Hogs of war. BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE GAME This game guide is for the experienced game player with a decent understanding of the game. If not there are tips to help you get to grips with certain aspects of the game. This guide is designed to help you complete all 25 levels of the game with all the available medals/promotion points. In order to achieve this you need to learn the capabilities of each type of weapon and field strategy as well as manipulating the games engine by taking advantage of numerous glitches. Typically the plot of the game is to use your pigs to defeat the opposition’s pigs and upgrading your pigs. As you progress through the game the opposition also becomes stronger and the mission targets become more challenging. PROMOTION POINTS/MEDALS As you complete the levels in the game you will be rewarded with points in the form of golden medal resembling objects, you need these to promote your pigs. When you first promote your pigs you are given the selection of four routes which each individual pig can take to get to the final ranking position but it is up to you which route they take. The routes are as follows. Heavy weapons, Engineer, espionage and medic. The more points you receive from missions and the more you can upgrade your pigs. RECCOMENDATIONS With the exception of the games first mission you will use five pigs at all times. It is recommended to have three engineers, one heavy weapons specialist and one espionage pig. Obviously it is up to you about what you promote your pigs to but bare it in mind that this game guide is specific and totally reliant upon the choices I have recommended to you. Alternatively it can be a good idea to substitute an engineer for a medic but that’s entirely up to you. MISTERY OF THE MISSING MEDAL Those of you who have completed the game before will know that on the mission Geneva Convention it is only possible to get one of the bonus medals. Now a lot of people seem to have the idea that because of the lack of this medal you will only be able to promote four of your pigs to Hero’s. This is not the case. The extra medal you need to be able to promote all your pigs to Hero’s can be obtained on mission 23 Hero’s Warship. The instructions for getting this can be found in the Level guide further down the page. It may come as a nice surprise to you all to know that by obtaining this extra medal and completing the last level, you get to start the game from new with 260 something medals. PIG RANKINGS THE GRUNT: Health: 50 Artillery: Bayonet, rifle, grenade. All your pigs will start the game at this level. It is at this point in the game where you can choose how to promote your pigs. (See recommendations above) Low and behold the four routes. HEAVY WEAPONS: Heavy weapons pigs are able to use long range weapons like bazookas and mortars. Unfortunately they aren’t as good as they sound and they aren’t particularly useful at the beginning of the game. Gunner- 75 HP Trotter, Pistol, Bazooka. Typically gunners aren’t much better than a grunt, except with an extra 25 HP and a bazooka replacing the grenades. Nothing too special. Bombardier - 90 HP Trotter, Pistol, Mortar X3, Bazooka I was wholly disappointed with the bombardier range. Identical to the lower rank gunners but with 15 extra HP and 3 mortars, which are the most difficult weapon in the game to use. Pyrotechnician -120 HP Trotter, Pistol, Flamethrower X3, Mortar X3, Bazooka, Airburst X1 The addition of the airburst makes the Pyrotech more exciting and the flamethrower is excellent for destroying tanks, gun emplacements and shelters but you will rarely get to use them to their full advantage. ENGINEERS: Engineers are the most useful pigs in the game and although can only really function at close range they can do by far the most amount of damage in any one turn and are always a good choice. Even a low ranked engineer can cause more physical damage to enemy defences than a top ranking hero. Sapper - 80 HP Trotter, Shotgun, Mine X3, TNT Three of the best weapons in the game at your disposal. Using mine and Shotgun/TNT combinations you can waste the enemy before they even get a shot back at you. Ideal for attacking 2 pigs at once. Engineer -100 HP Trotter, Shotgun, Shrapnel Grenade X3, Mine X3, TNT X2, Suicide The addition of more TNT is useful for whittling away the increasing amount of HP the enemy pigs seem to have. Saboteur 120 HP Trotter, Super Shotgun, Shrapnel Grenade X3, Mine X3, TNT X3, Suicide You will find that the mines run down a lot quicker in the later stages of the game but the super shotgun makes up for this and are a very tactical weapon and if used properly can cause massive damage to enemy pigs. ESPIONAGE: Sniper pigs. These pigs don’t show up on the map which more often than not makes it harder for you rather than the enemy but the cool weapons from this rank of pig soon make up for this. Scout- 75 HP Knife, Rifle, Poison Gas, Pick Pocket, Hide These weapons generally suck but the poison gas can be very effective when used on multiple enemy pigs. Sniper - 90 HP Knife, Sniper Rifle, Poison Gas, Suicide, Pick Pocket X2, Hide The sniper rifle is a great addition to the pigs. Easy to use and devastating to the enemy when used on them. Spy - 120 HP Knife, Cattle Prod, Sniper Rifle, Poison Gas, TNT, Pick Pocket X3, Hide The stash of TNT makes the sniper pigs dangerous at both