=============================================================================== Final Fantasy 8 Battle Mechanics FAQ v0.7 =============================================================================== by ForteGSOmega (ph0rt3 [at] yahoo [dot] de) This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. =============================================================================== Introduction =============================================================================== This FAQ explains most aspects of the battle system in Final Fantasy VIII. All of the info in this document either got through testing or by reverse engineering of the game, so everything should be mostly correct. Since this FAQ is not yet complete, some descriptions are incomplete and some things are missing for now. =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== 1. Definitions, Terms 2. Random Number Generator 3. Battle Timing 3.1 ATB 3.2 Dead Time 3.3 Global Counter 4. Damage Types 4.1 Physical Damage 4.2 Magical Damage 4.3 Curative Spells 5. GF Mechanics 5.1 Summoning 5.2 Junctionable GFs 5.3 Non-Junctionable GFs 5.3.1 Odin 5.3.2 Phoenix 5.3.3 Gilgamesh 5.3.4 Moomba 5.3.5 Boko 6. Damage Modification 7. Other Battle Skills 7.1 Command Abilities 7.1.1 Draw 7.1.2 Item 7.1.3 Card 7.1.4 Defend 7.1.5 Darkside 7.1.6 Absorb 7.1.7 Kamikaze 7.1.8 Devour 7.2 Character Abilities 7.2.1 Mug 7.2.2 Counter 7.2.3 Cover 7.2.4 Auto-Potion 8. Statuses 8.1 Status Infliction 8.2 Negative Statuses 8.3 Positive Statuses 9. Limit Break Mechanics 9.1 Crisis Level 9.2 Squall 9.3 Zell 9.4 Irvine 9.5 Quistis 9.6 Rinoa 9.6.1 Angelo Limit Break 9.6.2 Other Angelo Skills 9.6.3 Angelo Search 9.7 Selphie 9.8 Seifer, Edea, Laguna, Kiros, Ward 10. Encounter Mechanics 10.1 Encounters (World Map) 10.2 Back attack, Struck first 10.3 Running Away 10.4 After the battle =============================================================================== 1. Definitions, Terms =============================================================================== Rounding: Generally, you should round down after every division, and in some cases multiplication. However, even if you don't round down in damage calculations, the difference will be 5 to 10 damage points at most. Tick: Used in anything related to battle timing. A tick is a 1/60th second. [x..y]: Means "a random value from x to y". E.g. [0..4] would mean that the values 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 could be used. Power: For both Physical and Magical Damage formulas, there's a variable called Power; each spell and Limit Break attack has its own value and a higher value means more damage. x MOD y: Divide x by y but instead of using the division result, you use the remainder. E.g. "2 MOD 5" would result in 2 and "7 MOD 3" would result in 1. =============================================================================== 2. Random Number Generator =============================================================================== A Random Number Generator, or RNG for short, is used to get random numbers which are used in probability calculations. In this game, there's a static list of 256 numbers, ranging from 0 to 255 (no two values are the same) in a certain order. To determine which number from that list is used, an "index" is employed. The index simply keeps track of what random number to use next, e.g. if the index has the value 0, the very first number from the RNG list will be used and if the index has the value 255, the very last number from the list will be read. Each time a random number is used, the index value increases by one, pointing to the next integer in the RNG list. The index is reset to 0 after the 255. number is used. Unfortunately, this means that the RNG is not a "true" one and is pretty unreliable. You can't call it random if you know that after a "99", there's always a "6", now can you? =============================================================================== 3. Battle Timing =============================================================================== Almost everything related to battle timing depends on the Battle Speed. Battle Speed is a setting in the Config menu and there are five values: 5 (slowest), 4, 3 (standard), 2 and 1 (fastest) This setting will be referred to as BattleSpeed from now on. ------------ 3.1 ATB Bar ------------ Although nothing changes visually, the size of the ATB bar changes depending on BattleSpeed BarSize = BattleSpeed * 4000 Every tick, the bar is increased by the BarIncrement BarIncrement = (Spd + 30) * SpeedMod / 2 SpeedMod: 1 Character has Slow status 2 Character has neither Slow nor Haste status 3 Character has Haste status In other words, it takes 200 * BattleSpeed / (3 * (Spd + 30)) seconds to fill the ATB bar. At the start of battle, each enemy's and party member's starting ATB bar is determined by StartingBar = Spd / 4 + [0..127] - 34 StartingBar = StartingBar * BattleSpeed * 40 Note: StartingBar cannot be greater than BarSize or lesser than 0 With 255 Spd, that would mean the character starts with 29% - 100% of the bar filled. Note: For whatever reason, enemies' StartingBar is calculated before their Spd stat is loaded, that means that it's always assumed that they have 0 Spd for this calculation. Also, StartingBar changes if you get a Struck first/Back attack See section 10. for more info. -------------- 3.2 Dead Time -------------- The "Dead Time" timer is a variable with the initial value of 200 that counts down every 4th tick. This timer only counts down if there is nothing happening, so it will only decrease when no one attacks, just like the ATB bar could only fill when nothing else is happening. After the timer reaches 0(after 13.3~ seconds), the following things will be checked in that order: Will Gilgamesh appear? Will Angelo Recover be used? Will Angelo Reverse be used? Will Angelo Search be used? If you don't have one of these things, its check will be skipped. For more information on the individual skills, see the GF and Rinoa's Limit Break sections. ------------------- 3.3 Global Counter ------------------- Unlike the Dead Time timer, the Global Counter increases every tick by one, even if you have ATB set to Wait and are in a sub-menu. This counter is only used for Angelo Search, see section 9.6.3 for more details. =============================================================================== 4. Damage Types =============================================================================== -------------------- 