This FAQ written exclusively for GameFAQs ( ======================================================================== Disney's /\ T L /\ N T I S / \ / \ - - / \ - - THE LOST EMPIRE _______________________________________________________ | A FAQ/Walkthrough for Atlantis: TLE (Playstation) | | Written by Michael Yellott ( | | Final Version (6/29/02) | | Copyright 2002 | ------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================== I N D E X ======================================================================== 0 - U P D A T E S 1 - G A M E I N F O 1.1- Introduction 1.2- Game Controls 1.3- Items 1.4- Characters & Enemies 1.5- Codes and Secrets 2 - W A L K T H R O U G H 2.1- Whitmore's Mansion 2.2- Ulysses 2.3- Leviathan Attack 2.4- Cove 2.5- Ice Trial 2.6- Fire Trial 2.7- Truck Escape 2.8- Outer Atlantis 2.9- Inner Atlantis 2.10- Secret Swim 2.11- Treachery 2.12- Aktirak Flight 2.13- Save Kida 3 - C R E D I T S ======================================================================== 0 - U P D A T E S ======================================================================== __________________________ | 06/17/02 - Version 0.1 | -------------------------- -First version of the FAQ/Walkthrough -Sections 1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.13, and Section 3 added -Sections 1.3 and 2.8-2.13 not complete __________________________ | 06/24/02 - Version 1.0 | -------------------------- -Walkthrough completed -Sections 2.8-2.13 completed -Section 1.3 not complete __________________________ | 06/29/02 - Final Version | -------------------------- -Section 1.3 completed -Fixed mistake in the walkthrough -Fixed spelling errors -No further updates after this ======================================================================== 1 - G A M E I N F O ======================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.1- Introduction ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE ATLANTIS EXPEDITION ----------------------- Bizarre occurrences, mysterious architecture, and sightings of gigantic mythical beasts have intrigued mankind for centuries; Who really created Stonehenge or the Pyramids, structures built centuries before any machines capable of such a feat? What about sightings of the huge monster of Loch Ness or the Abominable Snowman? Ancient mariners swore that Sea Nymphs could wretch a ship by singing. Some say that the one who discovers the answers to these riddles will have found Atlantis. Atlantis was the mythical empire that sunk into the North Atlantic Ocean 11,000 years ago, taking an incredibly advanced civilization with it. The Greek philosopher, Plato, was the first to mention Atlantis around 360 B.C. and great minds have searched for evidence of the lost empire ever since. Linguist Milo Thatch has no doubt that this great kingdom once ruled the world. He sees proof everywhere. Milo's grandfather inspired his grandson with stories of Atlantis and mystical crystals of incredible power. He was positive that the great sunken empire existed. What he wanted to prove was that Atlantean culture still exists today, right now, deep within the Earth. The old man died before he could prove his theory, and suffered the sneers and disbelief among his colleagues. Milo is driven to prove his grandfather right. Centuries ago, a book was written in a strange language was discovered. Named the Shepherd's Journal, it is the personal account of a man called Aziz who discovered Atlantis at the bottom of a deep chasm. Some believe the journal is the ranting of a madman. But to Milo, each piece of the journal he deciphers, reveals more of the mysterious truth. A team of experts is about to join Milo to embark on a submarine expedition to the realm of Atlantis. Will they discover the mythical empire and return heroically with the proof that has eluded adventurers for millennium? Or will they disappear under the vast North Atlantic forever, adding a few new lines to this ageless myth. Journey into the deepest seas, battle the cold ferocity of nature, and outwit treacherous souls. You must have the brain of a scientist and the heart of a warrior to survive. Earth's greatest mysteries are about to become crystal clear. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2- Game Controls ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ______________________________________________ | X Button- | Jump | | | Let go/Drop | |----------------------------------------------| | X Button + Directional | Swim | | button- | Climb | | | Select menu items | |----------------------------------------------| | O Button- | Dive when in water | | | Fire/Throw weapon | |----------------------------------------------| | SQUARE Button- | Punch | |----------------------------------------------| | L1 Button- | Duck | |----------------------------------------------| | Directional button- | Steer vehicles | | | Push/Pull objects | | | Select/Equip items | |----------------------------------------------| | R1 + Directional | Look/Aim | | button- | | |----------------------------------------------| | SELECT Button- | Open Backpack | ---------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3- Items ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The items listed here are found according to the order you encounter them in the game. A list of all common items that are found throughout the game can be found at the end of this section. Atlantean Compass ----------------- This item is acquired in Level 1 and may be used by any character. It tells the direction you are facing; however, it isn't much use in this walkthrough because I never make mention to those trivial, yet helpful direction labels like "south" and "north." Live and learn, I guess ;) It can be upgraded with certain color crystals like the Atlantean Boomerang. I never once used this feature but you can mess around with it if you like. A chart below tells what color crystals will affect the compass. ____________________________________________ | Crystal Color | Effect | Duration | |--------------------------------------------| | Blue | Tracks chests | 99 sec | | Orange | Tracks crystals | 99 sec | | Purple | Tracks secrets | 99 sec | --------------------------------------------- Whitmore's Portfolios --------------------- This item is acquired in Level 1 in the boiler room and is only used to give back to Whitmore to continue with your tutorial of the game of how to use items. End of a Broken Key ------------------- This item is acquired in Level 1 in the desk down in the boiler room and must be combined with the "Handle of a Broken Key" that Whitmore gives you after you give him the portfolios. Handle of a Broken Key ---------------------- Given to you by Whitmore in Level 1 and must be combined with "End of a Broken Key" that is found in a desk in the boiler room. Old Key ------- Acquired when you combine "End of a Broken Key" and "Handle of a Broken Key" in Level 1. It is used to enter the fish tank room where you acquire the Atlantean Boomerang. Atlantean Boomerang ------------------- This item is also acquired in Level 1 in the giant fish tank. It is the primary weapon of Milo and can be upgraded using certain color crystals that are found throughout the entire game. To use a crystal on the boomerang you must combine the two. Combining an already upgraded boomerang will not have a greater effect than if it wasn't upgraded. A chart below tells what color crystals will affect the boomerang. _____________________________________________ | Crystal Color | Effect | # of Uses | |---------------------------------------------| | Blue | Long Range | 10 | | Orange | Lightning Storm | 1 | | Purple | High Power | 10 | --------------------------------------------- Flare Gun --------- This item is always in Audrey's inventory and is her primary weapon. It can be used to solve certain puzzles that require light from the flare to find the path or to hit certain objects that do not respond to weaker weapons such as the boomerang. Grenades -------- This item is always in Vinny's inventory and is his primary weapon. If it hits an enemy it will explode on contact or if it lands on the ground it will explode after a short time and hurt any enemies near it. Fire Extinguisher ----------------- This item is acquired in Level 2 by one of the malfunctioning gun turrets. It is used to put out a fire that is blocking your way to the escape vessel. Door Handle ----------- This item is acquired in Level 2 by the spinning turbines underwater. It is used to open a door that has no handle (duh!). The Main Cavern Key ------------------- This item is acquired in Level 5 by breaking a box open. It is used to unlock the first door you encounter in this level. Handful of Rocks ---------------- This item is always in Moliere's inventory and is his primary weapon. It is the strongest out of all of the characters' weapons; however, it is also the slowest. Ice Crystal ----------- This item is acquired in Level 5 by breaking a box next to a lever. It is used back in Level 4 in a statue that opens a door once the Fire Crystal is also placed in a statue. Lava Crystal ------------ This item is acquired in Level 6 in two separate places. Both of them are required in order to unlock a door by placing them in a wall. Fire Crystal ------------ This item is acquired in Level 6 behind a giant statue of a face. It is used back in Level 4 in a statue that opens a door once the Ice Crystal is also placed in a statue. Old Cog ------- This item is acquired in Level 4 after you place both the Ice Crystal and Fire Crystal in the statues to open the door. It is used to fix the Digger machine to proceed to Level 7. Atlantean Bolt Staff -------------------- This item is always in Kida's inventory and is her primary weapon. It can also be combined with certain colored crystals to upgrade the bolts that the weapon shoots. Below is a chart of the crystals and their effects. _____________________________________________ | Crystal Color | Effect | # of Uses | |---------------------------------------------| | Blue | Homing | 10 | | Orange | Firestorm | 1 | | Purple | Power | 10 | --------------------------------------------- The Marketplace Key ------------------- This item is acquired in Level 9 and is used to unlock the door where you first encounter the Atlantean Police. Piece of Mosaic --------------- These are found multiple times, first in Level 9 and then in Level 11 you will find 3 more. They are used to restore mosaics that will either unlock a door or open the exit to the level. Old Hook -------- This item is acquired in Level 10 and is used as a missing chain link to raise a chest that contains The Atlantean Key. The Atlantean Key ----------------- This item is acquired in Level 10 by breaking open the chest that appears after combining the Old Hook with the broken chain. It is used on the large keyhole in another room to raise a giant block from your path. The Secret Key -------------- This item is acquired in Level 10 by having the lava-spitting statue break open a pot to reveal the key. It is used to unlock a door later on in the level. Empty Vase ---------- This item is acquired in Level 10 and is used to collect the golden water to place in one of the 3 pools to open the exit. Vase of Water ------------- The Empty Vase turns into this item after you use it with the pool of golden water to transport back to the other 3 pools. Skeleton Key ------------ Given to you by the Atlantean King in Level 11. It is used on the first door you encounter guarded by Stone Sentinels. Common Items ------------ Each of these items can be found throughout any level and regenerate each time you revisit the level. Can of Food- Restores 10 health, can only carry 10 at a time Antivenin- Cures character of poison, can only carry 10 at a time First Aid Kit- Restores 20 health, can only carry 10 at a time Golden Heart- One found in every level, gives an extra life Clear Crystals- Collect 15 to receive an extra life, chart of number in each level found below. ____________________________________ | Level | # of Crystals | |------------------------------------| | Whitmore's Mansion | 0 | | Ulysses | 0 | | Leviathan Attack | 0 | | Cove | 16 | | Ice Trial | 44 | | Fire Trial | 39 | | Truck Escape | 0 | | Outer Atlantis | 52 | | Inner Atlantis | 40 | | Secret Swim | 70 | | Treachery | 33 | | Aktirak Flight | 0 | | Save Kida | 0 | ------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4- Characters & Enemies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This list is comprised of everything in the Model Viewer, see the "Codes and Secrets" section (1.5) for information to unlock it. The personnel files for some of the main characters are taken directly from the game for more info. The summaries are my own comments. ___________________ / Milo James Thatch \ |-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Height: | 5'8" \ | Weight: | 145 lbs | | Age: | 32 | | Birthplace: | Fishkill, | | | NY, USA | | Job: | Linguist & Cartographer | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bio: Friendly and eager; academic, curious. Believes in himself and | | aspires to stand among the greatest explorers in history. As | | company linguist, only he can decipher the cryptic language of | | The Shepherd's Journal. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the 5 main players in the game and the only one who you have constant access to. Milo's main weapon is the Atlantean Boomerang which can be upgraded by combining colored crystals in it. See the Items section (1.3) for more details. His special abilities include pushing/pulling heavy objects (Vinny can also do this) and climbing certain surfaces. __________________________ / Commander Lyle T. Rourke \ |-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Height: | 6'4" \ | Weight: | 250 lbs | | Age: | 54 | | Birthplace: | Beaumont, | | | TX, USA | | Job: | Pragmatic mercenary | | | commander of the expedition | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bio: Makes his own rules. Tough and focused, he's a seasoned leader | | who's helmed numerous expeditions. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- The commander of the expedition to Atlantis, you only see him in Level 2 - "Ulysses" and in Level 13 - "Save Kida" as the last boss. ________________ / Helga Sinclair \ |-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Height: | 5'10" \ | Weight: | 127 lbs | | Age: | 30 | | Birthplace: | Frankfurt, | | | Germany | | Job: | Second in command | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bio: She's beautiful, mysterious and tough. She plays for keeps and | | likes high stakes. Commands everyone's full attention with her | | austere beauty and aloof, edgy demeanor. