+--------------------------+ Guardian Force FAQ Version 1.8 by Steven Bruck (Stevenbruck@bigfoot.com) +--------------------------+ ------------------- Table of Contents ------------------- 1)Intro & Changes 2)Guardian Force Info 2.1)Disc 1 G.F. 2.2)Disc 2 G.F. 2.3)Disc 3 G.F. 2.4)Disc 4 G.F. 3)Guardian Force Abilities 3.1)Junction Abilities 3.2)Command Abilities 3.3)Character Abilities 3.4)Party Abilities 3.5)G.F. Abilities 3.6)Menu Abilities 4)G.F. Items 5)Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 1)Introduction and Changes: --------------------------- Hi, I would first like to start off by saying this is my first FAQ. Also I wrote this in mind with someone who knows no Japanese. I recommend that you get something like NJStar Communicator(www.njstar.com) to view the Japanese encoding. And last if you have any questions,comments or additions, then just contact me. Translation's: Chinese: Thanks to Iao. Changes: 1.8 Added ALL of the Make Items(That's alot of items). 1.7 Made a few translation corrections, Added Some more items. 1.6 Made Spelling and Translation corrections, Change some inaccurate info, Much more Menu ability items. 1.5 Added a chart of all the G.F. Items, Added more on how to get Bahamut and Eden, added 2 more G.F.'s, Also added 2 fairly secret character abilities. 1.4 Added description of all Command abilities(except 1), Added more things you can make with the "Make ???? skills", Added how to get Gilgamesh, Also I started to add how many points it take to master an ability. 1.3 Major Grammer, Spelling Correction, Also Translation Improvment. No New info though. 1.2 Finally have all Disc 3 G.F.'s, More Translations, And alot more abilities that have discriptions, Also I keep trying to make this easier to read. 1.1 Checked Spelling, Added more G.F.'s, Filled in more Abilites(Not all of them though), Added some translations, Also Made it a little easier to read. 1.0 Started Faq, First 8 G.F. and abilities. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- 2)Guardian Force info: ---------------------- Guardians Forces are the way the game makes of up for your suprisingly weak attack and weak magic.I will assume you know how to equip them and summon them. You find most of them by drawing them from the enemy. And one last thing try not to use them at all until you get your seed rank. I really think it effect's your rank. Of course you can take the tests, but you won't be able to hold an A rank during the begging of the game. And one last thing, Some abilities have prerequisites that need to be filled before you can learn them(and I don't remeber which ones have them). If you see a ! then that means the G.F. already comes with that ability mastered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 2.1)Disc One G.F. ------------------- Name:ケツァクウァトル(Quetzalcoatl) Attack:サンダーストーム(Thunder Storm) Thunder damage vs. all. How to get:Balamb Garden, When your in class you turn on the Computer, and go through the tutorial. Command Junction --------- ----------- Abilities:まほう(magic) HPJ G.F. 体力J(Body Strength) ドロー(Draw) 魔力(Magic Strength) アイテム(Item) 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) カード(Card) 属性防御J(Attribute Defense) 属性防御Jx2(Attribute Defense x2) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 魔力+20%(Magic Strength+20%) 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 魔力+40%(Magic Strength+40%) 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) G.F.HP+10% G.F.HP+20% おうえん(aid) Menu Abilities ---------------- 雷魔法精製(Make Thunder Magic) 中クラス魔法精製(Make Medium Class Magic) カード変化(Change Card) My Opinion:I think that Quetzalcoatl is an OK G.F., The abilities are not really the greatest. But since it is the first G.F. I would think the skills would be bad.But they are not all bad. And as always learn ouen first then Card. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:シヴァ(Shiva) Attack:ダイアモンドダスト(Diamond Dust) Ice Damage vs. all. How to get:Balamb Garden, Same way as QuetzeQuatle. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(magic) 力J(Strength) G.F. 体力J(Body Strength) ドロー(Draw) 精神J(Spirit) アイテム(Item) 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) しのせんこく(Countdown to Death)属性防御J(Attribute Defense) 属性防御Jx2(Attribute Defense x2) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 体力+20%(Body Strength+20%) 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 体力+40%(Body Strength+40%) 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) 精神+20%(Spirit+20%) G.F.HP+10% 精神+40%(Spirit+40%) G.F.HP+20% おうえん(aid) Menu Abilities ---------------- 冷気魔法精製(Make Ice Magic) My Opinion:I think Shiva is a great summon spell. And her abilities are great too. She summons very fast, and does a great deal of damage. After getting ouen, I would probably get Countdown to Death. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:イフリート(Ifrit) Attack:地獄の火炎(Flames of Hell)Fire Damage vs. all. How to get:Fight him at the Cave of Fire(炎の洞窟). Just attack, and use blizzard. After you win he will join you. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(magic) HPJ G.F. 力J(Strength), ドロー(Draw) 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) アイテム(Item) 属性防御J(Attribute Defense) とつげき(rush attack?) 属性防御Jx2(Attribute Defense x2) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 力+40%(Strength+40%) 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 力ボーナス(Strength Bonus) 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) G.F.HP+10% G.F.HP+20% おうえん(aid) Menu Abilities ---------------- 炎魔法精製(Make Fire Magic) 弾薬精製(Make Medicine) My Opinion:Ifrit's abilities are pretty good. I would give Ifrit to someone who is weak. If you do that get Strength, then get the summon magics and ouen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:セイレーン(Siren) Attack:サイレントヴォイス(Silent Voice) Damage+Silence vs. all How to get:Draw it from エルヴィオレ(Elvira) Command Junction --------- ----------- Abilities:まほう(magic) 魔力J(Magic Strength) G.F. ST攻撃J(Status Attack) ドロー(Draw) ST防御J(Status Defense) アイテム(Item) ST防御Jx2(Status Defense x2) ちりょう(Chiryou) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 魔力+20%(Magic Strength+20%) 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 魔力+40%(Magic Strength+40%) 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) 魔力ボーナス(Magic Strength Bonus) G.F.HP+10% G.F.HP+20% おうえん(aid) Menu Abilities Party Abilities ---------------- ----------------- 生命魔法精製(Make Life Magic) 隠しポイント発見(Discover Hidden Points) ST薬精製(Make Status Medicine) 道具精製(Make tools) My Opinion:Some of the best abilties, but the single worst attack. Make sure to Discover Hidden Points early, You can get some good spells early. After that its up to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ブラザーズ(Brothers) Attack:兄弟仁義(Sibling Justice)Earth Damage vs. all How to get:You have to beat them. You can find them at 名もなき王の墓 (Tomb of the nameless King). They are farily strong. So just use G.F.'s and if the little one attacks you heal. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(magic) HPJ G.F. 力J(Strength) ドロー(Draw) 精神J(Spirit) アイテム(Item) 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) ぼうぎょ(Defend) 属性防御J(Attribute Defense) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) HP+20% 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) HP+40% 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) HP+80% G.F.HP+10% かばう(Kabou) G.F.HP+20% HPボーナス(Bonus) G.F.HP+30% おうえん(aid) My Opinion:Good in the begging of the game(HP+80% & Bonus), Brothers is really oneside(just hp) but if thats what you need Brothers got it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ディアボロス(Diablos) Attack:闇よりの使者(Souls of Darkness)Non-Elemental Damage vs. all. How to get:Use 魔法のランプ(Magic Lamp) which you get from Cid. Then beat him. If you want an easy way to beat him just draw Gravide from him and use it on him. Then just summon G.F.'s Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(magic) HPJ G.F. 魔力J(Magic Strength) ドロー(Draw) 命中J(Accuracy) アイテム(Item) アビリティx3(Ability x3) あんこく(ankoku) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- G.F.HP+10% HP+20% G.F.HP+20% HP+40% G.F.HP+30% HP+80% 魔力+20%(Magic Strength+20%) 魔力+40%(Magic Strength+40%) ぶんどる(Bundoru) Menu Abilities Party Abilities ---------------- ----------------- 時空魔法精製(Make Void Magic) エンカウント半減(Encounter 50% less) ST魔法精製(Make Status Magic) エンカウントなし(Encounter Nothing) My Opinion:Diablos has in my opinion the best ability, Encounter Nothing. It takes a little while to get though. But is it ever great. And Ability x3 is great too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:カーバンクル(Carbunkle) Attack:ルビーの光(Ruby Light)Reflect to all of your party How to get:Draw him from シュメルケ (Shumeruke) the boss that is about to attack Rinoa(You only have 2 characters for this battle so you will know when you fight it). Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(magic) HPJ G.F. 体力J(Body Strength) ドロー(Draw) 魔力J(Magic Strength) アイテム(Item) ST攻撃J(Status Attack) ST防御J(Status Defense) ST防御Jx2(Status Defense x2) アビリティx3(Ability x3) G.F. Abilities Character Abilities ---------------- --------------------- G.F.HP+10% HP+20% G. F.HP+20% HP+40% G.F.HP+30% 体力+20%(Body Strength+20%) 体力+40%(Body Strength+40%) カウンター(Counter) 体力ボーナス(Body Strength Bonus), オートリフレク(Auto Reflect) Menu Abilities ---------------- 回復薬精製(Make Cure Medicine) My Opinion:You have Ifrit for Strength and Carbunkle for defense. A good choice of skills. I would get Abilities x3, Counter, and then Auto Reflect. Good all around though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 2.2)Disc 2 G.F. --------------- Name:リヴァイアサン(Leviathan) Attack:大海嘯(Tidal Wave)Water Damage vs. all How to get:You need to draw it from ノーグ(Noogu). You will know the boss when you see it. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(magic) 魔力J(Magic Strength) G.F. 精神J(Spirit) ドロー(Draw) 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) アイテム(Item) 属性防御J(Attribute Defense) かいふく(recovery) 属性防御Jx2(Attribute Defense x2) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 精神+20%(Spirit+20%) 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 精神+40%(Spirit+40%) 召喚魔法+30%(Summom Magic+30%) 精神ボーナス(Spirit Bonus) G.F.HP+10% オートポーション(Auto Potion) G.F.HP+20% G.F.HP+30% おうえん(aid) Menu Abilities ---------------- サポート魔法精製(Make supportMagic) G.F.回復薬精製(Make G.F. Cure Medicine) My Opinion:Leviathan has a nice mix of abilities. As far as my learn order, I would put aid at the top(You can get up to 200 with Leviathan) and then auto potion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:パンデモニウム(Pandamonium) Attack:暴風圏突入(Violent Whirlwind Thrust)Wind Damage vs. all How to get:You need to draw it from 風神(Fuu-jin). Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(Magic) 力J(Strength) G.F. 早さJ(Speed) ドロー(Draw) 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) アイテム(Item) 属性防御J(Attribute Defense) すいとる(Absorb) 属性防御Jx2(Attribute Defense x2) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 力+20%(Strength+20%) 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 早さ+20%(Speed+20%) 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) 早さ+40%(Speed+40%) G.F.HP+10% さきがけ(Sakigeke) G.F.HP+20% G.F.HP+30% おうえん(aid) My Opinion:I don't like Pandamonium much. The only really good skill is Speed+40%, and all skills you can get some where else. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:フェニックス(Phoenix) Attack:転生の炎(Fire of Life) First a quick little note(same goes for Odin & Chocobo). This isn't really a G.F. in that it doesn't have abilities and you can only use it once. Im just putting it here because it has a G.F. type animation. How to get:After you get control of Balamb Garden go to シュミ族の村 (Village of the Shumi Tribe). Take the Elevator up(First stop off and get a few Ultima's. Now go to the farthest building on the left. Walk all the way to the back of the building. You will see a statue of Laguna. Sorry I don't remeber what it was about (I will probably start playing the game over so I will get it that next time). Anyway the guy want's you to find 5 Stones; Blue, Wind, Life, Shadow and Water. Here are the locations of each stone: タトタミ(Blue Stone):In the room with the statue. It is on the back wall. ノ?