--FFVIII No Junction Game challenge FAQ. Version 2.11 --By Hyprophant --11/19/ 2002 Legal Disclaimer: This FAQ is for personal use only, copyrighted 2002 to me, Hyprophant. DO NOT use this FAQ on your websites, magazines or any other form of public media without contacting me and receiving MY permission. If the permission IS granted, you will NOT be allowed to change a single word in this FAQ, or you can forget about using it. REMEMBER: I, Hyprophant, am the one and THE ONLY ONE could make any change in this FAQ legally. If you dare to violate this disclaimer, I will pursue the legal rights and make you regret it. NOTE TO WEBMASTERS: If you are permitted to post this FAQ on your site, it is your duty to update the newest version once it comes out. You have to check GameFaqs FFVIII frequently and keep updating this FAQ on your site. If you cannot keep it current, then the best remedy for you is not using this FAQ. Translating this FAQ into any other foreign language other than English is absolutely forbidden except those following language: Spanish, Japanese and Chinese, since I can only read them and English. If you wish to translate this FAQ into one of the three languages listed above, you have to contact me first as well. And in order to receive the permission, you must translate this FAQ word by word, not to add any information that is not in the original FAQ, and admit that I have to right to edit your translation if it does not satisfy me. If you cannot agree with those conditions above, then don't bother using this FAQ, simple as that. Version History: Version 0.9. 9/6/2002: Finished the FFVIII No Junction Game Challenge FAQ Version 1.0. 9/11/2002: The FAQ is posted on GameFaqs FFVIII FAQ page. Version 2.0. 9/17/2002: Completed part of optional bosses section, and other minor changes have been made also. Version 2.01. 10/28/02: Changed Legal Disclaimer; added two bosses on the option boss section; other minor problems were fixed as well. Version 2.1. 10/29/02: Completed optional boss section; added few more frequently asked questions. Version 2.11. 11/29/02: Added an extra Frequently Asked Question on this FAQ. --Table of contents-- How Far Down I. Preface/Contact information 0/50 II. Basic Characters/limit breaks review 3/50 a. Squall LeonHeart 3/50 b. Rinoa Heartilly 4/50 c. Quistis Trepe 5/50 d. Zell Dincht 6/50 e. Irvine Kinneas 7/50 f. Selphie Tilmitt 8/50 g. Laguna Loire 9/50 h. Kiros Seagill 9/50 i. Ward Zabac 9/50 j. Seifer Almasy 9/50 k. Edea 9/50 III. General Strategies 9/50 IV. No Junction Game walkthrough 11/50 Disc One: 1-1: Seed Field Exam 11/50 1-2: Forest Owls 13/50 1-3: The Mission of terminating Sorceress 15/50 Disc Two: 2-1: D-Desert Prison 18/50 2-2: Investigating Missile Base 19/50 2-3: Activate Garden 20/50 2-4: Liberate Balamb 22/50 2-5: The Forgotten Past 25/50 Disc Three: 3-1: The Country of Silence-Esthar 27/50 3-2: Space Cowboy 28/50 3-3: The preparation of the Final Battle 29/50 3-4: The Young Revolutionary 30/50 Disc Four: 4-1: The Return of Adel 32/50 4-2: Time Compression 33/50 4-3: Final Showdown 34/50 4-4: The Glorious Victory!!! 38/50 V. Optional bosses 41/50 a. Diablo 41/50 b. Sacred/Minotaur 42/50 c. Cerberus 43/50 d. Bahamute 44/50 e. Ultima Weapon 45/50 f. Jumbo Cactuar 45/50 g. Tonberry King 46/50 h. Omega Weapon 47/50 VI. Frequently asked questions 48/50 VII. Appendix: Zell's Duel combo 49/50 VIII. Credits/thanks 50/50 **************************************************************************** WARNING!!! SPOILER AHEAD **************************************************************************** I. Preface/Contact information Since FFV, Squaresoft started to give players special systems to power up characters, like Job system in FFV, Espers in FFVI, or Sphere Gird in FFX. Of course FFVIII has its own battle system called G.F Junction . Of millions of players around the world, only a few of them realize that those special systems are actually OPTIONAL-you could ignore them and still beat the games, it is an "official" challenge of all FFs after FFV. Based on this theory, the "challenge" in FFVIII would be a No-Junction game. I have beaten a No Junction game twice, and in order to compose this FAQ, I played my third No Junction game and tried to collect more valid game data. I must say that based on my personal experience, a No Junction FFVIII is really, indeed one of the ultimate challenges for all elite FF players. It is harder than a No-esper FFVI, a No Sphere Grid FFX, or any other designed challenge. I only recommend those who have truly mastered FFVIII and known every character well attempting this challenge. This FAQ is not a regular walkthrough; it is an in-depth strategy guide of how to complete FFVIII without any G.F. junction. I am not going to input too many side quests like chocobo forests, Shumi Tribe or other side quests that are not directly related to a No Junction game. I will simply discuss the strategies you need to accomplish this ultimate challenge. If you have anything you would like to add to this FAQ, or you have discovered valuable boss strategies, you may use my e-mail address above and give me your information. If I accepted it, I will post it on my next update and you will be credited, however, if you just have a game play question, PLEASE DO NOT e-mail me in this case. I don't want to answer it, and I won't have time to answer it through e-mail, either. Just post your questions on GameFaqs FFVIII message board and see if I will answer your questions there. If you still ignore my statement anyway, I promise that I will delete your mail, and you will NOT receive any reply. II. Basic review of Characters/Limit breaks In a No Junction game, regular attack and limit breaks are the only two options during combats. You will have to rely on limit breaks heavily in order to defeat many bosses. This section is to help players with a review of FFVIII characters' weapons and limit breaks. NOTE: I will only mention the sources of each kind of material you need to remodel weapons ONCE. For example, if Dragon Fin is mentioned before, then I will not mention where to get Dragon Fin again if this item shows up again anywhere in section two. a. Squall LeonHeart Weapons: --Revolver: Equipped at the beginning of the game --Shear Trigger: Requires a steel pipe and screw x 18 to remodel, you can acquire steel pipes from Windegos, and screws from Geezards. --Cutting Trigger: Require a Mesmerize blade and screws x 8 to remodel, you can acquire Mesmerize Blades from Mesmerizes. --Flame Saber: Requires a Betrayal Sword, a Turtle Shell and screw x 4. You can acquire Betrayal Swords from Forbiddens with level 20 or lower, and you can acquire Turtle Shells from Adamantoises with level 20 or lower, or Armadodos with level 30 or above. --Twin Lance: Requires a Dino Bone, a Red Fang and 12 screws, you can acquire Dino Bones from T-Rexaurs, and Red Fangs from Hexadragons. --Punishment: Requires a Chief's Knife, Star Fragment x 2, a Turtle Shell and screw x 8; you can acquire a Chief's knife from Tonberry, and Star Fragments from T-Rexaurs or Iron Giants. --Lion Heart: Not available in a No Junction game since you will need G.F. ability "Ammo RF" to obtain pulse ammos. Limit break: Renzokuken Squall's Renzokuken is very useful in the early part of the No Junction game, and it is pretty easy to use, too. All you have to do is to press the R1 bottom when the light moves across the bar. At the end of Renzokuken, a finish blow will randomly occur. Basically, the lower Squall's Hp is, the higher the chance the finish blow will be triggered. There are four types of finish blow: --Rough divide: Attack a single target. --Fated circle: Attack all opposing targets --Blasting Zone: Attack all opposing targets, and a bit more powerful than fated circle. --Lion Heart: Not available in a No Junction game, since you have to have the weapon "Lion Heart" first. b. Rinoa Heartilly Weapons: --Pinwheel: Equipped at the beginning of the game. --Valkyre: Requires a Shear Feather and a magic stone to remodel; you can acquire Shear Feather from Thrustaevis, and magic stones from various types of monsters. --Rising Sun: Requires a Cockatrice pinion, a Mesmerize Blade and a Sharp Spike to remodel; you can acquire Cockatrice Pinions from Cockatrice, and sharp spikes from Grand Mantis and Death Claws. --Shooting Star: Requires two Windmills, a Regen Ring, a Force Armlet and two energy crystals. You can acquire Windmills from Thrustaevises and Abyss Worms, Regen Rings from Tornamas or Mesmerizes, a force from Edea, and Energy Crystals from Elnoyles, or rarely from other powerful monsters. Limit Break: Angelo/Angel Wing Rinoa's main limit break is Angelo-her beloved dog. In order to teach Angelo new tricks, you need to buy Pet Pals first and read them, and then you can select the abilities you want Angelo to learn. After Rinoa walks certain steps, Angelo will learn a new skill. When Rinoa uses the limit break, Angelo will select the skill randomly, and the lower Rinoa's Hp is, the higher the chance that powerful limit breaks occur. Remember: You SHOULD NOT let Angelo learn EVERY trick; you only need to pick useful ones. Here are the "Angelo" limit breaks: --Angelo Rush: Counter enemies' attack, Angelo starts with this skill. --Angelo Cannon: Attack all opposing targets. Angelo starts with this skill. It is almost useless, but sadly, you cannot "unlearn" it. --Angelo Strike: Attack a single target. Angelo learns this skill in Pet Pals Vol.1. You MUST AVOID learning this skill. --Angelo Recover: Sometimes restore a party member's Hp automatically when his/her Hp is low, Angelo learns this skill in Pet Pal Vol.2. You MUST AVOID this skill, it will hinder you in the final battle. --Invincible Moon: Make the entire party member invincible around three turns. Angelo learns this skill in Pet Pals Vol.3. It is probably the most useful limit break for Angelo in a No Junction game --Angelo Reverse: Sometimes revives a dead party member automatically, Angelo learns this skill in Pet Pals Vol.5. --Wishing Star: Eight shots with HEAVY DAMAGE on all opposing targets, regardless of Rinoa's low stats in a No Junction game. Angelo learns this skill in Pet Pals Vol.6. Angel Wings is just useless in a No Junction game. It allows Rinoa to cast magic in her inventory with double damage, but since you cannot draw or produce any magic in a No Junction game, I doubt why you would like to use it, unless you defeat Bahamute, he has the ability "Forbidden Magic RF" ability at the beginning, and then you can give Rinoa some powerful magic by using this ability. Even so, the benefit of Angelo is still MUCH greater than Angel Wings. c. Quistis Trepe Weapons: --Chain Whip: Equipped at the beginning of the game. --Slaying Tail: Requires magic stone x 2 and a Sharp spike to remodel. --Red Scorpion: Requires Ochu Tentacle x 2 and Dragoon Skin x 2 to remodel; you can acquire Ochu Tentacles from Ochus, and Dragon Skins from Anaconduars. --Save The Queen: Requires Malboro's Tentacle x2, Sharp spike x 4 and Energy Crystal x 4 to remodel; you can acquire Malboro's Tentacles from Malboros. Limit Breaks: Blue Magic Quistis's Blue Magic plays a vital role in a No Junction game; in many boss fights you have to completely rely on Blue Magic in order to survive. Missing some blue magic will lead you to the dead end of your no Junction Game. Here is the Blue Magic list: --Laser Eye" Quistis starts with it. --Ultra Wave: Minimal amount of damage on all opposing targets. Learned by using a Spider Web, which dropped from Caterchipilers. --Electrocute: Lightning damage on all opposing targets. Learned by using a Coral Fragment, which dropped from Cockatrices or Creeps. --Level?Death: Instant Death on all opposing targets that level can be divided by ?, an useless skill learned by using a Curse Spike, which dropped from Tri-Face, Malboros or Imps --Degenerator: Instant death on a single targets regardless of its stats. Work on almost every random encountered enemies and few bosses; you MUST learn this skill AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It is learned by using a black hole, which dropped from Gespers. --White Wind: Restore all party members' Hp. The amount of Hp it could recover is determined by Quistis's maximum Hp - current Hp(*). This is somewhat useful in a No-Junction game. It is learned by using a Whisper, which dropped from Adamantoises with level 20 or lower. --Micro Missile: Percentage damage on a single target, which works on almost every enemy including bosses, learned by using a missile, which dropped from GIM52As. --Gatling Gun: Non-elemental minimal damage on a single target, learned by using a running fire, which dropped from SAM08G or Iron Giants. --Fire Breath: Fire-based, heavy damage on all opposing targets. Learned by using an Inferno Fang, which is dropped by Hexdragons or Ruby Dragons. --Bad Breath: Various status changes on all opposing targets; you must learn it as soon as possible. It is learned by using a Malboro's tentacle. --Acid: Minimal damage plus meltdown spell, learned by using a Mystery Fluid, which dropped from Gaylas. --Aqua Breath: Water Based, medium to heavy amount of damage on all opposing targets. Learned by using a Water Crystal, which is dropped from Chimeras or Fastitocalons. --Mighty Guard: Add various positive status changes on all party members. Rumor said that Mighty Guard rarely casts Aura on all party members, and it rarely happened in my games. It is learned by using a Barrier, which is dropped from Behemoths. --Homing Laser: EXTREMELY heavy damage on a single target. Learned by using a Laser Cannon, which is dropped from Mobil Type 8, or rarely dropped from Belhelmel and Elastoid (level 30 or above). NOTE: By spending a lot of time leveling up to level 30 + in disc one and fighting a lot of Belhelmels around Galbadia Garden, you may be able to get a Laser Cannon from them and learn Homing Laser in Disc one. It will make a major difference in your game because Homing Laser is just too powerful, especially when Quistis's has a single digit Hp. This FAQ is generally based on people who are willing to spend time to acquire Homing Laser in Disc one, but if you have already passed this point, you can still beat your No Junction game. You will need Micro Missile. --Ray Bomb: Non-elemental minimal damage on all opposing targets, learned by using a Power Generator, obtainable in Lunatic Pandora if you loosed the right hatch when you were in Laguna's past. It is a pretty weak limit break. --Shockwave Pulsar: 10,000+ damage on all opposing targets, learned by using a Dark matter. Basically it is impossible to acquire a dark matter in a No Junction game without G.F. Siren; however, if you have pocket PS, then you may be able to find one. d. Zell Dincht Weapons: --Metal Kunkle: Equipped at the beginning of the game. --Maverick: Requires one Dragon Fin and one Spider Web to remodel, you can acquire Dragon Fins from Grendels. --Gauntlet: Requires one Dragon Skin and one Fury Fragment to remodel, you can acquire Fury Fragments from Blue Dragons, Ruby Dragons or Grendels (level 30 or above). --Ehygeiz: Requires one Adamantine, one Fury Fragment and Dragon Skins x 4 to remodel; you can acquire Adamantine from Adamantoises. Limit break: Duel Every time you input Duel command, Zell will have a certain amount of time to perform his Duel attack; of course the lower Zell's Hp is, the longer the duel time. It does not always work this way, but it usually does. With a long duel more than eight seconds, and inputting Zell's skill properly and