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2nd in command of the expedition and, fittingly, the 2nd to last boss in the game. I don't believe she is in any other level except maybe "Ulysses." _______________ / Gaetan Molier \ |-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Height: | 5'2" \ | Weight: | 223 lbs | | Age: | 39 | | Birthplace: | Paris, | | | France | | Job: | Geologist, mineralogist & tunneling expert | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bio: Advisor to numerous mining corporations, he is sensitive to | | light and generally distrustful of those he does not know. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- Also referred to as "the Mole," he only comes into play in about 2 of the levels. He runs slower and jumps lower than any other playable character but is used to solve puzzles with his unique digging ability. ____________________________ / Vincenzo "Vinny" Santorini \ |-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Height: | 5'11" \ | Weight: | 190 lbs | | Age: | 38 | | Birthplace: | Palermo, | | | Italy | | Job: | Demolitions expert | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bio: Approaches his extremely dangerous job with casual confidence. | | More relaxed than a soggy fuse. Given to extreme | | understatement except when playing practical jokes which often | | require detonating something. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the 5 main players in the game. His main weapon are grenades which will explode on contact with an enemy or after a short period of time. He, like Milo, can push/pull heavy objects as well as set dynamite to clear a path in the game. ________________ / Audrey Ramirez \ |-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Height: | 5'5" \ | Weight: | 132 lbs | | Age: | 18 | | Birthplace: | Dearborn, | | | MT, USA | | Job: | Mechanic | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bio: Cute, opinionated, bright, fearless and industrious. Has a low | | tolerance for anyone less mechanically included and tends to | | lose her temper over the constant and extensive maintenance | | required on the expedition. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- The last of the 5 main players in the game, Audrey's main weapon is the flare gun (not a pistol, if you've been wondering why the bullet is so slow). Her ability to fix things, like Moliere's, only comes into play a couple times to solve puzzles. However, her gun is needed for certain situations where Milo's Boomerang is not strong enough to do the job. _____________________ / Preston B. Whitmore \ |-------------------------------------------------------------------- | Height: | 5'7" \ | Weight: | 147 lbs | | Age: | 70 | | Birthplace: | Seattle, | | | WA, USA | | Job: | Billionaire, philanthropist, industrialist. | |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |Bio: Whitmore is an eccentric whose passion lies in the discovery of | | legendary treasures and mythic places through great | | expeditions, though failing health now limits his involvement | | to funding them. | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- The very rich, very strange, person that is funding the expedition. He only makes a cameo appearance in the 1st level as a guide through the tutorial. Kida ---- One of the 5 main players in the game, can only be used starting with Level 8 - "Outer Atlantis." Her main weapon is the Atlantean Spear which shoots out electrical bolts from it's tip. She seems to be able to jump farther than the rest of the characters (although it is never needed for a specific situation) and she has the ability to walk among the Atlantean Guards without being stopped. Trooper ------- Found only in Level 2 - "Ulysses" in cutscenes. They serve no purpose but to add to the atmosphere and feel of the movie. Atlantean King -------------- He only comes into play in Level 9 - "Inner Atlantis" to give Milo a mission to restore the mosaic. Like the trooper, he is purely there to add to the atmosphere and feel of the movie. Atlantean Police ---------------- Not technically an enemy because you can't kill them; however, they are a constant nuisance in the later levels. If they catch any member of your team (except Kida) you will be thrown in jail and have to work your way back in the game. They don't seem to run as fast as Milo so you can usually evade them. Atlantean Child --------------- Only shown in Level 9 - "Inner Atlantis" to inform you that the Atlantean Police are nearby. Spider ------ Attacks with venom and is a pain in the neck due to it's small size you must usually target with R1 to fire a weapon to kill it. Yeti ---- Found only in Level 5 - "Ice Trial," these large monsters throw snowballs at the player at great distances and cannot always be killed due to range of your weapons. Atlantean Tiger --------------- The purple tiger with the rather long tail is more a freak of nature than an enemy. They have no long-range attack so are not that dangerous. Crab ---- One of the first enemies you encounter and can be taken out easily with just one hit with anyone's main weapon. They are only annoying due to their small size. Atlantean Mammoth ----------------- Only shows up in Level 5 - "Ice Trial" and cannot be killed directly. Instead you must run through a tunnel and evade obstacles until it falls off the side a cliff. Lava Monster ------------ Only found in Level 6 - "Fire Trial" and acts the same as the Yeti except it can only spawn where there is lava. Trudy ----- The odd blue, green, and red bird can first be found in Level 8 - "Outer Atlantis" and does not pose much of a threat. Rock Monster ------------ Again, acts the same as the Yeti and is found throughout all of the later Atlantean levels. Bomont ------ A strange slug-type creature that spits at the player. It is usually found just around a corner where it can get off 1 hit before being killed. Boid ---- The large purple ostrich-type creature does not pose any danger and can only be found in the later Atlantean levels. Wolf ---- Found only in Level 5 - "Ice Trial" it does not have any long-range attack, unlike the Yeti, therefore it is relatively easy. Russel ------ This blue dinosaur-type creature is similar to the Bomont. Shark ----- Doesn't look much like a shark, more like a Baracuda. Anyway, it is found in Level 10 - "Secret Swim." Ground Beetle ------------- Similar to the Crab, except I believe it is able to poison the player with venom. Haywood ------- A bat creature that is much more aggressive than the Trudy. Snappy ------ The very first enemy you encounter that patrol areas underwater and try to snap at you. As long as you keep swimming they should never be able to hit you. Wasp ---- Very annoying things that only appear once or twice; however, due to their size and mobility they can be a pain to hit. Bugman ------ AKA the giant walking beetle. Just a garden-variety monster, nothing too dangerous. Jed --- Another weird creature that looks like a scarab. Only difficulty, like the Crab, is it's small size. Flatfish -------- Looks similar to a catfish, it is slightly more dangerous than a Snappy. It can only be found in Level 10 - "Secret Swim." Lizard Monster -------------- Only found in the later levels and, like so many other monsters, is just a general nuisance. Ice Ape ------- Don't ever remember seeing this enemy in the game, although I'm sure it isn't that annoying like the Yeti. Flying Beetle ------------- Similar to the Ground Beetle (except it flies... sorry) and also has the ability to poison a player with venom. Roscoe ------ This snail/squid thing is only found in Level 10 - "Secret Swim" and, to my knowledge, cannot be killed. Best thing is to quickly swim by and do not swim below it or it will get you with it's tentacles. Stone Sentinel -------------- Although much, much, much larger in the actual movie, and not really an enemy (can't blame a movie to game lacking creativity), these guys are found mostly in the later levels and have a very slow long-range attack where they charge up energy and shoot it at the player. The only reason for this long charge-up is due to the massive amount of hits it tacks (5 or 6) with the main weapon to kill it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5- Codes and Secrets ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Movie Viewer ------------ To unlock a movie in the Movie Viewer under the "Special Features" section you must collect all 8 Atlantean Symbols in a level to spell the word "Atlantis." Once that is complete the movie you saw for that level will be available in the Movie Viewer. The "Game Completed" movie is available automatically after beating the game without any other objectives to be met. See the walkthrough section for locations of all Atlantean Symbols in every level. Concept Art and Model Viewer ---------------------------- Both of these will be unlocked once you obtain all 13 Green Crystals in the game. There is one crystal in every level. See the walkthrough section for locations of every Green Crystal. Unlimited Lives --------------- The following code was found at, I've never been able to get it to work since the code does not clarify when to hold the buttons. I would try before the title screen actually comes on, but it didn't work for me. If you get it to work e-mail me with exact directions and I'll credit you. "Hold X + Circle + Square + Right at the title screen. Start the game. Hold L1 + R1 when playing as Milo for unlimited lives. Milo will say 'Great' to confirm correct code entry." ======================================================================== 2 - W A L K T H R O U G H ======================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.1- Whitmore's Mansion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough ----------- After the intro movie you will walk up to Whitmore and he'll give you a tutorial on how to operate the game. Simply jump by pressing X, then punch by pressing SQUARE, then duck by pressing L1, and lastly look around by pressing R1. After you complete these simple tasks he will tell you about a Compass on the bookcase. The bookcase is to the right of Whitmore so just jump up to it and you'll hang from the edge. Press up on the directional pad to climb up and grab the Compass. Go back to Whitmore and he'll want you to find the Crew Portfolios and part of a Key. The entrance to the boiler room is to the right of the elevator shaft; however, it is dark so go next to the light switch and hold down TRIANGLE to search and turn on the light. Now go down the stairs and you'll notice a few things. First there are gold symbols, those are Atlantean symbols and if you collect all of them (to spell "Atlantis") then you will be able to view a movie in the Movie Viewer in the Special Features section. The symbol locations are also listed at the end of this section for easier reference. Go to the other end of the room to collect the first Atlantean Symbol (A[1]) and run over the journal page to the right of it to learn about Atlantean Symbols. On the left side of the room you'll see the actual boiler and the 'L' Atlantean Symbol. Grab it and then walk up to the chest in the first alcove. Press SQUARE to punch and break it, revealing the Crew Portfolios. Go into the second alcove to your right with the globe and on the left side of the room you'll find the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol. Before going back upstairs look at the bookcase in the corner to notice another symbol up top. Climb it just as you did when you got the Compass and you'll obtain the 'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol. Go to the desk covered in books and search it (use the TRIANGLE button) to find the End of a Broken Key. Now go back upstairs to Whitmore and he'll tell you about your Backpack. Press SELECT to enter it, go up a layer and right to find the portfolio. Select "USE" to give it to Whitmore and he'll tell you a little bit about the crew and the radio, which serves as a checkpoint in the level. He'll also tells you of the Boomerang in the fish tank and he'll give you the second half of the key. Go into your Backpack, go up to find the key, select "COMBINE" and go left to find the other half to combine it with. Go to the door in the corner between the fireplace and the bookcase and use the Old Key on it for it to open. Go into the fish tank room and in the corner will be a journal page that tells you about swimming. Go around the fish tank and look in the first alcove with crates and spider webs on the left. On the right you'll find the 'N' Atlantean Symbol. Likewise, you'll find the 'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol in the 2nd alcove to the right of a stack of crates. Jump up on the walkway that goes around the fish tank and then dive into the tank. You'll notice an air meter appear starting with 100 that gradually goes down. If it reaches 0 then you will die so come up for air before then. Grab the Atlantean Boomerang at the bottom of the tank and then go to the surface and in the corner you'll find the 'I' Atlantean Symbol. Before leaving the tank you might want to get the gold heart, which increases your lives by 1. Go back to Whitmore and he will tell you to equip your Boomerang by pressing SELECT and then selecting "EQUIP" on the Boomerang. You can now leave the level but I wouldn't until you get the last symbol and the green crystal. Go back down to the boiler room and go near the podium in the middle of the room to see the "!" appear above Milo. Search the podium with TRIANGLE and it will reveal a secret passage. Go down the stairs to come to a room to practice your Boomerang. As you enter, look to your right and you'll see the last Atlantean Symbol in the corner by a pipe. Milo will say "Movie activated" if you have all of the previous symbols. On the right side of the room you'll see a Green Crystal and a journal page. Get both and the journal page will tell you that there is 1 Green Crystal in each level and collecting all of them will reward you. You can now either practice your Boomerang skills and try to beat Whitmore's score of 600; however, it doesn't give you anything if you do or you can simply leave. Either way, leave through the elevator shaft in the main room with Whitmore in front of the fireplace. END Atlantean Symbol Locations -------------------------- A[1] - In the boiler room next to the journal page that tells you about the symbols. T[1] - In the boiler room on top of the bookcase in the corner. L - In the boiler room to the right of the actual boiler. A[2] - In the boiler room in the alcove to your right which also contains a globe. N - In the fish tank room in the first alcove. T[2] - In the fish tank room in the alcove on the right side of the room. I - In the corner of the actual fish tank floating on the surface. S - In the secret room with the Boomerang game after you get the Boomerang for Whitmore. Green Crystal Location ---------------------- The Green Crystal for this level is found in the secret room that you can open by searching the podium in the boiler room only after you retrieve the Boomerang for Whitmore. It will be in plain sight once you go down the stairs to the room. