/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |---------------------------------CRASH BASH FAQ------------------------------| \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ For the PlayStation Copyright 2003-2004 Richard Beast Email: richard_power1000@yahoo.com Version: 1.0 Date: 02/28/04 ---------------- Version History: ---------------- ++ 1.1 ++ Well, been a while, but I decided to come in again with another update. The format's been fixed up, and I removed most of that huge review, since it's like the dark side of this guide. Hope you like the new format. I also know what a bad idea it is to make things Final. =P ++ FINAL ++ Alright, I was wrong, that wasn't the last version. I updated things that need to be updated, so there we go. This will almost definitely be the final version. ++ 1.0 ++ The first and probably the last version of this new Crash Bash FAQ. It is totally complete, covering just about everything that's really worth covering. ============================================================================== Table of Contents: ============================================================================== -!NOTE!- This guide, as you will soon see, is pretty big. Seeing as how this takes effect, you will most likely be lost in trying to find out what you want to read. There is one way to get to it, instantly. Press Ctrl + F, and then look for whatever you want. Let's say you want to go to the Basics section. Type in "V. Basics", and then you'll go to the basics section, instantly! Pretty neat, eh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ -------------------------- * TABLE OF CONTENTS * -------------------------- ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction II. Legal Disclaimer III. Contact Rules IV. Characters V. Basics VI. FAQ VII. Bosses VIII. My Review IX. Credits :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= I. Introduction =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- Gbness takes up his sword and returns in his ninth FAQ thus far! He's been a pretty successful writer so far, so he decided to return to the FAQing world with another one (shameless self-banter). Since Crash Bash still lacks a totally complete guide, I've come up with this handy guide to help you through the game. This guide really doesn't a good FAQ, to be honest. However, there are a lot of tricky things that you can find in this game. For example, the crystal in one of the later levels is so ridiculous that you will find yourself banging on your console. So that's why this is here. Crash Bash is the fifth game that was released in the Crash series to my knowledge, and although it has a good deal of flaws that unfortunately plagued it, I believe this is a pretty good title for you to tackle. However, this game lacks a good deal of differentiation within it, so that brings down the replay value but it is great for multiplayer and if you are bored to death like I am on countless occasions you can probably get out this game and have a little bit of fun. Besides a few things the game is pretty good. Keep one thing in mind before we go further: this will not be the most detailed walkthrough in the world, so take that in mind, please. It gives you this garbage, then the characters and basics so you know what you'll have to do before you put the disc in and start playing the games, and then the FAQ itself will take you through the guide and help you with the crystals and the gems, and of course the trophy. Then the bosses and my review, then the ending. Feel free to send me feedback, positive or negative if you wish, because I appreciate it! -Richard "Gbness" Beast :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= II. Legal Disclaimer =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- You are NOT permitted to put this FAQ on your site without my permission first. All you have to do is email me or IM me saying you want this FAQ on your site, then you can tell me your site and the chance is high that I'll let you. But if you put this FAQ on your site without my permission I swear you will regret it. If I let you, not ONE word should be changed from this FAQ! NOT ONE! Got it? Good. Also, make sure that no money is involved. If you want this FAQ to be sold on eBay, then just forget about it, man. And don't sell this guide either, or pay people to use it, or you'll be in such big trouble you don't want to think. Another little note is that I will not have this guide hosted on many other web sites besides GameNotOver, GameFAQs, IGN, and Neoseeker. You need full-on permission if it's not one of the four above sites. I am sick of people ripping me off (I have been ripped off three times in the past), so if I don't like your site, I won't let my guide be posted on it. I am sorry, but this is how it has to be. If you ask politely and I like your site, you will definitely have the luck of getting it up there. Thank you very much. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= III. Contact Rules =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- +--------------+ | E-Mail Rules | +--------------+ I love getting good emails, so you're free to email me with a question any time, but I will not answer questions already answered in this FAQ. I prefer e-mails with good grammar, and subjects with TimeSplitters 2 or I will delete them, sorry. Also, don't send me e-mails about TimeSplitters 1 with a TimeSplitters 2 subject, please. And don't bother sending things like: "You friggin' idiot. Your guides suck, you suck, and everything about you sucks. DIE DIE DIE!" "BURN IN THE FLAMES OF HELL, YOU STUPID RETARD!!!" "What the hell did you think you were doing writing all that garbage, you piece of crap? "I hope you fall down the stairs and break every bone in your body!" "u su><0rz, eVrYtInG BoUt u sUx, dIe ass!!!!!!1" I will laugh at such e-mails and delete them. So... if you're not just playing a friendly joke on me or something, don't bother with that crap cos I've been through with it too much. Another thing: don't send me e-mails in any languages other than English or Spanish. I can read both English and Spanish pretty well, but I prefer English. Still, I can do Spanish pretty well, so if you absolutely have to send me an e-mail in Spanish, hola. But if you know English, I want that, thank you. +----------+ | IM Rules | +----------+ I recently closed my AIM list, so you'll have to e-mail me to be added to it if you aren't one of my friends. Still, I may unclose it sometime. I will update this guide when I end up doing so, so don't you worry. Oh, and if ya end up on my list, don't bother sending me IMs like "hey" and "hi" and asking me what games I have, what sites I go to, and stuff like that. Honestly, I am very busy often and don't have time to bother with all that stuff. You can still ask it to me, but don't ask it often or I could remove you from my list. Still, I am a good guy to talk to on AIM. My AOL name is Gbness, if it wasn't obvious enough by my AOL address. Anyway, that's all you need to know about that. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= IV. Characters =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- Taking them off the instruction manual is just too simple, so I just put the characters here. There are four types, so here they go. C R A S H / C O C O *************************** Crash and Coco have never had huge physical power like the muscleheads Tiny and Koala Kong, but their speed is really good. Since they're pretty small, they can be kicked around easy and have little stamina, but their speed is their strength. Also, their spin move is very useful. I'd recommend Crash or Coco only for the experts, since they have a lot more bad points than good. The tank wars levels are a real pain with these two, and they can't throw very well at all. They're also pretty weak for pushing polar bears, although they're pretty fast. Still, this leaves me wanting more... ---------- STRENGTHS: ---------- -Quite agile. -Very useful spin move. -Not clumsy at all. -Powerful Tank Wars moves. ----------- WEAKNESSES: ----------- -Little energy for Ballistix. -No push for Polar Push or Crash Dash. -Can be kicked around easy. -No power at all. -Very short range with Crate Crush. -The Tank Wars moves are slow. C O R T E X / B R I O *************************** Cortex and N. Brio are the quick, light, but strong