_______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ ¯¯\ \¯¯ _ ¯¯/ /| |¯| |¯| |¯¯ \ \ .' '~-. / / | | | | | | FF8 GAME SCRIPT (PSX) by \ \ ) / / | | | | | | Shotgunnova / P. Summers \ \ ,-~' / / | | | | | | Finished: 07/26/06 \ \-' / / | | | | | | .-'\ \ / / | | | | | | • Email: shotgunnova (a+) gmail.com \ \ \ / / ,| | | _.-| |-' • Best viewed in 79-character browser '~-.\ \ / / ,-' | |~-' | | | • See Disclaimer section for permissions \ \/ /._,' | | | | | | ____\ /_________| |_| |_| |__ __________________________________________/___________________________________\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| TABLE OF CONTENTS | DISC ONE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 01. Post-fight, Infirmary, Classroom, Main Gate ...................... WK01 02. Fire Cavern ...................................................... WK02 03. Balamb Garden & pre-SeeD-Mission Banter .......................... WK03 04. The SeeD Mission ................................................. WK04 05. Balamb Garden, SeeD Inauguration, Training Center ................ WK05 06. The Train to Timber .............................................. WK06 07. Laguna Sequence I ................................................ WK07 08. Timber & The Owls ................................................ WK08 09. The TV Studio and the Ticket Out ................................. WK09 10. The Forest & Laguna Sequence II .................................. WK10 11. Galbadia Garden and Irvine Kinneas ............................... WK11 12. Far East Station & a Meeting with General Caraway ................ WK12 13. The SeeDs, The Sniper, The Sewers, and the Sorceress ............. WK13 DISC TWO 14. Laguna Sequence III .............................................. WK14 15. D-District Prison ................................................ WK15 16. Galbadian Missile Base ........................................... WK16 17. Balamb Garden .................................................... WK17 18. Drifting at Sea .................................................. WK18 19. Fishermans Horizon ............................................... WK19 20. Balamb Town ...................................................... WK20 21. Trabia Garden .................................................... WK21 22. Attack on Galbadia Garden ........................................ WK22 23. Galbadian Garden Infiltration .................................... WK23 DISC THREE 24. Balamb Garden Opening & Edea's House ............................. WK24 25. Laguna Sequence IV ............................................... WK25 26. Return to the Orphanage and the White SeeD Ship .................. WK26 27. Bridge to Esthar & Great Salt Lake ............................... WK27 28. Laguna Sequence V ................................................ WK28 29. Esthar -- Presidential Palace .................................... WK29 30. Lunar Gate & The Lunatic Pandora Over Esthar ..................... WK30 31. Lunar Base & The Ragnarok ........................................ WK31 32. Sorceress Memorial ............................................... WK32 33. Edea's House ..................................................... WK33 34. Esthar Presidential Palace ....................................... WK34 35. Lunatic Pandora .................................................. WK35 DISC FOUR 36. Lunatic Pandora, Pt. II .......................................... WK36 37. Ultimecia Castle ................................................. WK37 MISCELLANY & CLOSING 38. Legality ......................................................... WK39 39. Updates .......................................................... WK40 40. Contributors ..................................................... WK41 NOTATION [-] Denotes speech that can be said by a party member, but depends on the party's lineup. Although there may be many who can say a line here, only one actually will. [*] Denotes speech that will always be said if the character is in the party. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 01. Post-fight, Infirmary, Classroom, Main Gate [WK01] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [After the opening FMV, the teen who tasted the blade first lies on his back on a bed in the infirmary. A motherly doctor stands over him.] Dr. Kadowaki: "How are you feeling?" R1 --> (Ok, I guess) R2 --> (My forehead hurts) R1 (Teen): "......Ok." Dr. Kadowaki: "Take it easy next time, you hear?" R2 (Teen): "...My forehead hurts." Dr. Kadowaki: "No kidding." Dr. Kadowaki: "Looks like your eyes are focusing. You should be fine. Say your name for me." [The player names the teenager, with the default being Squall.] Dr. Kadowaki: "Why don't you take it easy in training? Next time you might not be so lucky." Squall: "Tell that to Seifer." Dr. Kadowaki: "That Seifer...Won't listen to anyone. Why don't you ignore him?" Squall: "I can't just run away." Dr. Kadowaki: "You wanna be cool, huh? Well, don't get hurt in the process. Let's see, your instructor is...Quistis! I'll call her now. Just wait here a minute." [The doc walks out of sight and Squall can hear her talking in the other room.] Dr. Kadowaki: "Quistis? Come get your student. Yes, yes...His injury's not serious. It'll probably leave a scar. ......Right. Now please come by." [A girl walks into view in one of the windows and looks down at the injured fighter.] Girl: "Squall...so we meet again." [Squall looks over and the girl walks away without saying another word. Squall's instructor, Quistis, then walks into the infirmary.] Quistis: "I knew it'd either be you or Seifer! Come on, let's go. Today's the field exam." [Quistis and Squall start down the hallway.] Quistis: "Squall. Is there something on your mind?" Squall: "Not really." Quistis: "Not really. Hahaha!" Squall: "What's so funny?" Quistis: "Funny? No, no, it's not that! I'm just happy. I feel like I'm finally beginning to understand my student a little. That's all." Squall: "I'm more complex than you think." Quistis: "Then tell me. Tell me more about yourself." Squall: "It's none of your..." Quistis: "...Business!" [The two walk to an upstairs classroom.] Quistis: "Good morning, class. Let's start with today's schedule. There seems to have been some rumors flying around since yesterday...Yes, the field exam for SeeD candidates will begin later this afternoon. Those not participating and those who failed last week's test are to remain here in study hall. Field exam participants will have free time until the exam. Just be sure you're in top condition. Meet in the hall at 1600 hours. I'll announce the team assignments there. Any questions? Oh, and Seifer! Do NOT injure your partner while training. Be careful from now on." [Seifer looks over at Squall and slams his hand on his desk.] Quistis: "Field exam participants. I will see you all later." [Everyone starts to leave.] Quistis: "And Squall. I need to talk to you." [Squall walks over to Quistis.] Quistis: "You haven't been to the [Fire Cavern] yet, have you? You won't be able to take part in today's SeeD exam if you don't pass this prerequisite." Squall: (...I was gonna go this morning, but Seifer...) Quistis: "Hm? Do you have a good excuse?" Squall: "...Not really." Quistis: "Then let's get going. If you're not too confident yet, you can review your studies at the [study panel]. I'll be waiting at the [front gate], so come down when you're ready. You can access the [study panel] from [your seat]." [Squall walks into the outer corridor.] Voice: "I'm late, I'm late, I'm LATE!!!" [A uniformed girl bumps into him.] Girl: "Waaah!" Squall: R1 --> Are you ok? R2 --> ...... R1: "Are you ok?" Girl: "There. Tee-hee, I'm fine. Sorry. I was kinda in a hurry. Oh yeah! Hey, did you just come from that class? Is......homeroom over?" R2: "......" Girl: "There. Sorry. I was kinda in a hurry. Oh yeah! Hey, did you just come from that class? Is......homeroom over?" [Squall nods.] Girl: "Woo...Oh, nooo...This place is soooo much bigger than my last Garden! Oh, hey, hey. I just transferred here. Do you think you could give me a quick tour of this Garden?" Squall: R1 --> Sure R2 --> Don't have the time R1: "Sure." Girl: "Whoo-hoo! Alright, let's go!" Squall: "We'll take the elevator to the 1F lobby and I'll show you the [directory]." R2: "Don't have the time." Girl: "Oh, bummer. That's too bad. Well, see ya." [If Squall doesn't have the time, the girl will walk into the classroom he just left; if he has the time, he'll take her down to the F1 lobby.] Squall: "That's the directory." [They walk over.] Squall: "Well, this is it. Balamb Garden is pretty big. It's a good idea to check where you want to go, and select it here." Girl: "I have a question! How do you use this?" Squall: "Move the cursor and press (X) to select. Next, I'll give a quick explanation of the various facilities." Girl: "Yes, sir!" Squall: "You'll find a dormitory to the north. A majority of the students live in the dorms. There aren't too many students who commute." Girl: "Yeah, I'm in the dorms, too!" Squall: "You can rest and change in there. West of the North Block is the cafeteria. There's always a big rush for the hot dogs. You better get used to waiting in line." Girl: "Got it!" Squall: "East of the North Block is the parking lot. We usually take the Garden car when a mission comes up. The front gate is located to the south..." (That's right...I have to go meet Instructor Trepe at the front gate.) Girl: "Hm? What's the matter?" Squall: "Nothing...Next, we have the quad, located in the West Block. There's an event being planned there..." Girl: "I know! I know! It's the Garden Festival! It's going to be great! I'm planning to be on the committee. You wanna help out, too!?" Squall: "Let's just continue. South of the West Block is the infirmary. This is where you get treated for your injuries, but a lot of students just come here for advice." Girl: "What's the doctor's name?" Squall: "Doctor Kadowaki. Now the East Block. This is the training center. It's the only facility open during the night. It's used for training, and they have real monsters running loose here. If you don't take it seriously, you may end up dead. Just be careful." Girl: "(gulp)...Okay." Squall: "South of the East Block is the library. There's a lot of material you can look up here, but the terminals in the classroom are a lot more efficient. And you already know about the classroom on the 2F, right?" Girl: "Yep, I remember that one." Squall: "By the way, the headmaster's office is located on the 3F. You need permission to get in." Girl: "Another question. What's the headmaster's name?" Squall: "Headmaster Cid. That's about it. Anything else?" Girl: "Got it! Heeey, um...are you taking today's SeeD exam?" Squall: "Yeah." Girl: "Then maybe I'll see you again, later. I've already finished my training at my previous Garden. I'm taking the Seed exam today, too. Good luck to both of us, huh! Thanks a lot!" [She walks off.] [Squall arrives at the front gate. If he hasn't gotten his GFs at his desk:] Quistis: "Squall, you're forgetting something...your GF." [If he has:] Quistis: "I have a few things to explain before we head off. GF gives us strength. The stronger the GF, the stronger we become. ...So, here's a brief explanation of junctioning a GF. [The tutorial screen opens up.] Narrative: Junction enables characters to power up and use abilities. This means a GF must be junctioned in order to power up and use abilities. Let's begin by junctioning a GF. Right now, no GF is junctioned. All other commands in gray cannot be selected yet. Once Junction is selected, the GF and Magic commands appear. Since no GF is junctioned, Magic is displayed in gray. Let's junction a GF. By selecting GF, a GF list appears. Press ([]) to see abilities possessed by a GF. The abilities are HP Junction, Vitality Junction, etc. Let's choose a GF. When GF Quezacotl is selected, its abilities, HP-J and Vit-J make the stats HP and Vit appear in white. Magic can now be junctioned to HP and Vit. But, since there is currently no magic, we will move onto setting abilities. There are 3 command abilities and 2 non-command abilities for characters and party. A total of 5 abilities can be set. Depending on the GF's abilities, the maximum is 4 non-command abilities. This means that up to 7 abilities can be set. Let's set some abilities. First, select a slot. The top window is for Command abilities used during battle. The bottom window is for character and party abilities. Selecting the top window displays command abilities, and selecting the bottom window displays character and party abilities. Since there is currently no magic, let's set the command ability, Draw, to get some magic. When an empty slot is chosen, the cursor moves to the right. Select Draw to set the command, Draw. This is how command abilities used during battle are set. Let's add GF and Item to the list of command abilities. Now GF and Item are set. Let's set a non-command ability. By moving the cursor down, a character ability is displayed. Now, to set Mag+20%, select an empty slot, and select Mag+20%. Mag+20% is now set. Abilities have now been set. This concludes the tutorial. Thank you, and good luck. Quistis: "Everything ok up till now? You can always check back by accessing [Tutorial] from the [Menu]. Once we get to the [Fire Cavern], I'll explain how to junction magic. Use the command 'Draw' during battle and stock magic from your enemies. Be sure to have some stocked! Ready to go? The [Fire Cavern] used for the test is located [east of here]." _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 02. Fire Cavern [WK02] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [During the party's first battle:] Quistis: "Squall, you still remember? The R1 is the trigger. Pull it just as you strike. Same for the Renzokuken!" [Quistis and her student walk to the cavern.] Quistis: "Ok...Junctioning magic. Now pay attention. I'll be explaining how to utilize the magic you've stocked. [The 'Junctioning Magic' tutorial begins.] Narrative: By junctioning magic, you can raise the character's stats. If the GF has learned the ability to junction onto stats, that particular stat will be displayed in white. By selecting Junction here, the GF and Magic commands will appear. You are able to junction magic by selecting Magic. When Magic is selected, a list of magic appears. Use the cursor to select which stat to junction. When Str is selected, choose a magic with the cursor. You can see how the stat value changes with each magic. When a magic is selected, the magic will be displayed next to the stat and the value will change. Only one magic can be assigned to each stat. However, there is no need to junction magic manually, one by one. Select Auto after junctioning. 'Auto' junctions magic automatically. There are 3 commands to choose from. Atk favors Strength, Mag favors magic, and Def favors raising HP. Thus, magic can be junctioned easily by using Auto. For example, let's select the Atk junction. Magic has been junctioned to favor Strength. This concludes the Magic Junction tutorial. Quistis: "When you draw a new magic, try experimenting with it when you junction. This is how you become stronger. Ok, ready to go? Oh! You know how to use your gunblade...?" R1 --> (...I guess I'll review it) R2 --> (...I already know) R1: "It's better to go over it." The Status Screen displays each character's basic data. The first status screen shows stats such as HP, Str, etc. The second screen shows all the status and elemental-related information. The third status screen shows GF-related information. The fourth status screen shows Limit Break information. Squall's gunblade settings can be changed in the Limit Break screen. There are two settings: Gunblade Auto, Renzokuken Indicator. If you select Gunblade Auto to ON, Renzokuken hits automatically without having to press [R1]. However, a 'Perfect' may not be possible with this option. You must select OFF and press [R1] manually at the right time. If the Renzokuken Indicator is turned OFF, the indicator will not be displayed during Renzokuken. If the Gunblade Auto option is turned ON, the Renzokuken Indicator is turned OFF automatically. That's all for Squall's Limit Break. "Alright, let's go!" R2: "Oh, ok. I was just concerned, that's all. Alright, let's go!" [The two walk to the entrance. It's guarded by two men in red robes.] Robed Man: "Objective: To obtain a low-level GF. A SeeD member must support. Are you ready?" Squall: R1 --> (Yes) R2 --> (Still need to prepare...) R1: "I'm ready." R2: [Dialogue cancelled; cannot enter Fire Cavern] [After picking R1:] Quistis: "I'm his support. Instructor No. 14, Quistis Trepe." Robed Man: "Select a time limit. Choose one suited to your abilities. Challenging yet reasonable." R1 --> 10 min R2 --> 20 min R3 --> 30 min R4 --> 40 min [After picking the time setting:] Robed Man: "Very well. Good luck." [The two enter, racing against the clock to defeat the Fire Cavern boss.] Quistis: "My job is to support you in battle. Everything else is up to you." Squall: "Fine." Quistis: "You now, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them. I guess my charm makes them nervous." Squall: (...Whatever.) Quistis: "I'm just kidding! Trying to keep you relaxed, that's all." [Soon, the party's run into a Bomb monster.] Quistis: "Bomb...An elemental monster. Use an ice attack for these. Check the monster's weakness with Scan." [They defeat the monsters and run towards the center of the cavern.] Quistis: "I guess I was right. You and Seifer are in a class of your own. You both have amazing strength and potential." [They finally reach the destination, a fiery hole in the back of the cave.] Quistis: "Ok, this is it. Are you ready?" [Squall waves her off.] Quistis: "You seem confident enough." [A large demonic creature rises out of the hole and attacks the two. If Shiva should be used on the creature (Ifrit):] Ifrit: "They have Shiva!?" [After awhile, Ifrit winds up for a punch.] Ifrit: "Impudent humans!" [Soon, the party's laid waste to the boss.] Ifrit: "For me to lose to a human...Very well, I will join you." [Squall completes the trial by getting the Ifrit GF.] Quistis: "There isn't much time, but let me go over this real quick. Good, you got yourself a GF. If you junction that GF, you'll be able to use the Elem-J ability. Here's an explanation on Elements." [The tutorial screen comes up again.] Narrative: Junction can change basic parameters such as Strength and Magic, as well as elemental parameters. By junctioning a GF with elemental junction ability, as magic is junctioned, the El-A/D slot above HP turns white, indicating an elemental junction. When (D-pad left) is selected, the elemental junction screen apears. Elemental junction works like any other junctions. First, select a stat to junction, then choose a magic to finish the junction. However, non-elemental magic like Cure cannot be junctioned. Elemental junction affects attack and defense differently. Junctioning to Elem-Atk links that element to a character's Attack. The % indicates how much of the attack's damage is linked to that element. At the maximum value of 100%, the Attack becomes entirely elemental. In the example, Ice is at 50%; this means that damage only increases by 50%. When junctioned to Elem-Def, the damage from that element is reduced. Reduction of damage is shown in %. At 100%, damage is reduced to 0. In the example, fire damage is reduced to 20%, because Elem-Def is at 80%. (Star) is displayed when the value goes over 100%, indicating that damage is absorbed. In this state, you can absorb the amount of damage indicated in %. In the example, 50% of fire damage is absorbed. Multiple magic types can be junctioned to Elem-Def, depending on the GF's ability. Junction multiple magic types with the same elemental for a cumulative effect. Try junctioning different magic to check the effect. You can also select Auto to automatically junction the most effective elemental magic. This concludes the Elemental Junction tutorial. Quistis: "There's a lot of Fire elemental monsters here, so junction Blizzard to your Elem-Atk. You'll have an easier time with Fire elemental enemies." [The party heads back to Balamb Garden once the task's completed.] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 03. Balamb Garden & pre-SeeD-Mission Banter [WK03] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [At the main gate:] Quistis: "Well done. Let's see...I thought there was something else I needed to go over with you before you take the SeeD exam... Oh yes! Taking care of your GF. This is something you have to watch out for." [Yet another tutorial opens.] Narrative: A GF will level up as it gains experience (EXP), and learn new abilities by gaining AP (Ability Points). From EXP to AP: EXP gained from battles automatically levels up the GF, while AP gained during battle can be distributed, to learn different abilities. Decide how to distribute the points. Let's go over how a GF can learn different abilities. Select GF from the menu to display the GF acquired. When Shiva is selected, Shiva's stats are shown. This displays its EXP, LV, and compatibility between characters, etc., but by selecting Learn, Shiva's ability list is displayed. Abilities in white, such as Str-J are abilities already learned, while abilities in gray have not been learned yet. The first number in gray shows the AP spent towards learning, and the second number shows the AP required to complete. Vit-J shows that 50 AP are required, of which 0 AP has been spent. In order to learn the ability Elem-Atk-J, move the cursor to Elem-Atk-J and confirm. Elem-Atk-J wil then be displayed to the left, under Learning. From here on, all AP gained will be used for Elem-Atk-J. When all 160 AP are gained, Elem-Atk-J is learned. Once an ability is learned, AP will automatically move on to an ability not yet learned. With each learned ability comes a different set of abilities to learn. The order of learning affects the GF's powers. Therefore, it is recommended to return to this screen to set the next ability. This concludes the tutorial. Thank you, and good luck. Quistis: "Now change into your uniform and assemble at the [1F Lobby]." [Squall returns after dressing in his SeeD attire.] Quistis: "Squall! Over here! I'll be announcing the squad assignments for the exam now. Let's see...You'll be with...Zell Dincht. Quite a lively fellow." Squall: "Lively? He's just loud. Can't I switch members?" Quistis: "I'm afraid that's not possible. Over here, Zell!" [The flamboyant Zell comes over to the two after demoing his martial arts.] Zell: "Whoa! I'm with you!?" [A tutorial for Zell starts up.] Narrative: Zell's Limit Break can also be changed in the Status screen. If Duel-Auto is turned ON, the Limit Break Duel will execute automatically. The Limit Break moves listed on the screen are selected randomly. That's all for Zell's Limit Break." Zell: "You don't get along with Seifer, do you? Heard he whooped you pretty bad this morning." Squall: "We weren't fighting. We were training." Zell: "I bet you he doesn't think so. Look, Seifer's just being a pain in the ass. All you have to do is ignore him." Squall: "That's none of your business." Quistis: "That's none of your business. Ahem... Excuse me, but... That Seifer you're talking about... He's your squad leader." Zell: "SAY WHAT!?" Quistis: "It can't be changed. Seifer! Are you here?" [Seifer and two other people walk over.] Squall: (Fujin and Raijin tagging along as usual...Guess that makes up the whole disciplinary committee.) Quistis: "You're the squad leader. Good luck to you." Seifer: "...Instructor. I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student that needs them, eh?" Quistis: "Ok then. Good luck, Seifer." [Seifer beckons to Fujin and Raijin.] Seifer: "Add Instructor Trepe to the list!" Squall: (The list...? What is it?) Quistis: "Well then. You're all assigned to Squad B. I'll be the instructor in charge. Teamwork is of the utmost importance. Let's get through this exam, everyone!" Seifer: "Listen up! Teamwork means staying out of my way. It's a Squad B rule. Don't you forget it!" Headmaster Cid: "Everyone here?" [The headmaster walks into the screen.] Headmaster Cid: "It's been a while, everyone. How's everyone doing? This exam will involve 12 members from Squads A through D...You will be proceeding to a real battlefield. Obviously, the battles are for real. Life and death, victory and defeat, honor and disgrace... Each of these go hand in hand. There's only one way or the other. How 'bout it? Are you still up for it? You will be accompanied by 9 SeeD members. Should you fail, these members shall get the job done. They always do. Well, that's one less worry on your mind. The pride of Balamb Garden! The elite mercenary force, SeeD! Learn from them, obey their commands and accomplish the mission. Prove yourselves worth of becoming a member of SeeD. Best of luck." [Squad D piles into a car at the parking lot.] Zell: "Yo, Squall. Show me your gunblade, will ya?" Squall: "........." Zell: "C'mon, man!" Squall: "........." Zell: "Just a peek!" Squall: "........." Zell: "Tch, fine...Yeah, yeah...Why you bein' so selfish!? Scrooooge!" Squall: "........." Zell: "Say somethin', will ya!? W-What's on your mind?" Squall: "...Nothing." Quistis: "...Nothing." Zell: "........." [Zell stands up and starts punching the air.] Seifer: "Stop that...It's annoying. ...Chicken-wuss." Zell: "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" Seifer: "Heheheh..." Quistis: "Knock it off!" [Everyone calms down in their seats.] Squall: "...Instructor...Who was that girl in the infirmary this morning?" Quistis: "Was someone there? I didn't notice anybody. Is there a problem?" Squall: "No...not really..." Seifer: "This is great...I have a Chicken-wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad..." [The car reaches the Balamb pier.] Squall: "So that's the vessel...?" Seifer: "Ain't no turning back now. Huh? You scared, too?" [A man yells from the pier.] Garden Staff: "Hey! You guys are the last! Hurry up and get in!" Seifer: "Don't disappoint me now." Quistis: "Come on, move it!" [They all go to the docks.] Quistis: "Hurry, Squall!" [Inside, the ship makes for the ocean. Everyone sits down.] Xu: "Hi, Quistis." Quistis: "Well, these are the members of Squad B." Zell: "Nice to meet ya!" Squall: "Pleased to meet you..." Xu: "Seifer, how many times has it been now?" Seifer: "Oh, I just love these exams..." Xu: "I'll explain the current situation and the mission. Be seated! Our client for this mission is the Dollet Dukedom Parliament. A request for SeeD was made 18 hours ago. Dollet has been under attack by the G-Army since about 72 hours ago. 49 hours into the battle, Dollet abandoned their position in the inner city. Currently, they have retreated into the nearby mountains and are reorganizing their troops. That's the current status. Now onto the mission objective. According to our reports, the G-Army is mopping up the Dollet troops in the mountain region. We're to make a landing at Lapin Beach. We're to eliminate the remaining G-Army within the city and liberate it A.S.A.P. Afterwards, SeeD members will intercept any G-Army forces trying to make their way into the city from the mountain region." Seifer: "So, what are WE supposed to do?" Xu: "SeeD candidates are to eliminate the G-Army inside the city." Zell: "Sounds important!" Seifer: "Sounds boring. So what you're saying is, we do all the little, dirty work..." Xu: "......... Oh, it hardly needs to be said, but...The order to withdraw takes priority. Do not forget. We're almost there. We anticipate a battle as soon as we disembark. Just be prepared. That's all. Any questions, talk to Quistis." [Xu walks out.] Squall: (Hmmm...) R1 --> Talk to Quistis R2 --> Talk to Seifer R3 --> Talk to Zell R4 --> Do nothing R1 (Quistis): "What is it Squall?" R5 --> Explain that again R6 --> It's nothing R2 (Seifer): "Listen up. Our goal for this mission is to mop up all the Galbadian soldiers still left in Dollet. All you boys have to do is take orders from me, the captain." R3 (Zell): "My first real battle...I'm gettin' pretty nervous." Seifer: "Better not piss in your pants." Zell: "Hah!? You talkin' to me?" Seifer: "Heh heh..." Zell: "...Bastard." Quistis: "Ok, enough talk. We'll be landing pretty soon. Get ready." Zell: "Roger." Squall: "Alright." Seifer: "Yeah, yeah...Well then, Squall. Go see what's going on outside." Squall: "........." R7 --> ......Ok R8 --> No R4: "We'll be landing pretty soon. Get ready." Squall: "Alright." Zell: "Roger." Seifer: "Yeah, yeah...Well then, Squall. Go see what's going on outside." Squall: "........." R7 --> ......Ok R8 --> No R5: "Here's a quick explanation. The goal for this mission is to eliminate the Galbadian forces that have entered Dollet. The order to withdraw takes priority. Be sure to make your way back to the shore when you get this order." R6: "We'll be there soon. Be ready for anything, Squall." R7: "......Ok." Seifer: "Good. Because it's MY order." R8: "......No." Seifer: "This is an order from your captain, Squall. Now go outside." Squall: "......Ok." [FMV: Squall, now outside, watches the battle. The squad disembarks.] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 04. The SeeD Mission [WK04] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [Everyone piles out of the ship as its back end opens.] Quistis: "Ok, you are to secure the [Central Square]! Be sure to equip your GF before you head into battle!" Seifer: "Let's move out." [The party runs up the nearby steps and are attacked by G-Army footmen.] Soldier: "They're Dollet reinforcements?" [They cut down some G-Army grunts.] Soldier: "Look out, it's SeeD!" [They fell the soldiers and continue on into the next section.] Seifer: "The [Central Square] is up ahead. Hey! All you Galbadian cowards out there! Come out'n show your faces! Don't leave me hangin' now!" [Seifer runs off ahead.] Zell: "...What an idiot." [They slay a straggler as they try to catch up with the cap'n.] Squall: "There may be more..." Seifer: "All right, I want you guys to scout the area for enemies." [They clear the square of hostiles.] Squall: "I think that's all of them." Seifer: "Well then, we're on standby 'til the enemy comes. Standby... How boring..." [The party hears a loud noise.] Squall: "Sounds like it's starting." Seifer: "Bring it on." [A dog starts nipping at Seifer's heel.] Seifer: "Get outta here! Scram!" [Seifer runs to the other side of the fountain.] Seifer: "Hey! Galbadian Soldiers! What are you waiting for!? Come show me what you got! Squall: "...Nothing." Seifer: "Still keeping us waiting...? That's it...! I can't take it anymore! What is this, some kind of dog training!?" [The dog runs off. Squad B hides as they see some enemies sneak into town.] Squall: "It's the enemy..." Zell: "Where the hell they goin'?" [Zell looks at the top of the mountain.] Zell: "Hey? What is that up there?" Seifer: "Our next destination." Zell: "But that's against orders!" Seifer: "Weren't you just saying how bored you were?" Zell: "Squall!" Squall: "I stand by the captain's decision." Seifer: "...Captain's decision? You want to wreak some havoc too, don't you?" Squall: "It's a good opportunity to test out my training. Thanks to you, I feel like I can take on anyone. Even if they do fight dirty, like you." Seifer: "You'll thank me when the time comes." Zell: "What the hell...I thought you guys didn't get along? You're like, all buddy-buddy now. Listen. This ain't no ordinary battle. It's an exam, an important one. I'm tellin' ya, we have to stick to orders." Seifer: "Then you stay here. I don't need any boy scouts." Zell: "What was that!!!?" Squall: Don't take him seriously, Zell. Seifer, if we're gonna go, let's hurry. Seifer: "The enemy is headed for the [facility]. We, Squad B, are to secure the summit. Move out!" Squall: "Alright." Zell: "Tch...Fine." [On the ascent, they see a wounded soldier crawl from a bush.] Dollet Soldier: "Ahhh! W-W-Who are you!?" Squall: "Don't worry. We're SeeD candidates. We've been dispatched by Garden." Seifer: "So what's going on up there?" Dollet Soldier: "The Galbadian soldiers have entered the [Communication Tower]. On top of that...that place has always been a nesting ground for monsters. If you guys are goin' up, be caref...H-HELP!!!" [The party battles an Anacondeur.] Seifer: "Listen up! The finishing blow determines the EXP. Save it for me!" [The party fends off the snake.] Squall: "Monsters, huh?" Zell: "That sucks." Seifer: "More fun for us. Come on...." Zell: "...Fun? Pu-lease..." [Further up, from an overlook, the squad surveys the tower.] Galbadian Soldier: "The generator is up and running!" Galbadian Soldier 2: "No problem with the boosters!" Seifer: "...the hell they doing?" Galbadian Soldier: "Cable disconnection confirmed! Beginning exchange process!" Galbadian Soldier 2: "Roger." Squall: "Repairs...?" [The soldiers run inside.] Seifer: "Who cares. This must be your first real battle. You scared?" Squall: "...I don't know. I try not to think about it." Seifer: "I love battles. I fear nothing. The way I look at it, as long as you make it out of a battle alive, you're one step closer to fulfilling your dream." Squall: "What!? Your dream?" Seifer: "You have one too, don't you?" Squall: "...Sorry, but I'm gonna pass on the subject." Zell: "Yo! Let me in on it, too!" Seifer: "Mind your own business." [Zell starts punching air at Seifer again.] Zell: "Frickin' hell..." Seifer: "What's the matter, Zell? Swatting flies?" [Seifer walks away.] Zell: "Damn you...!" Voice: "There you are!" [The girl who bumped into Squall at Garden tumbles down the hill.] Girl: "Are you...Squad B? Wait a minute...You're the guy who showed me around, right!? Thanks! I don't so lost anymore. Oh yeah, I haven't told you my name yet. I'm...a messenger. Name's Selphie, from Squad A. The squad captain's Seifer, right? Where is he?" [NOTE: If you didn't show her around, she begins at "I'm...a messenger," not recognizing Squall.] [They see Seifer down at the entrance, and he stops to look up at everyone.] Seifer: "One of these days, I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!" Selphie: "(sigh) This sure is tough... Captain! Wait up...!!!" [Selphie jumps down the cliffside and stops where Seifer stood.] Selphie: "What are you waiting for!? Come on! Come on!" [If Squall takes the winding road down to where Selphie is:] Selphie: "What took you so long? It would've been much quicker if you'd just jumped." Zell: "...Much quicker? Pu-lease... ...You wouldn't normally jump off a cliff, OK!? Ain't that right, Squall?" R1 --> Yeah, I guess so R2 --> I don't know about that... R1 (Squall): "...Yeah, I guess so. You wouldn't normally jump that." Selphie: "Hmm...I don't know... Well, anyway. Well, let's get goin'. Has everyone equipped a GF? You haven't forgotten... Have you...?" R2 (Squall): "...I don't know about that. Perhaps anyone but the Chicken-wuss can make it." Zell: "WHAT DID YOU SAYYYYY!!!?" Selphie: "...Hm? Since you're so angry, I guess you're the Chicken-wuss." Zell: "What the...!!! WHY IS EVERYONE...? I am not a CHICKEN!!!" Selphie: "Well... If you don't like CHICKEN, how 'bout...a PIG! Oh, but you look more like a CHICKEN, anyway." Zell: "Chicken, pig, whatever... Call me what you want!!! I don't care anymore!!!" Squall: "Don't take it so personally, Zell." Zell: "Tch..." Selphie: "Well, let's get goin'. Has everyone equipped a GF? You haven't forgotten... Have you...?" [If Squall walks to the cliff to jump off:] Zell: "Squall...You're not gonna...It's a cliff, man...You're not gonna jump off...?" R1 --> That's the plan R2 --> No way... R1: [Squall jumps off.] Zell: "Are you serious...!? Geronimoooooo!!!" Selphie: "Well, let's get goin'. Has everyone equipped a GF? You haven't forgotten... Have you...?" R2: "I didn't think so..." [No one jumps off.] [They enter the comm tower.] Zell: "So this is the [Communication Tower]...?" Selphie: "Sure is big..." Galbadian Soldier: "Ah...AHHH!" [Two soldiers flee from the tower as Seifer swings his Hyperion.] Seifer: "Cowards." Selphie: "HEEEY!" [Seifer walks back inside.] Selphie: "The captain's getting away!" [Inside, the elevator is just coming down and Seifer's nowhere to be seen.] Squall: "...Did he go up?" Selphie: "Heeey! Squad B captain!!!" Squall: "I think we can take this lift up..." Selphie: "Wanna go up?" R1 --> Go up R2 --> Stay R1: [They all get on.] Selphie: "Wow, this lift is pretty cool!" Zell: "Don't get too excited, or you'll fall!" Selphie: "Like I'm really going to!" R2: [They don't take the lift.] [Far above, two soldiers are repairing some circuitry.] Wedge: "Major Biggs! There has been a report of a monster-shaped shadow on top of the tower. Major Biggs!" Biggs: "Be quiet! I'm busy! This goes like this...and...Geez, what's with these crappy old tools? And...and...Why do I have to make all the repairs!? AHHH!!!" Wedge: "Sir, I'll check around while the repairs are being done." Biggs: "Let's see...Hmmm...Put this here...and...This goes here...and... There, it's complete!" [FMV: the tower's machinery shifts, creating a giant satellite dish.] Squall: "What do you think you're doing!?" Biggs: "Huhhhh? Likewise, MISTER! What do you think you're doing!? H-HEY! What happened to all the soldiers down below!? WEDGE! Take care of these twerps!!! W...Wedge?" [Wedge is out of sight, still patrolling.] Biggs: "I...ah...Well...ah...I seem to be done here, so I'll just be on my... I-I'm leaving...Move! Move! Move! [Seifer arrives and bats Biggs' gun out of his hand.] Seifer: "Sorry to crash the party." Biggs: "Ah...AHH...AHHHHH! Are you CRAZY!!!" Seifer: "Just shut UP!" [Biggs attacks everyone.] Biggs: "Prepare for the worst, you brats!" [Soon, Wedge appears in battle, too.] Wedge: "Major Biggs...Have you finished the repairs, sir? What is the enemy doing here!?" Biggs: "WEDGE! Where were you!? No pay for you this month!" Wedge: "...Should've stayed home!" [After awhile, the two Galbadian soldiers take a beating.] Wedge: "Major! We're doomed!" Biggs: "Stop your whining! [A large magical tornado sweeps the buffoons out of battle.] Biggs: "What the...!?" Wedge: "Ahhhhh!" [A large monster sinks down from above.] Zell: "What the hell is it?" [The party defeats 'it', an Elvoret.] Selphie: "Squad B Captain? S'cuse me! I have new orders! All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 1900 hours. Assemble at the [shore]!" Seifer: "Withdraw!? There are still enemies around!" Selphie: "I know, but I'm just a messenger." Squall: "An order to withdraw takes priority. I don't want to miss the vessel." Seifer: "What time d'you say?" Selphie: "Like I said...! All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 1900 hours. Assemble at the [shore]!" Seifer: "1900 hours...We only have 30 minutes! You got 30 minutes to get down to the [shore]! Better run!" [Seifer takes the elevator down.] Selphie: "Heeey! Wait for us!" Zell: "Who the hell does he think he is!" Squall: "Why don't you ask him. Let's go." [They take the elevator back down (Selphie asks same options as when you take the elevator up, minus the extra dialogue like before.) As the party exits, the defeated Biggs crawls to a control panel and gives directions to "something".] Biggs: "Those little twerps are the targets. Now GO!!! Go and DESTROY them!!!" [As they leave the tower, the giant spider robot X-ATM092 appears.] Zell: "Let's get the hell outta here!" Narrative: [L2], [R2] buttons to escape. [The run from battle and into the next screen. The robot follows.] Zell: "I thought we already busted that thing up!?" Squall: "Forget it! Let's go!" [The party leads the spider towards the beach in their haste. By the cafe, two SeeD hopefuls run out from their position.] Squad C Leader: "Squad C, withdraw!" SeeD Candidate: "Roger!" [FMV: Squall makes it to the ship as Quistis machine-guns the robot spider. At the Balamb Docks...] Raijin: "SEIFER! How'd it go?" Seifer: "Man...All they did was get in my way. Being a leader ain't easy." Fujin: "SAFE?" [The three walk off together.] Quistis: "Good job!" [She looks around.] Quistis: "Where's Seifer? Just be back at Garden by sundown. You're free 'til then. Ok, dismissed!" [The party heads back to the car, but Seifer and his crew leave in it first.] Zell: "H-Hey!!! Not again, man! There goes Mr. Ego..."
Squall: "Might as well walk it."

[The party heads back to Balamb Garden without Seifer.]

05. Balamb Garden, SeeD Inauguration, Training Center                    [WK05]

[Zell immediately stretches when he comes to the gate.]

Zell: "Huuuwahaah! Finally made it back..."

Selphie: "Seriously..."

Zell: "Well, I guess we just wait for the test results. 'Til then. See ya,

Selphie: "See ya!"

[Selphie and Zell leave. Squall sees Cid talking with Quistis and Xu.]

Xu: "Mission complete! I think we did a pretty good job. The candidates are
    back safely, right?"

Quistis: "Although we didn't realize the Galbadian Army was after the
         abandoned communication tower..."

Headmaster Cid: "We've just received word from the Dollet Dukedom. The
                Galbadian Army has agreed to withdraw as long as the
                communication army is repaired and the uplink remains

Xu: "Well, in any case, Galbadia is out of there. We could've made more money
    if they'd stayed and caused more ruckus."

[Squall heads towards the dormitories when he sees Seifer.]

Seifer: "Squall! D'you hear about the communication tower in Dollet? We
        would've been heroes if it weren't for that withdraw order."

[Xu and Quistis walk over.]

Quistis: "You were only looking for a fight."

Seifer: "My dear instructor, I'm hurt. Those are rather cruel words for an
        aspiring student. A mediocre instructor like you will never understand.

Xu: "Seifer, don't be so stuck on yourself. You'll take all responsibility for
    leaving the designated area."

Seifer: "Isn't it the captain's duty to take the best possible action?"

Xu: "Seifer, you'll never be a SeeD. Calling yourself a captain is a joke."

[Xu and Quistis leave.]

Headmaster Cid: "Seifer. You will be disciplined for your irresponsible
                behavior. You must follow orders exactly during combat. But I'm
                not entirely without sympathy for you. I don't want you all to
                become machines. I want you all to be able to think and act for
                yourselves. I am..."

[A man in a red robe, like at the Fire Cavern entrance, walks over.]

Garden Faculty: "Headmaster Cid, you have some business in your office..."

Headmaster Cid: "There are so many issues at hand here."

[As Squall leaves towards his dorms once more, a loudspeaker clicks on.]

Loudspeaker: "All students who participated in today's field exam, report to
             the [2nd floor hallway]. I repeat: All students who took the field
             exam, report to the [2nd floor hallway]."

[Squall goes to wait with other hopefuls on F2. A faculty member appears.]

Garden Faculty: "Dincht...Zell Dincht."

Zell: "OHHHHH YEAHHHHHH!!! See ya!!!

[Zell runs off quickly.]

Garden Faculty: "Squall...Squall from Squad B. Please step forward."

[Squall walks off.]

Garden Faculty: "That is all. Dismissed."

[At Cid's office, the students who completed the exam stand rank and file.]

Garden Faculty: "These are the 4 stuents that passed today's exam."

Headmaster Cid: "First of all, congratulations. However...From now on, as a
                member of SeeD, you will be dispatched all over the world. We
                are proud to introduce SeeD, Balamb Garden's mercenary
                soldiers. SeeD soldiers are combat specialists. BUT... That is
                only one aspect of SeeD. When the time comes..."

Garden Faculty: "Headmaster...It's almost time for the meeting. Please make
                this short."

[The faculty turns to the new SeeD recruits.]

Garden Faculty: "SeeD is a valuable asset to Garden. It's reputation is solely
                dependant on each one of you. Handle your mission with care. Is
                that what you wanted to say, sir? Here is your SeeD rank

[The headmaster takes the reports and goes to Selphie.]

Headmaster Cid: "Psst...Psst... (I'm looking forward to the Garden Festival.)"

[He goes down the line to a yet-unnamed person.]

Headmaster Cid: "Psst...Psst... (Do your best, even if you don't stand out.)"

[He goes over to Zell.]

Headmaster Cid: "Psst...Psst... (Try to control your emotions a little.)"

[He goes over to Squall last.]

Headmaster Cid: "Psst...Psst... (Finally...A gunblade specialist.)"

Garden Faculty: "This ends the SeeD inauguration. Dismissed!"

[Squall walks back to the hallway he was just at. Seifer approaches...
and starts clapping. Embarrassed, the new SeeDs just stand and scratch
their heads. At this time, the player sees his/her SeeD "report card,"
which tells their actions and how good they did in their exam."

Narrative: As a SeeD member, you will be paid a salary at regular intervals.
           The salary is determined by SeeD rank. SeeD rank goes up according
           to your actions in battle. Some actions will cause your rank to go

[Later on, Squall walks back to his dorm. Selphie is present in SeeD dress.]

Selphie: "HAH! Found you! Well, well!? What do you think? My SeeD uniform!

[Squall gets changed.]

Selphie: "Heeey! Lookin' good! Alright! Let's hit that PAAH-TAY!"

[They go to the inauguration ball. Playing to his loner persona, Squall stands
at the back of the ceremony and drinks champagne by himself.]

Zell: "Yo! S'up, Squall? Heh-heh, I guess we're both SeeDs now, huh? Put it
      there, man."

[Again, he doesn't shake his hand.]

Zell: "Hah, even as a SeeD, you're still the same. Well, that's typical of you.
      See ya."

[Zell walks away. Off-screen, Selphie talks to Zell.]

Selphie: "Oh...hey, Zell. Wanna join the Garden Festival committee and..."

Zell: "Sorry, I...ahh...Just remembered something! G-Gotta go. See ya!"

Selphie: "Hmmmm...Squall! Hi!"

[Selphie runs over.]

Selphie: "Wanna join the Garden Festival committee? You can help out
         whenever you have time. Please?"

Squall: R1 --> Yeah, I guess so
        R2 --> .........

        R1: "Sure. You seem to be putting a lot of effort into this."

            Selphie: "REALLY!? Whoo-hoo! I know we'll be busy with a lot of
                     SeeD stuff, but let's work hard on the Garden Festival,
                     too. Bye!"

        R2: [Selphie runs away to someone else.] "S'cuse me! You, right there!"

[FMV: Squall and a girl meet eyes. She walks over.]

Girl: "You're the best looking guy here. Dance with me? Let me guess... You'll
      only dance with someone you like. Ok then... Look into my eyes...
      You're-going-to-like-me...You're-going-to-like-me... Did it work?"

Squall: "...I can't dance."

Girl: "You'll be fine. Come on. I'm looking for someon. I can't be on the dance
      floor alone."

[FMV: The two waltz. She walks away after.]

Quistis: "You really are an excellent student. Even that dance was perfect."

Squall: "Thank you."

[Quistis just stands there.]

Squall: "Yes?"

Quistis: "So you'll dance with someone you don't even know, but you can't even
         stand being around me?"

Squall: "...Whatever. You're an instructor, and I'm your student. It's kind of
        awkward when you don't say anything."

Quistis: "That's true. I was like that myself. ...Oh, I completely forgot. I
         wonder what's to be come of me? I've come to give you an order. You
         and I are to go to the 'secret area'. It's where students secretly
         meet up and talk after curfew. It's inside the [training center]."

Squall: "What do you want to do there? Are we going to tell everyone they're
        violating curfew? If that's the case, forget it. Leave that for the
        disciplinary committee."

Quistis: "Go get changed and meet me in front of the [training center]. This
         will be my last order."

[Squall walks off to get changed.]

Squall: (Get changed and meet at the training center? What's this all

[Squall finally meets up with Quistis near the training center.]

Quistis: "Squall, I was just wondering...Have you fought T-Rexaur in the
         training center?"

Squall: "I'm not sure..."

Quistis: "You can defeat it quite easily by using [Status-J]. Let's go over the
         Status changes in the Tutorial!"

[Cue the Status Junction Explanation tutorial.]

Narrative: By junctioning a GF with status junction ability, as magic is
           junctioned, the ST-A/D slot above HP turns white, indicating a
           status junction. Press (D-pad left) here twice to see the Status
           Junction screen. Status junction works the same way as elemental
           junction. First, select a stat to junction, then select a magic to
           complete the junction. However, magic with no status change, like
           Fire, cannot be junctioned. Status junction affects attack and
           defense differently. Junctioning to ST-Atk gives that status change
           to Attack. The status change probability is indicated in %. In the
           example, there is a 90% chance of afflicting an enemy with Darkness.
           100% is the maximum value, but there are enemies who may not be
           affected, even with 100% ST-Atk. Junctioning to ST-Def reduces the
           probability of a status change. Probability is displayed in %. No
           status change will occur at 100%. In the example, the effect of
           Sleep attack is reduced by 80%. However, depending on the enemy
           attack, status change may still occur at 100%. You can junction
           multiple magic types to ST-Def, depending on the GF's ability. Some
           magic, like Esuna, will defend against multiple status changes. Try
           junctioning different magic to check the effect. Select Auto to
           junction the most effective status magic automatically.

Quistis: "Well? Use a Sleep attack against T-Rexaur. Just junction 'Sleep' onto
         your ST-Atk-J and attack. Come on, let's go to the 'secret area'. It's
         just inside the training center."

[Together, the two go to the after-hours meeting spot.]

Quistis: "I haven't been here for a while."

[They both go stand by the ledge.]

Quistis: "What time is it?"

Squall: "It's after midnight."

Quistis: "Oh well... I, Quistis Trepe, am no longer an instructor as of now!
         I'm a member of SeeD now, just like you. Who knows, maybe we'll end up
         working together."

Squall: "...Oh really?"

Quistis: "Is that all you're going to say?"

Squall: "If that's how it was decided, you have to abide by it."

Quistis: "They told me that I failed as an instructor. Basically, that I lacked
         leadership qualities. I was a SeeD by the age of 15, got my instructor
         license at 17...It's only been a year since I got it... I wonder where
         I went wrong... I did my best... Are you listening?"

Squall: "Are you done yet...? I don't wanna talk about it. What am I supposed
        to say about other people's problems?"

Quistis: "I'm not asking you to say anything. I just want you listen."

Squall: "Then go talk to a wall."

Quistis: "Aren't there times when you want to share your feelings with someone?

Squall: "Everyone has to take care of themselves. I don't want to carry
        anyone's burden."

[Squall walks away.]

Quistis: "...No leadership qualities... Failed instructor... Perhaps they're

[The two start heading back until:]

Voice: "Somebody help!!"

Quistis: "Come on, Squall!"

[The two find the woman who visited Squall in the infirmary.]

Girl: "Squall!!! Squall! Quisty?"

[Quistis and Squall kill the attacking insect and its cohorts. Two men appear.]

Man in White: "It is not safe here. Please, let's go."

Girl: "...Alright."

[The two men lead her off.]

Quistis: "Who was that...?"

[Squall and Quistis walk to the hallway where they met.]

Quistis: "Squall. It's not like everyone can get by on their own, you know?"

[Quistis departs.]

Squall: "...Says who?"

[Squall walks back to his dorm. Zell finds him in en route.]

Zell: "Finally! There you are! Where the hell were you? I was lookin' all over
      the place. We're both now members of SeeD, right? Well, guess what!? We
      got our own rooms, baby! Your new room's right across the hall from your
      old one. That's what I was asked to tell you. Man, it took me forever!"

[Squall walks to his new room.]

Squall: "I'll just go to sleep..."

06. The Train to Timber                                                  [WK06]

[When Squall wakes up, he can hear Selphie outside.]

Selphie: "Squall, it's our first SeeD mission! Looks like we're going to
         [Timber]. Meet [by the front gate]. Hurry!"

[Squall goes to the gate. Selphie, Cid, and a faculty member are present.]

Garden Faculty: "...One more minute..."

[Zell bounds over the turnstiles on a hoverboard-type craft.]

Zell: "Made it!"

Garden Faculty: "T-Boards are prohibited within Garden. Have you forgotten?"

Zell: "Oops, sorry! But this is really cool. It may come in handy on a SeeD
      mission, someday."

Garden Faculty: "We'll be the judges of that. Confiscate it."

[Another faculty member comes over, takes the t-board, and leaves.]

Garden Faculty: "All of you are members of SeeD, but...nevertheless, you're
                still students at this Garden. Furthermore, because you are
                SeeDs, you must set an example to all others and abide by the
                Garden's rules. Understood!?"

[Cid steps forward.]

Headmaster Cid: "Well, about your first mission...You are to go to Timber.
                There, you will be supporting a resistance faction. That is
                your mission. A member of the faction will contact you at
                Timber Station."

Garden Faculty: "This person will talk to you and say, 'The forests of Timber
                sure have changed'. At this time, you must reply, 'But the owls
                are still around'. That is the password."

Headmaster Cid: "Just follow the faction's orders."

Zell: "Uh...Just us 3?"

Garden Faculty: "Correct. We have agreed to do this mission for very little
                money. Normally, we would never accept such requests, but..."

Headmaster Cid: "Enough talk about that. Well then, Squall, you are the squad
                leader. Use your best judgement based on the situation. Zell
                and Selphie, you are to support Squall and give your all to
                carry out the faction's plans."

[The three SeeDs board the train out of Balamb.]

Selphie: "This train is awesome!"

Zell: "An intercontinental railroad, baby! It even runs through an underwater
      tunnel to get to Timber. Pretty cool, huh?"

Squall: "Sure is..."

Zell: "Guess you're not interested... By the way, Squall... You have to use
      the ticket to get inside."

[Squall walks over to the monitor on the wall and uses the ticket.]

Squall: "Ok, we can go inside now."

ID Check: "Confirming... Access granted..."

Selphie: "I'm gonna go check out the front. Tee-hee! Thanks!"

[Selphie runs into the towards the train cabins.]

Zell: "Let's go check it out, Squall.

[The two men walk after Selphie.]

Zell: "Yo, check it out! So this is SeeD's private cabin...!"

[Zell walks in.]


[Squall walks in, finding Zell bouncing around on the couch.]

Zell: "Heh-heh. This is sooo cool!"

Squall: "...I'm glad you're so excited."

Zell: "They even have magazines here." [He gives Squall a 'Pet Pals Vol. 1'
      magazine.] "This is pretty damn amazing. It pays to be a member of SeeD!
      Squall, y'know anything about Timber?"
      R1 --> I don't care
      R2 --> Not too much
      R1: "C'mon, Squall. Don't be like that... I wanna tell you!"
          R3 --> Nah, it's ok
          R4 --> All right...

      R2: "Thought so. Well, let me fill you in. Timber used to be a country
          surrounded by deep forests. But 18 years ago, Galbadia invaded.
          Timber fell quite easily to Galbadia. So now Timber is under
          Galbadian occupation. It's said there's a whole bunch of resistance
          factions, big and small."

          Squall: "...And?"

          Zell: "Nope, that's it."

          Squall: "......... ...Thank you, Mr. Know-It-All-Zell."

          Zell: "Hey, no prob!"

          [Selphie enters.]

      R3: "C'MON! I wanna tell you what I know!"
          R5 --> Just be quiet
          R6 --> Fine... Talk

      R4: "Yep, that's what I wanted to hear. Allow me to explain briefly."
          [Insert R2 here.]

      R5: [Zell suppresses his frustration and Selphie walks in.]

      R6: [Same as R4.]

[Selphie enters whether or not Zell gets to tell the history of Timber.]

Selphie: "I'm not...feeling well..."

Squall: "You should get some rest if you're tired."

Selphie: "I'm really sleepy..."

Squall: "You ok?"

Zell: "Hey...? Huh? What the...!? Somethin's wrong with me, too...

[Selphie goes to the couch and instantly passes out. Zell falls asleep, too.]

Squall: "What's going on? Ugh!? ...What is this?"

[Squall clutches his head as he, too, passes out on the floor.]

07. Laguna Sequence I                                                    [WK07]

SeeD: (Hmmm...?)

[Off in the jungle, three men dressed in Galbadian uniforms run down a path.
This sudden appearance elicits odd responses from the three SeeD members who
are nowhere to be seen (they'll be denoted as 'SeeD' because they have no
labels in this state of being).]

SeeD: (What the...!?)

SeeD: (Huh?)

Man: "Uhh, Laguna, are you sure this is the right way?"

SeeD: (Where am I?)

SeeD: (Dream?)

SeeD: (?)

[The large man with a harpoon, Ward, speaks up.]

Ward: "Hoo-boy, not again..."

[In the next screen:]

SeeD: (?) [This comes up seven times.]

[In the next screen:]

Ward: "Hey, aren't we here to fight a war? You know, against the almighty
      Timber army?"

