****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ** ** ** ***** ****** *** ****** ******* ****** * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ***** ****** * * * ***** ****** **** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * ******* * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ***** * *** ****** ******* * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** ** ** Comic Book FAQ Version 1.0 ** ** Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione (dinobotmaximized) ** ** Email: dinobotmaximized (at) yahoo (dot) com ** ** ** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Sections I. Introduction II. Version History III. Comic Books 1-8 IV. Comic Books 9-16 V. Comic Books 17-24 VI. Comic Books 25-32 VII. Credits VIII. Legal ****************************************************************************** I. Introduction ************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** This FAQ will cover every Comic Book found in Spider-man for the Sony Playstation. There are a total of 32 to be collected throughout the game. The comics are listed in the order in which they can be found, from first to last when playing the game from beginning to end. ****************************************************************************** II. Version History ********************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1.0 - June 09, 2005 ****************************************************************************** III. Comic Books 1-8 ********************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Comic Book #1: Amazing Spider-man #1 Level: Bank Approach Location: On top of four freedoms plaza. In-game description: "This issue features the first appearance of J. Jonah Jameson, The Daily Bugle, The Chameleon, and John Jameson who later became the manwolf! In this issue Spider-man tries to join the Fantastic Four!" Comic Book #2: Amazing Spider-man #200 Level: Hostage Situation Location: Under a chair in one of the cubicles. In-game description: "Double-sized issue! Mysterio fakes Aunt May's death, the truth behind Uncle Ben's murder is revealed, and Peter faces the burglar without his powers! The burglar, who kills Parker's Uncle Ben, dies fighting Spider-man in this issue!" Comic Book #3: Spider-man #1: The Death of Captain Stacy Level: Stop the Bomb! Location: After freeing the hostages near the bomb, backtrack to the previous room. In-game description: "This issue tells the story of the death of Captain Stacy at the hands of Doc Ock. Captain Stacy was the father of Gwen Stacy, Spider-man's first love. Gwen was killed by the Green Goblin back in issue #121 and #122 of The Amazing Spider-man!" Comic Book #4: Amazing Spider-man #25 Level: Race to the Bugle Location: Keep on eye out for a building with a ledge right in front of you and one to the right, look on the right ledge. In-game description: "The issue marks the first cameo appearance of Mary Jane Watson! Aunt May attempts to set Parker up on a blind date with the niece of her friend, Anna Watson. Peter is already dating somebody. Although MJ is shown only briefly, it's enough to make Peter's current girl feel very uneasy." Comic Book #5: Amazing Spider-man #20 Level: Spidey vs. Scorpion Location: Destroy all the plants, desks, chairs, and lights in the first room to make the comic appear. In-game description: "First appearance and origin of Max Gargan as The Scorpion! In an effort to rid the world of the "evil" of Spider-man, J. Jonah Jameson pays Gargan to undergo an experiment that will give him the attributes of a scorpion! As a side-effect of the mutation, Gargan's sanity steadily erodes, transforming him into an evil psychopath with a hatred for Jameson and Spider-man!" Comic Book #6: Amazing Spider-man #16 Level: Police Chopper Chase Location: There's a roof where 2 Policemen come out of a door, the comic is on the right side of that roof. In-game description: "First Daredevil appearance in Spider-man! As a teenager, Matt Murdock was struck in the eyes by material from a radioactive canister while saving an old man from being hit by a truck! Blinded by the incident, Murdock found that his senses had been magnified to superhuman levels and that he had acquired a "radar" sense, more accurate than human sight!" Comic Book #7: Amazing Spider-man #39 Level: Building Top Chase Location: Inside of the first crane you come across, enter through the top. In-game description: "The Goblin has managed to trap and unmask Spider-man. Thinking he has his foe defeated, Goblin then reveals himself as Norman Osborne, head of Osborne Chemicals. Spidey is able to break free, and in the ensuing battle, the Green Goblin is caught in an electro-chemical explosion! As a result, Osborne suffers partial amnesia and Spidey's secret identity is safe once more!" Comic Book #8: Amazing Spider-man #400 Level: Scale the Girders Location: When the level begins, drop to the ledge and run to the left side to find comic book #8. In-game description: "The death of Aunt May! After 400 issues and 30 years of watching out for peter, Aunt May passes on. After suffering a heart attack, Aunt May slips into a coma. For a brief time she awakens, and in that time she reveals to Peter that she has known for some time that he is Spider-man. A few hours later, Aunt May passes away!" ****************************************************************************** IV. Comic Books 9-16 ********************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Comic Book #9: Amazing Spider-man #14 Level: Police Evaded Location: When you come across a roof where the glass gets shot out, go down, walk over to the top window cover and press the square button to reveal the comic. In-game description: "First appearance of Green Goblin! Norman Osborne, head of Osborne Chemicals, is the man behind the mask of the pumpkin bombing Green