close and short range. MEDIC: Used to cure other pigs. I don’t usually use these as the only time you really need to heal is on the last few levels of the game and your hero’s will all have curing equipment. Orderly - 60 HP Knife, Rifle, Grenade X3, Healing Hands X3 With the ability to inflict only 30 HP damage at any one time and the low HP you will find this pig dies too easily and has to be stood next to the ally in order to heal them. However you can use the healing hands three times in one turn if you wish so they do have this one advantage. Medic - 80 HP Knife, Rifle, Medicine Dart X3, Grenade X3, Medicine Ball X3, Healing Hands X3 The medicine darts works like the rifle and the medicine ball works like a typical grenade. Surgeon - 120 HP Knife, Rifle, Rifle Burst X3, Medicine Dart X3, Tranquiliser X1, Grenade X3, Medicine Ball X3, Healing Hands X3 More healing equipment than you will ever need, at least you wont die in a hurry. All paths lead to the final two ranks….who can swim WITHOUT loosing health. COMMANDO – 130HP Knife, Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle, Medicine Dart X3, Cluster Grenade, Poison Gas, Bazooka, Airburst, TNT, Jetpack, Hide The jetpack is very handy later in the game and a good range of weaponry makes these pigs too good to be true. I missed the lack of mines with these pigs though. HERO – 150HP Sword, Heavy Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle, Medicine Dart, Cluster Grenade, Poison Gas, Bazooka, Airburst, TNT, Jetpack, Self Heal, Hide, Special Ops, Airstrike. More weaponry than you will ever need and the ability to swim. The airstrikes prove quite useful later in the game so make the most of them. There is another rank of pig which you will encounter. Legends. We don’t get to take charge of these ourselves, the proof of their existence is on the final level. They just seem like uprated Hero’s with a few extra attacks. ARTILLERY BAYONET: Not recommended. You have to be stood next to the opposition for it to inflict damage and even though is a foolproof weapon it does little damage to the opposition. Maximum damage: 10 Range: poor User friendly: good RIFLE: More practical than the bayonet and does more damage. Requires manual aiming but isn’t difficult to use. Very useful in the early stages of the game but becomes primitive during later stages of the game. Maximum damage: 20 Range: Average User friendly: Average SWORD: Your hero’s have this weapon later, this would have been more useful in the early stages in the game but I dare say you will find a more damaging and exciting weapon that you would prefer to use. Maximum damage: 25 Range: poor User friendly: good GRENADE: You will be using these alot in the early stages of the game so practice using them beforehand. Can be difficult to get a direct hit but are very rewarding when used properly. Maximum damage: 30 Range: Average User friendly: Average TROTTER: About on par with the Bayonet, not really recommended for major offensive action. Maximum damage: 15 Range: poor User friendly: good PISTOL: The pistol is pretty much identical to the rifle in terms of range and ease of use. Nothing much of an exciting weapon and you will rarely use it later in the game. Maximum damage: 20 Range: Average User friendly: Average BAZOOKA: The bazooka is difficult to use and even more difficult to hit targets with but if used properly can be very effective and can cause major devastation to the oppositions team. Maximum damage: 40 Range: good User friendly: poor KNIFE: Same as the trotter. Easy to use but generally a lame weapon. Maximum damage: 15 Range: poor User friendly: good POISON GAS: Now here is a decent weapon. Fires similarly to a grenade and if used properly can be used to hit multiple enemy targets. Once an enemy pig is infected he will loose 10 health at the beginning of his turn and can cause an enemy to die and completely miss a turn. Very useful. Maximum damage: 15 initially and 10 per turn. Range: Average User friendly: Average SHOTGUN: Another decent weapon but generally does more damage at close range. Definitely a preferred weapon towards the beginning of the game. Maximum damage: 30 Range: Poor User friendly: Average MINES: These beauties are the key to success in the game. Use them the same way as you would TNT. 2 mines can be planted per turn or 1 mine planted and another weapon used. Ideal for attacking two pigs at once. Maximum damage: 20 per mine Range: Poor User friendly: Good RIFLE BURST: The more advanced medics use these. Three shots from a rifle. These are only really beneficial if the pig you intend to kill is on a flat surface. Maximum damage: 15 Per shot Range: Average User friendly: Average HEALING HANDS: You will find that you use these more than you think you would. Healing hands can be used three times in one turn if necessary and you still have chance to have a shot at the enemy if you have the time. Heals: 20 Range: Poor User friendly: Good PICK POCKET: Sniper pigs possess this ability. It allows you to steal weaponry from other pigs (including your own) can be used multiple times in a one turn. Try stealing from your enemies just before you kill them. TNT: Excellent weapon although rare in supply. Plant the TNT at the feet of your enemy and get as far away as possible to avoid injury. Typically mine and TNT combinations are the key of success to winning the game. Maximum