Final Fantasy VIII Written By: KatanaSoul Version: North American (Final) Date Started: October 24, 2001 Date Completed: March 6, 2003 Email: Website: Other Guides/FAQs by me: Disclaimer: This Guide is Copyrighted 2001-2003 to me Dale Ray (KatanaSoul) and cannot be reproduced in any way, shape, or form and cannot be sold, distributed, or used in any way to make money or for any promotinal purposes. This guide is for private use only and any violation of these terms is a violation of copyright. I write guides to help all the gamers out there, not to benefit myself with money or anything else so respect that. If you wish to place this guide onto your site, drop me a line at my email above, it is very doubtful that I would refuse. However any future revisions of this guide or my contact info can be found at my website listed above along with any other of my guides. As always all trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Email Policy: I do answer game questions via email, so if you have questions, comments, suggestions, or anything of that nature send them on in and I'll reply as soon as I see them, please make sure that you title the email something like "Final Fantasy VIII Question, Help, or something like that so I don't delete it. I welcome response to my work and I enjoy answering questions so its no problem to me at all. Although I do urge you to search my guide to see if your question is already answered. Searching is easily done by pushing Ctrl+F and then putting in what you are searching for into the box to go exactly to what you are looking for. If that doesn't help feel free to contact me. Table of Contents 1: Introduction 2: Game Basics 3: Characters 4: Tips and Gameplay Advice 5: Walkthough 5.1: Balamb Garden 5.2: The Fire Cavern 5.3: Dollet Field Exam 5.4: After the Exam, Back to the Garden 5.5: The Train Ride 5.6: Timber 5.7: The Forest Dream and Galbadia Garden 5.8: Deling City and the Tomb of the Unknown King 5.9: Caraway and the Battle with Edea 5.10: Winhill and the D-District Prison 5.11: The Missile Base and the Return to Balamb Garden 5.12: Fisherman's Horizon and the Invasion of Balamb Town 5.13: Trabia Garden, Winhill, and the Centra Ruins 5.14: Galbadia Garden and the Showdown with Edea 5.15: The White SeeD Ship and the Great Salt Lake 5.16: Esthar and the Lunar Gate 5.17: The Lunar Base and the Ragnarok 5.18: The Sorceress Memorial and the Meeting with Laguna 5.19: The CC Group and Dollet 5.20: Jumbo Cactaur and Shumi Village 5.21: Obel Lake and the Card Queen 5.22: Lunatic Pandora and the Beginning of the End 5.23: The Final Battle, Ultimecia Castle 5.24: Back to the Ragnarok, Finding the Card Queen and Tonberry King 5.25: PuPu and the Chocobo Sanctuary 5.26: The Deep Sea Research Center and Omega Weapon 6: Guardian Forces 7: Guardian Force Abilities 8: Weapons 9: Items 10: Magic 11: Cards 12: Monster Locations 13: Location of Timber Maniacs Magazines 14: SeeD Test Answers 15: FAQ 16: Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Introduction This is the first guide I've written for a game. It took me several playthroughs and over a year of off and on working in order to compile all of the information contained within this guide, but it was my pleasure to have my first opportunity to help others with this great game. Unfortunatly my skills at giving directions to things on the world map in this game tend to be terrible, so if my directions are not good enough email me and I will try to explain a little better how to reach your location, and once again I aplogize for my terrible directions. During each section of the walkthough and at every boss I will list my current party I was using and there level, do not feel you have to try to keep up with my level or use whomever I was using in my party. As long as you draw alot of spells and junction well you could afford to be at a very low level and finish the game with ease. Have fun with your exprience with this game and experiment with all of the characters to get a feel of which ones suit your taste, this in my opinion is the best part of an RPG. Feel free to contact me via email at my email listed above, I love to hear from you the reader, Comments, Questions, and Suggestions are always welcome. If you are looking for a certain item, ability ect you can always search the document using Ctrl+F. I think thats enough of my rambling, enjoy the Guide :) My Review: Characters: 7/10 Story: 9/10 Script/Translation: 9/10 Music/Sound: 10/10 Gameplay: 4/10 Battle System: 5/10 Character Development: 8/10 Look/Feel: 7/10 Fun Factor: 6/10 Originality: 7/10 Replay Value: 6/10 Side Areas: 5/10 Length: 7/10 Difficulty: 5/10 Intro: 8/10 Final Boss: 7/10 Ending: 8/10 Overall: 7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Game Basics The Main Menu: At any time during the game when you are not involved in a scene you can bring up the main menu by pressing the default button which is O. The entire game revolves around this menu and you should learn to navigate it well. When you open the menu at the top left of the screen is your active party, you can keep three party members with you at all times. The 2nd character that is listed here will be at the front of battle and will be attacked the most so make sure that you choose who to put here carefully. The party members at the bottom of the screen (With red lines under there HP) is your sub party and are not currently with you. On the right side of the screen is a list of commands. I will explain the use of these commands as they are listed on screen below: Junction Use: Used to junction magic, GFs, and abilitys to your characters. Item Use: Views the items you have in your inventory currently. You can use them to heal your characters as well as sort them to your liking. There is also a command to organize how the items are placed in the item menu in battle. Magic Use: Views the magic you have stocked by drawing. You can sort the spells here as well as use them to cure your party, give them to other party members, and you can also discard them with the square button. Status Use: Views the status of your party members. In this menu you can view your characters limit breaks, stats, current weapon, and compatibility with there GFs. GF Use: Views the GFs that have joined you. You can also view there level, abilities, and also select which ability you want them to learn. Ability Use: Views the menu abilitys that your GFs have learned. These are used to refine items as well as perform other various tasks. Switch Use: Used to switch junctions between party members as well as change your active party with members from your sub party, the leader of the party (most commonly Squall) can never be removed. You can only change your active party on the world map or at a save point. Card Use: Views the cards that you have gathered throughout the game. Config Use: Changes various aspects of the game such as turning on and off the analog vibration, controller settings, initial or memory cursor (memory remembers your last command and automatically puts the cursor on it for you, initial automatically puts the cursor at the top of the command list), changing the sound between stereo and mono, whether the ATB gauge is active or wait (with active selected the battle will progress even when you are selecting commands in your menus, wait will stop the progress until you have selected a command), whether the scan spell works once or always (with it set to once the 2nd time you use the scan spell on an enemy it will display there data quickly then dissappear, with always it displays there data as if you never have cast it on them before), Camera Movement (The higher the percentage the more the camera moves during battle), battle speed (how fast the battle progresses, affecting how fast player characters and enemies get there turns), battle message (effects how fast the message the attack characters/enemies uses dissappears), and field message (effects how fast messages in the field are read). Tutorial Use: An overview of just about everything in Final Fantasy VIII. However in the information section there are various things that will not appear until you get certain items, the items and information it displays are listed below: Battle Report Use: Shows how many battles won, ran from, and escaped along with how many steps your characters have taken Location: Given to Squall by Cid after you get your SeeD score Character Report Use: Shows how many Kills and KOs your characters have had Location: D-District Prison GF Report Use: Shows how many Kills and KOs your GFs have had Location: From Joker during the CC Group Side Quest Proof of Omega Use: Proof you have defeated Omega Weapon Location: Received after defeating Omega Weapon Save Use: Allows you to save your game to a memory card (one block needed). Can only save on the world map or at a save point. Save points are a yellow and black star looking thing that are surrounded by several rings that are spinning around. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Junctioning GFs: Final Fantasy VIII's battle system revolves around the Guardian Force, often refered to as the GF in this guide and in game. Guardian Forces are junctioned to characters via the junction menu that is in the main menu. Junctioning can be very complicated but hopefully I can shed some light on the subject for you. First you will need to junction the Guardian Force to a character. This is easily done by opening your main menu (the default setting is the O button) and then selecting junction followed by which character you want to junction a GF to. In this menu select junction followed by selecting GF. A list of GFs that have joined you will come up, simply select which ones you wish to junction to the character, all abilitys that the GF has learned will be added to the character that you have just junctioned the GF to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Learning GF abilites: Guardian Forces all have innate abilitys that they come with, all of them come with the basic abilities which are Draw, Magic, and Item. Some of these abilities will be avaiable for you to junction to your characters, while others will not. In order to use these abilities you must gather enough AP to use them. Each skill that isn't learned has a set amount of AP that must be gathered in order for you to be able to use it. For example Shiva's Vit+20% ability must gather 60 AP before it can be used. The only way to gather AP is to select the ability that you want the GF to learn in the GF section of your main menu, and fight battles. Each enemy you defeat yields a specific amount of AP for defeating them and after you win the current battle it is added up out of all the monsters you have defeated and then added to your current AP count of all your junctioned GFs selected abilitys of any character that participated in the battle, however, if a GF died in battle no AP will be awarded to that GF. After you have gathered enough AP to learn the ability it will be available to you to equip to your character and you can select another ability to learn. Sometimes when you learn a certain ability such as Vit+20% with Shiva, a new ability to learn will become available, in Shiva's case, Vit+40% will become avialable. You can also teach your GFs abilitys using items, for example, the item Circlet will teach any GF you want the Mag+20% ability as long as there is room to learn it in your GFs ability menu. If both pages of abilities is full then you cannot teach a GF a new ability, nor will they be able to learn any advanced abilities by learning others. You can delete any GF ability by using an Amnesia Green on the ability that you want the GF to forget, this makes room for more abilities to be taught to the GF. There are three types of GF abilitys that can be learned: Command Ability Support Ability Junction Ability It is in your best interest to learn all of the abilities that a GF has. The next section go into detail about these three types of abilitys. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Junctioning Command and Support Abilitys to a Character: Now that you know how to learn abilitys you need to know how to equip them to a character. In the main menu select junction followed by which character you want to junction. In the next menu select ability. Here you can set two types of abilitys, command, and support. Command abilitys are used as actions in battle, for example, if you set the item command ability that character can use items that you have in your inventory in battle, if you were to set the GF ability then you can summon your Guardian Forces in battle. You can set up to 3 command abilitys, the attack command can never be exchanged with another command ability. Support abilitys are a bit diffrent, they are used to support your characters in battle in various ways, for example, the GF Ifrit has the Str+20% support ability. Equiping this to your characters support ability list will give them a 20% boost to there Str stat. There are other Support Abilitys that change certain commands, such as equiping the ability mug that the GF Diablos' has will change your characters attack command to mug. Think long and hard about which abilitys you want to equip to your characters, it is one of the keys to success in Final Fantasy VIII. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Drawing and Junctioning Magic via Junction Abilities: Drawing magic is the most important aspect of the junction system. Each enemy that you encounter has a set list of spells that you can draw from them if you have the draw command ability equiped to your character. As the enemies grow in level with your characters the spells that they have to draw will often change to become more powerful, for example, the Buel enemies at a low level start with the spells Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. As they grow in levels with your characters these spells will change to a higher class, Fira, Blizzara, and Thundara, then when they reach there highest level you can draw the Firaga, Blizzaga, and Thundaga spells from them. You can also draw magic from draw points that are found in various areas of the game, some are invisible and can only been seen with the Siren GFs Move Find support ability, however the ones on the world map will always remain invisible even with move find equiped. You can also use your menu abilitys to refine items into spells. You should keep in mind that you can only stock 32 diffrent types of spells, but can discard magic you don't need by using the square button. These spells that you draw are used in various ways. One is that they can be used outside of battle to restore HP or status effects. You can do this by accessing the main menu, then selecting the magic command, followed by the character that you wish to cast the spell with. In this menu you can also give stocked magic to other party members by selecting Exchang in the menu, followed by how many of the stocked spell you wish to give and then selecting the character you wish to give the magic to. Another way the spells are used is to use them in battle, but only if you have the magic command ability equiped to your character. These spells do many things ranging from dealing damage to the enemy, to causing bad status effects, to curing and reviving your characters. Keep in mind though that every time you cast a spell that it will delete your stock of the particular spell by 1. You can also rearrange the order your magic is in by going back into your magic menu in the main menu of the game and selecting rearrange, you can either do it manually or rearrange it via the type of magic. I personally prefer Restore-Attack-Indirect but you should rearrange to suit your preference. Now to the main purpose of drawing magic, and that is to junction it to your stats, however before you can junction magic to your stats you will first need to learn a junction ability for each of the specific stats. For example in order to junction magic to the Str stat you will first need to learn the Str-J ability. To junction magic to your stats first open your main menu and select junction. In this menu select junction and then magic to junction magic to your stats. You can also use the auto command in this menu to have the system junction magic to your prefered style. There are three styles to choose from: Atk: Junctions magic to focus on increasing your Str and attacks. Mag: Junctions magic to focus on increasing your magic attacks. Def: Junctions magic to focus on increasing your defenses. If your prefer to do it manually, which is often the best course of action, please keep in mind how each stat effects the character. Each stats meaning is listed below: HP: How much damage your character can take in battle, max is 9999. Str: The power of your attack command and limit breaks, max is 255. Vit: Your defense against physical attacks, max is 255. Mag: The power of your magic spells and guardian forces, max is 255. Spr: Your defense against magical attacks, max is 255. Spd: Determines how fast your ATB gauge fills in battle, max is 255. Eva: Determines how often you evade physical attacks. * Hit: Determines how often you hit with physical attacks, max is 255% Luck: Determines how often you get critical hits, also effects how often you get a chance for a first strike against enemies. * *: Now sure what the max is. To junction manually move the cursor to the stat you wish to junction and select it. A list of your stocked magic that you have drawn will appear. You can now scroll through your list and select which spell is the best to choose to junction to each stat. If the spell increases the stat there will be a yellow arrow point up followed by the finish result of the junction, if there is a red arrow pointing down the stat is decreased followed by the finish result of the junction. It is always in your best interest to find which spells junction best to which stat. Keep in mind that the more of a spell that you have stocked, the more the stat will be increased by the spell when it is junctioned, also remember that if you cast a spell in battle that is junctioned (when you select the magic command in battle there will be an icon next to the spells that are junctioned) that the stat it is junctioned to will go down slightly because you are depleting the number of it you have stocked when you cast it. Besides your stats you can also junction magic to your elemental and status defense, as well as add elements and status effects to your normal attack. To junction magic to your elemental attack and defense you'll first need to learn an elemental junction ability such as Elem-Atk-J to junction to elemental attack and Elem-Def- J to junction to elemental defense. Then enter the menu to junction magic to your stats and press left on the control pad. This will bring up the screen to junction magic to your elemental attack and elemental defense, the first slot on the screen is for elemental attack and the remaining ones are for elemental defense. Before you junction keep in mind the meaning of each icon that is on the screen, below are the list of elements as they are listed on the screen: Fire Example: Fire, Fira, Firaga Ice Example: Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga Thunder Example: Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga Earth Example: Quake Poison Example: Bio Wind Example: Aero, Tornado Water Example: Water Holy Example: Holy Junctioning to your elemental attack and defense is almost identical to junctioning to your stats except that you deal with a percentage instead of a number when you select a spell to junction. In elemental attack the percentage means what percent of your attack command deals that type of elemental damage, for example, if you have 40% thunder element in your attack only 40% of your attack would be Thunder elemental, which would result in more damage to an enemy weak against thunder, it would heal an enemy that can absorb thunder, and an enemy that is normal against it would do normal damage. So in a way elemental attack can be a double edged sword, think carefully about what you junction to it. Elemental defense works slightly diffrent. Lets say that you are fighting a enemy that uses fire attacks on you and you have a 50% elemental defense against fire. If he uses a fire attack you will only receive 50% of the damage, so if you had 100% fire defense then the attack would do 0 damage. Also you can go over 100% elemental defense, the percentage will start over at 1% however this time it will have a green star next to it. This represents that now any time you are hit with the element it will heal you instead of taking it as damage. How much the spell heals you is determined by the percentage, for example if you have the spell at 60% you would be healed by 60% of the damage that the attack would have inflicted upon you. To access the menu to junction to your status attack and defense simple press left from the elemental attack and defense screen, the first slot on the screen is for status attack junctioning and the remaining are for status defense. This works exactly like elemental attack and defense except it deals in what percent of a chance you have to avoid the status effect or inflict the effect on the enemy when you strike them with your attack command. Before you start junctioning you should know what each status effect does. They are all listed below in the order you see them on the screen: KO Effect: Targest dies instantly Poison Effect: Target slowly loses HP Petrify Effect: Target is frozen and cannot act Darkness Effect: Targest's hit rate is decreased Silence Effect: Target cannot use GFs, Magic, or Draw commands Berserk Effect: Lose control of target and can only use attack command Zombie Effect: Target is hurt by any curative magic Sleep Effect: Target cannot act until physically struck Slow Effect: Targest's ATB gauge fills slowly Stop Effect: Targest's ATB doesn't fill at all and cannot select commands Curse Effect: Target cannot use limit breaks * Confuse Effect: Lose control of target and they use random commands Drain Effect: Drains HP from target and heals character with it *: Curse cannot be added to your status attack. Only status defense. Status attack and status defense works like this. Lets say you have a 20% poison status attack, when you use your attack command you will have a 20% chance of causing the poison status effect on an enemy, unless of course the enemy is immune to the effect completly. If you have a 20% poison status defense then you will have a 20% chance of avoiding being afflicted with the status effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Basics: As in all Final Fantasies before (with the exception of Mystic Quest) Final Fantasy VIII's battles are random and involve the ATB gauge which starts to fill up as soon as the battle begins and your characters can select a command once it fills to max, the same works for the enemy characters. When you get into a battle sometimes you will enter the battle under certain conditions. They are First Attack (Your party gets to act first before the enemies do), Struck First (The enemy gets to act first before your party does), Back Attack (Either the enemies or party has a chance to attack the enemies back which will result in double the normal damage). The commands you can select during battle depend on what command abilitys that your GF have learned and you have equiped in the junction menu. When selecting an attack all you have to do is place the cursor on the target you want to use the command on and the action will take place immediatly unless the enemy's turn has come before yours. If you preass L1 while selecting an enemy to attack a window will appear that lists all enemies that are available to attack. When using the draw command a small menu you will appear with two commands that you can choose from, stock and cast, if you select stock the character will draw the magic and stock it for future use, if you select cast the character will draw and then immediatly cast the spell, which sometimes proves to lessen the damage the spell does. Also if your characters level is low they may fail to draw the spell. If you have learned the GF command Boost that every GF has when you select a GF to summon (one that causes damage anyway) immediatly press select when there attack animation begins and repededly press the square button to increase the damage of the GFs attack, stop pressing the square button however if an x appears over the square at the button right hand side of the screen. Pressing square during this will result in your boost returning to its original level. In battle you only have one stat to watch, and thats your HP. Enemies will attempt to damage you until your entire party's HP reaches 0, if this happens the game is over, also if your entire party becomes petrified the game is over as well. If a characters HP reaches critical (the numbers will be displayed in yellow) the character can now use there limit break. If the limit break becomes available there will be a blinking arrow beside the attack command, simply press and hold the right arrow and select the limit break you want to use to preform it. You can also keep trying to get the character limit break to come up by switching between character's turns repededly by using the Square button. There are two colors of numbers you need to look for, if the numbers are white, damage has been dealt, if the number is green, then the attack has healed the character/enemy's HP. You can run away from battle by holding down the L2 and R2 buttons and your character turn around and try to run from the enemy (this may take a little while) keep in mind though that if the characters are hit from behind they will take double the damage. After you defeat all of the enemies you will be rewarded with a set amount of experience that is added up out of all the enemies you defeated and it is added to your characters exprience (often shown as EXP) points. If your characters have performed any action in battle or received damage they will receive a small amount of experience even if they run away from the battle. However if a character died died and was not brought back to life or was petrified when the battle ended they will receive no exprience at all. Once this amount reaches 1000 the character will level up and some of there stats will slightly increase. The GFs your characters have equiped also gain a little bit of the exprience you receive after battle and level up, however, if a GF died during battle they will receive no experience at all. Also the enemy may leave behind an item, that will be added to your character inventory, most of these items are very rare. You also get AP after battle which is used to learn GF abilitys, there is more about AP in the learning GF ability section. Each enemy that you encounter will grow in level as Squall's level grows, as does the experience and AP they leave after battle, they may also start to leave even more rare items as there level grows. If you place the cursor on a monster, command or ability and pause the game (start button) it will display either the monster name or a short description of what the command/item/spell/GF does, this can be extremely useful to a first time player of this game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquring Money and Remodeling Weapons: Unlike the other Final Fantasies, you do not acquire money from winning battles. You only receive money, known as Gil, by Squall's SeeD rank, you can also sell items to get gil. After the Dollet field exam, Squall will be given a SeeD rank, this rank will determine how much the Garden pays Squall for his services. Squall will be payed at random intervales during the game and the amount he gets paid is determined by his current SeeD rank which you can view from the main menu. You can raise Squall's SeeD rank by taking tests in the tutorial menu of the main menu, keep in mind that Squall can only take a number test that is equal to his current level. For example if his level is 26 he can only take up to SeeD test 26. There are also other parts of the game where Squall will have a chance to raise his SeeD level by performing tasks well. Also keep in mind that Squall's SeeD rank is not perminate and it may go up or down randomly depending on Squall's actions throughout the game. If this happens its not that big of a deal just take the tests to regain your level back. The following is how much Squall gets paid via each SeeD level: Level 1: 500 Gil Level 2: 1000 Gil Level 3: 1500 Gil Level 4: 2000 Gil Level 5: 3000 Gil Level 6: 4000 Gil Level 7: 5000 Gil Level 8: 6000 Gil Level 9: 7000 Gil Level 10: 8000 Gil Level 11: 9000 Gil Level 12: 10,000 Gil Level 13: 11,000 Gil Level 14: 12,000 Gil Level 15: 12,500 Gil Level 16: 13,000 Gil Level 17: 13,500 Gil Level 18: 14,000 Gil Level 19: 14,500 Gil Level 20: 15,000 Gil Level 21: 15,500 Gil Level 22: 16,000 Gil Level 23: 16,500 Gil Level 24: 17,000 Gil Level 25: 17,500 Gil Level 26: 18,000 Gil Level 27: 18,500 Gil Level 28: 19,000 Gil Level 29: 19,500 Gil Level 30: 20,000 Gil Gil is not very important in Final Fantasy VIII. You only really need it to buy items and to remodel your weapons, as well as a few other things. Remodeling your character's weapon is easy. In just about every town (and on board the Ragnarok on Disk 4), there is a remodeling shop. If you have read any Weapons Monthly Magazines then the weapons that were featured in them will be listed in the remodel list along with the items and gil needed. Also if you have enough items to remodel a weapon you don't need to have read about it in Weapons Monthly, it will automatically be listed in the remodeling shops list. After selecting to remodel your weapon you pay the shop owner a certain amount of gil and give up the items needed to make it. With each remodeling to a new make of a weapon there is a slight increase in attack power and hit percentage, unless of course you remodel to a weaker weapon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing the Card Game: The Triple Triad card game may look confusing at first but in fact its actually quite simple to learn how to play. First you need to know how to challenge someone to a game of cards, simply talk to them using the square button and if they are a player they will accept your challenge. You can get your first set of cards by talking to one of the guys outside of the elevator on the 2nd floor of Balamb Garden during the beginning of the game, you can also turn monsters into cards by using Quenzacotl's Card command ability. During the beginning of the game once you get some rare cards by beating bosses, such as Ifrit and Diablos you will easily be able to defeat your opponents in cards. Basically the idea behind the card game is that each player gets to select five cards (if the random rule is not in effect) and you place them on a board that is similar to a tic tac toe board with 6 areas to place cards. Every card has 4 numbers. One on the top, bottom, right, and left sides of the cards. The idea is to "flip" the other person's card by placing a higher number card next to theres. That may sound a little confusing but let me try to explain a little better. Say that the opponent places a card in the upper left corner that has these numbers on it: 9 6 8 3 Because the 9 and 6 are facing against the edge of the board you cannot attempt to overpower those numbers so that leaves you to try to best a 8 or 3. Lets say that you have a card that reads: 4 2 A 5 Now since you have an A on the top (which is the equivilant of 10) you can flip there card because an A beats a 3. Each person starts with five points so when you flip there card that will earn you one point and deplete there points by one. So you would be in the lead with 6 to there 4. Now they would try to place a card that they have to try to flip the card you just placed and it goes back and forth until all of the spaces on the board are filled and the player with the most points at the end will be the winner and will be able to choose a card they want from there opponents deck which will be added to your card inventory, however, there are some rules in certain lands you will visit that play by rules that will affect how many cards you can get from winning a card game and some will affect a few aspects of the way you play cards, but in all the cards game the aspect that I just explained will always remain the same. Cards are very important to getting some of the rare items in the game so its in your best interest to play cards with as many people as possible because you never know who has a rare card. There are several rules that each town you visit will inforce you to play with and as you countinue past this town other players may ask you to play with these rules that you have picked up. As long as you save before you play a card game you should do just fine with the card game despite any rules they may throw at you. Below are some tips to help you with the card game: Always save before playing a card game. This way if you lose a rare card you can always reset and try again. Use what I like to call a blocker. This is basically a card that has two As on its corners. An example is the Edea card, other cards that have high corner numbers can also be used. If you get the chance to play first and you place this card with the two As facing outward there is no chance that the other player can flip your card for that turn. Ignore the Card Queen and her attempts to spread rules throughout the regions, especially the random rule. Unless you are really huge into the card game you'll probably only end up hurting yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Characters Squall Weapon: Gunblade Limit Break: Renzokuken Method of Learning Limit: Wielding Different Weapons Squall is without a doubt the best character in the game. He will probably be several levels above the rest of your party for most of the game, and with his Lion Heart limit break he can deal tens of thousands of damage to the enemy. With his gunblade Squall has the chance for a critical hit with every attack command by pressing the R1 button right before Squall strikes the enemy, after a couple of battles this will become second nature to you. Renzokuken: Renzokuken is Squall's Limit Break. He charges at an enemy and proceeds to slash them many times, how many times depends on the enemy. The amount of damage Squall deals each time he strikes the enemy is determined by pushing the R1 button when the Renzokuken gauge reaches the small box near the end of the gauge, you can also turn off the gauge in Squall's status menu so that you can try to time the strikes without the gauge. Squall will randomly use a finishing technique after using Renzokuken, what technique he can use depends on what weapon he is wielding, the four possible finishing techniques are listed below. Rough Divide: Squall drives a cut into the enemy and rises up high causing a shockwave to follow that deals damage: Can be used with all of Squall's weapons. Fated Circle: Squall leaps into the air and spins his gunblade which releases a shock wave at all enemies: Can be used with the Shear Trigger and all weapons above it. Blasting Zone: Squall forms a large column of light from his gunblade that pierces the atmosphere and he proceeds to drop it on all enemies: Can be used with the Flame Saber and all weapons above it. Lionheart: This is what I like to call a mass kill move, Squall knocks an enemy into the air and slashes them many many times dealing an insane amount of damage: Can be used with and only by the Lion Heart. My Personal Squall: GFs: Shiva, Siren, Diablos, Alexander, Eden Commands: Attack, Magic, GF, Item Skills: HP+80%, Strength+60%, Mag+60%, Spr+60% Junction Info: HP: Quake Str: Meteor Spd: Haste Vit: Meltdown Mag: Triple Eva: Tornado Hit: Firaga Luck: Aero Spr: Curaga Elem Attack: Water Status Attack: Pain Elem Defense: Full-Life, Ultima, Flare, Shell Status Defense: Esuna, Holy, Bio, Aura ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Quistis Weapon: Whip Limit Break: Blue Magic Method of Learing Limit: Items Quistis is probably one of them most overlooked characters in RPG history. I'd say she is the 4th best character in the game once you acquire all her Blue Magic skills, not only can she protect and shell the entire party, but she can restore HP to them, cause multiple status effects to enemies, and cause five digit damage to all enemies with Shockwave Pulsar. Keep Quistis in mind any time you are having difficulty with a boss. Blue Magic: If you have played other Final Fantasies you know how all about the Blue Magic system. It works a little diffrent in Final Fantasy VIII though, but the basic idea remains the same, you use enemy skills. Quistis learns Blue Magic by using items that are found in various ways on her that perminatly teachs her the ability. Laser Eye: Quistis fires an Eye Beam at an enemy: Already Learned Ultra Waves: Sonic waves rush around the field and hit all enemies: Learned from Spider Web Electrocute: Bolts of Lighting rush around Quistis' body then strike an enemy dealing thunder damage: Learned from Coral Fragment LV? Death: Casts death on random enemies: Learned from Curse Spike Degenerator: Eliminates an enemy from battle: Learned from Black Hole Aqua Breath: Quistis Fires a water wave at all enemies dealing water damage: Learned from Water Crystal Micro Missiles: Quistis fires several missiles at an enemy that cuts its HP down depending on there level (Similiar to the Demi Spell): Learned from Missile Acid: Quistis hits enemy with poison, dealing poison damage and sometimes causing the poison status effect: Learned from Mystery Fluid Gatling Gun: Quistis fires a wave of bullets at enemy: Learned from Running Fire Fire Breath: Quistis fires a wave of fire at all enemies dealing fire damage: Learned from Inferno Fang Bad Breath: Inflicts just about every status effect in the book on all enemies: Learned from Marlboro Tentacle White Wind: Restores the HP of all Party Members: Learned from Whisper Homing Laser: Quistis fires a laser at an enemy: Learned from Laser Cannon Mighty Guard: Quistis casts Shell and Protect on the party: Learned from Barrier Ray Bomb: Quistis sweeps a laser across the battle field that blows all enemies into the air: Learned from Power Generator Shockwave Pulsar: Greivers special attack and one of the best attacks in the game, with a decent magic stat deals five digit damage. Quistis sucks all enemies up in a ball that carries them up into the sky and they are blasted with a ball of energy: Learned from Dark Matter ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Zell Weapon: Glove Limit Break: Duel Method of Learning Limit: Reading Combat Kings Magazines Zell is a pretty good character, but not as useful as some of the other characters. In the beginning of the game his Limit Break does rather low damage, but toward the end of the game with a high strength rating and if your good at using Duel, he can do pretty good damage. To get more out of Zell's Duel limit break cast meltdown or summon doomtrain to lower an enemies Vit to 0. Duel: If you have played Final Fantasy VI, take Sabin's Blitz technique and add the ability to chain them together and you have Zell's Duel Limit Break. Although not as good as Sabin's blitz techniques Zell can do some pretty good damage with them. The idea behind Duel is to input a combination of attacks which are shown at the bottom of the screen when you choose duel. When you choose duel a timer starts, how much time you have to input techniques is random, and basically you just put in a combination of attacks, depending on which ones you chain together you'll have the option to use a finishing techique, which you can choose to use or you can continue with other attacks. Usually chaining attacks and ignoring the finishing techniques does more damage, considering finishing techniques end the timer, although some of them look pretty cool. You can also set Zell's duel to auto in his status menu whichs makes the computer chain techniques instead of you doing it. Zell learns new Duel Skills by reading Combat King Magazines which are located in various places. Below are the techniques Zell can chain together and what chains to put together to use the finishing techniques. Normal Techniques: O+X Punch Rush: Zell performs a double punch on an enemy: Already Learned Left+Right Booya: Zell deleivers a blow with his knee to an enemy: Already Learned Up+Down Heel Drop: Zell drops a forceful heel drop on an enemy: Already Learned Left+Left+O Mach Kick: Performs a powerful kick to an enemy: Already Learned L1+R1+L1+R1 Dolphin Blow: Zell Perfoms a water uppercut on an enemy: Combat King 001 Down+O+Down+O Meteor Strike: Zell graps an enemy, leaps into air and slams them back down to the ground, seems to miss alot though: Combat King 002 Finishing Techniques: PunchRush+MachKick+PunchRush+HeelDrop+Down+Down+Down+Down+O Burning Rave: Zell punches the ground sending a wave of aura that engulfs all enemies: Already Learned PunchRush+Booya+HeelDrop+MachKick+HeelDrop+Booya+PunchRush+MachKick+Up+X +Down+Triange+O Meteor Barret: Zell leaps into air, powers up, then flys through and enemy causing them to explode: Combat King 003 PunchRush+HeelDrop+MachKick+HealDrop+Booya+Triangle+Square+X+O+Up Different Beat: Zell knocks an enemy into the air and repededly kicks them before stomping them back to the ground: Combat King 004 PunchRush+Booya+HeelDrop+MachKick+PunchRush+Up+Right+Down+Left+Triangle My Final Heaven: Zell runs around the planet, building power, then runs over all enemies burning them with aura (I liked Tifa's better): Combat King 005 My Personal Zell: GFs: Quenzacotl, Brothers, Pandemonia, Cerberus, Bahamut Commands: Attack, Magic, GF, Item Skills: HP+80%, Str+60%, Mag+60%, Spd+40% Junction Info: HP: Quake Str: Meteor Spd: Haste Vit: Meltdown Mag: Triple Eva: Tornado Hit: Flare Luck: Aero Spr: Curaga Elem Attack: Water Status Attack: Pain Elem Defense: Full-Life, Ultima, Protect, Shell Status Defense: Esuna, Holy, Bio, Aura ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Seifer Weapon: Gunblade Limit Break: Fire Cross Method of Learning Limit: None Not much to say about Seifer he joins the party for a short time during the SeeD field exam, then he becomes your enemy shortly there after. Fire Cross is pretty useful for the time you do have him though and his gunblade works just like Squall's, pressing R1 before Seifer strikes the enemy for a critical hit. Fire Cross: Seifer casts fire on an enemy then fires a ball of aura at them from his gunblade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Selphie Weapon: Nunchaku Limit Break: Slot Method of Learning Limit: Randomly found when using Slot In battle Selphie is probably the weakest of all the characters. Early in the game she will be of great help with her Full Cure Slot Limit Break, but later in the game once you start getting Curaga and Triple spells this becomes not as useful. Her other slot magics also become quite overshadowed by the ability to cast double and triple on your party, although if you have the patience to try to bring up her The End Limit Break, she could quite possibly be the most poweful character but you'll probably be better off with more powerful characters. Slot: Selphie's Limit Break is quite simple, she brings up a menu which will randomly select a spell and how many times it is cast, you can choose to do the slot over again to try to get better spell or if your lucky you may stumble upon one of Selphie's four Limit Breaks. How often these Limit Breaks appear in her slots is determined by her level, so the higher it is, the more likely it is that one of her Limit Breaks will come up. Below are the four possible Slot Limit Breaks. Full Cure: Selphie fully restores the entire party's HP. Wall: Casts Shell and Protect on the entire party. Rapture: Eliminates an enemy from a battle. The End: Eliminates all enemies from a battle, this move, although very rare, can kill any enemy in the game, that includes bosses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Laguna Weapon: Machine Gun Limit Break: Desperado Method of Learning Limit: None You will take control of Laguna multiple times during Squall's "dream" sequences along with Kiros and Ward. As a Character Laguna is not all that great, his limit break only hits once but for pretty decent damage nothing else about him really sticks out though. Desperado: Laguna tosses a grenade into the enemy ranks, then proceeds to fire his machine gun repededly into the enemies. Bailing out just in time for the grenade to explode damaging all enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kiros Weapon: Katal Limit Break: Blood Pain Method of Learning Limit: None Unlike his counterparts, Laguna and Ward, Kiros is a great character when given a decent strength stat. His Blood Pain Limit Break does really good damage and is extremely useful during the sequences in which you control Laguna. Blood Pain: Kiros goes into a frenzy and attacks an enemy multiple times. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ward Weapon: Harpoon Limit Break: Massive Anchor Method of Learning Limit: None Ward is basically just like Laguna. Massive Anchor hits all enemies for a little bit more damage than Laguna's Desperado. Its funny to watch him run outside of battle though. Massive Anchor: Ward launches his harpoon high into the air and then rides it back to the ground causing a shockwave which strikes all enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Rinoa Weapon: Pinwheel Limit Break: Combine, Angel Wing Method of Learning Limit: Reading Pet Pals Magazines Rinoa is a great character, and the 2nd best in the game behind Squall. Although her Combine limit break is random all of them are great and you can't really lose with any of them. Grom an high damaging attack with Wishing Star, to making your party invincible with Invincible Moon, as well as random events that will happen from time to time that assist the party in various ways, she is almost invaluable in battle. Combine: Rinoa's Combine limit break is very simple, choose combine in battle and depending on which of her limit breaks you have learned, Angelo will rush out and do various things. Rinoa learns her limit breaks by reading Pet Pals Magazines which are bought and found throughout the game, once you have read the magazine you can choose which limit break to start learning by going to Rinoa's status menu and selecting the limit break you wish to learn. After walking around with Rinoa in your party for a while, the bar will begin to fill and when it fills up Rinoa perminatly learns the limit break, you'll hear a ping once the limit break has been learned. Rinoa also has various limit breaks that cannot be used with Combine but rather happen at random intervals during battle. Rinoa's Combine limit breaks and random limit breaks are listed below. Angelo Rush: Angelo charges through an enemy: Already Learned Angelo Cannon: Rinoa fires Angelo into the enemy ranks causing an explosion which damages all enemies: Already Learned Angelo Strike: Angelo performs a body slam on an enemy: Pet Pals 1 Invincible Moon: Angelo runs out onto the battle field and howls to the moon making the party completely invincible for a short period of time: Pet Pals 3 Wishing Star: Angelo and Rinoa repededly charge into random enemies causing a massive amount of damage: Pet Pals 6 Random Events: Angelo Recover: Restores the HP of a party member with HP in the critical: Pet Pals 2 Angelo Reverse: Revives a dead party member: Pet Pals 4 Angelo Search: Angelo comes to battle and gives an item to the party: Pet Pals 5 Angel Wing: Toward the end of Disk 3 Rinoa will have a new limit break option other than Combine, which is called Angel Wing. Using it in battle will make Rinoa go into a Berserk like state, but instead of using physical attacks, she will attack with magic, all of which will be tripled in power. None of the magic she uses comes from your stocked magic either. Also once Rinoa uses Angel Wing it will last until the battle ends, even if she dies and gets revived. My Personal Rinoa: GFs: Ifrit, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Doomtrain, Cactuar, Tonberry Commands: Attack, Magic, GF,I tem Skills: HP+80%, Str+60%, Mag+60%, Vit+60% Junction Info: HP: Quake Str: Meteor Spd: Haste Vit: Meltdown Mag: Triple Eva: Tornado Hit: None Luck: Aero
Spr: Curaga
Elem Attack: Water
Status Attack: Pain
Elem Defense: Full-Life, Ultima, Flare, Shell
Status Defense: Esuna, Holy, Bio, Aura


Weapon: Shotgun
Limit Break: Shot
Method of Learing Limit: Acquiring Different Ammo

Irvine is a great character and is easily the third strongest character 
in the game. When you first get him, he won't seem so powerful, but once 
you get ahold of some of his powerful ammo, such as AP, Fast, and Pulse 
Ammo, he will start outclassing all the other characters in damage with 
his Shot limit break. With the exception of Squall of course.


