Final Fantasy VIII Quick Story and Strategy Guide: Disks 1 and 2 Version 1, Produced on March 17, 1999 Written and Translated by Henry H. Jerng at "Our hero Squall, after becoming a mercenary at a soldier training school, becomes acquainted with the girl Rinoa at a party. Squall, who has until then refused to be involved with other people, is gradually influenced by her free way of living. Meanwhile, at the moment, the nation of Galbaldia suddenly declares war against the entire world. Standing beside the address-making president was a `witch', something that had long disappeared from people's memories..." (FFVIII game, back cover) INTRODUCTION Final Fantasy VIII, published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCPS 45375-8), is the latest chapter in Squaresoft's popular Final Fantasy series. As in the previous final fantasies, the game takes place in a world of futuristic technology mixed with mysterious magic, of powerful warriors and magicians. In Final Fantasy VIII, the central conflict develops between the SeeD and the witches, and I will now introduce you to the parties involved. In this world, there are privately-owned soldier training schools known as "Gardens". Gardens are unrelated to any organizations such as government or military, and their administrations are paid commissions mainly for sending its graduates to join military forces of every country. In the Gardens located in every country, special squads known as SeeD are formed regularly. Members of SeeD are chosen because of their exceptional abilities. In fact, their battle abilities are said to be levels above those of the average Garden graduates that are sent to every country. The missions of SeeD include engagements in military activities such as starting wars, protection of VIPs, suppression of uprisings, and assassinations. A witch is a woman with powerful magical abilities. The birth and existence of witches are shrouded in mystery since little is known about them, but it is known that their continued existence is not based on blood relations but is succeeded to the next witch through a pure "succession of power". As you may expect, for a woman it may be a blessing or a curse to possess a witch's overwhelming powers. Witches have had enormous influence in the world over the ages, but witches have not appeared in recent years. However, the long silence for witches is now broken. As you will see, the reason for the witch's reappearance will become an important part of the FFVIII story. Nearly all the information that appears here comes from Square's Official Final Fantasy VIII Express Strategy Book for Beginners by DigiCube (ISBN 4-925075-42-X), published on February 10th, 1999. I have done my best to accurately translate the information, and I will first apologize for any error that may have been made. This translation FAQ is meant for personal use only, for helping FFVIII players with this highly entertaining game. If there are questions concerning this FAQ, please feel free to contact me at the e-mail address listed above. Now, let us proceed on to..... Final Fantasy VIII Opening Scene It begins with two men violently scattering sparks. Seifer and Squall, two students of Balamb Garden, are conducting independent training. They are using genuine gunblades, and, by their intense swordplay, there is clearly some history between the two. Showing offense and defense, the fight climaxes to something usual. While Seifer takes an unguarded position for a moment, Squall takes the opportunity to win the duel... At that moment, Seifer summons "magic", which is prohibited. Squall withdraws for a moment, but he promptly recovers his stance and tries to return the attack. Seifer becomes involved in the task of offense and defense, advancing and retreating. At the moment when the edge of his blade grazes Squall's eyebrow, Seifer pulls the trigger on his gunblade. Fresh blood scatters around this eyes, and Squall's fighting spirit goes ablaze. And Squall's gunblade again catches Seifer's brow. The forehead wounds that they cut onto each other's foreheads carve inescapable destinies into their hearts... In a complete change of scenery from the earlier battle, Squall is lying down on a bed in the Garden's medical office. It appears that somehow after the fight, he lost consciousness and now does not remember what had happened to the duel. However, the pain of his forehead wound tells him that there was a fierce battle. Then the medical officer in charge, Dr. Kadowaki, certifies that Squall's condition is stable, and she contacts an officer in charge to come and receive him. In a short time, a woman appears in the medical office and smiles at Squall for this slightly ghastly situation. She is Quistis Trepe, Squall's teacher. When he returns to the classroom, homeroom started. There seems to be a practice exam for SeeD selection right after class, and it seems that Squall must take it no matter what happened. The place is a cave of flames east of the Garden. Quistis is in charge. In order for Quistis to go with Squall, Squall will meet her at the school's front gate. However, you're advised to not forget to prepare your lessons with your study panel right at your own seat. When you examine the items for lesson preparation and review, you will get 2 Guardian Forces (G.F.): Quetzalcoatl and Shiva. When you're finished in general with preparations at the study panel, try to go out toward the hall. When you do, you will run into a girl at a corner in the hall. The girl will run toward that place, but somehow she doesn't seem to be hurt. She has just transferred to this Garden today, and moreover, she is late for class on her first day. An optional panel appears so you will guide the transfer student around the school. How this unfolds has no effects on the game, even which ones you choose. Take an opportunity to explore the Balamb Garden. After you join up with Quistis at the main gate, head toward the cave of flames immediately. Your goal in the cave is to defeat Ifrit who is in the deepest part of the cave. Again, there is a time limit on this test, and before going in you can choose from 10, 20, 30, and 40 minutes. Try not to forget to junction the G.F.'s before entering. Once inside, the main point is to draw Blizzard from Vail. They will be helpful in the boss fight. You will fight Ifrit in the deepest part of the cave. Remember that Ifrit can absorb the energy of flames and recover his HP, so do not use fire-related attacks. Ifrit is weak against cold magics such as G.F. Shive and the magic Blizzard. After gaining credit at the cave of flames, Squall challenges the final exam for SeeD. The team consists of 3 people, and the two other than Squall are assembled in the hall of Garden. One person is Zell, who has excellent fist fighting sense. And the remaining person, and the one to become the team leader, is none other than Seifer. Squall and the others depart for the town of Balamb aboard a high speed car in order to execute their job. You will move from the Garden toward the town of Balamb using a car. When the car reaches the town, go inside and head for the port. At the port, a landing craft is waiting for Squall and others, and after your boarding, it will head straight for the principality of Dollet, their destination. Inside the ship, the mission briefing is given by Garden instructor Shue. Their mission this time is to support the Dollet army, which is in the midst of battle against the army of Galbaldia, a militant nation. After reaching Dollet, try to spot the central plaza by passing through the city streets. On the way, enemy soldiers will attack several times, but they are not tough opponents and are easy victims for `draw'. You should draw Thunder for later use. At the plaza, the enemy forces show threatening movements. Enemy forces is assembling at a radio tower on a mountain top. when you follow them and advance to the mountain trails, a Dollet soldier crawls out from a crevice in the rock, right when you come near the first stairway. When you try to help, a hedge viper appears. Blizzard is effective against it because it is weak against cold air. When you come before the radio tower, Seifer leaves the party and enters the tower. Here, Selphie appears as a messenger, and she joins the party and replaces Seifer. After adding Selphie to the party, Squall and others follow Seifer who entered the tower alone and head for the highest floor. On the highest floor, major Biggs of the Galbaldian army is repairing the antennae, and when you arrive on the lift, you will have to fight him. When you give him a fixed amount of damage, his subordinate Wedge comes in and assists. Just face them straight on with proper attack methods since neither one has a weak point, and there's no need to use any special attacks. Shortly after you enter the fight with Biggs, a waterspout rolls out from the sky. Biggs and Wedge are taken away by the waterspout and replaced by a monster, Elviole. The fight continues. Because Elviole has high HP and uses various kinds of magic, you must expect a long fight. Among his attacks, the most terrible one is the storm breath that will give big damage to all members of your party. Because fortunately you can draw Care from it, recover without hesitation when your HP becomes low. Again, if you draw G.F. Siren, you will be able to use it as a G.F. after the battle. The details of the message was an immediate withdraw. Squall and others must return to the place where they first landed within 30 minutes. However, during their withdraw, a Galbaldian weapon (X-ATMO92, aka "Black Widow") persistently pursues them. Because a battle ensues when you are caught, run toward the beach with all your might. If a battle occurs, the effective attacks are Thunder and G.F. Quetzalcoatl. And when you give a fixed amount of damage, you can stop its movement for a short time. At this time, although you may possibly defeat it if your G.F.'s levels are very high, it is better to run away because there is the danger of running out of time. Moreover, even if you escape when it stops moving, soon it will repair itself and again attack. The "Black Widow" desperately repeats its attacks. Squall and others somehow dodge them and arrive at the beach where their landing craft awaits. However, right behind them the enemy weapon still closes in, with furious force. There, Quistis' protection fires strike the enemy weapon without mercy. And, after Squall and others safely boarded the ship, the landing craft returns to Balamb, leaving behind the remains of the weapon all ruined. Now you have an opportunity to explore the town of Balamb. When you return to the Garden, Quistis, Shue, and Cid are discussing among themselves in the first floor's central hall. While waiting for exam results, try to go to the passageway in front of the library. Here is Seifer, complaining about his dissatisfaction with the order to withdraw. However, because he disregarded the order, he is to receive punishment. Afterwards, if you go to the second floor classroom, Squall is notified of his qualification from participants of Garden. At the inauguration ceremony are Zell and Selphie. When you assume the SeeD office, you will acknowledge your "SeeD rank". Your rank will go up and down depending on your action from this point on. The rank affects your SeeD stipend which is paid at fixed times. It goes up when your rank goes up. The "SeeD rank" goes up when you receive full point on the "SeeD written exam" in the tutorial, or when you accomplish your given mission. However, be aware that it can also go down because of inappropriate speech, inappropriate conduct, and activities during battles. After the inauguration ceremony ended, go before the classroom. When you do, classmates are all gathered in front of the classroom to bless the departure of Squall and others. And Seifer too eagerly await for Squall here. Zell stands on guard. However, Seifer unexpectedly begins to clap his hands... After the blessing by everyone, go to your dormitory and change into the SeeD uniform. Next is the inauguration announcement party. After publicly becoming a SeeD, Squall meets a woman at the inauguation announcement dance party. She becomes interested in Squall at first sight, and then she invites him to "dance together". She says she is looking for someone and wants to enter the dance circle by all means. Squall is enjoying the good atmosphere of the dance, but the woman he was dancing with seems to have found the person she was looking for and left him alone. Afterwards, when he was standing still on the terrace, Quistis comes by to speak to him. And Quistis orders him to go to a place known as "the secret place", located in the back of the training facility. Incidentally, "the secret place' is a date spot where couples on the Garden gather every night. After returning to his dormitory and changing back to his personal clothes, Squall goes to the entrance of the training facility. Quistis is waiting. Squall and Quistis pass though the training facility and arrive at "the secret place". Times of momentary silence pass between the two. And Quistis slowly tells him. She says that she is disqualified for the teaching position, starting today she will becomes a SeeD herself, and her personal history. However, Squall dislikes half finished affections, and he throws off Quistis insistently. When they leave "the secret place", suddenly a scream is heard. When they proceed in the direction of the scream, a woman is being attacked by monsters, and a battle begins. The opponents are 3 insect types, Granaldo and Raldo. The Granaldos attack by throwing and kicking Raldo. While the Granaldos are alive, Raldo will not attack on his own. So, if you dispose of Raldo first, you can contain damage to the smallest amount. Attacks using G.F. are quite effective. As for the Granaldos that remain, quickly defeat them with concentrated attacks because an individual Granaldo does not have great attack ability. When you return to the dormitory from the training facility, a personalized room for SeeD is prepared. Squall, tired from the fight in the training facility, sleeps on the bed. And on the next morning, he hears from Selphie the news of their first mission and goes to the card reader at the Garden's entranceway. From Cid, he learns that the mission this time is to offer support to an anti-government organization in Timber. The members include Squall, Zell, and Selphie. The party proceeds toward Timber by riding a train that leaves from the town of Balamb. Be sure that you don't buy too much before departure because it costs 3000 gils to ride the train, or you'll get "you don't have enough money". In the train, they find an extravagent guest room prepared for them, and Zell and Selphie are in good humor. However, here a sudden sleepiness attacks Squall and the others, and the three falls asleep as if losing consciousness. When he regains consciousness, Squall becomes Laguna Loire, a Galbaldian soldier, and is marching in the forest of Timber. Along side him are Kilos, who carried himself undignified, and Ward, a bigman who boasts of his strength. The three are passing through the forest and escaping the battlefield in a military vehicle. They are going toward the Galbaldian capitol, Dering City. Laguna, after returning from the battlefield, invites Kilos and Ward for a drink. However, somehow it seems that alcohol isn't what he is after. They go to a club under a hotel, and when they speak to a waitress, she guides them to their usual seats. Then an woman appears, the one Laguna is after there. She begins a piano performance. When he approaches her to confess his feelings, he suffers a honorable defeat as he stumbled out of terrible nervousness. After the performance, Laguna is invited by her to go to her room in that hotel. Squall wakes up from his dream. Moreover, the others say they saw the same dream. While this left a big mystery, their train arrives at Timber. When they say the password at the Timber train station, they are guided the hideout train of the "Forest Owls", the anti-government organization. In the hideout, they are asked by members of Forest Owl to summon their leader in a back room. There, they meet with Rinoa Heartilly. She was the woman who danced with Squall at the Garden party before. Timber is now becoming under Galbaldia's control. Rinoa and others are working to free Timber from the dictatorship of Vinzer Dering, Galbaldia's current president. According to the latest information, the president is visiting Timber on a train. Rinoa quickly begins to explain her operation to Squall and others. The summer of the operation is to wedge a dummy train (the Forest Owls' hideout) that looks like the president's train right between cars one/two and three/four, thereby substituting it for the real president's car. After making preparations, the operation begins at last. By controlling Squall, you will move him on top of the trainand twice cut off and separate the connections between train cars by entering passcodes. You must finish the entire operation in 5 minutes. A calm and swift operation is the key to success. As a result of a successful operation, Rinoa receives the president. However, he was not the real president Dering. The fake president reveals its real form and attacks Squall and others. If you use Raise, Araise, and Pheonix Tail, you can defeat it with one blow. If you fight it with physical attacks, it will be very hard. Moreover, the opponent has many abnormal status attacks such as Breath, Bazerk, and Silence that give damage along with Darkness effects. Therefore, while you recover often, it will become a long fight. Recovery magic like Care, in association with Double, and attacks using G.F. Ifrit are effective. Rinoa and others get off at the Timber train station, after making up their minds to attack the broadcast station. It is a city with complex archtectural styles where many train lines meet. You should first search the Timber Maniacs building. Now the city is more occupied by Galbaldian forces, and you will frequently get into battles. Carelessness is something to avoid here. According to the news on the streets, it seems possible to go to the broadcast station from behind the pub. When you head for the pub, some Galbaldian soldiers are talking in front of the pub. A battle ensues, and you will receive the "Vail Card" after your victory. When you enter the pub, because a drunken customer is obstructing the back door, you will be able to go to the back alley if you treat this customer wine or return the card you just got earlier. When you pass through the back ally and climb up some stairs, words of unknown meaning are projected on a monitor on the wall. Before long, those words change to the relay of the presidential address, and then it suddenly changes to an image of Seifer and Quistis storming into the broadcast station. Squall and others rush to the broadcast station. Seifer tries to take the president captive, but he is taken away by a witch and then disappears to somewhere Because it was leaked out that Seifer and Quistis are associates of Garden, Squall and others are urged that they must escape. They decide to seek shelter for a moment at the Forest Fox's hideout and ask about some chance of escape. In conclusion, they decide to take a train to visit the nearby Galbaldia Garden. Riding the last train out of Timber, you should get off the train at the school east station. You will have to go past the Timber forest in order to go to the Galbaldia Garden, and you can see it from the station in the northwest direction. If you cross the bridge while following the train track, you will soon get there. In case you did not get off at school east station, the train will go to the Dollet station, the next stop. Because Dollet station is the final stop, just return by walking on the railroad tracks. Incidentally, monsters will not appear on the roads or train tracks. Now is a good opportunity to explore Dollet and Timber. When you step into the Timber forest, Squall's consciousness again flies to Laguna. Laguna, along with Kilos and Ward, is lost in an excavation site that is digging for something. Because there is nothing special here at the excavation site, proceed to look