Kiros: "Yeah, so why are we wasting our time messin' with these animals?"

Laguna: "Well, you see... It's just that, uhh..."

Kiros: "Don't tell me we're lost again."

Laguna: "Anyway... We're goin' home. Deling City, here we come!"

Ward: "W-Wait! Laguna!"

[The three men rush to the truck nearby to a large city.]

Ward: "H-Hey! You can't park in the middle of the street!"

Laguna: "Chill man, it's cool. Alright then! How's about a drink!?"

Kiros: "Whatever! Like you drink... We already know you're not in it for the
       drinking. Just admit it already!"

Ward: "Yeah, just drink some juice like a weenie. And then gawk at the piano

Laguna: "DON'T CALL HER THE 'PIANO LADY'! That's it, forget it! I'm not going!"

Kiros: "We know you will..."

[The men head down to the Galbadia Hotel bar and find a waitress nearby.]

Waitress: "Welcome! Your usual table is ready."
          R1 --> (I'll walk around a bit first.)
          R2 --> (Alright, I'm there!) -or- (Let's take a load off.)
          R3 --> (Huh? Excuse me?)
          R4 --> (What is this?)

NOTE: For R3 & R4, it's one of the confused SeeDs controlling the men thinking
      it, not Laguna, Kiros, or Ward.

          R1 (Laguna): "I'm gonna walk around."

          R2 (Laguna): "Thanks."
          R3 (Laguna): "What?"

                Kiros: "What's wrong?"

               Laguna: "I... I dunno."

          R4 (Laguna): "Huh?"

                Kiros: "What's wrong?"

               Laguna: "Ahh... I'm not quite sure."

                 Ward: "Wait a second... Is your head buzzing...?"

               Laguna: "W-What... You, too?"

                 Ward: "Yeah, ever since we were in Timber."

                Kiros: "Me, too..."

                 Ward: "Hey, we're just tired, that's all. We'll be fine after
                       a drink or two, or three..."

             [After picking R4 again:]

               Laguna: "Just shut up, PU-LEASE!!!"

[After picking R2, the soldiers walk to their table.]

SeeD: (Is this a dream...?)

SeeD: (Laguna's pretty cute!)

SeeD: (What's goin' on!? W-What's happening to me!?)

Laguna: "At ease, men."

[They all sit down.]

Laguna: "We're goin' all out tonight, right boys!?"

Waitress: "May I take your order?"

Laguna: "The usual!"

Kiros: "Me, too."

Ward: "Keep 'em coming!"

[The waitress leaves and a girl in a red dress walks downstairs to the piano.]

Ward: "So, Laguna... Julia should be making her appearance soon. You goin' for
      it tonight?"

Kiros: "Yeah, go for it!"

Laguna: "What-ever, man! Can't you see she's working?"

Kiros: "Don't go back on your word. C'mon, go wave to her."

Laguna: "Give me a break..."

Ward: "So you say, but we know you'll do it."

[Laguna approaches the piano where Julia is set to play.]

Laguna: (Ah... To be this close to Julia...)

SeeD: (Is this guy serious...?)

Laguna: (...Uh-oh... My leg's cramping up...! Argh...)

SeeD: (Sad...)

[Laguna limps back to the table with a fairly pitiful wave to Julia.]

Kiros: "Good work, Laguna."

Ward: "Mission succesful!"

Kiros: "Here, have a seat."

Ward: "I didn't think you'd actually do it. Our popularity rating's gone up a

Kiros: "Yeah, but you cut a pretty pitiful figure up there. I'd say you're
       about a -3 on the manliness scale."

Laguna: "Say what you want! (sigh...) Julia sure is pretty..."

[Ward looks behind Laguna.]

Kiros: "Aaa..."

[Ward looks, too.]

Ward: "Hunhhh...? Laguna, we're takin' off."

Laguna: "H-Hey! What's the rush?"

Ward: "It's on us tonight. Relax and stay awhile, Laguna."

[They leave because they Julia was approaching.]

Julia: "May I?"

Laguna: "Aaaaa..."

[Laguna limps over and opens the way for her.]

Julia: "Did I interrupt anything?"

Laguna: "N-N-N-Not at all. P-Please, s-sit down." (Oh man, oh man, it's really
        HER! What do I do!? Kiros? Ward? HELP! What do I say!? But man, she is

SeeD: "What's this guy thinking...?"

Julia: "You ok now?"

Laguna: "Kind of..."

Julia: "How's your leg?"

Laguna: "L-Leg? Oh, this!? Y-Yeah, it's fine. Happens all the time when I get
        nervous. (cough)"

Julia: "Were you nervous?"

Laguna: "Oh, yeah. I'm still kinda..."

Julia: "You can relax. You don't have to get nervous around me."

Laguna; "Oh, sorry."

Julia: "Say... (Would you like to talk somewhere private? I have a room

[Laguna bolts upright.]

Laguna: "I-In your room!?"

Julia: "Well... (It's pretty hard to talk freely here. Everyone's listening

[Everyone, including Ward and Kiros, is eavesdropping.]

Julia: "If you'd like to, please come by. I've been wanting to talk to you.
       You don't want to?"

Laguna: "Of course I do!"

Julia: "Then I'll go ahead and wait for you. Ask for my room at the front desk,

[Julia leaves.]

Laguna: (Am I dreaming?)

SeeD: (...This is a dream...This is a dream...)

Laguna: (No, this can't be a dream!)

SeeD: (This is too weird to be a dream...)

Laguna: (Julia...? Wants to talk to me...?)

SeeD: (...He talks to himself too much...)

Laguna: (And just the two of us! Get it together Laguna...)

SeeD: (Whatever.)

Laguna: (I always screw up by talking about myself too much. It's always been
        like that. But not tonight! I'm all ears for Julia! Ahh, time to use my
        manly charm, and help Julia with her problem.)

[Laguna goes to the receptionist's booth.]

Receptionist: "Welcome! Checking in?"
              R1 --> Which is Julia's room?
              R2 --> Ahh...nothing

              R1 (Laguna): "Whi-Whi-Which..."

                 SeeD: (Is he really going?)

                 Receptionist: "...Aah, Mr. Laguna Loire? I've been expecting
                               you. Let me show you to Ms. Julia's room."
              R2 (Laguna): "Aah...Umm...Err...Well...Umm, it's not that..."

                 Receptionist: ?

[Laguna goes up to Julia's suite.]

Julia: "Thanks for coming."

Laguna: "No... Not at all, uh... Thank you for inviting me."

Julia: "Have a seat."

[Laguna tries to sit down in many places, not being able to get comfortable.]

Julia: "Going so soon? We haven't even talked yet."

Laguna: "No, it's not that. It's just that I'm a big fan of yours, so I'm
       really kinda nervous, y'know?"

Julia: "So that's why you come to hear me play so often."

Laguna: "You... You saw me?"

[Laguna starts pacing.]

Julia: "You were always smiling while listening, right? You have beautiful
       eyes. Though they look a bit scared now. Don't worry, I'm not going to
       pluck 'em and eat 'em. I just want to talk, gazing into those eyes.
       Would you like a drink? Wine perhaps?"

Laguna: "I must be dreamin'..."

[Fade out and fade in. Laguna's got his composure this time.]

Laguna: "Yeah, I don't like fightin' too much, but you get to travel, y'know?
        Seeing new places n' stuff. And it's fun, 'cause Kiros and Ward are
        always with me. Hey, we should all go out drinkin' sometime! Whaddya
        say? And, uh... What was I talkin' about? Oh yeah, so I want to quit
        the army and become a journalist! So I can tell people 'bout all the
        things I've seen on my travels."

SeeD: (He's already loosened up...)

Laguna: "So, like, the other day, one of my articles made the reader's column.
        Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, that was way cool..."

Julia: "I'm happy for you."

Laguna: "Oh yeah, and then..."

[Fade out, fade in. The scene slightly differs based on the Timber Maniacs read
at Balamb Station or Balamb Hotel; or, if neither was read (Hotel's sleepy
version default).]

[Laguna's snoozing on one of Julia's bed as she just watches him.]

Julia: "I'm sorry. I didn't know wine made you sleepy. You look adorable when
      you're asleep."

Laguna: "Argh... How'd I fall asleep?"

[Laguna walks over to Julia.]

Julia: "Yes?"

Laguna: "I...I must have fallen asleep, talking on like that... Tell me about
        yourself. Like...you dreams for the future."

[If the Timber Maniacs @ Balamb Station was read, this conversation'll
play instead. Fade out, fade in...]

Laguna: "Yikes...I'm talkin' too much again."

[He walks over to Julia.]

Julia: "Yes?"

Laguna: "Tell me about yourself. Like...you dreams for the future."

Julia: "I...I want to sing. Not just play the piano, but sing, too."

Laguna: "Oh, I'd really love to hear it."

Julia: "But I can't. I'm no good at writing lyrics..."

Laguna: "Hmm... That must be tough."

Julia: "But, thanks to you, I think I can come up with something."

Laguna: "Thanks to me...?"

Julia: "Yes... The many faces you've shown me. Times when you were hurt,
       worried... Or felt pain deep inside you... Your smile, your face, your
       eyes... You've shown me something... I think I can come up with a song."

Laguna: "Wow... I must be dreamin'..."

[Julia takes his hand.]

Julia: "It's not a dream, is it?"

[Laguna turns to the door as he hears someone outside.]

Kiros: "Laguna! New orders! Meet by the Presidential Residence, on the double!"

Julia: "Can we meet again?"

Laguna: "Of course! I have to come hear you sing!"

[The sequence ends as Selphie and Zell wake up, but Squall hasn't come to yet.]

Train Announcement: "Next stop, Timber... Timber... Next stop. Timber...

[Squall picks himself up.]

Squall: "Were we...all asleep?"

Zell: "Maybe someone released some sleeping gas? There's lots of people who
      resent SeeD."

Squall: (...Maybe. Better be careful.)

Selphie: "Am I missing anything? Anyone hurt?"

Squall: "...I don't think so."

Selphie: "What a relief! Everything's cool with me! Hee! I had such a nice

Squall: (I had a dream, too. It wasn't nice though... I dreamt I was a

Train Announcement: "We will be arriving in Timber shortly. For those getting
                    off, please be sure to have all your belongings."

Selphie: "But seriously, Sir Laguna was sooo cool!"

Zell: "Hey! There was a Laguna in my dream, too! He's a Galbadian soldier,

Squall: "Laguna, Kiros, and Ward..."

Zell: "Huh!? That's it!"

Squall: "That's what...?"

Selphie: "There's no way we can understand this... Let's just concentrate on
         our first mission!"

Squall: (...I guess you're right.) "We'll put this incident on hold. I'll
        report it to the headmaster once we get back to Garden."

Zell: "We should be there soon, eh? Here we go... Psyche yourself up, baby!"

[Zell walks out.]

Selphie: "Whew...Still sleepy."

[Selphie walks out, too.]

Squall: "........."

[Everyone exits at Timber Station.]

08. Timber & The Owls                                                    [WK08]

[The party descends the stairs from the station when a man yells

Man: "Oh, the forests of Timber sure have changed!"
     R1 --> But the Moogles are still here
     R2 --> But the Chocobos are still here
     R3 --> But the Owls are still around

     R1: "What are you talking about, sir? In the forest there are
         Ow... Nothing, yeah, it's nothing, sir."

         [The man runs away and stops near the railroad tracks, beckoning.]

         Man: "OK, keep comin', keep comin'."

         [The train screeches to a halt a foot from the man.]

         Man: "Ahhhhhh! Look outtttt!!!"

         [A guy runs around the corner to the Man.]

         Guy: "What are you DOING? How many times do I have to tell ya not to
              stand in front of the train!? Hah!" (Hey, so...that them?)

         Man: (Hmmmmm... They... said the wrong... password...sir...)

         Guy: (Arhhh! Just call 'em over! We're payin 'em a fortune, we can't
              hav'em leave now!)

         Man: (......) "Welcome to Timber...sir. Please follow me, sir."

         Squall: "......"
         Selphie: "......"
         Zell: "......"

         Guy: "Don't be so rude! C'mon, get up! Please excuse us... Come on,
              this way."

         Man: "Aaaaahhhh, sir... Give me a break..." 

         [The SeeDs board, leaving their contact behind.]

         Man: "Hey...!!?" Don't leave me, sirrr!!!"
     R2: [Same as R1]

     R3: "Welcome to Timber, sir. Come with me, sir. Please, please, this way,

         [A train comes over and everyone piles aboard.]

[Inside the train:]

Zone: "So, you guys are SeeDs?"

Squall: "I'm the squad leader, Squall. This is Zell, and Selphie."

Zone: "Nice to meet ya. I'm the leader of the Forest Owls."

Squall: "So, let's get on with it. What do we do?"

Zone: "Just take it easy. Here, let me introduce you. Looks like you already
      met Watts. I guess it's just our princess then."

Watts: "It's the princess' nap time, sir."

Zone: "Ahh, man... Hey Squall, sorry, but could you go get the princess? She's
      in the [last room], up those stairs. Some of our other guys are in the
      room on the way. Ask 'em if you get lost."

Squall: "...Were we hired to run errands? Well?"

Zone: "A-Are you angry!?"

Squall: (We're not gophers... We're SeeD...special forces.) "This is the last
        time for this kinda thing."

[Zone gets a stomach ache and crouches in the corner.]

Zone: "OwOwOuccchhh."

[Squall goes to get "the princess" and finds the girl from the SeeD ball.]

Girl: "Hey... You're...! You know, from the party... So...does that mean...
      You're a SeeD!?"

Squall: "I'm Squall, the squad leader. There's 2 others with me."

Girl: "YEEESSSS! SeeD is here!"

[She jumps up and hugs him.]

Squall: "Take it easy."

Girl: "It's just that, I'm so happy! I've been sending requests to Garden
      forever, but nothing... I'm so glad I spoke to Cid directly!"

Squall: "Oh... So you were looking for the headmaster at the party?"

Girl: "You know Seifer?"

Squall: "...Yeah."

Girl: "Well, he's the one who introduced me to Cid. Cid is such a nice man. I
      really didn't think SeeD would come out to help a measly little group
      like us. But after explaining our situation to him, Cid gave the go ahead
      right away! Now that you guys are here, we'll be able to carry out all
      kinds of plans!"

[Squall walks over to her when she finishes talking.]

Girl: "Yes?"

Squall: "I'm goin' back to the others."

Girl: "Ok, let's go! Umm, Squall. Is 'he' here?"

Squall: ('He'?)

Girl: "Seifer."

Squall: "...... No, he's not a SeeD."

Girl: "...Oh. Oh yeah, my name's..."

[You can name her at this point. Default: Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "Very pleased to meet you, Squall. SeeD members dance quite well, don't

Squall: "Approach your target inconspicuously at a dance party... There may be
        missions requiring this sort of subterfuge. It's expected of SeeD to
        learn various skills."

Rinoa: "Ohhh... So it's work related. That's too bad..."

[A dog walks into the room.]

Squall: (......)

Rinoa: "Here, let me introduce you. This is my partner..."

[You can name the dog, too. Default: Angelo.]

Rinoa: "Angelo is really smart! Here, let me tell you..."

[A tutorial opens up.]

Narrative: Rinoa's Limit Break uses Angelo. The tricks Angelo can learn are
           listed on the Status screen. The fourth status screen lists all the
           tricks that Angelo can learn. The gauge on the right indicates how
           much has been learned. When the gauge is full, the trick has been
           learned. If the gauge is not full, the trick has yet to be learned.
           To learn a new trick, move the cursor to the trick name and press
           (X). Now as Rinoa walks around, the gauge will fill up, and Angelo
           will learn the trick. If you select a trick that has already been
           learned, there will be a message before you close this screen. If
           there is still a trick to learn, be sure to select it. You can learn
           new tricks by reading a magazine called Pet Pals. After reading Pet
           Pals, access this screen to change the settings. That's all for
           Rinoa's Limit Breaks.

Rinoa: "Smart, huh? I have some important work to do now. Be good, Angelo. Ok,
       I'll meet you there."

[The two return to the previous car.]

Squall: "This is Zell... ...And Selphie."

Rinoa: "Hi everyone! This way."

[They all head into another room.]

Zone: "Just stand anywhere you want. This is a full-scale operation. Our
      resistance, 'The Forest Owls', will be forever known in the pages of
      Timber's independance! Exciting, huh? It all started when we got a hold
      of top-secret info from Galbadia."

Watts: "I got the info, sir!"

Zone: "There's a VIP from Galbadia coming to Timber."

Watts: "Super V-I-P!!!"

Zone: "The guy's name is Vinzer Deling! Our archenemy, and the President of

Watts: "Vinzer Deling is a scoundrel!!! He's a dictator, not a president. Not
       even popular in Galbadia, sir!"

Rinoa: "President Deling is taking a private train from the Galbadian capital."

Zone: "Our plan is to..."

Selphie: "...Blow it to smithereens with a rocket launcher!?"

Zone: "Ahh...not quite..."

Zell: "So get to the point! Just tell us what to do!"

Rinoa: "Shall we begin?"

[Everyone looks at a small train model on a table nearby.]

Rinoa: "First, I'll go over the model. The yellow train in the top right is our
       'base'. We're riding in it right now. Right next to it is the 'dummy
       car'. We made it to look just like the president's car. Their train has
       three cars. First, there's the 'locomotive' followed by the '1st
       escort'. The red car is the 'president's car'. Deling should be inside.
       The last car is the '2nd escort'. Once we get on this one, we begin the
       operation. Our ultimate goal is to seize the president in his car using
       our 'base'. That means, we'll have to switch our 'dummy car' with their
       'president's car'. We'll use the 2 switch points leading up to Timber to
       carry out this operation. Ok, now I'm going to explain the procedures in
       seven steps."

Narrative: 1) Sneak on board the '2nd escort'. 

Rinoa: "We'll get on the roof of the '2nd' escort' by jumping from our 'dummy

Narrative: 2) Proceed cautiously across the roof to the '2nd escort'.

Watts: The '2nd escort' car is the only one that is equipped with sensors, sir.

Rinoa: "A high tech officer is onboard. I'll talk about the sensors later."

Narrative: 3) Proceed across the roof to the 'president's car'.

Rinoa: "We can move across the roof of the 'president's car' without worrying
       too much."

Zone: "Deling hates the company of his guards and being surrounded by sensors,
      and keeps them away from his car.

Narrative: 4) Uncouple the '1st escort' car.

Rinoa: "We'll have to complete the uncoupling before the 1st switch point. If
       we don't..."

Selphie: "BOOM! ...Game over, right?"

Rinoa: "...Yeah. So we'll have to move fast. I'll explain the uncoupling
       process later."

Narrative: 5) Have the 'dummy car' and our 'base' move in after uncoupling.

Rinoa: "After the car is uncoupled... We'll have the 'dummy car' and our 'base'
       move in. At this point, our train and their train will be linked and be
       moving together."

Narrative: 6) Uncouple the '2nd escort' car.

Rinoa: "This is the last uncoupling. The process will be similar to the first

Narrative: 7) Escape with the 'president's car' and our 'base'.

Rinoa: "If all goes well, we should be able to escape with the 'president's
       car'. After that, we'll return to our base and prepare to confront
       Deling. We have exactly 5 minutes to complete the 7 procedures. If we
       fail, our train will collide with theirs at the switch point and it'll
       be all over. Don't forget that."

Narrative: 1) Get on the '2nd escort'.
           2) Proceed across the '2nd escort'.
           3) Proceed across the 'president's car'.
           4) Uncouple the '1st escort' car.
           5) The 'dummy car' and our 'base' move in.
           6) Uncouple the '2nd escort' car.
           7) Escape with the 'president's car'.

Zell: "5 minutes...? You sure that's enough?"

Zone: "According to the simulation that we ran, it should take only 3 minutes
      to complete the operation. Piece of cake for SeeDs, right?"

Selphie: "Of course! Too easy!"

Squall: "......"

Rinoa: "Ok, now let's talk about how to avoid the sensors on the '2nd escort'.
       ......Go ahead Watts."

Watts: "The guards have a 'sound sensor' and a 'temperature sensor', sir. Any
       sound will trigger the 'sound sensor' so move across very quietly, sir!
       The blue guard is carrying this sensor. The 'temperature sensor' will go
       off if you remain stationary, sir! The guard in red is carrying this
       one, sir. When a guard opens the blind, that means he is checking the
       sensor, so be careful! The range on these sensors is equal to the length
       of one window. So keep an eye on the window below, sir."

Zell: "...So exactly how do you avoid 'em?"

Watts: "Umm...basically, run or stop, depending on which guard is below you."

Narrative: STOP if there is a blue guard below you.
           RUN if there is a red guard below you.

Rinoa: "That's about it for the sensors. Next, let's talk about how to uncouple
       the escort cars."

Selphie: "Question...! How can you uncouple the cars from a moving train?"

Rinoa: "Umm...we can't uncouple the cars directly."

Zone: "Instead, we'll have to tamper with the control system that manages the
      coupling. If we temporarily disable the circuit for the connection, the
      car will uncouple automatically. To disable it, we have to enter several

Watts: "...And we have the codes. Rinoa has them, sir!"

Rinoa: "I'll be in charge of relaying the codes to Squall. Squall, you'll slide
       down on the side of the train using a cable and enter the codes into the
       system. Now, I need you to listen carefully. Each code is made up of
       numbers between 1-4 and has 4 digits: 2341 is an example. But the
       keypad won't have numbers. Instead, it'll have four buttons." (X) (/\)
       (O) ([]) "For instance, if I relay the code 3124, you'll push ([]) (O)
       (X) (/\), in that order. You'll have to be quick and precise. You'll
       have about 5 seconds to enter each code. Otherwise, the code will change
       and the past entries will become invalid. So like we said, we have to
       enter all the codes to disable the connections. After we uncouple the
       cars, we'll wait for the others to operate the rail switch. Remember, we
       only have 5 minutes to do everything, so make sure that you're prepared.
       Ok, let's try practicing entering the code. Enter 3 codes and you'll be
       finished. If you want to quit, hold down [L1].

[Squall does the code-entry test run.]

Rinoa: "You got it? In the real thing, there's a strict time limit leading up
       to the switch point. Don't forget that. Umm...that's all."

Selphie: "By the way...this model's nice but the president's car looks kinda
         shabby. ......Why is that?"

Watts: "Yeah, Rinoa made it. That's why. We bought everything else at the gift

Zell: "Oh... I thought some kid made it. The paint job sucks, too."

Squall: (......? Yeah...It kind of does.)

Rinoa: "Oh, shut up! I made it look like that on purpose. It represents my
       hatred towards Deling."

Zell: "Hatred, eh...? Yeah...right."

Selphie: "It's one of the...ugliest things that I've ever seen in my life. You
         must really hate him."

Squall: "......"

Rinoa: "Are you guys finished!? Enough about the model! Can we get on
       with it now!? Do you understand?"
       R1 --> Yes
       R2 --> Explain it again.

       R1: [See below.]

       R2: "Explain which part?"
           R3 --> About the order of events
           R4 --> About evading the sensor
           R5 --> About uncoupling the cars
           R6 --> Everything

       R3: [Rinoa repeats herself, from "First, I'll go over the model..." to
           where the narrative lists all seven steps in order.]

       R4: [Rinoa repeats the dialogue from "Ok, now let's talk..." to "That's
           about it for the sensors."]

       R5: [Rinoa repeats the dialogue from "Next, let's talk about how..." to
           "That about covers the uncoupling process."]

       R6: [Rinoa repeats R3, R4, and R5 in sequential order.]

[After choosing R1:]

Rinoa: "Let's decide on the party!"

Watts: "Gathering information is my specialty, sir!"

[Watts leaves.]

Zone: "OuuuucHHHHH......My stomach!"

[Zone crouches in a corner, holding his stomach, feigning pain.]

Rinoa: "We're moving again...I'll go take a look. Talk to Watts when you're
       ready. The sooner the better."

[The SeeD team goes to talk to Watts.]

Watts: "Have you seen the dummy of the president, sir? If you haven't, please
       take a look-see! It's like a piece of art! I know the kidnapping plan
       must be tough, but best of luck to you, sir! Are you ready, sir!?"
       R1 --> Not yet
       R2 --> Yeah

       R1: [Cancels dialogue; Squall and co. can run around train.]

       R2: [Initiates the mission.]

[After picking R2, Squall and Rinoa run atop the president's dummy car.]

Rinoa: "Squall, over here!"

[Squall's crew runs over.]

Rinoa: "We'll catch up with the [2nd escort] soon. Let's get ready. We should
       time our jumps well after we catch up with them to save some time. From
       now on we have exactly......5 minutes to complete the operation. Let's
       try to use every second."

[They jump aboard the president's 2nd escort.]

Rinoa: "Squall, over here!"

[Squall runs over.]

Rinoa: "This is the president's car. After we get across, we'll proceed with
       the first uncoupling."

[They continue on. Inside the train car, Vinzer Deling reads his paper.]

Galbadian Soldier: "Sir, everything is in order, sir!"

President Deling: "You again... That's 27 times now. How many more times do you
                  plan to disturb me with that  meaningless report?"

Galbadian Soldier: "Sir, I'm sorry sir. ...But it is my duty, sir!"

President Deling: "......It's hard to believe that anyone would put up with
                  this nonsense. I guess it's none of my business. Dismissed."

Galbadian Soldier: "......! Sir, yes, sir!" (There goes next month's paycheck.
                   How am I gonna propose to her now? I'm gonna have to put it
                   off again...)

[Back on top, Squall and his party have made it to the 1st escort.]

Rinoa: "This is the [1st escort]. We're gonna uncouple this first. Like Watts
       said, there should be 2 guards on this car. Selphie and Zell, you guys
       keep an eye on the guards. Let us know early if you see them coming."
Zell: "Alright. I'll watch the blue guard."

Selphie: "I'll take red."

Rinoa: "The red guard is closer. Squall, you might want to keep an eye on him,
       too. Hold down [L1] to look to your left, and release it to go back. Ok,
       are you ready to enter the codes? You remember everything, right?"
       R1 --> Yeah
       R2 --> ...I forgot

       R1: "We'll have to enter 3 codes to disable the circuit for this
           uncoupling. Ok, Squall. Get the cable ready."

       R2: "Squall! Come on! Ok, let's go over it again one more time, fast.
           Each code is made up of numbers between 1-4 and has 4 digits: 2341
           for example. But the keypad won't have numbers. Instead, it'll have
           four buttons." (X) (/\) (O) ([]) "For example, if I relay the code
           3124, you'll push ([]) (O) (X) (/\), in this order. You'll have to
           be quick and precise. You'll have about 5 seconds to enter each
           code. Otherwise, the code will change, and the past entries will
           become invalid. If that happens, you should stop right away. You can
           either wait for me to give you the next code, or come back up. We'll
           have to enter 3 codes to disable the circuit for this uncoupling.
           Ok, Squall. Get the cable ready."

[Squall fastens the cable.]

Rinoa: "The system to enter the code is down there. You can't miss it. Press
       [down] on the directional button to go down. To come back up, press
       [up]. You won't be able to come up while you're entering the codes so be
       careful. Ok, let's do it. We have 4 minutes left! Good luck Squall!"

[Squall puts in the three codes.]

Rinoa: "Squall, this way!"

[The disconnection happens again, and the Timber Owls base moves in to catch
Deling's car. It scoots back up and hitches the dummy car back up. Inside, the
guard patrolling enters, unaware that the president is only a dummy.]

Galbadian Soldier: (What should I do...? I know he's not gonna like it. But
                   it's my job.) "S-Sir......Everything is in order, sir! (Huh.
                   ..... He's not angry. Phew. That's strange. Oh, he's reading
                   the paper. I wonder where he got it?)

[A red officer runs into the room.]

Galbadian Officer: "What!? Is there a problem!?"

Dummy President: "I'm in a bad mood right now! If there is nothing in
                 particular, I order you to leave immediately!"

Galbadian Officer: "S-S-Sir aye aye...YESSIR!"

[He turns to the petty soldier.]

Galbadian Officer: "YOU! Don't just stand there! Get back to your station!"

Galbadian Soldier: "S-Sir, yessir!" (There goes another paycheck. That's two in
                   one day.)

[The officer runs off and immediately comes back in.]

Galbadian Officer: "W-W-What the HECK!? Is this the right train? (The interior
                   looks different. Looks shabbier. Maybe not.)

Galbadian Soldier: (What am I gonna do? No ring, and now no more candlelight
                   dinner. I'm never gonna be able to get married.)

[Back on top of the train, the sabotage party is back at the 2nd escort.]

Rinoa: "This is the [2nd escort]. After this, we're home free. I think there
       are 2 guards on this car, too. Zell and Selphie are up ahead, working on
       uncoupling our train from theirs. So you're on your own this time. Watch
       your right side. To do this, hold down [R1]. Let's get this over with.
       You know how to enter the codes, right?"
       R1 --> Yeah
       R2 --> ...I forgot

       R1: [See below.]

       R2: [Same dialogue recital as last time.]

[After picking R1:]

Rinoa: "We'll have to enter 5 codes to disable the circuit for this connection.
       Are you ready, Squall? We have 3 minutes left! Good luck, Squall!"

[Squall uncouples the car with the five codes.]

Rinoa: "Squall, this way!"

[FMV: The dummy car switches places with Deling's.]

Zone: "Finally...We've waited so long for this encounter with Vinzer."

Watts: "Was that perfect, sir!? Amazing, sir! You're the best, sir!"

[The SeeD rank may or may not go up at this time.]

Rinoa: "Well then..."

Watts: "Leave the intelligence up to me, sir!"

Zone: "OwOwOuccchhh."

[Zone runs off.]

Rinoa: "You 3! Tell me when you're ready to go. As soon as you're ready, I'll
       begin 'serious negotiations' with the president!"

Squall: ('Serious negotiations'...Better make sure my GF's equipped...)

[When the SeeD squad is prepared:]

Rinoa: "...Ready?"
       R1 --> Not yet
       R2 --> Yeah

       R1: [Dialogue cancelled.]
       R2: [Rinoa enters Vinzer's cabin.]

[Inside the president's cabin:]

Rinoa: "...President Deling! As long as you...don't resist, you won't get

President Deling: "And if I do resist... What would you do...? Young lady?"

Rinoa: "!!!"

Squall: "What's wrong?"

President Deling: "Boo-hoo... Too bad... I'm not the president. I'm what they
                  call...a body double."

[The presiden gets up from his seat and approaches Rinoa.]

Fake President Deling: "All these rumors about the many resistance groups in
                       Timber...You pass along a little false information and
                       they fall for it... How pathetic... Seems like there are
                       only amateurs around here."

Rinoa: "Ama...teurs...!?"

[The fake president starts to move strangely.]

Fake President Deling: "Ahh... My butt hurts from all this sitting... Young...
                       LADY... Ahh... So what did you have in stORE for me had
                       I resiSTED...? Why doN'T you teLL mE... QuiTE aMUsing
                       thouGH... For beINg such amAtEurs...!!! HoW daRe YOU
                       InSUlt tHe presIDent!!!"

[The fake president attacks.]

Fake President Deling: "YOu...fEll...FOr...iT"

[When enough damage has been dealt:]

Fake President Deling: "aMusINg... tHIs iS AmuSinG!"

[They swiftly defeat the body double, but it revives as a Gerogero.]

Squall: "What the...?"

[The party defeats the undead monster with a little effort.]

Zone: "Man, I can't believe the president was a fake!"

Rinoa: "I can't believe we fell for it!"

Watts: "Info, sir! New info! It's big news! I found out the real reason why the
       president's here, sir! The president's going to the [TV Station]!
       Security's super tight, sir!"

Rinoa: "...The [TV Station]? Why in Timber? They can broadcast just as easily
       from Galbadia."

Selphie: "Do you think the Dollet communication tower has anything to do with

Zone: "What's that?"

Squall: "Dollet has a communication tower that can transmit and receive radio
        waves. It had been abandoned for a long time, but the Galbadian Army
        got it up and running yesterday."

Zone: "Ohhhh...I get it... The only TV station that can handle broadcasts over
      the air is in Timber. Other stations ues HD cable, which only supports
      online broadcasting."

Rinoa: "So, what's that supposed to mean?"

Zone: "They're planning on using radio waves. This way, they can transmit
      images to regions without cable."

Rinoa: "I know that...! What I want to know is, what is the president going to
       broadcast!? Why use radio waves? There must be something they want to
       say to the whole world. What can it be?"

Selphie: "Everybody! Love! And Peace!"

[Everyone kind of looks at Selphie funny.]

Zone: "If I remember correctly, radio waves haven't been used in 17 years."

Rinoa: "It's been that long? Wouldn't it be wonderful if the first broadcast
       could be the declaration of Timber's independance!?"

Zone: "Hey! That might be possible."

Rinoa: "Let's come up with a plan then!"

[The Owls huddle on the floor.]

Rinoa: "Can you guys give us a minute?"

[Squall walks over to Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "Oh, good timing! We've come up with a plan!"

Squall: "Before we get into that, can I see your contract with our Garden?"

Rinoa: "Oh, sure."

[She fishes out a piece of paper. Squall reads it.]

Zell: "What's it say?"

Squall: "...... 'Balamb Garden (hereafter referred to as 'Party A')
        acknowledges 'The Forest Owls' (hereafter referred to as 'Party B') as
        the hiring party. SeeD (hereafter referred to as 'Party C') shall be
        dispatched upon signing of this contract. Party C shall operate under
        the supervision......'"
Zell: "...The hell......?"

Selphie: "I don't get it."

Rinoa: "Oh yeah, that's one's pretty confusing. When I told him I didn't
       understand, he gave me a different one."

[She gives Squall another leaf of paper.]

Rinoa: "Cid is such a nice man."

Selphie: "What's it say this time?"

Squall: "......"

Narrative: To the Forest Owls,

           This SeeD deployment contract will last until Timber
           achieves independence. Please make good use of each SeeD

           I wish you the best with your objective. Please understand
           that this contract is an exception, and no replacement of
           any SeeD members can be made.

           Balamb Garden Headmaster Cid Kramer

Zell: "Until Timber's independence!?"

Selphie: "That is soooo vague!"

Rinoa: "Hey, you're paid professionals. No complaining! Ok, let's decide on the

Watts: "Gathering information is my specialty, sir!"

[Watts bolts out of the room. Zone looks around at everyone.]

Zone: "OuuuucHHHHH...... My stomach!"

Rinoa: "So, of the 4 of us, the ones who'll be heading to the [TV Station] will

[Squall forms his party ranks and goes to talk to Watts.]

Watts: "The [TV Station], sir!? It's quite close if you take the local train...
       But the local and transcontinental tains have stopped running, sir...
       Nothing to worry about, sir! There must be someone in town who knows.
       Are you ready, sir!?"
       R1 --> Not yet
       R2 --> Yeah

       R1: [Dialogue cancelled.]
       R2: "Best of luck, sir! I'll be keeping watch here!"

[The train goes back to Timber. Meanwhile, an G-Army officer is lecturing.]

Galbadian Soldier: "A guy dressed as a cadet... Gathering information?"

Galbadian Soldier 2: "He was asking about the president's stay! I found it
                     strange that a cadet would keep asking about the
                     president. He was very polite and kept addressing me as

Galbadian Soldier 3: "I think I know who you're talking about! He was taking
                     care of 3 suspicious looking characters from Balamb! I'll
                     go question every teenager in the area!!!"

[The third soldier runs off.]

Galbadian Soldier: "No! We can't just go up to anybody and... Ahem. These are
                   citizens. We can't inflict any..."

Galbadian Soldier 2: "How dare they try to kidnap the president! Not only is it
                     disrespectful to the president, but also to us Galbadian
                     soldiers as well! I'll be sure to find 'em and throw their
                     sad be-hinds in jail!!!"

[The other two soldiers run off to find their be-hinds.]

Galbadian Soldier: "...Please... Hear me out...to the very end..."

[Back at the train station, everyone disembarks.]

Watts: "...Say! I remember now, sir! I think the [TV Station] is located behind
       a building called [Timber Maniacs]! Please head in that direction, sir!
       I hope you find it!"

[Zone yells from inside the train.]

Zone: "WaaaaaaTTTS!!! C'MON! The Galbadian soldiers are comin'!!!"

[The train takes off without Watts.]

Watts: "Lots of guards patrolling the city now! Please be careful, sir! Seems
       like the hotel's not available, either! Should you need to recover, use
       the [Owl's Tear], sir! Heard it works wonders! I believe you can find it
       at the old man's house... ...I guess you won't be needing it anyway.
       You're all SeeDs, you'll be fine, right, sir!?"

[Watts notices the train's left and starts running after it.]

Watts: "Hey...!!!? Don't leave me, sirrrr!"

09. The TV Studio and the Ticket Out                                     [WK09]

[The party finds two soldiers near the subway.]

Soldier: "That was too easy, man. Heh heh...for a country bumpkin he sure had
         some good stuff."

Soldier 2: "Yo, better ease off a little. These Timber hicks hate us enough as
           it is."

Soldier: "......!"

Soldier 2: "!!! Let's get 'em!"

[They beat 'em up and enter the bar.]

Drifter: "I've had enough of this city! I came from Dollet to have me a good
         time. And now... Trains are no longer running... Can't even stay in a
         hotel because of some stupid official...! Harassed by Galbadian
         soldiers... Had my precious card stolen... This hasn't been my day...
         Those jerks... They think they can use brute force to get anything
         they want. Hell... This town's a good example... Yeah... Everything's
         jacked up because the resistance tried to kidnap the president. Thanks
         to them, the trains have stopped... There's Galbadian soldiers all
         over the place... ......All because of them!!! Don't they understand
         I'm the one suffering from their reckless actions!? Stupid,
         boneheaded, good-for-nothing, resistance! You can just kiss my..."

Rinoa: "Hey!"

[A person sitting at a table jumps up.]

Patron: "You don't understand anything! The resistance is fighting for Timber's
        future! They're all doing the best they can. It's the Galbadian
        soldiers and their leader who are at fault!"

Drifter: "Pshhh..."

[The party buys the drifter a drink.]

Drifter: "Hey, punk, you got good manners! I ain't the rude type, either. Here,
         take some o' this! Ha ha ha...(hic)"

[He gives Squall the Forbidden Card.]

Drifter: "Hey, owner. I can't stand up. Can ya help me?"

[If Squall chooses the generous route to moving the drunkard:]

Squall: What should we do?
	  R1 --> Observe

           Squall: "We need to get through."
           Drifter: "Geez, and now I'm getting dissed by some punk...!? Owner,
                    gimme another drink!"

                    R3 --> Buy him a drink
                    R4 --> Tell him about the card

                           Squall: Is this your card?

                           Drifter: Huh? ...It is! Why do you have it!?

                           Squall: ......Found it outside.

                           Drifter: Are you serious? ......Okay. Thanks. Know
                                    what? I'm feelin' generous! So you can keep
                                    that card. And also...this one! I'll move
                                    out of the way now." [Received Tonberry
                                    Card]! "Hey, owner. I can't stand up. Can
                                    ya help me?"

                    R5 --> Do nothing

	  R2 --> Talk to him

[The TV monitor nearby is gigantic.]

[-] Zell: "Whoa, an outdoor TV!"
[-] Selphie: "Heeey, an outdoor TV!"

Rinoa: "This is creepy...What is it?"

Squall: "This noise is broadcast over most of the frequencies. Something has
        to be done about this before they can broadcast it over the air."

[-] Zell: "Oh, really? Actually, I was wondering myself."
[-] Selphie: "Right on!"

[Watts runs up the stairs.]

Watts: "The president's in the studio now, sir. Too many guards now, so we
       won't be able to storm the place, sir!"

[Watts retreats.]

Rinoa: "So we can't just rush in... We've gotta come up with a new plan now! If
       the president leaves, maybe the guards will be gone, too? That's when we
       do OUR broadcast. It might not be as influental but it's better than
       nothing, right? We don't stand a chance if we take 'em head on, right?"

Squall: "Don't worry about us. We'll fight your enemies based on your decision.
        That's our duty."

[-] Zell: "You tell us to go, we go. Even if it is a losing battle."
[-] Selphie: "Heeey, I'm a SeeD, too. Just want you to know. I'm ready for

Rinoa: "How sad... Act on my decision? That's your duty? Oh, what an easy life
       it must be, just to follow orders..."

Squall: "Call it what you want. All we want is for you to achieve your goal
        using our help. I find it hard to believe that you can do it, though...

Rinoa: "W-What did you say!? If you have something to say, just say it!"
       R1 --> Yeah, I'll tell you
       R2 --> Forget it

       R1 (Squall): "How serious are you...? Really...? The 3 of you plop down
                    on the floor to discuss strategy? On top of that, you can't
                    make a decision without our input, right? How do you think
                    we feel, working for such an organization?"

          [-] Zell: "(You're being too hard, man.)"
          [-] Selphie: "(You're being a little too hard.)"
                       R3 --> ...Guess I'll follow up
                       R4 --> We'll just leave it at that

       R2: "You started it. The least you can do is finish it. Come on, what's
           on your mind?"

           Squall: "...Just forget it."

           Rinoa: "...Tell me. This is an order. An order from your client!"

           Squall: "How serious are you...? Really...? The 3 of you plop down
                   on the floor to discuss strategy? On top of that, you can't
                   make a decision without our input, right? How do you think
                   we feel, working for such an organization?

           [-] Zell: "(You're being too hard, man.)"
           [-] Selphie: "(You're being a little too hard.)"
                        R3 --> ...Guess I'll follow up
                        R4 --> We'll just leave it at that

       R3: "...Sorry. Guess I got a little carried away."

           Rinoa: "You know...Maybe this was all a big mistake. I thought
                  everything would work out fine once SeeD came to help us.
                  But, I guess it's not that easy. You were all hired. It's not
                  like you're one of us. Um, let's see... We'll cancel the
                  plan, and we'll disperse for now. We don't stand a chance if
                  we take 'em head on, right? So...you guys probably think this
                  is all a game to us. ...Well, it's not! We're serious. So
                  serious...it hurts."

                  [Rinoa flees. See below.]

       R4: [Squall doesn't say another word on the subject.]

           Rinoa: "You know...Maybe this was all just a big mistake. I thought
                  everything would work out fine once SeeD came to help us.
                  But, I guess it's not that easy. You were all hired. It's not
                  like you're one of us. Um, let's see... We'll cancel the
                  plan, and we'll disperse for now. We don't stand a chance if
                  we take 'em head on, right? So...you guys probably think this
                  is all a game to us. ...Well, it's not! We're serious. So
                  serious...it hurts. 

[Rinoa leaves.]

[-] Zell: "...Huh? They starting?"
[-] Selphie: "...Heeey? Are they starting?"

[The screen's static clears and a man in a pin-striped suit appears.]

Announcer: "T-Testing...1...2...Testing... Testing... Ohhhh! P-People of the
           world! Can you see me!? Can you hear me!? Oh, this is incredible!
           Ladies and gentlemenn, this is not a recording! This is an actual
           broadcast over the air! Yes, it's been 17 years since a live
           broadcast has been possible! Oh, please excuse me... I seem to have
           lost my composure. We would like to present to you today a message
           from lifelong President of Galbadia, Vinzer Deling. Ladies and
           gentlemen, President Deling."

[Deling walks to the podium and the announcer walks off-screen.]

President Deling: "Greetings. I am Vinzer Deling, lifelong president of
                  Galbadia. Today, I stand before you to make the following
                  proposition. We the people of the world have the power to end
                  all wars."

[Selphie yells at the screen.]

Selphie: "See, see! It's a peace proposal to the world. I knew it!"

[Deling continues.]

President Deling: "Unfortunately, there are some trifling problems standing
                  between Galbadia and other nations, and they must be
                  resolved. I plan to convene with other nations' leaders
                  immediately to resolve these problems. At this time, allow me
                  to introduce the ambassador who will be my representative for
                  the conference."

[Zell takes his turn shouting this time.]

Zell: "Man! All this just to introduce an ambassador."

President Deling: "The ambassador is the Sorceress..."

[Squall chips in.]

Squall: "...The Sorceress?"

[At that moment, Seifer appears and tussles with Deling. Quistis appears, too.]

Selphie: "Heeey!"

Zell: "Seifer!"

Selphie: "What's he doin'!?"

Zell: "Instructor Trepe!?"

[The armed guards ready to attack Seifer.]

Quistis: "Stay back!"

Zell: "Squall, what are we gonna do!?"

Quistis: "For the last time, stay back! You're only going to provoke him."

Squall: "...Nothing. Our job is to assist the Owls. It's none of our business."

[Quistis turns to the knocked-over camera.]

Quistis: "Timber Team, are you still watching? Get over here right now! You
         HAVE permission! I need your help!"

Zell: "Squall!?"

Selphie: "Squad leader!"

[The team bolts it up the stairs and enters the studio.]

Quistis: "We need to restrain him!"

Squall: "What do you think you're doing?"

Seifer: "It's obvious, ain't it!? What are you planning to do with this guy?"

Squall: "...Planning to do?" (That's right... He knows Rinoa. Is that why he's

Zell: "I get it! You're Rinoa's..."

Seifer: "Shut your damn mouth! Chicken-wuss!"

Quistis: "He broke out of the disciplinary room, injuring many in the process."


Squall: (Zell, please.) "Be quiet."

Zell: "Instructor, I know! You're going to take this stupid idiot back to
      Garden, right!?"

Squall: "Shut up! NO!"

President Deling: "I see... So you're all from Garden. Should anything happen
                  to me, the entire Galbadian military will undoubtedly crush
                  Garden. You can let go of me now."

Seifer: "Nice going, Chicken-wuss! You and your stupid big mouth!"

[Zell immediately becomes crest-fallen at his error.]

Seifer: "Take care of this mess! Instructor and Mr. Leader!"

[Seifer and Deling back out of the room with Quistis following.]

Seifer: !?

[A woman appears from out of thin air and approaches Seifer.]

Woman: "...Poor, poor boy..."

Seifer: "Stay away from me!"

Woman: "Such a confused little boy. Are you going to step forward? Retreat? You
       have to decide."

Seifer: "Stay back!"

[Quistis runs in, but the woman summons some force to hold her in place.]

Woman: "The boy in you is telling you to come. The adult in you is telling you
       to back off. You can't make up your mind. You don't know the right
       answer. You want help, don't you?  You want to be saved from this

Seifer: "Shut up!"

Woman: "Don't be ashamed to ask for help. Besides, you're only a little boy."

Seifer: "I'm not... Stop calling me a boy."

Woman: "You don't want to be a boy anymore?"

Seifer: "I am not a BOY!"

[Seifer lets Deling go, who promptly leaves the room.]

Woman: "Come with me to a place of no return. Bid farewell to your childhood."

[Squall runs in and is paralyzed, too. Seifer disappears with the woman.]

Rinoa: "Hey guys! Where's Seifer?"

[Quistis shrugs.]

Squall: "We don't know."

Rinoa: "...He'll be ok, right?"

[Everyone leaves the station, running into Quistis and Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "They found our base. It's completely destroyed."

Selphie: "And everyone else?"

Rinoa: "They're fine. They're good at escaping."

[Everyone regroups at the bottom of the stairs near the TV monitor.]

Rinoa: "We have to stay away from Timber for a while. Is there a safe place you
       can take me? This is an order, an order from your client, remember?"

Squall: "...Alright."

[Everyone enters the Aphrora and one of the bartenders talks to Rinoa.]

Woman: "Rinoa! I heard your base is in serious trouble. Come over to my place
       until things settle down."

Rinoa: "I appreciate it. Thank you..."

Quistis: "What are you waiting for, Squall? Come on!"

[The party starts walking.]

Rinoa: "This way!"

[They stop in front of a house next to Timber Maniacs.]

Rinoa: "This is it."

[Everyone piles inside.]

Woman: I'll let you know if anything chanes. 'Til then, make yourself at home.

Rinoa: "Thanks, chief."

[The woman walks out of the house.]

Squall: "Chief?"

Rinoa: "She's the leader of the 'Forest Fox'. Almost everyone's a resistance
       member in this town. But right now, we're the only ones that are really
       active. Let's stay here for a while."

Selphie: "I still don't get it. What did Seifer come here for?"

Rinoa: "I think...he came to help us, the 'Forest Owls'. I talked about it a
       lot with him. So please...don't think too badly of him."

Galbadian Soldier: "Anybody in here!?"

[The voice is coming from outside.]

Voice: "What is this!? I have 2 small children in here. Don't do anything to
       frighten them!"

[A woman comes down the stairs.]

Woman: "Upstairs... Hurry!"

[Rinoa turns back to the door.]

Rinoa: "Will she be ok?"

Woman: "She'll be fine. The legend goes...that my mother took down many
       soldiers with her strength, cooking, and beauty."

Selphie: "That 'beauty' part sure makes it sound like a legend."

[Everyone enters the upstairs section of the house to lounge.]

Quistis: "He was so angry when he found out it was only the 3 of you dispatched
         to Timber. 'What!? They might end up fightin' the whole Galbadian
         force! And all they dispatch are 3 rookie SeeD members!? Dammit! I'm
         going to Timber!' I never would have guessed he was serious about it."

Squall: (That guy's always serious. You should know that by now...)

Quistis: "What's going to happen to Seifer?"

Squall: "He may already be dead."

Rinoa: "How can you be so casual? I feel...sorry for him."

Squall: (...Feel sorry? Seifer would hate to hear that.)

Rinoa: "What's so funny!? You're terrible! So...why do you think Seifer may
       already be dead?"

Squall: (Because...) "The president of Galbadia and the sorceress joined
        forces. Seifer attacked the president. It's no surprise that Seifer may
        have been killed because of it."

Rinoa: "Even so! I still hope he's alive."

Squall: (Think what you want. ...Reality isn't so kind. Everything doesn't work
        out the way you want it to. That's why...) "As long as you don't get
        your hopes up, you can take anything... You feel less pain. Anyway,
        whatever wish you have is none of my business."

Rinoa: "...You're mean. MEANY!!!"

Squall: (What's with her...?) "...Sorry."

[The Forest Fox leader comes up the stairs.]

Forest Fox Leader: "The Galbadian forces are withdrawing. Only the soldiers
                   normally stationed here will stick around. If you're gonna
                   leave town, now's your chance! You know how persistent those
                   soldiers can be!"

[Everyone walks downstairs now that things are winding down.]

Quistis: "Squall, any thoughts on where to go?"

Squall: (We have to get out of here first...)

Quistis: "Getting out of here is only the first step."

Squall: "What do you mean?"

Quistis: "Garden Code, Article 8, line 7."

Squall: (8:7... In the event that returning to the assigned Garden is not
        possible, report to the nearest Garden......) "Head for the nearest

Quistis: "Very good! From here, that would be [Galbadia Garden]."

Rinoa: "We can take the train from here and get off at a station called [East

Quistis: "From there, we have to go through the [forest west of the station] to
         get to [Galbadia Garden]. I've been there several times. We should be

Squall: "...Ok then... We'll escape from Timber and head to [Galbadia Garden].
        The party will be..."

[Squall sets up the party.]

Squall: "Let's go!"

Forest Fox Leader: "You be careful, now. Take this with you."

[She gives them some supplies before they leave for the train platform.]

Mystery Man: "Rinoa, Squall! It's me!"

Rinoa: "Zone!"

Zone: "You need to go to [East Academy], right? There's no more tickets left."

Selphie: "Super-Duper-Mega-Bummer!"

Squall: "We'll do whatever it takes to get on that train."

Zone: "You won't have to do that. Looky here! I have everyone's ticket right
      here! One for you. 3 for you SeeD people. Here, I'll give them to the
      leader. And the last one is for me......"

[Zone looks at Quistis who hasn't got a ticket.]

Zone: "Go on. Take it."

Quistis: "I can't take that! It's yours!"

Zone: "Ouch!"

[He shoves the ticket in her hand and clutches his stomach in mock pain.]

Zone: OuuuuuuucH! My stomach hurts! Ouch! Just get going! The train's leaving.

Quistis: "Thank you."

Rinoa: "Zone...... We're gonna see each other again, ok? No matter what, you
       have to survive. We have to liberate Timber together, remember?"

Zone: "I know, I know. I'll go hide in a bathroom or something. Now get going."

[The SeeDs and Rinoa go to the last train.]

Loudspeaker: "This train is bound for Dollet, stopping at [East Academy]. This
             is the last train for today. Please hurry on board."

Squall: "The last train..."
        R1 --> Get on
        R2 --> Not yet

        R1: [See below.]
        R2: [They don't get on; they can walk around freely]

[After picking R1:]

Squall: "Let me double check... Get off at [East Academy] and go through the
        [forest, west of the station]. [Galbadia Garden] is located up ahead...
        Is that correct?"

Quistis: "Indeed. Glad we have a leader with a good memory."

[Everyone gets onboard and the last train rolls out of town. Inside:]

Train Announcement: "This train, bound for East Academy, will depart shortly."

[Selphie looks at the locked door.]

Squall: "We'll..."

Selphie: "Open, Open, OPEN!"

Squall: "...Make it."

Selphie: "Please... Open up!

Squall: (...Better let her have her way.)

ID Check: "Confirming...Access granted..."

[The door opens.]

Selphie: "Tee-hee! Thanks

[Squall goes over to Zell when Selphie leaves.]

Zell: "........."
      R1 --> (Leave him alone)
      R2 --> (Stay put)

      R1: [Self-explanitory, the scene ends and the party gets
          off at East Academy]

      R2: [Self-explanitory, the scene doesn't advance and the
          train doesn't rumble on yet.]

[The party eventually gets off at the East Academy stop and finds the forest.]

10. The Forest & Laguna Sequence II                                      [WK10]

[When Squall's team arrives, his other two party members are waiting at the
grassy path that leads through the forest.]