players. In my opinion, they are the more average characters. They're better than Crash or Coco, but they're still not as good as Tiny or Koala Kong, sadly to say. They don't have huge power as they dealt with magic and machines in the previous titles, but they aren't clumsy at all and they can push quite a little bit. They are fast, although not as fast as Crash or Coco. I'd recommend Cortex or N. Brio for new players. Only problem is that at times, they don't have that much power, and the Tank Wars shot isn't as good as it seems. ---------- STRENGTHS: ---------- -Agile enough. -Not too clumsy. -Can pack a real push. -Really long range with Crate Crush. -A very fast Tank Wars move. ----------- WEAKNESSES: ----------- -Can still be pushed off easy in Crash Dash. -The Tank Wars shot is weak. -Still not very much power. T I N Y / K O N G *************************** Tiny and Kong are my personal favorites. Despite not having great speed, it doesn't really get any better than these two. They simply rule with their great power. They pack extremely powerful pushes, punches, and are very hard to move around with their great power in Crash Dash. They also have an extremely poweful Tank Wars shot and lots of Ballistix energy. Unfortunately though, they lack speed and are pretty clumsy... beginners should definitely take the not so tiny Tiny or the king Kong. They pretty much excel at every single kind of level they enter, seriously. ---------- STRENGTHS: ---------- -Very far throw with Crate Crush. -Very powerful push. -Can shoot two kicks with Ballistix energy. -Very hard to push off the edge of the Crash Dash arenas. -Their kicks are very powerful. -Extremely powerful Tank Wars blast. -Can push in Crash Dash really well. ----------- WEAKNESSES: ----------- -A slow shot in Tank Wars. -Can be very clumsy at times. -Since they are big and heavy, they are slow. D I N G O / R O O *************************** Dingo and Rilla Roo really suck, in my opinion. It's not worth the time that it'll take to get 200% completion if you pick one of these two. For one thing, they have only a VERY small bit longer range to throw crates in Crate Crush in. Their energy for Ballistix is low, and they pack a very small push with Crash Dash and Polar Push. Their shots for Tank Wars are very weak too, and they get clumsy at times. Not only that, but Dingo and Roo aren't even that fast! They have little good in any area and are bad just about everywhere. Only pick one of these two if you're an expert. ---------- STRENGTHS: ---------- -Can fire two (weak) shots for Tank Wars! -Not too slow, at all. -Errr... that's about it. ----------- WEAKNESSES: ----------- -Here we go... terrible range. -Their pushes are horrible. -A very weak Tank Wars blow. -Little Ballistix energy. -Clumsy, very clumsy. -Are pushed back very easily. -Pretty much everything. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= V. Basics =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- This section will explain all of the games and prizes to be found in Crash Bash to you, just in case you need it. +-------+ | Games | +-------+ ========== BALLISTIX: ========== I hate Ballistix. It's my least favorite game of the seven types, as you can probably tell. Each player has a number of points, shown at the top of the screen. As balls that appear go through their goals, they lose points. When they run out of points, they're out, and the last player standing wins. Everyone has a kick that wears off and comes back. Tiny can do two of these and recovers fast, so he's obviously the best. ============ POLAR PANIC: ============ Polar Panic is a pretty simple game. You are on a large platform and have to push your opponents off the platform. Everyone has a different amount of push that they have, and characters may go off the edge sooner if they're clumsy. With [], you can push hard, but the bars at the top of the screen indicate how much they can. Tiny has the most, better use him! ================= POGO PANDEMONIUM: ================= Pogo Pandemonium is a very fun game; my fourth favorite of these seven. You are on an 8 by 8 board with 64 squares on it. You must color the squares with your color and then get one of the purple boxes that appear to score points for all of the squares that you have colored. Basically no one is better or worse in this level for all I can tell, although Crash can probably be faster than everyone else. There are lots of things in this level to make it more complex! ============ CRATE CRUSH: ============ This is my personal favorite kind of level. In Crate Crush, everyone has a health bar at the top of the screen. You have to throw crates at your opponents. Tiny can throw the farthest, so take him if you're playing here! For steel crates, you simply throw them, for TNT's, they count down from 3 to 0. Once they reach 0, you take a lot of damage and they're much stronger than steel crates. With NITRO's, you take lots of damage as soon as you touch them. ========== TANK WARS: ========== My third favorite type of level is Tank Wars. In this game, everyone is given a health bar, similar to Crate Crush, and you have to blast everyone to defeat them. The two kinds of attacks are the regular shot and the mine. In the first two levels, the mine explodes along the whole rank and does gigantic damage. In the third, Jungle Fox, they will explode when you hit them. In the final, Swamp Fox, they are just mines. They float along the water and explode when they hit someone. I'd recommend Tiny for power and Dingodile for speed here. =========== CRASH DASH: =========== Crash Dash is a pretty interesting type of level, although it's not as fun to play as other games. You are on a circular track and must race it 10 times to complete it. There are missiles and objects galore that are to be found here, and lots of things to distract you. Also, you can easily be pushed off the edge. Tiny is the best here because he's very hard to be pushed off and he can also push very well. You can also jump in one of the latter levels, Splash Dash. ================ MEDIEVAL MAYHEM: ================ Medieval Mayhem rocks! It is my second favorite kind of level, and it's a good ol' competition for points. There is jumping up for balloons, stealing gems from your opponents to throw them at a bulls-eye target, mashing mushrooms, and getting fire to blow up kegs. Any way you look at it, Medieval Mayhem is a very hard type of game that has lots of obstacles, so you'll definitely have fun with these levels! +--------+ | Prizes | +--------+ TROPHIES: --------- You win trophies for regularly completing the level. You must win Cups 3 times, and the character who gets 3 cups first wins! GEMS: ----- After you get Trophies, you are given the option to go for Gem or Crystal challenges. In Gem challenges, you are given a handicap, like less time to do your task or everyone else having less stuff to do. CRYSTALS: --------- After you get Trophies, you are given the option to go for Gem or Crystal challenges. In Crystal challenges, you are in a different landscape but the same level, while you must do your task with something to avoid or an extra challenge, like mushrooms or your opponents having shields, etc. RELICS: ------- After you complete the first 3 floors and get to the 4th, Gold Relics become available. These are extremely tough to get, as they test your every power and you must do your task against super-difficult opponents. You have to beat them twice. After you unlock Mallet Mash, Platinum Relics become available. These are ultimately tough, and you must beat even harder opponents thrice. The ultimate items for collection. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= VI. FAQ =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- Here's a short, but hopefully quite accurate guide to all 28 levels in Crash Bash. Good luck in this difficult challenge. