Gundam Battle Assault 2 ;3$$q$$vQ %);g1QppFQ4$Q 4dQ+Q`q\q$Q4 $QpX p5qg_Q$Q $$ %Q $Qq%Q FQ$$$ $j_/J$$$Lq$$Q+kQ qp $Q$$$$$$;9.Q <$ L $$$$$q $P+qdC $Q$$$$$$$ xQ Wa( p$$$$Q7$QQp!q_L$ $$$$$$$$$$Np+/gzJ%Q$gQ$$NJC11$gQQgL Q $$$$$$$N$8a\[jjz_v$$Q cqLy4xpg$$$$ L $$$$$$$N {2z}gz\`{wJvqQQ,gg;7|Q=QQ+ Q $$$$$$ $ |a{}7{j!/}.wdQ q LqQLQQ !g $$$$$$$ $ ;:Szg$ $ $/;;($$$Q! QHqtQ pg$$$$$q$ Qg $$$$$$yQ pT/Qp$/v$=g$ Q $$NQQ pQ$ $$$$$$ z=zpg*q_Q`Qj. F $$Qg pQ$$ $$$$$$dg$ zQZF |:Q_ $qg %Lgq$$$$$$p4S$NQQQQg $$kxd _ gQp Q $QQ $$$zpL Q $z N$ p7v\g=$$ $ vq$x3,g$pQ$ $Qpg$pQ <[C94v4LQ $$V{~q$pg$$$Zp 4$q %L1pL $ $4\z1\$ g$Q 4 !.g$$ $Lg $ $$Qg CQ Q$$$ cgy.x$Q $ $$pQ =yq $$$LQp.Qq m$$$$Q $ $IQq Q$&$ Q Q$ $QQq$ $p[q$Lz$$$$Q N QQ $XQgQ%kQLQ$p qQ qQ $$Q$*z$$$$$g p$%Q pg L N$$$q FgQg $$$$$Q Fg g $$$$$$Q qQ g$$= Q Q q$$$Q $$$$$Q $$$$L $$$$p pd$$$ $$$Fg d$Z $$$$$Q $& LQ$$ The Neue Ziel Strategy Guide By Manson of Neo-0 Version 2.0 (August 4, 2002) *********************************************************************** Disclaimer: You may not modify this faq and try to pass it off as your own work. However, feel free to use this info and redistribute this faq AS IS, as long as you give credit where credit is due. *********************************************************************** Table of Contents I. Info about the Neue Ziel II. Strengths and Weaknesses III. Easiest way to unlock the Neue Ziel IV. Movelist V. Tips VI. Specific Strategies VII. Credits *********************************************************************** I. Info about the Neue Ziel "Magnificent! It's as if the spirit of Zeon had taken form!" - Gato The AMA-X2 Neue Ziel is definitely my all time personal FAVORITE mobile armor out of the entire Gundam universe. ^_^ In Gundam 0083: Stardust Memories, Gato gets this unit from the Axis Zeons. After using it to destroy TONS of Feddies and beating the Dendrobium (a truly miraculous feat since the Dendrobium also had an I-Field and the Neue Ziel's primary weapons were all beams - Kou survived only because Gato spared him at the end), Gato finally kamikazes it into a Feddie ship after he runs out of ammo rather than surrender. For more info, visit or better yet, go and see it in action in Gundam 0083 for yourself. =) *********************************************************************** II. Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths: 1. Five armor levels. 2. Can't be stunned or knocked out of attacks unless you lose an armor level. 3. Does a good deal of damage per attack. 4. It's the NEUE ZIEL!!!!! Weaknesses: 1. It's a huge, easily hit target. 2. No blocking. 3. Unlike the anime, it does NOT have an I-Field in the game. X_X 4. You might have five armor levels, but they're smaller than regular levels + with no defensive capabilities, these levels will go FAST. 5. You CAN get stunned/knocked out of an attack when you do lose a level, and chances are that you WILL lose a level or two even if you are very good with Neue Ziel. 6. They made it ALOT weaker than it should be. Sacrilege! =( *********************************************************************** III. Easiest way to unlock the Neue Ziel (and other characters) 1. Clear Street mode with all 8 playable characters. 2. Beat 15 (?) rounds in the now unlocked Survival mode. The official code states that you need to beat 20 in Survival, but I got 19 and died on the 20th and still got Neue Ziel. It seems that you could get it by beating just 15 rounds though. While I was trying to unlock the Neue Ziel, I went ahead and unlocked the other characters as well. Some suits can only be unlocked by playing on Hard in Street mode, but this is ALOT easier than it may sound. I managed to unlock all the suits after playing for a total time of about an hour and a half (keep in mind that I am talking about playing this game with NO prior experience except for having played Battle Assault 1). I STRONGLY recommend trying to unlock all the suits in one fell swoop, and here's how to do it: My recommendation is to set the round time to 30 secs. When the round starts, fire your super move + your weapons until you are out of supers and ammo. Then try to dodge and turtle until time runs out. It doesn't matter if you are blocked or not, since the goal here is to tick away at the CPU's health and keep it at bay so that you win by time out. Oh, and you can continue as many times as you need to and STILL get the suits. ;) Cheap, yes. Effective, HELL YEAH! ;P I then used Heavy Arms Custom and leg missled (QCB + P) my way through 19 rounds of Survival mode. The trick here is to avoid losing armor levels. After each round, you get your armor level filled to the max, BUT if you lose an armor level, it is GONE and will NEVER come back. So try not to lose levels even if you do get hit. Tackle Time Attack B BEFORE you try Time Attack A, because using the Psycho Gundam is the EASIEST way to finish Time Attack A within 5 min. Use the GP-02A (another Gato piloted suit) for Time Attack B. Against Big Zam, sneak behind it and use your super on it, then do missle showers (QCB + P) if you