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.2- Ulysses ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough ----------- Exit the room through the door and enter another room where the alarms will go off and Commander Rourke will tell you to get Audrey to the guns and repair them. Go to the door on the left and into the hall. The journal page will tell you that Milo can push objects around. Go behind the barrel and push it forward to the pipe with the steam leak and it should plug it, allowing you to proceed. To the left will be some crates that you can't do anything with yet, so go right and climb up the ladder to the next level by jumping onto it. Go forward a little in this room and you'll see a bunch of stuff go flying across the room. Continue to the other side and climb up another ladder. This room has one of the gun turrets you have to repair. On the left side of the room is a Fire Extinguisher, grab it, and then look in the corner to find a radio. Walk into the radio and switch to Audrey, she is 2 right from Milo. As Audrey, run up to the gun turret with the journal page and hold TRIANGLE to fix it. Now exit the room and jump down the ladder and you'll find yourself back in the room where all the stuff was thrown about. Go to the right passage and fall down again to obtain the 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol. Jump into the pool of water to your left and swim out into the open to see the 'T[1]' Symbol. Swim back to the passage and switch to Milo at the radio in order to climb back up the ladder. Now go back to the room where you first heard the alarm with Commander Rourke. Go through the side passage into a small room with a radio. Switch to Vinny who is 3 right from Milo. As Vinny, go to the passage with the crates blocking the door (where you blocked the pipe with the barrel) and press TRIANGLE to set explosives. Run away as soon as you set them and it should clear the way. Run back to the radio and switch to Audrey again and have her go through this newly-opened area to find the last gun turret to repair. Switch to Milo at the same radio. Now you can go towards the right door that was previously blocked by Commander Rourke and down the passage to the pool of water that you found the 'T[1]' Symbol at. Look above you to see a ladder. Jump up on you'll hang from it. Now just follow the ladder over to the other side where there is a door. Go down this hall and you'll see a fire. Go into your backpack and select the Fire Extinguisher and use it to put out the fire. Go down the hall and jump down the ladder. Go to your left and you'll see a pool of water. Dive in and go through the door and head left to a tunnel with fans. All you have to do is swim up to the wheel on the right side of the tunnel to grab it. Also, you can find the 'L' Atlantean Symbol to the left of the fans in the corner; however, it might be easier to get it a little bit later. Go back to the surface and down the passage in front of you where you can use the Door Handle on the door to proceed. Commander Rourke will enter the evacuation sub and tell you to activate the manual override. Continue forward, ignoring the generators to your left for now, and you'll come to the sub. On the left wall there will be a handle, press TRIANGLE to activate it and the sub will be on it's way. Also in this small room on the right side will be the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol for you to pick up. Go back to the white room and on your right will be the generators. Go between the electricity when they turn off and make your way to the other side. Go into this next room and press TRIANGLE by the lever to turn off the fans. Now go back to where you got the Door Handle and you can safely swim to the other side of the fans now. Past the fans you will come to a large room with a set of hallways and a lobster swimming around. Avoid the lobster and swim down face the passage to the fans again. Below that passage will be 2 others, the left containing the 'N' Atlantean Symbol and the right containing the 'T[2]' Symbol as well as a pocket of air to refill your supply. With a full air supply, swim back down and head to your left through the left passage, ignoring the right for now. Avoid the lobsters and continue all the way down, past a row of beds, to the room that contains the Green Crystal in this level. Quickly swim back to where you found the 'T[2]' Symbol and get air before you die. Now go back again to the left but this time take the right passageway, following into the radio room, where you'll find the 'I' Atlantean Symbol. Now continue down this passage, collecting the gold heart to increase your lives, and swim up to get air. Jump out of the pool of water into the hall and go through the door to your left. Here the boilers will blow up. Just as you enter the room will be the final 'S' Atlantean Symbol for you to collect. Now to get to the other side simply get between the boilers when the flames die down just as you did with the electricity at the generators. In this last room simply press TRIANGLE at the lever on the right side of the wall and jump down the pod to escape. END Atlantean Symbol Locations -------------------------- A[1] - In a side passage of the room where the crates get thrown to the other side during the attack. The passage has a radio and a pool of water to swim in. T[1] - In the first pool of water you come to with the ladder that Milo must hang from and get across to the other side. L - Underwater in the tunnel with the 3 fans you must turn off. It is found in the left corner just as you approach the fans. A[2] - In the room with the evacuation sub where you have to pull the lever to allow it to leave. N - In the first room you see a lobster, past the fans, you'll see 2 small circular passages. The left one contains this Symbol. T[2] - In the right circular passage next to where you found the 'N' Symbol. It also has a pocket of air if you are running low. I - In the flooded radio room shortly before you come to the sub pod to escape in. S - At the beginning of the room where the boilers explode and flames start bursting out of them. Green Crystal Location ---------------------- After you swim past the fans, go down and towards the left passage where a lobster is patrolling the hallway. Continue swimming down it, past a line of beds on your left, and the crystal will be found in a room in the left corner. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.3- Leviathan Attack ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough ----------- This level is really more of a boss level than anything. You'll have to shoot bubbles at the Leviathan by pressing the X button. The number of pods you see in the left corner represents how much longer you have to fight the beast. Simply hold down the X button and shoot the green things it shoots at you before it reaches and damages your pod. When there are 8 pods left they'll say "he is powering up, watch the energy bolts." You'll now have to watch out for a blue circle that is emitted from the center of the Leviathan, as well as the green thingies. When there are 4 pods left he'll start throwing a lot more attacks out but it shouldn't be much harder. Once he leaves you will now go at a set speed through the ocean to the end, shooting lots of things that get in your way. Try to get the lightning bolts to add +5 to your health. You won't be able to turn around if you miss an Atlantean Symbol or if you miss the Green Crystal. They should be in plain site but I'll put where they are located relative to the checkpoint you have gone through. The checkpoints in this level are double arrows so keep track of them. Also, all of the Atlantean Symbols appear in order in this level so if there is a gap from one to another you know you've missed one. Just go back and try again once you complete it. Good luck! END Atlantean Symbol Locations -------------------------- A[1] - Before the first checkpoint. T[1] - Shortly after the first checkpoint. L - After the first checkpoint. Right before the second checkpoint. A[2] - After the second checkpoint. N - After the second checkpoint. T[2] - After the second checkpoint. Very close to the 'N' Symbol. I - Right after the third checkpoint. S - After the third checkpoint. Green Crystal Location ---------------------- After the second checkpoint, very close to the 'T[2]'. You'll probably miss it your first time through this level, simply restart and keep a look out for it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.4- Cove ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough ----------- NOTE: You will come back to this level a couple times and you can't complete everything in 1 run. Therefore, I've marked them into separate sections for easier reference. FIRST RUN- You can't do much in this part except choose to either enter the Ice Trial (left entrance) or Fire Trial (right entrance). However, there are some new things introduced, such as clear crystals. Collecting 15 will give you an extra life. You can see the total of clear crystals in the level if you press the START button. You can get the 'T[1]' Atlantean Symbol if you go through the huge stone door and down the great passage. Go past the digger machine and it will be on your right side near the blocked entrance. Go back to the main area with the 2 Trial entrances and go down to the beach with the Fire Trial entrance. Jump in the water here and in the corner you should find the 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol. Also on this beach you can find the gold heart to add an extra life. Now dive back into the water and go to the very back of the level and on the side with the Ice Trial entrance you'll see a discolored rock in the corner. Swim towards it and it will open. Swim up through to a room with 2 enemies. A beetle and lizard thingy. Kill them both with your Boomerang and get the journal page near the blue block to tell you about the power of the crystals. Punch the blue rock to obtain a blue crystal, but don't bother combining it yet. On both sides of the pool you can obtain the 'L' and 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbols, as well as another blue crystal by punching the other blue block. Remember this place, it is where you will come once you have completed both the Ice and Fire Trials. Now that you've done everything that you can so far, go back and complete both the Ice Trial and Fire Trial then look down back at this section to proceed. SECOND RUN- After you have both the Ice Crystal and the Fire Crystal return to the Cove and jump into the huge pool of water behind you when you first start the level. Swim to the back right corner and go through the secret door up to the room where you will use the Crystals. Kill both the lizard and giant beetle, then place the Ice Crystal in the left statue and the Fire Crystal in the right statue. The door will open, allowing Milo to go through. Kill the beetle as you enter and continue down the tunnel until you come to your first torch on your left. There you will find the 'N' Atlantean Symbol. Continue down and when you come to a left and right tunnel, go down the left and kill the beetle in this room. Here you will find both the Green Crystal for the level and the 'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol. Farther down you'll come to a torch and a beetle, as well as the 'I' Symbol and a radio for a checkpoint. Now go down the right tunnel and in this room you'll find the 'S' Atlantean Symbol as well as the Old Cog in a box that can repair the digger machine. Now go all the way back to where you started the level (near the huge door) and switch to Audrey at the radio to the right of the door. Now go through the door to find the broken machine where Audrey can use the Old Cog to repair it. You will now be in control of the Digger. Simply press X to accelerate into the wall at the end of the tunnel and it will break apart. Continue ahead and there will be another wall. Now just keep drilling into it until it finally breaks apart and watch out for the monster continually hitting you. As soon as the wall breaks you can proceed to the exit. END Atlantean Symbol Locations -------------------------- A[1] - When you first start the level, in the water near the Fire Trial entrance in the corner. You can obtain this in the first run. T[1] - Past the digger machine in the right corner. You can obtain this in the first run. L - In the room where you turn in the Ice and Fire gems after each Trial, it is beside the pool of water. You can obtain this in the first run. A[2] - In the room where you turn in the Ice and Fire gems after each Trial, it is beside the pool of water. You can obtain this in the first run. N - On the left side of the tunnel after the door opens from the Fire and Ice Crystals. You can only obtain this in the second run. T[2] - Also found in the tunnel past the Fire and Ice Crystal statues. Past the 'N' Symbol in a small room on your left. You can only obtain this in the second run. I - Near the 'T[2]' Symbol by a radio in the same part of the tunnel. You can only obtain this in the second run. S - On the right tunnel after you place the Fire and Ice Crystals into the statues to open the door. It is found near the Old Cog and can only be obtained in the second run. Green Crystal Location ---------------------- Found right next to the 'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol in a small room to the left of the passage after you put the Ice Crystal and Fire Crystal in the statues to open the door. You cannot get this in your first run, only the second. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2.5- Ice Trial ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough ----------- Go around to the left and break open some blocks to reveal some colored gems. These can be used to power-up your Boomerang, check the Items section for more information. To the right of the second box will be another which holds the Main Cavern Key. Kill the snowmen and then walk
up to the door, where you can use the key to open it.

