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Look for the next update to add all the stats and add the How to Play section. This is just to give you a list of cards. You will need somthing like NJStar Commnunicator to view the Japanese Encoding. If you have any question, comments are additions then just please e-mail. Changes: ---------- 1.1 Added an Ascii Logo, Change names of some things, Made a few clarifications on how to get the cards, Stats Added, How to Play, Rules, Basic Strategy added. 1.0 Started all Cards(but no stats yet or strategy). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= 2)How to Play ============= The Card Game is one of the most fun parts of Final Fantasy 8. At first it may seem difficult to win, but after you learn a few basic strategies you will hardly ever lose. Please note that I'm not going to spend to much time with the battles where you can choose your own cards. They are easy enough to win and you hardly ever will win good cards this way. There will be times when you have great cards but you still can't win(Mostly the Card Queen, She will always be hard to beat). Anyways on with How to Play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- 2.1)How to play --------------- In the Card Game you are basically trying to have a higher card number than your enemies. To play a Card Game with someone just use the S Button to talk to them instead of the O Button. Some people will not play cards with you, but most will. Here is how the Game is set up: +----------+----------+----------+ Your + + + + Your Opponets + + + + Deck Deck + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ Your Opponets Current Your Current Card Card Total# Total# Now sometimes there will be elements on the board.If your card has the same attribute as the element it will gain a +1 to all stats. If you card doesn't have the stat then it gets a -1 to all stats. To win you have to have more current total cards than your enemy. On the game board your cards will be blue. Your Opponets will be red. To Change that number you must defeat your Opponets card by using a card with a higher number. All Cards have 4 numbers. The numbers represent the attack/defense value of the card when they attack/defend from that angle(Up, Down, Left, Right). Here is a little example to show you: +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 2 + 2 + + + 1 1 + 4 1 + + + 6 + 4 + + + Lost + Won + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ As you can see in this example the card with the higher value won. Now let's say the cards where in a different order: +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 2 + + + + 1 1 + + + + 6 + + + + Win + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 2 + + + + 4 1 + + + + 4 + + + + Lost + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ So now you know about how to place a card. You want the card to be placed where the low values will be blocked by either the edge of the board or another card. And as you can see you will want to attack other cards on the weak points with your strongest points. I think thats enough of how to play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- 2.2)Rules --------- *Note: I don't remember all the rules...so I'm going to try and explain the ones I do remember. Look for me to add more when I get them. -Plus:This is another one of the complicated rules. If the cards your attacking add up to the same number you can start a chain. For some reason this doesn't always work for me. Here are some examples. +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 3 + 4 + A + + 1 2 + 2 1 + 3 7 + + 3 + 6 + 8 + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ Now this would be a example of Plus. Because the both added up to the same number, 4. You can create Chain's with this too. It is much harder to do. If your going to try and make a chain I suggest you do it with the {Same} Rule. -Random Hand:You will be given a random deck. You will have to get good at this game because most of the good players will have this as a rule. -Same:This one is a little complicated.If the card/cards you are attacking have the same value as the card;you will get both. You can create a chain and take over the whole board in one move if you play this right. Be careful though because your opponet can create chains too. Here is a little example: +----------+----------+----------+ + Just + + + + 2 + 4 + + + 1 1 + 1 1 + + + 6 + 3 + + + Played + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 6 + + + + 4 1 + + + + 4 + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ The Card on the top left would take both the Top Center and the Middle Left. Now this is how a chain is made. Say you just took over those 2 cards. Now lets say there where other cards with the same value. You would then get those cards too. Here's an example: +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 2 + 4 + 4 + + 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 + + 6 + 3 + 3 + + + + Chain + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 6 + + + + 4 1 + + + + 4 + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + 4 + + + + 6 2 + + + + A + + + + Chain + + + +----------+----------+----------+ So if you set the board up right you can take over everything. I recommend that you take a little time to think. I know I have a tendacy to miss a lot of good chains. Mainly because I just want to get it over. Well...That's all the rules that I'm sure about for now. Look for more in the next update. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 2.3)Basic Strategy ------------------ I have a few basic tactics that I use everytime so I can win. These will work with any cards. And you don't have to take a while to setup(Most of my Advanced deal with using combos that take all but your last card to setup). *Note-You will have to modify some of these if you have to take the second move. You will only get to play 4 cards then. -Attack Yourself:This is one of simplest ways to win. Just ingnore your opponets cards and try to beat your own. This is probably the best way to take on the Card Queen(since she will definatly have a better deck than you). For this strategy just play your cards from weakest------->2nd Stongest. Now use your stongest card to attack your opponets weakest card. This should always work. I think it's the best overall strategy because you can use it at anytime. -4 Corners:I don't know why this works but It does. All you have to do is put your cards in each of the 4 corners and generally you will win because of the pattern that your opponet uses. Take care to put your strongest numbers to what ever sides you will be attacked from. It makes no sense to put your weakest numbers for your defense. Here is the basic order I do it in: +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + Fourth + Last + First + + Card + + Card + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ + + + + + Third + + Second + + Card + Last + Card + + + + + + + + + +----------+----------+----------+ Now for someone reason the CPU will always do the same thing when I use this strategy. It will normally play it's cards from Weakest----->Strongest and just put them in a Clockwise motion. What I mean by "Last" is that if you played first that is where your 5th Card would go. Look for more stratgies on my next update. I wanted to do more, but I can do it later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== 3)List of Cards =============== Here is just a very simple list of all the cards. Note that I just romanized the names of the cards. If you want a translation of the cards the just e-mail me and I will try and do it. But look for the Stats, Attributes, and other info to be in soon(I really want to finish the G.F. FAQ first, this is just so you know what cards you can change.) Note:You can get almost all Cards just by playing the Card Game. So when I say win in battle you can very easily win it in the Card Game too(all except the "rare" cards). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 3.1)Page 1 Cards ---------------- Name:ハウリザード(Haurizaado) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:5x ネジ(Screw's) Stats: 1 5 4 1 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:フンゴオンゴ(Fango Ongo) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:魔石のかけら(Magic Stone Fragment) Stats: 5 3 1 1 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:バイトバグ(Baito Bagu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:魔石のかけら(Magic Stone Fragment) Stats: 1 5 3 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:レッドマウス(Reddo Mausu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:吸血の牙(Blood Sucking Fang) Stats: 6 2 1 1 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:プリヌラ(Purinera) How to get:Win in Battle or Use Card Command Change Card Item:4x=1x ルーンの腕輪(Rune Ring) Stats: 2 5 3 1 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ゲイラ(Geira) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:謎の液体(Liquid Substance?) Stats: 2 4 1 4 Attributes:Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ゲスパー(Gesupaa) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ブラックホール(Black Hole) Stats: 1 1 5 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:フォカロルフェイク(Fokaroru Feiku) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:5x= 1x 水の結晶(Sparkling Water) Stats: 3 5 1 2 Attributes:Earth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ブラッドソウル(Buraddo Soru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ゾンビパウダー(Zombie Powder) Stats: 2 1 1 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ケダチク(Kedachiku) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:クモの糸(Spider String) Stats: 4 3 2 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:コカトリス(Kokatorisu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:コカトリスの羽(Cocatrice Feather) Stats: 2 6 1 2 Attributes:Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.2)Page 2 Cards ---------------- Name:グラット(Guratto) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:魔石(Magic Stone) Stats: 7 1 1 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ブエル(Bueru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:魔石(Magic Stone) Stats: 6 3 2 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:メズマライズ(Mezumaraizu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:メズマライズの刃(Mezmoraize Blade) Stats: 5 4 3 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:グヘイスアイ(Guheisuai) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:南極の風(South Pole Wind) Stats: 6 3 1 4 Attributes:Ice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ベルヘルメルヘル(Beru Heru Meru Heru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ノコギリの刃(Nokogiri's Edge) Stats: 3 3 4 5 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:スラストエイビス(Surasuto eibisu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:風切り羽(Sharp Tail Wind) Stats: 5 5 3 2 Attributes:Wind ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ヘッジヴァイパー(Hejji