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- WARP ROOM 1: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Crashball ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Ballistix Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy Crystal Difficulty: Medium TROPHY: ------- Crashball is a very simple Ballistix stage. All you have to do is shoot balls into your opponents' goals. Kick them back with the Square button. No special additions in this level. It's easiest as Tiny, hardest as Crash. GEM: ---- You are given a handicap, and have 9 points while everyone else has 15. Still extremely easy, with no little bit of difficulty swimming in the air. CRYSTAL: -------- You must complete this without your extra kick. This could be tough, but just keep at it. It's not too tough, but try not to let balls in your goal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Polar Panic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Polar Push Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy-Medium Crystal Difficulty: Easy-Medium TROPHY: ------- You have to knock your opponents off the ice. This is pretty easy to do, and the last player standing wins. Clumsy characters go off the ice easy, and big players push easier. If you get the lightning, everyone will freeze, and if you get the weight, the player with it after it's done ticking will be crushed. GEM: ---- You are given 1 minute to complete the level. It's very easy! Just ignore all defense and attack. You shouldn't have any problem at all with this Gem. Still, I strongly recommend getting the Lightning to finish your opponents off. CRYSTAL: -------- If you hit the laser while it has freezing lightning coming from it, it will freeze you, and this can easily become a nuisance. When it has the regular pink laser, try to get the lightning and freeze everyone, then immediately push everyone off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Pogo Painter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Pogo Pandemonium Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy Crystal Difficulty: Easy TROPHY: ------- You have to gain points by getting the purple boxes and getting points for the number of squares you have colored. Very simple, just avoid the missiles and try to get the shoes. GEM: ---- To get the Gem, complete the challenge by getting 80 points before anyone else can gain 60 in 1 minute. It sounds difficult, but it's actually quite easy. Try to get a LOT of squares before getting the purple boxes. CRYSTAL: -------- If you hit the poisonous mushrooms that randomly appear, it's good-bye you! They just randomly appear, but you're given a second to see where they pop up. My recommendation is to get a lot of points, sure that no one will beat you, then stop. Do NOT get the shoes, as then you're more than likely to have accidents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Jungle Bash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Crate Crush Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy Crystal Difficulty: Easy TROPHY: ------- An extremely easy level. All you have to is throw crates at your opponents to kill them. Try to kick TNT's into characters to do big damage to them. Avoid NITRO's at all cost. GEM: ---- You have to finish everyone off in 40 seconds. It's actually no difficulty at all. Just kick TNT's around and avoid attack at all costs! We don't want to be surrounded. CRYSTAL: -------- There is an idol living in the house over there... and it's very deadly as it throws NITRO's only at you. Try to have it accidentally throw NITRO's at everyone else; that'll do them in. It's very easy to avoid anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Papu Papu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level: Papu Pummel Type: Crate Crush Difficulty: Easy Papu Papu is an extremely easy boss to beat, obviously the easiest in the game. He will smack the floor at the start of the fight and send flames at you, then he'll summon fake Crash clones. One hit will do them in, so don't bother with crates; just kick them. After all of the Crash clones are dead, Papu Papu's flame shield will go down and he'll laugh at you. While he's laughing at you, throw him a steel crate! You must repeat this process three times, but on your second turn, he'll shoot two flames at you, and two pairs of Crash clones at you, and the same goes with his third turn except he'll shoot three flames at you and three pairs of Crash clones. After you've thrown three crates at him, a rock will fall from above and crush him, giving you instant victory. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- WARP ROOM 2: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Beach Ball ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Ballistix Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy-Medium Crystal Difficulty: Hard TROPHY: ------- Another Ballistix level, yawn. Well, in this one we have to get 12 balls through our goals instead of 15, but this will be a very slow level because the balls are very slow. Fortunately we have a new ability to hold onto balls with the X button and shoot them at your opponents. A very nifty little tactic to win. It will be time-consuming, but I'd recommend holding down X most of the time until you get balls, then release them at your opponents to decimate them! GEM: ---- We have 9 points and they have 15, for some strange reason I cannot understand. Well, this isn't TOO hard, but you'll definitely want to do the hold and release tactic here, as it'll take away a lot of life from your opponents. Only use the kick if you're sure the balls will enter your goal. CRYSTAL: -------- This is the hardest Crystal challenge so far, no contest between other Crystals. Our opponents have shields that last for three minutes. They alternate between the left player, top player, and right player. Needless to say, this will be a VERY hard challenge, one you shouldn't expect to win. If you're aiming for a certain player, hold onto your balls for a long time and make sure you're very well defended! You'll definitely have tons of trouble here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Tilt Panic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Polar Push Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Medium-Hard Crystal Difficulty: Easy-Medium TROPHY: ------- In this level, there's a little distraction as the platform will tilt a lot and this will definitely give you a fair bit of distraction. Tiny can push the platform VERY well, but the best way to do this is to get the lightning! If you do that, your opponents are dead. They are dead. Also, once the fish appears on the platform, a walrus will tilt the platform, so be aware. GEM: ---- We are allowed 30 seconds to kill everyone. The only way to do this besides taking immediate action and making your opponents make big mistakes is to get the lightning to knock your opponents off the ice where they belong. You'll have to be VERY lucky to win this that way, and you'll have to do some pushing even so... so it's not as easy as you think. CRYSTAL: -------- Much easier than the Gem challenge. A storm is raging and the platform is VERY bumpy. In fact, it's so bumpy that even the lightning will hardly work. But even though, it's almost no bit harder than the Trophy challenge, so don't think it that hard. Just do tons of pushing will defending yourself well enough, and you'll do just fine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Pogo-A-Gogo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Pogo Pandemonium Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy Crystal Difficulty: Easy-Medium TROPHY: ------- This is much different from other levels. You have to make a square or rectangle of a sort to score points instead of the regular box collecting. The colored sides of the area will always have colors to count as that, so be strategetic and get speed shoes quickly, and you'll rule. Also, lightning appears in this level in which you can shoot at your opponents. It goes right through them too! GEM: ---- We have to score 150 points before anyone else can score 90 points. An extremely easy and simply task. Just use your speed shoes and bounce around everywhere coloring squares, and try to go for the big fry. Steal squares from your opponents and make gigantic rectangles, and they stand no chance. CRYSTAL: -------- This is different as your maximum score at one time is at the top of the screen. The one with the highest score at the end of the level is the winner. HERE is where to get speed shoes and make giant rectangles! You probably won't have to worry after getting around 25 points, as no one will likely go over that. Around there, just steal squares from your opponents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Space Bash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Crate