special abilities)

Quick Change Spidey: Score more than 10,000 points in the Zip-Line 
training course.  This suit limits you to two web cartridges.
NOTE: Not that any of you probably care, but this costume is very 
similar to my Halloween costume for this year, 'cause, that's right, 
I'm a big dork.  I'm actually doing "Spider-Sense Tingling Spider-Man," 
and half my body will be Peter, while the other half will be Spidey, 
complete with black things sticking out of the mask side.  I rule!

Peter Parker: Find the Kraven room in the Item Hunt training course.  
This suit also limits you to two web cartridges.
NOTE: Grab all the Spider Tokens above ground, head underground and 
through the "?" door (under door #4).  You have to accomplish all this 
in less than one minute.
Special thanks to Im Unknown and TroySch1 for this tip.

Amazing Bag Man: As far as I know, this costume is only available if 
you enter the cheat code (see the cheats section).  This suit also 
limits you to two web cartridges.
TIDBIT: This is the costume Spidey wore after visiting the Fantastic 
Four when he first freed himself from the Symbiote costume.  The FF 
loaned him a spare uniform and a paper bag to help him conceal his 
secret identity on the trip home.  A very cool addition to the game.
H. Wish List

With the open-ended finale, it's almost certain that there will be a 
sequel if this game is a hit.  So, what do I want to see in it?

1. Swimming.  He can swim in the comics, why not here?

2. Aunt May.  C'mon, she's the most important character in Petey's 

3. A real Doc Ock fight.  The one in this game is lame.  I wanna fight 
Ock and his tentacles, not Ock and his force field.

4. The Green Goblin.  Dig this: the final battle spanning multiple 
rooftops with Spidey and his webs, and the Goblin on his glider.  Two 
words: Pumpkin Bombs!

5. Morbius.  Mist and claws, baby!

6. A fight against the Lizard.  It was nice to see Dr. Connors in this 
game, but I wanna beat the Lizard's scaly tail all over the sewers o' 
New York.

7. Electro.  A power plant battle featuring lots of dodging and 
electricity to show off Spidey's agility.  

8. The Sandman.  Hammer shaped fists, and you never know where he'll 
pop up next.

9. Cloak and Dagger.  Some of Spidey's true allies.

10. More costumes!  Specifically, the costumes Spidey wore during the 
"Identity Crisis" storyline (Ricochet, Dusk, Prodigy and Hornet).  For 
those of you not familiar with this story, all of them had Spidey's 
powers (Peter was wearing the suits, after all), but Ricochet had 
throwing disks, Dusk could teleport through the Negative Zone (read an 
issue of Fantastic Four for more info on this), Prodigy enhanced 
Spidey's strength, and Hornet could shoot and fly.  Spidey wore these 
costumes to hide out when Norman Osborn, aka the Green Goblin, put a 
bounty on Spidey's head for the murder of small time hood Joey Z.  
Naturally, Spidey was being framed (the Trapster, formerly *snicker* 
Paste Pot Pete, was the actual murderer).  

11. Better dodging/fighting engine.  Spidey's famous for his handspring 
move, yet it doesn't appear at all in the game.  He should be able to 
flip all over the place and launch into attacks directly from dodges.  
Agility is one of his trademarks, after all.

12. Kraven.  'Nuff said.

Bottom Line: This was a fantastic game, so the small faults weren't a 
big deal at all.  The great thing about Spider-Man is that he has one 
of the best rogue galleries (in my opinion, only the X-Men and Batman's 
are even close) in all of comics, so there are still plenty of villains 
to use, and each of them can be associated with a cool, original 
battle.  The PS2 and Spider-Man 2 can't come soon enough.  
I. Thanks and credits

Marvel Comics and Stan Lee for giving us one of comics' two best heroes 
(along with the Dark Knight Detective).

Activision and Neversoft for making a great game, and doing Spidey the 
right way.

www.gamefaqs.com for posting my walkthrough, and being a great site and 

www.gamesages.com for information on the Quick Change Spidey and Peter 
Parker costumes, as well as the Big Head Spidey cheat and some comics I 
missed.  Plus, it's just an all around great site.

Amazing Spider-Friends
The following individuals submitted working cheat codes.

Al Amaloo
Dwight D.
Stygmata Martyr

Im Unknown and TroySch1 for information on how to get the Peter Parker 

pubweb.nwu.edu/~jgg334/index.html  The X-Men Dream Teams Page, and my 
webpage.  Yeah, it's a shameless plug, but if you wanna see just how 
little shame I really have, go to my page and check out the John Grevas 
Self-Aggrandizement Section.

www.angelfire.com/punk/avengers/index.html  The Avengers Dream Teams 
Page.  Yeah, it's my other page, and another shameless plug.

Speed (the J-Pop group, not the illicit substance) for providing me 
with great music to listen to when I got tired of hearing the in-game 
voices.  Kawaii!