for the exit. En route, there are places to set traps, so you can set traps for enemy Esta soldiers. However, it is okay if you don't. When you proceed to a save point, Laguna and others will be surrounded by Esta soldiers. When defeated, the Esta soldiers will finally use the skill called "Soul Crush" that will reduce your HP to 1. After the battle, they Laguna, Kilos, and Ward will dive down a cliff and toward some ships below. Squall and other return from their second trip to the "mysterious world". Afterwards, they again set out for Galbaldia Garden, their original destination. For all that, the Garden is right before their eyes. The area ahead is a region called the Monterosa high plains, and the distribution of monsters suddenly changes. Because rather powerful enemies appear, go out after you have confirmed your party status. In the battle a little while ago, it is possible you have a character with only 1 HP. Finally you reach Galbaldia Garden. It is a place you want to study and observe briefly, but a broadcast announces for them to come to the second floor reception room as soon as possible. At this time, because this is no reason to go to all the places inside the school, you should wait for a chance later and not hurry. Squall runs away from the reception room. After a meeting with Fuujin and Raijin in the first floor hall, he obeys the instructions on the broadcast system and heads for the front gate. And the party that gathered there at the front gate receive orders from Dodonna, the school principal and board chairman. The contents of that order was to go to Dering City and assassinate the witch Edea. They added the sniper Irvine Kinneas hereafter to the party as a member of the execution team. Squall and others appoint Irvine to the immediate party composition (it is possible to change), and they head for the Galbaldian capitol, Dering City, where witch Edea is. Because the railroad tracks go all the way to Dering City, it is better to go by train. However, if you go on foot, en route the Galbaldian army is spreading a baracade. Because the baracade is released if you go to Dering City once, you can return from Dering City while walking. The location of the station is at the southwestern direction from the Garden. It is supposed that you will soon understand because the train stops there. Still, because it costs 3000 gils to ride the train, try not to squander your money. You will board the train by paying 3000 gils, but the train will still not depart. If you try to exit the train from the hatchway there, Irvine and others will return to the same train after doing other activities. And in the course of talking with the other members, the train they are on slides toward the underground station of Dering City. When they arrive on the ground level from the underground station on a escalator, they immediately come to a traffic circle in front of the station. To go to the Carway residence from here as instructed, it will be good to talk to the clerk in charge when a bus comes to the bus stop right before you. It costs nothing to ride the bus. Squall and others visit a home to meet with captain Carway, but they are turned away at the gate by a guard. Without having varified the true power of SeeD, the captain will have no reason to meet them. Then there is a very simple condition to show their true strength. It is a test of courage- after searching for the "tomb of the unknown king" which is near Dering City, see the signature (attendence number) of a weapon that was dropped there. Because you can receive a map for that place, you can go to "the tomb of the unknown king" immediately. As for the content of the test, if you are confident as SeeD and think that there is nothing missing, it is probably okay to take a chance and explore the tomb. However, it is recommended that you pay the guard money and listen to his hints. Hints you can receive from the guard 3000 gils: About the best way to defeat the monster inside the tomb. 5000 gils: You can get the capability to display current position on the map you received. The weapon in question was dropped on the right hand side of the passageway right when you enter the king's tomb. Try to remember the attendence number written on it. Furthermore, if you explore beyond the entrance, then look at the map often. It is displayed if you press the select button. It is easy to understand the map if you look so that the direction you are heading is always on top. By clearing the guard's test, Squall and others can finally meet captain Carway. The members are ushered into a room and are allowed to hear the tangible details of the assassination plan from Carway. First, they will divide the party into two teams: the sniper team and the Arch of Triumph team. 1) The sniper team will watch and wait in front of the presidential palace. 2) The Arch of Triumph team will watch and wait inside the Arch of Triumph. 3) The car carrying the witch leaves the presidential palace. 4) The sniper team infiltrate the palace. 5) The Arch of Triumph team confines the witch's car. 6) The sniper team executes the sniping from the clock tower. That is the sequence of events. When they hear a telephone call, the party is dismissed for a moment. When you are prepared, you will again gather at the Carway residence. After the teams are formed there, they are taken by captain Carway to assume battle positions. Afterwards, they are just supposed to wait for the beginning of witch Edea's parade to start, but Quistis becomes worried about something. Something about Rinoa. Quistis cannot get over her concerns by any means and returns to the Carway residence for a moment. They get wrapped in an unexpected happening. Rinoa, excused from the assassination plan, comes to the side of the presidential palace. She is trying to make the witch wear the "Odyne Bangle", something that will seal the witch's powers. And she climbs up a wall and heads for the room where the witch awaits. From behind witch Edea's back, Rinoa imparts her will to present the bangle to the witch. However, Edea certainly had no use for Rinoa's little tricks. Completely saw through by Edea, Rinoa's plan here ends in failure. And, as if nothing had happened, Edea goes out to the presidential palace's terrace where president Dering awaits. She begins a speech to assume ambassadorship. The viewpoint again returns to Quistis. Quistis and others are shut in the captain's residence. They search various places to find some way to leave the room. It is thought that there is a hidden passage somewhere... There seems to be some connection between the picture hanging on the wall and a statue set near the room's entrance. At suspicious places, try investigating by pressing the circle button. Quistis and others somehow escape from the Carway residence. They exit to an underground waterway. While advancing through the passageways by riding the rotating waterwheels, look for the exit. Don't forget to confirm your equipments. Right when Quistis and others finally discovered the underground waterway, witch Edea's parade opens its ceremoney. Squall and Irvine, who were waiting in the front gate of the palace, quickly hurry to the witch's room to help Rinoa. If you take the same path that Rinoa took and climb the crates on the side of the palace, you can come out to the terrace. When you enter the back of the room, you will fight against 2 Shumelkes. The Shumelkes will use direct attacks with their claws or a skill called "Magma Breath" that will damage with its flame property and gradually turn its victim to stone. If you are turned to stone, you should quickly cure it with Ethna. And, don't forget to draw the G.F. Carbangle. After the draw, it is okay to cast magical attacks because the Reflect that was cast on Shumelkes by Carbangle is gone. After saving Rinoa, Squall and Irvine follow the plan and await for the set time inside the clock tower's mechanism. When you descend inside, you will receive a rifle that was placed there beforehand. When Quistis come out of the underground waterway and arrive at the Arch of Triumph, it was the time right when the witch's parade passes through. Somehow the gate's switch is pulled, and they succeed in stopping the parade. They just need Irvine to make one shot from the clock tower, with his gun that is pointed at Edea... Because the sniping failed, the operation naturally shifts to one of direct confrontation. Seifer, who they heard was executed, is waiting there. The battle proceeds with a one-on-one fight. Try to recover HP before the fight. After you defeated Seifer, Rinoa and Irvine hurry to the scene, and it finally becomes a decisive confrontation with Edea. Edea's attacks are centered around attack magic such as Firega, Thunderga, and Blizzardga. If you cast reflect with G.F. Carbangle, Edea will try to cast Dispell on you. At that opening, it will be good to defeat her with direct attacks. (End of Disk 1...) A girl comes to Laguna's place to announce his visitor, and together they head for Laine's pub which is right next door. There, Laguna reunites with Kilos who he has not seen for a year. While conversing with Laine, he converses with Kilos, and you can hear information that fills a gap in Laguna's story that was interrupted, such as what happened to Ward, a friend of the two. After the conversation ended, you will add Kilos to the party and go to work hunting down monsters around Winhill. Remember to junction the G.F.'s and magic. Laine and the little girl are on the second floor of the pub. After a conversation between the two ended, Laguna reports the results of his hunt to Laine. You will learn the total number of Bitebags and Gedachiks you killed. Afterwards, you will return to Laguna's room, and when he rests on the bed, you will next move to "Area D Camp". The members of SeeD, after failing to assassinate with witch, are imprisoned. Zell, Quistis, Selphie, and Rinoa are thrown into the same cell, and Squall is taken to his own separate cell. Irvine cannot be seen. A guard comes and assaults Zell. Afterwards, he takes Rinoa away. Selection choices are shown respectively for two scenes