FAST, Zell could deal MUCH MORE damage than Squall and Quistis. My best record was attacking 68 times in a 12 seconds long duel. Here is Zell's Duel attack list: --Punch Rush: Circle + X. learned. --Booya: Right + Left, learned. --Heel Drop: Up + down, learned. --Mach Kick: Left + Left + Circle, learned. --Dolphin Blow: L1 + R1 + L1 + R1, it can be learned by reading Combat King 001, but you can still perform this move without Combat King if you memorize the commands and input them in order. --Meter Strike: Down + Circle + Up + Circle, it can be learned by reading Combat King 002, but you can still perform this move without Combat King if you memorize the commands and input them in order. --Finish Blow-Burning Wave: Down x 4 + Circle, learned. --Finish Blow-Meteor Barret: Up + X + Down + Triangle + Circle, it can be learned by reading Combat King 002, but you can still perform this move without Combat King if you memorize the commands and input them in order. --Finish Blow-Different Beat: Triangle + Square + X + Circle + Up, it can be learned by reading Combat King 004, but you can still perform this move without Combat King if you memorize the commands and input them in order. --Finish Blow-My Final Heaven: Up + Right + Down + Left + Triangle, it can be learned by reading Combat King 005, but you can still perform this move without Combat King 005 if you memorize the commands and input them in the correct order. For more detailed information about Zell's Duel combos, please refer to Appendix for more detailed information. e. Irvine Kinneas Weapons: Valiant: Equipped at the beginning of the game. Ulyness: Requires a steel pipe, a Bomb Fragment and two screws to remodel; you can acquire Bomb Fragments from Bombs. Bismarck: Requires steel pipes x 2 ,Dynamo stone x 4 and screws x 8 to remodel, you can acquire Dynamo stones from Blitz (Level 30 or above) or Cockatrices (rarely dropped). Exeter: Requires a Dino Bone, a Moon Stone, one Star Fragment and screw x 18 to remodel, you can acquire Moon Stones from Toramas. Limit Break: Shot Irvine's limit break is actually somewhat useful, although I did not use him too often. Once you input "shot" command, a time bar appears on the bottom right of you r screen, you can shoot enemies with your bullets before the bar disappears. Of course the lower Irvine's Hp is, the longer shot time is available in average. You can use direction bottom to switch the target if it is needed. There are basically only four kinds of bullets available in a No Junction game (regardless Angelo Search), so I am only going to list them below. --Normal Shot: Requires normal ammos. Damages a single target. --Scatter Shot: Requires shotgun ammos. Damages all opposing targets. --Dark Shot: Requires Dark ammos, damages a single target and inflicts sleep, poison and blindness on a single target, probably the best limit break for Irvine. --Flame Shot: Requires Fire ammos, fire based damage on all opposing targets, slow and fairly powerful. f. Selphie Tilmitt Weapons: Flail: Equipped at the beginning of the game. Morning Star: Requires steel orbs x 2 and Sharp Spike x 2 to remodel, you can acquire steel orbs from Windego or GIM47N. Crescent Wish: Requires one Inferno Fang, one life Ring and Sharp Spike x 4 to remodel; you can acquire Inferno Fangs from Ruby dragons or Hexadragons, and Life Rings from Turtapods or Mesmerizes. Strange Version: Requires one Adamantine, Star Fragment x 3 and Curse Spike x 2 to remodel. You can acquire curse spikes from Creeps. Imps or Malboros. Limit break: Slot The bad thing about Selphie's limit break is that you have to sit there and keep inputting "Do Over" command until you get the stuff you want, otherwise, Selphie's slot is pretty useful. You can find almost every kind of magic in her slot limit break, and four additional special attacks: --Full Cure: Completely restore party member's Hp to Maximum. --Wall: Protected and shell on the entire party. --Rapture: Instant death on a single target, does not work against bosses. --The End: This is Selphie's ultimate attack. Except for undead enemies, The End can kill ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING standing on your way, even bosses. It is a very rare spell, and it occurs a bit more often when Selphie's Hp is extremely low. Also, the higher Selphie's level is, the more often The End is available. NOTE: It is possible to beat a No Junction game WITHOUT The End. This FAQ does consider that The End is a cheap spell and avoids using it, but if you get really stuck on the final battle, then using it once or twice would help a lot. It is indeed an awesome spell. g. Laguna Loire Weapon: Machine Gun Limit Break: Desperado-Heavy damage on all opposing targets. h. Kiros Seagill Weapon: Katal Limit Break: Blood Pain-Six slashes on a single target, usually performs critical hits. i. Ward Zabac Weapon: Harpoon Limit Break: Heavy Anchor-Medium amount damage on all opposing targets. j. Seifer Almasy Weapon: Gunblade Limit Break: Fire Cross--Heavy damage on a single target. k. Edea Weapon: None Limit Break: Ice Strike-Heavy damage on a single target. III. General Strategies After knowing characters' limit breaks inside out and how to control them well, it is still not good enough to help you complete a No-Junction game with minimal effort. This section provides some common knowledge that could help players in a No Junction game. --Basic Game Setting IN order to perform limit breaks, you may need to press circle bottom several times before the limit break is available, and your enemies may attack your party before you can launch your limit break. The best way to prevent this situation from happening is to set the battle speed to the lowest possible. By doing so, while your turn comes up, you will have a longer time to press circle bottom constantly before your enemies move. Also set ATB system to "Wait" instead of "Active". --Early leveling up Except for VERY FEW bosses, most bosses' level will NOT go up with yours, so basically the higher your level is, the more advantage you may have during boss battles. You can use Quistis's Degenrator to kill randomly encountered monsters quickly and gain fast EXP. Do not worry about the Ruby Dragon in Laguna's past, its maximum level is twenty nine. --Acquiring Odin Acquiring Odin in Disc 2 will certainly help you and your game. Odin's attack: Zantestuken cuts anything into pieces except bosses. It appears to me that Odin shows up much more often when you are attempting to run away from battles, so after you acquire Odin, always press R2 + L2 quickly at the beginning of battles and see if Odin will cut their heads off for you. --General tips of using limit breaks It is an important part of a NO Junction game because there is almost nothing you could do without limit breaks. Basically, when your Hp is 1/3 or below, limit breaks will be available by pressing circle bottom constantly. The lower your Hp is, the more powerful your limit breaks will be. Even other people (including your enemies) input commands before your limit breaks, unless the action is already taken, limit breaks ALWAYS go first. You should usually let people who have high Hp use their regular attack, then press circle bottom constantly while other people are running toward the enemies. Even your enemies input command, since their actions will not be taken while you are attacking, your limit break will come out before your enemies could move. This tactic definitely saved my life several times, especially against randomly encountered enemies, I could usually get a Degenerator before the enemies' turns. --Effect of status changing Negative status changing is annoying in a regular game, but in a No Junction game, it may be your good friends. When your characters are suffering negative status, their limit breaks will be much more powerful than usual, and the Hp requirement of using limit breaks will be much higher. For a character is blinded and silenced, he/she only needs Hp below 1/2 to perform limit breaks, instead of 1/3. Try letting as many people get silenced and blinded as possible, especially at the very end of the game. Of course, it is not necessary, but it will help you a lot. It is just like your Aura spell in a regular game. --Always save extra files Anytime you are about to enter a new quest in a NO Junction game you should save two files-Suppose you made some ridiculous mistakes and get stuck in the quest. You can still use your back up save to start it over instead of starting the entire game over, especially the missile base part. --Remodel weapons as soon as possible Since your characters are relatively weak in a No Junction game, upgrading your weapons is the fastest way to raise your strength! Especially Squall, Zell and Irvine. If you are willing to spend some time in the early part of the game and remodel your weapons, it will make your life a lot easier. --Adjusting your Hp It is the soul of a No Junction game. You will have to adjust Hp before the battles in order to use limit breaks, sometimes you have to be concerned about Bosses' attack power. For example, since a boss can deal 900 damage on your party, you should enter the combat with around 1,000 Hp. It still allows you to perform limit breaks and be able to survive at least one hit, and after you are damaged, you will be near death and your limit break will be more powerful. Here is just an example. I will have more detailed information about this part in the next section. --Select + Start + L1 + R1 + L2 + R2= Soft Reset: You are going to use it A LOT!!! IV. No Junction Game walkthrough This section starts at Fire Cavern, since there is not too much you can do when Squall is in the Garden at the beginning of the game. I have to say it again here: This FAQ does not describe anything that is not directly related to a No Junction game. **************************************************************************** DISC ONE **************************************************************************** +----------------+ + 1-1 Field Exam + +----------------+ --Before you enter the cavern, level Squall and Quistis up a bit, around level 10 would be ideal. --Acquire Spider Webs from Caterchipillars in forests and teach Quistis Ultra Waves. --Select 10~20 minutes as your time limit in the cavern. --Fight some bombs and try to acquire at least one bomb fragment (optional). --Challenge Ifrit when there is around seven minutes left. Enter the battle with full HP. Boss: Ifrit Hp: 1,068 Ifrit is not a very hard boss, his fire spell deals around 60 points damage to a single target, and his jump attack deals around 110 damage to a single target. Squall and Quistis can take him down easily with their limit breaks. Strategy: --Have Quistis (47 damage per hit) and Squall (60 damage per hit) attack Ifrit. --If Squall's Hp is low, using Ranzokuken twice (60~65 damage per hit average 300 per Ranzokuken) should be enough to take Ifrit. --Have Quistie use Laser Eye if it is necessary. --Go back to Garden and begin your final Seed exam. Zell and Seifer will join your party. --Just use everyone's regular attack and you will be fine against those Galbadia solders. Unless you are trying to get a higher score for your seed report card, it is not necessary to level up like crazy here, but a good thing if you do. Around average level 10 will be enough. Fight: Anacondaur --Anaconduar's squeeze attack deals around 93 damage on one character, and its dark mist deals around 50 damage on a single target. --Keep attacking Anaconduar and wait 'till Seifer's Hp is low. Two or three fire crosses will finish it for good. You can attack Seifer to bring his Hp down if you want. --Seifer will leave your party and Selphie will join in, level Selphie up to level 10. Boss: Biggs and Wedge They are not very tough opponents; they are just funny. Biggs' machine gun attack deals around 40 damage on a single target, his rush attack deals around 45 damage on one character, and his thunder spell deals 80 damage on a single target. After you deal a certain amount of damage on Biggs, Wedge will show up and help his boss. Wedge deals around 30 damage on a single target per attack. Strategy: --Attack Biggs constantly, don't bother hitting Wedge. --Don't let anyone's Hp go below 130, if that happens, hit Selphie and have her cast full-cure on the entire party. --Elvoret will blow them away after you deal a certain amount of damage on them. Boss: Elvoret Hp: 3,253 Many people said this battle would be tough in a No Junction game, but actually, I did not have any trouble fighting him. The key is not to let Biggs and Wedge deal too much damage on your party, or Elvoret could finish you in two or three turns. Elvoret's normal attack deals around 60 damage on a single target; his thunder spell deals around 85 damage on one character, and his breath attack deals around 120~155 damage on all party members, watch out for this attack, don't let anyone's Hp so below 140~160. Strategy: --Have Zell (60 damage), Squall (80 damage), and Selphie (48 damage) attack Elevort with their weapons. --If anyone's Hp is around 200, attack Selphie and bring her Hp down to 200 as well. If Elevort uses storm breath attack, have one person use limit break, and Selphie cast Full-Cure. After you defeat Elevort, you will have to go back to the ship within 30 minutes; Biggs will call a big steel spider called X-ATM092 to block your way. Boss: X-ATM092 Hp: 5,770 X-ATM092's normal attack deals around 50~60damage on one character, its Clash attack deals 40 damage to the entire party, and its Ray Bomb attack deals around 100 to all three party members. It is not really a strong boss. Even though X-ATM092's power is not great, it is a pain to fight him over and over in a No Junction game. You may want to avoid fighting it too often, and it is possible to only fight X-ATM092 once. Strategy: --Basically, using regular attack will be good enough. If Zell's Hp is below 300, hit him a few times and have him abuse Duel on X-ATM092. --After you run away from him, when you reach the road with a downward slope , press triangle bottom and walk instead of run. You will be able to avoid being stunned by X-ATM092. --When you reach the bridge, go left when you hear X-ATM092 jumping, go right again when you hear X-ATM092 jumps again. --Save the Dog at City Square by pressing X bottom if you want a higher score for your Seed report card. --After the party, Quistis will bring Squall to the training center. You can level them up a bit if you want. DO NOT attempt to fight T-Rexaur. Boss: Granaldo/Raldos x 3 This boss is extremely weak; he drops Radlos on your party, which only deals around 45 damage on one character. Also Raldos will attack on their own if you kill Granaldo first, their attack deals around 25 damage to a single character. Strategy: --Have Squall and Quistis attack Granaldo constantly, you won't even need limit breaks. --After you slay Granaldo, kill Raldos one by one. +-----------------+ +1-2: Forest Owls + +-----------------+ --After you become a formal Seed, Cid will brief your mission and give you a magic lamp. You can fight Diablo by using the magic lamp. I really don't think it is a good idea to fight him as soon as you acquire the magic lamp from Cid. Please refer to the "optional boss" section for detailed strategies about how to defeat Diablo. --Take Seed writing tests and level your seed rank up. Money is very important in a No Junction game. --After you pass the Laguna part, you will meet Rinoa and her companies. Search underneath Rinoa's bed and get your Pet Pal Vol2 if you