Using shot is simple, just select Shot when Irvine gets his limit break 
and choose the ammo you wish to use, then press R1 rapidly to fire off 
shots at the enemies. You can press left or right to switch between 
enemeis to fire at, and your ammo count is at the bottom right hand 
corner of the screen along with the time left to use shot. Keep in mind 
if your ammo starts doing 0 damage to the enemies they are already dead 
and you should switch to another target or stop firing. Each Ammo has a 
diffrent attack power and firing time, and all of Irvine's possible 
shots are listed below.

Normal Shot: Fires bullets an an enemy: Normal Ammo

Scatter Shot: Fires bullets at all enemies: Shotgun Ammo

Dark Shot: Fires Dark Aura at an enemy and causes various status 
effects: Dark Ammo

Flame Shot: Fires Flames at all enemies: Fire Ammo

Canister Shot: Fires a slow but powerful blast at an enemy:
Demolition Ammo

Quick Shot: Fires a VERY quick and painful blast at all enemies: Fast 

Armor Shot: Fires an armor piercing shot at an enemy, pretty quick too: 
AP Ammo

Hyper Shot: Fires a powerful laser quickly for maximum damage or close 
to it: Pulse Ammo


Weapon: None
Limit Break: Ice Strike
Method of Learning Limit: None

Edea joins for a short while during your trip to Esthar and leaves 
shortly there after. She really has nothing about her that sticks out 
and her Ice Strike limit break is rather pathetic.

Ice Strike: Edea forms a large magic ice shard and fires it at the 


4: Tips and Gameplay Advice

DRAW, DRAW, DRAW, AND DRAW SOME MORE! I can't emphasize how important it 
is to draw as much magic as you can. As soon as you encounter a new 
enemy draw a large amount of each magic as they have. Especially if it 
is curative magic such as Cure, Cura, Curaga, Life, Full-Life, and 
Esuna, these spells are essential to surviving in this game.

After you draw a new spell compare it with other spells you have 
junctioned to your stats so that you will always be up to date as to 
which spell should be junctioned to which stat.

The Spell Meltdown and the GF Doomtrain are your best friends in Final 
Fantasy VIII. Both will almost always inflict the Vit 0 status effect on 
an enemy which will make your attack command and limit breaks do a ton 
of damage. You'll know if Vit 0 is inflicted on the enemy because they 
will become discolored.

Know your characters and know there limit breaks. Experiment with all of 
them and decide for yourself which ones work toward your preference. You 
can find success with any party you choose, as long as you know there 
strengths and weaknesses.

Fight every battle you encounter unless your party is on the verge of 
death. Although leveling up is not very important in this game, gaining 
AP to learn GF abilitys is. Also alot of enemies you will encounter 
carry very rare items you will not be able to find anywhere else, its in 
your best interest to fight as many battles as possible.

If at any time you need to reset your game you can preform a soft reset. 
Pressing L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start will reset the current game and return 
it to the title screen. This has become a common theme in many games.

Raise your characters compatibility with there GFs as high as possible. 
This will allow your characters to call there GFs quickly in battle 
before the enemy gets a chance to possibly kill them. There are items 
that raise compatibility with certain GFs but above all the best method 
is to summon your GFs often so that your compatibility will raise.

Start to learn the Diablos GFs mug ability as soon as he joins you. This 
support ability is important to gaining alot of the rare items in the 
games needed to refine and remodel your weapons.

Remodel your weapons often, especially Squall's. Although the small 
attack and hit percentage boost you get for remodeling doesn't mean 
much, Squall's weapon determines what limit breaks he can use with his 
Renzokuken skill. These are important to winning some of the harder boss 
fights in the game.

Play alot of cards. Once you get the starter deck at the beginning of 
the game from the guys outside of the elevator on the 2nd floor of 
Balamb Garden start playing cards immediatly. Even if you don't always 
get a rare card by playing you can always refine the cards into useful 
items using Quenzacotl's card mod menu ability. Also make sure that you 
save before playing any of your rare cards in a card game. In case you 
lose them you'll want to reload your game and try again.

If you have a large amount of low level spells such as Blizzard, Fire, 
Cure ect. Use GF menu abilitys to refine them into more powerful magic. 
For example the menu ability I Mag-RF the GF shiva has refines low level 
Blizzard magic into the more powerful Blizzara spell. Also you can use 
it to turn Blizzara spells into Blizzaga spells. There is a refine menu 
ability for each type of magic, use them to your advantage. The same can 
be done for items such as Potions.

Learn the boost ability with each of your GFs that can learn it. Using 
boost (holding select and repededly pressing the square button as soon 
as the GF's attack animation begins) increases the GF's attack 
considerably. However stop pressing the square button if an X appears 
over the icon in the bottom right hand side of the screen. If you press 
square while the X is there the boost gauge will reset itself. The max 
that you can boost a GF's attack to is 250, however, under most 
circumstances only certain GFs can reach this mark.

Don't worry to much about how much Gil you have. Gil is of very little 
importance in this game. You will mainly only be using it to remodel 
your weapons and buying magazines in stores, both of which come at a 
very low price especially if you have a high SeeD rank. Buying items is 
not important unless you are planning to use your item command in 
battle, which you will probably find yourself avoiding once you get 
powerful healing magic. Later in the game once you gain the Tonberry 
GF's familiar ability you will be able to buy rare items at a very hefty 
price so its best if you stockpile your money till late in the game.

Get your SeeD rank as high as possible. It is one of the only ways to 
gain Gil. Squall can take tests in the tutorial of the main menu up to 
the number equal to his level. So whenever Squall gains a level make it 
a habit to go into the menu and take the next test. The tests go all the 
way up to 30.

If you use your item command in battle and play the game until Active 
battle mode its best if you rearrange your battle items so that you can 
get to your more important ones quickly.

Think carefully before junctioning magic to your elemental attack. You 
certainly don't want to have a fire elemental attack in an area full of 
fire elemental monsters.

All towns become sealed off on disk 4 so make sure that you do any side 
quests that involve towns, and the Obel lake quest before disk 4 (they 
are all listed in the walkthough before entering Lunatic Pandora).


5: Walkthough

After watching the magnificent intro to the game, the main character of 
the game awakens in a doctors office, respond to her question and you'll 
get the chance to name him. Quistis comes to get Squall and he follows 
her to their classroom. After hearing from Quistis in the class room, 
check Squall's desk under the Tutorial menu to receive your first two 
GFs Quenzacotl and Shiva. I suggest giving Shiva to Squall to start out. 
If your not familiar with how to junction yet, there will be a tutorial 
about it coming up in the game soon, or it is explained in the game 
basics section of this guide. Proceed to the front and speak with 
Quistis. Your first destination is to go to the Fire Cavern, but first 
you'll have a chance to explore Balamb Garden.


5.1: Balamb Garden

Party: Squall (Level 7)

Items: M-Stone Piece, Spider Web, Occult Fan I

Cards: Quistis, Mini Mog, Starter Deck

Draw Points: Curex2, Esunax2, Blizzardx2


From the classroom head toward the elevator to the south, and you'll run 
into another student that wants Squall to take her on a tour of the 
garden. I suggest doing it so you will get to know Balamb Garden a 
little better. After agreeing or disagreeing to take her speak with the 
guy near the elevator for a starter set of cards and proceed down the 
elevator. From the Directory head east into the library, search the 
bookcases for an Occult Fan I Magazine and there is an Esuna Draw Point 
to hit in here as well, which will be useful to junction. Leave the 
library and take the next east into the Training area, I suggest you hit 
the Blizzard Draw Point here and perhaps gain a level or two the 
monsters aren't too strong, If you get in trouble just call Shiva in and 
she will take care of the enemies. There are a few rare cards to pick up 
in the Garden, head to the Cafeteria which is to the left of the 
dormitory which is west of the Training Area. Inside you'll run into 
Seifer, after the scene head to the right, the Trepe Fan in the back has 
the Quistis Card you can win, he also has some boss cards that are 
pretty good cards as well but make sure to pick up the Quistis card now, 
it will be a powerful card for a while. The other Card is the Mini Mog 
Card, there is a kid jogging around the garden whom you will see from 
time to time, he has the card, its not as good as the Quistis one but 
this is the only place to pick it up, although I should note you will 
have other chances in the game to win these two cards, but I suggest 
doing it now. When you are finished proceed to the main gate south of 
the directory, making sure to hit the Cure Draw Point towards the exit. 
Quistis will teach you how to junction GFs and will give you your first 
two GFs, Quenzacotl and Shiva, if you have not already gotten them out 
of Squall's study panel. Then you will set out to the world map toward 
the Fire Cavern. When out on the world map proceed towards the mountain 
behind the garden and search for a Cure Draw Point, then head towards 
the town of balamb to the west to the tracks behind it to hit the Esuna 
Draw Point, a good spell to junction early in the game. There is one 
last draw point on the cliff behind the Fire Cavern to the east its a 
blizzard draw point. Now its time to start gathering items and learning 
GF abilities, the first items you should concern yourself with getting 
are the M-Stone Pieces which are dropped by the Bite Bugs, Glacial Eyes, 
and Caterpillars around the area, also take note that the caterpillars 
are mostly found in the forest and drop a Spider Web which will teach 
the blue magic Ultra Waves to Quistis. Get a couple of these because 
they are used to remodel weapons as well. Beward of the T-Rexaur enemy 
in the forest though he is quite the enemy, best to run away for now if 
you see one. As for GF Abilities I suggest learning Boost before you 
even go into the cavern on Shiva and Quenzacotl, after that focus on 
learning juction abilites, like HP-J and Str-J. Card for Quenzacotl is 
also not a bad idea to start adding monster cards to your collection 
with Quenzacotl's Card Ability, the Bomb in the Fire Cavern is pretty 
good to turn into a card. The best place to earn AP here on the plains 
is on the beach, the Fastitocalons there give good amounts of AP. Also 
make sure you fight alot of battles to draw magic from the enemies, I 
suggest stocking up alot on Cure and Blizzard Spells for the Cavern.


5.2: The Fire Cavern

Party: Squall (Level 10), Quistis (Level 10)

Items: G-Returner

Cards: Ifrit

Draw Points: Fire


Enter the cavern and Quistis will explain how to junction magic as well 
as tell how to use the gunblade properly again. Talk to the two guards 
toward at the entrance and choose a time, I suggest 20 Minutes, because 
the lower the time left when you defeat the boss of the cavern, the 
higher your SeeD rank will be when you get ranked. Proceed into the 
cavern, nothing really to mark here except there is a Fire Draw Point to 
hit and the enemies here are very weak to blizzard magic so I suggest 
hitting them with blizzard and countinuing through the cave. Quistis 
will make comments as you proceed, none which matter much just continue 
on to the boss.


Boss: Ifrit

Party: Squall (Level 10), Quistis (Level 10)

This is a simple boss, whomever has Shiva junctioned should summon her 
repededly, while the other character casts Blizzard Magic or summons 
Quenzacotl. Use Scan on Ifrit every once in a while until he has enough 
HP left that you can kill him in one more hit, then wait for the counter 
to get down to about 10 seconds left then finish him off. You get a G-
Returner and Ifrit's Card for winning.


After the fight, the timer is gone and you gain Ifrit as a GF, make your 
way back outside the Cavern. If you run into a Buel make sure to stock 
up on all three elements it carries. Before you head back to Balamb 
Garden though I suggest learning some abilities with Ifrit. When your 
done head back to the Garden, at the gate Quistis will explain how to 
teach GFs abilities. After this go to the Dormatory which is directly 
east and all the way north of the directory, or you may want to try and 
win the Quistis or Mini Mog cards now if you got a bomb card this will 
be alot easier. Search the bed in Squall's dorm room to change into his 
uniform, now proceed to the directory to prepare for the SeeD test. 
You'll meet your team members for the Test Zell and Seifer, when you are 
in the car on the World Map proceed east to the town of Balamb. Proceed 
to the dock and board the ship, there will be some conversation 
explaining the mission in Dollet so pay attention to what is said. After 
Seifer tells you to go outside, head out to the east exit and the exam 
will start.


5.3: Dollet Field Exam

Party: Zell (Level 8), Squall (Level 12), Seifer (Level 9)

Items: Elixerx2, Cottagex2, G-Returnerx3, Weapons Mon Mar

Cards: None

Draw Points: Blind


As soon as the boat lands make sure to give each party member a GF and 
junction your magic then proceed up the stairs and you will be attacked 
by some soldiers. Use this battle to draw plenty of fire, thunder, cure, 
and blizzard magic. This area is not complicated at all and is very 
straight forward just follow Seifer through the streets and take care of 
the soliders that attack. Note that your actions here determine your 
grade so make sure to do the following, except in that first battle to 
stock magic, finish all the soldiers off as quick as possible, also 
don't talk to anybody unless you have to, and follow all of Seifer's 
orders and you will be graded well. When you reach the center square, 
Seifer will order you to look for more soliders, check up behind the 
fountain and you will engage in another battle finish them and keep 
speaking with Seifer. When he heads off north follow him, now you will 
engage in random battles in the areas, take this time to draw more magic 
and gain some levels before proceeding. When you reach the area where a 
Dollet soldier is attacked by a monster make sure that Seifer finished 
it with his Fire Cross Limit Break which will become available when it 
is almost dead if you do not, your SeeD score will go down some, plus 
you get more exp if he kills it. Keep proceeding north, after 
overhearing some converstation between some Galbadian Soldiers, Selphie 
will appear and Seifer will run off towards the tower. Do not follow 
Selphie by jumping down the cliff or your SeeD score will be lowered 
instead take the path to the right, at the bottom Selphie will take 
Seifer's place in the party so make sure to junction Seifer's GF and 
Magic to her. Also run around the area and build some levels and draw 
magic. Head inside the tower, making sure to get the Blind Draw point to 
the left and saving your game on the right once inside. Take the 
elevator up and prepare for a boss.


Boss: Wedge, Biggs, Elvoret

Party: Selphie (Level 9), Squall (Level 14), Zell (Level 10)

The battle will start out with you against Biggs. He has Esuna magic 
which is a great help you should draw as much of it from him as you can, 
don't worry much about his attacks they don't do much damage. After you 
do enough damage to him Wedge will appear, defeat them both and they 
will be blown away by the real boss Elvoret. Immediatly draw a new GF 
from him, Siren, and stock up on the Double spell he has, it junctions 
well. I strongly suggest drawing and casting Double on all three party 
members and have them double cast cure if need be to cure your 
characters. Elvoret's breath attack is the attack to watch out for it 
does around 150 damage to all three party members and you will probably 
need to heal after it. Other than that use normal attacks and your GFs 
on him and he will fall in no time if you can keep your party healthy. 
For winning you receive two elixers, two cottages, three G-Returners, 
and a Weapons Mon Mar Magazine.


After the fight you are ordered to return to the shore to return to 
Balamb. You have 30:00 to do it and the counter starts as soon as the 
conversation ends, head down the elevator and save your game. After 
leaving the tower yet another boss fight starts, although this one is 
quite diffrent.


Boss: X-ATM092

Party: Selphie (Level 9), Squall (Level 14), Zell (Level 10)

This battle is timed of course and it really isn't a battle you can win, 
the point is to every battle you get into with the monster you must 
deplete some of its hp and run away before it fully restores itself. The 
first battle is unavoidable but all of the others you will not have to 
fight if you can avoid X-ATM092. When the first battle begins have 
whomever has Quenzactol junctioned summon him repededly and have the 
other two cast double and then double thunder spells on him, when his HP 
is depleted (he will fall over and Zell will yell "lets get the hell out 
of here") run away from the battle. Proceed to the right trail and he 
will follow you again, in the area where Selphie jumped off the cliff 
make sure to stay as far away from the cliff as possible and hug the 
corner of the left path to the next area and you will avoid another 
fight with X-ATM092. In the next area DO NOT RUN down the path, walk, 
other wise his footsteps will stun you as you run and you will have to 
fight him again. The next area, the bridge, it becomes very difficult to 
avoid him. Run to the right until he jumps over your party, then proceed 
back to the left, this is where you have to be quick. Keep running and 
he will jump over your party a second time, this time immediatly turn 
back to the right and run towards the exit, if you don't do it fast 
enough you will have to fight him. Now there is a way to get a ton of AP 
from the times you can fight him, if you manage to deplete all of his HP 
in every battle, you will be rewarded with 400 AP. My suggestion if you 
are going to try this is to learn Boost, SummonMag 10,20,and 30% with 
Quenzacotl, this will do a ton of damage to him, and should be enough to 
deplete his HP in a couple of castings. Note that if you do this, your 
SeeD rank will go down.


After this Squall jumps onboard the ship and Quistis blows X-ATM092 away 
with a machine gun and you return to Balamb.


5.4: After the Exam, Back to the Garden

Party: Selphie (Level 9), Squall (Level 14), Zell (Level 10)

Items: Timber Maniacs Magazine, Battle Report, Weapons Mon Apr, Magical 

Cards: Zell, Seifer, Diablos 

Draw Points: Thunder


When you return to Balamb Quistis says you have some time off and can do 
whatever you want but to return to the Garden soon. Take this time to 
explore the town of Balamb although there is not really much going on 
here. You can pick up your first Timber Maniacs Magazine either at the 
Train Station on the floor or on the 2nd floor of the Inn, you cannot 
pick up them both seeing as once you pick up one of the magazine's the 
other vanishes. I'm pretty sure that they are both the same magazine so 
just pick one. You can buy some items from the vendor near the train 
station and you should try to win the Zell card from Zell's Mother at 
his house. If you can get that card playing cards will be quite simple 
for a while to come, it is one of the best in the game. Also make sure 
to hit the Thunder Draw Point outside of the Junk Shop and make your way 
back to Balamb Garden. Although you might want to learn some abilities 
with Siren, your new GF, before you continue. When you return to the 
Garden you will see Xu, Quistis, and Headmaster Cid speaking after there 
conversation finished look outside of the library for Seifer and speak 
with him. After some move conversation there will be an announcement, 
follow the instructions. There you will find out you passed the SeeD 
exam and you will be taken to Cid's office to receive your scores. From 
now on you'll get paid at random intervales as you walk around, fight 
battles ect, how much your paid depends on your SeeD level you can open 
up the menu and go to into the Tutorial section and take SeeD tests up 
to what Squall's level is to raise your SeeD level. After Cid gives you 
your score speak with him to receive the Battle Report, this will allow 
you to view your party info such as battles fought, how many times 
you've run away from battles ect in your Tutorial menu. When in Squall's 
dorm change into his SeeD uniform which is on the bed and speak to 
Selphie to go to the party that is being held. After a little bit of 
conversation and some bad dancing, Quistis will want Squall to meet her 
at the secret area in the Training Center. Return to Squall's dorm and 
change into his normal clothes and head towards the training area. Enter 
the training area and Quistis will join your party and you will head 
into the training area toward the secret area in the back. Nothing 
really special about this place, Make sure to give Quistis either Zell 
or Selphie's junctions. Also make sure to hit the blizzard draw point on 
the path to the right. Watch out for the T-Rexaur enemies in here 
because they can pose a big threat, not so much one if you cast blind on 
them and then use GFs on them but there attack power is really high. 
Nothing else really to note, you might want to gain a level or two with 
Squall and Quistis, then proceed to the very back toward the secret 
area. Squall and Quistis will have a conversation at the area then 
decide to return. Make sure to save at the save point outside the secret 
area and then proceed back to the entrance, you will come across some 
monsters attacking a girl.


Boss: Granaldo, Raldosx2

Party: Squall (Level 17), Quistis (Level 14)

This battle is extremely easy to win. Simply draw and cast sleep from 
Granaldo on him and his buddies the Raldos won't even attack you with 
there master asleep. Take this time to stock up on Shell and Protect 
spells they have, these are great spells and will be needed for the 
entire game and they junction extremely well. When you have enough 
spells for your liking simply finish them with GFs.


When the battle is finished the men take the girl off. Return to your 
dorm and speak to Zell who tells you that you have a new room. Go to 
sleep in Squall's new room and you will be woken up in the morning by 
Selphie for your first mission. Pick up the Weapons Mon Apr Magazine on 
the desk in Squall's Room and head toward the garden entrance. At the 
entrance Cid will give you your first assignment as a SeeD. Squall, 
Selphie, and Zell are to go to Timber and help the resistance there. 
Speak to Cid before you leave to receive the Magical Lamp item. I 
suggest going back into the garden and hitting all the Draw Points and 
gaining a few levels for Zell and Selphie in the Training Area, and also 
head up to Cid's Room by way of the elevator and challenge him to a game 
of cards. He has the very powerful Seifer card you should try to win it 
from him before leaving the garden, as well as you should try to get the 
Quistis and Minimog cards if you haven't yet because once you head off 
to Timber you won't have a chance to get them for a long time.  When you 
finish in the garden head out to the world map and hit the Esuna Draw 
Point in the tunnel behind Balamb, make sure your fully healed, replace 
your characters ability to cast magic with using Items, save, and use 
the Magical Lamp to call forth the GF Diablos.


Boss: Diablos

Party: Selphie (Level 9), Squall (Level 17), Zell (Level 11)

This battle at this point in the game can be really difficult but can be 
made easy by doing the following. Diablos' Favorite Attack is Gravija 
which reduces your partys HP into the critical. When this happens keep 
hitting the button to change between your party member's turns til 
Selphie's Limit Break comes up and hit do over until Full Cure comes up, 
it shouldn't take long, that will restore your characters HP back to Max 
so you can continue the fight. Have all your characters attempt to draw 
and cast Demi onto Diablos, this will fail alot especially if your 
characters levels are really low, but keep trying it will eventually 
work. Use Demi on him several times until it starts doing really low 
amounts of damage, say in the low 100s, then Summon GFs and use Squall 
and Zell's limits when he uses Gravija. Note that Diablos does have a 
very powerful physical attack which if your characters are not fully 
healed will most likely kill the character. If this happens use a 
Phoenix Down and continue the fight. Using the above strategy it 
shouldn't be too hard if you can just get the draws to work. You receive 
a Diablos Card for winning.


When you defeat Diablos immediatly junction him and start learning the 
HP junction ability and then focus on learning mug. Learning mug early 
in the game will help you acquire alot of items that will be needed 
later in remodeling your weapons.


5.5: The Train Ride

Party: Selphie (Level 11), Squall (Level 19), Zell (Level 12)

Items: Pet Pals Vol. 1, Pet Pals Vol. 2

Cards: Angelo
Draw Points: Curex2, Water


Make your way to Balamb, there is nothing else really to do here, might 
want to buy a few items at the shops, hit the Thunder Draw Point and the 
Cure Draw Point which is where the boat you took to Dollet once was, or 
try to win Zell's card from his mom. When your finished head toward the 
train station and pay the 3000 Gil Fee for the train ride. When on the 
train, save at the save point and follow your party members into the 
cabin. Once inside Zell will get all excited and notice they have 
magazines which gives you Pet Pals Vol. 1. Selphie will come in feeling 
sick and your party will pass out suddenly. You will be in control of 3 
new characters, Laguna, Kiros, and Ward. As them proceed through the 
forest hitting the Cure Draw Point on the way, nothing special about the 
enemies here nor any interesting draws, might want to build a level or 
two, considering these three characters levels and junctions are 
connected to Selphie, Squall, and Zell's. When you reach the area with 
the vehicle make sure to hit the water draw point and board the vehicle 
to Deling City. When the three step out of the car head east and into 
the Galbadia Hotel and down into the bar on the right. Speak to the 
person in the blue and ask for your usual table. After some conversation 
as Laguna walk toward Julia at the piano but Laguna's leg will cramp up 
and he limps off back toward Ward and Kiros in shame. After more 
conversation head back toward the inn and ask for Julia's room at the 
front desk. After speaking with Julia the scene will switch back to 
Squall's party whom is waking up just in time to arrive at Timber. When 
you gain control of your party again, you'll have to rejunction your 
party's GFs. When you step off the train reply "But the owls are still 
here" to the man's question to be taken to the resistance's train. 
You'll meet Zone and Watts inside and they'll ask you to go get the 
Princess at the back of the Train. Take this time to challenge Watts to 
a game of cards to get the Angelo card this will be your only chance for 
a long time to get it so don't miss this opportunity. Head toward the 
back room, after speaking with Rinoa she will teach you how her Limit 
Break works and you will head back to the others. In the meeting room 
they will explain your mission. Make sure to pay close attention to what 
to do because if you can do it all correctly your SeeD level will rise. 
After the meeting head back to Rinoa's Room and check the bed for a Pet 
Pals Vol. 2 Magazine. Make sure to save your game and talk to Watts to 
begin the mission. When the mission begins jump across to the other car 
and run toward Rinoa once you are across on the other car. Enter the 
Codes correctly that Rinoa reads to you and make sure to go back up if 
one of the guards starts heading your way, do this in both areas and you 
will succeed in your mission. After the mission the party will head in 
to confront Vinzer.


Boss: Fake President, Gerogero

Party: Selphie (Level 12), Squall (Level 20), Zell (Level 13)

This boss will start out as a fake form known as the Fake President, you 
can draw some cure magic from him if you like, then finish him with a GF 
or a couple of physical attacks. He will transform himself into 
Gerogero. The main threat with this guy is status effects, he can induce 
many of them to one party member at a time with effects such as Blind, 
Silence, and Berserk. This is easily taken care of by the ability to 
draw Esuna Magic from him, so take care of status effects as soon as you 
can because if your whole party gets effected by them you'll be in alot 
of trouble. Now you can kill Gerogero by using a Phoenix Down on him but 
if you didn't equip the item ability just summon Ifrit and cast Fire and 
Cure on him. Note that you can Draw Double and Esuna from him which you 
should take full advantage of cause these will be great spells 
throughout the entire game. He also has Berserk and Zombie which are not 
as great but worth getting a couple of.


After beating Gerogero and some more conversation it seems Vinzer is on 
his way to Timber to broadcast a message to the world, so it looks like 
the party is heading for Timber. Choose whether you want to take Selphie 
or Zell with you to Timber along with Squall and Rinoa. Take this time 
to try to win the Angelo card from Watts and get the Pet Pals Vol. 2 
Magazine if you have not done so yet. Speak to Watts when your ready to 
head to Timber.


5.6: Timber

Party: Rinoa (Level 11), Squall (Level 20), Zell (Level 13)

Items: Potion, Girl Next Door, Timber Maniacs Magazine

Cards: Buel, Tonberry

Draw Points: Blizzaga, Cure, Scan


When you step off the train head toward the left and check out the Pet 
Shop on the left side of the screen. Here you can buy two new copies of 
Pet Pals for Rinoa, as well as GF Hi-Potions which could come in handy. 
The enemies around the area are nothing new, you've fought them before 
just some Galbadian Soldiers and Elite Soldiers which if you are near my 
levels have nothing new to draw. Once you finish at the item store head 
off to the right where you got off of the train, Rinoa will notice the 
trains have stop running, continue to the right. There is a weapon 
remodeling shop here but its doubtful you have the needed items to 
upgrade yet, there is also an inn with a save point but you cannot stay 
in the inn at the moment. Continuing to the right you'll run into some 
elite soldiers threatening the Timber Guards. Rinoa will rush in to save 
them and you'll fight a battle with some Elite Soldiers. After the 
battle head back toward where you got off the train, at the area 
overlooking the train tracks talk to the boy there to receive a potion. 
Everytime you enter Timber if you have Rinoa or Quistis in your party he 
will give you a potion. Heading north from the arrival area, go into the 
Timber Maniacs office. Check the piles of magazines for the Girl Next 
Door Magazine, it has no use yet but will later in the game. The room on 
the left contains a Blizzaga draw point, make sure to hit it. The office 
to the north has a Timber Maniacs Magazine laying on the floor, make 
sure to pick it up, and if you talk to the editor and ask about Timber 
Maniacs you'll get quite a story (notice how Squall really gets into his 
story). Back outside the office head all the way to the left to the 
train tracks and enter the house up the stairs. Talk to the old man and 
tell him you like to drink and then search the faucet and it will heal 
your party. These are the Owls Tears you have probably been hearing 
about. After healing check the cupboard several times until the girl 
tells you to bang on it, once it opens take the 500 gil out, after you 
take it you cannot get any more owls tears from the old man but who 
really cares when you can draw cure magic from the soldiers outside? Go 
back down the stairs and take the staircase down to the pub in the area 
you came from. Outside the pub you run into some Galbadia Soliders who 
fight you, after beating them they drop a Buel card. There is a shop on 
the left which sells the usual items, you might want to buy some of the 
ammo that is for sell for the character that will be joining soon. Hit 
the cure draw point on the right and head into the pub. Tell the drifter 
inside about the card and he'll give you a Tonberry card and let you 
keep the Buel card, when he moves take the door to the back alley. Hit 
the Scan draw point, save at the save point and head toward the TV 
Station up the stairs. After some conversation on the stairs and 
watching Seifer and Quistis storm Deling's announcment continue up the 
stairs and into the conference room. Follow Seifer outside the room and 
he will dissapear with the Sorceress. Follow Quistis and Rinoa down the 
stairs and into the house beside the Timber Maniacs building. Talk to 
Quistis when you go upstairs, then head toward the door and Quistis will 
tell you that they should head toward Galbadia Garden and that you need 
to take the train from east academy to get there. So form your party and 
you'll receive some items from the Chief. Outside you'll meet Watts, 
he'll head off to gather more info. Head to the right toward east 
station and you'll run into Zone whom will give you some train tickets, 
head right across the bridge and down to board the train toward Galbadia 
Garden. On the train talk to your party members a couple of times and 
you'll arrive at the station.


5.7: The Forest Dream and Galbadia Garden

Party: Rinoa (Level 15), Squall (Level 24), Zell (Level 17)

Items: Shear Feather, Cockatrice Pinion, Magic Stone, Screw, Saw Blade, 
Ochu Tentacle, Black Hole, Dragon Fin, Steel Pipe

Cards: All Level 6 Boss Cards

Draw Points: Fire, Sleep, Confuse, Cure, Haste, Double, Shell, Life


Once you are off the train now is the time to start acquiring items to 
remodel your weapons, and alot of items that the enemies have in this 
area can be used for remodeling. First off the Thrustavis enemies can be 
Mugged and also drop Shear Feathers, they also have the spells Aero and 
Float for you to draw if you are high enough level so make sure to draw 
alot of those spells. Try to get several shear feathers. Cockatrice 
Pinions are mugged and dropped by the Cockatrice enemies within the 
forest areas on the world map around the area so try to get a couple of 
those as well. Screws are another item that are a must, and they are 
stolen and dropped from the Geezard enemies in the area, make sure to 
pick up alot of these, 30+ of them, you'll be needing alot of them. The 
next item is a Dragon Fin. You can mug a Grendel for it in the forest 
areas, they also drop Dragon Fins. Be careful though because Grendels 
are really powerful. One last enemy to look out for is the Wendigo 
enemy, they can be mugged for Steel Pipes as well as drops them, be sure 
to pick up several of those as well. After you have done all of this 
return to the Station where you got off and hit the invisible fire draw 
point on the right bridge next to the station and proceed to the 
forested area between the two mountains. Note that you can return to 
Dollet right now and get some items but if you do the quests there later 
on Disk 3 the rewards will be alot better. Once inside the forest the 
party has a conversation and then Squall, Quistis, and Selphie drop into 
Sleep again and you take control of Laguna, Kiros, and Ward who appear 
to be lost. Laguna has Squall's junction but if you didn't have anything 
junctioned to Quistis and Selphie give Kiros and Ward some GFs now and 
then proceed down the cliff. Hit the Sleep Draw Point at the bottom of 
the cliff and proceed across the bridge and the party gets attacked by 
two groups of Esthar Soldiers. Take note of the draws the Esthar 
Soldiers have in this battle, with a decent level party they should have 
Cura, Fira, Blizzara, and Thundara. Take full advantage to draw these 
spells they are great to use in battle and junction really well for this 
time of the game. Head straight and hit the Confuse Draw Point on the 
left, take the ladder down, search the area to the left and you'll find 
the first old key, Laguna of course will lose it like an idiot. Note the 
Gesper enemies that will appear in this area, they can be mugged for an 
drop an item called Black Hole, which will teach Quistis Degenerator 
which will instantly eliminate an enemy from battle so be sure to pick 
it up. They also have Shell and Protect to draw from so if you didn't 
get plenty from the Granaldo boss fight this is a good time to stock up. 
The Elastoid enemies have Dispel to draw from so pick some up of this 
because you'll be needing this spell in some future boss fights. In the 
next area have Laguna tamper with the middle panel so that the Esthar 
soldiers will fall through, also make sure to tamper with the other two 
panels after tampering with the middle one, you'll have to go all the 
way around to reach the other one (notice when you leave the area an 
Esthar Soldier falls for it, Laguna is a genius after all!). Continue to 
the right and pick up the second old key in the debris near the bottom 
of the screen, and yet again Laguna loses another key. The path to the 
right leads back toward the beginning so head up. Continue up until you 
come across a switch on the ground, hit the red switch, then the blue 
one, then continue up across the bridge type platform. In the next area 
examine the boulder to push it away and reveal a Cure Draw Point, hit it 
and continue up. Save at the save point in the next area, and continue 
up again. Note that this is the end of the area and if you have not 
gotten the Black Hole item you should try to get it before heading up. 
On the cliff you'll fight a battle with some Esthar Soldiers and they 
will hit Kiros and Ward with an attack called Soul Crush. Laguna, Kiros, 
and Ward jump off the cliff into the river below and the scene switches 
back to Squall's Party. Make sure to heal Selphie and Quistis because 
they will only have 1 HP left. Outside the forest Galbadia Garden is 
right around the corner but there are a few more items to get from 
enemies in this area. The Ochu enemies in the forest you came out of 
carry Ochu Tentacles. You can mug them for some or they can drop them, 
they are also a great source of Exp and AP for your party. I suggest 
right now learning Mug because mugging enemies for items will become 
crucial for getting some of the items later in the game. Another item to 
get is the Saw Blade, which will be needed for some of Rinoa's weapons, 
they are mugged from the Belhelmel enemies outside of Galbadia Garden. 
They also drop Magic Stones which will be used alot in remodeling later 
so be sure to pick a bunch of those up as well. After you have picked up 
the things I listed above and learned Mug head into Galbadia Garden. 
Proceed through the front gates after Quistis and into Galbadia Garden 
and hit the Haste draw point that is hidden in the center platform of 
the garden. Despite the small part of the garden that you are free to 
explore there are a couple of things to do. From the center of the 
garden head to the right and through the door on the right. The girl 
student in this room has all of the Level 6 Boss Cards which are all 
listed in the card section of the Guide. You should take full advantage 
of getting these cards right now because this is your only chance to 
play cards with the girl and it will save you alot of trouble getting 
those boss cards later in the game. The door on the left leads into the 
hockey arena, take the door to the left of the one you came through to 
go into the locker room. Hit the Life draw point and head back to the 
center. Head up from here and all the way to the track area, hit the 
Shell draw point and proceed up the stairs that you passed on the way 
there. When up the stairs take a right and all the way to the 
auditorium. Hit the invisible Double draw point in here and then head 
through the door straight from the stairs. Speak to your party members 
until Squall runs out of the room. Head back down the stairs and toward 
the center and you'll run into Fujin and Raijin. Heading back outside 
the gate, Headmaster Martine will explain your mission to assassinate 
the Sorceress and Irvine will join your party. Squall will teach how to 
switch out party members and you will need to board the train outside to 
Deling city. So choose your party and head outside, you might want to 
take the chance to get those boss cards now, get some of the dropped or 
mugged items, or gain some levels for Irvine. When finished board the 
train to Deling City. Follow Irvine when he leaves the room and listen 
at his failed attempts to charm Selphie. Return to the other room and 
listen at another failed attempt this time at Rinoa. Quistis tells him 
to behave himself and Irvine rants on about being a loner. After Zell 
damages the train a little with a punch due to Irvine's rants, the party 
arrives in Deling City.