next. One, the scene in Zell and other's room where a moomba who had brought meals (?) failed and was assaulted by a guard. Two, the scene where Squall is interrogated by a guard. Depending on your choices, what unfolds afterwards will change subtlely. Will you help moomba? In the scene with Zell and others, you will choose whether or not to help moomba. If you choose to hlep, the moomba will move with Zell. If you choose not to help, he will be taken out of the room with the guard. Later, I will explain with "Help"= A1 and "Not help" = A2. Even if you tell a lie...? You will select whether Squall, who must endure interrogations, decide to "stay alive even if I have to tell a lie" or "it's fine even if my life ends". If you choose "Even if my life ends...", there will be 2 moombas watching when Squall regains consciousness. If you choose to tell a lie, then there will be the guard instead. Later, I will explain with "End Life" = B1 and "A Lie" = B2. Zell and others plan their jail break, and first Zell will proceed alone to recover their weapons because their weapons were confiscated. The cell where Zell and others were imprisoned is on the 7th floor. Zell must battle against 2 opponents by himself, but they are no problem if he already has junctioned G.F. and magic. Moomba rescues Squall If you chose B1 in Squall's interrogation scene, after Zell recovered the weapons, a scene is inserted where Squall is helped down by moombas. When Zell and others reunite with Squall, these moombas will assist with their escape. After Zell returned to the cell and gave back the weapons, Biggs and Wedge from the broadcast tower in Dollet show up. You impressions of them will not be much different now from the two that you battled with then. Because status-related magic works well against them, it is a good idea to cast something like Slow, Silence, or Blind first, and then quickly draw magics (such as Regain) that you can hope to raise your junction effects. Afterwards, you can leisurely defeat them even with the usual attacks. The camp has 12 identical floors. The one Squall is found on is the 13th floor. If you helped moomba, they will guide you. In case there is a partition between the up and down floors, you must make an entire lap around the floor. There are 2 rooms on every floor, and you can get your hands on items and such there. In addition, there are also locked rooms that you cannot enter. Situations change depending on your 2 earlier decisions Depending on the combination of choices you made in the 2 scenes, the scene where you reunite with Squall on the 13th floor changes. In the case you A2 and B2, the door will not open, and you will decide to "Give up" or "By force". If you choose "By force", then 2 Galbaldian soldiers will come and fight you. When you win, you will receive the key that opens the door. If you chose A1 and B2, or A2 and B1, the door will open. However, because there are fewer moombas, the number of short cuts (removal of partitions between floors) that they make will decrease. After you reunite with Squall on the 13th floor, you will leave Zell behind, descend to the 1st floor on ARM, and head to the door in front. Afterwards, you will go and help Zell when he is under attack, and Rinoa and Irvine will link up. This action takes place on the 8th floor. From here the party is divided into 2 teams. First, the Squall team heads up to the top floor, and second, the Irvine team heads for the floor where the ARM is. Be aware; try not to forget to change junction when your teams completely change. Squall team- to the top floor The team with Squall and two others head for the top floor where the escape exit is. If you choose A1 and B1 in your selections before, you can get various items from 2 moombas standing near the 13th floor stairway. The exit is further up on the 15th floor. There is a save point (hidden point) on the 14th floor. Irvine team- to ARM When Squall and others reach the 13th floor, next you will switch the action to the team with Irvine and 2 others. To go up to the top floor on ARM, they will go down to the 3rd floor (where ARM is) from the 8th floor. When they reach the 3rd floor, the scene switches back to the Squall team. You cannot go below 3rd floor. When the Squall team comes to the exit on the top floor, enemies appear to block the exit passage. The enemies here are one Galbaldian officer and two GIM52A's. It will be good to first kill the officer who uses assistance-type magic and cast Slow on the 2 GIM52A's. Even if you have no Slow in stock, you can draw some from the GIM52A's themselves. Try to prepare for the GIM52A's special attack "Micro Missiles" that can decrease your HP by half. Try to use recovery magic or item. When you are running down the passageway, the camp begins to submerge, and the passageway disappears. Because Squall is hanging on the rails, move him toward the nearest building (right direction) with the directional keys. Be aware- it is game over if you do not make it in time. After you have made your way across safely, Irvine and others will link up with you, and everyone will leave the camp on buggies. Squall and others discover witch Edea's plan to destroy the Gardens with missiles. However, while they are discussing their next plans, missiles aimed at Trebia are launched. Here you will form 2 teams. Squall and two others will head for Balamb Garden to make a report, and Selphie and two others will head for the missile base to stop missile launches. Squall and others plunder a Galbaldian army train. Selphie and others head for the missile base on a buggy. The missile base is located east of the camp. Because a road leads there, it is okay to follow the road. The Selphie team disguises itself in Galbaldian army uniform that were found inside the buggy. The team then infiltrates the missile base. The entrance room has two doors that are locked, but the door on the left hand side can be unlocked by investigating a card checker at another place. Inside the base, you will have conversations with real Galbaldian soldiers at various areas, and you will obtain information and execute your destructive handicrafts. As long as you are disguised, if does not matter how fast or slow you proceed here because you will not encounter any enemy or monster. After you descend stairway A, head toward the floor with an equipment soldier from another passageway of the stairway. There, after you are given a message, head for the launcher hanger. After making a round trip carrying messages, you will be given the roll call to the transformer station. Then, now you can enter the tranformer station. When you talk to the guard standing in front of the transformer station, they will say it is time to change shifts, and you will go inside. When you find the switch box, selection choices are displayed, but it doesn't matter which one you choose. After the switch box is destroyed, and the source of electricity is down, go out of the room. Then an equipment soldier comes, and you are questioned. Select your response. If you choose "we just got here", you can continue to operate as usual since your true identity is not revealed. Next, go to the launcher hanger. When are pressed for an answer by the equipment soldier outside the transformer room, if you choose "Battle", you will fight against 2 Galbaldian equipment soldiers. Afterwards, your disguise is blown, and you will encounter monsters when you move around. Furthermore, when you fight here, the officers inside the base are gone except for the ones in the control room. Because you cannot enter the launcher room, you should quickly head for the control room now. Once the switch box for the power supply is destroyed, the power to the base is lost, and the launcher lift cannot move. In front of the transformer room, once you have deceived the equipment soldiers, things will be back to normal. If you come in front of the launcher hanger, you are asked by an equipment soldier that comes out from the hanger to help them push a carrier. If you quietly help, you will be told to next verify the coordinate axis of the missile, and you can now operate the control panel. If you fought in front of the transformer room, you cannot enter this room and cannot operate the control panel now. You will alter the missile error ratio using the control panel. If you make this operation, even if a missile is fired, the possibility that the missiles hit greatly off from its target becomes high. You must have an ID to access the control panel, and depending on your actions up to now, you may not be able to control it. For a way to cope with that situation, I will explain it in a later section. After finishing the operations on the control panel, you will talk to a guard standing in front of some stairway. Then, you will be allowed to enter the control room above. In the control room, you will fight with 2 officers and 1 soldier. Yet, they are not difficult enemies. After you defeat the enemies, you will search for the missile launch mechanism. If you interrupt the missile launch with the launch mechanism on the left hand side of the room, your mission is complete. After that, you will trigger the base's self-destruct mechanism and will just have to escape. The self-destruct mechanism is located in the room next to the control room. Because you are activated the mechanism, you must set the time until self-destruct. The times you can choose are 10, 20, 30, or 40 minutes. After setting the time, you must get out of the base, and if it is below 20 minutes you can go from a door in that room to another room which has a entrance/exit (However, it is a one way passage.) If you set it for more than 20 minutes, because this door will not open before the count goes below 20 minutes, you will have to go outside by going through the base. If you did not operate the control panel If you activated the self-destruct mechanism and exited the building all without operating the control panel, you cannot return to the base after you have proceeded to battle BGH251F2. In short, you must already have operated the control panel, but what do you do when you fought the equipment