have enough space or just regular bazooka shots if it gets too close. For Devil Gundam, use your super whenever it does that move that surrounds it in electricity or that multipunch move. Again, missle shower it whenever possible. Neue Ziel is disappointingly easy. :( Get close to it and use your super. Then run under it and use missle showers and bazooka shots. Psycho Gundam is cheap, but is still very beatable. Use missle showers alot since the CPU seems to have more trouble blocking those than other attacks. Use the super whenever you dodge his uppercut move. I was able to beat Time Attack B on my 1st try using GP-02A in 2 min and 35 seconds. =) Now that you have Psycho Gundam, Time Attack A shouldn't be a problem. ;P Just remember to abuse your unblockable hand beam saber move since you can't be knocked out of it. And there you have it - the cheapest, fastest way to get ALL the suits. ^_^ *********************************************************************** IV. Movelist Legend: QCF = Quarter circle forward, meaning down then forward QCB = Quarter circle back, meaning down then back HCB = Half circle back, meaning forward, then down, then back S = Square Button T = Triangle Button O = Circle Button X = X Button Notes: In Battle Assault 2, it seems that you can omit the diagonals. You do not need to press down, down AND forward, and then forward. Just pressing down and then forward will pull it off. Also keep in mind that the terms "forward" and "back" refer to forward and back from the Neue Ziel's perspective. Since it does NOT automatically turn around, while it has it's back turned to the opponent, forward for the Neue Ziel would actually mean pressing AWAY from the opponent. I am using the terms forward and back rather than towards or away since that will hopefully help to keep this point in mind. It is ESSENTIAL that you get used to this about the Neue Ziel and do not confuse your directions. It can be REALLY bad if you don't pull off the Kamikaze/Turn Around move correctly because you had forward and back mixed up and then get creamed by a super. I have also listed the number of hits from a particular attack that it takes to destroy one armor level. Obviously, the number will vary depending on which suit you're attacking (hitting the Ball will do more damage to its armor level than hitting the Psycho MKIII Gundam with the same move). For the sake of consistency, I used the RX-78 Gundam as the crashtest dummy. Both the Neue Ziel and the RX-78 were set on level 5 during these tests. Regular moves: Quick Jab - S It takes about 6 hits from this move to destroy one armor level. Poor range and weak damage. However, it is the Neue Ziel's quickest attack. It can be VERY useful as a super move stopper (more in the V. Tips section). Just be sure you are in the right position to use it, because it will miss an opponent who is standing point blank in front of you. Downward Punch - T It takes about 4 hits from this move to destroy one armor level. The Neue Ziel punches downwards with both fists. Poor range and not that fast. You can use it to hit a downed opponent or someone crouching right in front of you, but I prefer to use his Single Wire Arm move for that. Single Wire Arm - X It takes about 3 hits from this move to destroy one armor level, BUT 2 hits will almost COMPLETELY take out that armor. Actually, 2 hits from this and a Quick Jab would do the trick. :) This is Neue Ziel's BEST regular attack move. Why? Because it actually SEEKS out the opponent! You can hit high, low, whatever, as long as your opponent is in front of you and within about half screen distance. This is a GREAT super move stopper, because even though it is slower than the Quick Jab, it's homing ability should pretty much guarantee that you WILL hit your opponent (more in the V. Tips section). Double Wire Arm - O It takes about 2 hits from this move to destroy one armor level, BUT 1 hit will almost COMPLETELY take out that armor. Actually, 1 hits from this and a Quick Jab would do the trick. :) Has better range than the Single Wire Arm and it does twice the damage. Nice. Too bad this doesn't home in like the Single Wire Arm does. Note that you CAN hit opponents who are trying to fly over you with this move. Just hold up while pressing O and your wire arms will go up instead of down. A very good move to use for pressuring (more in the V. Tips section). Special moves: Laser - QCF + S or QCF + T About 8 laser blasts will take out an armor level. The S version shoots 3 lasers, T shoots out 6. Each laser blast costs 10 rounds of ammo. You have 500 rounds each round, so you can shoot 50 blasts, which is MUCH more than you will need to kill your opponent. Missles - QCB + S or QCB + T About 9 missles will take out an armor level. Doesn't seem to be any difference between the S and T versions. Both will shoot out 3 missles which will track your opponent. Comes out a bit slow, but it uses no ammo and can be really useful against fast opponents who try to run behind you all the time. Kamikaze/Turn Around - QCF + X or QCF + O This