ミ(Wind Stone):Go to the first screen of the village. You will see a Big Rock. Search it and you will find the Wind Stone. フソタミ(Life Stone):On the 2nd screen(Same one with Village Chief) goto the big tree root. Go to the middle of the tree and search. アニタミ(Shadow Stone):This one took me a little while to find. You need to go back down the elevator to the screen that has Ultima. Go to the right side and search behind the pillar that casts a shadow. ソ蠡ミ(Water Stone):Go to ・ト・ッ・?ニ(Tsukurit)'s House. Search by the sink. When you have the final stone you will the get what the Shumi's call their Red God. Now all you have to do is use フェニックスの羽(Phoenix Wing) in battle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:オーディン(Odin) Attack:斬鉄剣(Iron Cutting Sword) How to get:Go to セントラ遺跡(Sentora Ruins?), Now I made 2 trips when I did this. One to get the door to Oden's chamber open and one to fight him. First go right on the stairs.(Please note you can't get (Tonberi yet, be cool if you could but you can't). Then go into the chamber and stand on the stone block. Now climb the left ladder and go into the Door. Activate the Power Source(I guess that's what I would call it). No go back down the ladder and take the stairway that appeared to the right. Take the eye from the first platfrom and go up to the 2nd. Climb the ladder and put the "Stone Eye" on the statue. You will now get a code.(Another Note Like every other code it changes, but if you want to know what my code was it was 7-4-4-4-2). Now take both eyes out of the 2nd statue and put them back in the first. Now the flame on the right will have numbers. Input whatever code you have and then the door will open. Now you can fight Odin. He is very easy. You don't do much damage, but he doesn't attack. And you have plenty of time. You don't get an item so I think it is a completly random event if he shows up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ギルガメッシュ(Gilgamesh) Attack:斬鉄剣(Iron Cutting Sword) How to get:Very Simple, All you have to do is make sure that you have gotten Odin when you fight Seifer in ルナティック・パンドラ(Lunatic Pandora). Odin will then change into Gilgamesh. See simple. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:コチョコボ(Ko-Chocobo) Attack:チョコファイア(Chocobo Fire) How to get:Very Easy, Just go to any チョコボの森(Chocobo Forest) and just go through the tutorial. Now just press the S button and choose the 3rd option I think. Now you get an Item called: ギサールの野菜(Gisal Vegetables) Use it in combat and you summon Chocobo to attack. Name:コモーグリ(Ko-Mogri) Attack:モーグリダンス(Mogri Dance)Heals all G.F.'s HP. How to get:Well, I haven't done this myself(I just ordered a Pocketstation, so I can't really tell you how to do it yet). You have to play the Chocobo RPG(and get an item called Mog's Charm). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ムンバ(Munba) Attack:???? How to get:Same as above...you have to play the Chocobo RPG to get it. I will have a Pocketstation soon so I will tell you how(Maybe I will right a Chocobo RPG FAQ). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ケルベロス(Cerebrus?) Attack:反撃の狼煙(Counterattack of the Smoky Wolf)Cast Double to the Party or Triple to one. How to get:Get in Galvadia Garden(in the front hall).You have to beat him, but its very easy. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(Magic) 力J(Strength) G.F. 魔力J(Magic Strength) ドロー(Draw) 精神J(Spirit) アイテム(Item) 早さJ(Speed) 命中J(Accuracy) ST攻撃J(Status Attack) ST防御J(Status Defense) ST防御Jx2(Status Defense x2) ST防御Jx4(Status Defense x4) アビリティx3 G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- G.F.HP+10% 早さ+20%(Speed+20%) G.F.HP+20% 早さ+40%(Speed+40%) G.F.HP+30% オートヘイスト(Auto Haste) ダブル消費1(Double Consumption) Party Abilities ----------------- けいかい(Awareness?) My Opinion: Cerebrus is one of the best G.F.'s. Very Well rounded and a very nice attack. I would first go for Auto Haste, then Status Defense x4, and then Double Consumption and last Ability x3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アレクサンダー(Alexandar) Attack:聖なる審判(Holy Judgement)Holy Attack vs. All How to get:Draw from イデア(Edia). Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(Magic) 精神J(Spirit) G.F. 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) ドロー(Draw) 属性防御J(Attribute Defense) アイテム(Item) 属性防御Jx2(Attribute Defense x2) そせい(Sosei) アビリティx3(Ability x3) G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 精神+20%(Spirit+20%) 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) くすりのちしき(Medicine Knowledge) 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) G.F.HP+10% G.F.HP+20% G.F.HP+30% おうえん(Aid) Menu Abilities ---------------- 上クラス魔法精製(Make High Class Magic) 薬レベルアップ(Medicine Level Up?) My Opinion:I thought this attack was cool. Make sure to get ouen with Alexandar It makes quite a difference. The get Medicine LV.UP and after that it's up to you. Not the best skills but I like the attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- 2.3)Disc 3 G.F.'s ------------------- Name:グラシャラボラス(Grasharaboras) Attack:果てしなき暴走(Completely Wild?)Poison Damage and Status Attack vs. all. How to get:This one took me so long to get. You need to have the following items before you can get it. ソロモンの指輪(Soloman's Ring) 6x 万能薬改(Modified Remedy)Use Make Medicine to get this. 6x 鉄パイプ(Iron Pipe) 6x モルボルの触手(Morbor's Tentecle) Now when you enter Lunatic Pandora you can get Grasharaboras by using the Solomon's Ring. You can buy most of these items at any store, the only one that is hard to find is Morbor's Tentecle. You have to use Bundoru to steal it from him. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(Magic)! 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) ! G.F. ! ST攻撃J(Status Attack) ! ドロー(Draw)! 属性防御Jx4(Attribute Defense x4)180 アイテム(Item)! ST防御J×4(Status Defense x4)180 あんこく(Ankoku)100 すいとる(Absorb)80 G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 40 オートシェル(Auto Shield) 250 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) 召喚魔法+40%(Summon Magic+40%) G.F.HP+10% 40 G.F.HP+20% G.F.HP+30% G.F.HP+40% おうえん(Aid) 10 Menu Abilities ---------------- ジャンク屋呼び出し(Call Junk Shop)! 禁断薬精製(Make Forbidden Medicine) 200 My Opinion:Very hard to get but is it worth it. Go after Auto Shield first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:バハムート(Bahamut) Attack:メガフレア(Mega Flare)Non-Elemental damage vs. all How to get:Go to 軍艦島(Warship Island)Here is a little map to help you out: --------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - x - --------------------------- X is where you can find the Island. But you first have to have your "airship" (Ragnark). Now when you go inside do walk when the cylinder is giving off energy. Walk up to the Cylinder and answer the question 1, 2, 3(This one you can't see). Now you enter a fight with Bahamut. Its not to difficult(Look for a translation of this scene). Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(Magic) ! アビリティx4(Ability x4) ! G.F. ! ドロー(Draw) ! アイテム(Item) ! G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic+10%) 40 力+60%(Strength) ! 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic+20%) 魔力+60%(Magic Strength) ! 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic+30%) ぶんどる(Bundoru) 200 召喚魔法+40%(Summon Magic+40%) オートプロテス(Auto Protection) 250 G.F.HP+10% 40 ダブル消費1(Double Consumption)250 G.F.HP+20% G.F.HP+30% G.F.HP+40% おうえん(Aid) 10 Menu Abilities Party Abilities ---------------- ----------------- 禁断魔法精製(Make Forbbiden Magic)! レアアイテム(Rare Item) 250 My Opinion:Wow, Finally on Disc 3 you start getting good G.F.'s. Take a look at all the great abilities you can get. Go after Rare Item first. Pretty good over all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:サボテンダー(Sabotendar) Attack:針ン千本(1,000 Iron Needles)Status Damage+Pysical(I think this is how the game figures out the amount of damage).You take your Level and if it is 10-19 you do 1,000 Damage, 20-29 2,000 damage. So I hope you see how it works. How to get:Goto サボテンダーアイランド(Sabotendar Island). Its near the bottom center on the map. You will then encouter Sabotendar. You have to beat him. Which is actually quite hard. You need to use Water Attacks(Water, Leviathan) on him. While I say he is hard he is no where near as difficult as the Ultimate and Omeaga Weapons. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(Magic)! 回避J(Evasion) G.F.! 運J(Luck) ドロー(Draw)! アイテム(Item)! ぼうぎょ(Defend) 100 じばく(Self-Explosion) 100 G.F. Abilities Character Abilities ---------------- --------------------- G.F.HP+10%40 回避+30%(Evasion) 200 G.F.HP+20% 運+50%(Luck) 200 G.F.HP+30% さきがけ(Sakigeke) 160 歩くとHP回復(Walk and Recover)200 HPボーナス(Bonus)! 力ボーナス(Strength Bonus)! 体力ボーナス(Body Strength Bonus)! 魔力ボーナス(Magic Strength Bonus)! 精神ボーナス(Spirit Bonus)! オートポーション(Auto Potion)150 ダブル消費1(Double Consumption) My Opinion:A little lacking in every other area but Character. You can look at all the Character abilities and see how great some of them are. I would first get Walk and Recover then Evasion+30%. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:トンベリ(Tonberi) Attack:ほうちょう(Kitchen Knife?)Non-Elemntal damage vs. all How to get:Go to セントラ遺跡(Sentora Ruins, same place you got Odin). You need to kill I think 20 Tonberi's and eventually you will get a King or Master Tonberi(I don't really remeber). Command --------- Abilities:まほう(Magic)! G.F.! ドロー(Draw)! アイテム(Item)! レベルダウン(Level Down)! レベルアップ(Level Up)! G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic)40 回避+30%(Evasion)! 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic) 運+50%(Luck)! 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic) さきがけ(Sakigeke)160 G.F.HP+10% 40 歩くとHP回復(Walk and Recover)200 G.F.HP+20% オートポーション(Auto Potion)150 G.F.HP+30% おうえん(Aid)10 Menu Abilities ---------------- 値切る(Discount)/150 顔なじみ(Familiar Face)/150 高値で売る(Selling Price) ショップ呼び出し(Call Shop) My Opinion:Not that spectacular of an attack but very quick for a change. And you have to love the Menu ablities. Of course they come to you at the point in the game where money is no object. But get all Menu Abilities as quick as you can. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:エデン(Eden) Attack:エターナルブレス(Eternal Breath)Non-Elemental vs. All How to get:You need to draw it from アルテマウェポン(Ultimate Weapon). You can find him where you got Bahamut. You first need to go inside of Raganark and talk to everyone. Please also note that the Ultimate Weapon is very strong. So it's not that easy. But it's worth it. Just go down the hole where Bahamut was. Command Junction --------- ---------- Abilities:まほう(Magic)! 早さJ(Speed)! G.F.! 回避J(Evasion)! ドロー(Draw)! 命中J(Accuracy)! アイテム(Item)! とつげき(Rush Attack?)60 あんこく(Ankoku)100 たべる(Eat)! G.F. Abilities Character ---------------- ----------- 召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic)40 運+50%(Luck)200 召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic) トリプル消費1(Triple Consumption)250 召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic) 召喚魔法+40%(Summon Magic) G.F.HP+10%40 G.F.HP+20% G.F.HP+30% G.F.HP+40% おうえん(Aid)10 Menu Abilities ---------------- G.F.能力薬精製(Make G.F.Ability Medicine)30 My Opinion:The final(legit)G.F. Has a great ability in Make G.F. Ability Medicine. I would first get that and then I would get Triple Consumption. My really complaint about this one is the attack takes forever. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 3)Guardian Force Abilities: --------------------------- Here you will find a complete list of all the Abilities that I just wrote about for each G.F. I would like to get the number it takes for each ability but I didn't do that so if you know the numbers and prerequsites for an ability please send it in and I will give you credit. And finally Here is just a quick little note about each Group: Junction Abilities:Lets you Junction magic with your stats. Command Abilities:Gives you new battle commands. Character Abilities:Gives your characters bonuses or special abilities. Party Abilities:Gives you abilites that you whole party benifits from. G.F. Abilities:Gives you abilites that your G.F. benifits from. Menu Abilities:Gives you commands you can use at the menu. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- 3.1)Junction Abilities ---------------------- Name:HPJ Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Ifrit, Brothers, Diablos, Carbunkle What is does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your HP therfore rasing it. The power of the spell, and the number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:力J(Strength) Ability from:Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Pandamonium, Cerebrus What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your Strength therfore rasing it.The power of the spell and the number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:体力J(Body Power) Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Carbunkle What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your Defense therfore rasing it. The power of the spell and number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:魔力J(Magic Strength) Ability from:Siren, Diablos, Carbunkle, Leviathan, Cerebrus What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your Magic Strength therfore rasing it. The power of the spell and number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 精神J(Spirit) Ability from:Shiva, Brothers, Leviathan, Cerebrus, Alexandar What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your Spirit therfore rasing it. The power of the spell and number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:5/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 早さJ(Speed) Ability from:Pandamonium, Cerebrus, Eden What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your Speed therfore rasing it. The power of the spell and number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 命中J(Accuracy) Ability from:Diablos, Cerebrus, Eden What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your Accuracy therfore rasing it. The power of the spell and number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:5/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 回避J(Evasion) Ability from:Sabotendar, Eden What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with your Evasion Rate therfore rasing it. The power of the spell and number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 運J(Luck) Ability from:Sabotendar What it does:It allows you to enfuse magic with you Luck the therfore rasing it. The power of the spell and number in stock determine how much the number will rise. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 属性攻撃J(Attribute Attack) Ability from:QuezteQuatle, Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Leviathan, Pandamonium, Alexandar, Grasharaboras What it does:Allows you to give your weapons magical properties. (Example: if you want your weapon to have fire the just use fire)I think the more powerful the spell the better the attack. Note:If you use Ultima you can get every element for what ever Attribute you are using. My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 属性防御J(Attribute Defense) Ability from:QuezteQuatle, Shiva, Ifrit, Brothers, Leviathan, Pandamonium, Alexandar What it does:Allows you to give your defense magical properties. (Example:if you want to defend agianst fire then use fire)I think if you use a more powerful spell the better the defense is. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 属性防御Jx2(Attribute Defense x2) Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Ifrit, Leviathan, Pandamonium, Alexandar What it does:Same as above except you can use 2 magics. Agian I think the more powerful the spell the better the defense. My Rating:9/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 属性防御Jx4(Attribute Defense x4) Ability from:Grasharaboras What it does:Same as above except you can use 4 magics. My Rating:10/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST攻撃J(Status Attack) Ability from:Siren, Carbunkle, Cerebrus, Grasharaboras What it does:Similar to Attribute Attack, but you can do status damage (Example: Use bio and you can attack with a posion effect) My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST防御J(Status Defense) Ability from:Siren, Carbunkle, Cerebrus What it does:Same as above except you get the defense of the attack(Example: instead of attacking with posion you now can't be posioned) My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST防御Jx2(Status Defense x2) Ability from:Siren, Carbunkle, Cerebrus What it does:Same as above, but you can get Status defense agianst 2 things. Like Death and Posion. My Rating:7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ST防御Jx4(Status Defense x4) Ability from:Cerebrus, Grasharaboras What it does:Same as above, but you can get Status defense agianst 4 things. My Rating:9/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アビリティx3(Ability x3) Ability from:Diablos, Carbunkle, Cerebrus, Alexandar What it does:This is a great ability. You can now Equip 3 Character or Party Abilities on one Character. My Rating:9/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アビリティx4(Ability x4) Ability from:Bahamut What it does:Same as above except you can equip 4 Character of Party abilities on a single character. My Rating:10/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 3.2)Command Abilities:(Note,For most of these I haven't tried them) ------------------------ まほう(Magic) Ability from:All What it does:Allows you to cast magic. My Rating:8/10(Magic is weak in FF8) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- G.F. Ability from:All What it does:Allows you to summon a G.F. You must first have one Junctioned. My Rating:10/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ドロー(Draw) Ability from:All What it does:Allows you to draw magic from the enemy. My Rating:10/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アイテム(Item) Ability from:All What it does:Allows you to use items during battle. My Rating:1/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- カード(Card) Ability from:Quetzalcoatl What it does:This lets you get a Card from the enemy. This happens very rarely. I took me forever. Note that not all enemies can be carded. My Rating:9/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- しのせんこく(Countdown to Death) Ability from:Shiva What it does:Same thing as in past FF's. Its a delayed instant death(If it works). Agian I need to mess with this ability more. My Rating:N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- とつげき(Rush Attack) Ability from:Ifrit, Eden What it does:When used it looks like you become Beserked, Hasted, and Shield all at once. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ちりょう(Chiryou) Ability from:Siren What it does:This can be fairly useful too. This will take off all status effects on your character. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ぼうぎょ(Defend) Ability from:Brothers, Sabotendar What it does:Allows you to use the defend command in battle. Pretty useless if you ask me. My Rating:4/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- あんこく(Ankoku) Ability from:Diablos, Grasharaboras, Eden What it does:If you use it in Battle you will deliver a more powerful attack then you normally would, but it will cost you some HP's. My Rating:4/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- かいふく(Recovery) Ability from:Leviathan What it does:This is great it restores all your HP in battle. My Rating:10/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- すいとる(Absorb) Ability from:Pandamonium, Grasharaboras What it does:Lets you steal a little bit of the enemies HP. My Rating:5/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- そせい(Sosei) Ability from:Alexander What it does:Another Great Ability. It revives a dead party member. My Rating:7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- じばく(Self-Explosion) Ability from:Sabotendar What it does:I would assume it would work the same as in previous FF's But Im not so sure on this. My Rating:N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- レベルダウン(Level Down) Ability from:Tonberi What it does:This will halve the level of your enemy. After which he becomes weaker. My Rating:4/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- レベルアップ(Level Up) Ability from:Tonberi What it does:This will make the enemies level rise. I need to experment with this more but I think when you use it you get more Exp. My Rating:7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- たべる(Eat) Ability from:Eden What it does:This is an instant death attack. It will kill an enemy and you get all there HP(If it works). Pretty good. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 3.3)Character Abilities ------------------------- HP+20% Ability from:Brothers, Diablos, Carbunkle What it does:It increases your HP by 20%. My Rating:7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP+40% Ability from:Brothers, Diablos, Carbunkle What it does:It increases your HP by 40%. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP+80% Ability from:Brothers, Diablos, Carbunkle What it does:It increases your HP by 80%. My Rating:9/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 力+20%(Strength) Ability from:Shiva, Pandamonium What it does:It increases your Strength by 20%. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 力+40%(Strength) Ability from:Ifrit What it does:It increases your Strength by 40%. My Rating:9/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 力+60%(Strength) Ability from:Bahamut What it does:It increases your Strength by 60% My Rating:10/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体力+20%(Body Strength) Ability from:Shiva, Carbunkle What it does:It increases your Defense by 20%. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 体力+40%(Body Strength) Ability from:Carbunkle What it does:It increases your Defense by 40%. My Rating:9/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 魔力+20%(Magic Strength) Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Siren, Diablos What it does:It increases your Magic Strength by 20%. My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 魔力+40%(Magic Strength) Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Siren, Diablos What it does:It increases your Magic Strength by 40%. My Rating:7/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 魔力+60%(Magic Strength) Ability from:Bahamut What it does:This is supprisingly good. You Magic Strength is increased by 60%. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 精神+20%(Spirit) Ability from:Shiva, Leviathan, Alexandar What it does:It increases your Spirit by 20%. My Rating:4/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 精神+40%(Spirit) Ability from:Leviathan What it does:It increases your Spirit by 40%. My Rating:6/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 早さ+20%(Speed) Ability from:Pandamonium, Cerebrus What it does:It increases your Speed by 20%. My Rating:8/10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 早さ+40%(Speed) Ability from:Pandamonium, Cerebrus What it does:It increases your Speed by 40%. My Rating:9/10

