Spider-Man Written by: Hyuaki Hay Table of Contents: 1. Copyright and contact information. 2. Version History 3. Training Section 4. Walkthrough 5. Secrets and Codes 6. Special Thanks 1. Copyright and contact information This guide is for Spider-Man on the N64 and PSOne. This FAQ is copyright December 30, 2000 Ty Nungester. I do not care how you use my guide as long as I am given credit for it. If you need to contact me my email address is hyuakihay@yahoo.com. I will answer any question that you may have concerning this game, however, please check the guide first, because I will not answer any questions already covered in this guide. Only the following sites may post this guide. If you see it somewhere else, please email me. www.gamefaqs.com www.cheatcodes.com www.neoseeker.com NOTE: This is the final update for this guide, unless I change my email address. 2. Version History Version: 1.00: began December 29, 2000 Completed December 30, 2000. Final: April 9, 2001 (Added more to the training section, and more to the Secrets section. I know I should have done this much sooner, but I've been busy…) Updated Version: June 7, 2001 Changed some of the formatting to make it prettier. The most up to date version of this guide will always be able to be found at www.gamefaqs.com. 3. Training Section Moves: You already know how to punch and kick, so I'll skip that. For what buttons you use for the following moves, I will say what the button does since you can have your controller configured differently. Jumping Attack: jump + punch Regular web: web Impact Webbing: web + up Web Gloves: web + left Web Dome: web + right Get over here webbing: web + down There are only 2 parts of this training that you really need to worry about. The "Item Hunt" and "Zip-Line Training." In the Item Hunt, you can unlock the Peter Parker character for play. To unlock Peter Parker, you have to collect all of the items on the first floor to open up the way down to the lower floor and get to the spot under the door with the 4 on it within 55 seconds. When you get there, if you get there within the 55 seconds, get the yellow ? and run through the wall to the hidden Kraven room. Inside the room there is a golden spider emblem, collect it to unlock Peter Parker. In the Zip-Line Training you can unlock Quick Change Spidey. To do this, all that you have to do is collect 10,000 points or more. Hint: go to the 4 section and just keep getting all of the items there. 4. Walkthrough. I will go through the levels and describe them as on the hard setting. Remember, this is my first FAQ, so it may stink. NOTE: This is not an in depth walkthrough, this is a basic guide to the game. Thanks. GET TO THE BANK! When you start out the game, go to the upper right corner of the building and get the ?. This is a game tip so pay attention to them whenever you see them. Swing over to the building that has New York on it and climb up. On top of the building is another ?, and a web cartridge. After getting those, move on to the next building ahead. Your Spider-Sense will go off, and you see your first bad guy, and another ?. (I don't think that I need to tell you what do with the bad guys do I?) Okay, time to move on. Jump down to the lower level, and get the web cartridge and health, then climb the back of the sign and move on to the next building. Take care of the guy in the Crescent-shaped area and go to the next building. Take care of the guy on the main level, then climb up and do it again, there is health here if you need it. Move on to the next building. It's the really tall one in front of you, swing to it, and then there will be a cut scene. BANK APPROACH (Comic Book #1) Once on top, collect the ?. Now go to the upper left and go to that really low building over there, and then go to the other side and go over to the 4 Freedoms Plaza and your first Comic Book is on top. Then go back onto the main route. Land on the building that was in front of the one that you began this area on, and you will get another ? and a health icon. Swing to the tallest building in the area and, there will be another cut scene. Climb to the top and take out the 5 guys there. HOSTAGE SITUATION (Comic Book #2) You begin with a cut scene. After you touch the floor, run out into the hallway and take out the guard and then zip up to the ceiling. It is a good idea to stay on the ceiling for most of the level. Work your way down the hallway and take out the guard on the other side of the doorway (I toss him into the wall, Down + web). Work your way around the room, and Spidey will say that they do have hostages. Use the web attack on these guys too, there's only 2 of them. Now the room is safe to run around in. So, go and collect the 2 ?s and 2 web cartridges, and the health icon. Run over to where the grating is lying on the floor, and zip up into the ventilation shaft. Enter the room and take out the guard, get the web cartridge and the health icon, and then hit the switches. 