soldier and could not operate it? In fact, there is a way to operate the control panel after the activation of self-destruct mechanism. However, if you consider the fight against BGH251F2 that takes place afterwards, you cannot allow less than 10 minutes until self-destruct . It would be best to set the timer on long. When you have triggered the self-destruct mechanism and returned to the entrance/exit, there is a scene with a control room soldier operating the firing mechanism. Afterwards, if you go to the control panel, the soldier will tumble down the stairway. If you converse with this soldier, he will hand over his own ID to Selphie. With this, you can operate the control panel. A large mechanized weapon known as BGH251F2 (aka "Iron Crud") shows up to block the gate. Because there is a time limit (countdown until base self-destruct), it will be better to choose a strategy that gives continuous big damage with magic aimed at the enemy's weak point and summon G.F. After BGH512F2 is demolished, again you will battle aginst an officer and a soldier, so you will not have much rest. Of course, if the count runs out during battle, it is game over at that point. First, you will want to cast protect for all members because the enemy attack, especially the beam cannon, is powerful. And you will have 1 person summoning Quetzalcoatl and the other 2 using continuous magic attacks while under influence of Double. If you have high level electrical attack magic, you should try to use them actively. When 4 cylinders are destroyed, the enemy will attack by removing the limiter. Because it will continuously fire its beam cannon, be completely watchful of your HP's. When Squall and others arrive at Balamb Garden, somehow the Garden is bustling with activity. On the way to the gate, you try to inquire about the situation from a Garden teacher, but suddenly you are pressed to decide whether you are part of the Master faction or the school principal faction. Here, if you answered "school principal faction", you will fight against a monster. Inside, monsters frm the training facility have been released by the Master faction and are prowling around. Before entering the Garden, try to verify the party's junctions. While they have not really grasped the situation, Squall and others in the meantime search for school principal Cid. According to an instuctor belonging to the Master faction, Cid is hidden somewhere on the 1st floor. Because it does not matter which order you take, go around every facility. If you speak to a Garden teacher, choices will be shown, and you will be forced into a fight. After the fight ends, you can enter a facility, and there are even times when you will receive items from the school principal faction. You can avoid battles depending on the place, but not fighting maybe a loss considering the gains in experience poiint. If you come near the directory after making a circle around the first floor, you will find Shue taking the elevator. Follow Shue and go to the back of the 2nd floor passage (near the classroom). You will explain the situation to Shue. Because Cid is in the school principal room on the 3rd floor, go to the school principal room with the elevator. After you told Cid about the missile situation, he will tell you that there is a MD floor below ground in the Garden, and he will hand you an elevator key to descend there. On the MD floor, is there something they can do to deal with the missile attack...? Squall and others descend toward the MD floor, holding a ray of hope. Squall and others receive a key from Cid and head for the elevator. However, the elevator stops on the way. You will investigate the switch once, and afterwards investigate the floor that Squall is standing on (an emergency exit). Exit from there and go down using stairs. The elevator drops, but this is all right because it is an automatic event. After the electricity of the passage is turned on, open the floor hatch and then descend by heading downwards. The MD floor is pretty deep. You will keep going downwards by using ladders on every floor and gimicks that open the floor. When you have to turn a valve, you will have 3 chances. Even if Squall fails when he tries by himself, then two people try, then three. Moreover, it will become easier to turn the valve as the number of people increases. Before going up a stair, there is a selection to see who goes, but as a result, Squall will ascend. In a room where the loose ladder crashed into, you will move a switch, and the floor opens. To go back, you will again use the ladder. After returning using the ladder that come out, you will detach a level on the external wall and cause a ladder to drop. Because there is a lever that opens the shutter for the gangplank, you will open the shutter before heading for the gangplank. Then, you will be attacked by 2 Oil Shippers on the gangplank. There is a save point next to the lever, and so you will want to save here. After you have prepared for the battle, go to the gangplank. The Oil Shippers have excellent mobility and quick movement, and their attack abilities are high. It is tough if there is just one, but it is even more trouble when there are two. First, it is a good idea to weaken their movement with Slow. When you receive an Oil Shot, Darkness is added to your status. Here, avoid their direct attacks and concentrate your attacks on just one with flame magic (their weak point) or Gravity after casting Double. G.F. Ifrit is also effective, but it is painful because Ifrit will receive their powerful attacks. Descending a ladder in the back of the shutter, you will at last arrive at the deepest part. Equipments and meters that you are not familiar with are lined up. If you play around with them properly, the giant machine will begin to suddenly move, and Squall and others are transported in one stoke to the school principal room. As a result, because of the transformation that took place on the Garden, the crisis with the missile bombing is resolved... The factional fighting is quieted down by the arrival of the missiles. Squall thinks about the welfare of his friends who went to the missile base. When Squall walks near the directory on the 1st floor, a Garden teacher comes to tell him that the Master is calling for Squall. Afterwards, the elevator will take you directly to the Master room, and once you enter the Master room you cannot exit until you finish your fight with Norg. For that reason, before Squall leaves his dormitory or before he go to the Master room, you are advised to save. When you descend to the Master room, you will link up with the 2 people remaining in your party. If you exchange some words with Cid, a teacher comes to call for you. Because you will be rushed to your fight with Norg, if your converstaion with Norg start, you had better verify your junctions at this point. You will hear important information concerning Garden and SeeD from Master Norg... (Here is some actual dialogue...) Clerk: Have you come at last? Master Norg is calling. It's good that you came. When master Norg calls, try to come within 3 seconds. Norg: Not within 3 seconds. (This is the Garden's master? This is the Garden's operator? He is not human? If that is so, we didn't know anything. .......... It's a shock) Norg: You, report about the witch. (Where should I start......) Clerk: A quick report. The results first, then a brief description of your progress. Squall: We failed to assassinate witch Idea. Norg: It's an emotionless report. Squall: We confirmed a directive from school principal Cid while at Galbaldia Garden. We added Irvine Kinias as a member from Galbaldia's Garden. On a common order with Balamb Garden, we executed an order to "assassinate the witch"...... Norg: Common order!? You were deceived! (Deceived, but!?) Squall: ...... I don't understand what you mean...... Norg: Explain it to them.
Clerk:  Master Norg knew from early on that the president of Galbaldia 
and the witch joined forces.  We received consultations from the 
master of Galbaldia Garden.
Squall:  From the master of Galbaldia Garden......?
Norg:  Galbaldia Garden's master is my subordinate, Dodonna.
Clerk:  Yes.  The witch and the Garden have various history together.  
Therefore, the witch is thought to be trying to make all the 
Gardens her own.  So, master Norg sent a messenger to Galbaldia 
Garden.  It said to defeat the witch.  As for the method, it was 
thought that assassination was the best way.  However......
Norg:  That shrewd Dodonna, for the sake of time, used you for the 
assassination.  To evade following my directions...... that 
shrewd, shrewd guy.
Squall:  So, Balamb Garden had nothing to do with that order.  Is that 
Clerk:  Since you guys showed up by chance before the execution of the 
operation, you were used.  However, the operation failed.  The 
witch is still alive and......  As we expected, the witch 
retaliated.  The terrible missile attack was probably the witch's 
revenge.  Somehow, we must calm down her anger.
Squall:  Wait a second.  Then how......
Clerk:  Then we must show Balamb Garden's good faith by handing over the 
participants of the assassination to the witch.
Norg:  We will submit to the witch by handing over the head of SeeD!
Squall:  Wha......  Why won't we fight the witch!?  Then why are we 
receiving practice everyday to fight!?
Norg:  What!?  Do you want us to be defeated by the witch!  Don't you 
bark so loudly at me!
Clerk 1:  School principal Cid said the same thing......
Clerk 2:  He, hey
Norg:  Cid!?  That idiot Cid sent out SeeD to subjugate the witch.  What 
do we do if we lose?  It's the end of this Garden.  My Garden!  
It's the end of my Garden.  Cid, that idiot.  I won't forgive him.  
Has he forgotten who gave poor Cid money to build this Garden!?  
Oh, I thought that we should hand over the head of SeeD with his 
head, too.  When I ordered Cid captured, those students, Cid's 
allies, just sat on their hands!  But this is my Garden!
Squall:  You're wrong!  This is not just yours.
Norg:  Well, what!?  Does it then belong to school principal Cid and 
witch Idea?  That husband and wife's!? 
Squall:  What?

