----------------------------------------------------------------------- In Cold Blood FAQ/walkthrough Written by Nadia Varkovsky (varkovsky@hotmail.com) Last updated April 11, 2001 (Final Version) First of all, I would like to proudly dedicate this FAQ to Grace Yeo. I love you :) Secondly, this FAQ is also dedicated to James Neely, Jason Jaka Japaris and Kelvin Luethi for their patience. Contents: 1. Update 2. Introduction 3. Game overview 4. Characters (major and minor) 5. Walkthrough Mission 1: Investigating the Volgian mine Mission 2: Infiltrating the Pentagrad security HQ Mission 3: Sneaking onboard the land train Mission 4: Unexpected incident in the containment Mission 5: Blowing up the refinery Mission 6: Covert operation in the mainland base Mission 7: Silent assault on Vostograd Mission 8: Escape from the naval base Mission 9: Hunting for a nuclear submarine 6. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Updates April 6, 2001: Wrote most of the walkthrough including the first three missions in the first disc of the game. More should be coming soon... (Version 1.0) April 7, 2001: Just finished writing the walkthrough for mission 4 as well as adding the minor character section. Exam is coming in two weeks so update may be a bit slow but I'll try my best to get as much accomplished before the exam. (Version 1.1) April 8, 2001: Finished the walkthrough for mission 5 and 6. That's the end of the second disc. Now for the third one... (Version 1.2) April 9, 2001: Completed the walkthrough for the third disc. Just need to review the walkthrough again and everything should be done. (Version 1.3) April 11, 2001: Done all final correction to the FAQ. This is a quick FAQ because the game is actually quite easy compared to the two earlier FAQs. Anyway, the next plan is to write a FAQ on the expansion pack to Red Alert 2 or Commandos 2. It depends on which game will be released first. Or I might try to write a FAQ for some other game first. (Final Version) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Introduction Please note that I'm very busy with schoolwork (I'm a grade 11 student) and updates may be very slow. I will try to update as often as I can but the major ones will only come during weekends. This is my third FAQ so I hope you will forgive me on any mistakes and errors. If you have any critics, suggestions, comments and things to add, don't hesitate to email me at varkovsky@hotmail.com. One more thing, this FAQ is protected by the international Copyright Law so if there's anyone who wants to post this FAQ in his or her site, YOU HAVE TO LET ME KNOW FIRST!!! I've heard many stories about people plagiarizing other people's FAQ to make money and believe me, writing FAQ is not easy and to you know how it feels if your hard work is used by other people. So for all plagiarizers out there, be warned that if you do anything to my FAQ, I SWEAR THAT I WON'T LET YOU OFF THAT EASILY!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Game Overview In Cold Blood is a cinematic spy thriller where you will assume the role of John Cord, a British agent from the MI5 Secret Service. The game starts with Cord waking up in an interrogation room after being tortured by Premier Dmitri Nagarov, the coup leader that toppled the Russian government in Volgia. Cord must recall how he ended up in the place and more importantly, finding the person who double-crossed him. And so his adventure begins... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Characters MAJOR CHARACTERS John Cord Age: 36 years Height: 6 feet 4 inches Weight: 13.5 stones Profile: Born to a wealthy border county family, John Cord's father was a British army officer. His mother, Emily, died when he was very young. His father brutalized John all his life under the guise of making a man of him, but he secretly blamed the boy for the death of his wife. John was regularly beaten, made to sleep rough, and pushed to excel at outdoor pursuits such as horse riding, shooting, mountaineering et cetera. When Cord was eighteen he escaped his father ad went into the army. Equipped with an intense sense of authority and with finely honed survival skills, he excelled. Fiercely patriotic, he was perfect army material. Noticed by intelligence services, he was later recruited into MI6 by Alpha. His sense of discipline combined with his need for a mother figure made him absolutely loyal to his new boss. Alpha relishes the relationship and they have made an unbeatable team. Chi-Ling Cheung Age: 28 years Height: 5 feet 10 inches Weight: 9 stones Profile: She was born and brought up in Hong Kong. She can only remember having been under Chinese rule, and considers herself wholly Chinese, but her parents were deeply divided on their loyalty – her mother was pro- British but felt that they were betrayed by their former rulers, her father pro-China. This has left her with mixed loyalties between the culture of the East and West. The building conflict between the US and China made her very anti-American. She views Cord with suspicion. After all, Britain is in league with America and is the nation, according to her mother, that betrayed their people. Chi is a secret agent working for the External Security Section of the People's Republic of China. She was sent by the Chinese to work, as a double agent, for Nagarov. Now that she realizes what is really going on, she is driven to save her people from an unnecessary war, and so feels guilt for her unjustified antagonism towards America. Gregor Kostov Age: 48 years Height: 6 feet 6 inches Weight: 15 stones Profile: Gregor is a huge bear of man; broad and strong with a voice like dry whisky. He is the leader of V.F.F. (Volgian Freedom Fighters), and has the respect and loyalty of many good men. Gregor is well informed and has contacts in interesting places. He is well organized and a highly motivated individual. He has lots of charisma and can charm the birds out of the trees, but Gregor also has a strength that has inspired many to take up arms against Nagarov. His personality is as big as his physique. Dmitri Nagarov Age: 60 years Height: 5 feet 10 inches Weight: 9 stones Profile: Nagarov is a thin, gaunt man, whose power is in his presence of personality. He is tall and angular; his face gaunt, his cheeks sunken. His head is crested by a shock of silver and white hair, and he views the world through a pair of piercing, gray eyes. He has a cold strength, like an iceberg. Solid and imperturbable. He is a brilliant man, a master manipulator, and keen politician. He has enormous charisma, which has been used to build huge popular support. By fanning the flames of racial hatred the country has divided along ethnic lines – with the minority terrible oppression at best, and genocide at worst. He is cold and ruthless and not swayed by pleas for clemency. Nagarov leaves nothing to chance; his superior intellect allows him to foresee almost all eventualities at every turn along the road he travels. This makes him a formidable enemy and a devastating chess player! Nagarov likes to know his opponents, and he knows John Cord. He has been fully briefed! Lukyan Age: 41 years Height: 7 feet 1 inch Weight: 18 stones Profile: A huge, muscle-bound psychopath. He enjoys hurting people. He is not particularly bright nor is he stupid. Lukyan guards Nagarov like a faithful dog – their relationship has gone back over many years and Nagarov has always counted on his absolute loyalty. Professor Byrdoy Tolstov Age: 55 years Height: 5 feet 10 inches Weight: 11 stones Profile: Tolstov's brilliant scientific mind makes him very valuable to Nagarov. He is given a certain amount of freedom as Nagarov holds his daughter hostage thereby forcing his compliance. The importance of his work with its potentially sinister global implications plus the constant pressure from Nagarov have taken their toll on his already delicate temperament. Alexandra Tolstov Age: 9 years Height: 4 feet 10 inches Weight: 6 stones Profile: The only child and cherished daughter of Professor Tolstov. She is being held against her will by Nagarov to force her father to follow his wishes. Although very young, she has great courage and a sharp mind. MINOR CHARACTERS Scott Kiefer Age: 38 years Height: 6 feet Weight: 12 stones Profile: A capable American agent and long time friend of John Cord. Failed to report in when on a spying mission in Volgia. The American government believes him to be alive and need some help in getting him out. Last communications yield some clues to his last known actions although few details are certain. It is known that he made an agreement with Professor Tolstov to secure the release of his daughter, currently held captive by Nagarov. Yerik Dmitrivich Oliakov Age: 58 years Height: 6 feet 3 inches Weight: 14.5 stones Profile: Former university lecturer arrested for unethical activities. He was found guilty of endangering the moral integrity of the university by promoting unsound ideas. He is now a volunteer participant in Nagarov's 'Sanity through Sacrifice' program. Spectre Age: N/A Height: 8 feet 3 inches Weight: 410 kilograms Profile: Originally designed as a security robot to guard and police Nagarov's underground research facilities. WARNING: Prone to a malfunction in its threat assessment program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Walkthrough Author's note: -> Always search dead bodies, as they will sometimes yield ammo or med kits vital to John Cord's survival in the mission. -> The closer Cord is to the enemy, the fewer bullets he has to shoot to kill them. -> Always try to kill a guard from behind silently to avoid unnecessary risks whenever possible. -> Always talk to technicians for useful info. If they don't want to talk, use Cord's gun to threaten them. DISC 1 Mission 1: Investigating the Volgian Mine Objectives: -Locate and rescue Kiefer. Communications were lost while he was investigating Vlodistov uranium mine. -Proceed to mine B where Kiefer may be hiding. MINE ENTRANCE Talk to Kostov and ask him to create a diversion. Follow him closely behind and Kostov will distract the guard at the booth by offering cigarettes. Crouch and sneak into the main door when no one is looking. Turn left when you get into the lobby and you may read some notice about Kiefer on the bulletin board. Head back and go through the only door just next to the main door. A guard will ask your business there and Cord will reply that he is just delivering beer. The guard directs him to the showers and that's where Cord should go next. Go to the door on the upper right corner of the screen and you will see two guards talking to each other. Hide behind the locker next to the door and wait until one of them walked to the other room. Knock out the two guards in the shower room and then search their bodies for some ammo. Take the lift at the bottom right corner to access the canteen area. You will see three technicians here. You may try to talk to them, otherwise just head to the other lift across the canteen to get to the lower level. Kill the guard next to the lift when he is not looking and go to the door in the middle of the screen. Cord will see a technician working on a digger machine. Cord can ask him some questions about Kiefer and the mine. Return to the lift area and go to the door on the left. Head left again and go down the stairs and access the large computer terminal on the left. Look up the database and Cord will find out that Kiefer had escaped to mine section B. Return to the previous room and this time take the door on the right. Go up the stairs and keep going north. Go through the door on the right where you will see a man watching TV. Before talking to him, go get a steel pin located in the box near the bottom right corner. Go across the room to the opening on the left and Cord will find a particle accelerator there. Go around it and pick up a test bolt from the box at the upper right corner. Next, push the plasma rig away from the window and fire the particle accelerator with the test bolt to break the window. Climb out and examine the piece of cable on the ground, next to the pole. Cord will say that the cable seemed to have been deliberately cut. Go back inside and talk to the man watching the football match. Ask him about the cable and he will say that he can't give it to Cord. Pull out a gun and threaten him with it, he will comply and Cord will automatically combined the cable with the steel pin. Fire the cable from the particle accelerator and climb out the window to traverse across the ravine by using the cable. MINE SECTION B -> GROUND LEVEL Go through the door on the right hand side and you will see a man in a white lab coat talking with a woman. Cord will walk in and the woman will escape. Talk to the man and Cord will find out that he is Professor Tolstov. Hack into his computer using the REMORA and look up the Professor's info. Cord will see that he has a daughter, Alexandra Tolstov. Look up her info next and then talk to the Professor about it. He will open up and tell you about Kiefer, the woman who turns out the be an agent and direction to mine section B. Cord will also discover that they are not mining uranium here but a special compound called tri-nepheline. Ask him to open the door for Cord and the Professor will tell you of his friend, Sparski, who will assist Cord in the mine. You will see three guards outside and a notice for new email will come from the REMORA. Reply Kostov's mail and ask him to create a diversion. As soon as the explosion distracts the guards, run across to the door on the right to get into the mine. Turn right and go into the door next to the mine cart to find a technician inside. Talk to her and she will tell you how to get to mine section B with the elevator. Go out through the other door and hide behind the boxes. As soon as the patrolling guards turn their heads, punch the nearest one, pull out the gun and shoot the other one. Train your gun at the farthest door to wait for another guard that should come running. As soon as he opens the door, shoot him. Take the door at the upper right of the screen and go across the room to the door on the right. You will find a big machine here; go pass it into another door. MINE SECTION B -> BASEMENT LEVEL Take the elevator on the right to get to the mine and you will see two guards to the north. Punch the stationary one as the other started to walk away. Shoot him next and wait for another guard to come running from the tunnel to the right. Shoot him too and then go to the door on the left. Cord will find Sparski here and he will tell him about the auxiliary elevator and how to disable the main elevator in order to slow down the patrol robots (Cord have to stand on the auxiliary elevator and use it first before Sparski will tell him about it). Go all the way up to the room with the technician and access the console. Choose the option to enable the auxiliary elevator. Go back down and take the auxiliary elevator back up. Go to the next room with the big machinery and pull out the fuse for the main elevator. Go back down with the auxiliary elevator again. Go out from Sparski's office and go across the bridge leading to the tunnel on the right. Don't forget to search the dead guards for ammo and med kit. A guard will come deeper from the tunnel just shoot him. Keep going forward and you will see a large machine, examine it and Cord will figure that he will need a power cell to activate it. Go out again and this time, go to the left where you will see another bridge, a laser trap and a mini-gun on the roof. Go across the laser trap when it is off and climb down the ladder to the left. Pull out the body and Cord will discover that Kiefer is dead. Search Kiefer's corpse for the power cell and Cord will also download the information for tri- nepheline from Kiefer to his REMORA. Plug the power cell into the large machine. The resulting energy will blow a huge hole on the wall to the right but the patrol robot is alarmed and will come to investigate in seconds. Go through the hole (while ignoring the robot who should be shooting from behind) and run all the way to the north where you can see several mine carts. Ignore the two guards shooting from your right and jump into the cart to complete the level. Mission accomplished!!! *********************************************************************** Mission 