wish, but DO NOT learn the skill in the book (Angelo recover) --Finish the mission and kidnap the President; try not to get caught and your seed rank will level up one point if you do so. Boss: Fake President/Gerogero Hp: 778/3,650 Now, you are facing a REAL boss in your No Junction game. After you defeat the fake president, he will show his true form-Gerogero. His status attack is very annoying because sometimes it inflicts CURSE-it prevents your party members from performing limit breaks. Also, Gerogero's defense is insanely high. The only good thing is that Gerogero is not very agile. Fake President's attack deals around 70 damage on a single target, and Gerogero's regular attack deals 165 damage on a character; his breath attack deals around 150 damage on a single target, and it inflicts various status changing, sometimes includes curse. Strategy: --Have Zell (55 damage), Squall(80 damage) and Selphie(48 damage) attack Fake President constantly. Try to bring everyone's Hp down to around 180 before you fight Fake President. --When Gerogero comes up, you have to hope that he will use his regular attack on Zell and/or Squall, and then abuse their limit break(44 per renzokuken + 65 damage for Rough Divide; 30 per hit for Zell's Duel). --If Gerogero does not kill anyone, have two guys use limit breaks again and Selphie use Full Cure(or Holy, 600 damage, but since you have Selphie's Hp around 180, it is very hard to find Holy in Selphie's slot). --Keep hitting Gerogero with all you've got and see if you can kill him before he wipes your party out. --Be sure to buy Pet Pal Vol3 & 4 for Angelo, and learn Invincible moon before you go to the forest (keep walking around in the town and you will learn invincible moon quick, you can learn Angelo reverse right now if you want). --Be sure you pick up two old keys if you want to get Combat King 005 later. --BE SURE YOU LEARN DEGENERATOR HERE. A monster called Gesper here sometimes drops black hole, which can teach Quistis Degenerator, it will save your life many times later. --When you see three hatches on the floor, loose the far right one. Fight: Esthar soldiers x 2 --Attack them constantly and you will not have any problem. Also you can bring Laguna's Hp down to the critical stage before the fight. Desperado works pretty well against them. +--------------------------------------+ +1-3: Mission of terminating Sorceress + +--------------------------------------+ --Irvine will join your party. Don't do anything yet if you want to learn white wind later. --Buy some fuel and rent a car. There are many things you have to do right now. --Drive back to Dollet and find Admantoises on the beach. They drop whispers only if their level is 20 or below. Have Quistis, Squall, and the one with the LOWEST level be in your party. Run away from every battle unless you see Adamntoises, use Degenerator on them and kill them instantly and hope they drop some whispers. If you keep getting other stuff and finally your average level is above 20, reset the game and try again. You can teach Quistis White Wind by using a Whisper. However, this blue magic IS NOT REQUIRED. You can still beat the game without using it. --Keep fighting Adamamtoises after you get whispers. Try to acquire at least three Adamantine and two turtle shells from them. --Try to acquire at least one Water Crystal from Fastitocalons, they are pretty easy to be found on the beach where you fight Adamamtoises, you can teach Quistis Aqua Breath by using a Water Crystal. --BEFORE your party's average level is above 30, drive to Timber and fight the monsters in Roshfall Forest (Forest beside Timber). Try to acquire four or more steel pipes from Windegos. They also drop steel orbs very often. --Fight Ochus at the same place you fight Windegos and acquire two Ochu's Tentacles. --Fight Cockatrices in Roshfall Forest and acquire one Cockatrice Pinion from them. They rarely drop Dynamo stones, if you are lucky. You can also get a Coral Fragment form them sometimes, it teaches Quistis Electrocute. --Fight Anacondaurs in Roshfall Forest and try to get as many Dragon Skins as you can, it rarely drops Star Fragments if its level is above 30. Consider you are lucky if this happens to you. --Drive to the field beside Galbadia Garden, fight tons of Belhelmel and try to acquire a LASER CANNON!!! It teaches Quistis blue magic "Homing Laser", which will make you life a whole lot easier. Also, they drop saw blades pretty often. NOTE: Belhelmel RARELY drops Laser Cannons and their level should be 30 or above. You may have to fight hundreds of them in order to acquire one Laser Cannon, and if you are unlucky, it could take you more than twenty hours. However, it is still possible to beat a No Junction game without learning Homing Laser here. You can wait 'till you defeat Mobil Type 8. For those who are tired of fighting Belhelmels over and over or if you have already passed this point, please be sure you learn Micro Missile later. --The place you fight Belhelmels also has a lot of Geezards there, get as many screws from them as you can. --Climb up to the cliff besides Galbadia Garden and fight Grendels to acquire some Dragon Fins. (**) --Go back to the field around Deling City and fight Thurstaevis and acquire some shear feathers from them, they sometimes drop Windmills. --If you DID miss black holes in Laguna's past, here is your last chance: There are some Windegos around Deling City, they rarely drop black holes with level 30 or above. It is a pain to fight them with level 30 or above without Degenerator...their Dribble and Shoot attack will wipe your party out in a few turns. You have to rely on Rinoa's invincible moon and Zell's Duel to take care of them. --Fight Aramadodos in The Tomb of the Unknown King and acquire sharp spikes from them. There are two optional bosses here: Sacred and Minotaur, I don't recommend fighting them at this point, you may come back here later. --Don't forget to get the password inside the Tomb. If you followed the FAQ so far, here are the weapons you can remodel right now: Squall: Shear Trigger Rinoa: Rising Sun Quistis: Red Scorpion Zell: Maverick Irvine: Ulysses only if you acquired a Bomb Fragment in Fire Cavern. Selphie: Morning Star --Level Squall up to level 50 and Zell to LV 40 or higher. Make sure Squall's Hp is critical before you begin the mission of terminating Edea. --Angelo should learn Angelo Reverse by now. --If you did not buy ammos in Balamb, now is your chance before the Parade. --Save an extra file before the mission. --Rinoa is attacked by two Iguions, and Irvine and Squall will be on their way to save the beauty. Boss: Igunion x 2 Hp: 1,747 The only thing you have to worry about is their Magma Breath attack, which will petrify Irvine and Squall. They don't use Magma breath at their first turn often. Strategy: --Have Squall use Rznzokuken, with level 50+, two Ranzokukens will kill both of them. If they are not dead, then have Irvine attack them (60 per hit). --When you are controlling Quistis's party, try to acquire some curse spikes from Creeps and teach Quistis Level? Death. You also need them to remodel your weapons in the later part of the game. --After Quistis closes the gate and traps Edea inside, you will have to challenge Edea. I don't know what BardyGames' strategy guide was talking about...do not trust them at this point. You HAVE to defeat Edea at this point or it is a "game over". Boss: Seifer Hp: 1,150 Well, even he has become a Sorceress' knight, it won't change the fact that he is always weak, a troublemaker, and a good-for-nothing. This battle is very easy. Seifer's regular attack deals up to 135 damage on Squall in case he uses his gunblade properly, and his Fira spell deals around 235 damage on Squall. Squall will enter the battle with full hp automatically, so there is nothing you have to worry about in this battle. Strategy: --Have Squall attack Seifer constantly (200+ per hit) and Seifer will be defeated in no time. Boss: Edea Hp: 7,000 This battle could be tough if you are under leveled, however, if you have Squall with level 45 or higher and two other people with Hp 1,500 or above, you won't have any problem. Edea uses Firaga, Bizzaga and Thundga as her main attacks, each "GA" spell deals around 350 damage on one character. Strategy: --Enter the battle with full Hp for Rinoa and Irvine, or if you could control their Hp around 1,400, that would be better, because with 1,400 Hp, after 3~4 "GA" spell their Hp will be extremely low, but not K.Oed. They could use more powerful limit breaks. --Attack Edea with all three characters (Squall 305, Rinoa 170 and Irvine 90 per hit). Use limit breaks when any of them has low Hp. If you can get invincible moon working, have Irvine abuse shot (if his Hp is low, too) and Edea will go down quickly. Disc one ends here. **************************************************************************** DISC TWO **************************************************************************** +----------------------+ + 2-1: D-Desert Prison + +----------------------+ --You are controlling Laguna and Kiros, use the money Raine gave to you to buy some extra stuff. --You will have to use Zell to fight two Galbadia soldiers in order to get the weapons back. Use Zell's regular attack will be good enough to handle them. Fight: Biggs and Wedge Geez, these two dudes never learn. They just don't know when to quit. Their attacks are still weak in this battle. The only thing you need to pay a little attention to is that Biggs casts haste on himself when his Hp is low. Strategy: --Keep attacking with everyone's regular attack and you will defeat Biggs and Wedge quickly. Now you are out of the room you were locked in, you will have to find your way out of the prison. --Fight GIM52As and acquire missiles from them, it teaches Quistis Micro Missile. You CAN NOT miss this Blue magic, especially if you don't have Homing Laser. --Go to the bottom floor first and acquire Zell's Combat King 001. --Pick up an Str up at the second floor and use it on Zell. --After you find Squall and Rinoa, you will have to divide your people into two parties. Place Squall, Quistis and Rinoa in one party, and the other three in another. --When you reach the 10th floor, make an extra save so if you mess up in the missile base part, you can start the game over from here. Boss: Elite Soldier/ GIM52A x 2 Hp:???? This fight could be hard if Quistis does not have proper Blue magic. Elite Soldier's attack deals around 200 damage on a single target, and GIM52A can do around 300+; GIM52A sometimes uses Micro Missile attack, and they use it more often if Elite Soldier casts Aura on them. Strategy: --Enter this battle with Quistis Hp around 400~500, so she could hold at least one attack. --Use Degenerator to kill GIM52As first, then Elite Soldier. +---------------------------------+ + 2-2: Investigating Missile Base + +---------------------------------+ --After you escape from the Prison, you will have to divide your people into two parties, one is going to investigate the missile base, and another one is going back to Balamb Garden. Note: CHOOSE YOUR PARTY MEMBER WISELY or you will screw up at this point for good. The party going back to Balamb Garden should be stronger than another party. --Let Zell and Rinoa go with Selphie to the missile base. --In the missile base, try to act cool and avoid battles. --Remember to set the missile error ratios before you enter the control room. --You have to fight three guards in the control room. Use everyone's regular attack and you will be fine. Use limit breaks when your Hp is low. If you can have Zell use Duel, Focus your attack on the red soldier, then use burning wave as the finish blow to wipe out all three of them in one turn. --Use potions to recover your party after the fight, and set the time limit to 20 minutes. You can use the emergency door to exit the base if you select 20 minutes or under. Boss: BGH251F2 Hp: 8,400 This boss is extremely tough and powerful, not because of its high Hp, but its attack power is quite amazing as well. Its regular attack deals around 600+ damage to a single target, and after you damage 3,500~4,000 on BGH25IF2, it will use a powerful beam cannon attack, which deals 1,000+ damage on a single target. This attack is most likely fatal against weak party members. The only good thing is that BGH25IF2 is very slow. You may need many attempts in order to defeat this elite battle machine. Strategy: --Either enter the battle with everyone Hp full or extremely low Hp for Zell and Rinoa. If you choose the second method, you can fight some enemies inside the missile base and bring Rinoa and Zell to near death status. --For those who enter the battle with full Hp: Attack BGH251F2 constantly with regular attack (Zell 105, Rinoa 130, and Selphie 65 per hit), and when both Zell and Rinoa have been shot twice, hit both of them one more time and bring their Hp low, then use their limit breaks, and hope BGH25IH2 uses Beam Cannon on Selphie or Rinoa, so Zell can abuse Duel. Since you have already done some damage on BGH25IF2, you can win this battle by using Duel three more times. --For those who enter the battle with low Hp: Use Angelo and pray that it is an invincible moon, then have Zell abuse Duel. Your invincibility will expire after about three turns, so after everyone has moved twice and it's Rinoa's turn again, hold Rinoa and wait 'till invincibility is expired, then quickly use Angelo again and hope that is an invincible moon again; if it is, then your victory is ensured. --After you destroy BGH251F2, have Zell Duel on the red soldier. Then use Burning Wave to kill all of them. Angelo cannon won't be a bad choice, either. +-----------------------------+ + 2-3: Activate Balamb Garden + +-----------------------------+ --When Garden Facility asks you which side are you with, tell them that you are with Cid so you will have the chance to fight those special monsters and acquire some good items. --You have to go to all six areas on the first floor before you can find Xu and Cid, use Degenrator all the way to finish the monsters called by Garden Facilities. You will fight a Grendel and acquire some Dragon Fins (Fury Fragments if you are lucky), and T-Rexaur, which will give you some Dino Bones (Star Fragment x 2 for the rare drop). --Headmaster Cid will tell you to go down the B1 Floor. Go and find your way down deeply inside the Garden. When you reach a huge gate, two monsters will jump out form nowhere and attack you. Boss: Oilboyles x 2 Hp:???? Without Degenerator this battle could be almost impossible to win in a No Junction game. Their attack power is extremely high, and their Oil Shot inflicts various status changes and heavy damage on one of your party members; their sonic wave is another powerful attack, it deals around 800 damage on the entire party, and they have fair agility. If Quistis does not take the initiative in this battle, she could be killed quickly before her first turn. Strategy: --If Quistis initiated at the beginning of the battle, using Degenerator twice will finish them for good. --After some events you will be told to go down to the B1 floor and speak to the Garden Master NORG. --It is an advantage to you if you have Quistis Hp 2,000 or higher for the next boss battle. Boss: NORG Pod/NORG Hp: 2,000/12,200 NORG is hiding in a big battle machine and there are two blue orbs on both sides of the battle machine. When the blue light turns into red, it attacks
your party with wind magic. You must keep attacking them in order to prevent 
them from being activated.