1 will release a hostage, 1 will open the door to the room, and 1 will open the door to the next area and let in 2 bad guys. After you leave the room, run to where the last hostage escaped from, and get the web cartridge there. Now go to the new area, before you enter though, get onto the ceiling. Take out the 3 bad guys in here and then it will be safe to get onto the floor, but do not let them shoot the hostages. After you touch down get the ?, health icon, and web cartridge. Enter the cubicle on the left and throw the chair to find Comic Book #2. Exit the room the same way that the hostages did and exit the level through the elevator. STOP THE BOMB! (Comic Book #3) Get on the ceiling and when you get to the doorway, take out the bad guy and enter the big room. Take out the 4 bad guys, be careful because there are some more hostages. Drop down and collect the web cartridge and the health icon. Then run to the other end of the room and zip up where the grating is lying on the floor into the ventilation shaft. In the long room, take out the 2 guards, and then there will be a cut scene where a third one enters the room, take him out and then enter the new area. Grab the 2 web cartridges and hit the switch on the far wall to open up the safe (secure area 2). Now open the other room where there are guards and hostages. There will be a cut scene where the guards say to arm the bomb, and kill the hostages. Take out the 3 guards and put the bomb in the safe, but do not close the safe yet. Run into the long room just before this and get Comic Book #3. Now close the safe and end the level. RACE TO THE BUGLE (Comic Book #4) Grab the ? at the start, and then swing to the building in front. If you are playing on hard, then you don't have time to take out the guards in this level. Take out the guard here and then move on to either building in front, it doesn't matter which one you go to. And then web to the next building take out the 2 guards and climb to the tall part and get the web cartridge. On the next building there is 1 guard on the lower level. But you want to go to the top level of the building. There is a guard on top of the building as well. Swing to the next building and climb up. There will be a cut scene where the 2 guards on top talk a little. Get on top of the building and get the web cartridge. Then go to the lower area on the right to get Comic Book #4. Move on to the building on the upper left and there is a guard there too. Next building, another guard. One after that another guard, and a health icon. From there swing to the Daily Bugle building. End of level. SPIDEY VS. SCORPION! (Comic Book #5) This is an easy battle no matter what level you are playing on. Just protect Jonah, and avoid Scorpion's tail. In the first room, make sure that you break all of the furniture in the room to get Comic Book #5. POLICE CHOPPER CHASE (Comic Book #6) I do not recommend fighting any enemies for the next few areas, just keep moving. Now let's start. On the third building there will be an enemy, but keep going! Web cartridge on the fifth building. Web cartridge on the ninth building. Health icon on the 10th building. 11th has Comic Book #6, get the helicopter to blow up the box on the lower right side of the roof. MISSILE ATTACK On the 12th building you have to climb up and avoid being hit. In the first section they use missiles. The second section they use missiles. The third section they use bullets. Stay out of the crosshairs and you will be fine. 4th section is missiles again. BUILDING TOP CHASE (Comic Book #7) Web cartridge on the 15th building (incomplete building). Health on the 16th. Now go to the crane behind the building (crane with spray paint on it), Comic Book #7 is inside with an armor bonus. Health on the 17th (under a box that gets blown up). Health in the 19th (part that gets blown up). SCALE THE GIRDERS (Comic Book #8) The 22nd building is another one that you have to climb up while avoiding bullets. Comic Book #8 is on a small ledge on the left side of the building, you have to climb way down. When you get to the top of the building, climb onto the crane, and swing to the block in the air. POLICE EVADED (Comic Book #9) Aren't you just having so much fun with having someone trying to turn you into a pencil? Anyway, here's another running stage. 