_____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ | __| | | | | \| _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____|_____|_|___|____/|__|__|_|_|_| 222222222222222 ____ _______ _______ _ ______ 2:::::::::::::::22 | _ \ /\|__ __|__ __| | | ____| 2::::::222222:::::2 | |_) | / \ | | | | | | | |__ 2222222 2:::::2 | _ < / /\ \ | | | | | | | __| 2:::::2 | |_) / ____ \| | | | | |____| |____ 2:::::2 |____/_/ \_\_| |_| |______|______| 2222::::2 22222::::::22 22::::::::222 _____ _____ _ _ _ _______ 2:::::22222 /\ / ____/ ____| /\ | | | | | |__ __| 2:::::2 / \ | (___| (___ / \ | | | | | | | 2:::::2 / /\ \ \___ \\___ \ / /\ \| | | | | | | 2:::::2 222222 / ____ \ ____) |___) / ____ \ |__| | |____| | 2::::::2222222:::::2 /_/ \_\_____/_____/_/ \_\____/|______|_| 2::::::::::::::::::2 Ball 22222222222222222222 ~Table of Contents~ 1.Copywrite 2.Intro 3.Controls/Key 4.Ball 5.Basics 6.Move List 7.Strategies 8.Contact Info 9.Thanks 10.Rate My Work ______________________________________________________________________________ To find a specific section of the guide- -Highlight the section -Press Ctrl+C -Press Ctrl+F -Press Ctrl+V -Click "Find Next" or press Ctrl+F again ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 1.Copywrite .:.-------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ This FAQ is copywrite (c) 2005 Wasabi X. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 2.Intro .:.-----------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ Gundam Battle Assualt 2! The second in the Gundam Battle Assualt fighting game series. Now featuring more than 30 mobile suits and 8 mobile suits for story mode. This guide covers on the mobile suit "Ball". Yes, Ball. The highly underrated mobile suit that is so for a reason. Ball got JIPPED in this game. It has no super specials, and does not have near the mobility that even some larger mobile suits have. First off, the strategies in this guide are mine, so they may not work for everyone, as they are based off how I play the game. Also, reading this guide will not make you good. As much as I would love for that to happen, it's not. To get better, you must practice practice practice! So, after you get the general consensus of the game(hopefully from this faq) you will go get better! ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 3.Controls/Key .:.----------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ Up- Jump Down- Crouch Away(from opponent)- Block/Walk back Forward- Walk forward Double forward- Run Double backward- Backdash X- Weak Kick(WK) O- Strong Kick(SK) Square- Weak Punch(WP) Triangle- Strong Punch(SP) R1- Boost L1- Boost QCF- Quarter Circle Forward QCB- Quarter Circle Backward HCF- Half Circle Forward HCB- Half Circle Backward ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 4.Ball .:.------------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ General and Technical Data: Model number: RB-79K Code name: Ball Unit type: mobile pod Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces Operator: Earth Federation Forces Rollout: UC 0079 First deployment: UC 0079 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in body Dimensions: overall height 12.8 meters Weight: empty 17.2 metric tons; max gross 25.0 metric tons Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 400 kW Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 24000 kg total Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 0.96 G Equipment and design features: sensors, range 4000 meters; rocket-guided grappling wench, mounted on body Fixed armaments: 2 x 180mm cannon, mounted on body Technical and Historical Notes: As the Earth Federation Forces' "Project V" scrambled to get their first mobile suit prototypes operational and begin mass-production, a stopgap was needed to counter the Principality of Zeon's mobile suit forces. During the stalemate of the middle months of the One Year War, civilian-model SP-W03 space construction pods were converted into RB-79 Ball combat units, armed with a 180mm recoilless cannon. Although this was the standard armament for the Ball, different weapons variations appeared in different fronts of the war. One variant was the RB-79K, which was armed with a pair of cannons in place of the single one. The RB-79K was also equipped with larger manipulator arms and a rocket-guided cable wench for grappling objects and targets. One Ball pilot, Ensign Shiro Amada, became famous for using the normally-hopelessly-outclassed Ball to defeat a high-performance MS-06RD-4 Zaku II Test Type prototype operating in Earth orbit on 6 October UC 0079. Miscellaneous Information: Pilot: Shiro Amada Appearances: Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team Original mechanical designer: Hajime Katoki *thanks to maqh.net for the info!!!* ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 5.Basics .:.----------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ WP - small jabbing move, linable up to 6 times SP - thrust jab SK - Ball roates it's headpeice and hits forward WK - Ball hits down it's head and lifts AIR: WP - same SP - Ball pulls out a hammer and hits forward SK - Ball turns into a weight and falls like a brick LK - Ball pushes downward ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 6.Move List .:.-------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ Beam Cannon..............................................................QCF+P Ball will roate it's beam rifle on it's head and shoot a beam at the opponent. Depending on the button you pressed, Ball might shoot either 1 or 3 beams of laser. Rising Spin..............................................................QCB+K Ball will activate some...thing on it's head to make the beam rifle turn around and will jump at the opponent. A good anti-air move. Jackhammer...............................................................QCB+P Ball will take a jackhammer out of it's back and use it. It can rack up huge damage, but you need to be close to the oposition for it to work. ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 7.Strategies .:.