Quistis: "We're not too far from Galbadia Garden now!"

Selphie: "Heeey, I was just thinking... There might be some bad news from the
         Galbadian government. What if we get caught and then get broadcast to
         the whole world...!?"

Zell: "Whatever happens, happens! Now come on! Let's just keep going! I, I'm
      worried about Balamb Garden. If anything happens to Garden, it's all my
      fault. I'm the one who said we were all from Garden... You think the
      president will retaliate on Garden?"

Squall: "Maybe."

Zell: "...Figures... B-B-But, we have a whole bunch of SeeDs at Balamb Garden!
      They won't lose to the Galbadian army, would they?"

Squall: "Depends on how strong the army is."

Zell: "I know, but..."

Rinoa: "Oh, you're just a great leader, aren't you... Do you actually have fun
       acting so callous towards your comrades?"

Squall: (...Not again.)

Rinoa: "Zell wants your support."

Squall: (I knew it was gonna be something like that...)

Rinoa: "Any kind of encouragement will make..."

Squall: (That's just to ease your mind. Am I the only one who thinks that? No,
        I'm sure Seifer...)

Rinoa: "Don't you ever worry about or even think about the well-being of your

Squall: (I don't believe in relying on others.)

Rinoa: "Don't you understand!?"

Squall: (...Whatever.)

Rinoa: "Are you listening, Squall?"

[Squall clutches his head.]

Squall: (...What the!? ...This sensation...)

[Rinoa backs off as Squall topples over. Quistis soon follows.]

Quistis: "Uhhh..."

[...and then Selphie.]

Selphie: "M...Me, too..."

Rinoa: "What's going on!?"

Zell: "I think...they went to the 'dream world'."

[Inside the 'dream world,' Laguna/Kiros/Ward are in a mountainous area.]

Ward: "Kiros, you sure this is the place."

Kiros: "Positive."

Ward: "I don't wanna be patrolling the wrong place, like last time."

Laguna: "Ahh, sorry... This ain't the place."

Kiros: "This is it. Let's go, commander."

Laguna: "?"

[Laguna takes out a map and looks at it."

Laguna: "I brought the wrong map. Somehow, I have a bad feeling
        about this..."
        R1 --> Nah, just my imagination
        R2 --> Yeah, a bad feeling...

        R1: "Nah, everything's cool... Hey, make sure you guys are fully
            equipped. Well, we are on duty... Let's get a move on and check
            things out."

        R2: "Seriously, I have a BAAAD feeling...! There's somethin' fishy
            goin' on here! You know what the old folks say... The unfamiliar
            always happens..."

            Kiros: "You mean...'unexpected', right?"

            Ward: "You only got the 'un' part right."

            Laguna: "Aah, shut up! Stop your clamorin' and make sure all your
                    gear's equipped. Now, let's move out!"

[At an excavation site, Laguna looks at a rock-hauling conveyor belt.]

Laguna: "But seriously... This place sure is strange... What the heck is this
        big pile of rocks? You think these are natural rocks used for carving

Kiros: "Who knows...or cares?"

Ward: "Speaking of strange... Why have you been...running around so strange?"

Laguna: "Strange...? What do you mean strange? ...Just bein' cautious. That's
        the basic rule of thu... ...Hey?"

[A man appears in the distance.]

Laguna: "Looks like we've got company. Esthar soldiers. Still wearin' those
       flashy uniforms."

Kiros: "...?"

Ward: "Laguna...!!!"

Laguna: "Don't be such a weenie! What the...!?"

[Laguna turns around to see three more Esthar soldiers behind Ward.]

Kiros: "Wasn't our mission just to patrol...?"

Ward: "Why does it have to turn out like this?"

Laguna: "Seriously...! I wasn't expecting this at all!" 

[They lay the other three to rest, too.]

Ward: "There's more coming...?"

Kiros: "There's no end to this!"

Laguna: "Better make a run for it!"

[Laguna sees a ladder on one of the paths.]

Laguna: "Huh...? A ladder. Guys, it's a ladder. Looks like it leads down."

[They climb down into the next area, and Laguna gets a leg cramp.]

Laguna: "Ooou...cH!"

Ward: "What's wrong?"

Laguna: "My...leg...cramped up!!!"

Kiros: "......"

Laguna: "Phew... It's fine now! I'm so out of shape. Gotta stretch before I

Ward: "That last battle we had doesn't really count as exercise."

Laguna: "...What? D'ya say something?"

Kiros: "...Ahh, no."

[The party eventually comes to a cliff overlooking the ocean.]

Laguna: "Don't tell me..."

Kiros: "Of all the worst possible..."

Ward: "...Predicaments?"

[The party beats down the Esthar soldiers, but more come up to take appear.]

Laguna: "Arghhhh! I'm gettin' hungry!"

[They beat up the soldiers, but more rise to take *their* place.]

Laguna: "Uhhhh! The tip o'my nose itchessss!"

[The Esthar soldiers get another loss handed to them.]

Laguna: "Darn it! I wanna scratch the bottom of my feeeet!"

[They defeat the soldiers, but one uses Soul Crush on Ward.]

Laguna: "Look, the ocean... We're saved! Lady Luck is on our side! We can
        escape to Galbadia!!!"

Kiros: "One would say we've been run down... That's what they'd normally say...

Laguna: "Don't say that. It might come true. Didn't your grandmother tell you

Kiros: "...If you say something bad... It will come true... Yeah, I think she

Ward: "Ggghh...rrrhhh..."

Laguna: "What'd you say?"

Kiros: "I think...his throad...was injured... He lost...his voice."

Ward: "It...was...fu...you..."

Laguna: "Say again?"

Ward: "It...was...fun...you...guys...La...guna...Ki...ros...It...was...fun..."

Laguna: "Ward, that's way uncool. It's not cool to say things like that. Just
        for that, you're gettin' the Cuchi-Cuchi treatment! How's that, huh!?
        Want more!? Well!?"

Ward: "......"

Laguna: "......"

[Laguna looks over the side of the cliff and notices ships.]

Laguna: "WHOA!!! Check it out, a boat! We're gettin' on!"

Kiros: "A...vessel... ...They'd...normally...call...it..."

Laguna: "Boat, vessel, whatever. We're going back to Galbadia!"

[Laguna throws Kiros, then Ward, into the bay. He surveys the huge drop.]

Laguna: "You guys...sure have guts. You know how high this cliff is...!? 

[Laguna tries to go down slowly but falls instead, yelling:]

Laguna: "Oh...sh...! ...No way...! AHHHH!!!"

[The sequence ends; Zell and Rinoa have been waiting for them to come to.]

Zell: "Was it Laguna again...?"

Selphie: "Sir Laguna's in BIG TROUBLE! I hope he'll be ok...!!!"

Quistis: "Doesn't seem like the first time for you all. What is this?"

Squall: (If it were just me, I could tell the others it was only a crazy
        dream...) "We'll just be wasting our time trying to figure it out.
        Let's keep going."

Zell: "Yeah, let's go! I think we're almost there."

Rinoa: "Umm...Squall...I think I may have said too much. I'm sorry."

Squall: (Forget about it.)

[On the other side of the forest, they find the towering Galbadia Garden.]

11. Galbadia Garden and Irvine Kinneas                                   [WK11]

[The party walks towards the Garden, a gleaming red as opposed to Balamb's
sea-colored blue. Cadets in flying devices travel around and people walk by
without a notice for the new arrivals. Everyone heads inside.]

Selphie: "Wow... Completely different..."

Zell: "Sure is quiet."

Squall: "...I like it."

[Rinoa giggles, and Quistis walks forward.]

Quistis: "Could you leave this one up to me? I've been here several times, and
         I know the headmaster pretty well. I'll go and explain our situation."

[Quistis leaves and the party waits for her in the upstairs waiting room.]

Squall: "How'd it go?"

Quistis: "They understood our situation. And Balamb Garden is safe. The attack
         on the president in Timber was classified as an independant action.
         There was an official notice from the Galbadian government saying that
         Balamb Garden is not being held responsible."

Zell: "So, Seifer's taking all the blame?"

Quistis: "The trial's over, and the sentence has been carried out..."

[Everyone's taken aback.]

Rinoa: "...He was executed? ...Of course he was. He attacked the president. He
       sacrificed himself for the 'Forest Owls'..."

Quistis: "It was your group that got Seifer involved in all this. You're a
         resistance faction, right? You must have been prepared for the worst.
         I'm sure Seifer was prepared, too. So don't think of it as Seifer
         sacrificing himself for you. I'm sorry. I guess that wasn't much

[Squall walks over to Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "I...really liked him. He was always full of confidence, smart... Just
       by talking to him, I felt like I could take on the world."

Selphie: "Your boyfriend?"

Rinoa: "I don't really know. I... I think it was love. I wonder how he felt...?

Selphie: "Do you still like him?"

Rinoa: "If I didn't, I wouldn't be talking about it. It was last summer... I
       was 16. Lots of fond memories..."

[Squall walks over to Selphie.]

Selphie: "You really hated Seifer, didn't you, Zell!?"

Zell: "Yeah, but... He was from Garden... He was one of us. If I can, I wanna
      get revenge."

[Squall walks over to Quistis.]

Quistis: "I don't have any good memories of him. I've seem some troubled
         children, but he was beyond troubled. Well, he wasn't really a bad

[Squall walks over to Zell.]

Zell: "I didn't like the guy, but executed...?"

[After talking to the three SeeD members (in any order), Squall reflects.]

Squall: (I liked him... wasn't really a bad guy... He was one of us...
        Seifer... You've become just a memory. Will they... Will they talk
        about me this way if I die, too? Squall was this and that. Using past
        tense, saying whatever they want? So this is what death is all about...
        ...Not for me. I won't have it!!!)

Quistis: "What's wrong, Squall?"

Squall: "I won't have it!"

Zell: "W-What?"

Selphie: "Are you MAD!?"

Squall: "I'm not having anyone talk about me in the past tense!"

[Squall runs out of the room and goes downstairs.]

Raijin: "Yo! Squall!"

[Raijin runs downstairs with Fujin close behind.]

Squall: "What are you doing here?"

Raijin: "What am I doin'? I'm a messenger, ya know? Brought you a new order
        from Headmaster Cid, ya know?"

Squall: "What kind of order?"

Raijin: "I dunno. Gave it to the head honcho here. Just did what Headmaster
        Cid wanted, ya know?"

Fujin: "EXPLAIN."

Raijin: "We were suppose'ta go to Timber. But the trains have all stopped, so
        we had no other choice but to come here. Kinda relieved to see you guys

Fujin: "SEIFER?"

Raijin: "Oh yeah! Wasn't Seifer with you?"

Squall: "I believe Seifer may be dead... I heard he was tried in Galbadia and
        then executed..."

Fujin: "LIES!"

Raijin: "BWAHAAHAAHAA! That's gotta be a lie, ya know!? There's no way he'd put
        up with a trial, ya know!? Or an execution for that matter! It's just
        so not Seifer, ya know!?"

Fujin: "FIND!"

Raijin: "O'What...! We're gonna meet up with Seifer? Well, see ya, Squall.
        We're gonna head off to Galbadia to look for Seifer."

[A loudspeaker message asks the team to meet at the front gate.]

Quistis: "Ok, it's time to meet. Let's go."

[Everyone awaits the headmaster.]

Rinoa: "Oh! I think that's him!"

[A car grinds down the path and a man gets out.]

Rinoa: "Just pretend I'm a SeeD, too. It'l be less complicated that way."

[Everyone gets in line and salutes the man.]

Martine: "Good day. I have official orders from Headmaster Cid addressed to
         you. Following regulations, I have gone over these orders. After
         careful consideration of our options, we have decided to fully assist
         and cooperate with Headmaster Cid. Actually, we too, have been
         planning this for quite some time now. In order to stress the
         importance of this mission, I must first brief you on the current
         situation. At ease. You all know about the sorceress being appointed
         as the peace ambassador for the Galbadian government. However, this
         ambassador thing is just a cover up. There will be no peace talks,
         only threats. The sorceress creates fear among people. Therefore,
         peace talks are impossible. Galbadia is planning to use fear to
         negotiate favorable conditions for itself. It is clear that Galbadia's
         ultimate goal is world domination. Garden is no exception, either. It
         is a fact that the sorceress is planning to use this Garden as her
         base. ...We have very few options available to us. We entrust world
         peace, and the future to you. Details of the mission are enclosed in
         these official orders."

[He gives them out to Squall.]

Martine: "Any questions?"

Squall: The orders say by means of 'a sniper'. We have no one with that skill.

Martine: "Don't worry about it. Let me introduce an elite sharpshooter from
         Galbadia Garden. Kinneas! Irvine Kinneas!"

[Off on a knoll, a man dressed in western attire gets up.]

Martine: "This is Irvine Kinneas. He will be your sharpshooter. Leave whenever
         you're ready. Failure is not an option."

[Martine heads into the car and Irvine points at him.]

Irvine: "BANG!"

[Martine drives off.]

[-] Zell: "So tell us the new orders!"
[-] Rinoa: "What kind of orders did we get?"
[-] Quistis: "What's our mission?"
[-] Selphie: "What's our next mission?"

Squall: "Our next mission... This is no ordinary mission. It's a direct order
        from both Balamb and Galbadia Garden. We're to... ...assassinate the
        sorceress. We're to shoot her from afar. Kinneas will be our
        sharpshooter. We're to support Kinneas to our fullest. Should the
        sniper fail, we are to attack head on."

Irvine: "Thanks for the support, but I never miss my target."

Squall: "Eliminate the sorceress. That's our order. We're going to head to the
        capital of Galbadia, Deling City. There, we'll meet up with General
        Caraway to go over the details of the plan. Let's get going."

Irvine: Well then... We'll need to choose a party for the trip to Deling City.

[Irvine forms a party that includes himself, Selphie, and Rinoa.]

Irvine: "How's this?"

Squall: R1 --> (Yeah, whatever)
        R2 --> (...That's no good)

        R1: (Yeah, whatever.) "Have a good time..."

            Selphie: "Are you being sarcastic!? You are, aren't you! Well, fine
                     then! We WILL have a good time!"

            Rinoa: "We understand very well."

            [Rinoa grabs Irvine's arm.]

            Rinoa: "Come on Mr. Kinneas, let's go!"

            Squall: (...H-Hey.)

            Irvine: "Call me Irvine. I'm a pretty lucky guy. Hand in hand with
                    two beautiful girls!"

            [Selphie fawns over him, now.]

            Selphie: "Irvy Kinnepooo! I'll make you happy!"

            Squall: (Did I say something terrible? Women... I don't understand

            [Irvine walks off with his catches.]

            Quistis: "I think I feel sick..."

            Zell: "Irvine Kinneas... Loser...!"

            [Quistis grabs Squall's arm.]

            Quistis: "Come on, Squall. Let's go!"

            Squall: (...H-Hey.)

            Zell: Squall, let's get going! We have to get there before they do!

            Squall: (Grow up! I may need to switch party members often. Let me
                    just confirm how to go about it...)

            [A tutorial starts. See below.]

        R2: "I'll decide."

            [Squall chooses the party.]

            Squall: "There."

            Irvine: "What!? Are you serious...?"
            Squall: "I've balanced out the party." 

Additional dialogue based on who's in Irvine's party:

[If Zell's paired:]

Zell: "So you want me to take care of this guy, eh?"
Zell: "I'll teach ya some SeeD manners!"
Irvine: (leaving) "Catch ya later, alligator!"
Zell: (pursuing) "HEY!"

[If Squall pairs Irvine with Selphie/Rinoa anyway, or himself...]

Irvine: "Excellent choice, Mr. Leader."

Squall: (I may need to switch party members often. Let me just confirm how to
        go about it...)

[The tutorial starts no matter the option.]

Tutorial: At the Switch, party members and junctions can be switched. To change
          party members, select Switch Member, choose a replacement, then
          select the member being replaced. The members will switch places.
          However, please note that there are times when certain characters
          cannot join the party. The other command, Junction Exchange exchanges
          the magic, GF, junctioned magic, and abilities between characters.
          This way, the replacing member can take over all abilities at once.
          The process is the same as Switch Member. Select a replacement, then
          the member to be replaced, to active the command. Please note that
          this process may change the member's current HP. This concludes the
          Switch explanation.

[Everyone makes for Deling City.]

12. Far East Station and a Meeting with General Caraway                  [WK12]

[The party members buy a ticket and board the train. Squall walks in.]

Squall: "........."

[He immediately goes and opens a door into the hallway.]

ID Check: "Confirming... Access granted..."

[Everyone piles in. Selphie goes to the door and it opens.]

Selphie: "Hee! You caught on!"

[She leaves.]

Train Announcement: "This train, bound for Deling City, will be departing

Rinoa: "This is the only train bound for Deling City anyway."

Irvine: "Hmm... Perhaps it's fate?"

[He disappears into the hallway where Selphie went.]

Zell: "So, what do we do about HIM?"

[Squall follows Irvine, finding him serenading Selphie with sweet nothings.]

Irvine: "Selphie... We're destined to be together!"

Selphie: "Y-Yeah right...!"

Irvine: "A sigh of love?"

Selphie: "N-No..."

[Now that Selphie's worked up, Irvine walks back toward the others.]

Irvine: "Pardon me..."

[Squall follows him in, finding him pulling the same stunt with Rinoa.]

Irvine: "Rinoa..."

[She runs away from him.]

Quistis: "Irvine Kinneas! You're playing a major role in this mission. Now
         behave yourself!"

Irvine: "No one understands me... Sharpshooters are loners by nature... We hone
        our instincts, pour our whole being into a single bullet. The pressure
        of the moment... An instant of tension... That's what... I have to face
        alone... ...It's not easy. So like... Just do me a favor, and let me
        be! You get my drift?"

[The train shakes, probably from hitting the vehicle blocking the tracks.]

Train Announcement: "Err, there was no damage to the train from that, err,
                    minor vibration...I, uh...repeat...Err, there was no damage
                    to the train from that, err, minor vibration..."

[The team gets off at Deling City and hits the streets.]

Rinoa: "We're going to Caraway's Mansion, right? Just take bus 08."

Zell: "Sounds like you know this place pretty well."

Squall: (So this is where Laguna's from...?)

[The party runs through the city and approaches the entrance to the mansion.]

Squall: (Caraway is the head of the Galbadian army... Could this be a coup
        d'etat? No... I don't think he's out to overthrow the president...)

[The party comes up to the entrance and finds a guard standing watch.]

Caraway's Guard: "General Caraway's mansion is right through this gate, but...
                 I can't just let you walk in."

Squall: "I believe he's been informed of our arrival."

Caraway's Guard: "Yes indeed, but... I was ordered not to let you through until
                 your skills have been tested."

Zell: "What the hell's he talkin' about!?"

Squall: "Test our skills? What does he want us to do?"

Caraway's Guard: "The [Tomb of the Unknown King] to the northeast. All you have
                 to do is go there. It's real simple, but... You have to bring
                 back proof that you were there. A code number."

Squall: "A code number?"

Zell: "We came all the way out here for some stupid test of courage? Who does
      he think we are!?"

Caraway's Guard: "There are many students like yourself who wish to call on
                 General Caraway. There was a student from Galbadia Garden
                 yesterday, who has yet to return from the test at the [Tomb of
                 the Unknown King]. The [Tomb of the Unknown King] is located
                 [northeast] of the city. Your objective is to go to the [Tomb
                 of the Unknown King], look for traces of this lost student,
                 and return with his ID number. You should be able to find what
                 you're looking for shortly after you go in. The ID number is
                 written on it. I don't recommend going any further than you
                 have to. You may never make it back alive. Anyway, here's a
                 map for you. Press the [SELECT] button while inside the [Tomb
                 of the Unknown King] to bring it up. Press (/\) again while
                 the map is displayed to escape from the dungeon. But just
                 remember, your SeeD rank will go down."
                 R1 --> Ready to answer
                 R2 --> Buy a hint for 3,000 Gil
                 R3 --> Buy a location displayer for 5,000 Gil
                 R4 --> Talk
                 R5 --> Have him escort us out of town

                 R1: [You don't know the answer yet, so I'll just cover this
                     soon. Look a little ways below.]

                 R2: "There is a GF inside the [Tomb of the Unknown King]. If
                     you feel confident enough, it may be worth the challenge.
                     If that is the case, I recommend you buy the location
                     displayer. You may regret not buying it.
                     [The next hint you can buy is:]

                     "The GF in the back of the cavern has a weakness. 'Stay
                     above ground'. Keep that in mind."

                     [After buying the second hint, he says:]

                     "I have no more hints."

                 R3: "Press the [SELECT] while inside the [Tomb of the Unknown
                     King] to bring up the map. Your current location is
                     indicated by the X mark."

                 R4: "The [Tomb of the Unknown King] is located [northeast] of
                     the city. Your objective is to go to the [Tomb of the
                     Unknown King], look for traces of this lost student, and
                     return with his ID number. You should be able to find what
                     you're looking for shortly after you go in. The ID number
                     should be written on it. I don't recommend going any
                     further than you have to. You may never make it back

                 R5: "Alright, I'll accompany you out. It's quite convenient if
                     you rent a car when you travel outside." [The party is
                     "moved" to the screen with the Rent-A-Car in it.]

[The party arrives at the Tomb, and sees two fleeing students.] 

Female Cadet: "F-Float!"

[They run past Squall and leave. Inside, they find a discarded gunblade.]

Squall: "Student ID No. ______"

[Squall heads back to Caraway's Mansion.]

Caraway's Guard: "Yes, what is it?"
                 R1 --> Ready to answer
                 R2 --> Buy a hint for 3,000 Gil
                 R3 --> Buy a location displayer for 5,000 Gil
                 R4 --> Talk
                 R5 --> Have him escort us out of town

                 R1: Enter ones (list of numbers, from 0 - 9)
                     Enter tens (list of numbers, from 0 - 9)
                     Enter hundreds (list of numbers, from 0 - 9)

                 R2: [Already covered; look above]
                 R3: [Already covered; look above]
                 R4: [Already covered; look above]
                 R5: [Already covered; look above]

[When you put in the right three-digit number, he'll say:]

Caraway's Guard: " '_ _ _' That's correct! Please, right this way."

[The guard lets them run to the mansion.]

Squall: (Both Balamb and Galbadia Garden are joining forces with the general
        from the Galbadian Army. ...Why? ...No point in me thinking about it.
        'SeeDs aren't meant to question why.')

Rinoa: "Umm... Is my contract...still in effect?"

Squall: (...What is it this time?)

Rinoa: "Don't leave me in this house, ok? Want me to explain why?"

Squall: (This might take a while...) "You should know by now. Just tell us what
        to do and we'll do it."

Rinoa: "Okay, then. Thanks."

[The party enters the General's office and wait around.]

Rinoa: "Hmph... He always does this! So discourteous...making people wait. I'm
       gonna go complain. Everyone just wait here."

[Rinoa exits and comes back a second later.]

Rinoa: "Oh, by the way, this is my house. So don't worry."

[She leaves again.]

Squall: (...Hope it doesn't lead to any trouble.)

Zell: "What the hell's goin' on!?"

[At moment, the General enters.]

Squall: "Where's Rinoa?"

General Caraway: "She has not receive the type of training you all have, and
                 may become a burden. It's for the best that she stays out of
                 this operation."

Selphie: "So you're Rinoa's father?"

General Caraway: "I can't remember the last time she called me that."

Zell: "So the father's a top military officer, and the daughter's a member of
      an anti-government faction!? That's bad... Really BAD!"

General Caraway: "Yes, indeed. It's a serious problem. But it doesn't concern
                 you. It's our problem."

Squall: (That's not the case...)

General Caraway: "Besides, we have far more important things to worry about."

Squall: (Garden's directive and Rinoa's orders have the same value to us.)
        "Once our mission is accomplished here, we're working for Rinoa, as per
        our contract. I don't know what your situation is, but please don't
        interfere when the time comes."

General Caraway: "And if I do?"

Squall: (What's his problem?) "We're all SeeDs here. We'll act accordingly."

Irvine: "Hey, hey, hey... Fellas... We're here to knock off the sorceress,
        right? So let's get down to business."

General Caraway: "...... Ok, let me explain the plan."

[The General walks outside and Squall can form his party.

General Caraway: "I'm sure you know about the Galbadian government reaching an
                 agreement with Sorceress Edea.

Squall: (So the Sorceress' name is Edea... Edea...)

General Caraway: "There is going to be a ceremony tonight to commemorate the

[The party follows the General out into the public streets.]

General Caraway: "It'll be held at the Presidential Residence. During the
                 ceremony, you will split up into two teams and get in
                 position. The [gateway team] will enter the gateway and stand
                 by. The [sniper team] will stand by at the front of the
                 Presidential Residence until the ceremony is over. This is
                 where the [sniper team] will wait, right here, where I am

Squall: (So, we're gonna divide into 2 teams: the [sniper team] and the
        [gateway team].)

[The party turns to face the destination. It has a high podium and
a large gate in front of it. A large digital clock also stands on

General Caraway: "That's the Presidential Residence. Once the ceremony ends, a
                 parade for the sorceress will begin. That's when the gate will
                 open. Lay low until then. The parade may be cancelled if there
                 is a commotion. We must avoid that at all cost. Once the gate
                 opens, the [sniper team] will move out. With the parade
                 drawing the crowd and the guards' attention, it should be
                 rather easy to move about. The [sniper team] will head for the
                 roof of the residence. In the [corridor] by the sorceress'
                 room, there is a [hatch] that leads to the clocktower. There's
                 a clock tower there housing a carousel clock. You'll find the
                 sniper rifle there. Stand by in the clock tower until exactly
                 20:00. The parade will begin by the gate. The sorceress will
                 be riding on the parade vehicle. After it leaves the gate, the
                 vehicle will turn left. Like this. This way."

[The General walks the empty street, mimicking how the vehichle will travel.]

General Caraway: "The parade will circle once around the city along the outer
                 road and return to this space. It will return on this side.
                 Then it will turn right... ...and head this way. Here's where
                 the [gateway team] comes into play.

[Everyone heads to the giant arch in the town's center.]

General Caraway: "At exactly 20:00, the parade will pass under the gateway. At
                 this point, the [gateway team] will operate the console to
                 drop the gates. The sorceress will be trapped inside the
                 gateway. At 20:00, the carousel clock will rise out of the
                 roof, carrying the [sniper team] up as well. There will be no
                 obstruction between the [sniper team] and the sorceress. Take
                 the open shot............BANG! That is all. Now we wait.
                 You're free to go anywhere. Go check out the city if you wish.
                 Just one thing. Stay out of trouble."

Squall: (Who do you think we are? ...We're not like your daughter.) "We are

General Caraway: "...... Report to my [residence] when you're ready. We'll hold
                 a final meeting then. After that, we'll proceed with the

[The General relieves himself out of the tour and walks back to his house.]

13. The SeeDs, The Sniper, the Sewers, and the Sorceress                 [WK13]

[Caraway is waiting for the teams to ready themselves.]

General Caraway: "It's time to form the teams. The sniper and the leader of
                 this operation will form the [sniper team]. The leader's role
                 is vital."

Squall: (...What does he mean?)

General Caraway: "If the plan fails for some reason... ...or should the sniper
                 miss... ...the leader must carry out a direct assault against
                 the sorceress. The plan was devised carefully, because we
                 intend this to be a covert operation. But our ultimate goal is
                 to eliminate the sorceress, and we must achieve this at all
                 cost. Even if they uncover our identities. So, who's going to
                 lead the operation?"

[Everyone looks at Squall.]

Squall: "I will."

General Caraway: "Fine. I'll leave the rest up to you."

Squal: (...The [sniper team] is decided.) "Irvine and I will make up the
       [sniper team]. The [gateway team] will be..."

[The other SeeDs stand up.]

Selphie: "Whoo-hoo!"

Quistis: "Roger."

Zell: "Let's DO IT!!!"

Selphie: "So who's gonna be the leader of the [gateway team]?"

[Zell starts air-punching, like his role's in the bag.]

Squall: (Sorry, Zell.) "Instructor Trepe. ...Quistis Trepe, you're in charge."

Quistis: "Ok! Leave it to me."

General Caraway: "Ok. Let's begin."

[The General and the sniper team leaves for their positions. Rinoa runs in.]

Rinoa: "Hi! Finally got out of there! Did that man say something?"

Zell: "No, not really."

Rinoa: "Where's Squall?"

Quistis: "I'm sorry Rinoa, but we have to get going."

Rinoa: "Hold on a sec."

[She takes out a bracelet-type thing.]

Rinoa: "Take a look at this!!! This is called an Odine Bangle. I found it in
       that man's room."

Zell: "Odine!?"

Selphie: "Whatcha gonna do with it?"

Rinoa: "It's supposed to suppress the sorceress' powers. But, its effects are
       still unknown. So I don't think they're going to use it for this

Zell: "If it's Odine brand, it should be pretty effective! They're NO. 1 when
      it comes to magical goods."

Rinoa: "Right! Right!"

Quistis: "So what exactly do you want to do with it!? Are you planning to have
         the sorceress put it on!? Who? When? How?"

Rinoa: "That's what we're going to discuss!"

Quistis: "We don't have time for that. Squall and Irvine are already standing
         by. We have an operation to carry out, too. You understand, don't you?
         This isn't a father-daugher quarrel. This isn't a game."

[The gateway team leaves Rinoa to herself.]

Rinoa: "Who said this was a game...? I understand what's going on... It's not
       like I don't have a plan..."

[Outside, the General and the sniper team are leaving the residence.]

Squall: "I'll make the first charge when we make the full-on attack. I'll try
        to buy some time."

Irvine: "That won't be necessary... I'll get the job done."

[The party walks out into the street, where soldiers are policing the crowds.]

Irvine: "So lie... Is it true that SeeDs aren't supposed to question their

Squall: (There are times I'd like to know myself. Like...now for example.
        But...) "What do you care?"

Irvine: "So like...if you knew that your enemies were pure evil, you'd get more
        fired up to fight them, right?"

Squall: (...An enemy that is pure evil? Right and wrong are not what separate
        us and our enemies. It's different standpoints, our perspectives that
        separate us. Both sides blame one another. There's no good or bad side.
        Just 2 sides holding different views.)

[The parties come to the archway.]

General Caraway: "The [gateway team] will wait inside the gate until 20:00. You
                 can enter through this door. The sorceress will pass through
                 the gateway at exactly 20:00. In that instant, lower the gates
                 using the control console located on the top floor and trap
                 her inside the gateway."

[Quistis, Zell, and Selphie enter the structure and Caraway walks off.]

General Caraway: "You two will wait here."

Squall: "General, why has the sorceress decided to have such an extravagant

General Caraway: "She wants to establish her place in Galbadia Garden, since
                 she has chosen it to serve as her base."
Squall: (So that's why Galbadia Garden wants her out...)

General Caraway: "It's starting. I'm returning to my residence. Good luck."

[The General leaves. At that moment, Quistis leaves her position in the arch.]

Zell: "Instructor, what's up?"

Quistis: "Maybe I was too hard on her..."

Zell: "Too hard?"

Quistis: "I'm going to go apologize..."

Zell: "You mean...Rinoa?"

Selphie: "But...but...We can't just leave our post!"

Quistis: "We still have time until 20:00. You two wait here."

Zell: "We can't just..."

[Selphie runs off after Quistis.]

Zell: "Hey, wait up!"

[The party follows Caraway silently until they get to his residence.]

General Caraway: "It'll be chaos out there soon. You'll be safe here."

[Rinoa waves him off, so he leaves. She hears the door mechanism start to

Rinoa: "Oh no! He's gonna lock me in!"

[She runs to the door.]

Rinoa: "I... I can do it..."

[Rinoa leaves before the door locks; the Gateway Team enters as it does.]

Quistis: "Rinoa, I'm sorry I..."

[The door mechanism locks the door.]

Quistis: !
Selphie: !
Zell: !

Quistis: ??? "Did we get...locked in?"

Selphie: "...That Caraway guy!?"

Zell: "We're smack dab in the middle of a family quarrel here!"

Quistis: "This is bad. I'm worried about Rinoa, too."

Zell: "What do you mean?"

Quistis: "Rinoa's probably on her way to see the sorceress as we speak. She
         wanted to help us..."

[At the Presidential Residence, Rinoa starts climbing a stack of boxes.]

Rinoa: I'm not a SeeD, but... I can do this... This isn't some kind of game...

[Rinoa uses the boxes to reach the roof, and enters the sorceress' chamber.]

Rinoa: "Umm... Excuse me... I'm...the daughter of, um...Galbadian Army's, um...
       General Caraway. I...thought I'd...come pay my respects...You know...
       'cause of my father and all... So, I...um...brought you a small gift.

[Rinoa approaches but is knocked back by some force. She hangs in the air.]

Rinoa: "Ugh."

[She drops to the ground, unconscious. The sorceress goes to the outdoor mic.]

Irvine: "Here she comes."

[Rinoa's behind her in some hazy trance state of mind.]

Irvine: "H...Hey... That girl...!"

Squall: "Rinoa...?"

[Edea speaks into the microphone.]

Edea: "...Lowlifes. ...Shameless filthy wretches. How you celebrate my
      ascension with such joy. Hailing the very one you have condemned for
      generations. Have you no shame? What happened to the evil, ruthless
      sorceress from your fantasies? The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered
      countless men and destroyed many nations? Where is she now? She stands
      before your very eyes to become your new ruler. HAHAHAHAHA."

President Deling: (...?)

Edea: "A new era has just begun."

President Deling: "E-Edea... Are you alright...? Ede...!"

[Edea outstretches her hand and Vinzer is stricken by something.]

Edea: "This is reality. No one can help you. Sit back and enjoy the show."

[The crowd cheers for Edea's speech; she tosses Deling aside.]

Edea: "Rest assured, you fools. Your time will come. This is only the
      beginning. Let us start a new reign of terror. I will let you live a
      fantasy beyond your imagination."

[Edea leaves the podium, walking by Vinzer's lifeless (?) body.]

Edea: "Let us end this ceremony with a sacrifice."

[FMV: Edea's magic makes 2 statues come to life, and they head toward Rinoa.]

Irvine: "Hey, hey, hey, she's in trouble big-time! We've gotta go help Rinoa."

Squall: "The parade hasn't started yet. The gate's not open."

Irvine: "You've gotta be kidding!"

[Back at Caraway's house, Quistis is looking out the window.]

Quistis: "Oh no! It's starting! We need to get out of here, quick."

[Examining the room, she opens a secret passage behind a statue.]

Zell: "NO WAY!"

Selphie: "Pretty sneak-y!"

Quistis: "Let's go."

Selphie: "But we don't even know where it leads!"

Zell: "No use stayin' here!"

[The party descends a ladder to the sewers. Festive music plays overhead.]

Zell: "It's starting."

[FMV. The parade goes into full swing. Seifer rides on a float.]

Irvine: Now's our chance. Come on! What are you waiting for!? Rinoa might die!

[Squall and Irvine reach Rinoa.]

Squall: "Rinoa!!!"

[The battle starts with Irvine.]

Irvine: "Oh, I forgot to tell you...For my Limit Break, Shot, pull the trigger
        with the [R1]. Got it?"

[Squall and Irvine defeat the two creatures (Iguions). Squall runs to Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "I was scared..."

[Rinoa clings to his arm.]

Rinoa: "...Really scared."

Squall: "It's over now."

Rinoa: "I was scared... I was really, really scared."

Squall: "You're used to battles, aren't you?"

Rinoa: "I couldn't...I just couldn't. I couldn't fight alone..."

Squall: (...You're not ready for all this.) "Better get going."

[Rinoa clings to his arm again after he bats it away.]

Squall: "I haven't forgotten your order. Just stay close to me."

[Squall and company head to the carousel. Irvine takes the sniper rifle.]

Squall: "Irvine Kinneas, it's in your hands now."

[Irvine takes it slowly and walks off by himself.]

Squall: (Huh...? Why'd he get all quiet? Oh, he must be concentrating.
        Loneliness of the sharpshooter... I guess he has a point. Can't hear
        anything from in here. ...What's going on with the parade, I wonder?
        Seifer... So he's alive.) "Rinoa. Seifer's alive. He was in the parade
        with the sorceress."

Rinoa: "...What does it mean?"

Squall: "Who knows." (If I were to face the sorceress directly... Would I have
        to go through Seifer? ...That's the way it goes as a SeeD. You can't
        choose your enemies...) "I may end up killing Seifer."

Rinoa: "You're both...prepared, right? That's the kind of world you live in.
       You've had a lot of emotional training. But... Of course, I'd rather it
       not happen..."

Squall: (............) "It's all up to Irvine."

[Squall walks over to the sharpshooter, who's twitching a little.]

Squall: (Huh...? Is he freakin' out!?) "Don't tell me you're getting the

Irvine: "I...I can't do it."

[Squall facepalms. Meanwhile, the Gateway Team surfaces from the sewers.]

Zell: "Phew! Just made it."

[The sorceress' float passes under the arch.]

Zell: "Instructor, now! Hit the switch!"

[Quistis pulls the lever; the arch's gates trap the float.]

Squall: "Irvine Kinneas!!!"

Irvine: "I...I can't...I'm sorry, I can't do it. I always choke like this... I
        try to act all cool, joke around, but I just can't handle the

Squall: "Forget it. Just shoot."

Irvine: "My bullet... The sorceress... I'll go down in history. I'd change the
        history of Galbadia... Of the world! It's all too much..."

Squall: "Enough! Just shoot!"

Irvine: "I can't, dammit!"

Squall: "Irvine, calm down. Everyone's waiting on you. I don't care if you
        miss. Whatever happens, just leave the rest to us. Just think of it as
        a signal. A sign for us to make our move."

Irvine: "Just a signal..."

Squall: (That's it.) "Please."

[Irvine kneels down, holding the sniper rifle steadily.]

Irvine: "...Just a sign."

[Irvine aims an fires, but the Sorceress puts up a barrier to catch it.]

Irvine: "...I'm sorry."

Squall: "It's ok. Your aim was perfect. Just leave the rest up to me. I'm goin'
        in for the sorceress. Irvine, Rinoa, just be ready to back me up. Take
        care of Rinoa."

[FMV: Squall jumps off the podium, hijacks a car and reaches the float.]

Seifer: "Well, this is how it turned out."

Squall: "So you've become the sorceress' lap dog?"

Seifer: "I prefer to be called her knight. This has always been my dream."

[Squall and Seifer duke it out...]

Seifer: "Squall, you're mine!"

[They keep fighting.]

Seifer: "Thought I was dead, eh? Not until I fulfill my dream!"

[Squall starts to hammer away.]

Seifer: "Ugh, not bad..."

[...and Seifer eventually coming off as the losing party.]

Seifer: "I...lost...!?"

[Squall stands over the defeated Seifer.]

Squall: "You're losing it, Seifer."

Sorceress Edea: "...A SeeD. ...Planted in a run-down Garden."

[Edea attacks this time, but Irvine and Rinoa run in as backup.]

Rinoa: "I can fight if I'm with you! That's why I'm here!"

Irvine: "I have to redeem myself."

Edea: "...the accursed SeeD."

[Edea starts casting high-leveled magic, but gets defeated.]

Edea: "Impudent SeeDs!"

[Edea forms a giant ice spike, impaling Squall. He falls off the float...]

         ######  # ###### #####      ####       ###### #### # ######
         ##    # # #      #             #       ##     # ## # ##    #
         ##    # # ###### #             #       #####  # ## # ##    #
         ##    # #      # #             #       ##     # ## # ##    #
         ######  # ###### #####     #######     ###### # #### ######

14. Laguna Sequence III                                                  [WK14]

[The second disc opens with Laguna in a room. A little girl in a
blue-green dress runs in.]

Girl: "Uncle Laguna! There's someone here to see yoo."

Laguna: "Huh? Me? What's this person look like?"

Girl: "He was wearin' funny clothes. He's tawking to Raine right now."

Laguna: "Hmm? Is he at the pub?"

Girl: "Yup. That's why I came over to get yoo. Uncle Laguna! Am I a good girl?"

[The girl's addressed as "Elle" now.]

Laguna: "No, you're not! It's dangerous to be out there by yourself. What if a
        monster comes and attacks you?"

Elle: "It's only next door. It's ok."

Laguna: "It's still dangerous! And since you're such a cute little girl, the
        monsters will especially be after you! They'll catch you and then
        they'll suck all your blood out! If anything like that should happen,
        Uncle Laguna's gonna cry..."

Elle: "I'll be ok. I'll just call yoo, Uncle Laguna! You'll come rescue me,

[Elle runs out.]

Laguna: "H-Hey! Ellone! Wait!"

[Laguna walks outside to the pub.]

Laguna: "Ellone! Now's your chance!"

Ellone: "Cha-nce!"

[Laguna goes inside, finding Ellone is now being scolded.]

Raine: "You understand, Ellone? Now go to your room and play."

[Ellone turns to her uncle.]

Ellone: "(I got in twouble.)"

Laguna: "(That's 'cause you broke your promise. Too baaad...)"

Raine: "Laguna! Use proper English when speaking to Ellone!"

Laguna: "(I got'n trouble.)"

Ellone: "(Toooo baaaddd!)"

[They both snicker. Just at that moment, Kiros walks into sight.]

Kiros: "It's been a while, Laguna."

Laguna: "Kiros!!!"

[He kneels down to Ellone.]

Laguna: "He's Uncle Laguna's friend. He dresses funny, but he's not a bad guy."

Kiros: "You seem well."

Laguna: "Yeah... You, too. Hey, how long has it been? You know, our grand
        escape from Centra?"

Kiros: "That was... One would usually call that being chased out..."

Raine: "I thought so..."

Kiros: "Well, I would say about a year or so."

Laguna: "I was bed-ridden for over 6 months. It seemed like every bone in my
        body was in pieces."

Raine: "I nursed him back to health."

Kiros: "Thank you, for taking care of Laguna. I was able to recover in about a
       month or so. Ever since then... I've been searching for you."

Laguna: "Why?"

Kiros: "After leaving the army... Well, just killing time I guess. Life's
       pretty boring without you as entertainment, my man."

Laguna: "That's a harsh thing to say. I've been living a productive life here."

Raine: "I think I understand what you mean, though."

Kiros: "So, what do you want to know?"

Laguna: "Let's see..."
        R1 --> (What's Ward up to?)
        R2 --> (...Tell me about Julia)
        R3 --> (...Where am I?)
        R4 --> (Let's talk later...)

NOTE: R3 is from Squall's perspective (i.e. grayed out)

        R1: "How's Ward doing?"

            Kiros: "Ward quit the army, too. Luckily, he found a job and he's
                   working pretty hard."

            Laguna: "What's he doing?"

            Kiros: "He's a janitor down at the D-District Prison."

            Laguna: "Wow... Can't picture him moppin' floors but I'm glad he's
                    doing well."

            Kiros: "Oh, and he never got his voice back. You could basically
                   tell what he wants from his facial expressions."

        R2: "...How's Julia doing?"

            Kiros: "I don't know..."

            Raine: "You mean Julia, the singer?"

            Kiros: "That's right. Laguna really admired her and always
                   frequented the night club."

            Laguna: "Shut up! So what if I did!"

            Raine: "Julia used to sing at a night club?"

            Kiros: "No, she didn't sing. She just played the piano."

            Raine: "Then the first song she released was 'Eyes On Me'?"

            Laguna: "H-How does the song go?"

            Raine: "You don't know?"

            Laguna: "Well, you never let me hear it!"

            Raine: "I didn't think you listened to music. The song's about
                   being in love... I really like it."

            Kiros: "Heard she recently got married."

            Raine: "Oh yeah! To some army general, right? General Caraway or

            Kiros: "I'm not too sure."

            Raine: "I read in a magazine that her true love went off to war and
                   never came back. General Caraway comforted her while she was
                   feeling down. That's how they got to know each other."

            Kiros: "...So she didn't wait for the soldier to come back...?"

            Laguna: "So what! Who cares!? As long as she's happy, right? That's
                    all that matters! Ain't that right, Elle?"

            Ellone: "Right! Uncle Laguna and Raine are..."

            Laguna: "Ahhhhhhhh!!! OK, enough talk about this!"

        R3: "...I think the faeries are here."

            Kiros: "...Faeries? Yeah, I guess so..."

            Laguna: "Then our work today should be a cinch."

            Kiros: "I'm looking forward to the battles."

        R4: "Let's talk later. Time to do some work."
            Kiros: "...OK."

            Laguna: "So, what's your plan. You're gonna stick around here for a
                    bit, right?"

            Kiros: "Would that be ok?"

            Raine: "You work for what you eat. If that's fine with you, you're
                   more than welcome."

[Kiros and Laguna to the town bridge.]

Kiros: "Laguna... I have a simple question... What exactly do you do here?"

Laguna: "It's like this. All the working men in this town were sent off to war.
        The only ones still left in town are old people, children, chocobos,
        dogs, and cats. And I'm sure you've noticed, but the monsters have made
        their way into town. This here town took real good care of me. So
        basically, I want to return the kindness. You're lookin' at the Monster
        Hunter of Winhill! So, as of today, you'll be my assistant. We're to
        patrol the town up to the town entrance! If we see anyone in need along
        the way, we help them. That's our basic duty!"

[Kiros and Laguna head to the other end of town and stop.]

Laguna: "Alright! Our first patrol, complete! We're to report to the commander
        and asst. commander."

Kiros: "Commander... You mean that woman at the pub?"

Laguna: "Her name's Raine. Raine, OK!? She saved my life. And the asst.
        commander is Ellone."

Kiros: "She seems like a nice person. But easily taken in by a hotshot."

Laguna: "...A hotshot? OK, let's step up our patrol a notch. Asst. Kiros, let's
        come up with a plan after we get back to the base."

[The two head back for the pub, but Kiros stops Laguna again.]

Kiros: "Hey, Laguna... Are you doing this patrol thing everyday?"

Laguna: "'Thing'!? What're you callin' 'THING'!?"

Kiros: "Weren't you aiming to become a world-travelling journalist? You've
       heard of 'Timber Maniacts', right? I had a talk with the chief editor.
       He said he's interested in any article related to world travel."

Laguna: "That's great!"

Kiros: "We should go talk to him sometime."

Laguna: "Y-Yeah..."

[They head a ways and stop again.]

Laguna: "Um, it'd be ok if we stayed here a bit longer, right?"

Kiros: "You need time to gather more material? This seems like a really nice
       town. You're gonna write about this place first, aren't you?"

Laguna: "No way. Can't make this town famous. Too much publicity and you get
        all those tourists and stuff."

Kiros: "You're afraid someone might come and take Raine away? Laguna, you've
       changed, man."

Laguna: "Hey! I see a monster!!!"

[Laguna runs back to the pub. They eavesdrop on the girls upstairs.]

Kiros: (...What?)

Laguna: (Girl talk... Let's come back later.)

[Kiros doesn't move.]

Laguna: (Come on!)

Kiros: (Something inside me tells me to listen.)

[Ellone and Raine are oblivious to the two men hiding on the stair.]

Ellone: "Raine... Aren't yoo gonna marry Uncle Laguna?"

Raine: "A guy like that? He was carried in here crying like a baby, and I was
       the one who had to take care of him... His crude way of speaking... I
       don't know if his aspirations as a journalist are going to come true...
       Every time I try to have a serious converation, he avoids it... I can't
       stand his snoring and he talks in his sleep..."

Ellone: "But he's really nice! I really, really like him! Raine, Uncle Laguna
        and Elle should all be together!"

Raine: "...But you know... I think what he really wants to do is travel all
       over the world. I don't think he has it in him to live in a quiet
       country town like this one. Some people are like that... ...Ouuu, it
       makes me so mad."

Ellone: "...Yoo don't like him?"

Raine: "...I feel the same as you, Ellone. Oh!?"

[She sees Laguna there, and he immediately pretends like he just coming up.]

Ellone: "Yea! Yoo're back!"

Laguna: "(huff huff...puff puff...) I came back in a hurry! Here's my report on
        today's patrol and monster extermination! Including Buchubuchus and
        Bunbus that Assistant Commander Ellone oh-so-hates... I've exterminated
        (____) monster(s)!"

Raine: "Alright! Thank you. Shall we eat before you get started with the next
       patrol! I'll call you when it's ready, so just wait [in your room]. You
       seem pretty tired. You should take a quick nap."

[Laguna and Kiros go upstairs in the vacant house.]

Laguna: "Time for a little break..."
        R1 --> (Rest)
        R2 --> (Keep working)

        R1: [See below]
        R2: [Nothing happens; can move around freely]

[When R1 is selected:]

Laguna: "Well now, shall we rest up a bit?"

Kiros: "Hm? What's the matter?"

Laguna: "I get scared sometimes. Scared of waking up somewhere else... Scared
        of not seeing Ellone..."

Kiros: "Scared of not seeing Raine?"

Laguna: "What happened to me? I feel... What is this I'm feeling? Oh, please
        let it be this room when I wake up! Please let me be in this puny bed
        when I wake up!"

Kiros: "Laguna, you've changed."

15. D-District Prison                                                    [WK15]

[The third sequence ends and a box comes up on the blackened screen.]

Someone: (...Where am I?)

[The screen brightens to show Zell, Rinoa, Selphie, and Quistis on a floor.]

Quistis: "Ahh, welcome back, Zell. The 'dream world' again?"

Zell: "Uh huh."

Selphie: "How's Laguna doin'?"

Zell: "Dunno... I didn't see him. It's not like I know everything about Ward,
      but... Well, you know Laguna and company went to that Centra place and
      got into a real fix, right? After that, Ward's been all alone. He's
      working in some sort of prison-like place. And he's bored outta his mind!
      All he wants is to be fightin' alongside Laguna."

Quistis: "So, what is this we're experiencing?"

Zell: "How the hell should I know!?

[Zell walks over to Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "Um, didn't you say that Ward was working in some sort of prison?"

Zell: "Yeah, so."

Rinoa: "And wasn't he from Galbadia?"

Zell: "Sure, he's a soldier there."

Rinoa: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to be Ward
       in that 'dream world'?"

Zell: "Just now I was."

Rinoa: "Does this room look familiar?"

Zell: (Of all the stupid questi... Hey? Whoa??? Wait a sec...) "I know this
      place! Everyone listen up! This is the prison that Ward works at! He's a
      janitor here! There's so many rooms just like this! It's got to be here!"

Rinoa: "There's a prison for political activists in Galbadia... This must be
       the place where Ward works. Right here, where we are! I'm sure of it!"

Quistis: "It's no surprise we're in jail. We did attack the

Rinoa: "Went up against the president. We'll all be sentenced to death..."

Quistis: "That president is no longer in charge."

Rinoa: "Now that Galbadia's in the hands of the sorceress... What's going to
       happen to us?"

Selphie: Things don't look so good..."

Zell: (What's gonna happen to us? And where the hell is that guy, Irvine? And
      where's Squall...? Did the sorceress...(gulp)...)

[Somewhere in the same place, no doubt, Squall wakes up in a tiny
cell, with only a bed and a toilet.]

Squall: (...Where am I? I...challenged Edea... My wound... ......? No wound...?
        How...? The Galbadian soldiers... ...We were surrounded. He was
        there... Seifer, leering down at me.) "Damn you, Seifer!"

[FMV. Squall's cell is taken upwards by an elevator.]

Narrative: Floor 7

Selphie: "What, what!? What was that loud noise?"

[The wardens walk in.]

Zell: (I don't like him at all......)

Mean Guy: "It's the sound of your friend being tortured."

Zell: "What!? Whaddaya mean!?"

Mean Guy: "Shut up!!! Don't screw around with me!!! You understand who's in
          charge here!? I'm asking you a question!"

[He hits Zell with his nightstick, who then gets kicked by the others.]

Rinoa: "Stop!!!"

Mean Guy: "Oh, I almost forgot. Hey man, is there a Rinoa with you?"

Rinoa: "I'm Rinoa."

Mean Guy: "Oh, all right. Then come over here."

Zell: "Whaddaya doing to Rinoa, you bastard!?"

[The guy kicks Zell again.]

Quistis: "Stop it already!!!"

Rinoa: "Stop. I'll go."

Quistis: "Rinoa......"

Rinoa: "I'll be fine. Let's go."

[The wardens leave with Rinoa. Meanwhile, Squall's cell stops moving.]

Seifer: "Squall, you're pitiful."

[Seifer throws Squall against the wall.]

Seifer: "Take him away!"

[Two red lion-things come in. Later, Squall is chained to a wall.]

Seifer: "I'm sure you can imagine what happens now."

Squall: "...What do you want?"

Seifer: "Tell me what SeeD is. Edea demands to know."

Squall: "SeeD..." (...A code name, for Balamb Garden's elite mercenary force...
        SeeD... Combat specialists... ......???) "...Don't you already know?"

Seifer: "I'm not a SeeD. There must be some kind of secret you're given when
        you become a SeeD!"

Squall: "There's nothing. Even if there were, you think I'd tell you?"

Seifer: "You're on my 'tough-nut-to-crack' list. Didn't think you'd talk that

Squall: "...Geez, I'm honored."

Seifer: "So here's a little somethin' for ya."

[He snaps his fingers and a warden starts electrocuting Squall.]

Squall: "Arrrrghhhh..."

Seifer: "Even if you don't talk, others will. The instructor, the little
        messenger girl, or that Chicken-wuss... He wouldn't last 3 seconds!"

Squall: (Th...They're...) "...They're...all here...?"

Seifer: "Oh, you bet. But since I like you so much, I thought you should go
        first. I was hoping you'd be there, Squall. So... how'd I look in my
        moment of triumph? My childhood dream, fulfilled. I've become the
        sorceress' knight."
Squall: (...Sorceress' knight... ...His...romantic dream...? But... Seifer...
        Now, you're just...) "...A torturer."