2: Infiltrating the Pentagrad security HQ Objectives: -Plant surveillance bug on secure server. -Locate and remove hard drive containing information relating to VFF activities and falsified evidence. -Attempt to find whereabouts of Professor Tolstov's daughter, Alexandra. -Maximum stealth approach to be undertaken throughout mission. SEWERS Walk forward and Cord will notice the robot at the other end of the sewer. Climb down the ladder, go up a flight of stairs and quickly go through the door. You will see another robot stationed at its recharge point. Quickly take out the EMP mine and plant it on the recharge point to the right of the door and then go hide behind the crates to the left (keep track of the patrolling robot with the REMORA's motion scanner). When the patrolling robot returned, it will get zapped and dies. Let Cord stand up and shoot the other robot and then quickly duck back again. The robot will move towards Cord and gets zapped on the way. Don't forget to pick up the EMP mine. Go through the door at the lower left corner into a corridor. There are two doors opposite Cord. Go into the door straight ahead and there are two guards talking in the interrogation chamber. Punch them both quickly to avoid raising the alarm and collect some ammo from their bodies. Go back to the corridor and head out to the opening to the north. There are rows of prison cells on the opposite wall. Go to the cell nearest to the camera and peek inside. There is a little girl pacing back and forth. Talk to her. Cord found out that she is Alexandra, the daughter of Professor Tolstov. After the conversation is done, go to the door at the upper right corner, which is locked. Go back to Alex and as her about it, she will help you by pressing the emergency button to call the guard down. Go back to the corridor and wait for the guard to pass. Quickly knocked him dead from behind and Cord will promise Alex that he will be back. Go through the now-unlocked door and Cord will see a staircase with a locked door to its left and opening into the storage room to the right. Go into the storage room and pick up the sewer key lying on the floor. Don't bother with the locked door because a pass card is needed to open it. Go up the stairs for now. FIRST FLOOR Go through the opening behind the stairwell and Cord will find himself in the lobby. The guard will ask for his business there and Cord will say that Lukyan himself orders him to take care of routine maintenance. Ascend the stairs in the lobby to the second floor and an alarm will prevent you from going any further. Descend the stairs back to the lobby. Ask the guard about it and he said the duty officer should know how to disarm the security guns. Go into the door between the staircase to find an office and go through the door next to the laptop computer on the table. Cord will find himself in a shower room with lockers. Go through the opening on the other side of the shower room and there is an officer in the toilet. Talk to him and he will tell Cord about his pass card. Go back to the office and go through the door on the left. Cord will enter a briefing room. Look up the roster at the bulletin board to find out the name of the duty officer: Boris Yemtov. Access the laptop computer in the office with the REMORA and find Yemtovs's locker number. Go back to the shower room and open his locker that is located at the upper left corner. Cord will find Yemtov's security pass there. Go back down into the sewer and swipe the card on the reader next to the locked door, which lead to the power room. Access the terminal next to it and shut down the security guns. Go back up to the lobby and ascend the stairs to the second floor. SECOND FLOOR Go to the door to the north and there is an accountant in the office. Cord can kill him if he wants to. The guards outside won't hear the shot. Go through the other door in the office to the restroom. Pull the ladder down from the roof with the sewer key and climb it into a storeroom. Go out through the door into the helipad. Head to the double door at the other end and go inside. The place turns out to be a repair shop for the choppers. Approach the grill on the floor and Cord will eavesdrop on the conversation between Nagarov, Lukyan and Chi. A guard will came in sometime in the session to announce that there is an intruder. After the conversation, the alarm will sound because Cord's presence has been discovered. Go back down to the room where two guards were standing before (after ascending the stairs from the first floor). Go to the door on the right and shoot the officer inside. Head to the next room that turns out to be Lukyan's office (where Cord eavesdrop the conversation before), plant the surveillance bug at the terminal but apparently there are some protocol conflict. Go out through the door next to the terminal and head into the computer room by the door at the upper left corner. Ask the technician there to download the new software to your REMORA. Return to Lukyan's office to upload the protocol. Head back outside (the stairs area) and go to the door at the lower left corner. Cord will find himself in the forensics department. Go through the only door here and head to the computer and try to take the data cell. Cord will say that a special tool is needed for it. Go back down to the first floor and prepare a gun. Three officers will come running to try to kill Cord. Take them out before they can do anything. Go back to the room with the staircase (after ascending the stairs from the sewers) and take the door on the left. Talk to the quartermaster here and ask him for the tool. He will direct Cord to a drawer. Cord will find the hard drive removal tool there. Return to the forensics department and pry off the hard drive with the removal tool. Go back out the way Cord came earlier. Mission accomplished!!! *********************************************************************** Mission 3: Sneaking onboard the land train Objectives: -Locate and rescue Chi-Ling Cheung CAR 5 Head to the armored door and place a limpet mine there. Stay clear of the blast and head inside. Follow the corridor and Cord will notice a fire sensor. Use the lighter on it and the alarm should sound. Wait for a technician to come down and ask her some questions about the land train. Leave her there afterwards and take the lift up to the main body of the car. Draw a gun immediately and shoot the two guards as soon as Cord appears from the elevator. Search their corpses for some ammo. Go out to the corridor from the door on the left and Cord will see a robot heading out into a door. Run to the right, all the way to the end of the corridor and go inside the door. Place an EMP mine at the recharge point there and go out again. Track the robot with the REMORA's motion scanner and it will get zapped. Don't forget to retrieve the EMP mine. Additional note: If Cord return to the corridor and go into the door at the lower right corner, he will find two guards in the shooting range there. Kill both of them and collect their ammos. Should Cord ever run low on bullets, he also can return here anytime to refill ammo in the storage bin. Go into the door where the robot came from and you should see a guard in there. Hide behind the stack crates and quickly jump out to shoot him. Two other guards will appear from both sides, either kill them simultaneously or hide behind the crates again to take potshots at them. The door on the right is a storage room where Cord can find detonator, which is pretty useless until the end of the mission so it is not compulsory for the mission progress. The door on the left will contain a computer terminal that will inform Cord of the guns on the roof of cars 2, 4 and 5. Remember this room because Cord will have to return later. Head through the middle door into the medical facility and kill the lone guard here when he is not looking. Go inside the door opposite the door Cord came from and talk to the prisoner on the bed. It turns out that he is Feliks Kharghev, Kostov's man who got caught after planting the bomb. He will tell Cord that the bomb is located in a crate of reactor coils and Cord need a probe to reset the bomb timer. Author's note: The time until the bomb explodes depends on the player, if he/she is fast; there will be more spare time to find the bomb. The first time I play, the remaining time was 15 minutes, the second time I play, it was 25 minutes because I had known the location better thus allowing me to navigate the train in a shorter period of time. After the conversation, go to the next room and access the computer terminal there. Look up Kharghev's info and Cord will discover that his possessions were kept in locker number 23. Access the terminal operation and unlock it. Go get the timer-reset probe and head back to the room where you zapped the robot with the EMP mine earlier. Take the door to the right and go through the only door here. Cord will find a security laser blocking his way to car 4. Return to the corridor before the room with the dead robot and go into the door on the left. Access the computer terminal there to turn the laser off. Go back to the door and Cord will find himself in car 4. CAR 4 There are two doors on both sides. The right one is locked so head to the left one. Quickly hide behind the two crates on the floor and wait until the robot is not facing Cord. Place the EMP mine on the recharge point and hide behind the stacks of crates next to it. The robot will get zapped once it come close and don't forget to retrieve the mine afterwards. Take the cargo elevator down to the lower cargo bay. Kill the guard in here and ask the technician about the crates with the reactor coils. He will ask you to access the computer about it as well as warning you about car 3 which is the barracks full with guards. Cord will find out that it is crate number 66 from the computer terminal. Take the other cargo elevator up and immediately shoot the two guards there. The crate to the right is numbered 66. Reset the bomb timer with the probe and the timer should be reset to 60 minutes. Go to the other side of the room and there are two doors on both sides. The right one is locked so head to the left one. Kill the guard outside and climb up the ladder to the roof. Halfway through the roof, the REMORA will warn Cord of the AA gun targeting them. Go back all the way to the gun control room in car 5 and access the terminal. Cord will use the gun on top of car 5 to destroy the one on car 4. Go back to the roof again and climb down the ladder on the other side. Quickly slide down the ladder and draw the pistol to kill the guard at the bottom. Go inside by the black metallic door on the right. Draw Cord's gun immediately to kill the guard in here and proceed through the door at the end of the hallway. There might be a patrolling guard there so trace his movement with the REMORA's motion scanner first and hide behind the crate next to the door to ambush him or if he is not there, simply walk into the room and head to the door on the right. Go across the corridor into car 3. CAR 3 Proceed to the door next to the terminal and access the REMORA. Cord will see eight guards in two separate rooms on the other side. Use the terminal to lock the barracks so the guards won't be able to come out. Go through the door and pull down the ladder on the opposite wall. Climb up and follow the walkway on the roof to climb down another ladder. Go into the door at the top left corner and enter the door on Cord's right. Kill the lone patrolling guard here. Go to the other side of the room and enter the door to the left. Cord will find a technician here. Take the lift down to the vehicle bay. Hide behind the truck and punch the guard at the bottom level then climb the ladder to shoot the one on the walkway above. Go around the walkway and climb the ladder into the shower room. Use the REMORA's motion scanner to detect the robot next door. Wait until it is walking away before going out and placing the EMP mine at the recharge point. Go to the door at the lower left corner and see the robot gets zapped. Next try to open the door on the right and it will be locked. Use the REMORA to override security and then quickly run back to the shower room, as a robot will appear from the door at the lower left corner. It will meet the same fate as his friend. Go retrieve the EMP mine. Next go back to the door that Cord just overrode and keep going forward until he get to car 2 where he will see two doors on both sides of the room. CAR 2 Go inside the door on the left and the guard in there will yell to Cord. Quickly get Cord to shoot him before the guard can do anything. Threaten the technician inside and he will tell Cord to access the roof of the car through the missile hatch. In order to do that, the top and bottom hatches have to be opened and the maintenance platform has to be deployed. Go back outside and enter the door on the right. Go to the end of the room and access the computer terminal for missile tube 3. Open the top hatch of the missile tube. Go back to the room with the technician and the dead guard, and then take the lift down to the missile storage bay. Go to the computer terminal at the upper right corner and open the bottom hatch then deploy the maintenance platform. Cord finds out that the order for deploying maintenance platform has not been deployed. Go back up and ask the technician again. He will tell Cord to the code to issue the order manually. Go back to the computer room just opposite (where Cord opened the top hatch earlier) and type the code in. Go back down to the missile storage bay and deploy the platform. Get on it to access the roof. Go to the ladder at the far end of the roof and slide down. Go into the black metallic door and punched the guard from behind. Go through the door at the lower left corner and punched the guard here when he is not facing Cord. Try to open the door on the right and Cord will find out that the terminal is located at the room to the left. Go to the end of the corridor and enter the door on the left. Shoot the robot here and quickly run all the way back to the roof and then slide down the ladder (near the maintenance platform) and got through the door to place the EMP mine at the recharge point. Enter the door leading to the interior corridor (with the dead guard) and see the robot gets zapped with the REMORA's motion scanner. Go back inside and access the red computer terminal (next to the robot recharge point) and override the security door lock. Enter the now-open door; pass another door to get into car 1. CAR 1 Enter the door on the upper right corner and shoot the guard in front of Cord before entering the door to the right. Head to the door at other end of the corridor and Cord will see a guard patrolling the prison cells. Kill him. Head to the other end of the corridor and enter the door there into the computer room. A guard will be holding Chi hostage with a gun to her head. Wait until Chi breaks off from him, then rapidly unleashed some bullets to kill the guard. Chi will follow you after a brief conversation with her. Go out the corridor and take the door at the lower left corner. Wait a few seconds and a guard should run out from the door on the right. Shoot him and proceed down the hallway to enter the door at the lower right corner. Kill the lone guard in here before he can turn around and open to safe to take two uncoupling keys. Go back to the room where Cord first enters car 1 and try to uncouple the car. Cord realizes that he has to give one key to Chi. Plug in the keys with Chi and car 1 will be detached from the cars behind (the bomb timer will stop now). Go back to the prison cells are and enter cell 04. Climb the ladder and Cord will say that the hatch is locked. Go back to the room where Cord rescued Chi and access the computer to open the hatch. When it is done, go back to cell 04 and climb the ladder to the roof. Proceed around the walkway and climb down the ladder at the other end. Walk straight ahead to open the door into the bridge. Draw Cord's gun immediately to kill all the guards inside. Descend the short flight of stairs on the right and talk to the driver. Cord will tell him to keep driving. After a brief conversation with Chi, the level ends. Mission accomplished!!! *********************************************************************** DISC 