Ability from:Sabotendar, Tonberi
What it does:It increses your Evasion Rate by 30%.
My Rating:8/10


Ability from:Sabotendar, Tonberi, Eden
What it does:It increases your Luck by 50%.
My Rating:8/10


Ability from:Brothers
What it does:I haven't tried it.
My Rating:N/A 


Ability from:Diablos, Bahamut
What it does:Now when you attack you steal an item too. Pretty good Ability.
My Rating:8/10


Ability from:Carbunkle
What it does:I think you will know what this does.
My Rating:8/10


Ability from:Pandamonium, Sabotendar, Tonberi
What it does:This will give you first attack in battle.
My Rating:N/A


くすりのちしき(Medicine Knowledge)
Ability from:Alexandar
What it does:Increase the effectivness of an item by 2. (A potion would now
             heal 400 HP as apposed to 200 HP).
My Rating:5/10


ダメージがえし(Damage Gaeshi)
Ability from:All
What it does:When your are hit 1/4 of the Damage is returned to the enemy.
How to get:You need to turn 100x Saboten Splinters into this.
My Rating:8/10


Ability from:Anyone(another fairly secret ability)
What it does:With this ability you status can never be change. Great 
My Rating:10/10 

歩くとHP回復(Walk and Recover)
Ability from:Sabotendar, Tonberi
What it does:The character that his this equipped will now recover their 
             HP's just by walking.
My Rating:9/10


オートポーション(Auto Potion)
Ability from:Leviathan, Sabotendar, Tonberi
What it does:Every turn in battle you will be healed 200 HP's.
My Rating:7/10


オートリフレク(Auto Reflect)
Ability from:Carbunkle
What it does:When ever you are in battle you have reflect cast on you.
My Rating:8/10


オートヘイスト(Auto Haste)
Ability from:Cerebrus
What it does:When ever you are in battle you have haste cast on you.
My Rating:9/10


オートプロテス(Auto Protection)
Ability from:Bahamut
What it does:When ever you are in battle you have Protection on you.
My Rating:8/10


・ェ。シ・ネ・キ・ァ・?Auto Shield)
Ability from:Bahamut
What it does:When ever you are in battle you have Shield on you.
My Rating:9/10


ダブル消費1(Double Comsumption)
Ability from:Cerebrus, Bahamut, Sabotendar
What it does:When Doubled you can use 2 different spells in battle.
My Rating:7/10


トリプル消費1(Triple Consumption)
Ability from:Eden
What it does:When Tripled you can use 3 differnt spells in battle.
My Rating:8/10


Ability from:Brothers, Sabotendar
What it does:When ever you get a Level up, you gain an extra 30 HP's.
My Rating:8/10


力ボーナス(Strength Bonus)
Ability from:Ifrit, Sabotendar
What it does:Every time you gain a level you gain an extra Strength point.
My Rating:8/10


体力ボーナス(Body Strength Bonus)
Ability from:Carbunkle, Sabotendar
What it does:Every time you gain a Level you gain an extra Body Strength 
My Rating:8/10


魔力ボーナス(Magic Strength Bonus)
Ability from:Siren, Sabotendar
What it does:Every time you gain a level you gain an extra Magic Strength 
My Rating:8/10


精神ボーナス(Spirit Bonus)
Ability from:Leviathan, Sabotendar
What it does:Every time you gain a level you gain an extra Spirit point.
My Rating:8/10


    3.4)Party Abilities

隠しポイント発見(Discover Hidden Points)
Ability from:Siren
What it does:This is a great ability. When used you can view hidden draw 
             points and hidden save points.
My Rating:10/10


エンカウント半減(Encounter 50% Less)
Ability from:Diablos
What it does:This makes it so you enter battles half the time you normally 
My Rating:8/10


エンカウントなし(Encounter Nothing)
Ability from:Diablos
Prequsite:エンカウント半減(Encounter 50% Less)
What it does:The best ability in the game(my opinion). With it you never 
             have to fight "random" battles.
My Rating:10/10


Ability from:Cerebrus
What it does:With this ability you never will be back attacked.
My Rating:4/10


レアアイテム(Rare Item)
Ability from:Bahamut
What it does:Your Party will find "rare" items more frequently.
My Rating:8/10


    3.5)G.F. Abilities

召喚魔法+10%(Summon Magic)
Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Leviathan, Pandamonium,
             Alexandar,  Grasharaboras, Bahamut, Tonberi, Eden

What it does:Increases the damage of the Summon spell by 10%.
My Rating:7/10


召喚魔法+20%(Summon Magic)
Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Leviathan, Pandamonium,
             Alexandar, Grasharaboras, Bahamut, Tonberi, Eden

What it does:Increases the damage of the Summon spell by 20%.
My Rating:8/10


召喚魔法+30%(Summon Magic)
Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Leviathan, Pandamonium,
             Alexandar, Grasharaboras, Bahamut, Tonberi, Eden

What it does:Increases the damage of the Summon spell by 30%.
My Rating:9/10


召喚魔法+40%(Summon Magic+40%)
Ability from:Grasharaboras, Bahamut, Eden
What it does:Increases the damage of the Summon spell by 40%.
My Rating:10/10


Ability from:all
What it does:Increases the HP of the G.F. by 10%.
My Rating:7/10


Ability from:all
What it does:Increases the HP of the G.F. by 20%.
My Rating:8/10


Ability from:Brothers, Diablos, Carbunkle, Leviathan, Pandamonium, Cerebrus,
             Grasharaboras, Bahamut, Sabotendar, Tonberi, Eden

What it does:Increases the HP of the G.F. by 30%.
My Rating:9/10


Ability from:Grasharaboras, Bahamut, Eden
What it does:Increases the HP of the G.F. by 40%.
My Rating:10/10


Ability from:Quetzalcoatl, Shiva, Ifrit, Siren, Brothers, Leviathan, 
             Pandamonium, Alexandar, Grasharaboras, Bahamut, Tonberi,

What it does:This ability is great too. With it you can double, even triple
             the damage you do with your G.F. This is how it works. When you
             Summon a G.F. hold down Select. Then just start pressing the S 
             button(square) as fast as you can. The only problem is that you
             have to stop pressing it when you see the red x(Or it will be 
             reset). If you do it right you can increase the power of the 
             spell by a lot.

             Here is a little chart to help make it a little more clear:
                  -When you see the name of the attack hold down select.
                  -When you see the Square symbol in the bottom right start
                   pressing the Square button.
                  -When you see the red X stop pressing it, when the red X 
                   leaves start pressing it agian.
My Rating:10/10


    3.6)Menu Abilities

雷魔法精製(Make Thunder Magic)
Ability from:Quetzalcoatl
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into magic.
Magic you can make: ヒ簑ミ、ホ、ォ、ア、?Magic Stone Fragemnt)=5x Thunder
                    ヒ簑ミ(Magic Stone)= 5x Thunder-ra
                    ヒ簇ウタミ(Magic Guidence Stone)=5x Thunder-ga
                    サンゴのかけら(Corel Fragment)=20x Thunder-ra
                    ノ?レ、?ゥ(Sharp Tail Wind)=20x Aero          
                    ノ?ヨ(Windmill)=20x Tornedo
                    ・タ・、・ハ・簑ミ(Dynamo Rock)=20x Thunder-ga
My Rating:9/10


冷気魔法精製(Make Ice Magic)
Ability from:Shiva
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into magic.
Magic you can make: ヒ簑ミ、ホ、ォ、ア、?Magic Stone Fragment)=5x Blizzard
                    ヒ簑ミ(Magic Stone)=5x Blizzard-ra
                    ヒ簇ウタミ(Magic Guidence Stone)=5x Blizzard-ga
                    南極の風(Wind of the South Pole)=20x Bilzzard-ra
                    ヒフカヒ、ホノ?Wind of the North Pole)=20x Blizzard-ga
                    ・オ・ォ・ハ、ホ・メ・?Fish Fin)=20x Blizzard-ga
                    ソ螟ホキ?ス(Sparkling Water)=50x Water
My Rating:9/10


炎魔法精製(Make Fire Magic)
Ability from:Ifrit
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into magic.
Magic you can make:フレアストーン(Flare Stone)=Flare
                   フェニックスの羽(Phoenix Wing)=100x Fire-ga
                   フェニックスの魂(Phoenix Soul)=100x Fire-ga
                   ボムの魂(Bomb Spirit)=100x Fire-ga
                   ヒ簑ミ、ホ、ォ、ア、?Magic Stone Fragment)=5x Fire
                   ヒ簑ミ(Magic Stone)=5x Fire-ra
                   ヒ簇ウタミ(Magic Guidence Stone)=5x Fire-ga
                   火竜の牙(Fire Dragon Fang)=20x Flare
                   ボムのかけら(Bomb Fragment)=20x Fire-ra
                   タヨ、、イ?Red Fang)=20x Fire-ga
My Rating:9/10


生命魔法精製(Make Life Magic)
Ability from:Siren
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into magic.
Magic you can make: 聖水(Holy Water)=2x Zombie
                    デスストーン(Death Stone)=Death
                    ホーリーストーン(Holy Stone)=Holy
                    いやしの指輪(Iyashi Ring)=100x Cure-ga
                    フェニックスの魂(Phoenix Soul)=100x Araise
                    ヒーリングメイル(Healing Mail)=20x Cure-ga
                    復活の指輪(Revive Ring)=20x Arise
                    ヒ簑ミ、ホ、ォ、ア、?5x Cure
                    ヒ簑ミ=5x  Cure-ra
                    ヒ簇ウタミ=5x Cure-ga
                    ・ニ・?ネ(Tent)=10x Cure-ga
                    ・ウ・ニ。シ・ク(Cottage)=20x Cure-ga
                    ・セ・?モ・ム・ヲ・タ。シ(Zombie Powder)=20x Zombie
                    ・ホ・ウ・ョ・熙ホソマ(Nokogiri's Edge)=10x Death
                    、、、荀キ、ホソ?Iyashi Water)=20x Cure-ra
                    メズマライズの刃(Mesmarize Blade)=20x Regen
                    命の指輪(Life Ring)=20x Rise
                    風のささやき(Wind Whisper)=50x Cure-ga
                    月の石(Moon Stone)=20x Holy
                    死者の魂(Souls of the Dead)=20x Death
                    ほうちょう(Kitchen Knife)=30x Death
My Rating:9/10