[Squall passes out.]

Seifer: "What did you say!? Passed out cold, eh? This is the scene where you
        swear your undying hatred for me! The tale of the evil mercenary vs.
        the sorceress' knight... The fun's just started, Squall. Don't
        disappoint me now!"

[The warden starts electrocuting him again. Meanwhile, Selphie heals Zell.]

Selphie: "Draw... Cure!" 

Zell: "Ow ow ow..."

Quistis: "It's no use. There seems to be an anti-magic field here."

[A red lion-thing comes into the room carrying a tray of food, but trips.]

Voice: "What was that noise!?"

[A warden walks in.]

Mean Guy: "You again!?"

[The mean guy kicks the lion-thing over.]

Zell: (Damn him...that numskull!)
      R1 --> I'll stop him!
      R2 --> There's no use...

      R1: "YO! Who do you think you are!?"

          Selphie: "Yeah, you big MEANIE! Stop that!"

          [The Mean Guy goes to hit Zell, who catches the attack.]

          Mean Guy: "Y-You'll regret those words!"

          Selphie: "He's so mean... You ok? Doesn't work so well, but... Cure!"

          [Selphie uses Cure on the lion-thing, fade out.]

      R2: [The lion-thing gets kicked, then leaves with the Mean Guy]

[Back upstairs, Squall is still in chains.]

Seifer: "Well now, Squall. I'll ask again. What is SeeD? And why do they oppose
        the sorceress?"

Squall: (SeeD... Oppose the sorceress...?)

[A warden comes in.]

Warden: "Sir Seifer, the missiles targetted for the Garden are ready to launch.

Seifer: "Excellent."

[The warden leaves.]

Seifer: "Balamb Garden is to be destroyed on charges of training SeeDs to
        oppose the sorceress."

Squall: (...WHAT!?)

Seifer: "It's a pity, really. I grew up there, too... But orders are orders,
        and Edea wants it destroyed."

Squall: "...N-No......"

Seifer: "After the Garden's gone, the SeeD hunt will begin. I'll be Edea's
        bloodhound and hunt down everyone of your kind. It'll be fun, Squall.
        Don't die on me yet. Continue with the interrogation."

[Seifer leaves and the warden at the lever yells at Squall.]

Warden: "Ready to talk?"

Squall: "...I...don't understand...the question..."

Warden: "Don't mess with me! Edea says you know something! Now spit it out!
        Talk! What is SeeD all about!?"

[He pulls the electrocution lever again.]

Squall: (SeeD... Aren't we... mercenaries...from Balamb Garden... Special

Warden: "Hm? Yeah, so!?"

Squall: (I...I don't know any...anything...W-Why...do you...keep...
        R1 --> ...Just let me die
        R2 --> ...I'll lie... I must live...

        R1: "......"
            Warden: "What's that?"

            Squall: "Your..."

            Warden: "What did you say?

            Squall: "Your...breath st...stin...stinks!"

            Warden: "Punk... You asked for it!!!"

            [The warden starts electrocuting Squall again.]

            Warden: "How's that!? How you like me now, huh!?"

            Squall: (...Good night...)

            [Fade to black.]

            Warden: "Tch! Completely knocked out cold. Hey! You 2 Moombas!
                    Watch him!"

        R2: "......"

            Warden: "What's that?"

            Squall: "...Flower."
            Warden: "What did you say?"

            Squall: "The true...goal of SeeD... To spread...seeds all over the
                    world... Fill...the world w...with flowers."

            Warden: "Yeah right...!"

            Squall: "I...It's the truth. See...seeing flowers takes...away
                    people's will to fight."

            Warden: "What then? SeeD wants to bring love and peace to the
                    world...? Ha haha hah! Don't make me laugh! You can't fool

            Squall: "W-We...steal the will to fight... Then we in...invade..."

            Warden: "...What? Hey!!!"

            [Another warden walks in.]

            Warden: "Watch him!"

[The scene changes back to the other incarcerated SeeDs.]

Zell: (What now...?)

Quistis: "We can't just sit here. We have to think of a way to escape."

Zell: "Anyone got a plan?"

If the team helped out the moomba when the Mean Guy kicked him previously:

Selphie: "Well, we could skin this little guy and wear him as a disguise..."

[The lion-thing grows frantic and runs away from Selphie.]

Selphie: "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

Zell: (Doesn't sound like you are...)

Quistis: "Well, we can't rely on magic here, so we have to go with weapons. We
         have to somehow get them back..."

Zell: (Weapons... My weapons are these fists o'mine! I could do some serious
      damage without weapons! It's up to me, baby!) "Let me go. I'll go get the
      weapons back!"

Selphie: "Oh yeah! You worked here as Ward, so you know the place!"

Zell: (Not really... All Ward did was mop the floors...) "Just leave it to me!
      You two lie down there."

[Zell walks to the door.]

Quistis: "Zell..."

Selphie: "I hope this works..."

Zell: "Guard! Guard! We need some help! Open the door!"

Mean Guy: "What's the problem?"

Zell: "The women are unconscious! I think a snake bit 'em!"

Mean Guy: "What...?"

[The Mean Guy enters and Zell swiftly knocks him unconscious.]

Zell: "Well, I'm off!"

[If the moomba is here, it tries to get Zell's attention.]

Zell: "Huh? You wanna go, too?"

[It nods.]

Zell: "Aah, I guess... Just don't get in the way!"

[Zell goes up to the seventh floor.]

Soldier: "Look at this... SeeD weapons..."

Soldier 2: "Is this what they call a gunblade?"

Soldier: "Check these out, a whip, nunchaku..."

[Zell approaches.]

Soldier 2: "Y-You, an escapee?"

Zell: "Yo, I'm here to reclaim these!"

[The battle starts.]

Soldier: "Who's there!?"

[Zell beats up the two guards and takes the weapons.]

Zell: "Piece of cake, baby!"

[The scene ends and Zell's brought automatically back to the girls' cell.]

Zell: "Yo, sorry to keep ya waitin'!"

Quistis: "Zell, the weapons?"

Zell: "Voila!"

Selphie: "Whoo-hoo! Alright!"

Zell: "Time to go kick some ass!"

Quistis: "YES!"

Selphie: "Right on!"

[Someone speaks outside.]

Man A: "Is this the cell with the uncooperative prisoners?"

Mean Guy: "Yes, this is it. Please give'em something to really complain about."

Man B: "Should we be picking on prisoners so soon after gettin' transferred

Man A: "Just be quiet, and let me handle this!"

Mean Guy: "T-These are the prisoners, Lieutenant Biggs, Private Wedge."

Zell: (Biggs? Wedge?)

[Biggs and Wedge enter.]

Zell, Selphie, Biggs, & Wedge: "AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

Biggs: "S-So we meet again! Now we'll teach you the lesson we should have
       taught you earlier! I know it might seem cowardly to fight unarmed
       prisoners... ...But I hope you appreciate our position. Hey, it's a dog
       eat do..."

Wedge: "Uh, they're fully armed, sir..."

Biggs: "W-WHAT!? H-Ho-How...? Ahh, hell with it! Let's go, Wedge!"

[The battle starts.]

Biggs: "I was demoted because of you! I'm only lieutenant now! I'll get my

[Someone hits Wedge.]

Wedge: "O-Ouch! They're always trouble..."

[After awhile of pounding on Wedge:]

Wedge: "I don't wanna be demoted!"

Narrative: Wedge is pissed!

[The party defeats Wedge.]

Wedge: "W-Why...?"

[The party beats on Wedge for awhile:]

Biggs: "We're just getting started!"

[When Biggs is annihilated:]

Biggs: "What's below lieutenant...?"

[After defeating the two clowns, the SeeDs leave.]

Biggs: "D-Don't think you can just walk out... Ugh."

[Outside the door:]

Zell: "Squall should be here, somewhere... We find Squall, and then we're outta
      here. Got it?

[An alarm goes off.]

Zell: "What the...!?!"

Loudspeaker: "Warning! Escapee alert! Monsters will be let loose on each floor.
             If escapee refuses to surrender, you have permission to kill. The
             anti-magic field will be lifted."

Zell: "Tch! The security alarm!"

[The SeeDs go up the floors 'til they come to a large iron door.]

Zell: "This ain't gonna open."

Quistis: "Should we try somewhere else?"

Selphie: "Let's just force it open!"

Zell: (Tch... What'd I do?)
      R1 --> Go elsewhere, like Quistis said
      R2 --> Force it open, like Selphie said

      R1: "Let's try somewhere else."

      R2: "Alright, let's do it!"

          Security Guard: "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?"

          [Two guards run to attack, but are defeated easily.]

          Security Guard: "This way!!!"

          [More guards come, more guards are defeated.]

          Security Guard: "There they are!!!"

          [More pairs come. They shout out their comments:]

          Security Guard: "This way!!!"
          Security Guard: "This way!!!"
          Security Guard: "This way!!!"
          Security Guard: "This way!!!"
          Security Guard: "This way!!!"
          Security Guard: "There they are!!!"

          [After the last battle:]

          Zell: (Huh? There's somethin' on the floor.) "It's a key!!!"

[The party runs into the room that was locked.]

Voice: "Hey!"

Zell: "Squall!!!"

Selphie: "Wake up!"

Quistis: "Come on, Squall!"

Squall: (...I'm...fine...)

[The party is standing over Squall, still in the interrogation room.]

Zell: "You OK!?"

Squall: "It was hell..."

Zell: "Let's just get the hell outta here!"

[He throws the gunblade to Squall.]

Zell: "Catch!"

[They all walk out of the room.]

Zell: "Didn't you come here as Laguna in the 'dream world'?"

Squall: "......No."

Quistis: "So Squall doesn't know how to get out, either."

Zell: "Well... Either way, we kept goin' up and up. I think we better head back

Quistis: "It'd be a pain to go down every floor. The alarm alerted monsters and
         security guards everywhere."

Zell: "By the way, how the hell did they carry you up here, Squall?"

[Squall looks to a large machine hanging over a pit -- the cell carrier.]

Zell: "Whoa!!! What's this!?"

Squall: "It's like a crane that can carry a detachable cell from downstairs."

Selphie: "Oh, so this big hole goes all the way to the bottom. So if we jump
         ALL the way down, we're outta here."

Quistis: "Go ahead if you want to be squashed like a pancake."

Zell: "Oh yeah!!! I remember now!!! We can move this arm by using the panel
      above and the control room. I remember Ward doing this. But we need to
      operate them both at the same time. Someone needs to stay upstairs and
      control the panel..."

[Quistis and Selphie pat Zell on the shoulder.]

Zell: "...Me? F-Fine... I'll give you instructions from upstairs. Everyone get

[Everyone but Zell goes to the arm control room.]

Quistis: "So, this is the arm control room."

[Zell's voice comes in through the speaker.]

Zell: "Yo, can you guys hear me?"

Selphie: "Hiya Zell, loud and clear!"

Squall: "So, what do we do?"

Zell: "Press the red button on the main panel."

[Squall does.]

Zell: "I'll take care of the rest......... There!"

[The thing starts to move and the SeeDs, sans Zell, get off at the bottom.]

Selphie: "Heeey, so what are we going to do now?"

Squall: "Well, there's a door over there."

Quistis: "And?"

Squall: "...... Let's check it out."

[Inside the door, the party sees a locked shutter. It opens, letting sand in.]

Squall: "Sand...?"

Quistis: "...... Buried...? You mean we're underground? In any case, we can't
         get out from here..."

[Gunfire is heard high above.]

Selphie: "What was that?"

Quistis: "Gunfire?"

Squall: "Sounds pretty bad..."

All: "......"

Quistis & Selphie: "ZELL!!!"

Quistis: "Let's get back, quick!"

[The SeeDs run back to the lift, fade to black. Somewhere, a voice is yelling:]

Voice: "There he is! Over there!!! Seize the escapee, dead or alive!!!"

Person: (Tch! Too many! I'm outta here!)

[Zell's being hounded by many guards and has to escape. He gets hit by one.]

Zell: "Ugh..."

Warden: "You bastard..."

[Squall jumps off the lift, cutting down a guard before he shoots Zell.]

Squall: "Didn't think he'd go down that easy."

Zell: "Squall!!! Thanks, man!!!"

[Zell clings to him.]

Squall: "W-What!? Let go. I said, let go!"

Quistis: "Squall! Zell!"

[Selphie and Quistis run down from upstairs somewhere.]

Quistis: "I'm glad you're all right."

Selphie: "Squall, why did you go on your own? Is Zell that important to you?"

[More gunfire cracks.]

Selphie: "Eeeee!"

Zell: "Ahhh! There's no way we can get outta here!"

[The gunfire stops as two non-machine-gun shots are fired.]

Offscreen Shooter: "Argh!"

Offscreen Shooter 2: "Ugh!"

[Everyone sees Irvine. Rinoa's with him and kicks him down the stairs.]

Rinoa: "Come on...! Stop trying to act so cool! Gee, if only you had agreed
       with me earlier, we wouldn't be in this mess."

[She sees Squall.]

Rinoa: "Squall!!!" (Squall's alive! I knew he would be. Squall's ok!) "Yeah!"

Quistis: "Rinoa, you're all right!"

Irvine: "Uh huh. Of course. Courtesy of my escort."

Zell: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Irvine: "Ah..."

Rinoa: "My father pulled some strings with the military. He told them to get
       me, and only me, out."

Irvine: "Then..."

Rinoa: "So this guy here... He came and got me. Just me! Knowing you were all

Irvine: "Aah, that's..."

Rinoa: "Isn't that horrible?"

Irvine: "Alright, alright...! I said I was sorry. That's why I'm here to help!"

Rinoa: "After I scratched you to death."

Irvine: "Uh... A-A-Anyhow, now's our chance."

Squall: "The basement door is buried in sand."

Irvine: "Of course it is. This place is buried underground."

Squall: "Buried?"

Irvine: "That's right. This prison is..."

Voice: "There they are! It's the escapees!"

[The gunfire starts up again and Irvine returns fire.]

Irvine: "Squall! You choose two more party members and head on up. I'll hold'em

Squall: "Up?"

Irvine: "Don't have time to explain now! The exit's up there, trust me."

Squall: "...... Ok."

Rinoa: "I think I know the way!"

[Squall leaves with his two party members.]

Irvine: "My turn to boogie now."

[Squall's brigade heads up to 8F. Meanwhile, Irvine's team is taking fire.]

Irvine: "Oh, man, this is endless!"

[-] Zell: "Yo, what's our next move!?"
[-] Quistis: "Hey, what do we do?"

Irvine: "Hmm..."

[-] Quistis: "I got an idea! Can't we go up again with the arm?"
[-] Selphie: "Heeey! Can't we go up again using the arm? I think Squall and
             the others are already up there."

Irvine: "Hey, good idea."

[-] Zell: "But they gotta operate it from that room upstairs."
[-] Quistis: "But they have to operate it from the control room upstairs."

Irvine: "Leave that to me. Alright! Let's head to the floor where the arm's

[The party heads downward until they come to the arm.]

Irvine: "Hey! Hop on!"

[The view changes back to Squall, who finally reaches fresh air.]

[*] Zell: "OHHHH YEAHHH!!! We're out, baby!!!"
[*] Selphie: "We're outside!!! We escaped! We escaped!!!"

Loudspeaker: "Prisoners may not go beyond this point. You will be terminated."

Squall: "They're coming!"

[Some monsters come with a soldier.]

Soldier: "You're not goin' anywhere!"

[The party defeats the enemies that were sent.]

Irvine: "Hey Squall, can you hear me?"

[They find a speaker in the previous room emitting Irvine's voice.]

Irvine: "Hey! Hey, you guys!"

Quistis: "Is this what you were talking about? What if Squall and the others
         have already gone ahead?"

Squall: "I can hear you."

Irvine: See! I told you we'd be alright. Squall, go ahead and operate the arm.

Squall: "How?"

Zell: "Yo, leave that one to me."

[If Zell's not present, he'll say instead:]

Zell: "Squall, push the yellow button on your upper right hand side."

Squall: (Is this it?)

[Zell (or Squall, if Zell's not in the party) presses the button.]

Irvine: "Alrighty! We'll be there in like a second. Wait right there."

[-] Zell: "Hey... Is it supposed to move this slow?"
[-] Quistis: "Sure takes awhile, doesn't it?"

Irvine: "So what? What's the rush?"

Rinoa: "Looks like they'll be just fine."

[Squall and his two teammates run outside. They see they're quite high up.]

[-] Selphie: "So... How do we get down?"
[-] Quistis: "......What is this place...?"
[-] Zell: "W-W-What the hell is this!? We still can't go anywhere."

Rinoa: "No way...! When I came in earlier, it wasn't like this..."

Squall: "Let's just head for that structure over there."

[Squall's allies run across, but Squall gets trapped as the walkway retracts.]

Rinoa: "Squall!!! Hold on! Over here! Hurry!"

[The prison digs back into the earth. Everyone meets up at a garage afterward.]

Rinoa: "That was way too dangerous, wasn't it...?"

Squall: "Yeah."

Irvine: "I thought the arms were movin' kinda slow. They had the submerge
        system on."

Squall: "Let's just get going."

[Selphie turns to one of the cars.]

Selphie: "I wanna ride the yellow one!"

Quistis: "I'll take that one, too."

Rinoa: "Okay me, too."

Irvine: "Hey, hey, hey! Ladies?"

Zell: "Let's go, Irvine."

[The boys and girls get into their vehicles and drive to a crossroads.]

Squall: "What?"

Quistis: "The sorceress is about to launch missiles at Garden!?"

Selphie: "That's what Rinoa heard from Irvine!"

Squall: "The only thing we can do now is go back to Garden as soon as possible
        and warn the students. Alright, let's get in the car and go.""

Selphie: "They're targetting both Balamb and Trabia Gardens! We have to
         interfere with the launch! We have to stop the missiles!"

[Squall walks over to Selphie.]

Selphie: "I just transferred from Trabia Garden! I can't just sit around
         knowing that Trabia Garden is in danger! So Squall, please! Decide
         who's gonna go to the Galbadia Missile Base, before it's too late!"

Squall: (It's easier said than done... What if something happens to the party
        members I choose...?"

Rinoa: "Let's take a vote!"

Rinoa: "Squall will decide on the party. Squall will return to Balamb because
       he's the leader. Anyone against this plan please raise your right hand!
       I don't mind which team you put me on."

Squall: (But you're an outsider...?)

Quistis: "You're the leader, Squall. What are the teams?"

Squall: (Leader? I never asked to be the leader.)

[Just then, a volley of missiles crosses the sky.]

Irvine: "I...heard they were hitting Trabia first, and then Balamb."

Selphie: "Trabia... I'm sorry... I couldn't stop it... Please let everybody be
         all right. Please... That was a miss...right...? Squall, we have to
         report to Balamb! Who are you taking?"

Zell: "C'mon, Squall!"

Quistis: "You have to decide, Squall!"

Rinoa: "Squall, think carefully now!"

Squall: (I've had it up to here with this leader thing... Alright, alright...
        I'll choose.)

[Squall picks his team.]

Selphie: "I'm on the missile base infiltration team! I have to be! They
        launched missiles at MY Trabia!"

Squall: (This team will now head for Balamb. The rest...to the missile base.
        Should I go with this...)
        R1 --> (Think it over)
        R2 --> (Go with it)

        R1: [Squall can change up the parties again.]

        R2: [See below.]

[When the parties are finally decided:]

Squall: "This mission is unlike any other. It's not an order or a request from
        anyone... Selphie, do you have some kind of plan?"

Selphie: "I think if we take this Galbadian army vehicle, we should be able to
         make it inside the base. But...that's about it. I'll have to think of
         the rest once we're inside. Do you think that'd be ok? I'm sorry... I
         mean, thanks. There isn't much time! You better hurry to Balamb

Squall: "See you at Balamb Garden."

[The party members start to walk to their vehicles.]

Selphie: "Squall! Hurry!!!"

[Awhile later, Squall and his team skid into a railway station and hop out.]

Squall: "Let's take that train."

[They climb on board when the engineer gets off. A soldier tries to pursue.]

Soldier: "HEY STOP!"

[-] Rinoa: "Squall! He's coming after us."
[-] Quistis: "Squall! There's a soldier coming after us."

Squall: "......"

Soldier: "S-Stop the train! ERRAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

[-] Rinoa: "Sorry!"
[-] Quistis: "Oh my, just give up."

Soldier: "AAHHHhhhhhrghh......"

[The soldier trips in his haste.]

Rinoa: "Sorry, it's an emergency!"

[Meanwhile, Selphie and her crew are pulling out, too, from the desert.]

Selphie: "C'mon! To the [Missile Base]!"

16. Galbadian Missile Base                                               [WK16]

[Selphie's team rolls into the base and stops at a checkpoint.]

Security Guard: "Alright, go ahead."

Selphie: (Really? Phew...)

[The disguised SeeDs hop out in the parking lot.]

Loudspeaker: "Following the launch on Trabia Garden, prepare for the launch on
             Balamb Garden. All personnel, take your positions."

Selphie: (Ewwww... This uniform is so itchy and smelly!)

[-] Quistis: "When is launch time?"
[-] Zell: "When the hell is launch time!?"

Selphie: "It doesn't matter! We have to stop the missiles! That's all there is
         to it, right!? If there's a door, we go in! If there's anything we can
         break, we break! And in the end, we blow this place to smithereens!"

[-] Rinoa: "Well, let's do it!"
[-] Irvine: "Hey, Selphie. I like your attitude. Let's do it up!"

Selphie: "Let's get a move on!"

[The party enters the nearest door and come to another door that's
locked tightly.]

Selphie: "It's LOCKED!"

[Selphie looks at a panel near the door.]

Selphie: "Insert ID Card!? But...we don't have one!!!"

[-] Quistis: "Selphie, calm down."
[-] Zell: "Selphie, stop yelling!"

[-] Rinoa: "I found this in the car. Maybe it'll work?"
[-] Irvine: "So like... I found this in the car. Give it a try."

[Selphie puts it in the slot.]

Machine: "Verifying... Access granted..."

Selphie: "Whoo-hoo!"

[Everyone heads in and they soon come upon a soldier guarding a door.]

Selphie: (Yikes! There's someone there! What to do... What to do...)
         R1 --> (Act casual)
         R2 --> (Walk by quietly)
         R3 --> (Try to sneak by)

         R1: "It might look suspicious if we're uptight, so let's
             just act casual!"

             [They walk near the guard.]

             Guard: "Hey! You! Stop right there!"

             Selphie: "Yikes! Do we look THAT suspicious!?)

             Guard: "Hah! Walking in a single file... ...Your parents must have
                    raised you well. That's very good manners! Always be
                    thankful to your parents for bringing you up!"

             Selphie: "Yes, sir..." (Wow, that was weird... What a strange

             [The conversation's a little different if they run by.]

             Guard: "Hey! You! Stop right there!"

             Selphie: (Yikes! Do we look THAT suspicious!?)

             Guard: "No running inside the base! The catwalks are very narrow

             Selphie: (...Phew. Don't scare me like that...) "Sorry, sir. We'll
                      keep that in mind!"

         R2: "It might look suspicious if we run. Let's just walk by here!"

             [They walk by the guard.]

             Guard: "Hey! You! Stop right there!"

             Selphie: (Yikes! Do we look THAT suspicious!?)

             Guard: "Hah! Walking in a single file... ...Your parents must have
                    raised you well. That's very good manners! Always be
                    thankful to your parents for bringing you up!"

             Selphie: "Yes, sir..." (Wow, that was weird... What a strange
         R3: "Better not let him see our faces. Let's try to sneak

             [They sneak past the guard.]

             Guard: "Hey! You! Stop right there!"
             Selphie: (Yikes! Do we look THAT suspicious!?)

             Guard: "Why are you walking so strangely? Do you feel ill?"

             Selphie: "Ahh...Umm...No sir...!"

             Guard: "Then walk normally..."

[The three continue walk into an area undergoing inspection.]

Maintenance Soldier: "Huh? I'm busy now. Whaddaya want?"

Maintenance Soldier 2: "Oh yeah... Aren't we suppos'ta inspect the circuit
                       room soon?"

Maintenance Soldier: "Oh, it's that time already? We're doing the real thing
                     today, so there's no way we have time for it."

Maintenance Soldier 2: "Sorry to trouble you, but could you deliver a message
                       for us? Tell the guys by the [missile launcher] to go on
                       ahead, and that we'll catch up with'em later. Thanks a
                       lot. We really appreciate it."

Maintenance Soldier: "Thanks."

[Selphie's party heads into the missile room.]

Selphie: "S'cuse me, sir... I have a message for you..."

Maintenance Soldier: "Well, what is it?"

Selphie: (Ah... What was it again...?)
         R1 --> (...To go on ahead)
         R2 --> (...That they'll go on ahead)

         R1: "It's about inspecting the circuit room. The maintenance team said
             they were too busy, so that you should go on ahead."

         R2: "It's about inspecting the circuit room. The maintenance team said
             they were free, so they're gonna go on ahead."

             [-] Zell: (Huh? Was that what they said?)
             [-] Quistis: (Wait. Was that what they said?)

Maintenance Soldier: "Oh, ok. But I'm still not done here, you know... Hmmm...
                     Could you tell them I can't go yet? Thanks, I appreciate

[They run back to the other maintenance crew.]

Selphie: "They said they were too busy to go, too."

Maintenance Soldier: "Geez... What do we do?"

Maintenance Soldier 2: "Guess we have no choice but to go... ..............."

Maintenance Soldier: "Aahhh, alright... Can we ask you to go?"

Maintenance Soldier 2: "What!? Hey, that's not cool! What if the base commander
                       finds out!?"

Maintenance Soldier: "Ahh, it'll be fine. All we do is go and make sure
                     everything is up and running, anyway."

Maintenance Soldier 2: "............... Well, I hope you're right..."

Maintenance Soldier: "So, that's that. We're counting on you."

Selphie: "Yes, sir!" (......Whoo-hoo! Blow the place to smithereens!)

[The team runs back to the soldier guarding the door near where the
party entered.]

Selphie: "The maintenance team asked us to take their place with the

Guard: "Oh, really? Then I guess my shift is over... I'm gonna call my relief.
       Go ahead with the inspection."

[The guard leaves and the team goes into the circuit room.]

Selphie: (This must be the control panel, but I'm not sure what to
         R1 --> (Ahh, just hit whatever!)
         R2 --> (Hit a few buttons here and there...)

         R1: "I'm not sure what to do so, I'll just press whatever!"

             [Selphie presses some stuff.]

             Selphie: (...That's strange... Nothing happened. ...Maybe I should
                      try again.)
                      R3 --> (Just press whatever!)
                      R4 --> (Bang on it hard!)

         R2: "Here goes nothing!"

             [Selphie presses the buttons sparingly.]

             Selphie: (...That's strange... Nothing happened. ...Maybe I should
                      try again.)
                      R3 --> (Just press whatever!)
                      R4 --> (Bang on it hard!)

         R3: "Here goes nothing!"

             [Selphie presses an assortment of levers and buttons.]

         R4: "Destroy everything!"

             Prompt: Hit ([]) repeatedly!

             [Selphie square-s off with the panel, banging on it for awhile
             until she gets some results. The room's power then shuts off.]

Selphie: "Huh? Heeey... The lights went out..."

Loudspeaker: "Electrical System Malfunction. Maintenance Team: Investigate

[-] Zell: "We should get the hell out. Now..."
[-] Quistis: "It would look really bad if they found us here... We should leave
             this room now."

Selphie: "Alright! NEXT!"

[Selphie and company leave the room just as a maintenance crew arrives.]

Maintenance Soldier: "Hey, you! What's going on here!?"

Selphie: (...Ahh, man... Really bad timing...)
         R1 --> (What the heck! Let's FIGHT!)
         R2 --> (...Try to talk my way out)

         R1: [Selphie's team beats the crap out of the soldiers, no questions
             asked, but afterwards, they're not able to hide their president.]

         R2: (...What kinda excuse should I use?)
             R3 --> (We just got here)
             R4 --> (We were about to go call on you)

         R3: "We just got here, too. We have ABSOLUTELY no idea what's going

             Maintenance Soldier: "Bite your tongue! We just saw you come outta

             Selphie: (...Yikes!)
                      R5 --> (Must be your imagination)
                      R6 --> (It's a mess in there!)
                      R7 --> (Aah, whatever! Just FIGHT!) 

         R4: "We were just about to go call on you!"

             Maintenance Soldier: "Alright, then. Let us take care of it!"

             [The guards go into the room; Selphie's team follows for the KO.]

             Maintenance Soldier: "H-Hey! W-What are you doing!?"

             Maintenance Soldier 2: "AHHHHH!!! W-Who are you...!?"

             Maintenance Soldier: "Ughhh... Damn it..."

             Maintenance Soldier 2: ".................."

             [Selphie's team runs out.]

             Selphie: "Whoo-hoo! Let's keep movin'!"

             [-] Rinoa: (Selphie can get a little carried away at times...)
             [-]Irvine: (...Geez...Selphie can be a little outta control at

         R5: "It's just your imagination! Just leave everything to us! Don't
             worry about a thing!"

             Maintenance Soldier 2: "Well, we do have other work to do. Let's
                                    just have them handle it."

             Maintenance Soldier: "...Ahh, alright. Don't do anything stupid!"

             [The soldiers run off.]

             Selphie: "...Phew. That was close..."

             [-] Zell: "Selphie! You're outta control!"
             [-] Quistis: "Selphie! What's gotten into you!?"

             Selphie: "Whatever! Let's just hurry!"

         R6: "We just took a look inside, but... It's a big mess in there!
             There's no way we can repair it!" [Insert R4, sans Selphie's
             opening line.]  

         R7: [Same as R1]

[The party heads down the stairs. Soldiers emerge from the missile room.]

Soldier: Hey, could you lend us a hand? The power's down and we need some help.

Guard: "Uhh, I guess so..."

Guard 2: "Come on."

[The guards enter the missile room. One comes out as the SeeDs pass by.]

Guard: "Hey! You! Haven't seen you around before..."

Selphie: (What to do...? What to do...?)
         R1 --> (Play it cool)
         R2 --> (Run away!)
         R3 --> (Fight, all the way!)

         R1 (Guard): "Well, we need some help in here. I guess it doesn't
                     really matter who... Do you think you could lend a hand?"
                     R4 --> (Help out)
                     R5 --> (Run away!)
                     R6 --> (Fight, all the way!)

         R2: [Selphie's team flees.]

             Guard: "H-Hey! Wait! Dammit! They must be intruders!

             [The guard goes to the console nearby.]

             Guard: "Attention all staff! This is an emergency! Intruders are
                    inside the base! Eliminate them at all costs!"

             [Meanwhile, the party's regroups in the previous screen.]

             Selphie: "They found us out. Can't do anything about it now. So,
                      let's show'em what we got!"

             [As they go to leave, two soldiers spot 'em.]

             Guard: "There they are! Get'em!"

             [Selphie's squad defeats the soldiers.]

         R3: [The party initiates battle.]

             Soldier: "How dare you mess up our plan!"

             [When defeated:]

             Soldier: "You're all going down!"

             [Afterwards, an alarm goes off.]

             Loudspeaker: "Attention all staff! This is an emergency! Intruders
                          are inside the base! Eliminate them at all costs!"

             Selphie: "Hm!? Whaaaat! Oh no!?"

             [-] Zell: "This isn't good!"
             [-] Quistis: "I know we're responsible, but this isn't good..."

             [-] Rinoa: "We need to leave now, or else they'll find us!"
             [-] Irvine: "Can't change what we did. I guess we gotta mosey on
                         out of here."

         R4: [See below.]

         R5: [Same as R2]
         R6: [Same as R3]

[If the party feels altruistic and picks R4:]

Guard: "This way. follow me. Unbelievable... Power failure at a crucial time
       like this? What the heck are those maintenance guys doing...?"

[Selphie's team follows him in. The guards are trying to move a silo by hand.]

Maintenance Soldier: "Yeah, that's the one. All right, 1 in between the 2 guys,
                     and 2 on either side."

[The party manages to push the silo into its slot, and they turn to leave.]

Maintenance Soldier: "Hey, wait! Good work. All we need to do now is confirm
                     the coordinates on the control panel. The program should
                     be ready to go. You guys get on it."

Selphie: (Heeey! The control panel!? Now we're talkin'!)

[The party runs to the control panel.]

[-] Quistis: "Ok, what should we do?"
[-] Zell: "Let's just smash this baby!"
[-] Irvine: "So like...let's just bust it up."

Selphie: (Yeah, bust it up real good! But...) "It'll be a mega bummer if WE
         launch the missiles by mistake. So, should we hold back a little and
         just mess around with it a bit?"

[-] Zell: "Tch...! Yeah, I guess..."

[The party inputs a high error ratio for the launch and uploads the specs.]

Relief Guard: "This place is off-limits. You're not allowed up here."

Selphie: "But we've come to report on the missile coordinate data."

Relief Guard: "Oh, very well. Go right ahead."

[Selphie's team walks up the stairs.]

Relief Guard: "Did we have someone that puny in our base...?"

[Whether or not the party helps out, they go to the control center.]

Soldier: "All systems go, sir!"

Soldier 2: "Everything's all set, sir!"

Officer: "We had some minor setbacks, but proceed as scheduled. We're running
         behind, but prepare for the final launch phase."

Soldier: "Roger!"

Soldier 2: "Roger!"

Loudspeaker: "Attention. This is the control room. We are now entering the
             final phase of the missile launch. Take your designated positions
             and prepare for the launch!"

[Selphie's team comes up. If they're not in uniform:]

Officer: "Bring it ON! How dare you interfere with our plans! (Maybe that was a
         bit too much? Well, what's done is done!)

Selphie: "Up yours! We're gonna screw up this plan of yours!" [The battle
         starts after this.]

[If they are in uniform:]

Officer: "Huh? What are you doing in here!?"

Selphie: "We've come to report on the missile coordinates!"

Officer: "Oh... ............ Don't move! I thought you looked suspicious.
         You're the intruders! No use hiding it now! That salute you just did
         was completely wrong!"

Selphie: (Yikes...! Well, at least we made it this far. It's about time we

Officer: (What are you doing!? Ahhhhhh!)

[A blinding light flashes. When it's gone, the party's out of uniform.]

Selphie: "TA-DAH! Hooooo, finally. This military uniform is itchy, and it

[The party initates battle. The base leader (i.e. Officer) says occasionally:]

Officer: "Time for us to get serious!"
Officer: "Are they from Garden?"
Officer: "Attack with magic!"

[After awhile:]

Soldier: "Captain, they're too strong!"

[The party defeats the officer and his soldiers.]

Officer: "Ughhhh!"
Soldier: "C-Captain..."

Selphie: "Ok then! Let's stop the missiles, blow the base to smithereens, and
         get outta here!"

[-] Zell: "We should be able to stop the missile launch from here."
[-] Quistis: "One of these control panels should be the launch control

[-] Rinoa: "I think we should split up and look."
[-] Irvine: "So like...let's just split up and start lookin'."

[They walk around inspectin' things for awhile, before Selphie hits paydirt.]

Selphie: "Let's see... ............ Heeey! I found it! Push this, then that...
         ............ ............ There! I'm done! Whoo-hoo! All we need to
         find now is the self-destruct mechanism!"

[If Zell found the button instead, he'll say:]

Zell: "Yo, look. I found it! ............ OHHH YEAHHH! We're all set, baby!"

[Selphie goes to another panel in the back room.]

Selphie: "Heeey! This is the self-destruct mechanism for the base!
         Hmmm... Let's see here... Huh? We have to set a time?"
         R1 --> 10 minutes
         R2 --> 20 minutes
         R3 --> 30 minutes
         R4 --> 40 minutes

         R1: "Hmmm... Let's see here..."

             Loudspeaker: "Self-destruct mechanism activated. 10 minutes until
                          destruction. All staff evacutate the base
                          immediately. I repeat..."

             Selphie: "Whoo-hoo! Let's hurry on outta here!"

         R2: [Same as R1, with the minute until destruction changed.]
         R3: [Same as R1, with the minute until destruction changed.]
         R4: [Same as R1, with the minute until destruction changed.]

[Selphie's team leaves. After awhile, the soldier gets up.]

Soldier: "............ Heheheh... It's not over yet..."

[He dies after pressing a button. Selphie's team hears a rumble outside.]

Selphie: "Huh? Heeey? What was that noise?"

[They run outside and see soldiers fleeing. A gigantic robot appears.]

Captain: "There's no way I'm letting you all live! It would be inexcusable to
         Sorceress Edea! I don't want to suffer her wrath! Are you men ready!?"

Driver: "Yes, sir!"

Driver 2: "Yes, sir!"

Captain: "Alright, let's go."

[The battle starts, and the SeeDs blow up one a piece housing a private.]

Private 2: "AHHH! Captain!"

Captain: "It's only 1, don't worry!"

[The party starts dismantling it further.]

Captain: "Stand by for beam cannon!"

Private 1: "Yes, sir!"

[Another section's blown off after awhile.]

Private 2: "Let's just get outta here!"

Captain: "Can't let them seize this MRV!"

[Another part's blown up after awhile, reducing the number of pieces to two.]

Captain: "Keep attacking anyway!"

Private: "Yes, sir!"

[They defeat the machine.]

Private: "I can't control it!"

Captain: "What!!!?"

[The party blows up the MRV, and it moves off-screen, exploding.]

Captain: "AWWW HOT HOT HOT!!! That piece of crap!"

Private 2: "What now, captain!?"

Private 1: "It needs repairs, sir!"

Captain: "We'll kill'em, first!"

[The SeeDs kill them, instead, though. The robot's husk blocks the exit.]

Selphie: (...Are we locked in? Squall will take care of the rest, right? I
         wonder if he'll organize the Garden Festival? Nah, can't count on
         Squall for that... Sigh... It's all over...)

[-] Rinoa: "...Squall, did you put me on this team because you hated me...?"

[-] Zell: "I've always thought about when this day would come. Living a life
          full of battles... I guess you could say I was prepared. But when I
          think this is really it... Damn, it pisses me off!"

[-] Quistis: "It came quite quietly. I thought the end would have been more

[-] Irvine: "Squall...He didn't trust me. That's probably why he put me on
            this team..."

Selphie: (...What are you all saying? ...Squall chose us because he believed in
         us. I'm sure of it! We can do it. That's what he thought when he made
         this team. Isn't that right, Squall?)

[FMV: The base goes up in a large explosion.]

17. Balamb Garden                                                        [WK17]

[-] Zell: "Alright! The Garden's safe!"
[-] Rinoa: "Hey, looks like everything's alright!"
[-] Quistis: "Oh, thank goodness. Everything's alright."

Squall: (It looks like they did it. Still, the missiles could be on their way.)
        "We have to report to the headmaster. Come on."

[They go through the gates to find students running around aimlessly.]

Garden Faculty: "Find the headmaster!"

Squall: (What's going on? Are they evacuating?)

Garden Faculty: "Seize him! Kill him if you have to! Go!"

Squall: (What!?)

[They go in a little further.]

Squall: (What the hell is going on?)

Garden Faculty: "You three, what side are you on?"

Squall: (Huh?)

Garden Faculty: "Answer the question! Are you with the Garden Master, or are
                you with Cid!?"

Squall: "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Garden Faculty: "Do you swear your allegiance to Garden Master NORG?"

Squall: R1 --> (...I guess...for now)
        R2 --> (...I don't get it)

        R1: "Yes... We do..."

            Garden Faculty: "All right then. Go find Cid. Members of his
                            faction are protecting him. Kill them if they

        R2: "Can you tell me what's going on?"

            Garden Faculty: "I'm the one asking the questions! You're just
                            supposed to follow orders! Hey! What kind of
                            attitude is that!? You're with Cid, aren't you!?"

            [The faculty member summons some monsters to battle the SeeDs.]

            Garden Faculty: "NORG is the true ruler of the Garden!"

[The party finds Fujin and Raijin by the Garden directory.]

Raijin: "Hey, you're back!"

Squall: "What's going on here?"

Raijin: "I dunno. At first, they were sayin' somethin' 'bout roundin' up the
        SeeDs, ya know!? Now, everyone's either sidin' withthe Garden Master or
        the headmaster and fightin' everywhere, ya know!?"


Raijin: "Disappointin' for the disciplinary committee. All our work for
        nothin', ya know!?"

Squall: "Why are SeeDs being targeted? And where's the headmaster? Is he safe?"

Raijin: "We got no clue."

Squall: "We need to see him right away. It's important. Galbadian missiles may
        be heading this way."

Raijin: "WHAT!? We gotta get outta here!"

[Fujin kicks him.]

Raijin: "OOOUUCH! Geez, alright! We'll warn everyone about the missiles! Man,
        this is no time to be fightin', ya know!?"

Squall: "We'll go look for the headmaster."

Fujin: "CAUTION!"

Raijin: "Yeah, the fightin' is intense everywhere! And watch out for those
        Garden Master goons, ya know!"

[-] Zell: "Yo, guys..."
[-] Quistis: "And you two?"

[-] Rinoa: "The headmaster?"
[-] Irvine: "Garden Master or the headmaster?"

Raijin: "Hey, jus' like Fujin said, ya know!? We're with Seifer. Always have,
        always will."

[The two run off.]

Squall: (Seifer...He's sided with the sorceress. You guys alright with that?)

[The SeeD team starts to look for the headmaster. At the library:]

Garden Faculty: "What's taking so long!? Hurry up!!!"

[Squall's team runs over.]

Garden Faculty: "Another one of Cid's followers!? DIE!"

[He summons a Grat.]

Garden Faculty: "Face the wrath of this monster!"

[They defeat the Grat easily and go to the training center.]

SeeD: "Over here! She's one of the headmaster's SeeDs."

SeeD 2: "The junior classmen are with her. Don't let them escape."

[They corner the girl and the two kids into a corner.]

Female SeeD: "Oh shoot...! I'm sorry."

Boy: "I'm gonna fight, too!

SeeD: "Heh heh heh. This should be interesting..."
[The boy punches him in the ribs.]

SeeD: "Aahhh!"

Boy: "I'm not training everyday for nothing. Come on!"

SeeD: "Why you little...!"

Option: R1 --> Help them
        R2 --> Ignore it

        R1: [Squall jumps between the two, gunblade flashing.]

            Squall: "You'll have to get past me first."

            Garden Faculty: "Another one of Cid's followers!? DIE!"

            [The staff member summons a T-Rexaur.]

            Garden Faculty: "Those opposed to NORG must die!"

            [The party slays the prehistoric beast, saving the kids.]

        R2: [The screen blacks out and it's assumed that they've killed the
            SeeD and her two junior classmen.]

            Garden Faculty: "He's not here either. Slippery bastard."

[After the showdown in the training center, the team visits the garage.]

Garden Faculty: "Another one of Cid's followers!? DIE!"

[The staffer summons a Grendel.]

Garden Faculty: "This Garden belongs to NORG!"

[The party finds the Headmaster in the garage afterwards.]

Squall: "Sir!"

[But, the headmaster's image flashes and fades away.]

Squall: "What the...?"

SeeD: "It was just a hologram. Pretty cool, huh? The headmaster isn't here.
      We're just here to make them believe that he's in here."

SeeD 2: "If those bastards attack us all at once, we won't stand a chance, even
        if we are SeeDs."

SeeD: "Basically, we're cutting them off and fighting them in small groups.
      Brilliant, huh? It wasn't our idea though."

Squall: "Who came up with it?"

SeeD 2: "Xu."

SeeD: "She took charge immediately when this whole thing began."

[The party heads towards the dormitories.]

Garden Faculty: "What...!? Another one of Cid's followers!? Prepare to die!"

[He summons a Caterchipillar.]

Garden Faculty: "You're siding with the headmaster!?"

[After, they go towards the cafeteria.]

Garden Faculty: "Another one of Cid's followers!? DIE!"

[He summons a Bomb.]

Garden Faculty: "Stall them."

[The team heads to the Quad when Cid's not found in the cafeteria.]

Garden Faculty: "Dammit. We need reinforcements."

[The Garden member runs by and they continue to the scaffolding.]

Squall: (Nothing looks damaged so far...)

Voice: "Who's there!?"

[Three SeeDs jump out.]

SeeD: "Whose side are you on!?"
      R1 --> I'm with the headmaster's faction
      R2 --> I'm with the Garden Master's faction

      R1: "I'm with the headmaster."

          SeeD 2: "That's what I thought. Who's this Garden Master anyway?"

      R2: "I'm with the Garden Master. At least that's what I told them, to
          make things easier for now."

          SeeD: "...Phew...good. Because I definitely don't want to fight you."

[Everyone treks to the infirmary.]

Garden Faculty: "Looks like Cid has some decent pawns. This is getting nowhere.
                Call the monsters."

Option: R1 --> Help them
        R2 --> Let them handle it
        R1: "Let's get in there!"

            [Squall's team attacks, and a Granaldo is summoned.]

            Garden Faculty: "More SeeDs here!?"

        R2 (Squall): "......"

           [The SeeDs defeat NORG's followers.]

[Either way, the doc approaches afterwards, to tend to a wounded enemy SeeD.]

Dr. Kadowaki: "Oh my... Can you stand up?"

Enemy SeeD: "Why are you helping me? I'm with the Garden Master..."

Dr. Kadowaki: "Stop being ridiculous. I don't care whose side you're on. We
              need to take care of those wounds now, you hear?"

[She turns to Squall's party. If they didn't help she'll say:]

Dr. Kadowaki: "The headmaster isn't here, so get out of here."

[If they did, she'll say:]

Dr. Kadowaki: "Squall, don't just stand there. Give me a hand."

[They go into her office.]

Dr. Kadowaki: "What is all this faction mumbo jumbo? It's ridiculous. Are you
              looking for Cid? As you can see, he's not here."

Squall: "Do you have any idea?"

Dr. Kadowaki: "Hmm... Xu might know. I have no idea where she is though. Why
              are you looking for him anyway?"

Squall: "I need to inform him that there may be missiles heading this way. You
        should get out of here, too."

Dr. Kadowaki: "Are you serious!? Then I'm definitely gonna have to stay. If
              anybody gets hurt, who's gonna look after them?"

[They find Xu near the elevators.]

Squall: "Xu!?"

[They go to the elevator, but she's not there.]

Squall: "She went up?"

[They go up, too, finding Xu at the end of the second-floor hallway.]

Xu: "Whose side are you on!?"

Squall: "Neither. We have urgent news. We need to see the headmaster now. Where
        is he?"

[-] Quistis: "Just trust us, Xu! There's no more time to waste. "
[-] Xu: "Ok."

Xu: "I'm listening..."

Squall: "Galbadian missiles may be heading this way."

Xu: "Here!? Alright. I'll inform him right away."

Squall: "Where is he?"

Xu: "In his office. We made it look like he's hiding, but he's been there all
    along. Follow me."

[They go up another floor on the elevator.]

Xu: "He's waiting for you. I'll go tell everyone to evacuate."

[They go into his office.]

Squall: "Sir."

Headmaster Cid: "Xu has told me about the missiles. The intercom is down so we
                can't announce the order to evacuate."

Squall: "Xu, Raijin, and Fujin are taking care of that."

Headmaster Cid: "I want you to assist them and then evacuate."

Squall: (...What's on your mind?) "But I have a lot to report."

Headmaster Cid: "You can tell me later."

Squall: (You might be dead later...)

Headmaster Cid: "Do you have a problem with that?"

Squall: (Yeah. What are you going to do?) "Sir, what are you going to do?"

Headmaster Cid: "I'm going to stay here and see this to the end. After all,
                this place is like my home."

[-] Quistis: "Sir!"
[-] Zell: "You're plannin' on dying here!?"
[-] Irvine: "I don't think that's a good idea."
[-] Rinoa: "No...! You can't! Just come with us, please! You can always rebuild
           this place!"

Headmaster Cid: "You can rest assured. I am just going to try something. There
                still may be a way to save the Garden."

[Cid starts to walk away, but kneels in pain.]

Squall: (Against missiles...? How?)

Headmaster Cid: "Heh heh... I'm too old for this."

Squall: "Sir, I'd like to handle whatever it is that you're planning."

Headmaster Cid: "And why is that?"

Squall: (...I don't know...Because you might screw up. ...Because I want to do
        more than announce the evacuation. Because this place is important to
        me, too. Because I want to find out your plan. Because this is my home.
        I have too many reasons. I don't know why... Who cares?) "My feelings
        have nothing to do with it, sir."

Headmaster Cid: "Heh heh, Quistis was right. You do have a hard time expressing
                your feelings."

Squall: (Why bother. And what is this? Why am I being judged?) "Sir! Please
        just tell us your plan!"

Headmaster Cid: "This building used to be a shelter, long before it was
                remodeled into the Garden as we know it."

[He tosses a key to Squall.]

Headmaster Cid: "Use that key to open the lock on the elevator. Opening the
                lock will give you access to the MD level. Rumor has it that
                further below the MD level, there is some kind of control
                system. It was used when this place was still a shelter, so
                I've never seen it. And I have no idea what it does. All I know
                is that it was used for the shelter, so it might prove
                effective against the missiles. That's what I'm betting on."

Squall: (Sounds pretty farfetched. But I guess it's better than doing nothing.)
        "I understand. We'll find the control system and check it out."

Headmaster Cid: "Good luck to all of you."

[The party goes into the elevator and goes to the MD level.]

Squall: (......!? ...It's not responding.)

[He ducks down and pops open a hatch on the bottom.]

[-] Zell: "Alright!"
[-] Quistis: "Let's go."
[-] Rinoa: "Alright, Squall!"

Squall: "Nobody's been here for a while, so be careful."

[The party finds a tunnel and enters it, just moments before the
inert elevator falls to the bottom. They find another hatch and jump
down into it. It looks like a metal tunnel.]

Squall: "An oil stratum... Watch for [enemies weak against fire] around here.
        If you junction fire elemental magic, battles should be much easier.
        We have the [Elem-Atk-J] ability..."
        R1 --> (Yeah, we do)
        R2 --> (No, not yet)

        R1: "If we have the [Elem-Atk-J] ability we can junction magic to
            increase the strength of our physical attacks for that magic's
            element. For example, if you junction [Fire] to the [Elem-Atk],
            when you choose 'Attack', the [Fire Elem] will be added to your
            physical attacks. This way, you will have an advantage over enemies
            that are weak against fire. Junctioning magic to the [Elem-Atk]..."
            R3 --> (I forgot... Go over it again)
            R4 --> (I remember how)

        R2: "Ok, let's go."

        R3: "(O) to access the menu, select [Junction] and the [target
            character] to get ot the Junction screen. Select [Junction],
            [Magic] and the cursor will move to the [Stat] window. Here, press
            the [left button] to get to the [Elem-J] window. Select [Elem-Atk]
            to get to the character's magic window. Select [Fire], [Fira],
            [Firaga], and other elements to complete your junction. Ok, let's
            give it a try..."
            [The player can junction, etc.]

            "You're ready, right?"
            R5 --> (Confirm once more)
            R6 --> (Ready!)

        R4: "Ok, let's go."

        R5: [R3 is repeated.]

        R6: "If you want to know more, check the [Tutoria], under
            [Information]. Ok, let's go."

[The party descends and finds a room with a large valve.]

Narrative: To open the valve, hit ([]) repeatedly for 10 seconds. (Begin after
           this message)

[Squall opens the valve. In the previous room, they find a place to descend.]

Squall: (...A dead end?)

[-] Zell: "Man, another ladder..."
[-] Rinoa: "We have to climb up again?"
[-] Quistis: "I guess we have no choice but up."

[-] Rinoa: "I wonder where this thing goes?"
[-] Quistis: "I wonder where it's connected to?"

[-] Zell: "Oh, over there..."
[-] Quistis: "Looks like that room..."
[-] Rinoa: "Looks like it's connected to that room."

[-] Rinoa: "Well, Squall?"
[-] Irvine: "So...Squall, now what?"
[-] Quistis: "Make a decision, Squall."

Squall: (...I have to decide?)
        R1 --> (We have no choice, let's go)
        R2 --> (I'll go check it out)
        R3 --> (Someone else go check it out)

        R1: "Come on, we're all going. What else can we do?"

            [-] Quistis: "Do you think this ladder can support us? It looks
            [-] Rinoa: "I'm not so sure about this ladder. Maybe just one of us
                       should go?"
            [-] Irvine: "This ladder's kinda...crummy. You think we'll be

            Squall: "...... Alright, alright... I'll go take a look. You two
                    wait here."

        R2: "I'll go take a look. You two wait here.

        R3: (I'll have someone else check it out. [name1] and [name2]...
            [name1]...... [name2]......) "I'll go take a look. You two wait

[Squall climbs up, but the ladder swings loose and falls into a control room.]

[-] Rinoa: "Squall, are you ok?"
[-] Quistis: "Squall, are you all right?"
[-] Zell: "Squall, that was close! You all right!?"
Squall: "...Yeah."

[-] Irvine: "Gee whiz, that sure was close, eh?" 
[-] Rinoa: "Gosh, you scared me. That must've been terrifying."
[-] Quistis: "I didn't think you were going to make it this time. Didn't you
             think so?"

Squall: (......)
        R1 --> (Yeah)
        R2 --> (Kind of)
        R3 --> (No)

        R1: "Yeah. But this is no time to be relieved. The missiles might be on
            their way."

        R2: "Maybe a little. Who cares. We have bigger things to worry about."

        R3: "Nothing new. Come on, let's go. We got work to do."

[Down another stairway, the party fights and defeats some Oilboyles.]

Squall: "We have to hurry. They might be coming any minute now."

[The party goes down another stairway, uncovering a giant contraption.]