move can hit up to 3 times. If you can get in all 3 hits, you will INSTANTLY destroy one armor level! If your opponent is in front of you, the Neue Ziel will charge right into him. The range isn't all that great + it will only do damage if you hit him with your torso (the tail will pass right over him and not do any damage), but if you do hit, it is ALOT of damage! If your opponent is behind you, the Neue Ziel will charge off screen and come right back where it was standing before the move, except it will now be turned around and facing the other way. Mastering this move is ESSENTIAL! Not only is it the MOST damaging move short of a super that you can do, it is also the ONLY way you can turn around. Actually, this move probably shouldn't be called Kamikaze since you don't actually take any damage from doing it... But seeing it always makes me think of Gato ramming the Neue Ziel into that Feddie ship... Beam Saber - HCB + S or HCB + T It takes about 7 hits to destroy one armor guage with this move. Each beam saber slash can hit up to 3 times. The Neue Ziel has a beam saber on a hidden wire and slashes it upwards. This move is slow, but it has one major advantage - it is UNBLOCKABLE. This makes it an ideal move to use for trading hits against turtles (more in the V. Tips section). Super move: Megaparticle Cannon - QCF + any two buttons This move can hit up to 68 times under the right conditions (cornering your opponent and then firing at point blank range). Assuming that you get in all 68 hits, you will destroy one armor level + do a little bit of additional damage to the next armor level. The Neue Ziel fires the Megaparticle Cannon located at its waist. The cannon is swept up and down the screen. Because of this, it is best to corner your opponent first so that all the hits will connect. I use this more for tick damage though since even if your opponent blocks EVERY single hit from this move, he will STILL lose about 40% of his armor level. =) *********************************************************************** V. Tips 1. The best defense is a good offense. Since you have NO defense at all with the Neue Ziel, your offense had better be damned good. ;) Always keep in mind that your character takes up more than an ENTIRE screen and that you CANNOT block or I-Field or sway! In other words, NEVER stop attacking! 2. Trade hits. Your attack will probably do more damage than whatever you are going to be hit with. And since dodging is pretty much impossible, trading a hit will be better than letting yourself get hit and do nothing. 3. Abuse your status as a Mobile Armor. The "huge class" mechs in this game have one thing in common: they can take a hit and keep on doing what they were doing before. They CANNOT be knocked out of attacks or momentarily stunned except for when they lose an armor level. This holds true for Big Zam, Neue Ziel, Devil Gundam, and Psycho Gundam. Since you won't be knocked out of any attack, it's pretty much the same as having INSANE priority. Your hits WILL go through! So keep that in mind. 4. Punish your opponent for NOT being a Mobile Armor. ;P Kinda goes along with the last point. Your opponent will probably NOT have this same advantage, so keep that in mind as well. 5. This leads us to point 5 - cancel supers! Some characters will STOP their super move if they get hit (Heavy Arms, ZZ Gundam, etc etc). If they are in a corner RIGHT in front of you (which is where they should be) and pull a super, immediately hit X. The Single Wire Arm move will automtically seek out and hit him right out of it. If you do this RIGHT when he fires, you'll probably still lose about half an armor level. If you don't, then you'll probably lose an entire level and then some. So learning to cancel is IMPORTANT! 6. Corner your opponent. This sounds VERY silly since the Neue Ziel was a very good distance fighter in the anime and was armed with all sorts of cool long range weapons. However, you do NOT have an I-Field, you do NOT have all of those long range weapons, and you are definitely NOT as strong. The Neue Ziel is actually a better close range fighter than a long range one since the Kamikaze move only hits close and you get more hits out of your super if you are close. The longer the range, the more time your opponent will have to dodge and fly over your attacks. So stay close and try to force him into the corner. This can be accomplished by flying low, kamikazing when he is close, and single wire arm punching him if he tries to jump. Stay with your opponent. If he tries to fly up and over you, fly up yourself and stop him. Doesn't matter if he blocks. Make him eat that block damage. The key to being successful is to keep the pressure up ALL the time. You can't block, so try and keep your opponent from attacking. And NEVER, NEVER let your opponent get behind you if you can help it. 7. When pressured, most players will do one of two things: 1. turtle or 2. panic and start throwing out everything they have all at once. If they panic, just keep your cool and knock them out of their super