********************************* Hikaru No Go - Heian Fantasy (HeiAn GenSou IBun Roku) Playstation 1 game (Japanese Version) Version 1.0, January 2007. Written by Galenelf ********************************* ********* Contents: ********* *Intro: =Beginner's Go tutorial =Plot =Caution *Extremely basic guide: *Controls *Title screen. *Settings *Photo Album *Free Play =Free Play option menu: *During your games of Go: =Board layout =Flow of game: =In-Game Menu *Save/Load Menu *Story Mode Walkthrough +DAY 1 +DAY 2 =Private Room +Day 3 +Day 4 +Day 5 +Day 6-Day 11 +Day 12 *Cheat Cards *Credits ****** Intro: ****** This is a guide for the Japanese PS1 game "Hikaru No Go: Heian Fantasy" This is not a FAQ or a walkthrough, and this file has no cheat codes. I don't know enough Japanese to translate the conversations or to understand how to get all the unlockables. This is a game guide, and the only English hint file for this game (as of January 2007.) I'll do my best. You're probably a fan of the Japanese Animation and/or Manga "Hikaru no Go" (Henceforth HnG). You don't need to know anything about HnG to play this game, because this game is an alternate story set in Japan's Heian period. If you want to know more about HnG's original story, Wikipedia it, or buy the (excellent) translated comics. The Anime is also good. You do need to know the basics of how to play Go. Don't stress strategy much. It's okay if you're terrible; you will still be able to beat this game. The internet is full of basic Go tutorials, like: http://senseis.xmp.net/?RulesOfGoIntroductory http://www.britgo.org/intro/intro2.html http://www.britgo.org/cartoons/ Or the help files that come with the free windows game "Igowin" (Google it!) But I'll also write a few sentences of my own: ====================== Beginner's Go tutorial ====================== You can put stones anywhere you want on the board. If you put a stone next another stone, they are connected. Diagonals don't connect stones. If you surround a group of connected stones and fill every empty space next to them, you get to capture them and remove them from the board. The game ends when both players pass in a row, and the winner is the person with the most territory surrounded on the board, after the prisoners they've lost are subtracted from their territory. ==== Plot ==== The plot, I believe, is something like: The ghost/demon world is invading the physical, and before you can destroy each invader you must defeat them in a game of Go. To find where the invader will be, you choose moves on an enchanted Go board in the temple. To hone your abilities, you play against friends, earning Talisman cards that give you the ability to cheat against the demons. ======= Caution ======= IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT GO: Play this game through for the pictures/voices/story, and without using cheat cards. Then download Igowin and play against a real program. This game is not good at Go. You will get worse at Go if you only play this. ********************** Extremely basic guide: ********************** A normal day of game is as follows: Leave your room, See Sai (your long-haired Mentor/Friend) Go with Sai to see a friend. Play Go with friend (or let Sai play a teaching game with them) Collect special cheat cards from friend as thanks. Go to the Imperial Court. Pick one of three moves on the mystic Go board. Choose a friend to go with you to the demon realm. Go to the demon realm and play Go against a demon. Repeat about ten times. The Go Board puzzle choices for each day are: Second: 1 Third: 2 Fourth: 1 Fifth: 3 Sixth: 2 Seventh: 1 Eighth: 2 Ninth: 1 Tenth: 3 Eleventh: 1 Twelfth: 1,2,3,1,3 ******** Controls ******** O is select. X is cancel/exit. You move the select cursor (a fan) with the arrow keys or the left joystick. During story mode: Square: Hide Text window (so you can see the art) X: Skip to end of text, or go to next page of text. Does not select. O: Like X, but also selects (so tapping O fast is a bad idea, sometimes.) During Go game mode, L1 is Hint. R1 shows who owns what board territory. (X to cancel out) Triangle: List of controls (X to cancel out) Square: In Game Menu (for passing, conceding, or options. Explained later.) ************ Title screen. ************ There are five options, top to bottom: [Begin] (Story Mode) [Load] saved Story Mode game [Free] play against any character you've unlocked [Photo Album] of pictures you've unlocked [Settings] In reverse order: ******** Settings ******** The screen options, from top to bottom, are: Vibration: [ON] [OFF] Text speed: [INSTANT] [FAST] [NORMAL] [SLOW] Sound: [STEREO] [MONO] Voice volume: [0-10] Music volume: [0-10] Effects volume: [0-10] [RETURN] ************ Photo Album ************ If you have not got any pictures in this album it boots you back to the start. Locked pictures are dimmed. At the bottom of the screen is the [RETURN] button. ********* Free Play ********* Playing a game against a character you've unlocked. Doesn't affect anything, and doesn't save results. Is just for fun. A screen will come up asking if you want to load game information from your memory card. The left option is [Yes] and the other one is [No]. Select Yes. Available opponents are undimmed. There are 33 possible opponents, though some are repeated at different difficulty levels. (For instance, Akira Toya is both number 18 and number 24, but is stronger as number 24.) Scroll through the opponents with the arrows at the bottom. At the bottom right is [Cancel] Once you've selected the opponent, you're in the Free Play option menu. ====================== Free Play option menu: ====================== Default options are in double brackets, like [[THIS]] Options are listed left to right from top to bottom. When in doubt, Default. Screen looks like this: [Begin Game] [Board Size]: [[9x9]] [13x13] and [19x19] [Starting Color]: [Black] [White] [[NEGIRI]] (Negiri = Odd or even for black) [Handicap]: [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] [[NONE]] [Gomi/Compensation]: [-7.5] [-6.5] [-3.5] [3.5][4.5][5.5] [6.5] [7.5] [[NONE]] [Opponent Comments]: [[On]] [Off] [Autoselect Options] [[On]] [Off] [Beginner's Menu] [Exit] Beginner's menu screen looks like this: [Begin Game] [Territory Status Display] [[ON]] [Off] [Undo] [[On]] [Off] [Hint] [[Best]] [Three choices] [Off] [Running Territory Count Display] [[On]] [Off] [Beginner's menu available during game] [On] [Off] [Opponent Settings Menu] [Exit] ************************ During your games of Go: ************************ ============ Board layout ============ To the right of the board, there is a column showing game information. You can ignore this; usually it says "Your opponent is thinking" or "Your opponent just moved in (this spot)". To the right of that, under the picture of your opponent, are two small windows; one for each player. The top number shows how many stones have been captured by that player. The bottom number shows how much territory that player controls (when that option is turned on. L1 is Hint; a petal or three will fall on the board on a good spot or spots. In some modes (where there are only two or three allowed moves) you'll instead get a poem on the right, and three possible lines to finish the poem on the left. R1 shows who owns what board territory. This is useful when you aren't sure if certain groups are dead or not. (X to cancel out) Triangle: List of controls (X to cancel out) Square: In-Game Menu. ============= Flow of game: ============= In Free Play games only, and only if Nigiri is on, you'll start with a small window and the option to pick one or two stones. You're actually guessing whether your opponent has an odd or an even number of stones in hir hand. A correct guess means you get to play black. Then comes gameplay. You'll take turns putting down stones. The game can be slow even after it's put stones down. Be patient. Occasionally they'll talk at you to express how they're doing at the game. If you trounce them, they'll say "Arimasen" or something similar, and concede. If it's close, they'll eventually say 'Are we done?' and a message will slide up the column to the right of the board saying 'Hit O if you're done, X to keep playing' The computer is terrible at Go problems, so it might be a good idea to check territory count (or hit X and use R1 to see the territory) so that you're sure you agree. If you agree, just pass and he'll say it again. Otherwise, keep playing until their assessment of the board jives with your own. If you're about to lose to a Demon, you can probably win by using Cheat cards. To Pass, Concede, Undo, or use Cheat Cards, you'll need to use the In-Game menu by hitting the Square button. ============ In-Game Menu ============ The options, from left to right, are [Talisman] (Cheat Cards, available only when playing against a demon. More on this later.) [Pass] Used to pass your turn. Also implies game is over. [Done] Suggest the game is over to computer. Pass is better. [Concede] Surrender, and take a loss. Pass is better. [Undo] Undo last move. Free play only. Can be used repeatedly. [Beginner's Menu] (Covered in Free Play section, above.) Free play only. ************** Save/Load Menu ************** The game refers to this as your diary. The three options on the left side of the screen, from top to bottom, are: [Save] [Load] [Return] Each slat says the day and location that the save was in. The number after the green Yinyang shows your status in Fujiwara Kouyou's class The number after the blue Yinyang shows your "Go level". Use O to select the Horizontal slat that represents your save space. When you save over a space that is already full, a message will pop up asking if you're sure. The left option is Yes. Once you've saved, hit X to exit back to the