damage: 50 Range: Poor User friendly: Good. SHRAPNEL GRENADE: Interesting weapon which only really benefits your team if the enemies are on flat ground in close range so that the shrapnel causes additional damage. Maximum damage: 30 plus 15 for shrapnel. Range: Average User friendly: Average SUICIDE: Don’t ever use this. You wont get your survival bonus for a start. Can be useful on multiplayer but that’s about all. Maximum damage: 50 Range: poor User friendly: Good (but don’t use it) SNIPER RIFLE: Very handy weapon to have. Good range, easy enough to use and causes plenty of damage. Maximum damage: 40 Range: good User friendly: good SUPER TNT: A more powerful variation of the TNT but does twice the damage. Handy for getting rid of vehicles and stationary guns. Maximum damage: 100+ Range: Poor User friendly: Good. CLUSTER GRENADE: A grenade with all the properties of a normal grenade but after the initial explosion the grenade disperses an additional 5 fragments which cause about 10HP per direct hit. Works well where the enemy is in a ditch or trench. Maximum damage: 30 plus 10 per cluster Range: Average User friendly: Average ROCKET LAUNCHER: Basic rocket launcher. It’s pretty easy to use and aims similarly to the rifle. Good for causing plenty of damage. Maximum damage: 50 Range: Average User friendly: Good SPECIAL OPS: For Hero pigs only. Transports them to any given location on the map. Use the jetpack first though. AIRSTRIKE: An attack is launched from the air causing mass destruction. Works well on a group of enemies. Usually when used on a single pig it can take about 80 health…usually. It’s different all the time. Maximum damage: Variable. Range: Good User friendly: Good AIRBURST: Works the same way as the bazooka but has a secondary attack. Useful for attacking bunched together groups of enemy pigs. Maximum damage: 40 + 20 for ever cluster direct hit. Range: Good User friendly: poor HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE GRENADE: Works the same way as a regular grenade but a lot more damaging. It’s a shame more of these aren’t available in the game. Maximum damage: 60 Range: Average User friendly: Average MEDICINE DART: There is a cool little trick you can use with this rifle. To heal yourself just aim it strait up and fire, it will then come back down and heal your pig. You will use this a lot later in the game. Heals: 40 Range: Average User friendly: Average MEDICINE BALLS: Has the opposite effect of a grenade. Very useful on the later levels. Heals: 30 Range: Average User friendly: Average Tips. Vehicles. There are various vehicles in the game such as tanks and something on level 15 called a Duck. More often than not these can be used to your advantage but do also put your team at a disadvantage if you are for example trying to destroy several tanks whilst being whooped by several enemies at the same time. TNT works surprisingly well, as do airbursts, cluster grenades and rocket launchers. Airstrikes are ideal but aren’t an option till the later levels of the game. It sometimes pays to hide inside the vehicle and let the enemy destroy it for you whilst you attack them. Guns. These come in the forms of big metal artilleries with 200 health and pillboxes usually with 100 health. Pillboxes usually only fire machine guns. Typically if a pig is out of range the enemy will hop out and take a shot at you leaving you the opportunity to blow him up and occupy his pillbox. The metal artilleries are slightly more tricky and have a wide range of weaponry that can turn your team into mashed potato if your not careful. Fire shells, long distance shells, 1000lb shells, mine shells. Needless to say you need to keep your distance from these monsters and bombard them with airbursts or bazookas from a safe distance. One tip I have for you, if you place a pig on top of either a pillbox or artillery just about where the pig would hop out of the machine. The enemy can now not get out of the machine and will keep skipping turns for no apparent reason. The only trick to this strategy is to find the equipment to get on top of it in the first place and not get blown off by other enemy pigs. Playing with Mines. As you may have noticed two mines can be used in on turn. More often than not you can plant a mine on 1 pig and use TNT on another, causing 70 HP of damage in 1 turn. This works well early in the game but as the pigs get stronger it seems less effective. Alternative weapons to TNT can also be used. Playing with the shotgun. Instead of simply blasting a pig once with a shotgun why not place a mine behind the target pig so that you can shoot the enemy pig onto the mine and cause some serious damage? Playing with water. The majority of levels have water on them; It is usually a good idea to try and knock your enemies far into the water. You can use a variety of weapons such as grenades, TNT, mines, shotgun, and super shotgun. Needless to say the further you knock them into the water the better. Try experimenting with the laws of physics and position your mines and TNT to blow your enemies into the water. Top ranking pigs are not affected by water remember. Playing with minefields. Some of the levels have minefields which you may use to your advantage. The shotguns and explosives are ideal for knocking your unsuspecting enemies into the middle of mine fields. Out of bounds. If a pig leaves the map it explodes