2nd block has a web cartridge. Go into the 5th building (with double skylights), and beat up the 2 cops, and then shoot the dark glass to get Comic Book #9. There is a health icon on the 12th. Or you can go to the building on the left of that one and get a web cartridge. I usually need the health though. Then swing to the end of the level. SPIDEY VS. RHINO (Comic Book #10) An even easier boss battle than with the Scorpion! All you have to do is get him to run into things. Break all of the barrels in the corners to get Comic Book #10. CATCH VENOM (Comic Book #11 & #12) All that you have to do in this level, is stay close to Venom. When you get to the incomplete building, land on the main floor that they have completed, and go to the left. There you can get Comic Book #11 and an armor bonus. Then follow Venom around on the floor until he decides to go to the other building, then you will see a cut scene that is rather humorous. When the cut scene ends, you will emerge on another incomplete building. Immediately go to the left, and swing to the adjacent building's right edge and get Comic Book #12. Then follow Venom to the end of the level. SPIDEY VS. VENOM! (Comic Book #13) This boss battle is a little more difficult than the previous 2. But it is still easy. To get Comic Book #13, throw the car. Basically the only strategy is to find Venom when he appears, and hit him before he can hit you. That's all there is to it. It's an easy battle though. SEWER ENTRANCE (Comic Book #14) When you start, follow Venom through the hole in the wall. Kill the 2 Lizard men and then head into the open area at the other end. Turn around and go back through the hallway to get Comic Book #14. Now go back to the big room that you began to enter a moment ago. Target Swing so that you land on the pipes, and make your way across the room. Pick up the health at the other end and then enter the tunnel ahead of you. Once you enter, the door behind you will close. Kill the 4 lizard men and then there will be a cut scene where Venom opens the door ahead of you so that you can chase him some more. SEWER CAVERN (Comic Book #15) Target swing onto the pipes in this room also. There will be 1 lizard man on the first pipe, and 2 on the second. Then target swing onto the vertical pipes. From the 2nd vertical pipe, target swing into the room behind the waterfall to get 2 web cartridges, an armor bonus, and Comic Book #15. Now, target swing back onto the vertical pipes and follow them out of the room. When you enter the hallway, there is a health icon, 4 lizard men and another health icon. SUBWAY This is an all out brawl level. The lizard men will keep on coming and trying to kill you. You have to fend them off and stay on the subway train. If you fall off, you lose. There will be various web canisters and health icons along the way. Just concentrate on surviving here. SEWAGE PLANT (Comic Book #16) At the start of the level, you are attacked by 3 lizard men. Kill them and then move on down the hallway. At the intersection of the 2 tunnels, you are attacked by 3 more lizard men. After disposing of them, go left to the end of the hallway. At the end, you will find a web cartridge, health icon, and Comic Book #16 (how does it feel to have ½ of the comics so far?). Now go back all the way to the right end where 3 more lizard men await. Zip line into the tunnel above you and take out the 2 lizard men up there. Then go to the other end of the tunnel. Okay, timing is crucial in this part. Shoot the switch across the way, and then wait for the water to drain out and run into the tunnel and zip into the tunnel above. Get the health icon, and then shoot the 3 switches here. After that 3 lizard men will appear in the tunnel behind you. Kill them, and shoot the switch to drain the water again. Then run into the big domed area and zip to the top. Go to the other end of the tunnel here (across the gap), and shoot the switch. Wait for the water to drain, and then jump down and run into the tunnel, and zip up again. At the end of this tunnel, there are 3 more switches and 3 more lizard men. Kill the lizard men and shoot the switches. There is a health icon in case you need it. Go back into the tunnel, and shoot the switch to drain the water again. Zip up to the top of the dome, and go into the tunnel. Drop into the gap in the tunnel. HIDDEN SWITCHES (Comic Book #17) This is a really short level. You can fight the lizard men in here if you want to, but it's not necessary. First off, go to the left and get the switch in the corner behind you. Then go over to the other side, and hit the switch, in front of you. Go back over to the other side and press the other switch. Return to the right and hit the other switch, and the water will drain. Before you go down, go back to the left side, and get Comic Book #17. There are 2 web cartridges here also and some health icons. Now jump down and exit through