5.8: Deling City and the Tomb of the Unknown King

Party: Rinoa (Level 22), Squall (Level 34), Zell (Level 23)

Items: Rinoa's Valkrye and Rising Sun, Squall's Shear Trigger, Zell's 
Maverick, Timber Maniacs Magazine, Turtle Shell

Cards: Sacred, Minotaur

Draw Points: Thundara, Esuna, Protect, Float, Cura


After you get off the train head up the stair type device and into the 
city. Head toward the right into the bussiness section and into the inn. 
Stay in the inn and pick up the Timber Maniacs Magazine on the floor 
next to the bed and continue down outside. On the right side of the 
street you will find a item shop which sells the basic items, and a 
weapon remodeling shop, if you have been picking up a couple of the 
items I've been mentioning in this guide you should be able to make 
Squall's Shear Trigger, Zell's Maverick, and Rinoa's Valkerye and Rising 
Sun. Remodel your weapons and continue down and all the way to the 
right, in this area you'll hear somebody talking about Caraway, this is 
Caraway's Mansion. First take the bridge to the left side and hit the 
Thundara draw point, then return and speak to the guard that is across 
the street. He'll send you off to the Tomb of the Unknown King to find a 
ID code of a student that was lost there. Speak to him again and ask him 
to escort you out of town that will be quicker than walking out. Out on 
the world map check the train tunnel below Deling city to hit an Esuna 
draw point. Outside you won't find any new enemies, you have encountered 
most of them already, depending on your level the Thrustaevis enemies 
outside may have Blizzaga and Tornado to draw from them, I strongly 
suggest picking these spells up, especially Tornado it is one of the 
best spells in the game. From Deling City head Northeast to the 
peninsula to the Tomb of the Unknown King. After watching some students 
flee, hit the protect draw point to the left, save at the save point and 
proceed into the Tomb. The enemies in here are nothing to worry about, 
the Armadodo enemies can be Mugged for Turtle Shells which you should 
pick up several of, the Blobra enemies are very strong against physical 
attacks so use magic against them. Toward the entrance you'll run into a 
blue sword on the ground, it has the ID code your looking for on it. The 
ID code is random for every play through so remember to write the code 
down. If you want you can return and give the code to the guard but 
there is a GF inside the tomb I strongly suggest getting. From that 
point keep heading right til you come to a statue, examine it to fight a 


Boss: Sacred

Party: Rinoa (Level 24), Squall (Level 36), Zell (Level 26)

First off take notice of the boss's draws. He has Life which you should 
draw alot of, this is one of the best spells to junction and you 
shouldn't need your item ability much after stocking alot of this spell, 
other than that draw and cast protect on your entire party, cast Float 
on Sacred to prevent him from healing each turn, and just pound away 
with your GFs and Magic such as Aero and Tornado. He only attacks 
physically so he shouldn't be much of a problem.


From the 4 way section you came from, head right until you come to an 
area with a draw point and a switch. Hit the Float draw point on the 
left and hit the switch on the right. Continue heading right till you 
reach an area with a water wheel, hit the invisible Cura draw point on 
the right and the switch on the left. Once again continue heading right 
until you are taken outside of the tomb. Save and heal at the save point 
and then head back inside, this time heading up until you reach a bridge 
over water, when you are ready step inside for a boss.


Boss: Sacred and Minotaur

Party: Rinoa (Level 25), Squall (Level 37), Zell (Level 27)

This Boss can be difficult but not to difficult if you do things right. 
Begin the battle by drawing and casting protect on your party, as well 
as casting float on your party and the two bosses, this way the mad cow 
special will not effect your party and they cannot heal some of there HP 
each turn. Use Diablos to take a big chunk out of there HP repededly and 
if you have stocked alot of Tornado spells draw and cast double on your 
party and double Tornado or Aero spells onto them. They won't last too 
long if you keep casting float on them and using Diablos and Aero and 
Tornado Spells. For winning you receive a Sacred Card, and then a 
Minotaur Card shortly after the battle.


After the battle you receive the Brothers as a GF. Junction them 
immediatly and have them start learning abilities. To exit just walk 
down until your outside, head back to Deling City and speak with 
Caraway's Guard, give him the correct code and he will let you inside.

5.9: Caraway and the Battle with Edea

Party: Rinoa (Level 26), Squall (Level 38), Zell (Level 27)

Items: Sharp Spike, Weapons Mon May, Curse Spike, Coral Fragment, Elixer

Cards: None

Draw Points: Esuna, Zombie, Bio


Once inside Caraway's Mansion speak to your party members until General 
Caraway enters the room. Follow Caraway as he explains the plan to 
assassinate Edea. After he briefs you, return to his mansion when you 
are ready to start the operation. After Squall forms the partys and 
leaves the room, try to leave as Quistis and Rinoa will barge into the 
room. After some conversation as Squall follow Caraway out of the 
mansion to the waiting spot. Switching back to Quistis she wants to go 
and apologize to Rinoa, so head back to Caraway's Mansion. Quistis and 
the party gets locked in the room by Caraway on accident and the scene 
switches to Rinoa. Save at the save point and proceed past the boxes 
over to an open manhole, enter it and proceed to the left to pick up a 
Weapons Mon May magazine, head back to the ladder and back up the 
manhole and climb the boxes up to the Sorceress' room. After listening 
to Edea's speech, you'll take control of Quistis' party again. Take one 
of the glasses from beside the door and place it in the statues hand to 
reveal a passage down to the sewer. Make sure to junction your 
characters with GFs and magic before proceeding because there are 
enemies down here. There are two enemies down here you should watch for, 
one is the creeps enemy, you can steal coral fragments from them which 
will teach Quistis the Electrocute limit break and they also drop Curse 
Spikes, which teach Quistis LV ? Death make sure to pick up some of 
those. The other enemy is called Grand Mantis, they can be mugged for 
Sharp Spikes which will be needed to remodel some of the weapons so make 
sure to get some of those as well. Search the wheel to the left to climb 
over to the other side, open the door and as you move to the next area 
the parade starts. As Squall follow Irvine into the mansion. Climb up 
the boxes just like you did as Rinoa, Make sure Squall and Irvine are 
healed and have some GFs equiped because at the top you fight a boss.


Boss: Iguionsx2

Party: Squall (Level 38), Irvine (Level 13)

Once the fight begins make sure to draw the Carbuncle GF from them. This 
boss if very simple, they have an attack that can cause gradual petrify 
on you which is easily taken care of by casting Esuna on the affected 
character. The boss is immune to fire magic, so stick with using spells 
like Quake and Tornado and calling GFs such as Shiva and Brothers. Note 
that they do have the spell break to draw which junctions pretty well, 
you might want to draw some if you have the battle under control.


After the battle equip your new GF and open the hatch in the area you 
came from and proceed down into it. Examine the rifle on the ground and 
after some conversation the scene switches back to Quistis' party. 
Proceed up and into the next area. Head left and down and knock the 
ladder down into the water, procceed across it and to the left to hit an 
esuna draw point. Head back across the ladder and to the left again. 
Head up and through the stretch there taking a right. In the next area 
proceed to the right, don't use the water wheel in this next area 
instead head down, not across the wheel in the area but there is a 
hidden Bio draw point you should hit here, Proceed back to the area you 
came from with the water wheel and head directly left from the down 
entrance a little to a Zombie draw point. Now head across the wheel and 
then across the wheel to the right, proceed down and across the water 
wheel here, head down once more and across the water wheel in the area. 
Once again head down and to the right making sure to knock the ladder 
into the water. Use the water wheel in the next area and proceed up, 
this is the last area, make sure that you have gotten some Sharp Spikes, 
save at the save point and head up the later to the 2nd floor. As 
Quistis hit the switch to trap Edea, Irvine misses his shot so Squall 
rushes in to attack Edea but he must deal with Seifer first.


Boss: Seifer

Party: Squall (Level 38)

This boss is pitifully easy, if Squall has Carbuncle call it and reflect 
Seifer's Fira spell back at him. Seifer has very little HP so a GF or 
two will finish him off.


After Seifer is knocked off Edea steps in.


Boss: Edea

Party: Irvine (Level 13), Squall (Level 38), Rinoa (Level 26)

This battle is not so difficult. Summon carbuncle as soon as the battle 
begins to send Edea's magic back at her, she will often cast Dispel on 
one of your characters at a time to remove the reflect but simply 
resummon carbuncle when this happens and you shouldn't get hit with 
anything besides Edea's Astral Punch. While she is casting Dispel have 
the character with mug try to steal an elixer from her while the others 
draw dispel and double magic from her. After that a few GFs should put 
her down, note that you can still lose this battle and continue the 
game, but you'll miss out on some AP.


When the battle is over Edea sends a giant ice shard toward Squall 
knocking him off the float to the ground below bringing an end to the 
first disk.


5.10: Winhill and the D-District Prison

Party: Laguna (Level 38)

Items: Str Up, Pet Nametag, Tent, Pet House, Combat King 001, Character 
Report, Steel Orb, Missile, Regen Ring, Strength Love, Cottage, Rename 

Cards: None

Draw Points: Curaga, Dispel, Drain, Reflect, Berserk, Thundaga, Aero

Disk 2 Begins with Laguna being told there is somebody waiting for him 
in the pub. Check the cabinet in Laguna's room for a hidden Curaga draw 
point and head downstairs. Downstairs speak to Ellone and then head next 
door to the pub and speak with Kiros. Speak with him about all the 
subjects and then head outside. The enemies around the area are nothing 
new, bite bugs and caterchipillars, if you are high enough level the 
caterchipillars may be carrying Curaga and Thundaga magic which you 
should draw alot of because Thundaga is the best thunder magic and 
curaga is the best curative magic in the game. From outside the pub head 
all the way to the right and down to hit the dispel draw point then head 
down into the next area. Proceeding down hit the Drain Draw Point on the 
right and continue right, in this area search near the truck for a 
hidden reflect draw point, hit it and continue down into the next area. 
Continue all the way down until Laguna tells Kiros that the patrol of 
the area is finished. Before heading back check out the item shop at 
near the end of the village, Laguna has 3000 Gil on him so spend it all 
here on items so it will be added to Squall's item list. Proceed back up 
to the pub and speak with Raine. After speaking with her head back to 
Laguna's house and rest in his room and the scene will switch back to 
Squall's party. Seems Zell and the gang have been thrown in jail after 
attacking Edea. Speak with your party members and after a scene with 
Squall, some guards come in and take Rinoa away after kicking Zell 
several times. The scene switches back to Squall once again, Seifer 
questions him and tortures him several times and the scene once again 
switches back to Zell's party. A Moomba enters and drops a plate of food 
and a guard comes in to scorn him, choose the option to stand up for the 
moomba and Zell will chase the guard away. Seifer tortures Squall some 
more but when given the option don't lie to the warder about SeeD. As 
Zell they devise a plan to escape and Zell knocks the guard out when he 
steps into the room. As Zell head up the stairs to the left to retreive 
the party's weapons. On the next floor engage the soldiers with Zell, 
aftwards he will pick up the weapons. The moombas will free Squall and 
Zell will return the weapons (notice how cheesy the scene is when Zell 
gives the weapons back to Selphie and Quistis). After this it seems 
Biggs and Wedge from earlier are back for round two. This really isn't a 
boss fight and it is extremley easy to win. Make sure to steal from the 
two to get a Regen Ring and a Strength Love, also making sure to draw 
some Regen and Haste spells from Biggs then finish them off with a GF or 
two. Stepping outside the cell, Biggs sets off an alarm that sets 
enemies out onto the floors. There are a few enemies to look out for 
here, one is the GIM52A which can be mugged for a Missile items which 
teachs Quistis Micro Misslie and the other enemie is called GIM47N which 
can be mugged for Steel Orbs which are need to remodel some weapons. 
Instead of heading up the stairs, head down the stairs because there are 
plenty of items to pick up on the bottom levels. There is nothing on the 
first floor down so pass it up and head down again. The man in the room 
on this next floor will play cards with you for 500 Gil per play but 
will give you an item if you win. He is really easy to beat but the 
items you can win are really not worth it. I was able to win some HP Up 
and Gysahl Greens from him as well as some potions but that was about 
it. Continue down to the next floor. On this floor you can pick up a 
tent, continue down to the next level. This floor has a Pet House to 
pick up so continue down to the next floor, this level has a Pet Nametag 
and a Strength Up to pick up, so pick them up and continue down. This 
Floor has a Combat King 001 Magazine to pick up which teaches Zell the 
Dolphin Blow Limit Break. Now head all the way back up to the floor 
where you escaped from and head up the stairs. This floor has an item 
shop that sells the normal items, you might want to stock up on some 
potions and tents. Head up to the next floor, this one has a berserk 
draw point so hit it and continue up to the next floor. On this floor is 
another man that will play card with you for 300 Gil, you'll definatly 
want to win this match though because when you win he'll give you the 
Character Report which will show your character data in your information 
section of the tutorial. Proceed up the stairs to the next level. On 
this level is an invisible Thundaga draw point so hit it and there is 
also another card player who will give you items if you play, this time 
for 200 gil, once again the items he give you are not worth your time so 
continue up to the next level. Nothing in this area so just follow the 
moombas up the stairs and to Squall. When you take control of Squall, 
speak to the moombas and have them create some shortcuts. Walk outside 
and Zell will operate the crain to send Squall's party to the bottom 
floor, hit the red button when Zell tells you and you get sent to the 
bottom. Head to the right and open the door to find nothing but sand. 
You hear gunfire and the party runs back outside to rescue Zell. As Zell 
head along to the right and you'll probably run into a fight with a few 
guards, finish them and Squall will come down and rescue Zell (notice 
how grateful Zell is that Squall saved his life and how Squall reacts 
heh). Irvine casually walks in and fires his gun off (Notice how Rinoa 
kicks his ass down the stairs for trying to act so cool). Choose your 
party and head up the stairs while Irvine holds them off. As Squall 
continue up the stairs and the scene will switch back to Irvine's party. 
Proceed down the stairs. This is your last chance to get the Missile 
item and some Steel Orbs from enemies so take advantage and get some 
before proceeding to the bottom floors. Once at the bottom the scene 
switchs back to Squall. Speak to the Moomba's there to receive a Rename 
Card and Cottage and continue into the next area. Head up the stairs and 
up the stairs in the next room. Make sure you are fully healed then head 
right into a boss fight.


Boss: Elite Solider, GIM52Ax2

Party: Rinoa (Level 26), Squall (Level 42), Zell (Level 34)

This boss is not so difficult. Draw and cast haste on your party from 
the GIM52A's. The elite soldier will cast support spells such as Aura 
and Protect on the two machines which is easily countered by drawing and 
casting dispel from and on the GIM52A's. Summon a GF early to get rid of 
the Elite Soldier then just have your way with the two machines.


After the battle head back into the other room and you'll raise the arm 
for Irvine and the rest of the party to come to the top of the prison. 
Return outside and across the platform, it will start to give way and 
Squall will be holding on. Make sure to hold the right directional 
button the entire time to move Squall to the right because its game over 
if Squall doesn't make it. At the bottom your party takes vehicles 
outside the prison and they stop to discuss what to do next. As Squall 
hit the Aero draw point and speak with your party members some more. 
Have Squall decide the partys and then the team will head off. As Squall 
board the train to Balamb and the scene will switch back to Selphie's 


5.11: The Missile Base and the Return to Balamb Garden

Party: Selphie (Level 22), Quistis (Level 24), Irvine (Level 17)

Items: Mega-Potion, X-Potion, Gysahl Greens, Tent, Mega Phoenix/Remedy, 
Remedy, Dino Bone, Bomb Fragment, Selphie's Morning Star, Quistis' 
Slaying Tail, Mag Up, Spr Up, Circlet, Weapons Mon Jun

Cards: Rinoa

Draw Points: Full-Lifex2, Blind, Blizzara, Bio, Demi


Head back to Deling City with Selphie and to Caraway's Mansion. Speak 
with Caraway about his cards and he says he'll use Rinoa's card if you 
give him your Ifrit Card. Play cards with him and make sure that the 
Ifrit card is your best card in your hand and lose to him, he will take 
it, challenge him again and he will play Rinoa's card, win it from him. 
You won't be able to get your Ifrit card back just yet but you will 
later. Next you should head to the Weapon Remodeling Shop and you should 
be able to make Quistis' Slaying Tail and Selphie's Morning Star. Once 
finished in Deling City take the vehicle into the Missile Base. Once 
inside head to the left and through the door. The doors are locked so 
check beside the door for an ID Card slot. One of your party members 
mentions to have found one in the truck and you use it to get inside. In 
the next area try to act casual and blend in to whats going on around 
the area. If you can get through this area without getting caught your 
SeeD rank will go up. Take the path to the right and continue right and 
down the stairs. In this next area you should notice an arrow pointing 
down, follow that path outside and hit the blind draw point and speak to 
the soldiers to the right. They want you to deliver a message to the 
missile room so go back inside and through the door to the north. Hit 
the invisible Full-Life draw point on the left and speak to the soldier 
by the control panel and tell him to go on ahead. Go back outside and 
speak to the soldiers again. Head back inside and to the door on the 
left you passed when you came into the base and speak to the guard 
there. Head inside and hit the Blizzara draw point inside. Choose 
whatever to mess around with the controls in the Circuit room until the 
lights go out. Back outside you run into some soldiers whom question 
you, I strongly suggest talking it out this time because if you choose 
to fight you'll have to deal with random encounters and a timer inside. 
Choose to talk it out and Selphie will go inside with the crew and beat 
the crap out of them. Next head back to the missile control room, choose 
to help out the soldiers inside, push the square button to help them 
push the launcher into position. Back outside check the control panel, 
go to target and to error ratio and hold the right directional button to 
increase it to max. Then go to data upload and select yes to confirm 
your decision. Speak to the guard beside the stairs to be let upstairs. 
Up the stairs you run into the base leader and some soldiers, they 
discover your an intruder and engage you into a fight, this fight isn't 
much at all just finish them off with a GF or two. After the fight 
search the controls on the left, then check the control panel on the 
right in the room to the north to set the self destruction device for 
the base. Set the timer and head back outside the base. Make sure your 
healed because outside is a boss fight.


Boss: BGH251F2

Party: Selphie (Level 25), Quistis (Level 27), Irvine (Level 19)

The only thing really difficult about this boss is beating it before the 
timer runs out if you set the timer low. As soon as the battle begins 
draw and cast Protect on your party members. Then I suggest casting 
double on the two party members that aren't junctioned with Quenzacotl 
and then have them double Thundara and Water Spells onto it and have the 
other character summon Quenzacotl. After BGH251F2 is defeated the 
soldiers come out to take its place, finish them with a GF. For winning 
you receive a Weapons Mon Jun Magazine.


After the battle Selphie's party is locked inside and the base explodes. 
The Scene then switches to Squall's party outside the gates of Balamb 
Garden. Junction your characters and proceed inside. Head past the guy 
shoating orders and proceed up the stairs. You are stopped and 
questioned, swear allegiance and you won't have to fight an enemy or say 
the other and fight a normal battle, proceed into the next area. Speak 
the the guy outside the gates and he'll give you a Mega-Potion. Inside 
speak to Fujin and Raijin and head to the right and into the Library. 
The enemies inside Balamb Garden can be dangerous especially the Grendel 
and T-Rexaur enemies, but there are a few good items to pick up, first 
Bombs can be mugged for Bomb Fragments and the T-Rexaurs can be mugged 
for Dino Bones, make sure to pick up several of those. In the library 
defeat the monsters that the garden faculty sends at the you and speak 
to the girl in the Library and she will give you a mega phoenix if Zell 
is in your party, if not you'll just get a Remedy. Head back outside and 
up to the Training Area. Save the kids inside and speak to the SeeD to 
receive a Remedy, also the man from garden is in the Training Center and 
he will sell your party items. Head back out and up to the Parking Lot 
area. The SeeD here will give you a Tent for beating the monsters, head 
back out and up into the Dormitory. Defeat the monsters here and you can 
use Squall's room to rest and save from now on, head back out and to the 
left into the Cafeteria. Defeat the monsters here and speak to the SeeDs 
(Notice how excited Zell gets about there being hotdogs only to find out 
the SeeDs already finished them all heh) they will give you some Gysahl 
Greens make sure to hit the invisible Demi draw point by the tree here 
then head back out and down to the Quad. Defeat the monsters here and 
tell the SeeDs your with the Headmaster and one of the SeeDs will give 
you an X-Potion, proceed back outside and down into the Infirmary. The 
Granaldo enemy you fight here is probably carrying the Pain Spell to 
draw. I strongly suggest drawing alot of this spell, junction it to your 
status attack and you can inflict multiple status effects on an enemy 
with each strike. Speak with the doctor after beating the monsters to 
receive an Elixer, now head up to the Elevator and speak to Xu, Follow 
her up to Headmaster Cid's office and speak with him. Squall volunteers 
to search the underground levels for controls for the once was shelter 
at the Garden and he gives Squall a key card to the lower levels. Head 
back to the elevator and down into the MD Level. When the elevator stops 
running search the floor for a trap door and proceed down the ladder 
into the open crawl space below, open the hatch at the end of the crawl 
space and crawl drop down into the next area. Squall tells the party to 
junction fire to there elemental attack which can be helpful in this 
area. proceed down the ladder and into the next area. The enemies here 
are nothing really to worry about, the Tri-Faces will probably give you 
the most trouble although you don't run into them very often.  Head 
through the door at the bottom and turn the valve by repededly hitting 
the square button until you finally do it, then head back outside the 
door. Head down the ladder and the stairs and hit the Full-Life draw 
point on the right, as Squall head up the ladder. It will give way and 
send Squall flying through a window into a control room. Search the 
controls to open the floor then use the ladder to head back down to your 
party members. You'll notice a flashing green light near the botton, 
examine it and head down the ladder there. Save at the save point and 
hit the switch to the right, head across the bridge and two Oilboyles 
engage you into a fight.


Boss: Oilboylex2

Party: Rinoa (Level 31), Squall (Level 47), Zell (Level 39)

These guys can present a problem, they have an attack called Oil Shot 
that does alot of damage and causes status effects. You can draw and 
cast Esuna from the bosses to get rid of the effects but also make sure 
to heal the hit character if need be because they will probably be close 
to critical condition after the attack. The good thing though is that 
the Oilboyles are extremely weak against fire, so hit them with Diablos 
to cut there HP then finish them off with an Ifrit or two.


After the fight proceed across the bridge and into the control room. 
Have Squall mess with the controls until it activates and the Garden 
raises up from the ground and moves just as the missile connect with 
where the garden once was. Speak with Cid then head down to the second 
floor and outside the door past the class room. Head back to Cid's 
office and speak with Cid. Squall manages to stear the Garden out of the 
way of Balamb and into the sea. Later Squall wakes up in his room, head 
to the directory and one of the Garden Faculty members tells you the 
Garden Master wants to see Squall, so head to the elevator and down to 
B1. Speak with Cid and then proceed to the left to speak with the Garden 
Master. He wants to turn over the SeeDs that were involved in the 
assassination of the sorceress, after some more conversation NORG gets 
furious and attacks the party.


Boss: NORG

Party: Rinoa (Level 32), Squall (Level 48), Zell (Level 40)

Start the battle by casting Shell and Double on the entire party and 
mugging the two orbs for a Mag Up and a Spr Up. After that use GFs and 
Double Attack Magic onto the NORG pod, stopping to attack the orbs if 
they change to red to prevent them from using magic on the party. You 
might even want to Summon Carbuncle to reflect NORG's magic back at him. 
Once you have done enough damage to the Pod it will open and you can 
attack NORG. Once the NORG pod is open immediatly draw Leviathan a new 
GF from him and make sure your Shell spells are still on your party 
members and mug NORG for a Circlet. After this Double Aero and Tornado 
spells onto NORG and use GFs to finish him off. Note that the Left Orb 
has the Bio spell to draw so be sure to stock up on it.


After the battle search NORG's pod for a hidden Bio Draw point then head 
to the Infirmary to speak with Cid. Speak with him about all the 
subjects then head to the directory and speak with Xu who says a ship 
has approached. Head up the elevator to the outside deck by the 
classroom and speak with the White SeeDs whom are looking for a girl 
named Ellone. She is in the Library so proceed there and speak with her. 
After some conversation, Squall will wake up in his room, proceed 
outside the dorm and the garden will crash into Fisherman's Horizon. 
Speak with Cid and he will want you to go out and apologize to the Mayor 
of the town. So head down to the outside deck by the classroom to 
Fisherman's Horizon.


5.12: Fisherman's Horizon and the Invasion of Balamb Town

Party: Rinoa (Level 32), Squall (Level 48), Zell (Level 40)

Items: Timber Maniacs Magazinex2, Occult Fan III, Megalixerx2, Running 
Fire, Adamantine, Str Upx4, Irvine's Ulysses, Combat King 002

Cards: Quenzacotl, Ifrit, All Level 7 Boss Cards, Pandemona

Draw Points: Full-Life, Ultima, Haste, Shell, Regen


Outside the Garden Squall runs into somecCitizens which tell them to go 
see the Mayor, so head to the right and proceed down the stairs. Keep 
proceeding right and you'll see some stairs leading down, head down them 
and then all the way to the left to speak to the Master Fisherman. Tell 
him what are you talking about and he'll give you an Occult Fan III 
Magazine. Speak with him again and he'll want you to talk to his Pupil 
down at the docks, head back to where you went down the ladder before 
and continue to the right. Speak with the man operating the elevator to 
proceed down. From the elevator head to the right, in the next area 
continue right and hit the Regen draw point you pass by. In the next 
area take another right to the docks, hit the shell draw point on the 
far right and speak with the old man there, its a junk shop, you should 
be able to make Irvine's Ulysses Weapon now. Speak with the kid in the 
boat out on the water, this is the Master Fisherman's Pupil. Keep 
speaking with him as he breaks everything in the shopkeepers store and 
almost kills him (gee what foul language heh). Head back and into the 
inn on the left, you can also buy the usual set of items here, proceed 
into the back room and search the stack of magazines for a Timber 
Maniacs magazine then head back outside and proceed up into the next 
area. Take the small path down into the circle and head up the stairs to 
hit the haste draw point. Head back down into the circle and up the path 
again into the Grease Monk's house on the right. Pick up the Timber 
Maniacs Magazine laying on the floor and proceed back to the area with 
the path leading down the the mayor's house. Head to the right beside 
the mayors house to run into Former Headmaster Martine, he has all the 
Level 7 Boss Cards and your Ifrit Card if you lost it to Caraway 
earlier. Now proceed into the mayor's house, on the second floor speak 
to Mayor Dobe, search the right side of the room for a hidden Ultima 
draw point and take this time to challenge Mayor Dobe to a game of 
cards. He has the Quenzacotl card to win so make sure to get it then 
proceed to head back to the garden. On your way back Galbadia attacks, 
and mayor dobe heads off to talk to the soldiers. Follow him to the 
right, the enemies in this area are not tough but you should watch out 
for the SAMO8G's because they can be mugged for an item called Running 
Fire which will teach Quistis Gatling Gun. Continue to the right all the 
way to the circle. Seems the Galbadian Soldiers don't like talking 
things out too much and your party rushes in to save Mayor Dobe. After 
the battle an old enemy shows up to fight once again.


Boss: BGH251F2

Party: Rinoa (Level 35), Squall (Level 51), Zell (Level 43)

This battle if very simple and basically just an easier repeat of the 
last battle with it. Draw and cast protect on your entire party, then 
cast double on the party members not junctioned with either Leviathan or 
Quenzacotl and double Thundaga and Water Spells onto him. Then have the 
other characters call Quenzacotl and Leviathan to finish him off. Also 
make sure to mug an item called Adamantine from the boss it will be 
needed later to make some of the better weapons.


After the battle Selphie's party emerges from the machine and everybody 
but Squall and Rinoa heads back to the garden, speak with Rinoa, then 
return to speak with the Master Fisherman's student. After he succeeds 
in fishing correctly go speak with the Master Fisherman again, stopping 
to speak with Irvine on the way. The Master Fisherman wants to talk to 
you in the inn so head there and speak with him. Then decide to stick 
around a little longer and follow him over to the docks, after some more 
conversation and learning about Fisherman's Horizon's history he'll give 
you a Megalixer. Now at the area where the Master Fisherman once was is 
a Full-Life draw point so make sure to it it and head back to the 
Garden. Irvine wants to go and cheer Selphie up so head down to the Quad 
and speak with her. Squall gives his report to Headmaster Cid and Squall 
is appointed the leader in defeating the Sorceress although he is not to 
pleased about it. Meanwhile Selphie wants the party members to play at 
the concert for the garden and you have to choose which party members 
play which instruments, it really doesn't matter which members get what 
instrument but the following sounds the best in my opinion.
Irvine:Eletric Guitar
Quistis:Bass Guitar

After selecting the Instruments speak with Rinoa outside and head to the 
concert. Speak with Irvine and find the magazine he left. In the morning 
head to the bridge to speak with Xu, Quistis, and Nida. You know have 
control of the garden, pilot it back to Balamb which is just north of 
Fisherman's Horizon and land near Balamb. Enter Balamb and speak with 
the Galbadian Soldier at the entrance of town. Head inside Zell's house 
on the right and speak with his mother, then speak with the Big Bad 
Rascal (oooooo menacing name)inside Zell's house and he will run off, if 
you need to leave town for some reason return to the entrance and he 
will help you get out. Head down to the hotel and speak with the guards 
there, they will tell you to find the captain. Head down onto the docks 
and speak with the soldier with the dog, he says the captain caught some 
fish and went to eat them, so head back to Zell's house and speak with 
his mother. She says he went to eat with his men, before heading to the 
train station, you can now go up to Zell's room to rest you should check 
it out because his room is pretty cool in my opinion. Speak with the 
soldiers at the train station then return to the docks and speak to the 
soldier with the dog again. Follow the dog back to the train station, 
and follow Raijin back to the hotel, after some conversation he will 
engage your party.


Boss: Raijin, GSoldierx2

Party: Rinoa (Level 37), Squall (Level 53), Zell (Level 45)

Start the battle by drawing and casting Protect on your entire party 
from Raijin and then get rid of the two Galbadian Soldiers with him.  
Then Cast Pain or Blind on Raijin to take his attack accuracy way down. 
Then have the character with mug steal some Str Ups from him then pound 
him with Bio Magic or GFs besides Thunder and Quenzacotl because he 
absorbs lighting type magic, he shouldn't last too long.


After the fight the party heads inside the hotel to face off with Fujin.


Boss: Raijin, Fujin

Party: Rinoa (Level 37), Squall (Level 53), Zell (Level 45)

This battle can be difficult, as soon as the battle starts draw and cast 
protect and shell from Raijin and cast it on your party members, then 
cast Pain or Blind on Rajin. Next draw Pandemona a new GF from Fujin. 
Now cast double on your party members and have them double Bio Spells 
onto both the bosses. Make sure to mug them both, Fujin is carrying a 
Megalixer and Raijin has two more Str Ups. Then finish them off with any 
GFs besides Quenzacotl and avoid wind spells against Fujin because she 
absorbs them. Note that Fujin has a move that brings a party members HP 
down to one, make sure you have a Curaga or Cura ready for that 
character after the attack. You receive a Combat King 002 Magazine for 


Back on the bridge Selphie wants to head to Trabia Garden, but before 
that head back to Balamb. The man outside the inn will now play cards 
and has the Pandemona card. Now board the Garden and head for Trabia 


5.13: Trabia Garden, Winhill, and the Centra Ruins

Party: Rinoa (Level 37), Squall (Level 53), Zell (Level 45)

Items: Weapons Mon Aug, Timber Maniacs Magazinex2, Mesmerize Blade, Fury 
Fragment, Betrayal Sword, Dynamo Stone, Red Fang, Water Crystal, Mystery 
Fluid, Dragon Skin, Chef's Knife, Squall's Cutting Trigger, Rinoa's 
Cardinal, Zell's Gauntlet, Zell's Ehrgeiz, Irvine's Bismarck, Luck-J 
Scroll, Phoenix Pinion, Gysahl Greens, Holy Stone, Quistis' Red 
Scorpion, Squall's Flame Saber and Twin Lance

Cards: Selphie

Draw Points: Thundaga, Zombie, Aura, Drain, Aero, Pain


Take the Garden to the continent in the northeast to Trabia Garden. 
Before entering the Garden though there are a few enemies and items to 
get outside the garden. You'll run into enemies called Mesmerize and 
they can be mugged for Mesmerize Blades which with a few of these you 
can make Squall's Cutting Trigger weapon and Rinoa's Cardinal. Another 
enemy you should look out for is called Gayla and you can draw a very 
useful spell called Meltdown from them, this spell not only causes good 
damage but also drastically lowers an enemies defense, you can also mug 
it for a Mystery Fluid which teaches Quistis Acid. The last enemy to 
look out for are Blue Dragons which you can encounter in the forest 
areas. They can be mugged for Fury Fragments which are needed to make 
Zell's best weapons so pick them up. Thats it for this area so pick up 
those items then head inside Trabia Garden. Follow Selphie inside by 
climbing the netting on the right. Hit the Thundaga draw point by the 
statue and speak with Selphie. Toward the bottom of the screen, although 
you will barely be able to see it, is a Weapons Mon Aug issue make sure 
to pick it up and head to the path on the right. Hit the hidden Zombie 
draw point here in the graveyard and pick up the Timber Maniacs Magazine 
then head back to the last area and to the left. There is a save point 
on the right and the Tech Squad is trying to fix a broken computer so 
head to the left. Search the stage for a invisible Aura draw point then 
continue to the basketball court on the left. Speak with all your party 
members until Selphie arrives. Irvine will begin to speak of his life in 
an Orphanage and little by little your party members start to remember 
growing up in the same Orphanage along with Irvine. As Squall follow the 
kids outside and down to the beach. After some more conversation follow 
Irvine outside and speak with him. Quistis will reveal some of her 
feelings, speak with her after this. More conversation will go on with 
your party members to find out that Edea was also at the Orphanage with 
everybody. The party decides to head to Edea's house to check out the 
Orphanage. Before you leave head back inside Trabia Garden, you can win 
the Selphie Card from Selphie's friend by the Gargoyle statue. Now there 
are a couple of side areas that are open at the moment and I'm going to 
walkthrough a couple of them next so if you want to continue with the 
story skip the rest of this section and head to the next one. Board the 
Garden and take it to Winhill, which is located on the southern tip of 
the Continent to the west of Balamb. When in Winhill head to the big 
house at the northern end of town. Speak with the man on the stairs and 
he will tell you about his broken vase, so its up to you to find the 
broken vase pieces and bring them to him. For the first piece head down 
to the old woman's house at the middle of town and search the white 
flowers, the old woman will tell you about Raine giving them to her, 
then search the flowers for the first vase piece. Head to the Chocobo 
crossing area and try to catch the chicobos that run across the road. 
One of them has a vase piece and it will float the ground. Also note 
that if you catch more Chicobos you can get a Gsyahl Greens and a 
Phoenix Pinion. Head to what use to be Raine's house in the north party 
of town and talk to the woman on the top floor until she mentions 
smelling the fragrance of Flowers. Heading back downstairs and search 
the table in the bottom right and the party will see Raine's Ghost, go 
try to speak with it and it turns out to be a cat, speak with the cat 
and it will drop a vase piece. Now head back to the mansion and search 
the suit of Armor for the last vase piece(If you are having problems 
getting this vase piece from the suit of armor come back on Disk 3 once 
you have the Ragnarok and you should be able to get the piece then, for 
some reason some people can get it on disk 2 while others may have to 
wait till disk 3). Speak to the man on the stairs and hand over the 
pieces and he'll give you a holy stone for your efforts. Now head back 
outside equip your item command ability and get into a battle. Use the 
Phoenix Pinion to summon the Phoenix GF. After using this item the 
Phoenix GF will randomly appear and help your party if all party members 
die in battle. Now board the Garden and head to Timber. Go to the train 
area and save the boy from being hit by the train, you'll get a free 
nights stay in the inn and you can pick up a copy of Timber Maniacs on 
the table the next morning. Outside Timber head out to the forest areas 
and try to run into some enemies called Anacondaur. They will drop 
Dragon Skin which is necessary for making some of Quistis and Zell's 
weapons so make sure to get at least 6 of these. Now board the Garden 
and head toward the Centra Ruins which is on the southwest continent. 
You'll know it when you see it, it looks kinda like a tripod. Before you 
enter you should know that throughout the tower you will be timed, so I 
strongly suggest equiping either Diablos' Encounter None or Encounter 
Half abilities because you do not want to waste any time with battles 
while inside. When you are prepared head inside and down the hill, up 
the stairs in the next area, around to the left side and up the stairs 
to the right. In the next area climb upon the alter and it will carry 
you up to the next area. Climb the ladder to the left to the top and 
flip the switch. Return to the bottom and hit the glowing blue orb on 
the alter to make a stair way appear to the right, proceed all the way 
up it. Take the ladder to the left and take the eye out of the statue, 
now head up the stairs and up the ladder to the left. Place the eye into 
the statue and remember the code it gives you. Take both eyes from the 
statue and return to the other statue, put both eyes into the statue 
then input the code. Head into the door that opens into a boss fight 
with Odin.