Squall: "Looks like we're here..."

[-] Quistis: "So what now?"
[-] Rinoa: "What are we supposed to do here?"
[-] Zell: "Oh man...what the hell do we do now!?"

[Squall goes to a control pad.]

Squall: (...How am I supposed to know? Even the headmaster doesn't know.)

[Squall pushes buttons.]

[-] Zell: "What the heck are you doin'?"
[-] Rinoa: "Do you know what you're doing, Squall?"
[-] Quistis: "Squall, do you have any idea what you're doing?"

Squall: "I don't know! What else can I do!?"

[Just then, the room shakes.]

Everyone: "!!!?"

[The enormous contraption starts to spin and move with newfound energy. Its
gears rotate and generate a massive amount of energy. The party's platform
rises high up into the headmaster's office, to which they also catch him on it.
All around them, a large barrier starts to form with the energy, and the Garden
itself starts to rise from its foundation.]

Squall: "Missiles incoming!!!"

[-] Rinoa: "NO!!!"
[-] Irvine: "No way!!!"
[-] Quistis: "They're coming!!!"

[The missiles attack Garden's location, but it's already moved; it survives.]

Squall: "We're moving!?"

Headmaster Cid: "I see... So this is the secret... I wonder what is going on

[-] Quistis: "Squall, let's go see."
[-] Rinoa: "Come on, Squall, let's go."
[-] Zell: "Squall, let's go check it out!"
[-] Irvine: "Yeah, let's go take a look, Squall."

[Cid stays, but the SeeD team heads to the second-floor balcony.]

Voice: "Squall!"

[Xu runs over.]

Xu: "It's the headmaster! Get back to the bridge on the double!"

[Everyone runs back to the office.]

Headmaster Cid: "Squall! The controls aren't responding! I don't know what to
                do! We're going to crash into the town of Balamb if we don't do

[-] Irvine: "Oh man, there's the town."
[-] Rinoa: "No way! Can't we do something!?"
[-] Quistis: "We have to do something, fast!"
[-] Zell: "Man...! This can't be happening!!!"

Headmaster Cid: "Squall, can you think of anything?"

Squall: (...No!)

[-] Quistis: "Squall!"
[-] Zell: "Squall, C'MON!!!"
[-] Rinoa: "Squall, do something!"
[-] Irvine: "We're closing... Do something!"

Squall: (...... How should I know!?) "DAMN!"

[Squall mashes buttons.]

[-] Quistis: "Now what!?"
[-] Zell: "WHOA!!! What was that!?"

Headmaster Cid: "Yes! We're turning!"

[-] Quistis: "Squall, you did it!"
[-] Rinoa: "Alright, Squall! You did it!"
[-] Irvine: "Phew! That was close."

[-] Zell: "AHH...! We're gonna crash into the sea!"
[-] Rinoa: "Oh my gosh! We're gonna crash into the sea!"
[-] Quistis: "Brace yourselves! We're going to crash into the sea!"

Headmaster Cid: "Everybody hold onto something!"

[The Garden crashes into the water.]

Headmaster Cid: "...Phew. Squall, everyone, a job well done. I think the worst
                is behind us for now."

Squall: "...Where are we heading?"

Headmaster Cid: "We'll drift along for the time being...until we figure out how
                to maneuver the Garden. So, it looks like we can finally relax
                for a while. And spend some time considering what to do next.
                So much for my room. Where am I going to change now?"

[...And the Garden steadily plows through the waves...]

18. Drifting at Sea                                                      [WK18]

[Squall lies on his dormitory bunk, staring at the ceiling.]

Squall: (How long has it been since we started moving? There's not much more to
        do now. We've taken care of all the monsters in the Garden. Oh yeah...I
        still have to report to the headmaster. There's a lot of things I want
        to ask about, too. He's probably still busy, trying to reestablish
        order in the Garden. ...We're in the middle of nowhere. Man, I'm
        bored... I hate having nothing to do. It gets me thinking too much. I
        hope Selphie and the others are all right. Was it wrong for me to let
        them go? I wonder how [name1] and [name2] felt about it. That
        sorceress... Who is she? Why fire missiles at the Garden? Is Seifer
        ever coming back? I'll get even with him next time.)

[Later on, Squall's sleeping and Rinoa is standing over him. He awakens.]

Rinoa: "Hey. You looked so adorable, sleeping like a baby. Come on, get up.
       Let's go."

Squall: "Go where?"

Rinoa: "Give me a tour of the Garden."

Squall: "...Is this another one of your orders?"

Rinoa: "No. I just want you to show me around. You know, to get acquainted with
       the place. Please?"

Squall: "...Fine."

[They walk out together.]

Rinoa: "This place is huge. Do you think it's bigger than Galbadia Garden?"

Squall: "Who knows?"

Rinoa: "What's over here?"

Squall: "The cafeteria." (or "The parking lot.")

Rinoa: "What about over there?"

Squall: "The parking lot." (or "The cafeteria.")

Rinoa: "Squall... I really appreciate you showing me around. But can you try to
       make it a little more fun? You know, like a normal tour?"

Squall: (What does she want from me?)

[The two walk until they're stopped by a faculty member near the elevator.]

Garden Faculty: "Student ID No. 41269, Squall?"

Squall: "Yes."

Garden Faculty: "The Garden Master wishes to see you. Report to the [Master's
                Room] right away."

Squall: "Where is the [Master's Room]?"

Garden Faculty: "Take the [elevator to level B1]. You have permission."

[Squall gets on the elevator, takes it down, and looks around.]

Voice: "Please! Listen to me!"

Squall: (...The headmaster's here?)

[The absent 3rd party member gets off the elevator.]

[-] Quistis: "Where are you going? Huh? Oh, I'm looking for the headmaster."
[-] Zell: "What are you guys doin' down here? What? Oh me? I came down 'cuz I
          saw you guys."

Voice: "Let go of me! I'm not finished!"

[They all walk over and find Cid getting pushed around.]

Headmaster Cid: "Greedy son-of-a-bitch! Why did I even bother talking to you!
                SeeDs were brought up for the future! And that future is now!
                Why can't you understand!?"

[A faculty member throws him back.]

Headmaster Cid: "Dammit! I should've never trusted you! I wish I could go back
                ten or so years. To tell myself that you're nothing but a money
                grubbing son-of-a-bitch! Then I would've never built this

[Squall walks over.]

Headmaster Cid: "Squall!? ...You heard everything?"

Squall: "...Yes."

Headmaster Cid: "I'm embarrassed, but sometimes even old men like me lose their
                temper. Let's get out of here."

Squall: (Oh...) "Sir, I still have to give you my report."

Headmaster Cid: "Please come to my office later."

[-] Rinoa: "Oh, and that doctor..."
[-] Squall: "Oh and, um, Dr. Kadowaki wants you to go to the infirmary. She
            sounded very serious."
[-] Headmaster Cid: "Heh heh. Looks like I finally made her mad."

[Cid takes the elevator up. A faculty member walks over as soon as he's left.]

Garden Faculty: "You're the SeeDs who returned from Galbadia, correct?"

Squall: "Yes."

Garden Faculty: "It's about time. Master NORG has been waiting for you. Come."

[They walk with the faculty member to a large pod-like structure.]

Garden Faculty: "Whenever Master NORG calls you, be sure to be there within 3

NORG: "Fushururu...3-SECONDS-ARE-UP."

[The pod-like structure splits open, showing an ugly creature with big arms.]

Squall: (...This is the Garden master? The proprietor of Garden? ...He's not
        human? Come to think of it, we didn't know anything about him.
        .........What a shock.)


Squall: (Now where do I start...?)

Garden Faculty: "Answer him quickly. Be concise."

Squall: (...It's going to be a sad report.) "...We failed to assassinate
        Sorceress Edea. Confirmation of Headmaster Cid's order was made at
        Galbadia Garden. After Irvine Kinneas of Galbadia Garden joined our
        party... ...We set off to carry out the 'Sorceress Assassination' order
        from Balamb and Galbadia Gardens..."


Squall: (Fooled!?) "I...don't understand."

NORG: "Fushurururu...EXPLAIN-TO-THEM."

Garden Faculty: "Master NORG has known about the alliance between the President
                of Galbadia and the sorceress. He heard it from the Galbadia
                Garden master himself."

Squall: "The Galbadia Garden master...?"


Garden Faculty 2: "Yes. In fact the sorceress and Garden are closely connected.
                  That is why the sorceress will definitely try to gain hold of
                  all Gardens."

Garden Faculty: "So, Master NORG sent an official order to Galbadia Garden. It
                was to kill the sorceress. An assassination was thought to be
                the best means. But..."


Squall: "Are you saying that Balamb Garden had nothing to do with that order?"

Garden Faculty: "You just happened to show up just before the mission was to be
                carried out. They used you."

Squall: "But the operation failed. The sorceress is still alive and..."

Garden Faculty 2: "The sorceress retaliated. Just as we suspected. No doubt, it
                  was the sorceress who ordered the missile attacks."

Garden Faculty: "Something must be done to calm the sorceress' anger."

Squall: "Wait a minute. That's just..."

Garden Faculty: "In order to do so, we needed to hand over those involved in
                the assassination to the sorceress. We had to show Balamb
                Garden's sincerity."


Squall: "Wha... Why aren't we fighting the sorceress!? What about all the
        training we endure everyday!? What good is it!?"


Garden Faculty: "Headmaster Cid was saying the same thing..."

Garden Faculty 2: "H-Hey..."

      Bujurururu! Bujurururu! THIS-IS-MY-GARDEN!"

Squall: "NO! It's not just yours."


Squall: "What...?" (The headmaster and Edea are married!? ...I don't get it.)


[-] Rinoa: "Squall!!!"
[-] Quistis: "Squall, look out!"

[NORG pulls his mechanical pod over him as the battle begins.]

      ATTACK-SeeD-WITH-MAGIC! Bujurururu..."

[The party fights and blows the protective top of NORG's pod off.]


[The party beats NORG.]


[NORG retreats into his a pod and doesn't return.]

[-] Zell: "What the hell was that?"
[-] Quistis: "What happened to the Master?"
[-] Irvine: "So like... what's going on, guys?"

Squall: "Forget about it for now."

[-] Quistis: How can you be so carefree? This might turn into a major problem."
[-] Rinoa: "I can't believe you said that. I think what just happened is really

Squall: "What's the point of talking about it now!? You don't know what's going
        on, either! This is crazy. I don't know what's goin' on anymore. I feel
        like a helpless puppet being manipulated in some major scheme."

[-] Rinoa: "Squall..."
[-] Quistis: "...Well... The only thing I can think of is to go ask the

Squall: "Yeah...I'm going to see the headmaster."

[The party finds Cid in the infirmary.]

Dr. Kadowaki: "Do you need to see the headmaster?"
              R1 --> (Later)
              R2 --> (Yes, now)

              R1: "Uh huh. Alright."

              R2: [See below.]

[After picking R2:]

Dr. Kadowaki: "Well, the headmaster is kind of..."

Headmaster Cid: "I'm ok now, doctor."

Dr. Kadowaki: "Are you sure?"

Headmaster Cid: "Yes. I believe I'm done crying."

Dr. Kadowaki: "...Just take it easy, ok? He's got a lot on his mind."

Headmaster Cid: "You all see me in such an embarrassing state. What
                shall we talk about?"
                R1 --> (I want to make a report)
                R2 --> (The real meaning of SeeD)
                R3 --> (About Sorceress Edea)
                R4 --> (About Master NORG)
                R5 --> (About what to do next)

                R1 (Squall): "I want to make a report."

                   Headmaster Cid: "No, no. It's not necessary. I can guess
                                   what must've happened."

                R2 (Squall): "Please tell me the real meaning of SeeD."

                   Headmaster Cid: "SeeD is SeeD. The elite mercenary force of
                                   Balamb Garden. Hmm, do you know something
                                   about SeeD?"

                   Squall: (I never know anything.)

                   Headmaster Cid: "SeeD will defeat the sorceress. The Garden
                                   will train SeeD members. The many missions
                                   around the world are only training for the
                                   final battle against the sorceress. But now
                                   that the sorceress has become a major
                                   threat, our true mission has begun."

                R3 (Squall): "Please tell me about Sorceress Edea. I
                             heard she's your wife."

                   Headmaster Cid: "You're quite right... She had been a
                                   sorceress since childhood. I married her,
                                   knowing that. We were happy. We worked
                                   together, the two of us. We were very happy.
                                   One day, Edea began talking about building
                                   the Garden and training SeeD. I became
                                   obsessed with the plan. But I was very
                                   concerned with SeeD's goal, that one day
                                   SeeD might fight Edea... She laughed and
                                   told me that would never happen. However..."

                R4 (Squall): "Tell me about Master NORG."

                   Headmaster Cid: "He is from the Shumi tribe. A black sheep
                                   of the tribe, one might say. We met while I
                                   was running around trying to find funds to
                                   build the Garden. He became interested in
                                   building the Garden, and we hit it off.
                                   Thanks to his funding, it was completed.
                                   However, we needed an enormous amount of
                                   funds to run the Garden. So we began
                                   dispatching SeeDs around the world as a
                                   means of supporting the Garden. NORG's idea
                                   was right on the money. An enormous amount
                                   of capital began flowing into the Garden.
                                   And the Garden began to change. Lost sight
                                   of our high ideals, the truth was covered
                                   up... That's probably enough. In the end, it
                                   was my fault, for giving up control."

                R5 (Squall): "What do we do now?"

                   Headmaster Cid: "We must stop drifting around soon... I only
                                   hope that we can get things back to the way
                                   they were."

[Once R5 is viewed, the party goes back to walking around Garden.]

Xu: "Squall! Squall! Have you seen the headmaster around?"

Squall: "He's at the infirmary."

[-] Quistis: "What's going on?"
[-] Rinoa: "Sounds like trouble. What's wrong?"

Xu: "Go to the [2nd floor deck] and see for yourself. There's a ship
    approaching. It could be Galbadians or worse: the sorceress might be
    aboard, coming to attack us! I have to tell the headmaster right away."

[She runs off. On the second-floor deck, they see a large white ship
docked right next to the floating Garden.]

Squall: (A ship!? A Galbadian ship!?)

[Three crewmembers walk out and yell up at Squall.]

Crewmember: "Is Headmaster Cid here!?"

Squall: "No, he's not here. Are you from...Galbadia?"

Crewmember: "We are SeeDs! This is Edea's ship. We are Sorceress Edea's SeeD!"

Squall: (...SeeD!?)

Crewmember: "We're coming aboard! We're unarmed!)

[The three jump up to the balcony. Squall takes out his weapon.]

Crewmember: "Please. We come in peace. We must speak to Headmaster Cid. Where
            is he?"

Headmaster Cid: "I'm right here."

[Cid walks out with Xu.]

Crewmember: "Headmaster, we've come for Ellone. It's too dangerous here now."

Headmaster Cid: "...Yes. I'm afraid so."

Squall: (Ellone? That girl from Winhill?)

Headmaster Cid: "Squall. You know who she is? Please go find her. She's
                somewhere in the Garden."

Squall: (Who are these guys? How are they connected?)

Headmaster Cid: "Squall?"

Squall: "...Yes, sir."

[The SeeDs go inside.]

[-] Quistis: "Squall, Ellone is that girl, right? That little girl Laguna was
             looking after."
[-] Zell: "Squall, Ellone's that girl, huh? Y'know, that little girl Laguna was
          taking care of."
[-] Irvine: "Yeah, she was that girl who was with Laguna."

Squall: "Probably."

[-] Irvine: "I guess we'd better split up and find her."
[-] Quistis: "Do you know where she is? Let's split up and look for her."
[-] Zell: "So she's in the Garden? Where is she? Let's split up and find her."

[The ally bolts off.]

Rinoa: "Hey Squall, who's Ellone?"

Squall: "She's a person in the 'dream world'."

[Everyone splits up, but Squall finds her first, in the library.]

Ellone: "Yes, Squall?"

Squall: "Are you...Ellone?"

Ellone: "Yes..."

Squall: "You're Ellone? THE Ellone?"

[She nods.]

Squall: (What is going on?) "You know...Laguna, don't you?"

Ellone: "I do. I really love Uncle Laguna."

Squall: "Then tell me! What is it that we experience!?"

Ellone: "I'm sorry, Squall. It's hard to explain. But...one thing...
        It's about the past."

Squall: (...So we were viewing the past?)

Ellone: "People say you can't change the past. But even still, if there's a
        possibility, it's worth a try, right?"

Squall: (Change the past? Is she serious? Give me a break...) "Are you the one
        responsible!? Are you the one taking us to that 'dream world'!?"

Ellone: "I'm sorry."

Squall: (...Not again. So much I don't understand.) "Why me!? I have enough
        problems as it is! Don't get me involved in this!"

Ellone: "I'm sorry."

Squall: "Don't... Don't count on me."

[Squall backs up and collapses in a chair. Xu enters.]

Xu: "Squall, did you find Ellone?"

Ellone: "Umm... I'm Ellone."

[Xu looks at Squall.]

Xu: "Are you all right?"

[Ellone walks over to Squall and whispers something before leaving.]

Squall: (What Ellone said under her breath was... You're my only hope. Why do
        people depend on each other? In the end, you're on your own. I've made
        it this far by myself. Sure, I couldn't do a thing when I was a kid...
        I've depended on others, but... I'll be the first to admit that I'm
        here because of other people.)

[While Squall is thinking, Ellone has already left on the White SeeD
ship. Later on, he lies on his bed, still contemplating.]

Squall: (I'm fine by myself now. I have all the skills I need to survive. I'm
        not a child anymore. That's a lie. I don't know anything. I'm confused.
        I don't want to depend on anyone. How can I do that? Someone tell me...
        Someone? So I'll end up depending on others after all.)

[Flashback...? A small child stands outside in the rain, his back to a pillar.]

Boy: "...Sis... I'm...all alone. But I'm doing my best... I'll be ok without
     you, Sis. I'll be able to take care of myself."

[The scene ends when Rinoa walks into Squall's room. He jumps up.]

Rinoa: "Hey, again."

Squall: "I wasn't asleep."

Rinoa: "Oh really? I think I heard you talking in your sleep. I'm not telling
       you what you said. Hey, let's go for a walk."

Squall: "Again?"

Rinoa: "That was a guided tour! This time, it's a walk!"

Squall: "Just go by yourself. It's safe here."

Rinoa: "It's not that I want a guard with me. You know... You're always too
       deep in thought. Why don't you lighten up a little? It's not good to
       think too much. What I'm trying to say is... It would be my honor...to
       have your company, your highness, in hope that I may get your mind off
       things. How about it, your highness?"
       R1 --> (I'll play along)
       R2 --> (This is stupid)

       R1 (Squall): "Fine."

          Rinoa: "Thank you, your highness! Alright, let's get goin'!"

       R2 (Squall): "This is stupid."

           Rinoa: "Oh... Your highness is in a foul mood. I'll see you around."

[If Squall brought Quistis instead of Rinoa, he sees the following scene:]

Squall: "What?"

Quistis: "You're looking pensive."

Squall: (A teacher knows, huh?)

Quistis: "You want to be left alone?"
         R1 --> (Yeah, just leave me alone)
         R2 --> (It's not like that)

         R1: "Yeah, just leave me alone."

             Quistis: "You can't get rid of me that easily."
         R2: "It's not like that."

             Quistis: "Really? Okay."

Quistis: "Hey, do you remember? Going to the 'secret place' together, the night
         you became a SeeD? You gave me the cold shoulder. But maybe now you
         understand how I felt. Sometimes people need someone to talk to."

Squall: (I think I understand. But...)

Quistis: "Why don't you talk to me? Might make you feel better. Or do you want
         to go talk to a wall? What do you want to do?"
         R1 --> (I do feel like talking...)
         R2 --> (I want to be alone)

         R1: "I do feel like talking..."

             Quistis: "Good! Let's go, then. Want to talk over some tea?"

         R2: "Just leave me alone for now."

             Quistis: "Oh well, I knew you'd say that."

             Squall: "Sorry..."

             Quistis: "That's ok. Maybe some other time."

[As Squall walks out, with or without Rinoa, the intercom clicks on.]

Headmaster Cid: "Hello everyone. This is the headmaster speaking. The lines
                have been fixed, and I'm glad to be back on the air. Hurrah!
                UM!? WHOAA!!!"

[Nearby, a fisherman sits on an old piece of machinery, a line in the water.]

Master Fisherman: "Boy, it's a slow day. Come on. Give me a big one."

[The Garden rushes toward him, and he scrambles to evade a large wave.]

Headmaster Cid: "Squall! This is the headmaster speaking! Please come to my
                office! Repeat. Please come to my office right away!"

19. Fishermans Horizon                                                   [WK19]

[Squall goes up the elevator, finding Cid making an announcement.]

Headmaster Cid: "Everybody, please remain calm. Also, please do not leave the
                Garden under any circumstance until you are permitted. We will
                try to get things back in order A.S.A.P. Thank you for your

[He turns to Squall.]

Headmaster Cid: "Ah Squall, thank you for coming. Here are your orders. We've
                landed on Fishermans Horizon. Please go ashore with [name1]
                and [name2]. Find the local mayor and apologize for this
                accident. Tell them that we come in peace. Take a look around
                the city while you're there, too."

Squall: "...Yes, sir." (...Why do I have to go?)

Headmaster Cid: "Do you have something you want to tell me?"

Squall: "No..."

Headmaster Cid: "SeeD is not just a special force for combat. I want you to see
                the world... To broaden your horizons. I have high expectations
                for you, Squall. Now go."

[Squall goes down the elevator, finding his teammates there.]

[-] Rinoa: "We're here!"
[-] Quistis: "A new mission?"
[-] Zell: "What's up? Are we going to Fishermans?"
[-] Irvine: "We can go out now, right? I wanna go, too."

Squall: "We'll land at [Fishermans Horizon]. We'll make an official apology,
        then observe the town."

[-] Zell: "Yo, go to the [2nd floor deck] to get to Fishermans. The front
          gate's closed."
[-] Quistis: "You can go out the [2nd floor deck] to get to Fishermans. You can
             use it as an exit now."

[The party heads out to the balcony, finding a mangled crane and onlookers.]

Man: "Here they come."

Man 2: "We've got to warn you before you go ashore. Do not engage in any type
       of armed conflict in the city. We do not tolerate belligerence here."

Man: "Do you understand?"

Squall: "Yes. We are representatives of the Garden and we come in peace."

Man 2: "...... Welcome to Fishermans Horizon. We just call it FH."

Man: "You should go visit the mayor. His house is in the middle of the city."

Man 3: "He's the head of FH."

Squall: "We'll do just that."

Man 2: "Good. Looks like we understand each other. Man, this is a hell of a

Squall: "I'm terribly sorry. It was inevitable... We lost control of the

Man 2: "Nah, don't worry about it. What's important is that nobody got hurt. We
       love fixing stuff anyway. Kick back and enjoy your stay.

[The party gets on an elevator down to the actual city. 'Man 2' is there.]

Familiar Face: "So, you guys going to Esthar?"

Squall: "Esthar?"

Familiar Face: "You know...that hi-tech city. It's just beyond the train
               tracks. I guess you're not going there. A lot of people who
               stop here go there. The trains are down, so the best way to get
               there is to walk from here. What a joke, huh? Anyway... You guys
               had an accident and came here, huh? I guess I shouldn't keep
               you. Ok, get on."

[Squall's team descends and goes to the mayor's house.]

Mayor Dobe: "Please have a seat. Allow me to get to the point. When are you

Squall: (He's not wasting any time.) "...We'll leave as soon as the Garden is
        capable of moving."

Mayor Dobe: "Any idea when?"

Squall: "I'm afraid not. We only discovered that our Garden is mobile a short
        while ago. Therefore, we don't even know how to move it. We're still in
        the process of understanding everything."

Mayor Dobe: "Our technicians will assist you. They should be able to repair and
            service everything. How does that sound?"

Squall: (That means we'll have to let outsiders into the Garden. I can't make
        this decision alone.)

Mayor Dobe: "Go consult with your leader if you don't have the authority."

[-] Rinoa: "S'cuse me. Why do you want us to leave so bad?"
[-] Irvine: "Geez, we got here. You must really hate strangers."

Squall: (Please just keep your mouth shut! They must have their reasons. Who

Mayor Dobe: "We don't want military organizations in FH. You rely on force to
            solve problems. That is in direct defiance of our principles."

[The mayor's wife speaks up.]

Flo: "We believe that any problem can be settled by discussion. If you reach a
     mutual understanding, there is no need to fight."

Squall: (No argument there. Trite, and dull as hell, though.)

Mayor Dobe: "Violence only leads to more violence. We believe your presence
            here will attract violence. That's why we want you to leave as soon
            as possible."

Squall: "Let's go back to Garden."

[The party runs outside.]

[-] Quistis: "...Gosh, that was unpleasant."
[-] Zell: "Man, that geezer pisses me off! Squall, why didn't you tell him off!

Squall: "Forget it. You can't expect everyone to welcome us."

[From somewhere, someone yells.]

Voice: "G...! G...! G...! G...! G...! G...! G...! Galbadian soldiers!"

[As the party leaves up the walkway, Flo yells from behind them.]

Flo: "Wait! The Galbadians are here because of you, right? They're after you."

Squall: (Maybe.)

Flo: "You'd better take full responsibility! It's your fault!"

Squall: (Fine, we'll take care of them. I don't like the sound of her tone

Mayor Dobe: "We mustn't rely on them. They won't be able to do anything without

Squall: (Don't tell me he's going to try to reason with them.)

Mayor Dobe: "I'll go talk to them."

Squall: (...He's dead.)

[The party goes down the tracks to find Dobe speaking with a G-Army.]

Squall: (There he is.)

[-] Zell: "It kills me to help that old fart."
[-] Quistis: "He may not want our help, but we might as well."

Squall: (Why are they wasting their time with the old men if they're after us
        and our Garden? I wonder what they're talking about?)

[They all stoop down to listen to the conversation.]

Mayor Dobe: "I already told you. I've never heard of this girl Ellone. There is
            nobody here by that name."

Squall: (Ellone?)

Galbadian Soldier: "Fine. We'll just have to torch this city."

Mayor Dobe: Wait a minute! I'm telling the truth! I've never seen this girl!"

Galbadian Soldier: "It doesn't matter, old man. We're gonna burn this place
                   anyway. Edea's orders. Ha ha ha."

Mayor Dobe: "No, please! I beg of you! Don't!"

Galbadian Soldier: "I'll start with you."

[He picks up Dobe by his neck.]

Squall: (Maybe we'd better go now.)
        R1 --> (Go help)
        R2 --> (Listen a little longer)

        R1 [-] Zell: "Alright, let's get it on!"
           [-] Quistis: "Phew, I thought you were never gonna go."

        R2: (Why is Edea looking for Ellone? We'd better listen a little

            [-] Zell: "Squall!"
            [-] Quistis: "Squall!"
            [-] Rinoa: "What are you waiting for!?"

            Squall: (...What am I thinking?)

[The party runs down to help Dobe.]

Galbadian Soldier: "Who the hell are you?"

Squall: "We're SeeDs."

Galbadian Soldier: "SeeDs! Get the Iron Clad over here!"

Squall: "I'm sorry but we have no choice."

[Some soldiers attack from behind them.]

[-] Zell: "Squall!"
[-] Quistis: "Squall!"

[The party completely levels the soldiers.]

[-] Rinoa: "Something's coming."
[-] Irvine: "Um, guys. What is that?"

[On the bridge nearby, the robot destroyed at the missile base appears.]

[-] Quistis: "Galbadia's latest weapon."
[-] Zell: "We got a big one on our hands!"

Squall: "Let's destroy this thing!"

[And they do. It topples into the ocean; from within, some SeeDs climb out.]

Selphie: "Squall!!!"

Squall: (Yes! They're alright!) "Hey, Selphie. [name1], [name2]. It's great to
        see you guys."

[-] Rinoa: "Hey, is the Garden alright!?"
[-] Irvine: "Say, what happened to the Garden?"

Squall: (A lot has happened...) "The Garden is safe."

Selphie: "Really!!!? Whoo-hoo!!!"

Squall: "What happened to you guys?"

[-] Zell: "Yo, let's talk later about that."
[-] Quistis: "Squall, let's save that for later."

Squall: (...I guess.) "[name1], [name2], why don't you guys take them back to
        the Garden? I'll see you guys later, after I take a look around."

[Everyone leaves except Rinoa, who hangs around. If she went with to Garden:]
Rinoa: "You know, you just surprised me. You looked and sounded so happy to see

Squall: (Huh?)

Rinoa: "It was the first time I've seen you so honest. It was...really sweet."

Squall: (Well...umm...)
        R1 --> (It's because I felt responsible)
        R2 --> (I was really glad to see them)
        R3 --> (It didn't mean anything)

        R1: "They're my responsibility. I was worried about them. That's all."

            Rinoa: "Is that all?"

            Squall: (What more does she want?)

            Rinoa: "Ok. Well, it's great that everyone is all right. It must be
                   a big relief for you, Squall. Catch you later, Squall!"

        R2: "I was just happy to see that they were alright. What's so
            surprising about that? Is there something wrong?"

            Rinoa: "No! There's nothing wrong! They're your comrades, but
                   moreover, they're your friends."

            Squall: (...Friends, huh...?)

            Rinoa: "Hey Squall, would you have been worried about me, too?
                   Y'know, if I were with them instead?"

            Squall: (What? Why is she asking me this? I don't know.) "I...
                    ahhh...I don't know. Umm...maybe...I don't know."

            Rinoa: "Oh my gosh! You're turning red!"

            Squall: (What...? No I'm not.)

            Rinoa: "You're so cute! Taking it so seriously!"

            Squall: (The heck!? Why is she toying with me?)

            Rinoa: "Catch you later, Squall!"

        R3: "You're exaggerating. It didn't mean anything."

            Rinoa: "Huh? Yeah, right."

            Squall: "What did you expect?"

            Rinoa: "I don't know. A little care and affection?"
            Squall: (Whatever.)

            Rinoa: "Yes, I know. You're just being dishonest again. It's so
                   funny. I know that deep down inside you care about them."

            Squall: (What's her problem? Leave me alone.)

            Rinoa: "Ok, I'll leave you alone. Catch you later, Squall!"

[Rinoa's scene changes if she was sent to the missile base:]

Rinoa: "What's up!?"

Squall: "Yeah."

Rinoa: "I miss'd ya. ...You know, I thought I was gonna die at the missile
       base. ...That's when I really missed you."

Squall: (.........)

        R1 --> (Why?)
        R2 --> (I...missed you, too)
        R3 --> (I sort of felt the same way, too)

        R1: "Why?"

            Rinoa: "Why...!? Ohhh... Forget it. Catch you later, Squall!"

        R2: "I......wanted to...see you, too."

            Rinoa: "Squall......"

            [She punches Squall in the stomach.]

            Rinoa: "I can't believe you just said that! Oh my gosh! I'm so...
                   happy...! Whew... Wow... Catch you later, Squall!"

        R3: "...I think, ahh...I might've been feeling the same way, too...

            Rinoa: "...Maybe? Umm, I guess I'll let you off with that. Catch
                   you later, Squall!"

[Squall goes over to Mayor Dobe.]

Mayor Dobe: "I guess you saved my life."

Squall: "Sorry for butting in."

Mayor Dobe: "No... But I'm not thanking you."

Squall: "You don't have to. It's just that..." (Just what? What am I
        trying to say?)
        R1 --> (I want him to understand us)
        R2 --> (Forget it)

        R1: "I wish you could be a little more understanding about us. We're
            not just a bunch of warmongers."

            Mayor Dobe: "Oh?"

            Squall: (I don't know what more to say...)
                    R3 --> (Stop)
                    R4 --> (Try to continue)

        R2: (Forget it. We live in completely different worlds. Our views are
            too far apart. It's just a waste of time.)

            Mayor Dobe: "Are you finished?"

            Squall: "We'll try to leave here as soon as possible."

            Mayor Dobe: "...Fine."

        R3: "Nevermind. Good bye."

        R4: "It's hard for me to explain... I wish...everything could be
            settled without resorting to violence... ...and there would be no
            need for battles. Like you've been preaching, it would be wonderful
            if things could be settled by discussion. The only problem with
            that is that it takes too much time. Especially if the others are
            not willing to listen. So I believe that fighting is inevitable at
            times. It's really sad. That's all I have to say. I hope you
            understand someday. I think the world needs both people like you
            and people like us. Thank you for all your help. Good bye."

[Squall leaves Dobe and goes up the lift. He sees Irvine waiting around.]

Irvine: "The headmaster gave the ok to let the technicians in the Garden.
        They're in there right now."

Squall: "Ok."

[Squall walks by him.]

Irvine: "Say..."

Squall: "Yeah?"

Irvine: "Uh... I was wondering. Those technicians seem very handy. So like...
        would it be all right if I asked them to fix some other stuff."

Squall: (......?) "As long as it doesn't slowdown [sic] the work on the Garden,
        go ahead. Try not to ask for too much."

Irvine: "Yeah, of course."

[They start walking back to the Garden.]

Irvine: (......?)

Squall: "...What?"

Irvine: "...Selphie's feeling down right now. I thought I should let you know,
        since you're...kind of like everybody's leader. I think you should go
        talk to her. I know you're a klutz when it comes to these things, so
        I'll back you."

Squall: "..Where is she?"

Irvine: "She's hanging out at the [stage] by the quad."

[They start walking again.]

Irvine: "Wow. I didn't expect all this heavy machinery."

Squall: "How else are they going to repair it? With hammers and nails?"

Irvine: "Hey, hey, hey, this isn't my department."

Squall: "Then what is?"

Irvine: "...Guns and women of course." 

[They find Selphie at the broken stage in the Quad.]

Selphie: "Whew...this is so bad."

Squall: "Yeah. It's been crazy, with the Garden moving and crashing into FH. A
        lot's happened."

Selphie: "Y'know, I really wanted to see a band perform on this stage. I even
         had my eyes set on a few people, too. Oh well..."

Squall: (Man, she's really down.)
        R1 --> (Cheer her up)
        R2 --> (Let Irvine handle it)

        R1: "Come on. I'm sure you can still do something."

            Selphie: "... Squall...being sensitive? That's weird. You're the
                     last person I expected to cheer me up. I must really look

            Squall: (What's so weird? I care just like everybody else. It's
                    just that there are too many things that can't be helped.
                    So why bother talking about everything.)

            Selphie: "Uh-oh! There you go again into your own little world. And
                     you're not gonna share anything, huh?"

            Squall: "...Yeah, whatever..." (Why is she teasing me? I was just
                    trying to help.)

            Selphie: "Well, I think I'm feeling better. Don't worry about me,

            Squall: "Irvine...you help her. I'm out of here."

            Irvine: "...Alrighty."

        R2: "Irvine...you help her. I'm out of here.

            Irvine: "...Alrighty."

[Cid comes on the loudspeaker.]

Headmaster Cid: "Squall, this is the headmaster speaking. Please come to my

Squall: (What now?)

[Squall exits.]

Selphie: "I guess there's no point feeling blue."

Irvine: "That's right. Let's get the fun started."

Selphie: "Fun? What fun?"

Irvine: (I'm so brilliant.) "So like...first, we'll ask the FH technicians if
        they can fix the stage. If they can fix the Garden, this should be a
        piece of cake for them."

Selphie: "Hmm... Do you think they'll do it?"

Irvine: "Don't worry. I'll back you. I'm sure they'll do it."

Selphie: "Hey, that means...!"

Irvine: "Yup, you can have 'your band' perform on the stage."

Selphie: "Whoo-hoo! Alrighty! Let's get this show on the road!"

Irvine: (Score, baby! I'm all set to make my move.)

[Cut to Squall on the steering platform.]

Squall: "...That about covers my report, sir."

Headmaster Cid: "I see...... I also heard a report from Selphie just a moment
                ago. She said the diary is open to everyone to see. Maybe you
                should have a look."

Squall: "Oh, and one more thing... It appeared that the Galbadians were
        searching for Ellone. That seemed to be their main objective in FH. I
        believe that Sorceress Edea is behind all this." (Ellone has the
        ability to allow people to experience the past. Maybe the sorceress is
        after her for this ability. What other reason could there be?)

Headmaster Cid: "So now the Galbadians are working for the sorceress, and were
                searching for Ellone in FH..."

Squall: "And regardless of whether they found her or not... They had orders to
        burn the city down."

Headmaster Cid: "That would help reduce the number of potential places where
                she could hide."

Squall: (...That's right.)

Headmaster Cid: "Most likely, the sorceress will not stop this onslaught until
                Ellone is found. She will continue to hunt her, and burn
                everything in her path. We can't wait any longer."

Squall: (...So he's finally going official. About time.)

[Cid clicks the loudspeaker on.]

Headmaster Cid: "This is Headmaster Cid. I have an announcement to make. I have
                important news that I must share with all of you. The Garden is
                being repaired right now. We'll leave FH immediately after it's
                finished. We're going on a journey. This is a journey to defeat
                the sorceress. Garden will now be used as a mobile base. The
                administration of Garden will be run by myself and the staff,
                as usual. This journey will involve many battles. A
                well-qualified leader is needed for this. Therefore, I am
                appointing Squall as your new leader. From now on, Squall will
                be the leader. He will decide our destination and battle plan."

Squall: (Are you serious?)

Headmaster Cid: "Everyone, please follow his orders."

Squall: (I can't believe this...)

Headmaster Cid: "If there are any objections, please come see me in person."

Squall: (I don't even have a choice?)

Headmaster Cid: "Squall, we're under your command from now on. This is your
                fate. It is your destiny to lead the way in defeating the

[Squall flies off the handle.]

Squall: "Don't talk about this like it's been decided since my birth!" (I don't
        mind fighting the sorceress. It's unavoidable as long as I'm a SeeD
        member. What? As long as I'm a SeeD member? What if I quit? Quit... 
        Then what? What do I have left? Don't even want to think about it. Just
        stop thinking...)

[Later on, Squall is lying on his bed.]

Squall: (I'll just have to do as I was told... Command the Garden and kill the
        sorceress. How does Headmaster Cid expect me to take care of everyone?
        It'd be best to fight the sorceress soon, and end this nonsense.
        ......!? But isn't she the headmaster's wife? He wants us to kill his
        wife? What does it feel like to give an order like that?)

[Elsewhere, a stage has been built by Dobe's house. The other SeeDs're there.]

Irvine: "Hey everyone. Here's our producer, Selphie."

Selphie: "Ahem! We'll be holdin' the concert as planned. The performance isn't
         just for us, though. It's also for Squall. Y'know, to congratulate him
         on his recent promotion."

Quistis: "Sounds fun."

Zell: "So, who's gonna perform?"

Irvine: "We are."

Zell: "Yeah right."

Quistis: "You're kidding. Oh, no way. You can count me out. I have no musical

Rinoa: "Oh really? I gotta see this."

Selphie: "Let's just give it a try. We have everything ready and all we need is
         4 people."

Rinoa: "This is gonna be fun!"

Selphie: "Oh, sorry, Rinoa, but you're not gonna be a member."

Rinoa: "You're leaving me out?"

Selphie: "Uh-uh. We have something more important for you to do."

Zell: "So what are we gonna do? I mean basically, we're all amateurs, right?
      Even if you do hand us instruments, we won't be able to do anything."

Selphie: "First I wanna ask you guys something. Ok, you know I took over this
         event after I transferred to Balamb, right? I have the composition
         that the last producer recommended to me, but everything got all
         messed up after the Garden started moving. There's supposed to be only
         4 scores that go with the composition, but I got 8 scores here."

Zell: "What does that mean?"

Irvine: "It's pretty simple. 4 other scores from a different composition got
        mixed up with the 4 scores that Selphie had. So we have to find the 4
        original scores to perform the composition that Selphie has. Only way
        we're gonna find them is to play all 8 scores and see."

Selphie: "So I want you guys to pick up an instrument, one person at a time,
         and play it. Irvine knows the composition, so he'll choose which 4 are
         the right ones."

Irvine: "Let's get started."

[Irvine looks at everyone.]

Irvine: "How about Zell?"
        R1 --> (Guitar)
        R2 --> (Sax)
        R3 --> (Electric Guitar)
        R4 --> (Piano)
        R5 --> (Violin)
        R6 --> (Flute)
        R7 --> (Bass Guitar)
        R8 --> (Tap)

NOTE: Picking any of the options just has that person pick up the selected
      instrument and play. Irvine will listen and the player chooses:

Zell: "How's this?"
      R1 --> Ok, sounds good
      R2 --> Try something else

      R1 (Irvine): "Next."
      R2: [Irvine picks which instrument Zell plays.]

[The process repeats with Irvine picking an instrument for himself next (same
instrument choices sans whatever Zell was chosen to play).]

Irvine: "How does this sound?"
        R1 --> Ok, sounds good
        R2 --> Try something else

        R1: "Next."
        R2: [He chooses another instrument for himself.]

[Selphie's up next. She can't play the instruments already chosen.]

Selphie: "Is this ok?"
         R1 --> Ok, sounds good
         R2 --> Try something else

         R1 (Irvine): "Next."
         R2: [Irvine finds her another instrument.]

[Quistis is last, and her choices follow the same stipulations.]

Quistis: "Is this all right?"
         R1 --> Ok, sounds good
         R2 --> Try something else

         R1: [See below.]
         R2: [She's given a different instrument to play.]

[Once Quistis' instrument is chosen:]

Irvine: "Ok, we have until tonight to practice for the performance."

Selphie: "Rinoa, that's when you're up."

Rinoa: "You can count on me!"

Selphie: "It's gonna be a blast!"

[Cut to Squall's room. It's nighttime and he's still lazing around.]

Squall: (...I'm bored... What's everybody doing?)

[Squall leaves his room. Zell, Quistis, and a dressed-up Rinoa are waiting.]

Quistis: "(Shhh, here he comes.)"

Zell: "(Ok, he's all yours.)"

[They run off, leaving Squall with Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "So what's up?"

Squall: (Tired.)

Rinoa: "You look so down? Come on, Squall, how old are you? You're still a
       teenager. Why don't you act like one for a change?"

Squall: (...Just tired.)

Rinoa: "Ok, come on. Let's go to the concert."

Squall: (...What?)
        R1 --> (...I'm not in the mood)
        R2 --> (...I don't know)

        R1: "Sorry. I'm not in the mood."

            Rinoa: "How come?"

            Squall: "I'd rather not talk about it."

            Rinoa: "...Quistis was right on... Oh, you're so predictable.
                   ...Ok, I'm sorry. I can understand why you wouldn't be in
                   the mood. You're probably still thinking about what the
                   headmaster said today. He put a lot on your shoulders. It
                   all happened so fast. So we thought it'd be good for you to
                   come and unwind a little. Plus I have something important
                   that I want to talk to you about."

            Squall: "Who's we?"

            Rinoa: "Who else? Quistis, Selphie, Zell, Irvine, and, of course,
                   me. Come on...Please, for me? There's no point if you don't
                   show up.
            Squall: (I don't know...)
                    R3 --> (I guess I'll go)
                    R4 --> (I just can't right now)

        R2: "...Why not?"

            Rinoa: "YES! Okay, let's go!"

        R3: [Same as R2]

        R4: "...Sorry. I just don't feel like it."

            Rinoa: "Fine... I guess I'll have to bug you for the rest of the
                   night. And I'm gonna keep chanting 'concert, concert,
                   concert' and drive you nuts. Is that what you want?"

            Squall: "...Oh man..."

            Rinoa: "I'm getting to you already, huh? Looks like you have no

[Squall goes to the concert. Irvine's near the stage.]

Irvine: "So she convinced you, eh?"

[Irvine pulls him off to the side.]

Irvine: "(Looking good together. So like...I found this place. It's perfect for
        you guys.)"

Squall: (Give me a break...)

Irvine: "(It's by the stage. You can't miss it. I left an old magazine there.
        You can thank me later. Have fun. Just let it all out tonight.)"

Squall: (Oh man. This guy is sick.) "Are you finished?"

Irvine: "I might be there later with a special someone, too."

[Irvine runs over to Selphie, but Squall walks over to him.]

Irvine: "(Come on, man. I'm about to make my move.)"

Selphie: "What's up?"

[Selphie walks away, and Rinoa laughs at Irvine's failure.]

Squall: "Oh well..."

Irvine: "Geez... Thanks a lot!"

[At the bottom, everyone's on the stage with their instruments in hand.]

Selphie: "Squall! You big stud! This is all for you! Congratulations! Enjoy the
         show! Rinoa, don't let him get away!"

Squall: (Whatever...)

Selphie: "Ready!? A-one, two, three..."

[After awhile, Squall and Rinoa walk aside, and he finds Irvine's girly mag.]

Squall: (This looks like the place he was talking about.)

Rinoa: "Ohh, a naughty magazine."

Squall: (I thought he was kidding.) "You wanted to talk about something, right?
        What is it?"

Rinoa: "Umm...well it's about your promotion. Things are gonna get real tough
       for you, huh?"

Squall: (I don't want to think about it.)

Rinoa: "Squall, I'm sure there'll be a lot of difficult things that you'll have
       to deal with from now on. We were talking about that, and saying how
       you'll probably try to handle everything on your own."

Squall: (I probably will.)

Rinoa: "They know you too well. I do, too, although I haven't been around you
       that long. Y'know, when you start thinking, you tend to frown like this.

[She mimicks his hand-to-head gesture and he brushes her away, but she evades.]

Squall: "I'm out of here."

Rinoa: "Oh come on! I'm sorry! But really, we were saying that... well... You
       can't handle everything on your own."

[She pushes him off the ledge where he was sitting and onto FH's solar array.]

Squall: !!!

Rinoa: "That's it! Just let out anything! Anything... We want you to talk to us
       a little more. That's all. Y'know, if there's anything you want to tell
       us, or anything we can do, don't hesitate to let us know. I know it's
       not easy but I wish you would trust us and rely on us a little more."

Squall: (Am I that untrusting...? Maybe I'm this way because I'm scared.
        Nothing lasts in this world. It feels great to have friends who believe
        in you, and adults you can rely on. That's why it's so dangerous,
        especially if you become used to it. Someday you're bound to lose
        everything. Everyone around you will be gone. Then what are you left
        with? Nothing. Nobody... It's so miserable. And it's inevitable. It's
        so hard to recover from something like that. I never ever want to deal
        with that again. I can't. Even if it means being alone...)

[If the annoying 'Eyes on Me' remix is playing:]

Rinoa: "I don't understand."

Squall: (Huh!? What? Oh me?) "Sorry about that. So...are we finished here?"

Rinoa: "What? No, I didn't mean you. I was talking about the music. I love this
       piece but it's been terrible for the last few minutes. Geez, what's
       wrong with them?"

Squall: "Oh. Well...I'll see you later, alright?"

Rinoa: "Wait! You're not gettin' off that easy. You still owe me an answer."

Squall: (Answer for what...? Oh...) "Fine. I'll ask for help when I really need
        it. I'll try to trust everybody more often. Ok?"

Rinoa: "What is your problem!? Why do you have to be like that!? Are you mad or
       something? Tell me you are, because this really can't be you!"

Squall: "I'm sorry."

Rinoa: "You're not sorry! You just wanna get the hell out of here, that's all!
       Geez! Why does it have to be like this!? Why!?"

[Rinoa bolts.]

Squall: (...Oh well. This won't change anything... I think I was honest. I
        prefer to be alone, right? ...Yeah...)

[If the concert music is jumbled, then:]

Rinoa: "I don't understand."

Squall: (Huh!? What? Oh me?) "Sorry about that. ...I don't need you to
        understand me."

Rinoa: "Huh!? What did you say?"

Squall: "......I said that umm, I don't want everybody to understand who I am."

Rinoa: "What? Oh! No, no, no. I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about
       the music. I love this piece but it's been terrible for the last few
       minutes. Geez, what are they doing?"

Squall: "Oh. Well...I'll see you later, alright?"

Rinoa: "Wait! You're not gettin' off that easy. You still owe me an answer."

Squall: (Answer for what...? Oh...) "Fine. I'll ask for help when I really need
        it. I'll try to trust everybody more often. Ok?"

Rinoa: "What is your problem!? Why do you have to be like that!? Are you mad or
       something? Tell me you are, because this really can't be you!"

Squall: "I'm sorry."

Rinoa: "You're not sorry! You just wanna get the hell out of here, that's all!
       Geez! Why does it have to be like this!? Why!?"

[Rinoa bolts.]

Squall: (...Oh well. This won't change anything... I think I was honest. I
        prefer to be alone, right? ...Yeah...)

[If the happy 'Irish Jig' music is playing:]

Rinoa: "What a night. Great music... Good-looking guy... Not only is he
       good-looking. He's the sweetest guy...a great listener. Right now, he's
       seriously thinking about what I said. He's shy and doesn't say anything,
       but I know. So, what do you think? None of our business?"

Squall: "I appreciate your concern... But..."

Rinoa: "No 'buts'! Just think about this. This might be the only time we'll all
       be together. So, as long as we're together, we might as well enjoy each
       other's company and...just talk, right?"

Squall: "...Just for now, huh? Forget it. I don't want friends who won't be
        around tomorrow."

Rinoa: "Gosh, you're such a pessimist. There are no guarantees in the future.
       That's why TODAY, the time we have now, is important. Squall, we wanna
       help you, as much as we can, for as long as we can. We all love you.
       there, I said it. Please don't freak out. We just wanna live, y'know,
       live through this time with you, together."

Squall: "......Together...?"

Rinoa: "Keep it in the back of your mind. Call on us whenever you need to.
       We'll be waiting. Like I said, who knows what's gonna happen in the
       future...but I have a feeling we'll be together for a while. So, what's
       on your mind? Do you have any dreams, Squall? Anything you want to do
       with your life?"

Squall: (......I've never thought about it.) "That's something I'd rather not
        talk about. What about you?"

Rinoa: "...I don't know. I guess I'd rather not talk about the future, either.
       But right now... ...I wanna stay right here...like this."

[Fade to black. That night, Squall tosses and turns, dreaming of his youth.]

Boy: "...Sis... I'm...all alone. But I'm doing my best... I'll be ok without
     you, Sis. I'll be able to take care of myself."

[The next morning, Squall wakes up to the sound of someone yelling at him.]

Voice: "Squall, Squall! Please report to the bridge immediately."

Squall: (...What is it now?)

[Squall goes to the bridge. Quistis, Xu, and a pilot are there.]

Quistis: "Greetings commander!

Squall: "Don't call me that."

Xu: "We thought you should have a title. So Quistis and I decided on commander.

Quistis: "Sorry to carry things out on our own, but Xu and I assigned duties."

Xu: "I'll take care of all the supplies needed in the Garden."

Quistis: "And I'll help take care of the students with Dr. Kadowaki. You can
         just focus on our destination and battle plans. And, ah... Will you
         let Selphie rest a while? I think she's exhausted from the missile
         base mission. She could use some rest. How does that sound to you?"

Squall: "Fine..."

Xu: "Alright, I have some reports for you already."

Nida: "Hey, Squall."

Squall: "Who are you?"

Nida: "What!? Oh, man, it's me. We passed the SeeD exam together. I can't
      believe you forgot!"

Squall: "Oh yeah..."

Nida: "Gee... Well, it's just like you to forget. By the way, you know how the
      FH technicians were fixing the Garden, right? They just finished.
      Meaning... The Garden's ready to go anytime. Oh yeah. I'll be piloting
      the Garden. FH technicians taught me everything about piloting this
      thing. Let me know when you want to go."

Quistis: "Any suggestions on where we should go?"

Xu: "Hey, why don't we go back to [Balamb]? We don't know what's happened since
    we left. Besides, Balamb may be their next target. It's a harbor town, just
    like FH."

Quistis: "You're right. Squall, what do you think?"

[Squall goes to Nida.]

Nida: "Are we ready to go!?"
      R1 --> (Yes)
      R2 --> (No)
      R1 (Squall): "We're taking off. I'll direct you to our destination.
                   Announce the departure."

         Nida: "Roger!"

         [He gets on the intercom.]

         Nida: "May I have your attention please. This is the bridge. The
               Garden will will be leaving FH soon. Please prepare for
               departure. I will now hand the mic over to our leader, Squall."

         Squall: "A speech...? Forget it. Cut the mic!"

      R2 (Squall): "I need more time."

[After viewing R1, Squall selects his party members and the world map opens.]

20. Balamb Town                                                          [WK20]

[Outside of town, the party finds that Galbadia Garden is also able to move
around. They enter town and find soldiers there.]

[-] Zell: "What the hell!? What's goin' on here!?"
[-] Squall: "What is this...? Galbadia?"

Galbadian Soldier: "This town is under the control of Sorceress Edea! The town
                   is off-limits while we conduct our investigation! It will
                   last for several days! Once we're through with our
                   investigation here, you're next. So just stay out and stay

[The SeeD team can't really do anything except stand around.]

Galbadian Soldier: "You guys look suspicious. What are you doing here?"

Squall: "...What's Galbadia doing in a town like this?"

Galbadian Soldier: "What do you want? Are you residents here?"

Zell: "YEAH, that's right! At least residents should be allowed in!"

[If Zell wasn't in the party, he'll run into town and say:]

Zell: "Hold up, man! I live here! Residents should be allowed in!"

Galbadian Soldier: "It's OFF-LIMITS! You cannot enter or leave. Do you

Zell: "Hah!? Who do you think you're talkin' to?"

Galbadian Soldier: "What? What is it now?"

Squall: "You said the town was off-limits... ...Does that mean we can't deliver
        a message, either? ...That's too bad. We have some info on Ellone..."

Galbadian Soldier: "W-What? Elle... Wait a minute! Tell me everything you know
                   about her! Do you actually know who she is?"

