X-MEN: MUTANT ACADEMY Sony Playstation Cyclops Character FAQ by: GalFord (GalFord@UkyoFan.zzn.com) This FAQ can only be found at:- www.GameFAQs.com www.GameAdvice.com www.VGStrategies.about.com ///////////////// ///////////////// Version 0.2 = 11/09/00 Cleared up a few grammatical errors.. Added a Combo. Version 0.1 = 06/09/00 Well... Here it is! :P I'm gonna try to find out everything I can about using Cyclops to the max! In the meantime, have a moderate bunch of combos. Next revision will hopefully have more combos and other bits and bobs. ////////// DISCLAIMER ////////// This FAQ is free and may not be used for profit or promotional purposes; this MEANS being used by ANY Publisher of ANY Magazine (OK?), or be used in a Website without the Writers Consent. It may not be changed, altered nor edited in anyway. This FAQ was created and slaved over by Bob Ritchings a.k.a. GalFord (GalFord@UkyoFan.zzn.com). And after going to the effort of typing this out... Ripping this off, will force me to do some Serious Spanking! This Game is (c) Activision . 2000 All Characters within are (c) MARVEL . 2000 ///// INTRO ///// Well, I thought I'd do a Character FAQ before I think about stopping the FAQ writing business. So, one last FAQ for a game I've been waiting for what seems like forever for. While my Final FAQ is in the works. I'll try to focus on the Moves and Madness/Strange combos of Cyclops but, don't be surprised if I don't find an awful lot! :) //////// //////// F = Forward B = Back U = Up D = Down J = Jumping S = Standing C= Crouching JX= Cross-up, cross-over, back-door, overlap attack F, F = Hop forwards F, Hold F = Hop to Run B, B = Backstep B, B, Hold Forwards = Backstep to Advancing Run P = Punch K = Kick WP = Weak Punch (Default: Square ) WK = Weak Kick (Default: Cross ) MP = Medium Punch (Default: Triangle ) MK = Medium Kick (Default: Circle ) HP = Heavy Punch (Default: R1 / WP+MP) HK = Heavy Kick (Default: R2 / WK+MK) CT = Counter (Default: L1 / MP+MK) TH = Throw (Default: L2 / WP+WK) QCF = Quarter Circle Forwards / Ryu's Ha-Dou-Ken Motion QCB = Quarter Circle Backwards / Ryu's Hurricane Kick Motion CBF = Charge Back then Forwards / Guile's Sonic Boom Motion (..) = Press buttons together /////////////// /////////////// --------- [CYCLOPS] - Fearless Leader of Blue Team --------- Name: Scott Summers Height: 6'3" Weight: 195lbs Powers: Able to emit concussive beam of energy from his eyes. Speed: Medium Strength: High Range: Very High Healing: Low //////////// //////////// <--SPECIAL MOVES--> Optic Blast = QCF+P Upper Blast = QCB+WP Super Upper Blast = QCB+MP Hyper Upper Blast = QCB+HP Lunge Kick = QCB+WK Super Lunge Kick = QCB+MK Hyper Lunge Kick = QCB+HK <--SUPER MOVES--> Super Power Lunge Kick = QCF+HK Hyper Rush = CBF+HP Concussion Blast = QCF+(HP+HK) ///////////////////// ///////////////////// I won't cover the standard button presses as I feel that they are pretty much as equal as the other... :) <--SPECIAL MOVES--> = QCF+P Damage: 07 Hits: 01 #Cyclops stands straight and unleashes a beam from his eyes. Quick, but can be ducked by everyone. Use this to try to keep a distance from characters like Beast and Sabertooth who need to stay close. There's no difference in speed nor power if you press the Heavy Punch rather than the Weak Punch. = QCB+WP Damage: 06 Hits: 01 #Cyclops hops forward slightly and blasts up at a 45 degree angle. Not that great as it can barely be combo'd with any real use. Good against jumping characters tho'. = QCB+MP Damage: 07 Hits: 01 #Cyclops jumps forward and blasts up at a 45 degree angle. Now this is where Cyclops starts to get interesting.. He jumps a little higher than the standard Upper Blast and forces the opponent higher. This can setup the opponent for a few juggle combos. = QCB+HP Damage: 08 Hits: 01 #Cyclops leaps forward slightly and blasts up at a 45 degree angle. Wow. The distance covered by this is silly! Combo-able to the max, and will setup the opponent for almost anything to be put into a juggle combo. = QCB+WK Damage: 06 (03+03) Hits: 02 #Cyclops hops forward with a Knee then Kickflips the enemy in the face. Short distance doesn't help this move, but it's quite useful for just poking the opponent with it! = QCB+MK Damage: 07 (03+04) Hits: 02 #Cyclops jumps forward with a Knee then Kickflips the enemy in the face. Medium distance and like the Super Upper Blast, useful to setup a few juggle combos. = QCB+HK Damage: 08 (04+04) Hits: 02 #Cyclops leaps forward with a Knee then Kickflips the enemy in the face. The range is silly, almost the screens distance!! But, it's so useful. To win with Cyclops you MUST abuse this at all costs. The Juggle Combos it sets up are insane and it goes to show just why Cyclops is the leader of Blue Team. <--SUPER MOVES--> <> Super Power Lunge Kick = QCF+HK Damage: 025 Hits: 14 #Cyclops hops forward with a jarring Knee into a Huge Kickflip. Why does Cyclops have such good moves?? Ok, so the range isn't anything to write home about but the possibilities for moves to tag on after he lands are