4.1 Physical Damage -------------------- Step 1: Hit Determination Hit% = (AttackerLuck / 2 + AttackerHit - TargetEva - TargetLuck) Note: If AttackerHit equals 255, this step is skipped and the Attacker will always hit the target. Step 2: Critical Determination Critical% = (AttackerLuck + 1) / 256 * 100 Note: Skip this step if the attacker is Squall or Seifer Instead of a chance to get a critical hit, they have their Trigger ability Step 3: Base Damage Calculation Damage = AttackerStr^2 / 16 + AttackerStr Damage = Damage * (265 - TargetVit) / 256 Damage = Damage * Power / 16 Note: A normal attack has a Power value of 20 ------------------- 4.2 Magical Damage ------------------- Base Damage Calculation Damage = AttackerMag + Power Damage = Damage * (265 - TargetSpr) / 4 Damage = Damage * Power / 256 Power values of spells: 18 Fire, Blizzard, Thunder 20 Meteor 22 Aero 24 Fira, Blizzara, Thundara 26 Water, Drain 30 Bio 32 Meltdown 35 Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga 38 Tornado 40 Quake 48 Holy, Flare 80 Ultima 120 Apocalypse 15 Percent 180 Catastrophe 0 Status-inflicting spells If the spell is Demi: Damage = TargetHP / 4 -------------------- 4.3 Curative Spells -------------------- Healing Calculation: HealingAmount = (Power + HealerMag) * Power / 2 Power values of curative spells: 18 Cure 36 Cura 60 Curaga Note: Curative spells are only affected by the Random Damage Modifier and Shell =============================================================================== 5. GF Mechanics =============================================================================== Both junctionable and non-junctionable GFs use this GF damage formula: Damage = LevelMod * Level / 10 + Power + PowerMod Damage = Damage * (265 - TargetSpr) / 8 Damage = Damage * Power / 256 Damage = Damage * Boost / 100 Damage = Damage * (100 + SummonMagBonus) / 100 Notes: Boost equals 100 if you don't have the "Boost" ability or you didn't try to boost the summon. SummonMagBonus are the SumnMag+x% abilities, stacked additively (all four means SummonMagBonus = 100). LevelMod, Power and PowerMod are static values different for every GF. GF | Attack Name | Power | PowerMod | LevelMod | Element -------------|----------------|-------|----------|----------|-------- Quezacotl | Thunder Storm | 44 | 0 | 60 | Thunder Shiva | Diamond Dust | 43 | 0 | 62 | Ice Ifrit | Hell Fire | 45 | 2 | 61 | Fire Siren | Silent Voice | 35 | 0 | 55 | - Brothers | Brotherly Love | 46 | 4 | 60 | Earth Leviathan | Tsunami | 47 | 10 | 63 | Water Pandemona | Tornado Zone | 46 | 14 | 65 | Wind Alexander | Holy Judgment | 48 | 20 | 63 | Holy Doomtrain | Runaway Train | 45 | 10 | 58 | Poison Bahamut | Mega Flare | 55 | 30 | 70 | - Tonberry | Chef's Knife | 60 | 4 | 45 | - Eden | Eternal Breath | 70 | 250 | 100 | - -------------|----------------|-------|----------|----------|-------- Phoenix | Rebirth Flame | 30 | 50 | 254 | Fire -------------|----------------|-------|----------|----------|-------- Gilgamesh | Excaliber | 50 | 100 | 100 | - Gilgamesh | Masamune | 100 | 100 | 100 | - -------------|----------------|-------|----------|----------|-------- Boko | ChocoFire | 40 | 100 | 100 | Fire Boko | ChocoFlare | 60 | 100 | 100 | - Boko | ChocoMeteor | 80 | 100 | 100 | - Boko | ChocoBocle | 100 | 100 | 100 | - Note: Eternal Breath's and ChocoBocle's damage cap is 60,000 Eternal Breath and Mega Flare also ignore enemy Spr ============== 5.1 Summoning ============== The relevant variable for the summoning duration is Compability. However, the value you see in the GF menu is a converted value, to get the real value (where ShownCompability is what you see in the menu): Compability = 6000 - 5 * ShownCompability How long it takes to summon the GF is calculated with Duration = Compability * BattleSpeed * 0.9143 / 32 Duration is decreased by SpeedMod every tick and when it reaches 0, the GF is summoned. ===================== 5.2 Junctionable GFs ===================== The GFs which don't follow the normal GF damage formula are covered here. Also, the damage calculated here is not further modified. -------------- 5.2.1 Diablos -------------- Damage = TargetMaxHP * Level / 100 Note: The damage cap of 9999 still applies. -------------- 5.2.2 Cactuar -------------- Damage = Level * 100 Note: Ignores damage cap. -------------------------- 5.2.3 Carbuncle, Cerberus -------------------------- Carbuncle inflicts Reflect on the party. Cerberus inflicts Double and Triple on the party. ========================= 5.3 Non-Junctionable GFs ========================= The level of all non-junctionable GFs (except for Boko) is the average level of all junctionable GFs in your possession. ----------- 5.3.1 Odin ----------- At the start of non-boss battle, there is a 33/256 or 12.9% chance that Odin will appear and use Zantetsuken to kill every enemy not immune to it. -------------- 5.3.2 Phoenix -------------- Phoenix appears if you use the Phoenix Pinion item and the damage he does is calculated via the normal GF damage formula. Additionally, he revives every KO'd party member with 12.5% of their Max HP If you have already summoned Phoenix at least once and if the whole party is KO'd, there is a 65/256 or 25.4% chance that Phoenix is summoned. ---------------- 5.3.3 Gilgamesh ---------------- At the start of battle, there is a 9/256 or 3.5% chance that Gilgamesh will appear. After Dead Time timer is 0 (see Battle Timing section): If (12 >= [0..255]) Gilgamesh will appear (13/256 or 5.1%) else perform Angelo checks (see Rinoa's Limit Break section) If Gilgamesh will appear, either at the start of through the Dead Time check: Gilgamesh will use.. Excaliber with a probability of 65/256 or 25.4% Excalipoor with a probability of 64/256 or 25% Masamune with a probability of 64/256 or 25% Zantetsuken with a probability of 63/256 or 24.6% Excaliber and Masamune use the normal GF damage formula to inflict damage. Excalipoor ignores Spr of the target and does 1 damage. Zantetsuken kills every enemy not immune to it. Note: Gilgamesh can only be summoned once per battle. ------------- 5.3.4 Moomba ------------- Moomba can only be summoned with the item Friendship got through the Pocket Station-exclusive mini game Chocobo World Damage = TargetHP - 1 Note: The damage cap of 9999 still applies. ---------- 5.3.5 Boko ---------- Boko can only be summoned with the item Gysahl Greens got through the Pocket Station-exclusive