Squall: "Kind of... But we need to get inside to confirm something."

Galbadian Soldier: "...... If you find out any information at all, go talk to
                   the commander. She's staying at the hotel! You will be

[The SeeDs are allowed into town. Squall, Zell and a 3rd member visit Zell's.]

Zell: "Ma, I'm home! Huh?"

[They go into the next room.]

Zell: "Ma, you're safe!"

Ma Dincht: "Zell! How on earth did you get into town!?"

Zell: "It's all in the brains, ma. We just said we had some info on Ellone.
      Piece o'cake!"

Ma Dincht: "What a relief... I was worried you might have beaten up one of the
           guards. The soldiers have threatened that the sorceress will burn
           the town to the ground, should there be any disturbance."

Squall: "Sorceress Edea? Is she here?"

Ma Dincht: "I noticed a woman with the Galbadian Army. Gray hair, patch over
           one eye..."

Squall: "Must be Fujin. So they're here...?" 

Zell: "Leave it to me! I'll get rid of those jokers!"

Squall: (...Could Seifer be here, too?)

[The party heads to the hotel after awhile.]

Galbadian Soldier: "What do you want!? If it's the commander you're looking
                   for, I have strict orders not to let anyone through.
                   ...What? Information about Ellone? Hmmmm... More rumors?"

Galbadian Soldier 2: "You know that we'll get a salary cut if we let 'em
                     through without confirmation."

Galbadian Soldier: "Yeah, I know... In this army your salary gets cut based on
                   just how the boss is feeling... I guess it goes with the
                   territory when you can't choose your own boss."

Zell: "Yo, listen! We have top secret info! Bring the commander out here!"

Galbadian Soldier: "These guys are kinda...suspicious, huh?"

Galbadian Soldier 2: "Yeah, totally! Have some respect for the captain! The
                     captain is currently on patrol!"

[The party starts looking for the captain. Near the docks, they find a grunt.]

Galbadian Soldier: "Oh, the captain? Yeah, he was just fishing here. He caught
                   a few and got really excited. Said he was gonna eat'em right

[The party goes back to Zell's ma's place since smoke is now emerging.]

Ma Dincht: "Just now, a man came in and asked if he could use the kitchen... I
           think he cooked some fish. The whole room is filled with this
           strange odor."

[Using the scent as a clue, the dog from the docks runs to the train station.]

Squall: "It's Raijin! ...Come on!"

[They get to the hotel, but the soldiers shush them.]

Galbadian Soldier: "Hey, you! Stand back. This could be dangerous! The
                   commander's just about to..."

[Someone punts Raijin out the door.]

Raijin: "YEOW! Ouuuch... F-Fujin... C-control your temper, ya know? I was
        patrollin', just like ya told me. I even woke up that search dog,
        sleepin' on the job, ya know? You guys help me out here! We've gotta
        calm Fujin down, ya know!?"

Zell: "RAIJIN!!!"

Raijin: "Wooooow! What are you guys doin' here!?"

Zell: "We're here to liberate Balamb, ya know!? ...I mean...uhh... We're here
      to liberate Balamb!"

Raijin: "Seifer told us to give you a whoppin' if we saw you, ya know! You
        soldiers help me out, too!"

[The fight begins.]

Zell: "You'll pay for this, Raijin!

[They beat the crap out of Raijin, accordingly.]

Raijin: "Ughhh, you got me, ya know..."

Zell: "OHHHH YEAHHHH! The commander's gonna get a whoopin', too!"

[They run inside, stepping on the defeated soldiers. Fujin's there.]

Zell: "So I guess you're the commander! Pack your bags and get the hell outta

Fujin: "...RAIJIN, DEFEATED...?"

Zell: "That's right, BABY! Now, where's Seifer and the sorceress!? You're all
      goin' DOWN!"

Squall: "Zell, calm down. Fujin, looks like you're on your own. Are you still
        willing to fight?"

Fujin: "RAGE!"

Voice: "BWAHA HA HA HA!!! She's not alone!"

Zell: "W-Who's there!?"

[Raijin runs in.]

Raijin: "Major come-back, ya know! Actually, I feel a lot betta, ya know! I
        feel invincible, ya know!"

Zell: "How the...!? I thought we defeated you!"

[The battle starts against both of 'em.]

Raijin: "Time to get serious, ya know!?"


[Whoever's defeated first will say, respectively:]

Raijin: "Sorry Fujin...they got me, ya..."

[Whoever's defeated last will say, respectively:]

Fujin: "I... DEFEATED..."
Raijin: "Fujin, I lost too, ya know..."

[Afterwards, they all hang around the hotel interior.]

Squall: "Are the two of you taking orders from the sorceress?"

Fujin: "NEGATIVE!"

Raijin: "The sorceress has nothin' to do with us, ya know!? We're actin' on our

Squall: "Own plan...?"

Raijin: "We're on Seifer's side, ya know!"

Squall: "...That's up to you, but... Enough is enough. This isn't an internal
        Garden conflict."

Raijin: "We can't back out, ya know..."

Fujin: "...NEGATIVE."

Raijin: "Seifer has a lot of followers, but we're his only friends... We're a
        posse, ya know...? The Galbadian soldiers are only listening to Seifer
        'cause they fear the sorceress. Without us, Seifer wouldn't have a
        posse, ya know...?"

Zell: "If you guys stand behind him that much... Tell frickin' Seifer to stop
      this nonsense!"


Raijin: "We ain't no sell-outs! We're behind Seifer all the way, ya know!?"

Squall: "Ok... Understood. So you want nothing to do with Garden now? ...From
        now on, we're not gonna hold back. (...I guess that's how it goes.
       That's what comrades are all about...)

[Squall starts for the door.]

[-] Rinoa: "You're just gonna let them go? Squall?"
[-] Irvine: "Hold on a sec!"
[-] Selphie: "Heeey, are you serious?"
[-] Quistis: "Wait a minute!"

Raijin: "Don't wanna...talk anymore, ya know... ...Kinda painful...ya know..."

Fujin: "WIMP!"

[She kicks him in the shin.]


[They both run out of the hotel.]

[-] Rinoa: "...I feel sad."
[-] Irvine: "...You cool with that?"
[-] Selphie: "...It's kinda sad, really..."
[-] Quistis: "...It's too bad."

Squall: "Friend or foe... It all comes down to circumstance. That's how we were
        raised. It's...nothing special." (Nothing special... Is that true?
        Then... What is this I'm feeling?) "Let's go."

[Back on Garden, at the steering platform:]

Quistis: "Where are we going next?"

[Selphie comes up the elevator.]

Selphie: "Hello, s'cuse me!"

Squall: "What is it?"

Selphie: "Have you decided on a destination?"

Squall: "Still thinking."

Selphie: "Um... Can we maybe go to Trabia Garden? It's like...in the mountains,
         so maybe the sorceress will leave it alone... But maybe... You know?"

Squall: (But I thought it was destroyed by missiles. Oh, I see... That's why.
        Of course she'd want to go.) "I'll keep that in mind."

Selphie: "Thanks."

[She leaves again and Squall goes back to the world map. Trabia's up next.]

21. Trabia Garden                                                        [WK21]

[As they approach the Garden, they can see the missiles've done their job.]

Squall: "Looks pretty bad."

Everyone?: "Selphie!"

[If Selphie with, the scene below starts the scene:]

Selphie: "A direct...hit?"

[-] Zell: "...Man, this really pisses me off!"
[-] Rinoa: "...Terrible."
[-] Irvine: "This has got to be bad."
[-] Quistis: "...This is terrible."

Selphie: "...I'm going in."

Squall: "Be careful."

[Selphie climbs up some mesh net and goes in; the party follows.]

Voice: "Squall!"

[The party members who weren't present come in.]

[-] Irvine: "Have you guys seen Selphie?"
[-] Quistis: "Hm? I thought Selphie was with you."
[-] Quistis: "We're looking for Selphie..."
[-] Rinoa: "Any idea where Selphie is?"

[-] Zell: "...Aren't we missing someone?"
[-] Zell: "Selphie came by, didn't she?"
[-] Rinoa: "Any idea where Selphie is?"

[-] Squall: "Yeah... She ran off ahead."
[-] Squall: "Selphie...I let her go on ahead."

[-] Irvine: "I bet you she's in shock...Come on, let's go after her."
[-] Rinoa: "I wonder if there are any monsters around here? Come on Squall,
           let's hurry after her!"

[The party meets up at a shattered basketball court awhile later.]

Squall: "We're leaving as soon as Selphie comes back. We're on standby 'til
        then." (Doesn't seem like the enemy has invaded this Garden yet... Are
        they on their way? Where's the sorceress? We have to find her and...)

[Selphie comes in just then, kicking a basketball.]

Selphie: "Sorry to keep you waiting! Thanks so much for coming all the way out
         here, everyone."

Irvine: "Cheer up, eh?"

Selphie: "Thanks. Take me with you when you fight the sorceress, ok? I wanna
         get even. I want my revenge!"

Rinoa: "Um... Do we...have to fight? Isn't there another way? Y'know, to avoid
       any bloodshed?"

Zell: "Yo!? What the...!? What are you sayin' all of a sudden!?"

Rinoa: "Maybe someone really smart can come up with a way, so we wouldn't have
       to fight anymore..."

Squall: (What are you getting at...? If someone can come up with something,
        that'd be great... But no one's doing anything... They're all scared,
        uneasy. All they do is complain. They just pretend to be thinking. They
        criticize others, but in the end, they can't do anything, either.
        Rinoa, why all this, all of a sudden? What do you expect from me? I
        grew up in Garden. I'm a SeeD. Do you understand?)

Rinoa: "Squall? You have to voice your feelings or else I won't understand."

Squall: "You were...part of a resistance movement in Timber, right? Unlike
        others who were all talk, you took to your weapons and fought... And
        now you're saying all this? What happened to you?"

Rinoa: "I guess...I'm just scared. Sometimes...when I'm with all of you...I...
       feel like we're on the same wavelength......you know? But when the
       battles start happening, it's different. Everyone's tempo seems to pick
       up and... ...I get left behind. I try to catch up, but it's no use...
       How far is everyone going? I can't hear anyone... Once I catch up, I
       wonder... Is everyone safe? Will they welcome me with open arms?
       ......Is everyone ok? Will we all make it back together? When I start
       thinking like that..."

Irvine: "Rinoa, I understand. Someone might not be there. Someone you love may
        disappear before your very eyes. It's tough when you live your life
        thinking that way. But that's why I fight... When I was a little kid...
        I was about 4 or so... I was in an orphanage."

[Irvine picks up the basketball and shoot, bricking it hard.]

Irvine: "Plenty of kids... All with no parents... It was around the end of the
        Sorceress War, so I guess it couldn't be helped. Anyway, that's where I
        was. And out of all the kids there, one was very special to me."

[Irvine flashbacks to that orphanage.]

Girl: "Irvy, wanna play?"

Irvine: "I really liked this girl, and it made me so happy just talking to her.

[A 'little' Irvine breaks out of the grown-up Irvine.]

Boy Irvine: "Sefie, wha'cha playin'!?"

Girl: "WAR!"

[The two kids run off and the flashback ends.]

Selphie: "Was that orphanage...a stone house?"

Irvine: "You guessed it..."

Quistis: "An old house made of stone? ...By the ocean?"

Irvine: "You guessed it... I knew right away, when we first met!"

Selphie: "Heeey, why didn't you tell us!?"

Quistis: "Yes, why didn't you tell us?"

Irvine: "'Cause you two seemed to have forgotten! It just kinda sucked that I
        was the only one who remembered... Spunky little Sefie and bossy little

Selphie: "That is just sooo weird..."

Quistis: "Huh?"

[All three of 'em are in the flashback, when another little boy runs in.]

Zell: "Hey... Do you guys remember setting off fireworks?"

Irvine: "That was..."

[The little Irvine runs in.]

Boy Irvine: "This way!"

[In the memory, Irvine, Zell, Selphie and Quistis are standing on a beach.]

Irvine: "How about this?"

Selphie: "YEAH!"

Zell: "The ocean! The lighthouse!"

Quistis: "We did set off fireworks!"

[The flashback turns to night with the little kids on the beach.]

Zell: "Yoooooo!!! Kids aren't suppose'ta play with fireworks! I'm tell-ing!!!
      I'm gonna tell on yoo!!!"

Boy: "Cry-Ba-by-Ze-ll! Go back to bed!"

[Adult Zell interjects his thoughts.]

Adult Zell: "If I remember this, does that mean I was there, too?"

Quistis: "...We all got in big trouble."

Adult Zell: "Then...what about my parents in Balamb...?"

[The little kids' beach scene ends and the kids are inside again.]

Quistis: "The Dinchts in Balamb must have adopted you."

Irvine: "Yep, that's probably it."

Zell: "I...was here..."

Little Zell: "Yoooo! C'mon! Stop it! Matwyn, help!!!"

[A boy runs in.]


Selphie: "Who's THAT!?"


Boy Zell: "Stop teasing me, Seifer!"

Quistis: "Oh my goodness!"

Zell: "Seifer... My archenemy..."

Selphie: "WOW! He was there, too!"

[Irvine walks over to Adult Squall.]

Irvine: "Well?"
[The orphanage scenes end.]

Irvine: "Seifer was there, too. Except for Rinoa, we were all there."

Selphie: "Heeey that means..."

Squall: "Yeah.........I was there, too."

[Back in the kid-in-the-rain scene, adult Squall stands by his counterpart.]

Squall: "I..."

Boy Squall: "...Sis..."

Squall: "I was always waiting for 'Sis' to come back."

Boy Squall: "I'm...all alone. But I'm doing my best... I'll be ok without you,
            Sis. I'll be able to take care of myself."

Squall: (...I didn't turn out ok at all.)

Boy Squall: "...Sis Elle..."

Squall: "Elle...Ellone. So, Ellone was 'Sis'. She was a bit older than us, and
        we all used to call her 'Sis'. Quistis, Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Seifer,
        Ellone and myself... Yeah... I'm not sure what the meaning behind all
        this is, but we were definitely together.

[Squall's flashback ends and the adults are all back on the orphanage beach.]

Zell: "You mean, Sis is Ellone?"

Selphie: "She's the one that takes us back to Laguna's period."

Squall: "...She said she wanted to change the past. I don't know why..."

Quistis: "There can only be one reason for that."

Selphie: "She must not be happy with the present."

Zell: "If that's the case, I'm definitely up for helpin' her! She's part of our
      orphanage gang!"

Selphie: "You didn't even remember who she was!"

Irvine: "Hey, Selphie... That goes for you, too! Hmm... So, Sis was Ellone, eh?
        Everyone was fond of Sis, but you, Squall, you kept hoggin' her for

Squall: "You sure have a good memory... ...This is really strange. I don't
        think I was adopted because of the way I am. Probably the same with
        Seifer, too. You two must have been at Garden by the age of 5 or so...
        Even so, he's never mentioned anything about growing up in an
        orphanage. And nothing about this has ever crossed my mind when I see
        him, either. Don't you find that odd...?"

Selphie: "That IS strange...! In my case, I had loads and loads of fun after
         going to Trabia. That's probably why I forgot all about my childhood.
         That's what I think. But I don't know what's up with you guys! It's so
         odd that you would forget!"

Quistis: "I...remember. Yes, I remember now. Things didn't work out too well at
         my new home. So I came to Garden at the age of 10. That was when I was
         first noticed Seifer and Squall. Seifer and Squall were always

Squall: "Yeah... Quistis always used to break us up."

Quistis: "Yes! That's right! Seifer was a kid who always needed to be the
         center of attention. But Squall always used to ignore him... But
         eventually they would end up fighting. Squall could have easily walked
         away from it, but always took up the challenge. He should've just
         ignored him, but Squall, almost in tears, would say...'I gotta do my
         best by myself. Or else I won't be able to see Sis'. I guess I was
         trying to take Sis...I mean, Ellone's place. I tried, but to no 
         avail... That's probably it! Even after becoming an instructor, I
         couldn't stop thinking about Squall. I thought it was...love. I had to
         hide my feelings because I was an instructor, but I've come to
         realize it wasn't. It was my childhood feelings as a big sister that
         lingered... Oh well..."

[An embarrassed Quistis walks away from everyone. Squall goes over.]

Quistis: (A misunderstood love...? Actually, I had completely given up when
         Rinoa came into the picture.) "Hey! It must be the same for Seifer!
         I'm sure Seifer has forgotten his childhood, too. But whenever he sees
         Squall, his inner feelings start to boil, and..."

Zell: "Is that why he's always pickin' fights with Squall?"

Squall: "...Why is it that we forgot? We grew up together as kids... How's that

Irvine: "How about this? ...The price we pay for using the GF. The GF provides
        us its power. But the GF makes its own place inside our brain..."

Quistis: "So you're saying that the area is where our memories are stored?
         No...! That's just a rumor the GF critics are spreading."

Zell: "So if we keep relying on the GF, we won't be able to remember a lot of

Quistis: "There's no way Headmaster Cid would allow such a dangerous thing!"

Irvine: "Then how is it that I remember, while everyone else has forgotten?
        Well...? In my case, I hadn't junctioned a GF until recently. That's
        why I remember a lot more than you guys."

Quistis: "How about you, Selphie? Your first experience with the GF was when
         you came to Balamb Garden, right?"

Selphie: "...Yeah. I have a confession to make! When I was 12, I went on an
         outdoor training session. I found a GF inside one of the monsters I
         defeated... I junctioned that GF for a while. So I have experience
         with GF, too. But...but, it's really weird! I can't remember the name
         of that GF!"

Quistis: "It must be the GF's fault. ...What should we do?"

Squall: "What should we do? ...Nothing."

Zell: "What do you mean nothing!?"

Squall: "What do you want to do? You wanna stop using GF now? As long as we
        continue fighting, we're indebted to the powers of the GF. If there's a
        price I have to pay for that, I'll gladly pay it."

Selphie: "Heeey, I know! Let's all keep a diary! That way we'll always have
         something to remind us!"

Zell: "Are you sure that's what you want!? Maybe...that's for the best. Yeah...
      I don't care if I forget about my childhood, when Seifer used to pick on
      me. What's important to me now is having the power to protect my parents
      in Balamb. They adopted me. There's no way I'm lettin' go of that power!"

Quistis: "Hey... Do you all remember Matron?"

Zell: "She was always wearin' black..."

Squall: (Matron... Dressed in black... She's the...)

Selphie: "Let's see..."

[A woman in black walks into the memory.]

Zell: "I see a resemblance. Matron... They look alike..."

Selphie: "Wait... I just pictured her face, and..."

Quistis: "Very kind... Long black hair... Yes, I really admired her."

Irvine: "Look alike? Nah, that's not it. Matron's name is Edea Kramer. Matron
        IS Sorceress Edea."

Selphie: "Matron... Sorceress Edea..."

Quistis: "Why is the Matron...?"

Irvine: "Why? You're wondering why Matron would take over a country, or fire
        missiles and whatnot? At this point, we probably wouldn't comprehend it
        even if we talked about it."

Squall: (...You're probably right.)

Irvine: "...Hear me out. SeeD and Garden were all Matron's idea, right? I'm not
        a SeeD, but I share the same feeling with all of you. SeeDs are
        supposed to fight the sorceress, right?"

Squall: (This is strange. That's right... It was when I was being tortured by
        Seifer. He wanted to know what SeeD was. Matron should know... But
        Matron is Sorceress Edea. There's no denying that. What does this all

Irvine: "Squall, you listening? So like...this is what I wanted to say. Let's
        see... Oh yeah. I understand what Rinoa's saying. I understand, but
        still I'm gonna fight. I want to stay true to everything I've stood
        for. I'm sure it's the same for everyone. That's why I thought it'd be
        best if everyone knew we would have to face Matron. You've all heard
        this before. How life has infinite possibilities. I don't believe that
        one bit. There weren't many paths for me to choose. Sometimes, there
        would only be one. From the limited possibilities I faced, the choices
        I made have brought me this far. That's why I value the path I chose...
        I want to hold true to the path that HAD to be taken. I know our
        opponent is Matron, whom we all love very much. We might lose something
        very important on account of the GF. But I don't mind. It's not like I
        drifted here on the tides of fate. I'm here because I chose to be 
        here. And more importantly... We all grew up together. But due to
        various circumstances, we were all separated. As a kid, you couldn't
        really go out on your own... There were no other paths to take... All I
        did was just cry. But...But...somehow, we're together again. Just like
        old times, though a lot's changed. We're not kids anymore... We're
        strong enough to take care of ourselves. Make our own decisions...
        We're confronting a big one right now. Do we fight Matron or not......?
        I say we fight...Shoot for a common goal... Hey, at least it'll keep us
        together a little longer."

Zell: "...Yeah. Let's do it. We can't run from her for the rest of our lives."

Selphie: "It's just such a bummer... I can't believe we have to fight Matron."

Quistis: "I know... But Zell's right. We can't run from her forever."

Squall: "Rinoa... It's up to you. We're gonna fight... I think it's the only
        way we can move on with our lives. If that makes any sense at all,
        come with us. I'm sure that's what everybody wants."

Selphie: "Look! Look!"

[A light snowfall starts.]

Selphie: "A gift from the faeries!"

Zell: "Yo, you wanna go check out Edea's orphanage?"

Irvine: "We might find a clue."

Quistis: "Clue? You mean as to why Matron turned out like this?"

Squall: (It probably has to do with something that happened in the past. But
        the past is the past...it's over, done with.) "Despite what truth we
        find, it's not going to change the present. But... I wanna see, too. I
        don't know what we'll find, but... Let's head for [Edea's house]."

[Everyone starts to walk away, but Rinoa stops under the basketball hoop.]

Squall: "I guess that's it... We're fighting."

Rinoa: "...You guys are fearless."

Squall: (Fearless? I don't think that's quite right. If you think too hard, you
        become lost... I think that's what everyone's afraid of...) "I wish we
        didn't have to fight, either."

[Squall selects his party and they're back at the world map.]

22. Attack on Galbadia Garden                                            [WK22]

[Squall goes to the bridge and finds Galbadia Garden's nearby.]

Nida: "Squall, take a look."

[Squall looks through the binoculars to see the enemy Garden approaching.]

Nida: "What do you think?"

Squall: (They probably know we're here, too. If not, we'll make the first
        move.) "The battle is inevitable."

Nida: "The sorceress is with them, huh? So this is going to be the final

Squall: "I hope so." (What should I do first? I have to give orders to
        everybody. It's my responsibility. I have to try to keep it simple. If
        I give out too many orders, it could lead to chaos. What should I say!?
        Come on, think! There's no time!)
        R1 --> (No orders/End)
        R2 --> (My feelings on this)
        R3 --> (The Garden's course)
        R4 --> (Prepare for the attack)
        R5 --> (Prepare our defense)
        R6 --> (Call my comrades)
        R7 --> (What to do with the hot dogs)
        R8 --> (Take care of the junior classmen)

        R1: [If Squall gives absolutely no orders, he'll say:]

            "I'm not going to issue any orders. I trust that all of you will
            take the necessary steps to get through this. Good luck."

            [He doesn't say the above if any other replies are chosen.]

        R2: "As you may know, Seifer is with them. I plan to settle everything,
            once and for all, with this battle." 

        R3: "The Garden will proceed straight ahead. Set speed at 50% in case
            we need to take evasive maneuvers."

        R4: "1st and 2nd Class Sabers, assemble in the parking lot. Those with
            MG Rank 3 or above, head to the 2nd floor deck and await
            instructions. Be sure to warm up."

        R5: "The enemy will probably come aboard. We must concentrate our
            forces at the front gate and the quad. If your Student ID number
            is even, report to the quad. If it's odd, report to the front gate.

        R6: "Quistis, Zell, Selphie. Come up to the bridge right away!"

        R7: "Cafeteria team, collect all the hot dogs and store everything in
            the secret shelter. Don't leave anything for the enemy."

        R8: "Those who have Student ID numbers ending with an 8, take care of
            the junior classmen."

NOTE: These snippits aren't said until Squall's announcement below.

[Squall picks his replies (he can do more than one).]

Nida: "Give out your orders when you're ready."

Squall: "This is Squall speaking. This is an emergency so listen carefully.
        We're going into battle against Galbadia Garden."

[Whatever options Squall picked above will be said, one after another.]

Irvine: "Hey, hey, hey, what's up? I'm not invited?"

[Squall takes the lift down.]

Irvine: "I thought I was part of the gang?"

Squall: "Sorry about that."

Quistis: "What do you want us to do?"

Squall: "I want you guys to help me lead the others. When Zell gets here, we'll
        divide into 2 teams."

Selphie: "Zell...? Umm, I think he's taking a nap. Yeah, he said he hasn't
         slept at all lately."

Quistis: "What...? Oh yeah."

Squall: "What are you guys talking about?"

Quistis: "Nothing. It's our little secret."

Squall: (......What's he doing? We don't have any time!) "I'm going to check
        the [quad]. Who's coming with me?"

[Squall forms his party and talks to the remaining ally:]

Squall: "_______, find Zell. You guys work together and lead the team at the
       front gate."

[-] Irvine: "Alrighty!"
[-] Quistis: "Alright."
[-] Selphie: "Gotcha!"

Squall: "We still have time so [don't bother equipping your GF] yet. Alright,
        let's go to the [quad]."

[The party goes to the elevator.]

[-] Irvine: "Hey, what about Rinoa?"
[-] Quistis: "Squall, what about Rinoa?"
[-] Selphie: "Wait, what about Rinoa?"

Squall: (Rinoa......) "You guys take care of her."

Squall's team hightails it to the Quad, finding Zell out and about.]

Zell: "You guys are over here. Backup the advance guards."

[Zell runs off from the troop into the next screen; Squall follows.]

Zell: "Alright, listen up! This is the big one, guys! We gotta win, no matter
      what! S'up, Squall! I got this place covered."

Squall: "I thought you were sleeping?"

Zell: "Oh...! Yeah, y-your announcement woke me up! My student ID is even, so
      I'm supposed to be here, right? Yo, Squall come here for a sec."

[He takes Squall aside.]

Zell: "It's about your ring. This might not be the time, but..."

Squall: (...What is it?)

Zell: "Give me your ring, will ya? I just wanna borrow it for a while. I won't
      lose it or anything. C'mon, what do you say?"

Squall: "Why do you need it?"

Zell: "Uh...I can't tell you that. C'mon, just give it to me. You can trust me.

Squall: (What the hell... I like this ring...... I...guess it's all right if he
        just wants to borrow it...)

[Squall pulls it off and gives it to him.]

Squall: "Don't lose it."

Zell: "YEAH! THANKS MAN! I didn't think you were gonna give it to me. Rinoa is
      gonna be so happy!"

Squall: "Rinoa?"

Zell: "Alright, Squall! Leave this place up to me!"

[Rinoa and the team member left behind run over.]

[-] Irvine: "Zell, so like...where were you?"
[-] Quistis: "Zell, you're here!?"
[-] Selphie: "Geez, Zell...! There you are!"

Rinoa: "Guys, I'm gonna fight, too. I don't wanna just hide. I know I can
       fight. I want to fight alongside everyone."

Zell: "I hope this is the last time we have to fight in our home."

[Squall starts to leave the Quad.]

Rinoa: "I have to fight. To prove to myself that I can do it... That I belong
       with you guys."

Squall: "...Take care of yourself."

[The loudspeaker clicks on.]

Nida: "Squall! Get back to the [bridge] right away!"

Squall: "Zell, I'm counting on you. Good luck, everyone."

Zell: "Time to get it ON!"

[Back up at the bridge.]

Nida: "Look!"

[FMV. The Garden flies over the treetops, and Seifer's present.]

Nida: "Seifer is in charge over there. They're heading right for us!"

Squall: "Just keep going."

[Seifer signals for the motorcyclists to attack; they rocket onto B. Garden.]

Nida: "We're gonna crash!!!"

Squall: "Go right!"

[Squall yells at the crew in the Quad from the loudspeaker.]

Squall: "The enemy Garden is right by us! Quad team! Watch out!"

Zell: "Go straight ahead, to the [left]! We gotta stop'em from comin' in! Don't
      forget to equip your [GF]!

[They run past the motorcycles coming in.]

Zell: "C'mon, c'mon, they're dead ahead.

[He stops.]

Zell: "...OH yeah! Rinoa, here you go. I got it from Squall. Like I said, I'll
      make you one just like it. 'Til then, hold on to it for me, will ya?"

Rinoa: "What did you say to him?"

Zell: "I told him to just hand it over."

Rinoa: "It looks cool, but it's too big."

[-] Selphie: "Guys...c'mon."
[-] Quistis: "Talk about it later. Let's go."
[-] Irvine: "It's not like you're gonna wear that one... Come on, let's go."

[G-Garden crashes into the quad, dropping Rinoa off the edge; she clings on.]


[-] Irvine: "Let's find something to pull her up!"
[-] Selphie: "We gotta pull her up somehow!"
[-] Quistis: "We need a rope or something!"


[They leave Rinoa for the time being.]

Zell: "C'MONNNN! Isn't there anything we can use!?

[They run to the screen near the elevator.]

Xu: "Squall! They're coming in from the [front gate]!"

[At the turnstiles:]

Zell: "Squall!!! Rinoa's in trouble!"

[-] Irvine: "We gotta hurry!"
[-] Quistis: "Squall, she's in danger!"
[-] Selphie: "Yeah, she's gonna fall off the Garden!"

Squall: (...Damn!)

Nida: "Squall, listen up! The enemy is attacking the classroom. The junior
      classmen are there. We have to do something fast!"

Xu: "The enemy's heading this way!"

Zell: "Squall, DID YOU HEAR ME!?"

Squall: "YEAH!!! But she's not the only one in danger!"

Irvine: "Didn't think you were so heartless, Squall. Rinoa is gonna die! Don't
        you realize that!?"

Squall: (We have to divide into 3 groups. ...Who should come with me?)
        R1 --> (Selphie, Quistis)
        R2 --> (Quistis, Irvine)
        R3 --> (Irvine, Selphie)

        R1: "Irvine, you go with Xu."

            Irvine: "Alrighty!"

            Squall: "Selphie, Quistis, come with me. We'll head for the
                    [classroom]. Zell, you help Rinoa. Do whatever it takes,

            Zell: "Leave it to me!"

        R2: "Selphie, you go with Xu."

            Selphie: "Gotcha."

            Squall: "Quistis, Irvine, come with me. We'll head for the
                    [classroom]. Zell, you help Rinoa. Do whatever it takes,

            Zell: "Leave it to me."

        R3: "Quistis, you go with Xu."

            Quistis: "Alright."

            Squall: "Irvine, Selphie, come with me. We'll head for the
                    [classroom]. Zell, you help Rinoa. Do whatever it takes,

            Zell: "Leave it to me!"

[Squall heads for the classroom.]

Nida: "Squall! Go to the [2F classroom]. The enemy is coming in from the sky."

Squall: "We're going to the [2F classroom.] Come on!"

[FMV. Flying soldiers grapple in. Squall greets them with his gunblade.]

Soldier: "Dispose of this Garden as planned!"

[-] Irvine: "Dispose!?"
[-] Selphie: "NO WAY!"

Soldier: "You little SeeD twerps!"

[The soldiers are kicked to kingdom come. Squall goes over to his juniors.]

Squall: "Good work. Take them somewhere safe."

SeeD: "Yes, sir! Come on guys. Let's go."

[They run off.]

Nida: "Squall! Squall!"

Squall: (Now what?)

Nida: "Squall, come up to the [bridge]. Dr. Kadowaki is here."

Squall: (What does she want?)

[Squall goes to see the doc.]

Dr. Kadowaki: "What's the situation?"

Squall: "We were able to stop the first two waves of the attack. But our forces
        aren't looking good. Many are injured. If they send another wave, I
        don't know if we can hold them."

Dr. Kadowaki: "How's your team?"

[-] Selphie: "Bad. They're barely holding them off."
[-] Irvine: "I don't know. The guys at the front gate are still holding them
            off somehow..."
[-] Quistis: "Not good. The force at the front gate is still holding its
             ground, but barely..."

Dr. Kadowaki: "So...looks like this is it."

Quistis: "Their Garden has more experienced fighters. On the other hand, most
         of our troops are students who are still in training. Like Squall
         said, one more wave and we might be finished."

Squall: (Maybe I should've focused on attacking in the beginning instead of
        concentrating on our defense...)

Dr. Kadowaki: "Seifer is with them, right? You said yourself. There's no way
              you can run from him... It's kind of like your destiny to face
              him. ...Looks like it's now or never! You've come this far
              already. What is there to think about? You're not gonna run away
              are you?"

Squall: (Never!) "There's no way I'm gonna run from him! Besides, attacking
        them might be our only chance. The only problem is, how are we going to
        board their Garden?"

Irvine: "Say, how about if we crash into their Garden? I know it sounds crazy
        but at least we'll be able to get in. Their pilot's been ramming us all
        along. I'm sure Nida can do it, too."

Squall: "We have no choice. Let's do it."

[Zell runs over.]

Squall: "Where's Rinoa?"

Zell: "Sorry, man. There's nothin' I can do! There's no way to get to the quad!
      Those bastards have the area barricaded. Man! The only way we can get to
      her is by going over the roof or flying there."

Squall: (......Rinoa.)

Irvine: "Whoa, wait a minute. You just gave up on her, didn't you? Listen...
        Do me a favor. YOU...go help Rinoa. It may be too late, but don't give
        up until you're CERTAIN that there's nothing more you can do!"

Squall: "I...I have to lead the attack."

Irvine: "I don't care what you have to do, or how you feel. Just do it...
        please! For Rinoa."

Quistis: "Listen to Irvine, Squall. She's one of us."

Selphie: "Wat are you waiting for!? I can't believe you!"

Zell: "C'mon, Squall! Please! It's gotta be you! You're the one that has to
      save her!"

Irvine: "I'll take everyone inside Galbadia Garden. Don't worry. I know the
        place like the back of my hand."

Quistis: "We'll clear a path. Once Squall arrives, we'll move in."

Dr. Kadowaki: "Squall, you're forgetting something very important."

Squall: (What?)

[He gets with her onto the elevator.]

Dr. Kadowaki: "Talk to your men, Squall. Encourage them. As their leader, it's
              your duty."

Nida: "You probably don't know, but everybody in this Garden looks up to you.
      They like you."

Squall: "......Everybody, this is Squall. How's everyone doing? You're all
        probably too tired to even stand up after all the fighting. But I want
        everyone to listen to me... We still have a chance to win, and I
        need your help. This is going to be our final battle. We're going to
        attack them before they come in again. To do that, we're going to head
        straight into their Garden. So I want everyone to prepare for a major
        collision. Take care of the junior classmen. Irvine, Quistis, Zell, and
        Selphie will lead the attack into their Garden. As for everyone else,
        please support them if you can. SeeD was formed to fight the sorceress:
        at least, that's what I heard. And Garden was created to train SeeDs.
        So this battle is Garden's destiny and also our destiny. It's a
        grueling battle, and I'm sure you guys are all exhausted. But I don't
        want to have any regrets. I don't want anyone to look back and regret
        this day. So just this once, I want you guys to give everything you
        got! For yourselves and for me!"

Dr. Kadowaki: "You did great. That was wonderful. Ok! Let's bash into them!"

[The Garden smashes into its opponent and the SeeDs file out.]

Zell: "OHHH YEAHHH!!! We're in!"

Quistis: "Ready guys!?"

Selphie: "You betcha!"

Irvine: (For me and Selphie!)

Quistis: (This is it! For the world!)

Selphie: (For Balamb and Trabia!!!)

Zell: (It's payback time!!!)

[They encounter some soldiers.]

Zell: "Let's rock!"

[Squall goes to the second floor.]

Female Student (ID #8): "Please help me! Mark is gone! Please help me find him!

Squall: (...Dammit.)

[Squall finds the kid in a hallway.]

Squall: "Hey kid, you all right?"

Mark: "...Yeah."

Squall: "There's a person waiting for you down the hall. I want you to go over
        to her, ok?"

Mark: "...Yeah."

[Mark runs away, but just then, a soldier in a robo-gear corners Squall.]

Squall: (What should I do?)
        R1 --> (Runaway)
        R2 --> (Threaten the enemy)
        R3 --> (Look around for another option)
        R4 --> (Ask the girl down the hall for help)
        R5 --> (Press the button for the emergency exit)

        R1: [Squall just gets pushed back against the door.]
        R2: "Get out of here if you wanna to live!"
        R3: [This opens up the previously unavailable R4 and R5 options]
        R4: "Hey! You down there!"
        R5: [See below.]

[Squall and his attacker fly out the emergency exit. After commandeering the
G-Army's hovering platform, he goes down to Rinoa.]

Rinoa: "Over there! There's the entrance! Run to the left!"

[They run to the entrance of the enemy Garden.]

Rinoa: "Squall! Thank you."

Squall: "It was, ah...don't worry about it. It was my job. We're still under
        contract. And it was everybody else's idea, too. And I just happened to
        find you. That's all. So like I said, don't worry about it."

Rinoa: "You know something, I couldn't afford to fall off that cliff and die. I
       have something very important that belongs to you. I can't die until I
       give it back to you, right? Zell gave it to me, see? I've been holding
       onto it."

Squall: (I'm gonna kill him...) "That's my favorite ring. You'd better give it

Rinoa: "I'm sure it is. It's a cool-looking ring. What's this monster on it

Squall: "It's not a monster. It's a lion. Lions are known for their great
        strength and pride."

Rinoa: "Hmm...great strength...pride... ...Kinda like you, Squall."

Squall: "I wish..."

Rinoa: "Hmm...so this L I O N of yours, does it have a name?"

Squall: "Of course."

[Squall can set the name of his ring. Default: Griever.]

Rinoa: "So that's what you call it. You know Zell said he'll make me one
       exactly like it. Who knows, maybe I can become like a lion, too. That'd
       be crazy, huh!? I mean, everyone might, y'know, get the wrong idea about

Squall: (If it's so crazy, why do you sound so delighted? Everyone is trying to
        get us together. It's so obvious even I can tell.) "You sound like you
        want everyone to get the wrong idea."

Rinoa: "No-no-no-no-no!"

Squall: "Well...everyone's waiting."
        R1 --> (You wait here)
        R2 --> (Rinoa, let's go)

        R1: "You wait here."

            Rinoa: "Big meany. Come on."

        R2: "Rinoa, let's go."

            Rinoa: "Ok! Squall, let's go!"

[They run into the Galbadian Garden.]

23. Galbadian Garden Infiltration                                        [WK23]

[The rest of the party's already inside.]

Selphie: "Rinoa!"

Zell: "You're here!"

Quistis: "Are you alright?"

Irvine: "The sorceress should be here somewhere."

Squall: (No turning back now...) "Forget about the past! She's our enemy now!
        Don't think twice for a second. There's no way we can fight her like
        that. I, for one, can't. She chose to fight and became our enemy. We
        choose to fight back. We have no choice. At least I'd like to think
        so." (Seems like I'm the only one confused...) "We've come this far. I
        guess there's no need for me to say anything."

Rinoa: "We're still listening. Squall, we want to know how you feel."

Squall: "I'll tell you later... After we all get out of this. Let's go."

[Squall chooses his party. In one of the rooms they search, they
find a student.]

Male Student: "Please don't kill me! I'm not your enemy! Those bastards stormed
              in during class and just took over this place. Most of the
              students were kicked out then. You guys came to fight the
              sorceress, right? Here, you can have this."

[He gives Squall a Card Key [1].]

Male Student: "I know two other students are hiding somewhere. They also have
              card keys to open the restricted areas. Be careful, guys."

[They find another student later on.]

Male Student: "We don't stand a chance against them. You're our last hope."

[He gives him a Card Key [2]. The find a girl soon after.]

Female Student: "Here's the last card key. It'll open the lock on the elevator.
                The sorceress' room is on the top floor. Good luck guys."

[With the last Card Key in hand, they set out for the sorceress' room.]

Seifer: "Oh, you guys shouldn't have... I was gonna come visit you at my old

Squall: "Shut up."

Seifer: "Did you guys come to fight Matron? After all she's done for us?

[Seifer converses with the other two members of the party.]

Seifer: "Hey Chicken-wuss. Lot's happened between us, eh?"
Zell: "Yeah! I'm dyin' to get even!"

Seifer: "Instructor Trepe, I'm still one of your dearest students, aren't I?"
Quistis: "Not anymore."

Seifer: "Hey, you're a Galbadian student. Get over here." 
Irvine: "I'm happy right here, thank you."

Seifer: "Selphie, right? I wish we had time to get to know each other."
Selphie: "Nahh. You're not my type."

Seifer: "Rinoa, what are you doing here? You're gonna fight me, too? Come on,
        remember a year ago we..."
Rinoa: "Stop it!"

Squall: "It's too late Seifer. You can't mess with our minds. To us, you're
       just another enemy, like one of those monsters."

Seifer: "You're comparing ME to one of them? I ain't no monster. I'm the
        sorceress' knight. And look at you. Attacking like a swarm. You guys
        are the monsters."

[The battle with Seifer starts.]

Seifer: "Let's go after them monsters!"

[Later on:]

Seifer: "Show me what you got. I'll show you who's the better man!"

[They start attacking Seifer.]

Seifer: "Is that all you got!? I can't be beaten."
Seifer: "Ready to die, Squall? Kneel before me!"

[Seifer starts using his Demon Slice limit, but they defeat him.]

Seifer: "This can't be! Why!?

[Seifer collapses.]

Sorceress Edea: "Worthless child."

[She sinks into the ground and out of sight.]

Squall: (...The [auditorium] is right below.) 

[They all head to the auditorium.]

Squall: (......? What's going on?)

[They look around. The sorceress crashes down to the podium.]

Sorceress Edea: "So the time has come. You're the legendary SeeD destined to
                face me?"

Squall: (What is she talking about?)

Sorceress Edea: "I must say that I am impressed. ...An impressive nuisance.
                Your life ends here, SeeD."

[Seifer walks up to her.]

Sorceress Edea: "Worthless fool."

Squall: (You're not our 'Matron'.)

Sorceress Edea: "All SeeDs must perish!"

[The battle with Edea starts, but Seifer stands between the two.]

Seifer: "I'm the sorceress' knight. You'll never...get past me."

[They start beating on Seifer.]

Seifer: "I can't afford to lose.

[In his injured state, Seifer goes down easily.]

Seifer: "Ughaah! ...Damn. I'm disgraced.

Edea: "Defeated... Useless fool. Enough play. SeeDs must die!"

[They defeat Edea after awhile.]

Edea: "A...Ahhh..."

[A large stream of noxious-looking gas escapes from the defeated sorceress.]

Squall: (What happened...? My...body...)

[In the brightened area, Squall sees a trance-like Rinoa over Seifer's body.]

Squall: (Rinoa...)

[She cradles him and kisses him.]

Squall: (......! Rinoa... Seifer...)

[Seifer gets up and the brightness ends. Rinoa slumps over.]

Quistis: "Rinoa? Are you all right?"

[Edea speaks. The first 3 names are in the fighting party; the last 2 aren't.]

Sorceress Edea: "Squall, Quistis, Selphie. Irvine, Zell. You've all grown so
                much... and become so strong... I have waited for this day to
                come. And also feared this day would come. Is today a joyous
                day? Or an odious day? Where is Ellone!? Have I protected

Squall: (...I don't understand.)

Quistis: "Squall! It's Rinoa..."

Squall: (......Rinoa? What's wrong with Rinoa?)

[Fade to black.]

         ######  # ###### #####      #####      ###### #### # ######
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         ######  # ###### #####     #######     ###### # #### ######

24. Balamb Garden Opening & Edea's House                                 [WK24]

Squall: (Is it over...? What happened...? Rinoa...... What happened to

[Squall goes to the Infirmary. Quistis comes over the intercom.]

Quistis: "Squall, can you hear me? Head to [Edea's house] at once. The
         Sorceress Edea...Matron is back at the orphanage."

[They go to the orphanage and find the old headmaster, Cid, there.]

Headmaster Cid: "...Many thanks for your hard work. ...Hahaha... Are you angry
                with me? Haha... I don't blame you. All I do is talk big, but
                in times of trouble, I run away. I was in a no-win situation...
                Your defeat would be the end of you. Your victory would mean
                losing my wife. I just couldn't bear...to face either outcome.
                I don't care about myself...But...please forgive Edea..."

[He walks to his wife in the next screen.]

Edea: "My children... Please forgive me... I raised you as my own, yet still,

Squall: "We feel the same way."

[*] Zell: "We fought you, too, knowing you were our Matron."
[*] Irvine: "We fought, knowing you were our Matron."
[*] Selphie: "We fought you, even though we know you were our Matron..."
[*] Quistis: "We fought, knowing very well that you were out Matron. That
             was the only choice we had left."

NOTE: Whoever speaks second says "Matron..." instead of the above line.

Edea: "You are SeeDs. You cannot back out of a battle, I know. You were
      magnificent. However, it is not over yet. At anytime, I may... ...I have
      been possessed all this time. I was at the mercy of Sorceress Ultimecia.
      Ultimecia is a sorceress from the future. A sorceress many generations
      ahead of our time. Ultimecia's objective is to find Ellone. She is after
      Ellone's mysterious power. I know Ellone very well. Ultimecia is a very
      fearful sorceress. Her heart is filled with anger and hate. There was no
      way I was going to let Ultimecia get a hold of Ellone. The only thing I
      could do was... ...Surrender my soul to Ultimecia and lose control of my
      mind. That was the only way I could save Ellone. And the end result...
      Well, you all know. The Sorceress that appeared in Galbadia was in fact
      Ultimecia...inside my shell... Ultimecia has yet to achieve her goal. I
      believe she may use my body again to carry out her plans. I plan to make
      a stand this time, but...if that does not work...I may have to face you
      in battle once again. I ask for your support, young SeeDs. Have you all
      heard of Sorceress Adel before? She was the ruler of Esthar during the
      Sorceress War. No one knows of her wherabouts... That's what I learned.
      The Galbadians must have thought I was the sorceress who received
      Sorceress Adel's powers. However, that is not the case. I received the
      powers of the previous sorceress at the age of 5."

[-] Zell: "Huh? Meaning?"
[-] Quistis: "Which means..."
[-] Selphie: "So... What does that mean?"
[-] Irvine: "I don't quite understand..."

Edea: "I believe Sorceress Adel is still alive. And that Ultimecia released my
      body in order to... ...To use the body of Sorceress Adel... Sorceress
      Adel is the type who will not hesitate to use her powers for her own
      selfish desires. Should Sorceress Ultimecia from the future bequeath her
      anger and hatred unto Adel, their power would be unimaginable..."

[Squall starts to walk away.]

[-] Selphie: "Squall, we're leaving already!?"
[-] Zell: "I'm sure Matron has much more to say!"
[-] Irvine: "C'mon Squall, let's hear Matron out."
[-] Quistis: "Squall, let's hear what else Matron has to say."

Squall: (I've heard enough. I understand that listening to what Matron has to
        say is important, but Rinoa...) "Matron, do you know what's wrong with

Edea: "Rinoa is the girl in light blue? I remember vaguely... What happened to

Squall: "She was with us when we fought you. After the battle... ...Her body
        was cold... She didn't move..."

Cid: "Did Rinoa die!?"

Squall: "NO!!!"

Edea: "Forgive me, Squall. I don't think I can be of any help."

Squall: "...It's all right."

Cid: "Squall, I understand how you feel. But you are in a position of
     leadership. The other students at Garden have a right to know about the
     outcome of the battle and what's to come. Take whatever information you
     can get here, back to Garden. Remember, it wasn't just Rinoa. Everyone

Squall: "I understand... But..."

Cid: "But, but, but... That isn't something a leader should say."

Squall: "........."

[Squall punches a stone wall.]

Squall: (......Dammit.)

[Squall half-listens to Edea speak.]

Edea: "Ultimecia's objective is to find Ellone."

Squall: (First time we met was the day I became a SeeD. We met again...in

Edea: "Ellone's mysterious power... Sending one's consciousness back into the

Zell: "So, Ultimecia wants to use Ellone's power, right?"

Squall: (We had a lot of arguments at first. But in time, things began to

Irvine: "I get it. Ultimecia wants to send her consciousness from this period
        further into the past."

Zell: "What's she going to do in the past?"

Squall: (You were looking at me... You smiled when our eyes met.)

Edea: "Time compression."

Zell: "Time compression?"

Squall: (It made me feel calm, tranquil.)

Edea: "It's time magic. Past, present, and future get compressed."

Zell: "What's going to happen to the world? Why do something like that?"

Squall: (Rinoa... Give me another chance.)

Irvine: "I can't even imagine a world where time is compressed!"

Zell: "Yo, Squall!"

Selphie: "You're not even listening!"

Squall: "So basically, all we have to do is prevent Ultimecia from getting a
        hold of Ellone."

Quistis: "Yes, but..."

Squall: "We're going back to Garden. We have to let everyone know."

Irvine: "Hey, we're worried about Rinoa too, y'know?"

Squall: "Then why don't you...!? Forget it."

[Back at the Garden's bridge, Squall's finishing up his announcement.]

Squall: "That about covers the update. Our task at hand is to find Ellone. Then
        we'll deal with Ultimecia. I believe that Ellone is on the White SeeD
        ship. We're setting out to look for it. I wonder where it could be?
        We'll gather information for a while. Be prepared for battle at any
        time. And... Sorceress Edea is back at her home. She's probably not our
        enemy anymore. Let's just leave her alone."

[Squall gets off the mic and heads to see Rinoa in the infirmary.
He cups her forehead.]

Squall: (Rinoa...You feel so cold. Are you going to be like this forever?)
        "...... Isn't there anything I can do!? You were so full of life. Now
        you don't even make a sound... I want to hear your voice." (This is
        like talking to a wall.) "Rinoa... Call my name." (......)

[Squall collapses at her bedside, cueing the next Laguna sequence.]

25. Laguna Sequence IV                                                   [WK25]

[The sequence starts, with the party up in the snowy mountains.]

Laguna: "Why the heck do I have to do this!?"

Kiros: "'Cause we have no money."

Ward: "......"

Laguna: "Alright, I'm sorry!!! Yeah, so it's kinda my fault that we stayed at
        the hotel so often. But heck, I'm not cut out to be an actor!"

Kiros: "So you say, but we know you're really quite excited..."

Voice: "Ok everyone! Take your positions!"

Laguna: "Man, I can't believe this director... Making a movie with me...an
        amateur... ...The heck am I supposed to do?"

Ward: "......"

Laguna: "Alright, alright... So we were lucky I got the job. As long as we make
        some money, right...?"

[Laguna yells on a blacked-out screen.]

Laguna: "A-Are you serious!? What kind of costume is this!?"

Kiros: "Ah, ah, ah... No complaining. Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

[Laguna appears next to the director, decked out in silvery armor.]

Director: "Hey, look at you. Not bad. This is your co-star, playing the part of
          the sorceress."

Co-star: "Hi, nice to meet you!"

Director: "All we need now is someone to play the dragon..."

[Kiros and Ward walk up behind Laguna.]

Director: "Oh...! Perfect. Hey, you 2 back there!"

Kiros: "Yes?"

Director: "I'm kinda in a squeeze here... The guy playing the dragon is sick...
          Do you think you could put on the dragon costume and kinda just...
          walk down here? I'll pay ya..."

Kiros: "I...guess so."

[He and Ward run off.]

Director: "Ok, just be on standby over there."

[Laguna and the other other two walk down the other way.]

Kiros: "A-Ahhhh...!!!"

[Meanwhile, the other three have gotten the cameras rolling.]

Director: "Ok, people, here we go. Scene 12, 'Death of the Sorceress'.
          Ready...... ACTION!!!"

[The Co-star and Laguna start their act.]

Sorceress: "Oh, Sir Knight... Save me from the wicked dragon...!"

Laguna: "Oh...Ok... I...I'll s-save you from the dragon..." (...Darn it. I'm
        gettin' all nervous here. And what's with this gunblade? Haven't used
        one of these since training. Kinda like this?)

[He wields his gunblade, swiping the air a few times.]

Director: "Hey, not bad. I'll just put in some voice overs... Ok! Bring on the

[They wait a moment.]

Director: "Hey! Come on, guys! The dragon! Alright! Here we go!"

[A large red dragon crawls down the mountain path.]

Director: "Woooooow!!! Just like the real thing...! Excellent work, Kiros!!!
          Wait a minute... Was the costume THAT big...?"

Laguna: (Whoa! Kiros n' Ward are takin' this seriously. Man, looks like the
        real thing...)

[The dragon snaps at Laguna.]

Laguna: "Erghhh!!! (G-Geez...! Take it easy, Kiros...) ...What the...? Is this
        thing real!???"

Director: "WHAT!!! No wonder...!!! W-What am I doin'...? I'm gettin' outta
          here! W-Well, Sir Knight... It's all yours!"

Sorceress: "S-S-Sir Knight... I must bid you farewell!!!"

[They both leave Laguna to dry.]

Laguna: "H-HEY! Don't just leave me here!!! Tch! It's not gonna let me go.
        Hmm... The gunblade...Alright! Let's go!!!"

[Laguna swips at the dragon and beats it up a bit.]

Laguna: "Now's my chance! RUN!!!"

[Laguna runs down the mountainside, but gets cornered by the dragon.]

Laguna: "Daaaarn! Stupid dragon! Where the heck are Kiros and Ward!?"
Kiros: "Laguna, did you call me? Yahhh!"

[He jumps down. So does Ward.]

Kiros: "Wait long enough? Here!"

[He tosses the machine gun to Laguna.]

Laguna: "Alright! Time to kick some dragon butt!!!"
        R1 --> (Here we go!!!)
        R2 --> (H-Hold on a sec...)