Crush Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy Crystal Difficulty: Easy TROPHY: ------- Space Bash is my favorite of the bashing levels. The floor will blow up if explosive crates like TNT and NITRO hit it, and falling in the holes is a very good way to lose in a few split seconds. Also, the Z and Aku Aku masks are added here, with Z slowing you down and Aku Aku masks making you invincible. GEM: ---- We have 40 seconds to do this. Neglect all of the steel crates and just throw TNT crates at the enemies. Not only are they stronger, they will make the floor go down, where your opponents will be likely to go! If there's one TNT around, get to it immediately and make your opponents fall in. Easy. CRYSTAL: -------- We have to win without the ability to pick up crates. Actually, this is no hard task at all. There are NO steel crates here. None at all. So just kick TNT crates at your opponents and strand them on a few squares, then just kick them at them, ignoring defense while avoiding the pits, and kill them all. Extremely easy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Desert Fox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Tank Wars Trophy Difficulty: Easy-Medium Gem Difficulty: Medium Crystal Difficulty: Easy-Medium TROPHY: ------- Quite simple. Go down at the start and hit your opponent to the right, then use mines if they're along your ranks and hit everyone carefully. This will be a very easy level to conquer, but try not to get stranded. Quick, strong fire is the way to go. GEM: ---- We are allotted 40 seconds to do this. This could definitely prove a challenge as you'd be too slow to complete this. Try to get mines in here and eliminate everyone. The mines are ultra powerful, and if you can keep them away from the Wumpa Fruit, you shouldn't have a problem. CRYSTAL: -------- In the pool of water in the middle that has replaced the square in the regular level, something inside it will shoot bombs at you. If someone's close to you, the bomb will hit them! They're extremely easy to avoid anyway. As soon as it's in front of you, move out of the way and you won't have any trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Bearminator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level: Bearminator Type: Polar Push Difficulty: Medium The Bearminator is one tricky polar bear. You'll see him in his tank in the water. At the start of the level, he'll throw a mechanical polar bear at you. It will be totally frozen for a few seconds and you'll see he's ready to throw missiles at you. When he shoots them, dodge them as they're very dangerous. They will freeze you if they hit you and then the bear will push you off. Simply push him off, but be careful! He can push too, and he pushes well. Plus, sometimes if you aren't careful, you'll push him off and the platform will tilt and you're dead. Very nasty. After the polar bear is dead, a missile will drop. Go to it but DON'T FIRE IT AT THE BEARMINATOR'S TANK! DO NOT! If you do, you'll waste a turn and have to go through the polar bear again. Hit the Bearminator himself. After that, he'll fire his cannon at the upper-left part of the platform, and then he'll sic two polar bears on you. Avoid their missiles, then be careful. They can assist each other in pushing you off and they're pretty heavy and can push you off. That's why Tiny is good here, despite the fact he's pretty clumsy. After killing both bears, shoot another missile at the Bearminator and he'll throw another cannonball at the platform. Then we have to go through three bears. Sometimes, if you land where the bears are going to be thrown, they fall off immediately! So it's just the same old stuff after you avoid their missiles, push them off, and fire at the Bearminator to kill him... +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- WARP ROOM 3: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. N. Ballism ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Ballistix Trophy Difficulty: Medium Gem Difficulty: Hard Crystal Difficulty: Hard TROPHY: ------- Alright, here is where the levels start to get hard. There's two new additions that come around in this level. The first is that there are force fields that you can get that appear at one of the four corners of the level, and these will repel balls from your goal. The second is that everyone's favorite character, N. Gin, appears randomly and fires balls into everyone's goal in a furious cycle. You'll have to be VERY careful here and hope to get all of the force fields that you possibly can. GEM: ---- 15 while everyone else has 20. Bummer. We need to get lots of force fields and execute them perfectly... otherwise I don't know what to tell you. Ignore attacking and just completely let your defense side with you. You're in for a very hard ride here, so try to let N. Gin eliminate your opponents! CRYSTAL: -------- N. Gin will only aim at our goal. He'll aim much slower than he did before, but there's no difference, he'll be eliminating you. I sincerely hope that you are Tiny so you can do several kicks to get those balls away from your goal. The field is a little bigger here, so force fields get even more important. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. Melt Panic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Polar Push Trophy Difficulty: Easy-Medium Gem Difficulty: Hard Crystal Difficulty: Medium-Hard TROPHY: ------- Very simple. Uka Uka is around here in this level instead of the regular laser, and he doesn't give good stuff like growth or lightning. He may turn you into a snowball, freeze you, put a weight on you, or make you shrink. He also totally melts this platform to make it a little smaller for you to work on. Just push like you've done in previous levels. GEM: ---- Man, this is the hardest Gem yet. We have 25 SECONDS to deal with the opponents. You can only hope that Uka Uka will freeze two opponents at the same time and you push the other off very carefully to have any chance of winning. This is so hard I hardly have a strategy for it. CRYSTAL: -------- This isn't as hard as the Gem challenge, but if it doesn't come very close. You cannot push off the edge so you can't make ANY accidents in this level! You'll need to give this level all you've got to have a hope. Hope that Uka Uka freezes someone and then you will have a big opportunity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. El Pogo Loco ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Pogo Pandemonium Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy Crystal Difficulty: Medium TROPHY: ------- Very easy. We'll find one of our favorite characters Ripper Roo here, and he will march around here putting TNT's on the playing field and stealing squares. The TNT's are very annoying, so avoid them. Also, once we reach below 30 seconds, he'll jump in the middle and start throwing missiles everywhere. Also, if you make a rectangle like in Pogo-A-Gogo, the squares in them will be filled in. Everything else is basically the same here... GEM: ---- 120 points before anyone can score 80. Try to fill in as many squares as possible (preferably around 16), and then try to get shoes and march around everywhere and then get a box pulling off phenomenal scores! This will be a very easy level to complete, don't worry about it a bit! CRYSTAL: -------- This is easily the hardest challenge so far in El Pogo Loco. Instead of dropping those TNTs that he dropped in the Trophy and Gem challenges, he'll drop NITROs. Hit these; you're a dead bandicoot/man/tiger/koala/dingo/monkey. They'll also explode on the 8 squares around them, so avoid the speed shoes! Stay as far away from Ripper Roo as possible while getting lots of boxes. This will be a tough crystal, believe me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13. Snow Bash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Crate Crush Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy-Medium Crystal Difficulty: Easy TROPHY: ------- This is my least favorite Bash level, since you can't really walk very well, and there's one particular annoying thing: Penta Penguin in the middle. He can be awoken by throwing crates at him, and when he's awake he will start spinning and when he hits crates they'll be moved all around and they may hit everyone and do some big damage. The ice is very slippery too, but those are the only problems. TNTs are the way to go. GEM: ---- The