regardless of remaining health. Try and blow your enemy off the edges of the map if it’s convenient to do so. TNT, mines and the super shotgun are advised only. Positions of advantage. Generally the higher up you are the safer you are, as you will come to learn. Try to knock enemies off ledges and hills from great heights and they will suffer damage from the fall as well as damage you have caused to them, it may not be much but now you have the position of advantage. If you have super TNT you can probably blow them off the screen if you plan it well. Spaced out. Also try to keep your pigs at a safe distance from other pigs including your own; the reasoning for this will become apparent later in the game. Playing with houses If its at all possible after laying mines or TNT you are given time to escape, sometimes its possible to hop into a nearby hut or shelter during those few seconds. Make the most of this opportunity if it arises. Mash tents can be handy if you can divert any attention away from them whilst your pig is recovering. Playing with Gas. As you will learn by playing if a pig is infected with gas it will loose 10HP every time it is due to take its turn. If it dies as a result of the gas then it misses the turn. To put this into practice. Use the gas on a pig with 16-25 hp and wait until it’s due to take its turn. The key to winning this game as I have already stated is your team’s offensive capability. You need to cause as much damage as possible in as few turns as possible. Before you start randomly attacking pigs take a look around the field and plan the quickest and most time efficient method of nuking your enemy. Try to deal with the more dangerous pigs first such as snipers or heavy weapons pigs. Mine and TNT combinations work wonders in the early stages of the game and make sure to take advantage of map features such as water, ledges, map boundaries and use the time given to your pig to make it as difficult as possible for your enemy to retaliate. Keep your distance from your enemy if you can help it. Don’t leave weapons pickups or health boxes lying about as your enemy will have them. Make every attack count and don’t waste turns. It is essential to get your survival bonus at all costs because later you will need all the promotion points you can get. A good strategy to use in this game is to try and stitch the enemy pigs up so that they can be killed in just two attacks. Later in the game this isn’t as easy but it is always worthwhile to consider what weapons your pigs have available to them and plot how to exterminate each and every pig in the most time and turn efficient method possible. For example, the third level of the game can be completed perfectly in just three turns with a bit of luck and precision. Game guide. As you can probably appreciate, it can be quite difficult to write a walkthrough for a game which is driven by randomised artificial intelligence; no two battles will ever be the same. I can not stress enough how important it is to gain all the promotion points available on ALL levels especially as specific instructions in this guide work under the assumption that you have gained all the possible promotion points. This simple guide is here to aid you to the best of its ability in order to help you complete each and every level without missing any of the promotion points. Here we go. MISSION 1: THE WAR FOUNDATION Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. This level is so easy you shouldn’t need any help what-so-ever. Aim to kill each enemy in just two turns. A direct hit with a grenade and a well aimed rifle shot is enough to take care of each enemy pig. Use the nearby health pickups if any of your pigs run below 30 health. One of the weapons crates contains TNT and can be used to waste a pig in one turn. If you are good you can win this battle in five turns. Note: Promote your first two pigs to engineers. MISSION 2: ROUTINE PATROL Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. Ideally in this mission and all missions onwards you need to stitch up all the enemy pigs so that you can kill each of them in just two turns, if that makes sense. Use your first engineer to place a mine on the first grunt you see and plant TNT on any of the gunners. Typically you can use the water to your advantage in this level by blowing your opposition into it if at all possible. For your second turn use your other engineer to place a mine on the same grunt and use the TNT on the other gunner. The enemy pigs will now all have low enough health to be finished off by your grunts. If you are good you can finish this level in just three turns. Note: Promote your third pig to espionage and the fourth to heavy weapons. MISSION 3: TRENCH WARFARE Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. This mission can be more challenging due to the increased number of enemy pigs. You are up against three grunts and one gunner. Place a mine on the first grunt and TNT on the gunner and jump into the tent whilst the three second timer runs down. Use your second engineer to mine another grunt and use TNT on the untouched grunt. The enemy defence will by now be pretty battered and the gunner should have only 25 health. Use the poison gas on him with you’re espionage pig and use your fourth turn as the gunner to finish off either of the grunts with 30 health, doesn’t matter which. Use the grunt to kill