Boss: Odin

Party: Rinoa (Level 43), Squall (Level 58), Zell (Level 50)

The only hard part with this battle is the timer because Odin will not 
attack you at any time during the battle. Start the battle by reducing 
his defense by casting Meltdown on him then have the character with the 
mug ability steal a Luck-J Scroll from him. If you have over 5:00 Left I 
suggest drawing as much of the Triple spell as possible from him, then 
finish him off with some GFs or use physical attacks and strong magic if 
you are short on time.


After the battle Odin will join you as a GF but not as one you might 
think. Just like the Phoenix he will appear randomly to kill your 
enemies before a battle. Although he will never appear during a boss 
fight. Now that the timer is gone there are a few items and Draw Points 
to pick up on. Head up the stairs on the right and search the right side 
of the area for a invisible pain draw point, hit it and head back down 
the stairs to the area where you touched the orb to create the 
staircase. Head up the stairs to the right and hit the Aero draw point 
then proceed back down the stairs. Head back down toward the entrance, 
in the circle area check the area to the far right for a hidden Drain 
draw point. The only enemy you should look for in this area is the 
tonberry, there is another side quest that involves them but for now 
just mug one for a Chef's Knife then run away, the side area will be 
alot easier later in the game. Thats all for the Centra Ruins so head 
outside and board the garden. Take the Garden to Edea's house which is 
located just south of the Centra Ruin. Notice that Galbadia Garden is 
sitting near Edea's house in the forest area. Make absolutly sure you 
don't get near it or you will start the next scenario, instead proceed 
past the Garden and to the tip of the Continent to the north. You'll 
reach an area you can't pilot the garden through so get off and head 
through the space between the moutains. Here you will find alot of 
enemies that carry items you need to remodel your weapons. You'll run 
into Grand Mantis' here which like before carry Sharp Spikes, you'll 
also run into enemies called Blitz which can be mugged for Betrayal 
Swords and they drop Dynamo Stones. Farther in the desert area you'll 
run into Enemies called Chimeras which can be mugged for Red Fangs and 
they also drop Water Crystal's which teach Quistis Aqua Breath. I 
strongly suggest picking up these items and returing to an area like 
Timber to remodel your weapons. You should be able to make Squall's 
Flame Saber and Twin Lance, Zell's Gauntlet and his best Weapon Ergheiz, 
Quistis' Red Scorpion and Irvine's Bismarck. Now Board the Garden and 
head toward Galbadia Garden.


5.14: Galbadia Garden and the Showdown with Edea

Party: Rinoa (Level 52), Squall (Level 67), Zell (Level 59)

Items: Cottage, Royal Crown, Spd-J Scroll, Mega Phoenix, Hero, Force 

Cards: Cerberus

Draw Points: Aura, Protect


Head toward Galbadia Garden near Edea's house and the battle with 
Galbadia will begin. As Squall give the orders, you should stick with 
the important ones like the Garden's defenses and the Junior Classmen 
although it really doesn't make a diffrence what orders you give. Head 
down to your party members and form a party to take down to the quad. 
Before heading to the Quad go to the 2nd floor and order the people 
there to there positions, also the Junior Classman there will give you a 
Cottage, now head down to the Quad. Speak with Zell and Squall will hand 
over his ring, after speaking with Rinoa head back to the bridge with 
Squall. Once Galbadia storms the Garden Take Zell's Party down into the 
Quad. Rinoa falls as the two garden's collide, so take Zell's party to 
the front gate and speak with Squall. As Squall head up to the 2nd floor 
classroom and save the junior classmen. Help them then proceed back to 
the bridge to speak with the Doctor. After Squall's speech head toward 
the outside deck on the second floor. As soon as you rescue the child a 
battle between a Galbadian Soldier and Squall ensues. Take the option to 
look for another way and the two will fly outside and the fight will 
continue. The best thing to do is try to land at least two punches then 
just defend and hit with the deathblow when it comes up (it will be the 
triangle button). Winning this can be very frustrating but keep trying. 
After the battle Squall rescues Rinoa, she asks what the name of the 
lion on Squall's Ring is. You get a chance to name it, its name is 
Griever (although I'm not sure why they let you name it, it really 
doesn't matter). Before heading inside there is an invisible Aura draw 
point to the upper right so make sure to hit it and head inside. Select 
your party and head to the right, then to the right again and up the 
stairs. Speak with Fujin and Raijin, then head to the left and through 
the doorway on the right, speak with the student and he'll hand over the 
Key Card #1. Head back down the stairs and back to the room you where in 
when you first came into the garden, head to the left and unlock the 
door on the left. Hit the protect draw point and go through the door on 
the right. Continue across the hall and into the door on the right, the 
student here will give you the Key Card #2. Back outside the room head 
down and back up the stairs and to the third floor. Proceed through the 
door at the top and jump down onto the track. Head to the left, this 
area of the garden should look familiar to you, now head down into the 
center of the garden. Make sure to avoid the beast in the center until 
you use the save point just behind him. After saving and healing go up 
to engage him.


Boss: Cerberus

Party: Rinoa (Level 57), Squall (Level 72), Zell (Level 64)

As soon as the battle begins Cerberus will cast Triple on himself, 
immediatly cast dispel on him to get rid of this. Then draw and cast 
triple on your party, followed by casting shell and protect on your 
party, then have the party member with the mug ability steal a Spd-J 
Scroll from him. Now I suggest drawing as much Quake and Triple magic as 
you can from Cerberus then triple magic onto him such as Blizzaga and 
Firaga, or use GFs other than Quenzacotl and Pandemona. You get the 
Cerberus Card for winning.


After the battle Cerberus joins you as a GF, junction him, then head to 
the left and through the door on the left, the student here has the Key 
Card #3. Head back to the center of the garden, head north again and up 
the stairs to the left. Unlock the elevator and confront Edea and Seifer 
at the top. After some conversation Seifer will engage the party.


Boss: Seifer

Party: Rinoa (Level 58), Squall (Level 73), Zell (Level 65)

This is a very simple fight, start the battle by drawing and casting 
haste from Seifer on your party, the cast protect on the party. Then 
summon Cerberus to double and triple your party, also make sure to mug 
Seifer for a Mega Phoenix. Then rriple or double Bio Spells onto him 
along with a few GFs and he won't last too long.


After the battle Edea retreats to the auditorium. head back down the 
elevator and all the way past the stairs to the right and all the way 
around the area overlooking the center of the garden and into the 
auditorium. Inside the party battles with Edea.


Boss: Seifer, Edea

Party: Rinoa (Level 58), Squall (Level 73), Zell (Level 65)

Your first priority in this fight is to take care of Seifer. Once again 
draw and cast haste from him on your party as well as summoning Cerberus 
to double and triple your party, then cast shell and protect onto your 
party. Make sure to mug a Hero from Seifer it will come in handy, then 
finish Seifer with a GF or two and Edea will step in to take his place. 
Edea is a strong fighter and can easily overpower your party with magic, 
so make sure to keep Shell up at all times. Her Maelstrom attack will 
cut your party's HP in half and curse them so they cannot use there 
limit breaks. Immediatly triple Cura or Curaga onto your party after 
this, also make sure to mug Edea for a Royal Crown, as well as making 
sure to draw Alexander from her a new GF. Also make sure to dispel her 
reflect magic when she casts it on herself. She also likes to dispel 
your party's support magic so make sure to resummon Cerberus and recast 
shell when needed because you need to protect your party from her magic 
attacks. Keeping your party protected and tripleing magic such as Bio, 
Tornado, and Quake onto Edea along with any GFs you like will bring her 
down eventually. You receive a Force Armlet for winning.


After the battle a strange scene happens and Rinoa passes out, but Edea 
seems to be herself again. This ends Disk 2.


5.15: The White SeeD Ship and the Great Salt Lake

Party: Quistis (Level 28), Squall (Level 73), Zell (Level 65)

Items: Timber Maniacs Magazinex2, Weapons Mon July, Inferno Fang, Life 
Ring, Rename Card, Sorceress' Letter, Power Wrist, Combat King 003
Cards: Edea, Shiva

Draw Points: Curaga, Holy, Meteor, Thundaga


The disk begins with Squall thinking about what has happened. Quistis 
tells Squall to head to Edeas house, but first head over to the training 
area of Balamb Garden. There is now a Weapons Mon July Magazine lying on 
the ground, after picking it up head for the bridge and then instead of 
heading to Edea's House head back to Balamb with Zell in your party. At 
the entrance you'll notice a girl walking toward the exit, speak with 
her and she will tell Zell that a girl with a pigtail was looking for 
him. So head to Zell's house and Zell asks his mom if anybody came by 
for him, she says no, so proceed to the inn and stay the night, the next 
morning Zell will be nowhere to be found. Downstairs Zell is speaking 
with the pigtail girl, after some conversation she gives him a Combat 
King 003 Magazine then leaves. Now head back to the garden and to Edea's 
House. When inside pick up the Timber Maniacs Magazine on your right and 
head down the stairs to the north, hit the Curaga draw point then return 
and speak with Cid, follow him down to speak with Edea. Speak with Edea 
and she will explain about Sorceress Ultimecia and her plans for Ellone 
and Sorceress Adel. After speaking with her and returning to the garden 
head back to Edea's house and Challenge Edea to a game of cards, she has 
the Edea card so make sure to pick it up. Then head to the Infimary to 
see Rinoa. Squall falls into the dream world again and you take control 
of Laguna's party. Seems this time Laguna has got himself a part in a 
movie, but it appears a real dragon has become Laguna's costar. Just 
repededly push the circle button to attack the dragon and when the 
dragon reers back push square to defend and you should put the dragon 
away soon. Laguna runs away only to have the dragon block his path. 
Kiros and Ward (for some reason sometimes Ward will not be with Laguna's 
party) show up to help Laguna fight and you engage the Ruby Dragon, make 
sure to say to prepare for the battle first because neither Kiros or 
Ward is juctioned with anything. When your ready engage the Dragon. The 
battle with the Red Dragon isn't too difficult stick with GFs like 
Leviathan and Shiva and make sure to steal a Inferno Fang from him. You 
can either use the Inferno Fang to Remodel Selphie's next weapon or 
teach Quistis Fire Breath, you won't be able to get any more Inferno 
Fangs for a while so its your choice. After the battle the scene will 
switch back to Squall, head back to the bridge and to Edea's house to 
ask her about the location of the White SeeD Ship. She will give you the 
Sorceress' Letter and tell you to look around the Centra Area, so return 
and board the garden and search all around the small islands of Centra. 
Alot of people have trouble finding it but its just north from Edea's 
House in a small cove, so search carefully because its easy to miss. 
Once onboard the White SeeD ship, head to the right and you'll run into 
Watts and Zone. After some conversation follow Zone up the stairs speak 
with him many times until he notices you have the Girl Next Door 
Magazine, hand it over to him for free and he'll give you a Rename Card 
and the Shiva Card, also pick up the Timber Maniacs Magazine in the 
cabin, then return and head down the stairs to the right into the 
leader's cabin. Hit the Holy draw point and continue speaking with the 
Leader and he informs you that Ellone is in Esthar. So enter the garden 
and go see Rinoa in the Infimary and Squall will carry her off toward 
Esthar. Your party, along with Edea who has joined your party at this 
point, catchs up with you toward the end of the train tracks. Speak with 
them, form your party and head into the Great Salt Lake. The only 
enemies in this area consist of a left and right hand and a head. The 
head cast protective magic, the right is manly physical attacks and the 
left bombards the party with powerful magic, make sure to take out the 
left arm as soon as possible because its Meteor Spell causes a ton of 
damage to your party, also you can mug the left hand for Life Rings 
which you should pick up several of those. Head down the hill after your 
party talks and up the dragon bones to the right and up into the next 
area. Hit the invisible Meteor draw point on the far right, continue 
across the bone walkway on the left over to the other side. Hit the 
Thundaga draw point and drop down to the ground below. Head up and to 
the right to a save point, then to the left, and a monster drops in on 
the party.


Boss: Abadon

Party: Quistis (Level 34), Squall (Level 78), Zell (Level 71)

This boss is very simple to beat, when the battle begins summon Cerberus 
and triple Cura and Curaga Spells onto Abadon and you should kill him in 
a couple of rounds. Or you can try for an instant kill by using a 
Phoenix Down or casting Life on him. Abadon does have some nasty attacks 
though, most having to do with status effects, so if one of your party 
members gets hit with a status effect draw and cast Esuna on the 
character from Abadon. When Abadon is standing up tall note that its 
defense goes way up and you should just draw Flare magic from him until 
he resumes his normal position. Also make sure to mug him for a Power 
Wrist. He is also weak against Holy and Fire so Alexander and Ifrit will 
deal big damage to him.


After the battle continue to the right and examine the flashing screen 
to reveal the entrance to Esthar.


5.16: Esthar and the Lunar Gate

Party: Quistis (Level 34), Squall (Level 78), Zell (Level 71)

Items: Weapons Mon 1st, Occult Fan IV, Combat King 004, Solomon Ring, 
Malboro Tentacle, Rosetta Stone, Hi-Potionx3, X-Potion, Mega-Potion, 
Mega Phoenix, Laser Cannon, Selphie's Crescent Wish

Cards: Ward

Draw Points: Death, Double, Flare, Blizzard, Curagax2, Quake, Life, 
Reflect, Meteor, Holy


Inside Esthar head to the right. You can see how Esthar cloaks itself by 
using the control panel you pass on the way by. Once the elevator stops 
head out the door and into the city of Esthar. At the bottom the party 
passes out and you take control of Laguna's party once again. Speak with 
the guards and then the other prisoners until a Soldier comes in an 
engages Laguna. Another Guard comes down the elevator to stop Laguna. 
Kiros and Ward join up with Laguna so make sure to junction them with 
GFs first. In the battle make sure to take out the Gesper first because 
of its ability to use Degenerator which removes a party member from 
battle. After the battle head up the elevator to Odine's Lab. Listen in 
to Odine's conversation until you hear him mention a copy of Weapons 
Monthly, then the party heads outside. Hit the Death draw point before 
heading back inside the lab make sure to pick up the Weapons Mon 1st at 
the bottom of the screen and head down the elevator to speak with Odine. 
Some Soldiers will engage the party before they can speak with Odine, 
the only thing special about this battle is that the Elastoid enemy can 
be mugged for a Laser Cannon which teachs Quistis Homing Laser. Follow 
Odine up the Elevator and outside and he'll give the location where 
Ellone is being held. Laguna's party heads to Odine's lab and is 
attacked by some Esthar soldiers at the entrance. Hit the double draw 
point on the right then head up the elevator in the center of the room. 
Search the upper left for a hidden Flare draw point and proceed through 
the door. Defeat the soldiers and have Laguna mess with the controls on 
the right to unlock the door. Proceed back down the elevator and into 
the room to the north to rescue Ellone. The scene switchs back to 
Squall's party and they are taken to meet with Odine in Esthar. Odine 
will take you to meet with Ellone as long as you let him observe Rinoa. 
Squall agrees and he tells your party to head to the Lunar Gate to the 
northeast of the city. Before leaving the room challenge Odine to a game 
of cards and win the Ward card from him then head outside the room. Head 
to the right and use the lift to leave the palace. Hit the Blizzard draw 
point on the left and then head to the left, then left again, then right 
in the next area. Speak to the soldier standing there and he will say 
"Oh yeah, thats right" keep him in mind and continue to the right. Hit 
the Curaga draw point at the end of the walkway and head down the stairs 
and down into the next area. Now head all the way left until you run 
into a man in blue and a woman in green talking, speak with the man in 
blue who is the Presidential Aide. Now head all the way back to the 
right and down the first chance you get. Hit the Quake draw point here 
then head back and keep heading right into the shopping arcade. Search 
on the left and right sides of the area for shops. There are new Pet 
Pals Magazines to buy and you should be able to remodel Selphie's weapon 
into the Crescent Wish if you didn't use the Inferno Fang to teach 
Quistis Fire Breath that is. The shops here in Esthar will randomly give 
you an item when you shop with them. The Shops will give Hi-Potions 
first then give better items such as Mega-Potion, Mega Phoenix, and X-
Potions. When your done shopping head out to the north and all the way 
north heading left at the second left you come to, this will take you 
back to the Presidental Palace. Head back inside and outside the room 
where you left Rinoa you will run into the Presidental Secretary whom 
will complain about the President's growing collection of magazines. 
When he leaves pick up the Occult Fan IV magazine he leaves behind then 
head back outside the palace and use the Lift type device to head 
outside of town via the Shopping Mall. Keep going past the shopping mall 
then head down to reach outside. In this next area, examine the flashing 
red control panel to rent a car. I strongly suggest renting one because 
the way to the Lunar Gate is long and there will be alot or random 
encounters. Most of the enemies outside are nothing new but you should 
beware the Marlboro enemies, you can mug them for some Malboro Tentacles 
which teach Quistis Bad Breath and they are also used for numerous other 
things so pick up several of them. But the Malboro also uses Bad Breath 
which gives just about every status effect in the book on your party so 
be cautious when fighting them. Don't head for the Lunar Gate just yet, 
instead head past it and to Tears' Point. There is a new GF to acquire 
there. Head all the way down into Tears' Point hitting the Life and 
Reflect draw points on the way and pick up the Solomon Ring at the end. 
In order to draw the GF Doomtrain from the ring you'll need several 
items. 6 Steel Pipes, 6 Remedy +, and 6 Malboro Tentacles. You should 
have several Steel Pipes and Malboro Tentacles if you have been 
following the walkthough, and you can make Remedy + items by using 
Alexander's Med LV Up ability along with a few Remedy items. Once you 
have the items use the ring to obtain the GF Doomtrain. Now head out of 
Tears' Point and back to the Lunar Gate. Head inside Lunar's Gate and 
the party will run into Angelo, after some conversation, let Zell be 
Edea's escort then choose the party you want to take to the Lunar Base, 
step inside the capsule and the party is launched into space. As Zell 
head outside to watch Lunatic Pandora head for Esthar. Head back to 
Esthar and return to the area with the guy I told you to remember 
earlier who says "Oh yeah, thats right" speak with him and this time he 
will hand over his Combat King 004 magazine. Now head to Odine's lab 
which is the first down to the left of the entrance of the city and 
speak with Odine. He will explain the situation and tell Zell's party 
the three places they can enter Lunatic Pandora at. Pay close attention 
to the places as he speaks about them, he will give you a map you can 
look at with the Square button, head outside and the mission starts. 
From Odine's Lab head all the way to the right to the shopping mall, 
Cheryl's shop will give you a Rosetta Stone, but only during this event 
and this is a VERY worthwhile item so pick it up. Then head back to the 
left and up, then up the stairs and to the left, this is the first 
contact point, so wait for Lunatic Pandora to pass by. Defeat the 
soldiers that come out in time and head inside Lunatic Pandora, if you 
miss it at this point, head to the Skyway Crossing which is north from 
the shopping mall and to the first left, if you miss it there head to 
the screen just north of the Shopping Mall and wait for it. Once inside 
hit the Meteor draw point on the right and head up the stairs. Hit the 
Curaga draw point on the left and proceed to the elevator on the left. 
Continue north making sure to hit the Holy draw point you pass by on the 
way. At the end of the passage the party meets up with a machine and are 
thrown out of Lunatic Pandora as it heads for Tears' Point. Zell's team 
falls back and the scene switchs to Squall's Party.


5.17: The Lunar Base and the Ragnarok

Party: Squall (Level 81), Quistis (Level 37)

Items: None

Cards: Alexander, Laguna 

Draw Points: Meteor, Meltdown, Life, Cura, Full-Life


After having there capsules recovered by the people at the Lunar Base, 
Squall and the party are thawed. Float around the room until Piet comes 
into the room, speak with him then pick up Rinoa and follow him into the 
room on the left. Take this time to play cards with Piet, he has the 
Alexander card, then head into the room to set Rinoa down. Follow Piet 
out of the room and into the Control Room, speak with Piet here then 
head back out and up the stairs to Ellone's Room. Hit the hidden Meteor 
draw point on the left in here then challenge her to a game of cards, 
she has the Laguna card, then speak with her. Take Ellone to see Rinoa, 
but on the way something comes over Rinoa and she walks out of her room 
and down the to the control room, follow her there. She unlocks Adel's 
tomb and the Lunar Cry begins, follow her up the stairs and into the 
door on the right. Rinoa heads outside in a space suit, so as Squall get 
one of your own on the right and head out the door Rinoa went out. 
Outside head down and listen to the three men speak then head back up 
and into the control room. Rinoa will free Adel, Piet and the crew will 
escape into the escape pods, follow them to the right and down the 
elevator, hit the hidden Meltdown draw point on the left then head into 
the door on the right to the escape pods. Speak with Ellone on the 
escape pods and have her take you back into Rinoa's past. After some 
more conversation Squall heads outside the escape pod to save Rinoa. As 
long as you keep Rinoa in vision with the directional buttons you should 
save her in time. The two drift along for a while and come in contact 
with a spaceship known as the Ragnarok. Inside is filled with Creatures 
called Propagators, these are mini boss type creatures that can easily 
be taken care of by casting pain on them then finishing them with a GF 
or two, but you must kill them in a certain order, by there color. Once 
inside make sure to junction Rinoa and save at the save point. After 
some conversation head into the Ragnarok, and you meet up with your 
first Propagator. Head down the stairs and kill the purple one here, 
head north and to the left, kill the purple propagator here, this 
eleminates the purple ones. Proceed back into the room you came from and 
eliminate the red one here and hit the cura draw point to the upper 
left, then back to the other room and up the stairs, kill the other red 
one here to take care of the Red Propagators. Head down and into the 
area Rinoa and Squall began in, kill the Yellow one here and proceed 
back out. Hit the life draw point that is now to the left, then head 
down the stairs, back to the area you finished the last Purple 
Propagator in. Head to the left and through the door to the northwest, 
finish off the other Yellow Propagator here. Then kill the Green one 
that is blocking the elevator in the next room, then head back to the 
area below the stairs and enter the door on the right. Finish off the 
last Propagator here and hit the Full-Life draw point that is hidden in 
the room, then return to the elevator and ride it up to the bridge. 
After some more conversation, Squall is told how to take the Ragnarok 
back down to the planet. (Quite a touching sight on the Ragnarok if I 
may say so myself). Back on the Planet the Esthar soldiers take Rinoa 
away, as Squall head back inside the Ragnarok and after some 
conversation your party members show up and convince you to go to the 
Sorceress Memorial to save Rinoa. The awesome Ragnarok is now in your 


5.18: The Sorceress Memorial and the Meeting with Laguna

Party: Quistis (Level 37), Squall (Level 81), Zell (Level 76)

Items: Regen Ring, Star Fragment, Squall's Punishment, Pulse Ammo, Moon 
Stone, Irvine's Exeter, Energy Crystal, Quistis' Save the Queen

Cards: Squall

Draw Points: Stop, Tornado

Take the Ragnarok to the Sorceress Memorial near Esthar and head inside, 
make sure to hit the Stop draw point you pass on the way in. As Squall 
proceed around to the left to free Rinoa, after you free her the party 
is confronted by Esthar soldiers outside. A strange man comes and calls 
them off and the party boards the Ragnarok. Rinoa wants to go to Edeas 
House so take the Ragnarok there, note that Rinoa now has a new Limit 
Break called Angel Wing which you can find more about it in the 
Character section. At Edea's House follow Angelo to the left to a field 
of flowers, after some conversation Zell tells the party that a man name 
Kiros wants to meet them in Esthar and he has a plan to defeat 
Ultimecia. So board the Ragnarok and fly it to Esthar's Airstation. 
Unfortunatly there are enemies within Esthar this time, there are a 
couple of enemies to watch out for though. The Iron Giants can be mugged 
for Star Fragments and the Torama enemy can be mugged for Regen Rings, 
two items that will be needed to remodel weapons, also here this is your 
first chance to encounter Elnoyle enemies. Head north from the area 
where you can enter Doc Odine's lab and down the stairs to the left you 
will notice a guy in black, talking to him with ALWAYS get you into a 
battle with a Elnoyle, they can be mugged for Moon Stones which are 
needed to make Irvine's best weapon the Exeter, and they drop Energy 
Crystals which are needed to make Quistis' and Rinoa's best weapons, 
they can also be refined to Pulse Ammo which is needed to make Squall's 
best weapon the Lion Heart, so make sure you take this chance to beat 
some Elnoyle's because they are very rare encounters elsewhere. Every 
time you beat one just leave the area, then return and you can fight the 
Eloyne again. Next head for the Shopping mall and hit the Tornado draw 
point that is now here. Also use the Junk shop here, if you acquire a 
few of the items here you should be able to make Squall's Punishment 
weapon, Irvine's best weapon the Exeter, and Quistis' best weapon the 
Save the Queen. Now head north to the Presidental Palace. The 
President's room is on the far left, enter and come face to face with 
Laguna. You can challenge him to a game of cards to win the Squall card 
at this time or when he is on the Ragnarok. Speak with him on the 
various subjects and he will explain the mission to defeat Ultimecia. 
Agree to the mission and the party will head back to the Ragnarok to 
discuss the matter furthur. After the briefing you take control of the 
Ragnarok again, your destination is Lunatic Pandora but before you head 
there are a few side areas to do that you won't be able to do once you 
head inside Lunatic Pandora. I'll go over these side areas in the next 
few sections so if you want to continue with the story just skip the 
next few sections.


5.19: The CC Group and Dollet

Party: Rinoa (Level 63), Squall (Level 88), Zell (Level 82)

Items: Adamantine, Whisper, Selphie's Strange Vision, GF Report, X-
Potion, Mega-Potion, Elixer, Occult Fan II, Timber Maniacs Magazinex2 
Dragon Fang, Windmill, Squall's Lion Heart, Rinoa's Shooting Star

Cards: Siren, Carbuncle, Leviathan, Gilgamesh, Geezardx5, Red Batx4, 
Buelx3, Anacondaurx2, Cactaur

Draw Points: Silence


Fly the Ragnarok back to Fisherman's Horizon and enter Balamb Garden. 
There is a card playing group here known as the CC Group. In order to 
challenge them you must have won several card battles within the garden, 
I'm not sure exactly how many you need to win before you can challenge 
them but its around 20 games or so and you should be able to challenge 
them. The first person to challenge in the group is Jack, and you can 
find him wandering from the gates of balamb and up the directory. After 
beating him you need to challenge Club to a game, He sometimes appears 
outside the Cafeteria walking in that general area. After beating him 
next is to challenge Diamond. Diamond is a pair of female students that 
are near the area where Jack was. Finish off Diamond and the next 
oponnent is Spade, head up the elevator to the 2nd floor and Spade is 
one of the two Students that is usually in this area, after beating 
Spade head to the Bridge and Speak with Xu. She is Heart and she also 
has the Carbuncle card to win. Finish her and head for the training area 
of Balamb Garden to challenge Joker. He randomly appears on the right 
side of the area overlooking the water, he has the Leviathan card and 
will give you the GF Report that will display your GF's kills and KOs in 
your tutorial menu. Now you are ready to challenge the king, head to the 
Infimary and challenge Dr. Kadowaki to a game, she will tell you that 
King should appear soon, so head back to Squall's room in the Dormatory 
and take a rest. King will appear when you wake, King is actually 
Quistis and she has the Gilgamesh card. After you beat King you have 
beaten all the CC Group members and you can challenge them at any time 
you wish, plus on disk 4 they will be inside the Ragnarok for you to 
play cards with. Head back to the Ragnarok and take it to Dollet now. 
The beach area near Dollet is home to an enemy called Adamntoise, which 
can be mugged for an item called Whisper which teachs Quistis White 
Wind, and they also drop Adamantine which is needed to make most of the 
best weapons in the game and with them you should now be able to make 
Selphie's best weapon the Strange Vision. Now head inside Dollet. Inside 
Dollet head down to the right, then to the left. Proceed to the north 
and into the pub on the left. Head up the stairs and pick up the Timber 
Maniacs Magazine laying on the table then speak with the pub owner and 
say yes to his question. He'll challenge you to a game of cards. Beat 
him in cards and follow him to his secret room to the right. He'll give 
you several cards a Geezardx5, Red Batx4, Buelx3, Anacondaurx2, and a 
Cactuar Card for beating him. Also he has the Siren card to win so keep 
challenging him until you get it, also check the various magazine stacks 
in his room for an Occult Fan II Magazine and there are also several 
random items such as potions, antidotes, and softs. Head back out of the 
room and down the stairs and outside the pub. Continue to the north, in 
the next area there is a item shop that sells the regular items and also 
a junk shop, continue north, hit the Silence draw point on the right 
then head into the hotel. Stay the night and pick up the Timber Maniacs 
Magazine on the table. Head back down the street and you'll notice a boy 
standing outside his house, speak with him then follow him inside. 
Inspect the painting then head to the center square where the hotel is 
located. Search the dog on the right to receive an X-Potion, now head 
back to the Painter's house and examine the next painting. The dog is 
now outside the pub, search him this time for a Mega-Potion, and once 
again head back to the Painter's House and examine the next painting. 
The dog is now right outside the house, so search him, this time for an 
Elixer. After this the old man sends his son to "Tickling Hell" (heh) 
and this completes the events, head out of Dollet and board the 
Ragnarok. There are a couple more items to get out on the world map 
though, first Pilot the Ragnarok to the Forests near Trabia Garden. The 
Blue Dragons here which you should remember from getting the fury 
fragments, they drop Dragon Fangs so pick up a couple of these, and if 
you have been getting the items I've been mentioning in the guide you 
should now be able to make Squall's best weapon the Lion Heart. The next 
enemy is usually found outside of Deling City, and you should have run 
into several of these during your play through the game, they are called 
Thrustaevius and they should be high enough level for you to be able to 
mug Windmills from them, make sure to pick up several of these, then 
head to a weapon remodeling shop to make Rinoa's best weapon, the 
Shooting Star. Also if you failed to win the Alexander card from Piet at 
the Lunar Base you can still win it from him, you'll need to fly the 
Ragnarok to the crash site of the pod you took down from the base. The 
crash site is located on the Esthar continent at the bottom right tip of 
the continent. There is an area here that you cannot see but it is 
there. Land the Ragnarok near the tip and search around and you should 
go into the area where the escape pod is. He will only be there on Disc 
3 though so this will be your last chance.

5.20: Jumbo Cactuar and Shumi Village

Party: Rinoa (Level 68), Squall (Level 93), Zell (Level 87)

Items: Phoenix Pinion, Status Guard, Timber Maniacs Magazine

Cards: None

Draw Points: Ultima, Firaga, Blizzaga


Board the Ragnarok and take it to Cactaur Island which is a small island 
north of the desert area north of Edea's House. You'll notice a Cactuar 
on the island pop in and out of the ground. Land the Ragnarok and engage 
it in combat, this is the Jumbo Cactaur.


Boss: Jumbo Cactaur

Party: Rinoa (Level 68), Squall (Level 93), Zell (Level 87)

Before the battle make sure to have one of your party members equiped 
with the Revive command ability and the rest have alot of life and water 
magic stocked. As soon as the battle begins summon doomtrain to slow and 
lower Jumbo Cactaur's defenses, then summon Cerberus to double and 
triple your party. If your Max HP is below 5000 I also suggest Casting 
protect on your party as well. Being slow Jumbo Cactuar will not attack 
your party very often so assault him by summoning Leviathan and tripling 
water Magic onto him because he is extremley weak against water. Jumbo 
Cactaur also has a random counter attack called 10,000 Needles which is 
instant death to a party member, when this happens just use the Revive 
ability or cast life on the party member and continue the assault. Note 
that if you cast life that party member will be in critical condition 
and you should be able to use their limit breaks which makes this battle 
a breeze. When Jumbo Cactaur's HP gets really low you'll see a message 
he is hesitating, this means he is about to run away, now you must hit 
him with your most powerful attacks before he escapes. Summoning 
Leviathan is probably your best bet, so stick with that. After the 
battle you'll receive the Cactaur GF.


Now board the Ragnarok and take it to Shumi Village which is located at 
the far tip of the Eastern Continent. Land and head inside. For 5000 Gil 
you can hit the Ultima draw point on the left on your way inside, I 
suggest paying the price in order to draw. Ultima is a great spell not 
only to cast but to junction as well. Anyway when you are ready head 
into the elevator and take it down into the village. The house on the 
right is an Inn with rather familiar music playing in it. Further down 
is the Elder's house which you cannot enter at this time. Continue down 
the path, the first house on the right is the Artisan's home, pick up 
the last issue of Timber Maniacs inside and then head back outside and 
into the next house on the right. Squall will notice the statue looks 
like Laguna and the Sculptor will tell you to go speak with the Elder, 
hit the Firaga draw point here and then head back and into the Elder's 
House making sure to hit the Blizzaga draw point outside his house 
first. The Elder will tell you about Laguna then offer you a gift for 
coming if you help his Sculptor complete the Statue, so head back and 
speak with the Sculptor. Agree to find the stones then search the Blue 
Stone to the left of the Laguna statue for the Blue Stone. Now for the 
Wind Stone head back toward the Inn and inspect the rocks to the left of 
the Inn, Squall will notice a breeze blowing and you get the Wind Stone, 
take it back to the Sculptor. For the Life Stone head back to the 
Elder's House and search the vegetation to the right of his home where 
there are roots growing on the rocks, take the Life Stone back to the 
Sculptor. For the Shadow Stone head back up the elevator and search the 
shadowed area to the right for the Shadow Stone, take the stone back to 
the Sculptor. Now for the Water Stone head to the Artisan's House and 
search to the left of where he is standing for the Water Stone, take it 
back to the Sculptor. Now that you completed your task head for the 
Elder's house and speak with him. He'll present you with the gift of 
seeing his hands (Squall sounds kinda pissed at his offering heh) 
heading outside though the Attendant gives you a Phoenix Pinion. The 
Quest is not over yet though. Exit the Village then reenter. Visit the 
Attendant that is suppost to be helping work on the statue, then go 
speak with the Elder. Speak with the Moomba outside and follow him back 
to the statue and speak with the Attendant. Once again proceed back to 
the Elders House and speak with him, return to the statue again and 
speak with the Attendant. Next head over to the Artisan's house and ask 
him to help, he won't help, so return and speak with the Elder. Now head 
back to the Ragnarok and take it to Fisherman's Horizon and speak with 
the Grease Monk on the far left of town near the train station. He'll 
tell you to give the Moomba Doll to the Artisan and he'll help, so 
return to the Ragnarok and take the Moomba Doll to the Artisan. On your 
way outside if you went through the Master Fisherman event earlier in 
Fisherman's Horizon he will appear and will have a conversation with 
Squall. The Artisan decides to help, so head back to the Elder's House 
and speak with him, he'll give you a Status Guard and this completes the 
Event. Also now that you have all the Timber Maniacs Magazines take the 
Ragnarok back to Fisherman's Horizon and enter Balamb Garden. Head into 
the Classroom and to Squall's Study Panel, choose to look at the Garden 
Festival Commitee's Page, and then choose Sir Laguna's Page. Here is 
where the Magazine's come into play. With every one you have picked up 
Selphie has posted the article Laguna wrote in the magazine and you can 
learn about all the places and things Laguna saw and wrote about during 
his travels.