Gem in Snow Bash isn't hard, but harder than the previous two Gems in the Crate Crush levels. You'll want to hit Penta and have him hit everyone for some big damage on them, then throw TNT's at them. Avoid being attacked here, as they'll be very vigorous here. CRYSTAL: -------- There's hardly any difference between this and the regular Trophy. The ice is a little more slipy, but too much more. Take the same strategy that you did in the Trophy by attacking Penta and making him eliminate everyone while staying far away from everyone. This should be no problem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14. Metal Fox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Tank Wars Trophy Difficulty: Easy-Medium Gem Difficulty: Medium Crystal Difficulty: Medium-Hard TROPHY: ------- This is a little more complicated and confusing than the previous Tank Wars stage as the squares will close up and open a lot and change their positions. Also, bombs are added here, and they can fire a really long distance. They are your keys to winning! Mines are also very helpful here too. GEM: ---- We have 40 seconds to kill everyone. It's really no different from before. Just avoid the falling mines and get them for yourself and kill everyone with them, while using bombs on the highest health opponents, and you'll do fine. CRYSTAL: -------- Ah, this crystal is very hard to get. The falling mines from the sky will only be directed at you and if they fall on you or any mine hits you, you are dead. My strategy would be to avoid them and shoot at everyone from a distance, and get bombs when possible and fire. Either way, you're going to need patience here... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 15. Dot Dash ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Crash Dash Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Medium Crystal Difficulty: Medium-Hard TROPHY: ------- The only difficulty you'll have in Dot Dash is the control. It's R1 to accelerate and the buttons to move. Get tons of Wumpa Fruit and missiles, and you will simply leave your opponents behind in this level! You should have no trouble at all here. GEM: ---- We need to do 10 laps; everyone else has 8. This isn't a very hard challenge actually. Try to push everyone off the edge very carefully and get missiles while not screwing up anywhere. Not a hard challenge at all. CRYSTAL: -------- Rule 1: Stay away from your opponents. Rule 2: Stay away from your opponents. Rule 3: Obey both rules. You have to win without being hit by ANY missiles. So stay clear from your opponents. If they have missiles, keep an eye on them. Use Wumpa Fruit well to crash into them and get them off the arena. A hard challenge this will be! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Komodo Moe & Joe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level: Big Bad Fox Type: Tank Wars Difficulty: Medium This can be a very tricky level if you're not careful. At the start of this level, the two Komodo brothers Moe and Joe will run into their big tank, and we initiate combat with it. The three guns at the bottom are the areas to hit. They throw the Tiny/Kong type of shot at you, so they're very easy to avoid. Simply get your bombs on the guns and hit each one twice. Mines can also be useful here as well. After that is done, quickly place a mine there. Now back off and we're faced with four lasers. All of them will shoot out the Cortex/Brio type of shot to you, so this is where they will get SUPER annoying. Avoid these laser blasts at all costs, and shoot them like the devil! You can also hit two at the same time, try to do so. After eight heavy blows on them, they'll go down and we're faced with two missile launchers. Try to get the Wumpa Fruit here to increase your health just to be safe because if their missiles hit you, they'll take about 3/4 of your maximum health away. There's only two of them, so fire your bombs at them and use the mountains as shields. Try to make them hit the mountains and destroy them: it'll help for a later part of this level. After destroying both of them, the machine will go down and Komodo brothers Moe and Joe will come out in their own seperate tanks. These two bad boys fire the Cortex/Brio type of fire at you, so they'll get extremely annoying. Fortunately, we have missiles to fire with! Try to be agile and avoid them while doing a good job in yourself, and you'll do fine. They could prove quite a challenge though, so be on your toes. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- WARP ROOM 4: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- NOTE: When you set foot in Warp Room 4, Gold Relics will be available. To collect these, you must win the stage two times against super difficult opponents! Now this will be a huge challenge. These are very hard to get but they are very well worth it, so test yourself out and see how many you can get! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16. Sky Balls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Ballistix Trophy Difficulty: Medium-Hard Gem Difficulty: Hard Crystal Difficulty: Very Hard TROPHY: ------- This is definitely the hardest Trophy to date, and probably the hardest one in the whole game. The engines will often fail and the balls will be tilted at certain sides of the area. You must be VERY careful to defend your goal, and try to get the left and right players. They are very hard to defeat. Good luck! GEM: ---- Another handicap, 9-15-15-15. This is going to be a very hard one and I really don't have a strategy. Guard your goal well and don't let the light give you any trouble of any sort! You are going to have trouble here. CRYSTAL: -------- This might be the hardest Crystal in the game. There are two kinds of kicks that your opponents can do. If they do the red kick, the balls will turn red. Let these down your goal. If they touch you, you will be exploded immediately. What you have to do is get at the balls very quickly and carefully! If the red balls come, go to the other side immediately! Trust me, this is really hard. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17. Manic Panic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Polar Push Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Hard Crystal Difficulty: Medium TROPHY: ------- There are bombs in this level! We don't have that wretched Uka Uka here and we have bombs to take opponents off their bears. Without their bears, their push is pathetic. Try to use bombs on Tiny or Kong if they're in here, and push everyone else off with no problem! An enjoyable stage. GEM: ---- This could be insanely difficulty because we only have 30 seconds to finish off everyone. I hope you can get the lightning, otherwise this is almost impossible. If you can get everyone off their bears in one shot and have a lot of luck, you may be able to win, but don't expect it... CRYSTAL: -------- We have to win without our bear. This may sound impossible, but it's really that hard. Unless you get the lightning, don't try to push anyone off. Instead, get the bombs and fire them at your opponents to get them off their bears and we could have some competition. The weights and lightning are the way to go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 18. Pogo Padlock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Pogo Pandemonium Trophy Difficulty: Medium Gem Difficulty: Medium Crystal Difficulty: Very Hard TROPHY: ------- Another rather difficult one. There are some additions here. In this level, we don't get the square that the box is on. This is a real bummer! Also, if you step on your own square all of yours will be destroyed. And there are padlocks here. Then you, nor anyone else, can steal your squares without a missile. Ah yes, that reminds me. If you are hit by a missile, the one who hits you with it gets all of your squares. Be careful here not to get hit by missiles or to step on your own squares! You may want to avoid the speed shoes. GEM: ---- We have to score 120 points before they can get 90. Oh well, try to hit someone with a missile and get the squares. Padlock your squares well and steal every square you can, and this shouldn't be altogether difficult. CRYSTAL: -------- This is VERY HARD! You cannot get points the normal way by stepping on squares. You have to shoot your opponents' squares to steal them for your collection of them. This will make the level almost impossible! Only if you are very skilled at shooting missiles do you even have hope. Shoot for the one with the most carefully, and then get the box without stepping on your squares! GOOD LUCK! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19. Drain Bash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Crate Crush Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Hard Crystal Difficulty: Easy TROPHY: ------- This is a very interesting bash level. There are no NITRO's here for some reason, which really pesters me, but the interesting part is the weapons! From boxes, you randomly get one of three weapons. You can fire the shockwave once. This will get boxes away from you and hurt anyone whom you touch. You can fire the missiles twice. These shoot in eight directions and hurt a lot. You can fire the energy balls thrice. These aim for the closest player. They are actually pretty easy to avoid and aren't as good as you might think... anyway, just use them to your advantage and play the game normally. GEM: ---- A very hard Gem here. We have only 30 seconds to kill everyone, and they are all so powerful! Hope to get weapons and fire them at them, and be very careful to avoid enemy attack! This will be very hard to collect, so be careful. CRYSTAL: -------- This is the easiest Crystal in quite a while; the only distraction that you'll have in this level is the fact that you cannot open crates normally. You have to throw them ahead of you. This is so easy it's almost funny. Just get a shockwave or energy ball, and you will kill everyone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20. Jungle Fox ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Tank Wars Trophy Difficulty: Medium Gem Difficulty: Very Hard Crystal Difficulty: Hard TROPHY: ------- This is the hardest Tank Wars level yet. You will see a stone idol in the middle of this level. Once you are halfway done with the level firing, the top half will jump down and attack. That's your weapon! Another 15 seconds in, it will jump to the lower-right and do some more damage. They will run around counter-clockwise and smash. Also, mines just explode right around them, so they're a waste of time. There are missiles here as well, so shoot with them for MAJOR damage! Try to use the idol as a shield in the first half of this fight, then get in and attack, while avoiding the idol. GEM: ---- 30 seconds to do this? Give me a break! Honestly, this is one of the hardest Gems in the entire game, and you're going to need every bit of Tank Wars skill you've acquired to win this. Be careful and shield yourself with the idol, and go ahead and shoot with missiles if you can by anyway get them! This will be very difficult, I warn ye. CRYSTAL: -------- The idol, instead of jumping at us, will just fire at us. Actually, this could be very helpful, despite the fact that the enemies will surround you and kill you. If the bombs are close enough to them, they will hit them and do tons of damage! Be careful not to be surrounded and just attack and you should win with enough effort. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 21. Toxic Dash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Crash Dash Trophy Difficulty: Easy-Medium Gem Difficulty: Medium-Hard Crystal Difficulty: Medium TROPHY: ------- There are lots of barrels as obstacles around here, and in the middle, a giant slime creature can appear and let little slime creatures attack you and get in your way. They're very deadly, so avoid the barrels and do your laps normally with the Wumpa Fruit, and you won't have any problems. GEM: ---- We have 75 seconds to complete 10 laps before anyone can complete 8. Just knock everyone in the slime with your Wumpa Fruit charges and do it as well as you can, and this should be a cakewalk if you're careful. CRYSTAL: -------- If you fall into the slime, the slime will get in the engine and will really slow you down. I don't like this one bit, so stay clear of the opponents like you did in Dot Dash while being very careful, and this should prove no problem in the least. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 22. Ring Ding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Medieval Mayhem Trophy Difficulty: Easy Gem Difficulty: Easy Crystal Difficulty: Medium-Hard TROPHY: ------- This is a pretty complex level. You are forced to collect balloons of your color; if you get other colored balloons they will stun you for two seconds. For black balloons, they will either change the direction of the ring, pop all of the balloons, or change all of the balloons to your color. You should only move in the direction the ring is turning, otherwise it will be very slow. From boxes, you get shoes that speed you up and let you walk on either side of the ring, or the vacuum cleaner. These will make balloons fly to you and get you tons of points! This will be a very fun level, just try to avoid your opponents doing stuff and get all of the black balloons! GEM: ---- 30 for you, 25 for everyone else, very simple. Get the vacuums as often as possible for the highest chance for your success, and try to get the black balloons a lot. Don't hesitate for one second to do stuff and pay attention to the direction the ring is moving in! CRYSTAL: -------- In this challenge, you can just touch one of your opponents' balloons and they will immediately kill you. This is intolerable for me! Vacuums are more common here, so try to get black balloons and vacuum cleaners, then just wait until you have a score so high that no one will beat it, and you'll win quickly. Take risks and make sacrifices in this challenge! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: N. Oxide ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level: Oxide Ride Type: Ballistix Difficulty: Hard Oh damn, the final boss is based off of the most tedious, time-consuming and my hands-down least favorite game. Well, only the second part of this level anyway. At this level's beginning, you have to chase Oxide in a ship. I don't really have much to say here. Your plane is automatically driven, you just have to avoid the mines and everything else that can be found around here. Trust me: your ship's health is very important, so get around everything that is found in this level. Soon, you'll reach a blue vortex and you and Oxide will be in a small arena. It's a Ballistix arena. You've probably taken immense damage from that fight back there, so just let balls roll down your goal and kill yourself automatically. At first, Oxide will seem simply impossible to defeat. But there's a little mystery here. The more you lose, the weaker Oxide seems to get. Seriously, I once began this challenge and then four straight balls went in Oxide's goal. Hehe. Unfortunately, there are those SUPER-DUPER GOD-AWFUL, ULTIMATELY ANNOYING red balls that were found in Sky Balls. Avoid these at all costs. Oxide will start letting several balls in and he'll be destroying himself in short time. Just defend yourself very well and don't let around 10 balls in or so, and you'll emerge victorious. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- WARP ROOM 5: +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 23. Splash Dash ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Crash Dash Trophy Difficulty: Medium Gem Difficulty: Hard Crystal Difficulty: Medium-Hard TROPHY: ------- We can jump in this level with the X button and we are underwater riding sea animals. Avoid those pipes that stick out at all costs and this shouldn't be too hard. Wumpa Fruit is VERY valuable in this level, believe me! GEM: ---- This is just the regular, win 10 laps while everyone else needs 8. It's very hard here as the opponents can push you off easily and you will need to avoid the pipes a lot and they have a tendency to appear right when you cross that area and are hard to jump over. Watch out here and take risks... CRYSTAL: -------- In this level, the pipes are really hectic. They're really hard to dodge and jumping over several of them is a total nightmare. The Wumpa Fruit and avoiding your opponents is the only way for a victory. Be very fast here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 24. Dragon Drop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Type: Medieval Mayhem
Trophy Difficulty: Medium
Gem Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Crystal Difficulty: Very Hard