the tunnel. TUNNEL CRAWL (Comic Book #18) As you begin to run down the hallway, you will see Venom go down the hallway to the left. When you get to the intersection, you will be attacked by 2 lizard men. Kill them, and then go to the end of the hallway. Get on the ceiling and crawl through the hole. If your playing on hard, YOUR TIMING MUST BE PERFECT. It's easiest to use the control pad here. Get yourself pointed straight, and get right to the water line, then the instant that it begins to go down, start moving forward, and don't stop until you are above the water mark on the other side. Then guess what, you get to do it again! You will come out to a welcoming party of 2 lizard men. Kill them and then walk to the end of the walkway and target swing onto the pipe in the center of the room, and then target swing to the other hallway, grab the web cartridge and flip the switch. Venom will come out and knock you down. Follow him! Kill the 4 lizard men. And then flip the switch between the 2 large boxes. After flipping the switch, go around to the backside of the rear box and get Comic Book #18. And there is a health icon on top of the first box. Then follow the tunnel that you just opened, out of the level. VENOM'S PUZZLE As soon as you start, turn around and go through the doorway behind you. There are only 2 switches that you need to hit. Hit the one with the 1st and 3rd bars lit up, and the one with the 2nd and 4th bars lit up. Then go back up into the hallway, and go through the doors that you just opened. THE LIZARD'S MAZE (Comic Book #19) This is a good level. I like it. When you start, walk into the room ahead of you and Venom appears and you have a very short fight. Then jump onto the ceiling, and go through the vent. As you crawl along the ceiling, there are a few traps here in this level. In the first set of alcoves, there are a couple of metal blocks that will come together and try to crush you. Wait until they come apart, and target swing past it. Now continue crawling along. When you hear Venom ask if you are starting to sweat Parker? Go right! You will run into Venom and have another scuffle. Continue on, and go across the water that you come to, and you will find The Lizard. Venom captured him and is using his maze. After Lizard is done talking turn around and you will get Comic Book #19. Now go back across the water, through the hallway, and back onto the path that you were originally on. Cross the water, and head through the opposite hallway. When you get to more rushing water, go to your right. Follow the path, and you will come to 2 more sets of crushers. Target swing past them and continue on. After that, take the second right to finish the level. SPIDEY VS. VENOM AGAIN! You can't just go after Venom in this battle or else Mary Jane will die. You have to make her your first priority! When Venom appears, try to hit him before he can flip a switch. If he does flip it, immediately flip it back and go after him if possible. That's about all of the strategy that there is to this battle. It is very frustrating. One thing that you can do is to wait in the center of the room. That makes it a little easier. SYMBIOTES INVEST BUGLE (Comic Book #20) As the level starts, go to where the broken window is and shoot the switch on the other side of the window, to free a hostage. There is 1 symbiote in the room that you start in, kill it. And then make your way to the back hallway where another symbiote is. After killing the symbiote, zip up into the ventilation shaft above you to get Comic Book #20, and a web cartridge. Then go back down into the rooms below you. And continue along the path into the second large room there. A symbiote will break the glass for you to get into a room. Kill it and then get the health icon, and zip into the ventilation shaft above. Inside the shaft, there is a hostage, a symbiote, and a health icon. After disposing of the symbiote, go out the other end of the ventilation shaft and into another large room. Flip the air conditioning switch to release the hostage. Now you can go hunting for symbiotes. This is just a big room, and no escape for them. There are 2 symbiotes, after disposing of them, there is also a web cartridge to get. After all of that is taken care of, head to the far side of the room and press the switch to activate the elevator. Walk through the doorway and end the level. ELEVATOR DESCENT (Comic Book #21) You start on the elevator with a symbiote. Kill it, and then jump off. You will land on some red gunk with a symbiote, kill it. Then you will drop to another red floor after that with another symbiote, kill it too. Then climb the wall under the elevator and enter the passage there (if you are playing on hard, don't