You will have to break NORG Pod first before you attack NORG. NORG's water 
spell deals around 400+ damage on a single target, and his deadly Physic 
Blast attack deals around 1,050 on a single target.


--NORG Pot will not attack you, so have Squall (150 damage), Irvine (50 
damage) and Quistis(95 damage) attack constantly. Hit the orbs when their 
color turns into yellow.

--Before you break the NORG Pod, be sure to bring Quistis's Hp to around 
500~600, but don't go below.

--After you break the Pod, have Squall and Irvine attack the orbs, and 
Quistis use Micro Missile (6,000 damage) + Homing Laser (2,000~9,999 damage. 
The result is vary based on Quistis's hp, the lower the better.) to finish 

--If you got Fury Fragments from Grendel, upgrade Zell's weapon to Gauntlet.

--Galbadia soldiers will attack Fishman's Horizon, fight SAM08Gs and acquire 
running fires from them; Quistis can learn Gatling Gun by using a running 

--Level up Squall to LV60 if you still don't have such a high level, and 
your party will be strong enough to end this Quest. You can beat the boss 
with Squall level 40 or under, but it is not a good idea though.

Boss: BGH251F2      Hp: 7,800

BGH251F2 somehow made its way here, it is badly damaged and the beam cannon 
will no longer function anymore, however, its machine gun attack is still 
powerful (650~700 per hit)


--Enter the battle with full Hp for Squall and Irvine, and around 1,500 Hp 
for Quistis.

--Attack BGH251F2 constantly with all three characters (Squall 229, Quistis 
153, and Irvine 90 per hit). Use limit breaks when their Hp is low enough.

--IF you are not strong enough to bring it down quickly, don't worry. After 
Quistis is damaged twice, her Hp will be around 200 or below, have her use 
Homing Laser to finish this battle.

+ 2-4: Liberate Balamb +

After several events and cut senses you will be able to control the Garden, 
your next destination is Balamb, but don't hurry. You have many things to do 
before you enter Balamb.

--Go to Tarbia Snowfield/Forest first. Fight some Blue Dragons and try to 
acquire some Fury Fragments from them. With the Adamantine you received 
earlier and Dragon Skins, you can remodel Zell's best weapon: Ehrgeiz. If 
you are short of Dragon Skins, go back to Roshfall Forest beside Timber and 
fight more Anacondaurs.

--You can also fight Mesmerizes on Tarbia Snowfield, which drops Mesmerize 
Blades, If you have followed the FAQ so far, you can remodel Rinoa's weapon: 

--Fight Gaylas here and acquire one Mystery Fluid from them, it teaches 
Quistis Blue magic: Acid.

--GO to Garden's training center and have Quistis degenerate T-Rexuars. They 
rarely drop Star Fragments. Try to acquire at least five of them. It is a 
good idea to level up here, too. You can remodel Selphie's weapon: Strange 
Version right now.

--I recommend going to Odin's Tower and acquiring Odin at this point.

--You have to find Odin and defeat him in 20 minutes. Before you enter the 
tower, make sure Squall's level is 70 or above, and other people have 
reasonable level as well. Select Zell, Quistis and Squall as your party 
members, and you must bring their Hp down to critical stage before you climb 
Odin's Tower.

--Find your way to reach Odin's room, do not waste your time to fight 
randomly encountered monsters. Escape from battles all the way. Your target 
is to reach Odin's room with more than eight minutes left.

Boss: Odin      Hp: 31,000

Odin is too cool to attack you. All you have to do is to bring his Hp down 
to Zero before the time is up. When the clock reaches 00:00, Odin will slash 
you party with Zentetsuken, which is always fatal, even Rinoa's invincible 
moon won't allow you to survive this attack.


--Have Squall use Renzokuken (170 damage per hit + Fated Circle 220)

--Have Zell abuse Duel (50~80 per hit, if it is a long Duel with 12 seconds, 
you can deal more than 3,500 damage in one turn, which is much more powerful 
than Renzokuken) on Odin. Be careful because Duel may waste a lot of your 

--Have Quistis use Homing Laser (1,900~6,500 damage)  

You should be able to take him in around five minutes. After you defeat him, 
he will randomly show up in battles and Zentetsuken your enemies to pieces. 
Remember if you attempt to escape at the beginning of the battle, Odin will 
save you more often.

--Fight Tonberries in Odin's Tower and acquire a Chief's Knife. They are 
tough enemies, but you can kill them by abusing Micro Missile and have Zell 
perform Duel when Tonberry's Hp is low enough.

--Remodel Squall's weapon: Punishment

--Now there are two important Blue Magics: GO to the Chocobo Forest besides 
Tarbia Garden and catch a Chocobo there, if you are not good at chocobo 
catching, you can ask the Chocoboy to catch one for you. Ride the Chocobo to 
the east to Grandidi Forest (North of Esthar Plain). You will encounter 
Malboros there. Always run away from them first and see if Odin will cut 
them to pieces for you; or if you hit a lucky preemptive strike, you can 
have Quistis degenerate them and acquire Malboro's Tentacles. It will teach 
Quistis Bad Breath-you need this skill to defeat many bosses later.

--You will encounter Hexadragons there, too. Have Quistis degenerate then 
and acquire Inferno Fangs. It teaches Quistis's Fire Breath. If you don't 
want to get this blue magic now, you will still have a chance later.

--To get out of Grandidi Forest, go to the deepest part of the Forest and 
you will find Chocobo Sanctuary. You can ride the chocobo there and get out 
of the Forest.

--Zell is going with Squall to save the town, so you can only choose one 
party member freely. Place Quistis with Zell and Squall.

--After you see Raijin is chased by a dog, don't go to the Balamb Hotel 
directly, save your game at Zell's room first.

--You must enter the boss battle with Quistis Hp around 500~ 600, however, 
after you stay in Zell's room your party is recovered!!! Don't worry, there 
is a way to get out of the town. Speak with Big Bad Rascal in Zell's house, 
after he leaves, visit Zell's neighbor and you will see the hotel owner's 
daughter there and crying because her parents were blocked outside the town 
and she is worried about them. In order to help Big bad Rascal to contact 
the hotel owner outside, talk to the guard and force him to turn his head. 
Do not press any bottom to end the conversation 'till Big Bad Rascal talks 
to the hotel owner outside. After this event, Big Bad Rascal will help you 
get out of the town every time you ask him. Go outside and fight some 
monsters, then kill Quistis in battles. Revive her and heal her with two 
potions and Quistis's Hp should be around 500~600, based on your level. Save 
an extra file before the boss fight.

Boss: Raijin/Galbadia Soldiers x 2      Hp:????

Raijin is extremely powerful in his physical attack. He deals around 1,200 
damage on a single target, and if a critical attack occurs, it is always 
fatal unless Squall has level 100, then he might be able to survive.

Raijin is not immune to many status attacks, so Bad Breath will be your 
lifesaver in this battle, it almost always puts Raijin in darkness and 

Raijin NEVER hits girls if one of the Galbadin soldiers is still alive (If 
there is only a girl left in your party and at least one Galbadia soldier is 
alive, Raijin will say "I don't hit girls, ya know" ^_^ and command the 
soldier attacking). So if you keep at least one soldier alive, Quistis will 
have enough time to use blue magic.


--Have Squall and Zell take down one of the soldiers.

--Have Quistis use Bad Breath and put Raijin to sleep and darkness.

--NEVER attack Raijin with physical attack-it will wake Raijin up; and even 
he is blind, he can still hit your characters sometimes. Have Quistis use 
Micro Missile two times and one or two Homing Laser to finish Raijin.

Boss: Fujin/Raijin      Hp: 8,700/16,300

Fujin is waiting for you inside the hotel, and Raijin will help her to bring 
you down. This battle is much harder than the Raijin battle, Fujin uses 
magical attack (Tornado deals around 450 damage to the entire party, and 
aero deals around 200 on a single target), and she is immune to silence. She 
also uses special attack that will reduce a single target's Hp to 1, and 
this attack won't be affected by darkness. Fujin also casts Esuna sometimes 
when Raijin is in trouble.

Raijin comes back with more strength. It is a bit hard to put him to sleep 
in this battle, although it is still quite possible. His "Raijin Special" (a 
bad translation, when I was playing JP version this skill is actually a 
"Raijin Flying Dragon Attack") attack deals around 1,800 damage on one 
character, and it will not be affected by darkness, either. Again, you will 
need some luck to win this battle, and if you are killed, sorry, you have to 
fight Raijin again.


--Fujin is more likely to take the initiative in this battle. Her Tornado 
spell deals around 450 damage and will bring Quistis VERY CLOSE to death, 
and it will make her blue magic more effective and powerful.

--Have Quistis use Bad Breath and see if you can put both off them to sleep. 
At least you must put Raijin into sleep.

--Have Quistis attack Fujin with a Micro Missile and Homing laser to finish 
her off.

--After you defeat Fujin, use Micro missiles and Homing Laser all the way 
'till Raijin is defeated. If he is awake, whether you win this battle or not 
depends on how often he uses his Raijin Special attack.

--You will receive two Str Ups after these two tedious battles. Use them on 

After liberate Balamb from Fujin and Raijin, Selphie will ask Squall to take 
her to Tarbia Garden.

+ 2-5: The forgotten Past +

--Remember that Irvine told you that the reason everyone forgot their 
childhood is because of G.Fs??? It is funny that he still says the same 
thing in a No Junction game.

--You will encounter Galbadia Garden there, and Seifer is in charge of this 
attack. You can see his face clearly on the screen, looks like he is 
dreaming that he is King of the world, he does not know that all he has 
right now is from the mercy of Edea. We are going to teach him a lesson 

--After a few events Squall will be asked to bring two people with him to 
the second floor. It is a wise choice to let Quistis be with Squall.

Fight: Paratrooper x 4

--Have Quistis use Fire/Aqua Breath to wipe out Paratroopers in one or two 

--After a mini game, Squall and his companies will sneak into Galbadia 
garden. Choose Zell, Quistis with Squall as your party members.

--After you find two card keys, you will enter the main lobby and Cerberus 
is there. Refer to the optional boss part to find more detailed information 
about how to defeat Cerberus. There is a save point behind him, so save 
first before you fight Cerberus. He is not very tough.

--After you get the third card key, you will be able to ride the elevator to 
the Master Room, and you will see Edea sitting in there and Seifer is 
guarding her!!!

Boss: Seifer      Hp: 10,300

I must admit that Seifer's combat skill has improved a lot, however, it is 
still not good enough to let him become a tough opponent, even in a No 
Junction game. 

Seifer's regular attack deals around 470 damage on a single target, his fira 
spell deals around 350 damage on a character, and he also uses a special 
called Demon Slice-this attack is powerful, it deals around 1,200 + on a 

If you have Squall level 75 or above then this battle is very easy, you 
won't even need to use limit break. If you are under leveled (and I don't 
think it could possibly happen to you, you have already fought tons of 
monsters before in order to remodel your weapons), then a couple of 
Renzokuken or duel will certainly help.


--Attack with everyone (Zell 225, Squall 450 and Quistis 250 per hit).

--If someone's Hp is low, abuse his/her limit break. 

Go to the Auditorium room and you will find Edea there. Switch Zell to Rinoa 
and be sure to bring Quistis and Rinoa's Hp to around 700~900 before the 
next battle

Boss: Seifer/Edea      hp: 7,400/16,000

You have to defeat Seifer again in order to reach Edea. This battle is very 
difficult. Again, Seifer is still weak, his regular attack deals around
450 damage on a single target, and his fira spell does around 340. You can 
finish him without any problem. However, the hardest part in this battle is 
Edea's Malestorm attack-it reduces all three characters' Hp to 1/4 and it 
ALWAYS inflicts CURSE-once you are hit by this spell, boom! You can prepare 
to reset your game. Edea's "GA" spells deal around 640 damage to a single 
target, she also casts death sometimes. Since you cannot junction ST-
defense, this spell is almost always fatal.


--Have Squall attack (380 damage) Seifer and Quistis use Micro missile.

--When you deal around 6,000 damage on Seifer, have Rinoa use Angelo limit 
break and hopefully she will use Invincible moon before Seifer is dead.

--After everyone is invincible, kill Seifer with Homing Laser.

--Edea will take the initiative and attack your party with Maelstrom and it 
won't hurt your party since they are invincible.

--Have Quistis use Bad Breath to put Edea to sleep, then Micro Missile + 
Homing Laser all the way 'till she is dead.

--If it seems like Rinoa is not going to use invincible moon and her Angelo 
cannon is about to kill Seifer-you still have a chance to win this battle, 
but the timing should be correct. When it is Quistis's turn, hold her and 
don't let her do anything, and calculate Seifer's Hp carefully, when Rinoa 
is using Angelo cannon again and if you are sure that this Angelo Cannon 
will kill Seifer, have Quistis use Bad Breath immediately. This way, Quistis 
will be able to use Bad breath on Edea before Edea's first turn, and pray 
that you can put Edea to sleep.

--Edea should drop a Force Armlet. Disc 2 ends here.

                                DISC THREE

+ 3-1: The country of Silence-Esthar +

--Make an extra save before you enter Luguna's past.

--Select characters with the highest level as your party in Laguna's past.

--After a mini game, Laguna and his companies will fight a Ruby Dragon.

--Save before the fight.

Fight: Ruby Dragon

Many people think this fight would be impossible if your party has high 
average level, that's just wrong. The Ruby Dragon in Laguna's dream always 
has level 29, and his attack can only deal around 400~600 damage on a single 


--Have everyone attack Ruby Dragon constantly and use their limit breaks 
when their Hp are low.

--If you did not learn Fire breath in Grandidi Forest, this is your last 
chance before you need it. If Ruby Dragon does not drop an Inferno Fang, 
reset the game and fight him again.

--After finding White Seed Ship Squall will carry Rinoa to Esthar and look 
for Ellone. 

--You have to decide who is going to be in your party again. Place Quistis 
and Edea with Squall.

--Be sure to being Quistis and Edea to near death status before the boss.

--Make an extra save.

Boss: Abadon      Hp: 17,010

Abadon's regular attack almost always inflicts CURSE and deals around 1,000 
damage on a single target. When he stands up, his defense and magic defense 
will both go insanely high, it will take you many attempts to win this 


--Have Quistis use bad breath and blind Abadon (the chance is VERY low).

--If Abadon is blinded, have Quistis use Fire breath (2,200~7,600), Edea use 
Ice strike (3,761) and Squall attack (141 damage), you will be able to kill 
Abadon before he can stand up.

--This is the last time you play as Luguna, don't let this part mess your 
game up!!! Choose the WEAKEST two party members with Squall.

--In the first battle, Laguna is facing an Estahr Soldier. Have Laguna hit 
himself and bring his Hp to 800 or below.

--Use Desperado all the way in the next three battles. Because of your low 
average level, Laguna's Desperado will kill them quickly. If you have 
average level 100, then the two Esthar soldiers in Odine's Lab will be a 
pain to defeat.

-- After you talk to Dr.Odine, purchase Combat King 003, Pet Pal Vol5 & 6, 
100 dark ammos and 100 fire ammos in shops.

--Before you go to Lunar Gate, talk to the soldier on a high catwalk in the 
center of the city of you want to acquire Combat King 004 later on.

--Level Squall up to level 90+, 100 would be ideal.

+ 3-2: Space Cowboy +

--Choose Selphie with Squall.

--Talk to the soldier again and you will acquire Combat King 004.

--Follow Dr.Odine's instruction and catch up with Lunatic Pandora.

--After you enter Lunatic Pandora, go to the place Laguna picked up the old 
key and you will find Zell's Combat King 005.