Go to the edge of a cliff and on the right side you can walk down some
steps.  Before going through the door, turn around and go down the path
where you'll find a Snowman (or Yeti) and some Ice Beetles.  Kill them
and use the radio to switch to Audrey.  Now go through the door and
through the tunnel to find another Snowman.

Kill him and go up the ramp a little bit to the journal page.  Look up
with the R1 button and then focus on the giant stalagmite.  Shoot it
with your gun by pressing CIRCLE and it should fall.  Go across and kill
the Snowman, then go through the next door.  Go down this tunnel a
little bit and the door behind you will open, revealing a Snowman.  Kill
him and search the room he came out of for the 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol.

Continue down this tunnel to another room with square symbols on the
walls and a radio to your right.  Use the radio as a checkpoint and, as
Audrey, shoot the symbol that appears on the wall that corresponds to
the one on the edge of the cliff.  If done correctly, a platform should
pop up.  Jump on it and then look at the symbol on the far edge of the
platform.  Find the matching one on the wall and shoot it.  Continue
this process until you come to another frozen path.

On the left side of this path you'll find the 'T[1]' Atlantean Symbol.
Look up to see several stalagmites.  Shoot them with your gun and they
should fall, allowing you to jump from one to another across to a radio
that severs as a checkpoint.  Go through the doors, down the tunnel, and
into a room where a wolf will attack you from the left.  Kill it and
jump up the steps to a platform that will raise you to another room.

In one side of the room you should see a radio and some ledges you can
climb up.  Switch to Milo and then climb up them and you'll come to some
sort of machine that shoots frost at you.  He takes several shots with
the boomerang until he dies.  To the left will be a side room with an
antivenin and gold heart that adds to your lives.  Look across the room
to see another robot.  Jump down and climb up the other set of ledges to
this robot and kill him.  In the side room will be the 'L' Atlantean

Now go back up the set of ledges with the radio and continue around to
another door that leads to a hall.  Kill the monster in here and go
through the other side to come to a large room with 2 monsters and a
giant head statue.  Kill them and enter the giant head statue where
you'll see an artifact with some symbols on it.  Press TRIANGLE when you
are near it and the floor will collapse.

Now you will be in a slide ride and a little to the left of the middle
will be the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol.  The slide will dump you out on a
ledge with a giant ice ball with an elephant frozen in it.  Push it off
the edge and the elephant will be freed and it will break through a
locked door.

Jump off the ledge and use the radio as a checkpoint, then follow the
path of the elephant (it's really a mammoth but who cares) past the
broken door.  Follow the trail of clear crystals and the elephant will
start to stampede again, this time you are the target.  You'll have to
jump over ruins and dodge falling stalagmites.  You should be safe in
the middle for a little bit but then the stalagmites will start blocking
your way.

Once you are out of the tunnel you'll proceed around on a narrow path
and then the elephant will fall to his doom.  Go through the door in
front of you and you'll find yourself in a gigantic room with a statue
in the middle and a couple frost robots.  Don't bother killing them,
they just keep regenerating.  Go to the left side of the room where
you'll see a black hole and to the left a climbable surface.

Climb up it and you'll come to a radio.  Switch to Gaetan and jump off
the platform.  Now find the other black hole in this room and go up to
the door near it.  Go in and you'll find yourself in a very dark room.
Keep going forward and you should see the 'N' Atlantean Symbol right in
front of you.  Go to your right and along the wall you should find a
lever that will raise some frozen platforms elsewhere.