off the other grunt with 30 HP and the gunner should die after this turn from the gas. If for some reason either of the grunts survived you can finish them off with your engineer on the next turn. Note: Promote your fifth pig to an engineer or a medic, your choice. MISSION 4: MORNING GLORY Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. In this mission you are up against three gunners and two grunts and you have both water and minefields to experiment with. Place a mine on the grunt and TNT on the gunner (with a bit of luck you can kill the grunt by blowing it into the minefield and try blowing the gunner into the water) and with your next turn do the same with your second engineer on the other grunt and gunner. Try to position your pigs away from the waters edge. Use the gas on the gunner with 25 health with your third pig and use your fourth pig to finish off the remaining grunt. Depending on how well you followed these instructions you should now be able to finish off the remaining pigs with your engineer. If not then quickly finish them off ASAP. Either way you should get a survival bonus with no problems. Note: Promote your first pig again. MISSION 5: ISLAND INVASION Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. Now this is more like it. You are up against an orderly (Medic) one engineer, two gunners and an espionage pig. The water seems to work against you rather than for you in this level as the majority of your team (engineers) rely on close range combat. However the mission shouldn’t prove too much of a problem. Using your first pig, jump as far into the water as possible to where the medic and two gunners are. Place a mine on the medic and TNT (try and blow them into the water) the gunner and then jump into the nearest hut. Cross the island with your second pig and place a mine on the medic again and then use the TNT on the other gunner before hopping into the other hut. If you are good all three of them will be dead already. Send your espionage pig over and use the gas on either gunner if they are still alive, otherwise concentrate your attacks on the engineer. Once he is dead the espionage pig will reveal himself on the corner of the map, he is a pain in the ass to concentrate on killing him as fast as possible cause he is a pain in the ass. Note: You should now have enough promotion points to give your Second, Third, Fourth and fifth pigs all promotions. Excellent. MISSION 6: UNDER SIEGE Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. This is not a simple mission at all. You are up against two bombardiers who use mortars and two snipers capable of inflicting 40 damage every turn. For this you need to find a narrow area over the mine field and walk your first pig across the minefield. He will get hurt but will provide you with a path across for your next pigs, if you can remember where you stepped. You need to send an engineer pig across the top and blow the two bombardiers off the top down into the minefields below. This usually kills them if you do a good job of it. The two snipers need killing pretty quickly as well; in fact you can use a pretty similar strategy by making good use of the minefield. MISSION 7: COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. This mission can be a bit of a nuisance. You are up against a medic, a sniper pig, a bombardier and two grunts in the pillboxes. Use this starting strategy to give you an advantage. Use your first pig to plant a mine on the medic and use TNT on the bombardier. Make note of the nearby water. Use your second pig to get across to the pillboxes and get the weapons crate and use the super TNT on either of the pillboxes and quickly get into the hut. And use your third pig to finish off the bombardier. The medic is low priority as it doesn’t have any devastating weapons so don’t worry too much about him. Now finish off the grunt and then the sniper (if you can find him) then concentrate on the last grunt in the pillbox. Just use TNT to trash the pillbox and then kill him as quickly as possible. Note: Promote your first pig. MISSION 8: THE SPYING GAME Target score: Level complete & Survival bonus. Not a difficult mission. You are up against one medic and two sniper pigs but you need to kill them quickly or enemy reinforcements will drop in and make life more difficult for your pigs. Plant TNT on the medic pig and blow him into the water with your first turn and try to hide your pig near the waters edge. With your second turn plant a mine on the medic (which should finish him off) and plant TNT on the newly revealed sniper pig. Then use your third and fourth pigs to whittle away their health and then finish them off with your engineer. They may try to hide in the nearby hut or mash tent. Either way this mission is a piece of cake. MISSION 9: THE VILLAGE PEOPLE Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & extra bonus. This mission may take a few attempts. Use your first two engineers to wreak havoc on the four pigs up at the top. Try blowing them off the ledge or even better, off the map. Then use your sniper pig to finish off wounded pigs and use the gunner to get the medal over the minefield in the farm. The enemy like to use mortars a lot in this level so try to space your pigs out if you can. After about your 8th turn another enemy pig will be parachuted in so dispatch it quickly but if your quick you wont have to deal