bother killing the symbiote) get the web cartridge and shoot the switch. Then jump back down to the floor. Kill the 2 symbiotes there is also a heath icon there and then immediately web to the wall. There is also a health icon slightly below you too. Open the door on the left to get Comic Book #21, a web cartridge and a symbiote. Then go out and open the right door, go into the hallway and exit the level. STOP THE PRESSES! (Comic Book #22) If you do not act quickly here in this stage and the next few, you are in trouble. Your main goal is not to destroy the symbiotes, but the symbiote generators. From the start, destroy the generator in front of you. Then the level is easier if you zip to the ceiling. Go to the far corner directly ahead of you, and get the web cartridge. From there go left and enter the doorway there. Run up and destroy the 2nd generator. Now go back to the main room. The door in front of where you got the web cartridge is now open. Enter it and destroy the generator in the middle of the room. Toss the stack of paper near it to get Comic Book #22. From there go right and enter the first door on your left that you come to. Go in and destroy the generator. Exit this room and enter the one in front of it. Jump down the ventilation shaft to your left to leave the level. BUGLE'S BASEMENT (Comic Book #23) You will be attacked as soon as you start the level by a symbiote. After killing it, go to the first door on your left and it will open, go in and destroy the generator. Grab the health icon and flip the switch. Now go back out and head to the left. Swing through the furnace ahead to get to the next part of this level. Get rid of the 2 symbiotes here and now for some tricky shooting. Plug up the 4 pipes here that are busted, just shoot webbing at them, and when they blow you will get Comic Book #23 and some flame webbing. Go forward and shoot the switch ahead, then take the right bend. In this new hallway, go left and take the alcove closest to the furnace, a symbiote will surprise you, kill it there is also a web cartridge here and then go into the hole above. Up here there is another symbiote, a switch and a health icon, you know what to do. Go back out into the hallway, and take the first left that is now open. Go in and destroy the generator, and behind the generator there is a hole that you can go into where there are 2 web cartridges and a fire web cartridge. After this go out and go to the end of the hallway where you meet the impostor Spidey. End of level. SPIDEY VS. MYSTERIO! (Comic Book #24) This is an easy boss battle. First go down to where you can shoot the targets on his knees. After those are destroyed, jump down into the pit and get Comic Book #24. Then go up and shoot the targets at his waist. Then the targets at his shoulders, then his head. WATERFRONT WAREHOUSE (Comic Book #25 & #26) You have to destroy some more generators here. There is one slightly up and to your left. There is one to the front also. There is also some flame webbing to the upper right of where you start. Now go through the hole in the far wall into the next section of the warehouse. Immediately when you land go left and destroy another generator. In the next main room there are only 2 generators left. 1 is dead ahead, and one is to the right of that one. Comic Book #25 is in a little alcove on the left side of the room. Then enter to he hallway. Drop down onto the huge vent and make your way through until you come to another giant fan without a vent cover. There you should target swing onto the lower platform and enter the new hallway. Do not jump down the hole in the hallway yet. Go across and open the grating across from you walk in to get Comic Book #26, a web cartridge, and a health icon. Now go back and jump down the hole to end the level. UNDERWATER TRENCH (Comic Book #27) This level is very straight forward. In the first room go to the right side of the big vent box and get a web cartridge. Then go through the door. In this room you have target swing to the platforms that have the guns and destroy the guns. When you make it to the other side of the room enter the door. There is a web cartridge, and a health item in the next room. Continue on to the next room. It's just like the other one. When you get to the end of the room, go on into the next one. On the right side of the large vent box there is a web cartridge and a switch, flip the switch, and then go back to the beginning of the first laser room, and enter the lower door on the side that you originally entered from. Inside this room, you will get Comic Book #27. Now go back through the rooms and finish the level. There is also a 3rd room like this. STOPPING THE FOG (Comic Book #28) This stage is simple. First