2 Mission 4: UNEXPECTED INCIDENT IN THE CONTAINMENT Objectives: -Infiltrate the containment facility. -Locate and apprehend Dmitriy Nagarov. ALPHA & BETA LEVELS Go to the left of the truck to create a diversion. Cord will slam the truck's engine cover and one of the guards will come to investigate. Quickly go around the vehicle and punch the stationary guard. Next chase after the guard walking around the truck and kill him too. The front door will be locked but Cord will use the REMORA to override security and hack into the system. Open the door and step inside where a guard will ask you about working late shift. Go through the door just left of the elevator and access the computer here. Cord won't find anything useful for now because he lacks information to search for. Go back outside and take the lift down. Keep going straight and check out the locked door at the lower right corner. Use the REMORA on it and Cord will find the file number. Go back up to the room left of the elevator and access the computer again. Choose option 1 and Cord will see the door number to be unlocked. Choose option 2 to unlock the door and go down the elevator again and enter the now-open door. Search the dead technician's body to find his pass card and then take the elevator back up again. Exit from the door to the right and enter the door on the left hand side. Go to the door with a guard in front and he will ask Cord for his ID. Cord will show it to him and the guard will step aside. Go inside the storeroom and pick up the length of cable in the center of the room. Go back outside and take the lift down again. Enter the door to the right and go right again. Cord will see a huge elevator shaft to the left with a technician next to it. Approach the elevator hatch cover and try to remove it. The technician will ask you for some ID. Show it to her and then remove the elevator hatch. Go inside and use the cable on the hook next to the hatch to rappel down. KAPPA LEVEL The cable was broken during your descent so Cord can't go back up again. The elevator door is locked so use REMORA to access the electrical box next to it. Choose option 2 to use the BEELZEBUB software to short circuit the panel. The door should be open. Enter and ready Cord's gun. Three mouse-looking mini robots will attack Cord, one from the left and two from the right. Shoot them quickly before they can get close to harm Cord. Each of them will require two shots to kill. Search the corpses scattered across the room for some ammo and med kits. Enter the door just opposite Cord and shoot the lone mini robot here. Enter the door on the left into a corridor and shoot the mini robot from the end of the corridor. Enter the door on the left to get into the main arms store. Shoot the lone robot here and exit through the door on the left into another corridor. Shoot the two mini robots here. Turn left and head to the end of the corridor then enter the door at lower left corner. Cord will hear a loud banging sound just before he enter the room and he will say he thought he was alone down there. Access the laptop computer in the room and reboot the machine. Read the two emails there. The first email refers to Spectre as well as a safe combination and the second one refers to someone being awarded an Iron Cross for inventing a tri-nepheline radar application called NEPHJAM. Go back out all the way to the corridor just after the elevator shaft and enter the door at the middle left. Note: Spectre will start chasing Cord here. The REMORA's motion scanner can always track its movement. Put the combination into the safe here and Cord will find a fuse. Go back out and enter the door at the lower left corner of the same corridor. This time enter the door at lower right corner. Cord will see a huge robotic arm at the end of the room. Access the terminal next to it and choose option 1 to prime the gestation pod for receiving power. Choose option 2 next and activate the switching mechanism for the robotic arm. Go back outside to the corridor after the elevator shaft and enter the door at the top left corner. Go all the way down to the hallway, turn left and enter the door on the left with a broken file cabinet lying next to it. Shoot the lone robot in here and ascend the staircase. Plug the fuse into the power box and then route the power to the pods. Now go find Spectre and lure it to the room with the huge robotic arm. Activate the lever when Spectre is in the robotic arm's pathway and he will be pushed to hit the electric cable and die. Take the key-chip from the dead robot and head to the elevator shaft corridor. Use the key-chip on the door at the top right corner and enter the lift to go to Omega Level. OMEGA LEVEL Head to the right and take the lift down. Quickly shoot the guard hiding behind the terminal and access the computer on the right. Look up information on Oliakov. Then access the left computer and raise pod number 08. Talk to Oliakov in there and then open the cage to let him loose. Talk to him again and he will ask you to play a game – secrets. Play along with him and then go check out the metal door at the end of the room. Cord will say that it is impossible to get to the other side. Access the computer again and raise pod number 11. Cord will say that he can reach the balcony above from the top of pod number 11. Talk to Oliakov for the third time and ask him to play – aeroplanes. Bring him to the pod and tell him to stay there (pod has to be lowered first). Raise the pod with Oliakov on top and he will say that it's Cord's turn next. Let him down and stand there, wait for Oliakov to raise the pod. Jump to the balcony from the pod and head to the right into the next screen. Descend the staircase and enter the door just below it (the left door is locked) where Cord will see three giant specimen tubes. Open the protective cover for two tubes and Nagarov will come in, holding Alexandra. Cord will talk to Nagarov and he can ask him some questions before Nagarov disappears. Chase after him but he's gone. Go to the door at the left but it has palm-print lock. Go back into the right door and there is a technician there who was hiding earlier. Ask him about the door and he will open it for you. Go into the door and there is a cupboard in the middle of the room. Check out the computer first and Cord will find out that it controls the radar system. Scrutinize the cupboard and Cord will say there is something interesting behind it. Open the door and there is an assault rifle inside. Pull it and the cupboard will slide to the left, exposing a secret entrance to behind it. Go inside to reach the sewer and climb the ladder to the right. Climb another ladder afterwards, timing Cord's ascent so the guard will not be facing him. Dispose of the guard and Cord will see Nagarov's nephcopter taking off. Send an email to Chi, telling her to pick Cord up. Chi will reply that the sky is full with enemy copters and she can't get a bearing on Cord at all. Cord realized that Nagarov's NEPHJAM system must be at work. Talk to the technician here and he will give you the password to the radar console. Go back down and access the console. Put in the password and Cord will find out that Nagarov is serious about bluffing the US and China to go to war with each other. Chi will email Cord, saying that she is coming and all the enemy copters have vanished. Climb back up the ladder and Chi will arrive with the chopper to pick up Cord. Mission accomplished!!! *********************************************************************** Mission 5: BLOWING UP THE REFINERY Objectives: -Destroy the refinery's particle bombardment machine called Baby Blue by placing explosive inside the shielding. MINE SECTION B -> BASEMENT LEVEL Enter the tunnel to the left and go pass the two mine carts. Cord will see a guard chatting with a technician. Shoot the guard. Pull the hydraulic lever to the left and Cord will remark that something had opened and closed again. Ask the technician and he will say that the lever controls the steel gate on the other side where Cord came and Kostov came in from. Cord will ask the guard to operate the lever for them while he and Kostov gets inside. Go back to the gate and enter it when the technician opens it. Cord will get to the place where he found Kiefer's corpse in the first mission. Go pass through the laser trap again and kill the guard at the other end of the bridge. Cord will enter an area with a technician working on a huge robotic claw. Kostov will shoot the technician dead. A brief argument between Cord and Kostov will ensue regarding the killing of technicians. Continue to the next area where there are three technicians and a huge machine buzzing to the right. Keep going pass this area where Cord will see an old wooden rickety bridge guarded by a mini-gun. Talk to Kostov about it and he will agree to draw the mini-gun's fire while Cord ran across. Quickly run across when Kostov starts shooting and hide behind the pile of rocks to the right. Three guards will come running from the north. Kill them all as fast as possible while crouching behind the rocks. The wooden bridge was shot to bits by the mini-gun in the process so Cord will be on his own now, while Kostov have to go back to find another way in. Go up the tunnel where the three guards just came from and Cord should see a guard running, trying to seek cover behind a mine cart. Draw Cord's gun and shoot him quickly before he can reach safety. Access the terminal next to large steel door to the right to open it. Go inside and the two technicians there will ask Cord about the claw repairman. Cord will say that he saw him back in tunnel. Ask the technician about the problem and he will explain that the barrel was stuck on the elevator while the terminal for controlling the claw is broken. Punch the terminal once and it should be back to normal. Access it and then operate claw 3 to remove the barrel. Take the elevator to go up to the refinery. REFINERY -> GROUND FLOOR Cord will complain about the rain and he will also wonder why Kostov is not there to meet him. Climb the ladder up to the wall to the far right and Cord will see a robot on the other side. Go to the left and go through the broken window there. Cord will find Professor Tolstov in here and he will conversed with Cord for a while. Cord summarized that Nagarov is planning to launch the missile from Vostograd, a decommissioned naval base. A guard will come running up the stairs from the left. Quickly draw Cord's gun and kill him. The Professor will say that the robot must have heard the shot. Climb out through the window again and the robot will come. Professor Tolstov will say that he killed the guard and there's no intruder, obviously trying to protect Cord. The robot will shoot the Professor. Go back outside and climb the ladder down to the other side (where the robot was previously). Quickly enter the door to the left and place the EMP mine at the recharge point at the bottom of the stairs then run back outside and see the robot gets zapped. Return inside, grab the EMP mine and ascend the stairs to check on Professor Tolstov. He will ask Cord to use his ID card to access the second floor and to take care of Alexandra before blowing his final breath. Return back outside and enter the door on the right. Hide behind the large cylindrical tank until the lone patrolling guard here is not facing Cord. Dispose of him and climb the ladder to the far right. Go left across the walkway and use Tolstov's ID card to call the elevator down. Get inside the elevator to go to the second floor. REFINERY -> SECOND FLOOR Cord will see a conveyor belt with an ore crusher in the middle of its path. Go onto the belt and grab the pipe on top before Cord gets pulled into the ore crusher. Let go of the pipe on the other side and shoot the two guards on the opposing ledge before they can do anything to harm Cord. Keep going forward and Cord will see a furnace here with a ladder next to it. Step onto the conveyor and quickly go to the right and climb the ladder before Cord gets sucked into the furnace. Climb down the ladder to the other side and then follow the conveyor to the right. Shoot the guard standing on the left here and go to his corpse. There should be a power switch there. Turn off the lights and the two of the four guards next to the Baby Blue downstairs should come to investigate. Head to the opposite side, across the conveyor belt and take the elevator down to Baby Blue. Quickly shoot the remaining two guards here and plant the explosive on the Baby Blue (a ten minutes timer will start now) and exit through the door on the left. MINE ENTRANCE Go outside to find Kostov being pinned down by three guards. Kill all of them to help him and head to the door at the far right. Cord will try the door panel but it's broken. Kostov will simply kick the door open. Go inside, descend the short flight of stairs on the left and enter the door next to it. Ascend the stairs here and enter the next room to find two guards near the elevator. Kill them and go through the door on the right into the guardroom. Kill the two guards behind the table and go out through the other door here. Quickly shoot the guard standing here and enter the door at the upper left corner. Kill the lone guard here and exit through the door on the right. Kill the two guards here and escape to the left, which is the way Cord entered the mine in the first mission. Mission accomplished!!! *********************************************************************** Mission 6: COVERT OPERATION IN THE MAINLAND BASE Objectives: -Infiltrate Nagarov's base. -Insert explosive cartridge into the Super Computer located in the Command Room. SURFACE BASE AREA After the conversation with Chi, climb the ladder next to her and go to the right. Cord will see a very well guarded bunker with three guards and a robot. Go to the left and follow the edge of the mountain, using darkness as cover. Creep up the fence and push the tyre that is propped against it to reveal a hole in the fence. Sneak inside the compound and Cord should head for the maintenance building just straight ahead, using the crates and barrels as cover (beware of the patrolling guard and robot). Climb the ladder to the right and the patrolling guard should head inside the building. Look through the window on the roof to see the guard watching a soccer match on TV. Go to the TV antenna and sway it a couple of times. The guard will come to investigate. Hide next to the ladder for the guard to come up and then get rid of him silently. Scrutinize his body for a pass card. Climb back down and enter the building using the pass card Cord just acquired. Find the light switch next to the TV and turn it on and off to lure the guard outside. Hide behind the snow vehicle and shoot him. Go back outside and go to the left to enter the robot repair shop here using the dead guard's pass card. Talk to the technician and place the EMP mine at the recharge point. Use the console to recall both robots and they will get zapped. The technician will panic and Cord will offer to go report the incident. Head back outside and go to the fence. There is a building with a gas pipe next to it. Turn on the gas with the valve wheel and ignite it with Cord's lighter. Now go to the building in the background of the screen. Open the steel- barred gate with the pass card and ascend the stairs. Go into the door and climb the ladder to the roof. Quickly head to the right and kill the guard there silently before he can turn around and shoot his comrade to the left before he realized what's going on. Operate the SAM launcher with the REMORA and it will auto-scan the gas pipe that Cord turned on earlier. Fire the SAM launcher to lure the bunker guards. Head back outside, all the way to the bunker (avoid the three guards standing near the gas pipe) where there are only two guards now. Shoot them both and enter the bunker. Access the console in here and download the digital key-file for the monorail tunnel door with the REMORA. Go back outside and slide down the ladder to see Kostov pointing his
gun at Chi. A brief argument will ensue with Kostov eventually wanting 
to kill Cord too. Chi will shoot Kostov and he will collapse to the 
ground, screaming to his death. 
Enter the digital key-file to open the tunnel door and head inside with 