moves. You'll take some damage, but they will take just as much if not more + they will have wasted their super. If they turtle, make them eat that block damage and use your Beam Saber. Alot of players will get confused when you do use the Beam Saber and will either try to keep blocking it or try to attack, both of which will get them hit. 8. When your opponent DOES get behind you (trust me, he probably WILL even if you're really good), DON'T PANIC! Look at how far behind you he is. If he's really not that far behind you (ie, standing direcly under you or point blank behind you), try to just fly over his head and then come down so that you end up with him in front of you. This is quicker + it prevents your opponent from running behind your back as you use the Turn Around move. If he's pretty much a full screen behind you, then do the Turn Around move. If he keeps trying to fly around you, try firing a few homing missles to force him to block or dodge before doing the Turn Around move. If he tries to super you when he's behind your back, IMMEDIATELY do the Turn Around move. Flying off screen will allow you to escape a few hits from whatever attack he launched, and in this case, the best you can hope for is to minimize damage since you obviously cannot trade hits and cancel him out if he is behind your back. 9. Be VERY careful when you use the Kamikaze/Turn Around move. It will only hit at close range and missing with it will mean a few frames of animation where you can't attack and your opponent can hit you back without fear of being knocked out of whatever he is doing. Also be careful of WHERE you are when you try to Turn Around. That move will fly you off screen and then return you to EXACTLY where you were before you did it except you will be facing the other way. A smart player going up against a Neue Ziel will try to get point blank behind it. If the Neue Ziel does the Turn Around move, he will IMMEDIATELY run towards where the Neue Ziel disappeared off screen so that he ends up in a spot that would be in front of the Neue Ziel if it had NOT done that move. When the Neue Ziel comes back, it will fly right over him since it is going back to where it was before it disappeared and he is already now on the other side. Thus, he is able to ALWAYS stay behind the Neue Ziel. Don't let your Neue Ziel be a victim to this tactic! If your opponent insists on trying to do this to you, then fly up higher and either try to get him in front of you as discussed in the previous point, or if he is too quick, then go ALL the way to the edge of the screen and THEN do the Turn Around move. Firing a few missles should keep him occupied until you get yourself turned around correctly. 10. Watch your armor guage very closely. You CAN be knocked out of your super move if you get lose an armor level while you're in the middle of that move. Don't let that happen to you. If you only have a sliver of energy left in that armor guage, you're probably better off losing that level and then firing off your super immediately afterwards when you're on a new, full armor level. This is ESPECIALLY true if you are fighting anoter "huge class" mech since these mechs can keep attacking even as they are being hit, and they will probably try to cancel you out of your super. *********************************************************************** VI. Specific Strategies Here are strategies that I've developed for using the Neue Ziel against the other suits. I don't have any friends who are REALLY good at this game, so I've mostly been playing against the CPU set on HARD. Since HARD isn't really that tough, I've also set the CPU to Level 9 in VS CPU Mode and the Time Limit to infinite (remember, the Neue Ziel has NO defense, so the longer a match lasts, the more of a disadvantage it is) to make it more challenging. Neue Ziel: MIRROR MATCH!!! This is more or less a first strike thing. You should try to hit it with a super IMMEDIATELY when the round starts. The Neue Ziel will also do some attacks and hit you back. But that's OK. You'll do nearly 2 armor levels worth of damage per super if you get it all to connect, and since you are fighting a Neue Ziel, chances are that you WILL get all the hits. After doing this, take a quick glance at your own armor level. If you've got more than half of your armor level full, then fire off another super. If you are about to lose a level yourself, just Kamikaze/ Laser Blast/Double Wire Arm punch your opponent until you lose that level. Then, fire off another super. Repeat. If you are fighting a human, keep in mind that he may try to do the same thing. So it ends up being a test of who has better reaction time and can get the first hit. :) Big Zam: Hmm... Does anyone actually NEED a strategy for this!?!?!? Fly over it soon as the round starts and then do the Turn Around move. Now blast it with your supers. When you run out of supers, do your Double Wire Arm move until it loses its last armor level. It may try to thruster over you, but you should easily be able to keep yourself behind it. Hydra