Now leave this place and go through the door with some symbols on it to
your right.  Go all the way down this hall, ignoring the passage to the
left, and use the radio that is through another door to switch to Milo.
Now go back and kill the frost robot guarding the passage.  Climb up the
side of the wall up to a ledge with another frost robot.  Kill it and
climb up to another door which leads to some more robots.

Kill them and you'll see a ledge on the right wall leading up to a lever
and a box which contains the Ice Crystal!  Pull the lever with the
TRIANGLE button and now go back to the radio you used to switch to Milo
with Gaetan.  Continue through the other door and now use the platforms
to get to the ledge with the ice robot and the box.  Kill him and jump
over to it.  To the right will be another ledge which contains the Green
Crystal for this level.

Now just jump over to the door, ignoring the other frost robot.  In this
area you'll have to run up a hill with a constant flow of giant
snowballs coming to kill you.  They will not instantly kill you if you
hit one but they hurt.  Go up the hill and on the left side will be the
'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol very close to the edge.  Continue up and you'll
find the 'I' Atlantean Symbol in the middle of the hill.

Still farther up on the hill will be the last 'S' Atlantean Symbol,
again in the middle like the 'I' Symbol.  At the top of this hill you
will come to the exit for the level.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - In the room that the Snowman comes out of in an ambush when you
go down an icy tunnel.

  T[1] - Found on the path immediately after you have to shoot the
symbols on the walls to raise platforms to jump across.

  L - Found on one of the ledges when you first encounter the ice robots
that shoot frost at you.  It is in a side room after you defeat him.

  A[2] - Found right after you fall through the floor and go down a
frozen slide with Milo.

  N - In the dark hall that only Gaetan can access.  It is right in
front of him if he continues straight after entering.

  T[2] - On the left edge of the hill with rolling snowballs trying to
kill Milo.

  I - On the same hill where you found the 'T[2]' Symbol but farther and
in the middle of the hill instead of the left.

  S - Shortly after the 'I' Symbol, in the middle as well.

Green Crystal Location
Found on a ledge to the right of an frost robot shortly after you get
the Ice Crystal.  You must kill the robot and then carefully jump from
each ledge over to the Green Crystal in order to get it.

2.6- Fire Trial

You'll start off on a slab of rock in a sea of lava.  You'll have to
jump to the other slabs, but be quick about it!  They will start to
shake and fall into the lava after you touch one.  Continue hopping
along until you come to a green slab.  Jump on it and it will act as an
elevator to carry you up a level.  Go across the bridge, be careful, it
will fall like the slabs, to a radio and another green lift.

Ignore the radio and go down the lift.  Continue jumping around in this
manner until you reach another green lift that will carry you up to a
clear crystal and to your right will be a block.  Punch it to reveal a
First Aid Kit.  Turn around and you'll see a long bridge, as well as the
'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol to the right of it.  Go across the bridge, again
beware of falling slabs, and go up to the door that will open to reveal
a passage with a radio.

Punch the block next to the clear crystal to get an Antivenin and then
kill the crab thing that approaches you.  Now go to the radio and switch
to Vinny.  Go up to the journal page by the river of lava and it will
tell you that either Milo or Vinny can push the rock.  Go up to the huge
pillar and press TRIANGLE to drop some dynamite.  Quickly run away and
then push the rock towards the fallen pillar (watch out for the lava
monster).  Now you can safely run across to the other side.

Do not continue forward, instead turn to your right to see a side door.
Jump on the ledge (that will sink) and go towards the door to find
yourself in a hall with a crab, tiger, and beetle as enemies.  Kill all
of them and go to the end where there are 2 blocks, the right contains
an Antivenin, and the left contains the Lava Crystal!

Now you can go back to the place with the lava monster and proceed down
the hall with flames on either side.  Punch the block on the right to
find a Can of Food, then continue to kill 2 crab enemies.  Further down
you'll meet a lava monster, who takes 3 hits with the boomerang to kill,
as well as an Antivenin and Orange Crystal in the blocks beside him.
You'll come to a similar situation as before except with 2 pillars and
only 1 block, this means you'll have to alternate.

As Vinny, blow both of the pillars up by pressing TRIANGLE when the "!"
appears above his head.  Also, near the right pillar you can find the
'T[1]' Atlantean Symbol.  Push the block to the left side and use it to
climb up on the fallen pillar and walk across to the other side.  Go
down the hall, killing the crab and beetle, into a room with what seems
to be fireflies and 2 Antivenins in the blocks on either side of the

Go to the journal page that will inform you that Milo can climb up dark
walls like the one in front of you.  Climb it as you would a ladder and
another journal page will tell you about the dark ceiling that Milo can
climb just as you did in the Ulysses level.  Jump up and grab onto it,
then climb over to a ledge with a block that contains another Lava
Crystal.  Jump down and go back across the fallen pillar.  Push the
block to the right pillar and walk across it to come to a locked door.

On either side of the door are 2 teal things, go up to both of them and
use the Lava Crystals on them, which will unlock the door, allowing you
to proceed.  In this tunnel you'll see a stone face on the wall
breathing fire which blocks your path.  Simply push the block over to
the face in order to stop the fire.  You can keep pushing it through the
next fire-breathing face, but stop in order to collect 'L' Atlantean
Symbol on the left ledge (just stand on the block and jump to it).

Push it to the last face and go forward to meet a Lava Monster to
destroy.  In the block on your left you'll find another Orange Crystal,
as well as a crab thing to kill.  Watch out for the fireflies, you can
always duck by pressing L1.  Kill yet another Lava Monster and continue
down the hall, killing things and punching all of the blocks to obtain
Antivenins and First Aid Kits.

You'll come to a sort of gauntlet where you'll have to run across a
narrow walkway, avoiding being hit by the fire-breathing face, as well
as a jumping fireball.  Once you make it to the other side, touch the
radio to activate the checkpoint.  Go towards the door and enter a room
with symbols along the edges and a rotating statue in the middle.  Kill
everything in this room and collect the golden heart.  As Milo, you'll
have to activate the symbols in the correct order.  The combination is:
first on the right, last on the right, middle on the left.  Before you
leave collect the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol in the back right corner of
this room.

Leave the room and go to your left to see the 3 green platforms you
raised as a result.  Jump across them to the other side where 2 fire-
breathing face statues will be turning.  Go between the flames as they
turn away from each other and then proceed down the tunnel.  Destroy the
block on the right for a First Aid Kit and kill the beetle.  Continue
down this tunnel, killing things and grabbing items, and then go through
the door to the next area.

You'll find yourself in a very large room.  Go to the very end and turn
right, go down that path and use the radio to turn into Vinny.  Now go
back to the main room and you'll see on the left side a ledge held up by
2 pillars.  Go around the pillar that is farther away from you and press
TRIANGLE when you see the "!" above Vinny's head.  This will set
dynamite and create a ramp for you to get up.  Go back to the radio and
switch to Milo.

Now you can go up the ramp and climb the dark-surfaced wall to an area
with 2 poison beetles.  Kill them and go to the right where you'll find
yourself back in the large room.  Jump from ledge to ledge until you
come to the top of a pillar with the 'N' Atlantean Symbol.  Grab it and
also switch to Gaetan (1 right of Milo) at the radio, then continue
across where you'll see a pillar and a black trail behind you.  Grab
onto it and pull it back to create another ramp.  Go on the ramp and
jump to your left into an area.

Kill everything in here and go to the journal page in the middle.  Press
TRIANGLE to dig a hole.  You'll fall into a room with 2 walking beetles.
Kill them and then examine the switch on the right wall to move a giant
statue head somewhere.  Also behind one of the torches in this circular
room you can find the 'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol.  Continue down this hall
and through the door to find yourself in the gigantic room again.

Turn to the right and go to the end and down the right path again to
find yourself in another large area with some monsters (by the way, you
can switch to Milo if you want).  Kill them all and up on the left side
of the platform, near the fireflies, you'll see the Green Crystal for
this level.

Now go through the passage that was opened and kill the lava monster
that appears.  Go to the end of the room and destroy the block to get
the Fire Gem!  Now go back to the gigantic room where you used dynamite
on the pillar and this time go to the left side of the very back of the
room to see 2 clear crystals across a small gap of lava.  Jump over to
collect them and a secret passage will be revealed.

Go down the tunnel, where you'll find Antivenin and a radio.  Keep going
down, killing monsters on your way until you come to a river of lava and
green platforms floating along it.  Go to the left side and jump on one
of the green floating platforms as it comes by.  Now ride this one until
you'll come to another green platform and jump onto this one as it
passes.  This could be a Disney ride... oh wait ;)  Duck or jump when
you come to the rows of fire and you'll see an exit to your left.  Do
not jump off yet though!  Instead ride it around again and you'll pass
through the 'I' Atlantean Symbol.

Now you can exit to the left.  Touch the radio to activate the
checkpoint and then ride the green platform down.  As you enter this
area you can get the last 'S' Atlantean Symbol in the right corner.  Now
go to the edge and as soon as you see one of the green platforms pop up,
jump on it.  Jump on one of the other green platforms going the other
way as it passes you.  You only have one chance at this or else you will

Ride this up a lava fall (like a waterfall) and then jump off to a ledge
on your right where you'll encounter a walking beetle to kill.  Kill all
of the enemies along this way, as well as collecting all of the items in
the blocks, then go towards the door.  Go to the edge as you did
previously and jump on the green platform.  Ride this to the end and
promptly jump off before it sinks.  Go towards the black entrance to
exit the level.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - After you get a First Aid Kit, it will be to the right of the
bridge you go across the river of lava.