時空魔法精製(Make Void Magic)
Ability from:Diablos
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into magic.
Magic you can make: エイジスの守り(Eijis Tailsman)=100x Haste
                    ソウルオブサマサ(Soul of Samas)=60x Triple
                    ロケットエンジン(Rocket Engine)=50x Triple
                    加速装置(Engine)=100x Haste
                    スリースターズ(3 Stance)=100x Triple
                    ヒ簑ミ、ホ、ォ、ア、?Magic Stone Fragement)=5x Slow
                    ヒ簑ミ(Magic Stone)=5x Haste
                    ヒ簇ウタミ(Magic Guidence Stone)=5x Stop
                    ダッシュシューズ(Dash Shoes)=20x Haste
                    ブラックホール(Black Hole)=30x Gravide
                    ・ッ・筅ホサ?Spider String)=20x Slow
                    ナエオ?Iron Sphere)=15x Gravide
                    カイホオ、ホケ?Eerie Dragon Bone)=20x Quake
                    ホオ、ホ・ヲ・?ウ(Dragon Scale)=20x Double
My Rating:9/10


ST魔法精製(Make Status Magic)
Ability from:Diablos
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into magic.
Magic you can make: ニヌセテ、キ(Antidote)=1x Bio
                    カ筅ホソヒ(Golden Needle)=3x Break
                    目薬(Eye Medicine)=Drain
                    山彦草(Mountain Medicine)=2x Silence
                    ナエ・ム・、・ラ(Iron Pipe)=20x Beserker
                    ヒ簑ミ、ホ、ォ、ア、?Magic Stone Fragment)=5x Silence
                    ヒ簑ミ(Magic Stone)=5x Beserker
                    ヒ簇ウタミ(Magic Guidence Stone)=5x Bio
                    オチューの触手(Ochuu Tentecle)=30x Drain
                    コカトリスの羽(Cocotrice Feather)=20x Break
                    味方殺しの剣(Friend Killer Sword)=20x Confuse
                    謎の液体(Liquid Substance)=10x Merton
                    フイ、?エ(Sleeping Powder)=20x Sleep
                    シ?、、ホド(Charm Claw)=10x Bind?
                    ニヌ、ホイ?Poison Fang)=20x Bio
                    モルボルの触手(Morbor Tentecle)=40x Bio
                    トタフロ、ホハエ(Silence Powder)=20x Silence
My Rating:6/10


サポート魔法精製(Make Support Magic)
Ability from:Leviathan
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into support magic.
Magic you can make:ヒ?スフ?Remedy)=5x Esna(Heal)
                   シェルストーン(Shield Stone)=Shield
                   プロテスストーン(Protection Stone)=Protection
                   オーラストーン(Aura Stone)=Aura
                   救急セット(Rescue Set)=100x Esna(Heal)
                   巨人の指輪(Ring of Giants)=60x Protection
                   カメのこうら(Turtle Shell)=30x Protection
                   ルーンの腕輪(Rune Bracelet)=40x Shield
                   月のカーテン(Moon Curtain)=100x Shield
                   鉄のカーテン(Iron Curtain)=100x Protection
                   光のカーテン(Curtain of Light)=100x Reflect
                   魔石のかけら(Magic Stone Fragment)=5x Esna(Heal)
                   魔石(Magic Stone)=5x Dispell
                   魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone)=20x Dispell
                   ノコギリの刃(Nokogiri's Edge)=20x Dispell
                   吸血の牙(Blood Sucking Fang)=20x Drain
                   闘気のかけら(Fighting Spirit Fragment)=5x Aura
                   バリアシステム(Barrier System)=40x Shield
                   竜の牙(Dragon Fang)=20x Esna(Heal)
                   竜の皮(Dragon Skin)=20x Reflect
My Rating:7/10


禁断魔法精製(Make Forbbiden Magic)  
Ability from:Bahamut
What it does:It allows you to turn certain items into magic.
Magic you can make:メテオストーン(Meteo Stone)=Meteo
                   アルテマストーン(Ultima Stone)=Ultima
                   星々のかけら(Star Fragment)=5x Meteo
                   エネルギー結晶体(Sparkling Energy)=3x Ultima
                   5x 波動弾(Wave Bullets)=Ultima
                   ダークマター(Dark Matter)=100x Ultima
My Rating:7/10


中クラス魔法精製(Make Medium Class Magic)
Ability from:Quetzalcoatl
What it does:Allows you to take a spell to the next level.
What you can Make:5x Cure=Cure-ra
                  5x Fire=Fire-ra
                  5x Blizzard=Blizzard-ra
                  5x Thunder=Thunder-ra

My Rating:4/10


上クラス魔法精製(Make High Class Magic)
Ability from:Alexandar
What it does:Allows you to take a spell to the Highest level.
What you can make:5x Cure-ra=Cure-ga
                  5x Fire-ra=Fire-ga
                  5x Blizzard-ra=Blizzard-ga
                  5x Thunder-ra=Thunder-ga
                  10x Aero=Tornedo
                  10x Double=Triple
My Rating:7/10


回復薬精製(Make Cure Medicine)
Ability from:Carbunkle
What it does:Allows you to turn items into Cure Items.
Items you can make:
   4x テント(Tent)=メガポーション(Mega Potion)
   2x コテージ(Cottage)=メガポーション(Mega Potion)
   4x いやしの指輪(Iyashi Ring)=20x メガポーション(Mega Potion)
   ヒーリングメイル(Healing Mail)=6x ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)
   2xフェニックスの魂(Phoenix Soul)=10x フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)
   復活の指輪(Revive Ring)=8x フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)
   いやしの水(Iyashi Water)=2x ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)
   メズマライズの刃(Mezmorise Blade)=2x メガポーション(Mega Potion) 
   命の指輪(Life Ring)=2x フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)
My Rating:3/10


ST薬精製(Make Status Medicine)
Ability from:Siren
What it does:Allows you to make Status items.
Items you can make: 
   救急セット(Rescue Set)=20x 万能薬(Remedy)
   オチューの触手(Ochuu Tentecle)=3x 目薬(Eye Medicine)
   コカトリスの羽(Cocotrice Feather)=3x 金の針(Gold Needle)
   ・セ・?モ・ム・ヲ・タ。シ(Zombie Powder)=3x タサソ?Holy Water)
   5x 味方殺しの剣(Friend Killer Sword)=万能薬(Remedy)
   5x フイ、?エ(Sleeping Powder)= ヒ?スフ?Remedy)
   ホオ、ホイ?Dragon Fang)= ヒ?スフ?Remedy)
   シ?、、ホド(Charm Claw)= ヒ?スフ?Remedy)
   モルボルの触手(Morbor Tentecle)=2x 万能薬(Remedy)
   ニヌ、ホイ?Poison Fang)=10x ニヌセテ、キ(Antidote)
   トタフロ、ホハエ(Silence Powder)=3x サウノァチ?Mountain Medicine)
   ニヌ、ホハエ(Poison Powder)=3x ニヌセテ、キ(Antidote)
My Rating:5/10


G.F.回復薬精製(Make G.F. Cure Medicine)
Ability from:Leviathan
What it does:Allows you to make items to cure you G.F.
Items you can make:
   ペットハウス(Pet House)=2x Gリターナー(G.F. Return)
   いやしの指輪(Iyashi Ring)=20x Gメガポーション(G.F. Mega Potion)
   フェニックスの魂(Phoenix Soul)=40x Gリターナー(G.F. Return)
   ヒーリングメイル(Healing Mail)=ペットハウス(Pet House)
   シルバーアーマー(Silver Armor)=2x ペットハウス(Pet House)
   ゴールドアーマー(Gold Armor)=4x ペットハウス(Pet House)
   ダイヤアーマー(Diamond Armor)=16x ペットハウス(Pet House)
   復活の指輪(Revive Ring)=6x Gリターナー(G.F. Return)
   いやしの水(Iyashi Water)=2x Gハイポーション(G.F.Hi-Potion)
   メズマライズの刃(Mezmorise Blade)=2x Gハイポーション(G.F.Hi-Potion)
   命の指輪(Life Ring)=2x Gリターナー(G.F. Return)
   風のささやき(Wind Whisper)=4x Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)

My Rating:7/10


G.F.能力薬精製(Make G.F. Ability Medicine)
Ability from:Eden
What it does:Allows you to make items that give your G.F. abilities.
Items you can make:
  10x エリクサー(Elixer)=医術の心得(Knowledge of a Doctor)
  5x 聖戦の薬(Holy War Medicine)=ナイトの心得(Knowledge of a Knight)
  20x フェニックスの羽(Phoenix Feather)=フェニックスの魂(Phoenix Soul)
  10x HPの書(Writings of HP)=巨人の指輪(Ring of Giants)
  10x 力の書(Writings of Strength)=パワーリスト(Power Wrist)
  10x 体力の書(Writings of Body Strenght)=オリハルコン(Orihalcon)
  10x 魔力の書(Writings of Magic Strength)=フォースの腕輪(Force Bracelet)
  10x 精神の書(Writings of Spirit)=ヒュプノクラウン(Hypno Crown)
  10x 早さの書(Writings of Speed)=ジェットエンジン(Jet Engine)
  50x エネルギー結晶体(Sparkling Energy)=ソウルオブサマサ(Soul of Samas)
  20x ソウルオブサマサ(Soul of Samas)=エレメントアタック(Elemntal Attack)
  5x シルバーメイル(Silver Mail)=ゴールドアーマー(Gold Armor)
  5x ゴールドアーマー(Gold Mail)=ダイアアーマー(Diamond Armor)
  5x ダイアアーマー(Diamond Armor)=エレメントガード(Elemntal Guard)
  10x 巨人の指輪(Ring of Giants)=ガイアの指輪(Ring of Gaia)
  10x パワーリスト(Power Wrist)=ハイパーリスト(Hyper Wrist)
  10x オリハルコン(Orihalcon)=アダマンタイン(Adamantium)
  20x アダマンタイン(Adamantium)=鉄のカーテン(Iron Curtain)
  10x フォースの腕輪(Force Bracelet)=魔神の腕輪(Devil's Bracelet)
  20x 魔神の腕輪(Devil's Bracelet)=月のカーテン(Moon Curtain)
  10x ヒュプノクラウン(Hypno Crown)=ロイヤルクラウン(Royal Crown)
  20x ロイヤルクラウン(Royal Crown)=ステータスアタック(Status Attack)
  10x ジェットエンジン(Jet Engine)=ロケットエンジン(Rocket Engine)
  2x 光のカーテン(Moon Curtain)=モンクの心得(Knowledge of a Monk)
  リボン(Ribon)=ステータスガード(Status Guard)
  100x ダッシュシューズ(Dash Shoes)=加速装置(Engine)
  100x 竜の牙(Dragon Fang)=救急セット(Rescue Set)
  100x モルボルの触手(Morbor Tentecle)=月のカーテン(Moon Curtain)
  100x 風のささやき(Wind Whisper)=いやしの指輪(Iyashi Ring)
  50x バリアシステム(Barrier System)=エイジスの守り(Eijis Tailsman)
  ダークマター(Dark Matter)=運の書(Writings of Luck)
  100x ボムのかけら(Bomb Fragment)=ボムの魂(Bomb Soul)
  100x 竜の皮(Dragon Skin)=光のカーテン(Curtain of Light)
  100x サボテンのトゲ(Sabotendar Splinter)=100本針(100 Iron Needles)
  賢者の石(Wiseman Stone)=ロゼッタ石(Rosetta Stone)
  2x HPアップ(HP Up)=HPの書(Writings of HP)
  2x パワーアップ(Power Up)=力の書(Writings of Strenght)
  2x ガードアップ(Guard Up)=体力の書(Writings of Body Strenght)
  2x マジックアップ(Magic Up)=魔力の書(Writings of Magic Strenghth)
  2x マインドアップ(Mind Up)=精神の書(Writings of Spirit)
  2x スピードアップ(Speed Up)=早さの書(Writings of Strenght)
  2x ラックアップ(Luck Up)=運の書(Writings of Luck

