FINAL FANTASY 8 DEMO SCRIPT TRANSLATED AND TRANSCRIBED by Jon Chang, Hodaka Tsyuchida and Mark Gilson. This isn't an exact translation but it's dead on intonation(we hope!). Where straight translations didn't make a lot of sense I improvised what they were trying to get at. Please do not take excerpts from this without our permission^-^ email: (after the intro all members standing on the beach) Squall: What are your orders? Cypha: We're flanking the enemy forces on this op. Call sign is B Group. Zell: How many enemies? Cypha: Uh... Lots! If there aren't many this will just be boring! Squall: ...Move through the central park? Is that it? Cypha: Reinforcements are en route so we'll get as much killing as we want! much for the element of surprise.... Zell: What are you talking about? Cypha: I don't know...move out! (near the burning car) Cypha: The enemy must be around here. Squall: So where are they from? Zell: Are you fucking serious? They have to be from Galvadia! Squall don't worry about it. Anyone who attacks us is an enemy(^-^) (street) Cypha: Having fun Squall? (street 2) Cypha: The central park is right ahead! Are you listening Galvadia soldiers?! I'll kill you all myself!!! Squall: Is he insane? (central park--has a fountain in the center and the cool dog) Cypha:Do you have any empathy for our enemies? top choice: yes bottom choice: no (i answered no of course hehe) Cypha: Don't disappoint me. Sweep the area and kill any hostiles you find. They could be anywhere (kill guy in upper right corner) Squall: We showed no mercy. Cypha: Certainly looks that way. We're holding up here until their forces move through this area...(to self)waiting is such boring work. (wind blows, fighting noise in bkg begins) Squall: Looks like it's starting. Zell: Yeah this is it. Cypha: We're gonna take care of these bastards... Zell: Hey dude take a look at Cypha! Cypha: (to dog)Keep your nose outta my business! Beat it! Are you listening Galvadia soldiers?! Why are you fucking with me? Come on already you cowards! (B team stands around waiting) Squall: Doesn't look like they're coming... (you must talk to characters to elicit responses from them) Zell: What the fuck is up with this? It's soooo boring. It's not right sitting around like this... LeNore: ... Cypha: ...! .....!!!!! We'll continue to wait here. I can't stand it! Is this a job for a fucking watch dog! (Galvadia soldiers move through central park and characters hide) Squall: Enemy sighted... Zell: Where are they going? Cypha: Let's follow them! Zell: Hey, that's against orders! Cypha: A few minutes ago you were bitching how bored you were...all talk eh? Zell: Squall? Squall: I'm gonna follow the commander's orders. Cypha: What orders?(grabs Squall) Don't you want to kill Galvadians?(Squall pushes him off) Squall: Sure, it's a good opportunity to show you what I'm made of. Thanks to you I've got no fear of those cowards. Cypha: Thank me later when we've killed them all. Zell: What's up? You guys are 2 of a kind! This isn't just another battle! It's an important test! If you disobey orders it's blow all of our end results! Cypha: We're leaving you behind! We've got no room for people without guts. (dog barks)What? You want to come? He's better than you Zell! Zell: You bastard! Squall: Get a grip Zell. We better hurry. There's more important things to do here. Cypha: The enemy's objective must be the outpost at the top of this mountain. We'll secure the outpost. Let's do it. Squall: Roger. Zell: ...ok... (on brick path) Soldier of Darva: What the hell happened to us...what could they want in the Satellite tower? Soldier of Darva 2: Ever since I was a kid I've been playing in this place...even then the sat tower was closed...I've been careless. Crawling Soldier: Wah!!! Who are you people? Squall: We're from GARDEN. SeeD trainees. Cypha: What's at the top of this mountain? Crawling Soldier: Galvadian troops occupied the tower. Be careful if you're going up there tower was a monster's lair! Raaarrrggghhh!!!!!(dragged away) (After battle) Squall: So there's monster's here too. Zell: What the hell is up with that? Cypha: We have a lot more fun ahead! Come on! Zell: Did he say fun? Wounded Soldier: (only if you talk with him) It hurts... (Hilltop) Galvadian soliders: We're ready to activate the dish! Galvadian Sliders:I found a weakspot in the cable so I'm gonna fix it! Galvadian Sliders:Boosters are set! Cypha: What the hell are those guys up to? Squall: Repairing the satellite dish! (all rise as soldiers leave) Cypha: At this point anything goes. So is this your first time for live combat? Scared? Squall: I don't have time to worry about it. Cypha: I love killing. Nothing gives the same rush! After we finish this mission we'll be closer to our goal! Squall: Gaol? Cypha: It's a time when dreams come true! Squall: Dreams? I don't care about your dreams. Don't bother rattling that crap off, I don't want to hear it. Zell: Wait I want to listen if you're gonna talk tactics! Cypha: What're you talking about? Someday I'll tell you. It's my ideal dream! Zell: What the hell is he talking about? Squall: I really hate it when he get's going on that crap. Let's go. (At front gate of outpost) Cypha: Cowards! Come back and fight! (exit Cypha. enter the base) Squall: I Wonder if he went up yet? (elevator up) top:yes bot:no (Tower roof) Wedge: Sergeant Biggs! I heard there is a monster on top of this thing! It could've caused that damage! Sergeant Biggs! Biggs: Shut up! I'm busy with this! OK now this goes...ok and this...ahhh...but I don't know why they want me to repair this old thing! I don't deserve this crap. Wedge: Looks like it'll be a while. I'm gonna look around. Biggs: So this goes and ahahaaaa... (party arrives) Biggs: Almost done... (roll fmv) Squall: What're you doing? Biggs: What? Who are you asking me what I'm doing here! What're you doing here? Where's all the guards from downstairs. Wedge! Take care of these punks! uhhhh...Wedge? Well I already did my job here so I'll be going now. (enter Cypha) Biggs: Whoooahh! Cypha: Sorry but you can't leave here alive. (after battles--enter soldier) Soldier of Darva: Are you with B team? Squall: I'm Squall from B Team. Soldier of Darva: Where's your commander? (salutes Cypha after Squall gestures to him) SeeD forces are rallying at 1900 on the beachhead. They'll be departing then promptly! Cypha: Leaving? Why? Soldier of Darva: I don't know the details, I'm just a messenger...You didn't know they were moving out? Cypha: Goddamn it! What time is the rezendevous? Soldier of Darva: You call yourselves members of SeeD?!!!I told you! 1900 hours at the SeeD beachhead! Cypha: We've got 15 minutes. Move out. Zell: Once again he leaves us. I hate that guy. What a selfish fuck! (exit cast) Biggs: I'll set this monster on them! Those punks! This'll kill them! hahaha (escape) outro: Escape from Dollet. Final Fantasy 8 trial version.