immense! <> Hyper Rush = CBF+HP Stringed Command: Right, Left, Right, Down, Right Damage: 025 Damage x1: 027 Damage x2: 029 Damage x3: 031 Damage x4: 033 Damage x5: 035 Hits: 25 Hits #Cyclops dashes forwards with an elbow which, upon connection starts an Auto Chain Super Combo that finishes with a nice multi-hit Upper Blast. Being a Stringed Super there are button presses to do in the start-up blur that will multiply the damage given. Quite combo-able, and can be used in many combos. <> Concussion Blast = QCF+(HP+HK) Damage: 045 Hits: 015 #Cyclops unleashes his fury upon the hapless foe! BIG BEAM! BIG BEAM! ^_^ Barely anything will knock him out of this move. The damage is great, speed is good too! There are only 2 things which are a slight problem with this move... 1) The fact of it being an X-Treme Super means that you have to fill the bar... tap the X button.. blah, blah.. 2) Unlike in the Capcom Versus games he doesn't shout out "BEHOLD!" when he does it... :( I really liked that sample, it poked fun at any Human players who got caught by it :) (You could always shout it out yourself.. But you'd look a bit strange then ^_^) This is the best thing to finish a Combo that will kill your opponent.. In today's society, Style is everything :) /////////// /////////// Ok, this will cover everything from simple button chains to mad and freaky juggle combos that will delight and please you but annoy and frustrate the opponent. <--COMBO LEGEND--> = (O) #A combo that you can cancel into a special move after the last hit connects. = (C) #A combo that you can't cancel into any special moves after. = (S) #A combo that you can ONLY cancel into a certain moves from (Will be listed) = (CC) #Can only be done in the Corner, silly! ^_^ <--CHAIN COMBOS--> WP, WK (O) (Hits: 02, Damage: 04) WP, MP, MP (C) (Hits: 04, Damage: 09) WP, WK, MP (O) (Hits: 03, Damage: 07) WP, WK, D+MK (O) (Hits: 03, Damage: 07) D+WP, D+WK, D+MK (O) (Hits: 03, Damage: 07) WP, WK, MP, D+MK (O) (Hits: 04, Damage: 10) MP, MP (C) (Hits: 02, Damage: 07) MK, MK (S) (Upper Blast, SP Lunge Kick, Hyper Rush) (Hits: 02, Damage: 07) <--MEATY COMBOS!--> OK, this is where the gloves are off and it's time to hurt somebody! WP, WK, MP, QCB+HP (Hits: 04, Damage: 15) #This is the basis of many of Cyclops' combos, the chain combo in this is so handy I've dubbed it the "Cyclops Triad"! ^_^ From here you can cancel the MP into any Special or Super move you want. For starters, I've chosen the Hyper Upper Blast. WP, WK, MP, QCB+HK (Hits: 05, Damage: 15) #Same as the above, but with the Hyper Lunge Kick instead. WP, WK, MP, QCB+HP, QCB+HP (Hits: 05, Damage: 23) WP, WK, MP, QCB+HK, QCB+HP (Hits: 06, Damage: 23) WP, WK, MP, QCB+HK, QCB+HK (Hits: 07, Damage: 23) #Again, same as the above, but this time juggling with another move on the end of the Launcher. *SCRUBBY COMBO ALERT!!* WP, WK, MP, QCB+HK, JF, F+MP Land.. F+TH (Hits: 06 Damage: 18 + 15) (CC) Not a true Combo, but it shows that Cyke can play dirty if he really has to. Start the combo with the "Triad" and cancel to the Hyper Lunge Kick (QCF+HK), when you land, jump forwards and nail the opponent with a Rising Elbow (F+MP). Then... to be scrubby... Throw them with F+TH as they land! How many people will see that coming?? WP, WK, MP, QCF+HK, QCB+HK (Hits: 19, Damage: 40) #Yay! this is where the insanity starts. "Triad" cancelled to SPL Kick then as soon as you land pull the Hyper Lunge Kick to juggle! You can also use the Hyper Upper Blast (QCB+HP) to deal out the same damage. WP, WK, MP, QCF+HK, CBF+HP (Hits: 42!, Damage: 57) #This is such a cool combo! You have to start the Hyper Rush (CBF+HP) as soon as you land from the SPL Kick. Cyke should then leap forward and carry on beating the opponent. Damage increases for additional Stringed commands. Combo+ Damagex1: 59 Combo+ Damagex2: 61 Combo+ Damagex3: 67 WP, WK, MP, QCF+HK, CBF+(HP+HK) (Hits: 32, Damage: 77!) #Cyke's wonder combo!! "Triad" Chain cancelled to SPL Kick then blast them into next week with the Concussion Blast. Pure power that shows the force that Scott wields. //////// PROLOGUE //////// You can't tell that I like Cyclops can you? ^_^ Anyway, if you notice any errors or you have a combo that I've missed then don't hesitate to drop me a bell at (GalFord@UkyoFan.zzn.com) Hope you've enjoyed this little FAQ as well as maybe learning something from it. Don't forget! If you know something that I don't, tell me! I'll tell the world... And credit you for your niceness and information! Until next time.... Ja mata! /////// CREDITS /////// www.GameFAQs.com = Because, if weren't for this site I wouldn't be writing FAQs at all! Thanks to CJayC for the site, and the many people that visit the Message Boards that have helped me get started with writing these things! www.vgstrategies.about.com = www.gameadvice.com = Thank you Al for always asking for permission to use my humble FAQs ^_^ A few nice words go a long way! You = For reading this... Well! I had to thank someone for it! :P This FAQ is (c) Bob "GalFord" Ritchings.2000