three options. ********************** Story Mode Walkthrough ********************** You've started the story mode. This file has no spoilers, because I don't really understand the plot. I'm writing this with the assumption that you'll skim or read the whole thing. I won't explain anything that happens on day 3 if I've covered it on day 1. If have a controller with Turbo (AKA Rapid-fire, etc.) , This game has lots of incomprehensible (to me) conversation and exposition that is easily skipped over with Turbo X. A window will come up asking if you want to load game-clear information from your save card. If you've beaten the game already, select Yes (on the left). Otherwise, select no. The path is straightforward now. +++++DAY 1+++++ You have only one path on Day 1. No choices. Move the fan and select the entrance to the Imperial Court courtyard, then select the Palace/Temple itself (the building in the middle of the screen.. More story, then it's evening and you're back in the courtyard. Your only option is to enter the Palace and talk some more. Eventually you see and talk about a glowing mystic Go board you find. Then it's night outside and a ghost world portal appears exactly where the next move on the Mystery board indicated. Discussions ensue, and the day ends. +++++DAY 2+++++ Day two also only has one path. You start in your private room: ============ Private Room ============ In your private room there are four areas you can select. At the BOTTOM is a chair by a table that has your diary. This brings you to the [Save/Load] menu. On the RIGHT is a door that leads to your bedroom. This will [Quit] you to the title screen. In the CENTER is your cabinet, with three drawers. These drawers, from top to bottom are: [Game Records] [Talisman Collection] (Scroll through your collected Cheat cards.) [Settings] (Is covered earlier, under 'Settings') Under 'Game Records': Top line is "Fujiwara Kouyou Status", (Guy is adult, straight bangs, no glasses, small round hat.) Second line is "Zama Nagafusa Status", (Guy's adult, fatter, sneering, wavy short hair, small round hat, no glasses.) Third line is "Hikaru's Go Ability" and levels up every time you win a game. Button at bottom is [Exit] The 'Fujiwara Status' and 'Go Ability' are also stored on your saves. I don't know if Status or Ability levels affect anything at all. On the LEFT is the [Go Outside] =======End of Private Room======== When you see Sai, you'll get three options. The top two don't work, so eventually you'll do the bottom one. Then, you'll have two options. The top one is "Listen to Sai explain the rules of Go" The bottom one is "Play now" The basic Go advice that Sai gives as he explains the rules is worth browsing through. You can skip it without affecting the story. When you're done with Sai's advice, the bottom option on the list is "Back" Beat Sai to go up a level. I'm not sure what that gets you, but it can't hurt. If you lose, you can just go back to the save you just made. For help with the Game menu, see "During your games of Go", above. When you get outside, you'll have the option of entering the Imperial Courtyard or of talking to Akira. The courtyard's empty, so you're stuck with Akira. Conversation happens, then it's evening and you have to go into the Imperial Courtyard, and then to the Mystic Go Board. When given three move choices, pick move 1. Sai will ask if you're sure. Top conversation option is [Try another spot], bottom option is [Stay here]. Feel free to experiment with the other spots, but if you don't pick 1 you won't get to fight a demon. Correct spots for each day are included in the "Extremely Basic Guide" section. Then you'll get to pick from three guys to come with you as backup. It doesn't matter which you pick, except that you'll get a different "Call for Backup" cheat card (as discussed later in this file.) In order, guys are: [Kaga], whose cheat card is horizontal. [Tsutsui], whose cheat card is vertical. [Mitani], whose cheat card is diagonal. After you've selected your backup, you'll be prompted to save, as: [Save] [I'm ready] If you save, then when you exit back you'll have two options again: [I'm ready] [Wait, I want to save again] Once you pick [I'm ready], you're back out, and ready to go fight your demon. +++++Day 3+++++ Here's where plot options start to happen, and I wish I knew Japanese. My guesses are based on limited Japanese; Three options: [Visit the old Imperial Palace] Triggers storyline that has to do with Akira. [Head to the Big Imperial Palace] Triggers a storyline about a Party. [Hang out indoors] Later, you'll see three people to play Go against out in town. If you go inside the Imperial Courtyard instead you'll see other faces, and can do plot stuff with them instead of play Go. Going inside the Imperial Courtyard is usually a better idea; the guys in there are usually better at Go. When you do play against a