------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ Bolt Gundam- Stay out of Bolt's range, wait for a chance while it isn't blocking and then run in with a flurry of weak punches. Dragon Gundam- Dragon Gundam is a mid-range gundam. Keep it at bay with your laser beams, then work your way in on it and use t3h awesome weak punch. Burning Gundam- You're better off blocking and turtling your way to make this guy go into a corner. Then start pummeling him. If he attempts a jump-in, use your jackhammer and pummel him. Rose Gundam- Don't get backed into a corner, otherwise you are screwed. If you do, use the jackhammer to either hop over or get him blocking. Gundam Maxter- Keep your range from maxter and you will surely win. Just use your beams 'till they are gone. Master Gundam- Don't get under Master Gundam, if you do, jump-out. The "brick" move does wonders on Master Gundam. Gundam Sandrock Custom- Sandrock has air-superioty. You can take this from him by using the brick move, or you can just bait and run. Gundam Heavyarms Custom- Long range is Heavyarms forte. Don't play keep-away. Instead, get as close-in as possible and use the weak-punch. Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom- Stay out of range of the scythe, it is very damaging. Deathsythe will teleport around and try to damage you. Stay one step ahead of him and disable him when he reappears. Gundam Wing Zero Custom- Wing Zero likes to try and take the air, but your super special won't allow that. Keep him busy with your projectiles, then do the real damage when you suprise him when he hits the earth again, use your parry a lot, because most of his attack will go through it. Altron Gundam- Do not allow yourself yo be pushed into a corner. Altron is a master at not letting you out. Bait and lure him, then wail on him with WP's. Tallgeese 3- Plays almost exactly like the Wing Zero Custom. Watch out for the heat whip though. Use the same strategy as on the Wing Zero Custom. Zeong- Watch for the Zeong's extending hands. Zeong also has a hell of a projectile attack, so parry or block when you hear the "Shot Down!" from the announcer. Tripping Zeong seems to work well, and just spamming it with the WP also seems to do the trick. Sazabi- Avoid Sazabi's projectile. RX-78 Gundam- Gundam has many flaws. First off, low range, staying away means an instant win. However, close range could mean death. The Gundam LOVES to use it's beam saber, but it is fairly predictable. Also, when it uses it's hammer, there is lag between when it hits the ground and retracts, use this time to hit it with something huge. Zaku II- Zaku II is fast. So try to keep up. It does some good damage in the form of it's grenades and projectile, and it's saber isn't bad either. But, if you catch it in the air, it's dead. Nu Gundam- Nu Gundam has no super special, but makes up for it in it's powerful 3 hit combo attack. Watch for the "spikes" on it's back to detach and fly forward. When this happens, parry or block, cause they are really really damaging. Do not use your special move unless Nu Gundam is in the air, or disabled. Use your brick attack for easy damage. Zaku IIS- Same as Zaku II, but 2x as fast, use the same strategy. Quin Mantha- Quin Mantha is the first of the behemoths. It is slow, big and does an assload of damage. However, it won't attack unless you let it. Keep it busy with missiles and lasers(which it hardly decides to block) then hit it with your super special. Acguy- Very fast. Use the same methode with this as you did with Zaku II and Zaku II S. Hygogg- Hygogg is small and fast. It has very damaging combos and focuses mostly on it's low and high game, it won't really go for the mid section. Use your missiles a lot, and your beam cannon can win you this fight. GP-O2A Phsyalis- Use the same method as with Quin Mantha, but watch it when GP-O2 fires it cannon into the air, because some fire will rain down afterwards. Neue Ziel- Neue Ziel won't block, but it has much more health than the average gundam. Your missiles are your best freind as you take on this huge thing. Use the missiles(and projectiles altogether) as much as possible. When you get it's health pretty low. Big-Zam- Use the same strategy as Neue Ziel, but keep greater distance, the kicks from the Big-Zam are punishing. Hydra Gundam- Hydra Gundams porjectile attacks are really good. They usually consist of 2 shots each, but all of those can be parried. Just keep your distance. Epyon- Much like Tallgeese 3, but a lot more cheap. Stay the hell away from the whip and spam him with your beam cannon Dark Gundam- Dark Gundam is all luck, it will block just about anything then rape you. Try to figue out your own strategy for him Pshyco Gundam- ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 8.Contact Info .:.----------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ Questions? Comments? Concerns? Email me at Wasabi.X@gmail.com, or you can catch me on AIM under the screen name RedAlertZero. ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 9.Thanks .:.----------------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ -My family, for supporting me. -Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy(the book) for being awesome and also spwaning a pretty good movie. -Sunrise, for creating...ball. And remeber kids... ************************Winners don't do drugs******************************** ____________________________________________________________________________ /____________________________________________________________________________\ | | |--.:. 10.Rate My Work .:.---------------------------------------------------| |____________________________________________________________________________| \____________________________________________________________________________/ Please, rate my work: http://www.gamefaqs.com/contribute/contrib_ratings.php Register there and then use the new system of rating FAQs on a scale of 1-10, one being the worst, and 10 being the best. If you found my work helpful, the most convinient way for you to show me is not via email or AIM, but rather rating the FAQ. Thank you.