Gundam: Use the general tips. Nothing too special here. Note that your Single Wire Arm attack will easily be able to stop his shoulder laser cannons as long as he is within range (and he should be if you are pressuring him). Soon as you see those cannons go up, hit X. You'll stop him before he even gets a single shot off. :) Epyron: Again, use the general tips. Keeping the pressure up is VERY important here. Epyron is FAST and will try to stay behind you, so use the Turn Around move with care. I find it very difficult to fly over him, so it's probably best just to fire off a few missles and then go all the way to the edge of the screen and then do the Turn Around move. Master Gundam: Huge class robot AND he can block. This means that you need to be careful about using your supers since even if you nail him with the first hit, he can still block everything after that. If you see him do the multipunch move or surround himself with electricity, use your super immediately and you'll nail him. Other than that, keep Kamikazing him and make him either eat block damage or trade hits. Psycho Gundam MKIII: OUCH! Huge class robot and he can block AND he has the !@#$%@#$ uppercut which does MEGA damage. X_X This is gonna be tough, but it IS still possible to win. The trick here is to keep an eye on your armor level and know EXACTLY how much you've got till you lose that level. Kamikaze him. He'll either block or he'll try to attack. If he blocks, he'll eat some block damage. If he tries to attack, you'll trade hits and for the most part, it'll be pretty even (though he seems to do a big more damage, probably cuz of the Level 9 setting...). What you need to watch for though is his uppercut. If you ARE pressuring him, you will NOT be able to dodge it because you will be way too close. So you WILL get hit. Remember what I said about watching your armor level? This is what you were watching it for. If you have most of that armor level still, then IMMEDIATELY fire off a super right when you see him starting up his uppercut. You'll still get hit, and lose most of that armor level, but he is gonna take some MAJOR damage cuz ALL of your hits will connect. If you have less than half of your armor level left, you'll probably lose that level in this attack and get stunned, so just let that level go, and soon as you've lost it, fire a super off. You'll at least be able to get in about half of your hits and do a fair amount of damage. This is possible since the Psycho Gundam will STOP doing damage after reaching the peak of its jump. It is vulernable from when it starts the uppercut until it lands, so you have until it lands to start hitting it. Another more advanced trick involves keeping an eye out on the Psycho Gundam's armor levels as well. If it looks like its about to lose a level itself and you have just a tad under half an armor bar left, you can fire off a super as soon as it starts to uppercut you. If done right, your super blast will cause it to lose an armor level, thus knocking it out of its uppercut and causing you less damage. While this may all seem relatively simple, keep in mind that you have less than a second in which to reflect on all of this and make your move. ;P Quin Mantha: Well, it has an I-Field, but it's not going to be that tough. Just Kamikaze charge it and use your Single Wire Arm attack if it tries to fly over you. If it does its super on you, counter with your own super which will hit it. Remember, it doesn't matter if its super hits you, you will not be stunned unless you lose an armor level. Be careful when you use your super since if it is not doing its super, it may activate its I-Field. This means that it will be IMMUNE to your attack and can easily counterattack you while you are stuck doing your super. Since you can beat it using the regular pressure tactics, it might be wise to simply NOT use your super move except as a counter. Acguy: Surprisingly enough, the Acguy has the potential to be a formidable foe against the almighty Neue Ziel. This is mainly due to the fact that the Acguy can EASILY run under your Neue Ziel even when you have the Neue Ziel hovering as close to the ground as it possibly can. -_-' Also, the Acguy is fast. It will try to run behind you soon as you use the Turn Around move to fly off screen so that it will end up behind you when you reappear. ALWAYS move to the edge of the screen before doing the Turn Around move. Firing a few missles before you fly off screen is also a good idea. Your Single Wire Arm attack will prove VERY useful since it will automatically seek our your opponent and can hit targets that are almost directly under you. This is one of the few fights where you might not want to pressure your opponent as closely as your normally would. The reason is that if you get too close, he can slip behind you before your Single Wire Arm can stop him. I've found that it's easier if you keep him at about half a screen distance, just within reach of your Single Wire Arm attack. :) Luckily, the Acguy's armor isn't that good so he is still very beatable. Just