person, the options are [Hikaru plays] [Sai teaches] (Not worth doing; he teaches the very basics only.) [Hikaru rests while Sai plays against the person alone] (Not worth doing.) When in doubt, pick the top conversation option. Good luck. At this point, paths diverge and dialogue increases to the point that I can't give much advice. +++++Day 4+++++ Can continue Akira(?) storyline. Other than that, same old. I think. +++++Day 5+++++ Can trigger storyline about a love letter in poetic form. +++++Day 6-Day 11+++++ Lather, rinse, repeat. You eventually fight the four gods of the compass points (Dragon, Tiger, Phoenix, and Tortoise). Good luck +++++Day 12+++++ The Mystic Go board is starting a new game, and you have to make choices. Here are the answers (as also listed earlier in this file): 1 (Top left), 2 (Bottom left), 3 (Top right), 1 (Bottom right), 3 (Bottom Middle) Any other answer will end the game and exit to title. Lots of plot happens, then we flash to the sun rising in blue skies and two pages of text you can't skip. Then, credits. If you get tired of watching the credits, tap O once to skip. You will come to a screen that says "Save your clear data?" The option on the left is [Yes] and the option on the left is [No] I don't know why it defaults to No, but I recommend [Yes]. Now, you can play through the game again! *********** Cheat Cards *********** Your friends will give you Talisman cards that allow you to cheat in your Go games against demons. If you're serious about learning Go, make a point of beating the game without using these (not hard.) Then go back and toy with them using previous saved games if you're curious. Otherwise, you'll probably hurt your Go ability. I don't think it makes a difference to the game whether you cheat or not. A list of cards follows: Unless otherwise specified, all stones on these cards are white. [MoriIshi] Safe Stone. Shows a stone with a blue circle above, below, and on both sides of it. Your next stone will have a protective yin-yang symbol on any of its four empty sides that cannot be played on by your enemy. [RenTe] Concurrent Play. Shows two, three, or five stones on it, with a blue blurred hand icon touching one of the stones. You play two or more moves in a row, skipping the enemy's turn. [IshiYari] Stone Spear. Shows a stone with a circle or circles of red arrows pointing out from it. Enemy stones in the spots pointed to by the arrows become prisoners. [EnGo] Call Backup. Card has no stones, but has a slash mark (blur) either diagonally, vertically, or horizontally. Your turn is skipped and your backup swings his sword at the board in the direction shown on the card, hitting one line at random. Enemy stones on that line are captured. [KaeIshi] Substitute Stone. Card has diagonal slash with a stone in the middle of it. You change the color of an enemy's stone. [KuroIshi] Black Stone. Shows one big black stone. You play a black stone. [AGEHAMA ZouKa] Add Prisoners. Shows a bowl with black prisoners hovering over it. Skips your turn and puts enemy prisoners into your bowl (amount of prisoners equals amount of stones on card.) [ChoIshi] Giant Stone. Shows an enormous stone, distorting the board. Any stones under its shadow are crushed and go into your prisoners. It then shrinks to normal size and keeps a ring of eight stones in a diamond around it. [RyuuSeiGun] Meteor Swarm. Shows a fiery meteor on it. Nine stones fall at random onto the board. [AGEHAMA KyuuShou] Prisoner Suction. Shows a bowl of black prisoners hovering upside down over a bowl of white prisoners. Up to fifteen prisoners in enemy's bowl move into your bowl. [OmoIshi] Heavy Stone. Card has a stone surrounded by a black field that distorts the board shape. This stone is so heavy that once it is played it can't be picked up by your opponent and added to prisoners even if captured. [HakuIshi] Explosive Stone. Card has a stone exploding in a flash of white light (looks like a snowflake, to me.) If captured, this stone explodes all enemy stones adjacent to it. Those stones go into your prisoners. This stone still goes into enemy's prisoners. [HanTen] Reversal. Card has a big Yin-Yang symbol on it. All stones on board switch color. [IshiBasa] Stone Pincer. Shows stones on the board with white x marks in gaps between white stones. When you play your next stone, any black stone that is between it and another white stone will be destroyed and will not go into your prisoners. [MomoIshi] Peach Stone. Shows a stone giving off clouds of pink vapor. The odor rising from this stone clouds the mind of your opponent when he considers that area of the board. I haven't noticed a difference. ******** Credits ******** I, GA1EN K0UNTZ, writed this file. I may or may not someday update this, but I hope you found it useful. This FAQ belongs on http://www.gamefaqs.com. My email address, without the x's, is GxKxOxUxNxTxZ at yahoo dot com