--If you did loose the far right hatch in Laguna's past, you can pick up a 
power generator at the same place and teach Quistis Ray-bomb.

--You will see Mobil Type 8 in Lunatic Pandora, but it will blow you out of 
the building.

--After Rinoa releases Adel, Squall will go to space and save his daring.

--You will find Airship-Ragnarok in space. Save your game.

--You have to defeat eight Propagators in order to activate the Airship.

Boss: Propagators      Hp: 5,200

This creature is very violent and has very high strength. Its regular attack 
deals around 980~1,150 on a single target; its Thundaga spell deals around 
250 damage; and its special attack "bitebite" deals 1,570 damage on a 
character, and is often a critical hit.

They are not really tough because of their low Hp, Renzokuken will be good 
enough to handle them. Also they are not immune to Zentetsuken attack.

There are four "pairs" of Propagators, and you have to knock down each 
"pair" one by one. If you attack the one with incorrect color, then the dead 
ones will revive.

You will start with the purple one. After you finish it, head through the 
cargo doors and quickly turn left to defeat another purple one. Then return 
to the previous room you were hurry turning left and defeat the red one, go 
through the door in the south, climb upstairs and you can fight another red 
Propagator. GO down stairs again and enter the small door on the right side 
of the room, you will fight a green Propagator. After you defeat him, there 
is a save point. Save your game and fight the rest other two Propagators.


--In the first battle, enter the combat with everyone full Hp.

--Try to run away first and see if Odin will cut them into two pieces for 

--If not, attack with both characters (Squall 591 damage, and Rinoa 298 
damage). After Squall is attacked three times, use Renzokuken to finish 

--Adjust Squall's Hp to around 1,100~1,300 before every battle, and have him 
abuse Renzukoken. Propagators' regular attack deals 980 damage on Squall, so 
he can survive one hit.

--After clearing the airship, enjoy the song "Eyes On Me" and relax a bit.

+ 3-3: Preparation of the Final Battle +

--Go to Sorceress Memorial first and rescue Rinoa.

--YOU can find Toramas around Esthar City, fight them 'till they drop moon 
stones. Now you can remodel Irvine's weapon: Exeter. If you are short on 
Star Fragments, you can also find some Iron Giants here, and you can acquire 
Star Fragments from them.

--Find Behemoths around Esthar and defeat them wit Quistis' degenerator. 
They drop Barriers, which teaches Quistis Blue magic: Mighty Guard.

--There is man in a black suit in the middle of Esthar city, talk to him and 
he will summon Elnoyle. It is a tough monster, have Quistis use Degenerator 
to finish him quickly and he will drop two Energy Crystals. Talk to him 
three times and you will have six Energy Crystals. After that, remodel 
Quistis's weapon: Save the Queen and Rinoa's weapon: Shooting Star.

--Have Rinoa learn Angelo Search and Wishing Star (you don't have to learn 
Wishing Star, but I highly recommend learning this skill because you will 
know how powerful it is once you learn it.)

--Go to the Island Closest to Hell and level everyone up to Lv100. The 
enemies there are extremely strong, so you have to rely on Quistis' 
Degenerator to kill them, also, keep Squall Hp full will prevent you from 
being wiped out in one shot usually. And remember this: SAVE OFTEN.

--After leveling up, use all your money to stock potions, Hi-potions, 
Phoenix downs and Irvine's ammos.

--Spend some time to practice Zell's Duel. Your goal is AT LEAST being able 
to attack 45 times in a 12 seconds long Duel. Usually, I could do 55~65 
times in a 12 second Duel. Refer to Appendix for more valid information 
about Zell's Duel.

--After everything is prepared, go to Edea's House then meet Laguna in 
Esthar's President Palace and begin your final mission!!!

+ 3-4: The Young Revolutionary +

Boss: Fujin/Raijin      Hp: 18,200/22,600

In essence, this battle is a bit similar to the previous battle against 
them, but they are back with more strength and powerful attacks.

Fujin will cast haste on Raijin and blind on your party, and when you deal a 
certain amount of damage on her, she will cast a Meteor spell, which deals 
around 550~610 damage every single hit. Her special attack "Zen" reduces a 
single target's Hp to 1.

Raijin still uses physical attacks. His regular attack deals around 820 
damage on a single target at level 100; and his "Raijin Special" attack 
deals around 1,200 on a character. If he is hasted by Fujin's haste spell, 
he can process a major threat in conjunction with Fujin's "Zen" attack or 
meteor spell.


--Enter the battle with Squall, Irvine and Quistis. YOU must bring Irvine 
and Quistis's Hp to around 1,000 or below before the fight.

--Have Irvine use Dark shot on both of them, it will put them into darkness 
and sleep. It is MUCH BETTER than Bad breath, because Bad breath only hits 
enemies once, but Dark shot can hit each of them around 3~6 times, there is 
no way they could avoid being put into sleep and darkness, Irvine rocks!

--Have Quistis use Micro missiles and Homing Laser on Fujin and finish her 
while she is asleep.

--Use the same tactic to finish Raijin.

After this battle, ride Airship back to Esthar City and stock Irvine's dark 
ammos again.

--Find your way to the deepest part of Lunatic Pandora and Fijin will call 
their special weapon.

Boss: Mobil Type 8      Hp: 46,400

The most annoying thing in this battle is that Mobil Type 8 counters your 
attacks with Twin Homing Laser when his side weapons are off, it deals 
around 1,000 damage on a single target. Mobil Type 8 also uses physical 
attack, it deals around 550 damage on a single target.

After you deal around 25,000 damage on Mobil Type 8, it will turn both its 
probes on. Mobil Type 8 will not counterattack your attacks anymore, but it 
will now use an attack called Corona, which reduces the entire party's Hp 
down to 1 and gives you a chance to use limit breaks.


--Enter the battle with Zell, Squall and Rinoa.

--Attack Mobil Type 8 with everyone (Squall 675, Zell 550 and Rinoa 780).

--After every one attacks him three times all your characters will have Hp 
around 800~1,000 left, have everyone abuse limit breaks, if Rinoa uses 
Wishing Star, Mobil Type 8 will be dead.

--If Rinoa uses invincible moon, then keep abusing limit breaks to bring 
Mobil Type 8 to death.

--If Rinoa uses Angelo Cannon, she will be dead or very close to death, 
however, with the other two characters limit breaks, Mobil Type 8 should 
turn his Probes on by now. It will use Corona attack and bring everyone's Hp 
down to 1. Have everyone use limit break again then Mobil Type 8 will be 

Boss: Seifer      Hp: 34,500

Regardless of Fujin and Raijin's advice, Seifer is going to keep his 
ridiculous dream going. Seifer is back again with Ultimecia's power, now he 
is stronger than ever.

His regular attack deals around 1,000 damage on a single target, and his 
Firaga deals around 860 damage on one character. He also rarely uses flare 

I did not have too much trouble defeating him before, but based on my 
experience, this battle does require much luck to win. Seifer is strong and 
agile in this battle, I thought maybe I was just lucky every time I fought 
him, he should be a tough opponent and worth the boss of the ending of Disc 


--Enter the battle with Zell, Rinoa and Squall with full Hp.

--Seifer will cut Odin into two pieces.

--Attack with everyone (Squall 380, Zell 340 and Rinoa 465)

--When anyone's Hp is around 1,300, attack him/her one more time and use 
limit breaks. Hope that person is Zell or Rinoa, and also pray that Seifer 
focuses his attack on other two people.

--If Rinoa uses Wishing Star or Zell has a 12 seconds long Duel, this battle 
will be over. Gilgamesh will blow him away.

--Seifer will Kidnap Rinoa and bring her to Sorceress Adel. Disc 3 ends 

                              DISC Four

+ 4-1: The Return of Adel +

Boss: Rinoa/Adel      Hp: 9,036/51,000

This battle is the most difficult battle you have encountered so far, Adel 
junctions Rinoa and will drain Hp from her. If you let Rinoa's Hp go down to 
zero, it is game over. Each time Adel attacks, she draws Hp from Rinoa.

This is not the biggest problem, the problem is that Adel's Magic is VERY 
powerful, her Meteor spell deals 340~400 damage every single hit, and after 
this spell, she will use single target attack twice-these two attacks are 
randomly chosen from Energy Bomber (1,550~1,700 damage), Holy (1,100 damage) 
or Flare (1,100 damage).

After two single target attacks, she will usually uses Quake spell 
(2,000~2,200 damage to the entire party), rarely she will skip this step. 
Consider yourself lucky if this occurs. Then Adel will focus her magic power 
on herself and fire Ultima spell (3,000~3,400 damage on the entire party). 
It takes her a long time to charge, but once she uses it, the game is over 
since you have already received some damage before. Unless you have Quistis 
use Mighty Guard, then you MAY BARELY survive.


--Enter the battle with Quistis, Squall and Zell.

--Adjust Quistis and Zell's Hp to around 1,300~1,500 before the battle, you 
can kill them first, and then use phoenix downs to revive and potions to 
bring them to the amount of Hp you want.

--Attack Adel (Squall 420, Zell 335 and Quistis 276 damage per hit)

--Adel will cast Meteor, and hopefully this spell will bring Quistis and 
Zell 's Hp to near death stage.

--Have Quistis use Acid on Adel, there is a very little chance you can 
meltdown Adel, then have Zell Duel. If Quistis did Meltdown Adel and you 
mastered Zell's Duel, you will be able to finish Adel in two or three turns. 

--If Acid does not work, then have Quistis use Homing Laser, don't bother 
trying to meltdown Adel again, and have Zell Duel and Squall attack.

NOTE: It appears to me that Adel is "resistant" against Homing Laser. Most 
of the time I did 1,767 damage or somewhere around there. It is still 
possible to deal 9,999 damage on Adel with Homing Laser; however it is not 
going to happen too often. Pray deeply inside your heart when you are 
fighting Adel.

--Adel will use single target attack twice before her Quake/Ultima spell.

--If you are not able to finish Adel quickly, when she casts Quake, you are 
in trouble.

--If she skips the Quake spell and focuses her magic power, use this chance 
to abuse your limit breaks with every survivor and hopefully you can kill 
Adel before she casts Ultima. Do not worry that using Renzokuken will hurt 
Rinoa, she has 9,036 Hp in this battle, and a Blasting Zone only does 1,100 
on her. You are not good enough to kill Rinoa.

--If you think you are not going to finish Adel before she casts Ultima, 
have Quistis use Mighty Guard (if she is available) and see if you can 

--Another method to defeat Adel is by using Mighty Guard/White Wind. Quistis 
should enter the battle with Hp around 700 while the other two with Hp 
around 2,000~3,000. When the battle starts, have Quistis cast Mighty Guard 
on the party and pray that Mighty Guard casts Aura on your characters, if 
not, reset the game. All three party members should be able to survive 
Adel's Meteor spell because they are shelled/protected. Have Zell and Squall 
abuse limit breaks while Qusitis cast White Wind to bring everyone's Hp to 
full, and she can use Homing Laser on Adel if she has some extra turns. With 
Mighty Guard spell, your characters should be able to survive Adel's Energy 
Bomber and Quake spell and everyone should be near death after the Quake 
spell. Abuse limit breaks and you could kill Adel before she casts Ultima. 

+ 4-2: Time-compression  +

Boss: Sorceress A x 6      Hp: 3,390

      Sorceress B x 4      Hp: 4,496

      Sorceress C          Hp: 32,550

Before you reach Ultimecia's Castle, you have to defeat a lot of sorceresses 
from "beyond time who appeared due to Time Compression" first. This battle 
is another tough battle, and it is long as well.

You will fight Sorceress As first. There are six of them and you will battle 
up to two of them every time. And if you kill one of them, another one will 
appear. They are not very tough. Their magic spells deal around 600~660 on a 
single target. 


--Enter the battle with Squall, Zell and Rinoa.

--Attack them (Squall 750, Rinoa 830, and Zell 610 per hit) 'till they are 

You will fight Sorceress Bs after you defeat all six Sorceresses before 
them. They are more powerful than Sorceresses A. Their normal attacks deal 
around 780 damage on a single target; their "GA" magical spell deals around 
900 damage on a character, they also use Quake (980~1,100 damage on the 
entire party) and Meteor(450 every single hit).


--Attack them (Squall 740, Rinoa 780, and Zell 620 damage per hit) 'till 
they are dead.

--Beware of the one in D-Desert Prison!!! She usually uses Quake in her 
first turn. If there is anyone in your party who has Hp below 1,000, don't 
save your limit breaks, hit her hard and kill her in one shot.

--The one in Fire Cavern uses Meteor, you need to be careful, too.

--After you finish the ones in Winhill, Sorceress C will appear. Be sure to 
bring everyone's Hp as low as you can before you kill them.

Now you are facing the last Sorceress. She is very powerful in both magic 
and physical attack. And the worst thing is that she will counter every one 
of your attacks, it deals around 1,950 damage. None of your party member 
could possibly survive this attack because your party has already been 
heavily damaged after the long fight.


--Have Rinoa use her limit break first.

--If that is a Wishing Star (5,900 x 8), you win this battle.

--If it is an Invincible Moon, have everyone abuse his or her limit breaks 
and you won't a have problem here, either.

--If that is an Angelo Cannon, you are in trouble. 

+ 4-3: Final Showdown +

Finally, you reach Ultimecia's Castle. There are eight servants in her 
Castle, and while they are alive, your ability will be sealed when you are 
in the castle.

I am not going to tell you where to find the eight servants. There is an 
Ultimecia Castle FAQ on the FAQ page, you may want to use it if you really 
don't know their locations. I think if you are good enough to make this far, 
eight servants' locations should be common knowledge for you.

Every time you defeat a servant, you MUST leave the castle and save before 
the next boss battle.

Boss: Sphinxaur/Sphinxara       Hp: 10,000

Whether you like it or not, this is the first servant you have to fight 
because with your abilities sealed, this servant is the only one you could 
defeat right now.

This boss is very weak. His Thundaga spell deals around 340 on a single 
target. After you deal more than 5,000 damage on Sphinxaur, he will show his 
true form-Sphinxara. He will use doom and summon creatures to attack you 
(Firaga-950 damage), still very weak, though.


--Enter the battle with Squall, Rinoa and Zell with full Hp.

--Smash X bottom and attack (Squall 775, Rinoa 860 and Zell 580 per 
hit)'till he is dead. Ignore the creatures he summoned.  

--You should unseal the "Limit Break" ability.