Cord will see four guards in the hangar. He will tell Chi to go to the 
left. Chi will do as he says and shoot one of the guards. Cord should 
stay behind the piece of odd-looking equipment and take out the guards 
one by one as they run around from the right. 
Go across the hangar and they will trip the alarm. A guard will come 
down from the elevator at the other end of the hangar, quickly shoot 
him. Turn around and shoot the three mini robots coming from behind 
before they can get close.
Climb the ladder to the left onto the roof of the monorail because the 
control for the personnel elevator is dead too. Go straight across the 
roof and shoot the lone guard that appears from the right. 
Keep going straight and Cord will see a guard crouching behind the 
ladder just ahead. Shoot him next and then climb the ladder. 
Go through the door and immediately draw Cord's gun to kill the guard 
just behind it. 
Go across the room into another similar room and quickly shoot the two 
guards from both sides who were hiding behind some boxes, waiting to 
ambush Cord and Chi. Go forward to the door and Chi will open the box 
next to it to reveal two mini robots. Dispose of them quickly. 
Head inside the door and shoot the two guards inside before they can do 
too much damage. Access the console here and Chi will tell Cord that 
she has to keep overriding the system because the codes changed every 
few seconds.  
Cord agrees and he will take the personnel elevator down before going 
into the cargo elevator. Kill the two guards here quickly and take the 
elevator up. 
Place the EMP mine on the recharge point here and access the terminal 
to unlock the anteroom door. The robot will come inside and get zapped. 
Pick up the EMP mine again and access the terminal again to operate the 
cable car. 
Run outside to the anteroom and head to the walkway outside. Turn right 
and run to cable car and jump to its roof to get a free transport to 
the island base. Mission accomplished!!!     