be sure that you keep him in front of you. Hygog: Use the same strategy as the Acguy. I've found Hygog easier to beat though because he's a slightly larger target and doesn't tend to run as much. Single Wire Arm punch him if he tries to do that flying dive attack in front of you. GP-02A: Ok, this can be somewhat frustrating if you are going up against a seasoned GP-02A player, but once you learn a few tricks, you'll find that it's not so bad. First off, this is one of the few times when I will tell you to try and DODGE a super attack. Dodging supers for the most part is a lost cause since you won't be fast enough, but this is an exception. The nuke super apparently has INSANE priority. I've tried hitting the GP-02A with the Quick Jab attack soon as it tries to fire the nuke, but the nuke STILL comes out! However, if your reaction time is good enough and you INSTANTLY back away when you see the screen go black and the GP-02A raising its bazooka, you can COMPLETELY DODGE the blast! This works even if you are point blank in front of him when he fires! The other trick is learning to deal with his missle shower move. If he is close and does it, press square to do your Quick Jab and stop him from firing. You'll be able to hit him at point blank range since he is such a large target. If you can't reach him with a Quick Jab, BACK AWAY IMMEDIATELY. You'll be able to dodge the falling missles. Aside from that, use the standard pressuring tactics. Full Armor ZZ Gundam: Keep the pressure up him and stay close. He is a large target just like the GP-02A, so that means that you can hit him at point blank range with your Quick Jab attack. Remember that! If he tries to use the missle attack, hit him with the Single Wire Arm or a Quick Jab if you're sure that you're close enough. If he tries to super you, Single Wire Arm him out of it if you're close to him and have him trapped in a corner. Otherwise, counter with your own super. Your super will out last his so you'll get in a few hits while completely negating his super. Again, he has an I-Field, so only use your super move as a counter move. The worst thing that you can let happen is to let him get behind you. If he is a full screen distance behind you and fires his super, do your Turn Around move and you'll only lose half an armor level. If he is CLOSE behind you and does it, then there is really nothing you can do about it except take the full damage from it and lose about one armor level. Ball: Same strategy as Acguy. Ball might be small and fast, but his armor SUCKS, so he won't last long enough to really annoy you. ;P Zeong: Punching bag. ;P The Zeong is too large and too slow to be a real threat. To make it even more pathetic, it's super has got to be one of the EASIEST supers to cancel in the whole game. It does have an I-Field, but since you'll be pressuring it to death with Kamikaze charges and Single Wire Arm punches, an I-Field really won't help it that much. Sazabi: This would be a relatively easy match if it weren't for its super attack. It's super is one of the few that can PARALYZE you and force you to eat all the hits. I've tried doing a quick jab the INSTANT the screen goes black and he starts the super, but even that isn't fast enough! So if you're pressuring him and he does his super, just take a deep breath and accept the fact that you are about to lose one armor level. Luckily, he only has 3 supers and you have 5 armor levels. =) If he's a full screen away when he tries his super, immediately fire off your own super. Your beam will sweep away all his shots and hit him a few times too. Other than that, the second best time to use your super is right after he calls his funnels out. Your super will destroy all of the funnels and stop them from attacking you while hitting him in the process. Aside from that, use the standard pressuring tactics. RX-78 Gundam: Again, much like the Sazabi, this would be an easy fight if not for the super. The Gundam Hammer hits INSTANTLY, so unless you are completely out of its range (which you won't be if you're pressuring him), it will hit you and destroy an armor level. The Gundam is a bit faster than the Sazabi it seems, so be sure to keep up with it. It's armor isn't that good, so you should still be able to destroy it even if you are essentially starting with only 2 armor levels. One interesting tidbit is that this unit is borderline as far as squeezing under you goes. If it does its dash toward you while you dash towards it, then it will end up behind you. -_-' But otherwise, it can't run under you. Zaku II: Yet another relatively simple match made difficult by supers. The cracker grenade super comes out too quick and paralyzes you before you can cancel it. So again, accept the fact that you are gonna lose 3 armor levels and then beat the crap out of it. ;P Again, weak armor, so it shouldn't be a problem. Like the Gundam, if both of you dash, it can end up behind you. Nu Gundam: Well, if the Fin Funnels are active, don't bother with your super since most of the hits will automatically be stopped