  T[1] - In the area with the 2 pillars you must blow up to proceed
across the river.  It is next to the pillar on the right.

  L - In the tunnel with the 3 fire-breathing face statues.  It is on a
left ledge that you must use the block to jump up to in order to obtain

  A[2] - In the room with the 6 glowing symbols and the rotating statue
head in the middle.  It is in the far right corner.

  N - Up on a pillar in a gigantic room where you must dynamite and pull
several pillars to create ramps to walk upon.

  T[2] - Behind a pillar in the circular room that you must dig through
the ground to get to it.  This room also has the lever to move the giant
head statue.

  I - Found on the first green platform lava ride where you must duck
rows of fire and jump onto other moving green platforms.

  S - Found in the area immediately after you ride the green platform
down after the first lava ride.  It is in the right corner as you get
off of the platform.

Green Crystal Location
In a large room with a raised platform and a statue of a face in the
middle.  It is on the left side, behind a torch with some fireflies
guarding it.

2.7- Truck Escape

This level plays a little bit like the Leviathan Attack level.  You'll
have to drive the truck through a course of debris and fire, constantly
catching gas canisters, which act the same as air bubbles.  If you run
out then you'll die.  Do not drive through the fire and try to always
hit the double arrow icons as they act as checkpoints.

Shortly after the first checkpoint you'll find the 'A[1]' Atlantean
Symbol in the middle of the course.  You can find a secret passage to
the left when the blocks start rolling across the level.  Go down this
path and you'll find the 'T[1]' Symbol near a fire.  Waterfalls will
come into play after the second checkpoint, which will make the truck
slide off so be very careful when you approach those.

The 'L' Atlantean Symbol will be found after the second waterfall after
the second checkpoint.  You'll come to a fork in the road and if you
choose the right path you'll find the 'A[2]' Symbol in the tunnel.
After the third checkpoint you'll encounter a flooded surface where it
will be harder to control your direction.

The Green Crystal for this level is on the second one of these flooded
surfaces on the right side as you are driving up.  The 'N' Atlantean
Symbol will be after you jump a gap on the right.  Then you'll have to
pick between a left and right path, the left has the 'T[2]' Symbol and
you will have to go off a gap and make it to the other side, just before
the fourth checkpoint.

The 'I' Atlantean Symbol will be after the fifth checkpoint in the
middle of the course.  It is here that you'll encounter statue heads
that blow air to push you off the path.  Be very careful when
approaching these, they are more powerful than the waterfalls.  After
the sixth checkpoint you'll go along a long set of gaps you must jump.

The final 'S' Symbol can be found on the last jump.  After you get this
last symbol you are almost free to the exit.  Don't worry if you didn't
get all of the Atlantean Symbols on the first run, just go back and try
again.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - Shortly after the first checkpoint in the middle of the course.

  T[1] - After the first checkpoint, to the left of the rolling blocks
is a secret passage with the symbol in the middle of the course.

  L - After the second checkpoint right after the second waterfall you

  A[2] - After the second checkpoint down the right path at the first
fork you encounter, shortly before the third checkpoint.

  N - After the third checkpoint you'll come to a gap.  The symbol is on
the right side right after you jump it.

  T[2] - After the third checkpoint you'll come to a fork in the road.
Pick the left side shortly before a gap.

  I - After the fifth checkpoint in the middle of the course.  Hard to
miss if you try...

  S - After the fifth checkpoint on the last jump in a long series of

Green Crystal Location
After the third checkpoint during the second flooded surface you
encounter where it becomes more difficult to control the truck.  It will
be found on the right side as you drive up the surface.

2.8- Outer Atlantis

NOTE: You will come back to this level one more time and you can't
complete everything in 1 run.  Therefore, I've marked them into separate
sections for easier reference.

On either side of the bridge you will find boxes that hold a Can of Food
and Antivenin.  Go across the bridge, killing the strange purple
creature called a Boid.  Jump across the gap and kill the Rock Monster
as well as the Haywood (bat creature), then continue across.  Do not go
into the building, instead go to the left and around the outside of the
building to acquire the 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol.

Go into the building and follow the path through, encountering the
'T[1]' Symbol as well as a First Aid Kit on your way.  Exit the building
and you'll encounter another Boid on your left.  Go through the door
that it came from on your left to find an orange crystal, can of food,
and checkpoint.  Go to the radio and switch to Kida (2 left from Milo).
Kida can jump and shoot farther than most other characters.

You technically don't have to switch to Kida if you don't want to, but
it's best to get used to her.  Follow the path and you'll see some of
the ruins fall.  Turn around and look at the green plant in the corner
of where you came from on the left.  Go towards it and you'll find the
very hidden 'L' Atlantean Symbol.  Now jump over the ruins and before
you enter the next building jump down to the left to find the Green
Crystal for the level.  On the right side you'll find a lever to open
the door to the building.

Inside you'll find a Can of Food and some Rock Monsters.  Right after
you exit the building on your left will be the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol
near a green plant.  Jump across the gap to the ruined bridge and go
across until you see platforms to your left that you can jump across.
Carefully jump from one to the other to the other side to get the Golden
Heart and a checkpoint.

Use the radio to switch to Vinny and then jump back across and go to the
other end of the bridge.  Walk up to the boulders that are blocking the
way until you see the "!" above Vinny's head.  Then press TRIANGLE to
set some dynamite to clear a path.  Go into the building and out the
other side to come to another set of platforms that form a bridge to the
other side.  Carefully jump over to the next building.

When you come out the other side of this building quickly turn to your
right and in the corner of the exit you'll find the 'N' Atlantean
Symbol.  Go on the bridge and use the radio as a checkpoint.  I would
switch back to Kida, she is probably the best character in my opinion,
but you may stay with Vinny if you want.  Go across the rest of the
bridge and jump the gap to the next building.

You'll soon come to a large room with 3 other doors.  Both the left and
middle doors are locked.  Use the radio by the middle door as a
checkpoint then proceed down through the right door.  Simply follow the
path to the large brass doors, which is the exit.  Before you leave
though, look to the left of the doors to find the 'T[2]' Atlantean
Symbol.  You'll come back to this level after you complete "Inner

You'll start one a bridge with a Boid on the other side.  Go across it
and before you go through the door look to your right to see a ledge
below you.  Jump on it and in the corner you'll find the 'I' Atlantean
Symbol.  Now jump back up and go through the door to a tunnel.  Kill the
Rock Monsters you encounter and go over another (complete) bridge to
another building.

Go through the tunnel and you'll find yourself in the room with the 3
other doors.  This time the one on your left is unlocked.  Use the radio
as a checkpoint if you wish.  Follow the path until you come to an open
area with 2 waterfalls flowing over the ledge you are on.  In the left
corner of where you came from will be the 'S' Atlantean Symbol.  Now
simply jump into the water on the right and swim through the tunnel to
exit the level.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - To the left of the first building you enter, after you cross
the long bridge.  This can be obtained on your first run.

  T[1] - In the first building you go into, on the right side of the
hall.  This can be obtained on your first run.

  L - After you exit the first building hidden by one of the green
plants before you see the ruins fall.  This can be obtained on your
first run.

  A[2] - To the left of the exit of the second building you enter (the
one that you need to pull the lever to the right to open).  This can be
obtained on your first run.

  N - In the right corner after you exit a building that has a blue
crystal in a box.  It is right before you find another radio on a
bridge.  This can be obtained on your first run.

  T[2] - To the left of the large brass doors that act as an exit to
proceed to "Inner Atlantis."  This can be obtained on your first run.

  I - Found to the right of the door on the other side of the bridge
when you first start your second run.  It is on a ledge below the

  S - Found when you come to an area with 2 small waterfalls flowing
over the path you are on.  It is found in the left corner near the door
you came through.  This can only be obtained on your second run.

Green Crystal Location
Just before you enter the second building, after some ruins fall to
block your path.  Jump down to the left to find a ledge containing the
crystal.  This can be obtained in your first run.

2.9- Inner Atlantis

Go up the large set of stairs and to your left through the side door.
In here you'll find a Blue Crystal and a Can of Food.  Continue to the
other side to find yourself in a small room with 3 other doors, 2 of
which are cracked.  You cannot enter the one on the left, but the one on
the right has a crack big enough for Milo to fit through.  In here you
will find 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol.

Exit through the middle doors out onto the streets of Atlantis and
through to another building.  Inside you will find some Boids, a First
Aid Kit, and Can of Food in some boxes.  When you exit you'll find
yourself in an open area with waterfalls and a bridge over a pool of

Jump in the water and in the left back corner you'll see a door.  Swim
towards it and it will open.  Continuing swimming down until you come to
a large circular room.  Get some air at the surface then dive back down
and swim down the hole in the middle.  You'll be in a room with a
tunnel, don't go down it quite yet.  Instead turn around and just beyond
the hole you went through will be the 'T[1]' Atlantean Symbol near the
ceiling.  Now go through the tunnel at the bottom and you'll see a clam
in the left corner.  Swim to it and keep punching it to get more air.
Now turn around and swim above the entrance to find the 'L' Atlantean

Continue to the next circular room and swim all the way up to the
surface.  You'll find the Golden Heart in the center of the pool if you
want to get it.  At the surface, find a ledge you can climb up to and
then go to the right up a set of ledges.  Here you'll find a radio to
use as a checkpoint.  Now go climb up the left set of ledges.  At one
point you'll have to jump a little to the left to reach a jagged edge to
get up to the next part.