with him. Note: Promote your third pig. MISSION 10: BANGERS AND MASH Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & extra bonus. One quick glance at the mission situation will get you worried but it’s not amazingly difficult. Needless to say you need to find the pathway leading up the mountain and get rid of the two pigs in the stationary guns. The wooden panel on the box containing the medal can also be blown off using TNT or general explosives. Once that is done go after the pig who always appears to be in constant hiding on the hill. Note: Promote your fourth and fifth pigs. MISSION 11: SAVING PRIVATE RIND Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & extra bonus. This is quite an interesting mission as you may gather from reading the mission description. You are up against 1 pyrotechnic and 4 snipers. There is a route you can take through the minefield that will lead you to the medal but you need to use your engineer to be able to see it. Once you have the medal it’s just a matter of flattening the enemy as quickly as possible. It’s not advised to attempt to get your pyrotechnic out of the complex. Just use him to launch attacks from where he is and try to blow the enemy spies into the nearby minefields. If you blow the door off the complex a weapons crate containing a jetpack will be dropped inside allowing you’re pyrotechnic to get out. MISSION 12: JUST DESERTS Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & extra bonus. You are up against three pyrotechnics and two spies. This is a pretty fun mission and there are various methods of winning this battle. You can send your engineers over and nuke them all to hell, but this can be a little messy. Or you can play tank wars where you just attack them with your tanks. But my favourite method is to steal their own tanks and attack them with them. This way they destroy their own attacks whilst attacking you. Once all their tanks are destroyed a medal is dropped into the minefield area. Have fun. Note: Promote your third pig to commander and put him first in command MISSION 13: GLACIER GUNS Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & extra bonus. The five pigs you have to fight in this mission all have the odds in their favour in this mission. Each enemy pig has their own gun pillbox. The ranges on these things are quite outstanding. You need to take care of the pillboxes one by one and deal with the pig that pops out immediately. As you may have noticed there is a lot of water in this level so try and use that to your advantage. MISSION 14: BATTLE STATIONS Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & extra bonus. A fun and easy mission. Send your commando across the minefield to collect the medal using the jetpack. Use the rest of your team to simply collect the weapons crates and launch them from your base at full power. It’s pretty easy to hit the enemy accurately once you are in position. Enjoy. Note: Promote your fourth pig to commando. MISSION 15: FORTIFIED SWINE. Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & extra bonus. In this mission all you need to do is destroy the hardware on the island and make sure no damage comes to the shed, so keep your pigs away from it. Fortunately most of the enemies in this mission are stood around the minefield so its just a matter of blowing the scum into it. There is a spy who will position himself near the edge of the map and can be blown off the map and killed with use of a super shotgun. This mission should give you no major problems. Note: Promote your first (commando) pig to a hero and set your team up so that the Hero is first n command, followed by the commander and then the three engineers. MISSION 16: OVER THE TOP Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & two extra bonuses. Jetpack your commando up to the bridge and occupy one of the guns with your hero. Do the same with your commando in the next turn. Now start killing off the ground troops with the engineers. When it’s your commando/heros turn use the super TNT on the commando and blow the bridge up with the grunt on but try NOT to kill the grunt though, you will see why later. At the end of both turns make sure that your commander and hero are both INSIDE the stationary guns. Now by the time you have killed all the gunners with your engineers, both of the stationary guns should already be pretty battered. Finish them off yourself and collect your medals and then finish off the annoying grunt you have been dying to kill. Note: Promote your third pig to commando. MISSION 17: GENEVA CONVENTION Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & one extra bonus (It says you can get two in mission statue but it’s a load of rubbish, a bad glitch) I like this mission. You are up against four commandos but each one has about 30 health. They are all hidden inside tents. The idea of this mission is to destroy the tents as quickly as possible to prevent their health returning. Quickly jetpack across the minefield across your side of the river and get a good vantage point and call an airstrike on the enemy tents. You should be able to hit two tents and kill off both the pigs. Next shoot the mash tent with the pig still inside. Now send your engineer pig over the river and kill off the 10 health pig and then hide somewhere out of sight from the last remaining pig. Now send your last engineer across and use TNT on