mini game Chocobo World. All of his attacks use the GF damage formula and to get better attacks, you have to collect power ups in the Chocobo World. Unlike other non-junctionable GFs, the level he uses for damage calculation is his level in the Chocobo World. =============================================================================== 6. Damage Modification =============================================================================== The damage calculated with the base formulas is further adjusted through various other things, except when stated otherwise. The order of modifications is in the order presented, the terms in parentheses are what type of damage that step refers to. --------------------------------- 6.1 Random Damage Modifier (all) --------------------------------- Damage = Damage * ([0..32] + 240) / 256 --------------------------------- 6.2 Damage Multiplier (Physical) --------------------------------- Damage = Damage * 1.5 //Squall's and Seifer's Trigger Damage = Damage * 2 //Critical hit Damage = Damage * 1.5 //Berserk Damage = Damage * 2 //Target is attacked from behind Damage = Damage / 2 //Target has Protect status effect Damage = Damage / 2 //Target is Undead or has Zombie status effect Damage = 0 //Target has Invincibility or Defend status ------------------------------------ 6.3 Elemental Properties (Physical) ------------------------------------ Note: Skip this if ElemAttack is 0% DamageBonus = Damage * ElemAtt * (800 - ElemDef) / 10000 Damage = Damage + DamageBonus Notes: ElemAtt can be between 0(0%) and 100(100%). ElemDef starts at 800 (0%), 900 is 100% defense and 1000 is 100% absorption. If an enemy is shown to be weak against an element, his ElemDef is below 800. A value higher than 800 means the enemy resists/absorbs the element. If Damage becomes negative (due to high ElemDef), the target will be healed by that amount. -------------------------------- 6.4 Damage Multiplier (Magical) -------------------------------- Damage = Damage * 5 //Rinoa's Angel Wing Limit Damage = Damage / 2 //if target has Shell status Damage = Damage / 2 //if target has Defend status Damage = 0 //if target has Invincibility status --------------------------------------- 6.5 Elemental Properties (Magical, GF) --------------------------------------- Note: Skip this if the spell or GF is non-elemental Damage = Damage * (900 - ElemDef) / 100 Notes: ElemDef starts at 800 (0%), 900 is 100% defense and 1000 is 100% absorption. If an enemy is shown to be weak against an element, his ElemDef is below 800. A value higher than 800 means the enemy resists/absorbs the element. If Damage becomes negative (due to high ElemDef), the target will be healed by that amount. =============================================================================== 7. Other Battle Skills =============================================================================== ====================== 7.1 Command Abilities ====================== Command Abilities make up your command menu in battle, apart from GF and Magic, there are several other skills and the ones with special mechanics will be covered here. ----------- 7.1.1 Draw ----------- DrawAmount = (DrawerLevel - TargetLevel) / 2 + 4 DrawAmount = (DrawAmount + DrawerMag - DrawResist + [1..32]) / 5 DrawResist values: 0 Cure, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder 1 Scan 2 Sleep, Silence 11 Float 12 Blind 13 Berserk 15 Cura, Zombie 16 Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Double, Esuna 17 Protect, Shell, Aero 18 Haste, Slow, Drain, Water 20 Life, Dispel 22 Bio 26 Confuse 28 Stop 39 Break 33 Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga 34 Curaga, Death 35 Reflect, Meltdown 36 Triple, Regen, Demi 38 Full-life, Quake 39 Tornado 40 Aura, Pain, Holy, Flare 42 Meteor 44 Ultima 46 Apocalypse Draw(Stock): DrawAmount is how much you will draw of that spell. If DrawAmount < 1, Draw command fails If DrawAmount > 9, DrawAmount = 9 Draw(Cast): Step 1: If (DrawAmount < 1) cast fails else: Step 2: Use section 4.2 to calculate the damage Step 3: Damage = Damage * ([0..255] + 10) / 150 ----------- 7.1.2 Item ----------- Flare Stone, Holy Stone, Meteor Stone, Ultima Stone, Protect Stone, Shell Stone, Aura Stone and Death Stone work as if the user is casting the respective spell. Hero-trial and Holy War-trial work, despite their descriptions, 100% of the time. ----------- 7.1.3 Card ----------- The actual formula is a bit complicated: (Note: you must round down after the first step) Card% = (256 * TargetMaxHP - 255 * TargetHP) / TargetMaxHP Card% = (Card% + 1) / 256 * 100 or simplified: Card% = 100 * (TargetMaxHP - TargetHP) / TargetMaxHP Just keep in mind that an enemy with full HP still has a chance of 1/128 to be carded. If the Card command succeeds, there is a 17/256 or 6.6% chance that you'll receive the rare card instead. ------------- 7.1.4 Defend ------------- The user is inflicted with the Defend status, see section 8.3 for more info. --------------- 7.1.5 Darkside --------------- This command is treated as if the character was using the "Attack" command, only that the damage will be multiplied by three and the user will take damage equal to 1/10th of his MaxHP. ------------- 7.1.6 Absorb ------------- This command works almost the same as the spell Drain. While Drain has a Power of 26, Absorb's Power is 14. However, Absorb is not affected by Shell. --------------- 7.1.7 Kamikaze --------------- Kamikaze is an auto-hit physical attack that removes the user from battle. The game treats the character as dead, so any GF junctioned will still receive AP and EXP. Damage = MaxHP * 6 Note: The damage cap is set to 60,000 and this attack can critical. ------------- 7.1.8 Devour ------------- If TargetHP > AttackerHP, Devour fails Devour% = 100 * (AttackerHP - TargetHP) / AttackerHP If the Devour failed, the target receives 8 damage. ======================== 7.2 Character Abilities ======================== Character abilities are passive abilities, which are always activated. Like with the Command abilities, only some will be covered. ---------- 7.2.1 Mug ---------- Mug is a normal physical attack that has the added effect of stealing items. Mug% = (MugDifficulty + (MuggerSpd / 2) + 1) / 256 * 100 MugDifficulty is different for every enemy, but will be 128 or higher most of the time (giving you a base Mug% of 50% or higher, which is further increased by your Spd) If you successfully mug an enemy, the