-Insert explosive cartridge into the Super Computer located in the 
Command Room. 


Crouch behind the crates next to the cable car and wait for the guard 
to walk over and look at the other way before disposing him silently. 
Access the console to the right and interact with the turntable 
operation. Cord may either turn the conveyor clockwise three times or 
anti-clockwise three times because the result will be the same. 
Go across the conveyor (don't run to avoid alerting the robot and the 
guard) and climb the ladder to the right. Dispose of the guard without 
making any noise and access the console there. Rotate the turntable 2 
times anti-clockwise. Step onto the conveyor to the right and go 
Kill the guard here silently and access the console to rotate the 
turntable clockwise once. Don't forget to take the power pack to the 
left. Cross the bridge to access the next area. Step onto the conveyor 
and go across it. 
Hide behind the crates lying on the floor and place an EMP mine on the 
recharge point, when the robot is not looking. After the robot is 
deactivated, insert the power pack to the power terminal next to the 
elevator and take it down to the manufacturing level.     


Access the terminal to the right and Cord will see the structure of the 
base. The main objective is to get to the Command Room, which is 
located in level 1. 
Go into the door next to the elevator and proceed around the walkway, 
ascend the staircase before going into another door to the far left. 
Go to the valve wheel to the left and turn it. The two guards 
downstairs will ask the technician to check. Let the technician fix the 
gas leak and quickly take the elevator down. Go into the door at the 
far right and climb the stairs there to go into the door at the upper 
left corner. 
Cord will see two patrolling guards at the bottom. Go inside the door 
at the far left and then kill the guard there. Place an EMP mine at the 
recharge point there and head back outside to take the door at the 
center of the screen. 
Proceed around the walkway and enter the door at the far right. Draw 
Cord's gun and shoot the guard there to attract the robot's attention. 
Quickly run back and lure the robot to the room with the booby-trapped 
recharge point. Go out through the other door and wait for the robot to 
get zapped as soon as it enters the room. 
Go back to the room where the robot was and then enter the door at the 
far left. Proceed around the walkway, down the stairs and enter the 
door at the far right. 
Kill the lone guard here and take the elevator down to the security 