5.21: Obel Lake and the Card Queen

Party: Rinoa (Level 69), Squall (Level 94), Zell (Level 87)

Items: Three Stars, Luck-J Scroll

Cards: Kiros, Irvine, Doomtrain, Chubby Chocobo, Phoenix

Draw Points: None


To start the Obel Lake Side Quest take the Ragnarok to the small lake 
that is near timber, its easy to spot because it has a small circluar 
piece of land jutting out into it. Land on that spot and search the lake 
area, you'll be given the choice to either Hum or Throw Rocks. Hum until 
a shadowy Creature appears, continue humming and he'll ask you for a 
favor, he'll want you to find his friend Mr. Monkey. He also tells you 
that he is in a forest in the area and he may have took a train to 
Dollet. So board the Ragnarok and fly to the forest near Dollet. Search 
it to find Mr. Monkey, you can either throw a rock at him or Sing for 
him, either way he says "You Suck" and disappears. So head back to Obel 
Lake and tell the Creature you found him. Speak with him again and he'll 
tell you several diffrent riddles which I beleive its random in what 
order he tells you them. Listed below are the riddles and what they 
mean. After completing each one just return and speak with the Creature 
for another riddle.

"At the beach in Balamb something special washes Ashore at times" Board 
the Ragnarok and fly to Balamb and search the beaches. You'll find a 
rock that reads STSLRM.

"Take a break at the railroad bridge" He is refering to the areas where 
there are bridges that the trains cross, on one of them is a Fire draw 

"You'll find something on an island east of Timber, too" Board the 
Ragnarok and land on the island that is beside the tracks that connect 
the continent where Timber is and Fisherman's Horizon, search here for a 
rock that reads REAIDR.

"Mr. Monkey had a rock like this I think..." Throw rocks in Obel Lake 
until you get the message that the rock skipped many many times. Then 
fly to the Forest near Dollet and throw rocks at Mr. Monkey until he 
throws one back at you that reads URHAEO.

"Take some time off at Elbeak Peninsula" Take the Ragnarok directly 
north of the continent where Balamb is and there is a peninsula jutting 
out into the water half covered with snow. Search here for a pillar that 
reads TRETIMEASUREATMINOFFDEISLE. Now the Riddle says to take time off 
there, so take the words time and off out of the writting on the pillar 
and you get Treasure at Minde Isle. So board the Ragnarok and head for 
Minde Isle which is located at the southern tip of the Esthar continent 
to the west side of the tip. Search the Island for Luck-J Scroll.

"Back in the day, south of here, there used to be a small but beautiful 
village surrounded by deep forests. Everybody lived a happy life there" 
Take the Ragnarok to Edea's House and search in between the many forests 
that are grouped together to the northern area of her house. Squall will 
find the rubbled remains of the Village.

"There's also something on top of a mountain with a lake and cavern" He 
is refering to a mountain area near timber where there is a cavern with 
water flowing into a river and it is located near the area where 
Galbadia Garden once was. Land on the mountain and search there until 
you find a bird warming an egg, choose to check it out and you'll get 
into a fight with some Thrustaevis enemies, defeat them and you find a 
rock that reads EASNPD.

When you have acquired all four rocks return to speak with the Creature 
and he'll align the four rocks up for you to figure out the secret 
message. If you read starting from the left and read down you'll notice 
the message says Mordred Plains has Treasure. So board the Ragnarok and 
head toward Mordred Plains which is located directly north of Esthar. 
You might want to equip the encounter none ability because you'll be 
searching alot in this area. While searching around the area you'll run 
into four faces that will tell you diffrent locations of where the 
treasure is. The only one you need listen to is the red one because he 
will always lie, just head the opposite of whatever direction he tells 
you to head and keep searching until he tells you the treasure isn't 
here, now you know you've found the treasure. Search the area again for 
a Three Stars, this completes the quest. Now before I begin the next 
Quest with the Card Queen note that every card you get in this next 
quest can be won from the Card Queen on Disk 4 and you'll have to do 
alot of running around the world and losing and then rewinning some of 
your cards in this quest, so its up to you weither you want to try the 
Quest or not. Take the Ragnarok to Balamb and to the train station, the 
Card Queen is here. Challenge her to a game of cards and either lose a 
rare card to her or win a rare card from her, any level 8 card she has 
will do. Speak with her again and she will give a hint as to where her 
next location may be. It is randomly choosen between the following 
places: Estahr, Fisherman's Horizon, Lunar Gate, Shumi Village, Balamb, 
Dollet, Deling City, and Winhill. Below are the hints she gives and 
where she could be headed.

Card Queen Says:                 Location:

Fisherman's Horizon or FH        Train Tracks at Fisherman's Horizon
Trabia                           Hotel in Shumi Village
Far Away                         Lunar Gate
Dollet                           Pub in Dollet
Esthar                           Presidental Palace in Esthar
Galbadia                         Hotel in Deling City
Balamb                           Train Station at Balamb
Centra                           Hotel in Winhill

Card Queen's Location:           Will Move to:

Fisherman's Horizon              Dollet, Winhill, or Esthar
Shumi Village                    Balamb, Dollet, or Lunar Gate
Lunar Gate                       Randomly picked out of all areas
Dollet                           Balamb or Deling City
Esthar                           Dollet, Shumi Village, FH, Lunar Gate
Deling City                      Balamb, Dollet, FH, or Winhill
Balamb                           Dollet, Deling City
Winhill                          Deling City, FH, or Dollet

The idea is to track the Card Queen down where ever she goes and play 
cards with her, of course losing or winning a rare card every time, 
until she eventually heads to Dollet. Once there speak with her normally 
and ask her about her father. At this point she will ask you for a 
specific card, lose it to her in a card game. Her father will then make 
a new card and give it to somebody around the world. Once again you'll 
have to chase the Card Queen around the world until she reaches Dollet 
again and she will ask you for another card. You must do this 5 times 
and lose the MiniMog, Sacred, Doomtrain, Chicobo, and Alexander cards to 
her, for her father to make new rare cards. Note that if you have been 
following this walkthough you do not yet have the Chicobo Card, if you 
wish to finish the quest, see the Chocobo Forest side Quest later in the 
guide on where you can get the Chicobo Card. Also while chasing her 
around to diffrent areas you can pay her gil to spread new rules around 
the area but I find this worthless unless you are really big into cards. 
After losing those cards to her, her father will make 5 new cards and 
spread them throughout the world, here are the locations of them:

MiniMog - Kiros - Deling City, man dressed in black near the junk shop

Sacred - Irvine- Fisherman's Horizon, Flo, Mayor Dobe's Wife

Chicobo - Chubby Chocobo - Balamb Garden, Man outside of Library

Alexander - Doomtrain - Timber, Pub Owner

Doomtrain - Phoenix - Esthar, Presidental Assistant at the Palace

After you obtain the cards this completes the quest. Note that the cards 
you lose to her that are used to make new cards, can be won back from 
her brother, who lives in the house with the Artist down the street. If 
you have been following the walkthough he is the boy that was messing up 
his father's paintings.


5.22: Lunatic Pandora and the Beginning of the End

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 98), Zell (Level 92)

Items: Power Generator, Hero, Laser Cannon, Megalixerx10, Samantha Soul, 
Phoenix Pinion, Combat King 005, LuvLuvG, Spd-J Scroll, Power Wrist, 
Barrier, Str Upx2, Vit Upx2

Cards: None

Draw Points: Ultima, Confuse, Silence


Take the Ragnarok into Lunatic Pandora which is hovering over Tear's 
Point on the Esthar continent. The party blows a hole into it with the 
Ragnarok and heads inside. When you step outside the Ragnarok you are 
greeted by Fujin and Raijin.


Boss: Fujin, Rajin

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 98), Zell (Level 92)

Start the battle by summoning Cerberus to double and triple your party, 
then Haste your entire party, followed by drawing shell and protect from 
Raijin and cast it on your party. Now summon Doomtrain, this will blind 
both Fujin and Raijin, put them to sleep, and lower there defenses 
drastically. Take this time to draw alot of the Full-Life spell from 
Fujin because it junctions extremely well. Then mug Raijin for a Power 
Wrist and then Fujin for 2 Megalixers. Now finish them off by using 
Diablos to cut there HP then using GFs such as Cactaur and Ifrit, but 
once again like the other battles with them stay away from Thunder and 
Wind Magic, including Quenzacotl and Pandemona. Fujin and Raijin also 
like to cast support magic so make sure to use dispel to counter there 
support magic. Be sure to cast dispel on Raijin as soon as he casts Aura 
on himself because he will start to use a very powerful attack while it 
is cast on him.


After Fujin and Raijin run inside follow them and head up the stairs, 
making sure to talk to your old buddies Biggs and Wedge before heading 
inside. Follow the walkway heading left, then head to the right and 
you'll notice at the bottom of the screen some stairs that lead down. 
The enemies you will run into in these areas may look threatening but 
they are very low level monsters and are easily taken care of. Note that 
the Behemoths enemies can be mugged for a Barrier which teachs Quistis 
Mighty Guard. Take the stairs and then the ladder that leads down, this 
is the area Laguna went through during the forest dream scenario. At the 
bottom of the ladder hit the confuse draw point and head to the right 
into the tunnel to pick up a LuvLuvG Items, then proceed to the left. In 
the area with the panels search all three of them for a Power Generator 
which teachs Quistis Ray Bomb, a Phoenix Pinion, and a Silence Draw 
Point. Contining to the left, pick up the Combat King 005 Magazine and 
hit the Ultima draw point at the end of the tunnel, then proceed back up 
the ladder and stairs you came from and head up the elevator there. In 
the next area proceed across the room to the elevator on the far left, 
continue to the end of the tunnel making sure to search the hole in the 
wall to the left of the path for a Spd-J Scroll. In the next area, save 
and heal at the save point. Proceed through the north tunnel and Fujin 
and Raijin have a suprise for you.


Boss: Mobile Type 8

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 92)

Start the battle as usual with Cerberus and Doomtrain. Then haste and 
protect your entire party, as well as Mug Mobile Type 8's 3 parts for a 
Laser Cannon, 2 Str Ups, and 2 Vit ups. This boss basically has two 
forms, one is when all the parts are connected, if you attack the body 
the other two parts will shoot lasers at the party member for around 600 
damage. The other form is when the three parts are spread out. In this 
form Mobile Type 8 will use a move called Corona which takes your entire 
party's HP down to 1, you'll defintly want to triple Curaga onto your 
party after this one because Mobile Type 8's next attack will be Medigo 
Flame which does decent damage to your entire party. Quistis works well 
in this fight so she can use her White Wind Limit Break to fully restore 
the party's HP after he uses Corona on the party. The good thing about 
this battle is that Mobile Type 8 is extremly weak against lighting, so 
put Quenzatcotl to use and triple Thundaga spells onto the main body.


After the battle chase Fujin and Raijin into Seifer's Room to the north. 
Its time for the last showdown with Seifer.


Boss: Seifer

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 92)

At the start of the battle Odin rushes Seifer and Seifer defeats Odin, 
but you'll notice a mysterious hand catches Odin's Sword. This battle is 
extremly easy, mug a Hero from Seifer then start drawing the Aura spell 
from him like crazy. Once you have stocked enough of it cast Meltdown on 
Seifer and draw and cast Aura on your party from him then pummel him 
into submission with your party's limit breaks. Once you have done 
enough damage, Gilgamesh will appear and blow away Seifer ending the 
battle. From now on Gilgamesh will be taking Odin's Place.


When the battle is over Seifer kidnaps Rinoa and takes her to Adel. This 
ends Disk 3. Head back to the area where you fought Mobile Type 8 and 
proceed across the platform over to the ladder and head up it. Follow 
this path to the right and into Adel's Chamber, inside Adel takes ahold 
of Rinoa, its time to finish Adel.


Boss: Adel

Party: Quistis (Level 39), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 92)

Take this boss fight very seriously because if Rinoa dies its game over. 
Start the battle by drawing and casting Regen from Rinoa onto her, then 
cast Shell on Rinoa. Then Summon cerberus to double and triple your 
party, then triple Haste and Shell onto your party. Next cast Meltdown 
on Adel and mug Adel for a Samantha Soul, you can also mug Rinoa for 8 
Megalixers which I strongly suggest doing, but make sure to have a 
Curaga or two ready for her after you mug her. It would also help if you 
have any scan spells stocked to cast it on Rinoa so you can keep a track 
on how much HP she has throughout the battle. Now that your defense is 
set up Triple your strongest magic onto Adel. Flare, Firaga, Bio, 
Blizzaga, and Thundaga work extremely well, stay away from holy though 
because it heals Adel. If you don't have a good amount of spell stocked 
you can always use physical attacks, which may work better depending on 
how high your str stat is. Take time outs from casting attacking to cast 
Curaga onto Rinoa though because Adel will be slowly draining her of HP. 
Don't worry too much about Adel's magic, its strong but if you keep 
Shell up you should rarely have to heal. You can also speed up Rinoa's 
recovery with regen by casting haste on her.


When the battle is finished Laguna and the party carry out there plan 
and the party is sent into Ultimecia's World. When the party awakens 
they are within what looks like Edea's Chambers in Deling City, Save at 
the save point and heal (the first save point in the group is the only 
real one). When you head outside the door you come face to face with 
Sorceress' from the past.


Boss: Sorceress

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 92)

This battle is really not all that hard, you'll be facing a number of 
enemies just known as sorceress. All of them are pretty easy to defeat 
using GFs and Magic. At the start of the battle summon Cereberus for 
double and triple Magic, and haste and shell your party. Take out the 
diffrent Sorceress' as they appear with normal attacks and GFs. Your 
strategy should change when the last Sorceress appears though. Now 
you'll not only want haste and shell on your party but cast protect 
because the Sorceress has a counter attack that deals a good bit of 
damage a party member. She has Flare and Holy Magic which you should 
definatly take the chance to draw, but do not draw unless she has begun 
her counterdown from 5 or else you'll get a counterattack. At the end of 
the countdown she'll cast Ultima on the party, make sure to have a few 
Curagas ready after this one. Now bring in Doomtrain to lower her 
defense then send a barrage of tripled Magic at her, such as Flare, 
Holy, and Bio, as well as using your strongest GFs against her. Note 
that you can steal various stones from the Sorceress' none which are 
really that important but they can refine into powerful magic.


With the Sorceress' gone now you awake in the Orphanage. Head through 
the door on the right and head outside, its time to enter Ultimecia 


5.23: The Final Battle, Ultimecia Castle

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 92)

Items: Rosetta Stone, Elixer

Cards: None

Draw Points: Triplex2, Flare, Meteor, Slow, Dispel, Ultima, Cura, 
Curaga, Full-Life, Aura, Meltdown, Stop

Outside the scene switchs from what once was the Orphanage to Ultimecia 
Castle looming overhead. Proceed down to the left and north onto the 
chain that connects to the castle, making sure to hit the Triple draw 
point as you head by. Proceed up the chain ignoring the portals to the 
left for now. At the gates to her castle the party meets up, select your 
party members and head inside. Inside the party's abilitys get locked by 
Ultimecia's Servants and you must defeat them one by one to unlock them. 
I suggest heading back outside to heal and save before heading further 
also make sure to hit the invisible Flare draw point to the far right of 
the save point, now head inside. First I must note that every single 
monster in the game is somewhere within Ultimecia Castle and there 
levels are random so you may receive alot of experience from battles or 
you may not, so it can be kinda hard to level up within the castle if 
you need to. Now head up the stairs you will find the first of 
Ultimecia's Servants.


Boss: Sphinxaur

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 92)

If your characters have decent strength this fight is extremely easy. 
Before the battle I suggest junctioning the magic to your strength that 
increases it the most. Also Drain on your elemental Attack with heal 
some of your HP when you strike and enemy so I strongly suggest that as 
well. The Sphinxaur is nothing to really worry about in the damage 
dealing department, just keep hitting him with physical attacks and get 
rid of the monsters he summons, especially if he summons a Forbidden, 
they can be deadly so you should get rid of them quickly then continue 
to pound on Sphinxaur with your normal attacks. He can also be mugged 
for an Elixer.


After the battle you get the chance to unlock one of your abilites. I 
strongly suggest getting your GFs back. I must note that if you have 
missed any GFs throughout your playthrough the many bosses within the 
Castle have GFs to draw if you have not already got them. If this is the 
case you may want to unlock your Draw ability first. Below is a list of 
what GFs you can draw from which bosses:

Siren - Tri Point
Leviathan - Trauma
Pandemona - Red Giant
Carbuncle - Krysta
Cerberus - Gargantua
Alexander - Catoblepas
Eden - Tiamat

Now head up from where Shinxaur was and through the door, head onto the 
Chandelier. It will fall to the floor below but will break the rusted 
hatch below it. Open the hatch and head down inside the Wine Celler for 
the next of Ultimecia's Servants.


Boss: Tri-Point

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 93)

Before the battle begins junction Thundaga spells onto your elemental 
defense because Tri-Point has a counter attacked called Mega Spark that 
is thunder elemental and if you have enough Thunder Magic Junctioned to 
your elemental Defense you should be able to absorb the attack. Tri-
Point also has an elemental weakness to either Fire or Ice which switchs 
each time you strike him so I just suggest starting the battle by 
summoning Doomtrain to lower his defense then use other GFs such as 
Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander and Cactaur.


After the battle unlock your magic ability so you can heal your 
characters and although you probably cannot draw magic at the moment 
there is a hidden Aura draw point in the upper right hand corner of the 
room. Now I suggest you head back outside to save and heal before 
continuing. Back inside the castle use the green circle to switch to 
your alternate party and take them through the door on the left and up 
to the room where the chandelier fell. Step on the green circle to the 
right and you'll hear a click, switch back to your other party and you 
can now take them across the Chandelier without it falling, on the other 
side is the next of Ultimecia's Servants.


Boss: Krysta

Party: Rinoa (Level 73), Squall (Level 99), Zell (Level 93)

This boss can deal some serious damage so begin the battle by summoning 
cerberus to double and triple your party, then cast shell and protect on 
the party. Krysta has very high defense and most physical attacks will 
do 0 damage, this is easily countered though if you summon Doomtrain to 
lower his defenses. Now finish him with GFs other than Shiva. You can 
use physical attacks and magic but Krystal counters these with a very 
powerful counter attack, so stick with GFs. Note that Krysta's final 
attack is an Ultima spell so make sure your party's HP is high before 
finishing him off, shell hopefully should take most of the damage.


Unlock your draw ability after the battle and hit the hidden Meteor draw 
point then head back outside to heal and save. Back inside head up the 
stairs and through the door on the right. Head down the stairs and into 
the door at the bottom, the next area is an art gallery. Search around 
the room and examine every painting in the room, there is also a 
Meltdown draw point at the top of the stairs to the right. Once you have 
examined all the paintings examine the large painting at the bottom of 
the stairs on the far wall. The paintings read as followed:

JUDICIUM (Judgment)
VIGIL (Watchman)
IGNUS (Fire)
VIATOR (Messenger)
INAUDAX (Cowardice)
VENUS (Love)
XIPHIAS (Swordfish)
XYSTUS (Tree-Lined Road)

For the answer to this stand on the balcony overlooking the clock on the 
floor near the Meltdown draw point. Notice the hands are pointing to 
VIII, IIII, and VI. The V Represents that you should only use titles 
with a V in them and the I's represent how many I's are actually in the 
titles. So for the large painting choose VIVIDARIUM, INTERVIGILIUM, and 
VIATOR. The next servert of Ultimecia will appear behind behind you.


Boss: Trauma

Party: Rinoa (Level 74), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 93)

Begin the battle as usual by summoning Cerberus and Doomtrain to slow 
Trauma and lower his defenses, then triple Protect onto your party. 
Trauma creates miniture versions of himself called Dromas, they are very 
fast and blast a party member with there cannons for around 700 damage. 
Begin by eliminating them any time Trauma creates them, then focus on 
tripling Aero and Tornado spells onto Trauma as well as Summoning GFs 
such as Pandemona and Quenzacotl.


When the battle is over unlock your party's ability to revive themselves 
and head through the door to the north of the big painting. In the next 
area head down the stairs and into the Dungeon. To the left there door 
leading into a cell proceed into the cell, hit the invisible Full-Life 
draw point in the cell and take the key out of the Corpses' Hand and the 
next of Ultimecia's Servants Appears.


Boss: Red Giant

Party: Rinoa (Level 74), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 93)

This is probably the easiest battle inside Ultimecia Castle. When the 
battle begins summon Doomtrain and this will lower the Red Giant's 
defenses plus blind him. Now have the character junctioned with Diablos 
repededly summon him to cut the Red Giant's HP while your other 
characters draw and cast Demi onto him. After cutting his HP down 
drastically with Diablos and Demi, finish him with GFs and physical 


When he is defeated unlock your Item ability and unlock the door you 
came out of using the Prison Key. Head back up the stairs and up the 
stairs to the left. Hit the Cura draw point here and continue on to the 
left. In this area you will find two elevators. The idea here is to get 
a veavy party to lift the lighter party. Setting the characters up like 
this should work:

Heavy Party: Squall, Rinoa, Zell or Squall, Zell, Irvine
Lighter Party: Irvine, Quistis, Selphie or Quistis, Selphie, Rinoa

You can switch party members at the save point outside the room if need 
be, so proceed back to the area where you went up the stairs from the 
dungeon and switch to the lighter party via the green circle. Have them 
head up the stairs and through the door on the left. In the next area 
head down the stairs, through the door and down the hall. Use the green 
circle to switch to the heavy party. Take it back to the previous room 
they where in and step on the elevator with the green circle to lift the 
lighter party up to the other side. Use the green circle to switch to 
the lighter party and have them head into the room on the left. Hit the 
Curaga draw point in here and pick up the Floodgate Key lying on the 
floor, head back outside and switch back to the heavy party. Step off 
the elevator to bring the lighter party back to the ground, use the 
green circle to switch your party members if need be. Now head back to 
the dungeon and with the floodgate key use it to unlock the floodgate 
which is to the right of the door that leads to the cell you fought the 
Red Giant in. Pull the lever to close the floodgate, this will drain the 
water in the castle which will come into play a little later. Now I 
suggest you head back outside to save and heal. Back inside head back to 
the area where the chandelier feel and through the door to the north, 
pick up the Treasure Vault Key from the fountain and hit the Slow draw 
point on the left side of the room and head into the Chapel via the door 
to the north. Inside the chapel hit the Dispel draw point to the left, 
in this area you can also encounter Elyone enemies if you have not 
picked up some Moon Stones, Energy Crystals, or Pulse Ammo yet. Now head 
up the stairs to the right, and WALK NOT RUN on the bridge to pick up 
the Armory Key, if for some reason you run on the bridge and it falls 
off you can pick it up in the Dungeon. Now head back down the stairs 
into the chapel and examine the organ. The key to the organ is to hit 
all the buttons at the same time this includes X, Square, Triangle, O, 
R1, R2, L1, L2 and then press start. Now head outside the room and off 
to the right, if you played the Organ right all the spears should be 
removed from the door and you can proceed through. Proceed to the right 
and you'll see a small box in the corner, pick it up for a Rosetta Stone 
then head down back into the cell you fought the Red Giant in. Head back 
outside the cell into the Dungeon and use the Armory key to unlock the 
door on the right. Inside hit the hidden Ultima draw point on the left 
then search the Vysage head to come face to face with another one of 
Ultimecia's Servants.


Boss: Vysage, Lefty, Righty, Gargantua

Party: Rinoa (Level 76), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 96)

This battle starts out against a Vysage and his pair of arms lefty and 
righty. Begin the battle as usual, summon Doomtrain to put every status 
effect in the book on the three parts plus lower there defenses. Then 
summon Cerberus to double and triple your party, next draw and cast 
Haste, Protect, and Shell on your entire party from the parts of the 
Vysage, then finish them with a GF or two and the real servant of 
Ultimecia shows himself, Gargantua. Summon Doomtrain to lower his 
defensives immediatly. Gargantua counterattacks every physical attack 
with a strong physical attack of his own, but does not counter GFs or 
magic so triple strong magic onto him such as Holy, Flare, Ultima, and 
Meteor. Gargantua has an attack called Evil Eye which curses and slows 
your entire party, make sure to triple haste onto your party if he uses 
this. He also likes to cast berserk on your party so immediatly cure a 
character with Esuna that has this cast on him. Gargantua shouldn't last 
too long considering his low HP and having his defenses weakened, just 
keep up the strong magic and GF attacks and he will go down soon.


Unlock your Command Abilites next and head back outside the castle to 
heal and save. Back inside head up the stairs and to the left through 
the door, down the stairs and into the door at the bottom you will find 
a dark hallway. On the left side of the hallway, although you can barely 
see it, is the Treasure Vault, unlock it using the Treasure Vault key 
and step inside. There is another puzzle here although not quite as hard 
as the one in the Art Gallery, also near the center of the room there is 
a invisible Holy draw point to hit. The solution to the puzzle is as 

1: Shut the First Box on the far left
2: Shut the Fourth Box from the left
3: Shut the Second Box from the left
4: Open the Third Box from the left

This will make another one of Ultimecia's Servants appear in the room.


Boss: Catoblepas

Party: Rinoa (Level 77), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 96)

Start the battle like always summon Cerberus to double and triple your 
party, and Doomtrain to Slow, Blind, and lower the defenses of 
Catoblepas. This battle is rather simple from here on. Catoblepas has 
the Meteor spell which you should draw until you have 100 of because 
enemies with this draw are extremely rare. Now finish him off by 
tripling magic onto him such as Water and Quake, also you can draw and 
cast Meteor from him but the damage often proves to be random, so just 
stick with powerful magic and GFs such as Brothers and Leviathan he 
won't last too long. Stay away from Quenzatcotl and Thunder magic though 
because Catoblepas absorbs them.


Unseal your Limit Breaks after the battle and head for the Chapel. Head 
up the stairs to the right, cross the bridge and enter the door to head 
into the Clock Tower. Climb the stairs as they twist around all the way 
until you see a bell swinging from side to side. Position yourself next 
to where the bell swings and when the bell swings near the party have 
your party jump onto it to swing to the other side. Head through the 
hole in the wall to the outside, here you'll find the last of 
Ultimecia's Servants.


Boss: Tiamat

Party: Rinoa (Level 78), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 97)

This battle is extremely easy. Start the battle by summoning Doomtrain 
to slow and reduce Tiamat's defenses, then cast shell onto your party as 
well as draw Eden from Tiamat it is the strongest GF in the game you 
don't want to miss this chance. The only attack Tiamat has is called 
Dark Flare and he uses it when he finishes spelling it out. It causes a 
ton of damage to the party but most of the damage will be taken by shell 
being cast on your party. Now finish him with strong magic such as 
Flare, Meteor, Holy, Blizzaga and strong GF attacks such as Alexander, 
Leviathan, Cactuar and Shiva. Stay away from Wind, Fire, and Thunder 
attacks though as they are ineffective against Tiamat.


When the battle is finished unlock your last ability, which is save, and 
hit the Triple draw point which is on the upper right side of the 
screen, then proceed back across to the other side of the stairs using 
the bell, continue climbing the clock tower. When you reach the top of 
the clock tower hit the Stop draw point then head outside, across the 
clock and down the ladder. At the end of this walkway lies Ultimecia's 
Chambers and the final battle. Save and heal at the save point and make 
absolutly sure you are ready for the final battle with Ultimecia. Some 
things to do before the final battle are below.

Switch your Draw Command for Item
Junction Water to your Elemental Attack
Have a good supply of Magic Spells, including Shell, Flare, and Meteor
Have over 6000 HP
Your party is near Level 70 or Above
Have a good stock of Megalixers and Mega Phoenixs
Have Esuna Junctioned to your Status Defense

When you are prepared enter Ultimecia's Chambers for the Final Battle.


Final Boss: Ultimecia

Party: Rinoa (Level 80), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 99)

The first thing about this battle you should know is that your party 
members are choosen at random, so quickly kill off any party members you 
won't be using in the fight until they are replaced by the party members 
you wish to use for the battle. This battle resembles the last battle 
with Edea but is ALOT tougher, immediatly summon Cerberus and triple 
Haste and Shell onto your party. Like Edea before her Ultimecia will use 
Maelstrom which cuts your party's HP in half and curses them to where 
they cannot use Limit Breaks. Triple Curaga onto your party and Esuna 
them when this happens. Now start to use your most powerful GFs on 
Ultimecia as well as cast Meltdown on her to reduce her defenses. 
Ultimecia will assault your party with magic, some of which includes 
Meltdown and you will want to Esuna that party member quickly because 
you can't afford to have that characters defense low in the battle. Also 
she will cast Double on herself from time to time, quickly eliminate 
this by casting Dispel. Eden works extremely well in this battle, so use 
it and your best GF. Try to keep your stocked magic for now. When 
Ultimecia's HP gets low she summons Griever to face your party.


Final Boss Form Two: Griever

Now the fight starts to get hard. Make sure that your party still has 
Haste and Shell cast on them, then add protect to it. Griever has some 
nasty attacks, he has a very strong physical attack, he can cast 
Diablos' favorite spell Gravija which will take your party's HP into 
Critical, he can draw magic from you and cast it, and he can also blow 
away some of your stocked magic. Cast Meltdown on him and assault him 
with your GFs, Eden, Shiva, Ifrit, Cactaur, and Quenzacotl should work 
fine if you cast magic stay away from Bio and Doomtrain because it heals 
him. When you deplete about half of his HP, the sky will turn red. 
Griever is preparing to use his ultimate attack, Shockwave Pulsar on the 
party which does a ton of damage, might even kill them if you don't have 
shell cast. Immediatly Triple Curaga onto your party or use a Megalixer 
after he uses it. If you can survive this keep pounding with powerful 
GFs and the battle moves onto the next form.


Final Boss Form Three: Ultimecia/Griever

This form is extremely deadly, you cannot use GFs in battle anymore or 
they will be blown away by Ultimecia so don't even try it. Make sure 
Haste, Shell, and Protect is still cast onto your party then cast 
Meltdown on Ultimecia to reduce her defenses. This form of Ultimecia is 
extremely weak against water so Triple Water spells onto her and use 
normal attacks, which if you junctioned 100 water onto your elemental 
attack, your normal attacks should do 9999 damage. Keep using normal 
attacks and tripling strong magic such as Meteor, Flare, Ultima, and 
Water onto her, stay away from Holy though because it heals her. When 
she summons two Helixs she can now cast Ultima which will deal alot of 
damage to your party, make sure to keep Shell up throughout this entire 
fight. Triple Aura onto your party and unleashing your limit breaks onto 
her helps alot too, especially if Irvine has some Pulse Ammo for Hyper 
Shot or if Squall has the Lionheart. When this form starts floating in 
the air after its bottom falls off, it now switchs to using very 
powerful physical attacks and casting Ultima you'll definatly need Shell 
and Protect for those attacks. Once that form has been defeated its on 
to the final form of Sorceress Ultimecia.


Final Boss Final Form: Ultimecia

She will begin the battle by using Hell's Judgment on your party which 
takes there HP down to 1, use a Megalixer to bring your party back to 
full health again. Begin by casting Meltdown on Ultimecia to lower her 
defenses and making sure your party has Shell and Haste cast on them. 
This is the final form so hold nothing back, triple all the magic you 
have onto her, Ultima, Meteor, Flare, Holy, Tornado and Quake work 
really well, once again don't try to summon your GFs or they will be 
killed by Ultimecia. This form really doesn't have a whole lot of 
attacks she will cast Hell's Judgement repededly and cast Holy and Flare 
on your party from time to time. The fight is really not that hard until 
Ultimecia starts to draw Apocalypse magic from her bottom half, this 
spell is the most powerful in the game and like Griever's Shockwave 
Pulsar can wipe out your party if they do not have shell casted on them. 
If you happened to take the draw command into this battle you can draw 
Apocalypse magic from her bottom half and cast it on her but the draw 
command is rather useless in these final battles in my opinion. To 
finish this form quickly cast Aura on your characters and let there 
Limit Break pound her into submission. When she begins talking to the 
party she is dying, put Ultimecia to rest and releive the world of Time 


Now that Ultimecia is defeated watch the magnificant and beautiful 
ending that you have worked oh so hard for. This may be the end of the 
story but the game is far from over. There are still a few more side 
areas to complete so reload your game before you fought Ultimecia and 
head outside of the castle.


5.24: Back to the Ragnarok, Finding the Card Queen and Tonberry King

Party: Rinoa (Level 80), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 100)

Items: Holy Warx10

Cards: Gilgamesh, Most Rare Cards

Draw Points: None


Head outside of Ultimecia Castle to the chain area, and jump across and 
through the portal in the middle. Your now back outside on the world map 
and you can return anytime through one of these portals to get back to 
Ultimecia Castle. Access your big world map that takes up the screen and 
you will see the location of the Ragnarok marked by a red flashing dot 
and it is a long ways from here and you will need a chocobo to get 
there. There is a Chocobo Forest on the far right tip of the continent, 
its hard to see because it is hidden behind a mountain range and you'll 
have to go around it to see it. Inside the forest speak with ChocoBoy 
and he will tell you all about catching Chocobos. I'll go indepth on 
catching them in the next section, for now just listen to how it works 
and then ask him for help and to catch you one. He'll give you a chicobo 
named Boko, which is the chocobo you summon with the Gysahl Greens. The 
idea of Boko is to use it with the pocketplaystation to build him up, 
but unfortunatly it was never released in North America so I've never 
had a chance to play it. Anyway take the chocobo back near the area 
where the gate you came out of is and head down across the continent, 
past the centra ruins, and across the beach and water to the continent 
with Edea's House on it. Now use the map to find the Ragnarok which is 
located at the far tip and across the desert. Back on the Ragnarok you 
will notice that the CC Group Members are on board, if you completed the 
CC Group Side Quest that is, and you can play them in cards from now on. 
Now you should use the Card Mod to refine the Gilgamesh Card for 10 Holy 
Wars, these will come in handy very soon, and you can win another 
Gilgamesh Card by playing cards with Xu onboard the Ragnarok. Also the 
man from garden is onboard and he will sell items and runs a junk shop 
for the party.  The first thing to know about the world map on Disk 4 is 
that all towns are sealed off due to Time Compression but there are 
still few areas you can return to, also there is a fourth portal that 
returns to Ultimecia Castle near where the Ragnarok was, make sure to 
put it to use. Now you should try to find the Card Queen which is quite 
a task. Take the Ragnarok to the Esthar Continent at the bottom right 
tip of the continent, there is an area here that you cannot see but it 
is there, land the Ragnarok near the tip and search around and you 
should go into the area where the escape pod from the Lunar Base 
crashed. The Card Queen is here and you can challenge her to a game, she 
has most all of the rare cards inclucing some Player Cards, GF Cards, 
and the Rare Cards from the Card Queen Quest on Disk 3. Play her with 
caution though, often returning to save after winning a rare card 
because she uses just about all the rules available including 
everybody's most hated rule, Random. When you are finished with the Card 
Queen board the Ragnarok and take it to the Centra Ruins where you 
fought Odin. In the first couple of areas in the Centra Ruins you will 
run into Tonberrys which are quite nasty in battle, and in order to get 
there master, the Tonberry King to show himself you must kill 18+ 
Tonberrys. Now this may seem very hard but it fact it really isn't, 
first I suggest not using Irvine or Selphie for this. The first thing 
you need to do is get your three party member's HP down into the 
critical so they can use there limit breaks, and then don't heal them, 
just repededly use your limit breaks on the Tonberrys until they go down 
which won't take too long. Irvine's Limit Break although very powerful 
tends to be short lived and your ammo in this quest will be gone after 
several battles. Selphie's Magic Slots won't do enough damage to the 
Tonberrys thats why I don't suggest either in these battles. If a 
tonberry happens to kill off a character just use a Phoenix Down or cast 
life and resume the process, after killing several Tonberrys the king 
will show himself.