game decides which item slot's item you get: rnd = [0..255] if (rnd < 178) Slot = 0 else if (rnd < 229) Slot = 1 else if (rnd < 244) Slot = 2 else Slot = 3 Probability of.. Slot 0 178/256 69.5% Slot 1 51/256 20% Slot 2 15/256 5.8% Slot 3 12/256 4.7% Higher slots usually contain better/rarer items. If you have the Rare Item party ability, the probabilities are modified: rnd = [0..255] if (rnd < 128) Slot = 0 else if (rnd < 242) Slot = 1 else if (rnd < 261) Slot = 2 else Slot = 3 Probability of.. Slot 0 128/256 50% Slot 1 114/256 44.5% Slot 2 14/256 5.5% Slot 3 0/256 0% Since you can never get values higher than 255 from the RNG, it's impossible to get Slot = 3 with Rare Item. Note: You can only steal once from an enemy and if you do so successfully, the enemy will not drop any items. -------------- 7.2.2 Counter -------------- Character uses his normal attack if he/she is attacked by a physical attack, though it doesn't matter if any damage is received or if it even hits. ------------ 7.2.3 Cover ------------ If a party member is attacked by a physical attack that would otherwise kill him/her, the chracter with this ability will step in front that party member, taking the damage and halving it. Note: This will only work if the character with Cover is adjascent to the one being attacked and if the attack is not multi target. ------------------ 7.2.4 Auto-Potion ------------------ The character will use a healing item if the damage received from an attack is greater than 0. Items that can be used are: Potion, Potion+, Hi-Potion, Hi-Potion+ and X-Potion The item selected depends on their order in the normal item menu (not the battle menu). =============================================================================== 8. Statuses =============================================================================== This section covers the rate of status infliction as well as every status in the game. Some status effects wear over time (Sleep, Haste etc), but how long it will takes depends on what you have set as Battle Speed: Duration = BaseDuration * BattleSpeed where BaseDuration is different for each status effect and Duration is the actual duration. It decreases by SpeedMod ever 4th tick, so divide by 15 to get the duration in seconds. I will provide the time value of the BaseDuration in this section. ====================== 8.1 Status Infliction ====================== The calculation of the infliction rate of negative status effects depends on whether you use a physical attack or the status magic(or other magical attacks that inflict statuses) itself. Status Infliction for physical attacks: If (StatusDefense >= 200) Target doesn't get the status else: Infliction% = AttackerStr / 4 - TargetVit / 4 Infliction% = Infliction% - StatusDefense + StatusAttack For magical attacks: If (StatusDefense >= 200) Target doesn't get the status else: Infliction% = AttackerMag / 4 - TargetSpr / 4 Infliction% = Infliction% - StatusDefense + 200 StatusDefense and StatusAttack start at 100 (0%) and the cap is 200 (100%). ====================== 8.2 Positive Statuses ====================== Positive status effects generally provide you with some advantage. All positive status effects except for Invincibility can be negated with Dispel. ----- Regen ----- BaseDuration: 320 Time: 21.3~ seconds Heals 5% MaxHP every (80 * BattleSpeed) ticks. In other words, it will heal the target 16 times per cast and will recover 80% MaxHP total. ------- Protect ------- BaseDuration: 480 Time: 32 seconds Halves physical damage. ----- Shell ----- BaseDuration: 480 Time: 32 seconds Halves magical damage but also curative spells. ------- Reflect ------- BaseDuration: 480 Time: 32 seconds Reflects single target magical spells back to the caster. ---- Aura ---- BaseDuration: 100 Time: 6.6~ seconds Increases Limit Break rate (see section 9.1) ------ Double ------ Permanent (until end of battle) Allows the target to cast a spell twice in a row. ------ Triple ------ Permanent (until end of battle) Allows the target to cast a spell three times in a row. ----- Haste ----- BaseDuration: 480 Time: 32 seconds Increases the rate with which the target's ATB gauge fills (see section 3.1), but also shortens the time positive effects last. ----- Float ----- BaseDuration: 176 Time: 11.73~ seconds Makes the target immune against Earth-elemental attacks. ------ Defend ------ Effect lasts until the target selects another action Physical damage is nullified, magical damage is halved. Also, if the user is attacked by a physical attack that could inflict a negative status, the status won't ever be inflicted. ------------- Invincibility ------------- BaseDuration: 360 Time: 24 seconds Makes the target immune against most types of damage and status effects, both negative and positive and nullifies negative status effects. However, curative spells and items still work. Also, the target still takes damage from Poison and the "Darkside" command. ====================== 8.2 Negative Statuses ====================== Negative status effect generally put you at a disadvantage but some are also useful if you want to increase your Crisis Level (see section 9.1) ---- Slow ---- BaseDuration: 100 Time: 6.6~ seconds Decreases the rate with which the target's ATB gauge fills (see section 3.1), but also lengthens the time positive effects last. ---- Stop ---- BaseDuration: 200 Time: 13.3~ seconds Nullifies Slow/Haste and stops every other status effect timer. Also, the target's ATB bar stops filling. Note: Target can't avoid attacks while Stopped. ------ Poison ------ Permanent The target takes damage after every action. Damage = [5..7] * MaxHP / 100 ----- Blind ----- Permanent The target's Hit% decreases by 75%. Note that characters with a base Hit% of 255 skip the Hit Determination and therefore are not affected by Blind. ------- Confuse ------- Permanent (until end of battle) This status is nullified if the character receives physical damage. Confuse causes the character to select a random command and uses it on either allies or enemies. Step 1: Randomly select one of the four commands a character has. If selected command is neither "Attack", "Mug", "Magic" nor "Item", the selection defaults to "Attack"/"Mug" Step 2: If either "Magic" or "Item" are selected, the game proceeds to select a spell/item from the list of available spells/items randomly. Step 3: The game decides which target group(allies or enemies) should be selected with both groups