        R1: [The battle starts.]
        R2: [The party can run back to a save point.]

[The party squares off with the Ruby Dragon and deep-sixes it.]

Laguna: "H-How many are there? They just keep comin'! We're outta here!!!"

[They retreat back up the mountainside and see a glowing, red structure.]

Laguna: "...What...is that?"

[On a blacked-out screen:]

Voice: "...I can't disconnect."

Squall: (What is this connect thing...?)

Voice: "Is it you, Squall?"

Squall: (Yeah...)

Voice: "'Connect' is just what I call it. It's when I use my special power. Oh,
       I know... I must be asleep. That's why I can't control it. I'm sorry,
       Squall. Just let me use your spirit for a little while longer."

Squall: (Let me go back.)

[Another scene occurs, this time with Laguna and Matron at the old orphanage.]

Laguna: "She ain't here, either..."

Edea: "If I may ask, what happened to this Ellone?"

Laguna: "She was kidnapped by Esthar soldiers. I've been travelling, tryin' all
        I can to get inside Esthar but..."

Edea: "They were looking for a successor to the Esthar sorceress, Adel?"

Laguna: "Yeah, yeah! Exactly it!"

Edea: "Is she your daughter?"

Laguna: "No...but she's just so cute! Oh, I wish I could hear her voice!"

Squall: (I want to hear Rinoa's voice.)

Edea: "Is something the matter?"

Laguna: "No...just the faeries..."

[The screen blacks out.]

Squall: (I don't care if it's in the past or what. I want to hear Rinoa. I want
        to see Rinoa. That way, there might be a chance to save her.)

Ellone: "You can't change the past. I just found that out. When I was
        kidnapped, Uncle Laguna went on a journey to find me... But because he
        did, Uncle Laguna wasn't able to be by Raine's side when she died.
        Raine wanted to show Laguna her new born baby... Raine kept calling out
        for Laguna. So no matter what, I wanted Laguna to stay in the
        village... But it didn't work. I can no longer make it back to that
        moment... And also... I can only send you inside someone I've met
        before. I'm sorry, Squall. I'm about to disconnect. I'll try again to
        speak to you this way."

Squall: (Sis! Ellone! I'm...)

[Squall starts to wake back up in the infirmary.]

Squall: (I want to hear Rinoa's voice.) "I can see you if we go back in time!
        Maybe even change things! Ellone! Ellone! Can you hear me!? Send me
        back to the moment Rinoa went into a coma!" (Ellone, you won't answer
        me...? I know she's on the White SeeD ship. White SeeD... Edea's
        SeeD... Edea's SeeD?) "Maybe Edea would know the whereabouts of the
        ship! Then I can see Ellone. Then maybe I can go back..."

26. Return to the Orphanage and the White SeeD Ship                      [WK26]

[Squall goes back to the orphanage to see Edea.]

Edea: "Is there anything at all I can help you with?"

Squall: "The White SeeD ship. The one Ellone's on."

Edea: "Those children are... They are very cautious. They would never remain in
      one place for long."

Squall: "...I see."

Edea: "Oh yes, however... Those children seemed to have taken a liking to
      Centra's landscape. Therefore, they may have stationed their ship [by an
      inlet somewhere on the Centra continent]. And Squall. Please take with
      you this letter that I wrote. With this, they shall welcome you."

[The party finds the SeeD ship in one of the inlets. The Balamb SeeDs exit.]

White SeeD: "...We meet again."

Squall: "My name is Squall. We're SeeDs from Balamb Garden. I'd like to speak
        to your leader."

White SeeD: "I'm in charge. State your business. Depending on what you say, we
            may ask you to leave immediately."

Squall: "...... I want to see Ellone."

White SeeD Leader: "......!?"
Squall: "We pose no threat. Edea told us that you would be here."

White SeeD Leader: "Edea...how...?"

Squall: "......Edea is no longer under Sorceress Ultimecia's control. She is
        now our ally. So there's no reason for you to hide Ellone's whereabouts
        from us. We want to take Ellone back to protect her from Ultimecia."

White SeeD Leader: "...... Thank you for coming... But we have no reason to
                   believe you. Please leave."

[They find Watts nearby.]

Watts: "Wow! Long time no see, sir!"

[Zone runs down the stairs.]

Zone: "Whoa! Look who's here! Squall, how's it goin'?"

Watts: "Can't believe you're here! Everybody doin' good, sir?"

Zone: "After you guys left, the Galbadian buttheads came after us, and we
      barely escaped to this boat."

Watts: "I was sure we were goners, sir! Zone went nuts and was thinking about
       swimming across the sea to escape!"

Zone: "Hey, it was a plan. All you were doing was whining like a big baby.
      'We're gonna die, we're gonna die!' And look who jumped first! You, you

Squall: (...I don't see how these wackos keep surviving.)

Zone: "So, how's Rinoa? Where is she?"

Squall: "...Rinoa fought with us against Edea. For some reason, she went
        unconscious after the fight. She's resting in the Garden now. I don't
        know what happened. We couldn't protect her. I'm...I'm sorry."

Zone: "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! What did I say!!!? What did I say, HUH!!!? I told
      you to take care of her!!! That nothin' better happen to her!!! Scumbag!
      You pathetic, lyin' scumbag!!!"

Watts: "Zone! C'mon! Easy, sir! Easy. She's not dead. They just dunno what's
       wrong with her, that's all. Ain't that right, sir? Squall would never
       give up on her. Am I right, sir?"

Squall: "We came here to get Ellone because there's a new evil force after her.
        If we can get Ellone and Rinoa together, maybe...we can get Rinoa back.

Watts: "Really!? See, Zone!? I told you, sir! Rinoa's gonna be fine! She
       promised she would come back! We all have to free Timber together. Don't
       worry, sir!"

Zone: "...All right. But I'm gonna say it one more time. If something happens
      to Rinoa again, I swear..."

[The party goes to see the leader below-deck.]

Squall: "Here."

[He gives him the letter from Edea.]

White SeeD Leader: "......This is Matron's writing. She really gave this to

Squall: "You guys call her Matron too, huh?"

White SeeD Leader: "Yes. Ever since we were little."

Squall: "We were raised by Edea, too. It was difficult to fight against her,
        but we did. Fortunately, everything turned out well. Edea is no longer
        evil. She's back to her old self again...the kind Matron we remember."

White SeeD Leader: "Squall, thank you. We owe you and Balamb Garden much."

Squall: "Even our salute is the same."

White SeeD Leader: "Matron told us it hasn't changed since SeeD was
                   established. So it says in the letter, you're looking for
                   Ellone... ...I'm sorry. Ellone's no longer here. Remember we
                   picked her up from your Garden near the FH coast? After that
                   we headed east to get away as far as we could from Edea and
                   Galbadia. Before long, we encountered the Galbadian fleet.
                   They had a lot of ships. Obviously, they were searching for
                   us. We should've been more careful. They pursued us in full
                   force. Luckily, we were able to escape but, then our ship
                   broke down and we were stranded. There was no way we were
                   going to let the Galbadians take Ellone. Eventually, the
                   Galbadians caught up to us an we had no choice but to
                   prepare for battle. Then an Esthar ship appeared. A battle
                   began between them, and we were caught in the middle of it.
                   Then something strange happened. Suddenly, an Esthar ship
                   came up beside us and Esthar soldiers came aboard. They told
                   us to get aboard their ship. It sounded like an order to
                   evacuate. Of course, we refused. We didn't trust them just
                   as we didn't trust the Galbadians. As the Esthar soldiers
                   were trying to convince us, the battle became more intense.
                   Soon they were forced to leave our ship. As their ship was
                   pulling away, Ellone yelled out something. Then, all of a
                   sudden, she jumped onto their ship. It wasn't like her at
                   all. To this day, I don't understand why she did that. After
                   that, Esthar's fleet withdrew from battle and fled. After
                   they left, we...well it's a long story. After our ship is
                   fully repaired, we plan to go to Esthar. Sorry, Squall. We
                   couldn't protect her."

Squall: "So Ellone's in Esthar?"

White SeeD Leader: "We believe so."

[Back at the bridge of the Garden:]

Nida: "Have you decided on a destination?"

Squall: "Esthar."

Nida: "Oh, man... Xenophobic Esthar. That area's terrain is not really suited
      for flying the Garden."

Squall: "Anyway, set a course for Esthar."

27. Bridge to Esthar & Great Salt Lake                                   [WK27]

[Squall docks in FH, stopping to see Rinoa in the infirmary as well.]

Squall: "(Let's go, Rinoa. Let's go meet Ellone. Ellone will bring us together.
        ...Sorry everyone. I can't go on like this.) "It's a bit far, but we'll
        make it."

[Taking Rinoa piggyback, he makes his way to the train tracks without allies.]

Squall: (...It's pretty far... Didn't think it would be this far... What am I
        doing...? Go to Esthar... Find Ellone... Talk to Ellone... But there's
        no guarantee that everything will be resolved if I talk to Ellone. Even
        so, I'm... I........sure have changed.)

[As dusk starts to set in, Squall sets Rinoa down and takes a break.]

Squall: (I wonder what everyone's doing...? They're probably laughing at me. Or
        maybe they're angry...?) "What do you think? To tell you the truth... I
        worry too much about what others think of me. I hate that side of me...
        That's why I didn't want anyone to get to know me. I wanted to hide
        that side of myself. I hate it. Squall is an unfriendly, introverted
        guy. It made it easy for me when people perceived me that way. That's a
        secret between you and me. Got that?"

[He goes over to the comatose Rinoa.]

Squall: "Rinoa..."

[They start walking again. Come morning, Squall reaches the railway's end.]

Quistis: "Squall, you're late."

Zell: "Is the princess still asleep?"

Quistis: "She might wake up with a kiss from the prince."

Squall: "Is that why you came all the way out here? To tell me that?"

Quistis: "You're going to Esthar, right? We're coming, too."

Zell: "We're Edea's escort."

[Edea walks over.]

Sorceress Edea: "Let us be on our way, Squall."

[Squall sets Rinoa down.]

Edea: "We shall leave as soon as we're ready."

Squall: "What business do you have in Esthar?"

Sorceress Edea: "I must go see Doctor Odine."

Zell: "Dr. Odine. You've heard the name, right?"

Squall: (...Odine?)
        R1 --> (Yeah, I remember)
        R2 --> (I can't remember... Tell me more)
        R3 --> (Whatever.)

        R1: "I remember, but...why do you need to see him?"
        R2: "Tell me more."

            Zell: "You know the famous Odine brand, don't you? That's all Dr.
                  Odine's work. When it comes to knowledge about the sorceress,
                  he's number one..."

            Squall: "...Thanks. So, why do you need to see this doctor?"

        R3: "...Why do you need to see him?"

Sorceress Edea: "Sorceress Ultimecia is alive. She is able to take control of
                my body at any time. If that were to happen... I would once
                again bring terror. I, too, value my well-being. I want to
                protect myself. If it were possible, I would like to rid myself
                of the sorceress' power. Doctor Odine may know a way. He may be
                able to save me."
Squall: "...I understand. Let's all go to Esthar."

[Irvine and Selphie run down the track to meet everyone.]

Zell: "Yo, they're back."

Quistis: "The two of them went to take a look."

Selphie: "How's it goin', Squall? Is Rinoa still asleep? Psst... Psst...
         Psst... (Rinoa's so cute when she's asleep.)"

Squall: "Whatever. So how is it? Can we make it to Esthar?"

Selphie: "Wooo! Are you blushing!?"

Irvine: "Selphie, don't make Squall angry... Esthar's on this continent, right?
        It's supposed to be huge... I don't know why, but I can't seem to find
        it anywhere."

Selphie: "Couldn't find it up north or down south... Let's try going [East]

[Heading east from the Seaside Station, the party finds the Great Salt Lake.]

Selphie: "Hello... I don't see a city..."

[Selphie and Irvine run ahead and look around.]

Edea: "Looks like we are in for a long trip."

Zell: "Everything'll be all right. We'll be by your side all the way!"

Edea: "Thank you Zell. But remember, you must stay alert even in my presence.
      As long as I can be myself, everything will be fine. But if Ultimecia
      gets inside me again... You all know what to do..."

[Selphie and Irvine run back.]

Selphie: "What, what, did I miss something? Uh-oh, it's so quiet. The air's
         getting heavy. Guys... What's wrong? COME ON! We're all together
         again! We're gonna bring back Rinoa! It's like a picnic! We're gonna
         have fun!"

Squall: "...Somebody once told me that if you mention bad things, they'll come
        true. I know it's a silly superstition, but right now I want to believe
        it. So let's not talk about it anymore."

[The party soon finds an undead Abadon boss.]

Squall: "An undead monster... Use recovery-related magic and items."

[After the skirmish, they find part of the landscape rippling.]

Squall: (......?)

[Squall touches it and it's hard.]

Squall: "...There's something here."

[A hole opens up.]

[-] Edea: "A hole in midair...?"
[-] Selphie: "Oh! Neato! A hole in the middle of nowhere."
[-] Irvine: "That's weird! Is that a tunnel or something?"
[-] Quistis: "What...is that? How can there be a hole in midair?"
[-] Zell: "WHOA! What the hell is that!? It's some kinda hole or tunnel..."

Squall: "This looks like the only way."

[The party climbs up into the mystery building and boards a lift.]

[-] Selphie: "Where are we goin'?"
[-] Quistis: "Who made this place?"
[-] Zell: "What's this, an elevator?"
[-] Edea: "I wonder where we are heading..."
[-] Irvine: "Geez, where's this thing taking us?"

[-] Irvine: "Oh geez, whatever."
[-] Quistis: "I'm completely lost."
[-] Selphie: "This is totally weird."
[-] Edea: "I haven't the slightest clue..."
[-] Zell: "This is crazy, man! Where the hell are we!?"

Squall: (I don't know what I'm doing, where I am...... I don't know if we'll
        ever get to Esthar. But I don't care...) "I'm not turning back now."

[The lift shakes and stops.]

Squall: (It stopped... Is that it?)

[-] Zell: "It stopped."
[-] Selphie: "Ride's over."
[-] Quistis: "Looks like we're here."
[-] Edea: "Looks like we've stopped."
[-] Irvine: "So like...is this where we get off?"

[A door opens and a walkway stretches out.]

[-] Selphie: "Squall, now what?"
[-] Zell: "Squall, what's the plan?"
[-] Edea: "Squall, what are you thinking?"
[-] Irvine: "Well Squall, what are we gonna do?"
[-] Quistis: "Squall, what do you want to do now?"

Squall: (...I don't care at this point. Nothing's gonna surprise me.) "What
        else? Let's go."

[They enter the tunnel and come to a dead end...which shimmers and disappears,
revealing that the salt lake was not endless, but a mirage-like trick. Esthar
is behind the curtain, so to speak, and unfolds before their very eyes.]

[-] Selphie: "Wow!!! Pretty!"
[-] Zell: "THE HELL IS THIS!?"
[-] Quistis: "What is this!? My goodness!"
[-] Edea: "...What is going to happen now?"
[-] Irvine: "Geez! Will you look at that..."

NOTE: The non-Squall characters will say their above lines regardless of their
      place in the party order.

[The lift starts to move at a high speed and stops at a platform far

Squall: "...Judging from their technology, they must know we're here. It's
        possible we might encounter some hostility, so stay alert.
        ............Aaahh! No...not now!...... This.....isn't good......"

[The reason for Squall's distress is the start of the 5th Laguna Sequence.]

28. Laguna Sequence V                                                    [WK28]

[Laguna's gang and a moomba are present in a hi-tech facility.]

Mean Guy: "The skinny one and the fat one... Get your asses down to Lunatic
          Pandora! You're gonna stay here and work! The rest of you, get back
          to work!"

[Kiros and Ward leave. Later on, Laguna's alone with a moomba and a comrade.]

Laguna: "I'm hungry......"

Security Guard: "You!!! I said no talking!!! It's only been 3 days, you wimp!!!
                When I was young, I worked all day, all night...without

[Later on...]

Laguna: "I wonder if Kiros and Ward are workin', too...?"

Security Guard: "No talking! How many times do I have to..."

Laguna: "Oh... Meal time! Alright, it's time to eat!"

Security Guard: "You keep working! That's what you get for your big mouth! That
                beast over there, you, too! No meal until your work is done!!!"

Laguna: "Hey... You can't be serious! I'll be done in 2 to 3 hours, but... His
        job won't get done for days!"

Security Guard: "He just won't get fed for a few days. If he wants to eat...he
                should work faster..."

[Even later on...]

Security Guard: "Come give me a hand. I can't handle the big guy alone."

[The guard runs out. The other guard starts to take off, too.]

Security Guard 2: "Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. The camera is
                  watching you."

[The guard runs off. Laguna talks to the moomba.]

Laguna: "You all right? You look exhausted... Do they feed you all right? Got a
        fever or something? Or you just scared of heights?"

Moomba: "Grr... Grr..."

Laguna: "Your stomach's goin' grrr?"

Guy: "Ha ha ha... That's funny. I think that thing's 'Grrr... Grrr...' means
     'thank you'. Know what? You're the first one to care about his well-being.
     These Moombas get worked to death for no reason. They only get half the
     food and sleep compared to us humans."

[Laguna talks to the Moomba again.]

Laguna: "That's horrible... You need to get outta here. When we get outta here,
        I'll feed you all the food you want. And you'll get to nap all you
        want! How's that?"

Moomba: "Grr... Grr..."

[Upstairs, a voice yells:]

Voice: "Experiment! Experiment! Let's just do this! Bahh! This iz a failure!!!"

Guy: "Sounds like Dr. Odine's up to something again upstairs.

[Laguna goes back to the moomba.]

Laguna: "Huh? What's up? You need a tool? I'll go get it. Wait right there. I
        think there was one here..."

[A security guard returns.]

Security Guard: "Hey, you over there! Yeah, standing next to the elevator. Go
                get the guards upstairs! Tell them there's an emergency."

Laguna: "Roger that..." (An emergency... Maybe the guys are...up to something?)

Security Guard: "Go now!"

[The guard leaves.]

Laguna: "Alright, I'm goin'. Oh... I almost forgot. Here, catch!"

[He tosses a tool to the moomba, who nearly falls off the walkway.]

Laguna: "Whoa!? Geez... That was close. I'm...so glad...... I'm so...so glad!!!

Guy: "You're such a...nice guy. Not many guys like you these days. You seem
     like you'd be a good candidate to be our leader."

Laguna: "A leader?"

Guy: "That's right. A lot of us are dissatisfied with the way Adel's been
     ruling Esthar. We may be disorganied now... But someday we'll gather our
     forces to remove Adel from power. We're overthrowing the ruler of a
     country. A sorceress, far beyond our powers. A half-baked plan would never
     work. We're waiting for the right time, now... Most of us involved in the
     Adel resistance are specialists. It's easy to research ways to fight Adel,
     but... There's no one to lead the movement. That's our situation right
     now. We've been looking for someone like you... Someone who's strong and

[The guard runs back in.]

Security Guard: "Hey, did you go tell them? What are you doing!? Up to no good
                again, aren't ya...!!?"

Laguna: "Stop!!!

[Laguna kills the guard, but another one comes down the elevator.]

Security Guard: "Don't move!"

Laguna: "Darn it...I did it again... Well, too bad! Just go on and go!

[The guy and the moomba leave. Kiros and Ward enter.]

Laguna: "Kiros! ...Ward! Great timing!

[Another guard comes in.]

Kiros: "Or should I say...bad timing?"

Security Guard: "Stop talking and just keep walking!"

Ward: "......"

Laguna: "It's not so bad...2 is better than 1, 4 is better than 2, right?"

Kiros: "So, who's the fourth one? Geez... Are you...starting to hallucinate?"

Laguna: "Yeah... I can see it! Oh... My sweet Elle... You make your uncle so
        happy... (Hey... Now's our chance! You know what to do? Let's just
        finish 'em off and get outta here! Before we do that... Are we all
        geared up?)
        R1 --> Better check...
        R2 --> Perfect...!

        R1: [The party goes to the menu screen.]
        R2: "Alright... Let's go!"

[The party beats up the guards.]

Laguna: "Jaaaaaaail break!!!"

[The party goes up via the elevator, into a control room of sorts.]

Laguna: (No security guard...... Now's our chance!"

Doc Odine: "...Vat iz......?"

Doctor's Assistant: "Luna...weap......"

Doctor's Assistant 2: "Moon......listen..."

Laguna: (What the heck are they talking about?)

Doctor's Assistant: "To use Lunatic Pandora as a weapon... You would need a
                    system to move it. Are you researching that now? How dare
                    you come up with such bold ideas? I could never come up
                    with such brilliant ideas."

Doc Odine: "I forgot!"

Doctor's Assistant: "Lunar Base was built in space to observe the moon. So much
                    money was spent on building it. Now why couldn't they give
                    some of that money to this lab?"

Doc Odine: "Zat iz ze way it iz! Accept it!"

Doctor's Assistant: "The rumor goes that little girls are being abducted for
                    the sorceress research. I have a daughter myself. It
                    disturbs me to hear such a story. How do you think their
                    parents feel?"

Doc Odine: "They will be proud to help ze research! Zat iz all zat matters."

Doctor's Assistant: "What happened to the [Weapons Monthly] you borrowed from
                    me? My friend's bugging me to return it..."

Doc Odine: "I don't know!"

Laguna: "I see......Oh!!" (Darn it!)

[The party runs out of the lab to find the moomba and the guy from before.]

Laguna: "Hey! You waited for me?"

Moomba: "Grrr... Grrr..."

Laguna: "Stay on your toes! Don't get captured again!"

[The moomba escapes.]

Laguna: (Darn it! I promised him a meal and a nap when we got out. Well... I
        guess he's better off running...free.) "!"

[An unfamiliar guy walks to them. The guy from before speaks.]

Guy: "It's ok... He's also an 'Adel Resistance' member. He's Dr. Odine's
     assistant. All the hot info about the lab comes from him."

Doctor's Assistant: "Is he a new member? Welcome to our group. You made quite a
                    bit of noise down there... Well, this may be a good time to
                    leave this facility."

Guy: "Did something happen to the doctor? Or did Adel stop funding his lab?"

Doctor's Assitant: "No, it's Dr. Odine. He... He's done it again. He's found a
                   new toy he prefers over a big one like Lunatic Pandora...
                   Some child named Ellone."

Laguna: "Ellone!?"

Guy: "You know her?"

Kiros: "Know her...? She's really the only reason why we're here."

Ward: "......"

Laguna: "Where is she? Where's Ellone!?"

Doctor's Assistant: "Dr. Odine would probably know her whereabouts."

Laguna: "So look for Odine, right? We're going back! Thanks for all your help.
        Better go some place safe now. Adios!"

Guy: "Wait a second! I still owe you!"

Doctor's Assistant: "If you're looking for that girl, Ellone, you'll eventually
                    need help. Facing Esthar...and Adel with only the 3 of you
                    will be difficult. Why not let us help you? We'll provide
                    you with all the information you'll need."

Kiros: "It's not a bad idea... We don't know anything about Esthar. I never
       want to go through all this again. I'm sure Ward feels the same way."

Ward: "......"

Laguna: "Huh? ......Hmm... Okay, fine! We'll accept your help. In return, we'll
        help your Anti-'Azel' movement or whatever."

Ward: "......"

Kiros: "Its 'ADEL'. Start listening more closely, 'cause it's getting
       embarrassing... ...is what Ward would say. Can't you see it in his eyes?

Laguna: "Yeah, sure, I always see it! But...who cares!? I speak with passion,
        from the heart! That's what matters most."

Guy: "Yes... That's right! It all sounds crazy, but...I like you! I really want
     you to be our leader..."

Laguna: "Leave it to me! Once we find Ellone, I'll take up that offer! Well,
        let me go pay a little visit to Odine. Wait right here! (Darn it, did
        it again! Why don't I ever think things through before I answer?
        Well... It's been ok 'til now. I'm sure things will work out."

[They run back into the lab, but Odine's not there any longer.]

Laguna: "......? Where did he go?"

[They find Odine in the laboratory below.]

Laguna: "Dr. Odine! Where's Ellone!?"

Security Guard: "Can't believe you guys came back..."

Security Guard 2: "You fools!"

[They defeat the guards.]

Doc Odine: "Vat are you saying!? I do not know any...Ellone."

[Laguna stares at him.]

Doc Odine: "...Okay, I vas lying! Ellone... I know Ellone!"

[The doc heads into the elevator.]

Laguna: "Hey wait! Where's Ellone!?"

[Laguna's squad piles into the elevator also. They get out on the top floor.]

Laguna: "I'm talking about Ellone! Where did you take her!?"

[...but the Doc's already ran away to a waiting car outside.]

Laguna: "Hey wait! Tell me where!"

Doc Odine: "......In [O Lab]! Ellone iz there."

Doctor's Assistant: (...He means [Odine's Laboratory].)

[The doc runs back inside.]

Doctor's Assistant: "To go there, go over here...then over there...and then

Laguna: "I see... I didn't understand a word. Kiros! It's your show from here!"

[Laguna's team piles into the ar.]

Doctor's Assistant: "We'll be joining you as soon as we can. Until then, good
                    luck! Please be careful."

[They drive off and come into a different laboratory.]

Laguna: "This is the place, right? This place sure is weird... Hey? Where's he

Kiros: "I think he must be lookin' for us..."

Ward: "......"

Kiros: "Yeah, you wouldn't usually jump out of a car..."

Laguna: "Whoa, it just kinda sped off. I hope he's all right."

Kiros: "Besides, we're..."

Ward: "......!"

[Some guards attack but they're disposed of quickly.]

Laguna: "W-What the...! So many unusual gadgets here."
        R1 --> Sit down
        R2 --> Forget it

        R1: [They sit down and are taken for a ride.]
        R2: [They don't sit down.]

[The party goes down a tunnel on the 'plate'.]

Laguna: "Hmm?"

Esthar Soldier: "!"

[They're attacked again, but dispose of 'em. They see Ellone from a window.]

Laguna: "...!? Ellone!!! Ellone!!! ELLONE!!! Darn, she can't hear me."

[Laguna presses some buttons on a console, which then displays 'ERROR'.]

Kiros: "Umm...do you know what you're doing?"

[He tries again and the door unlocks below; they waste no time going to Elle.]

Laguna: "Ellone!!!"

Ellone: "Uncle Laguna!"

Laguna: "See... I told ya I'd come save you... Sorry I'm a little late, but..."

[The sequence concludes.]

29. Esthar -- Presidential Palace                                        [WK29]

Irvine: "Back from your adventure, Squall?"

Edea: "There's something coming."

[A car comes out and a man steps out of the door.]

Man: "Sorceress Edea?"

Edea: "Yes. We came to see Dr. Odine."

Man: "...Please explain what this is regarding."

Edea: "Yes, of course."

Squall: "I want to see Ellone. Where is she?"

Man: "...Ellone?"

Squall: "Squall, calm down. Trust me. Let me handle this."

Man: "Please come with us."

[They all pile into the car and take a drive down the hi-tech Esthar streets.]

Irvine: "Geez, how far does this go...?

Man: "We'll be arriving at the Presidential Palace shortly."

Edea: "I hope Dr. Odine is there."

Irvine: "Esthar's president must be a real big shot."

[The party gets out and walks into the Presidential Palace.]

Edea: "...That is the very reason I am here. I seek the doctor's help. I wish
      to be free of Sorceress Ultimecia's control."

Doc Odine: "Zat will be easy."

[The doctor walks into the room.]

Doc Odine: "We just exorcise the sorceress. There iz nothing Odine cannot do."

Edea: "I leave everything in your hands."

[The man from the car ride speaks to Squall.]

Presidential Aide: "So you want to see Ellone?"

Squall: Where is she? I have to bring Rinoa to her. We need to see Ellone, now!

Doc Odine: "So, you will take Odine hostage!? You are a fool."

Squall: "I don't care! Just take me to Ellone!"

Doc Odine: "Do as he says. I give ze permission."

Presidential Aide: "...Very well."

[Odine walks to Rinoa, lying on a couch.]

Doc Odine: "But under one condition. You must let me observe this girl."

Presidential Aide: "...Well? We would need time to prepare before we take you
                   to Ellone. So, you will leave the girl with us until then?"

Edea: "Accept the offer, Squall."

Squall: "You better not do anything to Rinoa."

[Squall turns to leave.]

Presidential Aide: "We'll take the girl there. There's nothing to worry about.
                   Just head to [Lunar Gate]."

[As Squall turns to leave the city, he takes a last look.]

Squall: (What an incredible city.)

[With that, he sets out for the Lunar Gate.]

30. Lunar Gate & The Lunatic Pandora Over Esthar                         [WK30]

[The party goes to the Lunar Gate, and is greeted once inside by a woman.]

Lunar Gate: "We've been expecting you. This way, please."

Doorman: "Whoa!"

[Angelo runs into the building and to Squall.]

Squall: (...It's gonna be ok. I'll take care of Rinoa.)

[Squall goes back to the woman.]

Squall: "...Lead the way, please."

[Inside the next door, a man in a lab coat waits.]

Lunar Gate Staff: "Are you the ones taking off?"

Squall: "Yes."

Lunar Gate Staff: "Ok, this way."

[They walk with the man and find the rest of the party members already.]

Lunar Gate Staff: "Distance-wise, it's pretty far, but you'll be there in no
                  time. You'll be there by the time you wake up."

Squall: "Where are we going?"

Lunar Gate Staff: "Let me give you a quick explanation of the whole process.
                  First, we need you to enter the capsule inside this pipe.
                  Here, you'll undergo the 'cold sleep' process. Once this
                  process is complete, your capsule will automatically be
                  loaded into the booster. After that, we launch. You should be
                  there by the time you wake up. Leave the rest to the staff
                  once you get there. ...Well, that's about it in a nutshell. I
                  won't say there isn't a risk involved. What do you want to
                  R1 --> (...Space? Let me think about it)
                  R2 --> (...I'll do whatever it takes)

                  R1 (Squall): "...I think I need to prepare myself."

                  R2: "...Let's do it."

[Once R2 is chosen:]

Lunar Gate Staff: "Ok, you need to decide who you're taking. The girl in blue
                  has already undergone 'cold sleep' and has been loaded in.
                  There's room for 1 more."

Edea: "......... In the meantime, something must be done to suppress my

Quistis: "But it'd be too dangerous for Matron to be alone!"

Zell: "Then let me be her escort! C'mon Squall, what do you say!?"

Squall: (...Hmmm?)
        R1 --> (...Not too sure about that)
        R2 --> (...Trust Zell)

        R1: "Are you sure you can handle it...?"

            Zell: "Why can't it be ME!? Because I'm a Chicken-wuss!? ...Then...
                  let me prove it to you! I'm a SeeD, just like you ARE!"

            Edea: "...I, too, would prefer Zell by my side. It would give me a
                  sense of security..."

            Quistis: "I have no objection to Zell remaining."

            Selphie: "Me, either!!!"

            Irvine: "Then it's decided, Squall."

            Squall: (.........) "Ok. I'll leave it in Zell's hands."

            Zell: "OHHHH YEAHHH! I'll do whatever it takes to watch over you. 
                  Don't worry about a thing! Squall, don't worry about us!"

            Squall: (...Matron is a sorceress. Don't forget that.) "Ok, let me
                    decide who's going."

        R2: "Ok. I'll leave it in Zell's hands."

            Zell: "OHHHH YEAHHH! I'll do whatever it takes to watch over you.
                  Don't worry about a thing! Squall, don't worry about us!"

            Squall: (...Matron is a sorceress. Don't forget that.) "Ok, let me
                    decide who's going."

[Squall picks a party member. Zell and Edea cannot be chosen to go.]

Lunar Gate Staff: "Is this your party?"
                  R1 --> (...Yeah)
                  R2 --> (...Let me think it over)

                  R1: "Ok then, those who are going, get in."

                  R2: [Squall can switch members again. Once he's picked the
                      party members, he can't do it again.]

[The people heading for space enter a capsule, and the capsule is loaded.]

Man: "All capsules are in place. Conditions inside the capsules are normal."

Woman: "Boosters on standby. All systems normal."

Man: "Launch error correction, plus 2. Orbital correction, minus 1. Corrections

Man 2: "Go!"

Woman 2: "Clear."

Woman: "Clear."

Man: "Clear."

[FMV. The capsule is shot revolver-style out of a tube and into orbit.]

Zell: "Man, I hope everything goes well.

[-] Quistis: "I think they'll be alright."
[-] Irvine: "I think they're in good hands."
[-] Selphie: "They'll be fine!"

Edea: "Let's pray for their safe return. Ok, shall we go?"

[The dog runs off and the two party members besides Zell run off after it.]

[-] Selphie: "Heeey, come back!
[-] Irvine: "Geez, what's up with her...?"
[-] Quistis: "Hey, stop!"

Zell: "What the...!? WHOOAA!!!"

[The facility shakes.]

Zell: "Let's go outside!"

[FMV. The Lunatic Pandora floating over the base the party's at.]

Zell: "What the hell is that!? It's humongous!"

[-] Selphie: "Isn't the [city] over there?"
[-] Irvine: "Say, wasn't the [city] in that direction?"
[-] Quistis: "I think the [city] is over there."

[-] Quistis: "Dr. Odine! He might be in danger!"
[-] Selphie: "Uh-oh! Dr. Odine might be in trouble!"
[-] Irvine: "That means what's-his-face, Dr. Odine might be in trouble."

Edea: "Zell, we'd better head for the [city] at once. Dr. Odine might know
      what's going on."

Zell: "Alright! Who's comin' with us!?"

[Back in Esthar, they seek out Odine at his lab. A man blocks entrance.]

Research Assistant: "Are you here to see the doctor?"
                    R1 --> Yes
                    R2 --> No

                    R1: [See below.]

                    R2: [They aren't allowed to go in.]

[After R1:]

Research Assistant: "Dr. Odine is in a good mood right now. He hasn't been this
                   cheerful in quite a while."

[They're allowed to go into Odine's office.]

Doc Odine: "Why iz Lunatic Pandora here now? Who iz moving zat thing?"

Doctor's Assistant: "Galbadians, sir. They're the ones that salvaged it. We
                    must sound the alert in the city now!"

Doc Odine: "It will not attack us. This city iz not ze target."

Doctor's Assistant: "I hope so... I hope you're right."

Doc Odine: "But Tears' Point...... Hmm?"

[He sees the party.]

Doc Odine: "So we meet again. This iz exiciting."

Zell: "What's so exciting about this!? This and that about Galbadia and all!?"

Doc Odine: "It has been a long time since I last saw Lunatic Pandora."

Zell: "That Lunatic...whatever, that big thing!? What the hell is that!? What
      the hell is going on!?"

Doc Odine: "Oh! You vant to hear my story? Zat iz nice. I would be happy to
           tell you. I've been investigating ze Pandora since it was excavated.
           So we serviced it..."

Zell: "Grrrr......"

Doc Odine: "And investigated..."

Zell: "I don't care about that!"

Doc Odine: "Vat do you vant?"

Zell: "What's gonna happen? What do we do?"

Doc Odine: "Zat iz what I'm about to..."

Zell: "The enemy's comin', right!? And there's no time! We'll do somethin'
      about it! Just tell us what to do. Make it short."

Doc Odine: "Short, eh? Are you sure about zat? Zat iz too bad. Yes, this could
           be very bad. You vant to go inside to stop it? Then look at zis."

[A holographic map comes up of the Esthar continent.]

Doc Odine: "This is a map of the Esthar region. Lunatic Pandora's current
           location is here. Lunatic Pandora's expected course. It will
           undoubtedly pass over the city. Zoom in map. The city has 1 outer
           skyway and 2 main inner skyways, all leading to the palace. Lunatic
           Pandora will head east, from the vicinity of this lab toward the
           shopping mall. The time it will take to cross the city is estimated
           to be [20 minutes]. Boarding Lunatic Pandora is possible at the 
           following 3 contact points: The first contact point is at the
           [center of the city]. It will arrive there 5 to 8 minutes after it
           enters the city. That is equivalent to [15:00 to 12:00] left on your
           timer. The second contact point is unknown. We believe it is where
           the 2 skyways cross. Lunatic Pandora will arrive there 10 to 15
           minutes after it enters the city. That is equivalent to [10:00 to
           5:00] left on your timer. The third contact point is [north of the
           shopping mall]. It will arrive there 17 minutes after it enters the
           city. That is equivalent to [3:00 to 0:00] left on your timer. End
           of briefing."

[The map display's taken off.]

Doc Odine: "Zat is how it goes. I give you this. Look at it with ([]). Ze
           problem iz..."

Zell: "Alright, alright...! We'll get goin'!"

Doc Odine: "I vant to talk some more......Ze culprit iz not Galbadia."

[The party runs outside.]

Zell: "Looks like it's here.

[The party finds guards lying on the ground near the streets.]

Zell: "Where is it? There it is! It's heading for the center!

[The party waits for it at the first contact point and sees it.]

Zell: "Oh...man..."

Edea: "....."

[-] Selphie: "We're supposed to what!?"
[-] Irvine: "We're supposed to get on this thing...?"
[-] Quistis: "Dr. Odine told us to get on, but...?"

[Some guards jump out of a door, but the party knocks them back.]

Zell: "Now's our chance!"

[The party jumps aboard. They find a giant robot soon afterwards.]

Zell: "...The hell is that!? Well, no time to be ponderin'... Let's do it!!!

[They rush at it and are blown back...then start floating in midair.]

Zell: "Arghhhh! M...My body... I can't move!?"

[*] Edea: "Ugh!!!"
[*] Zell: "Arggghhh......"
[*] Irvine: "A-AHHHH!"
[*] Selphie: "Noooooooooo!!!"
[*] Quistis: "Ahhhh!!!"

[The party tumbles out of the Lunatic Pandora to the Sorceress Memorial.]

Zell: "Dammit! ...Kills me to let'em go!"

[FMV: Lunatic Pandora passes over Tears' Point, causing it to glow red.]

Zell: "I guess we better fall back for now."

Edea: "The Lunar Cry..."

Zell: "Let's head back."

31. Lunar Base & The Ragnarok                                            [WK31]

[At the Lunar Base space station, a man sits at his desk.]

Controller A: "3 capsules are approaching. Shall we recover them?"

Man in Space Suit: "Of course. What do you expect?"

Controller A: "Are these the special personnel coming aboard?"

Man in Space Suit: "Yeah, I hope they don't cause any problems."

Controller B: "Shall we put troops on standby?"

Man in Space Suit: "I have a feeling we won't need to."

Controller A: "Then we'd better station them all the more. Capsule recovery
              team, initiate recovery process. Security, go to standby."

Man in Space Suit: "Thanks for the vote of confidence. Why do you always play
                   me like that? I'm gonna go check up on Adel. Take care of
                  the rest, will you?"

Controller A: "Yes, sir."

Controller B: "Yes, sir."

[FMV. Outside, the capsule is caught by some holographic nets.]

Quick-Thaw Technician: "Initiating quick-thaw. It's gonna feel a bit itchy. Ok,

[Squall, Rinoa, and the other team member all start floating in zero-g space.]

Quick-Thaw Technician: "Lock on to rotation ring unit. Lock engaged. Generating
                       artificial gravity."

[Squall goes over to the lab tech who's appeared.]

Squall: "Here's the letter of introduction from Esthar's ambassador."

[A man inspects Rinoa.]

Medical Staff: "Wow... What is she, 17, 18...... Is she dead?"

Squall: "Don't touch her."

Piet: "I understand the situation. Let's get her to the med lab and we'll talk
      there. Please follow me."

[Piet's the man in the lab coat; Squall follows (with Rinoa) to the med lab.]

Piet: "I've talked to my crew. Everything will be alright. Come, let's go to
      the control room."

[Squall follows Piet to the control room.]

[*] Irvine: "Geez... What a view, eh, Squall?"
[*] Selphie: "Wow! We're like right by the moon!"
[*] Quistis: "My goodness! Look at how close we are to the moon!"

Controller: "This is no time to be impressed. Look at the monitor there."

[*] Selphie: "What, what?"
[*] Quistis: "This monitor?"
[*] Irvine: "What's goin' on?"

[FMV: a camera shows a large red mass glowing on the moon.]

Squall: (...The hell is this!?)

[*] Quistis: "Monsters..."
[*] Selphie: "Ooh...gross! Are those all monsters?"
[*] Irvine: "Nasty! The monsters, they're everywhere. This is not good."

Controller: "The lunar world is a world of monsters. Didn't you learn that in
            school? As you can see, the monsters are gathering at one point.
            History's starting to repeat itself. The Lunar Cry is starting."

[Squall leaves and heads up to the second floor to see Ellone.]

Ellone: "Squall, I'm so happy to see you again."

Squall: "Me too."

Ellone: "I'm so sorry. I got you involved in so many things...so much hardship.

Squall: "It's alright. I understand. I understand what you were trying to do.
        Were we of any help?"

Ellone: "Of course! You were my eyes. Thanks to you guys, I was able to see how
        much I was loved. I couldn't change the past but seeing it was more
        than enough. Thank you so much."

Squall: "It's ok. I came here because I need your help. You said you can't
        change the past, right?"

Ellone: "You can find out things about the past that you never knew. And from
        what you've learned, you may see some things differently in the
        present. You'er the one that changes. Not the past."

Squall: "Really? There's no way to change the past? No, I want to find out
        myself. Take me to Rinoa's past. I need to see the past through Rinoa.
        I want to find out what happened to her, and I want to try to warn

Ellone: "...You want to save her. You don't want to lose Rinoa. Squall, I
        can't. I don't know Rinoa. I told you I can only send people I know in
        the present into people I knew in the past."

Squall: "I brought Rinoa with me. She's resting in the med lab. Please come
        with me."

[Squall escorts Ellone down the hallway, but an alarm goes off. Rinoa gets up.]

Squall: "What's going on?"

Loudspeaker: "Red Alert! Red Alert! All units report to med lab. stat!"

Squall: "Med lab... Rinoa? I'll check it out! It doesn't look good. Ellone,
        you'd better go wait in the control room."

Ellone: "Okay. Be careful, alright?"

[-] Squall: "Selphie, take care of Ellone."
[-] Squall: "Irvine, keep an eye on Ellone."
[-] Squall: "Quistis, please take care of Ellone."

[-] Selphie: "OK!"
[-] Irvine: "Okay."
[-] Quistis: "Alright."

[Squall runs back to the med lab and sees Rinoa's limp body walking the hall.]

Squall: (......Rinoa. What happened to you?)

[Rinoa glides to the control room.]

[-] Selphie: "Squall, help Rinoa!"
[-] Irvine: "Squall, Rinoa's gone crazy!"
[-] Quistis: "Squall, something's wrong with Rinoa!?"

Ellone: "No!"

Squall: (......Rinoa?)

Piet: "That is Adel's Tomb's seal Deactivation Device."

Loudspeaker: "Adel's Tomb Level 1 Seal Deactivated. Level 1 Seal has been

[Squall goes over and gets blown back again. Rinoa glides out.]

[-] Quistis: "Squall, look! The moon's surface is changing!"
[-] Irvine: "Hey, look! Stuff on the moon's going berserk!"
[-] Selphie: "Look, look! There's somethin' crazy happening on the moon!"

[FMV. The monsters gathering on the planet starts moving en masse.]

Squall: "It's overflowing with monsters."

Piet: "It's finally starting..."

Squall: "The Lunar Cry..."

Piet: "If that's the case, we definitely have to stop her. If she plans to free
      Adel, she'll have to go out there. The Level 2 Seal is located on Adel's

[Squall runs by a passageway and looks out into space.]

Crew Member: "Look! The moon!!!"

[FMV. The moon's monster swelling explodes, shooting foes to the planet.]

Crew Member: "Tons of monsters...! I...I believe they're headed for Tears'
             Point in Esthar..."

Researcher: "Then, that means Lunatic Pandora is at Tears' Point. When did this

Squall: "Have you seen a girl come by here?"

Crew Member: "Yes. She went into that locker room."

[Squall runs in and sees Rinoa behind a sealed division, already geared up.]

Squall: "Rinoa!"

[Squall gets in a spacesuit of his own.]

Squall: (Rinoa!)

[Rinoa floats out of the bay door into space, passing by some astronauts.]

Person: "Huh? What's this? Who is it?"

Aide on the Left: "The flood of monsters is drawing near Adel's Tomb."

Aide on the Right: "At this rate, Adel's Tomb might fall somewhere near Esthar!

Panicky Gentleman: "Why is everything happening all at once? This is crazy!
                   It's like someone planned the whole thing! Who could've set
                   this up?"

Squall: (...Sorceress Ultimecia...)

[The door closes and Squall can't exit. He runs back to the hallway.]

Aide: "It's much too dangerous now! We must leave Lunar Base at once!"

Aide: "We have to evacuate! Please hurry to the pod!"

President: "Forget about me, just go!"

Aide: "Please sir, we must hurry!"

[The Aides take the President away...]

President: "Ahhh!"

[...but he manages to tell Squall before getting drug out.]

President: "Hey, you! Take care of Ellone! Ughhh!"

[Squall beats it back to the control room.]

Piet: "Dammit, the seal's gonna be broken!"

[FMV: Adel's Tomb falls to earth, thanks to Rinoa releasing the seals.]

Squall "Rinoa!!!

Piet: "Come on. We have to evacuate! Now!"
[-] Irvine: "Geeez! Rinoa! Isn't there anything we can do!?"
[-] Quistis: "We can't leave Rinoa! We have to do something...!"
[-] Selphie: "What about Rinoa!? We can't just leave her! What are we gonna

Ellone: "Squall, you should be protecting Rinoa, not me. You're the only thing
        on her mind right now. She's calling you."

Squall: "Ellone, take me to Rinoa. Please."

Piet: "Next! Hurry!"

Ellone: "I don't know if I can send you. I don't know."

[They run to the escape pod. FMV. The Lunar Cry's red stream falls into the
atmosphere and flattens out, covering the sky in a dark red. Adel's Tomb falls
into the Lunatic Pandora safely. At the pod room, everyone except Squall gets
into a holding device.]

Squall: "GOD!!!!!! Rinoa is gonna die! ...I can't take it. Ellone, please. I've
        never felt this way in my life."

Ellone: "......"

Squall: "Take me to Rinoa...to her past."

Ellone: "Ok. It may not work, but we'll try, ok?"

Piet: "Come on! We have to go now!"

[Squall gets into the fourth pod and they all take off, just as the Lunar Base
collides with the stream from the Lunar Cry and crumbles underneath the sheer
force. Meanwhile, Squall is taken back to the not-so-distant past, when Rinoa
and Irvine are escaping D-District Prison.]

Rinoa: "Irvine, go back to the desert prison!"

Irvine: "No, it's your father's order. I'm taking you back to Deling City.
        Ouch! Are you crazy!?"

Rinoa: "We have to go back and help everybody!"

[Irvine pulls over.]

Irvine: "They'll be fine. I'm sure they can get outta there when the time

Rinoa: "You don't know for sure. Squall might say 'but no one has ordered me to
       escape', and end up staying in there. We can't have that! We have to go
       help them! I don't care if I have to force you back!"

[She stuffs him back down into the truck.]

Irvine: "Ow...Ow...OUCH! Ok, ok... I'll go, I'll go!"

[The truck turns around and heads back to the prison. Ellone's vision
takes him past then, to a meeting of Zell and Rinoa in the cafeteria.]

Zell: "Squall's ring!? I dunno where he bought it."

Rinoa: "I want the same one. It looks really cool, doesn't it?"

Zell: "You mean the one with some monster carved on it?"

Rinoa: "YEAH!"

Zell: "Alright, how 'bout I make you one? I'm pretty good at that kinda stuff."

Rinoa: "Really!? Sure, OK!!!"

Zell: "Let's have Squall show us the real thing."

Rinoa: "...We can't do that."

Zell: "Why not?"

Rinoa: "...It's embarrassing."

Zell: "Say what? Oh..."

Rinoa: "No! It's not what you think!"

[The vision ends and the four are still in the pod.]

Squall: "Ellone, that wasn't it. That was too far back."

Ellone: "I'm sorry. Let me try again."

[She sends him back again.]

Squall: (Where am I...?)

[He's at the Galbadia Garden's auditorium again, after fighting Edea.]

Squall: (You're...)

[Rinoa's body floats over and cradles him in a trance-like state.]

Squall: (Rinoa...)

[Rinoa kisses Seifer (CPR?).]

Squall: (This isn't Rinoa!)

Rinoa: "Oh, my loyal knight, Seifer. The sorceress is alive... The sorceress

Squall: (Ultimecia!? The future sorceress is inside Rinoa!? ...Transferred from
        Edea? Where's Rinoa!!!?"

Rinoa: "Find the legendary Lunatic Pandora, said to be hidden beneath the
       ocean. Only then shall the sorceress provide you with dreams again."

Squall: (Rinoa! Where are you!? Answer me!)

Seifer: "As you wish, Ultimecia."

Rinoa: (...Squall...I'm scared.)

Squall: (Rinoa!!!)

Ultimecia: "Who's there!? Get out!"

[Ellone's session into the past ends.]

Squall: "Rinoa!"

[Ellone drops out of her pod onto her knees.]

Squall: "Ellone!?"

Ellone: "Did you get to find out what happened to Rinoa? Were you able to
        change the past?"

Squall: "I couldn't do anything...... What should I do?"

Ellone: "I remember those eyes. You just looked at me with the same eyes you
        had when you were little. Those curious, innocent, puppy dog eyes. I
        loved those eyes."

Squall: "That's in the past."

Ellone: "That's right. What's important is right now. I finally realized that."

Squall: "I have to help Rinoa now. That's the only thing I can do, right?"

Ellone: "Yes. Talk to her, Squall. Your voice may not reach her, but your heart
        will. Are you ready? I'm taking you to the nearest past... To the
        closest present to the future..."

[The view changes to Rinoa, drifting about in space. Her life support is low.]

Rinoa: (Am I...gonna make it...? How? I can't do anything. Drifting...
       endlessly. I'm helpless... No... I'm... That's it. I'm gonna...I'm gonna
       ...die. Good bye. Squall...)

[Squall's thoughts reach Rinoa somehow.]

Squall: (Rinoa!!! No!!! Don't give up!!!)

Rinoa: (......?) 

Squall: (Can you hear me!? It's Squall... Rinoa!!! Rinoa!!!)

[Mini-FMV: Rinoa gets drowsy as she floats along.]

Squall: (Rinoa, come on! Try to remember! Rinoa, I'm right here with you!
        Listen to me!"

[Mini-FMV. She opens her eye to see Squall's ring.]

Rinoa: (I'm...still... .........alive? Squall...?)

[FMV. Rinoa presses a button on her spacesuit and gets backup oxygen.]

Squall: "I'm gonna go find Rinoa."

Ellone: "You didn't need my help at all."

Squall: "Thanks, Sis."

[Squall grabs hold of a handle and it elevates him up. His teammate yells:]

[-] Quistis: "Wait! Come back!"
[-] Selphie: "My gosh! He's going!?"
[-] Irvine: "Y-You're going outside!? You're crazy!"

Piet: "Idiot! There's no way he can get back! He's insane! He's gonna run out
      of fuel and life-support in no time. They're both gonna die."

[Up at the top of the pod structure, Squall exits and moves to catch Rinoa.]

Squall: "Rinoa...... Where are you? I'm gonna find you, no matter what. I have
        to get in front of her... and catch her."

[Squall grabs her when she floats nearby, saving her from a cruel fate.]

Rinoa: "Squall...thank you. I heard your voice."

Squall: "...I can't believe it."

Rinoa: "Are we gonna make it?"

Squall: "Don't worry." (Out of fuel... Low on oxygen... What now? Die in space?
        I'm so helpless... I can't even save Rinoa? Come on, think!)

[FMV. A gigantic red ship floats aimlessly in the distance.]

Squall: "Rinoa, hold on..."

[The party floats to the ship and they swing into synch with its axis.]

Squall: (...There's air... ...Ok?)

[The two change out of their outfits. Rinoa looks at Squall lovingly.]

Squall: (Wh...What?)

Rinoa: "Thank you, Squall. You rescued me again. I can't thank you enough."

Squall: "Don't worry about it. I just did what I wanted to do."

[Rinoa opens her arms.]

Squall: (Now what?)

Rinoa: "The space suit was in our way before."

Squall: (Huh?)

Rinoa: "Give me a hug."

Squall: (...?)

Rinoa: "A real tight one! I need to know that I'm alive!"

Squall: (...Alive? We still have to get back.) "We may be alive right now...
        But look at our situation... You want to live, right? You want to go
        back and see everyone, right?"

Rinoa: "And not become other people's memories?"

Squall: "That's right."

[In the next room, the party spies a weird creature underneath the walkway.]

Squall: "What the...?"

Rinoa: "AHH!" "(What is that...?)"

Squall: "(I don't know...)"

Rinoa: "Doesn't look like a very friendly creature."

Squall: "Let's just try to sneak by it." (...Better be ready for anything. Let
        me double-check my junction...)

[Squall and Rinoa cleanse the ship of monsters and go to the cockpit.]

Rinoa: "Wow!"

Squall: (I have to...fly this thing?)

[Rinoa goes over to a control panel.]

Rinoa: "Squall, it's trying to talk."

Squall: (Volume?)

Voice: "This is Esthar Airstation."

Squall: (It's...)

Voice: "Ragnarok, do you read? Ragnarok, do you read!?"

Squall: (...a radio signal.)

Voice: "This is Airstation. Do you copy?"

Squall: "This ship is the Ragnarok?"

Voice: "Whoa! Is this really the Ragnarok? You're in space, right?"

Squall: "Yeah but, I have no idea where we are."