the last pig. Now it’s your hero’s turn again so grab the medal (which should be right on top of you) and finish off the last pig with your sniper rifle. MISSION 18: I SPY Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & two extra bonuses What a horrible mission. You are up against five spies who like using gas and TNT. The map is also pretty horrible to get to grips with and is made worse by the fact that the enemies are not identified on the map and the low timer. Just lay into them with all your best and most powerful weapons (airbursts and TNT) and try not to get lost. Eventually a weapons crate will be dropped in, use your jetpack to get it and use it to trash the building containing the two promotion points. If any of your pigs get low on health then just hide them. Note: Promote your fourth pig to commando. MISSION 19: CHEMICAL COMPOUND Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & two extra bonuses You are up against a spy, a surgeon, a commando and a pyrotechnic in the pillbox. Another pyrotechnic later drops in on the area on a nearby hilltop. You need to destroy the military hardware to get your first promotion point and you need to kill the pyrotechnic who drops in later on to get the second. The pig in the pillbox is a nuisance but if you keep out of the pillboxes range of fire the pig will jump out and take a shot at you. You can now get up there and blow him off and occupy the pillbox yourself. The hide option works quite well in this level, make good use of it whenever possible. Send your hero round the pathway and hide him just past the bridge but out of the line of fire of the pillbox. The enemy pig will now pop out of his box and throw gas at your pigs, which should bounce off the minefield. If he infects more than two pigs then restart the mission. Now jetpack your second pig up to the minefield and collect the weapons crate containing the airstrike. Use it on the two pigs on the embankment (the spy and the other one) and take out the bridge at the same time. If you have done this correctly all three enemy pigs are now on the ground near your hero in a box. Plant TNT on one the most dangerous pig with your third pig. A commando pig will now pop out of his box. Jetpack your fourth pig onto the ledge and collect the rocket launcher and the jetpack and blow the enemy commando into the area with the tanks and barrels with the rocket launcher. Start killing off the enemy pigs with your engineer APART from the surgeon but keep him away from the pillbox. Call an airstrike with your hero attacking the commando and the military hardware. It should kill him off and destroy everything and a medal will drop from the sky. Now use your second or third pig to jetpack up to the pillbox. Use TNT on the pig and get inside the pillbox. It’s not essential to the mission to destroy the pillbox but it certainly makes it easier if the enemy are not in control of it. Now start concentrating your efforts on attacking the enemy pigs. Do NOT kill the surgeon though. Mash his health down by all means but don’t kill him. Once the pyrotechnic lands on the hilltop quickly finish him off, collect the medal and finish off the surgeon. This is not an easy mission MISSION 20: ACHILLES HEAL Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & two extra bonuses This mission is a long drawn out battle; however it’s not too difficult once you know what you’re doing. All four enemies are surgeons which means they have a poor range attacks and limited offensive capabilities. Unfortunately they can heal themselves just as fast as you can kill them. In this mission the key to success is to keep your distance, for the most part anyway. You can call an airstrike strait away and severely damage them. Make sure to collect all crates in the area to prevent the enemy getting them. They are homing missiles and medicine balls so enjoy their use, but use them sparingly. You will need a few spares for the second wave of surgeon pigs. Now bombard the enemy pigs with long distance attacks such as airbursts and bazookas and DESTROY the mash tent. When there is one pig left heal your pigs and send them across one at a time to collect the highly explosive grenades from the drop point and get back to a safe distance. Once all the pigs are loaded with grenades, heal them fully and wait for the enemy reinforcements to arrive. Waste some time if you need to and the medals will eventually arrive. Once you have collected them both then send your army across and start wasting the enemy as quickly as possible. Heal your pigs when they have less than 40 health. Note: Promote your second pig to a Hero and promote your fifth pig to commando MISSION 21: HIGH & DRY Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & three extra bonuses Space your team out as soon as possible. To get the bonuses you have to destroy the little yellow sheds, three in total. Ideally in this mission you can hide some of your pigs inside the metal structure to heal them once they become quite battered. You are up against five commanders in this mission and it’s not easy. First off jetpack your hero into the chimney of the metal structure and call an airstrike on the hilltop with the two guard huts. This should destroy both huts and reveal some of the opposition and give you a good advantage. There is no real fixed strategy for this mission and a bit of luck must be involved