Boss: Tonberry King

Party: Rinoa (Level 83), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 100)

Immediatly when this battle begins Curaga your party members or use a 
Megalixer to bring them back up to full health, then summon Cerberus to 
double and triple your party. Then Protect and Haste your party. The 
Tonberry King is extremely fast whem compared to his other tonberry pals 
and deals alot of physical damage. Thankfully keeping protect up in this 
fight will keep you alive though. Bring in Doomtrain to lower his 
defenses and triple powerful magic onto him, Blizzaga, Ultima, and 
Meteor work wonders as does Shiva, Quenzacotl, Pandemona, Cactuar, 
Ifrit, and definatly try summoning Eden for big damage to the Tonberry 
King. The two attacks you should look out for from Tonberry is the "Its 
Sharp" attack which will do 6000+ damage to a character and his Junk 
attack which does around 4000 to the entire party. As long as you keep 
Protect up in this fight you shouldn't have too much of a problem. Note 
that he has a rare draw in Full-Life and you should try to draw it to 
100 if possible.


When the battle is over Tonberry joins you as a GF, he doesn't bring 
much power to the party but his abilites do allow you to shop from any 
shop you have ever visited, plus it adds some rare items to the shops 
with his familiar ability. This completes the quest.


5.25: PuPu and the Chocobo Sanctuary

Party: Rinoa (Level 83), Squall (Level 100), Irvine (Level 23)

Items: Aura Stone, Shell Stone, Holy Stonex2, Flare Stonex2, Meteor 
Stonex2, Ultima Stonex2, Protect Stone, Gysahl Greens

Cards: PuPu, Chicobo

Draw Points: None


Board the Ragnarok and equip the Item command and Encounter None. Also 
make sure you have at least 5 Elixers. Take the Ragnarok to the desert 
near where you found it on the upper right corner of the continent 
Edea's House is on. Land and walk around the desert until you get into a 
battle, you'll see a UFO carry away a pyramid type object. Now head back 
to the Ragnarok and fly it to Winhill. Walk around the area outside of 
Winhill and you'll run into the UFO again, this time it carrys away a 
Cow (maybe they need milk?). Head back to the Ragnarok and fly it to the 
beach just south of Timber, here you'll encounter the UFO again, this 
time it carrys away a Moa Head it looks like (wonder where they found 
that?). Board the Ragnarok once again and fly it to a long peninusla 
know as Heath Peninsula which is near Trabia Garden. Actually the 
encounter is not on the peninsula but rather the small island next to 
it, here you'll run into the UFO again, not exactly sure what they are 
carrying away here. Anyway board the Ragnarok again and take it to 
Grandidi Forest which is the large forested area on the Esthar 
Continent. Land it on the Mountain area just north of the Chocobo Forest 
which is a sphere shaped forest you can't miss it. Here you'll run into 
the actual UFO and engage it in battle. Its really easy and won't even 
attack the party, so defeat it and watch it blow away. Now board the 
Ragnarok and take it to the continent where Balamb is. Here you'll 
encounter the alien PuPu. Give him 5 Elixers and he'll hand over the 
PuPu card, quite the trade for this one of a kind card if I say so 
myself. This completes the quest. To begin the Chocobo Sanctuary Quest 
board the Ragnarok and take it to the Chocobo Forest which is right next 
to Shumi Village. The Chocobo forest in Final Fantasy VIII are set up 
like this, The ChocoBoy will give you a ChocoWhis and it has two 
Functions. One is the ChocoSonar which you will see in the bottom right 
hand side of the screen, when used it will set off a noise which will 
make the bar near the bottom rise. In the area where there are chicobos 
it will rise alot, and when you are far away from the chicobos it will 
not rise much at all. The other is the ChocoZiner which is used to lure 
out the chicobos, use this in an area where the ChocoSonar is rising the 
most to make the Chicobos come out. Now the idea behind each chocobo 
forest is to lure out the Chicobos in an order that leaves only one 
chicobo on the ground, this will make the mother chocobo appear. After 
this you can collect an item hidden in the area and the chocobos of the 
forest will become friendly with you and you will complete the forest, 
you also won't have to search for a chocobo next to you enter the 
forest. Note that if you speak with the ChocoBoy you can buy Gysahl 
Greens from him and if you use the ChocoZiner in the wrong place a 
chicobo will come down and steal your ChocoWhis resulting in you having 
to buy a new one from ChocoBoy for 700 Gil. The solution the forest you 
are in right now is as followed.

"The Beginner's Forest"

The ChocoBoy will give the hint "Try to find a spot where only one falls 
down" This is pretty simple, the ChocoSonar will go off like crazy in 
the upper left hand side of the forest. Use the ChocoZiner to make the 
lone Chicobo appear, after the mother chocobo shows up search the upper 
right corner of the screen for an Aura Stone. This completes this 

"The Basics Forest"

Take the Ragnarok west of Trabia Garden to the edge of the continent, 
you'll know the forest when you see it because there are no other 
forests around it. In this forest ChocoBoy gives the hint "You only need 
to blow the whistle twice". Just like the hint says, you'll need to use 
the ChocoZiner twice. The first place to use it is near the center of 
the forest, you'll know the place by the way the ChocoSonar is going 
off. This will cause three Chicobos to fall, now use the ChocoZiner to 
the far left of that exact spot, near the far left chicobo. This will 
cause two of the chicobos to return leaving only one left. When the 
mother chocobo shows up search near the last area you used the 
ChocoZiner at for a Flare Stone. This completes this forest.

"The Roaming Forest"

Back on the Ragnarok take it directly north of Trabia Garden its just 
over the mountain range behind the Garden. The ChocoBoy's hint in this 
forest is "Be careful where the sonar reacts". This one is rather 
tricky, start by using the ChocoZiner on where the chicobo on the right 
is standing to make the two on the ground return to the top. Now use the 
ChocoZiner in the middle of the area you are in to drop down three 
Chicobos. Now head down near the exit of the forest where the ChocoSonar 
is rising and use the ChocoZiner there, another chicobo will drop down. 
Now use the ChocoZiner while standing directly on top of the Chicobo on 
the far left, this will return the three there to the top and leave the 
one at the bottom along, this will bring out the mother chocobo. Now 
search the northern part of the forest for a Shell Stone and a Holy 
Stone. This completes this forest.

"Forest of Solitude"

This is the forest that you originally had to come to get the Ragnarok. 
Its south of Fisherman's Horizon behind a moutain range. The ChocoBoy's 
hint here is "Search carefully where the sonar reacts". There is only 
one chicobo in this area, its not that simple though, you have to find 
the exact spot it is at to use the ChocoZiner or you'll have yours 
stolen. Use the ChocoSonar in the area north of where ChocoBoy is 
standing until the bar rises almost all the way full, this is the area 
to use the ChocoZiner and will also make the mother chocobo appear. To 
get the area's items challenge ChocoBoy to a game of cards but instead 
of saying yes to playing tell him to move and search where he was 
standing for a Protect Stone and a Meteor Stone. This completes this 

"Forest of Fun"
Take the Ragnarok to Edea's House, its to the far left of her house. The 
ChocoBoy's hint in this forest is "Chocobowling with 4 bottles and 1 
Ball". This one is really tricky and can be annoying. Use the ChocoSonar 
to the right of where ChocoBoy is standing to find the spot to use the 
ChocoZiner, this will bring down three chicobos. Then from that very 
spot walk a little to the left toward ChocoBoy and use the ChocoSonar to 
find the next spot to use the ChocoZiner, this will bring down one more 
chicobo. Now use the ChocoSonar behind the chicobo on the far right for 
the next place to use the ChocoZiner, use it there and it will place a 
chicobo down from where ChocoBoy is standing. Use the ChocoZiner while 
standing ontop of the chicobo to see the chicobo version of bowling and 
to bring the mother chocobo out. Search the upper right hand corner of 
the area for a Meteor Stone, Flare Stone, and an Ultima Stone. This 
completes the forest. I didn't see what was so "fun" about it.

"The Enclosed Forest"

To find this forest take the Ragnarok directly east of the desert where 
you found the Ragnarok, it is well hidden behind a mountain range along 
with some other forests. This is the last and hardest of the chocobo 
forests. ChocoBoy gives the hint "Collect on outer side, then go in". 
Use the ChocoSonar in the upper left area of the forest for the place to 
use the ChocoZiner, this will bring down two chicobos. Now use the 
ChocoSonar to find the area to the upper left of where the chicobo on 
the right is standing, this will bring a chicobo down and make one 
return up. Now use the ChocoZiner on the right where the large rock is, 
making sure its the exact area using the ChocoSonar first, this will 
bring down another chicobo. Next use the ChocoZiner in the upper right 
hand corner of the screen to bring down yet another chicobo. Now head to 
the direct center of where all the four chicobos are and use the 
ChocoZiner, this will take all four chicobos back up and bring one down, 
and also will bring the mother chocobo out. Now search in the right 
corner of where the mother chocobo is standing for a Meteor Stone, Holy 
Stone, and a Ultima Stone. This completes the forest.

Now that all the chocobo forest are finished its time to find the 
Chocobo Sanctuary. Take the Ragnarok back to the Roaming Forest and take 
the chocobo from there. Take it all the way south, past Trabia Garden 
and onto the peninsula. Ride the Chocobo into the shallow water and 
along the mountains up north, until you reach Grandidi Forest. Look for 
a beach and head up onto it, there is a chocobo forest in this area 
known as the Chocobo Sanctuary, it isn't too hard to find and it sticks 
out considering it is taller than the rest of the forest around the 
area. Inside the chocobos perform a dance for your party, speak with the 
chicobo to receive the chicobo card, speak with him again to receive 
some Gysahl Greens, although he will steal some gil from Squall. To 
return to the Ragnarok speak with ChocoBoy and he will call a chocobo 
for you to ride back. This completes the quest.


5.26: The Deep Sea Research Center and Omega Weapon

Party: Rinoa (Level 90), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 100)

Items: Dark Matter, Proof of Omega, Hyper Wrist, Three Stars

Cards: Bahamut, Eden

Draw Points: Triple, Ultima, Dispel, Esuna


The last side area of the game is rather tricky to find. Board the 
Ragnarok and fly it to the bottom left hand corner of the world map, and 
although you won't be able to see the Research Center on the map, its 
there floating along. Land on it with the Ragnarok and head inside. 
Inside the party finds a pulsating blue core. The idea here is to walk 
when the core is not shining blue, or else you will run into some 
monsters you have to fight. When you get close enough touch the core and 
you are asked several questions answer them as followed.

Its not our will is not to fight
The hidden option below none of your bussiness

After each question you are forced to fight a Ruby Dragon, take these 
fights very seriously, these Ruby Dragon's Breath attack can deal 7000+ 
damage to the entire party and cast Meteor. Cast Meltdown on him and 
pummel him with GFs and physical Attacks. After answering the questions 
you are taken into a fight with Bahamut.


Boss: Bahamut

Party: Rinoa (Level 93), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 100)
This battle isn't as hard as it looks. Start the battle by drawing and 
casting Curaga from Bahamut on any party members who are still weak from 
the battles with the Ruby Dragons, then summon Doomtrain to weaken his 
defenses, blind and wlow Bahamut, then summon Cerberus to double and 
triple the party. Then triple shell onto the party. After this the 
battle is a breeze, use GFs such as Shiva, Eden, Cactaur, and Leviathan, 
stay away from Quenzatcotl and Pandemona though because Bahamut is 
immune to Thunder and Wind Magic. Tripling Meteor and Ultima onto 
Bahamut also deals good damage, just about anything but Thunder and Wind 
Magic goes in this fight. With the boss blinded the only thing you 
should have to worry about from Bahamut is his Mega Flare attack which 
deals alot of damage to your party, fortunatly if you have up shell the 
damage won't be too great. Bahamut also has a Hyper Wrist that you can 
mug from him. For winning you receive a Bahamut Card.


After the battle Bahamut joins you as a GF, now return to the Ragnarok. 
Then land at the Research Center again, you can now enter the below 
levels. Climb down the struncter to the 2nd floor. Hit the Dispel draw 
point on the left and speak with your party members. Squall will notice 
a device that controls steam power to open the doors to reach the bottom 
floor. Squall will automatically spend 4 Units on this floor, so head 
down the stairs and to the next floor. In these areas you'll start to 
run into alot of Tri-Face enemies and they can be mugged for several 
Curse Spikes, now is the best chance to get 100 of them to refine into a 
Dark Matter to teach Quistis her most powerful limit break Shockwave 
Pulsar, keep in mind though that your Siren GF must be on level 100 
before you can refine the Curse Spikes into a Dark Matter. On the second 
floor examine the steam device and expend 2 units to open the door to 
the third floor. On the next floor use the steam device to the left of 
the stairs and expend 4 units to open the steam room. Head inside the 
steam room on the left and hit the Esuna draw point to the left, and 
examine the steam device to the far right, use it to restore 7 of your 
units, then return outside the door and use the steam device on the far 
right of the stairs, expend 1 unit here to open the door to the fourth 
level. On this floor use the steam device on the right and expend 1 unit 
to open up the entrance to the fifth floor. On then next floor once 
again expend 1 unit at the steam device on the right, now you can use 
the elevator to the left to go down the the sixth floor. Here Squall 
will autmatically expend 4 units at the steam device in the center of 
the room, this will open the way to the excavation site. Head through 
the door on the right and proceed down the stairs. In the next area 
continue down the stairs hitting the Triple draw point as you continue 
all the way to the bottom, note there is an invisible Ultima draw point 
to hit to the left at the very bottom of the stairs before heading into 
the bottom room. At the bottom equip Siren's Move Find ability to see 
the hidden save point here, make sure to heal up and save, then expend 
the last 10 units at the steam device. This will make Ultima Weapon 


Boss: Ultima Weapon

Party: Rinoa (Level 99), Squall (Level 100), Zell (Level 100)

This guy is extremely deadly and you have not faced a boss like this up 
to this point so be very prepared, Ultima Weapon has an attack called 
Light Pillar which is instant death to a party member, immediatly cast 
Full-Life to bring that party member back when he uses it. He also 
attacks the party with powerful magic such as Quake and Meteor. Start by 
trying to summon Cerberus to double and triple the party, if he kills 
Cerberus just cast Triple on your party members. Then Cast Meltdown on 
Ultima Weapon, Haste, Shell, and Aura the party. Don't bother with GFs 
in this fight just pummel him with your limit breaks, if you have 
Squall's Lion Heart weapon this battle will be over very soon. Irvine's 
Hyper and Armor Shot work very well in this battle, as does using 
Quistis' Shockwave Pulsar and Rinoa's Wishing Star. Also if you want to 
take the chance you can mug a Three Stars from Ultima Weapon. Also note 
that if you missed drawing Eden from Tiamat in Ultimecia Castle, Ultima 
Weapon has the GF to draw. For winning you receive the Eden Card.


After the battle simply walk back outside and to the Ragnarok. This 
completes the quest. Now all the side areas are finished, but there is 
still one more thing left to do, and that is to take on the strongest 
monster in the game, Omega Weapon. If you thought Ultima Weapon was 
hard, you haven't seen anything yet, Omega Weapon is extremely hard to 
defeat and it takes a sound strategy to defeat him. Take the Ragnarok to 
one of the portals and back into Ultimecia Castle. Save and heal your 
characters at the save point outside, make absolutly sure you have 
refined the Gilgamesh Card for 10 Holy Wars and set your characters up 
as followed.

GFs: Eden
Has Lion Heart Weapon
Magic, GF, Item Commands
Several Haste and Meltdown Spells
HP+80%, Mag+60%, Str+60%, Spd+40% Abilities
Junction 100 Death Spells to Status Defense

GFs: Cactaur
Knows Wishing Star
Magic, GF, Item Commands
Several Aura Spells
HP+80%, Mag+60%, Str+60%, Spd+40% Abilities
Junction 100 Death Spells to Status Defense

GFs: Bahamut, Cerberus
Has Several Pulse, AP, and Fast Ammo
Has Exeter Weapon
Magic, GF, Item Commands
HP+80%, Mag+60%, Str+60%, Spd+40% Abilities
Junction 100 Death Spells to Status Defense

You can switch the characters junctions up any way you like as long as 
the basic idea remains the same. Rinoa, Squall, and Irvine is the best 
party for fighting Omega Weapon, they can deal the most damage to Omega 
Weapon and that is the key to the fight. You'll need your GFs at the 
highest possible compatibility with the characters they are equiped 
with. You can refine the Chubby Chocobo card for 100 LuvLuvGs which 
works wonders on raising compatibility for all your GFs but you cannot 
get another Chubby Chocobo Card, you decide if its worth it or not. 
Below are some other items you can get for raising Compatibility with 
some of the needed GFs to fight Omega Weapon.

Cerberus: Dragon Fin, which are mugged from Grendels
Cactaur: Cactus Thorn, which are mugged from Cactaurs

Now for the battle take the party that will fight Omega Weapon to the 
green circle outside of the chapel and use it to switch to the other 
party, take them up the stairs, through the door on the right and down 
the stairs. Have them ring the bell on the left at the bottom of the 
stairs and then quickly use the green circle in the area to switch to 
the other party, have them head inside the chapel before time runs out 
to confront Omega Weapon. Note that if you have an extremely high level 
Selphie if you are lucky she may find her The End Limit Break in her 
slots, this will finish Omega Weapon off in one hit. Thats kinda cheap 
though don't you think?


Boss: Omega Weapon

Party: Rinoa (Level 100), Squall (Level 100), Irvine (Level 54)

Omega Weapon will begin the battle by casting LV 5 Death on your party, 
killing all whose levels are multiplies of 5, if you juctioned 100 Death 
spells to your status defense this should miss your party, then have 
Irvine summon Cerberus to double and triple your party, then have Squall 
triple Haste onto the party and have Rinoa triple Aura onto the party. 
When Irvine gets his next turn have him use a Holy War which will make 
your party invincible to Omega Weapon's Attacks for several turns, now 
have Squall cast Meltdown on Omega Weapon then pound Omega Weapon with 
your limit breaks. Squall's Lion Heart, Rinoa's Combined Wishing Star, 
and Irvine's Hyper Shot will do tons of damage to him. Use your limit 
breaks until Aura runs out, then start to summon your GFs, Eden, 
Bahamut, and a high level Cactaur work very well. When the Holy War runs 
out, recast Aura onto your party then use another Holy War then resume 
the process of Limit Breaks until Aura runs out then GFs, repeat this 
until Omega Weapon is defeated. Your Victory over him yields you a Three 
Stars, 250 AP, and a nice little thing in your tutorial menu called 
Proof of Omega.


With Omega Weapon defeated that ends the quest and it also ends the 
Walkthough. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing 
it. Some other things to do in Final Fantasy VIII if you have not quite 
quenched your thirst for this game yet are below.

Take the Ragnarok to the Islands Closest Heaven and Hell which yield 
enemies with over 1000 EXP per battle and have rare draw points such as 
Aura, Ultima, Flare, and Meteor scattered throughout them. You should 
easily be able to get all your characters and GFs to level 100 here. The 
Island Closest to Hell is a small island off the coast of the Timber 
Continent to the west. The Island Closest to Heaven is located almost 
directly west of of the Island Closest to Hell, its a little harder to 
find considering there are alot of other islands that look exactly like 
it around the area.

Take the Ragnarok to Cactaur Island where you fought the Jumbo Cactaur 
and learn all the abilites with your GFs. The cactaurs here yield 20 AP 
per Cactaur.

Use Eden's Devour Ability to bring most of a characters stats to 255. 
Check the GF Ability list for the enemies to Devour.

Get your SeeD rank up to 30

Thats about it, the rest of the guide covers the items, magic, GFs, and 
just about everything else in Final Fantasy VIII.


6: Guardian Forces

Attack: Thunder Storm
Element: Thunder
Location: From Squall's Study Panel in Balamb Garden or from Quistis at 
the Front Gate of Balamb Garden before going to the Fire Cavern

A Bolt of Lightning Strikes the ground and the Thunder Bird Quenzacotl 
rises from it, it blasts all enemies repededly with lightning causing 
thunder damage. Quenzacotl will be with you from the beginning of the 
game and will build levels rapidly, making it a powerhouse throughout 
most of the game, especially if you are fighting a machine type enemy.

Quenzacotl's Abilites:

HP-J               Card Mod
Vit-J              Mag+20%
Mag-J              Mag+40%
Elem-Atk           SumMag+10%
Elem-Def-J         SumMag+20%
Elem-Defx2         SumMag+30%
Magic              GFHP+10%
GF                 GFHP+20%
Draw               Boost
Item               T Mag-RF
Card               Mid Mag-RF


Attack: Diamond Dust
Element: Ice
Location: From Squall's Study Panel in Balamb Garden or from Quistis at 
the Front Gate of Balamb Garden before going to the Fire Cavern

An Ice Shard raises from the ground and the ice goddess Shiva breaks out 
from inside. She blasts all enemies with an ice wall and it breaks 
causing ice damage. Shiva, like Quenzacotl, will be with you from the 
beginning of the game and although not as strong as Quenzacotl, Shiva is 
a nice addition to your GFs being able to cause lots of damage to fire 
type enemies such as Bombs.

Shiva's Abilites:

Str-J              Vit+20%
Vit-J              Vit+40%
Spr-J              Spr+20%
Elem-Atk-J         Spr+40%
Elem-Def-J         SumMag+10%
Elem-Defx2         SumMag+20%
Magic              SumMag+30%
GF                 GFHP+10%
Draw               GFHP+20%
Item               Boost
Doom               I Mag-RF


Attack: Hell Fire
Element: Fire
Location: Defeat Ifrit in the Fire Cavern

Ifrit bursts from the ground in a rage of fire, then is carried into the 
sky by a meteor which he proceeds to pound down onto all enemies 
engulfing them in fire. Of the three starting GFs Ifrit is by far the 
strongest and will be your strongest for quite some time. Its strength 
abilites are vital in the game for a solid physical attack and its fire 
elemental attack is perfect for getting rid of ice elemental enemies 
such as Glacial Eyes and Snow Lions.

Ifrit's Abilites:

HP-J               Str+40%
Str-J              Str Bonus
Elem-Atk-J         SumMag+10%
Elem-Def-J         SumMag+20%
Elem-Defx2         SumMag+30%
Magic              GFHP+10%
GF                 GFHP+20%
Draw               GFHP+30%
Item               Boost
Mad Rush           F Mag-RF
Str+20%            Ammo-RF


Attack: Silent Voice
Element: Non Elemental (Causes Silence)
Location: Draw from Elvoret or Tri-Point

Siren plays her harp and all enemies are beat with sound waves causing 
non elemental damage and dealing the silence status effect. Siren has 
the lowest attack in the game and it doesn't prove very useful against 
bosses, although it is handy to use against normal enemies that use alot 
of magic.

Siren's Abilites:

Mag-J              Mag Bonus
ST-Atk-J           Move-Find
ST-Def-J           SumMag+10%
ST-Def-Jx2         SumMag+20%
Magic              SumMag+30%
GF                 GFHP+10%
Draw               GFHP+20%
Item               Boost
Treatment          L Mag-RF
Mag+20%            ST Med-RF
Mag+40%            Tool-RF


Attack: Dark Messenger
Element: Non Elemental (Halves Enemies HP)
Location: Summon with the Magic Lamp and defeat him

A Black Ball of matter decends from the sky and Diablos oozes down from 
within it. Diablos takes hold of the ball of matter and flings it down 
onto all enemies cutting there HP by a certain percentage. I personally 
do not use Diablos too much, his attack is great for cutting down 
enemies HP and bringing bosses closer to death, I guess I just like to 
bring them there myself. His mug ability is great to have, you should 
learn it as soon as you get it to start aquiring items.

Diablos' Abilities:

HP-J              HP+80%
Mag-J             Mag+20%
Hit-J             Mag+40%
Abilityx3         Mug
Magic             Enc-Half
GF                Enc-None
Draw              GFHP+10%
Item              GFHP+20%
Darkside          GFHP+30%
HP+20%            Time Mag-RF
HP+40%            ST Mag-RF


Attack: Brotherly Love
Element: Earth
Location: Defeat the 2 Brothers at the Tomb of the Unknown King

Sacred bursts from the ground throwing the enemies up into the sky, then 
Sacred and Minotaur play rock, paper, scissors. Sacred loses and 
Minotaur hurls him into the sky straight through the land the enemies 
are upon sending them to the ground along with several pieces of earth 
causing earth elemental damage. I don't use the Brothers that often, 
there are a few bosses that are weak against earth but unless I'm 
fighting one I usually don't use them. The attack power of the summon is 
decent but the annoying animation is enough to keep me from using it. 
The big thing the Brother's bring to the party are there HP Abilities 
which are vital to a characters stats.

Brothers' Abilties:

HP-J             HP+40%
Str-J            HP+80%
Spr-J            Cover
Elem-Atk-J       HP Bonus
Elem-Def-J       SumMag+10%
Magic            SumMag+20%
GF               SumMag+30%
Draw             GFHP+10%
Item             GFHP+20%
Defend           GFHP+30%
HP+20%           Boost


Attack: Ruby Light
Element: None (Casts Reflect)
Location: Draw from Iguion or Krysta

Carbuncle leaps from a hole in the ground and fires a beam of Ruby Light 
onto the party casting reflect on them. The first couple of boss fights 
after you get Carbuncle it really comes in handy, after that Carbuncle 
becomes rather ineffective when bosses start using magic such as Meteor 
and Ultima which cannot be reflected. He is a nice addition to the party 
though with abilities such as Abiltityx3 and Vit Bonus.

Carbuncle's Abilities:

HP-J            HP+20%
Vit-J           HP+40%
Mag-J           Vit+20%
ST-Atk-J        Vit+40%
ST-Def-J        Vit Bonus
ST-Def-Jx2      Counter
Abilityx3       Auto-Reflect
Magic           GFHP+10%
GF              GFHP+20%
Draw            GFHP+30%
Item            Recov Med-RF


Attack: Tsunami
Element: Water
Location: Draw from NORG or Trauma

Leviathan snakes his way onto the battlefield, creates a large rock 
structure, then turns himself into a Water Avalanche that cascades down 
the structure washing over all enemies dealing water damage. Leviathan 
is not that useful because of the lack of enemies that are weak against 
water type damage. It deals decent damage but is quickly overlooked by 
your already high level summons such as Quenzacotl and Ifrit. 
Leviathan's addition to the party is definatly his Recover ability which 
lets you restore one characters HP to max. Auto-Potion is also quite 

Leviathan's Abilities:

Spr-J           Spr Bonus
Magic           Auto-Potion
GF              SumMag+10%
Draw            SumMag+20%
Item            SumMag+30%
Mag-J           GFHP+10%
Elem-Atk-J      GFHP+20%
Elem-Defx2      GFHP+30%
Recover         Boost
Spr+20%         Supt Mag-RF
Spr+40%         GF Recov Med-RF


Attack: Tornado Zone
Element: Wind
Location: Draw from Fujin or Red Giant

A tornado circles around the screen and Pandemona appears from within 
it. He then sucks all enemies up inside of him, then blows them out 
dropping them onto the ground with a large gust of wind dealing wind 
damage. Now here is a GF I really like, its attack once you learn some 
SumMag abilities is right up there with Ifrit and Quenzacotl plus it has 
abilities which raise a characters speed greatly and there are plenty of 
flying enemies out there weak to Pandemona's attack so put it to good 

Pandemona's Abilities:

Str-J           Str+40%
Spd-J           Spd+20%
Elem-Atk-J      Spd+40%
Elem-Def-J      Initiative
Eelm-Defx2      SumMag+10%
Magic           SumMag+20%
GF              SumMag+30%
Draw            GFHP+10%
Item            GFHP+20%
Absorb          GFHP+30%
Str+20%         Boost


Attack: Counter Rockets
Element: None (Casts Double and Triple)
Location: Defeat Cerberus at Galbadia Garden or Draw from Gargantua

The Gates to Hell open and Cerberus comes running out. His three heads 
blast several beams of light into the air casting double and triple on 
the party. This is without a doubt one of the best GFs in the game, the 
ability to cast double and triple on your entire party in just one 
summon is priceless. To top it off he has Ability x3, speed boosting 
abilities, and ST-Def-Jx4. Truly one of the best GFs.

Cerberus' Abilities:

Str-J           GF
Mag-J           Draw
Spr-J           Item
Spd-J           Spd+20%
Hit-J           Spd+40%
ST-Atk-J        Auto-Haste
ST-Def-J        Espendx2-1
ST-Def-Jx2      Alert
ST-Def-Jx4      GFHP+10%
Abilityx3       GFHP+20% 
Magic           GFHP+30%


Attack: Holy Judgement
Element: Holy
Location: Draw from Edea or Catoblepas

Alexander rises from the sea, opens its cannons, and repededly fires 
spears of light into the air that crash into all enemies causing a large 
column of light that deals holy damage. Another GF I personally like to 
use in battle, not only is the attack animation really cool, but with a 
few SumMag abilities learned it will do damage that can compete with 
Quenzacotl, Ifrit, and Pandemona, especially against undead enemies and 
enemies weak to holy magic. Alexander brings alot to the party as well, 
the two best being Med LV up which refines high level recovery items and 
Revive, which revives a dead character and restores all there HP.

Alexander's Abilities:

Spr-J          Spr+40%
Elem-Atk-J     Med Data
Elem-Defx2     SumMag+10%
Elem-Defx4     SumMag+20%
Abilityx3      SumMag+30%
Magic          GFHP+10%
GF             GFHP+20%
Draw           GFHP+30%
Item           Boost
Revive         High Mag-RF
Spr+20%        Med LV Up


Attack: Runaway Train
Element: Poison (Plus several other status effects)
Location: Use Solomon Ring with 6 Steel Pipes, Remedy+, and Malboro 
Tentacles in your inventory

The crosslights come down which means a train is coming, in this case a 
Runaway Train. Doomtrain speeds down the tracks and slams into all 
enemies dealing poison damage as well as lowering all the enemies 
defenses and causing Darkness, Doom, Slow, Sleep, Curse, Petrify, 
Confuse, Silence, and Berserk status effects. Doomtrain is second best 
GF in the game hands down. Not only does his attack do decent damage but 
the status effects it deals are incredible and the ability to lower the 
enemies defenses is well worth summoning Doomtrain even if they absorb 
or are immune to his attack. Also Doomtrain has a great set of abilities 
including ST-Def-Jx4 and Elem-Def-Jx4.

Doomtrain's Abilities:

Elem-Atk-J    SumMag+10%
ST-Atk-J      SumMag+20%
Elem-Defx4    SumMag+30%
ST-Defx4      SumMag+40%
Magic         GFHP+10%
GF            GFHP+20%
Draw          GFHP+30%
Item          GFHP+40%
Darkside      Boost
Absorb        Junk Shop
Auto-Shell    Forbid Med-RF


Attack: 1,000 Needles
Element: Non Elemental
Location: Defeat Jumbo Cactaur on Cactaur Island

Cactaur leaps into the air and does a little cactaur dance which sprays 
needles down onto all enemies doing non elemental damage. This is the 
third best GF in the game, it may not seem like it when you first get it 
but Cactaur's damage increases by a thousand every 10 levels it gains, 
so on level 100 thats 10,000 damage to all enemies. Cactaur doesn't 
bring much to the party in abilities although it does have all the bonus 
abilities and Luck+50% which are not too bad.

Cactaur's Abilities:

Eva-J        Move-HP Up
Luck-J       HP Bonus
Magic        Str Bonus
GF           Vit Bonus
Draw         Mag Bonus
Item         Spr Bonus        
Defend       Auto-Potion
Kamikaze     Expendx2-1
Eva+30%      GFHP+10%
Luck+50%     GFHP+20%
Initiative   GFHP+30%


Attack: Chef's Knife
Element: Non Elemental
Location: Defeat 18+ Tonberrys at the Centra Ruins, then Defeat the 
Tonberry King

Tonberry crawls out of his hole in the ground and proceeds to walk over 
to an enemy and stab then with the chef's knife dealing non elemental 
damage. The Tonberry GF, like Siren, has a very weak attack, except 
Tonberry's doesn't add any status effects. I strongly suggest teaching 
him SumMag+40% if you plan to summon him. The best thing that the 
Tonberry brings to the group is its Familiar ability which lets you buy 
rare items in shops, and the call shop ability which lets you buy items 
from any shop you have visited in the game, very useful on Disk 4.

Tonberry's Abilities:

Magic         SumMag+10%
GF            SumMag+20%
Draw          SumMag+30%
Item          GFHP+10%
LV Down       GFHP+20%
LV Up         GFHP+30%
Eva+30%       Boost
Luck+50%      Haggle
Initiative    Sell-High
Move-HP Up    Familiar
Auto-Potion   Call Shop


Attack: Mega Flare
Element: Non Elemental
Location: Defeat Bahamut at the Deep Sea Research Center

Bahamut tears from the sky and onto the battlefield, fires four balls of 
energy down onto the enemies, followed by a huge blast which engulfs all 
enemies causing non elemental damage. This is my personal favorite GF in 
the game, the animation is really cool and with all four SumMag 
abilities learned and the long attack animation to boost the summon it 
will quickly do 9999 damage. Bahamut's addition to the party is his 
Abilityx4 and Rare Item abilities which allows you to equip four 
character abilities and makes an enemy drop rare items more often.

Bahamut's Abilities:

Abilityx4      Rare Item
Magic          SumMag+10% 
GF             SumMag+20%
Draw           SumMag+30%
Item           SumMag+40%
Str+60%        GFHP+10%
Mag+60%        GFHP+20%
Mug            GFHP+30%
Move-HP Up     GFHP+40%
Auto-Protect   Boost
Expendx2-1     Forbid Mag-RF


Attack: Eternal Breath
Element: Non Elemental
Location: Draw from Tiamat or Ultima Weapon

I'm not even gonna attempt to explain what happens in Eden's attack 
animation, because quite honestly I don't know what the hell is going on 
in it. Eden is the strongest GF in the game, its strange but long attack 
animation allows you to fully boost the summon to 250, which with all 
the SumMag abilities learned will do nearly 40,000 damage. Eden's 
addition to the party is probably its Devour ability, this odd move 
allows your characters to eat enemies, which in some monsters case can 
increase there stats perminatly.

Eden's Abilities:

Spd-J       Expendx3-1
Eva-J       SumMag+10%
Hit-J       SumMag+20%
Magic       SumMag+30%
GF          SumMag+40%
Draw        GFHP+10%
Item        GFHP+20%
Mad Rush    GFHP+30%
Darkside    GFHP+40%
Devour      Boost
Luck+50%    GFAbl Med-RF


Chocobo (Boko)
Attack: ChocoFire
Element: Fire
Location: Catch a Chocobo in any of the Chocobo Forests and ChocoBoy 
will give you a chicobo named Boko, use Gysahl Greens to summon him

Boko appears and spits a ball of fire that hits all enemies dealing fire 
damage. Boko's attack is rather pitiful, only doing several hundred 
points of damage. The original idea behind this GF was to build up his 
power with the pocketplaystation, but we never saw the it here in the 
United States so I don't know just exactly how much damage it has the 
potential to do. Use Gysahl Greens in battle to summon Boko which can be 
found in several places in the game and bought from ChocoBoy in the 
chocobo forests before visiting the Chocobo Sanctuary.


Attack: Rebirth Flame
Element: Fire (Casts Life)
Location: Use a Phoenix Pinion in battle to summon him. He will appear 
randomly when your party dies after you summon him the first time

The form of the mythical bird, Phoenix, is burned into the ground and he 
rises from it casting life on your party and dealing fire damage to all 
enemies. Phoenix can be extremely helpful, use a Phoenix Pinion in 
battle, which are found in several areas and you can also refine them, 
and it will summon Phoenix. Not only does it deal a couple thousand 
points of damage and revives all party members, but after the first time 
you use it the Phoenix will randomly appear when your party dies to 
revive them.