Vaipaa) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:毒の牙(Poision Fang) Stats: 5 5 1 3 Attributes:Poison ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:クリープス(Kuriipusu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:サンゴのかけら(Corel Fragment) Stats: 5 2 2 5 Attributes:Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:グレンデル(GerenDeru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:竜のウロコ(Dragon Scale) Stats: 4 2 4 5 Attributes:Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ダブルハガー(Duburu Hagaa) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:魔石(Magic Stone) Stats: 3 7 2 1 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:グランデアーロ(Gurande Aaro) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:とがった爪(Sharp Nail) Stats: 5 3 2 5 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.3)Page 3 Cards ---------------- Name:ライフフォビドン(Raifu Fobidon) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:味方殺しの剣(Friend Killer Sword) Stats: 6 2 6 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:エサンスーシ(Esansuushi) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:恐竜の骨(Dragon Bone) Stats: 6 6 3 1 Attributes:Earth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:トライフェイス(Torai Feisu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:呪いの爪(Charm Claw) Stats: 3 5 5 5 Attributes:Poison ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:フォカロル(Fokaroru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:水の水晶(Crystal Water) Stats: 7 3 5 1 Attributes:Earth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ゴージュシール(Gooju Shiiru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:北極の風(North Pole Wind) Stats: 7 3 1 5 Attributes:Ice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:オチュー(Ochuu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:オチューの触手(Ochuu Tentecle) Stats: 5 3 6 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:SAM08G How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:牙式連発銃(Fang Machine Gun) Stats: 5 4 6 2 Attributes:Fire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ワイルドフック(Woirudo Fukku) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:とがった爪(Sharp Nail) Stats: 4 2 4 7 Attributes:Fire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- サボテンダー(Sabotendar) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:サボテンのトゲ(Saboten Splinter) Stats: 6 3 2 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- トンベリ(Tonberi) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ほうちょう(Kitchen Knife) Stats: 3 4 6 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アビスウォーム(Abisu Uoomu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:風車(Windmill) Stats: 7 5 3 2 Attributes:Earth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.4)Page 4 Cards ---------------- Name:グラナトゥム(Gurana Tumu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:5x=1x ヒーリングメイル(Healing Mail) Stats: 2 7 3 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:バイセージ・ハンズ(Baiseeji Hanzu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone) Stats: 6 5 5 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アルケオダイノス(Arukeo Dainosu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:2x=1x 恐竜の骨(Dragon Bone) Stats: 4 7 6 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ボム(Bomb) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ボムのかけら(Bomb Fragment) Stats: 2 3 7 6 Attributes:Fire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:プリッツ(Purittsu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ダイナモ石(Dynamo Rock) Stats: 1 7 6 4 Attributes:Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ウェンディゴ(Uendigo) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:鉄球(Iron Sphere) Stats: 7 6 3 1 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:クアール(Kuaaru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:5x=1x 命の指輪(Ring of Life) Stats: 7 4 4 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ガルキマセラ(Garukimasera) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:魔導石(Magic Guidence Stone) Stats: 3 6 7 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ドラゴンイゾルデ(Doragon Izorude) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:5x=1x 闘気のかけら(Fighting Spirit Fragment) Stats: 6 3 2 7 Attributes:Poison ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アダマンタイマイ(Adamantaimai) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:3x=1x カメのこうら(Turtle Shell) Stats: 4 6 5 5 Attributes:Earth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:メルトドラゴン(Meruto Doragon) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:3x=1x 赤い牙(Red Fang) Stats: 7 3 5 4 Attributes:Fire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.5)Page 5 Cards ---------------- Name:鉄巨人(Tetsukyo-jin) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:3x=1x 星々のかけら(Star Fragment) Stats: 6 5 5 6 Attibutes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ベヒーモス(Behiimosu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x=1x バリアシステム(Barrier System) Stats: 3 7 6 5 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:キマイラブレイン(Kimaira Burein) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x=1x 復活の指輪(Restore Ring) Stats: 7 3 6 5 Attributes:Water ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:コヨコヨ(Koyo Koyo) How to get:When you defeat it a Balamb Garden. Change Card Item:食欲魔神のナベ(Devil's Appitate) Stats: 3 1 A 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:インビンシブル(Inbinshiburu) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:鉄パイプ(Iron Pipe) Stats: 6 7 2 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:GIM47N