by the fins. This is a relatively easy match. Just pressure him with the usual tactics. Zaku IIS: Ouch! All the annoyance of an unstoppable super + all the annoyance of a super fast suit. This is gonna be tough. Pressure him and remember to use the X button ALOT! Your one major advantage is that its armor is pretty bad as well, so if you can get in a few solid hits, you can win. Note that even though this is basically a palette swap of the Zaku II with enhanced speed, it can run under you if it dashes even if you don't move. Heavy Arms Custom: Ok, so what if he is nacho incarnate? You've still got one OVERWHELMING advantage over him: your status as a mobile armor. :) The trick here is to keep your cool and react accordingly to his attacks. If he does the slide-then-shoot-upwards move, hit the X button to Single Wire Punch him out of it. If he tries his super move, then if you are VERY, use your Quick Jab. If you are a bit less than half screen distance (or if you are not too confident in being able to hit with Quick Jab), use your Single Wire Arm punch. If you are farther away than that, use your own super. The result will always be the same: you'll take a hit or two but you'll knock him out of his super and do more damage to him than he did to you. :) Note that like the RX-78 Gundam, this is a suit that you can accidentally fly over even if you are on flying at your lowest altitude. Also note that this may not necessarily be a bad thing. Most players don't realize which suits you will fly over, so if you simply STAYED low and moved towards them, chances are that they will stand their ground and keep attacking. Of course, you will move right over their heads and can then open up a major can of whoopass. ;) Finally, I can NOT overstress the importance of staying calm in this match. It's very easy to get panicky when he fires all those missles and stuff at you, but just keep moving forward and attack. Heavy Arms is most definitely NOT invincible. ;P Sandrock Custom: A well played Sandrock Custom can actually pose a large threat. He's fast which means that he can get behind you easily. He can also throw his curved swords which will destroy your missles and KEEP on going. -_-' This makes it MUCH harder to Turn Around since you can't use missles to force him into blocking. It is VITAL that you get as close to the edge of the screen as possible before attempting to Turn Around. His super can paralyze you, but it is counterable by firing your own super IMMEDIATELY when he fires his. Your Mega Particle Cannon will shoot through his super wave and hit him. This stops him from creating more waves, but be aware that the first wave will NOT be cancelled out! You will still get hit once, but that's a whole lot better than eating the entire super. The key to this match (as it is to most other matches) is to pressure him so that he'll be so busy defending that he won't have many chances to attack. Again, as against other fast bots, you'll be using your Single Wire Arm attack a whole lot. Oh, this is another one that you can fly over, so keep that in mind as an alternative to using the Turn Around move. Wing Zero: Well, it wouldn't really be so bad except for his super move. You can dodge the super buster rifle blast, but only if you are an entire screen away. If you are, then simply fly up soon as he starts and he'll miss. But chances are that you'll be too close since you'll be pressuring him. In that case, you'd better hope that your reflex is damn good. Hit the X button the INSTANT you see him start the move. If you are fast enough (btw, I think it is next to impossible to be fast enough... I've had trouble doing this consistently and alot of times I was simply lucky... -_-''') and if your armor level is full, you'll be able to hit him with your Single Wire Arm right as he finishes his move. You'll be within one jab of losing that armor level, but at least you will have done him some damage. Not much of a counterattack, but every bit counts in this match since you will essentially be starting with only 2 armor levels. You can fly over this one as well. Deathscythe Hell Custom: Deathscythe has a teleport move that can get him behind opponents instantly. He also has a super that executes immediately and is uncancellable. Now one would *think* that this would make him a tough opponent for the Neue Ziel, but in this case, truth is stranger than fiction. ;P His teleport is intimidating until you realize that as soon as you see him start the move, you can simply back away from where he is and he will reappear right in front of you. This simple move will render his teleport completely ineffective as well as leave him WIDE open to a Single Wire Arm punch. His super is worthless if you are pressuring him. Getting hit by it at point blank range costs you about a fifth of an armor level (it does less damage if you are close), but it leaves him completely defenseless for a second, so have fun. ;P The one move that might cause problems is his upwards scythe sweep (he starts with his scythe on the ground and