(School principal and Idea are husband and wife!?  How is that?)

Norg:  Now I understand.  I know now that Cid and Idea are taking the 
Garden from me.  And you are Cid's subordinates.  I'll not forgive 
Quistis:  Squall, look out!

(A big fight ensues.)

Irvine:  What happened to this?
Squall:  I don't care.  Things I don't understand have only increased.
Quistis:  But......
Squall:  Why listen to me!  I understand as little as you.  I, I don't 
know anything.  I don't know...... anything.  So...... I was 
deceived.  So...... I was used.
Quistis:  I guess so......  Hey, should we hear from school principal 
Squall:  We'll go to meet the school principal.

Two signals attached to the pedestal change from green to yellow to red, 
and when they become red they will use their own magic attacks.  You 
cannot destroy them, but you can return them to green (first phase) by 
inflicting damage with direct attack.  While 2 people attack the 
signals, the remaining person will first destroy the defense shelter.  
Even when Norg appears, attack with essentially the same tactics.  As 
for magic, Gravity is effective.  In case you cast Reflect on your 
allies, it will be good to set the item command on as a way to recover 
HP.  You can draw the G.F. Leviathon from Norg.

After defeating Norg, you will listen to a talk by school principal Cid 
who is in the medical office.  Because this talk complements the 
information gained from Norg, you will want to listen to this carefully.
	When you leave the medical office and walk near the directory, you 
will be told by Shue that a mysterious ship is approaching.  When you go 
out onto the 2nd floor observation deck, the crew from the ship speaks 
to you.  Because they have come to take delivery of some person, Squall 
and others are ordered by Cid to find and bring this person.

In the school principal room, you are asked by principal Cid to meet the 
stationmaster of Fisherman's Horizon (F.H.).  So you will take some 
party members and disembark.  You will meet the stationmaster at his 
home, but you will then flatly turn back.
	When you try to return to the Garden, the Galbaldian forces come to 
attack.  You will hear that the stationmaster Dorbu went to have a talk 
with the Galbaldians alone, and so Squall and others also head for the 

In the open area in front of the station, stationmaster Dorbu tries to 
negotiate with the Galbaldian soldiers, but the soldiers are not 
interested in listening to some peace-loving weakling.  The statinmaster 
is attacked by the soldiers, and a battle ensues when you jump out to 
help him.
	In the beginning, there are just 2 opponents:  a Galbaldian officer 
and a soldier.  After you defeat them, the BGH251F appears again.

When the BGH251F is destroyed, it rolls down into the sea.  Then, 
somehow the three that went to the missile base come back up.
	The missile base team and the Garden team finally link up.  Everyone 
except Squall returns to the Garden, and Squall alone walks around the 
streets of F.H.  It is a good idea for you to walk back to the work area 

When you return to the Garden after finishing your mission at F.H., head 
for the stage in the school playground because Irvine asked you to 
console Selphie.  When you receive a call from Cid, go to the school 
principal room.  There, Cid declares that they are going to war against 
the witch on the Garden's internal broadcast system.  And he appoints 
Squall as the commander.

Selphie and others hear that Squall is appointed as the commander and 
plan a band concert to wish him luck.
	The misic sheets for 2 songs they originally prepared got mixed up, 
and you will have to discriminate them by listening to an actual 
performance.  And then you will decide everyone's musical instruments.  
If you listen, you will understand which ones to choose, but if you 
cannot tell, then the combinations of instruments is described below.  
It does not matter who plays which instrument.

Music A:  Guitar, Fiddle, Flute, Tap
Music B:  Electric Guitar, Electric Base, Sacks, Piano

Squall is invited by Rinoa and walks to the concert.  While the music is 
performed by their friends, Rinoa tells Squall how everyone honestly 
	the conversation between Rinoa and Squall subtlely changes depending 
on the combination of instruments you chose earlier and the music they 
perform.  The way the conversation ends differs depending on the 
atmosphere of the music.  Below are simple explanations for the possible 
musics, respectively, but Music C is what happens when instruments for A 
and B are mixed up.

Music A:  It is "happy music" for Rinoa's thoughts.  There are no 
strange misunderstandings between Rinoa and Squall, and their 
conversation progresses smoothly.  Squall joins in, and feelings are 
calm and peaceful.
Music B:  The details of the conversation gets a little choppy.
Music C:  Rinoa is really irritable.  The conversation comes to the 
worst.  What happened to telling Squall about everyone's feelings...

Now is a good opportunity to explore the village of Shumi located on the 
northernmost continent.

The city of Balamb is under the control of the Galbaldian army, and you 
cannot go in and out freely.  Once you go in, you will not be able to go 
out, but if you help the child in front of the rental car get in touch 
with the person on the outside (talk to the guard, then go toward the 
side), afterwards the child will guide you to the outside.
	The city's hotel becomes the enemy's headquarter, so you cannot use 
it.  You can rest and save in Zell's room.

You will be told you the guard at the rental car that you can meet the 
commanding officer at the hotel, but to enter the hotel, you must first 
find the commander.  It seems that the commander is always sleeping 
while claiming that he is patrolling.  After you have gone around and 
collected informaton, it seems that he is at the port fishing today.
	The procedure for finding the commander is as follows.  The basic 
discovery route is like this.

1.  At the port...
	When you go to the port, you will learn from the soldier with the 
search dog that the commander caught a fish and is cooking and eating it 
somewhere.  Because he is said to be cooking his fish and he did not 
return to the hotel, you can imagine he is using a residential home 
2.  At Zell's home...
	In the city of Balamb, there are only 2 average civilian homes 
(excluding the shop).  One of them is Zell's  home.  When you try to ask 
Zell's mother, she will tell you that a big man came and cooked his 
fish.  Moreover, the fish's "terrible odor" has filled the entire house.
3.  When you follow the search dog...
	It seems that the "terrible odor" deeply covered Squall and others.  
When you again go to the port and approach the search dog, the dog gets 
a whif of Squall and other's smell and runs away.  If you chase after 
it, the dog goes inside the station.  If you lose track of the dog along 
the way, you will come back to the port after you go to the station 
once.  And if you talk to the dog once again...

What was chased out by the search dog from the train is Raijin.  When 
Squall and others chase after Raifin and come before the hotel, it leaks 
out that he has been playing hooky and neglecting his duties, and Raijin 
is beat and driven out of the hotel by the commanding officer.
	Here, you will battle against Raijin and 2 soldiers.  If it is just 
Raijin, he is not a very hard enemy.  Blind and Slow are effective.

After defeating Raijin, you will be allowed into the hotel.  Inside, you 
will fight against Raijin and Fuujin.  Blind is effective against 
Raijin, as expected.  First, defeat Raijin with concentrated attacks.  
You can draw the G.F. Pandemonium from Fuujin.  When Fuujin is on the 
verge of death, she will call out a skill called "Smash", and it will in 
one hit decimate your HP to 1.

Because of Selphie's wish, you will visit Trabia Garden, Selphie's old 
Garden.  As expected, it was destroyed by the missile attack.  Selphie 
goes in first, and Squall and others enter the Garden too.  Under the 
image of an gargoyle, Selphie is enjoying her reunion with old friends.  
Squall and others say that they will wait for Selphie at the playing 

After Selphie shows up, the team members harden their determination to 
fight against the witch.  However, Rinoa speaks about her uneasiness 
toward fighting.  She may lose friends...  Irvine speaks out about the 
same uneasiness he himself has, why he fights, and especially the 
unexpected facts that are his reason for fighting.
	Squall and others try to visit the orphanage Irvine talked about, 
leaving Trabia behind.

At last, the Galbaldia Garden under Edea's control sets out for an all-
out attack.  The person in charge of leading the Galbaldian army into 
battle is Seifer.
	Squall announces the emergency situation with the internal broadcast 
system from the school principal room and then prepares the battle 
arrangements.  And, to ambush attack the invading Galbaldian forces, you 
will take directions by dividing into 2 teams.

You will form a team without Zell and Rinoa, and then head to the 
playground to give directions.  When you do, you will prepare the 
arrangement by giving out directions for Zell.  Rinoa too links up with 
Zell, and because Squall is called to the bridge, he will head for the 
bridge while entrusting the situation here to Zell and others.
	In order to deal with the Galbaldian soldiers that are coming aboard 
one after another, the Zell team runs to the playground.  Suddenly the 
ground crumbles, and Rinoa falls to a cliff.