This level is fun. You are on a dragon and must shoot gems at the moving target
at the far side. The farther away you are from it, the more points you will
gain. I almost always stay at the 5 mark, where I can get lots of stuff!
Halfway through, a blue gem will appear to make things easier, so just steal
gems and shoot them and you'll do this fine!

We have to score 20 before anyone else scores 15. It's very easy, simply get a
gem by letting the player above you get it and then charge into him and go to
the 5 area and shoot. Shoot gem after gem at that area and you'll win in four

Another ridiculously difficult Crystal. What you have to do is shoot only at
the area that flashes. This will be EXTREMELY hard and it almost NEVER gets to
5. You will have to take several attempts at this if you wish to complete it,
so be very careful and steal gems like mad and shoot perfectly!

25. Mallet Mash

Type: Medieval Mayhem
Trophy Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Gem Difficulty: Medium
Crystal Difficulty: Easy

You have to mash mushrooms to get points. For the regular mushrooms, have them
normal for 2 points, shaking for 3 points, and violently shaking for 5 points!
For golden mushrooms, have the normal for 10 points, shaking for 15 points, and
violently shaking for a whooping 20 points! Shockwaves and shoes are extremely
useful here, and try with all your might to get the golden mushrooms! This
should be no problem.

80 before anyone else gets 60. This might be a rather difficult level as your
opponents tend to get the goldne mushrooms instead of yourself. Try with all
your might to get shoes and the golden mushroom, and you'll win.

Very simple Crystal! Your only problem is the icy and slipy ground... other
than that, just do the normal tactics and you'll win this with no problems.

26. Swamp Fox

Type: Tank Wars
Trophy Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Gem Difficulty: Hard
Crystal Difficulty: Hard

This is a case of Tank Wars trouble. This is in the water, and you have to
accelerate with the R1 button and mines are much different from mines before as
you drop them in the water and the one they hit takes a whole lot of damage and
there is absolutely no Wumpa Fruit in this level at all, not to mention there
are no extra weapons so this level is going to be a real good toughie, but
there's a very nice extra addition as you can press X while someone is firing
at you to shield yourself, an extremely useful addition. (That was a long
sentence.) Try to drop mines often and shoot like crazy and you'll win.

Only 40 seconds to finish them off... this isn't impossible but it's still a
VERY hard Gem! Stay away from everyone and be sure to shield yourself or run
away! You're going to have trouble here, so be quite cautious.

There's a torpedo in the water. If it hits you, you're out. It doesn't affect
anyone else and it takes up a huge amount of space in the water, making a huge
annoyance. Try to move around a lot while shielded yourself properly to do this
very difficult Crystal, and good luck!

27. Keg Kaboom

Type: Medieval Mayhem
Trophy Difficulty: Easy
Gem Difficulty: Easy
Crystal Difficulty: Medium

Ah, my very favorite Medieval Mayhem level! Everyone carries barrels and must
use fire to destroy kegs and earn points. Standard barrels get you 2, 4, 6, 8,
or 10 points, silver barrels get you 10 points, and golden barrels get you a
whooping 50 points! Points will definitely go up in the 100's in this level,
but you must walk slowly and set your barrel on fire to destroy them. The two
fire creatures walking around here are your source of fire.

Score 130 before anyone else scores 120, big deal. This should be an extremely
easy level and you should have no reason to fear this Gem in the least. You can
win in an instant.

At the top of the castle, there is a bomb that will attack you, and if it hits
you, it will instantly kill you. A very nasty creature. Avoid this creature at
all costs, while being sure to get the kegs destroyed. Not too hard.

28. Dante's Dash

Type: Crash Dash
Trophy Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Gem Difficulty: Hard
Crystal Difficulty: Hard

Another great level. This level is similar to Toxic Dash; there are lava rocks
that will appear from the lava down there, in which you should avoid. Other
than that there is really no difference from what we knew before from Dot Dash.

We have 60 seconds (1 minute) to do 10 laps before anyone else does 8. This is
getting very tedious, but get the Wumpa Fruit and master the controls perfectly
to complete the laps very well.

The pterodactyl in the air, known as Dante, will go for you and attack you from
the sky. You must deal with avoiding his attacks while doing the normal stuff.
Be very careful and push everyone off. Avoid Dante's attacks by all means.


                            =-+-= VII. Bosses =-+-=


Here is a complete strategy to all the bosses in the whole game.


BOSS: Papu Papu

Level: Papu Pummel
Type: Crate Crush
Difficulty: Easy

Papu Papu is an extremely easy boss to beat, obviously the easiest in the game.
He will smack the floor at the start of the fight and send flames at you, then
he'll summon fake Crash clones. One hit will do them in, so don't bother with
crates; just kick them. After all of the Crash clones are dead, Papu Papu's
flame shield will go down and he'll laugh at you. While he's laughing at you,
throw him a steel crate! You must repeat this process three times, but on your
second turn, he'll shoot two flames at you, and two pairs of Crash clones at
you, and the same goes with his third turn except he'll shoot three flames at
you and three pairs of Crash clones. After you've thrown three crates at him, a
rock will fall from above and crush him, giving you instant victory.

BOSS: Bearminator

Level: Bearminator
Type: Polar Push
Difficulty: Medium

The Bearminator is one tricky polar bear. You'll see him in his tank in the
water. At the start of the level, he'll throw a mechanical polar bear at you.
It will be totally frozen for a few seconds and you'll see he's ready to throw
missiles at you. When he shoots them, dodge them as they're very dangerous.
They will freeze you if they hit you and then the bear will push you off.
Simply push him off, but be careful! He can push too, and he pushes well.

Plus, sometimes if you aren't careful, you'll push him off and the platform
will tilt and you're dead. Very nasty. After the polar bear is dead, a missile
will drop. Go to it but DON'T FIRE IT AT THE BEARMINATOR'S TANK! DO NOT! If you
do, you'll waste a turn and have to go through the polar bear again. Hit the
Bearminator himself. After that, he'll fire his cannon at the upper-left part
of the platform, and then he'll sic two polar bears on you. Avoid their
missiles, then be careful. They can assist each other in pushing you off and
they're pretty heavy and can push you off.