Go enter the door at the far right and go enter the door at the far 
left to find a technician in the interrogation room. Talk to him and 
Cord will find out about blocking the robots' patrol route by locking 
the doors from the terminal.   
Exit this room and hide behind the crates outside. Wait for the 
patrolling robot to look the other way before dashing through the door 
on the right. Enter the first door on the right in the next room, go 
through the only door here and go down the stairs to talk to Alexandra 
in her cell. Cord will promise to come back later with explosives to 
blow the cell door open. There's nothing that Cord can do now so head 
back outside (use the REMORA's motion scanner to avoid getting seen) 
and crouch behind the crates just next to the stationary guard and 
When the two robots are not looking, enter the door on the left and go 
through the door to the far right here. Kill the guard in the room and 
access the terminal to start locking out the robots. 
When the robot is patrolling the room on the far right, lock door 4. 
Then quickly lock doors 9 and 10 before the robot outside come in to 
check the door controls. When the robot tries take a detour from the 
corridor Cord just came in from, lock door 7 to isolate the robot. 
Next lock door 12 when the robot to the left is in the room. Unlock 
door 9 and 11 so Cord can get to the main elevator area. 
Go back outside through the door on the right and kill the guard 
outside. Now take the door on the far left and immediately shoot the 
guard there. Take the main elevator down to the quayside. 