swings it upwards while the announcer says "You can't defend!") as that causes a good amount of damage. But since the startup of that move is slow and you are pressuring him so much, he won't really have a chance to use it. You can fly over him and he can dash under you, so keep those facts in mind and keep him in front of you. Altron: Pathetic. Possibly one of the easiest Gundam Wing Gundams to beat. For one thing, it's the ONLY GW Gundam that can't dash under you and that you can't fly over. Its super is also amazingly easy to cancel. Just press X soon as you see him start it. He'll only be able to get in one hit before you Single Wire Arm punch him out of it. ;P Pressure him and he's toast. Tallgeese III: It's got a good super, but luckily, its pretty easy to cancel. Tallgeese CAN dash under you and you can fly over him, but for some strange reason, you can also hit him at point blank range with your Quick Jab, a feat normally only doable on the bigger mechs that CAN'T get under you. This is good news for you, bad news for all Zechs fans. ;P You can Quick Jab him out of his super if you're close to him. If you're not, then just do your own super and cancel him out. Tallgeese's attacks will do a good amount of damage, so be sure to pressure him and keep him on the defensive. Bolt: Cancelling its super is a bit tricky. The standard trick of using your Single Wire Arm punch won't work on him since he jumps before he throws the shockwave. This will cause your punch to always miss. So instead of using the X button, use your super. His jumping punch will hit you, but he'll eat your ENTIRE super and lose almost his entire armor level. His jumping punch doesn't do you much damage since the shockwave won't come out. Aside from that, use the standard pressuring tactics. Note that you can fly over him but he can't dash under you. Dragon: When he does his butterfly super, use your own super to knock him out of it. If he tries to do his jumping unblockable move, simple move back and when he lands, he'll be wide open. He can't dash under you, but you can fly over him. Use standard pressuring tactics. Burning: If close, counter his super with your Single Wire Arm punch. You'll lose nearly an entire level, but it sure beats losing a bit more than a level which is what will happen if you don't counter. If you are far away (which you shouldn't be since you are pressuring), use your super and you will at least be able to negate his super. His burning punch might cause some problems, but if you pressure him alot, he won't have much time to use it. One neat trick to use on him is that when he does his burning punch at point blank range, move TOWARDS him. You'll fly right over him. Immediately do Turn Around so that you don't stay open. This is very effective if you don't overuse it since it is rather surprising. ;) Again, you can fly over him but he can't dash under you. Maxter: Just cuz Maxter doesn't suck as much as some people seem to think doesn't mean that he's actually strong either. His super is REALLY easy to counter. Just press X and you'll easily Single Wire Arm punch him out of it. Maxter players tend to rely on his jumping dive move. If they try that on you, make them pay. This will take a bit of practice to get down, but what you need to learn is how to judge where his dive attack will hit you based on how high he is when he starts the move. If he will hit high, use your Single Wire Arm punch to smack him right as he comes diving in. If he is going to hit low, back away a bit so that he ends up diving right into the ground and hit him with your Single Wire Arm before he can get up. You can fly over Maxter so keep that in mind. If you can keep him in front of you, he doesn't stand a chance. :) Rose: His super is instant and uncancellable. Luckily, it is partially avoidable. Just move back soon as you see him start it. You'll escape most of the damage. This is a fairly standard match. Just pressure and keep him in front of you. Like the others, you can fly over him. Master: Deal with his super the same way you would deal with Burning's since the two supers are basically the same. Some players love to turtle using the Master Cloak, but they are easy to deal with. Start your super soon as you see him start his Master Cloak. The Master Cloak will NOT last the entire length of your super, and it leaves him COMPLETELY open for a few frames when it ends. Even better, your super move will deal block damage even when it is stopped by the Master Cloak. This means that he'll take block damage for half of your super and then eat the second half. =) Unlike the other G Gundams, you cannot fly over Master. *********************************************************************** VII. Credits A big thank you to Sunrise, Bandai, and everyone else involved in bringing us this Gundam game. Greets to all the Neo-0 people out there. This faq was made with the Neo-0 Combos & Tips forum in mind. ^_^ Finally, a special thanks to Emilie. I love you. :) ***********************************************************************