Attack: Zantetsuken
Element: None (Deals Death)
Location: Defeat him in the Centra Ruins

It begins to rain and Odin rides out onto the battlefield on his steed. 
He then proceeds to cut all the enemies on the battlefield in half 
dealing instant death to them. Odin in my opinion is a curse to your 
party, he appears randomly at the beginning of battle, often when you 
have been looking around for hours to find a certain rare enemy and he 
rides in and kills them, but I guess he is worth getting although he 
will probably cause you many many headaches.


Attack: Zantetsuken, Excalipoor, Excaliber, Masamune
Element: None, Physical Damage
Location: Have Odin before the the last battle with Seifer in Lunatic 
Pandora, Seifer will kill Odin and Gilgamesh will take his place

Gilgamesh circles up from the floor of the battlefield and chooses one 
of his four swords to attack all enemies for physical damage. In my 
opinion Gilgamesh is alot better than having Odin. Unlike Odin, 
Gilgamesh can appear any time during battle and even boss fights to 
attack the enemy, the only downside, but sometimes goodside to Gilgamesh 
is that his Zantetsuken sometimes misses the enemy. Gilgamesh has four 
attacks. They are listed below:

Zantetsuken: Deals death to all enemies, sometimes misses
Excalipoor: Deals 1 damage to all enemies
Excaliber: Deal a fair amount of damage to all enemies
Masamune: Deals a large amount of damage to all enemies


7: Guardian Force Abilities

Junction Abilities:

HP-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Hit Points
Str-J: Can Juction Magic to Characters Strength
Vit-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Vitality
Mag-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Magic
Spr-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Spirit
Eva-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Evasion
Hit-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Hit
Spd-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Speed
Luck-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Luck
Elem-Atk-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Elemental Attack
Elem-Def-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Elemental Defense
Elem-Defx2: Can Junction 2 Magic Spells to Characters Elemental Defense
Elem-Defx4: Can Junction 4 Magic Spells to Characters Elemental Defense
ST-Atk-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Status Attack
ST-Def-J: Can Junction Magic to Characters Status Defense
ST-Defx2: Can Junction 2 Magic Spells to Characters Status Defense
ST-Defx4: Can Junction 4 Magic Spells to Characters Status Defense
Abilityx3: Can Junction 3 GF Abilties to a Character
Abilityx4: Can Junction 4 GF Abilities to a Character


Command Abilities:

Magic: Allows Character to Cast Magic Spells
Draw: Allows Character to Draw Magic Spells from Enemies
GF: Allows Character to summon GFs
Item: Allows Character to use Items
Card: Transforms Enemy into a Card
Doom: Casts Slow Death on an Enemy
Mad Rush: Casts Berserk, Protect, and Haste on the party
Darkside: Triple damage by Attack Command, but loses 1/10 of HP
Absorb: Drains HP from an Enemy and restores Characters
Defend: No Damage from Physical Attacks, cuts Magic Attacks in Half
Treatment: Cures all status effects of a party member
Recover: Restores all HP of a party member
Revive: Revives a dead character and recovers all there HP
Kamikaze: Causes damage to an enemy but removes character from battle
LV Up: Doubles an enemies level
LV Down: Cuts an enemies level in half
Devour: Character eats an enemy causing various things. The following 
can be eaten to increase a characters stats:

Adamantoise: Defense+1
Behemoth: Magic+1
Malboro: Spirit+1
Ruby Dragon: HP+10
T-Rexaur: Strength+1


Character and GF Abilities:

HP+20%: Raises Characters Hit Points+20%
HP+40%: Raises Characters Hit Points+40%
HP+80%: Raises Characters Hit Points+80%
Str+20%: Raises Characters Strength+20%
Str+40%: Raises Characters Strength+40%
Str+60%: Raises Characters Strength+60%
Mag+20%: Raises Characters Magic+20%
Mag+40%: Raises Characters Magic+40%
Mag+60%: Raises Characters Magic+60%
Vit+20%: Raises Characters Vitality+20%
Vit+40%: Raises Characters Vitality+40%
Vit+60%: Raises Characters Vitality+60%
Spr+20%: Raises Characters Spirit+20%
Spr+40%: Raises Characters Spirit+40%
Spr+60%: Raises Characters Spirit+60%
Spd+20%: Raises Characters Speed+20%
Spd+40%: Raises Characters Speed+40% 
Eva+30%: Raises Characters Evasion+30%
Luck+50%: Raises Characters Luck+50%
HP Bonus: Raises Characters Hit Points+30 at Level Up
Str Bonus: Raises Characters Strength+1 at Level Up
Mag Bonus: Raises Characters Magic+1 at Level Up
Vit Bonus: Raises Characters Vitality+1 at Level Up
Spr Bonus: Raises Characters Spirit+1 at Level Up
Expendx2-1: Reduces the number of magic used in Double from 2 to 1
Expendx3-1: Reduces the number of magic used in Triple from 3 to 1
Mug: Changes Characters attack command to Mug, Steals Items
Med Data: Recovery from Items is Doubled
Cover: Take damage for injured ally, damage reduced by half
Initiative: ATB Gauge is full at the beginning of battle
Return Damage: Returns 1/4 of Phy Damage received back to the attacker
Move-HP Up: Recovers HP while walking around
Counter: Character Counterattacks when hit with a physical attack
Auto-Potion: When damaged character automatically uses a potion
Auto-Protect: Character always has protect cast during battle
Auto-Shell: Character always has shell cast during battle
Auto-Haste: Character always has haste cast during battle
Auto-Reflect: Character always has reflect cast during battle
Move-Find: Hidden Save and Draw Points become visible
Enc-Half: Cuts random encounters in half
Enc-None: No random encounters
Alert: Prevents back attack and first strike from enemies
Rare Item: Rare items are found more often after defeating enemies
GFHP+10%: Raises Guardian Forces Hit Points+10%
GFHP+20%: Raises Guardian Forces Hit Points+20%
GFHP+30%: Raises Guardian Forces Hit Points+30%
GFHP+40%: Raises Guardian Forces Hit Points+40%
MagSum+10%: Raises damage done by GFs attack+10%
MagSum+20%: Raises damage done by GFs attack+20%
MagSum+30%: Raises damage done by GFs attack+30%
MagSum+40%: Raises damage done by GFs attack+40%
Boost: In battle, hold select and rapidly press square to increase 
damage done by Guardian Force's attack


Menu Abilities:

Haggle: Get a discount at all shops
Sell-High: Sell items for a higher price at all shops
Familiar: Can buy rare items in shops
Call Shop: Can shop at any shop you have been to before
Junk Shop: Calls a Junk Shop from the menu
T Mag-RF: Refines Thunder and Wind magic from items
I Mag-RF: Refines Ice and Water magic from items
F Mag-RF: Refines Fire magic from items
L Mag-RF: Refines Life magic from items
Time Mag-RF: Refines Time and Space magic from items
ST Mag-RF: Refines Status magic from items
Supt Mag-RF: Refines Support magic from items
Forbid Mag-RF: Refines Forbidden magic from items
Recov Mag-RF: Refines Cure magic from items
ST Med-RF: Refines Status recovery items from other items 
Ammo-RF: Refines Ammo for Irvine from items
Tool-RF: Refines tools from items
Forbid Med-RF: Refines Forbidden Items from other items
GFRecov Med-RF: Refines GF Recovery items from other items
GFAbl Med-RF: Refines GF ability items from other items
Mid Mag-RF: Refines mid-level magic from low-level magic
High Mag-RF: Refines high-level magic from mid-level magic
Med LV Up: Refines rare medicine from more common medicine
Card Mod: Refines Cards into various items


8: Weapons


Cost: 200 Gil
Attack: 11
Hit: 255%
Limit Breaks: Rough Divide
Items Needed: M-Stone Piecex2, Screwx2

Shear Trigger
Cost: 200 Gil
Attack: 14
Hit: 255%
Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle
Items Needed: Steel Pipe, Screwx4

Cutting Trigger
Cost: 400 Gil
Attack: 18
Hit: 255%
Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle
Items Needed: Mesmerize Blade, Screwx8

Flame Saber
Cost: 600 Gil
Attack: 20
Hit: 255%
Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone
Items Needed: Betrayal Sword, Turtle Shell, Screwx4

Twin Lance
Cost: 800 Gil
Attack: 22
Hit: 255%
Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone
Items Needed: Dino Bone, Red Fang, Screwx12

Cost: 1000 Gil
Attack: 24
Hit: 255%
Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone
Items Needed: Chef's Knife, Star Fragmentx2, Turtle Shell, Screwx8

Lion Heart
Cost: 2000 Gil
Attack: 30
Hit: 255%
Limit Breaks: Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone, Lion Heart
Items Needed: Adamantine, Dragon Fangx4, Pulse Ammox12



Chain Whip
Cost: 100 Gil
Attack: 12
Hit: 103%
Items Needed: M-Stone Piecex2, Spider Web

Slaying Tail
Cost: 200 Gil
Attack: 15
Hit: 104%
Items Needed: Magic Stonex2, Sharp Spike

Red Scorpion
Cost: 400 Gil
Attack: 20
Hit: 105%
Items Needed: Ochu Tentaclex2, Dragon Skinx2

Save the Queen
Cost: 800 Gil
Attack: 25
Hit: 107%
Items Needed: Malboro Tentaclex2, Sharp Spikex4, Energy Crystalx4



Metal Knuckle
Cost: 100 Gil
Attack: 12
Hit: 98%
Items Needed: Fish Fin, M-Stone Piecex4

Cost: 200 Gil
Attack: 15
Hit: 99%
Items Needed: Dragon Fin, Spider Web

Cost: 400 Gil
Attack: 20
Hit: 101%
Items Needed: Dragon Skin, Fury Fragment

Cost: 800 Gil
Attack: 25
Hit: 103%
Items Needed: Adamantine, Dragon skinx4, Fury Fragment



Cost: 100 Gil
Attack: 12
Hit: 98%
Items Needed: M-Stone Piecex2, Bomb Fragment

Morning Star
Cost: 200 Gil
Attack: 15
Hit: 99%
Items Needed: Steel Orbx2, Sharp Spikex2

Crescent Wish
Cost: 400 Gil
Attack: 20
Hit: 100%
Items Needed: Inferno Fang, Life Ring, Sharp Spikex4

Strange Vision
Cost: 800 Gil
Attack: 25
Hit: 255%
Items Needed: Adamantine, Star Fragmentx3, Curse Spikex2



Cost: 100 Gil
Attack: 11
Hit: 99%
Items Needed: M-Stone Piecex3

Cost: 200 Gil
Attack: 14
Hit: 101%
Items Needed: Shear Feather, Magic Stone

Rising Sun
Cost: 400 Gil
Attack: 18
Hit: 103%
Items Needed: Saw Blade, Screwx8

Cost: 800 Gil
Attack: 24
Hit: 104%
Items Needed: Cockatrice Pinion, Mesmerize Blade, Sharp Spike

Shooting Star
Cost: 1000 Gil
Attack: 28
Hit: 107%
Items Needed: Windmillx2, Regen Ring, Force Armlet, Energy Crystalx2



Cost: 100 Gil
Attack: 12
Hit: 105%
Items Needed: Steel Pipe, Screwx4

Cost: 200 Gil
Attack: 15
Hit: 108%
Items Needed: Steel Pipe, Bomb Fragment, Screwx2

Cost: 400 Gil
Attack: 20
Hit: 110%
Items Needed: Steel Pipe, Dynamo Stonex4, Screwx8

Cost: 800 Gil
Attack: 25
Hit: 115%
Items Needed: Dino Bone, Moon Stone, Star Fragment, Screwx18


Misc. Weapons:

Hyperion: Seifer's Gunblade
Machine Gun: Laguna's Weapon
Katal: Kiros' Weapon
Harpoon: Ward's Weapon


9. Items

Recovery Items:

Use: Restores 200 HP to one Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Potion+

Use: Restores 400 HP to one Party Member
Location: Refine Potion 
Refine: Hi-Potion

Use: Restores 1000 HP to one Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Hi-Potion+

Use: Restores 2000 HP to one Party Member
Location: Refine Hi-Potion
Refine: X-Potion

Use: Restores all HP to one Party Member
Location: Refine Hi-Potion+, Refine Fujin/Rajin or Wedge/Biggs Card
Refine: Mega-Potion

Use: Restores 1000 HP to all Party Members
Location: Refine X-Potion, Mesmerize Blade, Tent, or Healing Ring
Refine: Elixer

Use: Restores all HP and Recovers Status to one Party Member
Location: Refine Mega-Potion, Remedy +, Elem Atk, or Status Guard
Refine: Doc's Code, Megalixer

Use: Restores all HP and Recovers Status to all Party Members
Location: Refine Elixer, Med Kit, or Bahamut Card
Refine: N/A

Phoenix Down
Use: Revives a Dead Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Mega Phoenix

Mega Phoenix
Use: Revives all Dead Party Members
Location: Refine Phoenix Down 
Refine: Phoenix Pinion

Use: Restores 200 HP to one Guardian Force
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: N/A

Use: Restores 1000 HP to one Guardian Force
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: N/A

Use: Restores 1000 HP to all Guardian Forces
Location: Refine Healing Ring, Propagator or Sphinxara Card
Refine: N/A

Use: Revives a Dead Guardian Force
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: N/A

Use: Restores all HP and Status to all Party Members at Save Points
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Mega Potion, Curaga Spell

Pet House
Use: Restores all HP to all Guardian Forces at Save Points
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop, Refine Silver, Gold, or Diamond Armor
Refine: G-Returner

Use: Restores all HP and Status to Party and GFs at Save Points
Location: Refine Diamond Armor or Healing Ring
Refine: Mega-Potion, Curaga Spell

Use: Cures Poison Status Effect of one Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Bio Spell

Eye Drops
Use: Cures Darkness Status Effect of one Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Blind Spell

Echo Screen
Use: Cures Silence Status Effect of one Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Silence Spell

Use: Cures Petrify and Gradual Petrify Status Effects of one Character
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Break Spell

Holy Water
Use: Cures Zombie and Curse Status Effects of one Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Zombie Spell

Use: Cures all Status Effects of one Party Member
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Remedy+, Esuna Spell

Remedy +
Use: Cures all Status Effects and Magic Effects of one Party Member
Location: Refine Remedy
Refine: Elixer


Battle Items:

Shell Stone
Use: Casts Shell on a Party Member
Location: Find Chocobo Forests, Refine Rune or Force Armlet
Refine: Shell Spell

Protect Stone
Use: Casts Protect on a Party Member
Location: Find Chocobo Forests, Refine Turtle Shell or Orihalcon
Refine: Protect Spell

Aura Stone
Use: Casts Aura on a Party Member
Location: Find Chocobo Forests, Refine Fury Fragment or Hypno Crown
Refine: Aura Spell

Death Stone
Use: Casts Death on an Enemy
Location: Refine Dead Spirit or Elvoret Card
Refine: Death Spell

Holy Stone
Use: Casts Holy on an Enemy
Location: Find Chocobo Forests, Refine Moon Stone or Krysta Card
Refine: Holy Spell

Flare Stone
Use: Casts Flare on an Enemy
Location: Find Chocobo Forests, Refine Inferno Fang or Tiamat Card 
Refine: Flare Spell

Meteor Stone
Use: Casts Meteor on all Enemies
Location: Find Chocobo Forests, Refine Fury Fragment or Red Giant Card
Refine: Meteor Spell

Ultima Stone
Use: Casts Ultima on all Enemies
Location: Find Chocobo Forests, Refine Ultima Weapon Card
Refine: Ultima Spell

Gysahl Greens
Use: Summons the Chocobo Guardian Force
Location: Buy Chocobo Forests, Refine Chicobo Card
Refine: N/A

Phoenix Pinion
Use: Summons the Phoenix Guardian Force
Location: Find Winhill and Shumi Village, Refine Mega Phoenix
Refine: Firaga Spell, Phoenix Spirit

Use: Sometimes makes a Character Invincible
Location: Refine Shaman Stone
Refine: Hero

Use: Makes a Character Invincible
Location: Refine Hero-Trial or Laguna Card
Refine: Holy War-Trial

Holy War-Trial
Use: Sometimes makes the Party Invincible
Location: Refine Hero
Refine: Holy War

Holy War
Use: Makes the Party Invincible
Location: Refine Holy War-Trial or Gilgamesh Card
Refine: Knight's Code


Quistis Ability Items:

Spider Web
Use: Teaches Quistis Ultra Waves
Location: Mug Caterchipillar
Refine: Slow Spell

Coral Fragment
Use: Teaches Quistis Electrocute
Location: Mug Creeps, Drop Cockatrice
Refine: Thundara Spell

Black Hole
Use: Teaches Quistis Degenerator
Location: Mug Gesper, Refine Gesper or Diablos Card
Refine: Demi Spell

Curse Spike
Use: Teaches Quistis Level ? Death
Location: Drop Creeps and Forbidden, Mug Tri-Face
Refine: Remedy, Dark Matter (Siren Level 100), Pain Spell

Use: Teaches Quistis Micro Missiles
Location: Mug GIM52A or Death Claw (Rare)
Refine: Demolition Ammo

Running Fire
Use: Teaches Quistis Gatling Gun
Location: Mug SAMO8G, Refine SAMO8G Card
Refine: Demolition Ammo

Water Crystal
Use: Teaches Quistis Aqua Breath
Location: Mug Fastitocalon, Drop Chimera
Refine: Water Spell

Mystery Fluid
Use: Teaches Quistis Acid
Location: Mug Gayla, Refine Gayla Card
Refine: Meltdown Spell

Inferno Fang
Use: Teaches Quistis Fire Breath
Location: Mug Ruby Dragon, Refine Ruby Dragon Card
Refine: Flare Stone, Flare Spell

Malboro Tentacle
Use: Teaches Quistis Bad Breath
Location: Mug Malboro, Refine Malboro Card
Refine: Remedy, Moon Curtain, Bio Spell

Use: Teaches Quistis White Wind
Location: Mug and Dropped from/by Adamantoise
Refine: Cottage, G-Hi-Potion, Healing Ring, Curaga Spell

Laser Cannon
Use: Teaches Quistis Homing Laser
Location: Mug Elastoid and Mobile Type 8
Refine: Pulse Ammo

Use: Teaches Quistis Might Guard
Location: Mug Behemoth, Refine Behemoth Card
Refine: Aegis Amulet, Shell Spell

Power Generator
Use: Teaches Quistis Ray-Bomb
Location: Find Lunatic Pandora, Mug Blitz (Very Rare)
Refine: Pulse Ammo

Dark Matter
Use: Teaches Quistis Shockwave Pulsar
Location: Refine Curse Spike (Siren must be Level 100)
Refine: Shaman Stone, Luck J-Scroll, Ultima Spell


Ammo Items:

Normal Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Normal Shot Limit Break
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Fast Ammo

Shotgun Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Scatter Shot Limit Break
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Fast Ammo

Fire Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Flame Shot Limit Break
Location: Buy Esthar, Refine Fire Fang, Bomb Fragment, or Fuel
Refine: N/A

Dark Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Dark Shot Limit Break
Location: Buy Esthar, Refine Poison Powder or Venom Fang
Refine: N/A

Demolition Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Canister Shot Limit Break
Location: Buy Esthar (With Familiar), Refine Cactus Thorn
Refine: N/A

Fast Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Quick Shot Limit Break
Location: Buy Esthar (With Familiar), Refine Normal or Shotgun Ammo
Refine: N/A

AP Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Armor Shot Limit Break
Location: Refine Sharp Spike or Chef's Knife
Refine: N/A

Pulse Ammo
Use: Allows Irvine to use Hyper Shot Limit Break
Location: Refine Energy Crystal, Laser Cannon, or Power Generator
Refine: Ultima Spell


GF Ability Items:

Amnesia Greens
Use: Removes one Guardian Force Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop
Refine: N/A

GF Scroll
Use: Teaches GF GF Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop
Refine: Wizard Stone

Draw Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Draw Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop
Refine: Wizard Stone

Item Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Item Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop
Refine: Wizard Stone

HP-J Scroll
Use: Teaches GF HP-J Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop (With Familiar)
Refine: Giant's Ring

Str-J Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Str-J Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop (With Familiar)
Refine: Power Wrist

Vit-J Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Vit-J Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop (With Familiar)
Refine: Orihalcon

Mag-J Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Mag-J Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop (With Familiar)
Refine: Force Armlet

Spr-J Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Spr-J Ability
Location: Buy Timber Pet Shop (With Familiar)
Refine: Hypno Crown

Spd-J Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Spd-J Ability
Location: Mug Cerberus, Find Lunatic Pandora
Refine: Jet Engine

Luck-J Scroll
Use: Teaches GF Luck-J Ability
Location: Mug Odin, Find Obel Lake Quest
Refine: Luck Up

Aegis Amulet
Use: Teaches GF Eva-J Ability
Location: Drop UFO, Refine Barrier
Refine: Spd Up, Haste Spell

Elem Atk
Use: Teaches GF Elem-Atk-J Ability
Location: Refine Samantha Soul or Ifrit Card
Refine: Elixer

Elem Guard
Use: Teaches GF Elem-Defx4 Ability 
Location: Refine Diamond Armor or Selphie Card 
Refine: Elixer

Status Atk
Use: Teaches GF ST-Atk-J Ability
Location: Refine Royal Crown or Siren Card
Refine: Elixer

Status Guard
Use: Teaches GF ST-Defx4 Ability
Location: Find Shumi Village, Refine Doomtrain Card
Refine: Elixer

Rosetta Stone
Use: Teaches GF Abilityx4 Ability
Location: Find Esthar and Ultimecia Castle, Refine Shaman Stone
Refine: Shaman Stone

Steel Pipe
Use: Teaches GF SumMag+10% Ability
Location: Mug Wendigo, Refine Elastoid Card
Refine: Aura Stone, Berserk Spell

Star Fragment
Use: Teaches GF SumMag+20% Ability
Location: Mug Iron Giant, Refine Iron Giant Card 
Refine: Meteor Stone, Meteor Spell

Energy Crystal
Use: Teaches GF SumMag+30% Ability
Location: Dropped by Eloyle and Ruby Dragon, Refine Elnoyle Card
Refine: Pulse Ammo, Ultima Stone, Ultima Spell, Samantha Soul

Samantha Soul
Use: Teaches GF SumMag+40% Ability
Location: Find Lunatic Pandora, Refine Energy Crystal or Quistis Card
Refine: Elem Atk, Triple Spell

Healing Mail
Use: Teaches GF GFHP+10% Ability
Location: Mug Snow Lion, Refine Turtapod Card
Refine: Hi-Potion, Pet House, Curaga Spell

Silver Mail
Use: Teaches GF GFHP+20% Ability
Location: Drop Snow Lion
Refine: Pet House, Gold Armor

Gold Armor
Use: Teaches GF GFHP+30% Ability
Location: Refine Silver Mail
Refine: Pet House, Diamond Armor

Diamond Armor
Use: Teaches GF GFHP+40% Ability
Location: Drop Red Giant, Refine Gold Armor or Seifer Card
Refine: Cottage, Pet House, Elem Guard

Regen Ring
Use: Teaches GF HP+20% Ability
Location: Mug Torama, Drop Lefty, Refine Chimera Card
Refine: Phoenix Down, Tent, G-Returner, Full-Life Spell

Giant's Ring
Use: Teaches GF HP+40% Ability
Location: Buy Esthar (With Familiar), Drop Behemoth, Refine HP-J Scroll
Refine: Gaea's Ring, Protect Spell

Gaea's Ring
Use: Teaches GF HP+80% Ability
Location: Refine Giant's Ring or Ward Card
Refine: HP Up

Strength Love
Use: Teaches GF Str+20% Ability
Location: Mug Wendigo (High Level), Refine Gargantua Card
Refine: Aura Stone

Power Wrist
Use: Teaches GF Str+40% Ability
Location: Buy Esthar (With Familiar), Refine Str-J Scroll
Refine: Aura Stone, Hyper Wrist

Hyper Wrist
Use: Teaches GF Str+60% Ability
Location: Mug Bahamut, Refine Power Wrist or Zell Card
Refine: Str Up

Turtle Shell
Use: Teaches GF Vit+20% Ability
Location: Mug Armadodo, Drop Adamantoise, Refine Adamantoise Card
Refine: Protect Stone, Protect Spell

Use: Teaches GF Vit+40% Ability
Location: Mug Adamantoise, Refine Vit-J Scroll
Refine: Protect Stone, Adamantine

Use: Teaches GF Vit+60% Ability
Location: Drop Adamantoise, Refine Orihalcon or Minotaur Card
Refine: Vit Up, Steel Curtain

Rune Armlet
Use: Teaches GF Spr+20% Ability
Location: Mug Blobra or Righty
Refine: Shell Stone, Shell Spell

Force Armlet
Use: Teaches GF Spr+40% Ability
Location: Buy Esthar (With Familiar), Drop Ochu, Refine Mag-J Scroll
Refine: Shell Stone, Magic Armlet

Magic Armlet
Use: Teaches GF Spr+60% Ability
Location: Drop Gargantua, Refine Force Armlet or Rinoa Card
Refine: Spr Up, Moon Curtain

Use: Teaches GF Mag+20% Ability
Location: Drop Buel, Refine Gerogero Card
Refine: Aura Stone

Hypno Crown
Use: Teaches GF Mag+40% Ability
Location: Buy Esthar (With Familiar), Drop Malboro, Refine Spr-J Scroll
Refine: Aura Stone, Royal Crown

Royal Crown
Use: Teaches GF Mag+60% Ability
Location: Mug Edea (2nd Battle), Refine Hypno Crown or Edea Card
Refine: Mag Up, Status Atk

Jet Engine
Use: Teaches GF Spd+20% Ability
Location: Drop Cactaur (Rare), Refine Spd-J Scroll or Tri-Point Card
Refine: Spd Up, Rocket Engine

Rocket Engine
Use: Teaches GF Spd+40% Ability
Location: Drop Tri-Point, Refine Jet Engine or Irvine Card 
Refine: Spd Up, Triple Spell

Gambler Spirit
Use: Teaches GF Card Ability
Location: Refine Shumi Tribe Card
Refine: Wizard Stone

Healing Ring
Use: Teaches GF Recover Ability
Location: Refine Whisper
Refine: Mega-Potion, Cottage, G-Mega-Potion, Curaga Spell

Phoenix Spirit
Use: Teaches GF Revive Ability
Location: Refine Phoenix Pinion or Phoenix Card
Refine: Phoenix Down, G-Returner, Firaga Spell, Full-Life Spell

Med Kit
Use: Teaches GF Treatment Ability
Location: Refine Dragon Fang
Refine: Remedy, Megalixer, Esuna Spell

Bomb Spirit
Use: Teaches GF Kamikaze Ability
Location: Mug Bomb (Rare), Refine Bomb Fragment
Refine: Firaga Spell

Hungry Cookpot
Use: Teaches GF Devour Ability
Location: Refine PuPu Card
Refine: Shaman Stone

Moon Curtain
Use: Teaches GF Auto-Shell Ability
Location: Refine Malboro Tentacle, Magic Armlet or Alexander Card
Refine: Shell Spell

Steel Curtain
Use: Teaches GF Auto-Protect Ability
Location: Refine Adamantine 
Refine: Protect Spell

Glow Curtain
Use: Teaches GF Auto-Reflect Ability
Location: Refine Dragon Skin or Carbuncle Card
Refine: Monk's Code, Reflect Spell

Use: Teaches GF Auto-Haste Ability
Location: Refine Lightweight or Kiros Card
Refine: Haste Spell

Monk's Code
Use: Teaches GF Counter Ability
Location: Refine Glow Curtain or Eden Card
Refine: Str Up

Knight's Code
Use: Teaches GF Cover Ability
Location: Refine Holy War
Refine: Vit Up

Doc's Code
Use: Teaches GF Med Data Ability
Location: Refine Elixer or Leviathan Card
Refine: Megalixer

Hundred Needles
Use: Teaches GF Return Damage Ability
Location: Refine Cactus Thorn
Refine: Spd Up

Three Stars
Use: Teaches GF Expendx3-1 Ability
Location: Mug Ultima Weapon, Drop Omega Weapon, Refine Squall Card
Refine: Triple Spell


GF Compatibility Items:

Bomb Fragment
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Ifrit
Location: Mug Bomb, Refine Bomb Card
Refine: Fire Ammo, Bomb Spirit, Firaga Spell

Red Fang
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Ifrit
Location: Mug Chimera or Hexadragon
Refine: Fire Ammo, Firaga Spell

Arctic Wind
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Shiva
Location: Mug Glacial Eye, Refine Glacial Eye Card
Refine: Blizzara Spell

North Wind
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Shiva
Location: Drop Snow Lion, Refine Snow Lion or Shiva Card
Refine: Blizzaga Spell

Dynamo Stone
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Quenzacotl
Location: Drop Blitz, Refine Blitz or Quenzacotl Card
Refine: Thundaga Spell

Shear Feather
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Pandemona
Location: Mug or Drop Thrustaevis, Refine Thrustaevis Card
Refine: Aero Spell

Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Pandemona
Location: Mug Thrustaevis or Abyss Worm, Refine Pandemona Card
Refine: Tornado Spell

Venom Fang
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Doomtrain
Location: Mug Anacondaur, Refine Anacondaur Card
Refine: Antidote, Dark Ammo, Bio Spell

Poison Powder
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Doomtrain
Location: Mug Imp, Drop Tri-Face 
Refine: Antidote, Dark Ammo

Steel Orb
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Diablos
Location: Mug GIM47N, Drop Wendigo, Refine Wendigo Card
Refine: Demi Spell

Moon Stone
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Alexander
Location: Mug Elnoyle, Drop Imp or Torama
Refine: Holy Stone, Holy Spell

Dino Bone
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Brothers
Location: Mug and Drop T-Rexaur, Refine Armadodo or Sacred Card
Refine: Quake Spell

Dragon Skin
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Carbuncle
Location: Drop Anacondaur or Blue Dragon
Refine: Glow Curtain, Reflect Spell

Fish Fin
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Leviathan
Location: Mug and Drop Fastitocalon-F
Refine: Water Spell

Dragon Fin
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Cerberus
Location: Mug and Drop Grendel, Refine Grendel Card
Refine: Double Spell

Silence Powder
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Siren
Location: Mug and Drop Grat
Refine: Echo Screen, Silence Spell

Chef's Knife
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Tonberry
Location: Mug and Drop Tonberry, Refine Tonberry Card
Refine: AP Ammo, Death Spell

Cactus Thorn
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Cactaur 
Location: Mug and Drop Cactaur, Refine Cactaur Card
Refine: Hundred Needles, Demolition Ammo

Shaman Stone
Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with Bahamut
Location: Refine Dark Matter, Rosetta Stone, or Hungry Cookpot
Refine: LuvLuvG, Hero-Trial (Doomtrain must be LV100), Rosetta Stone

Use: Raises a Characters Compatibility with all GFs
Location: Refine Shaman Stone or Chubby Chocobo Card
Refine: N/A


Misc. Items:

M-Stone Piece
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug Bite Bug, Buel, or Blobra, Refine Bite Bug Card
Refine: Thunder, Fire, Blizzard, Cure, Slow, Silence, Esuna Spells

Magic Stone
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug Jelleye, Drop Belhelmel or Blobra, Refine Jelleye Card
Refine: Thundara, Fira, Cura, Blizzara, Haste, Dispel, Berserk Spells

Wizard Stone
Use: Used to Refine
Location: Mug Turtapod, Refine Vysage or Imp Card
Refine: Thundaga, Firaga, Blizzaga, Curaga, Stop, Bio, Dispel Spells

Ochu Tentacle
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug and Drop Ochu, Refine Ochu Card
Refine: Eyedrops, Blind Spell

Healing Water
Use: Used to Refine
Location: Mug Jelleye, Drop Mesmerize
Refine: Hi-Potion, Tent, G-Hi-Potion, Cura Spell

Dead Spirit
Use: Used to Refine (Number may determine how often Odin appears)
Location: Mug Forbidden, Drop Imp, Refine Odin Card
Refine: Death Stone, Death Spell

Cockatrice Pinion
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug and Drop Cockatrice, Refine Cockatrice or Iguion Card
Refine: Soft, Break Spell

Zombie Powder
Use: Used to Refine
Location: Mug and Drop Blood Soul, Refine Blood Soul Card
Refine: Holy Water, Zombie Spell

Use: Used to Refine
Location: Mug Vysage, Refine Cerberus Card
Refine: Accelerator, Haste Spell

Sharp Spike
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug and Drop Grand Mantis, Refine Grand Mantis Card
Refine: AP Ammo

Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug and Drop Geezard, Refine Geezard Card
Refine: Normal Ammo

Saw Blade
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug and Drop Belhelmel, Refine Belhelmel Card
Refine: Death Spell, Dispel Spell

Mesmerize Blade
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug Mesmerize, Refine Mesmerize Card
Refine: Mega Potion, G-Hi-Potion, Regen Spell

Vampire Fang
Use: Used to Refine
Location: Mug Glacial Eye or Red Bat, Refine Red Bat Card
Refine: Drain Spell

Fury Fragment
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug Blue Dragon, Drop Grendel, Refine Blue Dragon Card
Refine: Aura Stone, Aura Spell

Betrayal Sword
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug Blitz, Drop Forbidden, Refine Forbidden Card
Refine: Remedy, Confused Spell

Sleep Powder
Use: Used to Refine 
Location: Mug and Drop Funguar, Drop Grat
Refine: Remedy, Sleep Spell

Life Ring
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Mug and Drop Lefty, Drop Turtapod, Refine Torama Card
Refine: Phoenix Down, G-Returner, Life Spell

Dragon Fang
Use: Used to Refine and Make Weapons
Location: Drop Blue Dragon, Hexadragon, and Grendel
Refine: Remedy, Med Kit, Esuna Spell

Use: Used to drive rental cars
Location: Buy Various Shops
Refine: Fire Ammo

Girl Next Door
Use: Give to Zone to get Shiva Card
Location: Find Timber Maniacs Office
Refine: N/A

Sorceress' Letter
Use: Allows you to speak with the White SeeD Ship Leader
Location: Receive from Edea before searching for the White SeeD Ship
Refine: N/A

Rename Card
Use: Allows you to change a GF's Name
Location: Find D District Prison and White SeeD Ship
Refine: N/A

Pet Nametag
Use: Allows you to change Angelo's Name
Location: Find D District Prison
Refine: N/A

Magical Lamp
Use: Allows you to fight Diablos
Location: Receive from Cid before going to Timber
Refine: N/A

Solomon Ring
Use: Used to receive Doomtrain GF
Location: Find Tears' Point
Refine: N/A
Use: Raises a Character's HP+10
Location: Refine Gaea's Ring
Refine: HP-J-Scroll

Str Up
Use: Raises a Character's Strength+1
Location: Refine Hyper Wrist or Monk's Code
Refine: Str-J-Scroll

Vit Up
Use: Raises a Character's Vitality+1
Location: Refine Adamantine or Knight's Code
Refine: Vit-J-Scroll

Mag Up
Use: Raises a Character's Magic+1
Location: Refine Royal Crown
Refine: Mag-J-Scroll

Spr Up
Use: Raises a Character's Spirit+1
Location: Refine Magic Armlet
Refine: Spr-J-Scroll

Spd Up
Use: Raises a Character's Speed+1
Location: Refine Aegis Armlet, Jet Engine, or Hundred Needles
Refine: Spd-J-Scroll

Luck Up
Use: Raises a Character's Luck+1
Location: Refine Luck-J-Scroll
Refine: Luck-J-Scroll



Weapons Mon Mar
Use: Revolver, Metal Knuckle, Nunchaku, and Chain Whip Issue   
Location: Received after defeating Elvoret, Buy Esthar 
Refine: N/A

Weapons Mon Apr
Use: Shear Trigger, Maverick, Pinwheel, and Valiant Issue
Location: Find in Squall's SeeD Dorm Room, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Weapons Mon May
Use: Cutting Trigger, Valkyrie, Ulysses, and Slaying Tail Issue
Location: Find Deling City Sewers, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Weapons Mon Jun
Use: Flame Saber, Gauntlet, Morning Star, and Red Scorpion Issue
Location: Received after defeating BGH251F2, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Weapons Mon Jul
Use: Twin Lance, Rising Sun, Bismarck, and Crescent Wish Issue
Location: Find Balamb Garden Training Center on Disk 3, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Weapons Mon Aug
Use: Punishment, Ehrgeiz, Cardinal, and Save the Queen Issue
Location: Find Trabia Garden, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Weapons Mon 1st
Use: Lion Heart, Shooting Star, Exeter, and Strange Vision Issue 
Location: Find Lunatic Pandora Lab, Buy Esthar (With Familiar)
Refine: N/A