How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x 速射弾(Quick Strike Bullets) Stats: 5 4 5 7 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:モルボル(Moruboru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:4x=1x モルボルの触手(Molbor's Tentecle) Stats: 7 2 7 4 Attributes:Poison ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ルブルムドラゴン(Ruburumudo Doragon) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x=1x 火竜の牙(Fire Dragon Fang) Stats: 7 4 2 7 Attributes:Fire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:エルノーイル(Erunooiru) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x=1x エネルギー結晶体(Sparkling Energy) Stats: 5 6 3 7 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:トンベリキング(Tonberi King) How to get:Use Card Command or Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ほうちょう(Kitchen Knife) Stats: 4 4 6 7 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ビックス・ウェッジ(Bikkusu & Vejji) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:エクスポーション(X-Potion) Stats: 6 7 6 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.6)Page 6 Cards ---------------- Name:風神・雷神(Fuu-jin & Rai-jin) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:エクスポーション(X-Potion) Stats: 2 4 8 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:エルヴィオレ(Eruviora) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x デスストーン(Death Stone) Stats: 7 4 8 3 Attributes:Wind ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:X−ATM092 How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:カメのこうら(Turtle Shell) Stats: 4 3 8 7 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:グラナルド(Guranerudo) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:Gリターナー(Return G.F.) Stats: 7 5 2 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ナムタル・ウトク(Namutaru Utoku) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:サークレット(Circlet) Stats: 1 3 8 8 Attributes:Poison ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:シュメルケ(Shumeruke) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:コカトリスの羽(Cocatrice Feather) Stats: 8 2 2 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アバドン(Abadon) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:30x 暗黒弾(Darkness Bullets) Stats: 6 5 8 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ドルメン(Dorumen) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:30x 破壊弾(Destruction Bullets) Stats: 4 6 8 5 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:オイルシッパー(Oirushippaa) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:30x 火炎弾(Flame Bullets) Stats: 1 8 8 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:シュミ族(Shumi Zoku) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:勝負師の魂(Champions Spirit) Stats: 6 4 5 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:コキュートス(Kokyuutosu) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x ホーリーストーン(Holy Stone) Stats: 7 1 5 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.7)Page 7 Cards ---------------- Name:プロパゲーター(Puropageetaa) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:Gメガポーション(G.F. Mega Potion) Stats: 8 8 4 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ジャボテンダー(Jabotendaa) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:サボテンのトゲ(Saboten Splinter) Stats: 8 4 8 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:トライエッジ(Torai Ejji) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ジェットエンジン(Jet Engine) Stats: 8 8 5 2 Attributes:Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ガルガンチュア(Garuganchua) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:ちからだすき(Incredible Strength) Stats: 5 8 6 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:機動兵器8型BIS(Kidoukeisatsu-Heiki 8 Kei BIS) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x シェルストーン(Shield Stone) Stats: 8 3 6 7 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アンドロ(Andoro) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:Gメガポーション(G.F. Mega Potion) Stats: 8 8 3 5 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ティアマト(Tiamato) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x フレアストーン(Flare Stone) Stats: 8 4 8 5 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:BGH251F2 How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:10x プロテスストーン(Protection Stone) Stats: 5 5 7 8 Attributes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ウルフラマイター(Urufuramaitaa) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:5x メテオストーン(Meteo Stone) Stats: 6 7 8 4 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:カトブレパス(Katobure Pasu) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:リネームカード(Rename Card) Stats: 1 7 8 7 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アルテマウエポン(Arutema Uepon) How to get:Win in Card Game Change Card Item:アルテマストーン(Ultima Stone) Stats: 7 8 7 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.8)Page 8 Cards ---------------- Name:デブチョコボ(Debu Chokobo) How to get:From Card Queen Change Card Item:100x ラブラブG(Love Love G.F.) Stats: 4 9 4 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アンジェロ(Anjero) How to get:From Wottsu Change Card Item:100x エリクサー(Elixer) Stats: 9 3 6 7 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ギルガメッシュ(Girugamesshu) How to get:From CC Group King Change Card Item:10x 聖戦の薬(Holy War Medicine) Stats: 3 6 7 9 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:コモーグリ(Komooguri) How to get:A Boy in Balamb Garden Change Card Item:100x ペットハウス(Pet House) Stats: 9 2 3 9 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:コチョコボ(Kochokobo) How to get:From Chocobo Holy Region Change Card Item:100x ギサールの野菜(Gisal Vegetables) Stats: 9 4 4 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ケツァクウァトル(Ketsakuatoru) How to get:From Future Hozions(F.H.) 