Boss: Catoblepas      Hp: 60,000

This boss uses a powerful physical attack called Deadly Horn (4,200 damage 
on a single target) and Thundaga Spell (860 damage). He also uses Meteor 
when his Hp is reduced to zero (600 every single hit).


--Enter the battle with Rinoa, Irvine and Quistis. Rinoa with full Hp and 
Irvine/Quistis with Hp around 900.

--Have Irvine use Dark shot to blind Catoblepas (270 damage per shot)

--Have Rinoa attack (690 damage) and Quistis use Homing Laser/Aqua Breath 
(2,200~7,900 damage) 'till he is dead.

--Catoblepas will cast Meteor and Rinoa should be able to survive. If you 
want to play it safe, when you are about to kill Catoblepas, have Quistis 
cast Mighty Guard.

--You should unseal the "Resurrection" ability.

Boss: Red Giant      Hp: 30,000

Red Giant has insanely high defense and magic defense, and it is very hard 
to deal a massive amount of damage on him in few turns.

His Giant Sword deals around 1,700 damage on the entire party, and his 
regular sword attack deals around 2,400 damage on a single character. He 
also uses punch attack, which deals around 1,600 damage on a single target. 
He only uses this attack after he drops his sword, and it has 255% hit rate. 


--Bring Quistis, Irvine and Rinoa in this battle. Irvine and Quistis should 
have low hp.

--Have Irvine use Dark shots and blind Red Giant.

--Have Quistis Use Acid constantly 'till she meltdowns Red Giant.

--Have Quistis use Micro missiles constantly and reduce Red Giant's Hp 

--After Red Giant drops his sword, have Rinoa and Irvine attack and bring 
him down. Of course you still have to have Quistis use Micro Missile. 

You should unseal the "Item" ability.

Boss: Tri-Point      Hp: 22,400

Here comes another boss that can counterattack your attacks. Every time you 
attack Tri-Point, it will counter attack with Mega Spark (4,090~ 4,200 
damage on the entire party). It is good enough to wipe out your party in one 

The key of winning this battle is luck (As well as some other servants). Due 
to its low Hp, Rinoa will be able to finish Tri point in one turn.


--Enter the battle with Zell, Squall, Rinoa with Hp as low as possible.

--Have Rinoa use Angelo and if it is a Wishing star (6,200 x 8), Tri-Point 
will be dead.

--If that is an invincible moon, then have everyone abuse limit breaks. 
Normally, three Duels and Renzokuken will be more than enough to bring it 

--If it is an Angelo Cannon, you are in trouble.

--You should unseal the "Save" ability.

With those four abilities above unsealed, you can go to the Master Room and 
challenge Ultimecia now, but I am still going to list other four servants' 
strategy in order to serve players who have the ambition to defeat all eight 
servants before completing the game.

Boss: Trauma      Hp: 34,114

This boss has higher vitality than Tri-Point and it is hard to deal heavy 
damage on him (Zell's Duel only damages around 150~240 per hit). He is very 
slow; however, he does have an attack called Mega Pulse Cannon that could 
wipe out your entire party in one shot. It is only used when its Dorma is 


--Bring Zell, Quistis and Rinoa into this battle with low Hp.

--Have Quistis use Acid on Trauma, then Zell Duel. Rinoa should be able to 
use Invincible Moon before Trauma's turn, if her Hp is low enough. This boss 
is slow and Rinoa may have three turns before him if she is lucky.

--Rinoa can finish Trauma with a Wishing Star, too (6,000 damage x 8).

Boss: Krysta      Hp: 16,000

Like Red Giant, Krysta has very high Vitality and magic defense, it is very 
hard to damage him. 

Krysta counterattacks any attack and deals around 5,000 on a single target. 
He will cast Ultima when his Hp is reduced to Zero. (2,900 damage to the 
entire party)

Because of its powerful counter and high defense, after fighting him many 
times, I truly felt that Wishing Star is the best way to defeat him quickly, 
but Krysta is not immune to Demi, so Micro Missile works well in this 
battle, too.


--Bring Rinoa, Squall and Quistis in this battle. Squall should have Full Hp 
and the girls should have Hp lowest possible.

--Have Rinoa use Angelo limit break first. If it is a Wishing Star (6,500 x 
8 damage, Wishing Star ignores enemies' defense), this battle will be ended.

--If Rinoa used an Invincible Moon, have Quistis abuse Micro Missile to 
bring Krysta's Hp down quickly. After your invincibility expired, having 
Rinoa use Angelo Cannon and Quistis use Homing Laser should be able to kill 

--Krysta's Ultima spell will destroy Quistis and Rinoa, but Squall will 

--If Rinoa used an Angelo Cannon at the beginning, you are in trouble.

Boss: Vysage/Gargantuan      Hp: 21,000/15,400

Before you can fight Gargantua, you have to fight Vysage and its lefty/ 
righty first. Their attack power is somewhat high (1,300 damage for their 
normal attacks), and they also cast many deadly spells like Quake.

After you defeat Vysage and both its hands, Gargantuan will show up. He 
always uses Evil Eye as his first attack, it deals 600~700 damage on the 
entire party and inflicts CURSE on them. He also counterattacks your attacks 
with Counter Twist, which deals 2,670+ damage on a single target. He is a 
tough opponent.


--Have Rinoa, Irvine and Zell in the party with Hp lowest possible.

--Have Irvine use dark shots on all of them and put them into Darkness, 
Poison and silence.

--There is nothing Vysage and its hands can do right now. DO NOT let guys 
attack but have Rinoa use Angelo limit break constantly and you should be 
able to do an Invincible before Vysage is killed by poison. If Rinoa used a 
Wishing Star, then consider yourself unlucky. You do need invincibility to 
defeat Gargantuan.

--After you defeat Vysage, Gargantuan will show up and use Evil-Eye on your 
party, but it won't harm you because of your invincibility. Have Zell Duel 
(150~200 damage per hit), Irvine use Flame Shot (500+ damage per hit) and 
Rinoa's Angelo cannon to finish Gargantuan quickly.

--If Rinoa used a Wishing Star on Gargantuan (5,600 x 8 damage), Gargantuan 
will be dead in one turn.

Boss: Tiamat/Dark Bahamute      Hp: 89,600

Tiamat looks like Bahamute, and acts like Bahamute as well. He only uses an 
attack called "Dark Flare", that is much more powerful than Bahamute's Mega 
Flare (8,800 damage on the entire party). However, it takes Tiamat a long 
time to charge before he can fire Dark Flare.

This battle could be very easy since Tiamat will not do any other attack 
besides Dark Flare. You could destroy him before he could have a chance to 


--Have Zell, Rinoa and Quistis in the party with Hp lowest possible.

--Have Quistis use Acid to meltdown Tiamat, and Zell Duel (500~700 per hit)

--Rinoa should be able to launch at least one Wishing Star while Tiamat is 
charging his attack (6,200 x 8 damage), in conjunction with Zell's Duel and 
Quistis's Homing Laser, Tiamat will go down quickly.

Now you have defeated all eight Servants, there is only one thing left 
before you complete your No Junction game: Defeat Ultimecia!!!

+ 4-4: The Glorious Victory!!! +

--Save outside the Master room before you face Ultimecia.

Boss: Ultimecia         Hp: 43,000
      Griever           Hp: 120,000

      Ultimecia-Griever Hp: 160,000

      Aka Ultimecia     Hp: 250,000

This battle is insanely hard and almost impossible to win. Ultimecia casts 
very powerful magic like Tornado (1,200 damage on the entire party), Holy 
(1,100 damage on a single target), all three "GA" spells (900+ to a single 
target), stop, slow, dispel and other magic.

The worst thing is like you fought Edea before, Ultimecia knows Maelstrom 
attack as well, it reduces your entire party's Hp to 1/4, and it also inflicts 
CURSE on the entire party.

After you defeat Ultimecia, she will summon her G.F.-Griever to destroy you, 
see, how cheap she is. She knows you don't have G.F equipped and she still 
summons her G.F, what an unfair fight! Griever's regular attack deals around 
1,800 damage on a single target; He knows how to cast Flare in conjunction 
with Triple spell, but he is not very hard to defeat. Griever is very slow 
and he will waste turns to do Gravija attack (Reduces the entire party's Hp 
to 1/4, but does not inflict curse like Maelstrom), and Doom. Constantly using 
Wishing Star and Duel will bring him down quickly.

Although Griever is not hard to defeat, he is hard to pass. Before he is 
dead, he will use an attack called Shock Wave Pulsar-it deals 8,500~9,000 
damage on the entire party, even if you have full Hp with Mighty Guard's 
protection, you are still going to die. Also, he will Start to charge Shock 
Wave Pulsar after you deal more than 50,000 damage on him or survive certain 
amount of time, and after the charging, he will fire his Shock Wave Pulsar 
whether he is dead or not.

The only way to survive this attack is using Invincible Moon. Don't' count 
on Angelo reverse, because Ultimecia-Griever will take the initiative in the 
next form and kill Rinoa in one shot. Ultimecia-Griever will NEVER waste her 
turn to bring any dead people away in her first turn, at least it never 
happened to me.

Ultimecia-Griever casts Ultima, Holy, Tornado and Quake, but she is not very 
agile, either, so you may have many turns between her turns. After you deal 
a certain amount of damage on her, she will start to bring two little 
devices out, and once all the devices are ready, she will use her most 
powerful attack in this form-Greater Attractor. It looks like Sephiroth's 
Super Nova spell in FF VII and deals 8,500+ damage on your entire party.

After you deal 100,000+ damage on Ultimecia-Griever, her lower body will 
fall apart and that's the hardest part of the entire battle!!! Her agility 
will be MUCH INCREASED in this form. She will use claw attack and Quake 
spell to wipe out your party in few turns. 

If you could defeat Ultimecia-Griever, you will face Aka Ultimecia with 
massive amount of 250,000 Hp. She constantly abuses Hell's Judgments, which 
reduces your entire party's Hp to 1; she also uses regular attack (1,900 
damage on a single target), Holy(1,600 damage on a single target) and other 
magic. She rarely casts Ultima spell.

After you deal around 150,000+ (????, the exact calculation is not confirmed 
yet) damage on Aka Ultimecia, her lower part will appear underneath her 
skirt. She will draw and cast a extremely powerful spell called Apocalypse, 
which deals 8,000+ damage on the entire party.

I have fought Ultimecia over 300 times, and I have only defeated her Twice 
with The End and once without The End. I clearly remembered that it took me 
178 attempts to defeat her in my first No Junction game, and I still had to 
use The End once. She is definitely strong, mighty and worth the final boss 
in your No Junction game!!! Be prepared!!!


--Enter the battle with everyone Hp 1. In order to do it, kill characters 
and touch the save point outside the Master Room then your Hp will be 1.

--If you could find a Blood Soul and have it cast Blind/Silence on Rinoa, it 
will be a great help in this battle. It is a pain. Most of the time blood 
soul will just kill Rinoa since her Hp is 1. This part is not required, but 
it is worth a try. Also, note that the status change will be nullified once 
Rinoa uses an invincible moon. 

--Ultimecia will choose three people from your party randomly. If you are 
not going to use The End, then Selphie is almost useless in this battle. 
Kill her if she is in the party, and only do it right after Ultimecia's 
turn. If you kill Splphie before Ultimecia's turn, Ultimecia will not absorb 
Selphie immediately and will cast another spell to kill another party member 

--If You have Zell and Quistis in your party, have them use Duel and Micro 
Missile. You can have Zell abuse Meteor Strike to bring Ultimecia's Ho down 
quickly, in conjunction with other people's limit breaks, you will defeat 
Ultimecia's first form in no time.

--Kill anyone who is cursed by Maelstrom until Rinoa comes up. Invincible 
Moon will cure all negative status changes. 

--Once Griever comes up, your goal is to have Zell, Quistis, Rinoa in the 
party, so if there is anyone other than these three people, kill him/her and 
let Griever absorb them. Hopefully Griever's low agility will prevent him 
from interrupting your party member switching. If not, then you are just in 
trouble. (Also, Irvine's Flame Shot is quite effective, but Zell is still 
much better).

--Have Quistis use Acid on Griever, Zell Duel (600 per hit if Acid did 
meltdown Griever) and Rinoa use Angelo limit break, and hope that Rinoa will 
hit an Invincible Moon before Griever kill any of them.

--Try to bring Griever down before your invincibility expires. With one or 
two Wishing Stars, it is not that hard. Griever will cast Shock Wave Pulsar 
on your party before his death, and it won't hurt you. If your Invincibility 
expired before you kill Griever, simply have Rinoa use Angelo again and try 
to get another Invincible Moon before Griever's Shock Wave Pulsar.

--After you defeat Griever, Ultimecia will junction herself unto Griever. 
You have to be Invincible all the way in order to win this battle because 
Ultimecia-Griever will never waste her turn to cast useless spells like 
Gravija or Doom like Griever.

--Remember your invincibility will expires after around three turns, once 
Rinoa hits an invincible moon, feel free to have Zell Duel (500~650 damage 
if Ultimecia-Griever is meltdowned; 270~380 if not), Rinoa use Wishing Star 
(5,600 x 8), and Quistis use Acid to meltdown Ultimecia-Griever then abuse 
Homing Laser. After everyone moves three times and Rinoa's turn is up again, 
hold her 'till your invincibility expired, and then have Rinoa use Angelo 
immediately and hope that's an Invincible Moon again. You will have to deal 
certain amount of damage on Ultimecia-Griever before you need the second 
Invincible Moon, and Ultimecia-Griever will start to charge her Greater 
Attractor attack-it reduces her agility, so even if Rinoa did not hit an 
Invincible moon right after your invincibility expired, she may still have 
one or two extra turns before Ultimecia-Griever. Keep using Angelo and try 
your luck, don't give up, it is possible!!!

--After you deal 100,000 damage on Ultimecia-Griever, her lower body will 
fall apart-It increases her agility dramatically. However, if your party is 
still in invincible status and Ultimecia-Griever is meltdowned, you will be 
able to finish her with a long Duel and a Homing Laser. If you get Wishing 
Star worked, that would be even greater.