Combat King 001 
Use: Teaches Zell Dolphin Blow
Location: Find D-District Prison, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Combat King 002 
Use: Teaches Zell Meteor Strike
Location: Received after defeating Fujin and Raijin, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Combat King 003 
Use: Teaches Zell Meteor Barret
Location: Received in Balamb Hotel on Disk 3, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Combat King 004
Use: Teaches Zell Different Beat
Location: Receive in Esthar as Zell, Buy Esthar (With Familiar)
Refine: N/A

Combat King 005 
Use: Teaches Zell My Final Heaven
Location: Find Lunatic Pandora, Buy Esthar (With Familiar)
Refine: N/A

Pet Pals Vol. 1
Use: Teaches Rinoa Angelo Strike
Location: Received on the Train to Timber, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Pet Pals Vol. 2 
Use: Teaches Rinoa Angelo Recover
Location: Find Forest Owl's Train, Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Pet Pals Vol. 3 
Use: Teaches Rinoa Invincible Moon
Location: Buy Timber
Refine: N/A

Pet Pals Vol. 4 
Use: Teaches Rinoa Angelo Reverse
Location: Buy Timber
Refine: N/A

Pet Pals Vol. 5 
Use: Teaches Rinoa Angelo Search
Location: Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Pet Pals Vol. 6
Use: Teaches Rinoa Wishing Star
Location: Buy Esthar
Refine: N/A

Occult Fan I
Use: Hints at being able to mug Steel Pipes from Wendigos
Location: Find Balamb Garden Library, Buy Esthar (With Familiar)
Refine: N/A

Occult Fan II
Use: Hints at the PuPu Side Quest
Location: Find Dollet Pub, Buy Esthar (With Familiar)
Refine: N/A

Occult Fan III
Use: Hints at how to Obtain Doomtrain
Location: Recieved from Master Fisherman on first visit to F.H.
Refine: N/A

Occult Fan IV
Use: Hints at Obtaining Doomtrain and the PuPu Side Quest
Location: Find Esthar Presidental Palace
Refine: N/A


10: Magic

Life Magic:

Use: Restores a small amount of HP to a party member
Draw: Caterchipillar, Geezard, Glacial Eye, Mesmerize
Refined From: N/A

Use: Restores a fair amount of HP to a party member
Draw: Anacondaur, Geezard, Mesmerize, Turtapod
Refined From: Healing Water

Use: Restores a large amount of HP to a party member
Draw: Caterchipillar, Mesmerize, Anacondaur
Refined From: Tent, Cottage, Whisper, Healing Mail, Healing Ring

Use: Revives a dead party member
Draw: Creeps, Grand Mantis, Mesmerize, Torama
Refined From: Life Ring 

Use: Revives a dead party member with there HP fully restored
Draw: Bahamut, Tonberry King
Refined From: Regen Ring, Phoenix Spirit

Use: Gradually restores a party members HP during battle
Draw: Behemoth, Lefty
Refined From: Mesmerize Blade

Use: Inflicts the Zombie status effect on an enemy
Draw: Blood Soul, Forbidden
Refined From: Holy Water, Zombie Powder

Use: Causes instant death to an enemy
Draw: Blue Dragon, Forbidden, Tonberry, Torama
Refined From: Death Stone, Dead Spirit, Chef's Knife, Saw Blade

Use: Deals a large amount of holy damage to an enemy
Draw: Krysta, Omega Weapon
Refined From: Holy Stone, Moon Stone


Support Magic:

Use: Cures all status effects of a party member
Draw: Chimera, Grand Mantis, Mesmerize, Turtapod, Vysage
Refined From: Remedy, Med Kit, M-Stone Piece, Dragon Fang

Use: Cuts physical damage to an ally in half
Draw: Adamantoise, Armadodo, Hexadragon, Raldo, Righty, Wendigo
Refined From: Protect Stone, Giant's Ring, Steel Curtain, Turtle Shell

Use: Cuts magical damage to an ally in half
Draw: Adamantoise, Armadodo, Blobra, Righty, Hexadragon, Iron Giant
Refined From: Shell Stone, Barrier, Rune Armlet, Moon Curtain

Use: Reflects various magic spells back at the caster
Draw: Adamantoise, Blobra, Death Claw, Iron Giant
Refined From: Glow Curtain, Dragon Skin

Use: Removes all magical effects from an enemy/ally
Draw: Blood Soul, Death Claw, Elastoid, Hexadragon, Mesmerize, Turtapod
Refined From: Wizard Stone, Saw Blade

Use: Drains HP from an enemy to restores casters HP
Draw: Blue Dragon, Red Bat
Refined From: Vampire Fang

Use: Allys limit break can be used without HP having to be low.
Draw: Seifer (Battle Four)
Refined From: Aura Stone, Fury Fragment


Status Magic:

Use: Shows an enemies current vital stats, Current HP, Weakness, ect.
Draw: Bite Bug, Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F, Glacial Eye, Red Bat
Refined From: N/A

Use: Deals a fair amount of poison damage to an enemy and causes poison
Draw: Blue Dragon, Anacondaur, Malboro, Tri-Face, Vysage
Refined From: Antidote, Malboro Tentacle, Venom Fang

Use: Inflicts the Sleep status effect on an enemy
Draw: Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F, Funguar, Gayla, Granaldo, Grat
Refined From: Sleep Powder

Use: Inflicts the Silence status effect on an enemy
Draw: Blood Soul, Funguar, Grat, Imp, Ochu, Tri-Face
Refined From: Echo Screen, Silence Powder

Use: Inflicts the Darkness status effect on an enemy
Draw: Blobra, Blue Dragon, Forbidden, Granaldo, Ochu, Lefty, Tri-Face 
Refined From: Eye Drops, Ochu Tentacle

Use: Inflicts the Confusion status effect on an enemy
Draw: Belhelmel, Blobra, Fungaur, Granaldo, Imp, Ochu
Refined From: N/A

Use: Inflicts the Berserk status effect on an enemy
Draw: Belhelmel, Blobra, Grat, Wendigo, Snow Lion
Refined From: Steel Pipe, Magic Stone

Use: Inflicts the Petrify status effect on an enemy
Draw: Blue Dragon, Cockatrice, Imp
Refined From: Soft, Cockatrice Pinion

Use: Inflicts Poison, Silence, and Blind status effects on an enemy
Draw: Elnoyle, Granaldo, Tri-Face
Refined From: Curse Spike

Use: Deals non elemental damage and lowers the defense of an enemy
Draw: Bomb, Gayla, Elastoid
Refined From: Mystery Fluid

Use: Makes a character float, nulling all earth elemental damage
Draw: Blood Soul, Thrustaevis, Gesper
Refined From: N/A


Fire Magic:

Use: Deals a small amount of fire elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Bomb, Buel, Anacondaur, Bite Bug, Grendel, Hexadragon, Jelleye
Refined From: M-Stone Piece

Use: Deals a fair amount of fire elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Bomb, Buel, Anacondaur, Bite Bug, Grendel, Hexadragon, Jelleye
Refined From: Magic Stone

Use: Deals a large amount of fire elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Bomb, Buel, Anacondaur, Bite Bug, Grendel, Hexadragon, Jelleye
Refined From: Wizard Stone, Phoenix Pinion, Phoenix Spirit, Red Fang

Use: Deals a large amount of non elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Behemoth, Ruby Dragon
Refined From: Flare Stone, Inferno Fang


Ice Magic:

Use: Deals a small amount of ice elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Adamantoise, Fastitocalon, Glacial Eye, Snow Lion, Buel 
Refined From: M-Stone Piece

Use: Deals a fair amount of ice elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Adamantoise, Fastitocalon, Glacial Eye, Snow Lion, Buel
Refined From: Magic Stone, Arctic Wind

Use: Deals a large amount of ice elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Adamantoise, Fastitocalon, Glacial Eye, Snow Lion, Buel
Refined From: Wizard Stone, North Wind

Use: Deals a fair amount of water elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Chimera, Fastitocalon, Fastitocalon-F, Grand Mantis
Refined From: Water Crystal, Fish Fin


Thunder Magic:

Use: Deals a small amount of thunder elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Blitz, Buel, Cockatrice, Caterchipiller, Creeps, Gayla, Red Bat
Refined From: M-Stone Piece

Use: Deals a fair amount of thunder elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Blitz, Buel, Cockatrice, Caterchipiller, Creeps, Gayla, Red Bat
Refined From: Magic Stone, Coral Fragment

Use: Deals a large amount of thunder elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Blitz, Buel, Cockatrice, Caterchipiller, Creeps, Gayla, Red Bat
Refined From: Wizard Stone, Dynamo Stone

Use: Deals a fair amount of wind elemental damage to an enemy
Draw: Abyss Worm, Death Claw, Thrustaevis
Refined From: Shear Feather

Use: Deals a large amount of wind elemental damage to all enemies
Draw: Abyss Worm, Thrustaevis, Behemoth
Refined From: Windmill


Time/Space Magic:

Use: Speeds up a characters ATB Gauge
Draw: Iron Giant, Vysage, Cactaur
Refined From: Aegis Amulet, Accelerator, Lightweight, Magic Stone

Use: Slows down an enemies ATB Gauge
Draw: Caterchipiller, Lefty
Refined From: Spider Web, M-Stone Piece

Use: Stops an enemies ATB Gauge
Draw: Caterchipiller, Forbidden, Tri-Face
Refined From: Wizard Stone

Use: Allows a character to cast two magic spells in one turn
Draw: Elnoyle, Grendel 
Refined From: Dragon Fin

Use: Allows a character to cast three magic spells in one turn
Draw: Odin, Cerberus
Refined From: Samantha Soul, Rocket Engine, Three Stars

Use: Cuts an enemies HP by 1/4
Draw: Lefty, Malboro, Torama
Refined From: Black Hole, Steel Orb

Use: Deals a large amount of earth elemental damage to all enemies
Draw: Abyss Worm, Armadodo, Iron Giant, T-Rexaur
Refined From: Dino Bone


Forbidden Magic:

Use: Deals a large amount of non elemental damage to random enemies
Draw: Ruby Dragon, Omega Weapon
Refined From: Meteor Stone, Star Fragment

Use: Deals a large amount of non elemental damage to all enemies
Draw: Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon
Refined From: Ultima Stone, Dark Matter, Pulse Ammo, Energy Crystal

Use: Deals a massive amount of non elemental damage to all enemies
Draw: Ultimecia
Refined From: N/A


11: Cards

Level 1 Monster Cards:

5   4
Element: None
Location: Card Geezard, Various Players, Find Dollet
Refine: Screw

3   1
Element: None
Location: Card Funguar, Various Players
Refine: M-Stone Piece

Bite Bug
5   3
Element: None
Location: Card Bite Bug, Various Players
Refine: M-Stone Piece

Red Bat
2   1
Element: None
Location: Card Red Bat, Various Players, Find Dollet
Refine: Vampire Fang

5   3
Element: None
Location: Card Blobra, Various Players
Refine: Rune Armlet

4   1
Element: Thunder
Location: Card Gayla, Various Players
Refine: Mystery Fluid

1   5
Element: None
Location: Card Gesper, Various Players
Refine: Black Hole

1   5
Element: Earth
Location: Card Fastitocalon-F, Various Players
Refine: Water Crystal

Blood Soul
1   1
Element: None
Location: Card Blood Soul, Various Players
Refine: Zombie Spider

3   2
Element: None
Location: Card Caterchipillar, Various Players
Refine: Spide Web

6   1
Element: Thunder
Location: Card Cockatrice, Various Players
Refine: Cockatrice Pinion


Level 2 Monster Cards:

1   1
Element: None
Location: Card Grat, Various Players
Refine: Magic Stone

3   2
Element: None
Location: Card Buel, Various Players, Find Timber and Dollet
Refine: Magic Stone

4   3
Element: None
Location: Card Mesmerize, Various Players
Refine: Mesmerize Blade

Glacial Eye
3   1
Element: Ice
Location: Card Glacial Eye, Various Players
Refine: Arctic Wind

3   4
Element: None
Location: Card Belhelmel, Various Players
Refine: Saw Blade

5   3
Element: Wind
Location: Card Thrustaevis, Various Players
Refine: Shear Feather

5   1
Element: Poison
Location: Card Anacondaur, Various Players, Find Dollet
Refine: Venom Fang

2   2
Element: Thunder
Location: Card Creeps, Various Players
Refine: Coral Fragment

2   4
Element: Thunder
Location: Card Grendel, Various Players
Refine: Dragon Fin

7   2
Element: None
Location: Card Jelleye, Various Players
Refine: Magic Stone

Grand Mantis
3   2
Element: None
Location: Card Grant Mantis, Various Players
Refine: Sharp Spike


Level 3 Monster Cards:

2   6
Element: None
Location: Card Forbidden, Various Players
Refine: Betrayal Sword

6   3
Element: Earth
Location: Card Armadodo, Various Players
Refine: Dino Bone

5   5
Element: Poison
Location: Card Tri-Face, Various Players
Refine: Curse Spike

3   5
Element: Earth
Location: Card Fastitocalon, Various Players
Refine: Water Crystal

Snow Lion
3   1
Element: Ice
Location: Card Snow Lion, Various Players
Refine: North Wind

3   6
Element: None
Location: Card Ochu, Various Players
Refine: Ochu Tentacle

4   6
Element: Fire
Location: Card SAM08G, Various Players
Refine: Running Fire

Death Claw
2   4
Element: Fire
Location: Card Death Claw, Various Players
Refine: Sharp Spike

3   2
Element: None
Location: Card Cactaur, Various Players, Find Dollet
Refine: Cactus Thorn

4   6
Element: None
Location: Card Tonberry, Various Players, Find Timber
Refine: Chef's Knife

Abyss Worm
5   2
Element: Earth
Location: Card Abyss Worm, Various Players
Refine: Windmill


Level 4 Monster Cards:

7   3
Element: None
Location: Card Turtapod, Various Players
Refine: Healing Mail

5   5
Element: None
Location: Card Vysage, Various Players
Refine: Wizard Stone

7   6
Element: None
Location: Card T-Rexaur, Various Players
Refine: Dino Bone

3   7
Element: Fire
Location: Card Bomb, Various Players
Refine: Bomb Fragment

7   6
Element: Thunder
Location: Card Blitz, Various Players
Refine: Dynamo Stone

6   3
Element: None
Location: Card Wendigo, Various Players
Refine: Steel Orb

4   4
Element: None
Location: Card Torama, Various Players
Refine: Life Ring

6   7
Element: None
Location: Card Imp, Various Players
Refine: Wizard Stone

Blue Dragon
3   2
Element: Poison
Location: Card Blue Dragon, Various Players
Refine: Fury Fragment

6   5
Element: Earth
Location: Card Adamantoise, Various Players
Refine: Turtle Shell

3   5
Element: Fire
Location: Card Hexadragon, Various Players
Refine: Sharp Spike


Level 5 Monster Cards:

Iron Giant
5   5
Element: None
Location: Card Iron Giant, Various Players
Refine: Star Fragment

7   6
Element: None
Location: Card Behemoth, Various Players
Refine: Barrier

3   6
Element: Water
Location: Card Chimera, Various Players
Refine: Regen Ring

1   A
Element: None
Location: Give PuPu 5 Elixers during the PuPu side quest
Refine: Hungry Cookpot

7   2
Element: None
Location: Card Elastoid, Various Players
Refine: Steel Pipe

4   5
Element: None
Location: Card GIM47N, Various Players
Refine: Fast Ammo

2   7
Element: Poison
Location: Card Malboro, Various Players
Refine: Malboro Tentacle

Ruby Dragon
4   2
Element: Fire
Location: Card Ruby Dragon, Various Players
Refine: Inferno Fang

6   3
Element: None
Location: Card Elnoyle, Various Players
Refine: Energy Crystal

Tonberry King
4   6
Element: None
Location: Card Fastitocalon or Malboro (Rare), Various Players 
Refine: Chef's Knife

Wedge, Biggs
7   6
Element: None
Location: Card Fungaur or Snow Lion (Rare), Various Players
Refine: X-Potion


Level 6 Boss Cards:

Fujin, Raijin
4   8
Element: None
Location: Card Iron Giant or Jelleye (Rare), Various Players
Refine: X-Potion

4   8
Element: Wind
Location: Card Bite Bug or Ochu (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Death Stone

3   8
Element: None
Location: Card Red Bat or SAM08G (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Turtle Shell

5   2
Element: None
Location: Card Blobra or Death Claw (Rare), Various Players
Refine: G-Returner

3   8
Element: Poison
Location: Card Cactaur or Gayla (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Circlet

2   2
Element: None
Location: Card Gesper or Tonberry (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Cockatrice Pinion

5   8
Element: None
Location: Card Abyss Worm or Blood Soul (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Dark Ammo

6   8
Element: None
Location: Card Caterchipillar or Turtapod (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Demolition Ammo

8   8
Element: None
Location: Card Cockatrice or GIM47N (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Fire Ammo

Shumi Tribe
4   5
Element: None
Location: Card Grat or T-Rexaur (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Gambler Spirit

1   5
Element: None
Location: Card Bomb or Buel (Rare), Various Players
Refine: Holy Stone


Level 7 Boss Cards:

8   4
Element: None
Location: Card Blitz or Mesmerize (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: G-Mega-Potion

Jumbo Cactaur
4   8
Element: None
Location: Card Glacial Eye or Wendigo (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: Cactus Thorn

8   5
Element: Thunder
Location: Card Torama or Belhelmel (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: Jet Engine

8   6
Element: None
Location: Card Imp or Thrustaevis (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: Strength Love

Mobile Type 8
3   6
Element: None
Location: Card Anacondaur or Blue Dragon (Rare), Win Martine in F.H.
Refine: Shell Stone

8   3
Element: None
Location: Card Adamantoise or Creeps (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: G-Mega-Potion

4   8
Element: None
Location: Card Grendel or Hexadragon (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: Flare Stone

5   7
Element: None
Location: Card Grand Mantis or Behemoth (Rare), Win from Martine in FH
Refine: Protect Stone

Red Giant
7   8
Element: None
Location: Card Chimera or Forbidden (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: Meteor Stone

7   8
Element: None
Location: Card Armadodo or Elnoyle (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: Rename Card

Ultima Weapon
8   7
Element: None
Location: Card Elastoid or Tri-Face (Rare), Win from Martine in F.H.
Refine: Ultima Stone


Level 8 Guardian Force Cards:

Chubby Chocobo
9   4
Element: None
Location: Win from Card Queen on Disk 4 or win during the Card Queen 
Side Quest
Refine: LuvLuvG

3   6
Element: None
Location: Win from Watts on the Forest Owl's Train or White SeeD Ship
Refine: Elixer

6   7
Element: None
Location: Win from Card King at Balamb Garden or Xu on the Ragnarok
Refine: Holy War

2   3
Element: None
Location: Win from the running boy in Balamb Garden
Refine: Pet House

4   4
Element: None
Location: Receive at the end of the Chocobo Sanctuary Side Quest
Refine: Gysahl Greens

4   9
Element: Thunder
Location: Win from Mayor Dobe at Fisherman's Horizon
Refine: Dynamo Stone

9   7
Element: Ice
Location: Receive from Zone after giving him the Girl Next Door
Refine: North Wind

8   6
Element: Fire
Location: Receive after defeating Ifrit, Win back from Martine in F.H. 
after losing it to Caraway getting the Rinoa Card
Refine: Elem Atk

2   9
Element: None
Location: Win from the bar owner at the pub in Dollet
Refine: Status Atk

9   1
Element: Earth
Location: Received after defeating Sacred and Minotaur
Refine: Dino Bone

9   5
Element: Earth
Location: Received after defeating Sacred and Minotaur
Refine: Adamantine


Level 9 Guardian Force Cards:

4   4
Element: None
Location: Win from Heart during the CC Group Side Quest
Refine: Glow Curtain

3   A
Element: None
Location: Received after defeating Diablos
Refine: Black Hole

7   A
Element: Water
Location: Win from Joker during the CC Group Side Quest
Refine: Doc's Code

5   A
Element: None
Location: Received after defeating Odin
Refine: Dead Spirit

7   1
Element: Wind
Location: Win from the guy outside the Inn in Balamb (After Balamb 
Garden becomes mobile)
Refine: Windmill

A   4
Element: None
Location: Received after defeating Cerberus
Refine: Lightweight

2   A
Element: Holy
Location: Win from Piet at the Lunar Base or at the pod crash site on 
Disk 3
Refine: Moon Curtain

A   2
Element: Fire
Location: Win from the Card Queen on Disk 4 or Win during the Card Queen 
Side Quest
Refine: Phoenix Spirit

6   8
Element: None
Location: Received after defeating Bahamut
Refine: Megalixer

A   1
Element: Poison
Location: Win from the Card Queen on Disk 4 or Win during the Card Queen 
Side Quest
Refine: Status Guard

A   4
Element: None
Location: Received after defeating Ultima Weapon
Refine: Monk's Code


Level 10 Player Cards:

8   7
Element: None
Location: Win from Dr. Odine in Esthar
Refine: Gaea's Ring

A   7
Element: None
Location: Win from Card Queen on Disk 4 or win during the Card Queen 
Side Quest
Refine: Accelerator

9   A
Element: None
Location: Win from Card Queen on Disk 4 or Ellone on the Lunar Base
Refine: Hero

4   8
Element: None
Location: Win from Selphie's friend near the statue at Trabia Garden
Refine: Elem Guard

2   6
Element: None
Location: Win from any of the Trepes at Balamb Garden
Refine: Samantha Soul

A   6
Element: None
Location: Win from Card Queen on Disk 4 or win during the Card Queen 
Side Quest
Refine: Rocket Engine

6   5
Element: None
Location: Win from Zell's mother in Balamb
Refine: Hyper Wrist

A   A
Element: None
Location: Ask Caraway about Cards at his Mansion in Deling City, lose 
your Ifrit Card to him, then he will play his Rinoa card
Refine: Magic Armlet

3   A
Element: None
Location: Win from Edea at the Orphanage
Refine: Royal Crown

4   9
Element: None
Location: Win from Cid at Balamb Garden or Edea's Orphanage
Refine: Diamond Armor

9   4
Element: None
Location: Win from Laguna in Esthar or on the Ragnarok
Refine: Three Stars


12: Monster Locations

Abyss Worm
Locations: Desert area near the tip of the continent with Edea's house 
on it, Desert near D-District Prison

Locations: Beach near Dollet

Locations: Forests near Timber and Galbadia Garden, Deep Sea Research 

Locations: Tomb of the Unknown King

Locations: Outside of Esthar, Lunatic Pandora, Deep Sea Research Center, 
Ultimecia Castle (Walkway outside of Ultimecia's Chambers)

Locations: Outside of Galbadia Garden, Ultimecia Castle

Bite Bug
Locations: Outside of Balamb, Forests near Trabia Garden

Locations: Plains on the far tip of the continent with Edea's house

Locations: Tomb of the Unknown King

Blood Soul
Locations: Outside of Galbadia Garden

Blue Dragon
Locations: Forests near Trabia Garden, Ultimecia Castle (Chapel Area)

Locations: Fire Cavern, Deep Sea Research Center

Locations: Fire Cavern, Tomb of the Unknown King, Centra Ruins

Locations: Cactaur Island, Desert area near the tip of the continent 
with Edea's house on it

Locations: Forests outside of Balamb

Locations: Desear area near the tip of the continent with Edea's house 
on it, Desert area near the D-District Prison

Locations: Forests outside of Timber

Locations: Deling City Sewers, Ultimecia Castle (Clock Area)

Death Claw
Locations: Galbadia Garden, Ultimecia Castle (Clock Area)

Locations: Excavation Site with Laguna, Lunatic Pandora with Laguna

Locations: Esthar, Ultimecia Castle (Chapel Area)

Locations: Desert area near D-District Prison, Beach area near the 
Centra Ruins

Locations: Found at most beachs on the world map

Locations: Tomb of the Unknown King, Centra Ruins

Locations: Outside of Timber, Forests outside of Timber

Locations: Outside of Trabia Garden

Locations: Outside of Dollet

Locations: Excavation Site with Laguna, Lunatic Pandora Lab with Laguna

Locations: D-District Prison

Locations: D-District Prison

Glacial Eye
Locations: Outside of Balamb

Locations: Ultimecia Castle (Fountain Area)

Grand Mantis
Locations: Deling City Sewers, Plains near the tip of the continent with 
Edea's house on it

Locations: Balamb Garden Training Center, Ultimecia Castle

Locations: Forests outside of Timber, Deep Sea Research Center

Locations: Forest outside of Chocobo Sanctuary, Island Closest to Hell, 
Ultimecia Castle (Clock Area)

Locations: Areas in and around Esthar City

Iron Giant
Locations: Areas in and around Esthar City, Lunatic Pandora

Locations: Outside of the Centra Ruins

Locations: Great Salt Lake, Outside of Winhill

Locations: Forests outside of Chocobo Sanctuary, Outside of Esthar 
(Until Lunar Cry)

Locations: Outside of Trabia Garden and Shumi Village

Locations: Forests outside of Timber

Locations: Ultimecia Castle (Walkway outside of Ultimecia's Chambers)

Locations: Ultimecia Castle (Fountain Area)

Red Bat
Locations: Fire Cavern, Deling City Sewers

Locations: Great Salt Lake, Outside of Winhill

Ruby Dragon
Locations: Island Closest to Hell

Locations: Galbadia Missile Base, Fisherman's Horizon during Galbadia's 

Locations: Galbadia Garden Hockey Rink

Snow Lion
Locations: Forests outside of Trabia Garden

Locations: Outside of Deling City

Locations: Centra Ruins, Ultimecia Castle (Walkway outside of 
Ultimecia's Chambers)

Locations: Outside of Esthar, Ultimecia Castle

Locations: Balamb Garden Training Center, Forests outside of Balamb

Locations: Deep Sea Research Center

Locations: Areas in and around Esthar City

Locations: Great Salt Lake, Outside of Winhill

Locations: Outside of Deling City, Forests outside of Timber


13: Location of Timber Maniacs Magazines

These magazines don't appear in your inventory but when you look at one 
Selphie will write a new article about Laguna on her web site that you 
can access from Squall's study panel in Balamb Garden.

1: Balamb, Train Station or 2nd floor of the Inn
2: Timber, Timber Maniacs Office Building
3: Timber, Hotel Guest Room
4: Fisherman's Horizon, Grease Monk's House
5: Fisherman's Horizon, Hotel Guest Room
6: Trabia Garden, Graveyard
7: Dollet, Hotel Guest Room
8: Dollet, Pub
9: Shumi Village, Artisan's House
10: White SeeD Ship, Bridge
11: Edea's House, Inside the house


14: SeeD Test Answers

Test 1: Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No

Test 2: Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No

Test 3: No,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No

Test 4: No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No

Test 5: No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes

Test 6: Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes

Test 7: Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No

Test 8: No,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No

Test 9: No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes

Test 10: Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No

Test 11: Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes

Test 12: No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No

Test 13: Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No

Test 14: Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No

Test 15: Yes,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes

Test 16: Yes,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No

Test 17: Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No

Test 18: Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No

Test 19: Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,Yes

Test 20: Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No

Test 21: Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No

Test 22: No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No

Test 23: Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes

Test 24: Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes

Test 25: Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,Yes,No,No

Test 26: Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,Yes,No,No

Test 27: No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,Yes,No

Test 28: Yes,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,No,No

Test 29: No,No,No,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,Yes,No

Test 30: No,Yes,No,No,No,No,Yes,No,No,No


15: FAQ

Q: What is your favorite party to use regularly and what is the best 
party to use?

A: My favorite party to use is Rinoa, Squall, and Zell. Out of all the 
characters, Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine is probably the best party you can 
use, they deal the most damage, and Rinoa can use Invinsible Moon to 
make your party Invinsible. I think you should choose your party out of 
the characters you personally like though.


Q: Can you get the Lion Heart weapon for Squall on Disk 1?

A: Yes you can but first you'll need Squall to be at level 30 or above 
before you reach the forest dream with Laguna after the events in 
Timber. During the Laguna dream you can steal Laser Cannons from 
Elastoids if Laguna is level 30 or above, then use Ifrit's Ammo Refine 
ability to change them into some pulse ammo. After you have 12 Pulse 
Ammo, you'll need 4 Dragon Fangs, if Squall is level 30 or above, the 
Grendels in the forests near Timber drop them rarely. Next you'll need a 
piece of Adamantine, the Adamantoises on the beaches near Dollet drop 
them if Squall is level 30 or above. It will take a while to get all of 
that, but you can get the Lion Heart on Disk 1.


Q: Is Laguna Squall's father?

A: Yes. Although the game never openly says so they lead you to beleive 
that he is. If you will remember Raine was pregnant with a child when 
Laguna left to get Ellone back from Esthar. Raine later died after 
giving birth to her child, that would explain why Squall was in the 
orphanage. Also if you talk with Kiros on board the Ragnarok before 
entering Lunatic Pandora he will say to Squall "At least you don't look 
like your father". I assume that he was refering to Laguna. 


Q: Where is the best place to gain large amounts of EXP and AP?

A: The cactaurs on Cactaur Island wield 20 AP for each one you kill, 
Cactaur island is a small island near the desert area which is on the 
far tip of the continent with Edea's house on it. You'll need a high Hit 
percentage in order to hit the cactaurs, fortuantly Squall already comes 
with a max hit percentage so boost his speed and take out as many as you 
can before they run away. Selphie's best weapon, the Strange Vision, 
also has max hit percentage so if you have it the more Cactuars you can 
take down. For EXP The Islands Closest Heaven and Hell has enemies which 
yield over 1000 EXP per battle and have rare draw points such as Aura, 
Ultima, Flare, and Meteor scattered throughout them. You should easily 
be able to get all your characters and GFs to level 100 here. The Island 
closest to Hell is a small island off the coast of the Timber Continent 
to the west. The Island Closest to Heaven is located almost directly 
west of of the Island Closest to Hell, its a little harder to find 
considering there are alot of other islands that look exactly like it 
around the area.


Q: Why do you not list the HP of the bosses in the game?

A: Every enemies level is determined by Squall's level, therefor the 
boss' HP will also be determined by your Squall's level. So really if I 
had to list a boss' HP it would have been at whatever level my Squall 
was currently on and probably totally diffrent from the player's level.


Q: The levels you mention for your characters during the walkthough are 
exceptionally high. Are these recommended levels?

A: In a way yes. The levels I mentioned are the levels in which my 
characters where when I arrived at that particular point in the game 
during the time I wrote the walkthough. I do strongly recommend the 
levels but of course you shouldn't strive to keep up with my levels, as 
long as you junction well you could afford to be many many levels under 


Q: Why can I not find some of the items you mention in the Lunatic 
Pandora section?

A: In order to get to alot of the items and draw points you need to have 
first completed the appropriate task as Laguna on his trip to Lunatic 
Pandora during the forest dream. Such as finding the old keys and 
tampering with the panels.


Q: Where can a find a Ribbion, Mog's Amulet, or Chocobo Tag?

A: All of those items are gotten using the pocketplaystation which was 
never released outside of Japan, so unless you have one there is no way 
to get them unless you use Gameshark.


Q: How come when I use my Gysahl Greens in battle nothing happens?

A: Before you can use the Gysahl Greens you'll need to have your own 
Chicobo. You can get one from ChocoBoy by going to any of the chocobo 
forests and either catching a chocobo yourself, or having ChocoBoy do it 
for you.


Q: Is there a way to get Seifer, Laguna, Kiros, Ward, or Edea to join 
Squall's party perminatly?

A: Unfortunatly no. Kinda makes you wonder what Square was thinking.


Q: Is there a connection between how many Dead Spirits you have in your 
inventory and how often Odin appears in battle?

A: I have tested this and I can say that Odin did appear for me more 
times when I had a large amount of dead spirits in my inventory, opposed 
to me having almost none. It could just be a coincidence, but if you 
like Odin to come and chop up your enemies for you, go ahead and collect 
a bunch of Dead Spirits, it couldn't hurt could it?


Q: During the Winhill vase sidequest I collected all of the pieces but I 
can't seem to get the one in the armor. Whats the problem?

A: I noticed this problem during my playthrough while I was writing the 
walkthough but had never experienced it before. I noticed after I had 
gotten several emails asking about it I wasn't the only one having 
problems. I did find a solution though, if you come back on Disk 3 after 
getting the Ragnarok, you should be able to get that last piece in the 
armor, it worked for me anyway. You'll just have to put off getting that 
Holy Stone for a while.


Q: Is there a SeeD rank above 30?

A: I've heard that there is a SeeD rank A that comes after 30 but I have 
never been able to get it before so I cannot confirm or deny if you can 
get it. Maybe if you could get your SeeD level to 30 before doing a 
mission that will raise your SeeD level by one point, such as the train 
mission in Timber or the Galbadia Missile Base it would go up to A but I 
haven't tried it myself.

Q: What is the best spell to junction to each stat?

A: If you go back to the character section of the guide, take a look at 
the spells I have junctioned to my stats with Squall, Rinoa, and Zell. 
That should give you some indications of what you should juctions. 
Although I must note that Quake is probably not the best spell to 
junction to your HP. I prefer to use Quake because I hardly ever cast it 
so there is no threat of my HP going down if I use it. Also at level 
100, 100 Quake Spells keeps your HP at 9999 anyway. The best spell to 
junction to your HP that I have found other than a rare spell like 
Ultima, Meteor ect is Tornado and I usually keep that junctioned for 
alot of the game. Also I usually don't keep any Life Spells once I get 
Full-Life but it is also a great spell to junction to just about 
anything. Especially elemental defense.


Q: What are the best cards to use while playing Cards?

A: Squall, Edea, Seifer, Zell, Laguna. Those are the cards I prefer 
anyway, If you get your turn first make sure to play the Edea Card in a 
corner with the two As pointing outward so that the opponent cannot flip 
you regardless of what card they play. I like to call that a blocker.


Q: I forgot to win the Alexander card from Piet on the Lunar Base. Is 
there anywhere else I can get it?

A: Yes, if you fly the Ragnarok to the crash site of the pod that Squall 
and the party escaped from the Lunar Base on. Piet is there and you can 
challenge him and win it. The crash site is located on the Esthar 
Continent at the bottom right tip of the continent. There is an area 
here that you cannot see but it is there. Land the Ragnarok near the tip 
and search around and you should go into the area where the escape pod 
is. He will only be there on Disc 3 though, so if your on Disc 4 your 
out of luck unless the Card Queen has the card. She is located at the 
crash site on Disc 4.


Q: Where can I get back the cards I lost to the Card Queen in order to 
make the special cards during the Card Queen Quest on Disk 3?

A: They be won back from her brother, who lives in the house with the 
Artist down the street. If you did the side quest in Dollet earlier he 
is the boy that was messing up his father's paintings.


Q: Is there anyway to get the Chubby Chocobo, Kiros, Irvine, Doomtrain, 
or Phoenix cards instead of doing the Card Queen Quest?

A: Yes all of those cards can be won from her on Disk 4 at the Crash 
Site which you can find directions to in the FAQ I answered above.


Q: I defeated Bahamut but it won't let me go down farther into the Deep 
Sea Research Center, whats the problem?

A: You'll need to leave the Research Center after you defeat Bahamut, 
then reland on it and you should be able to go down to the lower levels. 
If not keep leaving and reentering.


Q: In the final battle how come Griever is named something other than 

A: Remember when Squall gets his ring back from Rinoa before they storm 
Galbadia Garden it gives you a chance to name the lion figure on it? The 
default name is Griever so if you changed it the Griever in the final 
battle with be named whatever you replaced its name with.


Q: I Heard a Rumor that you can get Cloud from Final Fantasy VII in VIII 
is it true?

A: Ah Rumors, how they quickly spread just like the many rumors about 
turning Ramza into a Dark Knight or being able to revive Aeris. Cloud is 
not in this game in any way, shape, or form, if he was it would have 
been found out by all the game hackers out there.


16: Credits

These are just a couple of people I would like to thank for either being 
there for me personally, helping me with the guide, or for some other 

- God for giving me hands to type this Guide, the power to finish it, 
and a brain to remember most of this stuff.

- CjayC at for accepting this guide even though there are a 
ton of other Final Fantasy VIII guides already there.

- A good friend of mine, Amo Pheara, who convinced me to keep working on 
the guide when I almost gave up on it.

- My parents because they bought me my Playstation and this game heh.

- Everybody that sends email asking me for help which in turn provides 
questions for the FAQ section.

- The Brandy Games Strategy Guide on a couple of Monster and Item 

- You the reader because it means so much to me that people view my work 
and get the help they need. Drop me a line sometime.