駅長(Station Master) Change Card Item:100x ダイナモ石(Dynamo Rock) Stats: 2 4 9 9 Attributes:Lightning ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:シヴァ(Shiva) How to get:Zone Change Card Item:100x 北極の風(North Pole Wind) Stats: 6 9 7 4 Attributes:Ice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:イフリート(Ifuriito) How to get:You get it when you defeat him You can also get him in F.H. from Dodonna Change Card Item:3x エレメントアタック(Elemental Attack) Stats: 9 8 6 2 Attributes:Fire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:セイレーン(Seireen) How to get:Goto Dollet Bar and Play the "Master"(He is on the 2nd Floor) Change Card Item:3x ステータスアタック(Status Attack) Stats: 8 2 9 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:セクレト(Sekureto) How to get:You get it when you defeat him Change Card Item:100x 恐竜の骨(Dragon Bone) Stats: 5 9 1 9 Attributes:Earth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ミノタウロス(Minotaurosu) How to get:You get it when you defeat him Change Card Item:10x アダマンタイン(Adamantium) Stats: 9 9 5 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 2.9)Page 9 Cards ---------------- Name:カーバンクル(Kaabunkuru) How to get:CC Group Heart Change Card Item:3x 光のカーテン(Curtain of Light) Stats: 8 4 4 A Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ディアボロス(Diabrosu) How to get:You get it when you defeat him Change Card Item:100x ブラックホール(Black Hole) Stats: 5 3 A 8 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:リヴァイアサン(Rivaiasan) How to get:CC Group Joker Change Card Item:3x 医術の心得(Knowledge of a Doctor) Stats: 7 7 A 1 Attributes:Water ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:オーディン(Oodin) How to get:You get it when you defeat him Change Card Item:100x 死者の魂(Souls of the Dead) Stats: 8 5 A 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:パンデモニウム(Pandemonium) How to get:Balamb Town Hotel Change Card Item:100x 風車(Windmill) Stats: A 7 1 7 Attributes:Wind ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ケルベロス(Keruberosu) How to get:You get it when you defeat him Change Card Item:100x ダッシュシューズ(Dash Shoes) Stats: 7 A 4 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アレクサンダー(Arekusandaa) How to get:From Pete on the Lunar Side Base Change Card Item:3x 月のカーテン(Curtain of Moonlight) Stats: 9 2 A 4 Attributes:Holy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:フェニックス(Fenikkusu) How to get:Card Queen Change Card Item:3x フェニックスの魂(Soul of the Phoenix) Stats: 7 A 2 7 Attributes:Fire ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:バハムート(Bahamuuto) How to get:You get it when you defeat him Change Card Item:100x ラストエリクサー(Last Elixer) Stats: A 6 8 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:グラシャラボラス(Gurasharaborasu) How to get:Card Queen Change Card Item:3x ステータスガード(Status Guard) Stats: 3 A 1 A Attibutes:Poison ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:エデン(Eden) How to get:You get it when you defeat the Ultimate Weapon. Change Card Item:3x モンクの心得(Knowledge of a Monk) Stats: 4 A 4 9 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 3.10)Page 10 Cards ------------------ Name:ウォード(Uoodo) How to get:From Dr. Odain Change Card Item:3x ガイアの指輪(Ring of Gaia) Stats: A 8 7 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:キロス(Kirosu) How to get:Card Queen Change Card Item:3x 加速装置(Engine) Stats: 6 A 7 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ラグナ(Raguna) How to get:From Eleone on the Lunar Side Base Change Card Item:100x 英雄の薬(Hero Medicine) Stats: 5 9 A 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:セルフィ(Serufi) How to get:In Trabia Garden(The Girl Traniee Under the Gargolye) Change Card Item:3x エレメントガード(Elemntal Guard) Stats: A 4 8 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:キスティス(Kisutisu) How to get:Balamb Garden Classroom(The Girl or Boy Traniee) Change Card Item:3x ソウルオブサマサ(Soul of Samas) Stats: A 9 4 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:アーヴァイン(Aavain) How to get:Card Queen Change Card Item:3x ロケットエンジン(Rocket Engine) Stats: 2 A 6 9 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:ゼル(Zeru) How to get:From Zell's Mom Change Card Item:3x ハイパーリスト(Hyper Wrist) Stats: 8 6 5 A Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:リノア(Rinoa) How to get:Talk to Rinoa's Father. Then go to F.H. and Doddona will trade with you. Change Card Item:3x 魔神の腕輪(Devil's Bracelet) Stats: 4 A A 2 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:イデア(Edea) How to get:From Edea Change Card Item:3x ロイヤルクラウン(Royal Crown) Stats: A 3 A 3 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:サイファー(Seifaa) How to get:From Cid(You can only do this on Disc 3,4) Change Card Item:3x ダイヤアーマー(Diamond Armor) Stats: 6 4 9 A Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:スコール(Sukooru) How to get:Get from Laguna Chang Card Item:3x スリースターズ(3 Star's) Stats: A 9 4 6 Attributes:None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========= 4)Credits ========= Jimmy Hutasoit: For telling me other ways to get Ifrit, Rinoa, and Quistis. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well...I didn't get as much done as I wanted too. I will probably make my final update to my G.F. FAQ sometime next week. This Card FAQ will take a litte while longer to complete. Thanks for Reading. This Article is Copyright 1999 by Steven Bruck. If you wish to use any part of this please contact me.