The Zell team meets up with the Squall team that heads to the gate.  
They tell about Rinoa's crisis.  However, at the same time, enemy 
appears at the gate, and futhermore they receive an announcement that a 
teenage class is under attack at the classroom.  Squall dispatches his 
mean in this manner:  Squall himself and 2 others head for the 
classroom, 1 person is left behind to assist Shue in defending the gate, 
and 1 person heads out to rescue Rinoa.

The Squall team battles against 4 elite soldiers in the classroom.  
After you defeated them and made the teenage class evacuate the room, 
you will receive a call from Dr. Kadowaki and then head for the 
principal's room.
	The enemy attack becomes calm for a moment, but you cannot endure 
another wave of attacks.  Squall decides that, as a desperate measure, 
they will board the enemy ship from here and shift to offense.  The 
friends entrusts Squall with rescuing Rinoa before rushing to the enemy 
ship.  Under Kadowaki's direction, Squall announces to all students to 
challenge the enemy to a final fight.

When you descend to the 2nd floor on the elevator, you will be asked by 
a female student in charge of the teenage class to find a teenage named 
Mark.  When you proceed to the back of the passage, you will find the 
teenager Mark.  After you talk to him and he runs away toward the 
elevator, a paratrooper infiltrates the ship from the observation deck.  
Squall is tossed against the wall and receives damage.
	From here, Squall's HP gauge is displayed on the lower left hand side 
of the screen.  This is used for the fist fight action sequence during 
your descent.  You cannot avoid the very first hit, and you must receive 
damage there.

When Squall has his back pushed up against the emergency hatch, if you 
press the circle button, selection choices will appear.  There if you 
choose "look around' and the motion ends, another selection choice will 
appear if you press the circle button again.  Next, choose "push the 
emergency hatch".  Then, when the paratrooper rams you, the hatch will 
open at the same time, and both people will fly out of the Garden.
	If you choose other actions for these two choices, you will be 
attacked by the enemey and receive damage.  Because there is an action 
fight after this, unnecessary damage should be limited to a minimum.

While hanging from the flying unit, you will action battle with the 
soldier.  It is an exciting event where you fight each other by 
punching, kicking, and guarding, and the one whose HP runs out first 
falls down.
	Because the enemy is actively attacking, you should defend and fight 
back with quick and carefully timed kicks.  Because the enemy too may be 
on guard when you are making your attack, you will need to attack with a 
timing so that he is not guarding.  Furthermore, be careful with his 
desperate attacks that can cause the HP display to disappear when you 
receive damage.  In the case you do not win somehow, try continuously 
kicking from the start.

After the paratrooper falls off, the flying unit will coincidentally fly 
toward the cliff that Rinoa is grabbing onto.  Squall rescues Rinoa.
	When you run toward the left hand side of the screen once on the 
ground, you will reach the entrance for Galbaldia Garden.  Here, you 
will decide whether or not you will take Rinoa with you, but no matter 
what you choose, this will not change the result.  When Squall and Rinoa 
enter the Garden, they will meet up with their friends in a passageway, 
and you will form active parties.  In this party, you will use it to 
fight the witch.

You can get various card keys 1 to 3 from students in 3 different 
classrooms.  The card keys can open doors that have number of lock that 
they correspond to.  When you get card key 3, you can unlock the 
elevator.  If you ride the elevator, you can go to the master room where 
witch Edea is.  Before that, get G.F. Cereberos.

Cereberos' special characteristic is the magical attack that uses 
Triple.  If Cereberos casts Triple to itself, you should immediately 
neutralize it with Dispel.  For your attacks, first use a chain of 
Gravity.  Then cut down Cereberos' HP little by little in a reasonable 
way, and use magic that are not flame-related because Cereberos will 
absort it.

In the master room, you will fight against Seifer in front of Edea.  
Because his attack ability is high and he can use flame-related magic, 
it is good to use Protect and Reflect.  When his HP is down to half, 
Seifer will use a skill called "Strength".  Be prepared to use Recover 
because you will receive big damage.

After you defest Seifer in the master room, Edea heads for the large 
lecture hall.  There, you will fight with Edea.
	When the battle begins, first you will fight Seifer again.  After you 
defeat Seifer, Edea makes your move.  Edea's attacks consist of powerful 
magic.  Even if you cast Reflect, she will extinguish it with Dispel.  
If you do not make a quick opposition, victory may be difficult.  You 
can draw G.F. Alexander from Edea.

End of Disk 2

To be continued...  However, for now, here is a small segment of 
dialogue from Disk 3, where Squall and others finally meet Laguna in the 
capitol of Esta.  This dialogue is very important in the game because it 
describes much of what happened in past in FFVIII, as well as what is to 
	Squall and others walk into the office of the president of Esta 
and receive a little surprise...

(and...... that figure in the back is probably......)
(What is this country.....)
Ward:  ............
Laguna:  Oh, understood!  Hey-!  We've met before, Mr. Elves!  Aren't 
you the one that popped in my head?  That's what I heard from 
Elleorne.  It felt something like, oh, rustling inside my head.  
During battles, I could fight amazingly with incomprehensible 
powers.  So, whenever that happened, we said that Mr. Elves have 
come.  Oh, I'm Laguna.  Laguna Loire, president of Esta.  I am 
sure we'll get along quite well.  Well, well, if the situation 
wasn't so serious, we can chat more leisurely.  Oh well, I guess 
it'll be all right if just for a short while.  So, how should we 
conduct this talk?
Kilos:  When president Laguna is asked to talk, you guys don't move.  
Then you can ask your questions, and president Laguna will answer 
Laguna:  You, you look like you're really full of thoughts.
Squall:  That's fine.

	About the operation to defeat Altimisha?  (X)
	Tell me about Laine.
	What are you doing here?

Laguna:  Oh, getting right to the main question?  SeeD people are truly 
hard workers.
Odyne:  Is it my turn?
Laguna:  Ah, please.  Make it short and easy to understand.
Odyne:  I will talk the way I want to!  You certainly have heard various 
things from witch Idea.  Witch Altimisha from the future will 
possess a witch from this time.  In short her body remains in the 
future, while she sends her consciousness to this time.  What does 
that resemble?  What?
Squall:  It resembles how Elleorne sends our consciousness to the past.
Odyne:  Very clever!  At first, I thought that there must be people in 
the future with the mysterious power like Elleorne's, who is 
sending the witch to this time.  Well, well, well, well!  In fact, 
that was wrong!  The way the witch of the future is coming here 
is...... do you want to hear?

	Let me hear it.  (X)
	No need because it seems long

Odyne:  Well, well, well, well!  This was a secret that I think will 
surprise you.....  It is all thanks to me!  I used to research 
Elleorne's mysterious power.  I analyzed the minute electrical 
current flowing thru Elleorne's brain and broke it down into 
patterns.  If it could be made into patterns, it was easy to 
duplicate it in a machine.  Right now, it is a toy-like machine, 
but after repeated improvements it will become an excellent 
machine by witch Altimisha's time.  In short, there is a machine 
in the future that can duplicate Elleorne's mysterious power.  The 
one that developed this machine's basis is me.  In fact, I gave a 
name to this machine.  "Junction Machine Elleorne"!
Squall:  Junction Machine Elleorne.
Laguna:  That's right.
Squall:  Because of that name, witch Altimisha knew of Elleorne's 
Lagune:  That is why the witch is after Elle.  It's a shame, but somehow 
Odyne is responsible.
Odyne:  Did I do it?!  Did I do it?!  Let me continue my talk!  
Indeed......  It's useless to defeat witch Altimisha of the future 
when we cannot kill her body in the future.  So, if we cannot go 
to the future, we cannot do anything.  We cannot go to the future 
because we're tied by time.  Ordinarily we cannot go.  However, 
this time is special.  That is because witch Altimisha's aim is 
the compression of time.  Altimisha will compress time with magic.  
In some way, Altimisha will profit from the compression of time.  
I have thoughts about it, but that doesn't really matter right 
now!  I will try to reason that from Altimisha's activities here.  
In order for Altimisha to come to this time, she must possess a 
witch from this time.  Furthermore, to try to find Elleorne in her 
time, it was necessary to go to the past.  It that's so, it is 
expected that her time is already compressed.  So that she will 
utilize this!  In this age, there are two witches:  witch Rinoa 
and witch Adel.  At this time, witch Adel appears to have not 
awaken.  If she is awake, Laguna and I will probably trouble you 
with this.  Probably witch Adel is beginning to wake up inside 
that Lunatic Pandora.  If Adel is completely awake, Altimisha will 
be delighted and enter into Adel's body.  This will be horrible.  
Adel is a powerful witch.  If Adel's consciousness is won over by 
Altimisha, Adel will first turn this time into nonsense.  
Therefore, we'll use witch Rinoa as Altimisha's tool.  
		The following is my explanation of our operation.  First, 
enter Lunatic Pandora.  Because Elleorne is detained there, you 
must first rescue her.  Next, before witch Adel wakes up, you must 
completely destroy her.  This way, Rinoa is the only witch of our 
time.  Then we will wait for Altimisha to possess Rinoa.  When 
Altimisha comes, it will be Elleorne's turn.  Elleorne will send 
Rinoa and Altimisha into the past.  Elleorne will send Rinoa and 
Altimisha into the witches she herself knows about.  They are Idea 
and Adel.  Well, we'll leave that to Elleorne.  After going to the 
past, Altimisha will use her time compression magic.  Of course, 
there will be some effects on our time.  That's something I don't 
understand, but if she feels the effect, Elleorne will cut off and 
separate Rinoa and Altimisha from the past.  Rinoa will return to 
this time, and Altimisha will return to her own time.  What 
remains is a world that is compressed in time.  Past-present-
future will be together.  Everything will be a mess.  You guys 
will move this world with compressed time toward the direction of 
the future.  If you escape from the time-compressed world, you 
will find Altimisha's time.  Then, it all depends on you guys.
Laguna:  Then, you've heard the operation?  I too didn't understand it 
too well......  Do you accept the mission?