to complete the mission. I recommend killing off four of the guards and critically injuring the other whilst you collect your medals, use medicine darts and self heal to keep your team alive. Good luck. MISSION 22: ASSASSINATION Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & three extra bonuses This is a tough mission, then again they all are from here onwards. You are up against four pigs to begin with but then two more arrive later. In order to stand a good chance of winning then you need to:- 1 Occupy the pillbox until the nearby scout is either dead or unable to occupy it. 2 Occupy one of the artillerys 3 Disable the other artillery by standing on it with the enemy pig inside. Now kill off all the other pigs so that the only one still alive is the one inside the artillery. The first medal is dropped when the Hero is killed and the other two medals appear once both the artilleries are destroyed. Eventually two commandos will drop in and can be airstriked strait away. Kill them asap and collect all three medals before preparing your team to deal with the final pig in the final artillery. It might take you a few efforts to perfect this strategy but it’s the only one that effectively works in this mission. Note: You can now promote your third pig to a hero MISSION 23: HERO WARSHIP Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & five extra bonuses (Only four bonus points will appear on the mission status screen) You are up against four hero’s, but its not as bad as it seems. Jetpack your first pig cross the hill to the medal, health and the weapons crate. Pick them up and hide your pig. Send your second and third pig across the platforms across the water, spread them out and hide them both. Jetpack your fourth pig up onto the ledge with the pillboxes and hide him away from them. Send your fifth pig across to where your second and third pigs are. Brilliant. Now jetpack your first pig up to the pillboxes and get inside one of them. Now call an airstrike on a group of three pigs. Airstrike them another two times with your second and third pigs from where they are standing and if you have done it right, three of the enemy pigss will be dead but your first pig will badly need healing. Heal him with your fourth pig and then attack the last enemy pig so that he is in critical health, eg: below 15. Eventually he will run into one of the huts and hide away. Now get several of your pigs up the hill near the medals and look at how the three medals are positioned. When the fourth one falls (when the final enemy is killed) the four medals will form on the ground to make the shape of a diamond, like if you had a sky view of the medals… do you understand? So put a pig where it looks like the fourth medal will fall and get another pig to collect the three medals and position him next to the other pig. Now replenish some of your health if you need to and go waste the final pig but don’t give him the chance to attack your pigs. When he dies the final medal will drop your sky and if you have done it properly will land strait on top of one of your pigs on the hill and instantly be collected. Note: (In the mission status screen only four medals will appear in the bonus section even though you picked up five) You can now promote your fourth pig to a hero MISSION 24: HAMBURGER HILL Target score: Level complete, Survival bonus & five extra bonuses This mission has a very short timer, much like the next. To win this you need to use the same strategy as in the past mission. Two to three airstrikes can easily wipe out all seven units but you need to keep one alive whilst you collect your five medals. To get them you need to get each individual pig across to the white pighead on the ground where the enemy is. Hide your pigs as you head for it and once all five pigs have collected their medals you can kill off the remaining pyrotech. Note: You can now promote your final pig. MISSION 25: WELL WELL WELL Target score: N/A Obviously with this being the last level in the game its kind of unimportant as to where you get a survival bonus or not. As comfortable news as that may be to you this last mission can be either a piece of cake or a terrible nightmare. I have perfected a total of three strategies which you may put to use. Any other suggested methods would be greatly appreciated. 1. Use special ops to place a pig on top of the pillbox. He will come out and use the pistol on you. Now jetpack back up there and use the TNT to blow him into the puddle of crap to the right hand rear of the pillbox, usually this will kill him…There mission complete. 2. Wait for the legends to arrive (yes legends) and use the gas on them all and paste them for a while. Then hide your pigs and wait for them to die. This can take a while. 3. Go all out with your biggest bestest weapons. Waste these legends like you have never wasted pigs before. If you are good you will win. I have done it many times so go for it. Game complete. Depending on whether you collected all or all but one of the medals you will be rewarded. If you got ALL medals you get to start the game from new with 260 something medals If you got ALL but ONE then you get to take back the land from your other pigs with a new team called Team lard. Any suggestions to further improve this guide will be greatly welcomed. My email address is thebadman16v@hotmail.co.uk. Thankyou for using my guide.