having a 50% chance. Note: If the selected action only has one target group (e.g. "Hero" item), that group will always be selected. Step 4: A random target from the target group is selected if the attack is single-target. ----- Sleep ----- BaseDuration: 200 Time: 13.3~ seconds The target's ATB gauge stops filling, and all other status effect timers are stopped. If the target is attacked by a physical attack, whether it hits or not, this status is nullified. Note: The target's Evasion is not reduced. ------- Silence ------- Permanent Target can't use the "Magic", "GF" and "Draw" commands. ------- Petrify ------- Permanent Target is marked as dead. ------------ Slow Petrify ------------ BaseDuration: 200 Time: 13.3~ seconds After the timer for this status effect reaches 0, the target is inflicted with the Petrify status. ----- Death ----- Target is marked as dead, HP are reduced to 0. ---- Doom ---- BaseDuration: 240 Time: 16 seconds After the timer for this status effect reaches 0, the the target is marked as dead and will have its HP reduced to 0. -------------- Drain / Absorb -------------- Not really a status effect. Drain/Absorb allows the caster to magically damage an enemy and receive the damage dealt as HP. If the target is immune to Drain, it will still take damage, but the caster won't heal. ------- Berserk ------- Permanent (until end of battle) The target will randomly use one of the four "Berserk-attacks" it has. Most enemies and all allies have four of the same attack, so you won't notice a difference. The enemy/ally under this effect will randomly target someone from the opposite target group. Note: Damage dealt is increased by 50%. ------ Zombie ------ Permanent Healing for the target under this effect will be reversed. I.e., Potions and curative spells deal damage. Drain/Absorb will also deal damage to the caster unless the target of the spell is considered Undead or under the Zombie status itself. The target will also gain an immunity to Death and Doom and has its ElemDef for the Holy element set to 700, which means double damage. Additionally, all physical damage the target receives is halved. Note: Undead enemies are considered to be always under the Zombie effect, even if it's not shown, so all of the above applies to them. Also, targets under the Zombie status do not deal more damage. ----- Curse ----- BaseDuration: 320 Time: 21.3~ seconds Target will not be able to use Limit Breaks. ---- Vit0 ---- Permanent (until end of battle) Target has its Vit and Spr reduced to 0. =============================================================================== 9. Limit Break Mechanics =============================================================================== This section covers everything related to everyone's Limits. It should be noted that a Limit Break move will never miss and is not affected by whatever you have junctioned to ElemAtt. ================= 9.1 Crisis Level ================= Before we can determine what Crisis Level(or CL for short) the character is at, we have to calculate what I call "LimitLevel" HPMod = 2500 * CurrentHP / MaxHP DeathBonus = DeadCharacters * 200 + 1600 StatusBonus = StatusSum * 10 RandomMod = [0..255] + 160 LimitLevel = (StatusBonus + DeathBonus - HPMod) / RandomMod If (LimitLevel > 4) Limit Break can be used. Seifer uses a different HPMod: HPMod = 1000 * CurrentHP / MaxHP Each status effect has a certain value. The StatusSum variable is the sum of all statuses in effect. 200 Aura 15 Slow 30 Poison 30 Blind 30 Silence 30 Slow Petrify 45 Doom 0 Everything else E.g. If a character has Aura, Blind and Silence, StatusSum would be 260. LimitLevel to Crisis Level conversion: LimitLevel | Crisis Level ------------|------------- 4 or lower | 0 5 | 1 6 | 2 7 | 3 8 or higher | 4 A higher Crisis Level means that the character's Limit Break is, in some way, enhanced. You need at least Crisis Level 1 to be able to use a Limit Break. -You need 11.2% HP with Aura to reach Crisis Level 4 100% of the time. -51.84% HP to reach it 50% of the time -Without Aura and with 10% HP, there's a 3% chance to get Crisis Level 4. =========== 9.2 Squall =========== The Crisis Level affects how many Renzokuken hits Squall performs and increases the chance to perform a Finisher. CL | # of Renzokuken hits ---|--------------------- 1 | 4 2 | 5 3 | 6 4 | 7 There is a 50% probability that the amount of Renzokuken hits is increased by one, making the maximum possible amount 8. If the enemy has a special Renzokuken sequence, like Bahamut or Ultima Weapon, that amount of hits will always be performed instead. After Squall does his Renzokuken sequence, there's a chance he'll perform a Finisher: Finisher% = (CL * 60 + 1) / 256 * 100 So, there's a (CrisisLevel * ~23.4%) chance that a Finisher is performed. Which Finisher is performed depends on which Squall has: If he only has Rough Divide 100% Rough Divide If he has Rough Divide and Fated Circle 25% Rough Divide 75% Fated Circle If he has Rough Divide, Fated Circle and Blasting Zone 25% Rough Divide 25% Fated Circle 50% Blasting Zone If he has Rough Divide, Fated Circle, Blasting Zone and Lion Heart 25% Rough Divide 25% Fated Circle 25% Blasting Zone 25% Lion Heart All of Squall's Finishers are considered physical and can critical depending on his Luck. You can use Trigger with the normal Renzokuken hits, they can't critical themselves. His attacks and their Power values: Attack | Power | Notes -------------|-------|----------------------------------------- Renzokuken | 22 | his normal Renzokuken hit, single target Rough Divide | 48 | one target Fated Circle | 40 | all targets Blasing Zone | 44 | all targets Lion Heart | 100 | one target, 17 hits ========= 9.3 Zell ========= The time Zell gets to input button combinations in his Duel Limit Break depending on what Crisis Level he has. CL | Duel Time ---|---------- 1 | 4.66 s 2 | 6.66 s 3 | 9.33 s 4 | 12 s His attacks and their Power values: Attack | Power | Notes ----------------|-------|--------------- Punch Rush | 16 | Booya | 18 | Heel Drop | 20 | Mach Kick | 24 | Dolphin Blow | 28 | Meteor Strike | - | Gravity damage ----------------|-------|--------------- Burning Rave | 48 | all targets Meteor Barret | 52 | one target Different Beat | 72 | one target My Final Heaven | 50 | all targets Note: All attacks are considered physical. Meteor Strike's damage is TargetHP / 4, however, it's still considered a physical attack, i.e. it's halved by Protect