--Finally, Ultimecia shows her true form-Aka Ultimecia. She looks just like 
what she should be-evil and ugly. Aka Ultimecia has 250,000+ Hp, but 
actually, she is easier than Ultimecia-Griever because she uses Hell's 
Judgment attack constantly-it reduces your entire party's Hp to 1. And 
surprisingly, I found that if you use limit breaks right after Hell's 
Judgment, they will be insanely powerful-especially Rinoa, she almost always 
uses Wishing Star or Invincible moon. Aka Ultimecia uses holy, flare and 
Ultima, but she always uses Hell's Judgment during her first turn, so I 
assume that it is not that hard to get Invincible Moon work before Aka 
Ultimecia starts to use her magic. Plus before her lower part shows up, she 
will use Hell's Judgment as her main attack, but she really can't do much 
harm on your party.

--After you deal around 150,000 damage on Aka Ultimecia, she will start to 
draw and cast Apocalypse on your party, launch an all-out attack with every 
character!!! If you can have Zell use a long Duel with more than nine 
seconds, Quistis' Homing Laser and Rinoa's Wishing Star at once, you will 
force Ultimecia to talk-again, it delays her turn. Keep attacking and you 
should be able to defeat Aka Ultimecia before she can use Apocalypse on your 
party, if you could defeat her successfully, congratulations!!! You just 
completed a No Junction FFVIII!!! Now no one will doubt that you are an 
elite FFVIII player!!!

--Enjoy the ending CG movies and honor the achievement you have accomplished 
this far in FFVIII. Feel free to shed some tears of joy like I did. Happy 
game playing and best of luck on your No Junction game!!! 

V. Optional Bosses

This part is for players who desire more challenges in their no Junction 
game and are willing to test their skill and knowledge of this game. You don 
not have to defeat any of optional bosses in order to complete your No 
Junction game.

< Magic Lamp Quest>

a. Boss: Diablo     Hp:????

Diablo has very high strength and his physical attack can always kill you in 
one shot. I have tried it from level 10~ level 100, his strength increases 
with his level much more than your defense increases.   

However, Diablo rarely uses physical attacks, most of his attacks are 
percentage based attacks, such as Demi and Gravija. They reduce your Hp but 
will never kill you, and they will give you plenty of chances to use limit 

I only recommend fighting Diablo after Quistis masters Bad Breath and Micro 
Missile. Also, if you have taught Angelo Wishing Star, it will be a great 
help in this battle.


--Bring Squall, Quistis and Zell in your party with Hp lowest possible. If 
Rinoa has Wishing Star, place Rinoa in the party instead of Zell.

--Have Quistis use Bad breath and inflict Blind/Slow status on Diablo (50% 
chance). If Diablo kills Quistis before you can blind him, reset the game.

--Have Squall use Renzokuken, Zell use Duel and Quistis abuse Micro missile.

--If you have Rinoa in the party then two Wishing Stars in conjunction with 
Micro missile will finish this battle quickly. (3,400 damage x 8)

--You will acquire G.F. Diablo after this battle. Since you cannot junction 
him, he is pretty useless in your game. However, it is just fun to have 
another boss battle, right?

b. Boss: Sacred/Minotaur      Hp: 27,218/36,375

Here is another G.F. battle. This battle is harder than Diablo because you 
have to fight two bosses at the same time.

Sacred and Minotaur are located in the Tomb of the Unknown King. You can 
fight them in Disc one, however, unless you use Selphie's The End attack, 
the chance to defeat them in disc one is close to zero.

I only recommend fighting them after Quistis masters Micro Missile and Rinoa 
learns Invincible moon. Squall cannot do much damage on them (340 per hit 
for his Renzokuken with level 70+ and Punishment). If everyone's level is 
above 80, it will be a great help in this battle.

You will fight Sacred alone first in the Tomb of the Unknowing King. After 
you defeat Sacred, he will escape. You can find Sacred in the middle of the 
Tomb again, but you will have to fight Sacred and Minotaur together in one 
battle. It will take you several attempts before you can take them. Sacred 
alone is not strong enough to process any threat to you, so you can fight 
him in Disc 1 if you wish. But you should not attempt the battle against 
both two Brothers before you are able to control the Garden. You can come 
back the Tomb whenever you are ready, they will always be there.


Battle #1: Sacred 

This battle is easy. Sacred only uses weak physical attacks and deals around 
350 damage to a single target. You can take him easily if everyone in your 
party has Hp 1,000~1,500.


--Bring Squall, Rinoa and Zell into this battle with Hp 1,000 +

--Have everyone attack Sacred. Although Sacred is constantly in regen status 
when he is not floating, it will not be good enough to save him.

--When any of your characters has low Hp, abuse his/her limit break.

--Then you may try to challenge Sacred and Minotaur. After they beat you in 
three turns you will know that you should give up now and come back later.

Battle #2: Sacred/Minotaur

Minotaur has much more Hp and strength than Sacred. You have to take him 
first before you take Sacred down. Sacred has about the same strength as he 
fought you in the first battle; Minotaur's regular attack deals 900~1,200 on 
a single character at level 80; his Mower attack deals around 800~1,000 
damage on all opposing targets. Brothers have an all-out attack called 
"Brother Special", which deals 1,500+ damage on all opposing targets, and 
they can only use this attack if both brothers are participating in the 

The most annoying thing is Minotaur has extremely fast recovery rate. Your 
regular attack will not do much harm on him, you have to rely on some 
powerful limit breaks to kill him quickly.


--Bring Squall, Rinoa and Quistis in this battle with level 80+. Squall 
should have full Hp, Quistis should have Hp around 900~1,000, and Rinoa with 
Ho lowest possible.

--If Rinoa is initiative in the battle, have her use Angelo and hope that is 
an Invincible Moon, if it is, then Have Quistis abuse Micro missile on 
Minotaur and Squall attack. Use the same tactic to defeat Sacred after you 
defeated Minotaur.

--If Rinoa uses an Angelo strike, pray that Brothers will attack Quistis and 
Squall and let Rinoa have another chance to use her limit break.

c. Boss: Cerberus     Hp: 10,000 

This is probably the easiest optional boss in your No Junction game. 
Cerberus may pose a major threat to your party if he casts Triple spell on 
himself and abuse Tornado, however, Cerberus's defense is quite laughable, 
with everyone level 70 or above, you can defeat him easily.

The only thing you might want to notice is you have only one chance to fight 
him- When you are in Galbadia Garden at the very end of Disc 2. If you 
choose not to fight him, then you will never have another chance to see him 


--Place Squall, Quistis and Zell in your party with Hp as low as possible.

--Have Quistis use Micro Missile first, and have Squall use Renzokuken (600+ 
damage per hit) and Zell abuse Duel (400~500 per hit). If it is a long duel 
with nine seconds or longer, you will defeat Cerberus in one round. 
Sometimes Cerberus uses Tornado in his first turn, in this case, consider 
yourself unlucky and try it again.

d. Boss: Bahamute      Hp: 90,000

This battle can be classified as an extremely difficult battle in your No 
Junction game. You have to battle two Ruby Dragons before you can battle 
Bahamute. Bamanute's regular deals around 4,500+ damage to a single target 
at level 100, so unless he misses the target, his physical attack is always 
fatal. He casts Thundaga, which deals around 900 damage on a single target; 
the worst is his Mega Flare attack, it deals 5,800 damage on all opposing 
target. I am not sure what's the condition that triggers Bahamute's Mega 
Flare attack, but it appears to me that if you cannot defeat him in a 
certain amount of time, Behamute will cast Mega Flare on your party.

You have to have Squall, Quistis and Rinoa in your party with Quistis Hp 
around 1,000, Rinoa as low as possible, and Squall with full Hp. You have to 
rely on girls in this battle, Squall's Renzokuken can not inflict much 
damage on Bahamute. The use of Squall is as a decoy in the battles that 
could reduce the chance that your enemies attack the other two girls. 
Everyone in your party should be at level 100; Quistis must know Homing 
Laser and Micro Missile; Rinoa must know Invincible Moon and Wishing Star.

After you enter the facility, you will see a blue core in the center of the 
room, you have to touch the core in order to talk to Bahhamute. Every time 
you walk while the blue core is glowing, you will have encounters. The best 
way to avoid those random encounters is only walking when the blue core is 
not glowing. Try not to have any random encounters before you reach the blue 

After you reach the blue core, select the only option Bahamute gives to you.

Fight #1: Ruby Dragon

--Have Quistis use degenerator to finish him off.

Now select "Never" to enter the second combat.

Fight #2: Ruby Dragon

You are almost always back attacked in this battle, and Ruby Dragon is 
likely to have a turn before you can move. 

--Press R2+L2 bottom and see if Odin will save you.

--If not, then pray that Ruby Dragon uses Firaga in his first turn. For some 
unknown reasons, he almost always hits Squall if he uses Firaga. Have 
Quistis use a degenerator to finish Ruby Dragon off again when she has a 

Now select the third option "it is our nature" which is hidden below "none 
of your business".

Boss: Bahamute      Hp: 90,000

As I stated above, Bahamute's strength is extremely high, and he could kill 
anyone in your party with one attack, so the best way is not to let him lay 
any of his fingers on your people.


--Have Quistis use Bad breath on Bahamute, it usually inflicts slowness, 
sometimes inflicts darkness, and rarely inflicts meltdown.

--If Bamamute is blinded, have Rinoa abuse limit break (Wishing Star 3,800 
damage x 8), Quistis use Homing Laser (1,800~9,999 damage) and Squall attack 
(270 damage). Bahamute can still use Thundaga, so pray that he will cast 
this spell on Squall first. 

--Hopefully you could defeat Bahamute or hit an Invincible Moon before he 
uses Mega Flare. If not, you are in trouble.

e. Boss: Ultima Weapon      Hp: 160,000

After you defeat Bahamute, go back to the Airship and chat with people, then 
go back to the Deep Sea Research Center, you will find a path that leads to 
the heart of the research center. I am not going to tell you how to reach 
the bottom level, there are already enough walkthrough that tells you how. 
Find your way to the bottom level and Ultima Weapon will be there.

This battle is tedious in a No Junction game. Ultima weapon is extremely 
tough, even Bahamute is no match for him. Ultima weapon casts Meteor that 
deals around 400 damage each single hit at a character with level 100; 
Ultima weapon uses Quake that deals around 3,000 damage on all the opposing 
targets; he has a special attack called Light Pillar that deals 9,999 damage 
on a single target, which is always fatal; his regular attack deals around 
2,000+ damage on a single target. The only attack from Ultima weapon cannot 
really harm your party is Gravija, which reduce your party's Hp to 1/4. The 
biggest problem in this battle is that Ultima weapon is VERY AGILE. He has 
about as three times fast as your party at level 100.

I do think that Invincible Moon + The End is the best way to finish him, 
although it is cheap. However, after countless attempts, I still defeated 
him without The End. Luck is a vital factor of the victory.

The best time to fight Ultima weapon is when you are in disc four. You can 
still go back to the virtual world by going through the light doors beside 
the huge chain. After you defeat Ultimecia's servants and bring everyone's 
Hp down to one, go back to the virtual world and find Ragenarok and head to 
the Deep Sea Research Center again. Try not to get anyone killed and let 
them reach Ultima Weapon with Hp one.


--Have Squall, Rinoa and Zell be in your party.

--If Ultima weapon takes the initiative, unless he uses Gravija, you are in 
trouble. Based on my experience, I did not recall that he ever used Gravija 
in his first turn.

--If Rinoa takes the initiative, have her use Angelo limit break and hope 
that is an invincible moon.

--Have Squall use rensukoken (200 damage per hit), Zell use Duel (180 damage 
per hit. Some of his Duel attack could deal up to 400 damage if a critical 
hit occurs. You really need to master Zell's Duel in order to deal high 
damage on Ultima Weapon) and Rinoa use Angelo and pray that she abuses 
Wishing Star (2,600 x 8 = 20,800 damage).

--After everyone passed three turns, don't let Rinoa do any attack 'till 
your invincibility expires, then have Rinoa use another Angelo immediately 
and pray that it is an invincible moon. You will need at least three 
Invincible Moons to win this battle without The End, TOUGH FIGHT!!!

f. Boss: Jumbo Cactuar      Hp: 600,000

Jumbo Cactuar has massive amount of Hp, this is the main reason that makes 
him become a tough opponent; otherwise he is extremely slow. He has an 
attack called 10,000 needles that deals 10,000 damage on a single target, it 
is always fatal. His physical attacks can either deal around 2,000+ damage 
on a single target or 1,500 damage on all opposing targets.

This battle is very tough as well, however, I found that Jumbo cactuar is a 
bit easier than Ultima Weapon due to his pathetic low agility. Sometimes he 
could barely move once after all your characters have already moved four or 
five times. Based on the complex possibility calculation, this battle is the 
only battle that you will have more advantage if you DON'T HAVE Wishing 
Star, but it does not mean that you cannot defeat him if Rinoa has Wishing 
Star already, you can still beat him, you just have to be luckier. You need 
five to eight Invincible Moons to win this battle. 

You must fight him in disc four and with everyone with one Hp. The location 
of Jumbo Cactuar is on the Cactuar Island, which is located south of Estahr 


--Have Squall, Rinoa and Zell be in your party.

--Have Squall use renzokuken, Zell abuse Duel and Rinoa uses invincible 
moon. Jumbo Cactuar is very slow and Rinoa should be able to hit invincible 
moon every time before Jumbo cactuar's turn, if she does not have Wishing 
star, since she could have four turns between Jumbo Cactuar's. If she has 
wishing star, it deals 3,500 x 8 = 28,000 damage. You need luck to win this 
fight, too.  

NOTE: The two optional bosses listed below are still not defeated in my No 
Junction Games without The End. The only thing I could do is to provide the 
possible theory to help players as much as I can. If you have better 
strategies against those two bosses below, please contact me as soon as 

g. Boss: Tonberry King      Hp: 250,000

You may want to attempt this optional quest during Disc III or IV, at 
earliest after you acquire the airship. Tonberry King is located in Odin's 
Tower, and in order to fight Tonberry King, you have to defeat twenty 
tonberries first, which is a pain.

The recommended party of killing tonberries is with those three chatacters: 
Squall, Zell and Rinoa. You must enter Odin's Tower with everyone has 
critical Hp. When you find a tonberry, have Squall use Renzukoken, Zell use 
Duel and Rinoa use Angelo, and hope Angelo does a Wishing Star that will 
kill a tonberry instantly in conjunction with Zell's Duel (2,500 x 8 = 
20,000 damage); or an invincible moon, which will prevent your party members 
being damaged from tonberry's random counterattack: Everyone's Gauge. Or you 
can switch Zell to Quistis and have Quistis use Micro Missile on tonberries. 
It works dramatically as Zell's Duel.