That's why Tiny is good here, despite the fact he's pretty clumsy. After
killing both bears, shoot another missile at the Bearminator and he'll throw
another cannonball at the platform. Then we have to go through three bears.
Sometimes, if you land where the bears are going to be thrown, they fall off
immediately! So it's just the same old stuff after you avoid their missiles,
push them off, and fire at the Bearminator to kill him...

BOSS: Komodo Moe & Joe

Level: Big Bad Fox
Type: Tank Wars
Difficulty: Medium

This can be a very tricky level if you're not careful. At the start of this
level, the two Komodo brothers Moe and Joe will run into their big tank, and we
initiate combat with it. The three guns at the bottom are the areas to hit.
They throw the Tiny/Kong type of shot at you, so they're very easy to avoid.
Simply get your bombs on the guns and hit each one twice. Mines can also be
useful here as well. After that is done, quickly place a mine there.

Now back off and we're faced with four lasers. All of them will shoot out the
Cortex/Brio type of shot to you, so this is where they will get SUPER annoying.
Avoid these laser blasts at all costs, and shoot them like the devil! You can
also hit two at the same time, try to do so. After eight heavy blows on them,
they'll go down and we're faced with two missile launchers. Try to get the
Wumpa Fruit here to increase your health just to be safe because if their
missiles hit you, they'll take about 3/4 of your maximum health away.

There's only two of them, so fire your bombs at them and use the mountains as
shields. Try to make them hit the mountains and destroy them: it'll help for a
later part of this level. After destroying both of them, the machine will go
down and Komodo brothers Moe and Joe will come out in their own seperate tanks.

These two bad boys fire the Cortex/Brio type of fire at you, so they'll get
extremely annoying. Fortunately, we have missiles to fire with! Try to be agile
and avoid them while doing a good job in yourself, and you'll do fine. They
could prove quite a challenge though, so be on your toes.

BOSS: N. Oxide

Level: Oxide Ride
Type: Ballistix
Difficulty: Hard

Oh damn, the final boss is based off of the most tedious, time-consuming and my
hands-down least favorite game. Well, only the second part of this level
anyway. At this level's beginning, you have to chase Oxide in a ship. I don't
really have much to say here. Your plane is automatically driven, you just have
to avoid the mines and everything else that can be found around here. Trust me:
your ship's health is very important, so get around everything that is found in
this level.

Soon, you'll reach a blue vortex and you and Oxide will be in a small arena.
It's a Ballistix arena. You've probably taken immense damage from that fight
back there, so just let balls roll down your goal and kill yourself
automatically. At first, Oxide will seem simply impossible to defeat. But
there's a little mystery here. The more you lose, the weaker Oxide seems to
get. Seriously, I once began this challenge and then four straight balls went
in Oxide's goal. Hehe.

red balls that were found in Sky Balls. Avoid these at all costs. Oxide will
start letting several balls in and he'll be destroying himself in short time.
Just defend yourself very well and don't let around 10 balls in or so, and
you'll emerge victorious.



                           =-+-= VIII. Review =-+-=


Just some short information on my overall opinion of Crash Bash, in general:

Character Designs: 9/10
Area Designs: 10/10
Item Designs: 9/10
Graphics Overall: 10/10

Music: 10/10
Sound: 9/10
Music/Sound Overall: 10/10

Story: 9/10
Good Ending: 9/10
Bad Ending: 8/10
Story Overall: 9/10

Control: 8/10
Fun: 8/10
Games: 8/10
Difference: 6/10
Replay Value: 6/10
Challenge: 6/10 (not in the difficulty)
Gameplay Overall: 6/10

Game Overall: 8/10


+The game has great graphics.
+The game's music is impressive.
+The sound is pretty good.
+I like the story.
+Both endings are fairly nice.
+The game is tons of fun as multiplayer.


-The controls could have been better.
-The game is very repetitive.

Overall, I give the game an 8/10.

Yeah, I do think that the game deserves a 9/10, but the fact that the game is
too hard and the controls aren't as great as they could be, and the game is
really repetitive, but I didn't let this ruin the game for me! The graphics are
very good, with the same character designs that were featured in the previous
few games, and the areas are really breathtaking, and the items like Wumpa
Fruit and crates look really good, although kind of old from the original
games. The music is very good! Sure, sometimes it repeats itself, but only the
very best ones do so.

The sound isn't as good, thanks to that polar bear and the Pogo games having no
real sound, but that's a very small flaw in it. The story of good against evil
is back again, here to make an exciting party game, and both endings are really
nice, although the good one is better than the bad one. The control drops a
little though, as it could be better in a few areas. The fun factor is high,
but the fact the game is so repetitive lowers it a little, not to mention the
challenge. The games are, as before, repetitive, to drop it a little and the
Ballistix games really suck.

There is very little difference when you go to the 3rd floor or so, as the
games will really repeat each other. The replay value is kind of low, as you
sort of get tired of the games once you play them so many times. The challenge
is so impossibly high that it really shrinks down. I doubt anyone on Earth has
been able to get all of the Gems, Crystals, and Relics. The game overall is
good, but could have been a little better. Still, the game is very solid, and
is definitely worth a good purchase. May we see more Crash games in the distant


                              =-+-= IX. Credits =-+-=


Gbness: For writing this FAQ. Plus, he's cool and writes awesome stuff, and he
happens to be smart at the same time. Rock on Gbness, you are some of the
awesome stuff. Let's be humble, though.

CJayC: For posting this FAQ. He also wins my respect for owning such a
wonderful web site, as well as managing the boards and stuff. Thanks a lot,

Stephen Ng: For also hosting this FAQ, on IGN FAQs, the other site that I write
game guides for. IGN's a great site, full of awesome stuff. There's a reason
it's one of the sites I write for.

All the guys who first got me started writing from GameFAQs and all of my best
friends like SinirothX, Psycho Penguin, Meowthnum1, CVXFREAK, Karpah,
Crazyreyn, Gobicamel, asa2377 (OH EM GEE YOU TROLL), Warhawk, Cyril,
supernova54321, Minesweeper, AlaskaFox, me frog, RHarrison, masterzero99, Tom
Hayes, wayalla, djg40, MTincher, BurningFox, AquaBlast, and definitely more
that I'm forgetting: you are some of the best friends that anyone can have, and
I may have quit FAQing/left FCB forever without all of you. Thank you for
everything and for motivating me to get my ass in gear.