Voice: "Roger that! We can track you from here."

Squall: (We can go home...?)

Voice: "Ragnarok... It's been 17 years!"

Squall: "Can we make it back?"

Voice: "Leave it to us! You should have enough fuel. Enter your location into
       the atmospheric reentry program and you'll be ok. Once you enter the
       atmosphere, we can guide you down. You'll be just fine."

Squall: "How do I enter the data?"

Voice: "No sweat. We'll take this step by step. Are you in the pilot seat?"

Squall: "There's too many seats here."

Voice: "It's the one on the right. Go sit there."

[Squall takes a seat.]

Squall: "Ok, I'm here."

Voice: "See the touch panel in front of you?"

Squall: "Yeah, I see it."

Voice: "The rest is easy. Just enter the following data."

Squall: "Go ahead."

Voice: "WJHEIE/..."

Squall: "Entered."

Voice: "Then... 2872/HD-IEU"

Squall: "Entered."

Voice: "No errors?"

Squall: "It's fine."

Voice: "Next, I'm sure you're ok, but there's something I need you to do. Turn
       off the gravity generator. This should save some fuel. Use the same
       touch panel to turn it off."

Squall: "Alright." (This must be it.) "Done."

Voice: "Congratulations. You're home free, Ragnarok. And... There's one more
       thing we need to tell you. From all of us at Ground Control, we wish you

Squall: "Thanks."

[Squall turns off the gravity and Rinoa floats up.]

Rinoa: "Hey!?"

[Rinoa jumps into his lap.]

Squall: "Go sit over there. Put your seatbelt on."

Rinoa: "We'll be home soon?"

Squall: "Hopefully. Now go sit down."

Rinoa: "Just a little longer."

Squall: "Why are you holding onto me like this?"

Rinoa: "You don't like this, Squall?"

Squall: "Just not used to it."

Rinoa: "How about when you were little? Didn't you feel safe and secure being
       held by your parents?"

Squall: "I can't remember anything about my parents... But...Ellone was there
        for me. Ellone was there to hold my hand."

Rinoa: "Made you feel safe and secure?"

Squall: "Sure. But she left. Just disappered. I'm afraid.. Afraid of having
        that feeling of comfort taken away..."

Rinoa: "You were afraid of losing us? Is that why you kept your

Squall: "I was always alone...

Rinoa: "Squall... You missed out on all the good things in life. You've missed
       out on so much."

Squall: "...Maybe."

Rinoa: "Definitely. I like it like this. I liked having my mom hold me. My dad,
       too, back when we got along."

Squall: "I'm not your mom."

Rinoa: "No, of course not. But now... Squall you're the one who gives me the
       most comfort. Comfort and happiness... And annoyance and disappointment,

Squall: "...Whatever."
Rinoa: "Whatever."

Squall: "You should get back to your seat now."

Rinoa: "Just a little longer."

Squall: (You'll be safer in your seat)

Rinoa: "We're gonna make it home, right?

Squall: "We can only hope."

Rinoa: "When we get back... We won't be able to stay together, huh?"

Squall: "Maybe... No one can predict the future, there are no guarantees. Those
        were your words, Rinoa."

Rinoa: "That's not that I meant."

Squall: "We'll figure out what to do once we get back."

Rinoa: "They'll all be be angry at me."

Squall: "Angry?"

Voice: "This is Airstation. Ragnarok, please respond."

Squall: "This is the Ragnarok."

Voice: "We have some questions for you. We're collecing escape pods. We have a
       good idea of what happened. I hear no one from Lunar Base is on the
       Ragnarok. How many of you are there?"

Squall: "Just two."

Voice: "...... Your names?"

Squall: "Squall. I'm a SeeD from Balamb Garden."

Voice: "And the other?"

Squall: "...Rinoa."

Voice: "Rinoa? The sorceress!?" She's on the ship!?"

Squall: (So... It's true? Rinoa is a sorceress?)

Rinoa: "I've...become a sorceress. I can't stay with you anymore, Squall."

Voice: "Respond, Ragnarok!"

Rinoa: "I don't want the future. I want the present to stand still. I want to
       stay here with you..."

Squall: (Rinoa...)

Voice: "Respond, Ragnarok!" 

Rinoa: "Nobody would want to be around me anymore..."

Voice: "The sorceress will be seized upon arrival. Be sure to follow the crew's

Rinoa: "I'm...scared."

Voice: "Squall, do you copy? Is the sorceress listening, too?"

Rinoa: "I'm scared, Squall. I don't wanna go back."

[On a blacked-out screen:]

Squall: (I don't know what to do... This is just another crossroad in my life.
        But, for the first time, I don't know which way to go. I've come this
        far because I've...fallen for you. ......Rinoa...... Now...am I just
        supposed to let you go?"

[The Ragnarok lands and an Esthar waits below as the two disembark.]

Person: "Sorceress Rinoa. Hyne's descendant."

Person 2: "Come with us. We must seal your power for the sake of the world."

Rinoa: "......All right."

Person: "Thank you for understanding. Tell us when you're ready."

[Rinoa turns to Squall.]

Rinoa: "...I should tell you this before I go. I was possessed out in space.
       There was a sorceress inside me. Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future.
       She's trying to achieve time compression. She's the only one who would
       be able to exist in such a world. She, and no other. As long as I'm
       free, she'll continue to use me to accomplish her goal. I... We can't
       let that happen, right...? ...I should go now. ......I'm ready."

Person 2: "All right. We'll be heading to the Sorceress Memorial."

[Rinoa waves and starts to walk off.]

Squall: "Rinoa! Don't go!"

Rinoa: "......Thanks, Squall. But I have to go..."

Squall: (......Rinoa.)

Rinoa: "...... Oh... I still have your ring."

Squall: "You keep it."

Rinoa: "You sure?"

Squall: "Yeah..."

[Rinoa waves and walks off.]

Squall: (...This is what Rinoa decided. There's nothing I can do about it...

[Squall walks back onto the Ragnarok and takes a seat in one of the rooms. The
teammate he took into space runs in soon after. If Irvine or Selphie runs in,
Squall will say (first): "Irvine!" or "Selphie!"]

[-] Quistis: "I'm home."
[-] Irvine: "Hey, I'm back!"
[-] Selphie: "Whoo-hoo! I'm back!"

Squall: "How did you get here?"

[-] Irvine: "Ahh... I was just fiddling around inside the escape pod. Then the
            impact from the landing knocked me out for a while. When I came to,
            it was just me and Piet."
[-] Quistis: "Well... A lot of things happened. I was unconscious for a while
             after the escape pod touched down. When I came to, it was just me
             and Piet."
[-] Selphie: "It was soooo bad! The impact from the landing knocked me out
             cold. When I woke up, it was just me and Piet."

Squall: (Piet? Oh, the guy who escaped with us. What happened to Ellone?)

[-] Irvine: "No sign of Sis. I hope she's safe... Then after some time, the
            rescue crew from Esthar arrived. They told me about this ship, and
            about you and Rinoa. They gave me a ride over here."
[-] Quistis: "Ellone wasn't with us anymore. Not only that, there were signs of
             a struggle. I hope she's safe. The Esthar rescue crew brought me
             here. The rescue crew told us about this ship, and that you were
             all safe."
[-] Selphie: "Sis wasn't there. I hope she's all right... Piet said he'd wait
             for the rescue crew. I found a chocobo, so I went for a run, then
             I came upon this ship. And there you were, Squall!"

Squall: "I see."

[For Selphie, the next two lines are said only:]

Selphie: "Hey, does this ship fly? Does it move?"
Squall: "Who knows?"

[-] Irvine: "Squall...... When you jumped out into space, you got me
            thinking... I wondered whether I could do something like that. You
            were like a hero. Hey, so where's the heroine?"
[-] Quistis: "Squall...... When you jumped out into space, you didn't think
             about anything else, did you?" [Squall will reply with "That's
             right."] "I wonder if there's anyone who'd do the same thing for
             me? Oh well... So where's the princess that changed the
             ever-cautious Squall?"
[-] Selphie: "Squall... That was so cool when you jumped out into space. Just
             like a hero from a storybook! Heeey, where's the heroine?"

Squall: (Rinoa is......)

[Zell runs in with the teammates who weren't taken into space.]

Zell: "S'up Squall!!! So glad you're safe! I hate to tell you this now, but
      we've got major problems down here. Well, here it goes! Some big thing
      called Lunatic Pandora came out of nowhere. Matron couldn't achieve what
      she set out to do because of it. Which is ok. Matron's not a sorceress
      anymore. Matron gave away her power to someone without realizing it."

Squall: (To Rinoa......)

Zell: "And, ah... Oh yeah, the Galbadian military is controlling Lunatic
      Pandora. They excavated it from the ocean where Esthar sank it years ago.
      Inside the Lunatic Pandora, there's this thing called a 'Crystal Pillar'.
      It calls monsters from the moon. The monsters came falling from the moon.
      Total panic down here. It wasn't just monsters that came falling down.
      Sorceress Adel came down along with the machine that confined her. I
      guess the stream of falling monsters engulfed the machine. Lunatic
      Pandora caught Adel from that stream! Dr. Odine thinks that may have been
      Galbadia's true intent. Meaning..."

Squall: "Zell, that's enough for now."

Zell: "But Squall!"

Squall: "I know. I know we've got problems. But I can't think right now."

[-] Quistis: "What's wrong?"
[-] Irvine: "What's the matter?"
[-] Selphie: "What's wrong, Squall?"

Squall: "Rinoa is a sorceress now. She received Matron's powers. An escort from
        Esthar came to pick Rinoa up. Rinoa's in Esthar now."

Selphie: "We have to go get her!"

[Selphie bolts.]

Quistis: "Was she taken by force?"

Squall: "No. It was Rinoa's decision. She was scared about being a sorceress...
        Scared of being feared...hated... Scared that no one would want to be
        around her... She said she couldn't handle that."

[Irvine leaves.]

Quistis: "Didn't you try to stop her, Squall?"

Squall: "It was Rinoa's decision. What right do I have to object?"

Quistis: "Oh! Stop that! What are you talking about!? Why did you go all the
         way out into space to save Rinoa!? To hand her over to Esthar!? So
         that you might never see her again!? No, right!? Wasn't it because you
         wanted to be with Rinoa? You're a fool."

Zell: "Seriously."

Squall: (A fool, huh?) "...Maybe." (What am I doing...? I may never get to hear
        Rinoa's voice ever again... What the hell am I doing? What can I do?
        ...Of course...)

Quistis: "Have you decided?"

Zell: "Heading to Esthar, right?"

Squall: "Pandora whatever and Sorceress Adel are out of my hands. I don't even
        know where to look for Sis. The only think I know is Rinoa. The only
        thing I want to do for sure right now is for Rinoa. We're going to get
        Rinoa back!"

[The ship rocks.]

Zell: "Whoa!"

Quistis: "Ahh!"

Zell: "Hey...!"

Quistis: "Ahh... Excuse me, we're flying?"

Zell: "I hope this ain't the case but, I can picture Selphie in the pilot seat,

Quistis: "...Selphie screaming, 'Whoo-hoo, we're flying!' (And standing next to
         her, a very excited Irvine...)

[The three head up to the cockpit.]

Selphie: "Whoo-hoo! We're flying!"

Irvine: "Selphie's just amazing!"

Squall: "You sure you can fly this?"

Selphie: "It just kinda took off! I don't know. It's pretty easy. I think it'll
         be fine. But there's no guarantee it won't crash!"

Squall: (No one can predict the future, right?) "Selphie, head for Esthar.
        She's probably at the [Sorceress Memorial]. We're gonna go rescue

[On the world map, the controls for the Ragnarok appear.]

Spaceship Controls
   ([])Forward (O):To cockpit
       (><):Get on/off

Directional button to go up/down/steer
Left stick to go up/down/steer
Right stick to go forward/back
[R2]:Change POV

32. Sorceress Memorial                                                   [WK32]

[The party jumps out at the Memorial's blocked entrance.]

Sentry: "You want to see your comrade off..."

Sentry 2: "I'll make an exception. Go ahead."

[The party runs into a control room filled with lab techs.]

Engineer: "What are you doing here!? This is a restricted area!"

Squall: "...To do what I should have done earlier. ...I'll never know unless I
        do it."

Engineer: "What are you talking about?"

Squall: "...I know what I want and what I have to do. ...There's still a
        chance. I'm not gonna look back. I'm taking Rinoa with me."

Engineer: "What!? You must be joking. It's too late."

[Squall's two teammates brandish their weapons.]

[*] Zell: "Go, Squall!"
[*] Quistis: "Now's your chance!"
[*] Selphie: "Go get her, Squall!"
[*] Irvine: "Squall, come on! Go!"

[Squall runs to Rinoa, whose encased in a transparent orb-room.]

Squall: "Rinoa, hold on! I'll get you out in a sec!"

[Squall punches the machinery.]

Squall: "What am I supposed to do!? Come on!"

[Squall gives the panel a taste of his gunblade. FMV: Rinoa falls toward him.]

Rinoa: "Squall, don't! I'm a sorceress."

Squall: "I don't care."

[A teammate who hadn't spoken yet yells from the other room:]

[*] Zell: "Squall! Rinoa!"
[*] Irvine: "Squall! Rinoa!"
[*] Quistis: "Rinoa! Squall!"
[*] Selphie: "Rinoa! Squall!"

Squall: "Let's go."

[Rinoa and Squall hightail it out, but the entrance is filled with guards.]

Man: "........."

[...and the guards back off.]

Squall: (That man... I've seen him before.)

[Squall leaves and the party gets on the Ragnarok.]

Quistis: "What's wrong, Rinoa?"

Rinoa: "I'm just a little...embarrassed."

Zell: "Why?"

Rinoa: "I was so set on staying in Esthar. But then, when you guys rescued
       me... It made me so happy, and..."

Irvine: "No need to be embarrassed!"

Selphie: "Yeah, happy is good."

Rinoa: "Thanks...everybody."

Zell: "Squall, you're awfully quiet. What's up?"

Squall: (I have a lot on my mind.)

Quistis: "As an expert Squall observer... He's thinking: what do we do now?
         Blah blah blah... If you think and worry too much, everything tends to
         turn bad. Squall. Why don't we just picture a brighter future."

Squall: "...Whatever."

Zell: "But seriously, what do we do from here? I'm not really sure, but...
      Don't we have to do something about that 'Lunatic Pandora' in Esthar?
      After all, the Galbadians are controlling it. Which means Seifer is
      behind all this too, right?"

Squall: "Seifer is...Ultimecia's puppet."

Zell: "Yeah, and that Ultimecia! We can't let that sorceress from the future
      mess up our world! Let's go kick her ass! We're SeeDs! We're here to
      destroy sorceresses, right!!!?"

Squall: "ZELL!!!"

Zell: "...S-Sorry..."

Quistis: "So Squall...where we goin'?"

Rinoa: "Umm... Can we go to the orphanage you guys were talking about in

Quistis: "That place is in shambles."

Selphie: "There's nothing to see there."

Rinoa: "I want to stay away from places where there are lots of people... I'm a
       sorceress. If Ultimecia possesses me again..."

Squall: "Let's go. Head to [Edea's House]."

[The party jets to their old orphanage.]

33. Edea's House                                                         [WK33]

[Angelo runs to a spot near a field of flowers, leading Squall, Rinoa, and a
third party member. A conversation starts depending on which teammate you
bring (I'll list 'em):]

Selphie: "Hmm, I don't get it."
Squall: "Get what?"
Selphie: "I never imagined you two would end up together. I mean...you guys are
         complete opposites. So I didn't think Rinoa's straight-forward
         approach would work. I'm glad I was wrong!"
Rinoa: "What about you, Selphie?"
Selphie: "Oh, me? I just like being surrounded by lots of friends."


Irvine: "Ahh, this is good. This is very good!"
Squall: "What?"
Irvine: "See this bruise here? I had to put up with Rinoa's kicks and punches
        for you. So, seeing you two like this makes it all worth it."
Rinoa: "I'm sorry, Irvine."
Irvine: "Hey, don't worry about it. Okay, I'll leave you two alone now."


Quistis: "This place is beautiful."
Squall: "Yeah, the flower field... I forgot all about this place."
Quistis: "Rinoa forces herself into your world, no matter how many walls you
         put around yourself, Squall. I knew I couldn't compete with her. The
         only issue is whether you would make a place for her... And you did,
         pretty quickly."
Rinoa: "Who knows......"
Quistis: "You've changed, Squall. It's like Rinoa's the only one on your mind.
         Good thing this wasn't before the exam. I'll leave you two alone, now.


Zell: "Oh... ...Sorry."
Squall: "About what?"
Zell: "I'm sure you want to be alone with her. So Squall... I never thought you
      were the roma... Ah, you know..."
Rinoa: "What about you, Zell? That girl in the library...?"
Zell: "What!? I don't know what you're talking about!"
Rinoa: "All the girls in the Garden know about it. I noticed right away, too."
Zell: "Hey, this isn't about me!"


[The third teammate leaves.]

Rinoa: "What'll become of me?"

Squall: "Don't worry about it. There've been many good sorceresses. Edea was
        one. You can be like her."

Rinoa: "But Edea's still... I can't guarantee anything, either, if Ultimecia
       possesses me again... You saw me. She controlled me in outer space and
       made me break Adel's seal. What might happen next time? What will I end
       up doing? Will I end up fighting everyone? ...Scary thought, isn't it?"

Squall: (Rinoa...... Even if you end up as the world's enemy, I'll... I'll be
        your knight.)

Rinoa: "If I fall under Ultimecia's control again... SeeD will come kill me,
       right? And the leader of SeeD is you, Squall... Squall's sword will
       pierce my heart...... I guess it's ok if it's you, Squall. Nobody else.
       Squall, if that ever happens..."

Squall: "That's enough! I'll never do anything like that. The sorceress I'm
        after is not you, Rinoa. My enemy is thesorceress from the future...

Rinoa: "Ultimecia lives in the future and possesses me. She uses my body as her
       extension in this world. How? How will you save me?"

Squall: "I'll come up with something... There's gotta be a way."

Rinoa: "......"

Squall: "Don't worry. Trust me."

Rinoa: "...I trust you. Well, until you find a way, maybe... Maybe I should
       stay in Esthar, at that memorial? Wouldn't that be better?"

Squall: "No... That'd be pointless. I'll just end up going after you again.
        Rinoa... Just stay close to me."

Rinoa: "Oh... Those words!"

Squall: "What?"

Rinoa: "That's what started everything."

Squall: "What are you talking about?"

Rinoa: "You don't remember?"

Squall: "Something I said?"

Rinoa: "Oh, just forget it!"

Squall: "No, it's because of the GF. That's why I forgot."

Rinoa: "That's just an excuse."

Squall: "Feeling better?"

Rinoa: "Yeah. Can I tell you a story? I had a dream. It was a scary dream. We
       make a promise. We promise to see shooting stars together. I get dressed
       up an put on your ring. But the thing is, I can't remember where I'm
       supposed to meet you. I start to panic. I really want to see you,
       Squall, but I don't know where to go. I start running through the
       mountains, the desert, the plains... Through Timber, Balamb, and
       Galbadia... When I realize I can't run any longer... I...I just want to
       see you so badly... So I scream, Squall, where are you!? Then I woke up.
       I was crying. I'm sorry. You don't have to say anything. I just felt
       like I had to tell you."

Squall: "It was just a dream... It doesn't mean anything. Don't worry about it.

Rinoa: "...I guess you're right."

Squall: "How about this... I'll be here..."

Rinoa: "...Why?"

Squall: "The reason why you couldn't find me was because we haven't promised

Rinoa: "Promised?"

Squall: "I'll be waiting for you. If you come here, you'll find me. I promise."

Rinoa: "I'll be here, too. It's a promise! Thanks, Squall! Next time, we'll
       meet for sure!"

[Zell runs over.]

Zell: "Whoa! Sorry to interrupt! But it's an emergency. We got radio contact
      from Esthar's Presidential Palace. They have a plan to defeat Ultimecia.
      They want to hire SeeD to execute it."

Squall: "Might be a trap to get Rinoa back in Esthar."

Zell: "Oh, and ah... The guy we spoke to, his name's Kiros. Could he be...that

Squall: "Kiros is in Esthar's Presidential Palace? He wants to hire us?
        ...Alright, let's go."

[Edea shouts as the crew leaves.]

Edea: "Squall! There is something I must tell you. It is about me... Yes... I
      believe it was 13 years ago... This is where my story begins. I first
      became a sorceress when I was a child. And once again...13 years ago.
      That day...right here, I encountered a sorceress on the verge of death. I
      received her powers of my own will. That sorceress was an entity of fear
      for my children. I could not let her get to them. But... This turned out
      to be the beginning of my painful story. At this very minute, my bitter
      story has ended. I now understand that there is an end, no matter how
      painful it may be. Therefore...Squall? You must fight to the end! Even
      though it may bring tragedy to others!"

[The party gets in the Ragnarok and heads for the Palace in Esthar.]

34. Esthar Presidential Palace                                           [WK34]

[At the palace, the party runs into the President's chamber.]

Squall: (Ward. Kiros. And that's probably...)

[The floor beneath them lights up.]

Squall: (What is up with this country?)

[Ward goes over to the third man.]

Ward: "......"

Man: "Oh, sure. Hey there!"

[The man runs over.]

Man: "Been wanting to meet you guys! You guys are the ones who were inside my
     head, right? Ellone told me. It was like there were some kind of waves
     running through my head. They gave us so much power during battle. We
     thought they were some kind of faeries flying over us. So I'm Laguna,
     President Laguna Loire of Esthar. Pleased to meet ya. If we weren't in a
     state of emergency, I'd talk to you some more, but... Well, whatever.
     Let's talk. What do you want to know?"

Kiros: "You'll never get going if President Laguna keeps talking. So why don't
       you guys throw out some questions, and he'll try to answer them."

[Squall steps forward.]

Laguna: "Man, you look way too serious."

Squall: "Whatever."
        R1 --> Explain the mission to defeat Ultimecia
        R2 --> Where's Ellone?
        R3 --> Tell me about Raine
        R4 --> What are you doing here?
        R5 --> Let me out of this room (opens after viewing 1 option)

        R1 (Laguna): "Ah, straight to the heart of the matter. Just like a
                     workaholic SeeD."

           Odine: "Iz it my turn?"

           [Odine enters.]

           Laguna: "Yeah. Make it short and easy to understand."

           Doc Odine: "I will talk however I vant! Egh, Sorceress Edea told me
                      everything. Sorceress Ultimecia comes from ze future to
                      possess ze sorceress of present day. Meaning she leaves
                      her body in ze future and sends only her consciousness
                      here. Does zat sound familiar to you?"

           Squall: "It's like when Ellone sends our consciousness back to the

           Doc Odine: "You're a smart one! My first guess was zat someone in ze
                      future with an ability like Ellone was sending ze
                      sorceress back here to our time. But no! Zat is not ze
                      answer. So how does ze sorceress come back to this
                      time...? You vant to hear how?
                      R6 --> Yes
                      R7 --> No 

        R2 (Laguna): "What the heck has he done with his life? Don't you
                     wonder? When Ellone was about 2, there was a massive hunt
                     for girls in Esthar. Esthar soldiers came to Winhill and
                     Elle's parents resisted. They were killed on the spot. The
                     massive hunt was to find the successor for Esthar's ruler,
                     Sorceress Adel. Ellone was raised by Raine who lived next
                     door. And I came to know her. Then there was another
                     massive hunt for a successor in Esthar again. Elle was
                     taken away, even though I was there... It's the most
                     painful episode of my life. So I rescued her and sent her
                     off to Winhill. Shortly after that, Raine died. And Ellone
                     was sent straight to an orphanage."

           Squall: "Why didn't you go back to Winhill with her?"

           Laguna: "I wanted to! But I had my reasons. I found out about this
                   afterward, but... The reason why Ellone had to leave the
                   orphanage was because of her special power. Doc Odine wanted
                   to do research on Ellone's special power. He looked for her 
                   everywhere. The owners of the orphanage were Cid Kramer and
                   his wife Edea. You know them better than I do. The Kramers
                   took Elle out of the orphanage to protect her. They prepared
                   a big ship to accomodate her. Gracious of them, huh? After
                   awhile the ship turned into another orphanage and Elle
                   looked after all the kids. She said her life on the ship was
                   a happy one, but who knows...? I don't know how she could've
                   been happy on a ship. She was on the ship for over 10 years.
                   That ship was attacked by Galbadia recently. Esthar's ship
                   rescued them, and she finally met up with me. It was pure
                   luck that we found her. I was out in space at that time.
                   Ellone followed me out to space. Little Elle was all grown
                   up... Then she told me everything."

           Squall: "Did she get back safely from space?"

           Laguna: "Our escape pod rescue team was a little late. Ellone was
                   taken into custody by Galbadia. She's inside Lunatic
                   Pandora. We're gonna rescue her. Help us out, ok? Phew......

        R3 (Laguna): "Raine's story? Some other time, maybe. No... I can't.
                     It's too much for me to remember."

        R4 (Laguna): "You know what I've been doing all my life, right?"

           Squall: "You were a silly Galbadian soldier. I didn't like your
                   attitude at all. But I understood the bond between the 3 of
                   you. Then you changed, after you went to Winhill. Then
                   Ellone was abducted by Esthar and you went on a journey. A
                   journey to get Ellone back. You wrote articles and appeared
                   in movies to get by. You were trying to find a way into
                   Esthar. You somehow got into Esthar and rescued Ellone."

           Laguna: "I got a lot of help along the way."

           Squall: "What I don't understand is... Why are you the president?"

           Laguna: "Wanna know? It's a long story."
                   R8 --> (Let's hear it)
                   R9 --> (Don't have time for it)

        R5 (Laguna): "Yeah, sure. I'll be waiting for good news!"

        R6 (Doc Odine): "Eghhhhhh! I kept this a secret to surprise you. It iz
                        because of me, Odine! I researched Ellone's power long
                        ago. I made out a pattern from ze electric current
                        running through Ellone's brain. Once ze pattern was
                        determined, it was easy to mechanize. It may only be a
                        toy right now, but in ze time of Ultimecia, it iz an
                        impressive working machine! Which means there iz a
                        machine which imitates Ellone's power. It iz I who
                        made ze first model of zat machine. I named ze machine
                        'Junction Machine Ellone'! It iz a vonderful thing to
                        know that my invention is used in ze future!"

           Squall: "Junction Machine Ellone."

           Laguna: "That's about it."

           Squall: "So Sorceress Ultimecia came to know about Ellone, from that

           Laguna: "And Elle became Ultimecia's target. You can't blame Odine.
                   It's useless."

           Doc Odine: "You vant to go outside!? You vant to fisticuffs!? Ok, we
                      continue ze story! Let's see... [Segway into R7, at
                      'There iz only...' now.]

        R7 (Doc Odine): "Zat is too bad. Let's see... There iz only only one
                        way to defeat Ultimecia. You must kill her in ze
                        future. There iz nothing we can do unless we go to ze
                        future. There is no normal way to jump to ze future
                        under normal circumstances. But there iz still a way!
                        It iz because Sorceress Ultimecia plans to compress
                        time. Compressing time with magic... Vat good will it
                        do for ze sorceress to compress time? There may be many
                        reasons, but it doesn't matter. Let's just figure out
                        vat Ultimecia is up to. In order for Ultimecia to exist
                        in this time, she must take over ze body of a sorceress
                        from ze present. But ze machine must have a limit.
                        Ultimecia probably needs to go back further in time to
                        achieve time compression. Only Ellone can take her back
                        further into ze past. Zat iz why she iz desperately
                        seeking her. We must take advantage of Ellone's power.
                        There are 2 sorceresses in our time. Sorceress Rinoa
                        and Sorceress Adel. Of ze two, Adel has not awakened
                        yet. Once regeneration is completed, neither Laguna nor
                        I will be safe. Sorceress Adel is probably in ze
                        process of awakening inside Lunatic Pandora. Ultimecia
                        will want to possess Adel, if Adel wakes up. Zat vill
                        be a horrible event. Adel iz a horrible sorceress. If
                        Adel's consciousness wins over Ultimecia, Adel will
                        first destroy this era. So we must use Sorceress Rinoa
                        to inherit Ultimecia's powers. Zat's all for ze mission
                        briefing. First, go to Lunatic Pandora. Ellone's
                        probably being held captive inside, so rescue her
                        first. Then kill Sorceress Adel before ze awakening
                        process is completed. Now, we're left with Rinoa as ze
                        only sorceress of this era. Then wait for Ultimecia to
                        possess Rinoa. When Ultimecia arrives, it's Ellone's
                        turn. Ellone will send Rinoa back to ze past with
                        Ultimecia. Ellone will have to send Rinoa and Ultimecia
                        inside another sorceress she knows in the past. Edea or
                        Adel... Zat's up to Ellone. Once Ultimecia iz in ze
                        past, she'll use ze time compressoin magic. We'll see
                        some influence here. I don't know vat kind of
                        influence, but once Ellone feels it, she'll cut Rinoa
                        and Ultimecia off from ze past. Rinoa will come back to
                        this world. Ultimecia also goes back to her own world.
                        Vat would be left is ze time compressed world. Past,
                        present, and future will all get mixed together. You
                        will keep moving through ze time compression toward
                        ze future. Once you're out of ze time compression, zat
                        will be Ultimecia's world. It's all up to you after

        R8 (Laguna): "You wanna hear it? Really? Okay, I'll tell you. I only
                     set out to rescue Ellone, but of course that wasn't the
                     end of the story. It's a country ruled by Sorceress Adel
                     with the ingenious yet inhumane Odine. Both of them were
                     interested in Ellone. We couldn't just pack up and leave."

           [Flashback to O-Lab, with Odine, Laguna, and li'l Ellone.]

           Odine: "Adel will be angry. My research will be kaput!"

           Narrative: Odine only thought about his research. But, while
                      researching under Adel's orders, he was still making many

           [The Sorceress Memorial is shown.]
           Narrative: It was a device to seal magic (Sealing Facility). Maybe
                      Adel can be defeated. I owed a big favor to the Adel
                      resistance who helped me rescue Ellone. I spoke with my
                      comrades. Two issues came up. First... Stopping the
                      Crystal Pillar from calling monsters from the moon and
                      destroying everything like what happened in Centra.
                      Second... Freeing Esthar from Adel's hands. We planned
                      and planned. Based on my brilliant ideas, of course.

           [The Lunatic Pandora Research Facility is shown.]

           Laguna: "We're back... Back in the Lunatic Pandora Research
                   Facility. There is only one goal... Following Odine's
                   instructions, we operated the panels and moved the Crystal
                   Pillar. We set the course and the stop point in the ocean,

           [Lunatic Pandora moves out of sight.]

           Laguna "Whoa!"

           Narrative: That was easy. But...we were found out. So we gathered
                      for a final battle to lure Adel. Adel appeared as we

           [Cut to the Memorial; Adel stands at the foot.]

           Adel: "What is going on?"

           Laguna: "We hunted down the culprit who moved the Crystal Pillar."

           Adel: "Where?"

           Laguna: "Inside there. Ellone's been taken hostage."

           Narrative: I knew she would go in right away if I mentioned Ellone.

           [Inside, Ellone is in the same transparent orb-room Rinoa was in.]

           Adel: "You thought I would fall for that trick?"

           Narrative: Adel realized that Ellone was a hologram...... But... It
                      was too late.

           Laguna: "Yeah... Of course. My plans are... always... Perfect!!!
                   Kiros!!! Ward!!! Now!!!"

           [Laguna pushes her into the orb-room and seals her.]

           Laguna: "Ha ha ha! Piece of cake!"

           Narrative: Adel was careless. She may be a sorceress, but after all,
                      she was human. We succeeded... But... we couldn't keep
                      such a dangerous sorceress around as a trophy. We had to
                      do something... So...we decided to send her far, far
                      away... Some place very far... Into outer space..."

           [FMV. The Ragnarok and two others hoist Adel into space.]

           Laguna: "That about wraps that part up. But the real work began
                   after that. A fierce debate ensued about who should govern
                   this country after Adel was gone. I wasn't paying close
                   attention while they made me up to be this hero of the
                   revolution, and I ended up being president. Odine made a lot
                   of noise about wanting to do research on Ellone. It was a
                   mistake to send Ellone alone back to Raine. Raine died, and
                   Elle was sent to the orphanage. If I had only gone to
                   Winhill with Elle... I would've bee able to see Raine one
                   last time. Raine was dead. Ellone, missing. My job kept me
                   busy. I was left here thinking about this and that and
                   before I knew it, all this time had passed. Well, that's
                   about it."

        R9 (Laguna): "No story then. I can't make it short."

[After Odine's briefing:]

Laguna: "So you were briefed about the mission? I don't really
        understand it, either. Will you do it?"
        R1 --> Yes
        R2 --> I have questions

        R1: [See below.]
        R2: [Squall can ask the previous five questions again, except this time
            Laguna will answer R1, like so:] "I don't understand the mission
            completely, either, but it seems like the only option. 

            1 Rescue Ellone.
            2 Stop Sorceress Adel's awakening.
            3 Wait for Ultimecia to possess Rinoa.
            4 Ellone sends Rinoa and Ultimecia to the past.
            5 Time compression begins.
            6 Get Rinoa back to this world.
            7 Go toward the future in compressed time.
            8 Defeat Ultimecia!!!
            9 Victory is ours... That's it."

[After accepting the mission (R1):]

Laguna: "Alright!!! Let's go! We'll get aboard Ragnarok! Let's do the final
        briefing in there! I always wanted to ride that thing. Plus the name
        sounds so cool!"

[Everyone climbs aboard the Ragnarok and meets in the sitting room.]

Laguna: "Alright! Everyone! From here, we go straight to our final target,
        Ultimecia! Let's go over the plan again. First, enter [Lunatic Pandora]
        and rescue Ellone! Next, you [fight Sorceress Adel]! It'll be a
        surprise attack. Show no mercy. Now, here comes the tricky part! Adel
        will need to pass on her powers before being defeated. Rinoa, will you
        be willing to accept them?"

Rinoa: "Yes!"

Laguna: "Good! Next, we [wait] for Sorceress Ultimecia to possess Rinoa!
        This'll be hard on you, Rinoa, but will you do it?"

Rinoa: "...Yes."

Laguna: "That's the spirit! Then, Ellone sends Rinoa and [Ultimecia to the
        past]! Ellone [brings back Rinoa]! Then, [head to the future through
        compressed time]! Ultimecia lives far in the future where none of us
        can technically exist. There's only one way to make yourself exist in a
        world like that! As friends, don't forget one another! As friends,
        believe in one another! Believe in your friends' existence! And they'll
        also believe in yours. To be friends, to like one another, and to love
        one another... You can't do these things alone. You need somebody.
        Right, guys? What place reminds you of your friends? Imagine being in
        that place with all your friends. Once time compression begins, think
        of that place and try to get there! That's all! That place will welcome
        you. You'll be able to get there no matter what period you're in! You
        need love and friendship for this mission! And the courage to believe
        it. It's all about love, friendship, and courage! I'm counting on you

[The party leaves except for Squall.]

Squall: "Love and friendship and all that sounds corny, but everyone seems to
        be up for it."

Laguna: "You think it'll succeed?"

Squall: "We'll try."

[The party heads for Lunatic Pandora.]

35. Lunatic Pandora                                                      [WK35]

[The party regroups in the cockpit before heading in.]

Zell: "Here we go! Let's bust in there!"

Quistis: "I wonder if we can get through."

Irvine: "Ahh, don't worry about it."

Quistis: "Are the machine guns and main cannon ready?"

Selphie: "Rrready! Let's just fire like crazy and make a big hole, BOOM!"

[FMV. The Ragnarok fires at the outer shield of the structure but is repelled.]

Irvine: "Shields!"

Selphie: "WHOO-HOOO!!!"

[FMV. The nose of the Ragnarok breaks through and the rest follow.]

Voice: "Big sound, this way. It's probably them, ya know?"


Squall: (That voice...)

[Raijin and Fujin run over.]

Raijin: "Ahhhhhh! It IS Squall, ya know!?"


Raijin: "That's right. Hand over Rinoa, ya know!?"

Squall: "No! I'll never hand over Rinoa! And we're taking Ellone! I won't let
        you resurrect Adel, either!!!"

Raijin: "You're greedy, ya know! Not fair, ya know!?"


Raijin: "She's right, ya know!? Let's go!

[The battle starts.]

Raijin: "See, just like I said, ya know?"

Fujin: "......"

[After a few hits:]

Raijin: "Not bad, Squall! I see why you're Seifer's rival!

[When each is defeated:]

Raijin: "I...I lost again, ya know...
Fujin: "CALLOUS..."

[Raijin and Fujin lose the battle, expectedly.]


Raijin: "R-R-Right! We're not through yet, ya know!"

[The party goes back into the depths and finds Raijin and Fujin nearby.]

Raijin: "We meet again, ya know!? We'll take you on, ya know!?"


Raijin: "That's right! We have a surprise, ya know!"

[A big robot drops down to fight the party as the two run off. They defeat the
Mobile Type 8 after awhile and give chase. In the next room, Seifer, Fujin,
Raijin, and Ellone stand, the latter captive.]

Squall: "We've come to take back Ellone."

Seifer: "Looks like we got company. Show'em your hospitality."

[Raijin starts to step forward.]

Fujin: "RAIJIN, STOP!"

Seifer: "What's up?"

Raijin: "We've had enough, ya know..."

[Fujin pushes Ellone.]

Fujin: "GO."

Squall: "Wait outside. Laguna should be here soon."

[Ellone flees.]

Seifer: "Hey, hey... Come on people."

Raijin: "Seifer, we're quittin', ya know? Don't know what's right anymore, ya

Seifer: "Exactly my thoughts. I thought we were a posse."

Fujin: "POSSE... We are. We always will be. Because we're a posse, we want to
       help you. Whatever it takes to fulfill your dream, we're willing to do.
       But... You're being manipulated, Seifer. You've lost yourself and your
       dream. You're just eating out of someone's hand. We want the old you
       back! Since we can't get through to you, all we have now to rely on is
       Squall! It's sad... Sad that we only have Squall to rely on... Seifer!
       Are you still gonna keep goin'?"

Seifer: "Raijin, Fujin! It's been fun!"

[The two leave. Seifer jumps down to where Squall's party is.]

Squall: "Are you gonna continue with this knight thing?"

Seifer: "The knight has retired. I guess you could call me a young

Squall: "What do you think you're doing?"

Seifer: "I've always gotta be doing somethin' BIG! I don't wanna stop. I'm
        gonna keep running! I've come this far... I'm gonna make it to the end,
        to the goal! There's no way I'm sharing it with you!"

[The battle starts and Odin appears (if you have it), but Seifer cuts him in
half (!?). The sword flies up into the clouds and someone else catches it...]

Squall: "Odin...!?"

Seifer: "Hah, I won't go down that easy. Show me what you go, Squall! Let me
        add another scar for ya!"

[After awhile, a man in red appears from out of nowhere, holding Odin's sword.]

??????: "You gave me the 4th one... Huh? Was it you...? Then dodge my sword!
        Eat this!!!"

[The man in red fires a whirlwind at Seifer, who's blown back.]

Seifer: "Ergwahhhh!!!"

??????: "Where is the dimensional interval...?

[The man in red fades away and the battle ends. Seifer lies face-down.]

Rinoa: "Seifer..."

[She walks away. Seifer jumps up as she leaves.]

Seifer: "Not yet! It's not over yet, Squall!!!"

[He runs after Rinoa. In the other room, she yells:]

Rinoa: "Squall!!!"

Squall: "Rinoa!?"

[Zell runs in.]

Zell: "Squall! Seifer's got Rinoa!"

Squall: "Let's just go after Seifer!"

[Upstairs, Seifer drags Rinoa towards Adel's Tomb.]

Rinoa: "Seifer! Stop it! Haven't you done enough!? I know you're not like that!

Seifer: "Can't go back now! I can't go anywhere! The sorceresses as one! That
        is Ultimecia's WISH!"

Rinoa: "......Seifer."

         ######  # ###### #####      ######     ###### #### # ######
         ##    # # #      #                #    ##     # ## # ##    #
         ##    # # ###### #            ####     #####  # ## # ##    #
         ##    # #      # #                #    ##     # ## # ##    #
         ######  # ###### #####      ######     ###### # #### ######

36. Lunatic Pandora, Pt. II                                              [WK36]

[The party runs from the site of their last battle up into the Crystal Pillar
where Adel's Tomb is now located. Rinoa repeats her last line from the end of
Disc 2:]

Rinoa: "......Seifer. No more... Please?"

Seifer: "Rinoa..."

[Squall runs into the room just then.]

Squall: "Seifer!!! NO!"

Seifer: "Rinoa and Adel! The sorceresses as one! Watch closely, Squall!"

[FMV. Seifer pushes Rinoa to Adel, who breaks out of her tomb grabs her.]

Selphie: "We have to save Rinoa!"

Squall: "Just go for Adel!"

[The party cuts a path through Adel. Just then, Rinoa starts to
receive the sorceress' powers. Laguna and Ellone enter.]

Laguna: "Ellone, now's your chance!"

[Ellone works her magic and Rinoa collapses.]

Laguna: "Ok, Ellone. Just get Rinoa back.]

[Ellone does the process again and Rinoa gets up.]

Rinoa: "I...was inside Adel... The young Adel..."

Laguna: "Ultimecia's inside Adel. Exactly as she wanted. Ok, this is the
        showdown folks! Time compression is about to begin. 'Love, friendship,
        and courage'! Show'em what you got!"

[FMV. The entire room starts to bubble and twist, and drops of the Lunatic
Pandora fly through the air like water. The party plummets out, entering the

Quistis: "Where are we supposed to go!?"

Squall: "To Edea's house!"

Rinoa: "I'll... Probably disappear.."

Squall: "Just stay by my side. I won't let you disappear!!!"

[FMV. The party falls out of the ocean and down through the sky again, which
changes into a warp vortex of sorts. Finally, the party lands in a room with a
save point. After that, they fight their way through time, battling different
sorceresses. They arrive at the orphanage afterwards and walk to its beach.
Suddenly, the location shows the aftermath of a battle, with dead SeeDs around
-- offshore, tied to the beach by chains, is a large castle.]

Squall: "...Future SeeDs... We're fighting across generations."

[FMV. Ultimecia's castle sparks ominously above.]

Squall: "Ultimecia's reign... We have to end it now.

[As they arrive on the castle steps, the rest of the party appears.]

Squall: "Good. We all made it."

Zell: "...Whoa...! So this is her castle?"

Selphie: "Finally."

Irvine: "I've never seen anything so creepy. You think what's-her-face really
        lives here?"

Rinoa: "We've come this far. She's gotta be here."

Quistis: "So this is the future... This is where Ultimecia reigns..."

Squall: "I don't know what's going on. But since we're still here, I
        think we still have some time to finish our job."

Quistis: "What are we going to do, Squall?"

Squall: "We'll divide into two parties."

[Squall divides everyone up and they enter the castle.]

37. Ultimecia Castle                                                     [WK37]

Narrative: The parties' powers have been sealed by Ultimecia's servants. The
           following powers have been sealed: [Item] [Magic] [GF] [Draw]
           [Command Ability] [Limit Break] [Resurrection] [Save] The powers
           will be sealed while the parties are inside the castle.

[Whenever you fight a boss, it will say:]

Creature: Face my wrath for seeking thy sealed power...

[Past the clock tower, the party comes to a door, knowing Ultimecia is near.]

Squall: (This is it... Ultimecia is here. But our powers are still sealed. Can
        we do it?)
        R1 --> (I don't care. Fight her now)
        R2 --> (Take care of unfinished matters first)

        R1: [They enter.]
        R2: [They don't enter.]

[Behind the door is Ultimecia, lying in wait. All of the party is now present,
at the foot of her throne.]

Sorceress Ultimecia: "...SeeD... SeeD......SeeD...... SeeD, SeeD, SeeD! Kurse
                     all SeeDs. Swarming like lokusts akross generations. You
                     disgust me. The world was on the brink of that
                     ever-elusive 'time kompression'. Insolent fools! Your vain
                     krusade ends here, SeeDs. The price for your meddling is
                     death beyond death. I shall send you to a dimension beyond
                     your imagining. There, I will reign, and you will be my
                     slaves for eternity. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whom shall I
                     exterminate first!? I'll start with you three!"

[The party defeats Ultimecia, but it's only her first form. She floats in the
air and shimmers with spiritual energy.]

Sorceress Ultimecia: "The most powerful GF... ...You shall... ...SUFFER...!

[She summons Griever, the GF from Squall's necklace (!?).]

Sorceress Ultimecia: "The GF's true power... To show you...! Griever! Make them

[Griever gets defeated.]

Sorceress Ultimecia: "I shall junction myself... ...Unto Griever!"

[They defeat the junctioned Ultimecia. ^___^]

Sorceress Ultimecia: "Rghaah..."

[Ultimecia disappears and the battlefield goes black. Have they won...?
Nope! A demonic Ultimecia makes her appearance...her last appearance, that is.]

Ultimecia: "I am Ultimecia. Time shall compress... ...All existence denied.

[As the party's wailing on her weakens the form, she leaves speech snippits.]

Ultimecia: "Reflect on your... Childhood..."
Ultimecia: "Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions..."
Ultimecia: "Time... It will not wait..."
Ultimecia: "No matter... ...how hard you hold on. It escapes you..."
Ultimecia: "And..."

[They finally defeat Ultimecia once and for all. There is only a white room,
now, and everyone is running around in it except Squall.]

Irvine: "Is it over? Let's go! Let's go back to our time!"

Selphie: Shut up! Just calm down and think where we have to go."

Zell: "Careful guys! Don't pick the wrong time!" 

Quistis: "Whatever you do, don't fall into a time warp!"

[They run off-screen and Rinoa is shown, running around by herself.]

Rinoa: "Time...place...who I wanna be with... I wanna go there! Where Squall
       and I promised. Squall!"

[Squall is also shown alone, in a black room. Rinoa's voice peals.]

Rinoa: "Squall! Let's go home! Where are you!?"

(...Where am I?)

Rinoa: "Squall! Where are you doing!?"

[The child Squall runs in.]

Li'l Squall: "I'm gonna find Sis!"

[The screen fades to the lighthouse orphanage, intact as it's in the past.]

Edea: "Squall!" 

Squall: (...Matron.)

Edea: "Excuse me. Have you seen a little boy?"

Squall: "You don't have to worry. The boy won't go anywhere."

Edea: "I think so, too. Poor thing..."

[A fatally-wounded Ultimecia appears, and staggers towards the two.]

Squall: "...You're alive!?"

Edea: "...The sorceress?"

Squall: "Yes, Matron. We had defeated her... Matron, stand back."

Edea: "It's ok. There's no more need to fight. That sorceress is just looking
      for someone to pass her powers on to. In order to die in peace, a
      sorceress must be free of all her powers. I know...for I am one, too. I
      shall take that sorceress' powers. I don't want one of the children to
      become one.

Ultimecia: "I...can't...disappear yet."

[Ultimecia passes her powers onto Edea and dies, sinking away.]

Squall: "Matron!"

Edea: "Is this..the end?"

Squall: "...Most likely."

Edea: "You called me Matron. Who...are you?"

Squall: "A SeeD. A SeeD from Balamb Garden.

Edea: "SeeD? Garden?"

Squall: "Both Garden and SeeD were your ideas. Garden trains SeeDs. SeeDs are
        trained to defeat the sorceress."

Edea: "What are you saying? You're...that boy from the future?"

Squall: "...Matron."

Edea: "Please return. You do not belong here."

[The li'l Squall runs back.]

Li'l Squall: "...I can't find Sis. ...Am I...all alone? Who's he?"

Edea: "Nobody. You don't need to know. The only Squall permitted here is you.
      Do you know where to go back to? Do you know how? Will you be all right
      by yourself?

[Squall does the SeeD salute.]

Squall: (...I'll be all right, Matron. Because I'm not alone.)

[The screen fades to black. Squall is still there, alone.]

Squall: (...I'm not alone. ...If I call out, they will answer.) Where is
        everyone!? Rinoa! Where are you! Rinoa! Zell! Irvine! Quistis!
        Selphie!" (...Am I...alone? Rinoa? I want to hear your voice. Which way
        ...do I go? I can't make it back...alone. Rinoa? Am I...all alone
        again? Where...am I?)

[FMV. Squall walks alone on the desert which stretches for miles and miles.
This is where he lands after time compression.  All alone, he starts walking
for what seems like months. He finally arrives at a cliff and finds the path
has crumbled behind him. Rinoa is looking for him elsewhere, running in a
flower field. She clutches his ring; Squall finds a feather in the sky,
floating down to him. He can see her in the flower field and calls out to
her. She turns around to him but is distorted by time compression. She
disappears from the scenes that replay, and then more scenes play from the
game, in montage fashion. 

A feather floats down to a white room. In the desert, Rinoa finds Squall as
"Eyes on Me" plays. Squall is lying on his back, lifeless. Rinoa cradles him
and starts to cry. As she hugs him, the desert turns into a flower field with
petals blowing all over. The dark clouds are pushed back and the sunshine
opens. Feathers flies around and at FH, Seifer is shown fishing. Nothing is
biting, but Raijin catches some fish (he should have practice, no?) and makes
Seifer jealous. Seifer laughs as Fujin kicks Rai into the water. They all watch
the garden fly overhead and Seifer smiles a little. Off on a grassy hillside
somewhere, a feather floats down by Laguna, who looks at his ring finger. He
remembers the past and Raine is there behind him. He puts a ring on her finger
and holds up to show a ring on his finger, eliciting a loving embrace from her.
In the present, he walks to Raine's grave which shows her with his surname.
Behind him, Ellone is there, running to him. Kiros and Ward are there, too. The
garden flies overhead, and a sweeping cloud of flower petals envelop the
hillside. Laguna watches it pass into the distance and the credits start to
play and a video of the next Garden Festival does, too.

At a festival, Irvine is dancing with Quistis who is just watching him. Selphie
puts the camera on her, and she waves. Irvine moves into view and puts his arm
around Quistis, causing her to push him away and walk off. She goes to
Headmaster Cid, who's having a good time. They start talking. The view goes to
Matron who walks over to Cid and Quistis. They nestle together, and Irvine
takes off his hat and bows to the couple. Irvine takes over the camera and
Selphie is wearing his cowboy hat. He scopes out some SeeD chicks and Selphie
gets angry. She walks away with Quistis, and they laugh at Zell who is pigging
out on hotdogs by the pig-tailed library girl. He starts to choke and they rush
and all three rush to pat him on the back. Zell throws a hotdog at the camera.
Irvine zooms in on Rinoa out on the balcony, but the battery dies and they 
fail to see what's she's doing...

After the credits, Rinoa is shown on the balcony looking at the sky. A shooting
star streaks across the sky and she points up to it, like she did during the
dancing sequence at the SeeD inauguration. The camera moves to her side...and
Squall is there, showing what is probably his first smile in the game. They
kiss and the screen zooms out of the Garden, and the view switches to a
bottoms-up shot, putting the Garden on a moon backdrop. Fade out...]

(c) 1999 SQUARE

38. Legality                                                             [WK39]

This document is intended for private home use ONLY, and may not be reproduced
through electronic or commercial means without the expressed consent of the
author (P. Summers). It cannot be hosted, edited, or distributed for profit,
and may not be given away as an add-in/gift to bought items. All rights are
reserved to respective parties, even those not explicitly stated herein. Those
who find this document on sites not listed below should e-mail the author (me).
Thanks for reading this, and thanks for respectin' FAQ authors.

 Allowed Sites:                       Disallowed Sites:

  * Gametalk.com                       * cheatcc.com
  * GameFAQs.com
  * MyCheats.com
  * Neoseeker.com
  * Supercheats.com
  * Honestgamers.com
  * Cavesofnarshe.com
                  E-mail me for permissions ~ shotgunnova (a+) gmail (d0t) com.
39. Updates                                                              [WK40]

 07/26/06 -------------------+ Initially submitted
                             + ~95% of mandatory dialogue done

 08/14/06 -------------------+ Added Selphie introductory dialogue,
                               courtesy of Cardboardbox2. Thanks, yo!

 11/17/07 -------------------+ Changed some of the god-awful formatting. x__x
                             + Added quicklinks

 - Raine's dialogue in the third Laguna sequence (Winhill) when
   she's talking to Ellone upstairs. She mentions that she doesn't
   know if Laguna will be a journalist, but another text box comes
   up so fast, that one can't read the complete line. What's the
   complete line? I just guessed on what she'd say, but it's not
   100% right until it's double-checked.

 - Any extra speech with the D-District moomba, who helps you if you
   stick up for it against the Mean Guy, but doesn't show up at all
   if you didn't (sent to the glue factory, eh?).

 - At the start of Disc 3, after Squall punches the wall at Edea's
   house, a scene plays where he's thinking to himself while other
   people speak. No names are given to the speech, though, so I had
   to guess by the way they spoke. If one thinks they find an error
   in it, by all means, tell me, 'cause you might not be half off.

40. Contributors                                                         [WK41]

 Cardboardbox2 ---------------+ E-mailed Selphie introduction differences. <3

 KOTRsss ---------------------+ Reminder of special Quistis dialogue post-NORG

 Batsutousai -----------------+ Timber drifter dialogue

 Inyong Lee ------------------+ Deling Laguna sequence correction

ROLL THE MOON OVER MY          Document © Shotgunnova 1997-2012 (and countin'!)
HEART, ROLL MY HEART                       Final Fantasy namesake © Square-Enix
OUT WITH THE TIDE...                    Dedicated to FF8 forum at Gametalk.com!
                                                  E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T