Proceed around the walkway and enter the door at the far right. Go down 
the stairs here and kill the guard in front of the console here. 
Access the console and Cord will find out that both primary and 
auxiliary pumps have to be shut off to draw the guards away from the 
Go back up the stairs and take the elevator up. Go down another stairs 
and talk to the technician about the pumps. He will tell Cord the 
location of both pumps. 
Go back to the main elevator and ride it to the cable car docking area. 
Place the EMP mine at the recharge point and stand next to the elevator 
before shooting the robot to draw its attention. The robot will try to 
chase Cord but it will get zapped straight away. Retrieve the EMP mine 
and turn the valve wheel just right of the crates where the robot was 
stationed before. 
Take the main elevator down to the reactor level again and access the 
console again. Use it to unlock the door leading to the room housing 
the main pump. Now head back outside and enter the door just next to 
the main elevator, which should have been unlocked now. 
Go to the left and turn the valve wheel there. The guards near the 
quayside should come so Cord has to quickly run to control room again 
and take the elevator up again (where he talk to the technician 
This time proceed around the walkway to the right and take the elevator 
on the other side of the walkway. Ride the elevator just next to the 
one Cord just came in with and he should arrive at the right of the 
Shoot the lone guard here and ascend the stairs into the Command Room. 
Insert the explosive cartridge into the Super Computer. Mission 



-Stop launch of missile that will trigger war between United States and 
-Rescue Alexandra Tolstov. 