At the top go through the door on your right.  Outside you'll have to
jump 2 gaps in a bridge.  Be careful not to fall or you'll have to do
that whole swimming sequence over again.  Continue through the next
hall, which has a purple crystal and First Aid Kit in boxes.  On the
other side you'll be on the upper part of a small room with a box in
front of you.  Punch it to get the Marketplace Key.

Don't jump down just yet, you'll see an Atlantean Symbol on another
ledge.  Look to the left and jump on the door frame to get over to the
'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol.  Jump down and go to the left locked door.  Use
your newly found key to open it and proceed through.  Inside an
Atlantean Child will tell you about the Atlantean Police.  You cannot
let them touch you at all or else you'll be thrown in jail and have to
find your way back.  Behind one of the blocks in this room you'll find
the Green Crystal.

Go down the stairs to the streets and hide behind a large block on the
left so the guards don't see you.  Jump up on the block to find the 'N'
Atlantean Symbol.  If the guards start chasing you the best thing is to
run and constantly jump.  That will usually put enough distance between
you and them to get to a safe point.

If you make it to the door on the other side the Atlantean Police will
not follow you.  In here you'll find 2 Blue Crystals and 1 Orange
Crystal.  In the next street section you'll come to a large gap and an
info book that tells you the bale of hay on the wooden platforms looks
"dangerously loose."  Stand on the small rock and use your Atlantean
Boomerang to hit the bale of hay, knocking the wooden platform down,
allowing you to cross.

When you get to the other side quickly enter a door on the right before
the police spot you.  Go up the stairs to a big room with 2 bales of hay
on tracks of some sort.  Go behind them and push each one to the other
side.  You've just made a convenient bridge across to a ledge.  Use to
block to get up to one ledge and then jump across the bales of hay to
the other ledge across the room.

In here you'll find the 'I' Atlantean Symbol on the right, as well as
the Piece of Mosaic in the center.  Exit back out to the streets and
this time go through the door a little bit up and on the left.  Follow
the path down until you come to the Mosaic (the blue picture on the wall
that is missing a piece).  To the left of it you'll find the 'T[2]'
Atlantean Symbol.  This is the only level where the symbols are out of

Use the Piece of Mosaic on it to restore the full picture and the door
on the right will open.  Go into this room and use the radio to change
to Kida.  Kida's special ability is to walk freely among the Atlantean
Police.  Go back to the streets and go up to the door on the left and
use the lever to open it.

Go through the door and up the stairs into a hall with a radio on the
left to serve as a checkpoint.  Go to the end and jump down into an open
arena-like area.  Go up and around to another door into a hall with
windows on the left.  Go down the hall and you'll enter the final room
with a radio on the right to use as a checkpoint.

In the left corner you'll find the final 'S' Atlantean Symbol.  Climb up
the stairs it is near to get to the upper section where 3 platforms are
flipping over periodically.  As soon as the first one flips over jump
onto it and then jump onto the second when it stops flipping.  Here you
may have to jump straight up when the second one flips to stay on and
wait for the final platform to lower itself down to you.  Once you are
on the third quickly jump over to the other side where you'll find the
exit on the left.  You now have to head back to "Outer Atlantis" to
finish some things up.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - Found in the small room through a cracked door just big enough
for Milo to fit through.

  T[1] - Just before the 'L' Atlantean Symbol in the room before the
underwater passage.  Near the ceiling close to the hole you went through
you'll see the symbol.

  L - Above the entrance to the underwater passage right before the clam
on the left that gives you back air.

  A[2] - On a ledge to the left right after you get the Marketplace Key.

  N - On top of a block you use to hide from the Atlantean Guards when
you first encounter them.

  T[2] - To the left of the blue Mosaic that you must restore by finding
the missing piece.

  I - On the right side of the room that you find the Piece of Mosaic
in.  You need to push 2 bales of hay to get to the room.

  S - In the final room with the 3 flipping platforms.  It is in the
left corner by the stairs you need to climb.

Green Crystal Location
Found behind one of the blocks in the room that the Atlantean Child
tells you about the police that can capture and put Milo in jail.  You
need the Marketplace Key to get into this room.

2.10- Secret Swim

This level can be a little bit tricky if you don't know about the clams'
ability to give Milo more air.  Jump into the pool of water and swim
down the tunnel to a door.  Go through the door and continue along the
hall until you see the surface where you can get some air.  Dive back
down underwater and continue through the tunnel.

You'll have to go back up to the surface for air or simply punch the
clam on the floor to replenish some air.  You can continue to do this
until your air bubbles are fully restored.  Through the next door you'll
see another surface pool that leads up to a room.  In here you'll want
to use the radio as a checkpoint (and switch to Kida, I like her best
for some reason).

Now dive in the pool of water by the radio.  When you come up to the
surface you'll have to jump up on the ground and go through a door where
two enemies await.  Kill both of them and walk forward a little and
you'll see the mosaic rise to reveal a passage.  Go through this door
and you'll see the 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol above the stairs.

Continue into this room, avoiding the large hermit crab, and to the
right of him in a box will be an Old Hook.  Continue to the left of the
hermit crab into another room that has no floor.  Here you'll need to
jump and grab the 'T[1]' Atlantean Symbol.  Now swim back to the room
with the radio.  This time go in the pool opposite the radio (it's on
the right side of the room) and follow this to the surface where another
room awaits.

In this room you'll see a lever on a wall and a chain beyond it.
However, the chain is missing a link.  Use the Old Hook near the broken
chain and the link will be restored.  Now use the lever by holding
TRIANGLE and a box will appear.  Break the box to get the Atlantean Key.
Swim back to the room with the radio and you can use the Atlantean Key
on the large keyhole in the wall to raise the block in the center of the

Now jump through the pool of water in the middle and you can proceed
down the tunnel that the block was... well... blocking.  In this tunnel
you'll encounter your first shark.  I know it doesn't look like a shark
but that is it's official name.  Continue through a series of tunnels
and you'll find the 'L' Symbol on the way.  In the next room you'll find
a large black squid called a Roscoe.

Wait for the large stone mosaic to rise and get some air from the clam
to your left.  Now quickly swim past the Roscoe and down a tunnel with
some more clams in case you need more air.  Remember you just need to
punch them to get air.  In the next room you'll encounter another
Roscoe.  Simply swim past him and into the next tunnel.

Continue down, getting air as needed, until you come to the surface
where a radio will be waiting to act as a checkpoint.  Go into the next
room and on the left you'll see the Green Crystal for this level on a
pedestal.  After you acquire it then jump down and hide behind a vase.
The head statue will spit a fireball at you and (hopefully) hit the vase
instead.  Continue to do this for all the vases and you should find the
Secret Key.

On the left side of the room where you got the Green Crystal you'll see
a discolored wall.  Stand in front of it and jump over the fireballs as
they hit the wall and dislodge the blocks.  Keep doing it until the wall
comes down and then proceed down the hall.  Here you'll find another
radio and the Golden Heart.  On the wall will be a switch which will
unlock the door in the room where you got the Secret Key.

Go back to this room and through the newly-opened door to a pool of
water.  Go down this tunnel and continue till you get to the surface.
Go to the end of the hall where you'll come to a door that looks like a
wall.  Use the Secret Key on it and it will open.  Go to the end of this
room and press TRIANGLE near another switch to reveal a passage in the

Go through this passage and jump down a well into water.  Swim through
the series of tunnels, getting air at some little surface pools, and
you'll come to a shall area with many sharks.  In the corner of one of
the rooms you should find the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol.  It is on your
left after you go down a short path into a much larger square room.

Once you get it jump on the stairs and into another room with a radio on
the left.  Jump into the large pool of water and go through the next
door.  Here you will encounter your first flatfish.  Continue down the
hall into a larger room with the 'N' Atlantean Symbol on the right side
of the room.  Continue down this path and go up to the surface before
you run out of air.

Now go through the blue outlined mosaic that will open to another hall.
You'll come to a large room with a Roscoe and a clam in the left corner
at the end of the stairs.  Get a full air supply and then continue down
the hall.  Keep going until you have a choice to go either down a left
or right hall.  Go down the left and you should come to the surface
where you can get some more air.

Go down this path into a large room with a couple enemies.  You'll have
to climb up a series of ledges, one of which has a radio for a
checkpoint, until you come to the top where you'll have to jump from
ledge to ledge around the walls.  You should find an Empty Vase at the
end of one ledge.  Grab it and jump down and go back into the water.
This time continue forward and swim up another set of stairs to the

Follow the path into a large room with a face carved into the wall on
your right.  Remember that face as you will be coming back to it.
Continue through the next door and follow the path to a pool of water.
Dive in and swim down the path where you should go down the first left
through a door.  Here you'll have to swim up another tunnel to the

Here you'll have to go through a series of halls and rooms until you
come to the end where there will be a radio, the 'T[2]' Atlantean
Symbol, and a lever.  Press and hold TRIANGLE by the lever to release
green water into a pool.  Switch to Milo at the radio and go back to the
previous room.  In the far left corner there will be a block with a huge
handle.  Have Milo go up to it and pull it back.

Now jump up on the ledge and jump into the pool of water that the block
was covering.  Here you'll have to swim up a set of stairs to the
surface and then climb a series of ledges up to a door.  Go through to a
room with 3 beetles in it, as well as a ledge with the 'I' Atlantean
Symbol on it.  Also on this ledge you'll see a small pool of golden
water.  Jump in it and use the Empty Vase on it to collect some.

Now go through the next door and up a lot of ledge until you come to the
top of one of the rooms you just came from with the last 'S' Atlantean
Symbol floating in the center.  You'll have to find your way back and
jump again if you miss the first time.  It is probably the hardest
symbol to get and I find it much easier if you use Kida because of her
slightly farther jump.