Goblin! This issue also features appearances by the incredible Hulk and the Enforcers!" Comic Book #10: Amazing Spider-man #41 Level: Spidey vs. Rhino! Location: Destroy every barrel in this are to make the comic appear. In-game description: "First appearance and origin of the Rhino! The brute who wouldbecome the Rhino was a small time muscle man who worked for professional criminals. He was the subject of an experiment to develop a super human assassin. Through chemical radiation treatments, the Rhino was created!" Comic Book #11: Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-man #42 Level: Catch Venom Location: On the left of the building still under construction. In-game description: "Lured to the statue of liberty by a false message from the Human Torch, Spider-man is ambushed by the Frightful Four! The Sandmanm Electro, Wizard, and the Trapster all have a score to settle with Spidey, and when you're done, the Fantastic Four are next!" Comic Book #12: Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-man #76 Level: Catch Venom Location: The right side of the second building you swing to after losing control of Spidey as he chases Venom through a building. In-game description: "In this exciting issue a gang war erupts and Spider-man and Black Cat get caught between Doctor Octopus and the evil Owl! Black Cat is left nearly killed and Spider-man goes on to the final battle with Doctor Octopus!" Comic Book #13: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #8 Level: Spidey vs. Venom Location: Under the car. In-game description: "The first appearance of the symbiote Spidey costume! After a titanic clash with the collected super villains on battleworld, Spidey's costume is left in tatters! Spider-man uses alien technology to create a living costume. The costume later discovered to be a symbiote, a parasite member of an inter-galactically feared alien race!" Comic Book #14: The Spectacular Spider-man #229 Level: Sewer Entrance Location: Proceed until you reach the area with the pipes, then backtrack to the entrance to find this comic. In-game description: "As the "Maximum Clonage" story line draws to a close, Peter and his clone, The Scarlet-Spider, face a new Doctor Octopus while trying to find a cure for the radioactivity in the now pregnant Mary Jane's bloodstream! The Spiders win, but Peter now decides it is time to start his own family, and without Spider-man. Exit Peter Parker, and enter Ben Reilly, the Scarlet-spider!" Comic Book #15: Spider-man #1 (McFarlane - Silver) Level: Sewer Cavern Location: Behind the waterfall. In-game description: "Written and drawn by Todd McFarlane, with the reintroduction of Calypso, an evil witch that used Voodoo magic to fulfill her plans! this issue also marks the Lizard's return to comics. "Torment" was one of the more gritty, memorable Lizard related story's to be told." Comic Book #16: Peter Parker Spider-man #1 (reprint version B) Level: Sewage Plant Location: Take the first left and you'll find the comic at the end of the path. In-game description: "Dynamic forces exclusive cover! This issue features the first appearance of The Ranger! This issue shows Parker taking pictures of a jail break being foiled by Spider-man! Someone else has taken to wearing Spidey's costume, but isn't doing a very good job!" ****************************************************************************** V. Comic Books 17-24 ********************************************************* ****************************************************************************** Comic Book #17: Peter Parker Spider-man #1 (reprint version A) Level: Hidden Switches Location: It appears next to the third switch after pressing all four. In-game description: "Spider-man series re-launch! This issue features the first appearance of the Ranger! The issue shows Parker taking pictures of a jail break being foiled by Spider-man! Someone else has taken to wearing Spidey's costume, but isn't doing a very good job!" Comic Book #18: The Spectacular Spider-man #158 Level: Tunnel Crawl Location: It appears behind the second switch in the level after pressing it. In-game description: "Whenever humanity is threatened, the enigma force chooses a champion in which to grant the nearly limitless powers of Captain Universe! This time Spider-man is chosen, but an accident interrupts the transfer of power, leaving Spider-man with cosmic power, but none of the awareness of Captain Universe!" Comic Book #19: Amazing Spider-man #6 Level: The Lizard's Maze Location: It will appear after you speak to the Lizard. In-game description: "First appearance and the origin of the Lizard! Dr. Curt Connors is a scientist in the field of re-combatant genetics. Hoping to restore his missing arm, Doctor Connors develops a serum based in Lizard DNA, thinking that a Lizard's regenerative abilities will restore his lost arm. The experiment works, too well, and he is transformed into a mindless, rampaging lizard man!" Comic Book #20: Amazing Spider-man #42 Level: Symbiotes Infest Bugle Location: In the vent where the first hostage is being held. You can reach it after turning on the AC, the switch to activate it is behind the desk right next to the level starting point. In-game description: "With the addition of romance artist John Romita, the world gets its first full look at Mary Jane Watson! Aunt May and Anna Watson have been trying to set these two up for a while, and when Peter finally meets Mary Jane, she bursts onto the scene with the memorable line:"Face it, tiger, you just hit the jackpot!" Comic Book #21: Amazing Spider-man #100 Level: Elevator Descent Location: It's behind the left door at the bottom of the level. In-game description: "100th anniversary issue! In this issue Parker again decides to give up being Spider-man, and to that end concocts a potion that should strip him of his powers! He takes the potion, which