but can also critical. =========== 9.4 Irvine =========== Like Zell's Limit, Irvine's Shoot's time is extended depending on what Crisis Level he has. CL | Shoot Time ---|----------- 1 | 8 s 2 | 12 s 3 | 20 s 4 | 26.6 s Additionally, all shots he makes have increased Critical%: Critical% = (Luck + 26) / 256 * 100 His attacks and their Power values: Attack | Power | Notes ----------------|-------|------------------------------ Normal Shot | 16 | Scatter Shot | 14 | hits all Dark Shot | 14 | can inflict negative statuses Flame Shot | 40 | hits all, fire elemental Canister Shot | 60 | Quick Shot | 7 | Armor Shot | 80 | ignores Vit Hyper Shot | 120 | Note: All of his attacks are physical. Dark Shot can inflict Poison, Blind, Silence, Sleep or Slow. The game assumes that Irvine has 100% for each status effect and it uses the physical infliction formula (section 8.1) ============ 9.5 Quistis ============ Quistis' Blue Magic powers up depending on what her Crisis Level is. All her skills which inflict normal damage and their Power values: Attack | CL1 | CL2 | CL3 | CL4 | Element | Target(s) -----------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|----------|---------- Laser Eye | 40 | 48 | 58 | 64 | - | one Ultra Waves | 27 | 33 | 40 | 48 | - | all Electrocute | 30 | 36 | 44 | 50 | Lighting | all Aqua Breath | 50 | 70 | 80 | 100 | Water | all Acid | 30 | 38 | 44 | 52 | - | all Gatling Gun | 60 | 80 | 100 | 120 | - | one Fire Breath | 70 | 90 | 100 | 120 | Fire | all Homing laser | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | - | one Ray-Bomb | 80 | 90 | 100 | 110 | - | all Shockwave Pulsar | 150 | 200 | 200 | 250 | - | all Note: Shockwave Pulsar has a damage cap of 60,000 Gatling Gun is physical, everything else is magical Acid may also inflict status effects depending on the Crisis Level: CL1: Poison CL2: Poison, Darkness CL3: Poison, Darkness, Silence, Vit0 CL4: Poison, Darkness, Silence, Vit0, Petrify Her other Blue Magics: LV? Death (all) CL1: Casts Death on enemies whose level is a multiple of 4 CL2: Casts Death on enemies whose level is a multiple of 3 CL3: Casts Death on enemies whose level is a multiple of 2 CL4: Casts Death on enemies whose level is a multiple of 1 Degenerator (one) Kills any enemy not immune to it. Micro Missle (one), gravity damage CL1: 50% HP CL2: 75% HP CL3: 87.5% HP CL4: 93.75% HP Bad Breath (all), inflicts status effects CL1: Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Confuse CL2: Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Slow Petrify CL3: Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Slow Petrify, Petrify, Zombie CL4: Poison, Darkness, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Confuse, Berserk, Stop, Slow Petrify, Petrify, Zombie, Vit0, Doom, Death White Wind (all allies), heals HP HealingAmount = QuistisMaxHP - CurrentHP Mighty Guard (all allies), inflicts status effects CL1: Protect, Shell CL2: Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste, Float CL3: Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste, Float, Aura CL4: Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste, Float, Aura ========== 9.6 Rinoa ========== Rinoa has technically three sections: Angelo, Angel Wing and her other skills (Angelo Rush, Angelo Search etc), two of which will be covered here. -------------------------- 9.6.1 Angelo Limit Breaks -------------------------- Rinoa has four Limit Breaks which can be used by selecting Angelo>Combine. However, what attack is performed depends on your Crisis Level. CL | Attack | Power | Notes ---|-----------------|-------|--------------------------------------------- 1 | Angelo Cannon | 72 | one target, physical damage 2 | Angelo Strike | 120 | one target, physical damage 3 | Invincible Moon | - | Invincibility status on all allies 4 | Wishing Star | 130 | hits 8 times, random targets, magical damage If you get a certain CL but the attack in this slot is not learned, it selects the attack in the next highest slot (=of a lower CL). -------------------------- 9.6.2 Other Angelo Skills -------------------------- First, if Rinoa is hit by the enemy, there's a chance that Angelo Rush or Angelo Recover will activate: if (16 >= [0..255]) Angelo Recover is used on Rinoa (6.6%) else if (16 >= [0..255]) Angelo Rush is used (6.2%) If Angelo Recover is not learned, it's skipped. Here's what each of her skills do: Skill | Power | Notes ---------------|-------|-------------------------------------------------- Angelo Rush | 32 | handled as if a normal physical attack from Rinoa Angelo Recover | - | heals 62.5% HP Angelo Reverse | - | Restores a KO'd party member with 12.5% HP Angelo Search | - | Searches items As mentioned in the Battle Timing section, after the Dead Time timer reaches 0 (after 13.3~ seconds), several checks are performed: if (12 >= [0..255]) Gilgamesh is summoned (5.1%) else if (8 >= [0..255] Angelo Recover is used (3.3%) else if (2 >= [0..255] Angelo Reverse is used (1%) else if (8 >= [0..255] Angelo Search is used (3.2%) If you don't have one of the skills, its check is skipped. Angelo Recover and Angelo Reverse can only be checked/used if their conditions are met: Angelo Recover will only be checked if there's an ally with less than 25% of their MaxHP Angelo Reverse will only be checked if there's a KO'd ally. -------------------- 9.6.3 Angelo Search -------------------- If the game determined that Angelo Search will be used, it must first be decided what algorithm should be used to calculate the item gotten from the search. That's where the Global Counter comes into play. rnd = (value of Global Counter) MOD 256 (You could see rnd as "[0..255]" which doesn't use the RNG.) if (rnd < 128) Algorithm_1 else if (rnd < 160) Algorithm_2 else if (rnd < 176) Algorithm_3 else if (rnd < 192) Algorithm_4 else if (rnd < 200) Algorithm_5 else Algorithm_6 Probability of.. Algorithm_1 128/256 50% Algorithm_2 32/256 12.5% Algorithm_3 16/256 6.2% Algorithm_4 16/256 6.2% Algorithm_5 8/256 3.1% Algorithm_6 56/256 22% I should probably mention that I changed the formulas a bit so they're easier to read. If the 0 from [0..255] would ever be selected, it bypasses the "if ItemID == 0, set ItemID to x", so I included a note. Algorithm_1: ItemID = [0..255] MOD 8 + 1 Algorithm_2: ItemID = [0..255] MOD 98 if ItemID == 0, set ItemID to 98 ItemID = ItemID + 101 Note: There would be a 1/256 chance that ItemID == 101 Algorithm_3: ItemID = [0..255] MOD 23 if ItemID == 0, set