	I guess so
	I want to hear about various things  (X)

	What about Elleorne.

Laguna:  What a hard life she's had.  Don't you think so?  When Elleorne 
was about two-years-old, there was a hunt for a girl in Esta.  
When the Esta soldiers appeared in Winhill, Elle's parents 
resisted and were killed.  Ah, the hunt for a girl was for witch 
Adel, the ruler of Esta, to find a successor.  Afterwards, she was 
raised by my neighbor Laine, and she became friends with me......  
You probably knew?  There was once again a hunt for a girl in 
Esta.  Although I was there, Elle was taken away.  In my life, 
that was the one thing I most regret.  So, I just went out to help 
Elle and sent her back to Winhill, and this time Laine soon died.  
As it was, I sent her to an orphange.
Squall:  Why didn't you take her with you?
Laguna:  Of course I did that!  Look, I only know this afterwards, 
but.....  oldman Odyne became aware of Elleorne's mysterious 
powers and researched it.  I groped at every possible effort.  The 
operators of that orphanage were Cid Kramer and his wife Idea.  
You probably know these two people well?  To protect Elleorne, the 
Kramer couple took Elle from the orphanage.  I heard that they 
prepared a ship for that purpose.  I really want to thank them for 
that.  Before lone, that ship became like an orphanage, and Elle 
was living on that ship while making children's tales.  She said 
that her life aboard the ship was very happy, but how it was 
really......?  Is there anything in this world more ordinary in 
her happiness?  She spent more than 10 years on that boat?  Then 
recently, her boat was attacked by Galbaldia.  Esta's ship wen to 
help, and she found her way back to me.  It was chance, pure 
chance.  If we did not meet, what would have happened.  Because I 
went to space at that time, Elleorne came too.  Elle had grown 
up......  There I heard various things......  She probably 
returned from space safely?  The recoery team for our escape pods 
was a step late.  Elleorne had been taken away by the Galbaldia 
army to inside that Lunatic Pandora.  I must save her.  You, lend 
me your help.  Humph......

	Let me hear about Laine.

Laguna:  Laine's story...... One of these days.  No, no.  It's no good.  
If I talked about it, my memory will disappear......

	What are you doing here?

Laguna:  You surely know how I came to be here?
Squall:  In the very beginning, you were a nonserious Galbaldian solder.  
I didn't like you because of your irresponsiblity.  I understood 
that you three were great friends.  But you changed after you went 
to Winhill.  And after Elleorne was kidnapped to Esta, you left 
for your journey. 
Laguna:  It was to bring back Elleorne.  I looked for a way to get into 
Esta while writing articles for magazines, appearing in movies, 
and earning money.
Squall:  Somehow you entered Esta and took back Elleorne.
Laguna:  Mr. Elve gave me help from time to time.  Thanks alot.
Squall:  What I don't understand is...... why are you the president of 
Laguna:  Do you want to know?  It'll be a fairly long talk.

	Let me hear it.  (X)
	I don't like long talks.

Laguna:  You'll listen?  You want to hear?  Okay, I'll let you hear.  
Well, it was good if I just returned Elleorne, but as expected I 
was not troubled by just that.  What can I say.  Esta was a 
country ruled by the witch Adel and had a genius, but not very 
human, named Odyne.  To make matters worse, they were both 
interested in Elleorne.  Well, I couldn't leave yet.

(A scene in Odyne's lab)

Odyne:  Adel is angry.  My research will stop as it is.

(He was an oldman who thought really only about his own research.  
However, while following Adel's order and conducted research on witches, 
he made various discoveries.  It was a device to control magic (an 
equipment to seal it).  It may even defeat Adel.  More than anything, I 
thought of it as something that can help me help Elleorne.  And I had to 
repay the anti-Adel people for their help.  We were comrades, and we 
discussed a plan.  One.....  what to do about the giant pillar that 
became a giant destructive weapon.  It was so Adel cannot call the 
monsters from the moon and bring about an annihilation situation like 
what happened with Sentra.  Two.....  To release Esta from Adel's 
control.  We practiced and practiced our operation.  From the beginning, 
it was an idea we were clear on of course.  We again..... returned to 
Lunatic Pandora's research installation. Our goal was just one 
thing......  By following Odyne's direction and controlling the panel, I 
moved the giant pillar.  By setting its route and stopping point in the 
sea, it was good-bype to the giant pillar.  

Laguna:  Wow-

(This was the easy part......  Of course, this was leaked out to Adel.  
We assembled for the final decisive battle against Adel.  Just as we 
predicted, Adel appeared.)

Adel:  What happened?
Laguna:  We have followed the criminals who made the giant pillar move.
Adel:  Where?
Laguna:  Inside.  And they've got Elleorne as a hostage......

(I knew that if I brought up the name Elleorne, she would easily go 

Adel:  Did you think that I'll fall for this cheap trick?

(Adel...... was aware that the Elleorne she saw was a program.  But, it 
was too late......)

Laguna:  Now!  Kilos, Ward!!  Hahahaha!  You witch!

(The cause of Adel's defeat was carelessness.  Although she was a witch, 
she was first a human.  Somehow we succeeded......  but we weren't 
interested in having such a horrible witch being on display all the 
time......  To put a cover on a stinky thing......  To take a disgusting 
thing far away......  Yes, we tried to fly her to a far away place.....  
A boundless, far-away place...... to Space......)

Laguna:  Well, it was roughtly such a feeling.  However, things were 
really terrible after that.  There was a big heated debate about 
what to do with this country without Adel.  They said I was a hero 
because of the trouble I went through, and before I knew it I was 
made the president.  And Odyne began to riot saying that because 
he's Odyne he should be allowed to continue his research on 
Elleorne.  It was a mistake to think of returning Elleorne to 
Laine.  Laine had died, and Elle was sent to an orphanage......  
At that time, if I had at least sent Elle to Winhill myself, I 
could have met Laine......  Laine died.  Elleorne's whereabout 
unknown.  I was busy with the president's work.  I stayed here, 
considering that, this, that, this.  I didn't know anything, and 
so time passed away. ......Well, everything was my own doing.  
Good or bad, it was because of me.

Laguna:  Ah, okay.  Good reply.  I'll be waiting!

Oh, finally, another reminder.  FFVIII was produced by Squaresoft and 
reserves all rights to materials associated with the game.  Most of the 
material within this FAQ was translated from Squaresoft's Official 
FFVIII Express Strategy Book.  Squaresoft's Official FFVIII Express 
Strategy Book retains all copyright to its material.