ends up mutating him even further! Upon waking from a state of Delirium, Peter discovers that he has grown four new arms!" Comic Book #22: Amazing Spider-man #50 Level: Stop the Presses! Location: It's under a stack of newspaper rolls in the second printing press room. Lift the stack to find the comic. In-game description: "First appearance of Kingpin! People that he is trying to help are afraid of him, and Aunt May has been sick for some time. This pushes Peter Parker to give up being Spider-man, whose absence does not go unnoticed, particularly by a gang leader named Wilson Fisk, the world would later come to know him as the Kingpin of crime!" Comic Book #23: Amazing Spider-man #13 Level: Bugle's Basement Location: There are three pipes next to each other leaking steam. Shoot all three of them until they stop leaking. The furnace next to the pipes will break and reveal the comic. In-game description: "First appearance and origin of Mysterio! Quentin Beck, a special effects designer, grew tired of his backstage role! With the advice taken from a friend's joke, Beck decided to take out a new-costumed crime fighter! He decided to target the then fledgling Spider-man!" Comic Book #24: Amazing Spider-man #311 Level: Spidey vs. Mysterio! Location: It appears on the bottom level after destroying all of Mysterio's conduits. In-game description: "In a world turned suddenly upside down, Mysterio makes his presence known! This issue tied in with the "Inferno" story that took place in the pages of X-man, X-factor, New Mutants, and Excalibur, where the realm of Limbo was merging with Earth!" ****************************************************************************** VI. Comic Books 25-32 ******************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Comic Book #25: Amazing Spider-man #129 Level: Waterfront Warehouse Location: It's between a couple of crates in the room with the last two symbiote generators. In-game description: "First appearance of the Punisher, Jackal, and the mechanic! Frank Castle, better known as the Punisher, makes his first appearance as an assassin hired by the Jackal. The Punisher would go on to become a tough-as- nails vigilante known for fighting bad guys using their rules!" Comic Book #26: Amazing Spider-man #15 Level: Waterfront Warehouse Location: Behind a broken gate that can be pushed down at the very end of the level. In-game description: "First appearance of Kraven the Hunter! Kraven, one of the world's greatest hunters, gained powers by drinking rare and exotic jungle elixirs. These elixirs gave him the strength and speed of a savage beast! All the better to catch Spidey with!" Comic Book #27: Amazing Spider-man #2 Level: Underwater Trench Location: Behind the locked door underneath the very first door you go through. The switch which unlocks the door is in the room past the second gun turret area. In-game description: "First appearance of the Vulture! Peter Parker, in an attempt to make money to support himself and Aunt May, comes up with the idea to photograph his actions as Spider-man and sell them to the Daily Bugle, Jonah generally thinks Parker is in cahoots with Spider-man, getting the scoop on all the good fights for a percentage of the money he makes off the photos." Comic Book #28: Spider-man 2099 #1 Level: Stopping the Fog Location: It's in an Alcove under center of the starting area. In-game description: "First appearance! And origin of Spider-man 2099! Spider- man of the future, Miguel O'hara, wears the webs and battles against the corporations and disturbed citizens of 2099!" Comic Book #29: Amazing Spider-man #3 Level: Spidey vs. Doc Ock! Location: It appears for only a few seconds after Doctor Octopus' shield regenerates for the first time. In-game description: "First appearance and origin of Doctor Octopus! Dr. Otto Octavius, a scientist in the field of atomic research, crafts a harness consisting of four mechanical arms that allows him to work with radioactive materials from a safe distance. There is an accident, and Octavius survives, but his harness has become fused to him body... thus Doctor Octopus is born!" Comic Book #30: Amazing Spider-man #33 Level: Spidey vs. Carnage! Location: It will appear in the middle of the room for a short time. In-game description: "Spider-man faces the Master-planner (who is revealed to be Doctor Octopus) while Aunt May lies sick in the hospital! Spider-man must overcome Doctor Octopus in a massive underwater battle if he is to win the day!" Comic Book #31: Amazing Spider-man #252 Level: Spidey vs. Monster-Ock! Location: You'll come across it as you're running from Monster-ock. In-game description: "First appearance of the symbiote costume in Amazing Spider-man! Straight from Secret Wars, Spider-man returns with his alien costume! Little does he know that the suit is alive, and it has plans of its own!" Comic Book #32: Amazing Fantasy #15 Level: Spidey vs. Monster-Ock! Location: You'll come across it as you're running from Monster-ock. In-game description: "First appearance of Spider-man! Also, the first appearance of Aunt May, Flash Thompson, The Burglar, and the death of Uncle Ben! In this issue Spider-man learns what it means to be a hero, that "with great power there must also come... great responsibility... and so a legend is born!" ****************************************************************************** VII. Credits and Thanks ****************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to IGN for hosting this FAQ. Thank you to Neoseeker for hosting this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** VIII. Legal ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is Copyright 2005 Chris Castiglione. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. There are three sites authorized to host this FAQ, they are: GameFAQs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com