My Rating:10/10


薬レベルアップ(Medicine Level Up)
Ability from:Alexandar
What it does:Make more powerful cure items.
Items you can make:
   3x ポーション(Potion)=ポーション改(Modified Potion)
   3x ポーション改(Modified Potion=ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)
   3x ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)=ハイポーション改(Modified Hi-Potion)
   3x ハイポーション改(Modified Hi-Potion)=エクスポーション(X-Potion)
   3x エクスポーション(X-Potion)=メガポーション(Mega Potion)
   50x フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)=メガフェニックス(Mega Phoenix)
   10x エリクサー(Elixer)=ラストエリクサー(Last Elixer)
   10x 万能薬(Remedy)=万能薬改(Modified Remedy)
   10x 万能薬改(Modified Remedy)=エリクサー(Elixer)
   10x 英雄の薬試作型(Expermental Hero Medicine)=英雄の薬(Hero Medicine)
   10x 英雄の薬(Hero Medicine)=聖戦の薬試作型(Expermental Holy War Medicine)
   10x 聖戦の薬試作型(Exper. Holy War Medicine)=聖戦の薬(Holy War Medicine)

My Rating:7/10

禁断薬精製(Make Forbidden Medicine)
Ability from:Grasharaboras
What it does:Allows you to make some good items.
Items you can make:
   20x メガポーション(Mega Potion)=エリクサー(Elixer)
   運の書(Writings of Luck)=ラックアップ(Luck Up)
   2x エイジスの守り(Eijis Tailsman)=スピードアップ(Speed Up)
   エレメントアタック(Elemental Attack)=4x エリクサー(Elixer)
   エレメントガード(Elemntal Guard)=4x エリクサー(Elixer)
   ステータスアタック(Status Attack)=4x エリクサー(Elixer)
   ステータスガード(Status Guard)=4x エリクサー(Elixer)
   救急セット(Rescue Set)=2x ラストエリクサー(Last Elixer)
   ガイアの指輪(Ring of Gaia)=HPアップ(HP Up)
   10x ハイパーリスト(Hyper Wrist)= パワーアップ(Power Up)
   5x アダマンタイン(Adamantium)=ガードアップ(Guard Up)
   10x 魔神の腕輪(Devil's Braclet)=マインドアップ(Mind Up)
   10x ロイヤルクラウン(Royal Crown)=マジックアップ(Magic Up)
   50x ジェットエンジン(Jet Engine)=スピードアップ(Speed Up)
   5x ロケットエンジン(Rocket Engine)=スピードアップ(Speed Up)
   モンクの心得(Knowledge of a Monk)=パワーアップ(Power Up)
   ナイトの心得(Knowledge of a Knight)=ガードアップ(Guard Up)
   医術の心得(Knowledge of a Knight)=ラストエリクサー(Last Elixer)
   100本針(100 Iron Needles)=スピードアップ(Speed Up)
   10x 賢者の石(Wiseman Stone)=英雄の薬試作型(Experimental Hero Medicine)   
My Rating:8/10


弾薬精製(Make Bullets)
Ability from:Ifrit
What it does:Allows you to make Bullets.
Items you can make: 
   エネルギー結晶体(Sparkling Energy)=10x 波動弾(Wave Bullets)
   トフセ?ニ(General Bullets)= ツョシヘテニ(Quick Strike Bullets)
   散弾(Spread Bullets)=2x 速射弾(Quick Strike Bullets)
    、ネ、ャ、テ、ソド(Sharp Nail)=10x ナーケテテニ(Armor Piercing Bullets)
    ・ヘ・ク(Screw)=8x トフセ?ニ(General Bullets)
    ・゚・オ・、・?Missle)=20x ヌヒイ?ニ(Destruction Bullets)
    牙式連発銃(Machine Gun?)=40x 破壊弾(Destruction Bullets)
    レーザーキャノン(Laser Cannon)=5x 波動弾(Wave Bullets)
    高出力発生装置(Computer?)=20x 波動弾(Wave Bullets)
    ボムのかけら(Bomb Fragment)=20x 火炎弾(Flame Bullets)
    タヨ、、イ?Red Fang)=40x イミア?ニ(Flame Bullets)
    ニヌ、ホイ?Poison Fang)=20x ーナケ?ニ(Darkness Bullets)
    ニヌ、ホハエ(Poison Powder)=10x ーナケ?ニ(Darkness Bullets)
    ほうちょう(Kitchen Knife)=20x 徹甲弾(Armor Piercing Bullets)
    サボテンのトゲ(Saboten Splinter)=40x 破壊弾(Armor Piercing Bullets)
    ナエオ?Iron Sphere)=10x イミア?ニ(Flame Bullets)
My Rating:7/10


道具精製(Make tools)
Ability from:Siren
What it does:Allows you to make tools.
Items you can make: 
   3x メガフェニックス(Mega Phoenix)=フェニックスの羽(Phoenix Tail)
   ロゼッタ石(Rosetta Stone)=賢者の石(Wiseman Stone)
   魔法の書(Writings of Magic)=10x 魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone)
   G.F.の書(Writings of G.F.)=10x 魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone)
   ドローの書(Writings of Draw)=10x 魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone)
   アイテムの書(Writings of Item)=10x 魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone)
   勝負師の魂(Winner's Soul)=10x 魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone)
   いやしの指輪(Iyashi Ring)=30x コテージ(Cottage)
   食欲魔神のナベ(Devil's Appitite)=賢者の石(Wiseman Stone)
   モグのお守り(Mog Charm)=賢者の石(Wiseman Stone)
   ナエ・ム・、・ラ(Iron Pipe)=・ェ。シ・鬣ケ・ネ。シ・?Aura Stone)
   星々のかけら(Star Fragment)=2x メテオストーン(Meteo Stone)
   エネルギー結晶体(Sparkling Energy)=2x アルテマストーン(Ultima Stone)
   ダイヤアーマー(Diamond Armor)=50x コテージ(Cottage)
   復活の指輪(Revive Ring)=5x テント(Tent)
   ちからだすき(Incredible Strenght)=2x オーラストーン(Aura Stone)
   パワーリスト(Power Wrist)=10x オーラストーン(Aura Stone)
   ・ォ・皃ホ、ウ、ヲ、?Turtle Shell)=10x ・ラ・?ニ・ケ・ケ・ネ。シ・?Protection Stone)
   オリハルコン(Orihalcon)=30x プロテスストーン(Protection Stone)
   ・?シ・?ホマモホリ(Rune Bracelet)=10x ・キ・ァ・?ケ・ネ。シ・?Shield Stone)
   フォースの腕輪(Force Bracelet)=30x シェルストーン(Shield Stone)
   サークレット(Circlet)=2x オーラストーン(Aura Stone)
   ヒュプノクラウン(Hypno Crown)=10x オーラストーン(Aura Stone)
   、、、荀キ、ホソ?Iyashi Water)=2x ・ニ・?ネ(Tent)
   闘気のかけら(Fighting Spirit Fragment)=2x オーラストーン(Aura Stone)
   100x 呪いの爪(Charm Claw)=ダークマター(Dark Matter)
   火竜の牙(Fire Dragon Fang)=2x フレアストーン(Flare Stone)
   風のささやき(Whisper Wind)=コテージ(Cottage)
   ダークマター(Dark Matter)=賢者の石(Wiseman Stone)
   月の石(Moon Stone)=2x ホーリーストーン(Holy Stone)
   死者の魂(Souls of the Dead)=2x デスストーン(Death Stone)
   賢者の石(Wiseman Stone)=ラブラブG(Love Love G.F.)

My Rating:8/10


カード変化(Change Card)
Ability from:Quetzalcoatl
What it does:Allows you to change your cards into item's. It helps if you 
             lower the enemies HP first.