A thirty minutes timer will start as soon as Cord finished talking to 
Chi. Head outside and ride the main elevator down to the quayside. Head 
to the left and Cord will notice that the bridge is not attached 
Go to the Command Room and access the computer to try to raise the 
bridge. It turns out that there is no power.
Ride the elevator back up to the cable car docking area and take the 
power pack from the power terminal. 

Author's Note: 
If anyone finds difficulty in finding it, here's the complete way to do 
it. Climb the ladder next to the auxiliary pump valve wheel and then 
rotate the turntable clockwise once. Go across and access the console 
here to rotate the turntable clockwise once again. 
Go across the bridge and the conveyor to pull the power pack out of the 
terminal. Re-cross the bridge and then rotate the turntable anti-
clockwise once. Go across the conveyor and go back the same way Cord 
came to reach the main elevator.  

Ride the main elevator back down to the quayside and plug the power 
pack to the power terminal at the far left of the Command Room. 
Access the computer to raise the bridge and head back outside to cross 
it. Keep going forward and Cord will see a nephcopter with three guards 
next to it. 
Go to the chopper and check its machine. It turns out that the chopper 
part is damaged during the shootout earlier. Go back to the Command 
Room and check the computer for information on the damaged part. 
Ride the main elevator back up to the manufacturing level and proceed 
along the walkway to enter the door at the right side. Enter the door 
to the right in the next room and exit this room through the door on 
the left. 
Check the table in this to find the chopper part and a limpet mine. 
Ride the main elevator back down to the security area and place the 
limpet mine on Alex's cell door to blow it open. 
Talk to her and Cord will ask her to go down to the quayside. 
Ride the main elevator down to the quayside again and head to the 
nephcopter with Chi and Alexandra. Replace the damaged part with the 
new one acquired from the manufacturing area. Mission accomplished!!!     



- Stop launch of missile that will trigger war between United States 
and China.

Immediately draw Cord's gun and shoot the two guards that come running 
along the deck. Slide down the ladder and quickly shoot the two guards 
that come into the bridge from the doors at the left and right. Access 
the console and Cord will say that two keys are needed to abort the 
missile launch. 
Enter the door on the right and kill the lone guard in here. Keep going 
straight and enter the door at the other end to find another guard 
coming out from an elevator to the far end. Shoot him quickly and then 
approach the steel-barred door next to the elevator. 
Cord will try to open it with REMORA but he fails. Chi will decide to 
work on the door while Cord will proceed to search for the keys. 
Ride the elevator down and slide down the ladder there into the 
maintenance corridor. Quickly shoot the two guards here. Proceed down 
the corridor and climb the ladder at the far end. 
Check the safe in this room and Cord will find numbers, which appears 
to be the safe combination. Ride the elevator here up to the bridge and 
enter the door on the left. 
Talk to the technician in here and Cord will find out that Nagarov took 
control of one of the keys while the captain kept the other one in his 
security office.    
Enter the door to the left and pass another door to get to the engine 
room. Shoot the guard here and proceed to the far end to get into the 
captain's security office. Input the safe combination into the safe 
here but it doesn't budge. Cord realized that it must be the wrong 
Go back outside all the way to the bridge to get to Chi. When Cord was 
still halfway there, Chi will managed to open the door to the torpedo 
room and Lukyan will come out, knocking Chi to the floor. 
Nagarov will join him and they will decide to take carry Chi down below 
instead of killing her. 
When Cord arrives, he will see Lukyan holding Chi before they disappear 
into the elevator down below.    
Enter the torpedo room and talk to the captain here. He will give Cord 
the combination of his safe. Go back to his office and input the code 
into the safe to get the first launch key. Head back outside to the 
Lukyan will suddenly jump down to ambush Cord in the engine room and 
Cord's gun will be knocked away from him. Quickly punch Lukyan and he 
will be pushed into the turbine to become mincemeat.
Go back to the bridge and insert the first key to the console. Cord 
will try to use the REMORA to override the second launch key but he 
Nagarov will appear from the elevator and a brief conversation will 
ensue. A beam will suddenly fall down from above, pinning Nagarov to 
the railing. Quickly take the elevator down and input the safe 
combination Cord got earlier to open the safe there where he will find 
the second launch key. 
Go back up and insert the second launch key to abort the missile 
launch. When that is done, search Nagarov to find a small key in his 
Go back down to find Chi who is handcuffed to a pipe in the maintenance 
corridor. Unlock her with the small key from Nagarov and head back to 
the bridge. Climb the ladder to the deck. Mission accomplished!!!  

Congratulations!!! You have just finished In Cold Blood. Enjoy the 
ending!!! ^_^    


6. Credits 

God – for giving me the ability to write.

C Jay C – for posting this FAQ. 

Me – for writing this FAQ. ^_^

FxMldr80@aol.com - for correcting me about Sparski and the auxiliary 
elevator in the basement level of mine section B in the first mission 
as well as the fire sensor in the third mission.  

Grace Yeo – for being my girlfriend. ^_^

You – for reading this FAQ of mine. ^_^ 

Ubi Soft Entertainment – for creating such an impressive and 
captivating game.  

This FAQ is Copyright 2001 of Nadia Varkovsky. 

This work is supposed to appear only on these following websites: 
1. http://www.gamefaqs.com 
2. http://www.orten.org 
3. http://vgstrategies.about.com 
4. http://DLH.Net
5. http://www.cheatplanet.com
6. http://a2zweblinks.com   
7. http://www.psxcodez.com 
8. http://www.cheatcc.com 
This FAQ is not supposed to appear in any other places or websites 
other than those listed above. This FAQ is not to be edited, altered or 
changed in any way without the author's permission. 
Lastly, any further questions, comments, critics, suggestions and 
additional info should be forwarded to varkovsky@hotmail.com.