Juraiprince@hotmail.com Gambit Guide 11/27/00 ============== = Disclaimer = ============== X-men Mutant Academy: Gambit guide This FAQ is intended for personal use only. It is not intended for illegal(and downright OBVIOUS) reproductions of this FAQ. Copyright 2000. X-men, Gambit, and X-men Mutant Academy are all trademarks of the Marvel Comics corporation. =================== = Gambit Run-down = =================== Game description: Name: Gambit Real Name: Remy LeBeau (by the by, "Le" and "Beau" seperately mean, "The Handsome") Height: 6'1" Weight: 175 Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisiana (hence, "Cajun") First Comic Appearance: X-men (first series) #130 History: A homeless boy wandering the streets, Gambit was adopted by Jean-Luc LeBeau, head of the council of the Thieves Guild. Gambit is a master thief aided by his mutant power to charge object with explosive energy. He employs playing cards charged with kinetic energy as his trademark weapon. Known Superhuman powers: Gambit has the mutant ability to tap into the potential energy contained within an object and transform it into kinetic energy. When thrown at a target, the object releases this energy explosively on impact. Special Skills and Abilities: Bilingual in English and French; ability to throw small objects, including knives, throwing spikes, and playing cards with extraordinary accuracy. Fighting Skills: Excellent hand-to-hand combatant, utilizing streetfighting techniques and acrobatics. Personal Weaponry: Playing Cards; Bo Staff In game stats: Speed: Very High Strength: Low Range: High Heal: Very Low ======== =Legend= ======== The game starts you off as these buttons as your defaults: X = Light Kick O = Medium Kick R2 = Hard Kick Square = Light Punch Triangle = Medium Punch R1 = Hard Punch L1 = Counter L2 = throw I'm more comfortable with my version of the Street Fighter configuration, which is as follows: X = Light Punch Square = Medium Punch L2 = Hard punch O = Light Kick Triangle = Medium Kick R2 = Hard Kick L1 = Counter R1 = Throw Key: L = Light M = Medium H = Hard P = Punch K = Kick B = Back F = Forward D = Down U = Up QC = Quarter Circle (start from the down direction, to the direction following the "qc". For example, "QCF" would be Quarter circle motion from down to forward) (2 sec.) = Charge in said direction for 2 seconds, followed by next button ================== = Normal Attacks = ================== 1 = Standing attack 2 = Crouching attack 3 = Jumping attack LP 1) A quick jab towards the face 2) A quick jab towards the shin area 3) Hand chop MP 1) Gambit uppercuts the opponent with his staff 2) Gambit swings his staff out towards the opponent's legs 3) Gambit strikes the opponent with his staff HP 1) Gambit does an overhead smash with his staff 2) Gambit does a stronger uppercut with his staff 3) Gambit executes a baseball swing with his staff LK 1) A quick knee kick 2) A quick kick towards the feet 3) Gambit performs an extended light kick MK 1) Gambit kicks towards the opponents side 2) Gambit performs a backslide kick 3) Gambit performs a roundhouse kick in mid-air HK 1) Gambit combines a quick knee kick, with a strong kick to the opponent's head 2) A reverse spin kick (does not trip opponent) 3) A stronger version of the roundhouse, this one sends gambit's body into a slow spin. =================== = Special Attacks = =================== Staff Charge - B (2 sec.) F + K What it does: Gambit charges up his staff, and uppercuts the opponent with it. The strength of the kick determines how high and how far the opponent will go. Card toss - B (2 sec.) F + P What it does: Gambit takes out a card (take a careful look, sometimes they go from spades, to diamonds to hearts; I dunno what, if anything, that means), and throws it straight across the screen towards the opponent. The strength of the punch determines the speed at which the card is thrown. Falling Card - QCB + P What it does: Gambit tosses a card up into the air and lets it fall. The card stays on the floor and explodes after a small amount of time. The strength of the punch determines how far the card will go, and how long it will stay on the ground before exploding. ================= = Super Attacks = ================= Charged Staff - QCB + HP (when 1st meter is full) Gambit runs forward, attempting to grab the opponent. If successful, he'll immediately charge up his staff until it's on the brink of exploding. The impact of the explosion will knock the opponent across the screen. Damage: Low Card Trick - QCB + HK (When 2nd meter is full) Gambit performs a high roundhouse. If the kick connects and isn't blocked, the opponent flies high into the air. Before hitting the ground, Gambit throws a charged card at them, knocking them back into the wall. Damage: Medium 52 Card Pickup - B (2 sec.) F + (HP + HK) (When X-treme bar is full) Gambit grabs a stack of cards (19, not 52), charges them up, and sends them at the opponent, creating a maelstrom of explosions. Damage: High. ================== = Move Overviews = ================== **NOTE: All ratings are out of a possible 5 asterisks** SPECIAL MOVES 1) Staff Charge Okay, well, this is an odd move. The only REAL difference between the three strengths of the punches is how far the opponent goes. Gambit doesn't move farther, nor does his staff really extend. He does stand for a longer time with the staff held up though. The Medium version is parfait (that's 'perfect' for those of you in the know) for all purposes (juggles or combos). Use this move mainly to end combos (or begin juggles, if you're fast enough). Rating: **** 2) Falling Card What in the name of Potato Pancakes is this? Perhaps the most useless move in his repertoire is this move. Gambit throws a card up into the air that is either too close, or too far, and either stays there for too short, or too long a time. Not only that, but if an opponents walks right into it, it won't explode on them. THE CARD HAS TO HIT THE FLOOR TO WORK! In my opinion, don't use this move. Rating: * 3) Card Toss Not quite what I had in mind since the cards are supposed to explode, not dissipate, but what can you do? Okay, so the cards are basically good for hitting opponents that are far away. They don't explode, they don't push the opponent back, and it especially won't knock them down (unless, by some miracle of God, you hit them as they're in the air). I mainly use this to juggle opponents after performing the staff charge move. This move won't help you beat opponents like Cyclops or Mystique at projectile wars, since the start up time is slower, and the beams cancel out most any other projectile. Rating: *** _____________________________________________________________________ SUPER MOVES 1) Charged Staff Not exactly a great super move since you can't combo it in too well (the start up exists even IF the opponent is smack dab next to you). But the damage incurred, and the fact that it pushes opponents FAR away is good (unless you're doing this move on a cyclops, or mystique user, then that would be a BAD idea). Rating: ** 2) Card Trick Hmm. It's definitely comboable, but the damage is only slightly higher than the Charged staff (unless my eyes deceive me). I guess that would be a good thing, for if the damage were higher, that would be the ONLY thing anyone would do with Gambit. Again, don't use this move to push back opponents with far ranges (again, cyclops and mystique). Rating: *** 3) 52 Card Pick Up Gosh, why can't they just call it the Royal Flush? Anywho. The main downsides to this move are the facts that a) you can jump over this move pretty easily, unless the opponent is far away, and b) if the opponent is far away the block damage is close to nil. Rating: **** ========== = Combos = ========== Non-Special Move Ground Combos: 1) (crouching)LP, (crouching)HK 2) (crouching)LP, (crouching)LK, (standing)HK 3) (crouching)LP, (standing)MK, D + HP Special move / Super Move Ground combos 1) D+LP, D+LK, Staff Charge 2) Staff Charge, Card Toss 3) D+LP, D+LK, Staff Charge, Card Toss 4) more to come...