ItemID to 23 ItemID = ItemID + 101 Note: There would be a 1/256 chance that ItemID == 101 Algorithm_4: ItemID = [0..255] MOD 34 if ItemID == 0, set ItemID to 34 ItemID = ItemID + 66 Note: There would be a 1/256 chance that ItemID == 66 Algorithm_5: ItemID = [0..255] MOD 32 + 33 Algorithm_6: ItemID = [0..255] MOD 7 + 33 Note: There would be a 1/256 chance that ItemID == 33 ItemID would be the ID of the item you get. Now, let me tell you why bothering with these algorithms is a waste of time. As I mentioned in section 2, the RNG is a simple, static list of integers. This means, for example, that after "5", there's always a "255". For Angelo Search to occur, a number less than 9, so 0-8, is needed. The problem is that the game would always select the next number to be the input for "[0..255]", so it's predictable and not random at all. In other words, you always get the same thing from the same algorithm. Here's what values follow the ones that trigger Angelo Search: "Random" Value | Value after that | Index of the value ---------------|------------------|------------------- 6 | 240 | 1 1 | 193 | 7 2 | 23 | 47 8 | 86 | 129 0 | 59 | 163 4 | 224 | 184 3 | 152 | 227 7 | 244 | 230 5 | 255 | 250 The only somewhat random thing would be the selection of the algorithm. With that, it's possible to compile a list of items that can be gotten: Input value | Algorithm_1 | Algorithm_2 | Algorithm_3 ------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------- 240 | Potion | North Wind | Hero 193 | Potion+ | Occult Fan II | Hero-Trial 23 | Mega Phoenix | Sleep Powder | Elixir 86 | Phoenix Down | Combat King 004 | Holy Stone 59 | Hi-Potion+ | Cactus Thorn | Shell Stone 224 | Potion | Curse Spike | Holy Stone 152 | Potion | Dragon Fin | Protect Stone 244 | X-Potion | Steel Orb | Protect Stone 255 | Mega Phoenix | Cactus Thorn | Antidote ------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------- Input value | Algorithm_4 | Algorithm_5 | Algorithm_6 ------------|-----------------|-----------------|----------------- 240 | Energy Crystal | Aegis Amulet | Cottage 193 | Jet Engine | Pet House | G-Hi-Potion 23 | Jet Engine | GF Scroll | Cottage 86 | Force Armlet | Magic Scroll | Cottage 59 | Moon Curtain | Healing Ring | G-Potion 224 | Circlet | Tent | Tent 152 | Adamantine | Draw Scroll | G-Mega-Potion 244 | Gold Armor | Status Guard | G-Returner 255 | Rune Armlet | Hungry Cookpot | G-Potion For more info on this and how to exploit the RNG in this case, refer to the Angelo Search Limit Break FAQ by DarkLordOfTheSith. ============ 9.7 Selphie ============ Selphie's Tombola has access to several spell sets from which a random spell is selected. The higher Selphie's level and Crisis Level is, the better spell sets she can select from. The first step is to calculate her "TombolaLevel": TombolaLevel = Level / 10 + Crisis Level + [0..4] - 1 While you can influence the TombolaLevel via her level and her Crisis Level, the next step, TombolaMod, is purely random: rnd = [0..255] if (rnd >= 249) TombolaMod = 4 else if (rnd >= 209) TombolaMod = 3 else if (rnd >= 159) TombolaMod = 2 else if (rnd >= 39) TombolaMod = 1 else TombolaMod = 0 Probability of.. TombolaMod 0 39/256 15.2% TombolaMod 1 120/256 47.9% TombolaMod 2 50/256 19.5% TombolaMod 3 40/256 15.6% TombolaMod 4 7/256 2.7% SpellSet# = TombolaMod * 12 + TombolaLevel There's a list in the game which determines what SpellSet you get, depending on what the value of SpellSet# is. | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ------|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----| 00-09 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10-19 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 20-29 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 11 | 30-39 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 13 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 40-49 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 0 | 1 | 50-59 | 2 | 15 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 15 | 60-65 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 2 | E.g., SpellSet# = 35 would get you Set 14 As for what each set contains: |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Set 0 | Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | 2 | Fire | 2 | Fira | 2 | Firaga | 3 | Water | | 2 | Blizzard | 2 | Blizzara | 2 | Blizzaga | 3 | Aero | | 2 | Thunder | 2 | Thundara | 2 | Thundaga | 2 | Bio | | 2 | Cure | 1 | Cura | 1 | Curaga | 1 | Full-cure | | 3 | Fire | 3 | Cura | 3 | Firaga | 3 | Firaga | | 3 | Blizzard | 3 | Blizzara | 3 | Blizzaga | 3 | Blizzaga | | 3 | Thunder | 3 | Thundara | 3 | Thundaga | 3 | Thundaga | | 1 | Full-cure | 1 | Full-cure | 1 | Wall | 1 | Rapture | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Set 4 | Set 5 | Set 6 | Set 7 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | 3 | Water | 3 | Bio | 3 | Demi | 3 | Holy | | 3 | Aero | 3 | Demi | 3 | Holy | 3 | Flare | | 3 | Bio | 2 | Holy | 2 | Flare | 1 | Meteor | | 3 | Demi | 2 | Flare | 1 | Meteor | 2 | Quake | | 2 | Holy | 2 | Meteor | 1 | Quake | 1 | Tornado | | 2 | Flare | 1 | Quake | 1 | Tornado | 2 | Ultima | | 1 | Quake | 1 | Tornado | 1 | Ultima | 1 | Rapture | | 1 | Rapture | 1 | Rapture | 1 | Rapture | 2 | Tornado | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | Set 8 | Set 9 | Set 10 | Set 11 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | 2 | Meteor | 3 | Blind | 3 | Protect | 3 | Break | | 3 | Holy | 3 | Sleep | 3 | Aura | 3 | Float | | 1 | Ultima | 3 | Silence | 3 | Haste | 3 | Regen | | 2 | Ultima | 3 | Esuna | 3 | Drain | 3 | Protect | | 1 | Ultima | 3 | Blind | 3 | Blind | 3 | Aura | | 2 | Ultima | 3 | Sleep | 3 | Sleep | 3 | Haste |
  | 2 | Ultima    | 3 | Silence   | 3 | Silence   | 2 | Drain     |
  | 2 | Ultima    | 1 | Full-cure | 1 | Full-cure | 1 | Wall      |
  |     Set 12    |     Set 13    |     Set 14    |     Set 15    |
  | 3 | Dispel    | 3 | Death     | 3 | Berserk   | 3 | Holy      |
  | 3 | Shell     | 3 | Pain      | 3 | Death     | 2 | Meteor    |
  | 3 | Double    | 3 | Stop      | 3 | Pain      | 1 | Ultima    |
  | 3 | Slow      | 3 | Dispel    | 3 | Zombie    | 2 | Ultima    |
  | 3 | Break     | 3 | Shell     | 3 | Meltdown  | 3 | Meteor    |
  | 3 | Confuse   | 3 | Double    | 3 | Curaga    | 2 | Ultima    |
  | 3 | Curaga    | 3 | Slow      | 3 | Reflect   | 3 | Ultima    |
  | 1 | Wall      | 1 | Rapture   | 3 | Triple    | 1 | The End   |