After you defeat nineteen tonberries, go to the world map and save your 
game, then come back to Odin's tower and kill the twentieth tonberry. Once 
you kill it, the Tonberry King will appear.

Tonberry King is mush faster than Jumbo Cactuar, his stab attack deals 
almost 3,000 damage to a single character; and his "Junk" attack deals 
around 2,000 damage to the entire party. I have attempted to fight him many 
times, but I was tired and I ended up killing him with Selphie's The End. He 
is really a very tough opponent. I believe that Tonberry King is possible to 
defeat in Theory, however, if you want to defeat him in practice without The 
End, you will need much luck to win.


--Bring Squall, Zell and Rinoa in your party when you are ready to fight the 
twentieth tonberry. The lower the Hp the better. If you are doing this quest 
in disc four, use the same old trick to bring everyone's Hp down to one. 

--When you fight tonberry, try not to kill him to fast and have Rinoa use an 
invincible moon first before you take Tonberry down.

--Once Tonberry King appears, have Zell Duel (300 damage per hit), Squall 
use Renzokuken ( 500 damage per hit) and Rinoa use Angelo, hopefully it is a 
Wishing Star (3,500 x 8 = 28,000 damage). After everyone passes three turns, 
don't let Rinoa do anything and wait 'till your invincibility expires, then 
have Rinoa use another Angelo and pray that it is an Invincible Moon, If it 
is not, Tonberry King will wipe out your party in around thirty seconds.

h. Boss: Omega Weapon      Hp: 1,210,000

Here comes the most infamous and powerful boss in the world of Final Fantasy 
VIII. Even in a regular game, his power is supreme and mighty. In a No 
junction game, he is close to invincible. The major problem is that you must 
keep your invincibility in the entire fight in order to defeat him in a No 
Junction game, and Angelo's Invincible Moon occurs randomly. You will need 
to get Invincible moon work constantly before you wear down Omega Weapon's 
massive amount of 1,210,000 Hp. My best result was to damage him around 
300,000 Hp, and I gave it up.

If this FAQ is about a regular game, I would go very in-depth about this 
ultimate boss, include his attack pattern. But since almost any of his 
attacks could wipe out your party in a No Junction game, besides the correct 
party members and the selection of your attacks, there is nothing left 
besides luck. I will just list some brief methods of defeating Omega Weapon 
in a No Junction game, and hopefully someone will follow my tactics and 
defeat Omega Weapon in a No Junction game in the future, who knows? 

If you are willing to attempt this battle, you should not level everyone to 
level 100 except Squall before you enter Lunatic Pandora, because Omega 
Weapon casts Level V Death at the beginning of the battle, which will kill 
all opposing targets with level multiplied by five instantly. However it 
does not mean that you have no chance to win if you have everyone level 100. 
Omega weapon rarely uses claw attack before Level V Death spell, plus there 
is always a chance that Rinoa take the initiative in this battle and use an 
invincible moon before Omega's Level V Death.


--Bring Quistis, Zell and Rinoa in the party with Hp one. The ideal level of 
those three people is 96~99.

--Omega will use Level V Death at the beginning of the battle and it should 
miss everyone. Have Rinoa use Angelo and pray for a lucky invincible moon, 
if it is not, Omega will probably wipe out your party with Magido Flame. 
There is a small chance that Rinoa still has a turn before Omega's Magido 
Flame, but it happens rarely.

--Have Quistis use Acid to bring Omega Weapon's defense to zero, and Zell 
use Duel (500 per hit) and Rinoa use Angelo (2,800 x 8 = 22,400 for per 
Wishing Star, and 1,800~4,000 for Angelo Cannon). Quistis can use Homing 
Laser after Omega Weapon's defense is reduced to zero. Remember that your 
invincibility will expire around every three turns. After everyone passes 
three turns, don't let Rinoa do anything and wait 'till your invincibility 
expires. Then have Rinoa use another Angelo and pray that it is an 
Invincible Moon. Based on an optimistic calculation, suppose you can have 
Zell use LONG DUEL ( nine seconds or longer) every time, Quistis's Homing 
Laser deal 5,000+ damage every time, and Rinoa use Wishing Star constantly 
and also use Invincible Moon every three turns, you will defeat Omega Weapon 
after around twenty five rounds.  

--Also, you can use Invincible Moon + The End trick to finish Omega Weapon 
instantly, this is how I defeated him. Quite cheap, but effective as well.

VI. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it really possible to complete a No Junction Game?

A: YES IT IS AND THAT'S WHAT THIS FAQ ABOUT!!! Stop asking this silly newbie 
question. I didn't write 120+ Kb for a joke. 

Q: Is there any reward for completing a No Junction game?

A: Not in the game, but it is a proof that you are a skillful FFVIII player.

Q: I did not learn Homing Laser in Disc 1. Can I still beat my No Junction 

A: Yes. But it will make Disc 2 much harder. You must learn Micro Missile in 
D-Desert prison in order to deal heavy damage on some bosses. Also, if you 
did not learn Degenerator in Disc 1, then you will be in trouble when you 
fight Oilboyles in Garden.

Q: How come you rarely mention Selphie in your FAQ?

A: If you consider The End is a cheap trick and avoid using it, then Selphie 
is almost useless in a No Junction game. You have to sit there and keep  
"Doing over" and it wasted a lot of time.

Q: Am I allowed to use Pocket Play Station to find Pulse Ammos for Squall's 
Best weapon "Leon Heart"????

A: I don't have Pocket PS so this FAQ is basically based on a no-pocket PS 
game, but if you have it, I don't see why not. I have heard that you can 
find Pulse ammos in the mini game in Pocket Play Station; and if you can 
remodel Leon Heart, it may somehow help you in your No Junction game. But I 
can guarantee that Lion Heart won't be more powerful than Wishing Star in 
your No Junction game.

Q: I want to learn Shock Wave Pulsar!!! Homing Laser is still too weak 

A: The latest news I have heard is that you may not be able to find any dark 
matter if you don't have a pocket PS.

Q: Edea did not drop a Force Armlet after I defeated her in disc 2. What 
should I do in order to remodel Rinoa's Shooting Star?

A: Forbidden and Ochus VERY RARELY drop Force Armlets with level 30 or 
above. Fight them in Odin's tower and Island closest to Heaven over and over 
and see if they drop one. 

Q: Do I have to learn Wishing Star?

A: It is very hard to answer this question, but in my opinion, I would say 
learn it.

I used to have two No Junction game save before, one with Wishing Star and 
one without. After testing both of them 100 times in battle, here is the 

When Rinoa is level100 with Hp 1:

Without Wishing Star: Rinoa did 39 Invincible moon over 100 Angelo limit 

With Wishing Star: Rinoa did 22 Invincible Moon, 26 Wishing Star over 100 
Angelo limit breaks.

It is just my personal testing and an error ratio may occur. However, based 
on this report, learning Wishing Star is better than not learning it, seeing 
every Wishing Star deals around 52,000 damage on Ultimecia (25,600 damage on 
her first form). If you don't learn Wishing Star, you may have a bit more 
invincible moon, but the possible damage from Rinoa will be reduced much, 
plus it is pointless if you use Invincible Moon constantly, if you hit an 
Invincible Moon while everyone is invincible, you waste Rinoa one turn.

Q: I can't beat Ultimecia!!! I am sick and tired of that &@#%$. Will The End 
give me a direct victory?

A: Every time you have Selphie use The End, it will kill Ultimecia's current 
form and force her transforming to the next form. If you use The End on 
Ultimecia-Griever, it will force her lower body to fall apart, and leave her 
Hp 1; if you use The End on Aka Ultimecia, it will force her to talk, and 
AFTER HER FINISH TALKING, her Hp will be reduced to 1.

The End occurs more often when Selphie has high level and low Hp. With Hp 1 
and level 100, you may be able to hit a The End with average of around 30 
"Do Over" (sometimes it only took me 4 or five "Do Over"). However, it is 
very dangerous letting Selphie sit there and doing over her slot, I highly 
recommend using The End in conjunction with Rinoa's Invincible Moon, it will 
work better. 

Q: Will this challenge be easier if I keep characters' level low so the 
enemies will have relatively low level/HP as well, and I could finish them 
with Homing Laser easily?

A: I have already received tons of e-mail about whether to level up or avoid 
leveling up. True, keep staying at low level and have Quistis abuse Homing 
Laser will make the first two Disc somewhat easier, however, remember that 
the high level you have, the more powerful your limit break will be, not 
only Selphie's The End makes essential difference. For example, having Hp 
500 won't allow you to perform limit breaks at level 15, however, if you 
have level 100 and Hp 500, it is considered as critical HP and you could 
perform powerful limit break. This concept is especially vital in disc IV. 
Having Hp one at level 50 and level 100 will lead you to entirely different 
result, if you at least have some common number sense, you should know the 
difference between 1:2,000 and 1:4,000. That's why leveling everyone up to 
level 100 to fight Ultimecia is so important, plus if you have level lower 
than 40, I don't see how you could defeat Sphinxaur easily since you can 
only attack, and Sphinxaur always has Hp 10,000 no matter how low your level 
is. Also, if you fight Utimecia with level 70 or below, you will find that 
the chance of Rinoa using Invincible Moon/Wishing Star is much less compare 
to level 100.

Q: When will be the next update?

A: Basically, this FAQ is already good enough to help you to complete your 
No Junction game. I will have some minor changes on this FAQ in the next 
update in one week, it will be version 2.2, and the next one after version 
2.2 will be the final version. 

Q: Why won't you answer my questions through e-mail?

A: Because I am too busy to answer them, simple as that.  

Q: What's my gender?

A: I couldn't remember who brought this question up on GameFaqs FFX massage 
board. Actually, there is no need for you to know. The only thing you may 
have to remember is that Hyprophant is the author of FFVIII No Junction FAQ 
and many other "Challenge" FAQs. Also, never underestimate female players, 
few of them are much better than most of the male players around here.

VII. Appendix: Zell's Duel Combo

Zell's Duel is the most controllable limit breaks in the entire No Junction 
game. And with Level 100 and Hp 1, 80% of Zell's Duel will be over nine 
seconds. It is VERY IMPORTANT to master Zell's Duel in a No Junction game.

The key of using Duel to deal heavy damage on opponents is to repeat certain 
skills over and over and launch the finish blow in the last moment. You have 
to know what you are doing and what are you going to do next, you cannot 
have time to think your next move.

There are two types of Duels: Short Duel and Long Duel. A "Short Duel" is 
classified as Duel with four or six seconds; a "Long Duel" is Duel with nine 
seconds or twelve seconds. Short Duel starts with Booya, and Long Duel 
starts with Punch Rush. 

Let's review Zell's Duel Combo first:

--Burning Wave Combos 

Booya + Punch Rush + Mach Kick + Punch Rush + Heel Drop--> Burning Wave 
(Short Duel)

Punch Rush + Booya + Mach Kick + Punch Rush + Heel Drop --> Burning Wave 
(Long Duel)

--Meteor Barret Combos

Booya + Heel Drop + Mach Kick + Heel Drop + Booya + Punch Rush + Mach Kick 
--> Meteor Barret (Short Duel)

Long Duel is just like the short Duel; all you have to do is to add a Punch 
Rush before Booya at the beginning.

--Different Beat Combos

Booya + Heel Drop + Mach Kick + Heel Drop + Boyya--> Different Beat (Short 

If you hit a long Duel, simply add a Punch Rush before Booya at the 

--My Final Heaven Combos

Booya + Heel Drop + Mach Kick + Punch Rush --> My Final Heaven (Short Duel)

In order to do a My Final Heaven Combo in a long Duel, simply add Punch Rush 
before Booya.

I highly recommend mastering Burning Wave and My Final Heaven combos, since 
they are easier to learn and effective as well. The other two might be too 
complex for players to memorize.

In order to deal maximum damage with Burning Wave combos, follow the combo 
list above, and after you input Heel Drop command, DO NOT use burning wave 
directly, return to Mach Kick and use Mach Kick + Punch Rush + Heel Drop + 
again, then return to Mach Kick again...keep doing these three skills over and 
over and input Burning Wave command in the last moment.

In order to deal maximum damage with My Final Heaven combos, follow the 
combo list above. After you input punch rush command, DO NOT use My Final 
Heaven directly. Return to Heel Drop and use Heel Drop + Mach Kick + Punch 
Rush, then return to Heel Drop again and keep doing these three skills over 
and over and input My Final Heaven command in the last moment.

Now it is time for you to practice. First, you have to know how to place 
your fingers on your controller. Your left Thumb will control your T-pod, 
and place your right middle finger on the circle bottom, and right finger on 
the X bottom. 

Find some weak monsters and practice Zell's Duel over and over until you can 
reach the goals below:

--Booya: Right + left bottom. 

Maximum inputting time: .25 seconds
Target inputting time: .15 seconds

--Punch Rush: Circle + X bottom

Maximum inputting time: .15 seconds
Target inputting time: .10 seconds

--Heel Drop: Up + Down bottom

Maximum inputting time: .20 seconds
Target inputting time: .15 seconds

--Mach Kick: Left + Left + circle bottom.

Maximum inputting time: .30 seconds
Target inputting time: .15 seconds

--Burning Wave: down x 4 + circle bottom.

Maximum inputting time: .60 seconds
Target inputting time: .35 seconds

--My Final heaven: Up + Right + Down + Left + triangle bottom. Use your 
middle finger to press the triangle bottom.

Maximum inputting time: .60 seconds
Target inputting time: .25 seconds-it is not impossible. Use your left thumb  
circle around your T-Pod clockwise and press triangle bottom immediately. 

Actually, I can input most skills above in less than .15 seconds, however, 
if you are not used to use Zell before, at least try to reduce your 
inputting time to between the maximum time and the target time. Practice 
them a lot, and best of luck on your No Junction game! 


--Thanks to CJayC first. For establishing this site and posting this FAQ so 
I am able to share my knowledge with FF players around the world.

--Thanks to my Parents for their support.

--Thanks to Hyprophant, for testing No Junction games over and over and 
composing this FAQ, it was too much coffee for this young person.

--The(*)part is credited to Xtreem and Sister, for confirming the exact 
effect of White Wind.

--The (**) part is credited to Vilurum, for telling me how to remodel Zell's 
weapon in disc one.

--Special thanks to Professor Otwall for taking her time reviewing this FAQ.