HOW TO BECOME A COMPLETE BADASS or HOW TO USE LIMIT BREAKS EVERY ROUND WITHOUT A GAMESHARK CODE by Gamethought Productions' Per Christian Malloch 3/3/99 (coming soon!) (coming soon!) Maybe you've been slaughtered by those big red dragons that can cast 'meteor.' Maybe you're looking for a good way to avenge yourself. How about... killing them in one attack? Here's the strategy that acts like a "chump ray," turning every enemy in the game into a chump. I took out Bahamut in two attacks, Ultimate Weapon in three with this strategy. I think that's proof enough that it works. First, using the Guardian Force and Magic junction options, give Squall everything that increases speed and attack power (favoring attack,) and give everything that increases magic, defense, hit points, whatever, to the others. It would take more time than it's worth to explain the junction system and the stats, which can be figured out through trial and error, or learned from the other faqs on this site. To maximize speed, get Cerebrus in the flying city on disc 2 by killing the three headed dog in the lobby. Not only does he raise your speed score by up to 60%, he can effectively double it with the autohaste ability (it's the character ability whose second letter is a dash.) If you just can't wait to get the required AP points, ride a chocobo to the special desert in the southeast quadrant of the world map. It's the only desert which you can't reach by boat, because there are mountains in the way, and it has an island just offshore where you can sometimes see a cactus. There, you can fight cactus guys who give you huge amounts of AP to your heart's content. (The chocobo can walk on shallow water...) To maximize attack power, as soon as you get the boat, find the dome-shaped town at the northern end of the map. At the gate of this town is a draw point where, after repeatedly talking to the little guys in front of it, you can draw Ultima for 5000 gold a pop. Don't worry, you won't have much else to spend your money on. The draw point takes a while to recharge, during which you should wander off and do something else, if only to get more money. Once you have 100 Ultima spells joined to Squall's attack command, your attack stat will be absurdly high and you will be able to kill virtually anything (even many bosses) in one or two hits with your limit break. "That's great, but I hardly ever get to use the limit break" you say, unaware that in fact you can use it every round. All you have to do is keep Squall's hit points yellow, i.e. low. When they're yellow there's a random chance you'll be able to do your limit break every time you call up Squall's menu window. If you wait until someone else is drawing or casting a spell, you can toggle his menu on and off repeatedly by pressing triangle while time is 'frozen' (i.e. the ATB bars aren't moving) until you get it. Then, BAM! "Betcha didn't expect to get hit with my limit break twice before you even had a chance to attack, did ya?" If you like knowing that you have done enough damage to kill your enemy several times over, turn them purple with the 'melt/molten' spell for double damage (amazingly, this spell can turn anything purple if you cast it a few times, even the last boss, so stock up!) While Squall is accustoming the enemy to levels of punishment they never imagined possible, your other characters, to whom you'll have given all the "HP up" abilities so that they're virtually unkillable, should draw magic and resurrect squall with 'raise' or phoenix down. In boss fights, have them also cast protection magic on themselves after they've hit the boss with 'melt/molten.' There's simply no point in the other characters being anything other than Squall's nurses because he's so much better than them. Ignore any advice you may have heard to keep Squall's level low so that the enemies will be low level too-- a coward's strategy. Using Squall properly, you can kill anything no matter what its level. Well, that's it. You are now a badass. If you follow these instructions, your party should be unstoppable by the middle of the second disc. But take the time to draw a couple dozen more Ultima spells and give them to another character for emergencies and for the last boss. He's one boss that doesn't screw around.