off, get to the lower part of the central tower. There will be a room in that part of the tower that contains Comic Book #28. Then get onto the top part of the central cylinder, there is a room there that contains some flame webbing. Then go to security control (marked by sign over door). Black Cat is trapped in there and it is up to you to get her out. Shoot the switch on the right side of the room and then leave. Go to room A, and shoot the switch there. Do the same for B, and C. Then go to Research Facilities while Black Cat escapes for help. SPIDEY VS. DOC OCK (Comic Book #29) You have to shoot the 4 shield generators as they come down and then when they are all down Doc Ock will be vulnerable. After his shields regenerate the first time Comic Book #29 will appear for only a few seconds so get it! SPIDEY VS. CARNAGE (Comic Book #30) Stand in the middle of the sonic bubble and use your webbing to pull Carnage into the sonic bubble to kill him. Comic Book #30 appears in the center of the bubble as well. SPIDEY VS. MONSTER OCK (Comic Book #31 & #32) This is not a boss battle, this is a run like hell level. At the very first bend of the level you can nab Comic Book #31. At the end of the first corridor, zip up to get into the next tunnel. General tip, when you come to a dead end, zip up. You can get Comic Book #32 in the final corner of level 2. From there run like heck, to get to the exit. Another tip, jumping is faster than running. Swinging is faster than jumping. Sit back and enjoy the ending. You did it!! ^_^ 5. Secrets There are several different costumes hidden throughout the game. Some make the game easier with extra abilities, and some make the game more challenging. And some are just different costumes. COSTUMES: Here are the extra costumes and how to get them. SPIDER-MAN 2099: Collect every Comic Book in the game (32). You can do double damage. SYMBIOTE/BLACK SPIDER-MAN: Just beat the game. You get unlimited webbing. CAPTAIN UNIVERSE: Beat the game on hard. You get unlimited webbing, double damage, and invincibility. SPIDER-MAN UNLIMITED: Beat the game a second time up through the HIDDEEN SWITCHES stage from the beginning. You get stealth mode. Press right-C to become invisible or visible. This does not work on bosses. SCARLETT SPIDER: Beat the Rhino. No special abilities. BEN REILLY: Beat SPIDER-MAN VS. VENOM AGAIN!. No special abilities. QUICK CHANGE SPIDER-MAN: Get 10,000 or more points in Zip-Line Training. Limited to 2 web cartridges. PETER PARKER: Find the hidden Kraven room, in Item Collection. Note: Both Quick Change Spidey, and Peter Parker, you are told how to get them in section 2. CODES: There are several codes for this game, if you need some help, but I doubt that you will. To enter the codes, you need to enter these on the "Cheats Screen." Go to Special then Cheats. And enter the codes just as they appear here. N64 Codes: Master Code: TRUBLEVR Level Select: LVLSKIPPER Sound Test: LISTEN Invincibility: TURTLE Full Health: HELP ME Unlimited Webbing: STICKYSTUFF All Comic Books: CLTTHMALL All Gallery Characters: WHOSINTGM All Game Covers: COV VEIW Storyboard: SMESTORY Symbiote Spider-Man Costume: SYMBSPID Spider-Man 2099 Costume: SPTWOKNN Captain Universe Costume: POWCOSMIC Spider-Man Unlimited Costume: LIMITED ED Scarlet Spider Costume: SPID INRED Peter Parker Costume: MISTERMJ Ben Reilly Costume: DA CLONE Quick Change Spider-Man Costume: GTATNKFST PSX Codes: Chatacter Viewer: CVIEW EM Storyboard Viewer: CGOSSETT What if Contest: GBHSRSPM NOTE: In What if mode, you must complete the whole game at one playing or else you will have to re-start from the beginning each time because it will not save as what if mode. Ben Reilly Costume: BNREILLY Symbiote Spidey Costume: BLKSPIDR Spidey 2099 Costume: TWNTYNDN Captain Universe Costume: S SOSMIC Spidey Unlimited Costume: PARALLEL Scarlet Spider Costume: LETTER S Amazing Bagman Costume: AMZBGMAN Peter Parker Costume: MJS STUD Quick Change Spidey: ALMSTPKR Full Health: DCSTUR Debug Info: LLADNEK Unlock Everything: EEL NATS All Comic Book Covers: ALLSIXCC Big Head Spidey: DULUX Invincible Spidey: RUSTCRST Level Select: XCLSIOR Unlimited Webbing: STRUDL Unlock Every Movie: WATCH EM Unlock Joel Jewett: RULUR 6. Special Thanks I would like to thank Marvel Comics, Edge of Reality, Activision, and Neversoft, in association with Nintendo for making this great game. I would also like to thank well myself for writing this (sometimes insomnia can be good ?). And I would also like to thank CjayC at GameFAQS.com for posting this FAQ. Lastly I would like to thank you, the reader for using this FAQ. I would be happy to hear your comments on this FAQ, that way I know what to do more or less of in the next FAQ.