Items you can make: (I just used the best 4 cards as an example)
                   Rinoa= 魔神の腕輪(Devil Arm Band's)
                   Edea= ロイヤルクラウン(Royal Crown)
                   Seifer= ダイヤアーマー(Diamond Armor)
                   Squall= スリースターズ(Three Stance)
                   If you want a complete list please see my Card FAQ.
My Rating:6/10


ジャンク屋呼び出し(Call Junk Shop)
Ability from:Grasharaboras
What it does:This is fairly useful. You can call a Junk Shop where ever you
             are to make new weapons.
Weapons Made:
My Rating:7/10


    Name:                                Junk Needed:
   -------                              --------------
リボルバー                              6x 魔石のかけら
(Revolver)                                 (Magic Stone Fragement) 
                                        2x ネジ(Screw)

キアストレート                          鉄パイプ(Iron Pipe)
(Kill Straight?)                        4x ネジ(Screw)

カッティングトリガー                    メズマライズの刃(Mesmerize Blade)
(Cutting Triger)                        6x ネジ(Screw)

フレイムタン                            味方殺しの剣(Friend Killer Sword)
(Flame Tongue)                          カメのこうら(Turtle Shell)
                                        4x ネジ(Screw)

ランスオブスリット                      恐竜の骨(Dragon Bone)
(Lance of Slit)                         2x 赤い牙(Red Fang)
                                        12x ネジ(Screw)

クライム&ペナルティ                    ほうちょう(Kitchen Knife)
(Crime & Penalty)                       2x 星々のかけら(Star Fragment)
                                        カメのこうら(Turtle Shell)
                                        8x ネジ(Screw)

ライオンハート                          アダマンタイン(Adamantium)
(Lion Heart)                            4x 竜の牙(Dragon Fang)			
                                        12x 波動弾(Wave Bullets)



   Name:                                 Junk Needed:
  -------                               --------------
メタルナックル                          サカナのヒレ(Fish Fin)
(Metal Knuckle)                         4x 魔石のかけら
                                           (Magic Stone Fragment)

マーベリック                            竜のウロコ(Dragon Scale)
(Maverick)                              クモの糸(Spider Web)

ガントレット                            竜の皮(Dragon Skin)
(Gantlet)                               闘気のかけら
                                           (Fighting Spirit Fragment)

エアガイツ                              アダマンタイン(Admantium)
(Ehrgeiz)                               4x 竜の皮(Dragon Skin)
                                            (Fighting Spirit Fragment)



   Name:                                   Junk Needed:
  -------                                 --------------
円月輪                                   3x 魔石のかけら
(Full Moon)	                                (Magic Stone Fragment)

ヴァルキリー                             風切り羽(Feather Cutting Wind)
(Valkyrie)                               魔石(Magic Stone)

ライジングサン                           ノコギリの刃(Nokogiri's Edge)
(Rising Sun)                             8x ネジ(Screw)

カーディナル                             コカトリスの羽(Cocotrice Feather)
(Cardinal)                               メズマライズの刃(Mesmerize Blade)
                                         とがった爪(Sharp Nail)

シューティングスター                     2x 風車(Windmill)
(Shooting Star)                          復活の指輪(Revive Ring)
                                         フォースの腕輪(Force Bracelet)
                                         2x エネルギー結晶体
                                            (Sparkling Energy)



   Name:                                    Junk Needed:
  -------                                  --------------
チェーンウィップ                          2x 魔石のかけら
(Chain Whip)                                 (Magic Stone Fragment)
                                          クモの糸(Spider String)

スレイプニルティル                        2x 魔石(Magic Stone)
(Sleeping Tear)                           とがった爪(Sharp Nail)

レッドスコルピオン                        2x オチューの触手(Ochuu Tentecle)
(Red Scorpion)                            2x 竜の皮(Dragon Skin)

セイブ・ザ・クイーン                      2x モルボルの触手
(Save The Queen)                             (Morbor's Tentecle)
                                          4x とがった爪(Sharp Nail)
                                          4x エネルギー結晶体
                                             (Sparkling Energy)



   Name:                                    Junk Needed:
  -------                                  --------------
バリアント(Variant)                       鉄パイプ(Iron Pipe)
                                          4x ネジ(Screw)

ユリシーズ                                鉄パイプ(Iron Pipe)
(Yurishizu?)                              ボムのかけら(Bomb Fragment)
                                          2x ネジ(Screw)

ビスマルク                                鉄パイプ(Iron Pipe)
(Bismark)                                 4x ダイナモ石(Dynamo Rock)
                                          8x ネジ(Screw)

エグゼクター                              2x 恐竜の骨(Dragon Bone)
(Exactor)                                 月の石(Moon Stone)
                                          2x 星々のかけら(Star Fragment)
                                          18x ネジ(Screw)



   Name:                                    Junk Needed:
  -------                                  --------------
フレイル(Flail)                            2x 魔石のかけら
                                              (Magic Stone Fragment)
			                         ボムのかけら(Bomb Fragment)

モーニングスター                           2x 鉄球(Iron Sphere)
(Morning Star)                             とがった爪(Sharp Nail)

クレセントウィッシュ                       火竜の牙(Fire Dragon Claw)
(Crescent Wish)                            命の指輪(Life Ring)
                                           4x とがった爪(Sharp Nail)

ゆめかまぼろしか                           アダマンタイン(Admantium)
(Dream Kettle?)                            3x 星々のかけら(Star Fragment)
                                           2x呪いの爪(Charm Claw)


ショップ呼び出し(Call Shop)
Ability from:Tonberi
What it does:Fairly good. It allows you to buy or sell items even it you're
             in the middle of no where. Please note that you have to goto
             these shops before you can use the command.
Things you can Buy:
My Rating:6/10   

   ・ニ・」・?ミ。シ ・レ・テ・ネ・キ・逾テ・ラ(Timber Pet Shop):

             Name:                                      Price:
            -------                                    --------
      Gポーション(G.F. Potion)                          150
      Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)                   450
      Gリターナー(Return G.F.)                          375
      ペットハウス(Pet House)                            750
      魔法の書(Writings of Magic)                        3750 
      G.F.の書(Writings of G.F.)                         3750
      ドローの書(Writings of Draw)                       3750
      アイテムの書(Writings of Item)                     3750
      忘れ草(Forgetful Grass)                            750
      HPの書(Writings of HP)                           7500
      力の書(Writings of Strenght)                       7500
      体力の書(Writings of Body Strenght)                7500
      魔力の書(Writings of Magic Strenght)               7500
      精神の書(Writings of Spirit)                       7500
      ペット通信3号(Pet News Vol.3)                     750
      ペット通信4号(Pet News Vol.4)                     750

   ・ミ・鬣 ・キ・逾テ・ラ(Balamb Shop):

          Name:                                         Price:
         -------                                       --------
       ポーション(Potion)                                75
       ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)                         375
       フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)                    375
       毒消し(Antidote)                                  75
       目薬(Eye Medicine)                                75
       金の針(Gold Needle)                               75
       山彦草(Mountain Grass)                            75
       聖水(Holy Water)                                  75
       ヒ?スフ?Remedy)                                    750
       テント(Tent)                                      750
       燃料(Fuel)                                        2250
       通常弾(General Bullets)                           15
       散弾(Spread Bullets)                              30
       Gポーション(G.F. Potion)                         150
       Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)                  450
       Gリターナー(Return G.F.)                         375


   ・ニ・」・?ミ。シ ・キ・逾テ・ラ(Timber Shop):

            Name:                                        Price:
           -------                                      --------
       ポーション(Potion)                                75
       ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)                         375
       フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)                    375
       毒消し(Antidote)                                  75
       目薬(Eye Medicine)                                75
       金の針(Gold Needle)                               75
       山彦草(Mountain Grass)                            75
       聖水(Holy Water)                                  75
       ヒ?スフ?Remedy)                                    750
       テント(Tent)                                      750
       燃料(Fuel)                                        2250
       通常弾(General Bullets)                           15
       散弾(Spread Bullets)                              30
       Gポーション(G.F. Potion)                         150
       Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)                  450
       Gリターナー(Return G.F.)                         375       

   ・ヌ・??ー・キ・ニ・」 ・キ・逾テ・ラ(Dueling Shop):

           Name:                                        Price:
         --------                                      --------
       ポーション(Potion)                                75
       ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)                         375
       フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)                    375
       毒消し(Antidote)                                  75
       目薬(Eye Medicine)                                75
       金の針(Gold Needle)                               75
       山彦草(Mountain Grass)                            75
       聖水(Holy Water)                                  75
       ヒ?スフ?Remedy)                                    750
       テント(Tent)                                      750
       燃料(Fuel)                                        2250
       通常弾(General Bullets)                           15
       散弾(Spread Bullets)                              30
       Gポーション(G.F. Potion)                         150
       Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)                  450
       Gリターナー(Return G.F.)                         375       

   ・ィ・ケ・ソ ・キ・逾テ・ラ(Esthra Shop):

           Name:                                         Price:
          -------                                       --------
       ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)                         375
       フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)                    375
       目薬(Eye Medicine)                                75
       金の針(Gold Needle)                               75
       ヒ?スフ?Remedy)                                    750
       テント(Tent)                                      750
       燃料(Fuel)                                        2250
       通常弾(General Bullets)                           15
       散弾(Spread Bullets)                              30
       暗黒弾(Darkness Bullets)                          225
       火炎弾(Flame Bullets)                             375
       破壊弾(Destruction Bullets)                       600
       速射弾(Quick Strike Bullets)                      75
       Gポーション(G.F. Potion)                         150
       Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)                  450
       Gリターナー(Return G.F.)                         375       


   ・ャ。シ・ヌ・?ホテヒ(Garden Man):
           Name:                                        Price:
          -------                                      --------
       ポーション(Potion)                                75
       ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)                         375
       フェニックスの尾(Phoenix Tail)                    375
       毒消し(Antidote)                                  75
       目薬(Eye Medicine)                                75
       金の針(Gold Needle)                               75
       山彦草(Mountain Grass)                            75
       聖水(Holy Water)                                  75
       ヒ?スフ?Remedy)                                    750
       テント(Tent)                                      750
       燃料(Fuel)                                        2250
       通常弾(General Bullets)                           15
       散弾(Spread Bullets)                              30
       Gポーション(G.F. Potion)                         150
       Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)                  450
       Gリターナー(Return G.F.)                         375      

   ・ィ・ケ・ソ ・レ・テ・ネ・キ・逾テ・ラ(Esthra Pet Shop):

            Name:                                       Price:
          --------                                     --------
       Gポーション(G.F. Potion)                         150
       Gハイポーション(G.F. Hi-Potion)                  450
       Gリターナー(Return G.F.)                         375
       ペットハウス(Pet House)                           750
       忘れ草(Forgetful Grass)                           750
       HPの書(Writings of HP)                          7500
       力の書(Writings of Strength)                      7500
       体力の書(Writings of Body Strength)               7500
       魔力の書(Writings of Magic Strenght)              7500
       精神の書(Writings of Spirit)                      7500
       ペット通信5号(Pet News Vol. 5)                   750
       ペット通信6号(Pet News Vol. 6)                   750
       パワーリスト(Power Wrist)                         15000
       フォースの腕輪(Force Bracelet)                    15000
       ヒュプノクラウン(Hypno Crown)                     15000


   ・ィ・ケ・ソ ヒワイー(Esthra Pet Shop):