After the set is selected, the game randomly picks one spell from the
set, which is what Selphie will be able to cast.
The numbers next to the spells are the maximum amount of casts. The actual
amount of casts is simply
  Casts = [1..MaxAmount]

If you select "do over", the whole process is repeated from the beginning, 
with your old CL.

There are some unique spells in the tombola:

  Spell     | Effect
  Full-cure | Heals all allies fully
  Wall      | Protect + Shell for all allies
  Rapture   | All enemies not immune to it are killed
  The End   | All enemies except Undead are killed

9.8  Seifer, Edea, Laguna, Kiros, Ward

All of the temporary characters only have their Limit attack. Unlike
the permanent characters, their Limits are not influenced by the Crisis Level.

  Limit Break | Attack         | Power | Notes, targets
  Fire Cross  | No Mercy       |   80  | physical, all
  Sorcery     | Ice Strike     |  120  | magical, one 
  Limit       | Desperado      |  140  | physical, all
  Limit       | Blood Pain     |   25  | physical, 6 hits, one
  Limit       | Massive Anchor |  150  | physical, one

It's worth noting that Seifer's normal attack works like Squall's; he can't
critical based on Luck (his Limit can) and instead uses his Trigger to 
increase damage.
Also, as seen in the Crisis Level section, it's easier for him to be able
to use his Limit.

10.  Encounter Mechanics

This section covers various aspects of encounters, such as how the game
determines when a battle occurs or what the chances for item/card drops are.

10.1  Encounters (World Map)

Every 51 steps you take(which is just one step visually), the game performs 
a check that decides whether a battle starts or not. 
There is a variable which increases by 3 each time the check is 
performed(walking diagonally and down/uphill increases it by 4).
If that variable + LocationMod is greater than [0..255], a battle is started.

  12  party is in a forest
 128  party is on Island closest to Hell/Heaven
   2  anywhere else

With the party ability "Enc-Half", the check is performed every 198 steps, 
meaning that the Encounter rate is ~1/4 instead of just 1/2.

If the ability "Enc-None" is equipped, the check is skipped completely.

10.2  Back Attack, Struck First

To determine whether you get an advantage/disadvantage over the enemy:

  rnd = [0..255] + EncounterMod
  if (rnd < 20) "Back attack!"
    else if (rnd < 236) no change
      else "Struck first!"

  Note: EncounterMod can be either 0 or 20, depending on the enemies.

  Probability of..
    "Back attack!"    20/256 or  0/256    7.8% or  0%
    no change             216/256            84.3%
    "Struck first!"   20/256 or 40/256    7.8% or 15.6%

  Note: Equipping the "Alert" party ability reduces "rnd" by 20, essentially
        increasing the odds of "Back attack!" and decreasing odds of 
        "Struck first!"

Back attack:
All allies will start with 100% of the ATB bar filled.
Enemies start with 0% of the ATB bar filled.

Struck first:
All allies will start with 0% of the ATB bar filled.
Enemies start with 100% of the ATB bar filled.

No change:
All enemies' and allies' starting ATB bar calculated normally, see section 3.1
for more details.

After this, the game checks if Odin/Gilgamesh should be summoned (section 5.3)

10.3  Running away

Pressing and holding the L2 and R2 buttons causes all party members to run
away. Every second or so, the game will check if [0..255] is less than
the "running difficulty" (provided you're holidng L2 and R2). 
If that is the case, you'll run away.
The running difficulty depends on each encounter, usually being 255 or 128.
Bosses always have a running difficulty of 0, meaning you can't ever escape.

By running away, you don't get any AP and only partial EXP.
E.g. Damaging the enemy for 10% of it's max HP would mean you'd get 10% of the
EXP the enemy would've normally dropped.

10.4  After the battle

After successfully defeating all enemies, the game first checks if their card,
if they have one, is dropped. the chance for that is 9/256 or 3.5%

The calculation for item drops is similar to mugging and is also affected by
the "Rare item" party ability. In short, the probabilites are:

  Slot              |    0    |    1    |    2    |    3
  Without Rare Item | 178/256 |  51/256 |  15/256 |  12/256
  With Rare Item    | 128/256 | 114/256 |  14/256 |   0/256

Check section 7.2.1 for more details.
Instead of a MuggingDifficulty, there's DropDifficulty which is not 
necessarily the same value. A value of 255 would mean that an item is always

                             Revision History

04/13/10 - Corrected the GF damage formula and Curse duration.


I would like to thank the following people:

- CzarDragon for compiling various documents which helped me to figure out some
  things faster
- Everyone at the FF8 Message Boards, especially Vilurum and phiefer3