After that simply swim back down the tunnel you came through to enter
this area and take a left to be at the surface and a set of stairs.  Go
up them (avoiding the Boid) and you'll enter the room with the 3 pools
of water.  Go to the left one, which is empty, and use the Vase of Water
to open the exit, which is where the face was in the wall.  Now all you
have to do is backtrack to that room and continue to the next level.

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - After the mosaic rises in the next room right before the huge
hermit crab.  It is above the stairs and in plain sight.

  T[1] - In the room past the giant hermit grab.  You'll need to jump
and grab the symbol as you fall into a pool of water.

  L - In the first area you see the sharks.  It is after you raise the
giant block with the Atlantean Key.

  A[2] - In a shallow water area with sharks in the corner of a large
square room.  This is shortly before you find another radio.

  N - In the first area that the flatfish appear in.  It is in plain
sight and very hard to miss.

  T[2] - By the lever that fills one of the 3 pools with green water.
It is also near a radio in the same room.

  I - By the pool of golden water that you must collect with the Empty
Vase to fill the 3 pools in order to escape the level.

  S - At the top of a series of ledges where you need to jump from the
top of a room and catch it on the way down.  Best to use Kida due to her
farther jump.

Green Crystal Location
On a pedestal in the left corner of a room where a giant head statue
spits fireballs at you.  This room is located right after the 2nd radio
in the game.

2.11- Treachery

When you start go through the door and look to your left to see a
cracked door.  Go through this and walk up to the Atlantean King .  He
will tell you to restore the broken mosaic.  Go back out to the main
hall where you'll see several Stone Sentinels patrolling the area.

Kill them and walk up to the locked door.  Use the Skeleton Key that the
Atlantean King gave you and it should open.  In this room with the large
pool destroy the Stone Sentinel, then climb up the wall to the top where
you'll find a radio.  Switch to Audrey and then jump over to the center

Look to your right to see a Stone Sentinel as well as the Green Crystal
for this level!  Jump over to that section, kill the Stone Sentinel, and
take the Green Crystal.  Now jump back to the center ledge and go
through the door to your right.  In this room you'll need to kill a
beetle that is hiding behind a pillar and a Stone Sentinel.  Also hiding
behind a pillar will be the 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol.

In the next room it will be completely pitch black.  You'll have to use
Audrey to fire flares in order to see.  Be careful!  There are gaps in
the path so be sure to fire many flares to be sure where you are going.
After you jump the first gap look to the right and fire a flare to see
another gap as well as a door at the end.

You'll be going over there but first look a little to your left and fire
a flare over another path with a gap.  It should hit the wall to light
up 2 crystals, as well as the 'T[1]' Atlantean Symbol.  Go over and
collect it then go back to the center platform.  Go over to the door you
saw initially to your right and through it to come to a lighted room
with some wasps.

Kill them and go around to the next door where you'll see some
patrolling Atlantean Police.  You can try to hide behind the blocks and
use stealth to your advantage, but I find it easier to do the jump/run
combination to (usually) stay ahead of them.  When you start running
through the maze on your left will be a small alcove with the 'L'
Atlantean Symbol.  Also, somewhere in this maze of police you'll find a
ledge with some crystals and the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol.

Eventually you'll come to 2 large gaps that you will have to run over
small wooden planks.  After you cross the first wooden plank look in the
alcove to your right and you will see the 'N' Atlantean Symbol.
Continue down this path to get to the door to proceed to the next area.
In this hallway you'll face a Rock Monster as well as 2 beetles.  Go
through the next door into a room with a statue and a radio by it.  Use
the radio to switch to Vinny and then go through the door guarded by the
Rock Monster.

After the hallway you'll come to a larger room with another Rock Monster
and a door on the left.  Destroy the Rock Monster and search the wall
for a discolored portion with a large crack in it.  You'll see the "!"
above Vinny's head and hold TRIANGLE to set dynamite.  Run away and
enter the newly-opened passage once it blows up.  In this small room
you'll find a Golden Heart, as well as a Piece of Mosaic.

Now go through the door you saw on your left when you first entered and
down this hall into another larger room where you'll find the 'T[2]'
Atlantean Symbol on the right wall near a Rock Monster.  Continue into
the room and on the left side of the ramp will be the 'I' Atlantean

Go up the ramp and go behind the giant boulder and push it down the
ramp.  Now go back up and switch to Moliere.  Go down the ramp and on
the right side you'll see a discolored part of the ground where a "!"
will appear above Moliere's head.  Hold TRIANGLE and he'll dig down,
revealing another Piece of Mosaic to collect.

Go back to the radio and go through the door on the right.  Follow the
path, destroying Rock Monsters on your way, until you come to a box at
the end which contains another Piece of Mosaic.  Go back to the radio
and switch to Kida, then go through the other door to the left of it.
Past the first hall will be an open area with a switch inside the mouth
of a statue.  Hold TRIANGLE to operate it, unlocking a door elsewhere.

Continue through the next door to find yourself at the top ledge of the
room where you just unlocked the door.  Jump down and go through the
newly-unlocked door to find the 'S' Atlantean Symbol.  Go through to the
next huge area with 2 patrolling Stone Sentinels.  Destroy both of them
and climb up the stairs to the broken mosaic.

Use all of the mosaic pieces to restore the mosaic and the door below
will open.  Go through it and you'll fall down back to the beginning.
Now simply go back to the Atlantean King's room and stand on the glowing
symbol to finish the level.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - Behind a pillar in the room you go into right after acquiring
the Green Crystal for this level.

  T[1] - In the pitch black room that you must have Audrey use her
flares to light up a path.

  L - In the maze of Atlantean Police on your first left in a small

  A[2] - In the maze of Atlantean Police and a higher ledge area near
some crystals.

  N - In the maze of Atlantean Police in the alcove on your right
immediately after you cross the first wooden plank.

  T[2] - In the room where you must push the large boulder down the hill
in order to block the generator for all the Rock Monsters.

  I - In the same room as the 'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol.  It is on the
left side of the ramp in the corner.

  S - Right after you enter the door that you must unlock with Kida by
using the switch in the statue's mouth.

Green Crystal Location
Next to the Stone Sentinel after you climb up the wall in the large room
with the circular pool of water around the base of the center platform.
You collect this before any of the Atlantean Symbols.

2.12- Aktirak Flight

This level is almost identical to "Truck Escape" except you have a
little bit more freedom with moving not only left and right but up and
down this time.  Fire your weapon with X and follow the general path,
avoiding the planes that try to shoot you down.

Just look below for a general idea of where the Atlantean Symbols are
located relative to the checkpoints.  They are very easy to find, in
fact this is one of the easiest levels in terms of a walkthrough due to
the fact that there really is only one path to choose from.  The Green
Crystal's location can also be found below, there really isn't too much
for me to say on this level.

Some helpful tips: avoid columns, try to get as many hearts as you can,
do not try to shoot down the gunners, it is easier to avoid them and
their bombs all together, and if you see a gap between the Atlantean
Symbols when you pause the game then you've missed one.  Don't worry,
you can come back and collect it again but you must finish the level
again, you can't just exit after you acquire the symbol.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - Before the first checkpoint.

  T[1] - To the left of the first checkpoint.

  L - After the first checkpoint on the right side.

  A[2] - After the second checkpoint on the left side.

  N - After the second checkpoint on the bridge.

  T[2] - Shortly before the third checkpoint on the bridge.

  I - After the third checkpoint at the very end of the bridge.

  S - After the fourth checkpoint in the caverns.

Green Crystal Location
After the second checkpoint and 'N' Atlantean Symbol, also found on the

2.13- Save Kida

The very last level in the game, it is really only 2 boss fights.  The
first is against Helga Sinclair, who is equipped with a real gun, not
the flare gun that Audrey has.  Funny, it looks the same, anyway, you'll
want to notice the 4 propeller engines on the sides of the hot air
balloon.  You must position yourself between Helga and one of the
propellers then dodge her gun.

Hopefully the bullet will hit the propeller and blow it up.  Continue to
do this for all of them and soon Helga will be defeated.  Now you'll
have to face Commander Rourke with Kida imprisoned in the center.
Rourke will have the number 6 next to his face in the upper left corner
of the screen.

Before you actually start to damage Rourke you'll need to collect the
Atlantean Symbols and Green Crystal.  The first will drop with the fire
and you'll need to collect it.  Shortly after you get it another symbol
will drop.  This will continue until you have all 8 Atlantean Symbols
and the Green Crystal for this level. After you have done this you can
now hurt Rourke by throwing your boomerang at Kida's prison and it
should start spinning and shooting lightning bolts out.

Quickly hit Rourke with a Boomerang and the lighting bolt will hit him,
making him freeze.  Quickly, before he unfreezes, hit him again with the
boomerang to do some damage.  Continue to do this until Rourke is dead.
Congratulations!  You just beat Atlantis, now go back and acquire all
Atlantean Symbols in every level as well as the Green Crystals if you
haven't already.  END

Atlantean Symbol Locations
  A[1] - After you defeat Helga and Rourke shows up it will fall to the

  T[1] - After you collect the 'A[1]' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to
the ground.

  L - After you collect the 'T[1]' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to the

  A[2] - After you collect the 'L' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to the

  N - After you collect the 'A[2]' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to the

  T[2] - After you collect the 'N' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to the

  I - After you collect the 'T[2]' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to the

  S - After you collect the 'I' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to the

Green Crystal Location
After you collect the 'S' Atlantean Symbol it will fall to the ground.


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