              Name:                                      Price:
             -------                                    --------
       月刊武器 創刊号                                   37500
       (Monthly Weapons Magazine 1st Issue)
       月刊武器3月号                                    750
       (Monthly Weapons Magazine 3rd Issue)              
       月刊武器4月号                                    750
       (Monthly Weapons Magazine 4th Issue)
       月刊武器5月号                                    750
       (Monthly Weapons Magazine 5th Issue)
       月刊武器6月号                                    750
       (Monthly Weapons Magazine 6th Issue)             
       月刊武器7月号                                    750
       (Monthly Weapons Magazine 7th Issue)
       月刊武器8月号                                    750
       (Monthly Weapons Magazine 8th Issue) 
       格闘王001(Fighting King 001)                   750
       格闘王002(Fighting King 002)                   750
       格闘王003(Fighting King 003)                   750
       格闘王004(Fighting King 004)                   750 
       格闘王005(Fighting King 005)                   22500
       ペット通信1号(Pet News Vol. 1)                   750
       ペット通信2号(Pet News Vol. 2)                   750
       オカルトファンI(Occult Fan I                     26250
       オカルトファンII(Occult Fan II)                 26250


Ability from:Tonberi
What it does:Now when you by things the will be cheaper. Of course they will
             sell cheaper too. Unfortunatly this ability comes way too late 
             to be of any great benifit.
My Rating:7/10


高値で売る(Selling Price)
Ability from:Tonberi
What it does:Now you can sell your items at a higher price. But, of course
             the items you buy will now be more exspensive too.(Anyone else
             thinking this is starting to sound a little too much like a 
             copy of the SO skill system)
My Rating:8/10


顔なじみ(Familiar Faces)
Ability from:Tonberi
What it does:Allows you to buy "rare" things. But they are expensive.
Things you can buy:
My Rating:7/10


4)G.F. Items

   This is just a list of all the G.F. items in the game. If you have any
question's just contact me.


  Name:                       Effect:
 -------                     ---------
ラブラブG                   This rasies the G.F.'s affection towards who-
(Love Love G.F.)             ever used it.

Gポーション                 This will restore 200 HP's to a G.F. 
(G.F. Potion)   

Gハイポーション             This will restore 1,000 HP's to a G.F.
(G.F. Hi-Potion)    
Gメガポーション             This will restore 1,000 HP's to all G.F.'s.
(G.F. Mega Potion)

Gリターナー                 This will revive a dead G.F.
(Return G.F.)  

忘れ草                       This makes the G.F. forget a Ability. You are
(Forgetful Grass)            probably thinking why would I want to do that.
                             Well say your G.F. has HP+20%...You can forget
                             that and get HP+80% a much better skill.

魔法の書                     With this you memorize the command ability of
(Writings of Magic)          {Magic}. 

G.F.の書                 With this you memorize the command ability of
(Writings of G.F.'s)         {G.F.} 

ドローの書                   With this you memorize the command ability of
(Writings of Draw)           {Draw}. 

アイテムの書                 With this you memorize the command ability of
(Writings of Item)           {Item}. 

HPの書                     With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Writings of HP)             {HPJ}. 

力の書                       With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Writings of Strength)       {Strength J}. 

体力の書                     With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Writings of Body Strength)  {Body Strength J}. 

魔力の書                     With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Writings of Magic Strength) {Magic Strength J}. 
精神の書                     With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Writings of Spirit)         {Spirit J}. 

早さの書                     With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Writings of Speed)          {Speed J}. 

運の書                       With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Writings of Luck)           {Luck J}.

エイジスの守り               With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Eijis Tailsman)            {Evasion J}. 

エレメントアタック           With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Element Attack)             {Attribute Attack}. 

エレメントガード             With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Element Guard)              {Attribute Defense x4}. 

ステータスアタック           With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Status Attack)              {Status Attack}. 

ステータスガード             With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Status Guard)               {Status Guard x4}. 

ロゼッタ石                   With this you memorize the junction ability of
(Rosetta Stone)              {Ability x4}. 

勝負師の魂                   With this you memorize the command ability of
(Champion's Soul)            {Card}. 

いやしの指輪                 With this you memorize the command ability of
(Iyashi Ring)                {Recovery}. 

フェニックスの魂             With this you memorize the command ability of
(Soul of the Phoenix)        {Sosei}. 

救急セット                   With this you memorize the command ability of
(Rescue Set)                 {Chiryou}. 

ボムの魂                     With this you memorize the command ability of
(Bomb Spirit)                {Self-Explosion}. 

食欲魔神のナベ               With this you memorize the command ability of
(Devil's Appitite)           {Eat}. 

モグのお守り                 With this you memorize the command ability of
(Mog Charm)                  {Komogri}. 

鉄パイプ                     With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Iron Pipe)                  {Summon Magic+10%}. 

星々のかけら                 With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Star Fragment)              {Summon Magic+20%}. 

エネルギー結晶体             With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Sparkling Energy)           {Summon Magic+30%}. 

ソウルオブサマサ             With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Soul of Samas)              {Summon Magic+40%}. 

ヒーリングメイル             With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Healing Mail)               {G.F. HP+10%}. 

シルバーメイル               With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Silver Mail)                {G.F. HP+20%}. 

ゴールドメイル               With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Gold Mail)                  {G.F. HP+30%}.

ダイヤアーマー               With this you memorize the G.F. ability of
(Diamond Armor)              {G.F. HP+40%}.

復活の指輪                   With this you memorize the character ability 
(Revive Ring)                of {HP+20%}.

巨人の指輪                   With this you memorize the character ability
(Ring of Giants)             of {HP+40%}. 

ガイアの指輪                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Ring of Gaia)               of {HP+80%}. 

ちからだすき                 With this you memorzie the character ability
(Incredible Strength)        of {Stength+20%}. 

パワーリスト                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Power Wrist)                of {Strength+40%}. 

ハイパーリスト               With this you memorize the character ability
(Hyper Wrist)                of {Strength+60%}. 

カメのこうら                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Turtle Shell)               of {Body Strength+20%}. 

オリハルコン                 With this you memorize the character ability 
(Orihalcon)                  of {Body Strength+40%}. 

アダマンタイン               With this you memorize the character ability
(Adamantium)                 of {Body Strength+60%}. 

ルーンの腕輪                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Rune Bracelet)              of {Spirit+20%}. 

フォースの腕輪               With this you memorize the character ability
(Force Bracelet)             of {Spirit+40%}. 

魔神の腕輪                   With this you memorize the character ability
(Devil's Bracelet)           of {Spirit+60%}. 

サークレット                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Circlet)                    of {Magic Strength+20%}. 

ヒュプノクラウン             With this you memorize the character ability
(Hypno Crown)                of {Magic Strength+40%}. 

ロイヤルクラウン             With this you memorize the character ability
(Royal Crown)                of {Magic Strength+60%}. 

ジェットエンジン             With this you memorize the character ability
(Jet Engine)                 of {Speed+20%}. 

ロケットエンジン             With this you memorize the character ability
(Rocket Engine)              of {Speed+40%}. 

月のカーテン                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Moon Curtain)               of {Auto Shield}. 

鉄のカーテン                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Iron Curtain)               of {Auto Protection}. 

光のカーテン                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Curtain of Light)           of {Auto Reflect}. 

加速装置                     With this you memorize the character ability
(Engine)                     of {Auto Haste}. 

モンクの心得                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Knowledge of a Monk)        of {Counter}. 

ナイトの心得                 With this you memorize the character ability
(Knowledge of a Knight)      of {Kabou}. 

医術の心得                   With this you memorize the character ability
(Knowledge of a Doctor)      of {Medical Knowledge}. 

100本針                   With this you memorize the character ability
(100 Iron Needles)           of {Damage Gaeshi}. 

スリースターズ               With this you memorize the character ability 
(3 Stance)                   of {Triple Consumption}. 

リボン                       With this you memorize the character ability
(Ribon)                      of {Ribon}. 

ギサールの野菜               Use this to summon Ko-Chocobo.
(Gisal Vegetables)

フェニックスの羽             Use this to summon Phoenix.
(Phoenix Wing)     

ゆうじょうのあかし           Use this to summon Munba.
(Proof of Friendship)

ダイナモ石                   This improves your affection rating with 
(Dynamo Rock)                QuetzeQuatle by 3.

南極の風                     This improves your affection rating with Shiva
(South Pole Wind)            by 3.

赤い牙                       This improves your affection rating with Ifrit
(Red Fang)                   by 3.

沈黙の粉                     This improves your affection rating with
(Silence Powder)             Siren by 3.

鉄球                         This improves your affection rating with 
(Iron Sphere)                Diablos by 3.

恐竜の骨                     This improves your affection rating with
(Dragon Bone)                Brothers by 3.

竜の皮                       This improves your affection rating with
(Dragon Skin)                Carbunkle by 3.

サカナのヒレ                 This improves your affection rating with
(Fish Fin)                   Leviathan by 2.

風切り羽                     This improves your affection rating with 
(Feather Cutting Wind)       Pandamonium by 1.

風車                         This improves your affection rating with
(Windmill)                   Pandamonium by 3.

竜のウロコ                   This improves your affection rating with
(Dragon Scale)               Cerebrus by 3.

毒の粉                       This improves your affection rating with 
(Poison Powder)              Grasharaboras by 1.

毒の牙                       This improves your affection rating with
(Poison Fang)                Grasharaboras by 3.

ほうちょう                   This improves your affection rating with
(Kitchen Knife)              Tonberi by 3.

サボテンのトゲ               This improves your affection rating with
(Saboten Splinter)           Sabotendar by 3.



Iao :
   For doing a very good job of translating this to Chinese(that's a tough
job). Thanks.

Chris Cruz :
   Helped me with translation(also explained how he came to them). Thanks.

Tan Chan Kai :
   For giving me lots of info(and I do mean a lot). If I tried to put down
everything he gave me it would take a while. 

Mike :
   For telling me that the actual spelling of QuetzeQuatle is Quetzalcoatl.
He then went on to explain that it is a Native Americian God that is a snake
with wings(learn somthing new everyday).

Rei's FF8 Bilingual Site
   For helping me get Gursharaborus. Great site for FF8 info. And it's 
mostly in English(One of the few). Go check it out.


   My next update will be on my Card FAQ. Look for it to have all of the
numbers and some basic strategies. 

Thanks for reading.

   This article is Copyright 1999 by Steven Bruck. If you want to use this 
please e-mail me.